social groups


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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Social Groups
Page 2: Social Groups

Another representation I decided to use for the male characters was their appearances not looking suspicious and jus t your normal ‘typical guy’. In American Psycho, Patrick Bateman acts like the casual guy in front of people when really, he is the ‘psycho.’

In Target, I decided to represent the men as being secretive compared to the women characters . I made this decis ion because from the Thrillers that I have analysed, I noticed that the men were always hiding something from everyone else. For example, despite Detective S omerset being seen as a protagonis t in S e7en, he hides the fact that he cares for people deep ins ide but acts as if he’s s trong about being alone with no one to love.

Page 3: Social Groups

The women are represented seen as them being obs tacles for the men to get over. ‘Target’ demons trates this by our male character Brad, is dating the only female featured, Rachel. S he ends up forcing Brad to chose between the love or money after confronting her true self, which results in her being shot.

This also means that the women in Target are represented as the ones who are being treated badly because of them being immoral characters . Mos t Thrillers show the same representation because the majority of victims that are women in Thrillers are normally killed off and the audience know that the antagonis ts , despite what sex they are, mos t of the time get what they deserved.

Page 4: Social Groups

With the cos tume being all in black, it was important to have someone who was tall and broad built as on camera, he would look hard-looking. But whis t ins ide, his appearance mus t show that he is a normal guy and other people would not noticed that he could potentially be an as sass inator.

I made decis ions on who would be right to s tar in my Thriller by thinking of who would be able to follow directions well whils t on set and be able to pull off the sort of characteris tics an as sas s inator would use; like the smug look they usually have when they’ve completed a mis s ion. The actor also had to be fit enough when it came to being able to run far dis tances a few times because of having to re-take shots .

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The audience find out that someone does die during the sequence. However, they are never told who the victim it is and why they were killed. I used a technique called montage editing where I showed Brad cros s ing off someone on the corkboard and then turning on the televis ion, seeing that on a news report, someone had been killed. The audience then puts the two pieces of information together and realise that Brad mus t of had something to do with the shooting as his reaction to the report shows that he’s happy and not showing any feelings towards the tragic news .

The death doesn’t only show that Brad is cons idered emotionles s but also, the person who has been murdered mus t have done something wrong in Brad’s opinion. The audience don’t find this out until after the opening sequence.

Page 6: Social Groups

My product involves the social group of people with disabilities by the main character, Brad, having several mental disorders - Delus ional Disorder and Hypnagogia.

This tells the audience that this certain social group may expand from people jus t thinking that they can’t do much harm because of them not being able to do some things that others can do. S ometimes it makes them go the complete oppos ite through being either aggress ive/frus trated or jus t wanting the attention they may of never got when they were a child; which Brad experiences through being adopted as a child and also been beaten up, caus ing him to suffer greatly during his youth life. This includes the social group of teenagers . Target tells the audience that they are sometimes emotionles s to other people by jus t thinking about themselves , despite people like Brad needing support.