software engineering project

Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717 Software Engineering: Analysis & Design Tutor: Arleen Penrose-Whittaker Company Name: Smartbox Address: Shop 5 Grove Court Shopping Centre, Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica Name of System: Ulti-Stocks and Database Management Members: Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717

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UTECH Software Engineering Project


  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717

    Software Engineering: Analysis & Design

    Tutor: Arleen Penrose-Whittaker

    Company Name: Smartbox

    Address: Shop 5 Grove Court Shopping Centre,

    Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica

    Name of System: Ulti-Stocks and Database Management


    Chevaughn Walker 1203383

    Julia Pottinger 1200639

    Carlington Palmer 1201861

    Stephen Hing 1306717

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717

    Contents Background to the Problem .................................................................................................................................1

    Identification and Justification of process model and methodology being used ................................................4

    Work Breakdown Structure .................................................................................................................................6

    Precedence Table .................................................................................................................................................8

    Gantt chart ........................................................................................................................................................ 11

    Risk Mitigation table ......................................................................................................................................... 12

    Risk Mitigation ................................................................................................................................................. 13

    Reporting Structure .......................................................................................................................................... 20

    Roles and Responsibilities of team members ................................................................................................... 21

    A Breakdown of major Roles and their responsibilities ................................................................................... 24

    Accurately assess the needs of their clients, should be familiar with the SDLC. ................................. 25

    Understand what clients want, and to present the proposed solutions in terms that the user can

    visualize and understand. .............................................................................................................................. 25

    Responsibility: ............................................................................................................................................. 25

    Responsibility: ............................................................................................................................................. 26

    Object Oriented Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 29

    Problems, opportunities, objectives and constraint matrix ............................................................................. 32

    Actor Identification Form of existing system .................................................................................................... 34

    Use Case Identification Form of existing system .............................................................................................. 35

    Use Case Diagram of Existing


    Functional and Non-Functional Requirements .................................................................................................. 37

    Actor Form of Proposed System ....................................................................................................................... 40

    Entity Relational Diagram ................................................................................................................................. 54

    Process Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 55

    Appendices ........................................................................................................................................................ 58

    Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................... 58

    Fact- Finding Technique ................................................................................................................................ 61

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717



  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Background to the Problem

    Smartbox is an authorized dealer in computer and computer supplies. The store is located at

    Shop 5 Grove Court Shopping Centre, in Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica. Smartboxs main

    purpose is to sell customers the best computers and other technological devices available on the

    market today. Smartbox also offers computer repairs for customers and it also has Internet Caf

    where customers can access the internet.

    Smartbox has only one branch which is located in Manchester. It employs on average 10

    persons to ensure the efficient running of the organization. Its customer base on a daily basis is

    between 65-75 individuals.

    The business has excellent customer support and payment plans. Smartbox offers numerous

    payment plans, therefore customers can expect affordable deals and ample time to pay for their

    purchases. Also customers are given the option of exchange, if they no longer want an item they

    have already purchased.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717




  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717



    Phone: 876-962-1946

    Email:[email protected]

    Fax: 876-622-7481


    02/09/2014 Customer Services, Repair Services

    SUBMITTED BY (key user contact)

    Name: Carlington Palmer

    Title: Manager

    Office: C00T

    Phone: 567-4564

    EXECUTIVE SPONSOR (funding authority)

    Name: Stephen Hing

    Title: President




    Information Strategy Planning Existing Application Enhancement

    Business Process Analysis and Redesign Existing Application Maintenance (problem fix)

    New Application Development Not Sure

    Other (please specify ________________________________________________________


    documentation as necessary) The manual inventory system at Smartbox does not provide details of when the inventory needs to be

    restocked. They have to manually check the stocks, as the system does not prompt as to when the stock

    needs to be refilled. In addition, the method of keeping track of computer repairs and customer

    information related to these repairs is manual. Both methods of keeping track of inventory, customer

    information and the related repairs being done can be tedious, time consuming and error prone.


    A software is required that should be dedicated to the updating and tracking of stock and customer

    information and the associated computer repair jobs. The software should help the Smartbox store to

    keep better track of their stock inventory. It should reduce the time used to check inventory level from

    two days to a couple of minutes at most. The designed software will have a reorder function that

    automatically checks and informs Smartbox if items in stock are at a low percentage or number and

    needs to be refilled. It will also have a database to keep track of the customers that want to have repairs

    done and also to keep track of the repairs that are done. A form will be created that will ask the user for

    contact information and other information related to the repair of the item.

    ACTION (ISS Office Use Only)

    Feasibility assessment approved Assigned to _Chevaughn Walker_

    Feasibility assessment waived Approved Budget $ __500,000___________

    Start Date _21/01/2014_ Deadline 31/03/2014_

    Request delayed Backlogged until date: ______________

    Request rejected Reason: ________________________________________

    Authorized Signatures:


    Project Executive Sponsor

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Name of System: The name of the system is Ulti-Stocks and Database Management. This name is

    suitable because of its likeness to the problem it was designed to solve i.e. inventory/stock

    management and creating a customer database to manage customer and stock information


    Identification and Justification of process model and methodology being

    used In creating this system, our team will be using the Incremental Process Model and will be

    combining the Object Oriented and the prototyping methodologies. The Incremental Process Model

    will be used as the system that will be created working software is required by the client quickly and

    early during the software life cycle. With the Incremental process model at each stage of the

    increment a prototype is produced to be shown to the client. As a result of this the users of the

    system will have an idea of what the system is capable of and if there are any changes that the user

    wishes to make then it is less costly to change scope and requirements.

