soc. 101 rw ch. 2

Sociology’s Family Tree THEORIES & THEORISTS CHAPTER 2

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Sociology’s Family Tree



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What is a theory?

Sociology’s Roots

Classical Soc. Theory (Marx, Weber, Durkheim,


Modern Schools of Thought

New Theoretical Approaches

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Sociological Theories

Sociological Theories– abstract propositions that both explain the social world and make predictions about future events

Ex. Mental illness-diff. theory means diff. treatment 14 century London-Caused by moral failing/demon

possession or individual weakness---Taken to Bethlem

Colonial U.S.-Caused by astrological position of moon at time of birth (lunatic)---bleeding or long-term vomiting

1930s U.S.-Located in a particular portion of brain---could be cured by lobotomy (removal of part of the brain)

Present day U.S.-caused by problems of brain chemistry

*Theories change over time because society itself changes, and theories try to explain society

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Eurocentrism & Sociology

Eurocentric-tendency to favor

European or Western history, culture,

and values over other cultures

Both the social world and social theory are

eurocentric (privilege West)

Ibn Khaldun-14th century- came up with concept

of assabiyah (social cohesion) before Durkheim

by 500 years

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Sociology’s Roots

Auguste Comte (1798-1857) – French scientist

Father of Sociology; coined “sociology”

Grew up in aftermath of French Revolution/political instability

Believed science could be used to run society efficiently

Positivism – argues sense perceptions are the only

valid source of knowledge

Seeks to ID laws that describe the behavior of a particular reality

Aligned “positive” knowledge with scientific factual knowledge

Scientific method-emphasizes collecting concrete data

through observation and experiment

Comte imagined applying scientific method to social affairs

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Sociology’s Roots

“Mrs.” Harriet Martineau (1802-76)– Support

of unions, women’s rights, abolitionist

Traveled to the U.S.-judge democracy

Translated Comte’s Introduction to Positive Philosophy

into English

Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) – First great

English-speaking sociologist

*Societies, like biological organisms, evolve through

time by adapting to changing conditions – Social


Coined phrase, “survival of the fittest”

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Classical Sociological Theory

Classical period began in 1800s

Beginning as substantive discipline

Theoretical foundations for all work that followed

Industrial Revolution influenced development

Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) – French – established sociology as important science – used scientific method in Suicide

Hoped science could stabilize France in aftermath of defeat in Franco-Prussian War

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Classical Sociological Theory

Suicide-theorized was caused by anomie- sense of disconnection brought about by changing conditions of modern life

Solidarity-unity within a particular society

Mechanical solidarity – describes types of social bonds of agrarian society – shared traditions & beliefs lead to social cohesion

Organic solidarity – describes social bonds modern industrialized society-interdependence, tasks performed and individual rights

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Classical Sociological Theory

Karl Marx- (1818-1883) German social philosopher, economist and political activist

Collaborated with Friedrich Engels

*Believed that conflict between social groups is central to the workings of society and the engine of social change

Social Inequality – uneven & unfair distribution of resources. Result of capitalism –class struggle b/w “haves” and “have-nots”

Means of Production-anything that can create wealth: money, property, factories, etc…

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Classical Sociological Theory

Proletariat – workers, no means of production Tended to be compliant with existing social order

Bourgeoisie-owners of “means of production”

Alienation –sense of dissatisfaction the modern

worker feels as a result of producing goods that

are owned and controlled by someone else

Proletariat suffered b/c they were unable to directly

benefit from the fruits of their own labor

Socialism-political system based on state

control of economy to reduce social inequality

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Classical Sociological Theory

Max Weber – German sociologist

Protestant ethic

Rationalization-application of economic logic to

all spheres of human activity in order to

increase efficiency-

Studied Bureaucracies-institutions

characterized by hierarchal authority and fixed

procedures. Investigated how economics were

related to all human activity (education).

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Classical Sociological Theory

Weber postulated that people were trapped in:

Iron cage-technical conditions of machine

production control our lives through rigid rules

and rationalization/bureaucratic rules

Modern life characterized by disenchantment and


Verstehen – empathetic understanding

Describes how soc. scientist should approach

study of human action

Researchers should avoid bias/opinions in work

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Classical Sociological Theory Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian psychiatrist

Psychoanalysis-The subconscious and

unconscious responsible for most of our drives

and impulses-learned thru dream interpretation

*Concerned with the large-scale social changes of

the Industrial Revolution & effect on individual

Repression-taboo desires return via dreams, slips of the

tongue, neuroses, etc…

Sublimation-desires channeled into healthy and

acceptable expressions/hobbies

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Modern Schools of Thought

Structural Functionalism – society is unified

whole that functions because of the

contributions of its separate structures

Comte, Spencer, Durkheim wanted to study

order because social change had previously

happened much more slowly

Society as sui generis

Structures – social institutions relatively stable

over time, meets needs of society (family, etc.)

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Modern Schools of Thought

Dysfunction – disturbance to some aspect of

social system-must lead to institutional change

Families not disciplining kids?-falls on schools, courts…

Structural Functionalism Tenets

1. Society is stable system of interrelated parts

2. Each structure has a function that contributes

to the continued stability of the whole

Critiques-static model of society/no interest in

individual, social inequality functional?

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Modern Schools of Thought

Conflict Theory – Marx – struggle over resources & power dominates society. Ideology of society is influenced by wealthy & powerful Increasing economic power of industrial capitalism

primary tool for oppression of the poor

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”-Karl Marx

False consciousness-denial of truth by the oppressed-fail to recognize interests of ruling class in their ideology-allowed inequalities in class structure to continue

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Modern Schools of Thought

To change: we need Class Consciousness or

Revolutionary Consciousness – challenge those in

power and inequality in society

Dialectical Model – Marx’s model of historical change

Thesis (belief) – Antithesis (opposite belief) and

Synthesis (compromise of both)

Praxis – practical action – act on what you believe

Critical Theory – media or mass communications and

popular culture important part of capitalism

Critique-can ignore stable parts of society

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Modern Schools of Thought

Symbolic Interactionism - interaction and

meaning central to society –meanings in life are

created through interaction in society- not inherent

1. We act towards things on basis of their


2. Meanings are not inherent/created through


3. Meanings can change or be modified through


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Modern Schools of Thought George Herbert Mead & the Chicago School

Did actual field research about social interaction

Related to pragmatism-organisms make

practical adaptations to their environments

Believed language (verbal & non-verbal) is

crucial to the development of self and society

Erving Goffman – Dramaturgy – uses idea of

theatre to explain how we present ourselves

Frontstage and Backstage

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New Theoretical Approaches

Feminist Theory – looks at how gender &

power are linked in our society – patriarchal

Queer Theory – 80’s & 90’s – sexual

orientation categories are just social constructs-

none deviant or normal

Postmodernism – no constants in society – all

areas in flux, diverse – Hip Hop-old with the new

Wal-Mart Assignment – page 54 & 55