socrates initiation 2014-16

Indian Institute of Foreign Trade IIFT Batch of 201416 Initiation Document

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         Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade  




IIFT  Batch  of  2014-­‐16  Initiation  Document  








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§ About the Club��� § What is Consulting?��� § Job of a Consultant��� § Basics of a Consulting Interview § Types of Cases ��� § Case Solving Frameworks § Assignments ��� § Suggested Readings

Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

Page 3: Socrates Initiation 2014-16

About  the  Club  

 You have brains in your head.���You have feet in your shoes.���You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own.���And you know what you know.���You are the guy who'll decide where to go.

~Dr. Seuss


Socrates   is   a   platform  where   students   who   are   passionate   about  making   a   career   in  consulting  come  together  and  learn  the  different  facets  of  the  world  of  consulting.  The  club  aims  to  complement  classroom  learning  and  present  a  wider  view  of  the  consulting  domain  to  its  members  in  order  to  broaden  their  horizons.

• Provides   a   platform   where   students   from   diverse   professional   backgrounds   and  diverse   interests   contribute   and   thus   provide   different   perspectives   to   the  problems.  

• To  provide  the  students  with  an  opportunity  to  work  on  consulting  projects.  

• To   prepare   the   students   for   the   recruitment   process   in   consulting   firms   by  conducting    various  mock   case   interview   sessions   and   other   related   activities.    With  an  access  to  a  pool  of  Indian’s  best  minds,  we  believe  that  we  are  capable  of  providing  a  new  perspective   to  solving  problems.  Driving  our  strength   from  the  core  values  -­‐  customer first, time is value and better than the best -­‐  we  strive  to   provide   consulting   services   in   domains   such   as   Strategy,   Supply   Chain,  Finance,  Marketing,  Service  Operations,  Project  Management,  IT  Strategy  etc.  





Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

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What  is  Consulting? Consulting,  in  the  business  context,  means  the  giving  of  advice  for  pay.  Consultants  offer  their  advice  and  skill  in  solving  problems,  and  are  hired  by  companies  who  need  the  expertise  and  outside  perspective  that  consultants  possess.  Some  consulting  firms  specialize  in  giving  advice  on  management  and  strategy,  while  others  are  known  as  technology  specialists.  Some  concentrate  on  a  specific  industry  area,  like  financial  services  or  retail,  and  still  others  are  more  like  gigantic  one-­‐stop  shops  with  divisions  that  dispense  advice  on  everything  from  top-­‐level  strategy,  to  choosing  training  software,  to  saving  money  on  paper  clips.

Job  of  a  Consultant Depending  where  you  are  in  the  project  lifecycle,  here  are  some  of  the  activities  that  you  could  be  doing  as  a  consultant:

Pitching – Selling the practice

• Helping  to  sell  and  market  the  firm  (preparing  documents  and  researching  prospective  clients  in  preparation  for  sales  calls)

Helping to write the proposal

• Presenting  a  sales  pitch  to  a  prospective  client  (usually  with  PowerPoint  presentation)  

Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

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• Performing  secondary  research  on  the  client  and  its  industry  using  investment  banking  reports  and  other  research  sources  (these  include  Bloomberg,  OneSource  etc)  

• Ιnterviewing  the  client‘s  customers  to  gather  viewpoints  on  the  company  

• Checking  your  firm‘s  data  banks  for  previous  studies  that  it  has  done  in  the  industry  or  with  ���the  client,  and  speaking  to  the  project  leads  about  their  insights  on  the  firm  

• Facilitating  a  weekly  client  team  discussion  about  the  client  company‘s  business  issues   ���Analysis

• Building  Excel  discounted  cash  flow  (DCF)  and/or  other  quantitative  financial  models  

• Analyzing  the  gathered  data  and  the  model  for  insights  

• Helping  to  generate  recommendations   ���Reporting

• Preparing  the  final  presentation  (typically  a  deck  of  PowerPoint  slides,  though  some  firms  write  up  longer  reports  in  Microsoft  Word  format)  

