snapshot 5 anuala 20142052

SCOALA CU CLS. I-VIII NICHITA STANESCU DISCIPLINA: LIMBA ENGLEZA CLASA AV-A PROFESOR: PODINA ANCUTA MANUAL: SNAPSHOT ELEMENTARY PLANIFICARE ANUALA AN SCOLAR: 2014-2015 Nr. crt Unităţi de învăţare C.S Conţinuturi Nr.ore Săptămâ na Observaţii 1. REVISION ALL 5 S1-S3 2. UNIT 1 IT’S GREAT TO BE HERE Vocabulary: common objects and furniture; numbers 1-20 Function: greet people and exchange names; ask someone’s age 1.1. Desprinderea sensului global al unui mesaj simplu rostit clar şi rar 1.2. Înțelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor instrucțiuni articulate clar și rar 2.3 Producerea unor enunțuri simple despre obiecte / persoane din universul familiar 2.4 Folosirea unor formule conversaţionale uzuale Înregistrări audio simple – Listen and repeat Texte orale scurte, de dificultate mică - Read Dialoguri situaționale - Speak Instrucțiuni – 4 S3-S5 * Ss work in pair – PW *Ss work individual ly *Ss work in groups –GW **T guides the Ss and help them

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AN SCOLAR: 2014-2015Nr.crtUniti de nvareC.SConinuturiNr.oreSptmnaObservaii


2. unit 1

its great to be here

Vocabulary: common objects and furniture; numbers 1-20 Function: greet people and exchange names; ask someones age Structure: verb TO BE singular; this/that; a/an; my, your1.1. Desprinderea sensului global al unui mesaj simplu rostit clar i rar

1.2. nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulate clar i rar2.3 Producerea unor enunuri simple despre obiecte / persoane din universul familiar

2.4 Folosirea unor formule conversaionale uzuale n dialoguri simple, dirijate

3.2 Executarea unor instruciuni scrise, simple

i scurte4.1 Transpunerea formei sonore a cuvntului n form scris nregistrri audio simple Listen and repeat Texte orale scurte, de dificultate mic - Read Dialoguri situaionale -Speak

Instruciuni Do it! Role play To identify objects To ask for and give information and personal details : names, age, possession To write sentences using the words they learned and obey the English spelling/orthography4S3-S5* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm

3. unit 2

whos em?

Vocabulary:common adjectives; titles; positions Function: introduce people, greet people you know Structure:genitives, prepositions, the possessive adjectives (sg/pl)1.2. nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulate clar i rar2.2 Oferirea i solicitarea unor informaii cu

intonaie corespunztoare2.3 Producerea unor enunuri simple despre obiecte / persoane din universul familiar

3.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui text

scurt, coninnd lexic cunoscut, citit n gnd4.2 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte nregistrri audio simple Listen and repeat Texte orale scurte, de dificultate mic - Read Dialoguri situaionale -Speak

Instruciuni Do it! Role play To identify objects and their position To ask for and give information and personal details : names, age, possession, feelings, state, To write sentences using the words they learned and obey the English spelling/orthography3S5-S6* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm

4. fast rewind

units 1 and 2Consolidation of skillsRevision



5. unit 3

im french-canadian

Vocabulary: countries and nationalities Function: talk about your nationality and say where you are from Structure: plural of nouns; verb TO BE plural1.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui mesaj

simplu rostit clar i rar2.1 Realizarea unor scurte prezentri orale2.3 Producerea unor enunuri simple despre

obiecte/ persoane din universul familiar3.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui text

scurt, coninnd lexic cunoscut, citit n gnd4.2 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte nregistrri audio simple Listen and repeat Texte orale scurte, de dificultate mic - Read Dialoguri situaionale -Speak

Instruciuni Do it! Role play To identify objects To ask for and give information and personal details : names, age, possession To write sentences using the words they learned and obey the English spelling/orthography4S7-S9* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm

6. unit 4

can you spell that please?

