snbepen&ent-leabet - digifind-it...proper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling...

GET THE "WSIDE" LOW - DOWN ( >N LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN THE CROW'S NEST By ta« NAVIGATOR l>A.GE It, TODAY'S ISSUE Snbepen&ent-leabet THE LARGEST SUBUR1AN NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY COMPLETELY COVERING WOODBRIDGE, SEWAREN, AVE/UO. PORT READING, COLON [A cad 1SEJLJN XXXI.—NQ. 36 ^ 1 EARANCE MADE {VERY TRAFFIC Aspirants In Tuesday's Election N J, FRIDAY MAI.MHh PHWK FIVE CENTS Drivers Given Tickets 429 Driver* Made To j, oW U p j n Court i|)INGjS_REOUCED ^eck Kept 1 Of All ; Influence*FiiU HelpOHenderi Hcuwitli is K complete roster of candidates for county and local officers to he voted upon in Woodbiidge Township on election dity, next Tuesday: DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS are to be made n ( ,idge Police Dopart- inuke them. {irunent time, Wood- ,,«nship has the distinft- VIIIK one of the few mu- ni the State that dc- r r»<>nal appttrmce In M iy traffic ticket Issued, iii-rmitted to escape. , r first of the Tear, the tin-ers have issued 429 i, is and the records show were 429 personal ap- Accordlng to Chief (ieotf v -ICeatlnf, that nut include the number , i resits for motor vehicle in which the offenders utht in immediately by If those arrest* ware i ho 429 tleketo it would •ml of over 600 persons .. in rniirt to IMWII per. i tmfflc chattel. we started the system i si of the year,",Chief ..L11i, "we were told that i he done, that persons i,i v in-m-e would put a snag int; the year prominent il receive tickets and no mm they approached nil told tha same thing y would have to come in of course, we had the i of the court and the Worked Wonderl' Kfilling stated that the i- accomplished wonders. v through the Townshlp f r has been cu ei ably since the "mo- aware of the in WooaVldg* ticket* fixed." A >pt. Tt ihree stubs for each in he gives to the of- Hi-cund he turns in to and the third he keeps 1 II record. Each ticket ' <l und the oflleer if re- i i each ticket in his • i II mod in at the desk i in Captain Ben Par- i'lords all information ' ->f his own. The stub II to Record Clerk A. I* II,' who records It in : n imlice docket. A i|< is made out and re- '•' judge who In return : information in the •' So there is vor "• »f an offender Tsii ••* up. There are to link' up on him. \YS HOSTS T>ola« ftvi W. D. V« Ambroi. Mudr.k B«rn»rd W. Vog.l Edward J.*« William H, Jaqui Thorn.. F. Dohn R. Sriffart General Auembly Fr^ C. H V i r |,t, E. NUU.o John V*. Str»ii( County CUrk Maiwtll H. Mayer CorosMr , Frad C. 3kro«ki Frcxholdsirs Caorf* Kaatr* hii W U t Coamittatmanat-Lkrg* Edw.rd A. Flan A»f«tt P. Qrt Township Committe*—Wsj-d Th«m«. Datnond Fradfrick A y Township v Committ««—Ward 2 Jotepk A. OsmbacK, Jr. Jamat F. Township Committ«s>-^Wird 3 Frank WukovaU Harbarl 1. RaakU Tax Collector Michaal J. Traioar C. Albart Larion Juttice of the Peace J»Mph F. Fofrith HaraU L. ScKilUr To Talk Of Far East CANDIDATES WIND UP CAMPAIGNS HER] MAYOR, 3 COMMITTEEMEN TO BE NAMED In Cast 01 Play First In Series Of Local Concerts Wins High Praise From Audience Critic Also- Finis Chickering Opera Company 'Uni- formly Good;' Norton, Shilton Complimented By Leon Fishkin Despite the rigors entailed by a dismal, rainy October evening, an enthusiastic, expectant audience crowded to capacity the High School auditorium last Monday to hear the first recitals which opwred the Woodbridge Concert Series. That those who Attended werd not disappointed waa evinced by the enthusiastic applause which was deserved- ly won by the members of the Chtekering Opera Company who demonstrated their superior vocal prowess in a program of excerpts from four of the moat popular op- eras of Hascagni, Verdi and Bizet. It is difficult to indicate parts of the program which most caught the fancy of the audience. The pre- sentations were uniformly' good, and the few minor things which went amiss were all but lost and There U no question JToiip, attempting this iff <tt program, essays-4t CONTEST TO BOOST XMAS SEAL SALES Limerick Competition An nounced By Mri. M'Elroy, Local Chairman WOODBRIDOE—Mrs. Leon E. iSttl chairihun, announced today that DINNER TOMORROW nti To Follow Ban To Be Served At P At Columbian Club 'lilUDOE—"Bills' Night," '! iiffair, will he spon- Middlosflx Council,. No. •tits of Columbun, tomor- " :it the Columbian Club. l''\\ nupper will be served "i luck, Hfter which danc- ll(1 enjoyed. Music will be ' by the Collegians. "i Gurlty and William "f co-chairmen and they l"'i: assisted by the follow- iinitive: "> Miller, William Boylan, ''"'iton, William H. Ger- ''•"'i Coughlin, William •'i WjUiam Haug, Wil- " ! >""d, William Holohan, <; '-'iusaih,.William By«n, Hulterii, William Powers, 1 "II and .William Eagle. AREN CLUB ESJOYS extreme handicap. Much of the dramatic power and effect of the opora is projected through the me- dium of a full-sized orchestra and chorus, and it is to the credit of the visiting artists that, despite the limited scope of their presenta- tions,, they were able to captivate the audience, by the sheer excel- lence of their individual perform- ances, '•-•*•-•• ~—- •.*- . There is no' question but that the gk-oup can boast of several stellar performer*. Rence Norton, the mezzo-soprano, literally "stole the show" by the beauty of her voice. Her Carmen was ah excel- lent portrayal of.thc coquetle, < a.nd (he aria which dominates the'2nd aet of the opora was one ef the highlights of the entire evening, Hi-r voice has a rich quality throughout its extensive range, and its volume hns such as to com- pletely overshadow the Don Jose before whom she pirouetted. Shilton Applauded . Alio> singled out for praise « m Robert Shilton whose strong bass- baritone voice made possible a viv- id, exciting performance as Alfio "CaValletta Rusticana." {Continued on ['aye -I) . POLICE OFFICER WEDS MISS FLORENCE HIRKO Daniel Panconi Gets Fords Girl As Bride In Church a tuberculosis limerick contest wil be a special feature of the 1039 Chi istmM Seal sale. Th.o contest will be held from November 10 to Deoember 10 and is open to all residents of the coun ty excluding Sale chairmen, mem- ber* of the Board of Directors and staff of_ the Middl»Mx Cobnty Tu berculosis and Health Teague. Two divisions will,be made, Mrs. McElroy states, with two sets of prises being awarded—one set to the Junior contest open to- those up to'sixteen /ears of age and one set to the adult contest for those over sixteen" years. Prizes in each division will be or Most Unique Cos- ' Goes To Mr. And «. 0. V. Rush 1 |lS » A costume party, 'mi- Hallowe'en spirit, I Kiiturday night at the ""I und Watur Club. 1 'UiiijTiont pommlUea of •"""I'xlore H. P. Hayden, '" i'ininged many novel 1 ""•• unique costume went 1 Mii- Daniel V, Rush. . i" >•'•<•* were awarded a* 11 1 imt) Mrs:!\ ,J. Adams', Ml '"- A_ D. Haten, Mr. Wilinrd Bankift and Mr. WtfpUrhlin,' FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hirko, of Paul Street, this place, announce the marriaffe of their daughter, Florence, to Daniel Panconi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Panconi, of Maxwell Ave nue ,alto of this place, on October 4, at Our Lady of Peace Church. Father Hotter performed the cere- mony. , The attendants were Dr. Anton- io Fanelli, of Perth Amboy and Mrs, Helen Zanzalari, sister of the groom. Mr. Panconi iij an of- ficer on tho Wood-bridge Town ship Police force. Nary A Bench Overturned WOODBRIDGE -r Although by tradition, witches are sup- posed to-run fampant on Hal- lowe'en, and little boys, also hy tradition/are supposed to get into all sorts of mischief, Chief of Polled 8*«m*4£««4iiiflf an- nounced yesterday that his de- partment ' did, not receive a' Hallowe'en celebrants. . ' t Nary a .park bench was over- turned nor 1 " .* itreet sign Ttf versed, Keattnjj said. Mrs. Viitor C. Nifklas WnnnilKHHiK (hinu and .I|||1HI| Will lie dlSnlHSfd Ht « nii'dlnir »f the Tuesday after- noon Study ('lull to lie held next Tuesday, November 7, at the home nf Miss Kathryn Spencer on Main Street. the papers to be read ale the fulkmiiig: • "(!htnfne ttnd Japanese Pv litii'nl FiKun-s," by Mrs. Victor C Nu-klas; "The Asiatic Situ- ation," Mrs. Ci. M. Walters; "Current Kvents," Mrs, George R. Mfiiill, > ' N. J. BAND SELECTS 4 LOCAL STUDENTS Missei Ander, Henry, Bren- nan, Clark, Named To . AII-State_Unit WOODBRIDGE —Four Wood ridge High School students have been selected to play with the All- Statn High School Orchestra in a concert Jo be given on Sunday, November 12, at 3 P. M., in the bal! room of Convention Hall, in Atlantic (City. The audience will be the New Jersey State Teach- ers' Association which, is to hold itu annual convention in Atlantic City from November.8 through November 12. ' tlTH) RY TRAINER Candidate For ( ulledor Receives High Praise From Auditor \\ lHl|l|iKI|)(iK I'tHllllllj.'. I • fhi 1 rfiii'll'llf y' (tf tto# Tri\¥HBhJp tJH i-iillt'ctui \ itttii'i' toiluy, in itiiii pHiisim to what he calls the "»lil fashiuncd" methods eni|il") when he took over the office u I!»:t6, Michael J. Trainer, l)cin»- cratir candidate for re-election a>- UM uolleeter, today issued the fu 1 lowing statement: In presenting myself to the peo- ple of the Township of Worn! bridge for re-election to the posi- tion of Collector of Taxes, i feel It only proper that a report he made to you of the adniiiiititiiitiun of the affairs of the Tax Depart- ment during my first term <if office, : Many of*Vou will recall that 1 took the oath,of office on Junuury 1st, 1936, at which'time [ succeed- ed the man who is my present op- ponent. Likewise I am sure the people of this Township recall dis- tinctly the condition of the affaifV of this department at that time, which were described by the. Stale Auditor in his report as follows: "Due, undoubtedly,' to )•»!( of proper accounting advice the meth- ods' use\t in handling the Town- ship's Accounting have been most unsatisfactory and in many in- stances in direct conflict with the requirements of this office. MOM: of the confusion was in tho Tax Collector's office, and personal in- quiry indicates that this officer was not fully acquainted with vital matters relative to the procedure of the functions of hia position." laiprovemanl Noted However, when making this re- port, the same gentleman com- mented further: "Mr. Trainer, your Jfesent Tax Collector, who •«. ft SPENCER ADVISES Kir, I Ward G. 0. P. Candi- date Promises Same Policies As Before MIKIDUK I-1. ileiitt A. i. . indiiditi for re-eti'ctlon in 1'iii-i Ward, today cited the i i "l tlit administration an his i <i in and added "my re-tlei- will bring only the same kind I'lHt-sentalion as before with jihei priimisw whatever.'<- ataU- ' ax Collector Also To I t Elected At BaUotim In CONTROL IS AT STAKl Republicans Run On Rte-f ord; Democrats Offer 9.Pwn^Pro|r« * Rev. Rodger W H«wn MENS' UNIT SLATES THREE-ACT FARCE Methodist Brotherhood To Present 'Breezy Mon- ey' November 7 W 0 O D B R I l> (i K--"Breezy Totruy," a farce in three ac^s, by ugeile Todd, will be presented by he Men's Brotherhood of the athodUt Church on Tuesday eve- ing, November 7, at the church uditorium on Main Street. The cast of characters includes he following: "Breezy," Russell Dick Landis, Claude Geh- miin; Jimmy Gale, Winfield Bporn- son; Mops, Michael Gottweini Hoe- lown, Russell Lorch; Carter Max- n, Jr., Glenn Spies; Colonel uuthern, Ralph Stauffer; Bonnie Hen-»haw, Rev. Rodger W. Hawn; Herbert West, <5harle* fisher; Mr. umniin, James Hilbcrt. Fred Beckley, o* the Wood- fchoo} <a<tulty, is "Tor the fourth time 1 am stand- ing iis a eundidate for the office i>r •'•iniinittevhtan from the First W;IM1 ami present for the consid- i in t ion (if the First Ward voters Did of the preceding t(ir Mis* Ruth Ander and Miss Na- omi Rrennan, violtn; Miss Doris, Henry, cello; Miss Mary C. Clark string bass. According to a recent announce ment a prev'ue concert will be Broadcast Sunday' morning, No- vember 12, from 10 to 11:30 over a natioH-wide hook-up. The pro- gram , will include: "Southern Rhapsody," Hosmer; Victor tilttt. fcort's Favorites, Herbert; "Missis- sippi Suite," . Crofe; "Slavonic {Continued on Page 4) Trial Of 4 Religious Sect Members Is Postponed W<WDBRIDGE—The case of the four Carteret rcnjdents, mem- bers of, the religious sect known 1 first prize, five dollars plus five dollars worth of free seals,' second prfief three dollars plui* three dol- lars worth of free Mala^aad third prise, one dollar plus « one dollar sheet of seals. . i' • Discussing the limerick, Mrs. Mc- Elrqy says that attention should be paid to the rbyme scheme. First, second and fifth jlnee* should rhyme; third and fourth rh^mn. Limericks will be judged <*n three points (1) The talue of the Christmas Seal or tuberculosis thought (2) The excellence of the rhyme and meter, and {3} the originality or humor of the thought expressed. The committee of judges will t|e announced In the near fix- ture. Limericks can be sent to Mrs. M«Elroy, 64 High Street, Wood. bridge, or directly to the Tubercu- losis League, 175 Smith Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. The contest close* midnight, December. 10. scheduled to be heard before Judge Arthur Brown Monday, has been postponed until Monday, Novem- ber 13. : Tre dei?jidant.s, H,elenBok, Mrs. Elizabeth' Kovacs, Mrs. Susie Bod- nar and John M. Bodnar, are charged with violating the Town- ship solicitors' ordinance, which prohibits soliciting without a per- mit, The police state that the ."Je- hovah Witnesses" have been in dif- ficulty irr the Township before he- cause "they refuse to ask for the permit due to the fact that they recognize no other authority .but Jehovah." RED CROSS CAMPAIGN AWES ARE ANNOUNCED Mrs. Gardner Selects Assis- tants For Drive Open- ing In Avenel AVENEL—lyfrs. i«hft Gantrier, of Burnet Street,' Avenel district chairman of the annual Rod Cross Roll Call announces the following assistants: Fifth Avenue, Mrs, James Gillis; Park and Madisqn Avenue, Mrs. Edward Grode; Livingston Ave- nue and Avenel Street, between, Pennsylvania Railroad and' the super-highway, Mrs. R, G. Pericr; WoodbridBB Avcnfjp, ' W r c w t n m n Krug;.Remsen Avenue, Mrs. Ed- ward Ejchhorn; Prospect Avenue, Mrt. Hiram Tuttle; Smith Street, Mrs. - Frederick .Brauae. Meinfeer Street, Mrs, John Az- ur; George Street, Mrs. Herbert Hea'dr Manhattan Avenue,- Mrs. William Gory and. Burnet Street and Rahway Avenue, Mrs. Euii M,ulford. Mrs. Gardner will assign other Workers if necessary, All members e invited to attend the workcra' dinner at the Howard Johnson res- taurant on the highway Monday night. Those wishing to attend ncone of the play is in the lobby f Cummin Inn, a summer resort, ireeiy, the press agent de luxe, oca a bit of sensational advertis- ng. offering 81,000 to the first ouple that will spend a week in the naunted bridal suite of the inn. He eels confident that no couple will remain a week and seeks means of getting rid of the first couple to nrriye, "™~" TtnrHdl TkUkani When Dick Landis, almost broke nd J^mmy Gale, who is completely broke, masquerade as bride and groom and engage the haunted bri- dal suite intent on winning the thousand dollars. Breeiy- engage.* Mops, who does some effective im- personation, yet is not successful in helping Breezy out of his di- iiiins of the present administra- tion. "My re-flection will bring only ilu siuiit> kind of representation as l>i'fine with no other promisee whatever. " " "I propose to continue to stand fin' efficiency and economy in the ciindurt of th« municipal offices; I the collection of taxe» by all the means provided <by the laws of tho State of New Jenty hreinding regular tax sales andjax title lien iquidation, thus relieving the man wljo pays from carrying the man who does not pay; the continuance nf the polioy of turning Township property back into ratables through aft energetic and 'efficient real estate department; the pay- ment of all, municipal debts In cash when due, including the nums due the School District, the Coun- ty and State; the prompt payment of interest and tho retirement of our public debt '1 propose to continue to oppose all special privilege and the de- mands of all "pressure minorities where not in tho public interest. "This kind of representation is available on the ballot in the Re pnbffcan eofnmn* '• *" - Ralaiivt quiet exists over the local front as both major political ' ties apply the finishing tquchea ' thsir campaigns to control Township government. A aerius of ralliw in the ' sections of the community last-minute instructions to worjtafi over the week-end will climax th* offensives which have been markt| this year with calm and restrain^ Four-member* %11 be alacUd if tho Township Committee an# Tax Collector, whose term is f five years ,a*lso is to be named, - Wondbridge Township voten i so wilt participate in the sel«ctta|- of a 1 State Senator, three TO FETE NEW MEMBERS * SEWAREN—Plans to entertain new members at the next meeting to be held Monday night, were made this week by the Happirrest Girls. A special program will be held under the direction of the recep- tion committee, including Eleanor Turek, Gladys Sullivan and Lillian Jensen. should get in Gardner. touch with Mrs. LOOTED WODBRIDGE — Frank Smith, of North Park Drive, th^ifl place reported to Desk Sergeant An- drew Simonscn, Tuasdny intent,, tha.t someone had stolen a case of canned' goods, valued at scvei dollars,, out of his cur which wii; parked in front of his home. p lemma. y to this tangle of af- thg,World'* k%i«st -hop;. Carter Maxun, Jr., a handsome millionaire who has a way with the ladies; Colonel Southern',' a dyed in the wool southern, gentleman;, Lonnie Hen- shaw, a typical "hick' 1 sheriff; and Herbert West and his bride, there is a great de*at of hilarity before the final curtain^ According to Rev. Huwn, the curtain will rise promptly at eight o'clock. Brewton, Bradford Quarrel As Friends Sometimes Do! WOODBRIDGE—As the result of a fist fight at the corner of Fulton and Coley Street Wednes- day morning, Chester Brewton 28, colored, formerly of Wood- bridge and now of Perth Amboy was given. a O0-day sentence in the county workhouse and his com- panion, Willis Bradford, 48, color ed of 100 New Street, Woodbridfeffl was given a suspended sentence When they appeared before Judge Arthur Brown. Brewton and, Bradford were ar- rested by Captain John EgHii lind Officer Joseph Sipos who nalibed them during tho fight. Brewton was said to have been the or. - He's Back! So Be Careful, Bowlers, Fauble Snooping! Stop! Look! Then turn to the aports pagu ami read "Rumb- lings On The Alleys" by Wil- liam "Juicy" Faublp. In response to numerous re- quests by township bowlers, urg- ing, this newspaper to include a boiling coliimn on' its spott p:i(tc, Mr. Fauble, alley expert, luis been added to the sports staff to handle tho special as- signment. His witty paragraphs iippcnr in today's issue. members of the House of Aasafj$ bl^.two members of the Coui clerk, and a county coroner. Thlf * alaa wilLpaas upon tho Statfettlal.- referendum to authoriie a bond lUar (ire of >21,000,000 to flnantte (tt| State's share of unemployment (Vk ief costa. ' , . <i_ Only two office* to be filled the local electorate are sukftct tf^ Township-wide, vote. , They ar** Committeeman-at-Large, c o m n t w " y designated as Mayor, and 'fldf Collector. For the former ^ he contenders are the encumbept August F, Greiner who is seekins; his fourth term, and E. A, Finn, Democratic nominee. Michael J. Trainer, who has served as Tax Collector for five years, is a candl* date for re-election and his Repub-i lican opponent is C. Albert Larson who was his predecessor. ' , MRS. SUCHY CHAIRMAN OF CHURCH COMMITTEE Heads St. Andrew's Auxil- iary Arranginn Party For Tonight AVENKL—St. Andrew's Build- ing Fuptl .Society Auxiliary will conduct a public card party to- night at 8:110 o'clock in the Av- enel School house. ' Mrs. Joseph Suchy is general chairman and is in charge of the tickets. Mrs. John Griffin is co- chairman and has made arrange- ments for the special award. . Others on tho committee are: Miss Marlon Suchy, Mrs. Joseph Petras and Mrs. Julius Jaeger, prizes; Mrs. Albert Qarna and Mrs. Edward Mnran, refreshment*. Many valuable prizes have been secured and tho large advance sal" of tickets promises to assure a successful affair. One member of th» ommitttit! U to be eleeted in < of the three wards in the Town- ship with the Republican eneumb> enU in i:uch n candidate to <reed himself. Thomas G. a member of the High School fae-* ulty, is the opponent of Frederick A. Spencer who has been the First Ward representative for six years. In the Second Ward, the third- term aspirations of Jam* Schsif frick, Republican are being chak lunged fry Joseph Damkaeh, Jf^ Democrat, while in the Third Wartl the contenders are Frank Wuko. vets, Democrat and Herbsrt Rank- in, Republican,'who has be«n on the Township C6mmltte« for onp term. As in .the cose of Mr. Trainer* (i Republicans have based their campaign upon their record In of- fice, fh-ttical of this record,-film Defrocwts have offered a n!na» point program. AID SQUAD RESPONDS TO 40 CALLS^ IN OCT. Local Unit Issues Report For Last Month; Answers , 10 Accident Cases WOODfiR1DGS~— Vo rty calll wevH answered by the Woodbridge Emergency Squad Ambulance dur- ing the paat month according to f regular report submitted today^ Thirty of the calls were transport cases und the remainder w.era sX^ • cidunt calls. ','! The ambulance traveled 8M miles during October uaHpf 81 gallons of gna and eight' quarts of - oil. I- Woodbridge Township Department How Ranks Among Foremost In New Jersey After Forty-Ttiree Years Of Steady Progress And Acceptance Of Modern Methods Dinations received during th4 month: wert as follows': ; Fords Fire Company, No. 1 $10,00 la net Gage Chapter, D. A. R '. -- '. 10.00 Mrs. Larabcrtson (Fords) B.0() MI-H. E. Toth' (Fords) 2,0<J Keating w;y< elevated to the rank of detective .srrgrnnl. With that mrtve, MotoVcyclc Officer George Balint wjw promoti'd to desk ser- geant to takeNKeuting's place and Joi Gnuly was) udvanceel to the traffic division to take over Ba- HnfB motorcycle poBt. Chief Morphy Die. Affairs went smoothly for a while. Keating; together wlth'Csp- tajn James Walsh, broke cajifs and* an envisbTo established. Thert, Chief ganisatlon fef ithfc.pollpe depart -became ill* At nrst,his il|nawWas ment. He outlftea hjs plans to the not taken seriously, but then the rtemboTB of the force, became Note: Thii ii the fourteenth and concluding article of a icr- isi en tho hittory of the Wood- brldie Townthip Pslieo Depart- ment. Tha writer withei to ac- knowladfa witii Ihankt tha courtety extended to her by the CKIef of FelUe Gao r| e E. BY PUTH WOLK xijp forced ^fhlel Murphy made plajnl for'a compl'et* reor Township committee an,tt' the first *tsp was finally takan on Jons 22, 1031, when Desk Sirjesfct George Murphy W aware' that the and,wa* near when thpir beloved c n ) | | Wus ta"Mn i the hospital. On Jmuiiiry IK, Ii)3i!, the "gnind old niuii of Ihi- police department',' died. His fuiierul was one of the largest «vur held in the Township. Municipal police from scores of Burroundijig towns and State potfee, in addition to promin- ent figures in political life, all (fath- ered to pay -thcit last respects. The late Father Riahard O'J'ar- rell left his SlCk bed to preach a sermon ai hin fri6nd'n funeral; It Wftif R tflHffUl' fBTBWSH J ttlP' PBOphj dt Woodbridge gavo Chief Mur- phf' / ,,.'*• .,/. Walih Named Chief On February 1, 1932, James Walsh was appointed Chief of Po- lice of thA Township of yt} bridge nl a regulur session of the Township committee. The follow- ing September, Motorcycle Officer Joseph Lewis was fatally -injured wtylu chasing speeders. In Decem- ber 1938, John Cholar, a member of the traffic division, was placed on. the retired list at .his own re- quest. * . At the November, 1933, elec- tion, the Democratic adminlstrs- tloti was defented at tho polls and pit'U6tf^Tnir(r 81 a™ftw fUtet fore the .Republican regime .was V> takij ov^r the reins of the mnit(- cipallty, the committee named Jo- seph CBsWe and Daniel C. Pan^ coni el patrolman of the third clats. Pahconi md-Casale were jlv- en the iii'cessur.v equipmflnt by Chief Walsh iiml were anBigned to "rookie duty", but on New Year'n Day 1'.),'! 1, when the new adminis- tration was organized, Pnnconl and Casaje were removed from the police lists by the following reso- lution introduced by Committee- man Harry M. Gerns: "Whereas. ,by tho minutes of a meeting of the Township commit- tee hefd on tho 8th day of Dwern- Casak and Daniel Panconi d no h were appointed^? i^Bolutltit)i no members of the Polio Drfptfttttnt of the Township of Woodbridge and on Poyt 2) Total Trio Of Boys Steals Trie Of Capi From Local Store WOODBRIDGE Thre«| youths, one negro and twoi?; white, have been reported to tb«*. Juvenile anlhoritios in Ne|vr'£ Brunswick aflei- stealing thrtV i spbrt out of Chrlstensaii'*/, p Department Store on Main Street. , % A'ceordliiR to Hugo Qels, em.; ployed at the store ,the young- i at«r» entered the store' shorUy * ,'m "k I and prnbb«d the caps from n o*unber near : fte fr<int ' d '"T3itf%tK«Ttf| theft to the ptHlavf and a half hour later Captain Bin Parsons picked up tha boys »»4 fee cap*.I

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Page 1: Snbepen&ent-leabet - DigiFind-It...proper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling the Town-ship's Accounting have been most unsatisfactory and in many in-stances in direct






XXXI.—NQ. 36^ 1


Aspirants In Tuesday's Election


Drivers Given Tickets429 Driver* Made To

j , o W U p j n Court


^eck Kept1 Of All; Influence*FiiUHelpOHenderi

Hcuwitli is K complete roster of candidates for county andlocal officers to he voted upon in Woodbiidge Township on electiondity, next Tuesday:


are to be maden (,idge Police Dopart-inuke them.{irunent time, Wood-

,,«nship has the distinft-VIIIK one of the few mu-

ni the State that dc-rr»<>nal appttrmce In

M iy traffic ticket Issued,iii-rmitted to escape.

, r first of the Tear, thetin-ers have issued 429i, is and the records show

were 429 personal ap-Accordlng to Chief

(ieotf v -ICeatlnf, thatnut include the number

, i resits for motor vehiclein which the offenders

utht in immediately byIf those arrest* ware

i ho 429 tleketo it would•ml of over 600 persons

.. in rniirt to IMWII per.i tmfflc chattel.

we started the systemi si of the year,",Chief..L11i, "we were told thati he done, that persons

i,ivin-m-e would put a snagint; the year prominent

il receive tickets and nomm they approachednil told tha same thing

y would have to come inof course, we had thei of the court and the

Worked Wonderl'K filling stated that thei- accomplished wonders.

v through the Townshlpfrhas been cu

ei ably since the "mo-aware of the

in WooaVldg*ticket*fixed."A

>pt. Ttihree stubs for each

in he gives to the of-Hi-cund he turns in to

and the third he keeps1 II record. Each ticket' <l und the oflleer if re-i i each ticket in his

• i II mod in at the deski in Captain Ben Par-i'lords all information' ->f his own. The stub

II to Record Clerk A.I* II,' who records It in

: n imlice docket. Ai|< is made out and re-'•' judge who In return: information in the•' So there is vor"• »f an offender Tsii••* up. There are tolink' up on him.



ftvi W. D. V «Ambroi. Mudr.kB«rn»rd W. Vog.l

Edward J.*«

William H, Jaqui

Thorn.. F. Dohn

R. Sriffart

General AuemblyF r ^ C. H V iP«r|,t, E. NUU.oJohn V*. Str»ii(

County CUrkMaiwtll H. Mayer

CorosMr, Frad C. 3kro«ki

FrcxholdsirsCaorf* Kaatr*hii W Ut

Coamittatmanat-Lkrg*Edw.rd A. Flan A»f«tt P. Qrt

Township Committe*—Wsj-dTh«m«. Datnond Fradfrick A y

Township vCommitt««—Ward 2Jotepk A. OsmbacK, Jr. Jamat F.

Township Committ«s>- Wird 3Frank WukovaU Harbarl 1. RaakU

Tax CollectorMichaal J. Traioar C. Albart Larion

Juttice of the PeaceJ»Mph F. Fofrith HaraU L. ScKilUr


In Cast 01 Play

First In Series Of Local ConcertsWins High Praise From AudienceCritic Also- Finis Chickering Opera Company 'Uni-

formly Good;' Norton, Shilton Complimented

By Leon FishkinDespite the rigors entailed by a dismal, rainy October

evening, an enthusiastic, expectant audience crowded tocapacity the High School auditorium last Monday to hearthe first recitals which opwred the Woodbridge ConcertSeries. That those who Attended werd not disappointed waaevinced by the enthusiastic applause which was deserved-ly won by the members of theChtekering Opera Company whodemonstrated their superior vocalprowess in a program of excerptsfrom four of the moat popular op-eras of Hascagni, Verdi and Bizet.

It is difficult to indicate parts ofthe program which most caughtthe fancy of the audience. The pre-sentations were uniformly' good,and the few minor things whichwent amiss were all but lost and

There U no questionJToiip, attempting this

iff <tt program, essays-4t

CONTEST TO BOOSTXMAS SEAL SALESLimerick Competition Announced By Mri. M'Elroy,

Local ChairmanWOODBRIDOE—Mrs. Leon E.

iSt t lchairihun, announced today that


nti To Follow BanTo Be Served At

P At Columbian Club'lilUDOE—"Bills' Night,"'! iiffair, will he spon-Middlosflx Council,. No.

•tits of Columbun, tomor-" :it the Columbian Club.l''\\ nupper will be served"i luck, Hfter which danc-ll(1 enjoyed. Music will be' by the Collegians."i Gurlty and William"f co-chairmen and they

l"'i: assisted by the follow-i i n i t i v e :

"> Miller, William Boylan,''"'iton, William H. Ger-

''•"'i Coughlin, William•'i WjUiam Haug, Wil-

"!>""d, William Holohan,<;'-'iusaih,.William By«n,Hulterii, William Powers,1 "II and .William Eagle.


extreme handicap. Much of thedramatic power and effect of theopora is projected through the me-dium of a full-sized orchestra andchorus, and it is to the credit ofthe visiting artists that, despite thelimited scope of their presenta-tions,, they were able to captivatethe audience, by the sheer excel-lence of their individual perform-ances, • '•-•*•-•• ~—- •.*-. There is no' question but thatthe gk-oup can boast of severalstellar performer*. Rence Norton,the mezzo-soprano, literally "stolethe show" by the beauty of hervoice. Her Carmen was ah excel-lent portrayal of.thc coquetle,<a.nd(he aria which dominates the'2ndaet of the opora was one ef thehighlights of the entire evening,Hi-r voice has a rich qualitythroughout its extensive range,and its volume hns such as to com-pletely overshadow the Don Josebefore whom she pirouetted.

Shilton Applauded .

Alio> singled out for praise « mRobert Shilton whose strong bass-baritone voice made possible a viv-id, exciting performance as Alfio

"CaValletta Rusticana."{Continued on ['aye -I) .


Daniel Panconi Gets FordsGirl As Bride In Church

a tuberculosis limerick contest wilbe a special feature of the 1039Chi istmM Seal sale.

Th.o contest will be held fromNovember 10 to Deoember 10 andis open to all residents of the county excluding Sale chairmen, mem-ber* of the Board of Directors andstaff of_ the Middl»Mx Cobnty Tuberculosis and Health Teague.

Two divisions will,be made, Mrs.McElroy states, with two sets ofprises being awarded—one set tothe Junior contest open to- those upto'sixteen /ears of age and one setto the adult contest for those oversixteen" years.

Prizes in each division will be

or Most Unique Cos-' Goes To Mr. And«. 0. V. Rush1 |lS» A costume party,

'mi- Hallowe'en spirit,I Kiiturday night at the

""I und Watur Club.1 'UiiijTiont pommlUea of

•"""I'xlore H. P. Hayden,'" i'ininged many novel


""•• unique costume went1 Mii- Daniel V, Rush. .i" >•'•<•* were awarded a*

111 imt) Mrs:!\ ,J. Adams',Ml'"- A_ D. Haten, Mr.Wilinrd Bankift and Mr.

WtfpUrhlin, '

FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. MichaelHirko, of Paul Street, this place,announce the marriaffe of theirdaughter, Florence, to DanielPanconi, son of Mr. and Mrs.Frank Panconi, of Maxwell Avenue ,alto of this place, on October4, at Our Lady of Peace Church.Father Hotter performed the cere-mony. ,

The attendants were Dr. Anton-io Fanelli, of Perth Amboy andMrs, Helen Zanzalari, sister ofthe groom. Mr. Panconi iij an of-ficer on tho Wood-bridge Township Police force.

Nary A Bench Overturned

WOODBRIDGE - r Althoughby tradition, witches are sup-posed to-run fampant on Hal-lowe'en, and little boys, also hytradition/are supposed to getinto all sorts of mischief, Chiefof Polled 8*«m*4£««4iiiflf an-nounced yesterday that his de-partment ' did, not receive a'

Hallowe'en celebrants. . ' tNary a .park bench was over-

turned nor1" .* itreet sign Ttfversed, Keattnjj said.

Mrs. Vi i tor C. NifklasW n n n i l K H H i K (h inu and

.I|||1HI| Will lie dlSnlHSfd Ht «

nii'dlnir »f the Tuesday after-noon Study ('lull to lie held nextTuesday, November 7, at thehome nf Miss Kathryn Spenceron Main Street. the papers to be readale the fulkmiiig:

• "(!htnfne ttnd Japanese P vlitii'nl FiKun-s," by Mrs. VictorC Nu-klas; "The Asiatic Situ-ation," Mrs. Ci. M. Walters;"Current Kvents," Mrs, GeorgeR. Mfiiill, • > '

N. J. BAND SELECTS4 LOCAL STUDENTSMissei Ander, Henry, Bren-

nan, Clark, Named To .AII-State_Unit

WOODBRIDGE —Four Woodridge High School students have

been selected to play with the All-Statn High School Orchestra in aconcert Jo be given on Sunday,November 12, at 3 P. M., in thebal! room of Convention Hall, inAtlantic (City. The audience willbe the New Jersey State Teach-ers' Association which, is to holditu annual convention in AtlanticCity from November.8 throughNovember 12. '

t lTH) RY TRAINERCandidate For

( ulledor Receives HighPraise From Auditor

\\ l H l | l | i K I | ) ( i K I'tHllllllj.'. I •

fhi 1 r f i i i ' l l ' l l f y' (tf tto# Tri\¥HBhJp tJH

i- i i l l t ' c tu i \ itttii'i' t o i l u y , in i t i i i i

pHiisim to what he calls the "»lilfashiuncd" methods eni|il")when he took over the office uI!»:t6, Michael J. Trainer, l)cin»-cratir candidate for re-election a>-UM uolleeter, today issued the fu1

lowing statement:In presenting myself to the peo-

ple of the Township of Worn!bridge for re-election to the posi-tion of Collector of Taxes, i feelIt only proper that a report hemade to you of the adniiiiititiiitiunof the affairs of the Tax Depart-ment during my first term <ifoffice, :

Many of*Vou will recall that 1took the oath,of office on Junuury1st, 1936, at which'time [ succeed-ed the man who is my present op-ponent. Likewise I am sure thepeople of this Township recall dis-tinctly the condition of the affaifVof this department at that time,which were described by the. StaleAuditor in his report as follows:

"Due, undoubtedly,' to )•»!( ofproper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling the Town-ship's Accounting have been mostunsatisfactory and in many in-stances in direct conflict with therequirements of this office. MOM:of the confusion was in tho TaxCollector's office, and personal in-quiry indicates that this officer wasnot fully acquainted with vitalmatters relative to the procedureof the functions of hia position."

laiprovemanl NotedHowever, when making this re-

port, the same gentleman com-mented further: "Mr. Trainer,your Jfesent Tax Collector, who

•«. ft

SPENCER ADVISESKir,I Ward G. 0. P. Candi-

date Promises SamePolicies As Before

MIKIDUKI-1. i le i i t t A.

i. . indiiditi for re-eti'ctlon in1'iii-i Ward, today cited thei i "l tlit administration an hisi <i in and added "my re-tlei-will bring only the same kind

I'lHt-sentalion as before withjihei priimisw whatever.'<-


' a x Collector Also To I tElected At BaUotim In


Republicans Run On Rte-ford; Democrats Offer

9 .Pwn^Pro |r« *

Rev. Rodger W H«wn


Present 'Breezy Mon-ey' November 7

W 0 O D B R I l> (i K--"BreezyTotruy," a farce in three ac^s, byugeile Todd, will be presented by

he Men's Brotherhood of theathodUt Church on Tuesday eve-ing, November 7, at the churchuditorium on Main Street.

