social activities of general interest throughout the 23/freeport ny...

TOE NASSAU DAILt REVIEW— LONG ISLAND'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER—-TODAY. MAY 15, 193f. HE Fa|t Fnr*Nv, m Social Activities of General Interest Throughout the County of Nassau POST'S AUXILIARY PLANS POPPY DRIVE Valley Sir earn Unit Also Arranges For Parade At a meeting of the lAdles auxiliary of VaJley Stream port, Veteran* of Foreign Wan, at the village hall, Tuesday nlfht, Mr*. Marjorle Hefner, president, presided. John Moeller and Albert Sack, representing the poppy committee, addressed the members re- garding the poppv drive. The aux- iliary will assist the post in the sale of the popples. May 16-30. The "bud- dy poppies" are made by disabled vet- erans and are sold to aid the ex-sol- dlers* families. Headquarters will be at Rlch-Vin motor sales, Merrick road. Arrangements were made for the Memorial day parade. Mrs. Alice Rieger Is the chairman of the com- mittee. Mrs. Ethel Richardson and Mrs. Paul Lawrence were named del- egates to the state convention at Rochester, June 24 to 27. Two mem- bers. Mrs. A. 8hanley and Mrs. R. Smith, were admitted to the auxiliary. Mrs. Ethel Richardson received the dark horse prize. The next meeting will be a social held at the home of the president, Mrs. Hefner, of Per- shing avenue. &.—- A <*- Lynbrook -• Court St. Raymond Holds Card Party The "Court St. Raympnd, Catholic Daughters, held a card party at the Knight's of Columbus hall, Wednes- day afternoon. Mrs. Thomas Mc- Nulty was chairman. The winners •t* cards were, in bridge, Mrs. Alex Alexander, Mrs. James P. Crowley, Mrs. Alice Lahy, Mrs. William Kiley, Mrs. Grace Jaburg; In 500. Mrs. John Oliver Mrs. William Wright. Mrs. Clara Hautsch, Mrs. H. T. Thomp- son; in pinochle. Mrs. John Wellfield, Mrs. J. J. Moffltt. Mrs. H. D. Chlell, The absent?" and non-plavers were, Mrs. R. A. Dixon, Mrs. Ella Cusack. Mrs. James Denton, Mrs. Robert Irwin, Mrs. John Rogers, Mrs. Ed- ward Brlsnehan, Mrs. James David- son, Mrs. James Ritter. The non- players were, Mrs. James Freel, Mrs. Charles Hunt, Mrs. Edward Degnen, Mrs. Thomas McNuty. The special award of the linen set was awarded to Mrs. Samuel Price. Hospital Auxiliary Hears Tag Day Report Wednesday afternoon the Lynbrook auxiliary to South Nassau communi- ties hospital held its last meeting of the season at the Legion hall, Union avenue, with Mrs. William Mothner presiding. Mrs. Mothner reported that the proceeds of the tag day, May 9, were $320.14. Ches- ter Pulton of Preeport donated $100 to this fund. A letter c; thanks from Mrs. W. J. Campbell was read ex- pressing her appreciation for the as- sistance of the auxiliary at the re- cent card party of the Nassau co- operative employment association. Miss Mary Pierson, superintendent of the South Nassau hospital sent a letter of thanks for the Jams and Jellies don..';d. Mrs. Charles Ulm- schnelder, chairman of hospital sup- plies reported the sewing group of the* South Shore section national council of Jewish women had turned In 40 draw sheets. This group has worked faithfully at all times to assist. Mrs. E. L. Vincent, membership chairman reported* the following women as new members; Mrs. W. J. Hansen, Mrs. H. H. Fennlman, Mrs. Oscar Walstrom, Mrs. Walter Kohler. It was voted to send $300 to the maintenance fund; $200 to the wel- fare and membership; and $100 for bed tables, gas suction tank, head covers for chairs in each room. Also voted to send a check of $25 f MRS. HENRY KATZ ELECTED BY SISTERHOOD Named President Beth Israel Unit At Hempstead Of Mrs. William H. Mothner, Who Resides At Lynbroo^ r Garden City * Mrs. Mothner oi Femmore street, Lynbrook, is president of the Lyn- brook auxiliary to South Nassau Communities hospital, which closed its activities for the current season with a meeting Tuesday at American Leglon^post headquarters. to the Legion. Mrs. N. J. Hansen was awarded the dark horse for this month. The opening meeting of the fall will be September 9 at the Legion hall. (Club Notes and Personal News) Mrs. Richmond Landon of Devon street, Lynborok, entertained for her little daughter Alice In honor of her tenth anniversary, last Saturday. Tne event was in the form of a May party with a May pole and appropriate games. The color scheme was yel- low and green. Among those present, Jean Stamp, Virginia Karpman, Jane Morris, Ruth Stevens, Dorothy Mulcre, Elizabeth and Ruth Hanna, Jacqueline Lord, Barbara Kolber, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Landon of Salisbury, Conn., grandparents of Alice. Mrs. Edward Freel was chairman of the card party of the Democratic club, Tuesday afternoon at the club rooms, Merrick road, Lynbrook. The winners at bridge were. Mrs. H. L. Ames, Mrs. A. Truman Fenner, Mrs. Grace Ja- burg, Mrs. Hugh Robertson, Mrs. E. M. Burns, Mrs. John Randazzo, Mrs. J. J. Denning, Mrs. D. R. Hannigan, Mrs. Bess Robertson. Mrs. G. L. Gil- lespie: in pinochle, Mrs. Frank Has- lach, Mrs. William Harroth; in 500, Mrs. Charles Guden. Mrs. William Hautsch. Mrs. H. B. Wright, Mrs. Elmer Roaries. The non players were Mrs. John Mahoney, Mrs. John Doo- ling. Two special awards went to Mrs. G. G. Robins and Mrs. John Mahoney. The Democratic club of Lynbrook has contributed $10 to the Mrs. Frost fund and $10 to the Mrs. Hirsch fund. Court St. Raymond, Catholic daugh- ters of Lynbrook announce an open meeting to be held at the Knights of Columbus hall, May 27 at 8:00 p. m. All members are cordially Invited with friends to attend. There will be mo- tion pictures and numerous prominent speakers. Mrs. James J. Freel, present grand regent and Mrs. Mary Hart, past grant regent will leave Lynbrook, Sat- urday to attend the state convention of Catholic Daughters at Glens Falls. Oralg, Miss Clare FeJdtman, Miss Margaret Noble, Miss Margaret Craig, Miss Elizabeth Shine, Miss Eleanor Damm, Miss Philamena Raeder, Miss Esther K, Glvler, Miss Asenath M. Mosso, Conrad Brosche, George Schulman, Emanuel Wohlgemuth, Victor Fredlund, and Vincent Rid- dle*. (Club Note* and Perron*! News) Justice council, Daughters of Lib- erty, will hold its monthly meeting at the Corona avenue nrehouse Tues- day night. Mrs. James F. Cratty and Mrs. George B*u will be initiated. Mrs. Frederick Weidner, councilor, will preside. Sunday school teachers of the Trin- ity church will form a club at the church hall, Brooklyn avenue, to- night. Plans will be made for the June parade. Miss Lucy Barker and Mrs. Charles Silverstein instigated the movement. t- * ^- Hempstead I I Valley Stream Dramatic Club Sees Play In New York The Dramatic club of Valley Stream Central high school held a theatre party Tuesday night. The members dined in the