so, you're not vaccinating, now what? part 3: hepatitis b, rotovirus, hib, pcv

So You’re Not Vaccinating. Now What? Session Three John “Doc” Edwards, DC, CACCP Mama’s Chiropractic Clinic Pathways Connect SWFL [email protected] (239) 549-MAMA

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So You’re Not Vaccinating. Now What? Session Three

John “Doc” Edwards, DC, CACCP

Mama’s Chiropractic Clinic

Pathways Connect SWFL

[email protected]

(239) 549-MAMA


• Hepatitis B

• Tetanus

• Rubella

• Influenza

• What it looks like

• Signs & Symptom Timeline

• How long to stay home

• Death/Injury Risk of Illness

• Treatment

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Hepatitis B


Hepatitis B S/SMost neonatal/infant cases are asymptomatic

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Introduction(Blood Serum, needles, transfusions, mom)

Not “contagious”

Natural Course

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention


1-2 days14-60 days45-160 days

(120 average)

Nausea, loss of appetite, skin rash, joint pain, dark urine, pain in RUQ

3-10 days

7-21 days

Light/grey stools, swelling of liver

Fatigue, symptoms clear

Hepatitis B Risk

• At least 50% of Hep B acute cases have no symptoms. (CDC)

• Low Vac Population: Cumulative risk of either acute death in first five years or premature death later in life: 1 in 127,000 (smartvax)

• Highly Vaccinated Population: 1 in 7,642,000. (smartvax)

• Travel/Tribal Tattoo Advisory: In China, Southeast Asia, most of Africa, most Pacific Islands, parts of the Middle East, and the Amazon Basin, 8% to l5% of the population carry the virus. (CDC)

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Image: The Economist (2013)

Hepatitis Treatment

• Traditional: Hep B vac & 1 dose HBIG within 24 hours after birth 85%–95% effective in preventing both acute HBV infection and chronic infection. Hep B vac alone: 70%–95% (CDC)

• Cathcart (1981): Hepatitis confirmed by AST/SGPT, ALT/SGOT, and bilirubin levels. When tx to bowel tolerance, bowels returned to normal color in 2 days, jaundice gone in 6 days. Stopping ascorbic acid to BT resumed symptoms. IV may be needed in cases of severe diarrhea.

• “…Vitamin C levels were found to be significantly decreased (about 30% less) in the chronic hepatitis B group when compared with the control group,” Tasdelenet al (2012).

• Jain& Mukerji (1960), Campbell & Pruitt (1952) IM Vitamin B12 effective at reducing “jaundice, anorexia, serum bilirubin, and recovery time.” (Saul)

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Image: Cathcart (1981)

Vitamin C Dosage

“Dr. Frederick R. Klenner of Reidsville, North Carolina, who has had more actual clinical experience in megascorbic prophylaxis and megascorbic therapy in the past thirty years than anyone else in the world, routinely prescribes ten grams of ascorbic acid daily to his adult patients for the maintenance of good health. His daily dosage schedule for children is one gram of ascorbic acid per year of age up to ten years and ten grams daily thereafter (e.g. a four-year-old child would receive four grams daily). Dr. Pauling concluded that the optimum daily intake of ascorbic acid, for most human adults, is in the range of 2.3 grams to 9 grams,” (Stone).

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Vitamin C Dosage

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Image: Cathcart (1981)

Haemophilus Influenza Type B

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Image: AAP

Stiff neck & meningitis symptoms

Haemophilus Influenza Type B (invasive disease) S/S

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Uncertain (2-4 days)

Pneumonia, bacteremia, meningitis, epiglottitis, septic arthritis, cellulitis, otitis media

“Contagious,” stay at home

Natural Course

14 days

Dept Health & Human Services, Tasmania

1-2 days

Headache, high fever, muscle aches, sore throat, cough, runny nose Kids: vomiting, ear aches

Hi serotypes a, c-g not vaccinated against

8-9 dayshours

Haemophilus Influenza Type B (invasive disease) S/S

• 18% of the invasive Hib were 3x vac(CDC).