• Helping  to  present  the  findings  and  recommendations  to  the  client  Implementation

• Acting  as  a  project  manager  for  the  implementation  of  your  strategy,  if  your  firm  is  typically  active  during  the  implementation  phase  of  a  project  

• Executing  the  coding,  systems  integration,  and  testing  of  the  recommended  system,  if  you  work  for  an  IT  consulting  practice  

• Documenting  the  team‘s  work  after  the  project  is  over  Administration

• Working  on  internal  company  research  when  your  firm  has  no  projects  for  you.  (Being  unstaffed  is  referred  to  as  being  on  the  beach,  a  pleasant  name  for  what  is  often  a  tedious  time.)  

• Filling  out  weekly  time  tracking  and  expense  reports  






Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

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Basics  of  a  Consulting  Interview The  typical  management  consulting  interview  generally  consists  of  several  parts.  At  a  minimum,  these  include  an  introductory  get  to  know  you  conversation,  a  resume  review/prove  -­‐to-­‐me-­‐that-­‐  you‘re-­‐qualified-­‐for-­‐a-­‐consulting-­‐job  Q&A,  a  case  interview  question,  and  a  follow-­‐up  what  do  you  want  to  know  about  us  discussion.  Although  the  case  question  portion  of  the  interview  inspires  the  most  terror,  the  other  portions  of  the  meeting  are  every  bit  as  important.

You‘ve  heard  it  in  other  contexts:  don‘t  ignore  the  foreplay.  Insiders  tell  us  that  many  candidates,  even  at  the  very  best  schools,  have  already  bombed  the  interview  long  before  the  case  question  slices  them  into  tiny  little  pieces.

Part 1: Getting to Know You

Hey!  How  are  you  doing?  What  a  great  day  for  a  consulting  interview!  It  may  sound  like  meaningless  banter  (and  it  probably  is),  but  the  interviewer  is  still  checking  you  out.

First  question  in  the  recruiter‘s  mind:  Is  this  candidate  alive?  If  not,  the  interview  is  likely  to  drag.  If  you  are  alive—and  seem  interested,  perky,  and  excited  about  the  opportunity  to  interview  with  company  XYZ—  then  this  is  your  chance  to  develop  a  rapport  with  your  interviewer.

Some  of  the  key  goals  to  achieve  here  should  be  to:

• Show  enthusiasm  for  the  company.  

• Practice  saying,  I  reeeaally  want  to  be  a  consultant—and  here  are  the  three  reasons  why!  

• Don‘t  talk  about  yourself  in  a  negative  manner.  

• Demonstrate  that  you‘re  a  fun  person.   ���Our  purpose  here  is  to  show  the  interviewer  that  you  have  an  engaging  personality,  are  fun  to  be  around,  and  would  be  a  valuable  addition  to  the  team.  Known  as  the  Pittsburgh  airplane  test.  That  is,  the  recruiter  is  thinking  to  himself,  Would  I  be  able  to  stand  it  if  I  had  to  spend  an  eight  hour  layover  with  this  person  in  the  Pittsburgh  airport  due  to  a  snowstorm?  







Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

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Part 2: Prove Yourself to Me

You‘ve  had  a  clever  little  chat  about  the  weather  to  demonstrate  that  you  really  are  alive;  you‘ve  told  a  good  story  about  why  you  love  your  alma  mater  more  than  your  own  mother;  and  now  it‘s  time  for  the  recruiter  to  pull  out  your  resume.  So,  tell  me  about  the  work  you  did  for  .  .  .

What‘s  going  through  the  recruiter‘s  mind?  Something  along  the  lines  of  What  has  this  candidate  done  that  shows  he  or  she  is  smart  enough  to  handle  the  consulting  workload?

How To Impress a Consulting Recruiter

Just  exactly  what  impresses  the  hard-­‐nosed  consulting  recruiter  who  has  not  only  seen  it  all  before,  but  likely  has  done  it  all  before  (or  at  least  advised  a  client  on  how  to  do  it)?  One  word  of  caution  —you‘ll  want  to  walk  that  fine  line  between  providing  evidence  of  your  capabilities  and  seeming  like  an  overbearing  braggart.

