social and club news - 21/cortland ny standard/cortl… · native of northern new...

Page 2 CORTLAND STANDARD Fri., Feb. 7, 1969 . SOCIAL AND CLUB NEWS Anna hAae Darby, Robert F. Trim Are Married ! A honeymoon trip to Florida has been planned by Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Trim following their marriage Wednesday eve- ning in Cortland. ! The former Anna Mae Dar- by, daughter of Mrs. John J. Darby of Utica and Robert Trim of Truxton exchanged wedding vows before Judge Al- bert C. Comando. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heath of Truxton. A reception followed at the Valley Inn, Truxton, where Mr. Trim is proprietor. • Following their wedding trip, the couple will reside in Trux- ton. Social Briefs —The Blodgett Mills Home- makers Club will meet Tuesday for a tureen supper at 6:30 at the Blodgett Mills Methodist ttiurch. Hostesses will be Lena Greenman and Ethel Stafford. The lesson on "Ads Add Up" will be presented by Agnes Phelps. JUNE BRIDE —A Public Card Party, spon- sored by the McLean Grange will be held tomorrow evening at 8 in the McLean Community Hall. Women are asked to take sandwiches. —Diana Court 54, Order of Amaranth, will hold a regular meeting Monday at 8 p. m. at the Masonic Temple. Members are reminded to take articles for a Chinese Auction to be he'd during the social iour fol- lowing the meeMn? P~«-»CS. ments will be served. Officers are to wear street dress. —Bridge Class will be held at 8 p. m. at the YWCA on Mon- day evening. —YoWcCa Club will meet Monday at 0:15 at the YWCA for dinner, followed by a ses- sion of sewing cancer dress- ings. —The Singles Coffeehouse will meet Sunday evening from 7:30 to 11 at the Ithaca Youth Center, 330 E. State St. This week there will be dancing to records and refreshments will be served. Open to singles jgsd 21 to 61. Public Invifed To St. Mary's Valentine Dance The public is invited to attend the Valentine Social featuring round and square dancing at St Mary's School cafeteria to- morrow evening from 10 p. m. to 1 a. m. Sponsored by the Parent's Guild, the event will feature music provided by Hal Rogers and his Band. Lois Miller is the caller. Refreshments will be available. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Teeter are general chairman. Reserva- tions for large groups may be made with Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbons at 753-1609. Children Invited To Attend Story Hour on Saturday The Cortland Seventh-day Adventist Church, 106 N. Main St., extends an invitation to all children in the area to at- tend the story hour which is conducted on Saturday after- noons from 3 to 4 p. m. The children have an op- portunity to join in singing many of their favorite songs, listening to interesting stories each week plus the Bible les- son. The children have been study- ing the Life of Christ, and this week's lesson topic will be. "Jesus Teaches from a Boat." Plan now to attend these inspir- ing programs. Darlene Van Douse! Mrs. Phyllis Pryor Van Don- sel of 206 Prospect St., Ithaca, announces the engagement of her daughter, Darlene, to John E. Brady III son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Brady Jr., West Springfield, Mass. Miss Van Donsel is also the daughter of William Van Donsel of Cortland. The bride-elect attended Ithaca High School, was gradu- ated from Cascadilla Prepara- tory and attended St. Peters- burg Junior College of Florida. She is now employed at New York Stater Electric and Gas Corporation. Mr. Brady graduated from West Springfield High School and Deerfield Academy. He is a brother of Theta Delta Chi frat- ernity and a senior at Cornell University. A June wedding is planned. Papers Given At Literary Club Meeting Mrs. Harlan Metcalf and Mrs. Paul Combs presented papers at Wednesday's meeting of the Ladies Literary Club held at the home of Mrs. John E. Eckel. Miss Mildred Barrows was as- sistant hostess and the business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Richard De Mott. Mrs. Metcalf s topic was "Ga- spesia" and she covered the northern geographical section of the Appalachians, the French speaking Gaspe region. This peninsula abounds in natural beauty, mountains, high cliffs, moors and the sea, she noted. Plant and animal life are plentiful and varied. At the Gaspesia Provincial Park, you could possibly see Swedish dogwood, orchids, birds' eye primroses, butterwort, sentious, violets, iris, lilacs, giant double- headed clover, blue vetch, loosetrife, colombine and blue- bells. There are bird sancturies at St. Boneventure and Bird Rock, she added, where thousands of gannets can be seen, and throughout the province one will also find puffins, razor-billed auks, herring gulls, double beaked cormorants, guillemots, thrush, chickadees, nesting yel- low raisl, warblers, crossbills, petrels and peregrines. Again this section has pointed out the great diversity in this large mountain range. Following the social hour, Mrs. Combs, choosing a subject on American Art, read a paper on "The Life and Work of Fred- eric Remington. Remington, a native of northern New York State, has given us for all time a pictorial history of the West. In all of his works one can see the firm hand of a master craftsman and observe his ab- solute fidelity to truthful rea- lism. He acheived his life's goal, a fusion of true art and documentary representation. Pictures a n d commentaries on selected pictures from the Frederic Remington Book by Harold McCracken which con- tains nearly 400 of his finest paintings, drawings and works of sculpture, were shown and given by Mrs. Combs. Assistant Pastor Of St. Anthony's Receives Welcome The Rev. Frederick Pompei, new assistant pastor at St. Anthony's Church, was intro- duced to members of the Altar Society at their regular meet- ing last evening in the church hall. The meeting, conducted by Miss Mary Brevetti, was open- ed with prayer by Mrs. Jennie Celeste. Due to the inclement weather, the representative of a home products company, who was to present a display of fund-raising items, postponed his visit until the April 2 meet- ing. An informal meeting, with each member taking a guest, has been planned for March 5 at 8 p. m. Under the co-chair- manship of Mrs. Concetta Sar- do and Mrs. Ralph Giamichael, refreshments will be served and cards will be played. A 5 and 10 cent supper has been planned for March 19, with serving from 5 to 7 p. m. Italian dishes will be featured at this affair which is open to the public. Mrs. Dom Natoli and Mrs. Helen Natoli are in charge of arrangements. The annual birthday party for the members will be held May 7. Mrs. Robert Reitano is chair- man. Mrs. Rose Celeste