Vocabulary: numbers 20-100, the alphabet, days of the week Function: ask for and give telephone numbers, names and addresses Structure: CAN (request), preposition ON with days of the week

1.2 nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulare clar i rar2.2 Oferirea i solicitarea unor informaii cu

intonaie corespunztoare3.2 Executarea unor instruciuni scrise, simple

i scurte4.2 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte nregistrri audio simple Listen and repeat Texte scurte, de dificultate mic - Read Dialoguri situaionale -Speak

Instruciuni Do it! Role play To count from 20 to 100 To ask for and give information and personal details : names, age, address, phone number, spell names To learn English Alphabet To greet through the day To identify the days of the week and the school timetableTo write sentences using the words they learned and obey the English spelling/orthography4S9-S11* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm

*Hallowen Party

7. unit 5

wide angle on the world

Consolidation of language and skills

From one country to another2S11-S12Project:

Snapshot of me

Take a break 1

Rock around the world

8. unit 6

ive got two sisters

Vocabulary: family members, personal appearance Function: talk about your family, talk about peoples appearance Structure: have/has got, some/any, possessive adjectives (pl) our, your, their, conjunction - because1.2 nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulare clar i rar2.3 Producerea unor enunuri simple despre obiecte/ persoane din universul familiar

3.2 Executarea unor instruciuni scrise, simple

i scurte4.2 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte nregistrri audio simple Listen and repeat Texte orale scurte, de dificultate mic - Read Dialoguri situaionale -Speak

Instruciuni Do it! Role play To talk about family and people appearance To use Genitives (sg/pl)

To use the verb to have(got) To use question words: how many? / Why? To read a letter and to try to write a similar oneTo write sentences using the words they learned and obey the English spelling/orthography4S12-S14* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm

9. unit 7

do you like heavy metal?

Vocabulary:types of music Function: talk about likes and dislikes Structure: Present Simple; object pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them adverbs of degree: very much, a lot of, at all1.1Desprinderea sensului global al unui mesaj

simplu rostit clar i rar1.2nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulare clar i rar2.3Producerea unor enunuri simple despre

obiecte/ persoane din universul familiar3.1Desprinderea sensului global al unui text

scurt, coninnd lexic cunoscut, citit n gnd3.2Executarea unor instruciuni scrise, simple

i scurte

nregistrri audio simple Listen and repeat Texte orale scurte, de dificultate mic - Read Dialoguri situaionale -Speak

Instruciuni Do it! Role play To talk about likes and dislikes and types of music To use Present Simple Tense To use adverbs of degree To use object pronouns and adverbs of degreeTo write sentences using the words they learned and obey the English spelling/orthography

Text : Classical meets pop3S14-S15* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm

10. fast rewind

units 6 and 7Consolidation of skillsRevision

Reading/speaking/ writing1S16English carols and wishes

11. UNIT 8


Vocabulary: clock times, fast food and drinks, English money Function: ask for permission, ask and say the time, buy things in shops Structure: * Present Simple with fixed times,

* CAN (permission),

* preposition of time: AT

*question words: how long?, how much?1.2 nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulare clar i rar2.1 Realizarea unor scurte prezentri orale

2.4 Folosirea unor formule conversaionale

uzuale n dialoguri simple, dirijate3.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui text

scurt, coninnd lexic cunoscut, citit n gnd4.2 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte

nregistrri audio simple Listen and repeat Texte orale scurte, de dificultate mic - Read Dialoguri situaionale -Speak

To ask for permission To use Present Simple Tense with fixed times To ask and say the times To talk about fast food and drinks using How much? and English moneyTo write sentences using the words they learned and obey the English word order


3S16-S17* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm

*Christmas Holiday

12. UNIT 9


Vocabulary: places in town Function: ask and talk about places and facilities, make suggestions Structure: prepositions of place: in/on; next to/near; behind/in front of; opposite/between/in the corner of there is/ there are, want + Infinitive

