social media boot camp training - web marketing fundamentals

Web Marketing Fundamentals Using Web Marketing to Connect, Grow and Profit

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Social Media Marketing Training Boot Camp - The Web Marketing Fundamentals. Ten things you must include in web site for optimal web marketing.


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Web Marketing Fundamentals

Using Web Marketing to Connect, Grow and Profit

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•Direct vs. image marketing

•Extroverts and introverts

•Web marketing fundamentals

•Search Engine magic

•Social Media marketing

What We’ll Cover

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More thana Pretty FaceWeb Marketing is a balance of aesthetics AND function

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Web Responds like Direct Marketing

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Image vs Direct


small impressions

lots of ‘em


conversion focused

predisposed only

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Extroverts vs Introverts

How do you treat people on the Web?

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•Incredibly Impatient


Web users are...Web User Are:

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So we know…

1. Web Marketing is not just a good looks

2. Web responds like direct marketing

3. Web Users are: Smart Impatient Introverted

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Online Marketing Success in 10 Steps

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Remember…Focus on the user

90.91% Self Focused!

Resources to look at:

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1. Grab ‘em with a Headline

Your headline is the first thing your visitor sees

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What’s in it for Me?

Headline types that produce strong results:

1. Benefit headlines (also called self-interest headlines)

2. News headlines (also called press release headlines)

3. Curiosity headlines

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Read more:

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2. Make Your Product the Hero

Read More:

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3. Calls to action

Read More:

You gotta tell ‘em what you want ‘em do to

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4. Consistent Branding

Read More:

Visual and text branding is important. Your visitors need to know they are in the right


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Consistent Content…

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5. Make it easy to contact you

Mini contact formsPhysical address

and phone numbers

Embedded ‘Contact Us’ links

Tip: List your # 5X on your home page.

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6. No surprises

Visitors should know within seconds who you are and what you can do for them

Give visitors what they expect

Use industry appropriate imagery and colors

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7. SEO is the way to go

Are you writing what you mean to say?

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8. Use testimonials

What do people say about you?

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9. Interact with your visitors

• Before and After shots

• Interactive videosee: (

• Industry-specific special features

see: (

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10. Privacy policy

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you


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Layla Grace Foundation1. No surprises

2. The brand is the hero

3. Consistent branding

4. Interactive elements

5. Calls to action

6. Easy to contact

7. Privacy

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Layla Grace – SM Profiles

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Let’s Talk SEOIf you build it… they still may not come.

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Search Engine Domination

Search Engine Marketing is awesome:• Clients come to you, not you to them• Cheaper and faster than traditional marketing• Easily measurable ROI

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SEO… Everywhere!

Do Your Research

Pick Your Top 5

Use them… Everywhere

Link them… Every Time

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Content is King!

A Search Engines Product is a Good Search Return

1. Great Content1. New2. Relevant

2. Links = Reputation

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Don’t be evilOffer good relevant content

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To Re-Cap

The Web responds like Direct Marketing

Web users act like introvertsWeb Marketing fundamentals -

simple yet powerfulGoogle is your best/worst friend

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