The cast of characters includeshe following: "Breezy," Russell

Dick Landis, Claude Geh-miin; Jimmy Gale, Winfield Bporn-son; Mops, Michael Gottweini Hoe-lown, Russell Lorch; Carter Max-n, Jr., Glenn Spies; Coloneluuthern, Ralph Stauffer; Bonnie

Hen-»haw, Rev. Rodger W. Hawn;Herbert West, <5harle* fisher; Mr.

umniin, James Hilbcrt.Fred Beckley, o* the Wood-

fchoo} <a<tulty, is

"Tor the fourth time 1 am stand-ing iis a eundidate for the officei>r •'•iniinittevhtan from the FirstW;IM1 ami present for the consid-i in t ion (if the First Ward voters

Did of the preceding t(ir

Mis* Ruth Ander and Miss Na-omi Rrennan, violtn; Miss Doris,Henry, cello; Miss Mary C. Clarkstring bass.

According to a recent announcement a prev'ue concert will beBroadcast Sunday' morning, No-vember 12, from 10 to 11:30 overa natioH-wide hook-up. The pro-gram , will include: "SouthernRhapsody," Hosmer; Victor tilttt.fcort's Favorites, Herbert; "Missis-sippi Suite," . Crofe; "Slavonic

{Continued on Page 4)

Trial Of 4 Religious SectMembers Is Postponed

W<WDBRIDGE—The case ofthe four Carteret rcnjdents, mem-bers of, the religious sect known1

first prize, five dollars plus fivedollars worth of free seals,' secondprfief three dollars plui* three dol-lars worth of free Mala^aad thirdprise, one dollar plus « one dollarsheet of seals. . i' •

Discussing the limerick, Mrs. Mc-Elrqy says that attention shouldbe paid to the rbyme scheme. First,second and fifth jlnee* shouldrhyme; third and fourth rh^mn.

Limericks will be judged <*nthree points (1) The talue of theChristmas Seal or tuberculosisthought (2) The excellence of therhyme and meter, and {3} theoriginality or humor of the thoughtexpressed. The committee of judgeswill t|e announced In the near fix-ture.

Limericks can be sent to Mrs.M«Elroy, 64 High Street, Wood.bridge, or directly to the Tubercu-losis League, 175 Smith Street,Perth Amboy, N. J. The contestclose* midnight, December. 10.

scheduled to be heard before JudgeArthur Brown Monday, has beenpostponed until Monday, Novem-ber 13. :

Tre dei?jidant.s, H,elenBok, Mrs.Elizabeth' Kovacs, Mrs. Susie Bod-nar and John M. Bodnar, arecharged with violating the Town-ship solicitors' ordinance, whichprohibits soliciting without a per-mit, The police state that the ."Je-hovah Witnesses" have been in dif-ficulty irr the Township before he-cause "they refuse to ask for thepermit due to the fact that theyrecognize no other authority .butJehovah."


tants For Drive Open-ing In Avenel

AVENEL—lyfrs. i«hft Gantrier,of Burnet Street,' Avenel districtchairman of the annual Rod CrossRoll Call announces the followingassistants:

Fifth Avenue, Mrs, James Gillis;Park and Madisqn Avenue, Mrs.Edward Grode; Livingston Ave-nue and Avenel Street, between,Pennsylvania Railroad and' thesuper-highway, Mrs. R, G. Pericr;WoodbridBB Avcnfjp, 'WrcwtnmnKrug;.Remsen Avenue, Mrs. Ed-ward Ejchhorn; Prospect Avenue,Mrt. Hiram Tuttle; Smith Street,Mrs. - Frederick .Brauae.

Meinfeer Street, Mrs, John Az-ur; George Street, Mrs. HerbertHea'dr Manhattan Avenue,- Mrs.William Gory and. Burnet Streetand Rahway Avenue, Mrs. EuiiM,ulford.

Mrs. Gardner will assign otherWorkers if necessary, All members

e invited to attend the workcra'dinner at the Howard Johnson res-taurant on the highway Mondaynight. Those wishing to attend

ncone of the play is in the lobbyf Cummin Inn, a summer resort,ireeiy, the press agent de luxe,oca a bit of sensational advertis-ng. offering 81,000 to the firstouple that will spend a week in thenaunted bridal suite of the inn. Heeels confident that no couple will

remain a week and seeks means ofgetting rid of the first couple tonrriye,"™ ~" TtnrHdl TkUkani

When Dick Landis, almost brokend J mmy Gale, who is completely

broke, masquerade as bride andgroom and engage the haunted bri-dal suite intent on winning thethousand dollars. Breeiy- engage.*Mops, who does some effective im-personation, yet is not successfulin helping Breezy out of his di-

iiiins of the present administra-tion.

"My re-flection will bring onlyilu siuiit> kind of representation asl>i'fine with no other promiseewhatever. " "

"I propose to continue to standfin' efficiency and economy in theciindurt of th« municipal offices;

I the collection of taxe» by all themeans provided <by the laws of thoState of New Jenty hreindingregular tax sales andjax title lieniquidation, thus relieving the man

wljo pays from carrying the manwho does not pay; the continuancenf the polioy of turning Townshipproperty back into ratablesthrough aft energetic and 'efficientreal estate department; the pay-ment of all, municipal debts Incash when due, including the numsdue the School District, the Coun-ty and State; the prompt paymentof interest and tho retirement ofour public debt

'1 propose to continue to opposeall special privilege and the de-mands of all "pressure minoritieswhere not in tho public interest.

"This kind of representation isavailable on the ballot in the Repnbffcan eofnmn* '• *"

- Ralaiivtquiet exists over the localfront as both major political 'ties apply the finishing tquchea 'thsir campaigns to controlTownship government.

A aerius of ralliw in the 'sections of the communitylast-minute instructions to worjtafiover the week-end will climax th*offensives which have been markt|this year with calm and restrain^Four-member* %11 be alacUd i ftho Township Committee an#Tax Collector, whose term is ffive years ,a*lso is to be named,- Wondbridge Township voten iso wilt participate in the sel«ctta|-of a1 State Senator, three


new members at the next meetingto be held Monday night, weremade this week by the HappirrestGirls.

A special program will be heldunder the direction of the recep-tion committee, including EleanorTurek, Gladys Sullivan and LillianJensen.

should get inGardner.

touch with Mrs.


of North Park Drive, th ifl placereported to Desk Sergeant An-drew Simonscn, Tuasdny intent,,tha.t someone had stolen a case ofcanned' goods, valued at scveidollars,, out of his cur which wii;parked in front of his home.


yto this tangle of af-

thg,World'* k%i«st-hop;. Carter Maxun, Jr., a

handsome millionaire whohas a way with the ladies; ColonelSouthern',' a dyed in the woolsouthern, gentleman;, Lonnie Hen-shaw, a typical "hick'1 sheriff; andHerbert West and his bride, thereis a great de*at of hilarity beforethe final curtain^

According to Rev. Huwn, thecurtain will rise promptly at eighto'clock.

Brewton, Bradford QuarrelAs Friends Sometimes Do!

WOODBRIDGE—As the resultof a fist fight at the corner ofFulton and Coley Street Wednes-day morning, Chester Brewton28, colored, formerly of Wood-bridge and now of Perth Amboywas given. a O0-day sentence inthe county workhouse and his com-panion, Willis Bradford, 48, colored of 100 New Street, Woodbridfefflwas given a suspended sentenceWhen they appeared before JudgeArthur Brown.

Brewton and, Bradford were ar-rested by Captain John EgHii lindOfficer Joseph Sipos who nalibedthem during tho fight. Brewtonwas said to have been theor. -

He's Back! So Be Careful,Bowlers, Fauble Snooping!

Stop! Look! Then turn to theaports pagu ami read "Rumb-lings On The Alleys" by Wil-liam "Juicy" Faublp.

In response to numerous re-quests by township bowlers, urg-ing, this newspaper to include aboiling coliimn on' its spottp:i(tc, Mr. Fauble, alley expert,luis been added to the sportsstaff to handle tho special as-signment. His witty paragraphsiippcnr in today's issue.

members of the House of Aasafj$bl^.two members of the Coui

clerk, and a county coroner. Thlf *alaa wilLpaas upon tho Statfettlal.-referendum to authoriie a bond lUar(ire of >21,000,000 to flnantte (tt|State's share of unemployment (Vkief costa. ' , . <i_

Only two office* to be filled \»the local electorate are sukftct tf^Township-wide, vote. , They ar**Committeeman-at-Large, comntw"y designated as Mayor, and 'fldfCollector. For the former ^he contenders are the encumbeptAugust F, Greiner who is seekins;his fourth term, and E. A, Finn,Democratic nominee. Michael J.Trainer, who has served as TaxCollector for five years, is a candl*date for re-election and his Repub-ilican opponent is C. Albert Larsonwho was his predecessor. ' ,


Heads St. Andrew's Auxil-iary Arranginn Party

For TonightAVENKL—St. Andrew's Build-

ing Fuptl .Society Auxiliary willconduct a public card party to-night at 8:110 o'clock in the Av-enel School house. '

Mrs. Joseph Suchy is generalchairman and is in charge of thetickets. Mrs. John Griffin is co-chairman and has made arrange-ments for the special award.. Others on tho committee are:Miss Marlon Suchy, Mrs. JosephPetras and Mrs. Julius Jaeger,prizes; Mrs. Albert Qarna and Mrs.Edward Mnran, refreshment*.

Many valuable prizes have beensecured and tho large advance sal"of tickets promises to assure asuccessful affair.

One member of th»ommitttit! U to be eleeted in <

of the three wards in the Town-ship with the Republican eneumb>enU in i:uch n candidate to<reed himself. Thomas G.a member of the High School fae-*ulty, is the opponent of FrederickA. Spencer who has been the FirstWard representative for six years.In the Second Ward, the third-term aspirations of Jam* Schsiffrick, Republican are being chaklunged fry Joseph Damkaeh, Jf^Democrat, while in the Third Wartlthe contenders are Frank Wuko.vets, Democrat and Herbsrt Rank-in, Republican,'who has be«n onthe Township C6mmltte« for onpterm.

As in .the cose of Mr. Trainer*(i Republicans have based their

campaign upon their record In of-fice, fh-ttical of this record,-filmDefrocwts have offered a n!na»point program.


Local Unit Issues ReportFor Last Month; Answers, 10 Accident Cases

WOOD fi R1DG S~— Vo rty calllwevH answered by the WoodbridgeEmergency Squad Ambulance dur-ing the paat month according to fregular report submitted today^Thirty of the calls were transportcases und the remainder w.era sX^ •cidunt calls. ','!

The ambulance traveled 8Mmiles during October uaHpf 81gallons of gna and eight' quarts of -oil. I-

Woodbridge Township Department How Ranks Among Foremost In New JerseyAfter Forty-Ttiree Years Of Steady Progress And Acceptance Of Modern Methods

Dinations received during th4month: wert as follows': ;Fords Fire Company, No. 1 $10,00la net Gage Chapter, D. A.

R '. -- '. 10.00Mrs. Larabcrtson (Fords) B.0()MI-H. E. Toth' (Fords) 2,0<J

Keating w;y< elevated to the rankof detective .srrgrnnl. With thatmrtve, MotoVcyclc Officer GeorgeBalint wjw promoti'd to desk ser-geant to takeNKeuting's place andJoi Gnuly was) udvanceel to thetraffic division to take over Ba-HnfB motorcycle poBt.

Chief Morphy Die.Affairs went smoothly for a

while. Keating; together wlth'Csp-tajn James Walsh, brokecajifs and* an envisbToestablished. Thert, Chief

ganisatlon fef ithfc.pollpe depart -became ill* At nrst,his il|naw Wasment. He outlftea hjs plans to the not taken seriously, but then the

rtemboTB of the force, became

Note: Thii ii the fourteenthand concluding article of a icr-isi en tho hittory of the Wood-brldie Townthip Pslieo Depart-ment. Tha writer withei to ac-knowladfa witii Ihankt thacourtety extended to her bythe CKIef of FelUe Gaor |e E.


xijp forced ^fhlel Murphymade plajnl for'a compl'et* reor

Township committee an,tt' the first*tsp was finally takan on Jons 22,1031, when Desk Sirjesfct George


aware' that the and,wa* near whenthpir beloved cn) | | Wus ta"Mn i

the hospital. On Jmuiiiry IK, Ii)3i!,the "gnind old niuii of Ihi- policedepartment',' died. His fuiierul wasone of the largest «vur held in theTownship. Municipal police fromscores of Burroundijig towns andState potfee, in addition to promin-ent figures in political life, all (fath-ered to pay -thcit last respects.

The late Father Riahard O'J'ar-rell left his SlCk bed to preach asermon ai hin fri6nd'n funeral; ItWftif R tflHffUl' fBTBWSHJ ttlP' PBOphjdt Woodbridge gavo Chief Mur-p h f ' / , , . ' * • .,/.

Walih Named ChiefOn February 1, 1932, James

Walsh was appointed Chief of Po-lice of thA Township of yt}

bridge nl a regulur session of theTownship committee. The follow-ing September, Motorcycle OfficerJoseph Lewis was fatally -injuredwtylu chasing speeders. In Decem-ber 1938, John Cholar, a memberof the traffic division, was placedon. the retired list at .his own re-quest. * .

At the November, 1933, elec-tion, the Democratic adminlstrs-tloti was defented at tho polls andpit'U6tf^Tnir(r 81 a™ftw fUtetfore the .Republican regime .wasV> takij ov^r the reins of the mnit(-cipallty, the committee named Jo-seph CBsWe and Daniel C. Pan^coni el patrolman of the thirdclats. Pahconi md-Casale were jlv-

en the iii'cessur.v equipmflnt byChief Walsh iiml were anBigned to"rookie duty", but on New Year'nDay 1'.),'! 1, when the new adminis-tration was organized, Pnnconland Casaje were removed from thepolice lists by the following reso-lution introduced by Committee-man Harry M. Gerns:

"Whereas. ,by tho minutes of ameeting of the Township commit-tee hefd on tho 8th day of Dwern-

Casak and Daniel Panconid no

hwere appointed^? i Bolutltit)i nomembers of the Pol io Drfptfttttntof the Township of Woodbridgeand

on Poyt 2)


Trio Of Boys Steals TrieOf Capi From Local Store

WOODBRIDGE — Thre«|youths, one negro and twoi?;white, have been reported to tb«*.Juvenile anlhoritios in Ne|vr'£Brunswick aflei- stealing thrtV

i spbrt out of Chrlstensaii'*/,pDepartment Store on MainStreet. , %

A'ceordliiR to Hugo Qels, em.;ployed at the store ,the young-

i at«r» entered the store' shorUy *



and prnbb«d the capsfrom n o*unber near: fte fr<int' d '"T3itf%tK«Ttf|theft to the ptHlavf and a halfhour later Captain Bin Parsonspicked up tha boys »»4 fee cap*.I

Page 2: Snbepen&ent-leabet - DigiFind-It...proper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling the Town-ship's Accounting have been most unsatisfactory and in many in-stances in direct


, 'I:I !i If

i i •


COMMITTEE PASSESTtwDihip DepartmentRELIEF BOND ISSUE l ; : r . ' . . • .Take* Step. To Pre?«rt

Hantiif hut Home.w COffr nnr

f ' Tilt «m

ous j»ru

/ f<iyt 1)

' -.<,<: ( a.-ale an i lhi.] Ijtt-n no prt-vi-uMtdic in tht police

Avntd P T. A. To SponsorCard Party November 10th

AVINEL— Mans for « «-aidparty to be speeeored by the F. T.A , (>n Friday Bight, Novembi ( 10at S'SO o'clock in th* AvenelSchool were made at a meeting

at tht

i n*w vug, extra appoint-, m«nu of gaid police depsnment

authoriti** tl.e issuance of*1*0*HI worth of relief boiuk ws» "Whereas, th* finance* rf th*iniurfly pa**£il on final /eaii-Township of Wgpdbi'idge do not.1 short, adjourned me»ttnglf*rrarit an increase in the policeTownship «ommiUt« heldpersonnel and

v ,,vht. "Whereas, tht appointment* of.', rrom residents of»»'d c « » l e »n d Panconi as «for«-

Hill. protesting against » M *•** *nd a r p n t l w uniiecejsary

.nii?i., "was ,wcived. PoliceHerbert Rankin in-

I the clerji to advise the pe-• that there was an ordin-Mihibiting huDtiag wftaiaL'.'.O feet of a dwelling andi,.niters are seen within (the.-(1 areas to notify tat pe-I arrests will be made.

f . i i krormt the evil and aver-ir harard. Hunting ,in an.-iisun'd backyard in hardly

uiHilde."A mil her petition WM al«a re-

Jfivc d fmm tbe residents of outerBan mi Avenue, Prospect Avenue,Hni" II Avtnw and Coolldge Ave-Hiic,ii--Mii|f for road repair*.

p, now'Be it resolved jruJ the action

taken at the rntttill* of the Tewn-sai» Committee held foctmber B,1931 in appointing Daniel Pan-coni and Joieph Castle as memberof the police department be andthe saaw is hereby revokedand re-scinded, and

Be it further resolved that the

iel Paacpni be Immediately airick-en from the record* of ihe Police

p n t of the Townihip ofWoodhridge and the Chief of Po-lice demand the return of their

and other eqalpnient de-to them belonging to the

Townthip and


You can have your hair "dressedjimt this way—and you'll find iteuny to keep it looking fresh. Orlet flfte <{f our Beauty Consultantsfluwrgst an entirely different hairStyle—for you alone!

For AlUMfctait*!. Paon. Wood. 8-2394

La Grace Beauty Shoppe(Chrintenien Building)


Bwiiet Street.T)uth% were assignee' se follows

Prizes, Mrs. George Siivka. MrsEdward ftcge*, Mrs. John Ett«r-bhank, Mrs, Everett Johnson andMiss Margaret Dey; tables andpencils, Mrs. Jebnton «<ui Mr«Siivka; tables »n« cird.-. Mr- (N. Vsn Leersnd Mis« Dej; t»am*s.Mrs. R. G. Perto arid ticketf. Mi>.fiirdper »B4 Mr

"B« it fuj-lhw laaolved that acertified copy ef tak rettolution befortkwitk <Uliv«r«d p«r»onally bita« Twataip ebrk, to the Chief ojfPth«< «T tie Township of Wootf-aridf* for aetion thereunder."

TIM year 163< wa» a quiet oneas far at the police departmentwas eattctrasd; but in 193.5. when

Li the early part of 1M5,UM tMsaiUt** purchased the pres-ent assbalanes and patrol for the

> of f1,(10.

1 16, 1885, Hassey in-• nietiun authcritlng fl»

advertiaiag for bids for a two-wayradie system for the departHMBtwith Mas to be received en May ».At that aweting the Taxpayers'aaseclauaa asked the eemmittee todefer epeaiag of bids until June1, wMea *eey«t was grant**. OK<>.. lirttf date, bidi were openedas follows: Central Electric Co.,$«,*<>«; Federal Lrtoratorlas, Inc.,|B , in .S0; Grey bar Electric Co.,17,117. The bid of Federal Labors-UrisSt Inc., was accepted and thsGeneral EUctHe low bid wai turn-ed down "because according toHaseay R did not come up to saa-cifloaUws." The system went intoeffect OB September 1, 1935, but


ildii.tiii^. photogiaphy and dt>wilive work. Egan wa& given chargeof tht radio division.

James Schafrick beeam* polk*commissioner ifn January 1, 19$«and oa May 1U, t»36, ArthurBrnwn was appointed police ifcorder.

Paring tae summer of

TV police commis.sionsr attemptedto promote George Balint to thetank uf Lieuten«nt Detective enly to be infenned by the Town&hipAttorney that such an actionwould be illegal due to the factthat there was no such rank in th*police ordinance. Balint, however,

placed in plain clothes bySchajfrick, "temporarily."

Ori the laslisyoTMarcn1, IWT,Chief of Police Wilth died sud-denly st his home following sheart stUek. Walsh had sufferedprevibui'attacks but his deathcame' as a shock > the community»• he had left t headquarters taatevening apparently in the beit ofhealth and spirits. "

Keating Head* Fore.At the following meeting of the

f bWSiSlp Ce*mtlle, en AptTl \1937, George Vesting was unani-mously appointed Chief of Police.The same evening, the Townshipcommittee' and Township f'lorf. B.J, Dunigan went to Keating's homesad the latter gave him the oathsf OFKie.

Scores of letters were receivedby the committee praising it for it*choice of police chief. Among the Iletters was one from the National |Board of Fire Underwriters.

Financial conditions in theeviQeuuy iiupitifw m

w in June of that jear,the 20 per cent pay cut was ri-stored to the police department.

In 19S8, Herbert B. Rankin be-came police commissioner and enFebruary 21, Joseph Casale wasresppointed te ths department. OnJune 27, Daniel Paneeni was re-appointed and Stephen Feiertagwas named patrolman of the thirdclass.

w«# -«•*:

the lysttm was chantedlater bacaase ths original one wasnot powerful enough for the terri-tory tt had to cover.

At first, t f o officers were placedin cath radio car, but in October,at ths rsqatst of the WoodtrldgeTownihlp Tatpsyers' A.woelstion,the policy W»» (hanged and one pa-trolman was Matgned to each ra-dio csr.

KeaHai LandedA short time later an arson case

occurred on Falton Street thatwas quickly solved by Keating. OnDecember 6, 1685, a communica-tion was received by the townshipcommittee from the NationalBoard of Fire .Underwriters ad-dressed to the police commissionerpraising the work done by theWoedtridfe police department' "in*ho waa»t anon caaa" and ejoc-elally referred to "the splendidwork of Georfe Keating."

On DaoamDar 16, 1935, GeorgeKeating was promoted to the po-rtion of Captain of Police, Seniorrank; John B*sn was made Cap-tain of Polka, Junior rank and A.P. McDonnell wa> given the po-sition of record clerk. Keating waaplaced in charge of records, flng

Greenhouse Gives You WidestVariety & Best Value In Fur Coats!


We urge you to take advantage of our Sale which offers a wideselection ftt low pricet. Act pow because this sale offers garmentsof the highest possible Quality Choice Pelts, selected for texture,softness and durability.

r Coats have been skillfully workedinto the SeasonV greatest Style Crea-tions, the result of our 26 years' experi-ence in Fur Craftsmanship. ,

Untrimmed and Furred Cloth Coati

Come into the store and make your selection from

our larf* stock of handsomely trimmed and un-

trimmed Cloth Coats. Warm Woo) Fabrics and

beautifully lined. We are sure you'll find the

coat you want to fit your purse. All sizes, all styles,

all colors.

A Small Deposit Will Hold Your Selection

Liberal Allowance on Old Fur CoatsApplied to New Coat Purchase

Remodeling and Repairing atSpecial Low Summer Rates.

A. GREENHOUSE, Inc.Creators of Fine Furs


On February 8, 19Mt AndrewSimonsen was promoted ta DeskSergeant; Frank Millar was ad-vanced to Rounds Sergeant andJoseph Sipos w n named pstrotntBnlof the third class. On February N ,Karney Romano, after two hear-1ings before the Township commit-1tee, ,w»ii .permanently raUavadtfrom duty on "charges unhecoss-jing an officer and gentleman."

Promotions and appointment!]continued to come thick and fast.)On May 16, 1939, Prank Ssallar,of the Second Ward, was appointed 1to the force. On June 5, 1989, (to)become effective July 1) John Ian was advanced to Captain of Fo-1lice, Senior rani; Benjamin Pat-sons was made Cajptain.of Police,Junior rarjk; George BllintwasijroraotftA tQ Dfitectiye [ Sjrteantand Carl Sundqulat snd WilhelmBrown were made Desk Sergeants.After the passage 'of a necessaryordinance, Allan P. McDonnell1

was given tlie rank of sergeant intrie record department. The finalpromotions to data wtre made onAugutt 21,1939, effective Septem-ber 1, when Joseph Farkas andClosindo Zuccaro were alevajted to |trio traffic ctiviBien.r '

3B Offteen Teaay

Today, Woodbridge Township IPolice department ranks among [the highest in the state s i to-(fiiciency and equipment Chief [Keating is reeogniied throughoutthe state as one ol the,most cap-able men in police circles. He i s |known as a keen ndliceman and an;i finper-piiht and" photography ex-pert. It i« a iw cYy from the daysof 1R98 when the two "Pad'dies"patrolled the Township, sometimesnfnot and sofnetime* on bicycles.With thirty-four melt In the pres-ent department, ' WoodbridgeTownship Police departmentboasts of a two-way radio system:i police patrol and ambulance, awith three radio cars, a utility CST,complete record department, withlinflvrprinting and "mugging" aspecialty.

The personnel of the present po.lire department JB as follows:

SUPERIORSChief George E, KeatingCaplnin John EfanCaptain Benjamin Parion*Detective Serfeant Ccorf* BalintRoundi Sergtant Frank MillerSergeant Allan McDonnell,

(record dept.)Deik Scrfeant Andr«w SinonianD«ik Serjeant Carl SundquiitDcik Serfeant Wilhelm Brown

TRAFFIC DIVISION(Fi(ure> ar^ badr« numben)

Thorn i i Someri, No. 11 PatrolDriTer

Cloiindo Zuccaro, No. 34, PatrolDriver

Daniel Gibton, No. 2 motorcvcleRudolph' Simonien, No. 21, motor-

cycleJoieph Cnij, No. 29, motorcycleMeyer Larson, No.1 2B, motorcycleJoieph Ftrlui, No. 30, motorcycle

PATROLJohn Manlon, No. 45Geor|e Leonard »No. 19Robert E«an, No. 7Joieph Einhorn, N». SWilliam RomonJ, N*. 31Joieph Dillon, No. 33Hich.rd U , i , No. 38John Goveliti, No. 38Tl.nma, Biihop, No. 3SFred l.ridner, No. 3»Gi>or|« Mink No. 37Neli Uuritzen, No. 40Henry Dunham, No. 41Anthony Prterion No. 44Jomph Cjiiale, No. 46Dnniel P.ntoni, No. 5SlupJien FtierUf. No. 20>4»*|>h Sig«i, No. 3Frank Siallai, N«, 42



First Ward CommitteemanThomas G. Desmond


1, Te Adopt an budgetwithout political opediencjand keoai aipeaditurei withinaa>nr«y>riati«a«.

2. fit aiaae a Nrfiiy' af Ihe goV-awiasaiital awaleyi-nt m » i t a .

Stc«nd Ward CommitteemanJoseph A. Dambach

aad u eUaiiaatatie* aad waste. • _ -

3. T t b u b t laat l e lU l se adaala-literad ia an otnwiyJcai sssn-a«r «a)d withi'unsMeraUsa sothat we S M seAnra the nffreTalinit««4 ef Die IcaneWnnaltn ofMM State -«elali.

4. Ta engag* Ina asrWctt of com-nrteat t—hnUnl awa, whores«*b sarMcei are required, frompees>U U*iag ia o«u- own Com-mtnlty or within In* Coantjr,a«d to parcaaie all material

• tio«d»#f«r tfce-Dp«ratt»n of onrgoTcraniont from Towa*kis> oxCoaatJ aMiswtt houiei wher-evse SMMtible. •-

8. To nadortak* iu«h road workand «tid«ar«r to tacur* tuchW. F. A. ayjocU a* will bene-fit every iectiea of the Town-ihip without pr«j.*di«e.

. (, Te e»n«enlrate on the tale of. Ttownthip owned property atproper price* and halt the nn-noeottary (ale of the People'ihontot.

7. To hold each y«ar an open con-(•ronooVwith tupayaM of litoTownship to dikcuu propoied

J budgoti and for the purpoie ofgiving contidoration to con-structive >uggeitio».

5. To make * sincere endeavor toinduce Indnttriei to locate inWoodbridgo Townthip on «it««lonod for induitrial purpotei.

9. Te make aach plank of thiiplatform a porional pledge of

1 MAYOREdward A. Finn

Third Ward Committem,,,Frasicis G. Wukovett


1. Ha. th. PRESENT admin,. lr i

ti,n H0N1STLY . t t . m p l r d „roduc. t*Mtien In Wwdkr.d,,TwwnatupT NO!

2. Ha. t.« MIEUNT •d«,n,,,,,ti*a mada aa HONEST ,«„,to U u U new ind«.tri<, ,nWoodbrida* Tewukip?N01

3. HM tke PKtSINT .d.,n.,r .tion appreprUtod tuttulrntfund* fat Ik* ufroad! in Woodbrid,. | u » n

.hip? Y U ! -

4. Has l i e MUUENT .dmmtlw RKALLT iniproyrd ,,,,d•MdUiewa In WoodbnJ,,TewasUf T...... NO!

5. Ha* i L ntBSENT admin,.!,.tie*, after *fa yoar. of tllr|rJ•ttclent gavernmint, rrduirHIke iarfebtedntu of WUUJbridge Tawathipr Np'

S. Has MM P1ISENT »<tm,n,,u..HONESTLY pr.ctKrd

a f t y la any of th« mb•Wattsaaats ef tht TowmhipGe)*er*BKa>f? NO!

7. Has,,Af HUSINT admin..i..ttal WllSLY Uk» ad«.nl.|r

WPA ir.ati'



TAX COLLECTORMichael J. Trainer

tplate in which

». Hfa tks PRESENT .dnnm,.tratiea kept any of iti pmm

itas, ss«de iti 1933, to tl»- citi

s o n . af Waodbridfe !««•>•


WE BELIEVE IN WOODBRIDGEThis is our Township. It enjoys advantages far beyond that of

. many other Communities. The highway* of the Nation cross our boun-daries. Four major railroads serve us. Navigable waters extend aJonfOur east and west boundaries. Woodbridge is ideally situated for in-.diutry and its requirements. Woodbridgp him »omc of the most beauti-ful nontesites in the State. Woodbridge is within easy reach of A tgreat, neifhborinf metropolitan area, already overcrowded and look-ing for more suitable space. Woodbridge Township has all these ad-vantages.

Industry is entering a new era. It is expanding and looking farnew. worlds to conquer. Industry avoided Woodbridge Township 4ur>.inf the past six years, but a new day will dawn here if the Municipalityis properly developed, honestly managed and lincereiy advertised. Wtbelieve in our home town. We have faith in its destiny and we don'tpropose to permit any gloomy, political proohecies to hold it back fromachieving its full growth and dt-velooment,

_ We, the Democratic candidates, have a great faith and a firm con-viction in the future greatness of our Community. We have no inferior-ity comolex for our Township. Woodbridge, with its fine, age-otdtraditions; with a population third in size among Municipalities in theCounty; with it. God-given advantages and resources, deserves confi-dence, not pessimism, to present its great possibilities to the world,, in-stead of the smug alibi that we can't get anywhere because condition*are bad. We only ask for the opportunity to show that it can be done.

W« «re all comparatively young men with the same faith in our-selves that we have in our Township. We ask /ou not to judge us bythe merits t>r demerits of our predecessors. We ask for a chance toshow what we can do for our Townshio. All Woodbridge Townshipneeds to take its place among the favored Communitie. of the Nationis a bit of intelligent understanding of its problems, honest business ad-ministration and some ourposeful work. And we are prepared to giv*just that.

Because we are not impractical idealists, we see a vision of aGreater Woodkridge Township, and we are willing to work for it. Rep-resenting a cross-section of this Community, we believe we know itineeds. We propose to unite our broad Township into a sustained drivetoward making it the FIRST Municipality in Middlesex County. We

t propose to make it a place where peoole will want to establish then*homes, and where Industry will be g |ad to find a welcome within iUboundaries.

In this Greater Woodbridge Township which we will strive for, wewant to see confidence restored in our obligations, we want to see creditestablished through that, we want that credit to provide forour expansion without paying through the nose for such credit, andlast but by far the least, we want Industries which will help te lift *artof the tax burdens from our homes and-provide employment for ourcitizens.

Too great a program to hooe for? We don't think so. Sta»naU»"is death. The Township is slowly dying becauae tiie present ideas areatagnant. Let us prove to you what intelligently^ directed effort «a»accomplish I, u n t p o M l b | e t0 g o D . o k m w h , „ , £ , t h | m w ^-w*.ship has already gone on the road to defeatism undVr its present lead-ership. Why not try going fonward? \\



Page 3: Snbepen&ent-leabet - DigiFind-It...proper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling the Town-ship's Accounting have been most unsatisfactory and in many in-stances in direct

• • ' • • - • ? "




[r No Criticiim 01 Con-Which Riled Up

'$6,000,000 Debt


I Jo Condemn Practice.

jankruptcj^ Vergem'thoda of the Ryan

^ii-utipn have \ beenI in full by the cur-

,,|i of Democratic can-

r weeks of campaign-iiing which they wal-

j it! vt»«e» g«O«ft-litii(l—h,i|ii'illo get away with, Democratic party i|i

lu;il eleventh-hour fash-•illy produced some

'flittering words wihichsillied as a platform.siili.itHntially the same

line proposed by the•ii ki't which was soi rliningly defeated inTho leopard has not

, il its spots.> leaves the presentides in the position off.'UK the kind of gov->II! which piled up a.olio debt. Certainly,

}\ Ii id any other propos-v would have,made itin short order, Theylave Hprunf it long

[i!' mily to attempt totin1 stigma l«ft by the

(licensors. If they had>niible, sensible programmi; Woodbridge Town-ivcinment, they wouldnitcd it long «re this.


Advertisement Advertisement


A. Spencer

They have waited. Lack-iHtructive plan to match

c Republicans, they have|t><i tho' campaign to ry.n

i wi'ck of iti course with-er ing one single, solitaryrut to which they could b«..iintable by the voters.ii shameless ahwnce of i

exposed by the Reprbll-i v whip up • harmless littlei ii which they publicize i t.t!\>rm.nw n, they're for food

Pine hasn't been • eandl-11 ki nuKh the length and

uf the nation foe fifty- hasn'J, been an advo-""H roads. They neglect,In indicate where they

ho money for then goodTin- leads the voters to be-

|tb< v expect to borrow It, aI! van regime, even if an-^ debt aeeumu

| tiny apparently are notiimut piywif for tire food

'IV> Ryn adrnftiUtrationhundreds of thousandswhy ihoaMn't they!

i W.DROOO in debt? 'with Rood roads, they also•'fficieney and economy.

in state where they expect('"•'• these great virtues, It

u^umed thty expect.taIi' same course as did th*»»rr«ta "fcrho ran the lo«Xl"•nt. They evidently ex-#

restore the fee syvtfm,'I -rinrtted the, expenditure"i' a design for a comfortII I ho park a n d which cost ,'•nxinecr'i office alone,!"i-r a year than under the«n salary system.

•'incnt Democratic candi->" faced with the necewi<

en hi i repudiating [he meth-"' Ityan administration, orIT them. • \«' many of the) master-1 that regime are still in"f the party, they have•'Mr to repudiate them or" any substitute for thosewhich produced a 18,000,-

i ,

|t'i"'.v have In effect, endorsed»»'! nil they stand for— ?G,-

"f ilfbt and all.

