watere011d news...

THE WATERE011D NEWS LA1X.KST C1KCULAT1OX IN THE SOUTH OF IRELAND. Published cicry Frulay Evening, at No. 49 A' IIIJ Street [orrosiTf: THE PROVINCIAL BA£ K.] 1' JUCB TmiKB PENCE ; YKAIILY ( IN ADVANCE) 13S.; .STAMPED , 4d. ; YUAIUCY, 17S. 4d. Agents for Sale of THE NEWS: WATKKFO151)—5Ir. W. KELLY, Littlo Gcorgo ' s-strcet TlJAJIORK—Mr s. GRAXDV ' S Library, Stmnd-slrcot PASSAGE EAST—Tho Misses LcvE . Hotul , Squaro. CAUKICK-ON' -SUIK—Mr. J.SI.JluRi'iiY . Nows Agoiit PILTOWX—Miss ROCHE, Grocer. DUSOAKVAX—Mr. MATTHEW WALSIT, Blackpool. KILKENNY— COYLE Brothers, Booksellers , ic, «TnE WATEItFORD NEWS" MACHINE PRINTING , PUBLISHING, liOOK-DJNDIN G, RUL ING , ASD ACCOUNT-BOOK MANUFACTORY 49 & 50 KING STREET. S^H *<P PING. " WATERFORD STEAM COMPANY I. \ T . K X J) ED ORDER of SA ILING—SEPT., 1B70 M jyjOTICK. —TlieWatcrford Steamship "L j^JS^s IA Company rttrivc lioinls for Slii jiiiK'nt VWf- f$%S>- 0 " ''"" fullowii:)! Terms onl y:—Tlioy nsrrvo 35£S£Kse> tlic ri ght to carry by anil , not liy particular \>> M'1S, with litcrty to Tow Shi ps ami call at other Torts ml »ill not lo acrnunUMi! fur iujnrii's or Uissos ansins from May, acciiU'iils of tho Sons, liivcrs , Fire , the Queen' s Kne- min< " , ci<.-li. -clivc Navigation , or accidents from any otlicrrnufi- , noi (o- any loss which illicit have liccn covmil by Insurance , nor for Leakage, l' .rcaka^o, Condition , Quality, or contents of any l' arcclii orl'acVagos , unliss specially cnteroil and ad rn- Irem Frei ght paid. Goods not removed to be Storrd at the r ' .sk and eipcnsc of tbe Consiguces. WATEliPORB AND HIIISTOL. Grti-JV, or otlirr eli gible Vosfl , direct. From \V iterloril to llristol : from ISristi.l tn Waterfnrd : Tuc-.Lv . Sep.. li . ... <) Affn (Thu.wl.y, Sept. I , ... !IJ| M.,rn Tucl- iV " l- 'l . ••• «'i .M-'MK'ThuiwIajr , .. S, ... 5 Aft n ru,... 'ii " - ». <1 .Min. iTbuwla/ ,, 15, ... SJ Morn Tut=Ja>! " - 7 i - lul Morn. TbunJ.ift 'J2 . _ 4 Afl ' n lui=oa>, Irhorbdijr , ,, 59. -UJ SIoni Calyps o. From Watrrford to llristol , Kn.m liriMol to Watorford , Dirirt. calling M lV'inliiole Dork, fn.lnr S<pl. -. - H Ali' n.Tunulny, Sci.t. C ... 3 Afl ' n Kr .hv ' ¦ '. ••• ' Morn riir.dar. .. "- 11 Morn r-ri-tiiv * . t -'"I M.>rn;Tu«ilaf, .. 2" - I A It ' ll l ri. ' ay. ' ,. - ''. - " MornlTutodaj. !!J ... 1 Morn fii.l^r. .. M . - l"i »' ' $/» " On Karly Jloruiui; Sailings , the Cabin of the Steam- ITS ivill be Opuu to receive l' a»seui, '" rs arriving from London bv the Ni-ht Mail Train. " Culiin Pare, 15*. 0.1.; Servant* and Child ren , UK 01. Ueturudo., ' - ' •vs.; or with liberty to return from Dublin Cork , or Wrsfonl , 31s. Oil., Steward's fee included ; Deck Ts oJ. Females attend the Ladies' Cabin. \Y AT Kit r 'O U1> AND L 1 V K U V 0 0 L. Lara and Lion , or other rlisiMe Ws>r!> . FROM WATKR»OI!1>: IBOM L1V] lilGOI. : Fri.lw SCIII . - ' , •.. 12 Xnon|]' riilnr, - ^cp'- ! ' , ... 3 Afl ' n 2; ,, ;._ 12 . VH...|.MoMi»y ,. :. ..- 7 Morn \V(.lneriiar ?. ... 1" .MornjttYilnoilay ,, 7, ... 1 Morn Krf.l\v O ... I1 )l »r, k>rf.« , ». ...Ill Morn Tntslay V, », - ' A!l ' n;Tuf..l»T > M, ...U .V»>n V' riJav ., IC , ... IS Wn l-' riitay ,. l\ ... i Ml n ¦)' u -4iV in, ... 8 Noon TiwHlay, -in . ... C .Mom Frhlav ' '/I . .- 10 Mnn.;i- - ri.lar, .. «. ... ? Morn Tuf-.lV ,, 57 , ... 1 AltVloexlajr , .. 17, ...II Morn KtMiv " J11 - l2 Nooii . liiilay, =0, ... 1 Alt' n Caf.i ' n Far-! 1Ss - Servants and Children , 10*. ; Deck , 7B . 6d. ; Children. 4s. Females attend thu Ladies' Cabin. Goods received at Clarence Deck . WATK11V0KD AND LONDON. Aurora and Vtsta , or other eligible Yes>els. TKOM WATBBFOBD! JBOM IOSDOS •Dnir.div Sent. 1. 4 Altn ' n Scut. 7. ... 8 Morn ¦nZlu y " . ... 4 Alln ' n We.lMMl;,y 14. ._ S Mum Thiir.i ' av IS . _ 4 AlU'll -«'ci!nis»Jiiy 21, S Morn Thursday , ' , ' ' . '2. ... 4 Altn ' n !\Vc(luc»ilaJ 'JS . ... 8 Morn Thut~«toV •• -^ » "* * Altn ' n ' , LOAinxo H BKIIIS :—London—Uritisli anil Forei gn Steam Wharf , Lower Kast Smitlifield, and West Kent Wharl , Sinn I li\v:ivlc. WATKHFOKD AND PLYMOUTH . Aurora and Vtsla , or other eli gible Vts>rl». 7B0M WATEBFOBU: FUOSI PLTJIOVIK : Thur>Jav bew. 1,... 4 Afin ' n,Thor«lav, Sept. I , . i< Arm' n Thurnlar »• 4 Altn ' B. TIioriiiny. .. S, ._ S Alt n' n Thur..liv " IS. . •< Alln ' n Tliurt.lM' , .. 1.1 . ... 8 All n' n ThuixtiV , ¦ ¦ !-. * Allnnlharlda v , S3. ... 8 Alln ' n Tlmrsdar ., ?¦' ••• * Aftn ' n Ill . ursJai , ,, », ... S Aftn ' n Taking (ioods for yaloioutb, Soutuamptou . rortsmoulli , and places adiaceut. WATKUFOIt D AND HKLKAST. Aurora and Vesta , or other eligible Vessels. mOU WATtl' .IOBU : I1.OM lltLPAST : c,,.., i ,t scot 3. ... i Att n' nTut»Jar , Sen. ci , ... " Aim 5»u,l * v 10 ... 2 Aftn ' n Tue.JaV . 11. _ 13 Noon .Saturday. ' , ' , ' 5? , ... ' •! Altn - n-Tuwlay, .. SO. .. 0 Affn S«urd»y ' . =< - = Altn ' n|rUc«!uy, 27 , ... 1= -Noon WATKIU 'ORD AND NEW UOSS. F ROM WAIKUPOBD Dail y, Sundays eiceptcd , at 4.0 P.M. FttOM N E «' HOSSDaily, Sundays eicepted, at 8.15 A .S« W \TKUI' -O)t I) AND DUNCANXON. F ROM \\'A7t:uF0Ri'—Dail y, Sundays ejccpted . at 1.0 P.M. F ROM DUSC . SSXO SDail y, Sundays exceptcd, at b.15 A. M. lWllis secur.J awl every iufotwuition givcu bytheAgenta. Bri.fol—Tin 1 Inueral Steam l' acket Ollice. Lirerjiool— Wit.rlord Sli-am Shi p Company, 23, Brunswick-street , W-ishiiiston lhiiMins:!. . London—AMiiOM.Ci .KoDIxsos , H\ Mark Lam- ; HritMi and;Foreisn Steam W harl , Lower K;v~\ SiiiitlilK-lJ , nui Wi-,1 Kent Wharf , Southwark P/jr- movth- 11BM1T J. WAKIMi , lbe\S barl , Miltiny. Del/Wst— I! llvMirKMjs it SOS8 , Donegal Quay ; | jui!M-II| L i ^ .t c.m- .|.»n . v ' Onice . tb. 1IALL . WATKUFOKD CLYDE SUIPI'ING COMPANY. SEPT., 1870. s T T : A : V C OH MUNI CATION Between Glasgow, Cork , and Waterford, C-irrviir'tiiiiK5^n'li i uiiKli U»ti:st i>LiMEEiCK , TiPr«UAitv , CAUII ; , CLI»HV.I., CHK\ CE-OS -SV » R, KILKLSHV , AB- VKYLEIX , MAKTLOKOfCIl , Hlld NKWPOBT (M UU ). fTIIIK New nnd Powerful Screw Tj>i»^ X Strameis "KI.\'SALK .""SALTKK , ' S^RfO^- " SANDA ," " CTMIIHAK. " at.d " KD. ^¦^-**5!gj£'l>Y!>TUNK ," or other Fint-Class WsrU, ai?Si-i!ded . xail .is und. r (unlrss prevented hy any un-*i-ii, with or without I'llots , and with litirrty to Tow V«*-*ls, and to render AMI »UIIM to V essels '" "';ttfSS ' "* FUOM GI.AS(!OW TO CORK :....l WAI KKFOIM) , every .MONDAY , WKDXKS. 1)\Y& FUIDAV , al - p.m.; Kaillo Cirwuock 7 p.m. \,| TE _ 'f|,,. Siiamtrs !»ailui2 on Mondays and Wiilnr*. dnv» ciii lir»t »t Wi.t.ifonl . The SlMiner oi: Kiid.y goe- ,li, " ...-t u. L' ort. »nd rail* at W..t.rford FKOM COKK TO liKLFASl I) T«. I . SM'L'UDAYS a, 1" , 17, and 'JUh SJEI ' I . 4 1st Oil HKI.FAST TO COIMC , 1' ia (il.ASGOW . MONDAYS. «, l-'h , ll'ili . lt -OiU Sew., and ord OCT. FUOM COUK TO DUHLIX . I'ia WATKUFOItD , MONDAYS , 3-li , 1-Jih, lO'li , nnd i«:h SKPT., an.l a.d OCT FUOM WA TKUFOHD TO DL'ULIN, D.n-et , •njFSliAYS , «' .li , i:Jil> . ' -'';''i ! > i " 1 - '7-!iSMT., ai. l -lili Oci la-itux TO <:OI : K & WATJ - UFOKD via G LASGOW u-VliNE-DAYS 7lh , lUh , 'Jlil, & Jatli Sl!Pl., &utli Oci FKOM COUK TO l' l.. »r,w(vil IMfast) ... S:.lurJ»y, 3rd Sept . 9 p.m ! : , * ru Wat. -rluid i: Dublin) M.ind»y. 5.h 'J p.ui * va^leiii-t l ... Satu rday, 17.1, 7 p.n. ^-: f^^.e , ! ord 4 UubH 10 , S ay.^. , : «, ; n «la»2i.w ('' . '"•f' Y, " ., Saturdav , "I'll 3 p.ui U1.... .0W d.ri.t) . ... ... a Ut Oc!. 7 „.,„ VOZ ^WaU^ld & Dubbnl Vond ^ ard FUOM WATKHFOKD TO SSSK -:^-r s BBIB " : =8&i I IE ° hi l'l" S _ . G).»ow to Watcrford or Cork ...Cabin , Us.fl.l .i Deck , 1&. ^ .^^rd to DuMin::: io, - oJ: c :: Je(«rn Tieleli arailahlt for on« Jlfoiitn , no( trantf trablr. Cil^cow to Cork or Waterlord Cabin, 25s. 0.1. Watwloid to Coik Cabin 12s. 01. 1Z»- NOTE. —The Cly de Shi pping r.m.p^.nv I III - IIM nil Coo?. ' Shipped by these Lines of Stcunicts . at 5'. per Cwit. -«luM lo l.e d»clared attinic nfSbi poient. rorms and all ; nrnrn»tion to It had lit the OflicM. Fo " l MM of Frei ght . 4c, apply to-Con* STEAMSHIP Co l' emo " Quay, Cork ; Itousm CiI.^ 31 C..II. .street , \,Z,.l Vi-AtBRTOBD and CBXTEAI iRFLAItn liAlLWAT OfWICU \VATK»WKD, XlWWi irT, Hllti MA RVBOKOL 'OU ; I I HS&IMON & Hos , BHPAH ; J OB » U BIIV , WATBR - io.D .nd UMIMCK IU1LWAT OPFICr , L.MBBICK i CiioilK .no Eo»'. No ' 20, - Kdni Q0»y, DUBLIS i OR IHIM BRSI>", Grernork ; CLTDE SIIIPPISO Cos- (!ustom House Quav. Waterft.rd . M T 7 SI C . «rR BILTON , PROFESSOR OP MUSIC Mw-NO. 18 , HENRIETTA STREET. Tenna , on app lication. [d».3m] S HIPPING. THE GUION LIMTE. UNITED STATE S MAIL' STEAMERS fiffiW^b^ CV™ of tbo lowing or other First X^3|Jg|>. Vf class, fcJl-powered StoamBhipa ¦d^~±XX3S *i will bo dospatchod from LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK, EVERY . AVEDNESDAY. Captain. Ceptain. IDAHO JAMia t HniCE. MANnATTAIf w\V. For»ith JvEVADA W. C. OREEH. NEI1KASKA... J AS. GCABD COI.OUA DO T. F. FBEKJIAB WISCONSIN J. A Willinms .MINNESOTA Ed. Wliineray WYOMING (oow building) And ore intended to Slit follows WISCONSIN . ' . " .... .. ¦Wednesday ' Sopt. 28 MANHATTAN .......Wedne-iay . " . " oct. S. NEBRASKA Friday... Oct. 7. CALLING at QUEKNS7OWN tlie day following, to embarK l' auetigrrt. Pcssf ngcrs lieoked through to S«n Fr»nciiCT tnd all iolaod towns at low rates. Hates of Passage from Liverpoo l to New York:—Cabin Pas«.ige , JU18 18s. imtfiJSl Os. Steemife Pat.age at reduced rates. The latter includes an unlimitei supplj of prorisiooi , cookrd and served up by the Comptnj ' i jlewards. For freight or pis«aj;r, spply to .' r. MATTHEW. II. OAM1'1ON, M Hwoher^^^V.terfotd} JOHN IMJVfiUKUX'QnayV.flirfofoS THOMAS ICAVANAtHI . the Square, Duncatvan ; J A . \i ICS SCO1T .t CO., Qu.*nslown j or to o22-!tl GUION & CO., 23 Wnter-strecl , Liverpool. SZTSllOIlT SEA PASSAGE Every Wednesday & Thursday to AMERICA, •-1 T>Y THE SPLENDID MAIL wSf**?*^ -*-* STKA M EltS of t he A LLAN LINE , ^^^flBjSl ^S- niiinini in connection uitli the (5HAND «sS?3fe!«!.TltUSK and oilier II AIL WAYS, nnd For- wnriliin ; I' ii»Fiii!rr' on r. i»v terin^ to all StalioD* in CA- XADA and tliu WEMEltiV STATES :— ]tIl!El!XIAX.... S q)t. 20 CASPIAN' Sept. 27 «JIOHAYIAX...S q>t. 22 »AUSTKIAN' Sept. 29 •Calling at LONDONDERRY (Ireland), every FRIDAY, to *ml>ark Pa^rnjzrr* nnd H IT Majesty' s Mails; and from l'OKTLAND to LIVKIU'OOL , every SATURDAY. r CAIIIX PASSAOE TO PORTLAND , BOSTON , or NEW yOHK" , £18 18*., and £16 15s., including Provisions, but not Wines ot Li quors , which can be obtained on board. CRT STBBHAOB PASSAOH, to either PORTLAND, QCEBEC, •JOSIOX or N EW YOKK , f 0 G*., including a plentilul suppl y ot Cooked Provisions . C5#" Baggage taken from the Ocea n Steamshi p! to He Railway Cars Free of Expense. PumphlcU on Canada supp lied gntis . Shortest Itnute to San Ki.incisro, via the Union Pacific li iilroad. Through Tickets issued on the most favourable terms. ror Height or lVsage apply, in Glnsiow lo J. and A. A LLAN ; in Luudon In SIpxToostERir. AK KKKIIIIORSB , 17 liinnchurch-street ; in AI.I.AS II BOTIIKRS & Co. , Alexandra buildings , Jiuncs-strrrt , Liverpool , and 85 K.jyle-sticet , Lou- d.'iid.rrv ; or to Mr. FORUISTAL , New UOK ; J. M. MUHl > HY , l3 Xew-lane , Carrick.oii.Suir; THOMAS KAVANAfiH , Dnn-urvari : to (flS-l y) THOMAS PUHCELL , Quay, Watcrford. * »* Any information tri]uirnl coiicerninK Canada can be ohimmd from Mr. Dixo. v, 11, Adam Street , Adel phi , Lou- don Aecnt for the C.iuudian Unrernment. IJIPORTANT TO EMIGRANTS. KINGSTOWN (DUBLIN) TO AMERICA. ONCE A WEEK.-SIIOKT SEA PASSAGE. M "k 1 nP 1IE JIOXTREAL OCEAN STEAM. anifcJ f*^ J- SHIP COMPANY will dispatch ^/T s f^\f^ g>.Oiio of thfir favourite Stoamcrs of tho ' *Zrrr-* iiz2Br A I.LAX Line, from Kixosiowx (Dluux) , TO QUEKEC , KYEIIY THURSDAY, f af f ? Carrying Passviigurs at tlio Famo rato to citlicr Quebec , Boston , or Now York. These Steamers oiler the greatest facilit y to Pas- ficngors bound to tho Western States of America, as PassL'ii{. 't'rs can be forwarded on Throug h Ticket to all the important Stations as far West as San Francisco. THE s r LI : sin ii STEAM V . KS CASPIAN from DUBLIN Sept. 22nd OTTAWA do Sept. "UtU ST. DAVID do Oct. toll.' KA TKS OF PA SSAGE from DUHLIX to cither QI. KIIKC , BOSTO. V, or NEW YORK : Steerage, including a full supply of provisions, jCG Cs. PASSAUK TO QfKiii.c—Chief Cabin, £13 13a. ; lntiT. miiliate , JC' J. For further particulars , appl y to J AMES & Aims. I »:K A I.LAX, 70 Croat Cl y de Street , Glasgow, aud 10 Edeu yuay, Dubliu; or to their A(iENTS: T1IOJIAS PUltCKLL, Waterford ; J. M. MURPHY , New-laue, Carrick^o-Suir. KDWAKI) HUTLKK , Iunistioguo. (mbll-tf KNKLANI ) AND SOUTH WALKS , AKD THE SOUTH Of IKKLAND , BV UltKAT WESTEltN HA1LWAY, via MILFOKD HAVEN , In cuiuioctiou with the WATKIHOII I) i LISIERICK and WATEIIKOKII <t CE. VTli.VC, IliKLANU LillCS. SHORTEST ROUTETand REDUCED FARES. M «p EXPRESS Ti. ' .liNS .]• NEW FAST MAIL fji:^ STEAME1- .S EVEII Y WEEK DAY. UP—LK. VVK WATKKIOKII at 1 p.m., on Arrival of 11.40 a.m. Tniin from Limerick , and 10.30 a.m Train from Maryborough, AliRIvixu IN Lo.viiox at at 11.15 following morning. DOWN— LK. VVK LONDON (Pnd'lington) at 4.30 p.m., ami AitiiiVK AT WATLKHIUII about 0.30 a.m., in time Tor the Trains on the Waterford aud Lime- rick and Iri'lnnri T.iri'Q. KA11ES— WATEHF0IID AND LONDON : Si.vtii.Ks (avuilablo -1 Days) 1st Class & Saloon , 4<is Od i> 2nd Class & Saloon , 35s Od » ,, 3rd Class & Foro Cabin, 20a Od I! ETI KX (available 1 Month) list Class & Saloon, 70s Od ., 2nd Class & Saloou, 5'Js Od Vurtlicr information can bo obtained from Messrs. J AI - KSIIX and Co., Xevv Milford, and Mr. DOWXKV , Adel phi Wharf , Waterfonl ; aud the R EDIXKU FARES bctwiiii other iiniJtirt.