1.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui mesaj

simplu rostit clar i rar1.2 nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulate clar i rar2.3 Producerea unor enunuri simple despre

obiecte/ persoane din universul familiar3.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui text

scurt, coninnd lexic cunoscut, citit n gnd4.2 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte nregistrri audio simple Listen and repeat Texte scurte, de dificultate mic - Read Dialoguri situaionale -Speak

To ask and say where places are To talk about facilities Make suggestions with lets To use prepositions of placeand identify positions and places To use the structure want + long infinitive To use the expressions there is/there areTo write sentences using the words they learned and obey the English word order


3S18-S19* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm


units 8 and 9Consolidation of skillsRevision

Reading/speaking/ writing1S19Valentines Day

14. UNIT 10

wide angle on the world

Consolidation of language and skills

Text: Six of a kind2S20Project:

Snapshot of my town

Take a break 1

The girl from Ipanema

15. UNIT 11


Vocabulary: daily activities /routines Function: ask and talk about daily routines Structure: *Present Simple for routines,

*adverbs of frequency: always, usually, sometimes, ever/never

*Linkers : first, then , after that1.2 nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulate clar i rar2.2 Oferirea i solicitarea unor informaii cu

intonaie corespunztoare

2.3 Producerea unor enunuri simple despre

obiecte/ persoane din universul familiar3.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui text

scurt, coninnd lexic cunoscut, citit n gnd4.2 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte nregistrri audio simple Listen and repeat Reading Speaking

To ask and talk about daily routines To talk about daily programme and habits To use linkers in speaking and writing To use Present Simple for routines and with adverbs of frequency

To write sentences/messages using the words they learned and obey the English spelling/orthography

Text 1: Back home in Canada

Text 2: Wake up! Turn on! Tune in!

3S21-S22* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm

16. UNIT 12


Vocabulary: sports and activities, months and seasons of the year, the date Function: ask and talk about dates, about things you can do Structure: *CAN (ability),


*on, in with dates

*the ordinal numeral for date1.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui mesaj

simplu rostit clar i rar2.1 Realizarea unor scurte prezentri orale3.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui text

scurt, coninnd lexic cunoscut, citit n gnd4.2 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte nregistrri audio simple Listen and repeat Reading Speaking

To ask and talk about sports and activities To talk about favourite activities / leisure activities /season/special events/radio programme To use CAN for expressing ability To use Gerund for expressing likes/dislikes in general

To write sentences/messages using the words they learned and obey the English word order


Text : Water boy3S22-S23* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm


units 11 and 12

Consolidation of language and skills


Reading/speaking/ writing1S24GW



18. UNIT 13



Vocabulary: rooms and parts of the house

Function: give orders, describe whats happening now

Structure:*Present Continuous, *positive and negative Imperative1.2 nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulate clar i rar2.2 Oferirea i solicitarea unor informaii cu

intonaie corespunztoare

3.2 Desprinderea sensului global al unui text

scurt, coninnd lexic cunoscut, citit n gnd4.2 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte

nregistrri audio simple Listen and repeat Reading Speaking

To talk about rooms and parts of the house To talk about speaking time actions using Present Continuous To give orders

To describe what is happenning now

To write sentences/messages using the words they learned and obey the English word order

spelling /orthography/ 3S24-S25* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm

19. UNIT 14


Vocabulary: clothes, colours Function: comment on clothes, make plans Structure: *going to for future plans and intentions,

*too + adjective,

*these/ those1.2 nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulate clar i rar2.2 Oferirea i solicitarea unor informaii cu

intonaie corespunztoare

3.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui text

scurt, coninnd lexic cunoscut, citit n gnd3.2 Executarea unor instruciuni scrise, simple

i scurte4.1 Transpunerea formei sonore a cuvntului n

form scris4.2 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte Listen and repeat Reading Speaking

To talk about clothes and colours To talk about future plans/intentions using Going to future To comment on clothes using too+adj.