    The Incremental Model was chosen as each week or every two week a specific task was

    completed and a deliverable was produced at the end of that time. Prototyping and Object oriented

    methodologies were incorporated in the completion of the system due to the fact that with

    prototyping a working model of the system will be provided so that the users- employees at

    Smartbox will get a better understanding of the system being developed. In doing this we will be

    better able to determine the real needs of the customer, thus by choosing this model the customer

    will be satisfied. In addition to that we will get a faster user response and this should lead to a better

    solution being developed.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    The object oriented methodology is also being incorporated as an object oriented system is

    easier to manage and maintain and the user will be able to understand the system better as it will be

    built in a way related to real world scenarios as our software will more closely reflect the real world.

    In addition the Object Oriented approach is very stable in that if we want to make small changes to

    the system, the entire system wont be affected.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Work Breakdown Structure

    Ulti- Stocks & Data






    Cause and

    Effect Analysis

    Define System










    Analysis Design and



    Testing and










    Creating and






    and Network

    Debug and

    Test Software











    Design Security

    and System



    of Problem




    Code system

    and security


  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Final product delivered.

    The work breakdown structure is a fundamental part of defining the project scope. It is used to

    identify the project deliverables or tasks; the WBS starts at a high level and decomposes the project

    deliverables to a work package level. At a work package level, it is possible to determine which

    activities are necessary to produce the deliverable and achieve the key project objectives. The Ulti-

    Stocks & Database Management System may be broken down into 4 levels.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Precedence Table

    Task Description Detailed Activity Task Predecessor Duration


    Identification of


    Identifying the problem the

    current system has

    A 2

    Establish Business


    Identify what it is the

    proposed system should


    B A 3

    Feasibility Report Estimate budget, deadline.

    Identify resources

    C A,B 2

    Risk Analysis Conduct Risk analysis of the

    problem at hand

    D A,B 8



    Conduct interviews and


    E D 5

    Cause& Effects Conduct cause and effect

    analysis of the problem at


    F E 5

    Define System


    Ascertain from the customer

    the features and behaviour of

    the proposed system.

    G D 7

    Network Design Define how system will

    interact with other systems

    and establish network based

    on strategic plan.

    H G 15

    Database Design -Create ERD

    -Choose database structure

    -Design database architecture

    -design database schema

    -design referential integrity


    I G 25



    Define all the technology

    required to support the

    J G 16

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    software application

    Design Security

    and System


    -define controls for access by

    different users

    -design how to protect the

    database from

    software/hardware failure

    -define how to protect

    communications on the


    K G 15

    Design User


    defines how user interacts

    with system

    L G 13

    Code User


    Create the user interface

    including GUI, mouse

    controls, sound, video and

    voice commands.

    M H,I,J,K,L 15

    Create and Test


    Create the actually database

    and test its efficiency and


    N H,I,J,K,L 25

    Code system and

    security controls

    Limit access to authorized

    users, and implement other

    necessary security measures.

    P N 10

    Install Systems

    environment and


    Install Operating System,

    Local Area Network

    connections and Desktop


    O P 10

    Debug and Test


    System Evaluation.

    Introduce prototype &

    observe reactions. Perform

    cost/benefit analysis.

    Q O 5

    Implement Install the software and Test R O 7

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Software it.

    Create User


    Create document to guide

    Users on how to use the


    S R 10

    Train Users Present final proposal. Train

    users to use the system

    T R 10

    The precedence table shows a list of activities labeled from A-H.

    These activities or tasks are represented by their description.

    The predecessor is stated if there is any.

    The duration for each activity to be completed is stated in the durations column. The

    duration is represented in days.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Gantt chart












































  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Risk Mitigation table

    There are a number of risks associated with the design and implementation of the Ulti-Stocks and

    Database Management System. The goal of the risk mitigation plan is to identify as many potential

    risks as possible. When all risks have been identified, they will then be evaluated to determine their

    probability of occurrence, and how the project will be affected if they do occur. Plans will then be

    made to avoid each risk, to track each risk to determine if it is more or less likely to occur, and to

    plan for those risks if they should occur.

    The table below outlines the probability of a risk occurring.

    Impact Values Description

    1 Catastrophic

    2 Critical

    3 Marginal

    4 Negligible

    Risk Summary/Description Risk Category Probability Impact(1-4)

    Customer fail to participate Customer Risk/Customer


    14% 3

    Malfunction of Computers / System


    Technology 10% 3

    Lack of experience in Software


    Technical Risk 35% 2

    Insufficient capital Budget 30% 2

    Change of project requirements Scope 25% 3

    Insufficient time to complete project Business Impact 15% 3

    A team member may be unable to

    continue school

    Project completion risks 19% 3

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Risk Mitigation

    A Team Member may be unable to continue School.

    Students from time to time are unable to continue with their education at university as a result of

    financial issues, being deregistered, late enrollment, death or illness. This results in the team being

    short on a member and this places strain on the remaining members.

    Mitigation: Meetings will be held to discuss the possibility of any member having to discontinue

    school. Measures will be put in place to have the work delegated in a manner that if 1 person

    discontinues then the aspect of the project that they are doing will jeopardize the entire project.

    Monitoring: Students progress will be monitored to ensure that they are completing their part of the

    project in a timely manner. They will also be asked on different intervals about their state of affairs

    with the school.

    Managing: The team will have to find ways to finish the project without the team member. Delegate

    work that wasnt completed by that member and try as best as possible to complete the project on


    Lack of training and understanding of software

    If the person that you are creating the software for does not understand how to use the software

    efficiently, then despite how the good the software that you create is a problem will still exist in the


    Mitigation: Training session will be held to teach the employees of Smartbox how to use the system

    properly. There will be a series of training sessions involving various employees with various skill

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    set and roles in the organization. Persons that will be interacting with the system directly will be

    given special training so as to ensure that are well equipped to use the system.

    Monitoring: During the development of the system at various stages the employees will be met with

    and the different software that will be used in the system and the different interfaces will be

    discussed with them. An idea of their technical experience and what they know and dont know to do

    will be gathered and based upon that knowledge training sessions will be held to teach them. Their

    progress will be monitored and improvements noted and any adjustments that need to be made in

    their training will be made.