was wel- comed back as a member. The meeting concluded with a social hour with refreshments. Historic Boulder Is Program Topic "The Boulder" an historical site in Cortland, was discussed by Mrs. Belle Reas for mem- bers of Fourscore Club at their luncheon meeting Monday at the Senior Center. The speak- er's information was presented through the courtesy of the Tioughnioga Chapter, Daugh- ters of the American Revolu- tion. An open discussion followed the talk. The business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Florence Robbins. Mrs. Iva Stevens gave the prayer. Members are requested to take a Valentine for the Valentine Party which will be the highlight of next Monday's luncheon meeting. Annual Carnival Being Planned by German Club Plans for their annual "Carnival" were discussed Wednesday evening by mem- bers of the German Club. The event will be held Feb. 15 at San Rocco Lodge. Club mem- bers and other interested per- sons are invited to wear costume, and prizes will be awarded. The Alpince Orchestra from Binghamton will be featured with other special music of- fered by club members. Committee chairmen include Mrs. Horst Feuerherm and Mrs. Herman Koch, decorations and Mrs. 'Dominick Rosato, costume prizes. The Grand March will be led by Donald Boehm. Mrs. Karl Ziegler presided during last evening's meeting, which was held at the YWCA. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Gerardo Brown. Progress Club Ostranders Mark Plans Luncheon 25th Anniversary A luncheon meeting is plan- ned for Progress Club mem- bers next Tuesday at 12:30 at the YWCA. Those attending are requested to take a dish of food to pass. Hostesses will be Mrs. John Bryan, Mrs. George Sammons and Mrs. Walter Tennant. This meeting will be the Kickoff for the second half- year of Interest Groups. Mem- bers are requested to return the interest questionnaires be- fore or at this meeting, for evaluation. Child care will be provided. All newcomers to the area are invited to attend, as well ss old friends of the group. CARD OF THANKS The family of the ^ate Mrs. Anna Homer wi>'e; t) fiark friends and relatives for their kindnes.-. also Dr. Wair.stein and Dr. Krauklis and Rev. Ryder. Also to the staff »:i nurses at Cort and Memorial Hospital for their cut larding services. Advertiseme-t 32-lt Mr. and Mrs. George Ostrander, 33 River St., Homer, were honored Jan. 25 on the oc- casion of their 25th wedding anniversary. The surprise party was held at the Homer Grange Hall. Margaret Armstrong and George Ostrander were mar- ried Jan. 28, 1944 in Homer by the late Rev. Arthur Moody of the Methodist Church. Mrs. Lawrence Slade of Williams- port. Pa. and Bruce Wire of Preble were their only at- tendants. The celebration was given by the couple's three children, Mrs. Margaret Custer of Homer, Mrs. Robert (Mary) Corriveau of Southbridge, Mass. and John L. of Homer. They also have three grand- children, the Misses Margaret and Lynda Custer and Tammy Lynn Ostrander. Mr. Ostrander is employed by Ames Chevrolet of Cortland. About 60 friends and relatives attended the party, from Rochester, Syracuse, Ithaca, Marathon. McLean, Cortland, Homer and Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Ostrander received money and other lovely gifts. Freetown Mrs. Harry Christopher Freetown United Methodist Church The Rev. Howard A. Pasel, minister, phone McGraw 836- 8411 Sunday: 9:30, worship service. 10:30, church school. BRIEF MENTION FREETOWN — Mr. a nd Mrs. Beryl Slocum and family called on Mrs. Slocum's brother Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McMahon Jr and family Mottsville recently. Mrs. Roy Brown and daugh- ter Mary visited their mother and grandmother Mrs. George Lampert, Hoosick Falls over the weekend. Shelli Cross daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cross entered kindergarten at Marathon Cen- tral School, Monday. The Twinbridges Snowmobile Club held a pancake supper at the Stramba .Pavilion Satur- day evening. About sixty en- joyed the supper. Ben Stone was home from Cornell for the weekend. Freetown Grange will meet Thursday evening at 8:30 at the home of Gerald Stone, weather permitting. Farmers and non-farmers a- like enjoyed the Farm Show at the Lusk Field House in Cort- land, last week. In a letter from their daugh- ter, Mrs. Jack Sherman, in Hawaii, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stone learned of the cold weather there and Mrs. Sher- man had to get out her winter coat. However, she reported no colds from the change. The Shermans mailed a cocoanut to Gerald Stone, writing his name and address on the husk. CINCINNATUS Mrs. Thomas Burlingame. Phone Cincinnatos 863-2325 NEWS REPORTER and ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE CCS TO HOST COUNTY BAND FEST TOMORROW BRIEF MENTION DENTAL HEALTH WEEK — In observance of National Children's Dental Health Week, the Cortland County Dental Society sponsored a Dental Health Poster Contest in the elementary schools of the Enlarged Cortland City School District. This 21st observance has been Feb. 2 - 8, and the contest was directed by Mrs. Eliz- abeth Hannon, dental hygiene teacher, in co- operation with Mrs. Helen Bull, elementary art supervisor. Pictured receiving their awards from Dr. William Golicki, left, president of the Cortland County Dental Society, from left to right, are Anthony Yonta, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Yonta, 32 Abdallah Ave., a fifth grad- er at Barry School; Sharon McClosky, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marshall, 12 Rick- ard St., a second grader at Pomeroy School, and Carol Spence, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Spence, 77 Greenbush St., a fourth grader at Randall School. Honorable mention went to the fifty other participants from Barry, Pomeroy, Randall, Parker, Smith and Virgil Schools. Assisting Dr. 'Golicki with the judg- ing was Mrs. N. C. Wollin of the health educa- tion department of SUCC. (Art Allen photo) Area Women Set Feb. 12 For Retreat Lincoln's Birthday, Feb. 12, has been chosen for the Baptist Women's Day of Retreat, to be held at High Acres, the home of Mrs. David Camp on Route 90. A get-acquainted and coffee hour will begin at 9:30 a. m., followed by worship, music and group discussion. Prayer will be the theme for the day. Each woman attending is re- quested to take her Bible and a box lunch. Guides for the dis- cussions will be Mrs. Harley Al- bro, Mrs. W. Gordon Carter, Mrs. David Chapman and Mrs. Charles Rutan. The pianist for the day will be Mrs. Jacob Camp. The afternoon will be devoted to more group participation and a period of time when all groups will share inspiration of the day. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. Gary Burnham and Mrs. Nelson Wright. Arrangements were in charge of Mrs. Kenneth Casterline, Mrs. Donald Cobb, Mrs. Max LeFever, Mrs. David Camp and Mrs. Egbert Foun- tain. SWIM TEAM WILL GO m N E W HARTFORD SAT. Members of the boys and girls swim teams from the Cortland YMCA will attend an AAU- sanctioned swim meet on Sun- day at the New Hartford Cen- tral School. The youngsters will compete individually for first, second and third place medals, ss wall as fourt'i. fifth and sixth place ribbons. Competing teams from the Adirondack Region AAU will be present. Leaving the YMCA at 10 a.- m. Sunday, members of the Dolphins, girls swim team, will be Jennifer Bailey, Lisa Bull, Barbara Mueller, Susan Mi- chaud, Susan Mueller, Lori Gallagher, Jody Stokoe, Lindy Vangeli, Abbie Willmer, Susie Smith, Pat Timpano, Donna Fowler, Lynn Reynolds, Kathy Vangeli and April Kee. The boys attending will be Douglas Bailey, John Corey, John Reynolds, Jim Reagan and Mario Vangeli. Duplicate Bridge Result Announced Retta Dunning and Mildred Haskell scored high at yester- day's Duplicate Bridge session at the YWCA. They had a total of 45Vi points. Other scorers above the 36 point average included Marie Kanar and Mildred Perry with 42; Erna Root and Carrie King, 38; Elvira Tennant and Made- line Allen tied with Helen Max- on and May Finn with 37% points and Ethel Schrouder and Helen Cooper, 37. The group will meet next Thursday at 1 p. m. at the YW under the direction of Helen Long. CHRISTIAN YOUTH TYME WILL FEATURE FILM The film, "Look Who's Living Next Door" will be presented tomorrow evening at the Cort- land Christian Youth T y m e Teen Rally at 7:45 p. m. The story confronts the con- cerned Christian with basic situation ethics problems brought about by the new morality. A Rally is held every other week at the Courthouse auditorium in Cortland. MARATHON Messengerville r- Hunts Corners Lapeer Texas Valley Killawog AREA NEWS REPORTER - Mrs. J. Marlin White, Cold Spring Road. Dial 849-3242. TEXAS VALLEY NEWS - Mrs. Glenn Carter, Dial 849-5517. Boots Comers Baptist Cborcfc Rev Wilbur C. Barber, pas- tor. 10, Sunday school. 11, morning worship. 8, evening worship. Thursday, 8, prayer meeting. -»—r-, Texas Valley Community Chnrch The Rev. Leon Gumaer, pastor. 12:30, morning worship. First Baptist Church The Rev. Robert Mattox, pas» trr, 3 Academy St., phone VIS- 3499. Sunday: 10, Sunday school. 11, morning worship. St. Stephen's Church The Rev. Bernard Garstka, rectory, 12 Academy St. Pnone VI 9-3480. Sunday: 9 and 12:15 masses. Saturday, 4 to 5 and 7 to 8. confessions. United Presbyterian Church The Rev. Thomas C Welch Jr., oastor. 4 Brink St.; phone VI- 9-6151. Sunday: 9:45 church school. 11. morning worship. Killawog Baptist Church Rev. Stephen Guenther pas- tor. Sunday: 10:30, worship service. 11:30, Sunday school. 7:45, p. m., evening servics. Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., pray- er meeting. Saturday 7:30 p.m., Teen Ciub. Methodist Church The Rev. Leon C. Gumaer. VI 9-5512 pastor, 27 W. Main St.; phone Sunday: 10 morning worship, Killawog. 11:15, morning worship. Mara- thon. 12:30, afternoon worship, Texas Valley. St. John's Episcopal Church The Rev. James E. Wolfkiel Jr., rector, phone Cortland 753-3073. 10, morning prayer and ser- mon. Truxton - Cuyler Mrs. Gerald Moore GENERAL NEWS TRUXTON-CUYLER —Miller Grange of Truxton will hold their meeting on Thursday Feb. 13 at 8 p. m. Randy Vaas, a fishing biologist, will be guest Eilean Kinneally, A'.da Moor:\ :.; «...;.c woua, Theima Moore. and Misses Helena Dwyer and Catherine Dwyer attended the January meeting of the Cortland County American Legion Auxili- ary held recently in Cortland. Next County meeting will be held in McGraw on March 25. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGraw have returned to their home after spending some months wi«h their sons' in Oswego and KirkviUe. lne East Homer WSCS will meet Thursday, Feb. 13 at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Dewey Parker. The Truxton WSCS will meet Wednesday, Feb. 12. The Mid-week Lenten Series will begin on Ash Wednesday and continue each Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. Guest minist- ers will participate at each of the services. R. WATROS NAMED HEAD OF LOCAL UNIT OF DAIRYMEN'S LEAGUE MARATHON — The annual Dairymen's League local unit dinner meetmg was held Tues- day at the Grange Hall. Speak- ers at the business session fol- " lowing the dinner .were Mike Scanlon and Ernest Lowry of Binghamton, division repre- sentatives, and William Law. son, Dundee, district director. Richard Watros was elected president; Warren Pendell, vice president; and Mrs. Marion Summers, secretary-treasurer. Delegates named for the year to represent the local unit at the annual meeting in October are Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Conk- lin. Junior delegates are Kathy and Keith Cornell, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Cor- nell. BRIEF MENTION MARATHON — Five Boy Scouts from Troop 90 with their leader participated in the Klon- dike Derby held during the weekend at the East Virgil Ski Trail. Those attending were: Jorge Montoya, James Holmes, Rick DuBrava and John and Jeff Liddington. KILLAWOG — The Ladies Auxiliary of the Killawog Fire Department would like dona- tions of clothing, blankets and toys for children in an Vietnam orphanage. Contributions jnay be left with Mrs. Richard P~end- ell or Mrs. Paul Barrows. TEXAS VALLEY — The Tex- as Valley Grange will meet at the Hall Saturday Night at 8. The Merrill's Creek 221 Club will meet Feb. 12 at 1:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Glenn Cart- er. Mrs. Joe Fox will present the lesson "Clothing and Worn, an's Role." Those working on the pillow tops should bring them to this meeting. The Maple Leaf 4-H club was recently organized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Fox have received word that their son, Ira, has completed training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas and has been transferred to Lowry, Colo. Area residents receiving treatment at Cortland Memorial Hospital are Mrs. Amy Gard- ner, Maurice Phalen and Mrs. Irene Henderson. Mrs. Hender- son is the mother of Mrs. Al- fred Pritchard. Clifton Carter returned to his home in Glastonbury, Conn. Monday after spending the weekend at the home of his brother, Charles Carter. His wife remained and makes fre- quent visits to her sister, Mrs. Charles Carter, who had to re- turn to Wilson Memorial Hospit- al, Johnson City. Irving Potter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potter, entered the Armed Forces this week. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carter were in Vestal Sunday at the Home of their daughter, Mrs. Frank Smith. Their grandson, Norman, had recently returned from Ideal Hospital, Endicott. WiJlet Methodist Church The Rev. Carles F. Baker, pastor. McDonough. Phone 647 5406. Sunday: 8:45, morning wor- ship. Preston. 10:15, morning worship. Mc- Donough. 11:30. morning worship, WU- !et. 7 family training boor. 7:45. evening service. CINCINNATUS — The Annual Cortland County Band Festival will be held Saturday, Feb. 8 at 7:30 in the Cincinnatus Central School" auditorium. The program will be made up of two numbers each by the De- Ruyter, McGraw. Marathon, Homer and Cincinnatus high school bands plus a second half to the concert by a select band made up of selected students from tie five participating schools. The select band wiii be under the direction of Charles Roberts, director if bands at the Greece-Arcadia schools. Mr. Roberts was instrumental teacher and band director at the Homer Central School for many years. Mr. Roberts will rehearse tb« select band Friday evening and all day Saturday in preparation for the Saturday evening con- cert The public is invited to the concert. There will be no admis- sion charge, but an offering will be taken to defray the cost of the festival. POSTPONED COST STUDY MEET RESET FOR TUES. CINCINNATUS — The cost study meeting involving the re- organization of the four Central School Districts of Georgetown, South Otselic, DeRuyter and Cincinnatus, which was schedul- ed to be held Feb. 4 at South Otselic High School, was post- poned until Tuesday, Feb. 11 A general meeting of the con. cerned Boards of Education will be held on this new date at South Otselic with John Bis- hop of the Bureau of School Reorganization in attendance. « N C Y PTA CONTINUES OFJiERATM SAP STUDY CINCINNATUS — Cincinna- tus PTA will meet Tuesday, Feb. 11 with home room visita- tion from 7:30 p. m. to 8 O'clock. Following a brief business meeting at 8, Dr. Norman Sim- orison, assistant professor of Clinic Psychology at Syracuse University, will again discuss the generation gap. Students, adults and parents will be invit- ed to share opinions. Dr. Simonson will also com- ment on the January panel dis- cussion. Virgil Mrs. Kenneth Pond United Methodist Church The Rev. Donald Wright, pas- tor. Sunday 10:30, worship service. 11:30, church school. BRIEF MENTION VIRGIL — A meeting of the WSCS will be held Wednesday evening at the parsonage. Members of the Virgil Scout Troop 102, who attended the camporee at East Virgil on Saturday and Sunday were Ed and Keith Avery, Jerry Van Zile, Mickey Elliott and David McKee. David McKee acted as leader for the Virgil Scouts. N Rosalind Kimmich, Oswego, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kimmich. Thomas Munson, St. Peters- burg, Fla., grandson of Mrs. Dorothy Munson, has returned from duty in Vietnam and has been visiting relatives in this vicinity. After his furlough, he will report for duty in Texas. Mrs. J. N. Johnson enter- tained the members of the Double Six Bridge Club for dessert and bridge at her home on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Donald McKee, Mrs. Raymond Bristol. Cor+land. and Mrs. Dale Olmsted were substitutes for the absent members. Prizes were won by Mrs. McKee, Mrs. Lillian Hutchings, Mrs. Bristol and Mrs. Ralph Kimmich. GO SAFE. . . GO SAAB 69 Models in Stock GUARANTEED UltD CAM • Long Term Leasing • " » EUROPE GARAGE VJS. Rt. 11, PoDxville 756-5656 Cortland Christian Youth Tyme PRESENTS LOOK WHO'S LIVING NEXT DOOR A film tKat confronts trie concerned Chriitian with basic situation ethics problems brought about by the New Morality SEE IT AT: TEEN RALLY Co«rt Haute Amditonmm - C o r t W 8 FEBRUARY 7:45 PM. CINCINNATUS — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Livermore were Sunday callers of Mrs. Alma Osborn in Willet An appearance of the Harlem Astronauts Basketball team will be on Thursday, Feb. 20 at 8 o'clock in the Cincinnatus Cen- tral School gym when they meet the school faculty and friends in a game being sponsored by the varsity club of the school. Tic- kets may be procured in ad- vance from 5th and 6th grade CCS students. Miss Virginia Johnson, Dis- trict Deputy Grand Matron ef Cortland-Madison District, will begin her official visits of the various OES chapters of her district on Wednesday evening at Achmetha Chapter in Oneida. Any OES member wishing to at- tend these visitations may con- tact Miss Johnson. Immediately following Sun- day's 11 o'clock service at the Congregational Church, a din- ner will be held in the church house to launch the very-mem- ber canvas drive. Terry D. Shufelt, Cincinna- tus, RD 2, has been accepted for admission in September to the State University Agricultur- al and Technical Coliege at Del hi. He will study engineering science technology. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crane, he expects to graduate with the class of 1969 from Cincinnatus Central School. Congregational Church -T.'-e Rev. Dor.^ld MacLeod, pa-tor. Sunday: 10, Sunday school. 11:15, morning worship. Our Lady of Perpetual Help The Rev Bernard A Garst- ka, pastor. Sunday: 10:45, mass. United Methodist Church f e Re.. Donau .viac^ec. pastsr. Sudry: !0, mamins worship. 11 church school. 11. adu't di":u-. : i:n rrou->. 7, Yruth Fellowship. Christian Union Church The Rev. Laurel Jenfcins, Sunday: 10, Sunday school. 11. morning worship 6:30, Young People. 7:30, evening service Thursday. 7:30, prayer meet ing First Baptist Chnrch The Rev. Duane Bell, pastor. Sunday: 10:15, morning worship. 11:15. Sunday school. 7, junior and senior youth. 8, evening service. Wednesday. 8. prayer meet- ing. Gordon's Drugs 13 Clinton Ave. "Just Off Main St." Fleece Pads for Convalescents for Bed Use LifOGen Oxygen Units Old Fashioned Sticking Salve 59c Ground Ginger 34 lb 85c Salt Peter lb. 45c Liquiprim 79c Absorbine Jr. . . $1.09 Milk of Magnesia Full Quart 99c Glycerine Suppositories Only 29c Morton's Smoked Salt . $1.95 Wormwood Ointment 49c Arm Ointment . . . 49c Ice Go $1.59 Gordon's Cleansing Tissues Our Best 3 for $1.00 Dramamine for Air or Car Sickness 89c Gordon's Aspirin Tablets 100 for 24c Sassafras Bark oz. 35c Sulfur and Cream Tartar Lozenges . 69c Horehound Drops Bag 29c Sacro Lumbar Supports A Full Line in Stock Just As Your Doctor Wishes. mmm Always Fresh Always A Good Supply j ' Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: SOCIAL AND CLUB NEWS - 21/Cortland NY Standard/Cortl… · native of northern New York State, has given us for all time a pictorial history of the West. In all of