city and attended a per- formance of "The Green Pastures." In the group were Miss Catherine CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS notices for this column should 6s tent to the social secretary, Nassau Daily Review, and should be d* Uvered at the Review office several days before the date of the sched tiled event. The name and addrfss of the contributor should bt. in eluded for reference. • " TODAY May 15—Play, "Seventeen," Young People's fellowship, St. Andrew's church of Wtlliston Park, 8 p. m. Afternoon bridge, P. T. A. of school 4, at school, Baldwin, 2:30 p. m. Bridge tea, at home of Mrs. Oscar Oil- son, Adele place, Baldwin, for Bald- win American Legion auxiliary. Meeting, Rockdelphlans, at home of Mrs. Charles Calkins, Hewlett ave- nue, Merrick, 2 p. m. Meeting, Lynbrook Truth Centre,- at ^f home of Mrs. Harry Kilgour, 22 ^m Lenox avenue, Lynbrook, 3 p. m. r Rummage sale, Women's guild of All Saints Mission, Baldwin Harbor, 38 Sunrise highway, Freeport. Meeting, Nassau county home bureau. Sport dance, Young People's fellow- ship, Church of the Advent of Westbury, at Winthrop hall. Benefit danre. Young People's fellow- ship of Church of the Redeemer of Merrick, in parish house. Card and bunco party, Katap boys of Roosevelt, at Odd Fellows hall, Freeport, for welfare work, 8 p. m. Musical program, choir of Hollis Pres- byterian church, at Seaford M. E. church, 8:15 p. m. Red Cross, beginning Life Saving campaign. Pla t Y, "A Nite in a Night Club," Wil- Uston Park Catholic club, at North Side school. Afternoon tea. Willing Workers of Roosevelt Memorial Presbyterian church, at home of Mrs. Otto Gottschaldt, Washburn avenue, Freeport, 3 p. m. Play, "Nine Pointy of the Law," Hempstead chapter, Order of the DeMolay, at American Legion hall. Mineoia. Home Product* sale. Rector's Aid so- ciety. Church of the Transfiguration of Freport, with program In after- noon, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Toxin antl-toxin clinle, Washington avenue school, Roosevelt, 8:30 a. m. Card and bunco party, Mildred Mc- intosh council, Daughters of Amer- ica, at 8t. Mark's parish hall, North Bellmore, 8:15 p. m. « > Card party, Morton chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, at Masonic temple, Fulton avenue, Hempstead, 2:30 p. m. Novelty dance. Junior society of St. Andrews of Oceanslde, at Oceanslde high school, 8:45 p. m. Annual Nassau county spelling con- test, Mineola Grammar school, Mlneola, 4 p. m. Card and bunco party, Junior Order of Franklin Square, at Democratic f clubrooms, Hempstead turnpike, H p m ^| School cirrus. Cherry Valle^ school, / Garden City. 3 p. m. and « p. m. Tom Thumb wedding. Ladies Aid so- ciety, Roosevelt Memorial church, S p. m. Card and bunco part?, Protection flrehouse, South Babylon turnpike, for Are department's baseball team. Luncheon, for new board of directors of Garden City auxiliary to South Nassau Communities hospital, at home of Mrs. Loren Cowdry of Ninth street, Garden City. Card party, Truck company 2, Hemp, stead fire department, at Oceanslde road nrehouse, 8 p. m. Card party, Empire Hose company of Merrick, at firehall, 8 p. m. Card party, Mother's patrol of East Union avenue,-Lynbrook, 8 p. .01. Meeting, West Hempstead P. T. A., at Eagle avenue school, 8 p. m. Benefit theatre party, Sons and Daughters of Liberty, Hempstead theatre. Meeting, Rockville Centre auxiliary to South Nassau Communities hospital, parish hall of the Church of the Ascension, 2:30 p. m. Mimic radio broadcast, pupils of Hew- lett school, Rockville Centre. TOMORROW May 16—Beginning of annua] poppr drive, by various American Legion auxiliaries and posts. _ Apron and necktie socirf, Queens Park Gardens association, in clubrooms, Jacat street, Elmont, 8:30 p. m. Annual card party. Republican club of Merrick, at Oakwood avenue fire- hall. 8:15 p. m. Play, "Baby Mine," Massapequa school auditorium, by Junior auxiliary of Women's club and Young Men's Athletic club, 8:30 p\ m. Sue Hastings Marionettes, at Hemp- stead high school auditorium, 3 p. m., by Hempstead Girl Scout com- mittee. Testimonial celebration, for Miss Elinor Smith, followed by reception and dinner at the Freeport Elks club. Opening of Cabana colony, at the Lido club, Long Beach. Dinner, Women's guild of St. Andrew's church, Willlston. 6 to 8 p. m., fol- lowed by dancing. 5*rd party, Centennial avenue fire- hall. RooseveH, for fire department band, 8:30 p. m. Annual card party, Helpers of 8t. Anthony of Oceanside, at K. of C. hall, Hempstead avenue, Lynbrook, 8:30 p. m. Annual Mother and Daughter, lunch- eon, Bellmore Girl Scouts, at Bell- more Square club, 1 p. m. Card and bunco p*ri.y. Ladles aux- iliary to Valley Stream flic depart- ment, at lire headquarters, Oxford street and Rocleaway parkway, Valley Stream, 8:30 p. m. Pinochle party and dance, Wantagh firehall, by fire department band, 8 30 p. m. Opening, of K. of C. miniature golf course. Annual celebration, D. A. R., Billopp House, Staten Island, local chapters to attend. Balloon dance. Miller's lane flrehouse. New Hyde Park, S:30 p. m. Formal opening. East Rockaway American Legiorf clubhouse, and dance, 8:30 p. m. Spring dance, South Shore Yacht club, Preeport, 1:30 p. m. Auxiliary Members At Rockville Meeting Members of the Women's auxiliary to the Hempstead Legion post were guests of the Rockville auxiliary Wed- nesday night at the clubhouse on Maple avenue. In the party were Mrs. WiHam Neumeyer, the president; Mrs. Ella Overington, Mrs. F. W. Hubert, Mrs. Henry Neuschaeffer, Mrs. Samuel DeWees. Mrs. Roy B Whltford, Mrs. Clifford D. Burgess, Mrs. Theodore Buettner, Mrs. Otis Powell. Mrs. Bertha Pillar, Mrs. Sam- uel Stein, Mrs. Edward Anderson and her two daughters, Mrs. Joseph Mar- tin, Mrs. Annie Vandewater. Mrs. Nat Jones and Mrs. Harry Fisher. Everett Abrams Again Elected By League Everett Abrams was re-elected president of the Epworth league of the Methodist-Episcopal church of Hempstead. Miss Marion Jacobus is the first vice president, Miss Betty Southwell, second vice president; Miss Frances LeRoy, third vice presi- dent; Miss Ethel Vega, fourth vice president; Ellery Hall, secretary; James Campbell, treasurer; Miss Helen Hilton, pianist, and Howard Doch- termann, chorist. Refreshments were served by the fourth department which comprises Miss Ethel Vega, chairman; Miss Frances LeRoy, Miss Elizabeth Coates. Ellery Hall, Enos Peregrina and James Gilliberty. (Club Notes and Personal News) Mr. and Mrs. Parry E. Bannerman of East Front street, were dinner hosts Wednesday night to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lay of Bellerose, Mr. and Mrs. William Valk of Garden City and Harrison Wright of Rockville Centre. Mrs. Parry