Redemption 01 Properties

Brings $738,400; SalesAnother $228,191

COUNTY TAXES SAVED'rogram, lime 2 YeanAgfl,Wa» Okayed Q m - .

whelmingly By Voter.The administration's tax

•i\ title liquidating contractI'HS the principal issue of theampaign two years ago. The•oters were asked whetherhey approved of it and their,mswer waa a resoundingote in favor of the adminis-ration which formulated i tBecause of this overwheim-

ng approval, the programan hardly still be a subjector debate. To keep the peo-)le aware of the tremendous<lvaiiUges which have ac-rued through the liquida-ion of Township-held eerti-'icutes, the administrationius prepared a detailed reon ! of benefits.

A total of $738,400.92 inash has been collected tolate for the redemption ofproperties which had beensold for taxes. In addition,$228,191,44 has been paid tothe Township through thiiale of property which hallbeen foreclosed,- making agrand total of nearly $1,000,

James Schaff rick Herbert B, RankinAbove are the (our Republican niemberi of the Towmhip Com-mittee who, on (he basis of advance predictions, are eipected tob« returned to office by tremendous majorities. Their excellentrecord in office ii their platform.


Facts From Taxpayers,Darby Chart ei

- . — - * f- •

The practice of the lastDemocratic administration,.which has not found any cri-ticism from the party's cpn-didtvtes this year, of settingup a. Large sum inihe. budgetfor "contingencies" V a aroundly scored by State Au-ditor Walter R. Darby.

"For -the years 1928 to19S1 inclusive," he wrote,'$10,000' was appropriatedannually for contingencies.


linquent Taxes' Pena-lized Taxpayers'

Wood bridge T o w n s h i psank to the lowest state inits history under governmentby the Democratic party.' Not the least of th e respon-sibilities which were shirkedduring that period was thecollection of taxes. Fearful totake courageous measureslest the politicians suffer re-

Mr. G.ldiUi* Ti.ited the M«ai«if>l ffvil«n«fone tin* a|o with the avowed lalanflu «f »c»h-

•in> the I t i l audit report. All tka data M l im-mediately supplied to him at th* dimt|ft* »f theadminittration, The Democrat! had HI (Uarlyhowa fcjr thi* time how hard-pre»tad lk«T • * ' ••''am* for campaign iitMet, that n* farther tiaadl-

capi were to be Inflicted. So while la* D«»»cratiaited biaathlcitlr, Mr. Golditein weal t* w*rh.

Svengali Still Silent!Report On That Rigid Inspection For Democratic Master Mindt Of 1938 Audit

By Mr. Goldstein Of Perth Amboy 1$ Still A Bit Secret For Some Rewon!W f>*J**i and Mr CUrlei

•oldat«4n, Dtnocratic importation from Ptrtk Am-toy, ha* fajJ«d to di.c-loM the rMuItt of kift inaptc-IOD of the 1938 Towmhip audit.

He hat bean itone-tilent about what ha favjad.a fact, no-one, to far *i can be ascertained, il will'nf to accept credit for the bright idea of baring

the audit cumined. People here and» areUouily aiding the candidate! what terrible thing!

Mr. Golditein found that the Republican! had (tone."Nothing," they reply dejectedly.

So, •• th* audience w*it< MrYomlj, with Tril-by ready to perform, SMBgalfi magic l*«t> ei-capei him.

f - * * *Th* reaion Mr. Galdileia found aothing

wroag with th* audit Ii tim>U t* •••)!«••..Thar* wai nothing wnng with ft, r*r*f*ped

with raetkulou. car* and uad*r th* dir«lioa of theState Auditor, it preienti a trua pi<t«re of theTewmhip'i financial tonditUn. Tkara na>* beenno manipulatlonigto miiUad th* peapl*. There haibeen no fancy hocui-pocui wark In order Is makethingS look goad a round election time. Nothing ha>been hidden, nothing hat b**n c*T*r*d up.

• * « « h « « . r t , tJn a«dr t fnr» j i»^ ,» « » - * ytaxpayer may eiamin* it tad intarpret It. Nolonger doei it require ia**a Philadelphia lawyer! toundentand it. The Republican adminittration,keeping no lecreti from th* people, Ii willing andankioui that every act be open for icrutiny and haiendeavored in every way pottible. to make euchlerutiny *aiy for everyone.

G. 0 . P. AccompliihmefltSDuring Six Years Win

Applause Oi Voters


Fails To State Methods t oBe Used In Carrying

Out PromisesOn the basis of the mft»y

accomplishments of their shtyears in office, the Republi-cans are expected to be given

l i t f

Democratic Lark From 1925-1533 NEW P.O. QUARTERSOverspent Budget By $328,604-22 REPUBLICANS' AIM

While it might be possiblethat trie Township nee4«d110,000' yearly for suqh apurpose, it is very doubtful.

"I i&m inclined to believethat where contingent ac-counts are set up yearly forlarge lurni, thi' KOVI'I ning bodyHAS *REAaON TO HIDE CEft-TAIN FACTS CONCERNING ITSEXPENDITURES' FROM ITST A X P A Y E R S . IN 'OTHERSKQRDS. .MIS,...ACCOUNT WMORE OBtLESS OF A SUBTER-FUGE ind'as si)ch the inclusion ofthU it«m In the budget regularly intl|e same »mount for the yearsabove atatid wan an improper uneof the budget HS sn instrumental-ity of . taxation, particularly invieny of prwent statutes."

At compared with the $10,000which Mr. Darby found the Dem-,ocrat* appropriaU-d improperly for''contingencies," the < Republican

taliation atDemocuatic

the polls, the•adminiBtration

permitted, mouhtaimjus de-linquencies to accumulate.

In reviewing the situationwhich had been allowed todevelop, State Auditor Walt-er R. Da/Uy observed:

"The seriousness • of this titua-tion DOE8 N.0T SEEM TO HAVEBEEN APPRECIATED IN THEPAST but it requires little thoughtl» we ttw itjngTfr'theWlWBg re-main delinquent the harder it willbe to ccfllect them and no munici-pality is able to stand this constantstrain upon ft without it detriment-ally affecting its. economic strue-turn and. Moilslne ,the PAYINGTAXPAYER TO P R O T E S TAGAINST PAYING HIS OWNTAX AND HIS NEIGHBOR'S AS

VVThis was onu of the most diffi-

cult .tasks faced by the Republi-


the une of Townnhip"Ml"l funds, v»nt Improve-

" IOCHI roads have been1 liy the Republican ad-'"" A program of fur-

""Vfim-nta also has been'•"in1 will be put into op-ii; «o»n an the mbn«y is


the Demoerats,swho i1 '» debt In on»r to1 nattered- the Township'"tn • the Republicans have

1 udopt *> pay-is you-jo1 this respect, An annual

of 140,600 li made•• costi and within'n

"llf|(l it is expiated the lo.system will be second

be done without the"f new * notable de

the Democratic pol-

adminiitration In l'J;t!i set aside can administration when it' took13,000 for this purpose ! office in 1934.

Republicans Spend $62,975 LessThan Democrats After Six Years

have not soundt'idemnation of the

It costs exactly $62,975less to operate WoodbridKi!Townahip aiiniially aftur sixyears'iof Republican rule thanit did after a similar periodof I>emocratic ruk\ Since th'epresent Democratic candidate*

i1 word of con-poIicicH of the

Ryan.administration, the implica-tion they approvo such policies Uclear.

After six years of control, thetotal operating expends in Wood-bridge Township ajfi-regitte ?Z°9.-84«. The aggregate bill after nixyrfars of Democratic rule was $272,-Slli.

These savings arc mmlo in majiyItems; The appropriution for the'police department dining Demo-cratic days In, 1931 was $112,900whlje under the Republicans thisyear it i* >104,000. An tappropr(a-tton was made this year of S4O,0flDfor repairs and maintenance toTownship roads to compare withrS^'a^prflpriatert fcy th» JT»'VIOUB administration after RIX years

of rule. Election expense has beencut from |:i,2fiO to *2,U9O.

Further ReductioftiFurther reductions have been

mode in other Township salaries,the drop from $14,825 to $11,500or a saving of $3,275. The Repub-licans hnve materially reduced theamount allowed for printing1 andadvertising, cutting the Democratic figure of <?6,50O t o $2,500 foan annual saving of $4,000. Maintenance of the Municipal Buildingalpo has been, gbftvad from $6,50'1irl93l to $4,800'and the conjfagent account in 1081) was $3,000aa komparod.with the Democrats'$10*000 in \nu

)<>0 which has pouredinto the municipal coffers withinthe lost three years the programhas been in operation. Because ofthis magnificent succeas, it can. beseen readily why the public favor*it so strongly and -why it was givensuch approbation-When" ft wascampaign issue two yean ago,

Other Benefits, AlsoOf no less importance than th

cash receipts which have been realized under it, are the collateralbenefits realised.

It must be remembered that under the laxity of the IJyan admiti-istratiqn non-payment of taxescarried no "penalty except to thosewho struggled to meet their obli-gation. The home owners who paidtheir taxes were also made to carrythose who didn't. Under the Re-publican administration, this butf,den hai been relievW through tntUSc title liquidating program.

Prior ta 1834, most per&ona whopaid no .taxes were permitted tolold title to their property evenhough it reverted to the Town-ihip through tax sales. It is not:oinmonly realised that the Town-ship does not get title to propertymerely, through- conciliating a taxsale. It is hecemry to conductforeclosure proceedings, ', '•

This ts what the Republican xd-minJBtration has done,

As a result, Incalculable sumshave been saved the taxpayers. Bytaking title to properties which.hi.therto had paid nothing, the Town-ship can dispose of them and thusrestore them to assessment andtaxation. If they are not sold, thefact that they are owned by theTownship- makes them- free 'fromassessment by the State and'County,"

To date property valued at$170,000 has been turned from afree passenger into a paying pass-enger, It has been taken from anowner who refused to pay and soldto one who does pay. Property val-ued at f 1)300,000 hag been acquir-ed through foreclosure.

Cost Is Negligible.Because of the extreme care em-

ployed by the'administration inletting a contract to carry on tholiquidating program, WoodbridgeTownship, pays less than a' dozenmunicipalities similarly engagednnd for which figures are availa-

le,Woodbridge Township pays $28

B0 per certificate. In Newark, theprice is $1115. In West Orange itis $100 and in Lakewood tt is $120In Teaneck thefe is the next bestprice, which( is $45 but in Lindenit is $85; in Lyndhurst, $7B; inVentnorCity, $52; in East Peter-son, $100; in Port Lee, $90; inBelleville, $125. No one nan beenable to ascertain what is paid b;the cities of New Brunswick andPerth Amboy.

A survey of the state has failedto develop any municipality whichhas a contract as favorable as thatheld by Woodbridge Township,This claim could <not be made byan.administration which did notexercise extreme caution in thconduct Of the people's buslneDs.

Failare Of Present Candidates To Repudiate SachPractices Indicates Their Approval Of Them

The Democratic party in Wopdbridge Township, if itcould have its way, ha£ given every indication it would re-vert to the laxities of the Ryan administration.

One of the most flagrant abuses recorded against thatperiod between 1928 and 1^33 was the constant, yearlyoverexpenditure of the budget in sums ranging from $15,-725,50 in one year to- $117,334.72 in tooth*?. The grand

total of budget, overexpenditurevduring thoie yesr> was $328,60122or an average of f64.767.55 eachand every year.- ftepudlation-trf this Mnd of gsv-Wiiment has been uotkeably lackr

ing in U>« campaign qf the presentcandidates. It must be concludedby the electorate that the currentaspirants Approve this kind.of bus-


overwhelming-fer f


Adminittration Presses Of-fensive To Give Town

Modern BuildingOne of the main objectives

of the present administrationhas been Co obtain a suitable


WPA JOBS FOR 400PltOVlDEDBYtO.fMips Program To Improve

Roads, Supply WorkFor Unemployed

An extensive works pro-gram, to ppovide jobs for 400men and at the same tirrw toimprove long'stretchea of theTownship road system, wasplannpd early thjg year faythe Republican administration.

fund* to cover the local share ofthe cost were made available, but

$10*000 inThese savings have been mad

purely out of operating expensesand in expenditures over wTiiah thfownship Committee can exerclsicontrol. The * CqramitUe has mitontirol over the surna required fotfte repayment of the Democrats'

6,(TO0t00D debt or over the sumrequired for jchool purposes. Thivoters themselves approv* thschool

ption was not forthcoming frpmhe WPA and as a result'many ofho projects have not been cum-'

t ^ on an average of 160men out of the contemplated 400have keen given work. Had the en-ire" quota been hired, al the ad-

ministration was led toibelievewould be the case, the entire pro

b l d be completed;pTo date, the following improve-

ment* either Have been'completedr are in process of construction:

Outlook avenue, Colonia: Berrynd Gordon streets, Woodbrldge;

Wedgewood avenue, VanderbiHplace, Woodbridtre; Old Road, Se-waren;* Crows .Mill road, Fords;Martool avenue, North Park Drive,Row atfeot,

WASTE ELIMINATIONInstallation of approved bus

ness methods by the Republicsadministration in WoodbridgiTownship has been responsible futhe saving of thousands oi dollars,The archaic and obsolete practicesemployed by the Democrats wereresponsible for extensive wa»Uand Inefficiency. Theae have allbeen eliminated under thu Gvelneiarlministration.

mess,Their approval, however, is not

echoed by the State Auditor.Hit By State Auditor

In his report ton the financialcondition of Woodbridge Town-ship, fie said:

"The facts reveal that these over-expenditures arose from improp-erly prepared budget*. Sine* • de-tailed investigation was' lyrt madeof the expenditures of these past)t£4ir£ it c*nttot be stated that thea?

Emttstreet, West street, Colonia; Rem-Mii "ivenue, Avenel. 'The -follow-ing projects were to have" beencompleted in 1939 but. aa yet, havenot been started: East avenue,Sewaren; Strawberry Hill avenue,

jeman streot, Oak street, Wood-"bridge; HlpthfUld road and Gloh-dale avenue, Colonia; Denwrestavemie, Mereline avenue, Wood-bridge avenue, Avenel. \

Other ProjectsAlso, West Hill road, Dover road

Regjha street, Charles street, Cawour Terrace, Patricia street, Ar-thur street, North Hill rbad, M eFarland road, Colonia; Wildwoodavenue, Cutter avenue. Summitavernip, Fords; Highland avenue,Keasbey; Ridgeley street andPerahing avenue, Iselin; ,Clydeaveriue, Hopelawn; Grant avenue,Colonia; Sherman «nd Central awline, Sewaren: Caroline street, Mil-ton avenue, Hanrot-op street, Ed-gar street, Colunvbua avenue,Woodbridge; Berkeley avenue andWater street; Heard'a Brook,Brighton Street sewer; St. Ste-phen's avenue, Keasbey; Florenceavenue and Archangel avenue, Co-lonia.

overexpendttures were the resultof extravagances OTHER THANTO SAY THAT THERE ARE EV-IDENCES OP THIS.

"Included in the above items afu'Interest tfverexpenditures' which,for the years 1928 to 1932 totalover $202,000. There is no excusefor such Urge jjverexpehdltures inInterest. All' that is necessary todetermine the amount of inUrealrequired is to multiply the interestrat? by the'd«bt outstanding whichis known .before the budget ismade." ' •

This simple little job of arith-metic apparently was.too compli-cated for. the political ancestors ofthe present,candidates, and this i,tthe retson for the continuous and.enormous amount* of the annualoverexpenditures.

This kind, of administration wasvei-y convenient for the politicians.Undoubtedly, the present candi-dates look upon it with (treatand because of this attitude have

nnd flrlftrjUAtp jvwr-ofbuilding for Woodbridge to,replace the present dingyand out-moded quarters.

Repeated pleas to officials InWashington have not aa yet bornefruit, but Township Attorney LeonE. McBiroyJiuRoVrelaxed in hi?efforts, lie' tent a new message-yesterday to United States Sena-tor William Smuttier* urging theconsideration of the post-office de-partment in Woodbridge's requestfor a separate building.

This petition, which has beenprewed for years by the adminis-tration, is in line with its programof advancing the best Interests ofthe community and to keep pace-with developments In other towns'It is believed that the vast appro-priations out of Federal funds forgrade crowing elimination, heroobtained by the industry and ener-gy of the Republican-controlledTownship Committee, has been re

nnHajlvlA ff l l * i k ^ aTlaaaa*.lf ^pullWlsVIU »*** v*av UUIB f i

The present building was ownedfor several yeai^ by County Engineer and former Township Engineer George R. Merrill. Mr, Mer-rill early this month relinquishedtitle to the property to the MutualSavings, Fund Harmonia of Eliza-beth.

lotting through the re-elec*"tion of Mayor August FjGreiner and Cf>mmitteem*nHpencer, Schstfrick » wRankin.

Having itucc&Hafully gul(J*ed the Township through ttefmoHt perilous period in it*history, the Republicans aNassured a stunning victory*Reports from every sectionof the community verify thi«prediction sa voters, anxiqwto preserve the progrjBtachieved out of the shamblftJleft by the Democratic part-when it was voted out offlee in 1933, are planningflock to the polls in unprec-edented numbers.


The administration intends tocontinue ite fight to provide a newFederal building for Woodbridgeto better cope with,the increasing-demands of postal patrons. It isunderstood that because of the agi-tation here that funds will be allot-ed for the improvement within thevery near future,

not seen fit to denounce Jt in-ih.eInterests of promoting ihe welfareaftlre community.

They have not' said they dis-approve a record which piled upin a relatively brief spuce of timeaggregate overexpenditures of$328,604.22.

Silence must mean, consimt.

Campaign To Collect TaxesProtects All Home-Owners

No-on«,JiHs been hon-estly interested "]n*Tn«Bting Msobligation ta the conimunity^uebeen affected by the adminis-tration's policy of instating up-on payment of taxes. , '

Those Wflo have been able topay, but wHo for some reaainnthought they could gut awaywithout payinft. h»ve *been theprincipal targets of the drive.Installment and deferred pay-'ment plans have been.arrangedto meet the convenience'of thosedelinquents whoihave nut Leonable to pag their bills., at. onetlm.

Administration Efforts Provide$114,000 Surplus To Aid Taxpayer

Because of the industryand perseverence of the Re-publican administration inWoddbridga Township lastyear, $114,000 in excess ofthe tax levy was collected.The administration immedi-ately returned this sum to thetaxpayers by reducing therequirements for 1939 bylhat alnourit,

This money, it must be re-membered, was, collectedover and above the total ofthe budget to create a sur-plus. When this surplus wasappropriated in order to givethe taxpayers a "br?ak" thisyear, wMen relief costs, 'in-stallments on the Democrat-ic-created $6,000,000 debtand other mandatory expens-es were soaring, the Demo-crats weretrcal.

Well; let's

ilothing iif notari-

<how theDemocrats-handled th^eir fi-nances in this respect whenthey [had control ofTowhship government.


This is Walter R. Darby,State Auditor, speaking:

"For the years 1931, 1D32 and1D3H, the Township appropriated$207,000 of its surplus to reducetaxation. THIS SURPLUS DIDNOT EXIST BECAUSE THE EN-TIRE AMOUNT WAS IN DEL1N-QUBNT TAXES AND TAX TITLELIENS. This office h»» always ad-vised against the use of Surpluswhere tush on hand was not freeto support such appropriation. On-der present authority the officecan only advise but cannot stay theaction of A governing body in mak-ing appropriations of this nature.SOONER OR LATER, HOWEV-ER,- SUCH ACTS ARE BROUGHTHOME IN THE FORM OF HIGHTAXES AND DEPLORABLE FI-NANCIAL CONDITIONS."

How true was" Mr. parby's prophesy! ' 4

The $114,000 appropriated bythe Republican administration thinyear wAs IN ACTUAL CASH. The1939 Democratic candidates oweIt to the people to disclose whe-ther they approve Republican pol-icy of only appropriating a surplufWhen it exists IN ACTUAL CA3Hox whether they prefer their poli-tical ancestors' policy of appropri-ating a surplus which, as Mr. D»rby pointedtheir mind.

(Ait, existed pnljf Jn

increasingwhich have been given Rfc»publican candidates »*$»year will be swelled to a newheight Tuesday, not &P&because of the magnificentrecord wrought out of Denw>*cratic disaster but also l>isycause of the inability ofDemocratic candidatesfaahion a constructive pla,'form. Pressed by the fte-publicans into making a dec-laration of policy, the Demo*crats produced at the elev-enth hour a few , fancifulpromises but failed to statehow thty expected to carrythese promises to comple-tion. The utter transparen-cy of their platform, in cog**parfsoh with the record OTconcrete achievements listedby the Republicans, has giy.en the G. O. P. cause newmomentum.

Sorqe of the RecordAs a contrast: to the vague

generalities offered by thflDemocrats, here are listed afew of the actual accom-plishments of the Republicanadministration.:

1. Abolished fee irttem letrattorn*1" and1 engineer. '

2. P'aiel all salaries and mon-eys dqi school etad Are dTitrlttson time tyithout resort to bar-

' rawing from banks.•3. Reduced la« floating debt

of W.OOO.OOrf1 * built up, by aDemocratic administration and'instituted monthly plan of pay- 'ment and renewal of such note*.

1. Kept budget appropriations,exrept for emergencies, withinlimit. . . .

5. Instituted foreclosure pro-ceedings against properties Inarrears of taxes, for periodsgreater tlian six years, Includ-ing many tracts on wjiich taleshad n6t been paid since 1918.

8. Obtained orders from (fcaStato Board of Public UtilityCommissioners eliminating allrailroad crossings on the Penn-sylvania in the Township. ;

7, Improved the efficiency elthe Police Department by theinstallation of a radio sjret+aa,assuring better police protec-tion to persons and prvfttijand especially making availablean school ekyi fulljr adequateprotection for school children,

S. Adopted traffic ordinancefor the greater enforcement ffiaf«tT measures.

Si Adopted new building cod*and fire prevention cede, thaibringing eboat a higherfication anef reduced lireanc* ' rates throughout theTownship.

tO. Acquired site for publicstadiunf to be graded and ereet-ed with Federal funds.

11. Brought .bout the elksT-natian at ovarhraal wiring onMain 8v«et, Woodbridae andtye* Bruaiwick Avenue, Forcb. .

12, Assured adequate relief*for the unemployed.

i 13. Prepared honest budgottand thus kept taxpayers follyinformed at all times of the prt'ell* financial condition of theircomrnnnitr.

14* Installed more adequatebpok-keeping methods in the-various .Township departmentsin accordance with me)DUairesfl progress.


Page 4: Snbepen&ent-leabet - DigiFind-It...proper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling the Town-ship's Accounting have been most unsatisfactory and in many in-stances in direct

PA'iK FOUR..—«• ' I ' g J L i" 'I'-



A^tttalt Of Crash OnAmboy Avenue

Engagement'Rose Marie Greco Office Effideicy/Innouncerf >4f Parfj Sunday Night]

Hit* art M-archutK fur the ha mid-run <!fiver whu ernahtd iiit-u a cardriven b» John Z*iu!s, «2. cf 2«(Jablf Strtwt, Newark ai d p«rhap«hup* tf-m.usly injured the sixtywnouiijy injured sixty-year-uldMaiy Z<-<'ula, a paftitenpei in thecar.

According to • report of tht a*eidcpt made by Zecule to OfleerJohn Coveliu. ht J*d itofiUfi f«!Ithe ie<l light at the comer of Art-boy Avenue and N«w Street, whenhi* car w u struck ifi ta* read byanother ear. The drjrer of theat-cond vehicle stopped and thentrnve *w»y without identifyinghimttlf.

Mm. Zceula was ,«k«n to th*Perth Ambby General Hospitalby Julid* Prob*ika in the Emei-

ambulance. Sh« was

jremthat ss (»' a* if phifskailv

po&sible condition; in th* Tai lui-_ , . _ , _ , 7" , _ . . _ i> t v 1Mtor's uffict fur lt>35 will show

Porffl/j 7>ll 0 / Betrothal To Anthony Iropodt, ot I « - a , „ , ^prow-mem .,•,., the P,riniwr i4f Greto H—ie it1^* * ** ws t r ° " * c U r '

Department during Oi*

iLi DinnerM n c • *

the spine and remained it th« hos-pital.

•pert fw* wiU tad NMUtl•ftveraf* ol ill Itnl MtifHw mthe apsrta ptfe.


JMk& Ja


HUNTING will be allow.

ed on the land of B. B.

Clark, A vend, N. J.

JACK'S TOYLARDLarcast Variety

Beit Qaality Tor. It Tewa

BicrtUt, Ay tot, DolU, DollC»«.h.», HI Chain, T.bU S.U,PUjr Yardi, Toy* of everydescription, TBIM idvantai*of our low prltoi. Small de>•oait will hold a»y arlicU un-til «>nt«d.

408 State St.Cor. Broad P«rtJi Amboy

AVENEL—Mr and Mr*, Au*«U-rtcci, uf Bdfartun Bou-lfvani an-nounced the engagement of thenfl*ufhur, Rot* Marie, to AnthonyTrvpodi, son of Mr and Mrs

H>- Greco, of (lark Town.. . . , r i Mr and Mr*. ClirU Tropoj}i,Mi and Mis Prank Tropotli. Mrand Mrs Leon Tropodi, Mr. and

t Mrs. Joseph Tropodi, Dani«i Tro-rhr!rTropodi. of Kmnilworth. st'podi, Mr and Mrs. William Hltoni.

itwo of fTtnnilworth; Hiss DorothyWeir, Mi*s B*rnice Weir, of Wood-

a dinner party held at th*horn*, Sunday night.

Gaaaet and dancing wrre enjoy-ed until a late hour.

the £uesU w*re Mr. and

\bridge; Mr. and Mn Rabin Gam' ba, Mr and Mr*. Peter Greco anddaughter, Arline Loui. Alfred Qre-

B k i t *ABMfflf e f rMrs, Chrk Darro, of 6ar#oo3; atTand Mr». Cartnvn Mucilli and ion,Arthur, at Perth Amboy; Mr. and


No date has been set for the


Annual Armutict Evefnnj ;• •

Jetfeftomm Club Mmk*Pittk Btrthdoy At Dtiottt

WOODBRIDOE — The Jefftr-soniaji Club celebrated its ffth

| birthday annivenary' at a dinner' A^ havCAlin. TJwmaj

WOODBRIDGE— Well knownrsdio star* will be among thosepresent at the annual ArtiistieeEve Ball to be held Friday night,NWem&er 10, .at St. James' auditorium urnter the auspice* of Wood'bridge Local, Patrolman's Benevo-lent Association. .

Joseph M. Dalton, general chair*man of die affair, has announcedthat Al Ksfia and his WOR Or-

ue until a lste hour. Refreahments«ill be svmilahle,

A toafMir program, consistingof 112 paces, will be distributedduring the evenhig. Mr. Dalton isbeing assisted by all the member*of the association.

trlbution of the moneys collected."1 K . I 1 . C k W

I am a«r< the Taxpayers of thiiToKjuhip will not fail to recall

itjjtY CeunUy-Ouk ^je-isaaswe ee»vsi>iwt sajrti—>«»this* department prior to my in-cumbency, for many of you willrecall having been called1 to myollee in order to properly stMtpht-

CorTie, pre«idcn4while Nn .

Mrs.wekened theJames J. Donne acted as toast-master and intndietd the guestspeakers. Mn. ttfeel KlrkpatrkkMd Mrs. Diubeth Stllwtll. ofNew Bniftfwkk and Mrs. Ce«eltoMullen, of Sewaren.

Duetts and members presentt a r t : Mrs. Ethel Kirtpatrkk, Mrs.HlaabeLh Stilwell, Miss Ann Dun-igan, of Kew Brunswick; Mt*. Rob.eft Hale, of Metuchen; Mrs. W






S. J. GASSOWAY, Prop.8 Vn. with Blue Gome, Newark17 E. Milton A M . RAHWAY

Formrrly Albinert Garage

WINDOW SHADESManufactured and in*•lulled to lit your win-dow» at rcatonable prioet

New York Wall Paperand Paint Co., Inc.

358 State StreetPERTH AMBOY

Phon* 4-1722

I Most ModernTest Equipment

• Former MarconiEagineer

• Over 27 YearaExperience

• Resulting in:—

• Speedy, EfficientLow Cost Service

With WrittenGuarantee

In Business over 18 years.

H1H.RAD101482(Main St.RAHWAY 7-1049

Runway, New Jersey

First In Serin[Continued Worn Page 1)

Bat it is rmt wioufhon the performances by the Chttk-ering Opera group. Special praisemust be set aside for the audiencewhioh proved conclusively thatsuperior entertainment t in bebrought to Woodbridge and Mgiven a eordial reception. Presentin large numbers were the menand women who, several shortweeks sgo had enthusiasticallygrappled with a problem and com-pletely solved It This first con-cert was but a forerunner to whatwill inevitably develop into an an-nual series, growing always inscope and seriousness of endeavor.The opportunities in this field1 arelimitless^ and Monday night's con-cert is tribute to the irresistabtepower of the citUens wh*.#l»nned,worked; and won-

of Sewaren: Mrs. Ralph Seaman,Mr*. John Kelly, of Perth Amber-

Also Mn. Thomas Carrie, Mrs.J. J. Dunne, Mrs. Hilda Denuuttt,Mrs. t. H. Coyne, Mrs. H. B. Beref,Mrs. George Merrill. Mrs. William

! Finn, ilr».-K«hi> EvmCsd, Sir*1 Michael Trainer, Mrs Coley, Mrt.Marie Gorton. Mrs. John Hopitacfc,Mrs. George Galavits, Mrs. George

iMosenthine, Mrs. J. Maher, Mrs,Vlheent Citaurno, MwriMhrfire*

M N , E. A. Finn, Mrt.

en out your accountIt would be impossible .for me

at this time to enumwijt th«many ehanges mad* in tit* TaxDepartment during my presentterm. Many of you have had oc-casion to calf at the tax oBc« andhave been in a position to witnessfor yourself that a vast improve-ment had been made o«*r the old

r i a i f « S tof years my

]MtMn.t opponent w u in chargeof tiw affairs of this Department,practically no proviaioh had beenmade to properly arrange the af-fairs of the office so as to accom-modate taxpayer* who may nit


BUiott,Frank S. Mayo. Mrs. U o KtB-nedy, Mn. Qlubeth Balint Mn.Andrew Rusks, Mrs. GwfceKroek, Mn. P. Rwka, Mrs. ThMMD«nond, Mrs. M. P. Dttittin,Mrs. Thomas Gerity and Mrs. Wil-liam Huber, of WoodbTidn.

N. J. Band Selects(Continued froM P<W 1)

Rhapsody,. No. 2," Friedmann;"Symphony No. 1, Fourth Move-ment," Beethoven;1 "Finlandla,"SibeliwB.

R»baanalt Pr««r«ssThe qualifications nec*ia»ry to

win a place in this orchestra aretlw ability to play scales, exer-cises, a {•"I" and to read at sightany music that the judges see fitto place before the students. Thosetryouts were held and consequentchoices were mad* last spring. Re-hearsals have been held at variouscenters, New Brunswick, Newark,Union and Elizabeth.


Keep Them That WayWith


These scientific shoes a r e

BUILT to properly form and

mold the growing feet of

children. Why not give

your child the proper

atart in life with Jr.

Arch Preservers. We

lit them by X-ray at

the B O S T O N .

"Alwayi a l.illle More For Your Money—Our Pricei Are Always

Lower Than Eliewhrre—Compare"


time of my present opponentestablished many years ago andeven though YVoadbridge Town-ship had grown, no effort was ewi'made t<y him to improve the effi-ciency of the Department. Thi«was further commented upon bytht State Auditor aa follows:

"The Tax Collector's record)are the same as have been in us*f o r « - i m b e r of year* and are nJ*suitable for the Township's reqirasMftU. The vast volume >fwork tkat it handled by &e TaxCollector's oflce required a new•it of especially prepared record*

St. James' P.T. A. To EntertainAt Regional Session November 8

i,,M.k.« M.rfAiodei^ recw^iafchin**. bA.alao WM wapk s r ^ W i w , Ha^isUnu hw diown a m»rk«d in-1l*rovement under his direction. | . -_4 .:. ^

All-Duy Meeting U Be Held In St. Jme$' Auditorium;

nn« ii convenientregular office hours.

c.iiThe ofllce

under his direction w u eloaod dur-ing the noon hour. Thla conditionwas immediately remedied bv mv

S the oTMee naw"rima1ns op«nduring the noon hour, As a fur-ther convenience the office it openon Monday evenings so as to ac-commodate those who may not beable to avail themselves of the reg-ular office hours.

Point* T«r New SysteasDuring my administration a

complete new system has beuninstalled. Tax bills are now pre-pared so that they may readily beunderstood, which was a vast Im-provement over the old systemwhere a different form of bill waxforwarded each year. Now allbills arc uniform and the tameform of bill is prepared each yearand wHI continue that Way. Inthis connection the Auditor com-mented as fellows;

"The supervision of all work inthis office is done by the'Collectorand full responsibility for the staffefficiency is placed uptrti him. Mr.M. J, Trainer has performed hisduties splendidly insofar as physi-cal conditions permitted. He has

WlJODBRIDGE — SL Jam«s'Tearhen' Acaociation will

s*ne as ho«te«s to the New Bruns-wick Regional l*aro«hial ParentTeachers' Association at an mil-dayM*sion to be held at St. James'School here on Wednesday, Nov-ember 8. Representatives will bepresent from BeriwdaviUe, BoundBrook, Dnnellen, Fords, HighlandParf, •Manville, MeturttK. N e *Brunrwick, North Plainneld andRaritan.

Reservations for the liincheonmost be mpde with Mrs. HughB. Quiaiey, e l Green 3treet

Woodbndge 8-0276. slrft CharlesAr»enault is general chairman andshe is being assisted by the follow-ing committee:

Mr*. I.KW> E. MeElroy, Mrs. Ed-win Cawy. Mrt. John Filan, Mrs.Andrew Desmond, Mn. HaroldPeok Mr* Harold Hoffman, Mrs.James Toll, Mr*. William BoyUn,Mrs. Lillian Coffey, Mrs, 0 . S.Dunigan, Mn. J<rteph Grace. Mrs.'ffittdii IWttrng, arn. " i « » »Coll Mrs i Mullen, Mn. HughQcigrey, Mrs. Edwjird Coley, Mrs.Alfred Coley, Mrs, Robert Owen.Mrs. M. DeJoy, Mn. William (kiden and Mrs. Joseph

deemed it espedient to Make nu-merous revisions in the matter ofU i bills and records. In addition,there has been a marked increase

operation wltF th« f«sstrerVB if-nce"

The Tax Dvpartmtnt of any mu-nicipality is a very important of-flc«, because it it upon this De-partment that rest* the recponsi-Mltty ot eelrteting Ike meneyswith which to pay the School*, FireDepartments, Police, etc., and Ifnot properly supervised, laek ofefficiency may result in insufficientcollections being made to properlymaintain the Townahip Govern-ment.

1 feel proud to say, at yourpresent Collector, that my De-partment has received numeroustestimonial letters pertaining toth* Mi-vics we are rendering; Ut-ten commending not only mytelfbut my office staff as wall

It j-iu are s tajjayer a»d fcav-had occasion to visit the Tax De-partment, I a n sure you willagree that you have received effi-cient, courteous and businesslike

rutatmettt; if (Fell w e net a tax-payer, ask your neighbor who maybe, and I feel he will agree in thisstatement As • further thought,may I refer you to any lawyer in

the Townahip or in the Uounty oi

Middlettx. Republican or Demo-

cratic, who has had occasion t"

us* the facilities of thin Depart

\ I

ur Shop• f i t l t a Fir Gormen

S22 Aobey Avenue

to the fact (hat the service giventhem by this Department uudeimy lupervition, has been moat mttIsfartory. **

Msny taxpayers who have foundIt convenient, due to economic conditions, to pay their taxe» in full,will likewise testify to the factthat the installment plan for thepayment of taxes initiated by mehas proven most satisfactory andof grfarawisUnce. I can say, with-out fear of contradiction, which I

will .be attested to by thefttf TltMtsriiyTB

payment o fttfe*ment ha.< one of the best Install'ment Plan Systems in the State to-day. This in itself has proven ofmaterial assistance, not only to thetaxpayer, but to the Township ajwell.

In conclusion may I just oncemure ...I! y i - sttcst iss tc th; nmarks nf the Slate Auditor In oneof his-recent reports on the con-dition of this Department:

"My representatives have in-formed me oi the splendid workof M J. Trainer, the Collector. Notonly ha* he increased the efficiencyof the office by installing newdelinquent ledgers, new cash



W* ca» offer **• a tavtog of 45% per windowas coapared to Nationally Advertised Blind, of

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Re-upholstering Slip Covert Made3-pc. Suite

In n complete selec-tion of <|unlity ,Fab-rifs. With demothedflllinjjK, New Springs.