-uii. Stations , tlio Timo Tables, and Thiiaigh Hates fur Goods, &c., of Mr. W. J. Bus- SKLL , tliu l!iti:.vr WLSI' KICX COMI ' AXI ' S AGENT, PAUL'S SljUAltE , WATEKFOHD. J. CltlEllSOK , General Manager Paddington , August , 18GU. [my-28 N A TIONAL LINE STEAM FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW Y0BK EVEUY WEDNESDAY , AND FROM QUEEXbTOWN EVEHY TUUKSDAY ^ P- (r«a«aS "\r A ' 1 ' I0N A L STEAM SHIP /j ;\Vknk\ k "^ COMPANY (LIMITED), "^agjjjj itfl^y' The new full-powercd British Iron «<arw>BKSBSS3 Screw Steam-ships L ,.?i'l!" A •,,• , Tm " SHi l"- T<"> ' S1 A'i < l J II1 !; I '!" r ) *'"• KXliUXD , WclsUV..... 3307 M- ' .V7 ( IV 1 ' 1 ""- ') *"¦' KIMX , llr.w 331H •V. 'Vv,"^; ' M " Ill:i-VW1A , (inn:* SI1H HnLLAM) , l lmnuuc :;vi, I'KXSVI.\"XlA ,Tlii,iu5on a*!l i'liiVifsJl"' ;. 1 }" " >;1 VUl'ilN'A , Andrews ... - '*7 lllhliLhh.N , 'lliuuili»ii A\7 I DKXJIARK . rorljM SUS Will Vi-di-wpHichrd Iroio Lirrrpnnl to NVw York us followi . PltANCK Wednesday Sept. 28th ITALY Wednesday Oct. 5th. ENGLAND Wednesday Oct. 12th, And Iroin Qutcmtotvu the tuliowiliK days . Thf Saloon iircurauiuduti.m on ImarJ tliocSlt^iniTi is very Mipnior. - V.ati- of pashapf 12, 1J , 17 ti jinpa. , accord, in; to . ncfonimMl.tion in .Sla' iro. in—all harintc umt priTi. legein b' aloon. lteturu TickctB, Tuenty-five Guincai. I hen: ta ciccllml luxounimdulioii tor JStcrrnca l' asten- Rfr» , anil a full supply of L' o.>krHl Provisions »er»«l an >>>• the Corapnny « .Stewards. l{atp< ot p..»sai:e ou K«luc.-d Trru*. riisn-ngptr) booked through to As|>iiiwnll , Sun Kr»ncisco, tbe inland towns ol Canada , aud of the United States, ou favourable. Irrum. Kor Kreisht or Pa«nge appl y to TnE N ATIOXAL SIKAJJ Suir COMPAST (LIMITED), 21 and 2.1 , , Liverpool; To. >. and J. CCUMIX 8 and HEOB., <Joecn»t<iwu ; to Mr.MURriiT . lCFivH Azrnt . Carriclt-fiii-Snir; or ; .Mr. K ICII A I: U I'MKLAST , I'urll.uv ; or to tliu Agent for llaterflml— M IL'II A HI. llOWXKV , Quay. WANTED , AN EXPEltlEXCED SALESMAN , to take chargo of the SllliCi' , TIE, and COLLAlt DEPAltT- MEXT of our Tailoring Concerns. (a2G- t) WALTEIl O'DOXXKLL & Co. tiUt }.J,licn. I' oit free for Ttco Stamj it. Dr. WATSON («f tl»! L OCK I I OS IIT A I. ,) K. I :.A .S., F.S.A. Mcrolrtr ol ttie C-llt-^c *,t " 1'Lyt.irun^ mnl Surrff,,n« , on tho SELF-CL'MK «»• NERVOUS AXII l'HYSICAL DEUI I.1TY , W,. .ii,, K ,,t il, r Vital Fluids, and Wither- iujt ot Ihe Nfrvi,u« Ti«Mi^« , Lwitudp , L^»« nf Eneny and Appetit.', liiouiid!r>* lV«i», .u.d' nih. r D.M.rdcre , presented lofufJero v, in iiiili-r ¦ liy I'.ire l lie hi Men cnuim of tbow mnlulirs whit-li nffl ct Ilumanilv , a:,d utlord ruch advice as will ( ITui t u run 1 in 'in' iimj'H tl (if niM'f , uilhnut daltgrrnos Medicili.'i Mid i Jp.n>ive iiil.i.ltatiuii- , nlnuii nuy Di> ilij- ponff.l will' . Sriii p <•> I IIM .II r.ivi |,i.f i«'»»tHii p>( byDr WlTSOX, No. 1, SnMli (V-i.Mt , liidfnrd Square, Loud.MI W.C. Fuv ilM'iii'ui'lirtl qui ' ilMMii'i'S vi!ul)i|,|uii,a». Pro. frai.,nal Coii'iiHat s tlaiiy ln.ui 11 >o 'J , and J lillB e». u- iuic ; t- ' un.^ijf Id III! i. "We uiv irisul to lii.d D- . »:II «> II has euil'odied his (rr»ot rxppii^nce and i er.nt iliws wrin in a work lately paMi.liplli.riUlwiii'Uiuf 'SitlTi-ii mf Inv»lid- . '"Hctp ital ci.f ' c.r.sultalin.i iCiati- . by Letter. N.J. —Discuses of l. -ili -ct ' itii (- ' uiei in «>' •<• ' ' ¦ '»¦ Al-nt.y tin- ninn- . l .utl». , frf <¦" 'I'1 '" 1 - S'Krnps. MEDICAL U inVh TO SIAIiRIAGE, a l'KACTICAl. TIM- \Ti--K >n "<¦ l'liy,ic»l and IVr«. nal ol.hi! J.:ii.iis »"' : <!"» : '1- ' •' ' "'"' ¦" ^""^ r """'n I,iipedin.cul« , *hich mar llic I ;.pp»ie»» ot Married lite , m»y «yetdi!y tciuuvcd. NEW AUTUMN G(DDS 1>/L. POWB E &c SOl fS > 2 and 3 BROAD STREET , and 1 LITTLE PATRICE STREET -WATEBF0BS BUTLER'S CATECHISM. TO CATHOLIC CLERGY, BOOKSELLERS, &c. On Sale at The News Office , With the Recommendation of tlio Bishop of Waterford and Lisinorc, the Hi ght Kcv. Dr.O BEIBN A Catechism for the Instruction of Children , nv THE MOST Rev. Dr. JAMES BUTLER, Archbishop of Cashel and Emly. Priuled ou Good Paper, and in largo clear Typo. HKCOMMENDATION : " I approvo of this Edition of tho Right Rev. Dr. JAMES DmtKit ' s Catechism, and roconuncsd it to the Faithful of theso Dioceses. ">J< D. O'BRIEN, R.O.B. " Waterford, June 2, 186'J. " S3T Orders from any part of tho Diocese, sent in nud directed to C. RF .DMOXD , Priutcr and Publisher, M' aterfiml News Office , 49 King-strect , promptly at- tended to. Tho Trado supplied on moderato terms. May bo liad Retail from every Catholic Booksollor n thti Dinor»«e. WE ABE NOW SHOWING I. A LARGE VARIETY OF NEWGOODsV FOR THE AUTUMN SEASON , in |i-. WOOLLENS ; BLANKETS 4 PLANNEJrfl ; COIjj^BS , AND PLAIN & FANCY DRESSES; HOSIERY & GLOVES ; ' FAHOy DBESS TRIMMINGS SHAWLS j TIES, SHIRTS, h ALSO, A LARQE 8T00K OF i> IHISn LINENS, I SHEETINGS; : I HB88IANS , CALICOES, | . TIOKENS, | TOWBLLINGS , &fl. tSS " AT GREATLY REDUCE^) PRIOESi : w^ S'U1ff-M DALTON & HANLEY HAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE DELIVERY OF A CHOICE STOCK OP NEW GOODS, SUITED FOR THE PRESENT SEASON, COMPRISING ALL THE LATEST STYLES IW BLUE AN!) BLACK CLOTHS, IRISH, ENGLISH, AND SCOTCH' TWEBDS ; FANCY COATINGS & VESTINGS FANCY TJtOWSERINGS; BLACK AND COLORED SILKS; FANCY DRESSES; PRINTED MUSLINS ; CALICOES; A Large Lot of Lawn Handkerkchiefs , Slightly Damaged , very Cheap. PLEASE OBSERVE: al22-Gml 85T NEW DRAPERY HOUSE, 5 BROAD STREET. WATERFORD SHIRTS ! ESr VEItFECT FIT WARRANTED. FINE WHITE SHIRTS, Cs. Od. EACH, or 3Qs. per HALF DOZEN. UEST FLANNEL SHIRTS (SHRUNK) , 8s. Od Each BEST CASHMERE COTTON SHIRTS, 7B. Gd.Each ml'2-1 y] P. T0BIN & SONS, 58 & 59 Quay. N1C0LLS' CELEBRATED SUMMER OVER COATS, BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED ion THE HEAT , DUST , OK RAIN P. J. SULLIVAN , $33" 74 QUAY , WATE11F0RD. >)•(!- t] NEW AUTUMN GOODS T UAVK tliia day Received tho FIRST DE. LIVERY of NEW GOODS for tho Season. W . KELLY , 75, QUAY , WATERF0IID. TO MAKE ROOM FOR My NEW WINTER STOCK , AU of wliicU shall bo ready for Salo 29TH NEXT MONTH. I havo this Week Re-marked, at a Very Con- sidcrablo Reduction , tho Residue of my SUMMER GOODS, nnd will offer samo for Salo ou SATURDA Y NEXT , AUGUST 27(/i, 1870, AN1J roLLOWlNd ItAYS. MILLINERY, MANTLE & DRAPERY * WAREHOUSE, 75 ttUAY, WATERFORD. A HOUSE TO BE LET , FURNISHED, South Side, ou reasonablo Terms. Further particulars, by letter to " Z. Z.," Offico of this Papor. s2-3t] Alliance Life and Fire Assurance COMPANY, BARTHOLOMEW LANE, LONDON. CAPITAL:—FIVE MILLIONS STERLING, rmiiDBm: Sir MOSES MoNTKrioEE ' , Bart., F.R.S. 833* ProapcctuseB, Rate of Assurance and evei> information may bo had of MB. RICHARD HARRIS, A K cnt, Stock and Sharcbroker , 15 Queon-at., Watorford. JMRINE ASSURANCE. Cargoes, per Steamer nnd Sailing Vessel, to any Port in tho Irish, liriatol, and English Channclx Insured ou very Modcruto Termi, os woll as all Soa jisks. Wai 1 risks tuken. (tf) THIS BOOK IS GIVEN AWAY. A GUIDE TO TnE CURE OF NERVOUS- NESS. Uy IUNBX SMITII , U.I) , of tho Uniieraity ul Jem, auihor of the " Volunteei ' g Manual , " 4c. A new Medicul Work on the wonderful power of tbe Con- t-RiitrHU'd Kletliciiiet (ot llie cure of Nervuui , MenUi , &Dd l'hyiical Debility, Lowuem of Spiriu, Indigettion , Want of lCurrey, l' ninl in the llacV , Superroatorrlian , Impediment* to Miiuiige , BliJ l' lFiDDtnre Decline , retultioK from in- ilincretion ; with inilructions far perfect rextorttion to lifallh lud vi gour oitliuct (lie painful »hocl» of 0«l»«nUm ,,r tlie u-e of Electric llnltr , 4c. The WABNIITO VoiCI it illuilrttal wild many uten and teniiinonifils , giiea adfio nnd rult-x for cura of All diieusen b y the use of tbo neir Klicltic Itentsdirs. Dr. HHITU invilea all who have tried tbnf:il>el> called remedy Galvanism or Electricty to «eod a fctiimpril dirfclcd cnrelope for hia new (jtoiplilet , wbicb will be cm under sell by return of poll. CONSULT A LOUDOB PIIT«ICI * H BY LBTTBE Wiraoni FEE. - Dr. SlciTII will , for tbe Wntfit of nerrooa taBntn , i.n receifiiiK a detcri plinu ol their cwe . taeod his written opinion , witb nJ'ice aud directiunii lor tbo moat «ncc«i»fol iiient Hnd cure. Addre»i Ur UHIBY SMITH , ' 8 Buriou Creaoent , London, W.C. ( TO HE GIVEN AWAY I A Neir Medical Work on llarriape , tha eauae and care* of preaatura decline in man, Nenonj Debility, Impotencji &c , with Hnlea for renoTinK cettaia di*qaalificationa that drilroj tbe bappinesi of Weddad Life , or EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR For Two Sumps auQ' erera may aroid tbe numeroua itnpoiton who «:nd their booka for nothing, pabliah teati- roooiali whicil tbey write thuMeltej , Gctitiooa tariawa from imaitinary Journxl ^profeaa toenre ditenneii with ioatrnmenta instead of Mcdicinea , and otber abiurdities aa cruel aa tbey are deceptive. A ph) i-iciaii , S»yeara eitenai>ely enioteJ ID tbe treatment of Dtbilily HI I II ilia Tarioui menial aud nerfooa affoctinni r«- lulting tlierilroii' , will tend free, on rtceipt of Two Penny Stamps > .o prrpcy postage, a pauipblet ranLiining hia highly ioccr»sfiil aud only safe trealment, with all tha necessary preacriplious ar'l directioua by which sufferera mar core tbcnikelTes at trilinn cunt. Addreta Mr. LIWEI , Utdical Publisher, 14 H;ad Court , Uolbdro, Loudot. SKIRTINGS AND SKIRTS ; HOSIERY, GLOVES,. RIBBONS ; HABERDASHERY ANI> TRIMMINGS in great Variety NOTICE. In conaeqnonco of his increasing Trado , RODERICK RYAN has OPENED a BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT 8S° AT NO. Ill, TUB QIL1Y, WHERE ho baa an Extensive Assortment of FIRST CLASS GROCERIES, TEA.S, WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEYS, RUM, GIN, AND OTHER LIQUOHS ; Ales, Porter , Suoars, Spices, Soaps, Caiulks, .$"c , ROLL AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY TOBACCOS, LAMHKIN ' S CORK AND OTHEH FANCV . SNUFFS ; MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAIt-ROOT PIPES, IN GREAT VARIETY ; and FINEST FOREIGN CIGARS , upon a quantity of which ho has this week paid Duty to a largo amount at tho Castom-houso, Watorford. Ho guarantees every artiolo offered for Salo to bo of tho FINEST QUALITY, and hopoa his friends and tho public will continue to favor him with tho samo kind support so liborall y bestowed on him at his old and well-known House, 12 BROAD STREET . RODERICK RYAN , General Grocer, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Mercliant, Tobac- umist, Soap, and Candle Manufacturer , 12, BROAD-ST., AND 111, CUSTOM-HOUSE QUAY, (jyl) WATERFORD. THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE AGE HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. T HE EFFECT ot THE OIKTKEHT OH THE S IS- IZH.To the very core and centra of all diseases which affect the human body, this remarkable preparation penetrates , It disappears under tba friction of the Land as •al l disappears when rubbed upon meat. Tbe ungnent per- forms ita healing errand rapidly, salely, and without pain. Simple eroptioos, open torn, hard tumours, scrofulous davel- opemeots of all kindj, absceaiea, cancen, old wounds, and, in fact , every species cf inflammation -jr auppnratien, wbatber in tbe skin, tbe ttih , tba jlanci^rf^mong lbs mD*eln, e«a be arrested in ita deatrnctire cottHTand permanently cared, wilbont danger , by rubbing in tbiaineatimabla Ointment. BAD LEGS, BID BBI JUTB, S OBXS AJCD ULCSB *. In many Hospitals in Europe this celebrated remed y is now used for the cure of old wounds, aores , and ulcers ; in Spain and Portugal , aud in many parta ot Italy, tbe first Physici ans regularl y prescribe its use. It is a sovereign remed y for bad breaiU and bad legs ; and likewise for «11 skin diseases. It is to be found iu tbe chest of nearly every tailor, soldi er* , and emigrant* PIIXJ, FiaiDLn, STEICI URB!.Thi obov« class of com- plaints is surel y removed by nightly fomenting the parta with warm water , and then by most effectuall y rubbing in this Ointment. Persons suffering from these direful com- plaiuts should lose not a moment in aneiting their progress. It should bo understood that it is not sufficient merely to smear the Ointment, on the affected parta, but it mutt be well rubbed in for some considerable time two or tbree timea a day, that it may be taken into tbe aystem, whence it will re- move any bidden sore or wound aa effectually as thoug h it were palpable to tbe aye. Bread and water poultices after tbe rubbing iu of the Ointment , will do great service. Ibis is the only proper treatment for femalea in casea of cancer in the stomacb, or for those who softer from * general bearing down. IiirsuDBNciBe OF YOUTH —SORB S ARD tluiu, Ulotcbee , as also swellings , can with certainty be radically cured if tbe Ointment be used freely, and tba Pills taken ni ght and morniug as recommended in tba printed instruc- tions. When treated in any otber way tbeae complaints ooly dry up in one place to break out in toother ; whereas this OintmeDt will remove tbe humour from tbe aystem and leave (be patient a vi goroas and healthy being. It will require time, aided by tha use of tbe Fills, to insute a lasting cure. DIPIHIBU, BRONCHITIS, SORB TUBOAIB, - Cooons, AND COLDS.