E. Bannerman of Hemp- stead, addressed the graduating class of nurses of the Nassau hospital Wed- nesday, at a luncheon held at the Garden City hotel. Surrogate Leone D. Howell also spoke. Colonel Aaron Ogden chapter, Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Floyd Woolsey, Arthur street, Garden City. MLas Hallle Covington will speak on "Korea" at the meeting of the Women's Missionary society of Christ's First Presbyterian church. The Rev. John 8. Haight, Jr., rec- tor of St. George's Episcopal church, was host today for the Queens-Nas- sau Olericus, a group of Episcopal ministers. A paper was read by the Rev. Alexander McKechney of Great Neck. Hempstead branch of the Mercy hospital league will give the third in its series of card parties Friday, May 22, at the home of Mrs. Katherine Callahan. Oceanside road. Mrs. Mary Touwsma. regent of Mrs. Henry KaU was elected presi- dent of the Sisterhood of the Temple Beth Israel Tuesday night at a meet- ing in the vestry rooms, Hempstead. Mrs. Katz succeeds Mrs. Samuel plat- nick, who has served as leader for two years. Mrs. Samuel G. Hoffman was named vice president; Mrs. Min- nie Lubetkln, second vice-president; Mrs. Abraham Gubar, recording sec- retary, Mrs. Meiselman, correspond- ing secretary; Mrs. Benjamin Small, treasurer; Mrs. Samuel Platnick, chairman of trustees; Mrs. Max Wein- berg, Mrs. Esther Birer, Mrs. M. B. Winer, trustees. Mrs. Platnlck read her report on the convention in Atlantic City. Rabbi Gabriel Schulman of New York spoke on "Sub-Modern Superstition." He was introduced by William Waidman, president oi Temple Beth Israel con- gregation. The hostesses were Mrs. Murray Gessner, Mrs. David Harris, Mrs. Ir- ving Walzer, Mrs. Arthur Loewy, Mrs Ida Volkman, Mrs. Harry Wolf, Mrs. H&rry Katz and Mrs. Anna Poroas. An installation luncheon will be held June 2. Mrs. Irving Walzer is chair- man of the committee on arrange- ments. ' , Court Saint Cecelia, pathollc Daugh- ters, will depart tomorrow to attend the state convention of Catholic Daughters at Glens Falls. Court Saint Cecelia, Catholic Daughters of America/ has named a committee to arrange a card party to be given Tuesday at the school at 8:30 -p. m. The committee is composed of Mrs. Agnes Mahoney, chairman; Mrs. Margaret Kennedy, Mrs. Mary Pherstinger, Mrs. Mary Walsleben and Mrs. Nellie Dorkins. The Ladies Aid society of the First Baptist church will meet Tuesday in the Sunaay school rooms at 2 p. m. Arrangements will be completed for the church entertainment and social to be held Friday, May 22, at 8 p. m. in the Sunday school hall. Admis- sion is free. The primary department and the Bible school of the First Baptist church will be entertained tomor- row at 2 p. m. at a May -party m the Sunday school room. The fol- lowing teachers will assist in enter- taining the children: Mrs. R. Weaver, Mrs. Arthur Palmer, Mrs. W. L. Mox- on, Mrs. Fred Albert Cassidy and Mrs. Rene Freyer. The guest speaker at the services at the Temple Beth Israel tonight will be the Rev. J. Earle Edwards, pastor of the Queens Baptist church of Queens village. His subject will be "What Judaism means to Christianity." Valley Stream council, Jr. O. U. A. M., will give a minstrel and dance at the Franklin avenue school Tues- day night, May 26. On the commit- tee were William Bruckbauer, Ed- ward Smith, Walter Bishop, Sr., Harry Bodack, Edward Schuster, Earl Sut- phin. Earl Carter, Max Otto, Wil- liam Bolstridge, A. Simon and Frank Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Smith of Main street, had as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Roy B.- Lewis of Stamford, Conn., Mrs. H. J. Lewis of Blmira, N. Y., and Miss L. Mae Lewis oi Englewood, N. J. Hempstead Circle, Companions of the Forest, will hold a meeting and initiation Tuesday in the Junior or- der hall. Prospect street at 8:30 p. rrr. Mrs. Harry Millejj, of Holly ave- nue, was a luncheon and bridge hos- tess yesterday, her guests being Mrs. George Medlin, Mrs. Hugh Gosline and Mrs. Russell Ward. Representing Hempstead at the an- nual luncheon of the Women's Re- publican club of Lynbrook were Mrs. George J. Dressely, president of the Women's Prosperity Republican club, and her guest, Mrs. William J. Clark; Mrs. Fred H. Curtis, Mrs. Moody, Mrs. John L. Brush, Mrs. Sam- uel Starne Smith, Mrs. Blanche Os- borne and Mrs. S. J. Largiader. vMrs. Charles A. Lees of Parsons drive, entertained her Thursday eve- ning bridge club. Present were Mrs. Frank G. Schumacker, Mrs. Julian S. Massell, Mrs. Frederick C. Chris- tensen, Mrs. Raymond M. Savage, Mrs. John J. McCoulough, Mrs. Claude Wagner and Mrs. Ruth Wilson. «, $ I Hempstead Gardens | # a, Benjamin V. Coombs, president of I the Christian Endeavor society of I Nassau county, will occupy the pulpit ' Sunday morning in the absence of the Rev. Edgar Filtoey in the Church of the Good Shepherd on South Maple street. The Rev. Edgar Filbey departed by motor early Wednesday morning to attend the annual conference of the Evangelical church held at the Glen- dale church. * 1 -4 West Hempstead i * Mrs. John Brush of Buckingham road, sang a soprano solo Wednesday at the graduation exercises held in the school of nursing at Mineola. By Long Island chapter of Packer alumni held its annual luncheon at the Cherry Valley County club. Gar- den City. Mrs Edmund H. Drtgg*. Jr., of Garden City was In charge of all arrangements. Among the alumni present were Mrs. Allen R. Hardie, Mrs. Harvey L. Street, Mrs. John Oas- man, Mrs. Richard Weakes, Mrs. Richard Remaen. Mrs. William jr. Keating, Mrs. William L. Enequtst, Mrs. F. Castle Meacham, Mrs. John T. Geery and Mrs. E. H. Drlggs, Jr.. of Garden City; Mrs. Ralph Porshay and Mrs. Joseph Stumpf of Hemp- stead, Mrs. O. E. Payne of Glen Cove and Mrs. Robert MacKorkle of Man- h asset. man. Louis Howe, Leonard Cohen, Thomas Kennedy, John McOowan,, Edward Munson, Charles TheUcn, | John Lambert, William Lyaaght, Ar- thur Nolan, Henri Dick. Buddy Rolffe, Fred Orr, Harry McOord and darence Bmcklein. Joseph Hughes is in charge of the committee on arrangements. berger and krnes* Qabei August Asseier. Fred Ocetse Ander- son. Edward Kessier, William Koster. William Bechtold, Walter Elson, Ray- mond Deland, Rose Opperman and Marie Treberg will be confirmed at the morning service of the Ascension Lutheran church Sunday. (Club Notes and Personal News) Miss Maude Louise DeTienne of Nassau boulevard entertained her club. Present were Mrs. H. Dudley Gerard, Mrs. Howard B. Abel, Mrs. A. F. Thompson, Mrs. Charles Lehrenkrau&s, Mrs. Oliver M. Whipple and Miss Beatrice Robert. Mrs. Wilfred L. Hlnkle of New- market road was luncheon and bridge hostess Tuesday for Mrs. Russell Zibol, Mrs. Harold