social media 101 by banyan communications

social media 101 Monday, August 17, 2009

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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A Social Media 101 presentation delivered to the National Cancer Institute's New Media Workgroup. Strategy and engagement methods developed specifically for government agencies.


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social media 101

Monday, August 17, 2009

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authors: chris koch & kathleen [email protected] | [email protected]

ph: 636.328.0221 | tw: @banyancom

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

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1. a simple social media


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Monday, August 17, 2009

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I mean,

I use only Tide.

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information spreading fluidly

among trusted sources.

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Social Media isn’t a new thing.It’s a new way of doing very old things.

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the old way.

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In the broadcast world,

information emanates from a single source.

In order to reach more listeners,

the source essentially has to get louder.

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The average American is encounters

around 245 advertising messages every day.

How loud?

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The louder it gets, the more inclined we are to block out the noise.

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and the solution?

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The incredible power of authentic human

conversation or... tell your friends and family.

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and self-reinforcing.Exponential...

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2. what is social media?

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Social Media:

* definition provided by Wikipedia, as of

September 2008. Work on this definition began on

July 9th 2006.

digital tools for sharing and discussing information

between people.*

it has been revised over 500 times

by hundreds of authors.

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Social Media:

digital tools for sharing and discussing information

between people.

• principally internet and mobile • designed to meet a natural desire or need

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Social Media:

digital tools for sharing and discussing information

between people.

three key actions of social media:• connect.• curate.• contribute.

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Social Media:

digital tools for sharing and discussing information

between people.

social media exist to facilitate, filter, and

authenticate conversation between human


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The conversation is happening.It’s up to you to shape it.

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social media in action.

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domerks!(7:52:06!PM): you know I can't really do my theory of social media justice via

instant messenger

domerks!(7:52:12!PM): however

domerks!(7:52:20!PM): i find it fascinating

domerks!(7:52:29!PM): i find fitting it into a business model fascinating

domerks!(7:52:39!PM): i find trying to fit it into a government/bureau model fascinating

hollywood5nd!(7:52:39!PM): well

domerks!(7:52:48!PM): b/c it’s like oil and water

hollywood5nd!(7:52:49!PM): because it's trying to take something that is by nature


hollywood5nd!(7:52:57!PM): and sort of will it to go in a certain way

domerks!(7:53:01!PM): well

domerks!(7:53:02!PM): see

domerks!(7:53:03!PM): kinda sorta

hollywood5nd!(7:53:08!PM): the parable of the trellis?

domerks!(7:53:11!PM): what’s that?

hollywood5nd!(7:53:38!PM): oh

hollywood5nd!(7:53:42!PM): it's this thing my boss loves

hollywood5nd!(7:53:47!PM): about how like

hollywood5nd!(7:53:57!PM): a trellis is one of those things in a garden that vines grow up

hollywood5nd!(7:54:15!PM): and, the trellis doesn't

control how the vines grow, but it gets them to where

they've got to go.

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The three key rules of Social Media:• listen intently.• reach out authentically.• participate consistently.

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3. overview of social media


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• blogs• social networking sites• user content networks – video and photo sites• wikis• micromedia – twitter and text messages• user-customized experiences – RSS, apps and


The Social Media landscape includes many, many tools

and platforms:

But new platforms are created all the time, and the

lines between tools are blurring.

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Tools change, but the fundamental actions of

Social Media – connect, curate and contribute –

remain consistent.

Social Media tools may be best understood through in

the context of these actions.

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1. Connect:the use of Social Media tools to develop and maintain two-

way relationships and form interwoven social networks.

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1. Connect: social networking on facebook

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1. Connect: social networking on govloop

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1. Connect: conversations on twitter

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2. Curate:the use of Social Media tools to tag and share content and build online experiences most relevant to a user’s interests

or needs.

