soal bahasa inggris sma

Once upon a time there was a fisherman armed with his fishing rod who would make his every day from his village to the river bank. There he would wait patiently for the fish to bite. As soon as he had caught exactly there fish, he would leave the river and went his way slowly home to the cottege where he lived with his wife and son. This strange routine was much commented in the village. Then one day, a tourist a arrived and began to go daily walks to the river bank. After a few days of watching the lone fisherman, he finally spoke to him. "Excuse me, but I've been observing your unusual routine for several days. You always catch exactly three fish and then go away." "And why on earth should I want to wait around here after that?" "Fore fish to take the bait." "But I only need three fish. There are only there of us at home." "And you've never thought of trying to catch more fish?" "What for?" "To sell, so that you could buy nets and a fishing boat." "What for?" "So that you can buy a bigger house and then may be another boat and have people working for you." "What for?" "So that you could have other things, be very rich and do all the things you like doing." "The things I like doing? But what I like doing is fishing!"

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Page 1: Soal Bahasa Inggris Sma

Once upon a time there was a fisherman armed with his fishing rod who would make his

every day from his village to the river bank. There he would wait patiently for the fish to

bite. As soon as he had caught exactly there fish, he would leave the river and went his way

slowly home to the cottege where he lived with his wife and son. This strange routine was

much commented in the village. Then one day, a tourist a arrived and began to go daily

walks to the river bank. After a few days of watching the lone fisherman, he finally spoke to


"Excuse me, but I've been observing your unusual routine for several days. You always

catch exactly three fish and then go away."

"And why on earth should I want to wait around here after that?"

"Fore fish to take the bait."

"But I only need three fish. There are only there of us at home."

"And you've never thought of trying to catch more fish?"

"What for?"

"To sell, so that you could buy nets and a fishing boat."

"What for?"

"So that you can buy a bigger house and then may be another boat and have people working

for you."

"What for?"

"So that you could have other things, be very rich and do all the things you like doing."

"The things I like doing? But what I like doing is fishing!"

1. Where did the story take place?

A. In a village

B. In the cottage

C. At a river bank

D. On a fishing boat

E. In a tourist resort

2. Who were the participants?

A. A fisherman

B. A fisherman and his son

C. A fisherman and his wife

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D. A fisherman and a tourist

E. A fisherman and villagers

3. What routine did the fisherman do every day?

A. He went fishing

B. He went home slowly

C. He met the tourist

D. He spoke to the tourist

E. He bought some fish

4. Why did the tourist finally speak to the fisherman?

A. Because he wanted him to eel the fish

B. Because the fisherman was fishing alone

C. Because he would sell nets and a fishing boat

D. Because he had been watching him for a few days

E. Because he wanted to know why the fisherman always caught exactly three

fish every day

5. Why didn't the fisherman catch more than there fish?

A. Because he ate three fish every day

B. Because he only needs the fish

C. Because he was not allowed to catch more fish

D. Because he only needed three fish

E. Because didn't want to sell the fish

6. The fisherman said. . . . . . .

A. if there were only there of us at home

B. that there are only there only of them at home

C. that there are only there of us at home

D. that there were only there of us at home

E. that there were only three of them at home

7. What was the thing the fisherman like doing?

A. Fishing

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B. Fishing three fish

C. Leaving his village

D. Slowly walking home

E. Sitting at the river bank

8. How did the fisherman wait for the fish to bait?

A. Patiently

B. Greedily

C. Excitedly

D. Carefully

E. Generously

9. "This strange routine was much commented on in the village."

The sentence has the same meaning with . . .

A. the routine was very unusual in the village

B. the routine was part of the people's tradition

C. people liked doing the routine

D. people didn't like the routine

E. people criticized the man for doing the routine

10. "This strange routine was much commented on in it the village."

The meaning of the underlined word is nearly same as. . . . . .

A. common

B. unknown

C. unusual

D. exclusive

E. familiar

It is commonly observed during the rainy season that water falling on roads and streets

disappears after a few hours. Similarly, in summer, wet clothes dry up very soon. Do you

know where this water goes? This water gets converted into vapor is called evaporation.