G. Dow, Mrs. R. A. Jonag, Mrs. Andrew Reldeli, Mrs. Wil- liam Bechtle, Mrs. William Euhler and Mrs. V. P. Moore. Theta Gamma Kappa of Queens Village will hold a dance at the Gar- den City hotel tomorrow night. The convention of the Long Island Episcopal diocese will be held in Gar den City next Tuesday and Wednes Church Society To 'Seventeen' Tonight The play, "Seventeen" will be given tonight by the Young People's society of the Episcopal chapel of St. Andrew. The curtain will rise at 8 o'clock in the Williston Park school. Park ave- nue. Karl Kahn, Miss Jean McKay, Miss Lena Mann and Miss Dorothy Ooleman are in charge of tickets. Those taking part in the play are Harvey Meagher, Jr., Z£ia* Dorothy Coleman, Miss Lydla Meagher. George Smith, Edward Smith, Walter Schwenk, Joaselyn Eddy, Karl Kane, Henry Tepper, Miss Jean McKay. Miss Madlyn Forth and Miss Lena Mann. Dancing win follow in the gymnasium of the school. (Club Notes and Personal News) Mrs. John Heintz of Pennsylvania avenue will open her^home Tuesday night for a benefit bridge for the Episcopal church of St. Andrew. Mrs. G. E. Copeland and Mrs. Stephen Bell will be assisting hostesses.- Plans for the affair were made at a meeting of the Women's guild held Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Edward N. Anseon were hostesses. Another afternoon card party will be given by the Women's Republican club of Williston Park Thursday after day. There will be a'luncheon each noon at the Williston Masonic club at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Joseph Crooks is president. George Kidney of East Williston is entertaining George Hess, Jr., of ton~ road" celebrated her sixth birth- I Strattsberg, N. Y., and Miss Alice Mc- day Tuesday at a party. Jeanne's Connell of Hyde Park, N. Y. guests were Louise Enequist, Alice I Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Rasch of Dean Walker, Ann Gibson Mary : Nassau boulevard entertained at bridge day of the convention at the Garden City hotel. Jeanne Powell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Raymond Powell of Welling- Adam, Susan Hoyt, Betty Bryson, Virginia Hall, "Sugar" Hildebeand, Elaine Leyser, Nancy Corwlth, Homer' Yates, Billy Yates, Harry Hoyt, Ward Doerschuck and Peter Gibson. Mrs. Helen Jackson of Birmingham for Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pettroccia, Mr. and Mrs. John Eagan of Locust Valley, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Arm- strong and Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Maguire of Williston Park. Awards were won by Mr. Petroccta, Mr. Ala., is to be married Thursday, May Eagan and Mrs. Maguire 21, at St. Thomas's church, New York, to Charles S. Belsterling of New York, formerly of Garden City. Mr. Belsterling is the father of Mrs. Har- old G. Dow of Garden City and Mrs. Mrs. Gertrude Titus and daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Owen of White Plains, visited in the Willistons. Miss Cecelia Sheehan of High street, who has been ill, is now able to be Sturges M. Schley and Miss Ruth about again. Belsterling of New York. He passed j Miss Betty Reoirdan of Goodrich last summer at the Garden City hotel. ; street entertained for Misses Jean Weeden, Dorothy Bamtorock, Alice Williston Park Catholic Club To Give Entertainment Again The second presentation of "A Night in a Night Club" by the Williston Park Catholic club will be given tonight at the North Side school, East Willis- ton. The coaches are Hugh Dolan, John J. Wardell and Leo Thomas Weiss. Dancing will follow the play. Taking part in the play are Misses Margaret Wallace, Chris Byrne, Ellen Harvcrnehdl, Emily Burgher, June Hellingshead, Dorothy Harknett, Mu- riel Merritt, Anne A. Morton, Marie Egert, Catherine Schwenck, Eugene Lebkucher, Loretta Labrucher, Marie Petrone, Betty Blake, Greta McGowan, Betty Brady, Cecelia Theisen, Brighty Blake, Irene Fullam, Ruth Orr, Helen Stewart, Marie Moriarty, Helen Cor- ley, Catherine Corley, Adelaide Cor- ley, Mrs. Thomas J. Dillon, Florence Rowe, Virginia Brob&ck,. Margaret Backlein, Mary Cameron 'and Marie Urkel. Others will be Leo T. Weisg, Charles O'Donnell. Ernest P. Fors- lund, Edwin F. Kullberg, Thomas Mc- Ardle, John Wardell, William Ryan, Michael Carroll, Jean Murray, William Murray, Joseph Hart, Edward Skill- Babrwock, Jean Riordan, Alfred Nor- ris, Joseph Weeden, Billy Graber, Wil- liam Hagen, Joseph Buckley and Harry Forst and Pat Babrock. The women's guild of St. Andrew's church will serve a supper from 5 to 8 o'clock tomorrow. Miss Gertrude Titus and Mrs. Ben- jamin Owen of White Plains; former residents of Williston Park, were guests of Mrs. Abel Thomas of East Williston Tuesday. Mrs. Richard Jonas, Jr., of Fairview avenue, entertained at bridge for Mrs. Earl Spaulding, Mrs. Harold Denning, Mrs. Wilbur Cox, Mrs. William Arm- strong. Mrs. William C. Bechtel and Mrs. John Lydell of Mineola. Awards were won by Mrs. Bechtel, Mrs. Spaulding and Mrs. Lydell. Mrs. William J. Armstrong of East Williston has returned from Atlantic City. s- Franklin Square i <* There will be a card party Friday night, May 22, under auspices of the Men's club of the Ascension Lutheran church or Franklin Square at the Democratic clubrooma. Otto Laux is chairman of a committee which in- cludes John Hubley, Henry Schoen- ^SHXHINXNSHSNSNXHXNXM&HZHXNXHXIIXMSMXHXHZNXNKHZKX^ Vernon's Silk Dresses I On Sale Friday St Saturday -Women's— Larger Women's Polka dotted silk prints, printed chiffons, prints, crepes with light grounds . . . pastel colored silks . . . Just the things most women want '. „ . The styles are smart, for prac- tically all occasions In every sise from 14 to 30 and 38 to S3. 50 JACKETS Slses 14 to !© of black velvet, black and white satin and black and white silk Bengallne. Regular value $5.05. Mow $2*88 No Connection With Any Other Store In Freeport** I r. M x N N X 5 8 W. Merrick Rd. ( JaMswmmmmmmmmmmmm Natl ) treeport, L. I. Famous Dept. Stores 109 So. Main St. (Cor. Merrick Rd.) FREEPORT Values That Top Them All! New Daytime Frocks Reg. $198 on sale at 1.52 Printed Broadcloths Handkerchief Lawns Rayon Piques Novelty Prints, Voiles Also Daytime Dresses A marvelous value at $1.00 On Sale At . . 77 Small Patterns In all the lovely color combinations Men's $1.25 Fine Pajamas 84* FitvT patterns and sattd eetors HIM B. C. D. 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Flared for freedom of action and carefully tailored throughout. Sizes 26-36 in white, brown, black, navy and pastels. 5.95 Sports Shop Went Room FRANKLIN SHOPSi^ • t I A T I t ION* ISLAND'S MIM'STIAD A • I r A t T M l N T tTOM LONG ISLAND Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Fa|t Fnr*Nv, — m