—Any of tbe above class of diseasce may be cured by well rubbing tba Ointment three timea u day upon the skin covering the throat , chest , and seek of the patient. Tbe unguent will Boon penetrate tbe porea aud givu immedi ate relief. To allay the fever and lessen inflammation , ei gbt or ten Pills should be taken ni ght and morning. The Oint- ment will produce perspiration, which ia so easential for re- moving fevers, tore throats , and thoia oppreasiona of tbe chest which arise trom Astbma, Bronchi ti s, and otber causes. Both the Ointment and Piltt shcmla U uiei in thefoUou. \ng eases . Bad Legs Chieio-fool F|itolai Sore-throit Dad UreMta Chilblains Gout Skin diaeaae Burrn Chapped hands Glandular Swellings Scurf jr Uunlons Corns (Soft) Lumbago Sort lieaila llite ol MOB . Cancera rites Tumonra chitoesnnd Contiaeied and Rnenmatlim Ulcers Sand Fllea Stiff Jolnia Scalds Wounds Cocoa bay Elephantiasis Bore Nipples Yawa Sold at the Establishment of Froteaaor HOLLOV TAT , 211 , Straud (near Temple liar), London ; aUo, at The Nines Office, 49 King-street. Watorford, and by all respectable Droggista and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilised world , at tbe following prio-a :-la. lid., 2s. 9d., 4a. Cd, Hi, 22s., and 33s. each Tot. There it a considerable saving by taking tbe larReraizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patienta in every dis- order are affixed to each Pot. Homoeopathic Medicines and Handbook. 300 pages , oonni , Is., or if P "** M 'tamps. THE HOMCEOPATHIC FAMILY 1 N S T K U C T 0 K (an Epitome of). By RicnaED KFPB, Memberlof tbe Royal College of 8urgeona of Eng- land. Upwards of a hundred diseases are full y described and prescribed for. .-•»—. London : Published by Jims Errs A Co., Homceopatbio Chemista [the first established in England], 112 Great Ros- sell-street ; 170 Piccadilly ; and 48 Tureadueedle-street. CiUTIOK—Tbe Uedicioea supplied by Agents are secured by a band over tbe cork, nnd wbicb band bean the signature " Jims KPP» t Co., Homoropathic Chtmiats, London, " without which none are genuiue. _ Mj22-3ca] AGENTS IB C0RK :-W. * H. M. GOULD1NO; and T. IL LESTER, 107 Patrick-street. NERVOUS DEBILITY , and all NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, tvbetbac the result of early errora or otherwise, are by very simple and iaexpenaive means quickly cured in botb France andi Germany. The advertiser a reai. dent in this country, will be bappy to send free to all appli- cauta lull particulars of the mode of treatment there adopted , on recei pt of a directed envelope. All peraoua may cure them- selves , *nd tbus not ran tbe risk of being rictimiaed. Addreaa Mons. A. Dovi l , 18, Nowmarket-atreet Birmingham. HEALT H AND MANLY VIGOH.—A liadical man ci 20 years ' eiperieuc* in the treatment of NERVOUS DE- U1L1TY, Spermslorrhca nni otber affections which ire often acquired in early life, and unfit suflerera for marriage and olber social duties, has published a Boole giving the full benefit of bis long experience gratis, with plain directions for Ibe recovery of Health and Slrepttb. ¦ A single copy sent to auy address on receipt of One Stamp. Addreaa to tba B»rr»t«rv, In»tihit<- o Anstomy Birmingham ril-lyl TO NERVOUS 8UFFERER8. T> EAD " THE SECRET FRIEND, " b y Da. S\j JIARNE* , wbo baa for twenty yeara given hta udu- aive attention to the treatment and cure of BEXUAL MA- L « .DIKS, NERVOU8 and PHY8ICA L DEBILITY, LO88 of APPETITE. PAINS IN THB BACK. DIMNB88 OP 8IOHT, LAS81TUD2, INDIGE8TION, 8PERMATORR: IKEA, IMPEDIMENT* to UABRIAGE, and nantiooa other Ailments, ceased by tbe follies of youth, which, if nr«lecled, result in cooiuap tioD, inanity and an early death. Dr. Buan' B n«me baa been before tbejwblio notice for a vonsiderabl'i time, and tbe Cores h<- bu effected baa gained kirn u l>r-famed and jiatly-neritcd i-uute for hia akill in the treatment ol the above, aud all Sexoil Diaeaiee , WITHOUT THE USE OF MERCURY.. Hit Medical Work , "THE SECUET FRlEND , "ia illustrated wilh numerous Cases and Teatimoniala from Patients, showing the way by wbich they were restored to health and manly ngaar. It is « true glide to those who require a speedy and perfect care. Sent Poat Free , secure from observation, on . receipt of 2 8tampt ICP Addreas, Dr. BAB»M, 80 ThunbiU Crescena , Cate. doniaD Boad, IioadOD, N. («3i*D «> Wm Uf ^AY ^mihk " . TA - RLSH ' ros' SMPTW ^ BMR . £WATBRW)BD ANDOlUlTiUIJ IBBIiAND AMD ! >ft¦ -: KILKKNNY^jaMCTlON BAlLWlTB. 'i ! ' . ¦ " . " jtoar yrittmoxD. .. ¦ . . ' i nuis on mn auia. an«»i.T». : ._„, ' __ ltt31k«Hk»J 1* J »3 *8 11 hi STiTimra. atu olu(a QJ^,, ()]„,. ftlaaa. Clrm. . i.M. ?.M. f.n. M, a m r.u. ) ~ h m hm hm hm hoi pm' Wat<rrord_rftQMrW< 7 JO It «» S : 0 4. 30 It 0 B4S; Kllmaoo»..___._._. 7W 12 os 3 Ie i 40 II 10 0 55 , MolllnaTat __„ . » 50 IS t«0 4 50 II 2fl 76 B«llybaleWMn,MM.~ 8 10 1 . 8U J So 810 11 40 t il; Tionuutowa ___~i~ 8 tS a lo «M U-0 146 Beceelabridn __„ «.4O I SS 8 30 8 40 13 H SI Kllkannr Z-arrital t 0 3II 4 0 I 0 11 31 8 3t; Do. __jf<a>ort«rj »10 3 80 4 40 «U 13 (1 8 S5 Ballyraf«l_.,., mi.aS »M In SO 0 3S l'l SH Attam|b.. M.m...mi H 40 - S 10 « « I 15 8 8 Abbertolz _„„_- 041 a 10 S 80 70 130 930 Maijboro '__arW»; It i! 3 30 8 0 710 3.0 9 40 Maryboro ' ._Ap-.«p 1 16 3 4^ 7 37 7 71 3 M - Dublin orrital 3M S 3} » 40 9 « S 41 Maryboro . 1 ~Jtp dm HI 3S , - 9 91 Roscrea 11 ,44 » 40 - - - Paraoastowa 13 14 8 19 Portanna_ m_-..... - ll,» 9 4 Henaab .«¦•••••• W.31 - la) 1- •— ' Thnrln arrival II .48 « 11 15 TO VTATEErOSD. TltAtKa ON WKCK PATS. aUHDAT* . ,.T.r, . 13*31**3 1 * 81 4 3 ISt aWiajlS BTXTIOKS . c|ia| olMli ciaii. Olao. Clasa.Class . ».«. A.M. r. u. ijt. P.M. h xa hm hrn hm hm hm Tburles ^..departure 7 10 134 0 15 33 Templemore ».. 7S8 633 350 Nenagh™ - 6 3 0 - 516- - Portumna ..., ...... _•... 6 0 180 PitBonttown 6 40 8 li Hoacrea 7 13 8 0 _ Marjboro' ...aml...fp 8 31 8 <S 7 37 3 34 Dublin departure B 0 1 0 4 0 - 830 Maryboro > ..BT»l_(fi<m 10 38 3 4 6 31 tl 53 Dowir TBAi!f8. Mail . Goods Maryboro' .^departure 8 30 10 60 330 ?4S 730 5 15 Abbeyiaiz ._._ 6 00 11 10 3 80 r g-3 ' 45 '835 AtUna«h ._ t 10 11 25 4 £ tog I t lit Ballyragget~ 7 30 II 35 4 15 "?• 810 « 0 Kilkenny ....arrival 7 0S 13 O 4 40 90 830 635 Do -departure 8 0 IS 5 4 BO 9 10 8 45 6 35 BenneUbrldge 8 [1 13 11 i 3 igO tit 0 00 Thomutowa 8 89 13 30 8 15 SR | 9 10 1 5 Ballvaale « ia 13 tS ill %%t » V5 1 30 Molllosrat 9 6 110 3 58 1?? 9 60 7 46 KMmacov 9)6 125 6 10 p c»g 10 8 7 65 Wateribrd n...<irriral 9 00 1 45 6 30 It 0 10 30 8 15 (M»il. (Goods. Ticket* Issued for Slnile Jonrnej are available onlr for the Train bj vrhlch thay are Issued. Firat and 8econd Clau Hetnrn Ticketa are issned between any two Stations available for the iania day ; those iss ued for aov distance exceeding 80 milen, will be available for return on the day after the dste of the Ticket i and those Usoed between W«- tarford «nd Stations to Kiltsnn;, lnclaslre, and Marjborotigti , will be avallabla for return for two da;s after the date of tha Ticket . First and Second Clasi Retorn Tloketa Issued on 8atorday are returnable on Saturday, SoDday, or Monday t and lhc«a issaed on Sunday are returnable on Snnday or Monday. Third Olass Betnrn TlcteU lained at all Stations by Third Olau Tralos, available to retnrs the aama da/ by any Train • tbe Uails. Throosh Tickets , at low fates , ate fosned at Marjboronah and Kilkenny, via vTaterford and Milford Haven, to and from Lon- don, Dover, Sed Hill , Aldonbot , Readlnr, Baalntatoka, SWI Q. doo, Oxford , BirminKbam, Worcester , Hereford, Cbelteobani , Bristol, OloncnKr , Newport , Merthjr, Aberdare, Cardiff , N' eatb, Swaruea, Llanellr. Oarraarlhea, and Oarmarthen Junction , and NewHIlford. ' \VATEUFORD ~ AND LIMERICK RAIL WAY . "" Uv Trails from Wattrford. tRAlwa off wgaa: DATB. \ SOWDAV B. WATi*ro»D 1 I *? I 3 I 4 6 s V s s ~ TO ,,*,.,r. 1 ' 43 •** 1** 1.8. 3, 142 12i31243 TO MHiMca. C|M, C|n,, Clu, C|MI; C|atl c|nM Cjaj| A. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M A.M. r.M. hut hm hm hm hm hm bin Waterfoid....<i<p. 6 0 10 JO 3 15 4 4" 8 30 8 311 _ Carrlck „... 6 40 10 50 3 0 5 35 9 15 9 16 . Clonmel -._... T 30 11 30 3 45 8 U0 10 0 III I Junction. ...Jtrtvl 8 60 13 30 3 10 .„ 13 0 12 0 Dvilti ...arrival 3 46 6 35 « 40 4 30 4 30 ... CoaK«...arriva/ 1 80 2 25 8 2 ... 2 5 i 5 ... Dublin .M dtp .M 9 0 10 ... 7 46 7 45 ... Cork....... 8 0 2 <5 ._ 10 IU IU lo ... Junction ..... 8 65 12-10 6 30 .- 113 15 12 18 ... Litnerick.... arltl 10 5 1 31 6 35 ... I 1 SO 1 20 _ Down Trains from Limerick. TBA1NI OK WKXK DATS. BUKD&TS. LIXMIC E ' 3 3* 4 6 *^ I " '* 1243 1/. 3 1*3 1243 1*3 12* 3 143 TO WATiaroan. c,,, t clllll clu, C,,M Class Claaa Class A.M. A_M. A.M. P.M. P.M. PJ«. >J». I ~ b ~ m ~ rTm " ba baa kaa ha .km * Limerick,. dtp S 45 9 .30 11 36 4 0 10 48 6 30 10 U Junclion..arr!raJ 7 0 10 40 13 38 8 10 13 0 7 40 13 0 Oork..._.... _ ,, 10 0 150 335 63 88 433 35 Dublin .- 3 46 6 35 9 40 4 30 3 45 4 30 DueLiK.,_ na > q> ... 9 0 1 0 7 46 7 45 Co««.._._... g 0 8 45 10 10 la 10 Jnoction...... J 10 ,., 13 40 6 30 13 15 7 SO 13 15 Clonmel _ 8 45 ... 1 50 6 60 3 13 9 40 2 13 Oarrlck 9 25 ... 3 25 J 35 2 65 10 20 2 65 W»Kiford...qHri 10 10 ... 3 6 1 10 3 45 U 30 3 43 Mall Traina marked with an aaUrlik. FAais-Flrit Class Single Ticket, 14s rjd; Second do. 11 Od; Third do, 0s M. Belurn -First Class. 81a 9d ; Second do, 16s 6d WATERFORD AND TRAMORE RAILWAY. Week Say Trains. r«OM ' 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 a m a rft PJ 1 ^ P m p m p m ) p m p m p ra hm hm bm hm bm bmhmhm bTm W'fod «6 0 11 0 12 15 «1 30 4 0 5 30 7 15 9 0 „. T'mre 9 15 I'll 30 1 IS 3 15 4 30 *6 0 } 45 9 30 ... Sunday Trains r«o« i 1 I 9 a 4 8 . 6 J I 8 9 "**• a ro I a, m a m p m p m pro pinjp m pm hrojhm hm hm hm brc hra hro hm Word «8 OU 'IS 12 13 130 3 30 4 3)530 6 30 9 0 Tmorel 9 15 111 45 12 45 2 0 4 0 \'s 0 6 0 7 46 9 45 THE ONE THING WANTED. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. TBB BLOOD.Tbeae fomou Pills are so composed that they operate wholesomel y on the Stomacb, tbo Liver, tbe Bowela and other organs, by correcting any derangemtnta in their functions, whereby a steady suppl y of pure material! for tbe renewal of tbe Blood i i famis hed , and a constant abstraction of effete products is effected. This perfect cir- cul ation tbus becomes tho very fountain of health i:d life, and overcomes all form of .disease wherever ite situation . GBNBBAL DlSOBDKSB 09 TUB LlTXK AHD BTOaUCH. —i ll who ever indulge at table, either in eating or drinking, should tale about ton ol these famoua Pills at bed time, from which will resul t a,clear head aud good atomach tba followin g morning. Thousands of Ladies are always com. plaining of sick headaches , want of appetite, want of energy, and wantof atreugth j to corre ct all thes e evil a , three or four of tbeae Pills should ibe taken twice a week, when tbey would give tbe invalid tbe health and appetite of a plough- man. FBXALZB of AU AOB« Asp C LASSRS. Ob struc ti ons of any kind, ' either in youog persons , or thoae between forty or fifty—the moat critical period of -life—may be radically re- moved. by uiiog tbeae Fills according to the printed directions which accompany each box. Young persona with sickl y and s allow complexions may have the bluom of health rcatored by tbia wonderful corrective , which puri6ee the blood and expels all gross and impure humours from the ayateao. Beware then of tbe critical age from forty to fifty, aa it aenda many tbomanda to a premature grave—tbeee Pills should bo taken at that period of life two or tbree timea a week. WANT O» S TJMMII AID ENEROT. Persons of seden- tary habita, or tboee troubled in mind, working in Factories, or Coal Pita, who cannot obtain that amount of fresh air and exercise wbicb nature requires , suffer from weakness and debility, lowneaa of ipirita and want of appetite. All auch ahould take a dote or two of theee Pills every three or four days, aa tbay act gently and effectuall y on tbe aystem and impart vi gour and energy to tbe body, which ia always followed by a good appetite , sound and refreshing sleep, and a hiffh fins AF ¦nirita. FOB COBB or DROMT.. The efficacy of Uolloway ' s Pill, in dropsy is extraordinary. Tbey act with each peculiar ef- fect upon tbe system, tbac tin fluids causing this direful com. plaint are imperceptibl y carried ofl and prevented from any further accumulation. Tbe aufferer ragaiua % bfioyaney ot * spiriu, and rejoice! in a comp letely renovated constitution. It is indiapcnaably necessary that the Oinunaot should be moat effectually robbed into the complaining parta during tbo whole course of treadaenU CBILDBU AVP IHX1B AuKBin. ID no country In the world are aoore children earned to an early grave than in Great Britain. Coughs, Haaahs, Sc a rletma , Feran , tad other dieeaaea attack the little sufferers , agd death bat too often followa at a rapid paee 1 yet , if, at fie firat aUf ot that* complaints , perenU ware to have recourse to Holloway ' o Pils , all danger.would be avoi ded 1 for tba stomach and bowels would be gently but effectually cleansed by this mild aperient |tha depraved humors corrected and the aeaetioaa dul y regulated. A perfect ; c ore would aeon be aff e st a d , and Uu little patient be rastorad to aonnd health. Hollovaj ' s Fill* an tU tmt rm *i r hum fa U* uitrl for tU/b U<mint Hutttt 1 Ague Ability . InaannaUoaBors Tarotl* Aathma Dropsy Jaundic* gum tad Gravel Billions Com- Dysentery UvtrOom- Seccsdaiy grantees plaJnla Erysipelas plaint* ' Tie DMIMCSIIX ^ BlotchMoo Female Ir- Lumbafo ' Tostoora ibe Skin regaUrlUes Pllaa - Ulcers - Bowel Com- PeTcrs ot all RheumaUtaa VaMraai AAwtioas plalnU . klnda BeteaUoa «f Wonsa ot all kinds Ooilea Flu Uriae WeakMss, (rom Con st ipation at Ooui . Bciefola,or whatever eatst, Ihe BowsU Bead-uae : Xlat ' eBvll *c, &«. ' CeasDmp tlon. Indlf estl oa Bold at the eaUWiahment of Frofesaor HouowAT , 8(4 Strand (near Temple Bar), London 1 also Ti* Sum OeSe*. No. 40 Kiog^trest , <Waterrord , and by aU respsetabfci DractkU and Dealers in Medicines throiejhost V T1 ililHsVat »orld, at tba following prieie .