Page 2 CORTLAND STANDARD Fri., Feb. 7, 1969 .

SOCIAL AND CLUB NEWS Anna hAae Darby, Robert F. Trim Are Married ! A honeymoon trip to Florida has been planned by Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Trim following their marriage Wednesday eve­ning in Cortland. ! The former Anna Mae Dar­by, daughter of Mrs. John J. Darby of Utica and Robert Trim of Truxton exchanged wedding vows before Judge Al­bert C. Comando.

Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heath of Truxton. A reception followed at the Valley Inn, Truxton, where Mr. Trim is proprietor. • Following their wedding trip, the couple will reside in Trux­ton.

Social Briefs —The Blodgett Mills Home-

makers Club will meet Tuesday for a tureen supper at 6:30 at the Blodgett Mills Methodist ttiurch. Hostesses will be Lena Greenman and Ethel Stafford. The lesson on "Ads Add Up" will be presented by Agnes Phelps.


—A Public Card Party, spon­sored by the McLean Grange will be held tomorrow evening at 8 in the McLean Community Hall. Women are asked to take sandwiches.

—Diana Court 54, Order of Amaranth, will hold a regular meeting Monday at 8 p. m. at the Masonic Temple. Members are reminded to take articles for a Chinese Auction to be he'd during the social iour fol­lowing the meeMn? P~«-»CS. ments will be served. Officers are to wear street dress.

—Bridge Class will be held at 8 p. m. at the YWCA on Mon­day evening.

—YoWcCa Club will meet Monday at 0:15 at the YWCA for dinner, followed by a ses­sion of sewing cancer dress­ings.

—The Singles Coffeehouse will meet Sunday evening from 7:30 to 11 at the Ithaca Youth Center, 330 E. State St. This week there will be dancing to records and refreshments will be served. Open to singles jgsd 21 to 61.

Public Invifed To St. Mary's Valentine Dance

The public is invited to attend the Valentine Social featuring round and square dancing at S t Mary's School cafeteria to­morrow evening from 10 p. m. to 1 a. m.

Sponsored by the Parent's Guild, the event will feature music provided by Hal Rogers and his Band. Lois Miller is the caller. Refreshments will be available.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Teeter are general chairman. Reserva­tions for large groups may be made with Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbons at 753-1609.

Children Invited To Attend Story Hour on Saturday

The Cortland Seventh-day Adventist Church, 106 N. Main St., extends an invitation to all children in the area to at­tend the story hour which is conducted on Saturday after­noons from 3 to 4 p. m.

The children have an op­portunity to join in singing many of their favorite songs, listening to interesting stories each week plus the Bible les­son.

The children have been study­ing the Life of Christ, and this week's lesson topic will be. "Jesus Teaches from a Boat." Plan now to attend these inspir­ing programs.

Darlene Van Douse! Mrs. Phyllis Pryor Van Don-

sel of 206 Prospect St., Ithaca, announces the engagement of her daughter, Darlene, to John E. Brady III son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Brady Jr., West Springfield, Mass. Miss Van Donsel is also the daughter of William Van Donsel of Cortland.

The bride-elect attended Ithaca High School, was gradu­ated from Cascadilla Prepara­tory and attended St. Peters­burg Junior College of Florida. She is now employed at New York Stater Electric and Gas Corporation.

Mr. Brady graduated from West Springfield High School and Deerfield Academy. He is a brother of Theta Delta Chi frat­ernity and a senior at Cornell University.

A June wedding is planned.

Papers Given At Literary Club Meeting

Mrs. Harlan Metcalf and Mrs. Paul Combs presented papers at Wednesday's meeting of the Ladies Literary Club held at the home of Mrs. John E. Eckel. Miss Mildred Barrows was as­sistant hostess and the business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Richard De Mott.

Mrs. Metcalf s topic was "Ga-spesia" and she covered the northern geographical section of the Appalachians, the French speaking Gaspe region.

This peninsula abounds in natural beauty, mountains, high cliffs, moors and the sea, she noted. Plant and animal life are plentiful and varied. At the Gaspesia Provincial Park, you could possibly see Swedish dogwood, orchids, birds' eye primroses, butterwort, sentious, violets, iris, lilacs, giant double-headed clover, blue vetch, loosetrife, colombine and blue­bells.

There are bird sancturies at St. Boneventure and Bird Rock, she added, where thousands of gannets can be seen, and throughout the province one will also find puffins, razor-billed auks, herring gulls, double beaked cormorants, guillemots, thrush, chickadees, nesting yel­low raisl, warblers, crossbills, petrels and peregrines. Again this section has pointed out the great diversity in this large mountain range.

Following the social hour, Mrs. Combs, choosing a subject on American Art, read a paper on "The Life and Work of Fred­eric Remington. Remington, a native of northern New York State, has given us for all time a pictorial history of the West. In all of his works one can see the firm hand of a master craftsman and observe his ab­solute fidelity to truthful rea­lism. He acheived his life's goal, a fusion of true art and documentary representation.

Pictures a n d commentaries on selected pictures from the Frederic Remington Book by Harold McCracken which con­tains nearly 400 of his finest paintings, drawings and works of sculpture, were shown and given by Mrs. Combs.

Assistant Pastor Of St. Anthony's Receives Welcome

The Rev. Frederick Pompei, new assistant pastor at St. Anthony's Church, was intro­duced to members of the Altar Society at their regular meet­ing last evening in the church hall.

The meeting, conducted by Miss Mary Brevetti, was open­ed with prayer by Mrs. Jennie Celeste.

