social media quiz

Social Media Quiz All Creative Commons photos attributed (CC) by username - from

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Post on 17-Nov-2014




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This quiz, which was made in September 2011, is a simple set of questions and answers about social media.


  • 1. Social Media Quiz All Creative Commons photos attributed (CC) by username - from

2. a). A mythical creature, originally from Scandinavia. b). Someone who sits under bridges stealing WiFi. c). Someone who posts comments to blogs or internet forums that are calculated to upset, disgust or anger other people. CC: calibeach What is an internet troll? 3. a). 29 million people. b). 37 million people. c). 12 million people. In March this year how many people in the UK had Facebook accounts? CC: Luc Legay 4. a). Pushing the most awkward politicians down the steps of the Whitehouse. b). Sharing a link on Twitter to Rick Astleys 1987 hit Never gonna give you up. c). Performing a dance that gets its name from its rickety arm movements. When Whitehouse staff indulged in Rickrolling, what were they doing? CC: TimothJ 5. a). A type of pattern on golfers' socks. b). A version of draughts for the mobile phone. c). A social network in which users share their location with friends. What is FourSquare? CC: woodleywonderworks 6. Who isnt on Twitter? B. A. C. D. CC: Danielle Heffron CC: Marco Raaphorst CC: World Economic Forum CC: Abhikrama 7. Who has the most followers on Twitter? B. A. C. D. CC: jamesomalley CC: DonkeyHotey CC: Luiz Fernando/Sonia Maria CC: eldh 8. What is Follow Friday? a). A Facebookgame in which you have to work out where a friend is from the clues they leave online. b). A tradition on Twitter in which users recommend other users every Friday. c). A terrible horror movie from the 1990s. CC: pdugmore2001 9. How many hours of video footage are uploaded to YouTube every minute? A). Seven hours B). 12 hours C). 35 hours 10. What is Google Plus? a). A new type of calculator that harnesses the brains of all Googles boffins so you can work out really big sums. b). Its just like the regular Google, only with more stuff. c). A social network that allows you to share pictures, links and thoughts with specific circles of people. CC: Dolphinsdock 11. What is the maximum number of people you can have a meaningful relationship with online? a). About 1,000 b). About 10 c). About 150 12. What is crowdsourcing? a). Randomly selecting people from Twitter to do your shopping. b). When thousands turn up uninvited to a party publicised on Facebook. c). The outsourcing of a task to a large, undefined group of people, usually online. CC: Kheel Center, Corn e ll University 13. When you are 'social reporting' you are doing what? a). Gossiping about your mates. b). Using social media tools to help collectively tell a story. c). Reporting from the pub. CC: BrightwellAndrew 14. What is the average number of friends that someone has on Facebook? a). 67 b). 2,000 c). 130 CC: Richard Masoner 15. What is this internetphenomenoncalled? a). Internet kitty b). Webwhiskers c). LOLCats CC: Woozie2010 16. According to The Telegraph, after Facebook what is the most popularsocial networkin the world? CC: JoshSemans CC: Coletivo Mambembe CC: Pescatello a). Twitter b). Linkedin c). Chinese site, QZone. d). Bebo