    Managing: In the event that the employers cannot use the system properly then we would have to

    create an interface that they can use more easily or that they are more familiar with. If that does not

    work, then the company will have to hire new employees that are tech savvy and will be better able

    to use the system.

    Customer fail to participate

    An important part of the entire end result is that the customers that come into the store are willing to

    fill out the form and provide information so that the database can be created on the customers that

    want to repair electronic items.

    Mitigation: The team will do their best to create a form that is efficient in collecting all the relevant

    information and at the same time does not take a lot of time to fill out. A prototype of the form

    filling out process could be created so that the customer would have a feel of what is coming and

    valuable feedback could be gained from this that would help the team to know what to add or

    subtract from the form.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Monitoring: This process would be monitored over a period of time and questionnaires could be

    given to the customers so as to find out their opinion on the entire process.

    Managing: If the customers are reluctant to fill out the form then another method to gather the

    needed data will have to be implemented.

    Malfunction of Computers / System failure

    The cost associated with a computer crash resulting in a loss of data is crucial. As a result, Smartbox

    will be instructed to make multiple backup copies of the software in development and all

    documentation associated with it, in multiple locations. System failures happen to companies of all

    sizes. They dont always occur regularly but when they do occur they can be devastating to the

    companys finances.

    Mitigation: The Company will create a parallel system that can act as a solution if the current

    system should fail. The system will also have an auto-backup feature that will ensure only minimal

    data is lost from the databases if a system failure should occur.

    Monitoring: The system is checked regularly for malicious software and other types of intrusions.

    Checks for signs of a possible system crash will be carried out, thus giving an early warning system

    for system failures.

    Managing: If the system fails, then the early warning system would have predicted it but we were

    just unable to stop it. In such a case, the databases would have already been backed up and the

    alternative system put in place to ensure the continued operation of the system.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Lack of experience in Software Development

    This lack of experience could result in the project being poorly planned and as such the system that

    is delivered to the customer is of a poor quality. Poor project planning skills and not knowing the

    correct steps to take in developing software could result in the wasting of time and resources.

    Mitigation: In order to prevent this from happening, the development team will be required to learn

    the different skills and techniques needed to develop the software properly. The member of the team

    that is the most experienced in a particular area will need to instruct those who are not as well

    versed. Guidance should be sought from persons who have experience in software development.

    Monitoring: Each member of the team should watch and see areas where another team member

    may be weak. Also if one of the members is weak in a particular area it should be brought to the

    attention by that member, to the other members.

    Management: The members who have the most experience in a particular area will be required to

    help those who dont out should it come to the attention of the team that a particular member needs


    Insufficient capital

    Companies from time to time attempt to save money by suggesting surprisingly low budgets for

    complex projects. At times these companies refuse to adjust the budget to a seemingly sensible

    budget. With a budget being too low, most of the expectations of the company cannot be met not

    unless the developers suffer a loss in the process.

    Mitigation: A detailed pricing scheme will be given to the company highlighting the different costs

    for the project and how the final estimate was reached. With a logical and detailed explanation of

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    how the final figure was reached, the company is generally less likely to try and undercut the figure

    being given. Once a figure is agreed on, a written agreement is signed between the vendor and the

    company to ensure the project is funded to at least this figure.

    Monitoring: Our team plans to deliver regular progress reports to the company in an effort to keep

    them interested in spending money. If an investor sees that his money is working, he/she is more

    likely to continue investing.

    Management: In the event the company attempts to undercut the agreed price, then the written

    agreement will be used as leverage to say that this is what we agreed on and if we do not get that

    amount then it will be very difficult for you to get the finished system that you want at the deadline

    that you want and with the quality that you want.

    Change of Project Requirements

    During a projects development cycle, the company may have a change of heart or comes across a

    problem that they didnt notice before or forgot to mention. Whenever this happens the development

    team is usually asked to adjust their project to suit the new requirements of the company. These

    changes create added difficulty for the development team. This could affect whether or not the team

    is able to meet the deadline. If the deadline is no longer feasible then this added pressure can cause

    forced errors in the system.

    Mitigation: The development team will conduct detailed interviews with the company in an attempt

    to cover all angles. This should ensure that most of the necessary features are included in the system

    that the company and the team agree to build and that the product we are producing, and the

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    requirements of the customer are equivalent.

    Monitoring: During the development cycle of the project, the company will be requested for

    consultation and testing of the project. Prototypes will be created at various stages of the project so

    that any issues that the company may have with the system can be dealt with in a fast and timely

    manner. This will create a sort of early warning system for the team, allowing us to predict possible


    Managing: Should the development team come to the realization that their idea of the product

    requirements differs from those of the customer, the customer should be immediately notified and

    whatever steps necessary to rectify this problem should be taken. Preferably a meeting should be

    held between the development team and the customer to discuss at length this issue. If the company

    needs the project to be delivered on the agreed date then we will add more members to the team to

    compensate for the additional work or have the current team work longer hours.

    Insufficient Time to complete Project

    It is very challenging to balance the time between the many courses that one is required to do while

    at university and plan a project at the same time. There is a limited time in which this project has to

    be planned and with the many different negative factors in play the project may be completed late.


    Steps have been taken to ensure a timely delivery by gauging the scope of project based on the

    delivery deadline. Work Breakdown Structure and precedence tables have been made so as to guide

    the team as to the timeline for completing the project.


  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    A schedule has been established to monitor project status. Falling behind schedule would indicate a

    potential for late delivery. The schedule will be followed closely during all development stages.


    If it becomes apparent that the project will not be completed on time, the only course of action

    available would be to request an extension to the deadline from the customer. In the event that this is

    not possible then the area of the project that was completed will be given to the customer and further

    tasks will be held towards seeking time to finish the project.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Reporting Structure


    Project Manager
















    Designer Chief

    Engineer Requirements





  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Roles and Responsibilities of team members Role Team Member Functions

    Project Manager Julia Pottinger

    Chevaughn Walker

    -Coordinates and oversee all

    activities of the project.

    - Help ensure that the software

    development process works as

    it is intended.

    Development Manager Chevaughn Walker

    Julia Pottinger

    - managing multiple priorities

    of conflicting projects.

    -address issues from the team,

    which it is unable to resolve


    Designer Carlington Palmer

    Chevaughn Walker

    Stephen Hing

    Julia Pottinger

    Design the entire network

    inclusive of:

    -defining controls for access

    by different users

    -design how to protect the

    database from

    software/hardware failure

    -define how to protect

    communications on the


    - Define all the technology

    required to support the

    software application

    -Delegate task to other


    -supervise other designers that

    report to him.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    - Generate system-level

    description of what the system

    is to do.

    GUI Designer Chevaughn Walker -Design the user interface

    including GUI, mouse

    controls, sound, video and

    voice commands.

    - defines how user interacts

    with system

    Project Database Designer Chevaughn Walker

    Julia Pottinger

    Design the database.

    Create ERD

    -Choose database structure

    -Design database architecture

    -design database schema

    -design referential integrity


    Chief Engineer Stephen Hing -Determines the (stakeholders)

    needs that the product must

    meet and continually oversees

    the development of the

    product to ensure that its on

    target to meeting those needs.

    Coder/Programmer Carlington Palmer

    Chevaughn Walker

    Stephen Hing

    Julia Pottinger

    - Write code for all aspects of

    the system and implement the


    -Create the actually database

    and test its efficiency and


    - Limit access to authorized

    users, and implement other

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    necessary security measures.

    - Install Operating System,

    Local Area Network

    connections and Desktop


    - Install the software and Test


    Technical Writer/Librarian Julia Pottinger - Prepare and store all

    documents that are used

    during the life cycle of the


    -Create document to guide

    Users on how to use the


    - Estimate budget, deadline.

    Identify resources

    - Conduct Risk analysis of the

    problem at hand

    Requirements Analyst Chevaughn Walker - Works with Smartbox,

    breaking down what their

    wants into discrete


    -Identifying the problem the

    current system has

    - Identify what it is the

    proposed system should


    - Conduct interviews and

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717



    - Conduct cause and effect

    analysis of the problem at


    - Ascertain from the customer

    the features and behaviour of

    the proposed system.

    Architect Carlington Palmer -Help to catch faults that the

    system overlooks

    - Converting the requirements

    into an architecture and design

    that will become the blueprint

    for the solution being created.

    Trainer Stephen Hing

    Carlington Palmer

    - Creates the materials

    necessary to train users how to

    use software.

    -Present final proposal. Train

    users to use the system

    A Breakdown of major Roles and their responsibilities

    Project Manager

    Main Function- Coordinates and oversee all activities of the project.


    -Assessing User Needs

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Connect and communicate between software developers, programmers and other members of

    the technical team and the non-technical users who actually work with the project every day.

    Accurately assess the needs of their clients, should be familiar with the SDLC.

    Understand what clients want, and to present the proposed solutions in terms that the user can

    visualize and understand.

    -Building a Team

    Know which resources will be needed, this can include members of the programming team,

    software developers and even outside vendors. Understanding who to turn to get the job done

    is an essential part of the job.



    Responsible for the underlying architecture for the software program, as well as for

    overseeing the work being done by any other software engineers working on the project.

    Act as a mentor for new or lower-level software developers or programmers, as well as for

    all the members on the development team.

    Code, test and troubleshoot programs utilizing the appropriate hardware, database, and

    programming technology.




  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Prepare and maintain training materials for standard products and end user applications.

    Present using a variety of techniques and styles, including team exercises, group discussions,

    presentation slides, and demonstrations.

    Monitor level of success of training engagements and recommend suggestions for continued


    Work with clients to identify specific training needs and prepare individual curriculum to fulfil


    Assist with end user support to ensure highest level of client satisfaction.

    Provide assistance with software installation and implementation.

    GUI Designer


    Design the graphical environment for the software ensuring that the different users will be

    able to easily interact with the system

    Responsible for ensuring that users with different access can only see certain aspects of the




    To ensure that all the relevant documents that are to be developed at every stage of the SDLC

    are created in a timely and efficient manner. Also ensuring that these documents are up to


  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    To keep all relevant document including receipts and the documents used in the analysis

    phase in order and have them available when necessary.

    Chief Engineer


    Determines the (stakeholders) needs that the product must meet and continually oversees the

    development of the product to ensure that its on target to meeting those needs.

    Listens to the stakeholders and then negotiates with the project team to address the

    stakeholders needs (and desires).



    Ensuring the product or service under development achieves its performance and other

    qualitative requirements.

    Guiding the interfacing and Integration of the solution components of this project into the

    existing architectural landscape.

    Requirements Analyst


    Solicitation and elaboration of stakeholder needs and requirements.

    Technical Writer


    Providing early feedback to the core and extended teams about e.g. desirable features.

    Creating closer and more productive relationships with the various stakeholder communities

    (through e.g. creating tutorials, reference manuals, technical overviews, brochures, video,

    audio, etc.)

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717




    Finding solutions to known requirements.

    Exploring the requirement space.



    Advising on economic feasibility of implementing designs / requirements in available

    programming languages.

    Implementing i.e. user stories in whatever language is most suited to the problem at hand

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Object Oriented Analysis Description of Existing System

    At Smartbox, a manual inventory system is used. The day to day operation of Smartbox is as


    A customer comes into the store seeking a particular item.

    The store clerk takes the customer request and if the item is on the rack or in the

    display case he/she takes the item, cashes it and gives it to the customer.

    Whenever items are cashed, it is recorded in a log book.