To use demonstratives in plural: these/those

To write sentences/messages using the words they learned and obey the English word order

spelling /orthography/

Text : An overnight success on the catwalk3S26-S27* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm

*Easter Holiday -


units 13 and 14

Consolidation of language and skills


Reading/speaking/ writing1S27GW



21. UNIT 15

wide angle on the world

Consolidation of language and skills

Born in China,

made in Brazil2S28Project:

Snapshot of my lifestyle

Take a break 1

Dancing queen

22. UNIT 16


Vocabulary: drinks, past time adverbials Function: ask about past events, offer, accept and refuse with Would like Structure: *to be Past Simple *so and such a/an + adjective + noun for exclamation; *so/such with a clause of result

1.2 nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulate clar i rar2.1 Realizarea unor scurte prezentri orale3.2 Executarea unor instruciuni scrise, simple

i scurte4.2 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte

Listen and repeat Reading Speaking

To talk about drinks and offer and accept/refuse using Would like To talk about past events using to be Past Tense Simple and past adverbials: last night, yesterday, To use so/such+adj. +noun for exclamation

To use so/such with a clause of result

To write sentences/messages using the words they learned and obey the English word order

spelling /orthography/

Text : Saturday Night Fever3S29-S30* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm

23. UNIT 17


Vocabulary: daily activities, adjectives of quality, adjectives to describe personality Function: talk about the past, express opinions Structure: Past Simple of regular verbs1.2 nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulate clar i rar2.2 Oferirea i solicitarea unor informaii cu

intonaie corespunztoare3.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui text

scurt, coninnd lexic cunoscut, citit n gnd4.2 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte Listen and repeat Reading Speaking

To talk about daily activities using adjectives of quality To talk about past events using Past Tense Simple and past adverbials: last night, yesterday, To describe people using different adjectives To express own opinions To write sentences/messages using the words they learned and obey the English word order

spelling /orthography/3S30-S31* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm


units 16 and 17Consolidation of language and skills


Reading/speaking/ writing1S31GW



25. UNIT 18

IT WAS A WARM EVENING Vocabulary: weather words

Function: ask and talk about weather, narrate past events


*Past Simple of irregular verbs,

*Whats the weather like?1.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui mesaj

simplu rostit clar i rar1.2 nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulare clar i rar2.2 Oferirea i solicitarea unor informaii cu

intonaie corespunztoare3.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui text4.2 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte Listen and repeat Reading Speaking

To talk about weather using adjectives and weather words To talk about past events using Past Tense Simple of irregular verbs and past adverbials: last night, yesterday, To ask about weather using special phrase Whats the weather like?

To narrate past events To write sentences/messages using the words they learned and obey the English word order

spelling /orthography/

Text: Lightning rips through teenagers tent2S32* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm

26. UNIT 19

MY JOKES FUNNIER Vocabulary: the natural environment Function: make comparisons Structure: *comparative and superlative of short adjectives, of good and bad, *question word: which?1.2 nelegerea mesajului, prin executarea unor

instruciuni articulare clar i rar2.2 Oferirea i solicitarea unor informaii cu

intonaie corespunztoare3.1 Desprinderea sensului global al unui text4.1 Redactarea unor mesaje scurte Listen and repeat Reading Speaking

To talk about the natural environment To talk about things and people and make comparisons using comparative and superlative To ask about and make comparisons using good and bad using Which...?

To write sentences/messages using the words they learned and obey the English word order

spelling /orthography/

Text: From Yorkshire to the Amazon2S33* Ss work in pair PW

*Ss work individually

*Ss work in groups GW

**T guides the Ss and help them to achieve a correct pronunciation, diction and rhythm


units 18 and 19Consolidation of language and skills


Reading/speaking/ writing1S34GW



28. UNIT 20

wide angle on the world

Consolidation of language and skills

Canada in focus1S34Project:

Snapshot of my country

Take a break 1

River deep, mountain high