social style matrix


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Page 1: Social style matrix


Page 2: Social style matrix

Social style matrix

Yossry galal

Page 3: Social style matrix

Why Do It?Understand how others view your behavior .

Understand why you find some relationships more productive than others.

Develop insight about your behavioral strengths and behavioral weaknesses.

Make reliable assessments about another person’s behavior.Develop a way of communicating with others that considers their

behavioral needs and preferences.

Build on your strengths and the strengths of others to develop productive relationships.

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Assertiveness Ratings I perceive myself as:

Responsiveness Ratings I perceive myself as:

Quiet ..........................................Talkative 1 2 3 4

Open ..............................................Closed 4 3 2 1

Slow to Decide .................... Fast to Decide 1 2 3 4

Impulsive ..................................Deliberate 4 3 2 1

Going along ........................ Taking charge 1 2 3 4

Using opinions ......................... Using facts 4 3 2 1

Supportive.............................. Challenging 1 2 3 4

Informal ........................................ Formal 4 3 2 1

Compliant ..................................Dominant 1 2 3 4

Emotional ..............................Unemotional 4 3 2 1

Deliberate ........................... Fast to Decide 1 2 3 4

Easy to know ........................Hard to know 4 3 2 1

Asking questions ...........Making statements 1 2 3 4

Warm ................................................Cool 4 3 2 1

Cooperative ............................ Competitive 1 2 3 4

Excitable .......................................... Calm 4 3 2 1

Avoiding risks ........................ Taking risks 1 2 3 4

Animated................................ Poker-faced 4 3 2 1

Slow, studied............................ Fast-paced 1 2 3 4

People-oriented .....................Task-oriented 4 3 2 1

Cautious....................................... Carefree 1 2 3 4

Spontaneous ................................ Cautious 4 3 2 1

Indulgent........................................... Firm 1 2 3 4

Responsive ......................... Nonresponsive 4 3 2 1

Nonassertive ...............................Assertive 1 2 3 4

Humorous...................................... Serious 4 3 2 1

Mellow ................................Matter-of-fact 1 2 3 4

Impulsive ................................ Methodical 4 3 2 1

Reserved .....................................Outgoing 1 2 3 4

Lighthearted .................................. Intense 4 3 2 1

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Achievement awards on the wall

No posters or slogans on office walls

Calendar prominently displayed

Furniture placed so contact with people is across the desk

Conservative dress

Likes group activities (e.g., politics, team sports)

Achievement awards on wall

Office is work-oriented, showing much activity

Conservative dress

Likes solitary activities (e.g., reading, individual sports)

Motivational slogan on the wall

Office has friendly, open atmosphere

Cluttered, unorganized desk

Desk placed for open contact with people

Casual or flamboyant dress

Likes group activities (e.g., politics, team sports)

Office has friendly, open atmosphere

Pictures of family displayed

Personal mementos on the wall

Desk placed for open contact with people

Casual or flamboyant dressLikes solitary activities (e.g., reading, individual sports)

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Adaptive BehaviorsReducing


Ask for customer’s opinion

Acknowledge merits of customer’s viewpoint

Listen without interruption

Be more deliberate; don’t rush

Let customer direct flow of conversation

Increasing Assertiveness

Get to the point

Don’t be vague or ambiguous

Volunteer information

Be willing to disagreeTake a stand

Initiate conversations


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Adaptive BehaviorsReducing


Become businesslike

Talk less

Restrain enthusiasm

Make decisions based on facts

Stop and think

Increasing Responsiveness

Verbalize feelings

Express enthusiasm

Pay personal compliments

Spend time on relationships rather

than business

Socialize, engage in small talk

Use nonverbal communication


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Social Style Matrix:Strengths and Weaknesses

DriverStrengths:Strong-willed, independent, practical, decisive, efficientWeaknesses:Pushy, severe, tough, dominating

ExpressiveStrengths:Enthusiastic, ambitious, stimulating, dramatic, friendlyWeaknesses:Manipulative, undisciplined, egotistical, excitable, reacting

AnalyticalStrengths:Industrious, persistent, serious, exacting, orderly.Weaknesses:Critical, indecisive, stuffy, picky, moralistic

AmiableStrengths:Supportive, respectful, willing, dependable, agreeableWeaknesses:Conforming, unsure, pliable, dependent, awkward 6-10

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• Plan to ask questions about and discuss specifics, actions and results.

• Use facts and logic.

• When necessary, disagree with facts rather than opinions. Be assertive. • Keep it business-like, efficient and to the point.

• Personal guarantees and testimonials are least effective . better to provide options and facts.

• Do not invade personal space .

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TO NEGOTIATE WITH Analytical : • Take action rather than words to demonstrate helpfulness and willingness.

• Stick to specifics. Analytical expect salesmen to overstate.

• Their decisions are based on facts and logic and they avoid risk.

• They can often be very co-operative, but established relationships take time.

• Consider telling them what the product won’t do . they will respect you for it, and they will have spotted the deficiencies anyway.

• Discuss reasons and ask why questions.

• Become less responsive and less assertive yours

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TO NEGOTIATE WITH Expressive: • Seek opinions in an area you wish to develop to achieve mutual understanding.

• Discussion should be people as well as fact oriented.

• Keep summarizing- work out specifics on points of agreement.

• Try short, fast moving experience stories.

• Make sure to pin them down in a friendly way.

• Remember to discuss the future as well as the present.

• Look out for the impulse buy.

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• Work, jointly, seek common ground.

• Find out about personal interests and family.

• Be patient and avoid going for what looks like an easy pushover.

• Use personal assurance and specific guarantees and avoid options and probabilities.

• Take time to be agreeable.

• Focus discussion on .how.

• Demonstrate low risk solutions.

• Don’t take advantage of their good nature.

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