Due to the inclement weather, the representative of a home products company, who was to present a display of fund-raising items, postponed his visit until the April 2 meet­ing.

An informal meeting, w i t h each member taking a guest, has been planned for March 5 at 8 p. m. Under the co-chair­manship of Mrs. Concetta Sar-do and Mrs. Ralph Giamichael, refreshments will be served and cards will be played.

A 5 and 10 cent supper has been planned for March 19, with serving from 5 to 7 p. m. Italian dishes will be featured at this affair which is open to the public. Mrs. Dom Natoli and Mrs. Helen Natoli are in charge of arrangements.

The annual birthday party for the members will be held May 7. Mrs. Robert Reitano is chair­man.

Mrs. Rose Celeste was wel­comed back as a member.

The meeting concluded with a social hour with refreshments.

Historic Boulder Is Program Topic

"The Boulder" an historical site in Cortland, was discussed by Mrs. Belle Reas for mem­bers of Fourscore Club at their luncheon meeting Monday at the Senior Center. The speak­er's information was presented through the courtesy of t h e Tioughnioga Chapter, Daugh­ters of the American Revolu­tion.

An open discussion followed the talk.

The business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Florence Robbins. Mrs. Iva Stevens gave the prayer.

Members are requested to take a Valentine for the Valentine Party which will be the highlight of next Monday's luncheon meeting.

Annual Carnival Being Planned by German Club

Plans for their annual "Carnival" were discussed Wednesday evening by mem­bers of the German Club. The event will be held Feb. 15 at San Rocco Lodge. Club mem­bers and other interested per­sons are invited to w e a r costume, and prizes will be awarded.

The Alpince Orchestra from Binghamton will be featured with other special music of­fered by club members.

Committee chairmen include Mrs. Horst Feuerherm a n d Mrs. Herman Koch, decorations a n d Mrs. ' D o m i n i c k Rosato, costume prizes. T h e Grand March will be led by Donald Boehm.

Mrs. Karl Ziegler presided during last evening's meeting, which was held at the YWCA. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Gerardo Brown.

Progress Club Ostranders Mark Plans Luncheon 25th Anniversary

A luncheon meeting is plan­ned for Progress Club mem­bers next Tuesday at 12:30 at the YWCA. Those attending are requested to take a dish of food to pass.

Hostesses will be Mrs. John Bryan, Mrs. George Sammons and Mrs. Walter Tennant.

This meeting will be the Kickoff for the second half-year of Interest Groups. Mem­bers are requested to return the interest questionnaires be­fore or at this meeting, fo r evaluation.

Child care will be provided. All newcomers to the area are invited to attend, as well ss old friends of the group.


The family of the ^ate Mrs. Anna Homer wi>'e; t) fiark friends and relatives for their kindnes.-. also Dr. Wair.stein and Dr. Krauklis and Rev. Ryder. Also to the staff »:i nurses at Cort and Memorial Hospital for their cut larding services.

Advertiseme-t 32-lt

Mr. and Mrs. George Ostrander, 33 River St., Homer, were honored Jan. 25 on the oc­casion of their 25th wedding anniversary. The surprise party was held at the Homer Grange Hall.

Margaret Armstrong and George Ostrander were mar­ried Jan. 28, 1944 in Homer by the late Rev. Arthur Moody of the Methodist Church. M r s . Lawrence Slade of Williams-port. Pa. and Bruce Wire of Preble were their only at­tendants.

The celebration was given by the couple's three children, Mrs. Margaret Custer of Homer, Mrs. Robert (Mary) Corriveau of Southbridge, Mass. and John L. of Homer. They also have three grand­children, the Misses Margaret and Lynda Custer and Tammy Lynn Ostrander.

Mr. Ostrander is employed by Ames Chevrolet of Cortland.

About 60 friends and relatives attended the party, from Rochester, Syracuse, Ithaca, Marathon. McLean, Cortland, Homer and Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Ostrander received money and other lovely gifts.

Freetown Mrs. Harry Christopher

Freetown United Methodist Church

The Rev. Howard A. Pasel, minister, phone McGraw 836-8411

Sunday: 9:30, worship service. 10:30, church school.


Beryl Slocum and family called on Mrs. Slocum's brother Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McMahon Jr and family Mottsville recently.

Mrs. Roy Brown and daugh­ter Mary visited their mother and grandmother Mrs. George Lampert, Hoosick Falls over the weekend.

Shelli Cross daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cross entered kindergarten at Marathon Cen­tral School, Monday.

The Twinbridges Snowmobile Club held a pancake supper at the Stramba .Pavilion Satur­day evening. About sixty en­joyed the supper.

Ben Stone was home f r o m Cornell for the weekend.

Freetown Grange will meet Thursday evening at 8:30 at the home of Gerald Stone, weather permitting.

Farmers and non-farmers a-like enjoyed the Farm Show at the Lusk Field House in Cort­land, last week.

In a letter from their daugh­ter, Mrs. Jack Sherman, in Hawaii, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stone learned of the c o l d weather there and Mrs. Sher­man had to get out her winter coat. However, she reported no colds from the change. T h e Shermans mailed a cocoanut to Gerald Stone, writing his name and address on the husk.

CINCINNATUS Mrs. Thomas Burlingame. Phone Cincinnatos 863-2325




DENTAL HEALTH WEEK — In observance of National Children's Dental Health Week, the Cortland County Dental Society sponsored a Dental Health Poster Contest in the elementary schools of the Enlarged Cortland City School District. This 21st observance has been Feb. 2 - 8, and the contest was directed by Mrs. Eliz­abeth Hannon, dental hygiene teacher, in co­operation with Mrs. Helen Bull, elementary art supervisor. Pictured receiving their awards

from Dr. William Golicki, left, president of the Cortland County Dental Society, from left to right, are Anthony Yonta, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Sylvester Yonta, 32 Abdallah Ave., a fifth grad­er at Barry School; Sharon McClosky, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marshall, 12 Rick-ard St., a second grader at Pomeroy School, and Carol Spence, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Spence, 77 Greenbush St., a fourth grader at Randall School. Honorable mention went to the fifty other participants from Barry, Pomeroy, Randall, Parker, Smith and Virgil Schools. Assisting Dr. 'Golicki with the judg­ing was Mrs. N. C. Wollin of the health educa­tion department of SUCC.

(Art Allen photo)

Area Women Set Feb. 12 For Retreat

Lincoln's Birthday, Feb. 12, has been chosen for the Baptist Women's Day of Retreat, to be held at High Acres, the home of Mrs. David Camp on Route 90.

