social media by jonathan pollinger


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Social Media

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Page 2: Social media by Jonathan Pollinger
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Social Media overview Facebook and Twitter overview Benefits for a Local Authority How to achieve objectives - encourage reduction

of waste, recycling and reuse

BREAK Making the most of Facebook and Twitter Reaching your audience Key social media tools How to measure success Questions and review

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Benefits for a LA

• Social media helps raise awareness of issues• Helps you create a dialogue with residents• Great way to provide customer services• Helps your website show up in search results• Drive engaged visitors to your website• Helps you encourage people to take action• Enables real time communication• Messages can be received when mobile• Ensure messages reach a wider audience

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“Connect with friends and theworld around you on Facebook.”

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“24 million people use Facebook EVERY DAY in the UK”.

Source: Facebook

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Pages - Like

“Pages allow organizations, businesses, celebrities and brands to communicate broadly with people who like them.”

Profiles – Add Friend

"Profiles are for personal, non-commercial use only.”

Groups – Join Group

“Groups provide a closed space for small groups of people to communicate about shared interests.”

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Facebook benefits

• Successful way of spreading awareness• Great for asking for citizens’ feedback• Useful to openly respond to concerns/issues• 2 million people within 50 miles of Cardiff• Display evolution of the Council or dept.• Basic Page is free (but TIME needed)• Use of Post and Apps for engagement eg

campaigns and competitions

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Real time v Long time

Copywriting •Write text

Marketing •Design

Legal •Sign off

Marketing •Distribute





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Objectives: • Engage with local residents and harness new media• Promote council services• Ensure key messages are still heard as local paper

readership declines• Provide a quicker way of issuing important alerts• Offer real-time information that was accessible on the

move• Create a community who could offer feedback and ideas• Encourage push communications

SM Campaign – Winter 2012

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Actions:• Established channels on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter• Set up real time alerts’ including delays to bin collection• Created video content on key issues like recycling • Integrated social media (sm) and sm advertising into all corporate

campaigns• Actively monitored social media to take the temperature of issues • Introduced a social media policy• Used social media as a consultation tool to get feedback on key

service issues• Enabled people book snow ploughs or gritters directly from

Facebook. • Launched social media community photography group

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• Attracted more than 13,000 followers to social media profiles • More than 2,000 people signed up for iPhone app• Provided updates of news, real-time alerts, local events, and

live issues • Announced more than 180 school closures by 7am during

extreme weather• Received more than 700 pictures from ‘community

photographers’• Helped to get more than 2,000 people to sign-up for our e-zine. • Issued more than 1,000 alerts eg school closures or changes to

bin collections• Publically praised by Facebook and Twitter community


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How to achieve objectives - encourage reduction of waste, recycling and reuse

• Produce a strategy including content plan• Optimise social network profiles• Schedule regular updates - don’t forget to listen!• Use social ads to target those most likely to

respond eg well off families/starting outs/ /urban socialites

• Create campaigns around specific issues• Provide full timeline – what happens after recycling• Ensure that social media is integrated with


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Making the most of Facebook

• Ask questions - where, when, would and should

• Answer questions• Obtain feedback via Survey Monkey• Regularly post interesting content with pics • Highlight and pin relevant resources, articles

and information, photo albums, videos• Measure using Facebook Insights• Use Facebook Groups internally• Use Embedded Posts• Create a Statement or House Rules

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Facebook Groups

Features:• Security• Page rendering • Messaging• Docs• Email updating and notification

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Facebook Groups

Great for internal useCommunication, collaboration and…

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Making the most of Twitter best

• Think about what residents want to hear• Be personal, passionate and polite• Engage with ALL people who interact with you• Scheduling – YES, Automation – NO• Focus on listening and conversation• Ensure you answer questions promptly and as

fully as you can

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Retweet (RT)


verb [with object]: (on the social networking service Twitter) repost or forward (a message posted by another user)

noun: a reposted or forwarded message on Twitter

Source: Oxford English Concise Dictionary

Twitter term

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Use to:  Like a tweet Mark for reading later To collate and highlight feedback/testimonials/issues

Twitter term

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Help to categorise tweets into themes or subjects Use to group conversations Help build your awareness and audience Great for events, campaigns and chats


#saynotojunkmail, #rethinkyourrubbish #glostwitpick, #localgov, #lgovsm chat (3.30pm every Tues)

Twitter term

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BiG City Spring Clean campaign Week beginning 13 May 2013

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• Extra recycling bins were made available in City Centre

• Council officers stationed in Gloucester bus station reminding people of the fines for dropping litter

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Reaching your audience

• Post and tweet regularly• Maintain a consistent tone• Be personal but professional• Schedule• Consider Social Ads• Publicise social networks on other channels• Run joint and integrated campaigns

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Social Media is hard to measure BUT…

Strategy• Link to objectives - sales, customer services,

pr etc• Set metrics• Continually review

Tactics• Measure traffic using Google Analytics + bitly • Use Twitter hashtags in campaigns• Use Facebook Insights and Tweet Binder

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• Buffer• Facebook Insights• Facebook Graph Search• Advanced Twitter search• Twilert• Tweet Binder• Manage Flitter

Key Social Media Tools

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Questions and Review

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Connect withJonathan Pollinger

01242 on [email protected]/