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2. Curate: social bookmarking on digg

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2. Curate: shared media on facebook

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2. Curate: share functions on New York Times

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2. Curate: hash-tagging on twitter

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3. Contribute:the use of Social Media tools to create, add and share media, content or conversations.

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3. Contribute: posts on blogs

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3. Contribute: comments on Ning

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3. Contribute: user video on YouTube

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3. Contribute: microblogging on twitter

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4. social media for behavior


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In social media, the lines between our real lives and

digital lives are disappearing

allowing messages to travel fluidly between our on-line

activities and off-line values, attitudes, and behaviors –

and back again.

why is Social Media such a powerful tool

for behavior change?

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people are most eager to share what’s most meaningful to them.

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the more meaningful the message, the more powerful Social Media tools can be.

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Social Media users seeking

answers about real-world

smoking behavior.

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Three approaches for affecting behavior

through Social Media:

• social psychology

• social ecology

• social marketing

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Messages can be crafted and delivered to in ways that

influence attitudes, encourage action and promote positive

behavior change.

• social psychology

• social ecology

• social marketing

Three approaches for affecting behavior

through Social Media:

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• social psychology

• social marketing

The dynamics of the relationships that make up social

media networks can be leveraged to invest audience

members in a message and turn them into promoters.!

• social ecology

Three approaches for affecting behavior

through Social Media:

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• social psychology

• social marketing

• social ecologyEngagement with messages and lasting behavior change

can be secured by understanding and addressing audiences

through their individual, relational, communal and

societal contexts.

Three approaches for affecting behavior

through Social Media:

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The Model of Social Ecology:

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individual relationship

The Model of Social Ecology:

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individual relationship community

The Model of Social Ecology:

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individual relationship community society

The Model of Social Ecology:

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Social Media connects conversation

at every level.

The Model of Social Ecology:

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Effective Social media strategies influence

the conversation at every level.

The Model of Social Ecology:

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5. social media and federal


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GSA Social Media Agreements

Throughout 2009, the General Services Administration has struck agreements with many social media platforms to overcome the liability and sunshine roadblocks that have hindered Federal Agencies from interacting with the public on-line.

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GSA Social Media Agreements

Presently the list of social networking platforms with compliant Terms of Service includes:

• Facebook• MySpace• Twitter• Flickr• YouTube

New agreements are currently being added.

• Vimeo•• Blist• AddThis

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Federal agencies using Social Media

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Federal agencies using Social Media

DHHS BlogMonday, August 17, 2009

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Federal agencies using Social Media

CDC on YouTubeMonday, August 17, 2009

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Federal agencies using Social Media

DHHS on TwitterMonday, August 17, 2009

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Federal agencies using Social Media on facebookMonday, August 17, 2009

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Despite impressive forward steps, Social Media

outreach by Federal agencies has thus far

tended to be:

• limited in scope• one-directional• inconsistent

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6. NCI and Social Media

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Benefits of a Social Media Strategy• Provides qualitative and quantitative insight into the

existing Social Media landscape surrounding a topic.

• Organizes messages and workflow to ensure effective, consistent engagement.

• Elevates engagement above Social Media for Social Media’s sake by leveraging tested approaches.

• Educates stakeholders, partners and proxies to extend reach and depth of engagement.

• Allows for measurement of impact and adaptation to strengths and weaknesses.

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NCI Pregnant Smoking Cessation

Phase 1 – Lurking and Environmental Scan: Complete

Highlights of Phase 1 findings:

• Helpful tone is critical; conversations turn emotional quickly.

• Medical advice needs to be given by professionals.

• Follow up is important; don’t hit and run.

• 7.5 mentions per hour for most popular search terms

5460 per month.

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NCI Pregnant Smoking Cessation

Phase 2 – Strategic Recommendation: Ongoing

Phase 3 – Implementation and Initial Engagement

Phase 4 – Strategic Outreach

Phase 5 – Measurement

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There's no way to fully control a grassroots conversation or movement.

But you can plant a stake in the ground.!

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class dismissed.

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