Fraraei Poliil .d


FREE -— Foot Sloolwith every order

to Ord«t

For Sofa, One Chairand Four S v p u r n t e('uHhiuns. Large Selec-tion of Fabrics. Com-plete , . . Labor andMaterial.

$10-95.,Wrll. or Phod. F R E £ W M w D f M #

for Eatimate w ah «v«ry r '

Acme Upholstery Co., Inc.253 Marfiioo Av«.

Perth AmboyAll Work

GuaranteedP U . P. A.




Remaon Avenue and Howard Street, New Bruiuwick,

New Jersey . . . the HOME OF BOND CLOTHES. Why

not come down and meet them today. . . . Miss Latest

Styles, Mies 100% wool. Miss Two Trousers . . . and

our Hostess, Miss Tremendous Selection? There are

many others like them, banded together under one

roof to make BOND the most popular selling clothes

in America. BOND CLOTHES save you money and

give you the ieeling oi being well-dressed at all times I

Get the FACTORY BUYING HABIT . , . If• the sensible

thing to do. Your neighbor comet here, so why delay?


A i WNtt1 New Brunswick FacW


New Brunswick, N. J.Open Daily Kvenings: Tuesday, th»[J •''

*30 A.M. -6 P.M. Snlurdp* " " "

Page 5: Snbepen&ent-leabet - DigiFind-It...proper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling the Town-ship's Accounting have been most unsatisfactory and in many in-stances in direct




theon-Recital To BeU At Teacher'$ Homevmorrow W i

jo I'laiM Avenue,,,nl) teacher, witt be host-

I, , ,,upsl»' rtci1*l a.n4 lunch-It, MMOW morning •* 10:30

. ;ll her ham*., TMin wjti b# as fellow*;

| ] , A June Night, by Erb,ilV .fames Di Santo; duet,

SOUK, >>y E- Q«*'ll«, played

Hungarian-Democrats ListRally In Mt.^armel Hall

WOOUBRlDtiET-A l a | |y [ t o

which all Huim-anian Democratsart invited, will \,K held Sundaynight at Our Lady of Mt! CarmelHall Ufid* the sponsorship of the

The local candidate and manyprominent Hungarian speakersfrom New Brumwick and PerthAmboy will be preaent. The(peaking prograto will start at8iOO P. M. Refreshment* will betierved.

by James Di Santo; solo, The Lit-tle Drum Major, by Thompson,played by Aikn Di Santo; tola,Grasshoppers at Play, by Dunn,played hy Marilyn Vogel; golfeg-Rietto, by Bach, played by Mari-lyn VUK«.|; duet, Good King Wen-census, played by Jatnei Di Bantoand Allan Di Santo; solo, Philo-

i jiKiia, iiy Hems, played by AudreyjKluiian; Fifth Nocturn, by Ley-iWh, played by Audrey Florian;N<>><>, War March of the Priests

[from Athalia, hy Mendelsohn,by ""


dretiti Club At Dinner'""*' "SMttrnyNffnt"WOODBRIDGE — Addressing

members and g uest* of the Middle-sex County Press Club at theninth installation

Former Avenel Resident MarriesIn Ceremony In Gloucester, Mass.


AVENEL Miu Duns Altbe*Tucker, diughtemuf Mr. ami Mix

Mast,, and Erlton Bradleyoy, of Lynn, Mast, son of MVa.Alice M. Pomeroy, of Rurflet

ftward Pomeroy, were married

[hese Colorsjave Sparkle!

)\\ dry cleaning re-i that (rimy gray

5k which duit and

Moonlight Sunata, by Beethoven,played b/1 Loin Packer; aolo, La

)! (iclundi iim, by Serradill, playedby Richard Brause; wlp, RondoAlia Tuna, by Moiart, played byDorothy Koleaar; duet. SpanishDance, by Moskewski, played byDorothy Kolesar and DorothyKlein; solo, Turkish 'March, by Ru-bengtein, played by Dorothy Klein.

Guest Ai-tist: Richard Chodoshof Rahwuy—Solo, Allegro fromMoiart Sonata No. 1, played byRichard ('hodosh,




held in the Perth Amboy Elk*™'" ' T I L & T , u TAZChft Saturday night, D. Frederick " * »* * • Riverdale Methcd.stBurnett head of the State Alco- , L n u ^ n « Otaw»t.r, bjr the pas-holic Beverage Control Board, tor' * •*f r s n k P*vel i


termed telling liquor after hour. ™* b r W e W M a t t l r*d i n " 'ie,more henious offense than sell- v e l v « l • • * • • Wmro«d with wed

Commissioner BurnettTdwlared^0™^ oTmStTJOSSSa:that a barkeeper might make, a Cttnri«d • < h * w e r b o u « U e t

mistake f hen he sells to a minorbut when he sellshours ha "knowswrong,"

"Anyone can tail time,"commissioner pointed out,

ofwhite rose*. Her sister, MIM Mabel

after eloiihg T u c k e r W M m a i d d? ho"*r> ^ e

h« ia doingi* < l i e t r o y * 1 ^ u e velvet l»ee-t«im-' med gown, a Juliet cap* and dip-pen (tnH fumed geld shryunthe-

p "butfew people can tell whether oneis of age,"

In concluding his address, Com-j

mumi.Mr*. James DaVnel), Jr., of New-

ton and Miss Oeo De Marco, of

i, «.ti« utWodanU, wear-ing iluiiunntt velvet, gold acceaa-

themutn.-Lfiidal W. Pomeroy, of Newark,

brother of the groom. M i b«atman.

A reception waa h»W at th«uf the bride's parents withbeing present from Avtn«l(

Newark, Lynn, Arlington, Cam-bridge, Maiden, Winchester, Mar-blehead and Newton, Maaa.

The couple left for a trip to tiltWhite Mountains and on their re-(urn will reside at the "Breaker**in Lyqn, Maaa. Mr. Pomeroy is of-fice manager of Everlastlk, Inc., ofChelsea, Mass: He is well knownin Avenel and Woodbridge, gradu-ating from Woodbridge HighSchool. Butftrs University andNew York University, revivingthe degree of B C. S. from th«latter"

To Be Used ForAward Many Valuable ^ At Exaction

Prim At Elm



AVBNBL very tticeeasful4 party was held Friday night

ulster ttte auspices of th» GirlS«Mts of Elm Tree Troop, Mo. «,at tfce home of their leader, Mra.Fnutk Barth, of ManhatUn Ave-nae.

awards were wonMn. Leon Ramberg and LeroySlagt*- I went to Mra

Mrs. Charie*«WiArMIM VUrtncc Kleiit, Mrs. Freder-ick Bntue and Harold Evering-

heartfelt appreciation fo"backstqpping" the press oJ h i Ti d

theq p New

Jeriey haa given Tiim and his de-partment. & .

Andrew p. Desmond, of Wood-bridge, served at toastmsster and

M*tkir ln)*r*4OnWay to Amboy Hospital

SEWAREN~Mrs. Dora Ervil),20, of 23 Hudson Street, Carteret,an expectant mother, whu waa be-

lnsUlllnif officer. Ju*t prior to | ing taken to the Perth AmboyCommissioner Burnett's address, General Hospital shortly after 11Mr. Desmond installed the. new of-; o'clock Monday night, was alight-fleers as follows:

MISB Ruth Wolk,. of Wood-bridge, president; Michael J. Ger-mak, of Raritan Township, vicepresident; Mrs. Helen C." Urban,at Pertlf jSmBojr,. s«reiary andMeyer Rosenblum, of" 'Carteret,treasurer,

F. Campion, the re

ly injured when the cur in whichshe was riding, driven by JosephStanton, of 71 Baroey Street,Newark, and owned liy^Min Si-kora, of 76 Warren Street, Car-teret, flgure'd in a cplRajop withanother car operated by John fle-hanny, 24, of 90 Coley Street,Woodbridge, on West Avenue, 8e-

tlring president, was presented[waren. Behanny was making awith a past president's ring, a club left turn !nt». Woodbridge Av«-tradltion and a past president's nue at the time of the accident.ceitiRcate, while Mrs. Campion

I! waa presented with a basket ofAccording to a report made by

Offlw : Bi;hop, who taves-flowers. The presentations wereWjted for the police department,made by the incoming president,:Mrs. Ervin received a bruise on

OPPOLAl.pairingUiluri - Drc>tn«ken


Drfva Your Car in NOW


257 New Brumwick Aw.(at Elm St.)

Perth Amboy, N. J.P. A. 4-321* Open 8:00 to 6.00Braiehen Newark and Jcri*v City

Miss Wolk, who in return, waspresented with a basket of flow-ITS by Mr. Campion.

l>uring tfie eveninf, Miss WQH(announced the standing commit-

11 tcus for the ensuing year as fol-, lows:

Speaker*' committee: Charles N.1'iickltt, chairman: ClarenceSchwartz, Elmer J. Vecsey.

Membership «ommitt#«: Alexchairman; Windsor J. Lakls,

Michael Germak,Entertainment committee: Mrs.

Helen Urban, chairman; HughB a M U

the left knee. Both cars in the ac-cident were badly damaged andMxi. Ervin WAS, taken to thepltal by George Ryhack, oGrove Avenue, Woodbrid«e,




Freik Craamerr Butttr 93 ScoreM M





PINACH, 2 lb. fornowDIONS, 3 lb. for | Q<




BEEF lb. 0 7 <Cut from l i t Si» Rib* SW f


Rumps VEAL lb.


LEGS LAMB, lb. 2 5 c


Sauer Kraul, 3 lb.


FULL QUARTB»lto Pure Rye

Dim I l l l e r y 1 ' i o i h n tST. GEORQE AVE. n«o, t,, Andmcik'i




xluct of

S*vtn(een Attend ChurchSorority Affair Monday

WOODBRIDGE—Sigma AlphaPhi Sodorlty, Phi Alumnae Chap'ter, First Congregational Church,held a very successful Hallowe'en

Investigation committee: . Law-rence f. Campion, chairman,(itorgc E. Keating and Peter Ur-ban.


Watch for the

Grand Opening!of

toosevelt Super Market587 Roosevelt Ave.

Corner Perilling Avenue, Carteret(On the Hill)

ive Complete Stores in OneSelf-service

at Economy Prices!


Srty MondayTilnht Bt"thfl tronre vtMrs, Grace V. Brown on MainStreet. Decorations we're'in. keep-ing with the holiday.

Prises for. epstumes were |ward<«d M/oUowii „«)« .-••. ,*-

Mii/Frattfes Reed, prettlu andtin. William Z. Barrett, funniest.

The games prilte^wefjt to

State Senator T(>Bt Princi-pal Sotaker At ~

I* School 11ODBHIPGE^-A Townihip-pie-election rally for all

three wurda, Will be \ie\i tonightby the Democratic organisation ofthe Township"in tlia.a^iiariuin..&£.School No. 11.

Senator John Toolan, heads thelist of speakers, Others on theprop-am are Mayor lidward A.Patten, of Perth Aniboy, candidatefor county clerk • Bernard W. Vog-cl, Ambrose J. Mudrak and Frc.lW. DeVoe. candidates for the as-sembly; William H. Jaqui, coroner

ste; Thomas F. D«lan andChester A. Lydecker, freeholdercandidates.

Local speakers will be Johnyiu". municipal chairman; Ed-

ward A. Finn, mayoralty candi-date; Thorns" G. Deimond, Jo-

amiwoh, .Jr., and FrancisWukovets, committee candidatesfrom the first, second and thirdwards respectively.

Aveml G. 0. P. SponiorsFree Game Social Monday

AVENEL—A free game social,under the auspices of the Repub-lican Executive Board, will behold Monday, November f> at 8P. M., In the Avenel School Audi-

Alice Pender. Refreshments wereserved by the hostesses, |Uiss Mar-garet <Glek, MUs Florence Brownand Miss Franees Reed.. Seventeen persons were present.Guests were: Miss Gertrude Read,Mrs. William Ecker, Miss Mildred


Prizes Awarded For NovelCostumes At Sewaren

Motor Boat ClubWOODBRIDUE—A very HUC-

cesaf ul HHIIIIWIAT dance waa apon-aorud hy the Junior Woman's <'|u)iSatunlay iiitcht ut the Sewaren Mo-tor Huut Club in Sewaren.

Prise* for outstanding costume*were won by-MHw VWan Btetinand Hubert Wind, Miss MiriamJanderup and William Leahy.Elliminstien dance priie winnerswere Mias Mary Kenny ind JosephValenie, and for the "ghost" dancs,Miss Stetin and Jerry Kreger.

Others present were: Misses Glo-ria Potter, Barbara ,Bre1|s, AnnaKrock, Patricia Campbell, MillcentHarrison, Shirley Bell, Jean Mer-rill, francy Onley, Mary Olark, Em-ily Ann Lance, Anne Dllfer, Annafleh«en>er, LffHah- CHlHii ImnntHornsby, Marie Larsen. DorothyLangan, Dorothy Klein, Anne Moo-ney, Ann Muller, Jean Harned, RitaNebel, Jane Christie and RaymondfltlU; Meurs. Ray Eimm, GeorgeMerriU, William Schramm, Harry

p y prlsei were awardJ•d to Mrs. John Gsrd>er, • Mrs.William Kuoie, MIM Lillian Mer-ris«n, Hup J»*« Cliim, Mi.. EJ-mund Kapka, Mrs. P. J. Uonttoand Mrs, Prank Benson.

Prises in the various gamesd

At Well-AttendedH«id Monday At Avend

Buy SeuuU in thisdistrkt of theTownnhlj) are ex^*rWn«iag no di/Acuity in diaposiiiK of their tincans since Buy Scout Truop 34, ofSewaren ha» xtartvd its tincancraft uxhibit pUn foi the BoyScout Exposition to be held isPerth Amboy un Friday and Sat-urday, Novmnber IT and IV in theNaval Academy.

All clean tin cans that the boysuBLax* .U>ng eat up into

ash trays, eandb haiiieiV fryein,drinking e»pe, water kettles anil'many other uatfaf camv and htttfarticlea.

Under the leadership of HenayJones, scoutnaster and A' C. Dod-ntll and Prank Burns, troop commltteemeA, the scouts ar* turning

t a large supply of useful capp-ing equipment.


Bothwell, JackWhite, Clifford

EUis,Grant, HowardWhite, Bruce Rankin, Robert Jaek-lin, Thomas Humphrey, WilliamDragoset, John Dubay, GeorgeWaw«kv Walter- fiwkwtth, NeirHerron, Ralph Btauffer, Guy Wea-, p

Joseph MCLaughlin, RobertRobert Rippen and

pDrummond,Rloha/d t

)nji were Mr. andMn.jfted A. Breigs, Mr. mi Mrs. H. D.Clark and Mr. and Mra. MorrisonChristie.

Contract: Mrs. C. N. Van Leer,Mrs. Kenneth Young, Mrs. FrankBarth, Mrs. R. G. Perier, Mrs.Frederick Brauae, Mrs. HerbertHead, Mrs. Frank MacCerrah, Mrr.Ifarold Monson and Mri. JohnAsud.

Auction bridfe: Mrs. Herberttfansen, Mrs. Frederick Beckleyand Mra. Burton Seward; rummy,Mrs. Leon McMichael, Mrs. E. W.Nler, Miss Emily Kapka; pinochle:Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. ChurlexKlein andf Miu Florence Klein,fsn tan: wise fllwia OaMnef, JackBr«ekt ind Htroto ISvirrinirhim

The committee in charge was:Miu Mary Lou Monson, Miu JudyPerier, Miss Lois Seward, Mb*Joan Monson, Miss Anna Ever In g-ham, Miss Shirley Aiud, Mist Em-ily DI Leo, Miss Helen Kunle, MianEmilv Kapka. Miss Doris Dietrich,Miss Majorie Mention, Mils Con-•tance Comb*, Miss Jean Cline,Miss Janet Young, Mis* GloriaGardner and Miss Edna Cook.


Episcopal Church School Teachershold A public card party at

Trinity Parish House, Thursdaynight, November U ttr 8 o'clock.

Robert A. McAra is generalchairman and he is being uaUted

y Mn. Charles N. VaK Leer, Missla D« Worth and Daniel Dcma-


Wilson* Mrs. William H. Voorhees,Jr., Mrs. Joseph Kursinaky andMrs. Barreet. Mrs. Andrew Men-ko, chairman, was assisted by Mrs.Norman Pape, Miss Margaret Blekand Miss Margaret Vonrhees.








riMM Woodbrldte I-I7U



AVEXEL - The AveneJ Pf,gressive Democratic ('lub nut lathe Khoolhouse MundMy night tiikWilliam Moran, vice -presidaat,eondueting the business session.

AnnouaeenunU of the thirdward rally to be held at the MapleTree Farm on Rahway Aveaw,next Sunday night and of ttw•fewn*ipralrjrto bo rietdmflefcortNo. 11, Woodbridge, un Mondaynight, November 6, were made. «

Edward A. Finn, candidate formayor, was present and, m*de.#eY-eral pertinent tuggeations for tha^oming etection. Frank Wukov«to,third ward eaniliiTuif for Tuwnahipcommittee, apoke on the iaauesand aaked for the en »|)(-iatibn ofall present.

comprises Wood-bridge Township, ara rapidly pit-paring for their exhibits u fol-lows :

Troop 33, Woodbridge, cheraUtry and Indian lore; truop 41, Ave-nel, mottlcrift and aviation; trouji61, Fords, journalism and handi-craft; troop 52, Fordl, reptilestudy; troop 56 Kfashuy, IIMI.IIM-foo t and second clam i«(|uircments; troop 67, HO|>B1IIWII, pa'try and troop 61, CJulonia, cummunity aervice.

DEMOCItATIC RALLYSEWAREN—A rally will l>« hel.

tomorrow night under the Hun-pices of the Sewaren DenuicrutiiClub in the Rathsk«|l«r, uf JustphTureK's tavern, Cliff Road ami Oakland AVenue.

The '»[M»»Wnj prnjrmni will )»'-


Mra .John Tjornluinl and MIB,,.R.G. Perier.

—ClaasiBed Adi. Bring Results— i

gin at 1:30 o'cloek and thecipal addresses willlocal candidates.


II l>y

Fnttntlnq Every Evoninfl


Hiwilim Islands Ensembl*



81 2-9521

Fashion is FanWith a

Fishman JuniorCharge Account'

You don't have to go windowshopping thrnuirh life. Flatten-ing V'HU pretty none and shat-Icriii^ yiiur fashiim.impukti*utriiiiiHt a store window. Notat all. Just open a FishmanJunior Charge*Account. A de-lightful, simplified way to havethe clothes you want — withoutstretching the budget to theliifukiiiK point. Why not seeubuut'it tomorrow, or, the firsttime you are in Bliinbeth?

Broad Street Elizabeth


committee consists of thei(d women of the

second uml fifth districts as fol-lows: Mrs. Fieida Grode, Jack(llfstec, Mrs. P. J. Donato andJohn Aiuil

Tv/elvt; teames will be playedand K-aint; nnd door prizes will benwardi'il.

A workers' meeting WBH held re-cently ut the home of Mr. Azuil onGeoitfe Street. Final plans werenmde for the coming election.

T.Lphona 44075

Thos. F. Burke— Funeral Directors —



#Joseph V. Costello, Mgr.

"Tbt* U no •abitltiiU-fw B»ita lent*"

See beautiful LE.S. lam piUOHTKl). .Slop In neamlPublic, Sftvlcf 'tort or yourWfctricoi dealer'*.

SAVE!2 5 On Your Family Laundry

Cash And Carry


"I save money and energyby taking my wash toPERTH AMBOY LAUN-DRY. Their Cash andCarry service is most eco-nomical—think of gettingseven pounds of clothe*completely washed, all flat work ironed, bath towelsfluff dried, handkerchiefs hand ironed. Wearing Ap-parel Air-Fresh Dried—'Practically all pieces can beused without ironing.

All This for As Little As





HI*beautifully styled I.E.S. bridge lamp is well suited for use in the

sun parlor. It is easy to handle and is in scale with the furniture

wed there., This lamp is made to specifications of the Illuminating

light produced is direct-indirect combined, soft and restful for eyes.

A 100 watt Mazda light bulb in a translucent reflector sifts out the glare.

Pleated silk shade comes in tan, gold or rust. Price of lamp complete,

$12.75 cash, $11.75 if you trad* in an old lamp. Small carrying charge

if purchased on monthly terms. ,



i i i . j . : ' i , , ,. . , ,•.. ' . • *

Page 6: Snbepen&ent-leabet - DigiFind-It...proper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling the Town-ship's Accounting have been most unsatisfactory and in many in-stances in direct



How America Fought The U-Boats Featured In " ^Afloat" At Reade's Majestic, Perth Amboy/ThisJVee

Sub Chasers Which Fought Enemy In 1918Launched Again For "Thunder Afloat"


Qn the twenty-first anniversaryof the dat« that U-boaU startedtheir campaign of frlghtfulnen»ifainst American shipping by *ink-Jsg Ashing boat* in New England*iters and taking their captainnaiuL mates captive, thu fleet ofwkmarine chasers which finallyput an oncl tu that mmpai«n wa*




launched attain .this time for mo-tion picture purpose**,

II w'aa on Mny 24 and 35, lfltSthat the Ashing fleet suffered itsfirst (.Hsualties from submarine at-tack. It was on May 23, 1939,that- "Thunder Afloat" enteredproduction, a story of the fleet ofimprovised wooden subchasers,manned by untrained trews,which met the emergency. Thethrill-packed new drama opens atthe Majestic Theatre with WallaceBeery in the starring role. •

Through the co-operation of theI U. S. Navy Department in- Wash-ington, D. C, the remnants ofthat subchaser fleet of World WardayH put to sea on ChesapeajccBoy, going through wartime wran-ouvers for the film under supervi-sion of Commander Harvey Haislipcfi-ituthor with Ralph Wheelwrightof the original story.' A cameraerrw of ten obtained1 these BCenes;it sea. Only twelve of tne old BUD-ch/.Mi'is remain on th« ewitcoast,

! ;it New Haven, Conn., and Annap-

olis. Six weic reconditioned for,film use and manned with completecrews.

From photographs provided bythe Navy Department and byWheelwright, who served aboardone oT these chasers during thewar, the »tudh> constructien de-partment built for reproductionsof the ship at the studio, completein every detail above decks in rig-ging, hardware, Y-jcun?, depthcharges and other equipment, butwith shell-like hulls.

A.crew of 200 studio workmenenlarged the studio's outdoor tankto make it nearly a city blocksquare and here thnc of the chas-ers were launched. The fourth shipwas placed in a second .tank withan overhead water system of pour-ing 200,000 (fallens oMo the decks-*wi into the -taftta for <>loMMij»frof storm scenes shot on the eastcoast. The United States Subma-rine Sturgeon was sent out fromthe San Diego Naval base to as-sist in the filming of seencx show-ing the blowing up of a tugboatand «- string of &vo barges. Thutup, rechristened the "Susan 11."

TEL. P. A. 4-3388


Seven ( 7 ) Days — Starting Saturday

PREVUE TONITE!Two Complete Shows —• Last Complete Show Start*

At 8:58 P. M.

N • 5:56—"Fifth A?S«u« Girl"7:23—"Honeymoon In Bali".PREVUE

T I M F T A R 1 F 8:58—"Fifth Avenue Girl"1 11V1XL. 1 / \ D L , H , 10:25—"Houoymoon In Bali"

'I'hrtlllOill Cl


MON. .<ilil TUt-.S.


GANTRYThr Blind Horse


With F.dith IVIlow,

— Also —"Children of the Wild"



Ml— Alt<> 1

"Million Dollar Lens" :.Will, Betty (,rBM<- f

TRETTo The Ladies

EveryMnnday and TucidiyMalinee and Eroning

Starting: Man. and Tuei,, Nov 6, 7

"TIAJUANA"Braakfatt and Luncheon


Opening Gift—Large Vefe-table Bowl* Value $1.00






"Fifth Ave-

nue Girl"


> n t > h

.MmMurry, tall, dark andandsuine, and Madeleineconsidered by some themosi btmutiful woman,

itam for romance an#dy in Faramount's gay new'Honeymoon in Bali, with

VIJH Junes co-starred, and H«ItnI; niriuk, Osa Mafficn.and Car-,r,\h U'c, four-year-old film findHI MI porting roles, the ' pictureul l him- it* first local showing atII . 1 litmus Theatre. , .

The nuniting of MacMurray•i.,.' Miss Carroll is nothing* short>i .in occasion for rejoicing on the

I M . i u f movis^oaca, wta,xi&{«*..ll the team in last season's "Oafa

Shifty." In their new stan-lni*v.'hK iu, Fred is cast as an adven-iMcsnmf lad, just returned fromKali, who believes that the properposition for a woman it in a man'sarms, not at tlie head of a FifthAvenue department store and if ofLhv opinion that there's no roomin her life for love.

She goes on thinking, that way

until she meets Fred, just after hehas returned I'rum the lovelySouth Sea island. It so happens

: that she meeU him by chance(shortly after she tau-bean to{fortune teller who has predictedI that-she will meet a tall, dark andhandsome man with a knifejvoundin his right arm. Fred fills the bill,even to the knife woundi' When her friends try to per-

suade Madeleine that she shouldlisten to be¥»heart and reciprocatePred'x affection, she retreat* be-hind )ier nice cosy desk of defense.For « whHe she even r«f i?s«a to

was the tame one on whjch Beeryand the tat* Marie Dressier rodeto ffcnw-ifr "Tugbtwt

In addition to the Uressler-Bferytugboat, a second celebrated filnlship put to sea when the Gloucest-er schooner' "We're Here" whiclisailed to fame in "Captain Cour-'Bgeoun" was launched again atLong BcHch for the scenes inwhich a decoy fishing boat is sentout to provoke attack* by the sub-marino. Another eighty-foot copyof the schooner was built at thestudio for close-ups, also a sectionaf the tugboat showing the inter-tor of its deckhouse and engineroom.

fritrid.But she does relent "Theother woman" comes in by thistime, hut Madeleine doesn't seemto mind. Feeling her defencescrumbling, she g o * off to Nassau,taking the ehild.

Fre.d fol1()W» h«r, Hli propoartiof marriage' rebuffed, Fred pro-ceeds to Bali to manage a planta-tion, and it isn't too long beforeMadeleine, relenting, follow* himand proposes to him! Madeleine'sattempts to show Fred that shereally does low him bring the pic

l hll d hil(ufe'lo a romfhlic an'd hHUlousconclusion.

Woven Into the fabric of com-edy and romance are tw« »rl«»,tms by Allan Jone< In that tu-

\t> Yoiee which bw tfcrUM mp*.to many timaa.

The picture waaiireeted by Ed-ward H. Uriffilh, who directed"Cafe Society.'' Virginia Van Uppwrote the screenplay.

Cemmea Aapeatensay (hat hot-blooded

birds and cold-blooded reptiles haveoemmon anceston.

• c

• (






PREVUE TONITE!You've cheered at the G-men Fight- toDestroy enemies, you've hailed the army

and njvy guarding our thoret

NOW THRILL a* ourforeign -Mrvice movet

into action!

Uncle Sam's Se-cret Service •

• > •












**»»[« HISS. AGENTey Lynn George Bancroft







EVERYMON. 8:30 P. M.






Basil Rathbone PortraysFam6ut Conan Doyle

CharacterShi'ilnck Holmes tonics U> the

Crescent Theatre today, tomor-

row and Sunday, and in his por-

trayal at the renowned detective

Basil RHthlmtic has broU((ht tu life

aM the rolor and ptculi«iitiiB wuile

farnoun in the hook by Cmiun

Doyle.e is Holmes fur the pc-

his prefivntatiun nut only <>HVrsspiue-chillinK thrills but u K\i\i-ping characteritatiou whirh niHkfsthe a.udionce foit'ct the tiiruie be-fore them is not actually HnlmoH.

Another trout -for the audiencek piomissii in the compmiion pic-ture, Kuay Knljrht and Johnny


AM8AK (iiiK'l) iKilcut a

Brown in "Desperate '»„ ihi , nation has ever been giv-Trails." Further entertainment v n v |* the nicditim u! inotiun pkis also promised for the matinee (

p«rformanct)s in "The PhantomCreeps," chapter 8, featuringBella Lu#onl. -a

Only Ch»nc»The squad of rtcruiU had been

taken put to the rifle rang* fortheir first try at marksmanship,Th«y knelt at 250 yartlg.and flrtd.Not a hit. They were moved up to800 yards Not a hit. They triedat 100. Not a bit.

' 'tenshun," the sergeant bawl-ed. "Fiji bayonets!your only chance*"

Charge! It'i

Tht Truth Abeut Archim.dei"Archimedes," read a younit

pupil alnnd, "l«»p«i from hit bathpshouting 'Kurekal

"One moment," said the

"What is the meaning of 'Eure-ka'!"

* 'Eureka' nieans 'I have foundit'." .

"Very well. What had Archim-ides found?"

ptured hopefully, ''The 8oap, miss."

turt1.- i» conuint'd in "EspionageAgent," the Warner Bros., picturestarring Joel McCrea and BrendaMarshall, opens at the

in tht: fall hit parade which has sofar included "The Old Maid,""Dutt be My Destiny" and "AChild Ii Born."

With uncanny fore»lghfc thepicture, which Wai Ahiamd befot»the European war took* out, en-vlaages just such a aituatton ai

w o u l d b tc i ik

b e r , tht> j i i c i

ible tale ofeoun l i i


foreignking their |,lotage in thf l'i


doesquickly, thi» ,hverlutis to cope » •for it has nciiln,flcally design*!, .i .with it.

The plot of • K ii t, Of «0UriH', flilh :

in the United Stat« finds itaclf'thentlc thewealthy and powerful

neutral in a waning work), a na-tion which, does not sup-ply any belligerent with direct im-plements of warfare, ha* becomenevorthelew the chief reliance ofsome of the warring countries forthe necessities of life.

The picture, at the outaet, re-calls the extensive campaign ofsabotage which Was curried out inthis country by agents of the cen-tral powers long before the UnitedStates entered the .World War of1914-1918. Just as if the produc-ers of- the &\m know- w- «4wuicb-that another great European war

conditions it .!,tht main, tht t..hat been a ton I ' ,O i a younu "in ,.United States i:who marries tIn-1 •

Paroed to re MI-ice When thewife comes tnlomat ann hisenirroaaintr anddeavor to nn.nlves the plotiifor which the ued. Unaiiii'd, ilantly

II. i



mi.....,..,. »„


Tiimtyf T/irrHi/ij!Secret till n o w . , . conns Ibis it1-.;: i •:-u!

drama oi Amerlct's dving ; s-.". -c:.«i

and how il routed tht U-Bosis IJ. '^ ..: ;ei

thii country's ootst ind shipp;:. > B n , s

kack...41 hi! "Hell D...::::-:...)




MORRIS • GREYSci»n ll.y I I WKI.L'l il! K ) r .1, 1 C.mnnn.l.i HARVtY HAISUPI ) i i . i - i . - l | . » ( . l - i m . » H MIT. ' • l y . i i i c . - l | , , I W/U.TLR RUBEN

• F

'• SE£!

* « » / . • / . . : • • • " •


PREVUE TONIGHTTwo Prevue Shows»Last Complete Show Starts at 8:55 P.

~ PREVUE TIME TABLE —.5:4B~"D«t Be My Dettiny"7:16—"Thunder Aflont"g:55-,"Du,t Be My Dutipy"1

10:23—"Thundtr Afto.l"

Tod.y — L..I Tii..John Garti<l>'

PflC"Dupt Be My


READE'SContinuovi|Perform-«nc«2;00 Ito 11:00P.M. MAJESTIC ,\ M l "

. « • . , - - ,

Page 7: Snbepen&ent-leabet - DigiFind-It...proper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling the Town-ship's Accounting have been most unsatisfactory and in many in-stances in direct

"" 'JWgf^r ' *J$ '



tt»dbrldff> UUt/ d I«l*|»»*t»t



Toirnptar, Woodbrld|» NFresldtat,' MuwHIi!nnnon K.»ny r r u ; M M l

,,i Lcwr«noe V. CMnplon, TniMurer;




Editor and PubllaheMtn»|ln» Editor


KM f*r yew ! • MTMHI.

Tuetda/t Election,1 df the Township Committee will,tki' in the municipal election in

, ,(!«(• Towmhip on Tuesday.rsriil, live Republicans hold seats

Township Committee to two Derho-ii of thoie Republican* complete

i in* tfcis y w «pd thejefore are run,,, re-election. hi id(H1rion to thetll he filled on the) Townahtp Commit-

a< OeDecior ijlo ii to be elected.decision tfc be *»de by the voters is,

whether,\ ^publican r

(li whethjBl*icsidenta, of

, ! ,„ , ' ,


prefer continu-RllRgement of theirfeel that their des-

;hi» community wiltIfiltei un|ir a Democratic ad-

des have presentedto the voten. The candidates on

keU'havrrrarthiiltfir tpi»*l« and

fulli-n.ition, Both t1 i ;iSCB

| lie, I. (tnmte'iB now called upon to deter-t which ones, to their best-judgementmust eminently fitted to promote thei t s of the I»IL> of the. prieelew privileges of

Jin i-;ic.y that the people can exercise thehi in govern themxlves through electedh s.ntatives. We truit that ev*ery quali

Miter will avail himself of.this privil.lid that before he cuts hie ballot h

in quiet contemplation to the enddecision on the candidates will bwi)l assure the growth and pros-

df the Townshjp,

the least important of the issues t.sell upon Tuesday is the one involv•' proposed issuance of 21,000,000 ito finance unemployment relief. Thii

rendum ordered by the State legis, IVll

meet the-StsvU

Zone GuyThe death of Zane Grey reminds us that

e wrote more than fifty novels and soldlore than 17,000,000 copies of them. Mr.Irey'a, stories were not up to accepted Ht-rary standards, but the peopl* boughtiem, One sold a million and a h i t i

We Neutrals

ale , " •>>While the author spent the Utter years

>f MB life enjoying the' fortuiw the,t cameo him, the early days of his writing* Often'ound1 him hungry. His first book wauvwrit-;en in a dingy flat, under th« flkkering gasamp of a tiny kitchen. It was rejected byublishers and finally published by the aiKhordn " borrowed money; fhieWitr 1&O4

and the book, unlike his other novels, soldpoorly, '

In a few years, he used up. all his living*and thisa of his wife, who, however, wouldnot let him abandon his writing. Again, heaced discouragement when publishers rd-

.ected "The Last of the Plainsmen." Later,he wrote his first Westlrn romance;, "TheHeritage of the Desert" which wa* a suc-esi from* the" sales point of view. •

The Rid Crow SffW«The Red Cross, which will launch it* an-

nual membership drive on Awnittice Day.had 5,666,880 member* Uwt year. This isthe highest peace-time membership in thehistory of the organization.

It is also reported that the Reserve Corpsof Nurses attained a new high enrollment



Of All Things--By Harold G. Hoffman

In Ohiu iinl raliiKinui, tht- vottn* ari' f<> rfocl'fi oifdoamendment! which piunde Un irld »gt pensions The one in CaliforaKia it th« familiar "ham und-eggs" progrim which i» to p*f old lofts?"Thirty Dollars every Thursday." Some of lh« "eKpertS" give I* *chiinec to win this lime.

The Ohio program isn't quite •« mnbitioui b«ing aimed »t Mt »p«proiimtte |60 a month.

• • •


It isn't hard to understand why older people want pettsiohavp been hard times for them. Moat of them faced '"the depnwion frwt -when thetr nnrtnc"pow<ta werebeginning to M«. They saw their savings fade andmany of them lost money, homes and business> blatk yean.

They can't be blamed for being a little desper-ate and voting for eery pension scheme that prom-ises to keep them fed until their sunsets come. They•won't be here for the aftermath, most of them,and they don't want to think that far ahead. Shelt-er and food are ^hat count with them now.

• • •


Utopian Plan, r/uf Failed

of 24,479 and that nearly 16,000 nurseshave been specific as the "first reswve"from wbteh the OTflmtartten wa drawnurses in event of an emergency. '

The Red Cross, which has 0,700 chaptersthroughout the nation, serves the people ofthis country in peace ai well as In war. Ithas been extremely useful bl rendering as-sistance to disabled veterahi and their fam-ilies and last year more than ifc&Ow) ex-servicemen took advantage of the. servicesof the Red Cross. •

The disaster relief work of the Red Crossis too well known to require specific comment. While most communities have littleoccasion to call for the aid that the RedCross extends, it it a comfort to all lo knowthat a national organisation stands readyto promptly prevent suffering in the eventof a catastrophic. If the Red CroMdifl noth-ing more than stand ready to for emergencyrelief to stricken communities, it would d«-serve the support of the people of the

I country/ _.

