snowden's folly briefing 1

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Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 7/31/2019 Snowden's Folly Briefing 1


    Snowden's Folly

    Through feats of valour, reports of extraordinary sacrifice and courage, or pure dumb luck, you

    have caught the eye of the Emperor's Holy Inquisition. Recruited by Constantine Mithras,

    Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus, you have joined your fates to that of an organization whose

    sole reason for existence is the protection of the entire human race.

    With the unimaginably vast resources of the Inquisition to call upon, Mithras has a staff and

    retinue numbering in the thousands. He has Acolyte teams active on half the worlds in this

    sector, his own private flotilla of starships, and access to technology and secrets the likes of

    which the average Imperial citizen could never hope to dream of... Or dare to fathom.

    You have all been in his service for several years, serving under various Prefects and

    Interrogators as parts of different warbands or strike teams. This is the first time most of you

    have crossed paths, however. You've all just recieved transfer orders from Mordechai Hastus,

    Interrogator Prefect to the Inquisitor, instructing you to journey to Snowden's World, a frontier

    planet in the Josian Reach. The orders instruct you to meet your new team at Snowden's Folly, a

    bar in the town that has grown up adjacent to the main planetary spaceport. Your contact there is Solomon Grak, a local magistrate, and a regular at Snowden's Folly. He has

    a regular table there where he often gambles. The identification phrase is "Do you know Calixian

    Hold 'Em?" The correct response is "Five card, or seven?" The abort code response will be "Does

    this look like Scintilla to you, pal?" In the event of the abort phrase being given, the Acolytes are

    to immediately leave the planet if possible, rendezvousing with Inquisitor Mithras' flagship

    Wrath of Sabbatin orbit around Malfi. Should the spaceport be unreachable, your orders are to

    go to ground in the hinterlands, get a message to the Inquisitor, and await further instructions.

    Solomon Grak will appraise you more of local conditions, and will personally lead you to your

    new Acolyte-Primus, 'Frak' MacKenzie, something of a legend among the Calixian Ordos. He is

    currently imbedded in the local scene as part of a secret-ops mission which you will be

    appraised of once you're on the scene. All further instructions will come through him.

    A further study of the briefing material reveals to you that Snowden's World is a harsh planet,

    whose elliptical path through the solar system sears and bakes it as it passes near the sun, and

    then turns it into an inhospitable frozen hell as it passes into the outer regions of the system.

    Human life is only maintained by a vigorous and short lived crop season lasting for several

    months each year during the times of delicate balance between the two extremes of it's path.

    The political atmosphere is likewise troublesome, as the planet writhes on the brink of serious

    internicine turmoil. The major population centers, the domed cities and spire-towers, are

    generally regarded as hotbeds of cult activity and depravity, at least in the eyes of the rural

    people. In return, the urbanites, administrators and rulers look upon the outer towns and cities

    as hotbeds of sedition, full of inbred bumpkins and religious extremists.

    A great number of religious movements have begun in these hinterlands, fueled by a growing

    hatred and distrust of their uncaring and distant rulers. The corrupt and decadent

    administration, they claim, has turned their backs on the Emperor, and may indeed have turned

    towards something even darker.

    The Governor has declared these religious movements to be "Hotbeds of Sedition," but has

    taken no further action as of yet.

  • 7/31/2019 Snowden's Folly Briefing 1