How does evaporation take place? Every substance is made up of very small particles

called molecules. These molecules are held together by strong forces of attrition called

cohesive forces. These forces are opposed by the repulsive forces due to the motion of

Page 4: Soal Bahasa Inggris Sma

molecules. As long as the cohesive forces are far greater than the repulsive forces, the

substance remains in the solid state. When the substance is heated up, it absorbs heat energy

which the molecules area set up in rapid motion. This motion starts counterbalancing the

cohesive force. When the repulsive force generated by the motion of molecules equals the

cohesive force, matter changes from solid to liquid state. If the liquid is still heated, the

molecules still move fast. When the force exceeds the cohesive force, the molecules of the

liquid become free and escape into the air. It is how the liquid is converted into vapor. The

liberation of the molecules from the liquid surface to the air is called evaporation.

This explains the drying up process of clothes. If the wet clothes are put under the sun,

they dry up faster because at the rate of evaporation increases with the rise in temperature. It

takes place more rapidly when the air is dry. That is why clothes dry up more quickly on a

dry than on a damp cloudy day.

11. The suitable heading of the text above is . . . . .

A. Do you know where this water goes?

B. How does evaporation take place?

C. How liquid is converted into vapor.

D. This water gets converted into vapor.

E. This explains the drying up process of the clothes.

12. Paragraph 1 is the . . . . of the passage

A. identification

B. general statements

C. orientation

D. general classification

E. thesis

13. Which of the following options contains technical terms?

A. Faster, higher, more rapidly

B. Dry day, cloudy day, dry up

C. Rainy season, summer, few hours

D. Evaporation, molecules, cohesive forces

E. Forces of attraction, wet clothes, liquid surface

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14. What is evaporation?

A. It is the force that separates molecules

B. It is the motion of molecules of a substance

C. Wet clothes dry up very soon in the sun

D. It is the conversion of water into vapor

E. Water falling on the streets disappears after a few hours

15. What is every substance made of?

A. Heat

B. Evaporation

C. Solid state

D. cohesive forces

E. Repulsive forces

16. What causes water to evaporate?

A. Heat

B. The sun

C. Molecules

D. Cohesive forces

E. Repulsive forces

17. . . . . . . . holds molecules together

A. Heat energy

B. Rapid motion

C. Repulsive forces

D. Cohesive forces

E. Motion of molecules

18. Why do wet clothes dry up faster on a sunny day on a cloudy day?

A. Because the sun shines brightly during the day

B. Because the molecules of the water become free

C. Because the molecules of the liquid are going into the air

D. Because The heat of the sun is protected by the clouds

E. Because the temperature of a sunny day higher than that of a cloudy day

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19. If wet clothes are put under shelter, they . . . . . fast

A. do not dry up

B. did not dry up

C. are not drying up

D. are not dried up

E. were not dried up

20. Drying wet clothes on a cloudy day takes . . . time than on a sunny day

A. long

B. longer

C. longest

D. too long

E. long enough

3-Step Chocolate Cheese Cake Recipe

Submitted by Karen Thackeray

A quick and easy cheese cake recipe

Yield : 6 servings

Prep. Time :5 minutes

Cook Time : 40 minutes

Total Time : 45 minutes


16 ounces cream cheese, 2 packages, softened

½ cup sugar

½ teaspoon vanilla

2 large eggs

4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 prepared Graham cracker crust


Page 7: Soal Bahasa Inggris Sma

Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed until well-blended. Blend in 2 eggs.

Stir in chocolate chips then pour batter into Graham cracker chust. (you may sprinkle ¼ cup

mini semi-sweet chocolate chips on top if you desire)

Bake at 35calcius for 40 minutes, or until certer is almost set. Cool.

For best results refrigerate for 3 hours.

21. How many persons is the cake for?

A. 2

B. 5

C. 6

D. 35

E. 2

22. The goal of the text is to tell about . . . . .

A. how to beat cream cheese

B. how to blend sugar and vanilla

C. how to bake chocolate cheese and cake

D. how make chocolate cheese cake

E. how to make mini sweet chocolate chips

23. The text is called a/an . . . . .

A. explanation

B. description

C. procedure

D. report

E. spoof

One day I went to Surabaya with my friends for a vacation. We went there on a night bus.

When we arrived in Lamongan, the bus stopped at a small restaurant for a rest. I got off the

bus to gat a cup of ginger tea, and my friend drank some cold lemonade. Then I went to the

toilet. It took only a few minutes.

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When I came out again, the bus was not there. It had gone! My friend was not there too.