Social Activities of General Interest Throughout the County of Nassau POST'S AUXILIARY


Valley Sir earn Unit Also Arranges For

Parade At a meeting of the lAdles auxiliary

of VaJley Stream port, Veteran* of Foreign Wan, at the village hall, Tuesday nlfht, Mr*. Marjorle Hefner, president, presided. John Moeller and Albert Sack, representing the poppy committee, addressed the members re­garding the poppv drive. The aux­iliary will assist the post in the sale of the popples. May 16-30. The "bud­dy poppies" are made by disabled vet­erans and are sold to aid the ex-sol-dlers* families. Headquarters will be at Rlch-Vin motor sales, Merrick road.

Arrangements were made for the Memorial day parade. Mrs. Alice Rieger Is the chairman of the com­mittee. Mrs. Ethel Richardson and Mrs. Paul Lawrence were named del­egates to the state convention at Rochester, June 24 to 27. Two mem­bers. Mrs. A. 8hanley and Mrs. R. Smith, were admitted to the auxiliary. Mrs. Ethel Richardson received the dark horse prize. The next meeting will be a social held at the home of the president, Mrs. Hefner, of Per­shing avenue. &.—- A


-• Court St. Raymond Holds Card Party

The "Court St. Raympnd, Catholic Daughters, held a card party at the Knight's of Columbus hall, Wednes­day afternoon. Mrs. Thomas Mc-Nulty was chairman. The winners •t* cards were, in bridge, Mrs. Alex Alexander, Mrs. James P. Crowley, Mrs. Alice Lahy, Mrs. William Kiley, Mrs. Grace Jaburg; In 500. Mrs. John Oliver Mrs. William Wright. Mrs. Clara Hautsch, Mrs. H. T. Thomp­son; in pinochle. Mrs. John Wellfield, Mrs. J. J. Moffltt. Mrs. H. D. Chlell, The absent?" and non-plavers were, Mrs. R. A. Dixon, Mrs. Ella Cusack. Mrs. James Denton, Mrs. Robert Irwin, Mrs. John Rogers, Mrs. Ed­ward Brlsnehan, Mrs. James David­son, Mrs. James Ritter. The non-players were, Mrs. James Freel, Mrs. Charles Hunt, Mrs. Edward Degnen, Mrs. Thomas McNuty. The special award of the linen set was awarded to Mrs. Samuel Price.

Hospital Auxiliary Hears Tag Day Report

Wednesday afternoon the Lynbrook auxiliary to South Nassau communi­ties hospital held its last meeting of the season at the Legion hall, Union avenue, with Mrs. William Mothner presiding. Mrs. Mothner reported that the proceeds of the tag day, May 9, were $320.14. Ches­ter Pulton of Preeport donated $100 to this fund. A letter c; thanks from Mrs. W. J. Campbell was read ex­pressing her appreciation for the as­sistance of the auxiliary at the re­cent card party of the Nassau co­operative employment association.

Miss Mary Pierson, superintendent of the South Nassau hospital sent a letter of thanks for the Jams and Jellies don..';d. Mrs. Charles Ulm-schnelder, chairman of hospital sup­plies reported the sewing group of the* South Shore section national council of Jewish women had turned In 40 draw sheets. This group has worked faithfully at all times to assist.

Mrs. E. L. Vincent, membership chairman reported* the following women as new members; Mrs. W. J. Hansen, Mrs. H. H. Fennlman, Mrs. Oscar Walstrom, Mrs. Walter Kohler. It was voted to send $300 to the maintenance fund; $200 to the wel­fare and membership; and $100 for bed tables, gas suction tank, head covers for chairs in each room. Also voted to send a check of $25



Named President Beth Israel Unit At



Mrs. William H.

Mothner, Who

Resides At


r Garden City *

Mrs. Mothner oi Femmore street, Lynbrook, is president of the Lyn­brook auxiliary to South Nassau Communities hospital, which closed its activities for the current season with a meeting Tuesday at American Leglon^post headquarters.

to the Legion. Mrs. N. J. Hansen was awarded the dark horse for this month. The opening meeting of the fall will be September 9 at the Legion hall.

(Club Notes and Personal News) Mrs. Richmond Landon of Devon

street, Lynborok, entertained for her little daughter Alice In honor of her tenth anniversary, last Saturday. Tne event was in the form of a May party with a May pole and appropriate games. The color scheme was yel­low and green. Among those present, Jean Stamp, Virginia Karpman, Jane Morris, Ruth Stevens, Dorothy Mulcre, Elizabeth and Ruth Hanna, Jacqueline Lord, Barbara Kolber, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Landon of Salisbury, Conn., grandparents of Alice.

Mrs. Edward Freel was chairman of the card party of the Democratic club, Tuesday afternoon at the club rooms, Merrick road, Lynbrook. The winners at bridge were. Mrs. H. L. Ames, Mrs. A. Truman Fenner, Mrs. Grace Ja-burg, Mrs. Hugh Robertson, Mrs. E. M. Burns, Mrs. John Randazzo, Mrs. J. J. Denning, Mrs. D. R. Hannigan, Mrs. Bess Robertson. Mrs. G. L. Gil­lespie: in pinochle, Mrs. Frank Has-lach, Mrs. William Harroth; in 500, Mrs. Charles Guden. Mrs. William Hautsch. Mrs. H. B. Wright, Mrs. Elmer Roaries. The non players were Mrs. John Mahoney, Mrs. John Doo-ling. Two special awards went to Mrs. G. G. Robins and Mrs. John Mahoney.

The Democratic club of Lynbrook has contributed $10 to the Mrs. Frost fund and $10 to the Mrs. Hirsch fund.

Court St. Raymond, Catholic daugh­ters of Lynbrook announce an open meeting to be held at the Knights of Columbus hall, May 27 at 8:00 p. m. All members are cordially Invited with friends to attend. There will be mo­tion pictures and numerous prominent speakers.

Mrs. James J. Freel, present grand regent and Mrs. Mary Hart, past grant regent will leave Lynbrook, Sat­urday to attend the state convention of Catholic Daughters at Glens Falls.

Oralg, Miss Clare FeJdtman, Miss Margaret Noble, Miss Margaret Craig, Miss Elizabeth Shine, Miss Eleanor Damm, Miss Philamena Raeder, Miss Esther K, Glvler, Miss Asenath M. Mosso, C o n r a d Brosche, George Schulman, Emanuel Wohlgemuth, Victor Fredlund, and Vincent Rid­dle*.

(Club Note* and Perron*! News) Justice council, Daughters of Lib­

erty, will hold its monthly meeting at the Corona avenue nrehouse Tues­day night. Mrs. James F. Cratty and Mrs. George B*u will be initiated. Mrs. Frederick Weidner, councilor, will preside.

Sunday school teachers of the Trin­ity church will form a club at the church hall, Brooklyn avenue, to­night. Plans will be made for the June parade. Miss Lucy Barker and Mrs. Charles Silverstein instigated the movement. t - *

^-Hempstead I

I Valley Stream

Dramatic Club Sees Play In New York

The Dramatic club of Valley Stream Central high school held a theatre party Tuesday night. The members dined in the city and attended a per­formance of "The Green Pastures." In the group were Miss Catherine

CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS notices for this column should 6s

tent to the social secretary, Nassau Daily Review, and should be d* Uvered at the Review office several days before the date of the sched tiled event. The name and addrfss of the contributor should bt. in eluded for reference.


May 15—Play, "Seventeen," Young People's fellowship, St. Andrew's church of Wtlliston Park, 8 p. m.

Afternoon bridge, P. T. A. of school 4, at school, Baldwin, 2:30 p. m.

Bridge tea, at home of Mrs. Oscar Oil-son, Adele place, Baldwin, for Bald­win American Legion auxiliary.

Meeting, Rockdelphlans, at home of Mrs. Charles Calkins, Hewlett ave­nue, Merrick, 2 p. m.

Meeting, Lynbrook Truth Centre,- at ^f home of Mrs. Harry Kilgour, 22 ^m Lenox avenue, Lynbrook, 3 p. m.

r Rummage sale, Women's guild of All Saints Mission, Baldwin Harbor, 38 Sunrise highway, Freeport.

Meeting, Nassau county home bureau. Sport dance, Young People's fellow­

ship, Church of the Advent of Westbury, at Winthrop hall.

Benefit danre. Young People's fellow­ship of Church of the Redeemer of Merrick, in parish house.

Card and bunco party, Katap boys of Roosevelt, at Odd Fellows hall, Freeport, for welfare work, 8 p. m.

Musical program, choir of Hollis Pres­byterian church, at Seaford M. E. church, 8:15 p. m.

Red Cross, beginning Life Saving campaign.

PlatY, "A Nite in a Night Club," Wil-Uston Park Catholic club, at North Side school.

Afternoon tea. Willing Workers of Roosevelt Memorial Presbyterian church, at home of Mrs. Otto Gottschaldt, Washburn avenue, Freeport, 3 p. m.

Play, "Nine Pointy of the Law," Hempstead chapter, Order of the DeMolay, at American Legion hall. Mineoia.

Home Product* sale. Rector's Aid so­ciety. Church of the Transfiguration of Freport, with program In after­noon, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.

Toxin antl-toxin clinle, Washington avenue school, Roosevelt, 8:30 a. m.

Card and bunco party, Mildred Mc­intosh council, Daughters of Amer­ica, at 8t. Mark's parish hall, North Bellmore, 8:15 p. m. « >

Card party, Morton chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, at Masonic temple, Fulton avenue, Hempstead, 2:30 p. m.

Novelty dance. Junior society of St. Andrews of Oceanslde, at Oceanslde high school, 8:45 p. m.

Annual Nassau county spelling con­test, Mineola Grammar school, Mlneola, 4 p. m.

Card and bunco party, Junior Order of Franklin Square, at Democratic

„ f clubrooms, Hempstead turnpike, •

H p m

^ | School cirrus. Cherry Valle^ school, / Garden City. 3 p. m. and « p. m.

Tom Thumb wedding. Ladies Aid so­ciety, Roosevelt Memorial church, S

p. m. Card and bunco part?, Protection

flrehouse, South Babylon turnpike, for Are department's baseball team.

Luncheon, for new board of directors of Garden City auxiliary to South Nassau Communities hospital, at home of Mrs. Loren Cowdry of Ninth street, Garden City.

Card party, Truck company 2, Hemp, stead fire department, at Oceanslde road nrehouse, 8 p. m.

Card party, Empire Hose company of Merrick, at firehall, 8 p. m.

Card party, Mother's patrol of East Union avenue,-Lynbrook, 8 p. .01.

Meeting, West Hempstead P. T. A., at Eagle avenue school, 8 p. m.

Benefit theatre party, Sons and Daughters of Liberty, Hempstead theatre.

Meeting, Rockville Centre auxiliary to South Nassau Communities hospital, parish hall of the Church of the Ascension, 2:30 p. m.

Mimic radio broadcast, pupils of Hew­lett school, Rockville Centre.

TOMORROW May 16—Beginning of annua] poppr

drive, by various American Legion auxiliaries and posts. _

Apron and necktie socirf, Queens Park Gardens association, in clubrooms, Jacat street, Elmont, 8:30 p. m.

Annual card party. Republican club of Merrick, at Oakwood avenue fire-hall. 8:15 p. m.

Play, "Baby Mine," Massapequa school auditorium, by Junior auxiliary of Women's club and Young Men's Athletic club, 8:30 p\ m.

Sue Hastings Marionettes, at Hemp­stead high school auditorium, 3 p. m., by Hempstead Girl Scout com­mittee.

Testimonial celebration, for Miss Elinor Smith, followed by reception and dinner at the Freeport Elks club.

Opening of Cabana colony, at the Lido club, Long Beach.

Dinner, Women's guild of St. Andrew's church, Willlston. 6 to 8 p. m., fol­lowed by dancing.

5*rd party, Centennial avenue fire-hall. RooseveH, for fire department band, 8:30 p. m.

Annual card party, Helpers of 8t. Anthony of Oceanside, at K. of C. hall, Hempstead avenue, Lynbrook, 8:30 p. m.

Annual Mother and Daughter, lunch­eon, Bellmore Girl Scouts, at Bell-more Square club, 1 p. m.

Card and bunco p*ri.y. Ladles aux­iliary to Valley Stream flic depart­ment, at lire headquarters, Oxford street and Rocleaway parkway, Valley Stream, 8:30 p. m.

Pinochle party and dance, Wantagh firehall, by fire department band, 8 30 p. m.

Opening, of K. of C. miniature golf course.

Annual celebration, D. A. R., Billopp House, Staten Island, local chapters to attend.

Balloon dance. Miller's lane flrehouse. New Hyde Park, S:30 p. m.

Formal opening. East Rockaway American Legiorf clubhouse, and dance, 8:30 p. m.

Spring dance, South Shore Yacht club, Preeport, 1:30 p. m.

Auxiliary Members At Rockville Meeting

Members of the Women's auxiliary to the Hempstead Legion post were guests of the Rockville auxiliary Wed­nesday night at the clubhouse on Maple avenue. In the party were Mrs. WiHam Neumeyer, the president; Mrs. Ella Overington, Mrs. F. W. Hubert, Mrs. Henry Neuschaeffer, Mrs. Samuel DeWees. Mrs. Roy B Whltford, Mrs. Clifford D. Burgess, Mrs. Theodore Buettner, Mrs. Otis Powell. Mrs. Bertha Pillar, Mrs. Sam­uel Stein, Mrs. Edward Anderson and her two daughters, Mrs. Joseph Mar­tin, Mrs. Annie Vandewater. Mrs. Nat Jones and Mrs. Harry Fisher.