Talk  about  situations  in  which  you  have  assumed  a  significant  leadership  role.  Your  goal  should  be  to  demonstrate,  with  well-­‐articulated  examples.  Think  of  several  examples  of  projects  at  school,  at  work,  or  in  an  extracurricular  setting  in  which  you  were  challenged  and  survived  with  flying  colors.

Prepare  for  the  questions  that  you  know  are  coming.  In  particular,  have  a  good,  concise  explanation  of  why  you  want  to  be  a  consultant  and  why  you  specifically  want  to  work  for  firm  XYZ.

Be  prepared  to  be  asked  about  anything  on  your  resume.

Think  of  examples  of  work  in  which  you  had  to  use  consulting-­‐type  skills.

Part 3: The Case

The  case  interview  is  essentially  a  word  problem  based  on  a  real-­‐life  (or  simulated)  consulting  situation.  Thus,  the  interviewer  might  say,  Okay,  suppose  a  client  comes  to  you  and  says,  =We‘re  thinking  about  going  into  the  light  bulb  business,  and  we  want  you  to  tell  us  what  to  do.‘  What  should  you  tell  her?  Cases  come  in  all  shapes  and  sizes,  from  the  simple,  straightforward  question  designed  to  see  how  you  think  about  a  problem,  to  the  highly  complex  business  strategy  issue  that  takes  20  minutes  to  explain  and  involves  charts,  graphs,  and  buzzwords.  However,  they  all  have  one  thing  in  common,  They  test  a  candidate‘s  analytical  abilities.  They  show  his  or  her  resourcefulness,  how  he  or  she  thinks  about  problems,  and  ultimately,  his  or  her  aptitude  for  consulting.  How  does  the  interviewer  evaluate  you?  By  watching  for  several  things:  how  you  analyze  the  problem,  how  you  ask  for  additional  details,  how  you  slice  through  extraneous  information  to  get  to  the  key  issues,  how  you  pursue  a  particular  line  of  thinking  and  stay  with  it,  how  you  propose  to  identify  the  information  that  will  allow  you  to  solve  the  problem,  and,  most  importantly,  whether  or  not  you  can  develop  (and  present)  a  particular  framework  for  organizing  your  thoughts  and  answers  to  the  case  question.  



Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

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The Bottom Line

Like  it  or  not,  if  you‘re  planning  to  get  a  job  in  consulting,  you  will  have  to  learn  how  to  handle  the  case  interview.  Although  different  firms  and  different  interviewers  have  different  approaches  to  the  case  question,  all  of  them  use  it  as  an  important  tool  in  selecting  and  screening  out  job  candidates.  Indeed,  you  may  have  to  clobber  ten  or  more  cases  on  the  way  to  landing  a  job  with  a  major  management  consulting  organization.  Fortunately,  by  studying  up  on  the  case  process  and  honing  your  case  interview  skills  through  practice,  you‘ll  soon  be  able  to  amaze  friends  and  family  alike  with  your  frameworks  and  graph-­‐drawing  skills.  Even  better,  when  that  dreaded  moment  in  the  interview  arrives—and  the  interviewer  pops  the  question—you‘ll  be  more  than  equal  to  it.

Steps to surviving the Case Interview

So  how  exactly  does  one  ace  the  case?  Although  the  specifics  of  each  case  question  will  be  different,  there  are  approaches  that,  if  used  correctly,  will  take  you  a  long  way  toward  giving  the  consulting  interviewer  what  he  or  she  wants.

When the interviewer asks the question, listen carefully.

Take  notes  if  necessary.  Make  sure  you  know  what  the  interviewer  is  seeking.  It‘s  particularly  important  to  keep  this  objective  in  mind  as  you  work  your  way  through  the  dense  forest  of  detail  that  may  be  coming  your  way.

Everything there?