    If the item that the customer wants is not on the shelf then the clerk will go into the

    stock room and search for the item.

    This causes inefficiencies when dealing with their customers as it is error prone and

    sometimes the item that the customer wants is not there. The waiting process at times is long and

    tedious for the customer. Due to the inefficient inventory system that Smartbox has, at times the item

    that the customer wants is not in stock. The store then tries and source the item. This can take 3-4


    It also takes time for the employee in the store to search for the item in the store room after

    the customer has requested the item that they want. This takes a bit of time as there are a lot of items

    in the store room. The customer waits an average time of 10-20 minutes for the clerk to search the

    stock room and to return with the item or in some instances without the item if the item is out of


  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Smartbox does an inventory check every two weeks. This is really inefficient and time

    consuming as it is manual and takes on average 1-2 days. It is error prone as:

    The person counting the stock may miscount.

    They may forget to write down the correct amount for a particular stock.

    The book in which they keep track of the items sold may be incorrect or illegible and

    this may result in the calculating of items sold to be wrong. This may also result in

    the calculation of the items left in stock to be incorrect as at times they subtract the

    number of items sold from that of the number of items that were bought.

    Other problems sometimes arise as they cannot find invoices and sales receipts and as

    such they cannot accurately calculate the number of items left in stock. Whenever this

    happens they have to go into the stock room and check every item that is there.

    At Smartbox, they do not have a computerized customer database in which they store

    customer information and the repairs that they are getting done. The process is like this:

    The customer brings an item to be repaired.

    The item is recorded in a book and the customer is asked to make a deposit of half the

    cost of repairing the item. The customers first name and telephone number is taken

    and recorded in the book.

    While the item is being repaired the technician at times takes items from the store

    room to repair the item. However, this item is not recorded in the sales book that is to

    be used to determine the items left in the store room. The customer is billed for this

    item however a copy of the sales receipt is not made and placed with those used to

    check sales made from the store room.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    After the item is repaired the customer is called. At times the customer is not called

    as their information cannot be found and they have to come to the store and ask if

    their item is repaired.

    The problems with this system are that Smartbox record all the customer and repair

    information in a book. When the items are finished being repaired it takes a long time for the

    employee to find the contact information for the customer to inform them to come and collect the

    item. This is so as they have to search through the entire book looking for the item. At times there

    are several of the same items being repaired so the employer has no idea which customer it belongs


    In addition to that, at times the parts used to repair the item are taken from the store and the

    customer is billed for it along with being billed for the repairs that were done. They do not have a

    proper inventory system in place that keeps track of the items that are used for repair and update the

    amount of that item left in stock.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Problems, opportunities, objectives and constraint matrix

    Cause-And-Effect Analysis System Improvement Objectives

    Problem or


    Causes and Effects System Objective System Constraint


    customer data

    This may be as a result of the

    store clerk not taking all the

    necessary information from

    the customer. This may result

    in the customer not being

    contacted when their repair

    has been completed. Also the

    company will receive less

    customers due to a bad


    The proposed system

    should reduce the time

    spent searching for

    customer information to

    approximately 30

    seconds. It should also

    store all relevant data on

    the customer.

    Manual stock

    checking system

    is too outdated

    and is not


    regularly as


    Stock is only checked every

    two weeks. This results in

    stock at times running out and

    the store clerks not being

    aware of it. This results in

    orders not being filled as there

    is no stock there. It may also

    The automated system

    will check stock every

    day after closing hours

    and will have a reorder

    level that alerts the store

    clerks or the relevant

    persons that the item(s)

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    result in repairs not being

    done as the stock to complete

    these repairs are not there.

    This will result in disgruntled


    is/are running low and

    needs to be refilled. It

    will also attempt to

    reorder the stock based

    on the information that

    was set. This

    information includes the

    number of items to

    order, who to order it

    from and contact

    information for the


    The waiting

    process at times

    is long and

    tedious for the


    This is as a result of the store

    clerk not knowing beforehand

    if the item is in stock or not.

    The store clerk will have to go

    and check if the item is there.

    If it isnt there then the

    customer would have wasted

    a lot of time waiting. This

    result in the customer getting

    irritated. This may also

    To provide stock

    information and

    significantly reduce


    The system

    developed must be

    compatible with the

    latest windows

    operating system

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    prompt the customer to start

    seeking other stores that offer

    the same services and this

    may result in Smartbox losing



    Counting of


    Stock is counted incorrectly

    as a result of various things.

    They include:

    The person counting the

    stock may miscount.

    They may forget to write

    down the correct amount for a

    particular stock.

    Whatever the reason this

    miscount results in an

    incorrect amount of stock

    being reported and this may

    result in further problems

    when the expected amount of

    stock is not there.

    System will eliminate

    manual checks with an

    automated one.

    This will be done by

    updating the stock

    inventory every time

    something is sold and

    every time an item is put

    in stock.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Items taken

    from stock room

    and used in

    repairs arent

    being recorded

    as sales.

    This occurs when the

    technician uses items from the

    stock room without properly

    recording it. This results in

    the incorrect number of items

    being counted as being in


    The system will have a

    feature which requires

    the technician to record

    the items that were used

    in each repair and

    whether or not that

    particular item was

    taken from the stock

    room. If it was taken

    from the stock room

    then it will be deducted

    from the main inventory

    system and the number

    of items left in stock

    will be adjusted


  • 34

    Actor Identification Form of existing system

    Who or what

    provides input

    to the system?



    Who or what

    receives outputs

    from the


    Clerk Cashier Customer

    Are interfaces

    required to

    other systems?

    Are there events

    that are


    triggered at a



    Who will


    information in

    the system?

    The Clerk

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Use Case Identification Form of existing system

    Actors What are the main tasks of the actor?

    What information does the actor needs from the system?

    What information does the actor provide to the system?

    Does the system need to inform the actor of any changes or events that have occurred?