-ls. l}d. 8e.9dLw»,«* , lU, tis.^nd 83s. aaoh box. There ia a cousideraWe saria* tr .ikia i tbe larger SUMS , - . .. ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦:¦ ¦ ¦;-rX' . - , N.6. -Diractloua for tbe gnidanee oJ.patJsoU ia etarr dieorder am amxad to eaehftox. . . .. USE ONLY ' THE GLENFIELD . STARCH, v " :• ¦3" ZTM Qum ' t Kmndtm Uw no ether HOTEL S . ¦ . . ¦ ^D Tf ^ HtVi' ¦ ' - . -;¦ ¦ ¦ / ¦? ¦ :¦: '¦:• Thtt lTir<n»aMi . HWsil ^ Boltea atwet. . nXBX EUBOPHANii the largea ^ tlffl birtiBitaite , X and tine mosfeoomfixttaUe Hotel in tboOifrf.: AH modern improvementa h»ve been reoemtl y introcluoed , and the entire House pgpered , painted , and decorated. Twenty Snites of Apartments for Families. ¦ •Draw- ing Booms from 2s. 6d, to 5a. Sitting Booms oa the ground floor free of ohar^e. ¦ ° ' (9* Soap, Finh , Joints, Tvnl , and Entree in Coffee Boom and BssUnnmt^'ftom Two to Beren o ' -Okxi daily. , :Bed , mohading ttorranta, 2a. 6d., 2s.andl*;6d. [m81-tf ] -^ J. MOLONY, Pfoptiator. ; OTTY ZftAJfUON HOTBL , .: 80 IiOWBB BBUM* 8TEKKT. DtJBMlSr.i ADXlTTIDLT^«wVth. iWR:BinrAX^ OHBAPMT . anianan caupguin TA1OLT g^coiaaEoiAL HariLBfctJa.afa/. Bed , la., Breai&a* . li; DiM» (OrtW) It. 8d. Dining, and Itttmg. BoMM ati tft rHotXihm apd yirnSaa , ftw«rfcAaj^ ^^ ai» yrhlj a n ,ty^anW. ja^p A xiiginsHjiXaBrumWiajfl in iKuwiimnsj ¦ t ^ PATBIOK 8. CABBY , Proprie to r. MIIiFOED HAVEN. THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL , ADJOINING the Terminus of the South Wales Bail-way Company at New Milford , and the Landing Stage of the Waterfaid Boyal Hail Packets. The Pablio are napoctfally informed that the nbors extensive Establishment is replete with every accom- modation. Coffee , Commercial , and Sitting Booms 1 Billiard and Smoking Booms. The Booms are large, lofty, and airy, beautifully decorated , elegantly fur. rushed , and are otherwise fitted np with every regard to comfort and convenience. This Hotel is situated on the banks of tho far* famed Milford Haven , and commands a most exten- sive view of Her Majesty' s Dockyard , and of the romantio and p icturesque Scenery of the nei g hbour. hood. Visitors , Tourists , Commercial Gentlemen , and Families will find this Establishment , for situation and comfort , combined with Moderate Ghargea , sur- passed b y no other in-the Princi pality eJ2T Hot, Cold , and Shower Baths. All communications should be addressed to (jy26-tf.) J. WHETTON, Manager. DUBLIN. Commercial & Private Lodging House 49 MABLBOBOUQH STREET. PARTIES Viaiting Dublin can bo accommodated, with or or without Board, and aU the comforti of a home , on Moderate Terms. [o25-tf] r$J" Situation central, close to Sackville-street. GREAT HOTEL, TRAMORE MB. JOHN POWEB, Prop rietor of the AOILPHI HOTEL , WATEBTOKD, has muoh pleasure in in- forming his very many friends that he has now in fall working order, St for the reception of Gentlemen and Families , the well-known and favorite HOTEL at TEA. MOBE, so long successfull y and satisfactoril y carried on by the late Proprietor. This Hotel , so admirabl y situated in this famous watering place , commanding a magnificent view of the eea, has, for many years, been celebrated for the effi- cient manner in which it has been conducted 1 and Mr. POWER, who has had much ozporienco in catering for tho public, is determined that he will leave nothing undono to maintain its forraor celebrity and to coodnco to tho comfort of thoso who may honour him with their support. A spacious, well-l ighted, and ivcll-ventilatcd lin,- LlAltii ROOM, fitted willi one of Harris' s latest Tables, has just been added to tho Hotel ; anil a N KUS R OOM , supplied with all tho Latest Tapers and I' criodicals, lias been Opened in au adjoining Room, and every- thing will bo done to secure tlio plcasuro and thocom- fort of Visitors. (je24-4m) IMPOBTANT TO TBAVELLEBS , TOUBI8TS, AND OTHEBS. , sJeVVyou want cmf orl, convenience , and economy, i»r THE WATEEF0ED ASMS' HOTEL , COBNZB or COLBECK ST. AND THE MALI/. «S" LUNCHEONS ready at all times. fjyl) KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL, MONCK 8TBEET , WEXFOBD. THIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel, in which everything can be had on the most modorate termB. gST BeBt Dublin and Wexford Spirits; also Brandies Wines , Porter, Ale, Ac. (aulfi-tf.) *2T Cars on Hire at the shortest notice. WATEBFOED k CENTBAL IBELAND BAILWAY SUNDAY EXCUR8I0N8 , AT CHEAP FARES. MAEYB0E0'& KELKSKX Y to WATEBF0BD ON SUNDAY NEXT , AND KVBBT SUNDAT , nntil farther notice , EXCUB8ION TICKETS will be issned by the Train leaving Mary- boroug h at 7.80 aan., available to BETTJBN tho aams day by the Train leaving Waterford at 6.46 p.m. FABES: 1st Covered Mary boroug h, Abbey- 1 To ) CIss. Carriogas leix, Attanagh , and > Kilkenny > 2s. 6d. Is. 6d. ' Ball yraggett . ... ) and Back ) Do. do. ") 1. M (4 B. Od. 2s. 8d. Kilkenny and Bennetebridge f ^ | ) 3s. 6d. 2s. Od. Thomastown and Ballyhale C |-o J 2s. 6d. Is. 6d. Mnllinavat and Kilmacow... ) £ 3 (. Is. 6d. la. 0d. These Tiokets are not Transferable , and do not enti- tle tho holders to ali ght at any other Stations than thoso to which they are booked. No Luggage allow- ed , and no Half-faros. SEA BATHIKO—TrainB mn nearl y every hour dnring tho day to and from the Sea Bathing p laco , Tramore. By order , WILLIAM WILLIAM3 , Head Offices , Waterford Terminus , Secretary. [Wf] "OZBI ' imSav SUNDAY EXCTJESIOHS TO WATERFOBD AND BACK , (FOR TRAMORE , VUNMORE, #c). EVEBY SUNDAY, nntil further notice, a mixed Train of 1st, 2nd , and 8rd Clasa Carriages will LEAVE LIMEBICK AND INTEBMEDIATE STA- TIONS for WATEBPOBD , as under , viz. t— TARES TO WATBRTOBD AKD BASK : 1st Claaa. 2nd Class. 3rd Claaa Leave Limerick • • 6.30 ^ Pallas - - - 7.10 [ 7a. Od. 4a. 6d. 3a. 6d. Limerick Jnct. 7.50 J ;; cZr 7: :K!*"- *• «¦ «• Clonmel . . 9.40 6s. 3d. 3s. Od. 2s. 4d. Carrick ¦ .10.20 2s. lOd. 2a. 3d. Is. 3d. Fiddown . .10.35 2s. Od. Is. Cd. Os.lOd Arriving at Waterford about 11^0 a.m. Tickets will be issued between Intermediate Stop- ping Stations, at Singlo Fares for Double Journey. Passengers travelling b y this Train will return by tho 8.30 p.m. up-Mail Train from Waterford . On no lac- count will Fare* be refunded for Tiokets lost , or tiny extension of time granted. T. AXN8WOBTH , Superintendent. Liverpool and London and Globe Zninnuice Co (KRULISHS D 1836.) LIVERPOOL— HEAD O TTICI , 1 DALE Bnnt. DUBLIN BRANCH—1 C OLLIDE GBEE *. INVESTED FUNDS , £3, 638, 078. nnHE ANNUAL BEVENUB ia £1^92^76 Is. Od., X and is derived from tbe following KunM 1— Fire Premiums £807, 874 O 8 Life -do 266 , 641 8 5 Interest '68 , 860 11 11 £1^88^76 .10 FIBE PBKMIUMS MODEBATE , SITXZ L EMBHT OF CLAIMS LIBEBAL AUD FBOMFT. . ' . Lin DiritTXtit. . The Director* invite attention to the following od. vantaBM aflbrdad br the Gonpnijto penana taking oat PoUdM on the tivei ol themselves u& othera; Punotwa on plans adapted to the various waota of thepoblic ' , , BOMUIBS deolared an d gua r a nteed when the Polio y Uanp ltodfor. . , ^ No LtASiLrrf . PABtKEMHtP , the Bcoufes not being oonttogwt upon ptoflto. ' SnasDroaBi of PoUeiea fcvorabl y dealt with. T HIBTI DAW allowed for BDTSWAL of PoUoiei. . CLAIMS payabtt hi one month after admjaeiou , bat , if wished, freel y d iaaounted In ordinary cane*. - . ¦ < ,. AjrtTumi^ prefOTt and^deferred , at Kb tjraltfiir :i : EmwvraRiof Children and Adults 1 tiieBaienoi' Premi um a r e on » Moderate Kale. ¦ ¦ ¦: - - -Jt ' + ^|> JIB. H PHILIP , ' BROWMl (bhoumuint)% » haa iilnw in in aiinooaoing bit AfPOISTlinXtllB AQlirr. 'to t he abov e Company. . ,, y ~ M^St4m) onm-^nsm snffifep , wumf wm ¦' ¦ .. " . ' ¦ ¦ •;-:¦ , - ¦ ¦ ;»V-*-?i- . -;** .v«7i!/V5r J' BKORDIQ . . EVEBY DESOBIPTION , vos PUBLIC BODIES, PBIVATE INDIVIDUALS , MEBCHANTS. PAWNBROKERS TBADEB3 IN BVEEY WA11E, EXECUTED WITH TASTE , HASTE , . AID PBIOES A8T0NI8HINaLY LOW, The News Book and Job Printing, PAGING , MACHINE BULING , AHD B00K-BINDING ESTABLISHMENT , tSTNos. ia fr rd Binst , WaUrfoSO Kinn HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! ¦a«w ; (Ct7* Hanujadure Francaite). Jl mBY . 4 , LITTLE GEOBGE'S STREET ^^^-*- WATERFORD. tJT Hats Bought in this Establishment , Dressed Free qf Charge. (myl3-6m) . CASSEUa 'S COPPEES tS " As Ti at your Oncer 1 * for / "^ AS SELL'S COFFEES , and be carcrul to \j Bee that no other is supp lied; the Wrapper on every Canister has a oopy of the Signaturo, "JOHN CASSELL . " piASSELL'S COFFEES havo secured tho \J meet wide-Bpread reputation ; they havo been most hi ghl y esteemed and extensivel y nsed throughout Ireland for nearly A QUABTEK OF A CENTUKY. / " I AS SELL'S COFFEES are celebrated for V^ their GREAT STRENGTH, their RICH AllOMA , and their DELICIOUS FLAVOR. /~1AS8ELL' S COFFEES are first rato in \J every respeot , and prodnco a beremjo reall y answerin g to the term: A CUP OF Q00D COFFEE. CABSELL' S COFFEES are solil by Ova vs throug hout Ireland, in Canisters ami l' iio!i .:;, -i from one pound to one ounce, at In., Is. - *)., anil Is. JJ. per lb. Fine choico qualiticu, la. 8d. ami :Js. j,or 11;. C ASK AT YOUR GROCEk' s roll A S S B L L ' S C O l ' F H US . SUPPLIED WHOLESALE I1V CASSELL. SMITH & CO., 80 FENCLLUUCH. STREET, LONDON. JST AHO SOLD BY GHOCERS. (jy 2!)-l y) UEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OP MEAT. FOUR GOLD MEDALS. SUPPLIED to tho British, Fronch, Prussian, Hus- sinn, Italian, Dutch, nnd other Govorumcuis. Dr. LANKE8TER writ««, ret-arUin^ Kxtmct of Mt-at:— '* Jtut tliere ia a diAcrenco in flavor, mid bur?, n* in all nth^r kintU ut food, it is tlio flavor tlmt m.ikei the quality." It is essentially on ncconnt of the fine mealy flavor , as distinguished from tlio burnt lasto of otW txtmcts, that LIEUIG COMPANY ' S EXTRACT defeated ull .\i:str;i- lian and other Borta at Paris, Havre, Amstrnirau , :nui ia ao universall y proferred in all Europeim iii:u!.i; ' .. -;. One pint of fmo-flavorcd Jieef-tea at 2Jd. J!:.. ; c-oii- vonient and economic " stock. " CAUTION—Beqnire Baron LiEmo' s (tlio iiui::.i . i ' s) si gnature on every jar , andaak distinctly for LIKImi COMPANY'S KXTBACT. [jel7-l yj LteyaTweeBy London. News. Stnt to yoor own doors , PO8TAGE FBEE , «¦ FOR TBREE RALF-PENCE! By tending tha amount ia stamps , for tha number of popers required , to EDWABD LLOTD, 12 SalUbory Square, Lon- don, E.U., Or ONE PENNY at any Newaagents. LABOEST SALS IN SHE WOBXD. LLOYD'S WEEKLY LONDON NEWS. Scat Family Paper , Containing- . L ATBIT TILBOBAXS AKD C OBSZSFOIIDEHCB IBOK THB 8BAT Ol WAE , Beviewa of Books , Moiic , and tha Drama, LBADIBO ASIICUU oar xaa Tories THE DAY, Anawera to CornspoiidenU. Lav and Police Heports. Foil directions for tba Flower , Fruit , and Kitchf n Garden, General Aceooat of all tha Loodon Uatkets, 8portiDc Iatalliftnot-aod tha WHOLE OF THE MEWS OF TBB WEEK. ONK PENNY , of alt NswtatnU , or Post Fraa at jonr own door , (or % jF TBBKE HALF-PENCE. (nt6-13t) HORSES. LIEUT. JAMES'S BLI8TEB (Manufactured by BoBiBT JAMXS , grandaon of the Inventor). This Blister is Terr eBaottre in all cases of Soro Throat* , Strang les , Inflamed Lungs , Inci pient Splint, S prains , Bing bone , Curb , Contracted Feet , &c., and in all esses where blistering is usuall y app lied. No hone will gnaw it. It Is used in Her Majesty' s Cavalry, and by all the leading Stads throug hout the world ; and after thirty-six yean * general nso , is admitted to be the best blister ever made. Sold in 1 ox. pots , Is. 6d. j 2 osv , 2*. 8d. ; and 4 ox., 6s. AOKNTS HXXBT BELL, 62 Quay, Waterford ; Laird i. Co., 118 George street , Limerick ; Gonlding, Cork ; and Bewley 4 Draper , Dublin j and may bo obtained from all chemists. Gj-^'ly}- The public are requeeted to observe tho trade mark, " a hone ' s head" on the top of each pot. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TTJEP COXXISSIOir AGENCY , 186 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW. MB. J. SMITH , late of No. 100 JEltlTA'N" - 8TBKET , LONDON, bega to announoe tlint in cou- pliaooB witb namttoos raqaests from his late patrons, bo has BESUMKD BUSINESS , aa nsual , at 136 , BUCHANAN 8TBBET , GLASGOW. In conteqaenca of the unsettled ataUof autlan in Franc* , be will (or tbe present confine bis operations to Glasgow, where oommissionj—to win snd 1, 2, 3 —will be undertaken on all forthcoming events of fannortaoce. For prices and fottbar- particular* , ase'tb* B poHsman (every Toeadar, Wednaaday, Tbonday, and Satordny) and Bportimg lAft (every Wedneaday and Satnniay)- (<2tl) TM decided preference g%vm to our Establishment is the strongest proof of ih* Superiority of our Teas. FINEST BLACK TEA , KAISOW, HONING , AND SOUCHONG DESCRIPTION—2s. lOd. per lb. WE BUY b y COMPARISON ONI -T, and can offer tho PICE or TUB MARKET at following ltatos :— 2s. 8(1., 2«. 4d. t 2i., and la. 8d. per Pound. BECKEE BEOTHEES , TEA-DEALERS , (ti-l y 7, SOUTH GBSAT GEOBGE'S-STBEET , DUBLIN. QABBUL'S (WbtatW.. PttpmtfonB, FOB OL»AH8IHG.5PBB8BaVING , AND BULUTITYING TOT . THEtH^Ain) GUMS. BtU im WJOMBMi&MMrt&BBLZ , 62 QUAY, bran m - im -a Ti i ^ t^lyMstMaBiitaotSera . M^gHBR^ATntTijiT^RaTt^j^, ^ X81S), 6* , LUDGAT1 HILL , -I 1M , DUKX STBSET , LOHKOX . "' ': I ' .:¦ LtvasrooL. . - ¦;: When Out attmAZhOv , nABBBBI/a Wam; GOTTA FHB0HA SNAMEL , . iSsasssas^jiBs; mmtM