Looking At Washington

mil issues are costly, at best. Furtherihut, they are insidious and painless,

Mis of tive joHtiewM who haven'tioutage « (fcritttjHrftfee '.to~iolv« th*'•\ inanciai ptabkuns-in any other man-Approval of th*e referendum on'Tues-•'•ill not mean that New Jersey hasi i permanent way to pay for relief.

e I'loeccds of the bond issue will bo gone0 i he end of 1940. H»w ia Miief to bom> * d after that? Is there to be anotherii nf $21,000i000? And when that is

mother borrowing?I'IOVBI of the bond issue is merely g«-

postpone the inevitable necessity ofinn a permanent means of. providing'ale's share of the relief bilLlt mayifinporary ealliative but it won't cureii IHSC. Bond issues have their points'tinjj emergencies, but there is no exi'» this one" except the disgusting re-"I the State legislature to face its rc-

with, courageous statesman

th, the people of l Bi:elebrate American fidflCBtifln

Stflce I92t, the ideals »f d ife have been advertised a bit duringreek in November..This year the subjectEducation fpr the American Way of Life

Teachers and citizens are urgtd during theweek to rededicate themaelvei to the causef education and democracy. ,-This is one week that this newspaper is

;lad to endorse- While every good citizenihould be interested in the Clltte of edllca-ion and democracy throughout th^ year,t is not a bad idea to emphasiw these mb-ects.d^rtng a particular week, whteh Mrv-s as an occasion for public expression ofur loyalty to the two causes. '

Education,and democracy most gO handn hand. Certainly, the success of democ-acy depends on the education of the citi-

1 referendum should be defeated. Ifi In- legislature will be forced to meet.•sue 8<iuarely.

GermtoWertkipiAt.Sea'•Kins to be apparent that the Ger-liave succeeded in getting several

ii|ia out iritO th i Atlantic where they<ying uponjthipping of Great Britain

d I'ranee. ' .»• seizure of the City' of Flint, the

pi''riean vessel that was taken into thes >un port of Murmansk,, is laid to &w\\"iimerce r*i4er. One report has it that(i;ixl one of the "pocket battleships" is;i> HI the ocean, where its high speed andw KIWIS will make it hard to catoh.; ival experts declare that the British

Id French navjet ppVestonly four or fiveI»s with sufficient'speed to'overhaul the

f>i kot battleihips" and with guns heavyo>ikrh to defeat them In' combat. It may' k«n for granted that these warship.'

11gaged in the search.

Abont We On Mars1 "i'e has been speculation for years ov

xistence Of life upon the plant Mars.IC (1 (inly have scientists engaged ih th

s;uit pastime but ordinary citizens hav'''•fd thejr imagination upon the sub"f late, however, scientists have con

there exUtefJ ljttle or no oxygen orand, conseqtfeMly, no life. This ha


the ardor of the debate/ ,in'rform a public service, at least

l i l d this time


c ,y inclined, at this time bj

attention to the views of Dr. Theo-"unhang of ,|h« Mount Wilson Observ.

t t f h t h t tkwho says that present-knowdocs not justify the assertion that m

;ix"«ta on -Mars. ,With this expert o/pin111 h d dV f lif M111 hand, ftdVQCtttoB of life, on Majf'.ca:

•'wh sUttaywf resume the argumenK'<! they

Amtrican Education WithBeginning on Monday, J'foaimbej the

th, the people of tiie UBil*4:8t*tBf wilt


The capture of the Ameritftnsteamship City of Flint, which v utaken to Murmansk by a Oermanpriie crew after being telitfl bya Nazi warcraft, iUaatratw thedangen which will mult from th«presence * of American ahipe incombat arau.

The City of Flint, it appears,carried a cargo which was con.sidered contraband, And hence, ac-cording to legal authorities 'wassubject to seiiure. Whether theGerman priie crew had the legal

[right to carry their captive into aneutral port TB queiironal>Ie~ftffjlome nations permit uich acts.

which now affecti raoro thantwelve million workers. Thismeans that on October 24th, 1940,the forty-hour week becomes ef-fective and that five years later,all workers engaged in interstatecommerce must be raised to aminimum of forty cents an hour.

Scmn Stars

m i to Great Brii_ . the terms of5 it i*y wii,. sue" ^ carried to

in acefcrdarict wltk,t&icountry in transporting its cargo

Great Britain. Howavar, underthe amended neutral-

such cargoes cannot 1)ebelligerent ports hi

American ships. Thus, when theneutrality hill becomes effective,it will not be possible for Ameri-can ships to be captured undersimilar circumstances as the Cityof Flint and diplomatic issues wijlhot arise from this causa.

Wjth completion of the long de-bate in the Senate over the re-vised Neutrality Aft, the scene ofinterest shifted this week to theHouse. During the loqg discus-sion in the Senate, it has developedthat opponents of the bill redou-bled their efforts on^the Housemembership, feeling fn*at the low-er body was the best place imresults in view of the fact thnthe Senate, it was -known, wouldeventually pans the measure pre-sented by te Administration, andsubsequently, amended. ,

Renewed discussion of the pos-sibility that President Roosevelt

third t«rm followed'of- 8ecretai>.o<

ultan Wajlace that the coun-try needed the talents and train-ing of the President in the

Imagine receiving 10,000 let-ters i none week!' And yet, suchscreen stars as Clark Gable, Ty-rone Power, Mickey Rooney, Jean-ette MacDonald and other receivethat many and mote letters fromtheir admtcert—«nd critics—prac-tically every week, And, what'smore, they, read as many of themaa possible.

While nwet of m consider abeautiful feet and attractive fig-ure at ©ni W'thi .issmtMs to ascreen career, yet there are many:actors and actresses whose facesare surely not their fortunes, butwho are among the moat popularand highly paid in Hollywood. Weonly mention a few—Edna MayOliver, Bert Lshr, Eddie Collins,Wallace Beery, Mickey Rooney,Boris Karloff and Victorlen-—to &e you our Ides.

Doris Jordan who came to Hol-lywood a« a candidate for the roleof Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone,Withthe Wind" ia being tested for theleading feminine role in GarylC / i " T l O t l M 1

The Canediin province of Alberta Whd ftctHim* moa^tnesrly ruined itself. Colorado tried fixed p«iwioni and the tonjtfcutton*si amendment providing thtm dedicated certain sUte revenues to *w-'*payment. Pensioners, never did set their f46 a month in Coforstjo,amount available decreased every month and the pensions g»t* "er and smaller. Even at that, they took so much money U»tbecame practically impossible and Colorado ia nnw having % ',with it* Utopia. , »

No one can blame older people for reaching for this kind, of keto'.It is really too bad that the help isn't there to reach. The I "' - t "iire to blame are the pensioner! of these ideas, who delude mbelieving- that the impossible will happen if they vote for it, I

The basic fallacy of these plans jsjhe «ame—y<ju can't, buy realgroceries with imaginary money. " " . - " , " '' • • v - -

Pension can be paid only out of public money. Pubjifl. »fnjdlcan be raised only by taxation—and the taxpayers are carry idl the*tan carry now. '.•'•' **•!/ <

No matter how Moved the schenlt for raising old age veniip*funds, it is atiU taxation. The public has to pay for it—ho mattfi ^the scheme. Anything the public paya to the government for ""pose comes from taxation—and the people of the United "can't pay more UX«J. ' ,

The best that can be dono for taxpayers is tomore equitably—to stop penalising homeowners for owning-for one thing.

Will CrniA Tax'CoUtction

in "l,6W,000 B. C."

,ens of a~nt$bii. To properly 'participateu th* brewings of a free government, it is'itally Important that the citisens under-jtand thi process. It is also important thatthey have a clear conception of their rela-tive privileges and this can come only frontthe right of education.

So far, the effect of the war inEurope upon the United States-hashot been what was expected be-fore the struggle began. . In themonths preceding the outbreak'ofwar there was- general tonsterna*tion over the possible damage anddestruction to be wrought by airfleets, It was assumed that hos-tilities an an Immense scale would

ling e4 queetiens foreign and do-mestic. So far, of course, theChief Executive has kept his si-lence. There can be title doubtas to the fact that the war In Eu-rope bas increased the President'sprestige in this country and, prob-ably, the, possibility that ho *illbe named by thia Party for a thirdterni. While no one can intelli-gently forecast the future, it,Seemi reachable that if tH«United States in at peace nextyear arid if there are threateningclouds on the international rela-tions horizon uf this country, Mr.Roosevelt will have to be reck-oned with, »

RelaticjtiH between the UnitedSUtes and Japan will probablycome to a'head sometime in the

which gal Roaoh will direct andfc, -will-fce LOT

recently com-M

usher in IK?' fiohfliEt" Tlitt'"1iur next three fnontftsr ^Either therenot occurred and the war has con-tinued to be a very cautious af-fair.

1 "Acw&ng U Plah"As near as we are able to judge, the( war

.n Europe is propeeding "according toplans" if we are to believe the communi-ques issued by the various war-ministries.

This "according to plans" business issomewhat mysterious. Whdttver an armyadvances or retreats, the hdme front is al-ways regaled with observation that the de-velopment, has been "according to plans."

Whether the war is proceeding "accord-ing to plans" or not, it is quite plain thatthe effects of .the wa.r o,n the people of theUnited States is not "according to plans."Business "and industrial leadert are begin-ning to suspect that the long-awaited war-boom may not develop; in fact'thcy are be-ginning to suspect that thefft may not besuch a demand for materials as bhej ex-pected. With the belligerant nations ap-parently hesitant to begin Urge-scale op-

D. iChaney, Jr., who

d Of

The only way that taxes can he reached is by redumental expenditures. Piling new billlona on the publiccrush tax collection. People, facing new and fantastic 'simply quit paying at all figuring that.what they have isn'tcost of keeping It.

I ' * ' •All these promoters, sincere and otherwise, are ftltiBsutl|t6

same error which has engulfed so many of our so-calledThey look at figures showing the wealth of the United S1

out to carve that wealth up.Most of our national wealth is in property, which is vi!

whUe it i t active and earning* profits, These visionaries s 'back the clock and eat up the accumulations of the pialcan't eat and factories and houses and land. ;

None of the schemes will work, There will be a tremendous-WH><|iikof loss and disappointment in the pr0c.eaa.ol %ii«g this outAyjL4

. . • / * • * < , • - < • v * n i * j

I hope we don't have to go through this sort of a calamity,we have on our hands now is bad enough.

ijimiivy, «i.« wnu iwvnwy win-

pleted "Of Mice and Men" CaroleLandis, Victor Mature and JohnHubbard.

Sydna ' Yotkley, 16-year-oldTexas girl, who rode in the recentrodeo at the Madison Square Gard-en, attracted the attention ofMervyn Let Of, who put her undercontrast t n i plans to Use h.$r "an eurlyptodtietlon.

Another horror picture is beingplanned at-Universil, where "TheElectric Mali" will be made #ttHBoris Karioh* and Bela Lugosi ten-tatively cast in leading roles.' It might interest girls who 4iketo make themselves up like Hol-lywood favorites'to know that amake-up kit for the average, ac-J

This Week Years AgoT«n Years Ago


As the result of a terrible in-jttry- teeewed e» Suwday, Octaber

erations, which would result in coneider-ublo destruction, ibis possible that a" war ofthis type will not require "the tremendoussupplies whieh were usedduf^pg the WorldWar. ' V '

Fo>'the benefit <if any cltiserf df *,h,iscommunity who may be tempted, to specu-late in "war commodities/' we point out [forty-four tothat some expert* novv believe that it may,be possible for She British and French toget along without excessive bJirin? iri theUnited States. Until Ii is 08j*i)liahed tjiatthis is not the case^it might bajuit as wellfor our'speculators to follow the examplesof the armies^-maintainihif thBmidvds in I Tnereadihessbut carefully refr«fHing from ftn^andovert act.

One important result of thisdifference In the aetu&l conflictand what Americans thought theconflict would be is a changedopinion as to the likelihood of thiscountry's becoming involved. WithGreat Britain and France, arrayud^gainst Germany, the prevalentopinion is that the Allies will win.This removes the feellnfr that participntion by this country is nec-essary to save civilization or toprotect this country from the con-sequences of a German victory.So long as public opihion here' re-tains the belief that the Allies willWin, there will be less chances ofthe United States besoming in-volved. '

Another interesting effect nanbeen, so far, a failure to developanything like a general war boomIn flits country. While it is tfUflthat there has been a quickenedeconomic step, many experts con-slder that this was in progressbefore the war was inaugurated.

[Certainly there 'has been no rushto buy- products in this countryand, consequently, nothing to cre-ate an unusual war demand.

Last week, the Wages andHours Act tended its first year ofregulation of wages and hoursof workets in interstate com-merce^ 1Jb^wn)u«trtly, In'fetsordVance witli the tertae of the Act,working hours were reduced fromforty.fdur to forty-two a weekand the minimum hourly wage wasadvanced from twenty-five to thir-ty cents an hour. It is estimatedthat 2,3S3,500 workers were af-fected by the reduced hours andthat some 600,000 benefited fromthe increased wage .rate.

the wagesrepresent the first stop

ui achieving the goal of the law,

Will be a definite improvement ora very decided clash between thetwo nations. The recent speechof Ambassador Grew in Tokyo hasconvinced Japanese officials of thenecessity of attempting to reachan understanding with the UnitedStates. It is very doubtful, how-ever, whether the Japanese haveany idea of an "understanding,"dther than when achieved by per-suading the United States to ac-quiesce in the course of the Em-prre,

Following the notice of an in-tention to abrogate the existingtrade treaty early next year, Mr.Grew's speech completely con-vinced Japanese officials that somepositive must be taken to preventari open breach with the UnitedStates. The Japanese have notlost 'stight of the submarines andbomberswith the

sent to Manila, along

eostB'afouftn - •ovO." settierstart saving those pennies.

Immediately, after completinghis work in "The Hunchback ofNotre Dame*' , Sir Cedric Hard-wicke, noted English actor, is leav-ing for England to report for ac-tive service. David Niven will aUosoon say farewell, for a time, \ohisleave soon for England and'warservice. '

Spencer Tracy's in a quandry,His two English setters have pre-sented him with enormous fam-ilies and now Tracy doesn't knowjjist what to do with the pups.

If and wh«n Dorothy Lamourppears with Tyrone Power in

Johnny Apollo" we hope she willnot have'to wear a sarong.

Aim Sheridan has consented toppear in a trailer shot for the

"hristmas Drive of the Red Cross,(riving It plenty of "oomph" we

27, while visiting friends in Iselin,Joseph Libritji, age 32 year's, of22 Essex Street, Nutley, diedTuesday morning at l:il o'clockat the Railway Memorial Hospital.Ubriizi, who .w»s devoted toHunting, visited Louis Veters, ofHarding Avenue, Iselin, on theSaturday before he was Injured,On Sunday afternoon he was pre-paring* to go .duck hunting. Hewas entering his auto, wifh aloaded shotgun in his hand whenthe gun was accidently discharged'and his leg wan torn from knee tothe thigh by a load of heavy shot.


MTB. Asher Fitz Randolph was

Jano, 21, of Second Street, PottReading, who is chfged with the:rime, and William ThompBori, 26,if 79 Emerson Street, (Sarteret,field as a material


strengthening of theAmerican naval unit in Hawaii.Apparently,., tha.Japanese believethat it will be possible to continuethe present policy in China pro-vided greater deference is shownto the interests and rights ofAmerican citizens In the regions,

The American attitude, declin-ing1 to recognize the acquisition ofManchukui)' or territorial gainsmade in China proper, makes itdifficult to'-Mnderntand where thetwo natiens can find a mutuallysatisfactory agreement. ThatJapai f»y deWmr'nci to iWbllariher UNew Order" in the Far Eastand that the war in Eurdpe willencourage her to taice advantageof conditions,, is loo plain for ar-gument. Not only does the Amer-ican doctrine of non-recognitionof territorial gain jtujmr^l byforce conflict with this Japaneseexpansion but our long "championship of the Open v Door in Chinameets it head-on, Jusi how a colUnion can be averted, is a problemthat will involve thu best ntindeof both foreign offl |e.i.

head ofAmurjcan

WoodbridgcRed Cross,

Friday niRht in the Barron Ave-nue High School at the annunmeeting of the chapter.


The voters of Woodbridg<Township indorsed the present ad'ministration Tuesday by returningto office Mayor William A- R y a n

and Committeemen Robert L, Sattier, Joseph L. Gill and George T.Applegate.

Edward G, Robinson's next ple-ura scheduled is "Moon and Six-pence."

Columbia Studio U planning toproduce Somerset Maugham's play"Too Many Husbands" with JeanArthur, Fred HacHurray and Mel-vyn Douglai heading the cast andwith Wesley buggies directing.

Warner Brothers is trying topcriiuade Lafrrence Oliver to playthe part In their production of "NoTime for Comedy" which he cre-ated on Broadway.

Myrl«;^b«on arfd Ralph Ri<*ardson have liegun a propogandafilm for the British Governmentcalled "Tile Lion Has wmgn,"which la a story of.the Rojiwl AirForce. Miss Oberon appears as anurse and Mr, Richardson »a anairman., •


Under the sponsorship of theWoodbridge Township Business-men's Association, WoodbridgeTownship had a gala onHallowe'en niftht, Prizes wereawarded to various groups andindividuals.



Bank wfll open a branch in Wood*bridge, probably on the site of theFirst National Bank and TrustCompany. This an^ott«|5s"—*waB made early today.' ' lt ;

peetoo1 that the branch- will-fcevready shortly after the first ef theyear but a definite date has notbeen set because of numerousroutine details wfiich muat firstbe settled. ,


Construction of a newstorage tank itt Sewiren by theShell Oil' Company is expected tobegirt by Monday, Hugh 6. Quig-ley said today. Excavation analbuilding oi the protective dikes isunderway not only for thia tank,which will be/finished by Decem-ber 19,! but also for a second onwhich work will be started "inthe very near future."


Although costs for providing re-ief for the unemployed escapedlimlHng again during Octoberiver the preceding month, Mu-liclpal Director John Omtnhiser

printed out today that the townad been saved approximately •

JtOO' by the month's warm weaiher. Fuel coflts, including both

coal and oil, will cost about |6,00for the next five months,

: t 'act tyarris ted by Township

th. ClA ScoUnith who wa» playlnr

on his club tfoufse, fotfhd a wood-en tee at he picked up a little•tand to t u l i p his halt. "Man,Sandy," he remarked, "strmfeeruhave besn slaying here,"


Five,menpolice thia week on charges at'soliciting without n permit. Theywere given suspended sentences byRecorded B. W. Vogen after be-ing picked up by Officer CelestineAomond on Sunday, Two werenegroes.


'Detective Sergeiint George B.Keating was given a week-old " *highway robbery case over theweek-end., Within twelve hourahe made two arrests: Albert Glor


Omehi^lser and his stuff estimate.'


Snee, of-West Avenue, was hosteatto fellow members of St. Mary'sSorbVi'ty 'at M party held at h^rhome, re'cently. A treasure htahtwas Ol)e of the features - of theevening's entertainment. Refresh-ments were served and Hellow-

dfecorations -were used. 'Tbosp present were: Mathilda

Ettaorsky, Irene Totin,' EUiabethBellas, Geraldlne Sabeny, MkePlmiani, Gjnlre Dard, Clair« KtlJ;F^pcea Hpgerj Dpr^decline Ernest, Annejoi-if Mihalbvi, Grance Doacettt,,Gloria Smith, Clara Vogel, Ann '

jHuchiui, Ann O'Hara and Bernila,Banko. ...

• -A\

Page 8: Snbepen&ent-leabet - DigiFind-It...proper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling the Town-ship's Accounting have been most unsatisfactory and in many in-stances in direct


I 1 * ; .








Ri'(|u»l F««tur# Sat. filtaBub) Hop* • Shirley ROM"Thanh* for tie Memory"






U'I .i bargain to have car-talus luuuflertd liy MorwijiKur, Iwuuic they et*y(Icui and fresh lonifr. Cur-Ulns wrar httttr, too, b«-causc thfy don't have to bewashed and atrctcheil aioften.

Morfy LaKue laundrriyour curtslni with squirecarnen and stuljtlit odfo.Kxprrl Btirchlnt und rirrtch-Inp in i k t tlitrn h • n (Hltaifht and keep their frrshrrKpnm. Send n room atft Uinp. KUrt tiidav.

a*llllle 39c ptr pair


Olhrr •lvl«l i t

FlUTINO FREE! WithMoray LaKue'n new fuHI-Uut J<KI nay have curtainsfluted upon nqwtt withoutt«lra cJuuic (• JMU,


At The Monies


AT KEGENT THEATRE"They Shall llavi Music" ia the

Ktuiy nf a i-lurii liny, who inheritedinu.-iii- from his ilcad father. Thebuy liv<'<< bin l i / t \ ui> the ittrwU,frljfhterii'd by HH irate stepfather,lured by Kitntr -lories aud iflixioui

j o /iiakfi easy money. Throughu .series of stlunify tveiits, he landain a nettltment music school runby un idealistic professor, whotakes him unik'i' his wing. WhenJh«, grateful younijster'learns atthe fmmM KTT«ito «f Uie wheel,he undertakes to win the patron-age of the great Heifitz who i» inNew York for Carnegie Hall con-certs. •*'

The featured J«1CE are playedby Joel McOea, Andrea LeedsWalter Bri>nnan and Jascha Heif-iU.

Pioneering a new t>pc of screen,comedy, RKO Radio stars GingerRogers in "Fifth Avenue Girl" anuproarious talc of a sidewalk Cin-derella who bring* about a revoJn-lution among1 tht> members of arich but unhappy New York fam-ily. The picture revolves aroundthe manifold activities of thj,Bordens in their Fifth Avenuefacing Central Park. The.faiher,who has made millions with hi*pump - manufacturing company,suddenly realizes that his familythinks of him only as a one-manmint.

H)H wife if! carrying on with apJajrboy, plans to go to Reno andget B divorce. His ,son neglects thtbusiness to play polo. ]\\H daughtertravels with a dizzy crowd of nit-wits, but is in love with Uie Bord-er's (lass-conscious chauffeur. Andwhgn, af ten rtowRJi day at the of-fice, Bordcn comes home, hopingthey will at least remember it's hisbirthday, hp finds tlw-y have.for-pntten that too, and hfvp poneI'lsewhere for the evening.

AT RITZ THEATREAn eniotioiin] experience seldom

encountered within the wajls of atheatre Is provided by the newWarner BroH, picture, "Dust BeMy Ikmtiny" which opened at theRite Thoatw. •

And it is the superb playing ofthe film's two yfiunj? nt^rs, JohnGarficJd ai)d Priscilla Lane, vthatmakeH it the intensely movingpiece of drama that it. is. Theybrinp; to their portrayals »u«h tin-eeiity, rurli vivid truthfulnwa,such unilorstanding'of tjie charac-ters they arc creating that'the.spta:tator is utterly onnvinted oftheir reality.

(liven this belief in their realityit is impossible -for anyone not tobe moved dueply hy the pathetic

i queHl for happiness of the two hap-lc;> youngHtern a.bout whom thefilm rrnterfl. They travsl a hard;iiid cruel road, and, jufst as yousluire their he,artbr«Hik along theway, you share also the great hap-piiifss which comes to them finally,

(iriiccd by n youthful andcast, four lilting song hits,

comedy nrfd lavish dancerevues, Universal'si new musicalfilm "Hnwaiian Nitrhta" provedsurprising screen entertainmentwhe nit operjod nt the RitzTheatre.

Unfolding a tropical paradise,the picture features Johnny DownsMary Carl tale , Constance Mooreand Eddie Quinlan. Princess Lu-ana, famed queen of the hula,loads t)Wo hundred' pretty nativegirls in eye-filling dunce numbersund introduces the exotic swing'hul« fo rthe first time on thescreen,

• its •£•/.ed with (Jb»munitionscovered By fo^ernment tffniti u

th« work" o^ foreign spies, k Midto fa* M eHf#tionally 4hritlit«Aarrathr* toW with breath-takingpower.

In addition to Itblt, who'appearsa* a irlrtU md eour*i*ou» army of-

cer, tht strong* east includes such'

WanfU.Ralph MwiaKp iKatherin* WMille, Sidney Black-

, «D. Colling directed,

inal story by Ericlot) Rigby.

A nefr collefe comedy which de-aen«t /ill-Afci*ric*n rating on any•elector1* antertainment lut op.

ned »t the tfterty theatre. IV»Panunoimfi "|1,000 a Touch-

own,'" which «4-«tars for the' firsttime J M 1$. .Brown and MarthtRayt those <rMe-rnonthed evokers

f the btUy^Uuifh, and it features«u<h popular players as Eric Blore,Susan Harvard, John Hartley and

oyce H»tthewi In important sup-

elect 1* jointenture into th« field of higher

education afW bojh of them have»eco«ne cofcvlneild that they arefailurea. In Jw's case, his troublelies in the)f a fai:an't gvt anlosea Wa voice when he faces a^audience of wore than ten per-sona. Martha'sbankrupt'

ICT family., t>

AT RAHWAY THEATREThe power of ono of today's

greut novels finds its full ftcope opthe screen in Dayrrl F. Zanuck'sproduction of "THu Rains Came"the sensational^ successful be»t-

ler by Louis Broomfield, whichopens at the Rahway Theatre, withMyrnu Loy, Tyrone Power andGeorge Brent sharing stellar h«nor?.

These foscinating1 dtrsngely-as-sortod humana, cut off from the





With the finest lorTlce

John J, Bitting33 MAIN ST.

Call Wd, 8:0012

, i \ nf Raiictiff.ur, It i i l i l . wi'li all

i» t ja;nt "wept a w a y , a s tht- aii(rry

, t r r e s ui n a t u r e m a d e 1 iff -« l u l l i n g

,.!,,(• ami love-a despera te lurnfiiiy,

',• Ijiiiuift't v ividly to l i fe iii tin,-.

iiM: i i i i t a r y - F p x Sim. Fa i th fu l in

I mill detail £o the feoult, "IV(;I,IK tain?" pttHrVjs all of'.li.umtii'ld's characters.

.vlyriiii l o y br«ad«,wlUi the 'p*>i-,.•11 wife' traditiau t,« pjay the am-i,, .. U . ly Edwina JEsseth; Ty-i K Power hat his moat romantici,. us the high-eaate Hindu »ur-

... i, Major Rama, Safti, whoIUVFS the ohe'frcat love of Lady• kc lhs life; and George Brrnt i*'en as the worldly T°m lUhsomc,

nut rf-tf

Colonia News-Mr »u<i Mn

uf Washington Avenue mtariauvtd over the week-end Mr«: J. Itr'itziimimins .and WII E#bert, «il

( I I wn past.

—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paul ufSt. eorge Avenue were quests atthe home of Mn. Paul's motherMrs. Joseph Andersen of PerthAmboy un Monday night.

; —The Colonia Democratic Wo-: men's New Deal Club mat at the: home uf Mn,.Aubrey Woodwaidof Kairvi«w Avenue an ToMday

| night. The praeidMt «pa»Mt«d •j BfiTKWsttw fmpmnee tonamm »

I wn pastBrend'a Joy«», dllwvered by

• lur maker Z»Wfk«Me climaK ofnatioa-wida *Weh, BMd* a bril-

uyOQiiipf p(^t M t^role ofiunt•>rnbeauweary RanmAeife.

youngS i m t ^ . v y g ,ty.whote hve gives th*>world-

'a tiew l#»se on

AT THE MBEKTYTimely, action-packed drama ii

when t*Jumbii's "Trappedi i J k H l

pwiti) J*€k Holt

Aim, conetrn-)n America'!

ustriea recently un-


y aordon,

rolet.Joe and

ih«t he's a scion'family- but

ere- because he

only asset is aby

j date for Uie annaal mwtiBg «nde|Jctiff«i of officers whiflh wftl b»held in December. TcaUtrn uUnwer« ma<)« for the annqal Ohriitopt party » d it w u d*«Wtd thatall charitable contribution* thkyear wftl .be made to , s r g a r i dcharitable inatitutionii with Uie ex-etptloii of a few toy packages toto delivered to needy chi laW Iw u aeclded to change the n*ettof aifht from the first Wedataiay

TuMday of each month. A nomin-ating committee was appointedby the president composed of MissTheresa Iorio, Mrs. Jean Rehfoer?Mrs. Edward Skhuber? and thepresident. The correspondiuj a*cretary was instructed to requestthe us< of other quarter* w ameeting place as there is no pos-sibility of the library's W i n f

system being installed very Roon.Two new members were welcomedinto the club, Mrs. Josephine Grai-si and Mra. Mlldred Condai. Mn.KabeT SUel real a pap«r'|ivlnfSenator Garter Glass' opinion- onrepeal of the arms embargo. Mrs.Aubrey Woodward read savaraJclippings on the recant Woasaa'soontrress in Geneva,, Bwitaadaad,giving woman's place in the biwi-n«aa social, and economic field. Aaociai hour followed the amintatsession during which a Hallowa'anparty was held with several quliesfeatured. Mrs. Steel waa winner onthe State of New Jersey Qn<« «ndon the geographic qak, Mn.Woodward won the general qnix.Miss Theresa Iorio was winner ofthe guessing contest and MissMartha Feugner -won the tuekjrnumber gift. Delielous rffr#i-ments were served with Hallowe'endecorations at each table.

—A car belonging to Mr». Ed-ward Schiiberfc of Highfield Roadwas stolen from the front of thehome of Mrs. Aubrey Woodwardof Fairview Avenue, where it wasparked while Mr?. Schubecg at-tended a meeting.

-Mrs . John Maai of West CliffRoad and her sister Mrs. NicolasAmes of Sevil le were vi»it4n in

-MK' I4ichae- .Gwulob, of Fi-Ume Street, is a patient in the

etth Ajnboy General Hospital,—Th« Jp«Jin Republican Organ-

ization will bold its ajwiuul good,ill 4h P^hi Awill party at 4h«

iue School Maitori

~Mrs. EHill Joh'anSon,' oT USItree Road, visited relatives in New

York recently. i ' [ '~H«nrf Sehlafnp, of Cprreja

Avenue, it at the Veteran,pitaJ in H*vi V^rk Ci



t H«w York City,y ^ the-w.eek-»od tMitsivf I fn . John Schmidt,

f Correja AittftueA

—IMr;. i n i Mitt: ^mtei' Sf>f6wi,of Jersey Cityj apent the week-

nd with Mr. and Mfg. Frank .lohn-wn, of Pershing Avenue.

PhiuidelphiB: on Friday.—Miss Janet Cox, daughter of

. Ruth Smith of Cotoftiavard, who has been temporarilystaying in New York City will re-turn \o Colonia on Saturday to re-main with her mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Davisof St. George Avenue were theguests of Mr. DaTii* parents inNew York City on Suaday.

—Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fletch-er of West Hill Road had as theirguests on Sunday, I n , ArthurJohnson, Miss Marje O'Brien andMrs. Edward Gleason all of SouthAmboy.

—John Joseph DiSito, son of

Mr, , Pompeo DiSHo of In-O l llman Avenue, Colonia, enlisted in

the United-States Navy on OctoberI and was transferred to tte Nav-

al Training Station at flevrport,RTIT

-Urn. FranH Pattison of Chain-O-Hitls .Road haa been appointeddistrict chairman of Wood-

CLO VERLEAF INTERSECTION4-Grave Family Plot, Now in Ad-

vance of Need . . . Fron

Anicniiiu liedI in.-.-, roll qpll tu lie (undeletedfium November 11 till pvifniber 1,

FWtcber ot W«t Hill


| a puleryl

«e'ea paity at the home of RalphScbwert* uf Av«nel un Mondaynight.

--6Ud»s Das Bleyker of North•Hill Road was hostess on Fridaynight at a Hallowe'en party in herborne, Quest! were GertrudeHynti, J«an Walker. Lydia Volk,Jane Patterson and Alice Manse,

—Tim Mathar'« Club of CaWnia


Fred A. Nagle, why was[ &i Uie Perth Auitipy y^'H,spiUl u> cunvalesFin)fc »t

Boy Scont Troop Nd. «T~fHeT 11 ~Otir a ft*the home of Mrs. Harry Ellis ofFairvjuw Avenue on Thursdaynight. Tentative plans were madeU purchaie an army tent for thetroyp.

—At the meeting of th ColoniaGirl Scout troop en Saturday nightplan* were completed for the barndaned which will be held in the li-brary. The committee in chargearc afiMie. Mrs. C W. Knauar andjean Walker, tkkeU, Mrs. J. M.

orations, Barbara Den Bleyker andMrs. M. M. Pattiton. Refresh-ments, Mrs. Philip Den Bleyker,Alice Manae and Gladys DenBleyker.

—Mr and Mrs. Patsy Mowarel-li of Beech Street entertained theirson Frank, and his wife of Lindenon Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Piakhamof Chain-O-Hills Road were guest*at a Hallowe'en party on Thurs-day night at the home nf Mr. andMr*. Walter Huracke of Linden. "

ftaymond «eM«t,of the Troop Committee of the C«-lonia Boy Scheut Troop No. 61, isgiving the boys instructions in (he•making of street*ign§ for, Colonia.The signs will be displayed at theRaritan Council exposition at theNlaval Reserve Armory in Perth

nliuy vn N'ovcmtcr 17 and 18.The S«euU are alao preparing fora boxing match with Troop 41 ofAvenel..

—The Girl Scouts of Troop No.3 h a « planrnd a Itmcheon etriyin NovenAer with Gertrude Hyneaand Lydia Volk senior scout* inchatft.

—The Colon la Civic Club helda very successful Hallowe'en par-ty at the Locust Gro^e SchoolHbuae on Saturday night. Localcandidates of both parties werevj«lt»r,s during the evening. Thedoor prise was won'by Miss ViolaBlack. Mrs. Lawrence Suit wasgeneral chairman in charge andwas assisted by Mrs. yilliam Bar-bour.and Mrs. James Staunton.

—Mr. and Mrs. William Godsonof Colenift Boulevard had as theirdinner guests Mr .and Mr* A. W.Sannqaten of• AvaueK and theirdaughter and son-in-law, Mr. andMrs. Hiram Tuttle.

-=Mt; and Mn. George Mullerof Kensington Avenue, were thegueuU of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hawk-ins of Fords on Wednesday eve-ning. \

—Adolpb Wger of ColumbiaAvenue was the guest of Mr. andMrs. Daniel Thomas of Delawareover the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Kim-tall of Dover Eoad attended thePhiladelphia Symphony concert at

BEAUTY PREAMERSTh« litle girls read fairy stories

abeut "Golden Leeks" and th«on'Grove Avenue. transformation of "CiBdere|l*;"

jonian ^Jub wH'fttm th.e.ujfl> l^Ue dfudge wtu ittfte Wine o' I*7"*" j cruture «f

J. Dunne, on Green Street. iWn0 wop th* Wvi of iheyrince—A meeting of th« King'tjaBd bswima qoeen. they run to

will be held next M*o-tft* gUs» and see »Uai*ht black


Daugbtir. will be held nex t* feday afternoon at one e'«U*k at hair, «r red or slate aa toe cawthe home uf, Mrs. W. Wolny, Bar- may U a#d tnwd or, freckW f*cM

U 4 t h t o t t h t m k throit.A'vamio.- M r s S B. Demarert, of Grove,vary


that make themunlike Hie golden-hatred

Avenue, and Mia. Nawy Dama-Jewaturas»f magic beauty thatthim t , of PUiB«eld, have rtturnad.sUry books>taU ^m_ • h u t How

and Mrs. Raymond C. D*mar«at, ofSyracuse, N. Y, S

: of the air an dby wavingherSrapd of enchantment over

-Mr . and Mrs. William Doederjthem, trtnsform them in anand children, Mary Louis, a w l ^ n t into baauUful maidens whoAnna Catherine of Radburn, wart i will straightway dance >»U til-th, weekend guesU of Mrs. Eo.-!Prlnc.'s favar and become qu.ens.

der'sgMr. and Mrs.

m ; [ M ot

—The G. E. T, cultivated until they become "pol-Pre»byteri«n Church, will hold » « : u ) u d , / t e r t h , B|mUJtud« of aopening mwting of th. i-aaMiopening th.

p e r M n | | u y as well ai

will be Mm. Eunice Harrison, prln-We wonder if the little girls are

ihortUsi pulchritude.

of thtMetnirJw


nft. "vf r" ? ! 8 T C<>UDty * . r.nly dr#am«. and wishers forGirhr Vocational School. ' -•- • • . . . . . .—The Wuman's Auxiliary

Presbyteriantinue itn rummage saletomorrow in thethe State TheatreMain Street.

atBuilding on

forgoodlooks. Few

—A sun, Curtis Brewater, wasborn Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Cr-

God-given btauty must be cultivtt-*d, or it wjll soon slip away! You

^ U hm u d d compUxion, the« • » * • * c h l W t e r about empty

week.'-Harry Ellis of Fairview Ave-

nue, attended i farewell party inhonor of William Shann of Wood-

former Miss Lorraine Warter, of.Green Street, this place.