    Does the actor need to inform the system of any changes or events that have occurred?

    Customer To request a service.

    Purchase information

    _____ _____ _____

    Clerk To help manage stock and customer requests.

    Previous stocks that have been written down and the amount sold(to calculate current stuck)

    The current inventory of items.

    _____ _____

    Cashier Bills customer Price of item

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Use Case Diagram of Existing System

    Check store






    Request Internet


    Takes customer



    computer to


    Bills customer



    Cash items

    Issues receipt


    item Supply data






    Choose time


    chosen time

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Functional and Non-Functional Requirements Functional Requirements of the Ulti-Stocks and Database Management System

    The Ulti-Stocks and Database Management System shall make it easier for the

    employees of Smartbox to keep track of the items currently in stock.

    The system shall have a display stock feature which enables employees to view their

    entire stocks along with the amount in supply and prices.

    The user shall be able to save customer information in a database so that it can be

    easily accessed.

    The sales and costs of items shall be automatically calculated and the system shall

    prompt the user of ordering when the stocks are low.

    The Smartbox System shall allow users to add new items to their stocks that they

    want to be sold.

    The cashier shall help with customers requests and make sure these services are met

    and efficiently billed.

    The clerk is to check the system inventory and adequate update it to maintain daily


    Software Features

    Feature Benefits

    Complete Inventory Tracking Record, update and search items such as product types and prices.

    Automatic Reminder &


    Automatically calculates the sales and costs of items and prompts

    the user of ordering when the stocks are low.

    Edit Inventory Allows users to add new items to their stocks that they want to be

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717



    Controlled User Security Control the tasks users are allowed to perform, and the

    information they can view. Allows users access to different areas

    according to their responsibilities, while giving other users view-

    only rights.

    Display Feature Enables users to view their entire stocks along with the amount in

    supply and prices.

    Manage Customer Repairs Track customer information such as contact details and device

    being repaired.

    Non-functional requirements

    The system shall prompt users to enter a password if before gaining access to any

    information. This will enhance the security of the system

    The system shall have user accounts which allow only specific user to have certain rights.

    The system shall have quick recovery times of approximately 1-3 minutes in case of errors or

    failures. This shall be dependent on the processor speed of the computer the user is using.

    The system runtime shall take a matter of seconds to execute and display output. The system

    shall be very robust.

    The Smartbox System shall occupy little space of approximately 250mb

    The Smartbox system shall be very scalable in the amount of platforms it can be installed on

    i.e. laptops, desktops, notebooks and even some cellular phones, particularly those with

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    android technology.

    Implementation of the software

    In using this software, Smartboxs management will make sure the following objectives are met:

    Train their staff appropriately in its use.

    They will also ensure that all manuals applicable to the implementation of the system are

    available when needed.

    Provide all needed technical assistance.

    Scheduling any special computer processing required for the implementation

    Acquiring special hardware or software

    Prepare data to be loaded into the system

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Actor Form of Proposed System

    Who or what

    provides input

    to the system?


    Cashier Merchant Technician

    Who or what

    receives outputs

    from the


    Clerk Cashier Customer

    Are interfaces

    required to

    other systems?

    Are there events

    that are


    triggered at a



    An order

    request is

    signaled when

    stocks are on a


    Who will


    information in

    the system?

    The Clerk

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Use Case Identification Form of Proposed system

    Actors What are the main tasks of the actor?

    What information does the actor needs from the system?

    What information does the actor provide to the system?

    Does the system need to inform the actor of any changes or events that have occurred?

    Does the actor need to inform the system of any changes or events that have occurred?

    Customer To request a service.

    Purchase information

    _____ _____ _____

    Clerk To help manage stock and customer requests.

    Previous stocks that have been written down and the amount sold(to calculate current stuck)

    The current inventory of items.

    _____ _____

    Cashier Bills customer Price of item

    Store clerk

    Takes customer order, Record item that was bought, cashes item, Check if item is in stock, Count stock, Calculate sold items. Collect customer info, Contact customer

    Invoice, Sales receipts, Price, Stock count, Customer info, Customer who owe,

    Customer request, Calculation Customer info, Stock info,

    Yes- that the store is running out of stock,

    Yes- new stock is available


    To order new

    Stock count ,


    Yes- stocks are

    back in stock

    Yes remember to

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    stock Types of stock


    Amount of

    stock need

    of purchase,

    delivery dates





    items currently

    in stock

    Item info The current

    inventory of


    Whether or not

    the inventory

    is empty







    personal info

    such as contact

    info and


    Info on

    customers and

    the items they

    have left for


    When item has

    been repaired

    Whether or not

    the item have

    been picked up

    by the


    Technician 1.Identify the

    problem with

    the system

    2. Fix the

    problem and

    bill for new


    used to fix the

    computer and

    to then

    compile a bill


    inventory of

    parts and items

    that may be



    billing for


    If new parts

    are required

    and if the


    would like to

    continue with

    repairs by


    these parts.

    The removal of

    stock that has


    purchased and

    used in repairs.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Use Case Diagram of Proposed System

    Check store






    Request Internet


    Takes customer



    computer to


    Bills customer



    Cash items

    Issues receipt


    item Supply data






    Choose time


    chosen time

    Buy Stocks

    Stores customer info

    Inventory System Database System


    Stores repair info

    Tracks store


    Calculate & generate



    Identify Problem

    Fix Problem

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Use Case Narratives

    Author (s): Chevaughn WalkerUlti-Stocks System Date: March 28, 2014

    Version: 1

    USE CASE NAME: Request Purchase USE CASE TYPE USE CASE ID: SB2014-01 Business Requirements: PRIORITY: High SOURCE: PRIMARY BUSINESS

    ACTOR: Customer




    Inventory System


    STAKEHOLDERS: Smartbox-Interested

    DESCRIPTION: The use case describes the event of a customer requesting to purchase an

    item. Once he/she has done so, clerk will assist them. PRE-CONDITION: The applicant must be able to pay for item.