A get-acquainted and coffee hour will begin at 9:30 a. m., followed by worship, music and group discussion. Prayer will be the theme for the day.

Each woman attending is re­quested to take her Bible and a box lunch. Guides for the dis­cussions will be Mrs. Harley Al-bro, Mrs. W. Gordon Carter, Mrs. David Chapman and Mrs. Charles Rutan. The pianist for the day will be Mrs. Jacob Camp.

The afternoon will be devoted to more group participation and a period of time when all groups will share inspiration of the day.

Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. Gary Burnham and Mrs. Nelson Wright. Arrangements were in charge of Mrs. Kenneth Casterline, Mrs. Donald Cobb, Mrs. Max LeFever, Mrs. David Camp and Mrs. Egbert Foun­tain.


Members of the boys and girls swim teams from the Cortland YMCA will attend an AAU-sanctioned swim meet on Sun­day at the New Hartford Cen­tral School. The youngsters will compete individually for first, second and third place medals, ss wall as fourt'i. fifth and sixth place ribbons.

Competing teams from the Adirondack Region AAU will be present.

Leaving the YMCA at 10 a.-m. Sunday, members of the Dolphins, girls swim team, will be Jennifer Bailey, Lisa Bull, Barbara Mueller, Susan Mi-chaud, Susan Mueller, Lori Gallagher, Jody Stokoe, Lindy Vangeli, Abbie Willmer, Susie Smith, Pat Timpano, Donna Fowler, Lynn Reynolds, Kathy Vangeli and April Kee.

The boys attending will be Douglas Bailey, John Corey, John Reynolds, Jim Reagan and Mario Vangeli.

Duplicate Bridge Result Announced

Retta Dunning and Mildred Haskell scored high at yester­day's Duplicate Bridge session at the YWCA. They had a total of 45Vi points.

Other scorers above the 36 point average included Marie Kanar and Mildred Perry with 42; Erna Root and Carrie King, 38; Elvira Tennant and Made­line Allen tied with Helen Max-on and May Finn with 37% points and Ethel Schrouder and Helen Cooper, 37.

The group will meet next Thursday at 1 p. m. at the YW under the direction of Helen Long.


The film, "Look Who's Living Next Door" will be presented tomorrow evening at the Cort­land Christian Youth T y m e Teen Rally at 7:45 p. m.

The story confronts the con­cerned Christian with basic situation e t h i c s problems brought about by the n e w morality.

A Rally is held every other week at the Courthouse auditorium in Cortland.

MARATHON Messengerville r- Hunts Corners

Lapeer — Texas Val ley — Kil lawog AREA NEWS REPORTER - Mrs. J. Marlin White, Cold Spring

Road. Dial 849-3242.

TEXAS VALLEY NEWS - Mrs. Glenn Carter, Dial 849-5517.

Boots Comers Baptist Cborcfc Rev Wilbur C. Barber, pas­

tor. 10, Sunday school. 11, morning worship. 8, evening worship. Thursday, 8, prayer meeting.

-»—r-, Texas Valley Community Chnrch

The Rev. Leon Gumaer, pastor.

12:30, morning worship.

First Baptist Church The Rev. Robert Mattox, pas» trr, 3 Academy St., phone VIS-3499. Sunday: 10, Sunday school. 11, morning worship.

St. Stephen's Church The Rev. Bernard Garstka, rectory, 12 Academy St. Pnone VI 9-3480. Sunday: —

9 and 12:15 masses. Saturday, 4 to 5 and 7 to 8. confessions.

United Presbyterian Church The Rev. Thomas C Welch Jr., oastor. 4 Brink St.; phone VI-9-6151. Sunday: 9:45 church school. 11. morning worship.

Killawog Baptist Church Rev. Stephen Guenther pas­

tor. Sunday: 10:30, worship service. 11:30, Sunday school. 7:45, p. m., evening servics. Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., pray­

er meeting. Saturday 7:30 p.m., Teen

Ciub. Methodist Church

The Rev. Leon C. Gumaer. VI 9-5512 pastor, 27 W. Main St.; phone Sunday: 10 morning worship, Killawog. 11:15, morning worship. Mara­thon. 12:30, afternoon worship, Texas Valley.

St. John's Episcopal Church The Rev. James E. Wolfkiel

Jr., rector, phone Cortland 753-3073.

10, morning prayer and ser­


Truxton - Cuyler Mrs. Gerald Moore


Grange of Truxton will hold their meeting on Thursday Feb. 13 at 8 p. m. Randy Vaas, a fishing biologist, will be guest

Eilean Kinneally, A'.da Moor:\ :.; «...;.c woua, Theima Moore. and Misses Helena Dwyer and Catherine Dwyer attended the January meeting of the Cortland County American Legion Auxili­ary held recently in Cortland. Next County meeting will be held in McGraw on March 25.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGraw have returned to their home after spending some months wi«h their sons' in Oswego and KirkviUe.

lne East Homer WSCS will meet Thursday, Feb. 13 at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Dewey Parker.

The Truxton WSCS will meet Wednesday, Feb. 12.

The Mid-week Lenten Series will begin on Ash Wednesday and continue each Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. Guest minist­ers will participate at each of the services.


MARATHON — The annual Dairymen's League local unit dinner meetmg was held Tues­day at the Grange Hall. Speak­ers at the business session fol- " lowing the dinner .were Mike Scanlon and Ernest Lowry of Binghamton, division repre­sentatives, and William Law. son, Dundee, district director.

Richard Watros was elected president; Warren Pendell, vice president; and Mrs. Marion Summers, secretary-treasurer.

Delegates named for the year to represent the local unit at the annual meeting in October are Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Conk-lin. Junior delegates are Kathy and Keith Cornell, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Cor­nell.


Scouts from Troop 90 with their leader participated in the Klon­dike Derby held during the weekend at the East Virgil Ski Trail. Those attending were: Jorge Montoya, James Holmes, Rick DuBrava and John and Jeff Liddington.

KILLAWOG — The Ladies Auxiliary of the Killawog Fire Department would like dona­tions of clothing, blankets and toys for children in an Vietnam orphanage. Contributions jnay be left with Mrs. Richard P~end-ell or Mrs. Paul Barrows.

TEXAS VALLEY — The Tex­as Valley Grange will meet at the Hall Saturday Night at 8.

