soalan kuiz sains booth hari koperasi

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  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


    . What is the name of the biggest part of the human brain?

    2. The colored part of the human eye that controls how much light passes through the pupil is called the?

    3. What is the name of the substance that gives skin and hair its pigment?

    4. The muscles found in the front of your thighs are known as what?

    5. True or false? The two chambers at the bottom of your heart are called ventricles.

    . What substance are nails made of?

    !. What is the human body"s biggest organ?

    #. The innermost part of bones contains what?

    $. True or false? %n adult human body has over 5&& bones.

    '&. (ow many lungs does the human body have?

    ''. %nother name for your voice bo) is the?

    '2. The two holes in your nose are called?

    '3. *our tongue is home to special structures that allow you to e)perience tastes such as sour+ sweet+ bitter and salty+ whtheir name?

    '4. The bones that make up your spine are called what?

    '5. The shape of ,-% is known as?

    '. The flow of blood through your heart and around your body is called?

    '!. The bones around your chest that protect organs such as the heart are called what?

    '#. What is the name of the long pipe that shifts food from the back of your throat down to your stomach?

    '$. True or false? *our ears are important when it comes to staying balanced.

    2&. The outside layer of skin on the human body is called the?

    Human Body Quiz Answers

    '. The cerebrum 2. ris 3. /elanin 4. 0uadriceps

    5. True . 1eratin !. The skin #. one marrow$. alse there are 2& '&. 2 ''. 6aryn) '2. -ostrils

    '3. Taste buds '4. 7ertebrae '5. % double heli) '. 8irculation

    '!. 9ibs '#. The esophagus '$. True 2&. :pidermis

    '. What is the first element on the periodic table?

    2. What is the centre of an atom called?

    3. True or false? %cids have a p( level below !.

  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


    4. What is the main gas found in the air we breathe?

    5. True or false? %n electron carries a positive charge.

    . amous -ew ;ealand scientist :rnest 9utherford was awarded a -obel

  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


    #. n terms of electricity+ what does %8 stand for?

    $. :lectric power is typically measured in what units?

    '&. True or false? *ou can e)tend battery life by storing batteries at a low temperature.

    Electricity Quiz Answers

    '. %mmeter 2. True

    3. ,irect current 4. ilament

    5. 6ow . alse /ichael araday!. hms #. %lternating current

    $. Watts '&. True

    '. Which famous scientist introduced the idea of natural selection?

    2. % person who studies biology is known as a?

    3. otany is the study of?

    4. 8an frogs live in salt water?

    5. True or false? The common cold is caused by a virus.

    . %nimals which eat both plants and other animals are known as what?

    !. acterial infections in humans can be treated with what?

    #. % single piece of coiled ,-% is known as a?

    $. % group of dog offspring is known as a?

    '&. The area of biology devoted to the study of fungi is known as?

    ''. What is the name of the process used by plants to convert sunlight into food?'2. The death of every member of a particular species is known as what?

    '3. The process of pasteuri=ation is named after which famous rench microbiologist?

    '4. True or false? % salamander is a warm blooded animal?

    '5. % change of the ,-% in an organism that results in a new trait is known as a?

    Biology Quiz Answers

  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


    '. 8harles ,arwin 2. iologist 3.

  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


    $. ig bang '&. :dwin (ubble ''. ilament '2. Acotland

    '3. 6ong '4. % solar eclipse '5. True '. The sun

    '!. 6ow '#. %mperes '$. %lbert :instein 2&. The /ilky Way gala)y

    '. True or false? Aound travels faster through water than air?

    2. Water is made up of what two elements?

    3. What is another name for a tidal wave?

    4. True or false? The ndian cean is the biggest ocean on :arth.

    5. The solid state of water is known as what?

    . 8an the average human survive without water for a few days or a few weeks?

    !. True or false?

  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


    '!. True '#. ! '$. The -ile 9iver 2&. alse C t floats

    '. The scientific study of plant life is known as what?

    2. The process of plants using energy from sunlight to turn carbon dio)ide into food is known as what?

    3. True or false? n the right conditions bamboo can grow over &cm 24in in Eust one day.

    4. The movement of pollen from the anthers to the stigma of a flower is known as what?

    5. %mber is made from fossili=ed tree FFFFF?

    . True or false? (umans were on :arth before plants.

    !. What grain has the highest level of worldwide production? (intG 9ice is second

    #. % trailing or climbing plant is also known as a FFFFF?

    $. True or false?

  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi



  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


    Computer Word Search

    Name !ate

    A G P S K A F M D F M L E O V I L C

    P A N R O R P O F T E A S K L P I S

    P N L I O F O P Q F M P U M G R C M

    L G P X M C T W L V O T O L C R O M

    I F G I L M E W T E R O M U E N T N

    C U P S C F A S A E Y P I E I F W E

    A D B U Y R L R S R N T N T O A R QT W K W H R V F G O E L O S A A P T

    I D R A O B Y E K O R R O G W T U B

    O T E N R E T N I S R R R D A P A A

    N W N T Q U Q A M Q C P R G N M X D

    S T U P T U O D Q I M A X I C X E J

    T R G F R U O X M E H W V M C B M S







  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


    A: 1,4,5

  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi



  • 7/24/2019 Soalan Kuiz Sains Booth Hari Koperasi


    Answer: 126Logic:

    2+3=5, 5 x 2 = 108+4= 12, 12 x 8= 967+2=9, 9 x 7 = 636+5= 11, 11 x 6=66SO

    9+5=14, 14 x 9= 126