    The applicant must have valid identification TRIGGER: The uses case is initiated when the applicant selects the item he/she would

    like to purchase. TYPICAL COURSE Actor Action System Response OF EVENTS:

    Step 1: The customer indicates

    they would like to purchase an


    Step 2 The system validates product


    Step 3:The system verifies product

    availability Step 4: The customer

    identifies the method of


    Step 5:The customer enters

    their credit/debit card number

    and currency type

    Step 6: The system validates the

    credit/debit card. Step 7: The system determines the total

    cost for the item or items. Step 8: The system records purchase

    information and releases the purchase

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Step 9: The system generates receipt to


    Alt-Step 1: The customer may decide to not purchase an item but instead

    just looking around at different items Alt-Step 6: If the customer did not specify credit or debit card as there

    method of payment, the customer may choose to pay for the item with

    cash. CONCLUSION: The use case concludes when the customer receives receipt. POST-CONDITION: The customers purchase info is recorded along with other customer data. BUSINESS RULES There are no refunds only exchanges.

    Only cash and debit/credit cards are accepted. IMPLEMENTATION



    The customer should be willing to provide certain personal info to be


    ASSUMPTIONS: The system updates the inventory of the item/s sold OPEN ISSUES:

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Author (s): Chevaughn WalkerUlti-Stocks System Date: March 28, 2014

    Version: 1

    USE CASE NAME: Store Repair Info USE CASE TYPE USE CASE ID: SB2014-02 Business Requirements: PRIORITY: High SOURCE: PRIMARY BUSINESS

    ACTOR: Database System






    STAKEHOLDERS: Smartbox-Interested

    DESCRIPTION: The use case describes the event of storing repair info for a customer PRE-CONDITION: The customer must have an item to be repaired.

    The customer must have valid identification TRIGGER: The uses case is initiated when the customer states the problem with the

    device. TYPICAL COURSE Actor Action System Response OF EVENTS:

    Step 1: The customer indicates

    they have an item for repair

    Step 2 The system verifies if the device

    can be repaired. Step 4:The system collects info on the

    malfunctioning device and customer Step 3: The customer provides

    device info and personal info

    Step 5: The system records collected

    data to database Step 6: The system issues date to

    recollect device Step 7: The system records recollection


    Alt-Step 2: The device the customer wants to repair might be too

    damaged for repair. CONCLUSION: The use case concludes when the customer receives date to collect device. POST-CONDITION: The customers device info is recorded along with some contact info. BUSINESS RULES There are no refunds only exchanges.

    Only cash and debit/credit cards are accepted. IMPLEMENTATION



    The customer should be willing to provide certain personal info to be


    ASSUMPTIONS: The customer will be back to collect the device OPEN ISSUES:

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Author (s): Chevaughn WalkerUlti-Stocks System Date: March 28, 2014

    Version: 1 USE CASE NAME: Buy Stocks USE CASE TYPE USE CASE ID: SB2014-03 Business Requirements: PRIORITY: High SOURCE: PRIMARY BUSINESS

    ACTOR: Merchant




    Inventory System


    STAKEHOLDERS: Smartbox-Interested

    DESCRIPTION: The use case describes the merchant buying products to restock the

    inventory PRE-CONDITION: The inventory must be running low

    The merchant must have supplier TRIGGER: The uses case is initiated when the inventory is low and a reorder is

    alerted TYPICAL COURSE Actor Action System Response OF EVENTS:

    Step 2: The store manager

    contacts merchant to buy


    Step 1 A reorder stocks alert is


    Step 3:The system generates a report on

    what inventory items needs to be

    replenished Step 4: The merchant buys

    inventory items from the

    stores suppliers.

    Step 5: The system updates the

    inventory system with the newly bought


    Alt-Step 1: A reorder stocks alert is not generated because inventory is

    not running low CONCLUSION: The use case concludes when the inventory system is updated with the

    newly bought items. POST-CONDITION: The inventory system must be updated BUSINESS RULES There are no refunds only exchanges.

    Only cash and debit/credit cards are accepted. IMPLEMENTATION



    There might be a bug in the system in calling the reorder function even

    when the inventory is not running low

    ASSUMPTIONS: The inventory is running low OPEN ISSUES:

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Author (s): Chevaughn WalkerUlti-Stocks System Date: March 28, 2014

    Version: 1 USE CASE NAME: Track store inventory USE CASE TYPE USE CASE ID: SB2014-04 Business Requirements: PRIORITY: High SOURCE: PRIMARY BUSINESS

    ACTOR: Inventory System




    Customer, Clerk


    STAKEHOLDERS: Smartbox-Interested

    DESCRIPTION: The use case describes how the inventory is maintained by the system PRE-CONDITION: New items added to the inventory are verified

    Items removed from the inventory via purchases are verified TRIGGER: This use case is initiated as soon as a purchase is made

    TYPICAL COURSE Actor Action System Response OF EVENTS:

    Step 1: A customer requests

    purchasing an item

    Step 2: The system is checked for item

    availability Step 3: The system gets stored info on

    the item selected for purchase Step 4: The system generates cost of

    item Step 5: That item is removed from the

    inventory for sale Step 6: The inventory system is updated

    of the sale of an item, ALTERNATE COURSES:

    Alt-Step 2: The requested item might not be available therefore a sale

    would not be made CONCLUSION: The use case concludes when the inventory system is updated of the sale

    of an item, which has been removed from stock POST-CONDITION: The inventory system tracks amount of each items left in stock BUSINESS RULES There are no refunds only exchanges.

