social media for language schools

KOHLFÜRST Social Media Marketing ngua World Congress 2011 | Vienna | Austria | Europe Social Media inlingua World Congress 2011 |Vienna|Austria|Europe Presenter: Michael Kohlfürst - PromoMasters ® and KOHLFÜRST ® Find your Social Media Strategy! Get an overview about Social Media Channels and how to use them.

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Presentation on the 2011 inlingua World Congress in Vienna - Austria - Europe. Social media especially for language schools. inlingua is a worldwide language training organization with over


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Social Media Marketing inlingua World Congress 2011 | Vienna | Austria | Europe

Social Mediainlingua World Congress 2011 |Vienna|Austria|Europe

Presenter: Michael Kohlfürst - PromoMasters® and KOHLFÜRST®

Find your Social Media Strategy! Get an overview about Social Media Channels and how to use them.

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Which Social Media Channels do you know?

Social Media Marketing

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» A study by the PR agency Burson-Marsteller, according to network

usage, the 100 largest companies in the world use social media in

this order: twitter, facebook, YouTube, corporate blogs

Social Media Services

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Arguments for Social Media

» Most of the services are free of charge or causing small recurring costs in

an extended version

» You can work from everywhere if internet access is available

» Services can be used on any device such as a PC workstation, notebook,

tablet PC, or smartphone

» For basic versions no programming skills are necessary

» You are already using social media services!

Social Media Marketing

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Implementation into your Marketing Mix

» Own distribution channel

» Direct-Communication with customers

» User reviews and feedback on products and companies

Implementation into your Corporate Communications

» Replacement for Intranet

» Supports nowadays also HR - Human Resource Management

» Networking, Contact Management and Intellectual Capital Development

Social Media Marketing

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Top 10 in Social Media Communikation in B2B

» 1. linkedIn

» 2. XING

» 3. facebook

» 4. twitter

» 5. YouTube

» 6. Wikipedia

» 7. slideshare

» 8. Scribd

» 9. (former Naymz)

» 10. metacafe (List by SF Interactive Performance)

Social Media Marketing

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inlingua in german

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inlingua on Wikipedia in english language

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That’s why Wikipedia is successful in Search Engines

» Wikipedia is not commercial

» Search engine friendly URLs do contain important keywords

» Number of pages and content grows

» Pages are updated continuously

» Each page has a keyword matching title

» The relevant keywords are repeated in the content

» Keywords are linked to related content-relevant Wikipedia pages

» External sites are linked by keywords to subpages of Wikipedia

» Links to external pages are search engine locked rel = nofollow

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1 presentation for hundreds of thousands of readers

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1 Presentation for Hundreds of Thousands of Readers

» Create an account and set up vanity URL (Example)

» You are able to upload all possible presentation documents/formats

» Show presentations embed (code) in your website (Example)

» Each presentation has a permanent URL

» Download of certain presentations may be limited

» Presentations can be advertised more proficiently and resourcefully

» Statistics on individual presentations document higher interest


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Your Personal Page (

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The Communication

» With XING

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Your company page

» With XING

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The Business Network

» Standard version is complimentary

- Advanced comfort version small charge per month

» Vanity URL is created automatically

» The company profile is available as a free version or paid (expensive)

» Everybody is connected with anybody (give a try!)

» Use tools like Outlook Plugin or XING mobile Apps

» Submit seminars, workshops, discussions and events (ticket service)

» Use XING job search and job offers

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Your personal page (

» LinkedIn

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The Communication

» Communication on LinkedIn

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Now, let's go International

» Possibilities and conditions are very similar to XING

» Today Linkedln is more efficient than XING to stay in touch with your

international business contacts

» Linkedln is remarkably stronger in other languages than German

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Because customers want to see movies


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Because customers want to see movies

» Your YouTube channel can be personalized (Example)

» Vanity URL is immediately available

» Videos can be provided in various formats HD | 2 GB | 15 minutes

» Videos can be uploaded directly from your smartphone or camera

» Feature your own- or YouTube-videos from other users

» Embed (code) videos in your website (Example)

» Users may rate and comment your videos


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Your digital Photo Album

Picasa and flickr

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Your digital Photo Album

» Your Google login may also be your Picasa login

» Upload photos via web interface or software

» Categorize by folders and add information

» Face recognition attempts to assign people

» Present pictures/slideshows with embed (code) on the website (Example)

» Each picture or photo album has a permanent URL

» Download of pictures can be restricted

» Rent additional space if 1 GB of memory is not sufficient

Picasa und flickr

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Blogs and Newsfeeds


» Estimated there are an +300 million blogs (Google Blog)

» Blogs originally consisted of clippings, notes and links from the Web.