Everett Abrams Again Elected By League

Everett Abrams was re-elected president of the Epworth league of the Methodist-Episcopal church of Hempstead. Miss Marion Jacobus is the first vice president, Miss Betty Southwell, second vice president; Miss Frances LeRoy, third vice presi­dent; Miss Ethel Vega, fourth vice president; Ellery Hall, secretary; James Campbell, treasurer; Miss Helen Hilton, pianist, and Howard Doch-termann, chorist. Refreshments were served by the fourth department which comprises Miss Ethel Vega, chairman; Miss Frances LeRoy, Miss Elizabeth Coates. Ellery Hall, Enos Peregrina and James Gilliberty.

(Club Notes and Personal News) Mr. and Mrs. Parry E. Bannerman

of East Front street, were dinner hosts Wednesday night to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lay of Bellerose, Mr. and Mrs. William Valk of Garden City and Harrison Wright of Rockville Centre.

Mrs. Parry E. Bannerman of Hemp­stead, addressed the graduating class of nurses of the Nassau hospital Wed­nesday, at a luncheon held at the Garden City hotel. Surrogate Leone D. Howell also spoke.

Colonel A a r o n Ogden chapter, Daughters of the American Revolu­tion, will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Floyd Woolsey, Arthur street, Garden City.

MLas Hallle Covington will speak on "Korea" at the meeting of the Women's Missionary society of Christ's First Presbyterian church.

The Rev. John 8. Haight, Jr., rec­tor of St. George's Episcopal church, was host today for the Queens-Nas­sau Olericus, a group of Episcopal ministers. A paper was read by the Rev. Alexander McKechney of Great Neck.

Hempstead branch of the Mercy hospital league will give the third in its series of card parties Friday, May 22, at the home of Mrs. Katherine Callahan. Oceanside road.

Mrs. Mary Touwsma. regent of

Mrs. Henry KaU was elected presi­dent of the Sisterhood of the Temple Beth Israel Tuesday night at a meet­ing in the vestry rooms, Hempstead. Mrs. Katz succeeds Mrs. Samuel plat-nick, who has served as leader for two years. Mrs. Samuel G. Hoffman was named vice president; Mrs. Min­nie Lubetkln, second vice-president; Mrs. Abraham Gubar, recording sec­retary, Mrs. Meiselman, correspond­ing secretary; Mrs. Benjamin Small, treasurer; Mrs. Samuel Platnick, chairman of trustees; Mrs. Max Wein­berg, Mrs. Esther Birer, Mrs. M. B. Winer, trustees.

Mrs. Platnlck read her report on the convention in Atlantic City. Rabbi Gabriel Schulman of New York spoke on "Sub-Modern Superstition." He was introduced by William Waidman, president oi Temple Beth Israel con­gregation.

The hostesses were Mrs. Murray Gessner, Mrs. David Harris, Mrs. Ir­ving Walzer, Mrs. Arthur Loewy, Mrs Ida Volkman, Mrs. Harry Wolf, Mrs. H&rry Katz and Mrs. Anna Poroas. An installation luncheon will be held June 2. Mrs. Irving Walzer is chair­man of the committee on arrange­ments. ' ,

Court Saint Cecelia, pathollc Daugh­ters, will depart tomorrow to attend the state convention of Catholic Daughters at Glens Falls.

Court Saint Cecelia, Catholic Daughters of America/ has named a committee to arrange a card party to be given Tuesday at the school at 8:30 -p. m. The committee is composed of Mrs. Agnes Mahoney, chairman; Mrs. Margaret Kennedy, Mrs. Mary Pherstinger, Mrs. Mary Walsleben and Mrs. Nellie Dorkins.

The Ladies Aid society of the First Baptist church will meet Tuesday in the Sunaay school rooms at 2 p. m. Arrangements will be completed for the church entertainment and social to be held Friday, May 22, at 8 p . m. in the Sunday school hall. Admis­sion is free.

The primary department and the Bible school of the First Baptist church will be entertained tomor­row at 2 p. m. at a May -party m the Sunday school room. The fol­lowing teachers will assist in enter­taining the children: Mrs. R. Weaver, Mrs. Arthur Palmer, Mrs. W. L. Mox-on, Mrs. Fred Albert Cassidy and Mrs. Rene Freyer.

The guest speaker at the services at the Temple Beth Israel tonight will be the Rev. J. Earle Edwards, pastor of the Queens Baptist church of Queens village. His subject will be "What Judaism means to Christianity."

Valley Stream council, Jr. O. U. A. M., will give a minstrel and dance at the Franklin avenue school Tues­day night, May 26. On the commit­tee were William Bruckbauer, Ed­ward Smith, Walter Bishop, Sr., Harry Bodack, Edward Schuster, Earl Sut-phin. Earl Carter, Max Otto, Wil­liam Bolstridge, A. Simon and Frank Meyer.

Mr. and Mrs. George D. Smith of Main street, had as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Roy B.- Lewis of Stamford, Conn., Mrs. H. J. Lewis of Blmira, N. Y., and Miss L. Mae Lewis oi Englewood, N. J.

Hempstead Circle, Companions of the Forest, will hold a meeting and initiation Tuesday in the Junior or­der hall. Prospect street at 8:30 p. rrr.

Mrs. Harry Millejj, of Holly ave­nue, was a luncheon and bridge hos­tess yesterday, her guests being Mrs. George Medlin, Mrs. Hugh Gosline and Mrs. Russell Ward.

Representing Hempstead at the an­nual luncheon of the Women's Re­publican club of Lynbrook were Mrs. George J. Dressely, president of the Women's Prosperity Republican club, and her guest, Mrs. William J. Clark; Mrs. Fred H. Curtis, Mrs. Moody, Mrs. John L. Brush, Mrs. Sam­uel Starne Smith, Mrs. Blanche Os­borne and Mrs. S. J. Largiader. vMrs. Charles A. Lees of Parsons

drive, entertained her Thursday eve­ning bridge club. Present were Mrs. Frank G. Schumacker, Mrs. Julian S. Massell, Mrs. Frederick C. Chris-tensen, Mrs. Raymond M. Savage, Mrs. John J. McCoulough, Mrs. Claude Wagner and Mrs. Ruth Wilson. «, $ I Hempstead Gardens | # a,

Benjamin V. Coombs, president of I the Christian Endeavor society of I Nassau county, will occupy the pulpit ' Sunday morning in the absence of the Rev. Edgar Filtoey in the Church of the Good Shepherd on South Maple street.

The Rev. Edgar Filbey departed by motor early Wednesday morning to attend the annual conference of the Evangelical church held at the Glen-dale church. * 1 -4

West Hempstead i • *

Mrs. John Brush of Buckingham road, sang a soprano solo Wednesday at the graduation exercises held in the school of nursing at Mineola.