Feeling shocked and confused, I asked a waitress about the bus. She said that bus departed

about five minutes ago.

I tried to call my friend on my cell-phone, but the battery was running low.

I couldn't do anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The bus

came back! Got on the bus and walked to my seat.

I was so ashamed when everybody on the bus looked at me. I could feel my face turn red

24. Fill the blank spaces with the correct connectives to show events.

. . . . ., the bus stopped at a small restaurant for a rest . . . . ., I got off the bus to get a cup of

ginger tea but . . . . ., I went to the toilet. It took only a few minutes . . . . , I came out again

but the was not there. It had gone! I called my friend on my cell-phone and . . . . ., the bus

came back.

A. First, Then, next, when, finally

B. First, Then, when, next, finally

C. First, Then, when, finally, next

D. Fist, Next, when, finally, next

E. Fist, next, later, then, finally

25. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. to describe a night bus

B. to tell past event in sequence

C. to amuse or to entertain readers

D. to express sorrow

E. to tell on going events

26. The organization of text is .....?

A. orientation-events-reorientation

B. orientation-complication-resolution

C. general statement-a sequence of explanation-closing

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D. thesis-argument-reiteration

E. this-argument-recommendation

27. What did the writer do when the bus stop for a rest in Lamongan?

A. Ate some gingers

B. Drank some cold lemonade

C. Bought some souvenirs

D. Went to the toilet

E. Had a prayer in the mosque

28. What does the story tell us about?

A. The writer and his friend enjoyed their to Surabaya

B. The writer arrived in Lamongan to visit his relative

C. The writer could contact his friend with the cell-phone

D. The writer went to Surabaya on a night train

E. The writer was left by the bus on his trip to Surabaya

Slang is definitely a way to distinguish you as part of a group or separate from another

group. Teens use slang to show their independence from their parents, and give them and

their friends a language they can call their own. Slang sometime allows them to

communicate without outsiders understanding, or to show off that they belong to a particular

group. Teens like to use slang words for several reasons.

Firstly, they use slang to show their individuality. Daily teen conversations can be

incomprehensible to many parents and adults. Influenced by MTV, hip-hop culture and the

popularity of e-mail, teenagers shorten words, stretch definitions and pronounce term with a

different style. The way talk shows their confidence.

Secondly, they use slang because it is easier to say. They might talk the way they do with

word like"coz" for"because" and "holla" for "hello" and other expressions because the words

are cool and easier to use, not because they are lazy.

Finally, they use slang for speed and usefulness, and little humor of the day. Slang flows

quicker than standard language. Slang can color their vocabulary and sentences, so that they

don't seem boring.

Thus, from the reasons above, it can be concluded that teens use slang words because

using their own terms is the easiest way to make the world of their own.

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29. The last paragraph of text is called the . . . . .

A. orientation

B. thesis

C. issue

D. reiteration

E. recommendation

30. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform the readers about why teens like using slang

B. To explain the readers about what slang is

C. To persuade the readers to use slang

D. To present two different points of view about slang

E. To describe what slang is

31. "Slang is definitely a way to distinguish you as part of a group . . . . "

The underlined word has the same meaning as . . . . .

A. to make different

B. to extinguish

C. to forecast

D. to forgive

E. to give up

32. Which of the following sentences is not true according to the text?

A. A standard language flows more slowly than slang

B. Slang is not used by general group

C. Parents and adults aren't familiar with teen's slang

D. Teens think that it's easier to slang

E. Slang is a way to unite some different group.

From : Ana Prahita

Date : Tuesday, October 23,2006-3:15 P.M.

To : Jullus Sitanggung

Subject : Hellen Forbes, UNICEF ambassador

Page 11: Soal Bahasa Inggris Sma

DR. Helen Forbes, Ph.D., a UNICEF ambassador, will be visiting our company on Monday,

October 31st. I'd like you to prepare a program for her. She will arrive in the morning before

noon. Please start with lunch in the cafeteria and the show her your department. After that,

take her to our printing department.

33. Who will accompany her to go around the company?

A. Ana Prahita

B. Helen Forbes

C. No one

D. Julius Sitanggang

E. Both Anna Prahita and Julius Sitanggang

34. What kind of company will Dr. Helen Forbes visit?

A. Canned food

B. Book publishing

C. Shoe manufacturer

D. Engineering

E. Tourism

35. When will Dr. Helen Forbes come?

A. In the evening

B. At noon

C. After lunch

D. In the morning before noon

E. In the afternoon

36. Man : Why do you look so pale and weak?

Women : I have a painful stomachache

Man : You should go to doctor. Let i'll a company you

What does the man express? The man express

A. Advice

B. Agreement

C. Satisfaction

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D. Disagreement

E. Dissatisfaction

Read the following dialogues and answer the questions.