Lately this task switched over to twitter and facebook

» Blogs are actual, short and chronological sorted

» Blog on your own website with free software like with

themes and plug-ins, or direct from suppliers such as

» Blogs serve small businesses/projects as homepage replacement

» Google blog search helps researching - but is incomplete

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Blogs und Newsfeeds

Search Engines do love Blogs

» Blogs use search engine friendly techniques

» Blogs notify (ping) search engines of new content

» Blogs are also published as a newsfeed which can be subscribed (pull)¶

» Newsfeeds are published in RSS / Atom which is an XML-based format for

sharing information in a machine-readable form (PM Newsfeed)

» Most e-mail software is ready for subsrcibing to newsfeeds

» Newsfeed content can be displayed on other sites (

This enhances the popularity of the author as well as the link popularity

of the blog

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The SMS of the Internet

• facebook + twitter

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140 characters for information junkies

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Small is Informational

» Social networking and microblogging service utilising instant messaging,

SMS or a web interface

» Top 100 companies worldwide use Twitter more than Facebook

» Twitter messages are limited to 140 characters

» Famous since Hudson landing "There's a plane into the Hudson. I'm on

the ferry going ... "

» Postings (twittering)

» @ # Hashtag person (subject) - retweet - @ RT kohlfuerst

» Use short URLs using TinyURL, and other to reduce message length

» Location is provided

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The Personal Page -

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The Communication

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The Company Profile -

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500.000.000 Users are Wrong? (Statistics)

» facebook is a free service exchanging information like contacts, messages,

photos, videos, gadgets, and games

» 2010 facebook has been used by 61% (+13%) of the top 100 companys

(Source: Burson-Marsteller)

» facebook mobile with +250 million active users

» Attention with private content - nothing is really deleted/cancelled out

» Private vs. Business

» Used by young people as an e-mail replacement

» US Companies are opening their facebook wall to user comments

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Managing Sites and Use

» Administration can be assigned to multiple people

» If a personal or company/fansite is created you need 25 friends for the

page to get the Vanity-URL (

» Install the LIKE & SEND button and install meta

tags in website to appear in the facebook real-time search

» Use 180x180 pixel profile images

» Links in the information fields refer to your website

» Special pages are created by using FBML


2. Edit Page -> Apps -> FBML

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facebook Services

» Personal Profile

» Company Pages (Personal profiles are administrators)

» (Closed) Groups

» facebook Messages (Mail) [email protected]

» Events

» Apps like FBML, Questions, YouTube, slideshare

» facebook Adverts

» facebook Local

» facebook Deals (Shopping)

» Insights (Statistics)

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Rating Platforms

Rate Me!

» Ratings are done by Check-In as well as comments, pictures or stars

» At present mainly hotels or restaurants are rated

» Employees already do rate employers and companies

» Be prepared for the future: everyone & everything will be rated

» Track your ratings by using monitoring systems like Google Alert or Alert

» Apply your listing by claiming it - you will receive continuous statistics and

rating informations

» The most used rating platforms do depend on the country you are in

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Rating Platforms

What to do with Bad Reviews?

» Stay calm and take a deep breath :-)

» When has the review been done?

» Check the rating for being valid during an employer meeting

» Use reactions and comments for further development

» Talk to the dissatisfied customers,

"Hi, I'm the manager of ...."

» Stick to facts and honest comments

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Rating Platforms

What to do with Bad Reviews?

» Provide concrete solutions

» Take a complaint seriously, as it may be a chance

» Transform negative critics into positive enthusiasts

» Common voter comments change only for a short time the outcome

» AVOID lawyers whenever possible

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You've got it in your Hand(y)

» foursquare - Gowalla - facebook Orte - Google Places» Smartphone App identifies your actual location, shows places where you

can check-in» After the check-in you may rate evaluate via stars/enclose pictures

» Users see where their friends have checked-in

» The checked-in location receives points. Locations crown a user who has

checked-in most frequently

» Create your own location and claim it

» The owner is able to edit the location and observe statistics

Location Based Services

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Argument for Users

» Better orientation in the reality (Facebook Places video)

- in unfamiliar places (an unbekannten Orten)

- in my home town (new trends)

» Feedback from friends and strangers support your decision

» Cultivate and nurse off-line contacts

» Smartphone navigation supports the orientation

» Special offers and rewards when users do a check-in

Location Based Services

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foursquare (Video)

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facebook Orte / Places (Video)

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Bewertungsplattformen Google Places (Video)

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From the Shopping Window into the Internet

Quick Response-Code

QR-Code (Generator)

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Best Case

Social Media Mix

Try: Google Favorite Places window decal

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The 7 Point-Start

1. Get your Vanity URLs in social media networks

2. Add social media buttons and Apps to your homepage

3. Encurace and inspire visitors to use Social Media

4. Motivate clients to a positive feed-back fo your business

5. Provide for a lively and good reputation in social networks, search

engines and ratings platforms

6. Be open minded to innovations and new ideas

One-time errors are investments

7. The Best Social Media Video Ever - Now Refreshed!

If you only follow the footsteps of others, you cannot pass by!

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Coffee Break!

Have fun and success with online marketing! ... I am available for questions and answers during coffee break .

Please suggest and rate this presentation on your favourite rating platform.

Michael Kohlfürst Internet Marketing Coaching & Consulting – [email protected]