soal uti kidney

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KIDNEY & URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS (UTI) (dr. Aisyah Ganie)- nanda...

1. Urinary tract is a. Opened system

b. Closed system

c. Tubules system

d. Secretion system

2. UTI (urinary tract infections), except :a. pylorinephritis

b. glomerulonephritis

c. cystitis

d. urethritis3. Infection my be spread by ascending :

a. Urethra -> bladder -> Ureter -> pyelum of kidney

b. bladder -> urethra -> Ureter -> pyelum of kidney

c. Ureter -> bladder -> Urethra -> pyelum of kidney

d. pyelum of kidney -> bladder -> Ureter -> urethra4. Etiologic agents from gram positive bacteria, examples :

a. N.gonorrhoeae

b. Enterobacter

c. Acinetobacter

d. Enterococcus faecalis 5. Based on the pictures, :

a. Proteus mirabilis

b. S.saprophyticusc. S. aureus

d. Stenotrophomonas sp

6. these following are the other agents of UTI (urinary tract infections), except :

a. Chlamydia trachomatis

b. Anchylostoma

c. Ureaplasma

d. Candida albicans

7. Signs & Symptoms of UTI :

a. decreasing urinary frequency b. harm while urination

c. yellow to bloody urine d. Leukocyes in urine

8. not predisposing factor of UTI :

a. History of sexually active womanb. Bladder catheterization

c. Hypertrofi seminiferus tubules d. Enlarged prostate gland9. Laboratory diagnosis in urine sediments for UTI :

a. mycoculture

b. plasma

c. erythrocytes

d. albumin

10. AST adalah

a. (antimicrobial suspended testing)b. (antimicrobial susceptibility testing)c. (antibacterial susceptibility testing)d. (antimicrobial solubility testing)11. Urine bacteriological test is done inexcepta. UTIb. Renal insufficiencyc. Systemic infection (SIRS)d. FUO (fever of unknown origin)e. first trimester of pregnancyf. All above are true

12. sterile aspiration with syringe

a. Catheterization

b. SPP (supra pubic punction)c. Urine midstream

d. IVP

13. Urine can be refrigerated for a. >12 hours

b. S.pyogenes bound to circulating antigen -> AgAb complexes(accumulate in the kidney -> inflammatory response -> attack kidney capillary -> acute glomerulonephritis -> kidney function decrease

b. a kind of autoimmune disease where antibody to -> S.pyogenes bound to circulating antigen -> AgAb complexes -> accumulate in the kidney -> inflammatory response -> attack kidney capsula -> acute glomerulonephritis -> kidney function decreasec. a kind of autoimmune disease where antibody to -> S.pyogenes bound to circulating antigen -> AgAb complexes -> accumulate in the kidney -> inflammatory response -> attack kidney fascia -> acute glomerulonephritis -> kidney function decreased. a kind of autoimmune disease where antibody to -> S.pyogenes bound to circulating antigen -> AgAb complexes -> accumulate in the kidney -> inflammatory response -> attack kidney tissue -> acute glomerulonephritis -> kidney function decrease

21. the laboratory result for acute glomerulonefritis :

a. C3 decrease, ASTO&CRP increase

b. C3 increase, ASTO&CRP decrease

c. C3 decrease, ASTO&CRP decrease

d. C3 increase, ASTO&CRP increase22. pathophysiology of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)E.Coli O157:H7 an Entero Hemorrhagic E.coli (EHEC),that usually produce a verotoxin and caused microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and end up as acute renal failure and death :p:p_b a a d c _b d c c b_f a d a a_c d . a d_a .