soe engenharia presentation 2012_english


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Presentation of SOE engenharia, Lda









Main Office: Rua Machado dos Santos, 210C – Outeiro de Polima - 2785-602 São Domingos de Rana Phone/Fax: 21 4453207

NIF: 502 862 327 E-mail: [email protected] Site: INCI Permit nº 63890

Our Cl ients  



-Project ! -Management ! -Direct Administrat ion !-Urban Renewal ! -Supervis ion / Coordination of Works -Safety Coordination -Energy Cert i f icat ion -Acoustic Rating -Construction Contract work ! -Property Valuation ! -Commissioning ! -Due Di l igences ! -Expert ise and Consult ing ! -Real Estate Development -Real Estate Procurement

Our Serv ices



” In SOE engenharia we have the best designers with the best ideas, with the objective of giving the best to the Will of Our Customers. We manage our time and resources effectively and rigorously in order to ensure Success.”

Agency: Caixa Totta Angola

Development des ign and coordinat ion of pro jects specia l i t ies


Cellar Quinta da Alorna

Deve lopment des ign and coordinat ion of pro jects

Condominium Estrela Office and Estrela Park

Development, design and coordinat ion of pro jects for rehabi l i tat ion of f ront s ide bu i ld ing and common areas

” We preserve the tranquility and Comfort of our Customers. Therefore SOE engenharia offers full service service Managment Project, allowing the realization of their investment with minimal waste of their time, but with full control of the project.”


Country House in Alcácer do Sal



Urban Regeneration - S. Domingos à Lapa, 105, Street - Lisbon

Eurofrozen – Plant Expansion

” Increasingly more often, Our Clients use the services of Direct Administration of SOE engenharia. With the dificulties and lake of funding, the General Contractor option becomes increasingly distant from the economic objectives. We have the technical conditions that allow the achievement of your investments with minimum cost and maximum security and control .”



Direct Administrat ion

House -Vila Nova S. Estevão - Construct ion per fomed under D irect Admin ist rat ion contract

INCI Permit nº 63890








INCI Permit nº 63890 House in Óbidos

House in Soltróia

Main Office Citibank - Lisbon Building Santa Anna - Lisbon


           SOE engenharia, Lda. Was founded in 1992 with the goal of developing and implementing projects in the area of Engineering. With the passage of time, the company broadened the scope of its intervention to provide services in the áreas of real estate and constrution, consolidating a large portfólio of prestigious Clients and a large group of Partners with proven expertise, that allows you to currently implementation of a variety of objectives, in all areas of its activity. Maintaining a philosophy of profissionalism to proceedings in which it envolves, favors a very personal realtionship and a scrupulous atherence to Deadlines and Budgets, for the total

satisfaction of the objectives of his Clientes.

  Main Office:

Rua Machado dos Santos, 210

Oute i ro de Pol ima 2785-602 S.Domingos de Rana


Phone: 21 445 32 07

E-mai l : gera l@soeengenhar

S i te:

The Company


Reabilitation Chalet Âncora - Estoril House in Alcácer do Sal

Urban Reabilitação – R. São Bernardo, 120 Improvement – Common Areas Ed. Via Roma

Main Office: Rua Machado dos Santos, 210C – Outeiro de Polima - 2785-602 São D. de Rana Phone./Fax: 21 4453207

NIF: 502 862 327 E-mail: [email protected] Site: INCI Permit nº 63890

Other Reference Works

Canteen Megastore Vodafone Offices Refurbishment - Galp Energia

Family House in Bucelas House Extension in Biscaia

Waterproofing Terraces- Torres de Lisboa Rehabilitation of Masonry- Deutsche Bank

Rehabilitations - Arquiparque Hotel VIP EDEN -Terraces and Pool

Several Art’s Building Repairs Metalwork - Building Mar Vermelho

House in Óbidos Improvements Fund. Medeiros e Almeida

Main Office: Rua Machado dos Santos, 210C – Outeiro de Polima - 2785-602 São D. de Rana Phone./Fax: 21 4453207

NIF: 502 862 327 E-mail: [email protected] Site: INCI Permit nº 6389


Phone: 21 445 32 07

E-mai l : gera l@soeengenhar Si te: