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Post on 10-Jan-2016




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Penyakit Glomerulus pada Dewasa1. These are the example of Primary GN, except

a. Membranous GN

b. Membranoproliferative GN

c. IgA nephropathy

d. Alports Syndrom

2. fibrosis is...

a. Increased amount og homogenous non-fibrillar extracellular material

b. Expansion of glomerular basement membrane as a dominant feature

c. Deposition of type I and III colagen

d. Any systemic features as direct consequence of glomerular dysfunction3. Pathogenesis of Immune Glomerulonephritis, excepta. Ab, Ag/Ab or immune complex deposition

b. Mesangial cell hypertrophy

c. Inflammation Activation of complement

d. Destruction of glomerular structure

4. Massive fibrinoid necrosis of afferent srteriole and glomeruli thrombotic angiopathy is the pathogenesis of...a. Chronic sustained hypertension

b. Glomerular hypertension

c. Malignant hypertension

d. All of them

5. .... plays a key role in extracelluler matrix formation in messengium and interstitium that leads to fibrosis and loss of nephron units.a. TGF-

b. TGF-

c. TNF-

d. TNF-6. Gejala dari Syndrome Nefritik Akut, kecualia. Azotemia

b. Hepatomegali

c. Cardiomegali

d. Edema 7. Glomerulopathy idiopatica. GP acute proliferative

b. Berger disease

c. GP membranoploriferative

d. All of them8. Lab interpretation of Glomerular Nephritic is...a. C4 is very high

b. Polyclonal cryoglobulinemiain 25%

c. C3 and CH50 increased w/in 2 weeks

d. Serum IgG and IgM increased in 80% and returns normal in 1-2 months

9. Resolution of hypertension in Post-streptococcal GN is...a. 3-4 week

b. 6-7 week

c. 2 week

d. 1 week10. Pengobatan darurat medis SNA untuk bendungan sirkulasi dan paru adalaha. Furosemide 40-80 mg IV

b. Hidralazin 20 mg IV

c. Nifedipin

d. Antibiotika11. Clinacal lab of acute nephritic syndrome and RPGN...a. Hematuria

b. Rapidly renal failure over weeks

c. With or without pulmonary hemorrhage

d. All of them

12. Non-specific constitutional signs and symptoms of acute nephritic syndrome adn RPGN, excepta. Lethargy, malaise

b. Fever, athralgiac. Myalgia,anorexia

d. Nausea , fatigue13. Non specific lab abnormalities of acute nephritic syndrome and RPGN...a. Lecukocytosis

b. Thrombocytosis

c. Elevated C-reactive protein

d. All of them

14. Gejala klinik dari sindroma nefrotik adalah...kecuali

a. Proteinuria

b. Hipertensi

c. Hiperlipidemia

d. Hiperkoagulasi

15. Mechanism of oedema in syndrome nephrotic

a. Glomerular damage, proteinuria, reduction serum albumin, reduction oncotic pressure, reduction plasma volume, increased Na+ absorption, OEDEMA

b. Proteinuria, Glomerular damage, reduction serum albumin, reduction oncotic pressure, reduction plasma volume, increased Na+ absorption, OEDEMA

c. Glomerular damage, Reduction oncotic pressure, proteinuria, reduction serum albumin, reduction plasma volume, increased Na+ absorption, OEDEMA

d. Glomerular damage, proteinuria, reduction plasma volume, reduction oncotic pressure, reduction serum albumin, increased Na+ absorption, OEDEMA16. Ditemukan pada 80% NS umur < 16 tahun dan 20% pada dewasa merupakan data epidemiologi dari sindrom nefrotik jenis...a. MCD



d. Membranous glomerulopathy

17. Terjadi pada 1/3 NS dewasa merupakan data epidemiologi sindrome nefrotik jenis...a. MCD



d. Membranous glomerulopathy18. Penebalan diffuse basal membran glomerulus tanpa adanya inflamasi atau proliferasi selluler merupaka patologi dari sindrome nefrotik jenis...a. MCD



d. Membranous glomerulopathy

19. Autoimmune merupakan membranoproliferative glomerulonefritis tipe...a. I

b. II

c. III

d. IV

20. Kombinasi Tipe I dan membranous gloimerulopathy merupaka MPGN tipe...a. II

b. III

c. IV

d. VJawaban: acbcb cddca dddba abdbb