By Long Island chapter of Packer

alumni held its annual luncheon at the Cherry Valley County club. Gar­den City. Mrs Edmund H. Drtgg*. Jr., of Garden City was In charge of all arrangements. Among the alumni present were Mrs. Allen R. Hardie, Mrs. Harvey L. Street, Mrs. John Oas-man, Mrs. Richard Weakes, Mrs. Richard Remaen. Mrs. William jr. Keating, Mrs. William L. Enequtst, Mrs. F. Castle Meacham, Mrs. John T. Geery and Mrs. E. H. Drlggs, Jr.. of Garden City; Mrs. Ralph Porshay and Mrs. Joseph Stumpf of Hemp­stead, Mrs. O. E. Payne of Glen Cove and Mrs. Robert MacKorkle of Man-h asset.

man. Louis Howe, Leonard Cohen, Thomas Kennedy, John McOowan,, Edward Munson, Charles TheUcn, | John Lambert, William Lyaaght, Ar­thur Nolan, Henri Dick. Buddy Rolffe, Fred Orr, Harry McOord and darence Bmcklein. Joseph Hughes is in charge of the committee on arrangements.

berger and krnes* Qabei August Asseier. Fred Ocetse Ander­

son. Edward Kessier, William Koster. William Bechtold, Walter Elson, Ray­

mond Deland, Rose Opperman and Marie Treberg will be confirmed a t the morning service of the Ascension Lutheran church Sunday.

(Club Notes and Personal News) Miss Maude Louise DeTienne of

Nassau boulevard entertained her club. Present were Mrs. H. Dudley Gerard, Mrs. Howard B. Abel, Mrs. A. F. Thompson, Mrs. Charles Lehrenkrau&s, Mrs. Oliver M. Whipple and Miss Beatrice Robert.

Mrs. Wilfred L. Hlnkle of New­market road was luncheon and bridge hostess Tuesday for Mrs. Russell Zibol, Mrs. Harold G. Dow, Mrs. R. A. Jonag, Mrs. Andrew Reldeli, Mrs. Wil­liam Bechtle, Mrs. William Euhler and Mrs. V. P. Moore.

Theta Gamma Kappa of Queens Village will hold a dance at the Gar­den City hotel tomorrow night.

The convention of the Long Island Episcopal diocese will be held in Gar den City next Tuesday and Wednes

Church Society To 'Seventeen' Tonight

The play, "Seventeen" will be given tonight by the Young People's society of the Episcopal chapel of St. Andrew. The curtain will rise at 8 o'clock in the Williston Park school. Park ave­nue. Karl Kahn, Miss Jean McKay, Miss Lena Mann and Miss Dorothy Ooleman are in charge of tickets. Those taking part in the play are Harvey Meagher, Jr., Z£ia* Dorothy Coleman, Miss Lydla Meagher. George Smith, Edward Smith, W a l t e r Schwenk, Joaselyn Eddy, Karl Kane, Henry Tepper, Miss Jean McKay. Miss Madlyn Forth and Miss Lena Mann. Dancing win follow in the gymnasium of the school.

(Club Notes and Personal News) Mrs. John Heintz of Pennsylvania

avenue will open her^home Tuesday night for a benefit bridge for the Episcopal church of St. Andrew. Mrs. G. E. Copeland and Mrs. Stephen Bell will be assisting hostesses.- Plans for the affair were made at a meeting of the Women's guild held Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Edward N. Anseon were hostesses.

Another afternoon card party will be given by the Women's Republican club of Williston Park Thursday after

day. There will be a'luncheon each n o o n at the Williston Masonic club at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Joseph Crooks is president.

George Kidney of East Williston is entertaining George Hess, Jr., of

ton~ road" celebrated her sixth birth- I Strattsberg, N. Y., and Miss Alice Mc-day Tuesday at a party. Jeanne's Connell of Hyde Park, N. Y. guests were Louise Enequist, Alice I Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Rasch of Dean Walker, Ann Gibson Mary : Nassau boulevard entertained at bridge

day of the convention at the Garden City hotel.

Jeanne Powell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Raymond Powell of Welling-

Adam, Susan Hoyt, Betty Bryson, Virginia Hall, "Sugar" Hildebeand, Elaine Leyser, Nancy Corwlth, Homer' Yates, Billy Yates, Harry Hoyt, Ward Doerschuck and Peter Gibson.

Mrs. Helen Jackson of Birmingham

for Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pettroccia, Mr. and Mrs. John Eagan of Locust Valley, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Arm­strong and Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Maguire of Williston Park. Awards were won by Mr. Petroccta, Mr.

Ala., is to be married Thursday, May Eagan and Mrs. Maguire 21, at St. Thomas's church, New York, to Charles S. Belsterling of New York, formerly of Garden City. Mr. Belsterling is the father of Mrs. Har­old G. Dow of Garden City and Mrs.

Mrs. Gertrude Titus and daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Owen of White Plains, visited in the Willistons.

Miss Cecelia Sheehan of High street, who has been ill, is now able to be

Sturges M. Schley and Miss Ruth about again. Belsterling of New York. He passed j Miss Betty Reoirdan of Goodrich last summer at the Garden City hotel. ; street entertained for Misses Jean

Weeden, Dorothy Bamtorock, Alice

Williston Park

Catholic Club To Give Entertainment Again

The second presentation of "A Night in a Night Club" by the Williston Park Catholic club will be given tonight at the North Side school, East Willis­ton. The coaches are Hugh Dolan, John J. Wardell and Leo Thomas Weiss. Dancing will follow the play. Taking part in the play are Misses Margaret Wallace, Chris Byrne, Ellen Harvcrnehdl, Emily Burgher, June Hellingshead, Dorothy Harknett, Mu­riel Merritt, Anne A. Morton, Marie Egert, Catherine Schwenck, Eugene Lebkucher, Loretta Labrucher, Marie Petrone, Betty Blake, Greta McGowan, Betty Brady, Cecelia Theisen, Brighty Blake, Irene Fullam, Ruth Orr, Helen Stewart, Marie Moriarty, Helen Cor-ley, Catherine Corley, Adelaide Cor-ley, Mrs. Thomas J. Dillon, Florence Rowe, Virginia Brob&ck,. Margaret Backlein, Mary Cameron 'and Marie Urkel. Others will be Leo T. Weisg, Charles O'Donnell. Ernest P. Fors-lund, Edwin F. Kullberg, Thomas Mc-Ardle, John Wardell, William Ryan, Michael Carroll, Jean Murray, William Murray, Joseph Hart, Edward Skill-

Babrwock, Jean Riordan, Alfred Nor-ris, Joseph Weeden, Billy Graber, Wil­liam Hagen, Joseph Buckley and Harry Forst and Pat Babrock.

The women's guild of St. Andrew's church will serve a supper from 5 to 8 o'clock tomorrow.

Miss Gertrude Titus and Mrs. Ben­jamin Owen of White Plains; former residents of Williston Park, were guests of Mrs. Abel Thomas of East Williston Tuesday.

Mrs. Richard Jonas, Jr., of Fairview avenue, entertained at bridge for Mrs. Earl Spaulding, Mrs. Harold Denning, Mrs. Wilbur Cox, Mrs. William Arm­strong. Mrs. William C. Bechtel and Mrs. John Lydell of Mineola. Awards were won by Mrs. Bechtel, Mrs. Spaulding and Mrs. Lydell.

Mrs. William J. Armstrong of East Williston has returned from Atlantic City.

s-Franklin Square i

< * There will be a card party Friday

night, May 22, under auspices of the Men's club of the Ascension Lutheran church or Franklin Square at the Democratic clubrooma. Otto Laux is chairman of a committee which in­cludes John Hubley, Henry Schoen-



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