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Page 1: WATERE011D NEWS LA1X.KST C1KCULAT1OX IN THE SOUTH OF IRELAND. Published cicry Frulay Evening, at


Published cicry Frulay Evening, at No. 49 A'IIIJ Street[orrosiTf: THE PROVINCIAL BA £ K.]


Agents for Sale of THE NEWS:WATKKFO151)—5Ir. W. KELLY, Littlo Gcorgo's-strcetTlJAJIORK—Mr s. GRAXDV 'S Library, Stmnd-slrcotPASSAGE EAST—Tho Misses LcvE. Hotul, Squaro.CAUKICK-ON'-SUIK—Mr. J.SI.JluRi'iiY.Nows AgoiitPILTOWX—Miss ROCHE, Grocer.DUSOAKVAX—Mr. MATTHEW WALSIT, Blackpool.KILKENNY— COYLE Brothers, Booksellers, ic,



A C C O U N T - B O O K M A N U F A C T O R Y49 & 50 KING STREET.



M jyjOTICK.—TlieWatcrford Steamship"Lj JS s IA Company rttrivc lioinls

for Slii jiiiK'nt

VWf- f$%S>-0" ''"" fullowii:)! Terms only:—Tlioy nsrrvo35£S£Kse> tlic ri ght to carry by anil , not liy particular\ > > M'1S, with litcrty to Tow Ships ami call at other Tortsml »ill not lo acrnunUMi! fur iujnrii's or Uissos ansins from

May, acciiU'iils of tho Sons, liivcrs, Fire, the Queen's Kne-min<", ci<.-li.-clivc Navigation , or accidents from any otlicrrnufi-,noi (o- any loss which illicit have liccn covmil by Insurance ,nor for Leakage, l'.rcaka^o, Condition , Quality, or contents ofany l'arcclii orl'acVagos, unliss specially cnteroil and ad rn-Irem Freight paid. Goods not removed to be Storrd at ther'.sk and eipcnsc of tbe Consiguces.

W A T E l i P O R B A N D H I I I S T O L .Grti -J V, or otlirr eligible Vosfl, direct.

From \V iterloril to llristol : from ISr isti.l tn Waterfnrd :Tuc-.Lv . Sep.. li . ... <) Affn (Thu.wl.y, Sept. I , ... !IJ| M.,rnTucl-iV " l-'l. ••• «'i .M-'MK'ThuiwIajr , .. S, ... 5 Aft nru,...'ii " •-». — <1 .Min. iTbuwla/ ,, 15, ... SJ Morn

Tut=Ja>! " -7i - lul Morn. TbunJ.ift „ 'J2. _ 4 Afl 'nlui=oa>, Irhorbdijr , ,, 59. -U J SIoniCalyps o.

From Watrrford to llristol , Kn.m liriMol to Watorford,Dirirt. calling M lV'inliiole Dork,

fn.lnr S<pl. -. - H Ali'n.Tunulny, Sci.t. C ... 3 Afl'nKr .hv '¦'. ••• ' Morn riir.dar. .. "- 11 Mornr-ri-tiiv * . l«t -'"I M.>rn;Tu«ilaf, .. 2" - I A It 'lll ri.'ay.' ,. -''. - " MornlTutodaj. „ !!J ... 1 Mornfii.l^r. .. M . - l"i »' '

$/»•" On Karly Jloruiui; Sailings , the Cabin of the Steam-ITS ivill be Opuu to receive l'a»seui,'"rs arriving from Londonbv the Ni-ht Mail Train.

" Culiin Pare, 15*. 0.1.; Servant* and Child ren, UK 01.Ueturudo., '-'•vs. ; or with liberty to return from DublinCork , or Wrsfonl, 31s. Oil., Steward's fee included ; DeckTs oJ. Females attend the Ladies'Cabin.

\Y AT K i t r'O U 1 > A N D L 1 V K U V 0 0 L.Lara and Lion, or other rlisiMe Ws>r!>.

FROM WATKR »OI!1 > : IBOM L1V ] lilGOI. :Fri.lw SCIII . -', •.. 12 Xnon|]'riilnr, - cp'- !', ... 3 Afl 'n2; ,, • ; ._ 12 .VH...|.MoMi»y ,. :.. .- 7 Morn\V(.lneriiar ?. ... 1" .MornjttYil noilay ,, 7, ... 1 MornKrf.l\v O ... I1 )l »r, k>rf.«, „ ». ...Ill MornTntslay V, », - ' A!l'n;Tuf..l»T > „ M, ...U .V»>nV'riJav ., IC , ... IS Wn l-'riitay ,. l\ ... i Ml n¦)'u -4iV in, ... 8 Noon TiwHlay, „ -in. ... C .MomFrhlav ' '/I. .- 10 Mnn.;i--ri.lar, .. «. ... ? MornTuf-.lV ,, 57, ... 1 AltVloexlajr , .. 17, ...II MornKtMiv " J11 - l2 Nooii . liiilay, „ =0, ... 1 Alt'n

Caf.i'n Far-! 1Ss - • Servants and Children , 10*. ; Deck , 7B .6d. ; Children. 4s. Females attend thu Ladies' Cabin.