—Minn Rachel Hoffman, ofTr«na, Ca|, a student at Caluas-.bia University, wa« the watkaiguest uf Mr. and Mrs. Thdma*Humphrey, of Green Strut

—The committee id

no standarda.have been held innjlnd that must b» lived up to. P«r-hapi they lack imagination, faithand patience 1n their own powvrato aehkv* toautr of Ufa and p«r-


iarht at eight a1-> of Uie president,

- wt|,the Junior New»pap*r CUilc I*be sponsored by the MtddliCounty Press dub on D«t1 will meet tonightclock at th« homeMiss Ruth Wolk, 169 Urova atraat

—Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. 8«rf-cn and daughtr, Virginia, of W«MMain Street, visited fj-ltnds lQPhiladelphia, Sunday.

—Miss Mary E. Neary, of QrovaStreot, attended the World's FairSaturday.

—A special meeting of the I-H'swill be held Novebmer 7 at rhehome of Miss Carol Gardner on,Prospect Street

effortshould b« made to bdpr«v« theglfU that He has b«#t#w»d upoaus. IusUad «f ipt0(1 trig the tinepr g light..ttfaty sordid fic-tion, why got re»d something thatwill make valuable mental furnish-

your stur«'. least HUt

you think

m ,•„„„to m l i z e thi-n, ,work for them

If you havi thard «nou(th, y,.your >lum))i.|| iH.

d off

th-ntwedt toand htpjiy.

f t«IT CHURIH .„ t.H|."Adam uml

subj^t of t|u.all Churches ,,fon Sunday, \ , . ,

Tb«, G,,idni

th«u that s | l r


. U l l d 1 I H

•'•" i K i . J . .

t h l ! < i l ; :

prise fhr t.following fludeceived; <,m

shal l | u k U i , , , ,

s o w . t l | tu his fl,'.

flesh rjUptowetlfto if.Spirit F reai* hi',

• 'Oi'l l i | i t


Theeludes the full.,«the Cbiivtiun s.'Science ami ||

to the Seriptun-Eddy: "The >,•„tian explnria(i<iii-and or*in uf muitorial senne »nhmony. This i

h<>p« |n t hi

Ing, which can i..

o t h e r w a y . " (|i | j

Average l)u>

Th« AnuTii'w Au t l o n c s t l m n i r s • •t o u r i s t »|iei\ris ui.•.•;


Bulletin"At home I have a form of 6,008

horned cattle." \'.'Five thousand bulls?""M

WHYFor qaickrtlUf from

eufftr from

take 6MLl«ald - Tahiti* . «•)*« . HtM

STATE THEATRE••M . . . ' I . W 0 0 D B R 1 D G E , N. J.




C. Lombard - C. Grant Baby SandyKayFrancii >n

'" "<Q Nine Only" Unexpected Father"


Contua»er» Co-opcradrw ?TW*:«f;>i <»NH A T TUT. rKWTBn


Woodbridge Township56 St. Georf« AT*.




MitUeee—'Children ISc Adults 30cEvening All SeAti 30c

NOW—Big 3 for 1 afcow

Bring the lift and Iho sparkle- "f ih« HI'Bintu your liomtk with Nautical Fixtunal Avogue for mftrint design is sweeping thecountry like a udal wave. And we have thelighting e!).uipm(int to complete the picture.Come to uur shovy,rooms nnd see these at- . 'tractive fixture* f Jth their miniature sh!p'«whcclrt ami HhlW'lanferfifc, See them andyou'll want them''Tor,*yottr-j(|»y room . •. .your Hummer cottiitr,<?' ••, . . jour den . . •your son's bedroom. " • / ' ' /

h , , • . •• II I ' : ' "

Amboy Lighting Co.285

Phone P. A. 4-1MZ .Perth Amboy, N. J.

A NEW R e c o v e r y PLAN!AND

COLONIAL'SGrand Opening

Bargain!3 PIECE

LIVING ROOM SUITEUpholstered Equal to New ForAs Low As O^|.S0 and up

Our m.njr ytarg' experience with every type pf upholiUrf wMk•••urei y.u or fine.l quality fabrici—beautiful Ustnraa—Uianeweit in deaifn and colon—cuitom-cut aod fitted by expertcrafUmen to (he particular requirement!.

Budtet P»ymenl« are available throuih our new R.eoraryPlan.' Wa not only do uphalttery but manaras^iira fin* Livin(

Raoai Suites at fraat Mvings to you.

New LWnt Roote Suites only on dlipUy In Rabway Her,.


Colonial UpholstcringCo.1637 IRVING ST.

RAHWAYRAH. 7-1044 and 7-1022



Broad uui West Jersey Stt,


Page 9: Snbepen&ent-leabet - DigiFind-It...proper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling the Town-ship's Accounting have been most unsatisfactory and in many in-stances in direct

T^-'ttmm, SLjt»t*g." > ^ $••-•.im

fittl&Y, NOVEMBER 3, \



{-Stream^November 10

tc,|i.n ,..-»i I n i t i r , Novaut

I be legal to ifctout the lol-

| t aim, Hudton and Union

• route, 2 Male En|iUh orH../"(arian Partridge.

'*«i*te of the mort Important



'f you are ft«r 1< jftarilayed compicuouily on the outer

n (God bleu them). Tha *eit «focured locally at the Woodbtidga

Woodbridte. An occti**at olill* retidet thereon, and the immc-

AIM r«o,uire a licenae.gam* with a bow and arrow.

them two thell*, or, that nay fca

wIn weodi or leldi, loaded withdaring deer ta*aen. ,• tUa l»t» «V*»W»,-wo*di or

• I do|a baJafra tht ****** t t tM

Hi •••••ttloaj Iniectlvoreui and car-

any wild bird er animaltolctt l ini the M I or Identity.

*ny bird, or aalmal while la an•t time by aid of lifhu carried

| | | i#i i •* aarot* any ilat* er ceuaty

l iber* Ii mow on tht ground in•d.1 for the purpose of hunting.

[End$111'* Institute, the rabbit* in thi*

tjiheaunt shooting akould be geodthat r»ulll get four limit

it fairly plentiful. <>••*• w*r»Ii ss thaaUNR Ward comet from North UH*f

r.iiniiiK. W « * i» tha last few y«r*, but Mill,[.|M'ncd ilAaa •»• upswing, however, which I*

of play M ^ t ( » 0 th« kin| of gam* bird*.re are a few proven facti that

jTh*) twelve gaogt har about Motlag power than the H and

ftuf- We don't mean to aajrMil more fame than a IX in

| i being equal the 11 ii lo bethai it ie illegal to ute • •» -i deer.

«b't competition, with Wll-ing, it to be held at Pern-| t h e

f" l

: t minutethe HurroDl

i. in petit ion

iii si plac't in

,il Jer.sey Group i y c

Pi'l'i women

•Itmit the first three|A .1, despite the fact

isU-d atknoil, the,i i i i l ed With

I. J. will b . h.ld field trial*

i a»b. •Cltdilont.ll to, toveri will be held at

oka Kennel Club, Sunday

CamptIh* Civilian Coniervatlon

•*• I* request tha «d-onnel of C. C. C. CampaIrector Fechncr declared

Mid fatal accidenti in th* pa*1

State eommiiilon member! through-••Alidtratton of huntera.r*)fr*ln from hunting within rang*

>J*et in the State and to obterve allhunting. Each C. C. C. Camp has

poet warning aigns within one-halfIII bttundary and work project*,

f l*j a»atH«a* among «nrolleei.Ha-w J«r»«y Coaat • /

Itrd time)1 Sandy Hook

H.W. * L.W. 'Saady Hook

H, W. L. W.A.M. P.M. AM. P.M.


slilii of Wuodl)»ia«p, in,< MlUdlmet of 11st n«

||>H| amount ,,f IfieiiutMi -pour Ileiief Bonds

ii :: Ha id ImndH nhull luar*l ., l u t t wii i i l i ah«ll not

six per i tn'-um <6'jt t perbl i l l d

«->-iiiiinnm, |myi,>jiH «eihl-unifunlly, andnail lie iluitjd Ijij^iuber 3, 1 g8B1

l ivable in uiinuul IniUll tnehti i a*i.llown, vi*,: 110,000 i.r tinmU on'ei eni'.Kr u t In eacb of II.e y*urs

1 '*HJ ni 1944, Incluafve.

N<ytlon ",. sal i! bonds xlmll beHi'ininl ob l igat ion* of uald Towit--i..<|i anil a lux sufficient In umountl.i liny tlir principal of und lntereattin Hiilil bond!" ghall be levleil..ilertpij by aald Townsh ip In th«

f e n In whleih til* s t n u aht l l lu-cnrt.Iue und pay* hit. Kucli of said Isonashall tion'jilii u re<-ltal that It Is II-sued Duratant tn said Ait In the

or mode of procedure pre. b y The LocalBond Law ofNew Jersey.

lion 6. Thts ordinancelike, vftocl ut the time an it In lhi;~ ' provided by IHW.


•£*JIB4ma mil,Wr«. ThoVt S

IN cHARcimr or M*WIM/H*

TO: llarkel Bell 1**0 and MriHsrkcl BtUtako. till wlf»; JohnZaclecha and Mary Zarlecha, hi*wife; Ratlierlne Bolmsack. widow,Arthur LojHteat* and Mra. ArthiirBo}fti«a*k, hi* wife, Harold Holm-

Harold, Bohnsaill'*, Thomas Bonnsack und

..iotn»6 Bolirnatk hi* WifeVorut Sehnaark and Mm KnrmiBohtiMack, hla wife, Ki»H Bolin•lok. Jr., and Mrs. Mmil RnhnMi k.Jr., hla Wife, Catherine Buhniacliand Mr Bohnluck. her lumhandPrny HohiiBK.k nnil Mr Mnhn•ailii her liuabund. ilevi»eo» untiethe l<ut Will uiiil TP<IHBmtl Ruhniaik, deteusfi.UeKh and Mm. NIIIIIHII lloldi, hitwife: itMik .Wnroner, mid tha <«•pei'tlve unknown lielin, devl>e«iand pemontl representatives oMafkel Beletako, .lulm jSaelerhiand Mary Ziicledik, hlx wife, Arthur HohnaiiH, Harold BohnaaekThomaa Bolimark, Kure«t Bohnsack, Kmll Bohnmick, Jr., Hal herinn BohniHrk, Peggy HnhnxackNathan Itekh HIIII lnac.k Wormierand Ihelr or «ny of thalr helm,deviate*, etetuton, adinlnl»tiatan, imnttea, «»«lan* at nn;ceMort In right, title or Ihtereit.By virtue of an Order of the foureinwicerv nr New Jaraey, made oh

the day of the tittle hereof. In Ieiuae whtreln the Townahip oiWoodbrldgt, a iminlflpal corporatlon of tha State ot New J»ft»f, It

I you andyou are i

tha Iicr fccfor

day'of'Deceniber, next, or tii* •*!(bill will bt liken «l coRteMUagalnat you.

The aalS bill It filed to abioluttlrjbar and forecloae you from »U

rlfht anil equity of r^flempilon of,In and to the premlaea dMcrlbta: In

ary 20, 1981, Bepfemher 1»» i#*6, «n*January 16, 191«, cuv«Hand m In Bloc' """and 310 In Bleck . . . , . - - . -in Block 720; Lot* S3 and S4 In Blaok741: Lot* Its ind SH In Block JOJ-A,on th* A***«»tn«nt Map o« Mi*thin of Woodbrlal*. Countydiem,

And you, the above n»m«o, »remad* defendant*, became you haveor may dalm to have a lien or li*n«,or tome right, title, Intereatt Mtft*,i-lalm In or t6 the pr*ml*«» delorlbti"In aald bill of complaint.

Rugena Blanlttnhorn, Belle tor foand of Count*! with complainantH Commerce Street,Newark, New Jeraey.

Dated: October llth, l»lt.I. h. 10-!t, 87; '11-1, 14.

I, eovtrtn* £pti SJ>ck 711-B; Lot* WtfOt; U U l T a j i d 47





Inn i s t i e

Wusiy I.mi'IM- kick'iiifh th«

-afctyil.-k fel


.'k -JtijUjBui,,. — 4|t4t IMtHI « i « 7i44t

Ii the iS-^."^r '.:.Jjjf..'.' *'O2id..-../1"


I" the thirdcompletely'• It wuinthupariodfif Amboy'B first downer Add or SuMracI

i lorcd.

Uw final nUrwi, thef<•" continued their terrific

"f tiw <w>m*r o* »fcJki"lnlet —0kv line. The fgj»*eA» wan. ari«d« by Cwkj''»• Ghofti' tecond tea"vur for the tally froi

•illnidge one-ytvrd madded the

th« 01out front by «*

'•> to 2 .

taking the lead wasdim-Ncrlptlonneededby" iret going'. Moving*)»"<<•<• team, the BarrJ

'"'Jl on their own 39 yd111 "x playi advanced" the Panther 2. A pj'•k shot into the arms

*iiuik in the end zone.try for the e

111 wide. His touchdo'11;• hrouifht the ncore tu

Amhoy's favor,then battlvd k.


"' Panther* into A...With appruximntey t" B«, WMilek toss

111 "if AmboyiO whicli'"' iiy Kaatnwrek o

«turne« six



TO: George W. Brandt, Jr, and Mri.Cteorg* W. Branit, Jr., hla wllf,William eiefler and MrjL Wil-liam JJIegler, hl» wire: Florei**B. CAhlUl Mam BalUt JJllLJaLBaker, her hutband; Kahhl* m t tand Mr. Platt, her hutWUtd, Amj;

.11* HurreJl and Mr, Blttelt, « »huaband, Wililtm R, nai l , »ur-vlrlng txecutor of th* KlUte olJamei J. WltenW, ^ -


'<• vard

two ...„ „ „ , „

{' fll»t down on Its o

IMlli'i-H then lost fiveJ i'lny» and Utimw* l u punt. He d

h l>ut Ur ewnfi1 iclck and tken

Nil for thei l l

Ueorge Andrew Burrell and M>*G*org* Andrew Hurrell, hi* wlft,l'anny H. S. Bannroft, Individuallyand an executrix of th» eitatfof Jamea K. Bancroft, dictatedand Mr. Hancroft, h*r htublnd.and Albert $, .JNelll. eXMUtar olthe eitate of Jatne* K. Mhcrbtt,decetaed: Plrdval L. AfiBefaoland Mm. PerotVal t . Andefiforf, KILwltt : Mary Jani Krartley and Mr.Sraai«yrh«rTulib«Ka-i A I T W B y rand Mro, Alfred Byrd, nil wifeJohn Praiuln Cahlll; John Bautiand Mr*. John Bauer, Ills WireMargaret Cant and Mr, Cant, h«ihuabandi Mary Sl l ia HallU* an(Mr. Balllle, h*r husband, EmmaJane Brown and Mr. Brown, herhusbang, Nellie flottnar and Mr

.Botther, her htuband; EHiflbellS»te» and Mr. Baten, her liuibaudK4m«nd W. Banta and Mra. KAihtlnd W. Bllttl, nil wife; Anal.

,Carlaon and Mr. Ctrlnon, tier hush»nH: Atlfle bevnl* Olmteutmuu•nd Mr; Oliateauneui, her himband; John F. Bon(|u«'t and Mr*.John P. Boaquett, liln wife; thireHpeetlye unknown lielre, dtvlaecB and perxonnl reiireaentatlvei

t« W. Hranilt, Jr., WlUlarence 10. Oaliill, Mar;le Plait. Kmma iu.ii

i*lln Hui i nil, Geurg.Kminle H. "

irrlvul 1. AnilerionIriulley, Alfred Byrd

<"nhlll, John Bauer,It, Mary Hll'in BallIiuttiior, l-nualiet

Inrl W. Banta, Annl•. jV t|e i.fdiile ChutfV '.. tliu V BoHQUel!

/ of tliuir lieirH, devla

or HU(ir interest:, , , Order of the CourlWew .lerBoy, made o

I,, tiri'-df, in n oaumr, « Township of Wood'tminklpul corporation 0

New Jersey, la (-¥oniymi nnil others uro thmi lire roqtllred In ap

i' I he bill or tal<nr hefor« the 121

nlitr, ncil, nr tlie sal1taken aw

TownalilpI lift! nnd

Unil II IH ncrPBHiiry' nr Woitdlirlf

•<l nl'l I ••HI- K, Illlur i..,i m i .Im tIin iclli'l' of the uinr,

, „ „ , ilfrurt rnllaf. expenne of„„ D ".VlinUtrttllnn. anil the co«t of theOHrUgelAina* of Uio bond* •--"— + --— IrlhMt. , . . '

s tiled to abnolutul•ri-iliiH^ you frdhi al1111V of ri-ilemptlon ol• pirnilsrn deacrlbed If liiit mi lei dated Ma.. .nilitir IDth, 1(114, <)c.1132, Heptember lOtl.ulier 10, 193B, ooverliiHluik r,5l-A, LK)t 7« I

MIIH 0, 'i», M, 3a, 40, 9'.... ...... 711 In tllock 110, Lot* III4-1, MI iin,l P7 in Hlook 7*1, Lot"H unil 3!1 In Block 7»l, Lulu rit, ii II (I in lu Dlock 788, l,uti 3!'.M il.'l In Blnrk 7a4, I otH fl,

,r. M nnd ii in Hliick 7SB, but,ii.l 28 In Block 7H6-AA, Lota 41

ami r,! In llli.. h 8J3 I) and Lettnnd n In Hliick HUS. on the An

imnent Mn|' of the Township uMidlirlde, County uf Mlddlenex.

And you, the above named arlnui)e defendant!. beoauat,yo|li h*1nr nmy i lulm To hav« d Men or lletlur minic right, title. Interest, eatat..•In I in In ur to the prnmiae* domrltioin KHII] hill of coniplalnt.

ling cue Uluiikenimrn, Solicitorand of Counsel with " - ' • ' •24 Commerce Street,Newnrk, N. J.

Dated: October Jlth, 1JJ9.I. h 10-110, V, 11-!, 1».


TO: IDmma F. OreenHalgll 'and MLllratnhulirri, bur liuatuinat; Aan> illurvey und Mr, Hatvty, liar liuaImnd: HIIIHII UamtiUli nnil MCampbell, her husband: Cliira A'

"Mr. Aufelmttln, jhi


•i Mrs TlivI'lllill i'• mih H i .

!l lift

ft I.! ! 1 H N


!r*i7» \' Wind- ,l i e r h . i ^ l * i i i t i i Ml . y n u t n , K I I » - I.I IIf i , i H I B I ui\ IU-I ^ l . iM r J J I - I . V * n , I..-) i " i s h i i n i tM V f ^ n n HI..I Mi W i i fi i u i i l i l l l u l . l . < l l i , > M k i lM r s l . i i i i i s M . I i i - M i i u - . l i i . « w i l tM a r y M K t - i i M l t - a n d M i H f i n i i c

, | . r h u s b a n d . S i n a i , k M | . . . • * . . I*nil Mi HttiwiVJmr kt*h?n<L,4«,AHIIH (' HouflHrt nnd mf. m<>ntttr*m

her liuabumi, lOiiiard U Tuyluiund Mm. K l t M i d C. Tuylur, K'-Wife. In.•1)1. 7 Tll'.'l.- and Ml'n.Jacob J. Tliiidr. iiia u i f e : W..ryThode und Mr Tlindf, l u r l.u.sbund: WKI(I-I ,S I; I 'H'. i i i i iau amiMr« Wall.'I S II IVl. i luitmi l\fwife ; tlie ie«|)ei .live unkimwn

de^'iaei1'* iind iifrsoiml rep

nv ••( :hi-.admliii^i

By yil'i.i'-.( fhnin' . ' iy

ngbi ' nili 'Hii llHlrl i.f HitN m III

.Jwitu >

h t I ' l l , . , ' !. . lll.lli. .1!

",',' ! Illl' .I,,l V ' LI ' ' lK'H.1'1 "! • ' » " S 'l u i ' i * i " » ' i ' • ' - , ' ' -*:-h'-y ••' * i i : r l l i l ! . ! | i r . .


HI,.i -

u( it..,>llil)lulliUlll

iiiuii i>>t Nt-w Jti*K->>iill ttiid ntliKrs

u iii'«- ii*t)ui!i*d in ai>p«-i. . . . — i* aiuA HHuvkaiiiaiiJuiv th*- Ustli <ky i T l V i nur tin anl<1 MM Will i v u k e u u» i" i ift-aet-d alfhhirii >..u

T l u - f t J i j hill ii Wfd I,. Hbyulnli-lv tic

tin- dtft u d u l i u>p*-nl on.i ^ I I I * * " I

,JBUjiia4|l «|l •B'1A''iiny t.j Iii'it'inlifi' iiwit

tawiot' i.iu- . . .a i t t i r l i s l l i r ' I ' 1

h l < « k if - ' idJl,WQ pU)lll<u!(Hi?, liart*1 p i . 'l l l . ' l l l l i l t . ' • ' .v»lli(-i i t i n . ^ pis u i t

T i k f l u r l l i . iy I

• i i .

l - ' i ' lK) iiI t . ' II! I Hi 1

bar und fureil y..u IIIUII

re<entailve« m Kinmtt V'halgb, Anna .1. Hm-veyC'anipbi ' l l , ( I : i i 4 A u p e n H t i -r y A u c t i i s t i in , ( t i m l n v An u n . l A d i n ('. K a r n t c i i B , t'li

nf l a x iiiiltH (Iwl^'d M n " Ii IJ l l l io 1. I»S7. n u e i l l i K \A<\* 9W l b . ill Bl i . rk m A ulld I.

Urecn- [iii,,.|( 4(M mi Hi* A^iwMinfiiiriinuli ,|1(, Tuwn.-iliip nt W.imlliriilaie.

ii. I1''11 uf MUldli-s-'X.And y.i" HIP «t)n

dffendiuil» b.i-«u*


A H1|I).t I inIVUII ..[1



or auffl-ettorntertat.

lumipd HI'P m a d *im h u v e ..1 m B y

c l a b n tu l iuve u iitti .>\ Hen*, .-i »i'iiifti-lghT till?, Interest fiMatl1 flalm Inur to Hie p r e n i H ' s d,'>. l i lmd in -suiilb i l l of cunipUiiii!

RtKiKNE IU.ANKKNIIUUM8'ill<-'iti>r f»r «nd of CIHIII.IHIWith CuniplHliiaiil.24 CimuiiHrci. Street.Newiuk, N«w Jejuev. '

Tlglit, title or i n - D A T E D : October Utth. I(B9.' l . -L . : 10-aB, 27; ll '8. U>-

Hennlt, *liii) M Hennlf, Sin-.ihMlUowi'l l . Anna C. Hrnltelil,

litrd (j. Tu) lor, .lacub J, TI101I-,•y -Tliode im« W*lt*i- S. I:.

d I heir ur any 'Ithe ir heirs, devisect , rxei-uliirn,

i n

M,Nvllre f u (redllnra

FnuireH H(IOK, exei uttimm- A RUBS BrhwurU, iH-i-euiieil, Iiy

re thu 11 on of Kr»nk A. Cuiirmllv.:ate of the County uf Mlddieupx,

ID Hie ireilituts

Ix (if.tire.



he day "i liio duir Wtt>G(, !i. a causeWlnreii i Tin- T o w n s h i p »f Wood-br ld (e , u iininli'lpHl curpura-tlon of.he Stall- oi New .icrsey, lailalnun',, im.I yuu mid o thers a.lefenduniK, XJII lire r^iiulred .top«ar on.i uiihwrr Hit- hi 11 a t «aid iivretiy vlye.s luii lre tuiiinplalniint on ur hctore the 12th !of the tt»M A g n e s Swl iwsuu h

day of l i c r n n l i i i . IICKI, or the <t»rtil|lli Ihfir debts , demand* und i lninm"jl II will he tiiki'ii a s con f e l t e d agulnat the e s ta te of Hie suiil <\r-.iB'UlnsI yuu ! ceuHed, under oath or ulflniuil ion,

The Bald bill IM filed to a b s o l u t e l y ! w i t h i n e lx mantlm from ttil» ilntv urIcliiu mul Kirn-losi) yuu from J l l , t h c y wilt ha forever hiirrnl of unyilKfit iiriil e,|iilt> (if rcdomptlon of,II und lo tlie i>ifinl8«rt desrr lbed HiertlfliulfH of 'JI> «.ilrs (later! April

17th, lUilI Nov>mh«r Kill, \tli, J a n .inry 71 Ii, 1931, June l«th. U 8 f , Au|t-

liitli, \\m> mid April U t h , 1»3B.f l l n s Lot ^117 In IHuck 46*-M

tUH-A In Hluik 4 6 8 - K / I o t J « «Bin. k 46H-.I, l.i.l 2001 In HloukN. Lot ^IIITI III Hintk Ut-0. l-ot

1051 In l l l ixk 4liK-lt, Lots 5, ai , 2$,20, Zi unil U In H|o< k SOU, Lot* 60,k . k? and 112 In Hlock 601, Lot* 107and 1E4 In Pluck 6(1Z. Lot 172 inIlloi-k 616-C, l.u'. :I87 In Hlock 518-12and Lot 1 In ;,92 on the As-sessment Map of tin- Townalilp ofWoodbrldge, County of Middles".

And you,, the abovn named, arenude dafenduntH, txMUUHe you haveor may claim to Imve a Hen or Hem,or some right, title, Interest, t*tnte.-latin In or to the premlaea deicrlbeun_salil bill uf complaint.


therefor anuliiHl I in- wuiilitrlx.

M, FHANrKH IMKIH,i ' lXl ' i l l t f i x .

Hated October Jill 1939.Jiii'Ob nerustelt i , r-^'i,,(..'(HinaBlor At ljaw,17R Hinitli Ht.,1'erth -Amboy, N. .1.

I'rnctiir.I.L. 10—13, 20, 27; 11—3, If).


between CITIZENS BUILDINU andXJOAN ASSOCIATION of the City ofRah way, N. J., a corporation at liltState uf NeW_ JerMy,_Coinplalnai(t.

a l ll f o m p t .Eutene Blankenhorn, Hollrltor forand of Oouhnel with GOinpluliisnt,14 Commerce Street,H«wark, N. J.

Dated: October lull. 1111.I. L. 10.111, tl; 11-s, 10. '

__ T. rXRR aiTd MAik-(JARBT PARR hla wife. «t all., de-fenrUnU Fl. Ft. for the aale ofmortgaged promlsea duted Qctobei«, m e . •By virtue of the above stated Writ,

to me directed and- .delivered, I will" ' 'o tale at public vendu* on


It (wo o'clock Standard Time In


TO: John Mlll

1M/M3f_ h-allef and Carmela Ml-

caller, his wire; "7«re J. McCarthyand Mrs. Jt-re J. MuOarth}, hi*Klf«Inffs

;^und HIIIICIIHK AnaocUtloi^ a

York corpomtloKi; MaryO'Bi l b tl

orpomtoKi; ryAKnea O'Brien, tilid tbe re*peetlv«unknown helru, deviaeea atld per-aonal repretentatlvta of JohnMlcallef and Ctu-mela Mlcttllef, hiewife, Jert J. McCarthy and MaryAxnet O'Brien, and their or anyof their hplre, devisee*, exeoutura,admrniatratorti, grantee*, atalgnaor aucctiiorilntetttt.

In" right, ' trtle or

the day of the date herenl,uaule wherein the TowdBft

By virtue of an Order of th« Courtof Chancery of New .1 ernes', made on•• • In a

p ofWoodhrlrlge, a municipal corpora-tion of the State of New Jeraey, 1*complainant; tnd you and otliera arethe defendant*, you are required to»pp«tr and answer tne bill of *aldqofllplalnant on or baferr* the -l lth

icember, next, or tha' saidbe taken . a* confessed

anlnat you.The mi Id Mil la filed to absolutely

debar and foreclose you from allrlfht and eiiulty of redemption of,a anil tn tlie premises described InStrttncatei of tax avtea-dated March4, 1931, and October 16, l i fe , cover-ing .Lots 1« and 11 In Block 413-Uand Lot 4-B In hlock 617, on theABietflihent map of tha Townshipof Woodbrldge, County or Middlesex.

And you, the above named, aremad* defendants! because you "haveor may Halm to have a lien or liens,or tome right, title, Interest, estate,claim-in or tu the premises-describedIn said hill of complaint.

Eugene lllankenhorn, Solicitor forund of ('untrue! with Complainant,24 Commerce Street,Newark, New Jersey.

Dated: ,Osto|Mr llth,.,iMJL. ....


TO: Wadaw puczek and MV», Wac-l G l hit wife; Imr« Bur

I B l M



,noon of the aaldOffi I th

the afternoon of the aaBherlfft Office In theB l l N J

1 dty, atCity of :


NtWBruiwwlck,' N. J.

All the following tract or parcel ofland tnd premise* hereinafter nar-" ilarly dttcrlbid, situate, lying tnd

In tb« Township at'WoodbrMM.Courtty of Mltdleaet and Stitr

of New Jersey.Known and deslcnatid ai lots num

bered Nineteen hundred forty-six<1M6) and Nineteen hundred forty-Mv-eh (1947) at sanle are laid out and(hewn on a certain map (ntttlea1 "Rah-Wly Hstate* owned and dtrtloped bythe Kline Realty *V ImprovementCompany, 28 Cortlandt Street, NewYork City, Aujutt 10. 1910. J. tBauer, Civil, Gntineir, Elliabeth..N. J.

The approxlmata amount of the de-cree to be satisfied by said aal« l«Jhe



sum of Seven Thousand Sixteenlars, (nmloO) toi*th«r with theoi this atla.

Together with" all and flngi ....rights, prlriloge*. beredltimentt andappurtenances thereunto belenging ot



r-t7io-ao, in-, 10.


4 and Mrt. tjk:8. John AJkena

yAtaiarwlif, hie wll

AlWena.thony Amqroai.antl V™. John . .... .Braneae. and Mr, or Mri. E. P. Bmneae, husband or wife at th* cart maybe of E. P. Brunete, Antonio Belmonteand Mrs. Antonio Bebnonte, hi* wife.N cola Bello and Mri. Nicola Bello, hlaWife, Nicola Bello and Conceits Bello,Ml wjfe, Mary Armldad and Mr. Arm-Seo, her husband, Aleulo Varrone andIr«. Aleiulo Varrone, hla wife, AaronHem and Mra. Aaron Biem, hi* wife,

jtlcniel Armelioni and ChlemantinaArmallonl, Jill wlM, Walter J. Bailey

Vll. 'r l i it l imy »'<• »HUl l ivd . ' I |H ' l . i f t l i S l i i p ' I ' l i inl l i il-f 1^-I . I S i*w n r h i Hi u s d l » u e U t . i i ( »

Li. . i » n v n n r in a l l u i i l s a n d I-.- su IIatiij U.i« in Bin.l i .U.ih h . > u i t i b i d d e rs it iTisv s,-Ipi t t in . ' i i j c u n i b e i n K g r vn t o t f i n m IIII.I m a i m , . ! i,f p a v m e n tU OA^S Ulit: . I UK,if linUi^UItU Llldd shal lie r p i p i v c i l

l ' p . . u h* •. i i . ' M I U i- ..f i h c m i n i m u m t , | d ,t h i d UKUVM i i ' i u i i n u i i i . b y th< T u w niti t |J ( " l u i i i n l i i , ^ ui , . i tln> p n v i n a i i theiti.f by the purchaser in cordlun tohe ni»niici .if I'kirihme In >< ("iduno*It'i teriri* ..f n»l^ ,.n file tlie Ti.wn

«hll' will ililU't'r u baiiitln and talef(.r Kttl.l iniMiiiMciii

H .! DUNKJAN •Township Clerk

'DATED Oi tolier ITth 1930"to ti>- adn-rliMf<l Oil,.l...| 27lh and

Nuvenil.n 3nl iy39 in tlit- [iid'-priulentLeaver

R r h r T u i vi .uim. ih i ike i fU/iajSOTli t. tlV IM KAI,K

TO WHOM IT MAV I'llN'CIJItNAt a regular inc i in ir "I Ilif TnWnshlp

CommMlee ul llir TuwiuOilp of Windbridge, held Monday. Ifilli.1989. I was directed to aulvcrtUr tlie

tfeftt OH Uuiiduy »vnnhi|r NnveinhfT4Mb, im III.' TiiwiiHhlp C.innilttra willmeet at & I' M iKS'l'l in th« r u nmltlee f'lininl.eis Mem.u ml Mniuclp*)Bulldlwt. Woodbildcf. Ni-w Jerwytnd expose and «ell «t pniillc snip mulii t h t hlghi.-I liildi'i IIIII'HIIIIK tuertha of sal* on fill* wllli Itte Tu*i»Md|>

Clerk open to iimpi'dln]) mul to l <- pubU'.lv reiirt pi lor to wil" Lois 1149 In

HBO, Inclusive in Rli,<h HhflP Wmulbrldte Township AnHf-MHtiHnt Miip

TuKe furti ier not ice Hwil Itip Towi i -Jhlp Cominl t l ee )IHH. IIV r tsiilut Ionami pursuani to law, nxril a mini-mum price at which imld iotn In Btldhliick will be sold l o g i i i i n wlili allother datalls p e i l l i i f i i , uahl mini-mum price being 126000 plus IOHIH nfpreparing dew I mul udvirtlllug trii.tlale. Said lotn In s&ld lilock. If n,,l.i mttrma, will require n down payment nfJJ6 00. the balanre nf puu-hau priceto be paid In equal monthly limtullmclite of $10 00 plus Inleii'st and nthi'i-t»rmt provided for tn cimtiHri of H«IC

Taki further notice Unit nt aiitdtale, of any date to which^t tn»y headjouriied, the Township i.'iiiuuilttecrt*arvc« tha right In l u IHIK'HIUH <«reject any one nr all Mi]n and tn sellMid lute In eald block In such blddor

t It ihay aelect, due i iRun! beingJIven to terma and niHiiner of pay-ment, In case one or mure minimumbldt allH.ll be received

Upon atcentance of the minimumbid, or bid abovt .minimum, br theTowmhlp Committee and the pay-ment thereof by the purch»s*r ac-cording to the manner of nurchaae

lr ,.-,«' l h i M i l l

<\% I.und(IS.'.u* t im i

TiT in;, . - . . . . . . ,~.»i . ami.JHI oi ih,„ ITTfTWl*! bv auUI T_Min, uf T l ' i t t y - t » " tboutrtndi n d i f l e<:\tv ihre* dnitar»

^iti^.- t i i i wlti . alt unil HimuInr t>

l.rn Ueirex, t iercOltamenU »ndI-IIHIM f s ihtr , -unl i , uplontflnH,iii.vwlxr aPpprtainiiiH

J I ' W t ' 8 C. K N l l l lm(iliKKt : t 78It : t 7 8 M lI 1 . HI 2 7 ; I I - J , IH, IT

cording to (he manner of purchaseIn »cc8rdana« With terms of aale onBit, lli« Tvwu*li:t ft!" dillvcr lSffuln and tal d d fo mid

it, lli« TvSaffuln andprtinllta.

u * t fttale deed

B. J

for mid

TDATBD October 17th,

T d

DUNIQAN,winhls Clerk.