The Merrill's Creek 221 Club will meet Feb. 12 at 1:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Glenn Cart­er. Mrs. Joe Fox will present the lesson "Clothing and Worn, an's Role." Those working on the pillow tops should bring them to this meeting.

The Maple Leaf 4-H club was recently organized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cook.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Fox have received word that their son, Ira, has completed training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas and has been transferred to Lowry, Colo.

Area residents receiving treatment at Cortland Memorial Hospital are Mrs. Amy Gard­ner, Maurice Phalen and Mrs. Irene Henderson. Mrs. Hender­son is the mother of Mrs. Al­fred Pritchard.

Clifton Carter returned to his home in Glastonbury, C o n n . Monday after spending the weekend at the home of his brother, Charles Carter. H i s wife remained and makes fre­quent visits to her sister, Mrs. Charles Carter, who had to re­turn to Wilson Memorial Hospit­al, Johnson City.

Irving Potter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potter, entered the Armed Forces this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carter were in Vestal Sunday at the Home of their daughter, Mrs. Frank Smith. Their grandson, Norman, had recently returned from Ideal Hospital, Endicott.

WiJlet Methodist Church The Rev. Carles F. Baker,

pastor. McDonough. Phone 647 5406.

Sunday: 8:45, morning wor­ship. Preston.

10:15, morning worship. Mc­Donough.

11:30. morning worship, WU-!et. 7 family training boor. 7:45. evening service.

CINCINNATUS — The Annual Cortland County Band Festival will be held Saturday, Feb. 8 at 7:30 in the Cincinnatus Central School" auditorium.

The program will be made up of two numbers each by the De-Ruyter, McGraw. Marathon, Homer and Cincinnatus high school bands plus a second half to the concert by a select band made up of selected students from t ie five participating schools. The select band wiii be under the direction of Charles Roberts, director if bands at the Greece-Arcadia schools. Mr. R o b e r t s was instrumental teacher and band director at the Homer Central School for many years.

Mr. Roberts will rehearse tb« select band Friday evening and all day Saturday in preparation for the Saturday evening con­cert

The public is invited to the concert. There will be no admis­sion charge, but an offering will be taken to defray the cost of the festival.


CINCINNATUS — The cost study meeting involving the re­organization of the four Central School Districts of Georgetown, South Otselic, DeRuyter and Cincinnatus, which was schedul­ed to be held Feb. 4 at South Otselic High School, was post­poned until Tuesday, Feb. 11

A general meeting of the con. cerned Boards of Education will be held on this new date at South Otselic with John Bis­hop of the Bureau of School Reorganization in attendance.


CINCINNATUS — Cincinna­tus PTA will meet Tuesday, Feb. 11 with home room visita­tion from 7:30 p. m. to 8 O'clock.

Following a brief business meeting at 8, Dr. Norman Sim-orison, assistant professor of Clinic Psychology at Syracuse University, will again discuss the generation gap. Students, adults and parents will be invit­ed to share opinions.

Dr. Simonson will also com­ment on the January panel dis­cussion.

Virgil Mrs. Kenneth Pond

United Methodist Church The Rev. Donald Wright, pas­

tor. Sunday 10:30, worship service. 11:30, church school.

BRIEF MENTION VIRGIL — A meeting of the

WSCS will be held Wednesday evening at the parsonage.

Members of the Virgil Scout Troop 102, who attended t h e camporee at East Virgil on Saturday and Sunday were Ed and Keith Avery, Jerry V a n Zile, Mickey Elliott and David McKee. David McKee acted as leader for the Virgil Scouts. N

Rosalind Kimmich, Oswego, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kimmich.

Thomas Munson, St. Peters­burg, Fla., grandson of Mrs. Dorothy Munson, has returned from duty in Vietnam and has been visiting relatives in this vicinity. After his furlough, he will report for duty in Texas.

Mrs. J. N. Johnson enter­tained the members of the Double Six Bridge Club f o r dessert and bridge at her home on Saturday afternoon. M r s . Donald McKee, Mrs. Raymond Bristol. Cor+land. and M r s . Dale Olmsted were substitutes for the absent members. Prizes were won by Mrs. McKee, Mrs. Lillian Hutchings, Mrs. Bristol and Mrs. Ralph Kimmich.


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Cortland Christian Youth Tyme PRESENTS


A film tKat confronts trie concerned Chriitian with basic

situation ethics problems

brought about by the New Morality


TEEN RALLY Co«rt Haute Amditonmm - C o r t W


CINCINNATUS — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Livermore were Sunday callers of Mrs. Alma Osborn in Willet

An appearance of the Harlem Astronauts Basketball team will be on Thursday, Feb. 20 at 8 o'clock in the Cincinnatus Cen­tral School gym when they meet the school faculty and friends in a game being sponsored by the varsity club of the school. Tic­kets may be procured in ad­vance from 5th and 6th grade CCS students.

Miss Virginia Johnson, Dis­trict Deputy Grand Matron ef Cortland-Madison District, will begin her official visits of the various OES chapters of her district on Wednesday evening at Achmetha Chapter in Oneida. Any OES member wishing to at­tend these visitations may con­tact Miss Johnson.

Immediately following Sun­day's 11 o'clock service at the Congregational Church, a din­ner will be held in the church house to launch the very-mem­ber canvas drive.

Terry D. Shufelt, Cincinna­tus, RD 2, has been accepted for admission in September to the State University Agricultur­al and Technical Coliege at Del hi. He will study engineering science technology. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crane, he expects to graduate with the class of 1969 from Cincinnatus Central School.

Congregational Church -T.'-e Rev. Dor.̂ ld MacLeod, pa-tor.

Sunday: 10, Sunday school. 11:15, morning worship.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help The Rev Bernard A Garst­

ka, pastor. Sunday: 10:45, mass.

United Methodist Church f e Re.. Donau .viac^ec.

pastsr. Sudry: !0, mamins worship. 11 church school. 11. adu't di":u-.:i:n rrou->. 7, Yruth Fellowship.

Christian Union Church The Rev. Laurel Jenfcins, Sunday: 10, Sunday school. 11. morning worship 6:30, Young People. 7:30, evening service Thursday. 7:30, prayer meet


First Baptist Chnrch The Rev. Duane Bell, pastor. Sunday: 10:15, morning worship. 11:15. Sunday school. 7, junior and senior youth. 8, evening service. Wednesday. 8. prayer meet­


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