Goods received at Clarence Deck .W A T K 1 1 V 0 K D A N D L O N D O N .

Aurora and Vtsta , or other eligible Yes>els.TKOM WATBBFOBD! JBOM IOSDOS

•Dnir.div Sent. 1. — 4 Altn 'n Scut. 7. ... 8 Morn¦nZlu y ". ... 4 Alln 'n We.lMMl;,y „ 14. ._ S MumThiir.i 'av IS . _ 4 AlU'll -«'ci!nis»Jiiy „ 21, — S MornThursday ,',' '.'2. ... 4 Altn 'n !\Vc(luc»ilaJ „ 'JS. ... 8 MornThut~«toV •• - » "* * Altn 'n ',

LOAinxo H BKIIIS :—London—Uritisli anil Foreign SteamWharf , Lower Kast Smitlifield, and West Kent Wharl ,Sinn I li\v:ivlc.

W A T K H F O K D A N D P L Y M O U T H .Aurora and Vtsla, or other eli gible Vts>rl».

7B0M WAT EBFOBU: FUOSI PLTJIOVIK :Thur>Jav bew. 1,... 4 Afin 'n,Thor«lav, Sept. I , ... i< Arm'nThurnlar »• — 4 Altn 'B . TIioriiiny. .. S, ._ S Alt n'nThur..liv " IS. ... •< Alln 'n Tliurt.lM', .. 1.1. ... 8 All n'nThuixtiV , ¦¦!-. — * A l l n n l h a r l d a v , „ S3. ... 8 Alln 'nTlmrsdar ., ?¦' ••• * Aftn 'n Ill .ursJai , ,, », ... S Aftn 'n

Taking (ioods for yaloioutb, Soutuamptou . rortsmoulli,and places adiaceut.

W A T K U F O I t D A N D H K L K A S T .Aurora and Vesta, or other eligible Vessels.

mOU WATtl'.IOBU : I1.OM lltLPAST :c,,.., i,t scot 3. ... i Att n'nTut»Jar , Sen. ci , ... " Aim5» u , l *v 10 ... 2 Aftn 'n Tue.JaV. „ 11. _ 13 Noon.Saturday.' ,',' 5? , ... '•! Altn -n-Tuwlay, .. SO. .. 0 AffnS«urd»y '. =< • - = Altn 'n|rUc«!uy, „ 27, ... 1= -Noon

W A T K I U ' O R D A N D N E W U OSS.FROM WAIKUPOBD —Daily, Sundays eiceptcd, at 4.0 P.M.FttOM N E«' HOSS— Daily, Sundays eicepted, at 8.15 A .S«

W \ T K U I '- O ) t I) AND D U N C A N X O N .FROM \\'A7t:uF0Ri'—Dail y, Sundays ejccpted. at 1.0 P.M.

FR OM DUSC .SSXO S— Daily, Sundays exceptcd, at b.15 A.M.lWllis secur.J awl every iufotwuition givcu bytheAgenta.

Bri.fol—Tin1 Inueral Steam l'acket Ollice. Lirerj iool—Wit . r lord Sli-am Ship Company, 23, Brunswick-street ,W-ishiiiston lhiiMins:!.. London— AMiiOM.Ci .KoDIxsos ,H\ Mark Lam- ; HritMi and;Foreisn Steam W harl , LowerK;v ~\ SiiiitlilK-lJ , nui Wi-,1 Kent Wharf, Southwark P/jr-movth- 11BM1T J. WAKIMi , lbe\S barl , Miltiny. Del/Wst—I! l lv MirKM j s it SOS8 , Donegal Quay ; |jui !M-II|L i

.tc.m-.|.»n.v' Onice.tb. 1IALL . WATKUFOKD


s T T: A :V C O H M U N I C A T I O N

Between Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford,C-irrviir'tiiiiK5^n'li i uiiKli U»ti:st i>LiM EEiCK , TiPr«UAitv ,


„ fTIIIK New nnd Powerful ScrewTj>i»^ X Strameis "KI.\'SALK.""SALTKK , '

S^RfO - " SANDA ," " CTMIIHAK." at.d " KD.¦ -**5!gj£'l>Y!>TUN K ," or other Fint-Class WsrU,

ai?Si-i!ded t» .xail .is und. r (unlrss prevented hy any*i-ii, with or without I'llots, and withlitirrty to Tow V«*-*ls, and to render AMI»UIIM to V essels

'" "';ttfSS '•"* FUOM GI.AS(!OW TO

CORK :....l W A I KKFO IM ) , every .MONDAY, WKDXKS.1) \ Y & F U I D A V , al - p.m.; Kaillo Cirwuock 7 p.m.\,|TE _ 'f|,,. Siiamtrs !»ailui2 on Mondays and Wiilnr*.

dnv» ciii lir»t »t Wi.t.ifonl . The SlMiner oi: Kiid.y goe-,li ,"...-t u. L'ort. »nd rail* at W..t.rford

FKOM COKK TO liKLFASl I) T«.I .SM'L'UDAY S a, 1", 17, and 'JUh SJEI 'I. 4 1st Oil

HKI.FAST TO COIMC , 1'ia (il.ASGOW .MONDAYS. «, l-'h , ll'ili . lt -Oi U Sew., and ord OCT.

FUOM COUK TO DU HLIX . I'ia WATKUFOItD ,MONDA YS , 3-li , 1-Jih, lO'li , nnd i«:h SKPT., an.l a.d OCT

FUOM WA TKUFOHD TO DL 'ULIN, D.n-et ,•njFSliAYS , «'.li , i:Jil> . '-'';''i !> i"1 -'7- !iSMT., ai. l -lili Ocila-itux TO <:OI :K & WATJ - UFOKD via G LASGOWu-VliNE-DAYS 7lh , lUh ,'Jlil, & Jatli Sl!Pl., &utli Oci

FKOM COUK TOl'l.. »r, w (v il IMfast) ... S:.lurJ»y, 3rd Sept . 9 p.m! :, * r u Wat. -rluid i: Dubl in) M.ind»y. 5.h „ 'J p.ui

* va ^leiii -t l ... Satu rday, 17.1, „ 7 p.n.-:f^ .e, !ord 4


10,Say. . ,:

« , ;n«la»2i.w (''.'"•f'Y," ., Saturdav , "I'll „ 3 p.ui

U1.....0W d. ri . t ) . ... ... a Ut Oc!. 7 „.,„

VOZ WaU^ld & Dubbnl Vond^


SSSK -:^-r sBBIB ": =8&i I I E

— ° hi l'l" S _ .

G).»ow to Watcrford or Cork ...Cabin , Us.fl.l .i Deck, 1&.

^.^ rdto DuMin::: io,

-oJ: c::

Je(«rn Tieleli arailahlt for on« Jlfoiitn , no( tran tf trablr.

Cil^cow to Cork or Waterlord Cabin, 25s. 0.1.Watwloid to Coik Cabin 12s. 01.1Z»- NOTE.—The Clyde Shi pping r.m.p^.nv I II I - IIM nil

Coo?.'Shipped by these Lines of Stcunicts .at 5'. per Cwit.

-«luM lo l.e d»clared attinic nfSbi poient. rorms and all;nrnrn»tion to I t had lit the OflicM.

Fo"l MM of Freight .4c, apply to-Con* STEAM SHIP

Co l'emo" Quay, Cork ; Itousm CiI.^ 31 C..II. .street,\,Z,.l • Vi-AtB RTOBD and CBXTEAI iRFLAI tn liAlLWATOfWICU \VATK»WKD, XlWWi irT, Hllti M A RVBOKOL 'OU ;II HS&IMON & Hos , BHPAH ; JOB» UBIIV , WATBR -io.D .nd UMIMCK IU1LW AT OPFICr , L.MBBICK iCiioilK .no Eo»'. No' 20, - Kdni Q0»y, DUBLIS iOR IHIM BRT«SI>", Grernork ; CLTDE SIIIPPISO Cos-

(!ustom House Quav. Waterft.rd.


Tenna, on application. [d».3m]



fiffiW b CV™ of

tbo lowing or other First

X 3|Jg|>.Vf

class, fcJl-powered StoamBhipa¦d ~±XX3S*i will bo dospatchod from LIVERPOOLTO NEW YORK, EVERY. AVEDNESDAY.

Captain. Ceptain.IDAHO JAMia t HniCE. MANnATTAIfw\V. For»ithJvEVADA W. C. OREEH. NEI1KASKA... J AS. GCABDCOI.OUA DO T. F. FBEKJIAB WISCONSIN J. A Willinms.MINNESOTA Ed. Wliineray WYOMING (oow building)

And ore intended to Slit a» follows —WISCONSIN .'."....•..¦Wednesday ' Sopt. 28MANHATTAN .......Wedne-iay .

"." oct. S.

NEBRASKA Friday... Oct. 7.CALLING at QUEKNS7OWN tlie day following,

to embarK l'auetigrrt.Pcssf ngcrs lieoked through to S«n Fr»nciiCT tnd all iolaod

towns at low rates.Hates of Passage from Liverpool to New York:—Cabin

Pas«.ige, JU18 18s. imtfiJSl Os. Steemife Pat.age at reducedrates. The latter includes an unlimitei supplj of prorisiooi ,cookrd and served up by the Comptnj'i jlewards.

For freight or pis«aj;r, spply to . ' r.MATTHEW. II. OAM1'1ON,M Hwoher^^^V.terfotd}JOHN IMJVfiUKUX'QnayV.flirfofoSTHOMAS ICAVANA tHI . the Square, Duncatvan ;J A .\i ICS SCO1T .t CO., Qu.*nslown j or to

o22-!tl GUION & CO., 23 Wnter-strecl, Liverpool.

S Z T S l l O I l T S E A P A S S A G E

Every Wednesday & Thursday to AMERICA,•-1 „ T>Y THE SPLENDID MAIL

wSf**?* -*-* STKA M EltS of t he

A LLAN LINE ,^^ flBjSl S-niiinini in connection uitli the (5HAND«sS?3fe!«!.TltUSK and oilier II A IL WAYS, nnd For-wnriliin ; I'ii»Fiii!rr' on r.i»v terin^ to all StalioD* in CA-XADA and tliu WEMEltiV STATES :—]tIl!El!XIAX....Sq)t. 20 CASPIAN' Sept. 27«JIOHAYIAX. ..S q>t. 22 »AUSTKIAN' Sept. 29

•Calling at LONDONDERRY (Ireland), every FRIDAY,to *ml>ark Pa^rnjzrr* nnd HIT Majesty's Mails; and from

l'OKTLAND to LIVKIU'OOL , every SATURDAY.r CAIIIX PASSAOE TO PORTLAND, BOSTON , or NEWyOHK ", £18 18*., and £16 15s., including Provisions, but

not Wines ot Liquors, which can be obtained on board.CRT STBBHAOB PASSAOH, to either PORTLAND, QCEBEC,•JOSIOX or N EW YOKK , f 0 G*., including a plentil ul supply ot

Cooked Provisions . C5#" Baggage taken from the Ocea nSteamshi p! to He Railway Cars Free of Expense.

PumphlcU on Canada supplied gntis . Shortest Itnute toSan Ki.incisro, via the Union Pacific li iilroad. ThroughTickets issued on the most favourable terms.

ror Height or lVsage apply, in Glnsiow lo J. and A.A LLAN ; in Luudon In SIpxToostERir. AK KKKIIIIORSB , 17liinnchurch-street ; in A I.I.AS II BOTIIKRS & Co. ,Alexandrabuildings , Jiuncs-strrrt , Liverpool , and 85 K.jyle-sticet , Lou-d.'iid.rrv ; or to

Mr. FORUISTAL , New UOK ;J. M. MUHl > HY , l3 Xew-lane , Carrick.oii.Suir;THOMAS KAVANAfiH , Dnn-urvari : to

(flS-l y) THOMAS PUHCELL, Quay, Watcrford.*»* Any information tri]uirnl coiicerninK Canada can be

ohimmd from Mr. Dixo.v, 11, Adam Street , Adelphi , Lou-don Aecnt for the C.iuudian Unrernment.



anifcJf* J- SHIP COMPANY will dispatch

/Tsf \f g>.Oiio of thfir

favourite Stoamcrs of tho'*Zrrr-* iiz2Br A I.LAX Line, from Kixosiowx (Dluux) ,TO QUEKEC , KYEIIY THURSDAY,

f af f ? Carrying Passviigurs at tlio Famo rato to citlicrQuebec, Boston , or Now York.

These Steamers oiler the greatest facility to Pas-ficngors bound to tho Western States of America, asPassL'ii{.'t'rs can be forwarded on Through Ticket to allthe important Stations as far West as San Francisco.

T H E s r L I: sin ii S T E A M V. K SCASPIAN from DUBLIN Sept. 22ndOTTAWA do Sept. "UtUST. DAVID do Oct. toll.'

KA TKS OF PA SSAGEfrom DUHLIX to cither QI.KIIKC , BOSTO.V, or NEW YORK :Steerage, including a full supply of provisions, jCG Cs.

PASSAUK TO QfKiii.c—Chief Cabin, £13 13a. ; lntiT.miiliate, JC'J.

For further particulars, apply to JAMES & Aims.I»:K A I.LAX, 70 Croat Clyde Street , Glasgow, aud 10Edeu yuay, Dubliu; or to their A(iENTS:

T1IOJIAS PUltCKLL, Waterford ;J. M. MURPHY , New-laue, Carrick^o-Suir.KDWAKI) HUTLKK , Iunistioguo. (mbll-tf


In cuiuioctiou with the WATKIHOII I) i LISIERICK andWATEII K OKII <t CE.VTli.VC, IliKLA N U LillCS.


fji: ^ STEAME1 -.S EVEII Y WEEK DAY.UP— LK .VVK WA T K K I O K I I at 1 p.m., on Arrival of 11.40

a.m. Tniin from Limerick , and 10.30 a.m Trainfrom Maryborough, Al iRIvixu IN Lo.viiox atat 11.15 following morning.

DOWN— LK.VVK LONDON (Pnd'lington) at 4.30 p.m.,ami Aiti i iVK AT WATLK HIUII about 0.30 a.m., intime Tor the Trains on the Waterford aud Lime-rick and Iri'lnnri T.iri'Q.

KA11ES— WATEHF0IID AND LOND ON :Si.vtii.Ks (avuilablo -1 Days) 1st Class & Saloon , 4<is Od

i> „ 2nd Class & Saloon, 35s Od» ,, 3rd Class & Foro Cabin, 20a Od

I! ETI KX (available 1 Month) list Class & Saloon, 70s Od., „ 2nd Class & Saloou, 5'Js Od

Vurtlicr information can bo obtained from Messrs.J AI - KSIIX and Co., Xevv Milford, and Mr. DOWXKV ,Adel phi Wharf, Waterfonl ; aud the R EDIXKU FARESbctwiiii other iiniJtirt.-uii. Stations, tlio Timo Tables,and Thiiaigh Hates fur Goods, &c., of Mr. W. J. Bus-SKLL , tliu l!iti:.vr WLSI'KICX COMI 'A X I 'S AGENT,

PAUL'S SljUAltE , WATEKFOHD.J. CltlEllSOK, General Manager

Paddington, August , 18GU. [my-28



P- (r«a«aS "\r A '1'I0N AL STEAM SHIP/j ;\Vknk\ k " COMPANY (LIMITED),

" agjjjj itfl y' The new

full-powercd British Iron«<arw>BKSBSS3 Screw Steam-shipsL ,.?i 'l!"A • , , • , Tm" SHi l"- T<">'S1 A'i < lJII1!;I '!"r) *'"• KXliUXD , WclsUV..... 3307M-'.V7 (IV1'1""-') *"¦' KIMX , llr.w 331H

•V.'Vv," ; 'M " Ill:i-VW1A , (inn:* SI1HHnLLAM) , l lmnuuc :;vi, I'KXSVI.\"XlA ,Tlii,iu5on a*!li'liiVifsJl"';.1}" ">;1 VUl 'ilN'A , Andrews ... •-'*7ll lh l iLhh.N, 'lliuuili»ii A \7 I DKXJIA R K .rorljM SUSWill Vi- di -wpH i chrd Iroio Lirrrpnnl to NVw York us followi .PltANCK Wednesday Sept. 28thITALY Wednesday Oct. 5th.ENGLAND Wednesday Oct. 12th,

And Iroin Qutcmtotvu the tuliowiliK days.Thf Saloon iircurauiuduti.m on ImarJ tliocSlt^iniTi is very

Mipnior. - V.ati- of pashapf 12, 1J , 17 ti jinpa., accord,in; to .ncfonimMl.tion in .Sla'iro. in—all harintc umt priTi.legein b'aloon. lteturu TickctB, Tuenty-five Guincai.

I hen: ta ciccllml luxounimdulioii tor JStcrrnca l'asten-Rfr», anil a full supply of L'o.>krHl Provisions »er»«l an >>>• theCorapnny « .Stewards. l{atp< ot p..»sai:e ou K«luc.-d Trru*.

riisn-ngptr) booked through to As|>iiiwnll , Sun Kr»ncisco,tbe inland towns ol Canada, aud of the United States, oufavourable. Irrum.

Kor Kreisht or Pa«nge apply toTnE N ATIOXAL SIKAJJ Suir COMPAST (LIMITED),

21 and 2.1, , Liverpool;To. >. and J. CCUM I X 8 and HEOB., <Joecn»t<iwu ; toMr.MURr i iT . lCFivH Azrnt . Carriclt-fiii-Snir; or ;.Mr. K ICII A I:U I'M K L A S T , I'urll.uv ; or to tliuAgent for llaterflml— M IL'II A HI. l lOWXKV , Quay.


of the SllliCi', TIE, and COLLAlt DEPAltT-MEXT of our Tailoring Concerns.(a2G- t) WALTEIl O'DOXXKLL & Co.

tiUt } .J, licn. I'oit free for Ttco Stamj it.Dr. WATSON («f tl»! LOCK I IOS I I T A I.,) K. I:.A .S., F.S.A.

Mcrolrtr ol ttie C-llt-^c *,t" 1'Lyt.irun^ mnl Sur rf f,,n«, on thoSELF-CL'MK «»• NERVOUS AXII l'HYSICAL

DEUI I.1TY , W,. .ii,, K ,,t il, r Vital Fluids, and Wither-iujt ot Ihe Nfrvi ,u« Ti«Mi^« , Lwitudp , L^»« nf Eneny andAppetit . ', liiouiid!r>* lV«i», .u.d' nih. r D.M.rdcre, presentedlofufJero v, in iiiil i- r '¦¦ l iy I'.ire l lie hi Men cnuim of tbowmnlulirs whit -li nffl ct Ilumanilv , a:,d utlord ruch advice aswill ( ITui t u run1 in 'in' iimj'H tl (if niM'f , uilhnut daltgrrnosMedicili.'i Mid i Jp .n>ive i i i l . i . l tatiuii - , nlnuii nuy Di> ilij-ponff.l wil l ' . Sriii p <•> I I I M .II r.ivi|,i .f i«'»»tHi i p>( byDrWlTSOX, No. 1, SnMli (V-i .Mt , liidfnrd Square, Loud.MI

W.C. Fuv ilM'iii 'ui'lirtl qui 'ilM M ii 'i 'S vi!ul)i|,|uii,a». Pro.frai.,nal Coii'iiHat s tlaiiy ln.ui 11 >o 'J, and J l i l l B e». u-iuic ; t-'un.^ijf Id III ! i.

"We uiv irisul to lii.d D- . »:II «> II has euil'odiedhis (rr»ot rxppii^nce and i er.nt iliws wrin in a work latelypaMi.l i pl l i .r iUlwi i i 'Uiuf 'Sit lTi - iimf Inv»lid- .'"— Hctp ital

ci.f 'c.r.sultalin.i iCiati - . by Letter. N.J.—Discuses ofl.-ili-ct

'i t i i (-'uie i in «> '••<• '• '¦ '» ¦ •

Al-nt .y tin- ninn- .l.utl». •, frf <¦" 'I'1 '"1- S'Krnps.

MEDICAL U inVh TO SIAIiRIAGE, al'KACTICAl. TIM- \Ti--K > n "<¦ l'liy,ic»l and

IVr«. nal ol.hi!J.:ii.iis »"': <!"»: '1-' •' ' "'"'¦" ^"" r """'nI,iipedin.cul« , *hich mar llic I ;.pp»ie»» ot Married lite , m»yb« «yetdi!y tciuuvcd.




On Sale at The News Off ice ,With the Recommendation of tlio Bishop of Waterford and

Lisinorc, the Hight Kcv. Dr.O BEIBN

A Catechism for the Instruction of Children,nv THE

MOST Rev. Dr. JAMES BUTLER, Archbishopof Cashel and Emly.

Priuled ou Good Paper, and in largo clear Typo.HKCOMMENDATION :

" I approvo of this Edition of tho Right Rev. Dr.JAMES DmtKit 's Catechism, and roconuncsd it to theFaithful of theso Dioceses.

">J< D. O'BRIEN, R.O.B." Waterford, June 2, 186'J."S3T Orders from any part of tho Diocese, sent in

nud directed to C. RF.DMOXD , Priutcr and Publisher,M 'aterfiml News Office, 49 King-strect, promptly at-tended to. Tho Trado supplied on moderato terms.

May bo liad Retail from every Catholic Booksollorn thti Dinor»«e.







w^S'U1ff-MD A L T O N & H A N L E Y








A Large Lot of Lawn Handkerkchiefs, Slightly Damaged, very Cheap.P L E A S E O B S E R V E :





ml'2-1 y] P. T0BIN & SONS, 58 & 59 Quay.




ion THE

H E A T ,

D U S T ,




$33" 74 QUAY, WATE11F0RD.>)•(!- t]


T UAVK tliia day Received tho FIRST DE.

LIVERY of NEW GOODS for tho Season.W . K E L L Y ,


N E W W I N T E R S T O C K ,AU of wliicU shall bo ready for Salo 29TH NEXT

MONTH.I havo this Week Re-marked, at a Very Con-

sidcrablo Reduction, tho Residue of my SUMMERGOODS, nnd will offer samo for Salo ou



A HOUSE TO BE LET,FURNISHED, South Side, ou reasonablo Terms.

Further particulars, by letter to " Z. Z.," Officoof this Papor. r«s2-3t]

Alliance Life and Fire AssuranceC O M P A N Y ,



Sir MOSES MoNTKrioEE', Bart., F.R.S.833* ProapcctuseB, Rate of Assurance and evei>

information may bo had ofMB. RICHARD HARRIS, AKcnt,

Stock and Sharcbroker, 15 Queon-at., Watorford.JMRINE ASSURANCE.

Cargoes, per Steamer nnd Sailing Vessel, to anyPort in tho Irish, liriatol, and English ChannclxInsured ou very Modcruto Termi, os woll as all Soajisks. Wai1 risks tuken. (tf)



NESS. Uy IUNBX SMITII, U.I), of tho Uniieraityul Jem, auihor of the " Volunteei 'g Manual ," 4c.

A new Medicul Work on the wonderful power of tbe Con-t-RiitrHU'd Kletliciiiet (ot llie cure of Nervuui, MenUi , &Ddl'hyiical Debility, Lowuem of Spiriu, Indigettion, Want oflCurrey, l'ninl in the llacV , Superroatorrlian, Impediment*to Miiuiige , BliJ l'lFiDDtnre Decline, retultioK from in-ilincretion ; with inilructions far perfect rextorttion tolifallh lud vigour oitliuct (lie painful »hocl» of 0«l»«nUm,,r tlie u-e of Electric llnltr , 4c. The WABNIITO VoiCI itilluilrttal wild many uten and teniiinonifils, giiea adfionnd rult-x for cura of All diieusen by the use of tbo neirKlicltic Itentsdirs. Dr. HHITU invilea all who have triedtbnf:il>el > called remedy Galvanism or Electricty to «eod afctiimpril dirfclcd cnrelope for hia new (jtoiplilet , wbicb willbe cm under sell by return of poll.

CONSULT A LOUDOB PIIT«ICI *H BY LBTTBE WiraoniFEE.-Dr. SlciTII will, for tbe Wntfit of nerrooa taBntn,i.n receifiiiK a detcriplinu ol their cwe.taeod his writtenopinion, witb nJ'ice aud directiunii lor tbo moat «ncc«i» iiient Hnd cure.

Addre»i Ur UHIBY SMITH ,'8 Buriou Creaoent, London,W.C. (

TO HE GIVEN AWAY IA Neir Medical Work on llarriape, tha eauae and care*of

preaatura decline in man, Nenonj Debility, Impotencji&c, with Hnlea for renoTinK cettaia di*qaalificationa thatdrilroj tbe bappinesi of Weddad Life, or

EV E R Y MAN HIS OWN D O C T O RFor Two Sumps auQ'erera may aroid tbe numeroua

itnpoiton who «:nd their booka for nothing, pabliah teati-roooiali whicil tbey write thuMeltej, Gctitiooa tariawa fromimaitinary Journxl profeaa toenre ditenneii with ioatrnmentainstead of Mcdicinea, and otber abiurdities aa cruel aa tbeyare deceptive.

A ph) i-iciaii , S»yeara eitenai>ely enioteJ ID tbe treatmentof Dtbilily HI I II ilia Tarioui menial aud nerfooa affoctinni r«-lulting tlierilroii ' , will tend free, on rtceipt of Two PennyStamps >.o prrpcy postage, a pauipblet ranLiining hia highlyioccr»sfiil aud only safe trealment, with all tha necessarypreacriplious ar'l directioua by which sufferera mar coretbcnikelTes at trilinn cunt. Addreta Mr. LIWEI, UtdicalPublisher, 14 H;ad Court, Uolbdro, Loudot.


N O T I C E .

In conaeqnonco of his increasing Trado,RODERICK RYAN has OPENED a BRANCH


WHERE ho baa an Extensive Assortment ofFIRST CLASS GROCERIES,


Ales, Porter, Suoars, Spices, Soaps, Caiulks, .$"c,ROLL AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY TOBACCOS,



upon a quantity of which ho has this week paid Dutyto a largo amount at tho Castom-houso, Watorford.

Ho guarantees every artiolo offered for Salo to boof tho FINEST QUALITY, and hopoa his friends and thopublic will continue to favor him with tho samo kindsupport so liborally bestowed on him at his old andwell-known House, 12 BROAD STREET.

R O D E R I C K RYAN ,General Grocer, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Mercliant, Tobac-

umist, Soap, and Candle Manufacturer,12, BROAD-ST., AND 111, CUSTOM-HOUSE QUAY,(jyl) W A T E R F O R D .



HE EFFECT ot THE OIKTKEHT OH THE SIS-IZH.— To the very core and centra of all diseases

which affect the human body, this remarkable preparationpenetrates , It disappears under tba friction of the Land as•al l disappears when rubbed upon meat. Tbe ungnent per-forms ita healing errand rapidly, salely, and without pain.Simple eroptioos, open torn, hard tumours, scrofulous davel-opemeots of all kindj, absceaiea, cancen, old wounds, and, infact , every species cf inflammation -jr auppnratien, wbatberin tbe skin, tbe ttih, tba jlanci^rf^mong lbs mD*eln,e«abe arrested in ita deatrnctire cottHTand permanently cared,wilbont danger, by rubbing in tbiaineatimabla Ointment.

BAD LEGS, BID BBIJUTB, SOBXS AJCD ULCSB*.—Inmany Hospitals in Europe this celebrated remedy is nowused for the cure of old wounds, aores, and ulcers ; in Spainand Portugal, aud in many parta ot Italy,tbe first Physiciansregularly prescribe its use. It is a sovereign remedy for badbreaiU and bad legs ; and likewise for «11 skin diseases. Itis to be found iu tbe chest of nearly every tailor, soldier*, andemigrant*

PIIXJ, FiaiDLn, STEICIURB!.—Thi obov« class of com-plaints is surely removed by nightly fomenting the partawith warm water, and then by most effectually rubbing inthis Ointment. Persons suffering from these direful com-plaiuts should lose not a moment in aneiting their progress.It should bo understood that it is not sufficient merely tosmear the Ointment, on the affected parta, but it mutt be wellrubbed in for some considerable time two or tbree timea aday, that it may be taken into tbe aystem, whence it will re-move any bidden sore or wound aa effectually as though itwere palpable to tbe aye. Bread and water poultices aftertbe rubbing iu of the Ointment, will do great service. Ibisis the only proper treatment for femalea in casea of cancer inthe stomacb, or for those who softer from * general bearingdown.

IiirsuDBNciBe OF YOUTH —SORB S ARD tluiu,—Ulotcbee, as also swellings, can with certainty be radicallycured if tbe Ointment be used freely, and tba Pills takennight and morniug as recommended in tba printed instruc-tions. When treated in any otber way tbeae complaintsooly dry up in one place to break out in toother ; whereasthis OintmeDt will remove tbe humour from tbe aystemand leave (be patient a vigoroas and healthy being. It willrequire time, aided by tha use of tbe Fills, to insute a lastingcure.

DIPIHIBU, BRONCHITIS, SORB TUBOAIB, - Cooons,AND COLDS.—Any of tbe above class of diseasce may becured by well rubbing tba Ointment three timea u day uponthe skin covering the throat, chest, and seek of the patient.Tbe unguent will Boon penetrate tbe porea aud givu immediate relief. To allay the fever and lessen inflammation, eigbtor ten Pills should be taken night and morning. The Oint-ment will produce perspiration, which ia so easential for re-moving fevers, tore throats, and thoia oppreasiona of tbechest which arise trom Astbma, Bronchitis, and otber causes.Both the Ointment and Piltt shcmla U uiei in thefoUou.

\ng eases .—Bad Legs Chieio-fool F|itolai Sore-throitDad UreMta Chilblains Gout Skin diaeaaeBurrn Chapped hands Glandular Swellings Scurf jrUunlons Corns (Soft) Lumbago Sort lieailallite ol MOB . Cancera rites Tumonra

chitoesnnd Contiaeied and Rnenmatlim UlcersSand Fllea Stiff Jolnia Scalds Wounds

Cocoa bay Elephantiasis Bore Nipples YawaSold at the Establishment of Froteaaor HOLLOVTAT, 211,

Straud (near Temple liar), London ; aUo, at The NinesOffice, 49 King-street. Watorford, and by all respectableDroggista and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilisedworld , at tbe following prio-a :-la. lid., 2s. 9d., 4a. Cd, Hi,22s., and 33s. each Tot. There it a considerable saving bytaking tbe larReraizes.

N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patienta in every dis-order are affixed to each Pot.

Homoeopathic Medicines and Handbook.300 pages, oonni, Is., or if P "** M 'tamps.

THE HOMCEOPATHIC FAMILY1 N S T K U C T 0 K (an Epitome of). By RicnaED

KFPB, Memberlof tbe Royal College of 8urgeona of Eng-land. Upwards of a hundred diseases are fully described andprescribed for. .-•»— .