• Between 2003-12, expect 64 cases of invasive nontypeable Hi disease in children under 5 per year (CDC).

• “The majority of people who carry Hibdo not become ill, which means that we are most likely to meet the bacteria through contact with perfectly healthy carriers.” (Meningitis Research Foundation)

• Risk of invasive disease 0-4 yrs Low Vac: 1 in 350. Risk of death/permanent injury : 1 in 35,078; 1 in 3,372. (smartvax)

• Risk of invasive disease 0-4 High Vac: 1 in 50,239. Risk of death/permanent injury: 1 in 5,023,903; 1 in 483,067 (smartvax).

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Image: The Economist (2013)

Hib Treatment

• To be continued…

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Streptococcus pneumoniae (PCV)

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S. Pneumoniae (PCV-7, 13) S/S

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Fever, neck stiffness, lethargy, headache, vomiting

1-3 days

“Contagious” period unknown*

Natural Course

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Abrupt onset of fever and chills, rusty colored phlegm, productive cough, chest pain, fast breathing/pulse

10 days

*CDC: 90 types of pneumococci are common inhabitants of the respiratory tract and may be isolated from the (nose & throat) of 5-70% of adults


Fever, pain in the ear, redness, swelling, and pressure in ear drum

Pneumococcal Disease Risk

• “The relationship of carriage to the development of natural immunity… (and) the immunologic mechanism that allows disease to occur in a carrier is not clearly understood.” (CDC)

• Orphans, Military, Underlying Pulmonary Disease, hospitals are high carriers (CDC)

• Hib & pneumococcal compete with each other. Where Hib prevalence has decreased, pneumococcal species have replaced it as most common bacteria found in bacterial pneumonia, blood infections and otitis media; 3rd most common bacterial meningitis. But not the 7 or 13 serotypes. Hib is being found in ears of PCV-7 vacchildren. (CDC, NVIC, Smartvax)

• Mortality rate of PCV-7 offset by increase in other serotypes.

• 5 Yr Cumulative Death Risk Low Vac: 1 in 166,667; Injury: 1 in 19,000 (smartvax)

• 5 Yr Cumulative Death Risk High Vac: 1 in 166,667; Injury: 1 in 76,923 (meningitis)

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Image: The Economist (2013)

Hib & Pneumococcal Treatment

• Most of you are carrying this right now. Why aren’t you all sick?!• What is the difference between carrying and breaking through? The CDC seems

“unclear.”• You should know the signs of meningitis (50% of invasive Hi disease: smartvax):

– fever – refusing feeds – fretfulness – child is difficult to wake – high pitched or moaning cry – pale or blotchy skin. (HHS Tasmania)

• Protective factors (effect limited to infants younger than 6 months of age) include breastfeeding and passively acquired maternal antibodies. (CDC).

• You don’t actually treat Hib OR pneumococcal “disease.” You treat the first round of symptoms- headache, fever, stiff neck, swollen glands, ear infections. If that progresses, you treat the bacteria with antibiotics for 10 days, then get back on the probiotics. (Beattie, CDC)

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Source: Ashley Patterson

Rotavirus S/S

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Introduction(Fecal-Oral, objects)

“Contagious,” stay at home

Natural Course

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Diarrhea. Watch signs of dehydration: Crying with no tears, decrease in wet diapers, dry mouth

3-8 days 10 - 15 days2 days

Mild fever, stomach pain, vomiting

1-2 days

3 days

No symptoms

Rotavirus Risk

• “Vaccinated and unvaccinated children may develop rotavirus disease more than once because neither vaccine nor natural infection provide full immunity (protection) from future infections.” (CDC)

• Almost all children, unless vaccinated, get rotavirus by their 3rd birthday. (NVIC)

• 37 deaths/yr associated with rotavirus 1993-2003. (CDC)

• Risk of death from dehydration age 0-5 same in high vac/low vac: 1 in 108,100. No risk of permanent injury. (smartvax)

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Image: The Economist (2013)

Rotavirus Treatment

• “Natural immunity renders the majority of infections asymptomatic after the first years of life.” (CDC).