37. Father : What about your mathematics test this morning?

Son : I made no mistakes. I got ten.

Father : Oh I am very ... of you. You always do your best. There’s a present for you.

A. busy

B. tired

C. proud

D. angry

E. ashamed

38. Adam : Can I borrow your laptop?

Idris : Certainly, but what’s wrong with yours?

Adam : It

A. repaired

B. is repairing

C. is going to repair

D. has been repaired

E. is being repaired

39. Tia : You know Rian, Rudy is going to marry Sari.

Rian : ... ? As far as I know he doesn’t love her.

A. Really

B. Great

C. Amazing

D. Fantastic

E. Wonderful

40. Alan : This cake is very nice. Did you make it yourself?

Betty : No, I didn’t. I had it made.

The underlined sentence means ....

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A. Betty had made the cake

B. Betty had to make the cake

C. Alan asked Betty to make the cake

D. Alan helps Betty make the cake

E. Betty asked someone to make the cake

41. Yudha : Where were you yesterday, Wahyu?

Wahyu : I attended a seminar about how to prevent skin cancer.

Yudha : Really? I would have joined it if I had known.

The underlined sentence means ....

A. Yudha was absent from his office

B. Wahyu was present in his office

C. Yudha joined the seminar

D. Wahyu didn’t join the seminar

E. Yudha didn’t join the seminar

42. Fajar : Dad, may I come along to grandma’s house?

Father : I’m afraid not, you are going to have an examination soon.

The underlined expression shows ....

A. refusing permission

B. expressing an apology

C. offering something

D. giving permission

E. wondering

43. Ron : You have stolen my new key holder.

Jill : …. Perhaps Jack did.

A. Not at all

B. Never mind

C. Forget it

D. All right

E. Sure

44. Via : Was the film good, Neno?

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Neno : I don’t know, I didn’t see it

Via : Didn’t you go to the theatre last night with Titos?

Neno : Yes, but when we got there, the film ....

We went to the mall instead

A. starts

B. had started

C. has been started

D. started

E. has started

45. X : I haven’t met John for three days. What happened to him?

Y : He was sent to the hospital because of his sickness.

X : Oh, poor John. I hope he’ll be better soon.

The underlined sentence is used to express ....

A. pleasure

B. agreement

C. sympathy

D. expectation

E. satisfaction

46. Dina : Have you heard that Tino had an accident last week?

Ita : Really? Oh, ... I hope he’ll be fine soon.

A. it surprises me

B. it sounds great

C. it’s not my business

D. that’s out of the question

E. I’m sorry to hear that

47. X : Have you finished doing your assignment?

Y : No, but I ... doing it by next week.

A. am going to finish

B. will have finished

C. have been finished

D. have to finish

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E. will finish

48. Rony : Last night there was an earthquake in my neighbourhood.

Tommy : Was there?

Rony : Yeah. You know I ... the earth shaking for some minutes.

A. saw

B. noticed

C. felt

D. observed

E. watched

49. It was then we suddenly become aware of the stillness of the night, and although it

sounds odd to say so, the silence seemed even louder than the noise we had been

making before.

The underlined word has the same meaning as ....

A. strange

B. funny

C. usual

D. nice

E. suprised

50. Ami : Why do you arrange this bedroom?

Are you going to have a special guest?

Alya : Yes, my friend Ida will come to visit us.

Ami : Ida from Bandung?

Alya : No, that’s Ida Kambe.

This one is Ida Nantono, ... in Yogya when I studied there.

A. who I lived with her

B. that I lived with

C. where I lived

D. whom I lived with

E. Whom I lived with her

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Kunci Jawaban

1. C

2. D

3. A

4. E

5. D

6. E

7. A

8. A

9. E

10. C

11. C

12. B

13. D

14. D

15. A

16. A

17. D

18. E

19. A

20. B

21. C

22. D

23. C

24. A

25. C

26. A

27. D

28. E

29. D

30. A

31. A

32. E

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33. D

34. B

35. D