    Only cash and debit/credit cards are accepted. IMPLEMENTATION



    Incorrect data might be stored about an item in stock

    ASSUMPTIONS: The inventory updates itself after sales OPEN ISSUES:

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Sequence Diagrams

    Purchase Item Diagram

    Customer Clerk User Interface Ulti-Stock System Database

    Purchase Item

    Check Stock Track itemfile Check


    Supply Data Takedata Verify showfile

    Payment GiveItem Calculatefee StoreData

    AcceptsItem GenerateFee UpdateInvento



  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Store Repair Info Sequence Diagram


    Repair Item

    EnterInfo VerifyDevice createfile

    IssueDate generatedate Verify storeData

    Customer Clerk User Interface Ulti-Stock System

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Buy Stocks Sequence Diagram

    RequestOrder EnterOrder BuyStock


    Reorder SendReport

    Merchant Inventory System Ulti-Stocks System User Interface

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Track Inventory Sequence Diagram

    PurchaseItem Purchase



    Customer Inventory System User Interface





  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Class Diagram


    -name :string






    +Customer(string, int, string float, int)






















    Store Clerk

    -name: string

    -Id: integer

    -salary: integer

    -address: string

    - inventory: Inventory

    -customer: Customer

    -merchant: Merchant

    +checkStock(): bool

    +getCustomer(): void

    +getInventory(): void

    +makePayment(): void

    +addStock(): void

    +addCustomer(): void


    Type: string

    ItemNum: integer

    Price: integer

    TotNumofStock: integer

    + countStock(): integer

    + checkIfStockAvail(): bool

    + getType(): integer

    + searchStock(): bool

    + reorder(): void

    + calculate(): void



    -phone: integer



    -Item_name: string

    -Price: integer

    -Type: string

    -amount: integer

    +sell_stock(): void

    +getOrder(): void

    +deliverItem(): void


  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Entity Relational Diagram








    Type Price



















  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Process Diagram

    Place orderPurchase or

    RepairCash product





    Purchase Yes


    Dropping off or

    picking up?

    Take customer


    Make deposit


    Picking up




  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Activity Diagram

    Cash product

    Complete payment

    Place order

    Take customer info

    and Item

    Make deposit

    Reorder Product

    [Check if

    Purchase] YES








    [Check place

    next order]













    Picking up

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717



  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717




    Minutes for Meeting held on Sunday February 10, 2013.

    Meeting was called to order at 1 pm.

    The meeting was held to discuss the different aspects of the project that we had to work on. Work

    was delegated to each member of the group. Carlington did the RSS form. Julia did the background

    to the problem and the problem statement, whilst Chevaughn and Stephen did the Cause and Effect

    table. The work was put together and Submitted via email to the teacher.

    Further plans were made as to how to move forward with the project. A date for the next meeting

    was set. It was agreed that the group would meet again on Sunday February 16, 2014.

    Minutes for Meeting held on Sunday February 16, 2014.

    Meeting was called to order at 12:30 pm.

    The meeting was held to discuss corrections to the project as we had added a new aspect to the

    project. The problem statement was updated and the solution was altered to add the new aspect of

    the project that we had incorporated. The project plan was started and different portions of it were

    allocated to the different members of the group. The deliverables for the project that were due in the

    week was discussed and ways on how we were going to finish it was discussed. We agreed to meet

    in class to collate what we had done. The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday February 18,


  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Minutes for Meeting held on Tuesday February 18, 2014.

    Meeting was called to order at 12:10 pm.

    The meeting was held to discuss how far we were in the project. The project plan was put together. It

    was discussed that we were a bit behind on the project and we needed to put more time into doing

    the project. All aspects of the project plan were not completed and as such we agreed that we needed

    to put more work into the project. We agreed to meet and complete as much of the project as

    possible. The next meeting was set for Wednesday February 19, 2014.

    Minutes for Meeting held on Wednesday February 19, 2014.

    Meeting was called to order at 2:00 pm.

    The meeting was held to complete the project plan and to discuss other aspects of the project that

    needed completing. Issues in the project were addressed and work was done on the project. The risk

    Mitigation was done in addition to the roles and responsibilities of the group members. Other aspects

    of the project plan were completed and the meeting was adjourned at 4:30.

    A date was not set for the next group meeting.

    Minutes for meeting held on Sunday March 2, 2014.

    Meeting was called to order at 1:20 pm.

    The meeting was held to discuss how far we are in the project. The project plan was completed and

    the project put in a specific order. The project was then scrutinized by the team to ensure that it met

    all the requirements that the rubric asked for. The next phase of the project was discussed and steps

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    to how it should be approached were decided upon. It was agreed upon that Miss needed to look at

    the project and see how far we were and if we were on the right track. It was also brought up by a

    member of the group that the only place we should have the problem statement and the expected

    solution was in the RFISS form. It was checked and found to be true and the project6 was then

    corrected accordingly. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm..

    A date was not set for the next meeting.

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717


    Fact- Finding Technique


    1. Where do you get all of your supplies from and how long does it take for those supplies to be

    delivered to the store?

    2. Are there different departments that have specific tasks to ensure the efficient running of the

    organization? What are they and what are their roles?

    3. What are some of the inefficiencies experienced when processing customers orders?

    4. Describe the process of serving a customer?

    5. How do you meet the demands for a specific item needed by a customer?

    6. How do you keep track of items in stock?

    7. Are there any concerns with the tracking of items in stock?

    8. Is there a need for software to run your store and if so what kind of software?

    9. What information is needed from the customer for them to order items?

    10. Do you provide a delivery service?

    11. What kind of convenience do you make for customers payment scheme?

    12. How is a customer billed?

    13. How do you keep track of the item that a customer has brought in to be repaired?

    14. How do you bill the items that are used to repair a customer computer or other electronic

    device? And how do you link that to the inventory that is kept?

  • Group 3 Chevaughn Walker 1203383 Julia Pottinger 1200639 Carlington Palmer 1201861 Stephen Hing 1306717



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    Tilloo, R. (2013, August 4). What Is Incremental Model In Software Engineering ? Its Advantages

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