1939A ,To bt edvtrtlied October 27th and

Norttttker Ird, 1939 In the IndependentLeader.


eeting of the TownshipT h i p f W d



f urt.«<-n'allrt- i.f Williuln /•Irlwitt ' • rtn t hun i Ai i * Ki-hi,mull* Ai.lln*>li H . I . 1 I " - K

amitfl you»'i (lie - L

i oi l.pfoic V 'W*< or l h "

Newyou in..I

W i 'theaaid I

M u l l , i l . . rT

IN I H t M ' H H t UK NKW JKUaiCV|3M/4Mk

Tn lt>. nli Kl*('li«i' unit MI "is. Imr liln w i fe , jtnd the r»«pr.l lv f iftiknown lialra. i l f v l i e m , undlitiiHuiKil r epresenta t ive s of .Ittiobl-'l« lur u n d i t l i e l r ur auy of IbflrIIIIIJI, dtiviiieea. executoryIm ni i o i s . - gratitew". amilfnn *rHim i.»Nur» in r ight , t l t lr or Inter.nlH> virtue of mi Order of lhi'

('mul of ' l i H n c c r j of N e * Jcreev.iiiiiih' mi (lie il i i \ uf the d a l e lifreui'II II ' . m i . HliHrelu The T o w n t h l l"I W '....Hiil'ltK M'munwlpal ciiimi i.r liie MIUIH of N«w J»ra«y, IH

nni|iiiiiii,iiii unit yon und other* arcilic drit'iuiiitiu, you jtr« required In|i|..'ui unil iinawci tlie bill of u l d

mpliiiiuHit on or tivfor* tbit 3it)1-iif Iici'«»mkMW, HMNi, or IliAil ' will be u k e n nn conftsi ied


-i.ii.l hill I* li lcd to ubaolutclyund f i i i e t l o t e you from alMul i.i |uit) (if rtdeinptlun1 in tlic i i n i n l i iiiiiiHlpa or tax Hale tlntaii

• SIS, i overliiK I ^ I HImlualva, 1468 *D<

il Itlmk HfiH-B HlHl I.uti 111in<7. iiniualve, In nloek » ( • ( '

the AssfHsmetit Map of th» T o v dl|i ul1 Wiuiilhrlilge, Cuiiiity of Mid

I, lu

n i


Ami you, the above named areII.Hi.' il.'icinlmiu btrauae you hav.1 uuiy rlulm tu huve u lten ot- HemII aunie rl«ht, till*, Interest, MliMt.I,iin in or lo the premllta dexrlh

•I in mild bill uf cumplalnt.Hliilik»nh(,rn, Hollcttor

1 - - • with Onni-pif tliiinnierce Btfeet,Newark, N. ,1.

liHtid: October SI, 1919I. J. 11-3. 1(1, 17, !4.


T<>: Arthur Wolft unil JulletU l»."nlfu andj Louifi W. 0*terwela4Kxeiutom or (lie Umt Will andTestament of Menko II. Wo)j«,

~ ' and

Refer Toi W-ISH, Dnrket IIII/X4THrr»re>d,B»»k 11 UK, !>••• Vt


At a regular meeting of the o w n s pCoJnmlttie of the Township of Wood-bridge held Monday, October 16th.IMS, I was d I rented to advertise thefact that on Monday evening, November0th. 1939, the Township Committee willmeet at 8 P. M. <E9T) in the Com-mittee Chambers, Memorial MunicipalBuilding. Woodbrldge, New .Terseyand expose and Mil «t public sale andto tha highest bidder according toUrwt of tale on tile with the TownshipClerk open to inspection and to be pub-

* prior to tale, Lota M and 64778^ Woodbrldge Township

. - ^ notice that th* •town-lttM h u . by reeolutlon ando law, Oxbd a minimum

, iitoh aald lots In said block. . . . be told together with all otherJeUIlt pertiltnt, Mid minimum pricebeing WOO.00 plus ''lists of preparlna;deed and advertising this sale. Saidfofi Ih said tjloi.k. If told on terma,Will require a down payment of J20.00the balance of purchase price to be paidIn equal monthly Installments of $10,00and other terms provided (or in con-tract of aale,

Take further notice i*mt at said tale,ir any date tn which It may be &d-urned. the Townthlp Commute* re-

18 the right In Its discretion to lw-,,v..v Any one nr nil bids nnd to sellsaid lots In said hhrk to such bldd«ru It may select. ivM regard being giv-en to terms and manner of payment,

S 5 Mrs. falter_ J._ Bailey, hla_ wife, i in" CMS" one or mofe nilrfimum bidaSimon Tellua and Mrs. SimonB4* wife, Jeanette Btker and Mr.Baker, her husband, Brooke aliiBrooks Corporation1, (a New Yorkcorporation whoae Certificate of In-oorpomtion was filed In New YorkState on October 8, 1917), RaflaeloOllvo unl Mri. RaRaelo olive hitwife, Joseph Punan and Mrs. JosephPoian, hll wife, Joseph J. Beverly andMrg. Joseph J. Beverly, hla wife, Pie-tro Rftccilplo and Mrs. Pletra Hoccalo-

i d h ti

ihaji be reoelved.

law uu ftwn,, IIIK miv. unrv 0 f i -encsl hnd Mrs. Imre Berencsl, Illswife; Patrick Me M a n and Mrs.Patrick McFaden, his wife; AnnaSchwab and Mr. Schwab, her hus-band; Dave Zucknr and Mri. paveZuiker, his Wlfei Rllsiabetli Wag-•nfuehr and Mr: Wasenfuehr, her _.husband; William E. Patten, hut-1 John Alkflnn. E. P. Brunes*. Antonioband nf Joiephlne W. Patten, 8 Eelmuntp, NIOVIH Aello. Ni"ila Bello,former ownor; Jennie M. Norton and Confetta Bello, his wife, Maryand Mj". Norton, her husband; Bah-1 Armldeo, Alesslo Varrone, Joseph J.

Upon acceptance of the minimumhla. or bid above minimum, by Hi*Townthlp Committee and the paymentthertbf by the purchaser according:tothe manner of purchatt In nc.corflanMwith terms of aaln nn nle. the Town-ihlp will deliver I bargain and taliJ d f id prtnlMaihlp will deliver I bJeed for said prtnlMa.


la, hi* wife, and tha respective un-known heirs, deviates knd peraonnlrWe**ntatlTe* of Anthony Amaro*!,-,

ToVDDATED: October 17th, 1939

To be iidvftrtlned October 27th andNovember 3rd, 1949 In the IndependentLender.

dow Tarcjy nnd Mrs. S*n*owTarcty, his wife: Joa Tummlnelloand Rose Tummlnello, his wife;Marie Dotoli and Mr. Dotoll. h»rhusband; Emlll PavlniRy and Mr.Pavlazky, her husbaha; John Ru-liala and JuUe Ituhula, hit 'wife;

Woodi and Mr, Woods, herhusband, andknown heirs,

the respective undeylnees and per

tonal representatives of WaclawIhiciek, Imre Berencsl, PatrickM F d A S h l hZutker,

Anno. Schwali,ElUaheth W

haveJennK M. Norton,Joe Tiimmincllo an


w Tarcjiy,T.ummlii-

ello, his wife, Mnrle lidtnll. VlmlllI'livla/.ky, Jolin lluliulu anil JulieRuhalH, hla wife, H&dle Wooda,and their or any of (tielr heirs,devisees, executorn, uilmlnlstrn-tort, grantees, IISHIK'IK or nuccee-aora rn right, title or Internet,By virtue of nn Order of the Court

of Chancery of New Jersey, made onthe day of '.tie-date hereof, In acausa wherein t lit- Township ofWoodbrfdge, H municipal enrpnrn-tlon of the Btuto of New Jersey, Iscomplnlnmit, mifl you nnd utlien amthe defendant*, you are required tonpptar and answer the hill of snld

ihsnllStqompl|liiant nn or before the

taken ' an confessedday of December, next, or the saidbill will be•Beirut you.

The HRIII bill Is filed In absolutelyydebar nnd foreclose you from nilrlRht and equity of redemption nf,in and to the premlaen described IDcnrtlhcalet of tax tales dated MayIS, 1921. November 9, 1SS8, Novem-lier 8, 1921 nnd September 19, 1935,covering I.otn m,-R, 401-E. 402-C,102-D and iO'i-m lit Block «ZR; Lot514-A In mock 627; Lot 349-B InBlock fll.i: Lot 1E7 In Hlock t i t ; LotIS In Block 618; Lot 70 In Block 620;LtitB S94-C and 394-D In Dlock S27;Lnt «1 In Hlock 63!!; l,of HI In Block134; Lot 177 in mock* «S«, on thtAai*»tm»ni M»p> nf thtt Tnwnxhlp ofWooiltiMdge, County of Mlddletex. ,

And you, the nbote named, nromade defdndantt, becaute you hivo

Beverly, Aaron Blem. Michael Armellonl and Chlementlna Armelioni, hiswife. Walter X. Bailey, Simon TeUiu.Jeanette Baker, Raftaelo Ollvo, JosephPnsan and Fletro Roccalulo, and theiror any of thelf heirs,, devisees, exjeut-cu«, ndniiiilslratnrK, gmtlces, assign*or sudbeasora in right, title or Interest:

By virtue) of nn Order o( t!» Courtof Chancery of New Jersey, .made onthe date hereof, in H cause whereinithe Township of woodbrldje, a muni-cipal corporation of the State of NewJersey Is complainant, and you andothers are thei defendants, you are re-uulred to appear and answer the bill nfa&ld complainant on or before the llthday of December, 1939, oi< the aaid billwill be taken as confessed ngalhst you.

The said bill is filed tn absolutelydebar ami foreclose you from (ill rightand equity of redemption of, In andto the premises described tn certifi-cates oft tax sales dated November 17.1920, April 27, 1981, November 9, 1922,November 8, 1928, January 1*. 1931,December 24, 1982 and August IB,

\ covering LotR 828, 329. 330, 380,403 and 404 hi Block 51D-A: Lots

lit' to 762 Inclusive, WJ lo 778 inclu-sive, 787 to 794 liicliiilvc and 808 InBlock B1D-B; Lots 263, 264. 290, 296and 290 In Block 510-C; Lot* 817, IW,384. 260 and 261 In Block 510-D; Lota6881 to 841 Inclusive, 864, 670, fl71. 708and 709 In Block 510-E: Lot* 1*0. 191and 196 in Block StOO: Lot 140 InBlock 610-1: Lots tt)i und 541 in Block510-J and Lot 432 In Block G10-K onthe Official Tax and Assessment Mat)of the Township of Woodbrldg*,,rjountr of Middlesex and Stati of New

you, the above named are made

or may claim to havt a lien or liens,or *o«e rllht. title, Intcrosl. enfltkclaim In or to the premises describedIn tnld bill of complaint.

Kugene BlHrtRcnhorrt, gnllcltor forarid of Counsel with Complnlnant,54 Commerce fltrcet,Newnrk, New Jersey

t>ated; October Mill, 19S9.I, L. 10-2(1, 27; 1US, 10.


fOi Ottavlo Chifritelll and Mrs. Ot-arlo Cluffltelll. hi* wife; Edward Hi-l n nnd Itfra. Edward Simon, hla wife;

§ Cfrjl 8 Trudcy wife f Crrll afr*. CfrllB*f. a former m

fc Vernn McCiWlntjen nnd HaroldMlabw*; Mary CiimlCyril 8. Treaey. a.;unknown heirs, devlirepwueatatlve*. of

'ward film™, Audi]


ii a.. _ . . . . JTJ..C

be; JullA TreaeyA^WInttaii. hera Trtarv, widow



medhavdefendant*, becauie you have or rhay

claim to have a lten or l(en«, or *om«rltrht. title, Interest, estttte, claim Inor to the premises described In sale1

bill of complain!,KUOENE BtANKBNHOAN.

Solicitor for ana of Counselwllh Ccmplahiint,24 Commerce StMet,VewarJt,

Dated; OctoberI..L, 10-18, ""

ober 9th,I JO, 97;


llffer "T«i W-*l, nueatH IIT/lttlfleeordedi H»»h I Illl, I'UBTP 'M»


At a regular meeting of the TownshipCommittee of lhn Township of Wood-brirfge held Monday, October 16th,1BS9, I was directed to ndvtrtljjf: (hefact that on Monday evening, Novem-ber Gth. 1889, the Township Committeewill meet it 8 P. M. (EST) in the Oom-mlUee Chambers. Memorial MunicipalHlillilliiK. Wnmlhrldte, NPW .lomey.and expose nnd sell at public sale andto thfl highest bidder accsirdlni; toterma ol salt on fll« with the Tirwn-ship Ci*rh op«n to'lhsptenon Mil to Bfpubllolv read prior to sale, Lota T nnfl

in Block SQ9. Woadbrldge To*n*lilp. Map.

Jurth»r notice that th« Tohas by resolutionfljeed a minimum ^

Ma.B. J. DTJNIOAH,T f l Clerk.

IK i-HAivriiiUT. oir NBW114/99.1

TO: Intemtiito Melal Co., Inc., n corIKWotlon of New York, nnd AliniinMelnl Corp., a Korporatlnn r>f NowYork.By virtue of an Order of the Court

if Chancery of New Jemey, mnde onhf daA- nf Hie date ltfreof, In, n eaiise

wlierelli the TowilHliln nf' Wood-bridge, ii municipal rorriorftMon,etc., IB complainant, und you und(itherii uru the defendants, you areretjulred to appear and aiiitwer thelilll of (Hid cumplulnant nn or be-fore the 21«t day of December, IB39,next, or I lie agld bill Will hn taken ui•nnfcSMCil HKalnet you.

Tin. Hiiid hill la (lied to nhnolutelvrtebnr nnd forecloBB you frohi allrl*;lit nml eiiulty of rednrnptlon of,In and to the premimts described Incertificate of tax salfs dated No-vembrr K 5!ta3. Oc-tbber ID, 19SB andJune t, l!i:n, covering; Lots 185, 186,mul lill In llluck 8S8; LotH 3C2 lo3UT> In Block »87; Lots 88, 8B, 98, 97und on tu 1113 I B l c k Htk Lots 14B

l I 171

Mrs. Lewi* Crlaplano, hit Wlf«,I'reii M. llogan and Helen p«ahHogan, his wife. Cleorge M. Tlet-j«n, William Mlc-haelaon and tlieretpeiUvp unknown heirs, deyl*ecu mid per«onal rem-el»ntatlveior l . w l i CrliDlnnu, Fred M. BoKan mid Helen Delil Bo(ati, hiwife, Oeornf M, Tlctjen and WllMum Mli liHelson, and their or anyof i lie I r helm, devisee*, executor*,ailinlnlatrutor*, g-runteu, aanlaTiior HU( i eaaors In right, title or Interent;Hy virtue nf »n Order Of tin

Court at Chancery of New Jersey,

i I , rua> . O','-'•, JuIllLjJV .1 U'dJ Ulil .n ilifta n Inn 1...1 7 In

I . | , :l 4 .'.* 1:11.1 '.'M i nI ' i l - 17 Vi I 48 in H l o c k

i i'l . u n ! U in I t l . i ik * * :Hl.> Ii I 'd l,i.I IS in M u r k

; I ."I «> III 111... V Mi. I . " i - In. S t .98 a n d C- m Hh,,-.k ICW I . . . I . II m u l 12lu B l . i k K-il Lot H4 in H l u . k H2:t-B;I .OH 17 un.l U in U l i . i h Mi:i I,..I U) Inblor.k Mb A I-.! n In Hlmk 831, Lot"IS and W in SJh I.HIJ 81. 3'i and.US In HI... k »l 1 ,nd I...I I iii Block m Ai n the Offi. ii.l TMK unit AwwiiamentMap of th.- T.wnnhlp nf Wnmlbrid«t',Ogunty of Mnl.ilea*-> und Slate of Ni-w.Jeraty.

Ann you, II.. almve n.imi'd are madedtfenriitnid, lui aua.e you have of may

i lli'ii or lien*, or someclaim in or

M bill

dtfenriitnid, lui aclaim iw Imvi- ifight, title. Inlcrt ti ^

g ,to tin'of Wfi

, clai i otn aaM bill


Si>li,ltor tor and ofwltli Complainant.24 rommwee Street,Newartu, N. J. •

ATED: Octobnr nth. 1889I , ii -», io, IT, « .


TO: Edward ToutMlnt and FlorenceA, fOutaaint. his wlto^Anna U Behanf-

band, Cllrftnn T Roe and Mrs. Clinton a l i l u m n l 'T. l ine, Ills wife . Assoi iHled HiiitleH, "mlu™™'InC;, a Nsw Yoik rarpnratlon, MarBUiet ifW?, ltV-O,1

V. Paytip nnd Mr. Ptyiii'. lur huabiuul I r o n l v i le-and the respective unknowii heirs, ile ' " " ' * u v

vttees and pcmitnal irpiencntJUivtn . t ^ M g a m eAnn* L. ScWfor Blehler, Clinton T « r f u ] eofn-1

Roe and MurKuiot V, Pnynp. unit tlu-li t i . ,.or any nf their helm, ilevlac-n. execut » >»-" Bet»'or*, HdjiilnlKtliilorn, Kitmlei'M, UH.IIKIIHor ailcii'Miuis In right, till' m IntmeHt

~ i t f n OderW1'BViirTue"i'f"an*Ordei''iif l h'' f'Hirt0

of ChKiiceiy of New J-isey, mnde UIQ|the dny

twwn *«-sl /uat atap<


e y of Il»w Jersey,on the d«y of tile dute hereof,

n cHime wherein The Townahlpodbrlda i i l

H i e wherein The Townahlof Woodbrldare, n municipal corporation of the State of New Jeraey, Iscomplainant, and you und nthera arethe defendants, you are required toappear and nniwer .the bill of -saidcomplainant on or before th« S7thday of lViemher, ne»t, or the saidhill will be takun us i onfe»"edagalnat you.

The tald hill Is filed to absolutelydebar and foreclom yuu from allright and equity of redemption of.In and to the premises describedIn certlflmtei -of tin atli* datedA t li tB 10 1930,

18 i

bill of snldthe 28th daysaid I>11i will

tt you

The mid hillb

In certlflmtei -of tin atli*August lit, ltSB, October 10, 1930,and June 1. 1937, covering Lut 18 inHlock 617-T. Lota II tu 3S, Inclusive,In Block B17-A, Ixits 10 to U, inclusive, In Block 517-8, I I H t UInoluiva I B W * 6

The mid hill In nlnl to al>nn'»tH_ tVl , ; „debar mid foreclom- you I nun nil i iKlir> U 1 < " U 1 "and equity if n-dcm|itii>ii nf. in mul x t Ul) a e r i a lhe premises described In rnrllflrut' iif tax »ale» dutfld Mnrrli 1, VX.V1. Jin w s c o l e i

IO,-1»8B, Deii intier ID, I9S5 nnil Jim*- 8 Care of t h *iMT, covering L(.>ts 412. 413 nnd • l i - . u , . w » 1 tn Blink 44H-H; r-olfi 131 and isa ' " " " " ' " • " "

Blucji HH c I'-.ts Him t<> i i w ni'-iiifi., a n d OscArIh Blnrk 448-W; Lots 5IIN4 tnd 2IHr, Haulm; liurH

, In loInoluaiva, InB l k B17A

, H to U.617-T, Iwt U In1 I Ul 1

v , InBWu*617-T, Iwt U InBlock B17-A, Lot 1 In Uluck 1022and Lot 1 In Block 1022-A, on theAssessment Map uf the Townthlp ofWooclbrldge, In the County of Mld-dlesekdlesek.

And you,d f

tht above named artt b i hmade defendant* becaiiae you hare

or may claim to have a Hen or liana,or some right, title. Interest, estate,clH-lm In or to the premise* describ-ed In j«uHI bill of ji'omplalnt.

Kugtne lllankenhorn, HnllcltorFor and of Counsel wltli Com-plainant.24 Commerce Street,

. Newark, N, J,m t e * (Jptober 86. 1»9».1. h, 11-3, 10. 17, U.

1N Of_NKWTO; George WexJar, Otlt Oil Cota-

pany, s.corporation, Earl f. Tilton ahdMr*. Bart E. Tilton, his wife, ""National Bank of the City of New Toia banking corporation of the UnitesStates of America. Lulu Belle MacBrldeand Mr. MacBrlde, her husband, Isi-dore p. Friedman nnd William A.Friedman, partner* trading in Fried-man Brottwric Anna Reid mrtli v&tMr. Barth, her husband, American AutoFinance Co., Inc., a corporation, Wil-liam Buethe and Mrs. William Soetht,his wife, Stanley & Patterson, lilt-.,' acorporation, T-V, Incorporated, a corp-oration, and the respective unknowntlon, and the respective uhelra, devincH and perumals t t l f G

l ,senta,tlvea of GTilton, Lulu

George Wexler,Belle MucBride,

87; Lots 88, 8B, 98, 97n Block Htk Lots 14B

I B k 892on tu 1113 In Block Hk

lo If.l IIIHI 171 to.161 In Block ; IT! to i»'J In Block 891 on theOfficial Tnx mid Assessment Miip ofthe Township of Woodhrldge, Coun-ty nl1 Ml.ldlpsui

Ami you, tint uhove ntinieiil itremade dotendiintK, tiecuune you liuvi;or nmy clulm to Imve a Hen orliens, or some right, title, Interest,

diiliti In or to the premisesI th ld ' '

eHtute. diiliti In or todcactlhpil In the snldplaint

thebUl Of I'Mtl-

Kuitnne Hlimkenhorn. Hnllrltur forind or Counseljvlth ctim^iilniint,andd .U4 Commerce. StreetNewark, New Jersey

Dutod: Oetoh«r 20, 1MB.t,. 10-27; l!-S, 10, 17.


Hetwceu TDK PHUPKNTIAL VN-HUllANV'IC COMPANY Ol' AMEfll-CA, a corporation of New Jersey,Comtiliilniint. and IKIUOutc SOK-OIX)V nntl- CLAltA JOKOIiOV, Illswife, Defendiints,. Fl Fa. for thtnale or morlgHKed premlsnii (lutedOctober U, lHi», ljy vlrtuo-of thtabove situ tad Writ, tu ma. dlrentadunit delivered, I will cxpoHi' to mileat bupllc vuiiduc on




J f d

ll'lall l tf

newspaperCOininl^cidliHIndiM't'li il-WondbrlilKC

P. Friedman, William k. ..Anna Held Barth ajid Wllliumand their or any of their helri.ees, executors, adinlnlstratort,tees, assigns or successor!!title or Interest:

By virtue ol an Order ot the Courto! Chancery ot, New Jersey, made onthe day of the date hereof, In a causewherein the Tewnshlp of Woodbrldgea municipal corporation of the Stateof New Jersey la complainant, and others are the defendant!, youare required to appear and Mlwor thebill of aald complainant on or beforethe 28th day of December, 1(16, or thesaid bill Will be taken aa "against you.

The said bill Is filed to absolutely de-bar and foreclose you frbm all rightund equity of redemption of, In undto the-premises described In certlflcates of tax sales dated October 11,1913, March 24, 1DS1, October 10, 1935and April 16, 1980, covering Lot 1'""in Block 4-K; Lot* 1J7S to l l t t lnr._tire lit Block 856-B; Lots 8il. 623, <!2Hand (29 tn Block 8S6-D; Lots 7 nnd AIn Block 865-N; Lois 810 und 631 InBlock 855-B; Lota 811 to 843 Ilichislvi-In Stock 8B6-K <m<l Lots. 64 ana 65 lf|Block 856-0 on (lie Official Tai andAssessment Map of the Township ofWoodbrldge. County of Middlesex andState of New Jersey.

And you, the above named in" madedefendants, becuuae you have of mayclaim to have n Hen or liens, or someright, title, Interest, estatn, clalnjin or , ,to the premises describod in aald bill | -' .of complaint.

BtJOENE BLANKSNHORN.Solicitor lor and ol Counselwith Complainant.24 Commerce street,Newark. N. J,

DATED: October 37th, 1999I.-L. 11—8, 10, 17. 24.

11 a:clu-

of thewherein Hie ?......„..,,a munirioal corporation nf the Htutif the< New Jersey in - coinpliinant. r"",1/.iu» Mrou and others m-elhe defeinluiitH, yin1R*u* l e VB-il'e rei|ulleil lu upffeu mul nlmwer Ih' KllHlllill in-


lie tnkeii HH cnnrcMRiHlMj

i. Thi-fllcil In l!lif.,'ulf

hBlrjfk 478-B; Lot* 8064 lo IndusI B l k 4R1 (' L t If(i2 irrH

Haulm;Bljfk 7 8 B ; L * 0 ndus ! ,n Block 4R1 ('; Lots Ifi(i2 tn ir.r.H iiy (iftt'MSIVWylutlvc In Blink 4«8-W: Lol I In HI v t f | |

81J and Lots 1 and 3! In Block M l * * . . „ . ,the Official T M and AsfieKHincnl ii N l i k I'llaeo Sqf the Township of Wnndlii-lilp-, Vl»n (j s f u l l t rv -A t m C t S t t f N J . " * * ' *qf th Townhip of W p ,Atmx County, State of New Jem.

And you, the a l»v* named are tnf d t ! h

h0U'defendant.1*, tiecaaie you hnvo or ft WoodbrWgeclaim lo Have a lten or liens, or s i . j n (Ini-jnu. « i rright, title, intertH. estaU, claim In1'" ""''"« • l r

to tho premlsrg'deKnbea In fluid I0T the B«y'-of

Solicit* for and of Ciwith Oomplainant - '

ftSaBTh*"1*- ty eleven hagDATED: October ITthi 1939 iViraifinir 185'I.,L. .1 8. 10, ] feH< i d | g ( 1 w j l , t Q p

- - m il'il i' Ji^g^^txfanptely 80A N T A D S Upden'» urwt

,_i_ by huight usBUSINESS DIRECTORS, than just

— ' 'r>) " r i—MihoHtH line up•VfKTMAKH 8 T O T I E H S K .

WasherH, VuAiuib Cleaners atett lerniK lar«eBt service, liiolori-; Mawhlnmi, t»0 $•Street, l'erlh Amboy, 4H262


PERSONAL N O t l C ^ ^ . ., W»»es will have

AIITHIMTIS SUFHSIIMIIH; <iet ce—fifty centsLuiiniHii'x l i n o Inli-rmllns1 I"' «nj,B , .o »,i\\ h e

on new l-iillnldHl Pulphur niell i i l " e l e W1" D e

rel ieve m-hi-• -pulriH of A r t h r i t i t p r i c e s a t t h eto Kulplnii' di-IU-lency. IOIIKV In ^ln("«|ieii«lve S t f L P t l O - K A V S milInn h guuruntei' II

nt bringI.


lipwevt'i',* mayaaAdi! pupils at

-';»«>]«, and B(JOto Bach

U Wuodbridftu.BOYH to mrry established ne\'per routes, 12 yeitrs old or oide: ftuaent tickets

indniipndf nt -Leader, 18 (Imen ,s'Woodhrldgc.


MALI'! rir fflrnale. So l ic i tBUbscrlTltloil!!.

. Apply at Wn/reader, IK .N. J.


nt two o'clock JjlHiKlurd Tlina In t i e&rterr»>oii of fte mild .day, nt theBherlff'n pint-*- In the I'lty of NewHn

H 01Hck. If," .1.II[1BWICI\, IT. .1 .

Ail tlie rcillnwlnt; ttHct or piircelof In ml nnd premlups lierelnHfterniirtli'ulnrly rlesprlliefl, s|tuntfL ly-ing KIHI being in the t-|t>' '>' P*rwAmhoy, In tlie. CoUhty of- Mldiiln-mii IUKI Sthtc of New .lemey.

BROiKNINO Ht a point on t|iBj/tpttfly ride of Btfttc Street,

htht nrmnntBM. * #fftifii the InterHectlon of the S&I9westerly Hide of,Wale Blrcet Wltlit Huullieily aide qf tlloud Street,

d fruln tlictiec running f l ) ttouHi-t * y (fldrig Hi(i weHte.rly Hide cf Statefcf.-eet, 4 UlntaniB of l!« ft-*"j thenoai wetterly (ind " ' " ' "—

| t ' •

TO; Richard rti ilfhtW Mi Mrs..Rlchnrd C. BlnRham. hfs wife, WilliamZlogler and' Mra. William Zleiler. hWife; Amelia C. Wlnants atltf WilliamR. Rust, Extcutbra of tr* last Willand Testament of Jtmts J.'_"Wltiants,deatated; Ajinn Tlehaf> and Mr. Behsn,her hyiband, Ida Amalla Ande.jon andJtr. Jtnderaooi her Inliband, Fktrcnce

§. Cahlll, Margaret Brown andjlir.rowd, her husband. Harvle M. Intr4 Mr*- Hirvle. M Blair, Jill Wte.

^r*?lt\mm all* Mr. MuHw, hd, CMorgt Alles a.nd M0, Q«or[his wUf Mary Ida jUurrour)


bwauae of the"Maed by you*h-iiag to be pupilsl eejioo]. Thjea congestion t tsaid.

Werlock, allw ayjttun ot n«tjuU itt the gatf.«.-nts, admiwiontja'7 Wptrance

.odbiid«e-Lk>4»«'* drawtiro^il(GCtatora 0 ijfAa Union oounly

excellent ftri-Uection.

Co«ch Nicki High Bar-ilil an fidfahe mythicaluttic champ-fJKtories andBrunawick jg

with one wil)The in

teams outside the:>t count toward tha

tin tnn4»-*. liatituc win«, lot*-me ft followt:

^ 2 0

P. *,"; Perth AMboy ."... 0

Page 10: Snbepen&ent-leabet - DigiFind-It...proper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling the Town-ship's Accounting have been most unsatisfactory and in many in-stances in direct


Old D M * ? ->,

The nontuds solved itieir probleme l lieiisttiuici i itniiliiii-ss s imply by

inking up bl«k«i and moving tu newgi minds Ainii tlieir tamps became10.. ,inrlean fur ilieir Insensitive

I . N. aUlercar TraveleA survey by the United State*

burreu yl pOt^c roadf ihowi thatmetor vehtclei travel ipsmslmste-ly MO.000,000,000 vehicle miles »»oualtj. The average motor vehicleR>«I estimated to have traveledl.fTO mites during 1936.

Fulton Oursler p a u w along th*UU of • tough customer wboStormed intu a barroom, ordered aM»nhatu»«»ekUil, tasks* i t e f t j u idwwtd up fee glass- Be M e n d*r«« more cocktails, stowed thtjnin turn and ohetfed up n a n hiss*.Thfen he whe*>d on * Bteefc eltlxenstanding beil4« him j — m M y tip-ping a f lan of been

"What »r« you looking t i l What'sit to you?""Kothlaf/' the huthbta eltlsen re-

plied, "I Jutt wonMM «Df'youi leave the itemi, ifctt'l tin belt

Ooeast Waier VarieeSuccessive high ocean wtteri

come i t Interval! of 12Vk bouri orhalf the moon"s period of revolution.

Mwif try's BentCenturies agu the crown of Hun-

gary *us cropped artd ^h^ goldeniio!.s atop i! bent U one Bide,declares Collier's II has ne^er beenippairert and, therefore, Is Hill 4tpic ted In 'hit damaged condition Inall reproductions and illustration*arid even on therfjungarian nationalBag.


There are l,77S,D0(r persons ycottqp farms in Texaa, constitut-

g more than 70 per cent of allthe igriculturBl people in the itate.

lM.eM U»et Lee*The Worst earthquake it recent

/ears occurred in Japan in 1923when nearly 100JM lives were 1&||.

I M I I U Tribe

The Cherokee Indians of NorthCarolina have re-elected Chief Jar-it'lt Blythe after a campaign inwhici the chief issue was tiie grunt-ing uf a right-of-way for the BlueHidge parkway.

Magnesium DeniaM Large« The increasing demand for mag-nesium, competitor of aluminum, i inow reported to be In excess of Uiei'i/ailable supply, and plant'exten-sions are predicted. The *pre sentcapacity In the United States isabout 3,000 short tons.

BagUnd's Airmail 'In 10 years airmail letters sent

from England have increased fromhalf a million to 100,000 000 a year


French Language e» Treattee>renih is still th%t hfnfOTge us*«

in trt-ulits conduded between moretin,,, i»,, , , « , ! . declhtts Collier's{I'rriirli ii i'iii(.lovfd also Hi the thirdenv> .J 1.1. a l ies dr -wn BtttwMii twe

c.Hinlm'S in thei r <>wn language*,

the IM. III-II lraii>liili<in 'to be de-

tfisivt- m rase »f a difference ofopinion as to the precise meaning ofthe ""••" ' • " "

Kala n CaUThe rats have tht cat situation

well |n hand in E«sf Salamanca,N. Y. A member of the city councilcomplained his section of the citywas being overrun by rodents, wasadvised to get »<ime rats. "But weall have cals now." he complained,'They are afraid of the rats."

Wtrktn Tit AUWMMN«.rly to ee»ptey*« w«ft .re-

quired for each airplane built Y> anaircraft factory at Los Angelesduring the last five years comparedwith o«ty seven men for each planebuilt In the previous hall decide,the eompeny's annual report shows.Sirice 1822, 2,Si« plane* havt beenbuilt, of which four fifths were mill-Ury. __^

UMl'eOrlgiaThe Virginia reel ii said u> be &*

rived (rom th» old Ehgllth danctcalled "Sir Roger ii Covtrly."

tl,l*« Tens wt Oheee*The total quantify cf cheese mad*

on the farms of England and Waleits around H.iro

tiM^bf atf%*W»to own $114,000 worth pi U. »;ury bonds maturing tn t titUtthan two years to get enoughto buy a newspaper e^ery d*n addttional |S5t,000 to proAclent income for a dallycigarettes, an investmen;«'udy

a • • • - - . . —


If the United State! waed as densely as H l l dlatlon would be 1. fltints tnftead of 127 nMU

Oldeat feaelUThe oldest Known fossils art

in rocks 600,000,000 years old.


"Did you get an imported bat thiseor?" * "• ""No, I only got • foreign label

f>r the lining."


Intultloa"Do you depend on woman's Intu-|on?" ' » •

'No," said Miss Cayenne. "Whenave Important responsibilities I

Ik for someone who knows moreIn I do and take the benefit of asiph tuition aa possible."

1 II Comes With TJmeHcrly Sister—So Mr. Ooldkatch[l had teeth like pearbt AndI did you say?ling Brother—0 nothing; except

[ !you were gradually getting\o them.

All In • Natlhellvou understand tbii bullding-VhemeT" •

They build you i housepay so much • month. By

you are thoroughly dii<with the place, It's youri."

Average Oute American >\

Mllmnirs !'spetids »!. •


[the Sales Oeuferenoellanager—Now, gentlemen,\, let me repeat the oh, fellffWl, let'sitartlng In on the diction'

Water Spritecan «wlm, can't you?

>y—Only at tirjne*.Jit tlmeif

—When I'm in the wa-




Baby Sandyin

"Unexpected Father"



Adults 30c30c

Peralsteatlupppse they ask a lot

I. sumptuous apart-

s, they laked Haroldast pnonttli ' '

^__ |i»v»rlaf

'— '|you.'p you Ww with your


f ed a way-from thatlying in. He says It

was. His creditors| around there day and

Want to Know•When I was your age,

of chopping wood ! I \^ib thing

don't think so much of.nysalf.

ft— I don't think I deserve a

ir—Neither do I, but It'sMel' /west mark I'm allowed to '

your Xiiiirtford CouraBt.aonw •'

Skip II!>lck, Ruggles, bratf mi gomei. her ladyship's fainted.", your rordshlp,. but what:

bring her ladyabjj)?"—Tit- ,igazlne.

Thoughtful Belly>-—Betty, spell bird cage.,31- H-D hyphen C-K-G-JK.

-Why the hyphen?or the bird to sit on. t

m i

mill nil poiufli Iininn'lioiHIt

C Very Neat 'thought I saw some

Wa, bill olbut J

are in-.. . and sale^heNs<lona|islon, Theser«rtorta,

t o f l h e j


H O R N •S«/O*><»L


JD VMOOT ** IM J - ^ O F A V . . ^ . .

"' u

t %*>:*

SaH' , " " ' 1 Wf'H>" '-• ~*v****-•-•*•

f i t Jersey SU.,


Page 11: Snbepen&ent-leabet - DigiFind-It...proper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling the Town-ship's Accounting have been most unsatisfactory and in many in-stances in direct




oodbridge Sinks Amboy, 14-9; Meets Linden TomorrowPLACE GHOSTS FIRST IN CENTRAL JERSEYfcMTIONAi FOES


|r BlocLs Ptiat To Win

m Game Witb OnlyMinutes To Play


MID-SEASON RATINGSHarvard Comes To Palmer StadiumFor Traditional Game With Tigers

|TA It-S DCSP. A. W.