• How do you treat diarrhea:– Probiotics (lactobacillus, bifidus, sacchromyces


– Electolytes & Water

– Breastfeeding

– Vitamin C

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Vitamin K

• Late VKDB (weeks 3-8): 1 in 9,524.

• Risk of death: 1 in 47,619. • Risk of long-term injury: 1 in

19,047 (>50% of late VKDB cause brain bleeding)

• Oral cuts numbers at least in half; shot to zero.

• Weak placental, BF transmission

• “If all infants are born with low Vitamin K levels, is it really a deficiency or is this the natural design of human beings?” (Dekker)

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• Hepatitis B: 50% acute cases = no symptoms, and if you have it when pregnant, you know it.

• Hib & Pneumococcal: Natural Flora, no Hib or Pneumococcal “disease,” no tx, no change in symptoms of invasive disease since vaccination

• Rotavirus: If you were born before 2006, you were exposed over & over until naturally immune.

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Mama’s Chiropractic(239) 549-MAMA (6262)

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Saturday Sept 13th 11:00 am Session 4: The Final Four

Lakes Regional Library• Polio

• Meningococcal

• Hepatitis A


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American Academy of Pediatrics (2014). Image (Hib)., G. (2014). “What is Hib disease?” Web., R.F. (1981). “VITAMIN C, TITRATING TO BOWEL TOLERANCE, ANASCORBEMIA, AND ACUTE INDUCED SCURVY.” Medical Hypotheses, 7:1359-1376, 1981. Web: for Disease Control and Prevention (2014) “Haemophilis influenzae B” Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, 12th Edition, April 2011.Ch. 7 (87-100). for Disease Control and Prevention (2014) “Hepatitis B” Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-PreventableDiseases, 12th Edition, April 2011.Ch. 9 (115-138). for Disease Control and Prevention (2014) “Pneumococcal Disease” Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, 12th Edition, April 2011.Ch. 16 (233-248). for Disease Control and Prevention (2014). “Rotavirus.” Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-PreventableDiseases, 12th Edition, April 2011.Ch. 18 (263-274)., R. E. and Pruitt, F.W. (1952) “Vitamin B-12 in the treatment of viral hepatitis.” American Journal of Medical Science, 224:252. Web., R (2014). “Evidence for the Vitamin K Shot in Newborns.“ Evidence Based Birth. Web. of Health and Human Services Tasmania (2014) “Haemophilis influenzae type b (Hib).” Web. (2013). “Daily Chart: Danger of Death!”, A.S.C., Mukerji, D. P (1960) “Observations on the therapeutic value of intravenous B-12 in infective hepatitis.” Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 35:502-5. Web.

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Med4al (2014). “Jaundice.jpg.” Image. Medicine made easy. Meningitis Research Foundation (2014). “Hib Meningitis.” Vaccine Information Center (2014). “Hepatitis B.” Vaccine Information Center (2014). “Haemophilus Influenza Type B Vaccine (HIB).” Vaccine Information Center (2014). “Pneumococcal.” Vaccine Information Center (2014). “Rotavirus.”, A. (2014). “deac856a.jpg.” Image. Web message board. A (2014). “There must be 15 ways to love your liver.” Web. (2014). “Disease Risk Analysis.”, L. (2014). “Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C: The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., abbreviated, sumarized and annotated by Lendon H. Smith, M.D.”, I (1972). “The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against Disease.” online: R.F. Et al (2012). “Oxidative stress and antioxidant defense in patients with chronic hepatitis B.” Clin Lab.2012;58(3-4):273-80. Pubmed. EAPRO (2014). “Pneumonia-384x256.” Image. UNICEF/NYHQ2006-2554/Giacomo Pirozzi Solomon Islands.

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