Determine  whether  you‘ve  been  given  the  whole  picture.  If  the  question  is  unclear,  it‘s  probably  unclear  for  a  reason.  Ask  your  interviewer  for  clarification.  In  particular,  if  there  seems  to  be  a  gaping  hole,  ask  about  it.  The  interviewer  may  be  testing  whether  or  not  you  realize  that  there  are  missing  pieces  to  the  puzzle.  Or  he  may  be  holding  back  a  key  piece  of  information  to  see  if  you  ask  for  it.

Think before you speak.

It‘s  acceptable  to  spend  a  minute  or  two  jotting  down  notes  for  yourself  to  follow,  just  as  you  would  before  writing  out  an  essay  for  your  final  history  exam.  So  take  a  minute  and  think  about  your  answer  rather  than  starting  too  quickly  and  digging  yourself  into  a  ditch.

Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

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Frameworks! Identify  a  framework,  or  a  combination  of  frameworks,  to  help  you  structure  your  answer.  Be  sure  to  inform  your  interviewer  how  you  plan  to  proceed.  Remember,  choosing  a  framework  isn‘t  the  goal  of  the  exercise—it‘s  supposed  to  help  you  structure  an  answer  to  the  question.  It  will  also  help  your  listener  (the  interviewer)  follow  your  presentation  and  show  her  how  you  think.

Explain your thinking methodically.

Start  with  the  most  important  issue  first.  Remember,  if  you  run  out  of  time  part  way  through,  you  want  to  have  already  delivered  your  most  important  insights.  A  structure  or  framework  will  help  you  plan  how  to  cover  all  the  major  points  during  the  time  allowed.

Every hint helps.

Interviewers  often  give  hints,  extra  data,  or  suggestions.  Listen  for  them.  When  you  hear  a  hint,  a  suggestion,  or  additional  information,  use  it.

Talk action.

Wrap  up  your  case  by  briefly  summarizing  how  you  have  approached  the  problem  and  noting  where  you  would  go  if  you  had  more  time.  The  goal  of  consulting  is  almost  never  just  analysis.  Usually,  a  consultant  is  looking  for  good,  solid,  data-­‐driven  recommendations  for  the  client  













Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade  

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Case  Solving  Frameworks


• As  the  interviewer  describes  the  situation,  think  about  what  are  the  key  issues  facing  general  management  

• Develop  hypotheses  

• Decide  what  data  you  need  to  better  understand  the  issues  

• Listen  to  the  facts  

• Evaluate  which  facts  are  critical  to  the  key  issues  

• Probe  for  more  detail  in  critical  areas  

• Use  facts  and  numbers  appropriate  in  building  argument  

• Summarize  options  before  making  recommendation  

• State  pros  and  cons-­‐  be  fact  driven  

• Make  your  recommendation   ���Using Frameworks

• There  is  no  golden  rule,  more  than  one  framework  may  be  applicable  

• Use  an  appropriate  framework  

• Do  not  force  a  framework  

• Be  hypotheses  driven  


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• Be  prepared  to  revise  your  hypotheses  

• Mutually  Exclusive  and  Collectively  Exhaustive  (MECE)  

• Listen  for  clues  from  the  interviewer  

• Accept  direction  from  the  interviewer  

• Display  your  thinking  visually  /  graphically  

• Be  transparent  in  your  analysis  

• Leave  time  to  summarize  and  make  recommendations   ���Some general Frameworks

• The  Three  C‘s  

• The  Four  P‘s  

• Porter‘s  Five  Forces  

• BCG  Matrix  

• Supply  &  Demand  

• The  Profit  Equation  

• Internal  -­‐  External  

• NPV  Analysis   ���(Readers  are  request  to  start  reading  up  on  these  frameworks.  Further  information  on  these  frameworks  will  be  provided  during  the  Socrates  Sessions)   ���Follwoing  are  some  illustrations  and  flow  diagrams  to  help  you  with  very  typical  problems.  Please  note  that  they  are  only  indicative  in  nature.  Remember  history  has  always  been  written  by  =free  thinkers‘  ,  So  if  you  have  a  different  approach  to  above  problems  then  feel  free  to  discuss  them  and  share  with  your  friends.  Socrates  Gyan  Sessions  will  provide  you  that  opportunity.  







Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

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Market Sizing

Decling Profits

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Increase Profitability

Increase Capacity

Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

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New Product Introduction

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International Expansion (An IIFT Speciality ;))

Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

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Assignments Instructions:

• To  be  submitted  at  [email protected]  

• Submission  should  be  in  a  zip/rar  file  

• Include  a  one  page  write-­‐up  describing  your  profile.  Please  include  details  of  any  skill  you   ���consider  relevant.  

• Mail  Subject  :  JuniorBatch_Initiation_<FirstName>_<LastName>  

• No  timeline  but  preferably  before  session  starts  


1. Sample Brain Teaser

An  elephant  must  travel  1000  miles  to  the  nearest  city.  He  has  3000  bananas  but  can  only  carry  1000  at  a  time.  For  every  mile  he  walks,  he  needs  to  eat  a  banana.  What  is  the  maximum  number  of  bananas  he  can  transport  to  the  city?

(We  Don’t  want  your  answer  we  want  to  see  your  approach)

2. Sample Guesstimate

The  warden  of  IIFT  Hostel,  wants  to  keep  a  check  on  alcohol  consumption  in  the  campus  but  the  warden  is  not  clear  about  the  current  status  and  consumption  level.  Help  the  warden  by  estimating  how  much  alcohol  is  consumed  in  IIFT  in  a  year.  (Again  answer  is  irrelevant...but  approach  is  not  !!)

(Also  anything  happening  like  this  is  a  remote  possibility!)

3. Pitch it Right!

Your  younger  sister  just  graduated  top  of  her  class  from  the  best  fashion  technology  school  of  the  country.  As  an  entrepreneurial  management  graduate  you  decide  to  use  her  skills  and  set  up  a  boutique  for  designer  clothes.  Prepare  a  pitch  for  an  application  of  loan  to  a  near  bank  estimating  the  market,  clientele,  loan  requirement  and  break  even  for  the  new  firm.  

(APPROACH!!!)  A  final  piece  of  saintly  advice  :  Logic  can  take  you  from  A  to  B  but  imagination  can  take  you  anywhere!!


Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

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4. ConsultantQuiz

The role of a consultant is to ask relevant questions!

4.1 Which was the first firm to use the term management consultant ?

a)  Mckinsey  b)  BCG  c)  Booz  Allen  Hamilton  d)  AD  Little  

4.2 Identify the framework –

Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

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4.3 Identify the person below –

. 4.4 There is an activity "A". The earliest activity "A" can be completed is 8 days, the most likely time is 10 days, and the latest activity "A" can be completed is 12 days. Assume that a Beta Distribution is used to describe the activity time. What is the expected time needed to complete activity A?

. 4.5 The below mentioned framework is used as a measure in many domains of the industry to see the current status and future outlook of a company. Id the framework

Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

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4.6 A clothing retailer places an order for goods from an overseas supplier for delivery within one month. The retailer negotiates to pay the account at the exchange rate existing at the time the order is placed which of the following the retailer is doing?

a)  Hedging    

b)  Factoring    

c)  Cushioning  the  economic  cycle    

d)  Engaging  in  foreign  direct  investment

4.7 The logo of which company?

4.8 Connect a person to the three images below

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4.9  Identify the framework used while designing of goods and services.

4.10 Name the consulting arm and the bank in India that specializes in consultancy services in the field of agriculture and rural development.

Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade

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Suggested  Reading

Interview Preparation

• Sample Case Studies




• Vault  Guide  to  the  Case  Interview  ���During  Club  Sessions  other  relevant  material  will  also  be  shared  with  the  club  member  

Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade


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Contact  Us Website  http://www.socrates-­‐    

Email  [email protected]    

                         [email protected]    




Senior Co-ordinators

Neelesh Sahay

[email protected]


Prasun Bhaiya

[email protected]


Parikshit Saha

[email protected]










Socrates:  The  Consulting  &  Strategy  Club  at  the  Indian  Institute  of  Foreign  Trade