12 6197 itit W

... ic n,-Minpleted

L,.!, forwards16 I66 I i

by 2 t9

„,..!, laUWU *if punts I 9

punts, yde. M 174punts, yds. f i

PKINCKTON -The ijrst of Hit

"Hi* Three" friiilliull games willtake plan- in Palmer Stadium onSaLui*luy when Harvard opposesPrinceton. Princeton's usual eng-

ross to win this traditional gameUteneifitd thin year by its de-

sirs to retaliate for Harfard's twooverwhelgilng flc.-


line uf xerimittage.

i recovered




lAMbOV—Neither thewaifare uf tb« Pert*.

th 1'Hiithern nor thectowl raasle-datsle up-

VVuudlti'MgK Hubhud anything to doI scorv of the Wood-Amlxiy grid jumbo-

MuitUry Water a 8ta-j-day. -^

y. Ur, Ghost wlngman,uin victory from theuch Tex Kosen's Pan

»li Ii s* than two minutes

Only the game itself can dii-«k*e whether Princeton has in-

sufficiently t«t.attain this»«. Marked improvement

wlfl be necessary b««auB« Harvard,•patently, is »t least a« strong asit wa« a year ago when it defeatedPrinMton by tt score of 26 to 7,

Harvard u axain aquipped thisyear with th« doacptta »»«ek forwljieh it ha* become famous. Alophomort fullback diswrary, F.(AarUs 8prey«i-, U lesponslblt forUM oontinutttion of th« smooUi ex-wution of iu b«wild«rtng plays.He is regarded as a worthy sue-

to Vernon Struck '8*, pantnuuUr of th« aft of detiptlon wk3


it tbe elesifigof play as 4,600 fans

siiHpenae. Perth AMrudy packing the viel.^diag i W l Withth« possession of tbei their own i&, Genewan forced Ut punt Ur

Ii IUKII fast to black theI: •• ball atruck bi» uli' hack toward the Am-

I As it rolled over:il tlic-pigakio recovering,i tiniil toacbdewii which• Woodbridge a 14 U

i minute triumph eon-in Minions unbeaten inouiprtition and advancedI'n -i place in the race forui .In.sey Grou* IV chain-


pl«yedlu^hnut the first three ««ar-Iml. dtxpite the fact that a

ttd at the close of thejriod, the fans were sadly

I with operations en th«, tield.

! took the lead in thein when Johnny Cipo

h to block an Am-Ifoi II safety, setting Lbe

In the third ftied the score asusilek'i punt being

l.ou Csaki. and Johnbe kick blocked by Cipo

i the end xone for anafi'ty and two points,

|lek fell on the leatheroul line on the Csaki

rh thu Barrona had thing*•"• own way 'throughout

half, they played halfanil muffed two chajices toIn the third quarter, the

completely outplayed|<lgt. Jt was in this period

of Amboy1* first downs

in HI»W H Harvard batkftaltlIn the Harvard liacktit-lcl u\n<> is

one of the (fit'at halfbacks uf theday, Torbtrt't 11. Macdonald, cap-tain uf the tMtin. Joseph W. Guidella, the other fcalfbaek, is al.w aveteran.

In addition to Macdojiald andOardalla, thriu- uthar pluysrn whotaw action gainst Princeton uyear ago are available thin Fall.They are Thomas V. Healey, tackle,BondW Lowry, guard, and WillmmC. CoUnuui, Jivwhu was a KUMI ilastl year and ii now a back.

The Princeton ground offensiveIs expected ot b« at full strengthfor Harvard. Robert K. JackBon,who holds the Princeton 100-yurddaah record «f 9.7 soconds, willprobably be ready for heavy work |uguin at halfback. He dislocaU-dhis shoulder early in the season.

The Harvard game will start utI P. M. Ticket* are priced at $8.80and $2.20. The Hame afternoon,starting at 12 :.'!0, the Princetonfreshman football team will playPennsylvania on University Field.

n I j ~ i i . i D i Garfield h Tops In North JerseyCheer-Leaders In Important Role j . . , . . , , , . ,! , , „ , , - .,

RumblingsOn The Alleys


Br-r-r-mp-r-r-mp. That soundslike "Steve" Vocaey't ball goingdown the alleys (ask Joe Dalton)but tt'» not folks, klo lir. ft'» thebeginning of the KumWiags on theAJteyn, and to «ay that yeurs trulyis red hot is putting it mildly. Sor-ry to h»¥« kept you waiting 10long, but being plenty busy thebut few weeks prevented me fromgetting lined up for the cowing

R*jBw Mnavn. Any weJ, w e TiTiaiiygot everything straightened outafld here we are rarin' to go.

Te (tart I S | W.

I into the final sUnta, the' continued their terrift

"f the center of theIKI- line. JThe Pantlwr» wax aitds by Cask'In1 Ghosts" second team

sr for the tajjy fromi'lge one-yard marked the poitit-aiHer by: the oval. This plaeed

in boy out front by wveo

IO.V'H taking the lead was thei prescription needed by thet" net going. Moving M a»'<•'! team, the B»rroos' ''»JI on their own 39 yard' "i six plays advanced the

!'" the Panther 2. A passI"1"'' shot Into the arms ofpin.ik in the end tone. Se-

try for the extra• His touchdown,

P . lirought the score to 9-8• ( l |l in Amboy'g favor.

vt'UH then battled keen-"Ibridg'e, nevertheless,

[""[Panthers into Amboy' > approximate^ three

'" KO, Waailek tossed a•>'" • he Amboy 10 which was

ll'il tiy fyouMrfk on bis»""<l returned gix yardn be-

!>' dropped.

t' .Vrd penalty on Wood-|«'|(I two lirie drives netted

'<'••« then lost five yards! I' 'Vs and iUwmarek w M1 u> l>unt. He dropped

1 llu'h but Ur eaine in fast'•' kick and tlvn pounce1 Fur the touchdown thai

111 the Woodbridge vic-( OH Page 12)

Bmttkmf, aWeh*/ «nd Baeikajr,•f Ik* F«td« A M chutai intotie UU. WHk**ir iwell g n u pth* «U Am»tU*" indoor tpsrtikoiM M a lont way in th*Towsetu>.

— 300 —

As \am u we're in Fords Wemay M mil mention the fact thatthu Fords Commercial league,which il sponsored by the FordsbusitMNkpen, will be the officialla#gu« to b» represented in thiseiTumit •*<* Week.

— 300 .—

On tke F«*d+ •*»«*«• tki*week, U ere «nu HttU more thana lekfua match, Th^re was alend, k«tw«e* th» Hangerumtad tbe Dant.. Th« H«»g«rl«n>M M . «ff»ftented by Joe Hel-lo's "paali prauari" aad AntonUaiTs 'C*V..r.." Witt Clur-ley F|usa and J. LHIW •( th*"Prasten" .m.ekini th* "wood"for seme neat doubla' century•cores tkay look tba edd gamefrom the 'CtiHri," kltkoufhM. IU*u» and F. Hawen didfive a good account of tkem-leKres,

— 300 —

In the other matches the Ford*Rep, vPlub, dropped all three toCfto«|»'j| Service Station, BillReiner «t tbe Service boys takingtop Jldnon with a 201 and n 225Beef* boys took the MorrisDeuteA ladi for a one-way ridewithout any sensational scores be-ing hit J. Csik, the "HopelawnHoluka*", one «f the Beef's Boys,took the cake with his 137. Paul'sTavern keglers missed a perfecttake wh*n they dropped the srt-ond game by • loner. "Stumpy1'fiaurk* «t Paul's was weak in thefirst game with 138, but wound upthe nifht with a nice 218.

— 800 —Congratulation! are »Iio in

order fer slw fi»* way WaltHableh had hii "chutai" fixedaa oat Aiaabr A»«nue where thaWeodbrUg* lUc U . | u e kiU'em. Incident!? hit allays wereone of tha Brit to p««» A. B. C.



gtbeir a « | t f e « y «M)»t befood te pail.

— 300 —The C andJ. Kacops held up

under A heavy barrage trim theGluntij add managed to g r « allthree gwnes. It wa^ good to seethe "ojij gang" going at it "toothand natf' dwing the games *niIthen faiftttliHr everythiM whenthe mi/tduH w r e over, Even myold frlead "Muni" to»k *n »rfulribbinj" and took it like a «oldl*r, I

"potket" *lm*A «ver)f tim onlyt0 K*t "tow*»d."

— S00 —Open*** »•• ***** * • *

"Aad**1 fjlajeaisr ••>'•' *••"*•w p when JiU leae. ^ JZi 4- We w-±r why? "

flin" G. Deter and nil "back-up"ball muit hava a ma don. theydon't seem to click. Palko'i T**-am sane gave Joe (jill'i plmarttha works In three fame*. tfewwatch "|atttini" Brow* g»around and lay, "he«a*aa| Iwein'l there."

— 300 —

The G. and M. lads to«k threemore to stay right on the tal^ofthe "TCacopi," Birna h a j {He "onfydouble-C game for the 6, M's.While Bartos of the ParamountBarber Shop pinners earned him-slf a free haircut with his- 281. ftthink thafi. a pretty gDoff (jUtf „"Shorty" Joe Gromoldi's, givint:free haircuts for any 200 game hiton his team. I think I'll try to f i ton his Warn. Maybe I could gat atleast one haircut. "Leg?' Ko«swill have to go without a haircutfor another week. •*

— 300 —At the Civic league, when

Dick Krohne keeps the alleysID akapa, the Aveaal A. A.with my old frleexl BIU Petaaatill tryiafl U w*tk eff tesae M>tra poundaie, from his "turn*my" teek it* lecal rivaU fartwo. "Skyball" pick w, , „ , ,wiA kii 226. The Mull Oil aa^adbowlert with « coupl«,of 'biinil'fell »m victims to tha Heuie ofFln» planer* with nary a 200tame in the lot.

' — 380 —Methinks "Benny" Coppolja will

have to have his tearri dry cleanedand prexsed the way they hit 'emover the weekend. Benny said thaih« was fooled, because he thoughtthe "Ice Hlouse Gang" was "cold.1

Fairaro got a. nice 296 for the"EsklmoB" and Scuttl of thecleaners got a neat 212 .

* • •

made himself compicuoui with•amea of 110 «*d 227. WJbileMeFarlaw wholOt 'am far "AfWptai" gat thre* iwell femes of220, IBt and ii*.

— M0 —

In the Peanut League the K. oC. shooters are still hanging on tothat top spot as they took anotheiset of games last we,ek. Their vic-tims this time 'being "SUimpy's"Blue Bar lads. "JMlckey" Palko,captain, manager, anchor andsomething else or other, was thebest shooter on his team with hi181,

— 300 —

In the etka* miettei the Nnudropped two to the Hilltop five,who had a good squad of root-art to help them. Art Mohheim-er wat high with 196- "Und«Joe" Mayer't team can't teemto get< started, although it ii be.Uavad thai he ha* ene e< thebeat team* in the league. Theyhad plenty oi loufh luck atthey dropped e brace te theHMItopt . . . Curran of Maru'tkit tfio ooJf two hundred famae | ihe weak, a MB.

— 800 T-

The CrerUmsn'i five gave aawell account of thsmielvet av-ail though they dropped a brace«f famet U Mike Alm««i'i pro-UpeeY The d cot thentelveta nary nice game in the aecluid,an even 1000 gaase, which itaei MA to aerir l» th* *•»««•.OM reliable ''RuMy'' Urch

St. tege* RacfUcUnd's Epson Darby bad Ma

Arat cunning in me, but « e 8Lager has a Uitory beguinlng k

While Vineland Leads Pack In SouthWoodbrnlgt, With Two Win*, Two Ties And One Lou,

Earns Enough Point! To Be Central's Bt$t

Top row: Jtnet Ellit, Do I Jxobi, andBultom row; Ora Allen and I 'm

Maritm J.ndriup

WOODHKMKIK- Any footballrun knows that the unified cheer-ng ifi one of thu most importantnd stirritig «j«m«nte ot th« gaswrorn the Mpectators' HtandjH>lnt.

How and when are cheer leadaw,. in hitch schools, for tn-

tanc«? What qualifies them to be:heer leaders? What have th«y[ot that many other students lack?

The] answers are given in theu Ifin thu latter CIUHK nf rmtrv

atituti'jn areof

K<'1ITUII I>II the basis, physii'ul giuce, agil-

ity, lcunVuhip, popularity with tin1

d uf euurse,body, and,schuluHtic of Woodbriege Jfigh Suhuulby Miius Arjine Corbett, directorof the Ked und Black cheer-Jerk-

, ( i ( * l - i l H l l i ( , K Tlu- n-rnliMMi

i i u u ut V\ UIIIIIII UIK>' H i g h m e

•il tw|>n fo i I ' t i i t m l Jer.s«y hi^li

„ I.IMI] l e a m a in the ( i r o u p IV Jivi-

The mid-season rating waa madeilns week by J. Whitney Colliton,

. utiMi intiliitintti«B instructor.^ formula is used by the Newimy Bute InUuclmlttxUt Ath-[ii AHHoi-iatinn in naming nee

IIHJ ine at the cluse of theM US'HI

l!fiii|r it piiint syatepi, when-IUCII tuam is wurth a certain numm uf ixiintu liHHfd on ntlength

•Iui HIM the pj'Hviuuts iteanon, Culli

ton Ninth» (iurfield tilitt inwith IIMH [IOIIIU,

« luads Central Jersey with:<U6 pvinU, and Vineland, withpoints, paces South Jersey.

Whether ur not tile tame teamshold the lead at the terminationof the union depends not ontyupon how well those eltveni do thebalance ef the campaign but on thewmpUshiiimtfl runningdotve second and third positions.

Woodbridge could go undefeat;i'd during th« itecohd hah* of its.slate only to lost; out because cumpi-ting schools may uhow victorteeovi'i team* with higher puintmttiiira


ers.Miss Cuibttt's answers indicate

•that although different qualitlexare coiiHidered for cheer Inadern

Cheer leaders at the Harron in-1 (Continued on Pogt 12)


Say It Un't So!I was sadly disappointed at th'e typo of ball exhibited

by Nick Erisco's Red and Black eleven in the Perth Amboy

game last Saturday afternoon The Panthers' oper-

Htipns during the entire first half amounted strictly to

i , shouldg

.. Waoibridge,, fhave tallied at least a pair of touchdowns agMnii tbeipiritleas Rosemen But what did the GhosU do?While the Amboyana slept, thV Pripeonun decided to do

In fact, during the r#o#t «xcrttng part of the firstfcwlf, I fell asleep, toa Whik dreaming «>n theplayers' bench, 1 though I could fcear what th* aUf'rons had to say each time they Went Into a huddleIt went something like tfcis (I tope not): Crlpes,they're ripping up our * W . Her« we a/e baajk onthe 24-yard stripe Aw, hell; wh*t'> Itw UM- -Mighta known we couldn't hold teat 2-ffint leadagainst these butchers Ow! How these Amboypunk* can tackle - _ Attd then they pile up on you

. like a ton ©' brick. . ' [ ' .men on A dekd iPftn's chest Why the hell

ter Seaion Toight AtHighland Park Arena

HIGHLAND I'AKK -The ni-wly

formed New Drunnwick Iloxiiig

Club vill open its IH.'I'.l-O season

at Maionic Hall, Highland Park,

tonight, with, thirty rounds of fast

action headlined by an eight-round

KO ixetween Frankie Williams of

New UrunVwick »nd Farmer Mike

Piftkin ef Freehold.

l'iskin, winner of a close deci-sion over tbjB Middlesex County b4yat Laufel Gardens, Newark, fixmonths ago,' Will be out for his,14thwin in 15 s'tarts. He boasts of twodecisions over Red Cochrane andrecently trimmed the well-knownJackie Kid Berg. He has also gain-ed tbe nod over Johnny Jadick,Ray ffaMlltapo, Pete M i h c kPet« Giliftfio, Bucicjr Taylor, FelixGarcia, Bennle "Lope" Bermanand Rtub Vona.

PisktnV rhaneger, Angelo Pucci,or the welterr

hopes that Fri-it petjtUflg hiti bo;weight erown anday night's clash with Williams willprove hie r(jfht to bouts with l)aveyDay, Cafsrino Garcia, Padre Mon-t d H A


tanet and Henry

WilliaMw hae defeated

couldn't Priseo dig up sonae tougb njuge like Anjboy.They're taking' commercial aubjecte at school,

they? These guys,can't even,t#llc let alo»e write-Hold 'em Woodbridge! WelV ^m like the Jane in the

W I k b t hi tHold em Woodbridge! WelV m like the Jane in thehobble skirt—I can't kick., W«i?t I know about historyyou can.put in ya ear ...AhJilihh! We held 'em thattime! Gosh, will this h*lf ever end? I'm tiredBet that time-keeper can't tell-time.-. Hurray! Thehalf's over!

Well, maybe, that UnH emaetty what took placein the huddles, but from what I could see—and thespectators, too—Woodhrldge most certainly dido'tplay football .. That U, the first two quartersThe third period was far worse The Panther* ,shoved the Ghosts all over the field Two more -pushes and the Barroh* wouuld have found them- -'selvea on Amboy Avenue—outside the ttadium ... 'It was a deplorable display of football on the part ofthe Prisco tribe.

Going into the final frame found the Barrona stillbeing tossed about With the score tied at2-all, Amboycrashed through fur a touchdown and the extra point totake the lead, 9 to 2 Thushat jplted Woodbfldgs from

gEldrkh, Lou Lombardi, Allle Ro-wan ftotl- Al Roth in piling iip hisranari of Ii wins and 2 draws fit20 «twt«, sod dropped a heart-brMking dgacision to Billy .BcafjSold after irapre88jn(c ringsidfflra.jHe will be showing before his hometown follower* for the flrat time!and will lie anxious to rocrae theresult of his previols tilt withPiki

UNCERTAIN GHOSTSOver - Confident BarrowNot Favored Tu Defeat


FlowersPochekJ. Trosto^Finn . /HolubUrWanllekBartha ~Royle





L. EL.T1.0

hGL.T.R.T.q Bt.M..K.H,F B.




WOOUUKIUGfc — GainingN«. I «pot In Central

IV enmMJtion hy

Am boy, Woudbi ieire HlfhSch»ul'.s K«a (jhuHU mny retainthe sttctional title by operatingUiiuujrh tht bttlance of the ae»aon

Prerooter Bonny Rubin haa alsoarranged a six-round semi-final bc-twwn Loe Watson of Newark undPraakie D'Amico of pzabeth.The four-round preliininnrit'H wilfeature Georgje iy»at uf PnUT«onvs. Joe Tiissie of Elisubeth; MikeMutko of t lainflcld vs. Johnny Ru-dolph of Merjgrtown; Morris RUIIHbf Morrlatown vs. IJOU Suvi o( New-ark; and Tommy Neville of New-ark, w»o was New Jersey's ama-teur middleweight king, vs. OscarPoindu^ter of Newurk.

General admission tsi'iits will beavailable for forty-five cents, with

stmts «t $1.1.0. •

Victory Trail With7-2 Conqueit

HOF'KMWN- The Hopuluwnoiintinuud iU pace uf aclnt^attiiiKdefensivi' play by bowling* ovtr und undefeated Rahwayeleven, 7-2, last Sunday afternoonat Rahway Park. The victory wanthe Greyhounds' foarft of the aaa-son.

Simon Kluj, speedy Mk 4the GreytMiuda and hero of Uatweek's gaflte wita South Orange,stole tbe role for Individual hon-ors when in the Mta play of thethird quarter the Greyhound half-back brokt loose and cfehfched «Byards for * toueJidwira.' SteveCipo craahed over his right endfor the point after touchdown,

The Greyhounds staked a <\nettxhibitlon of defensive play sev-eral Umes in the same bratopplnyfllfl Railway eleven lajttttftald Juatwhen it seemed they weald sUrta march down th« A«U.

The outstanding defensive playof the game c a n t a ^ f e ^ dof the flrat period. Thhad juat reeled off three u v efirst downs in a row and had theball on the Greyhounds' it yardstripe with flint down and goal toKO.

A stubborn Greyhound team Inthe shadows at their own goalposts then rtaged a spectacular de-fflnsivs st«ad haUflg the Ram-blers from crossing the gbtl linefrom the 8 yard line on lour playp.

This coming Sunday. afternoonthe GreyhoundB will try to captureits fifth win of tiie campaign byplaying the Clifton A. A. elevenat Clifton *ith tc»me time slutadHt 2:!)0P, M.

d w v s y state Things began tp happen It

the iptRe Red and Black eleven........The Barron ball jug-

glers turned into fire and dynamite.

Before the Panther* realized what was takingplace, Prisco's protege! blasted their way to a touch-down in six plays, but miaatd the extra point Thescore became 9 to 6 with Amboy holding the one-pointlead ... Woodbridge drove the Rosen brigade deepwte Amboy territory hoping for a break For sev-eraj days, Prisco drilled hi* lands in the art of block-ing punts They did in the second quarter to gaina safety and two polal* They were playing for itagain In a few minutes, the GhosU had becomea smart club 09 their toes to take advaptage of everysituation.

The wind was against the Panthers in this laat stanzavery much so Becauw of this the Barrona did not

hold the ball whttn th#y failed to gain ground but turnedit over to Amboy to handle The psychology being thateither « Perth Amboy punt would be carried back by thewind or tfce punt-Jolock pky by Woodbridge would be•uecemful,:.:...#&« dttotts w»re maneuvering for breaks

...And, they got tt.With fcaa th4n * pair •( minutes of play remain-

ing, Afttfcky IMUI to kick from its own 2&yard stripe

There was no choiwH~it had to be a kick

Police He*d Okays ThiefWho Stole Drunk'* Pant*LAUREL, MISS.-Pollce Chief J.

Z Brown Savr his blessing to Lau-rel's rcvlni pants thief as an et-iective fo«ce (or temperance.

Not the traditional "panta bunglar" whp lifts trousers from be*roomi while owners sleep, this fel-low trails weaving drunks until theycollnpse, then sljucks them out dtheir breeches.

Saie Brown:"We don't even want to find out

who this thief is. If he keeps on atmny stop tome of the drinking."


To Settle Bowling SkillArguments At Rec

FORDS—Tht! pin-boy superiority of the Fords Recreation Centerwas Settled here this week whenthe Night Owb tipped the, DayShift for two out of three gam eg.The going, however, was,, cloaethe Night Birds rolled a' total o2,160 as compared with the DayGang's 2,022.

Kalman paced.the Owls With •score of 484, while Mutyi labor«best for the losers with a eounof 478.

Nirkt O«l. (I )129

Imbiber Amaiea PoliceANACONDA, MONT.»The Iota]

police are looking for more men likethis one. Registered as John Do#,for drunkenness, and fined |fi, heproiTered three M bills In payment,received $1 to change and contributeed the Utter to the $2,000 fund whichthe police are raising to purchasea tvo-way radio system.

Relatlr. Entirelyon congressmen, it (level,

ops, consider the government payroll * matter of only relative kn<portanca. — Nashville SouthernLumberman.

Oemko .-.: US u g 134.182 111 l l f

Anderclio 146 144Kalman 166 169 15)

789 669 6S6Day Shift (1)

Hanson 1E1 18S ,ftlSuiih J30

The uBttignmunt, however, is,,auim. Thi' Barrons go Into

thr n«cotid half uf tliftr sla*ej*%)ft—funiitf l.iniivn High ut the LeglenStudiutn here tomunuw afternoonat 2:15 o'clock.

Limit nis one of thi' toughest'ubs laboring in' North Jersey.*has won four of the five games'tyed this season. The UniftB

csunty aprlotan captured ail ftrgames by blanking the' Alumni,6-0: lUhway, 14-0; Dover, J M , '

nd Roselle, 20-0. Their only iie-.Hi came in the second gamehen Rf<t Bank's powerful *om-in« slapped them for a 190 set-'

Linden will- come to town to-lorrow with an array of fast atap-

Ifl U)« hwkneld, Eddie K M - .nyn, halfback, in one of the fastest'M l luggers In the up-»tate dis-trict. Last Saturday, Kwimiii in-,«rcepted two Kowlle pnaaen andlashed 96 and 25 yards, respeoively, for touchdowns. The ypek,.isfore, against Ddver, the Ufl- •''len flash intercepted an aerialnd breesed 95 yards to sevre.

While KaMiin takes care of thefast moving for Linden, WaitBuriwit, ^uartetbuok, and OscirGivens, fullback, diHplity hard

riving-power not only offensively•ut defensively as well.

Without a doubt, Nick -Prince's,trib; wi.ll have it» hniidn full U J-tng to keep up with or hold Lin- .len'u mighty tiio. If Woodbridge "ails to bottle Kaainin during «tr

it's curtains for the Bar-ons. Thus far this year, Kaatnjnallied aevep touchdowns on In-erceptions. " ^ "

The Union county eleven has 'lentyvf weight, averaging 146 'munds. This poundage will topWoodbridge approximately 80pounds per man. Linden's greatwolght Is backed by height aswell. It will mean mure than just

irnmc .when thi1 GhusU line upthe invadi'm.en K. Wcrluck, faoully

lanaiter ut uthletlcs at the Mt-un Avt'iiuf institution, y*itarda>..' rniiinniciid th« l>alanc« of the

Wui)dbridt;c home games will have 'one admission price—fifty .centsfor each content. There -w,il! be 'no mor« student prices i t theguten. '

Student tkkata, however,* maybe obtained by bonafide pupils atall township school*), and 8<|0tickets are forwarded to eachschool that visits Woodbridge.Halting the gale of student tickets ' 1at the Legion 8tadium box offleeo" 1was aacassjtatad because of the , j

uaed by youjth- §claiming to be ptipilx ,

hut not attending school. This j'racket" created a congestion at

the gates, it was said.According to Werlock, all

use the new system of nttstudent tickets at tl)« trs,te.

Matyi 165Jume8 1 jfBStrn'nsky 140



68816 701 640

Souther'sThe worki of RtMrt Sofath*?,

English poet laureStsj, fill more thap100 volumes.

; Bay' .Confucius Is the Latinized form

ot the Chinese tihllosophtr1* reaname. K'unn Fu-tae.

Waodbridte High School 1939September 30—Woodbridt*. «; Paterioa EaU Side, t.

Octoaar 7—Woodbridga, 8) Oraage, 9.October 13—Wqodbrid|«, 6j New Bnintwtek, 0.

October 20—Woodbridge, 0; Trantoai, 14)October 28—WoodbridfA I4| Perth Amboy, 9.

NoTamber 4—Linden , Heeae I t l l P.November 11—P. A.' Si. Mary'a HOBM 111 I f.rfavambar 18—Thoma. Jaffaraen Heau t i l l P.Daeembef > I—fcoulh River Hu

A one pries, fifty ceot», admisatonprevjEUlU unnuevsiutry argu(neptl|and speeds up entrance tbroiigi)the gate*.

Tomorrow's Woodbridge-Lindenclash is «xpected to draw a trojuJof nearly 6,000 apecUUua to ti)£)Usgion field, »u thu Union countyaggregation has an excellent frf-lawiog and. rooting section.

Woodbridge Uadi CouMlyIn 1939 Football BaMk

WOO'DBlWDGE-^Coiich NickPrWco'e Woodlir|dge IURII Bar-rona continue to hold un edg*in the race for the mythicalCounty Inter.ieboUsttic chamo-ignship, with two victories andJIB defeat!. New brunswiek ilin second place with one w i n 'and one IOHH. Thu standing iabased on county con^exto onlyT—games witb teams outside thacounty do not count toward thaMuiJ'(JS«* crown. The ivutdk-,,'of the nchouls, iJHting wins, Waa--es and ties, urc an follows):'••Woodbridge 2 0 8N«w flrutlnwit'k 1Gtirteret f 0•South Eiv«i a

*il» r. H, Peith Ambuy 0 1

Page 12: Snbepen&ent-leabet - DigiFind-It...proper accounting advice the meth-ods' use\t in handling the Town-ship's Accounting have been most unsatisfactory and in many in-stances in direct


• l i -ft-


Township Treasurer 0. J.tison is suid to be re-

covering slowly but surelyfrom his recent relapseThe Frank {POJHMJ

Szallars are the proud parents of a daughter—the thirdthey tell me . . . Ann (Town-ship Cleric's office) Horndbywas nursing a bad cold allthis week . . . Charles Nagyheads a newly-fornmd Hun-garian Republican Club. >


Traditional Foes(Cimiinunl Worn Sport Page)

tiny Seinnk'i'second place-kick Bt'U-mpt fm the extra point WM no

To name ended wiiit«t*) anythreatening mow by either

L. E.-Bilfiwr Sen**T, Otlowski ....„ Flower*

.Goklbsrgtr '.. PocbekC. Diidss .., troskoKoesu Finn

Jsavel » Holub....... UrWssilekBart**

.... Royl*Clpo

I 7 — 8


R. G.R. T.R. E-.

Ifictnkofe-tt.B.H Csvkai

KaanureltScow by periods:

Perth Amboy 0 0Woodbridge 0 i

foUcMown*—Csskai, Ur, 'S«-nwk. PoinU after touchdown—Caakii placement). Safety—

SCBSTITUTIOWSPerth' Am bay—Endi: Weber,

Kijowgki. Tackle; Rysn. Ba«ks:Bodnarik, Krilla, Diamond, H«reeg,

he actually has proof thatAndy Simonnen lost hi* tem-per the other day while bowl-ing—I don't believe it. Therehas bun a regard out for •long time for anyone that hasever seen Andy get angry . • •The Knijrhts of Columbuswill spoimor their anntia"Bills' Night" tomorrow aithe Columbian Club . . . andspeaking about the Caaeyaremind, me to fifty "thankyou" for that nice letter theysent me.

Did You Remember:When Woodbridge had" a

"whoopee" 'track back in11931,2—when the lightingdistricts of the Townshipwere abolished in December1932 and how the commis-sioner* (some of them) kick-ed when they learned theywere going to be relieved ofthose little gold badges?When Pearl Street used tobe a miniature lake after aheavy rain? . . . When thegrand xtand broke during aHallowe'en parade a fewyears ago, and the TownshipCommittee, acting'as judges,

* were spilled onto the road?

Reports:That a Township J. P.

wound up in a fist fight theother day . . . That a certainTownship police officer buyshot dogs practically everymidnight.. . That the firemenare preparing for a itime at the Pines . . . . That

; Augie Greiner is the tops indancing the Hungarian Czar-das , . . That the large pud-dles of water that accumulateat the railroad crossing jobon Main Streetj is becoming

J ..—* nuisance to motorists and" ^ a hazard to pedestrians.

T- Here and There:How about joining the Red

*- Cross this year? It deservesyour support. They tell methat several womur}..#sk«d tojoin have told roll call w<

"*rers their husbandft IJofned~aT Ythe1 plant", when in realitythere are very few organized

!;': plant donations . . , The Ise-1 'l lin Parkh Players will pre-M 5 f sent "Bijf Hearted Herbert'""* at the Pershihg Avenue

ScWool auditorium on No-••«i'". vember 22 . . . Woodbridge's

A finest is all set for its danceH" on Armistice Eve.

Aquil», Hlidik. Tackle*: GyeneljPellifrino. Guards. Daub, Trusko.

enter: Dubaj(. Back*: Karnat,W. Trutko, Vahay.

OFFICIALS. NVuM-hatfvr, raferw; Selby, um-

liire; Buttcrer, head linesman.

(ConHnutd from Sport Pag*)




Last But Not Least:• John (Mailman) Campionis passing out cigars—for it'sa boy, Thomas, weight 10pounds, born last Tuesday. . Bcliovo it or not, Steve Bo-k;i actually danced at a Hal'lowe'cn party the other night. . . Wonder whether EleanorMadsen knows that she hasan admirer in Woodbridge. . Congratulations to RuthAnder, Naomi Bronnan, Dor-is Henry and Mary C. Clark•for being those selected toplay with the All-State HighSchool Orchestra in Atlantic

" City, on Sunday, November12.

•Flashes:Steve ("Congo!') Zohrer,

After 15 years us cJicf of theHy-Way Diner*, is leaving

'these parts to open a busi-ness establishment in 'Perth

^Arrvhoy—Jots of luck, "Con-go" . .'.George Miller is saidto be very mudi interestedin a neighbM'VJlaughtei1 . .According to friMwB, it is de-finite that "Saajijjr Mayerwil|i wpd thftt/ Perth .AittWyjirl during the^ast Week in.January , . . Jimmy (Jjubbs)(ferity Is malting1

trips to Now Br

than in tbe stlection of membersuf the vanity football team, thecompetition for placet it just atkeen. \

The number of student* whowant to be football pUyert it notmuch greater than.thoie who wantto be cheer leader*—including the

Of the large number of stu-dent* who went out for the cheer-leading iquad this year, elevenfirU and f*ur boyt were ehoaen.These students will act at substi-tutes. Six different substitutescheer at each game with the tixsenior cheer leaden.

The si* regulars are: Miss JanetEllis, Miss Dorothy Jseobs, MissMiriam Janderup, Miss Ora Allen,Miss Mary Horvath and MissFrances Eriekson.

The new substitutes are: MissiLillian Gilllt, Miss Millicent Har-rison, Miu Ann Schwenrer, MissAnn Oilier,'Miss Josephine Grei-z§, Miss Ruth Leonard, Miss IrmaGrundmann, Miss Rita. Nebel,. MissAnn- Shomsky, Mist Gloris Potteraod Miss Anna Mae Kroek. Theboys chosen,are: Harry Ellis, Wil-liam Schram, Robert Jacklin,, andCharles Buleci.

These cheer leaders have beenpracticing since school openedwith Edward Miller at -their coech.

Pictured above are: top row,left to r^ht, Miu Janet Ellis,Miu Dot Jacobs and Mist MiriamJanderupj bottom .row, Mi«« OraAllen and Miss "Frances Eriekson.

How WHS OpponentsAre Doing In State'

• f '



PaUrioa Sid*OPP

W*it Orkng*



ColumbiaW«it Orange

N«w Brutaswiek1





Sauth RWarWoodbridi.

Thoi. JafftrtonTr«nio»

AlUntown (Pa.)Moirl.Tlll. (P..)

Wood»ri«|fNew BruntwUk



. 0A

Perth AmboyPAHS OPP20 AnacottU (Wa»h.) 0

0 CamdtB 137 Aibary Park 07 St.-Mary's'(P. A.) 0




SM141260 'e

HarriianNew Dorp, Si. I,

Perth AmfcoyRutharford S. H.

Thomai J*H*ninTJHS . OPP24 Edtion 00 JrrlQf t»« . 280 A*b«rr Piik 180 Nawark 4outh Slda 39« N»w Bruqtwlek 380 Carfi.ld 28




So«tk RWar

K«w BruntwlckR.d B«nk



Hi'J jrotlt Sport I'JIJC )

Woodbridg* fuickly moved the backfield into the punt-attack that had been practiced day after day withjrM* »«MMU..... Th« play w«* on And,, the puftt-wai off - AUx Ur, Woodbridge end, crathad tkrouf Bthe Kmboy <M«IIM to block tj» kick and t h « rtcor-ered tb* ball ft thr winning touchdown.

Perth Amboy gridsters and fans—and jthos« InWoodbridge, too—claim the winning touchdown to be alucky one F*r be it Nick Prisco and hia squadknow the blocked punt wasn't pure luck_H..They knowhow it c*rt« .bout 'And, after all, that's all that maUters. ....Woodbine won the fame., They won it on apity that had been planned. It may do it again,..Abbye all, ,the.-Ghost* defeated the Perth Amboy Pan-then thafi all that matter*. .

Sport SketchesP r W « Rtd and Black oWwm U « M a roaUy

tough team hi Unden at tk* Ugion SUdhrat toaonvwU n d « C«D*» to Woodbridg* with the

cJ«S^tJ^Jirtory of th. Union C««ty -ckori

ago 187 Ain't that something to worry About?The Union County combine will feature two ace per-

formers Oscar Givens, 190-pound colored fullback, isk«y man in the Linden packfield .... He ia brilliant in de-'ensive work The other'luminary is Eddie Kasmln,

halfback sprinter, who, has intercepted seven passes thisseason and ran them back for touchdowns—two of the("coring sprints going for 95 yards each.

> Two linatnon art leading the Woodbridge Higholeren for the blocking and tackling trophy to be

- awarded by Coach Pruco at the cloaa at tho aaaao*Johnny Royle iiutained a wrenched kneo b tbe

Amboy game and Jim Bodj injured hi* shoulder ia thetame melee Batting oddi on tomorrow's Wood-bridge-Linden contest favors the Union County outfitby a big margin.

A Newark paper, the other day, had this: "Ajld prere-grinations of good looking high school materiaf: Korciow-t>ki of Woodbridge. All-State back last year, was ticketedfor Washington (Seattle), reported at Georgetown and isnow a freshman at William and Mary. Playin# «..:::J

string, too, to a lad named Johnson, from Bridjjeton."


S.t. James'AuditoriumAmboy Ave. ______ Woodbridgt10-50 GAME $50 JACK POT $320

Anniversary Special $50Plsjyed on Lapboard


Well Trained and

> IS THE CALL OF THE DAY!A - , • "" . ,


For State Senator:

JOHN £. TOOLANFor Members of the General Assembly:


BERNARD W. VOGELFor County Clerk:

|X| EDWARD J. PATTENFor Coroner:

WILLIAM H. JAQUFor Freeholders:








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Hundreds of Men's andYoung Men's SmartlyTailored. . .



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