social action generating campaign ideas

Social Action Campaign Ideas Hannah Woollaston

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Page 1: Social Action Generating Campaign Ideas

Social Action Campaign Ideas

Hannah Woollaston

Page 2: Social Action Generating Campaign Ideas

Idea Generation

Page 3: Social Action Generating Campaign Ideas

Driving Issue Ideas Campaign Idea

• For a driving issues campaign, a number of issues could come under this such as drink driving, speeding or just general road incidents.

• If I was to do this as my campaign the purposes would be: to change attitudes and to raise awareness to make people realize its not okay to drink drive or speed, another purpose of this campaign would be bring about local or national change so the roads are a lot safer in the UK

• If I was to do this a my campaign I would aim my advert at young drivers as it has been proven that they are involved in more ‘driving issues’ than older driver, PDF link for stats: , to make my campaign successful in appealing to younger drivers I wouldn’t use hard-hitting images of children involved in road accidents because even though they are quite effective on older drivers they wouldn't’t be as effective on young drivers because less young drivers will have children so they don’t have that connection. Instead I would use images or captions which helped to make younger drivers realize the effects of not driving responsibly. E.g. using a mobile phone (which is an issue with young drivers) while driving, I could make a campaign poster which involved this and showed the effects.

• As for the tone of my poster I would make it quite abrupt and straight to the point as I think this is likely to have more of an effect on my audience, because it helps to make the advert more shocking so they are likely to remember my campaign and the message of it for longer, therefore having more of an effect.

• For a tagline, as I mentioned above, I would make it quite short and snappy to make it more effective.

Page 4: Social Action Generating Campaign Ideas

Health/ Cancer Awareness Campaign Idea

• As health is quite a broad issue on its own and a lot of issues could come under this, I decided to narrow it down to cancer awareness which is still quite a broad issue but this would give me a lot more flexibility when deciding on where to focus my campaign.

• My campaign for cancer awareness would have many purposes, for example to change attitudes and to raise awareness that cancer can happen to anyone and you should get checked. Another purpose would be to help build relationships with the subject in this case the subject would be cancer, and the point of helping people build relationships with the subject is so that more people get checked or talk about cancer.

• For the audience of my poster I would make it around middle age. As this is when cancer seems to effect a lot of people and chances increase. To make my campaign jump-out to my target audience I would make it quite simple, straight to the point but also not too hard-hitting so the audience realize the crucial-ness of being checked or going to the doctors without being frightened off by my campaign.

• For the tone of my poster, I would take a slightly more subtle and less hard-hitting approach compared with my idea for the tone of the driving issues campaign, a less hard-hitting approach for this campaign would be more successful when appealing to older people as they are likely to take more notice of it and not just dismiss it.

• The tagline of my poster would also have a more relaxed approach but also straight to the point, short and snappy as I think these make the best taglines- whatever the subject. As they get the point across straight away which is important because even if they don’t read the rest of the poster they still get some information from it. I found this when I researched other campaigns as a lot of them used short/snappy taglines and I found this to be the most effective way.

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Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign Idea

• When thinking of ideas for this I was originally just going to do ‘abuse’ but I then decided to refine this down to domestic violence as I thought this was a big enough subject area to cover on its own.

• The target audience of my campaign would be 20+ as this is a problem which effects a lot of different age groups, I would also aim it at both women and men as I think this is a subject which effects both but not as much help is out there for men.

• For the tone of my poster I would make it hard-hitting because I think this a subject which needs to be dealt with as it is such a complex one. But I would have to be careful because this is a delicate subject, which people don’t like to talk about.

• The purposes of my campaign would be to make people aware and providing information of domestic violence to hopefully make more want to speak out. Another purpose would be to challenge dominant stereotypes and representations that men aren’t effected by domestic violence.

• For the tagline of the campaign i would make it quite hard-hitting but not too extreme, i would also make it quite short and snappy but i would also provide some information underneath, like some statistics or some facts and in doing this it would help my campaign to reach its purpose of providing information and making people aware.

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Drug Issues Campaign Idea

• I think that this is good idea for a campaign as I have seen some really good and effective adverts when doing some research into these kinds of campaigns on drugs, as I have shown the drugs issue part of my mind-map below i would also include the effects of the addiction that can come with drugs to make my campaign more effective.

• The purposes of my campaign, if I were to do a drugs issue, would include to raise awareness of the problems drugs can cause. Also another purpose of my campaign would be to provide information on where to get help if people are already at the addiction stage.

• For my drug issues campaign i think a suitable audience would be both male and female as this issue effects both. I would also aim it at 16-28 year olds as this is the age range that are likely to have some experience with drug issues.

• For this campaign i would make the tone of it was quite hard hitting on the audience but also make it helpful and not so that they feel scared to ask for help but also hard hitting enough that they are worried to continue their habit.

• I could also go down the route of campaigning about the risks of driving while on drugs as this is an increasing problem now which is campaigned about quite a lot.