London : Published by Jims Errs A Co., HomceopatbioChemista [the first established in England], 112 Great Ros-sell-street ; 170 Piccadilly ; and 48 Tureadueedle-street.

CiUTIOK—Tbe Uedicioea supplied by Agents are securedby a band over tbe cork, nnd wbicb band bean the signature" Jims KPP» t Co., Homoropathic Chtmiats, London,"without which none are genuiue. _ Mj22-3ca]

AGENTS IB C0RK :-W.*H. M. GOULD1NO; andT. IL LESTER, 107 Patrick-street.

NERVOUS DEBILITY, and all NERVOUSAFFECTIONS, tvbetbac the result of early errora or

otherwise, are by very simple and iaexpenaive means quicklycured in botb France andi Germany. The advertiser a reai.dent in this country, will be bappy to send free to all appli-cauta lull particulars of the mode of treatment there adopted,on receipt of a directed envelope. All peraoua may cure them-selves, *nd tbus not ran tbe risk of being rictimiaed. AddreaaMons. A. Dovi l, 18, Nowmarket-atreet Birmingham.

HEALTH AND MANLY VIGOH.—A liadical man ci20 years' eiperieuc* in the treatment of NERVOUS DE-U1L1TY, Spermslorrhca nni otber affections which ire oftenacquired in early life, and unfit suflerera for marriage andolber social duties, has published a Boole giving the fullbenefit of bis long experience gratis, with plain directionsfor Ibe recovery of Health and Slrepttb. ¦ A single copysent to auy address on receipt of One Stamp. Addreaa to tbaB»rr»t«rv, In»tihit<- o Anstomy Birmingham ril-lyl

TO NERVOUS 8UFFERER8.T>EAD " THE SECRET FRIEND," by Da.S\j JIARNE *, wbo baa for twenty yeara given hta udu-aive attention to the treatment and cure of BEXUAL MA-L «.DIKS, NERVOU8 and PHY8ICA L DEBILITY, LO88of APPETITE. PAINS IN THB BACK. DIMNB88 OP8IOHT, LAS81TUD2, INDIGE8TION,8PERMATORR:IKEA, IMPEDIMENT * to UABRIAGE, and nantiooaother Ailments, ceased by tbe follies of youth, which, ifnr«lecled, result in cooiuaptioD, inanity and an early death.

Dr. Buan'B n«me baa been before tbejwblio notice fora vonsiderabl'i time, and tbe Cores h<- bu effected baa gainedkirn u l>r-famed and jiatly-neritcd i-uute for hia akill in thetreatment ol the above, aud all Sexoil Diaeaiee, WITHOUTTHE USE OF MERCURY.. Hit Medical Work, "THESECUET FRlEND,"ia illustrated wilh numerous Cases andTeatimoniala from Patients, showing the way by wbich theywere restored to health and manly ngaar. It is « trueglide to those who require a speedy and perfect care. SentPoat Free, secure from observation, on. receipt of 2 8tampt

ICP Addreas, Dr. BAB»M, 80 ThunbiU Crescena, Cate.doniaD Boad,IioadOD,N. («3i*D«>


' . • ¦ "." jtoar y rittmoxD. ..¦. . ' inuis on mn auia. an«»i.T». :

._„,'__ • l t t 3 1 k «H k »J 1* J »3 *8 11 hiSTiTimra. atu olu(a QJ ,, ()]„,. ftlaaa. Clrm.. i.M. ?.M. f.n. M, a m r.u. )~ h m h m h m h m hoi p m '

Wat<rrord_rftQMrW< 7 JO It «» S :0 4. 30 It 0 B4S;Kllmaoo»..___._._. 7 W 12 os 3 Ie i 40 II 10 0 55 ,MolllnaTat __„ . » 50 I S t«0 4 50 II 2fl 7 6B«llybaleWMn,MM.~ 8 10 1.8U J So 810 11 40 t il;Tionuutowa ___~i~ 8 tS l « a lo « M U-0 146Beceelabridn __„ «.4O I SS 8 30 8 40 13 H S IKllkannr Z-arrital t 0 3I I 4 0 I 0 11 31 8 3t;

Do. __j f<a>ort«rj »10 3 80 4 40 « U 13 (1 8 S5Ballyraf«l_.,.,mi.aS » M In S O 0 3S l'l SHAttam|b..M.m...miH • 40 - S 10 « « I 15 8 8Abbertolz _„„_- 041 a 10 S 80 7 0 130 930Maijboro'__arW»; It i! 3 30 8 0 710 3 . 0 9 40Maryboro' ._Ap-.«p 1 16 3 4 7 37 7 71 3 M -Dublin orrital 3M S 3} » 40 9 « S 41 —

Maryboro.1 ~Jtp dm HI — • 3S — , - 9 91Roscrea 11,44 — » 40 - - -Paraoastowa „ 13 14 — 8 19 — — —Portanna_m_-.....- ll,» — 9 4 — — —Henaab .«¦•••••• W.31 - la) 1- •— — 'Thnrln arrival II .48 — • « — — 11 15


.,.T.r, . 13*31 **3 1 * 8 1 4 3 I St aWiaj lSBTXTIOKS . c|ia| olMli ciaii. Olao. Clasa.Class.

».«. A.M. r.u. i j t . P.M.h xa h m h r n h m h m h m

Tburles ..departure — 7 10 134 0 15 — 3 3Templemore ».. — 7S8 — 633 — 350Nenagh™ - 6 3 0 - 5 1 6 - -Portumna ...,......_•... — 6 0 — 180 — —PitBonttown „ — 6 40 — 8 li — —Hoacrea — 7 13 — 8 0 — _Marjboro' ...aml...fp — 8 31 8 <S 7 37 — 3 34

Dublin departure — B 0 1 0 4 0 - 830Maryboro> ..BT»l_(fi<m — 10 38 3 4 6 31 — tl 53

Dowir TBAi!f8. Mail. GoodsMaryboro' .^departure 8 30 10 60 3 3 0 ?4S 730 5 15Abbeyiaiz ._._ 6 00 11 10 3 80 r g - 3 ' 45 '835AtUna«h ._ t 10 11 25 4 £ tog I t litBallyragget~ 7 30 II 35 4 15 "?• 810 « 0Kilkenny ....arrival 7 0S 13 O 4 40 9 0 830 635

Do -departure 8 0 IS 5 4 BO 9 10 8 45 6 35BenneUbrldge 8 [1 13 11 i 3 ig O t i t 0 00Thomutowa 8 89 13 30 8 15 SR| 9 10 1 5Ballvaale « ia 13 tS i l l %%t » V5 1 30Molllosrat 9 6 110 3 58 1?? 9 60 7 46KMmacov 9 )6 125 6 10 p c»g 10 8 7 65Wateribrd n...<irriral 9 00 1 45 6 30 It 0 10 30 8 15

(M»il. (Goods.Ticket* Issued for Slnile Jonrnej are available onlr for the

Train bj vrhlch thay are Issued.Firat and 8econd Clau Hetnrn Ticketa are issned between any

two Stations available for the iania day ; those issued for aovdistance exceeding 80 milen, will be available for return on theday after the dste of the Ticket i and those Usoed between W«-tarford «nd Stations to Kiltsnn;,lnclaslre, and Marjborotigti, willbe avallabla for return for two da;s after the date of tha Ticket .First and Second Clasi Retorn Tloketa Issued on 8atorday arereturnable on Saturday, SoDday, or Monday t and lhc«a issaedon Sunday are returnable on Snnday or Monday.

Third Olass Betnrn TlcteU lained at all Stations by ThirdOlau Tralos, available to retnrs the aama da/ by any Train• tbe Uails.

Throosh Tickets, at low fates, ate fosned at Marjboronah andKilkenny, via vTaterford and Milford Haven, to and from Lon-don, Dover, Sed Hill , Aldonbot, Readlnr, Baalntatoka, SWI Q.doo, Oxford, BirminKbam, Worcester, Hereford, Cbelteobani,Bristol, OloncnKr, Newport, Merthjr, Aberdare, Cardiff, N'eatb,Swaruea, Llanellr. Oarraarlhea, and Oarmarthen Junction , andNewHIlford.' \VATEUFORD



Uv Trails from Wattrford.tRAlwa off wgaa: DATB. \ SOWDAV B.

WATi*ro»D 1 I *? I 3 I 4 6s Vs s~TO ,, *,.,r. 1 '43 •** 1** 1.8.3, 142 1 2 i 3 1 2 4 3TO MHiMca. C|M, C|n,, Clu, C|MI; C|atl c|nM Cjaj|

A.M. A.M . P.M. P.M. P.M A.M. r.M.hut h m h m h m h m h m bin

Waterfoid....<i<p. 6 0 10 JO 3 15 4 4" 8 30 8 311 _Carrlck „... 6 40 10 50 3 0 5 35 9 15 9 16 .Clonmel -._... T 30 11 30 3 45 8 U0 10 0 III I „Junction. ...Jtrtvl 8 60 13 30 3 10 .„ 13 0 12 0Dvilti...arrival 3 46 6 35 « 40 „ 4 30 4 30 ...CoaK«...arriva/ 1 80 2 25 8 2 ... 2 5 i 5 ...Dublin .M dtp .M 9 0 1 0 ... 7 46 7 45 ...Cork....... 8 0 2 <5 ._ 10 IU IU lo ...Junction ..... „ 8 65 12-10 6 30 .- 113 15 12 18 ...Litnerick....arltl 10 5 1 31 6 35 ... I 1 SO 1 20 _

Down Trains from Limerick.TBA1NI OK WKXK DATS. BUKD&TS.

LIXMIC E ' 3 3* 4 6* I J»„" ' * 1243 1/. 3 1*3 1243 1*3 12* 3 143TO WATiaroan. c,,,t clllll clu, C,,M Class Claaa Class

A.M. A_M. A.M. P.M. P.M. PJ«. >J».I ~b~m~ rTm" ba baa k a a ha .km*

Limerick,. dtp S 45 9 .30 11 36 4 0 10 48 6 30 10 UJunclion..arr!raJ 7 0 10 40 13 38 8 10 13 0 7 40 13 0Oork..._...._ ,, 10 0 1 5 0 335 6 3 8 8 433 3 5Dublin „ .- 3 46 6 35 9 40 4 30 3 45 4 30DueLiK.,_ na>q> ... — 9 0 1 0 7 46 „ 7 45Co««.._._... „ g 0 8 45 10 10 „ la 10Jnoction...... „ J 10 ,., 13 40 6 30 13 15 7 SO 13 15Clonmel _ 8 45 ... 1 50 6 60 3 13 9 40 2 13Oarrlck 9 25 ... 3 25 J 35 2 65 10 20 2 65W»Kiford...qHri 10 10 ... 3 6 1 10 3 45 U 30 3 43

Mall Traina marked with an aaUrlik.FAais-Flrit Class Single Ticket, 14s rjd; Second do. 11 Od;

Third do, 0s M. Belurn -First Class. 81a 9d ; Second do, 16s 6d


r«OM ' 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9a m a rft PJ1

P m p m p m ) p m p m p rah m h m b m h m b m b m h m h m bTm

W'fod «6 0 11 0 12 15 «1 30 4 0 5 30 7 15 9 0 „.T'mre 9 15 I'll 30 1 IS 3 15 4 30 *6 0 } 45 9 30 ...

Sunday Trainsr«o«i 1 I 9 a 4 8 . 6 J I 8 9"**• a ro I a, m a m p m p m pro pinj p m pm

h r o j h m h m h m hm brc hra h r o hmWord «8 O U 'IS 12 13 130 3 30 4 3 ) 5 3 0 6 30 9 0Tmorel 9 15 111 45 12 45 2 0 4 0 \'s 0 6 0 7 46 9 45


TBB BLOOD.—Tbeae fomou Pills are so composed thatthey operate wholesomely on the Stomacb, tbo Liver, tbeBowela and other organs, by correcting any derangemtnta intheir functions, whereby a steady supply of pure material!for tbe renewal of tbe Blood ii famished, and a constantabstraction of effete products is effected. This perfect cir-culation tbus becomes tho very fountain of health i:d life,and overcomes all form of .disease wherever ite situation .

GBNBBAL DlSOBDKSB 09 TUB LlTXK AHD BTOaUCH.—illwho ever indulge at table, either in eating or drinking,should tale about ton ol these famoua Pills at bed time,from which will result a,clear head aud good atomach tbafollowing morning. Thousands of Ladies are always com.plaining of sick headaches, want of appetite, want of energy,and wantof atreugth j to correct all these evila, three orfour of tbeae Pills should ibe taken twice a week, when tbeywould give tbe invalid tbe health and appetite of a plough-man.

FBXALZB of AU AOB« Asp CLASSRS.—Obstructions ofany kind,' either in youog persons, or thoae between forty orfifty—the moat critical period of -life—may be radically uiiog tbeae Fills according to the printed directionswhich accompany each box. Young persona with sickly andsallow complexions may have the bluom of health rcatoredby tbia wonderful corrective, which puri6ee the blood andexpels all gross and impure humours from the ayateao.Beware then of tbe critical age from forty to fifty, aa itaenda many tbomanda to a premature grave—tbeee Pillsshould bo taken at that period of life two or tbree timea aweek.

WANT O» STJMMII AID ENEROT.—Persons of seden-tary habita, or tboee troubled in mind, working in Factories,or Coal Pita, who cannot obtain that amount of fresh airand exercise wbicb nature requires, suffer from weaknessand debility, lowneaa of ipirita and want of appetite. Allauch ahould take a dote or two of theee Pills every three orfour days, aa tbay act gently and effectually on tbe aystemand impart vigour and energy to tbe body, which ia alwaysfollowed by a good appetite, sound and refreshing sleep, anda hiffh fins AF ¦nirita.

FOB COBB or DROMT..—The efficacy of Uolloway's Pill,in dropsy is extraordinary. Tbey act with each peculiar ef-fect upon tbe system, tbac tin fluids causing this direful com.plaint are imperceptibly carried ofl and prevented from anyfurther accumulation. Tbe aufferer ragaiua % bfioyaney ot*spiriu, and rejoice! in a completely renovated constitution.—It is indiapcnaably necessary that the Oinunaot should bemoat effectually robbed into the complaining parta during tbowhole course of treadaenU

CBILDBU AVP IHX1B AuKBin.— ID no country Inthe world are aoore children earned to an early grave thanin Great Britain. Coughs, Haaahs, Scarletma, Feran, tadother dieeaaea attack the little sufferers, agd death bat toooften followa at a rapid paee 1 yet, if, at fie firat aUf • otthat* complaints, perenU ware to have recourse to Holloway'oPills, all danger.would be avoided 1 for tba stomach andbowels would be gently but effectually cleansed by this mildaperient | tha depraved humors corrected and the aeaetioaaduly regulated. A perfect; core would aeon be affestad, andUu little patient be rastorad to aonnd health.Hollovaj's Fill * an tU tmt rm*ir hum fa U* uitrl

f o r tU/b U<mint Hutttt 1Ague Ability . InaannaUoaBors Tarotl*Aathma Dropsy Jaundic* gum tad GravelBillions Com- Dysentery UvtrOom- Seccsdaiy grantees

plaJnla Erysipelas plaint* ' Tie DMIMCSIIX ^BlotchMoo Female Ir- Lumbafo ' Tostoora

ibe Skin regaUrlUes Pllaa — - Ulcers -Bowel Com- PeTcrs ot all RheumaUtaa VaMraai AAwtioas

plalnU . klnda BeteaUoa «f Wonsa ot all kindsOoilea Flu Uriae WeakMss, (romConstipation at Ooui . Bciefola,or whatever eatst,Ihe BowsU Bead-uae : Xlat'eBvll *c,&«. 'CeasDmptlon. Indlfestloa

Bold at the eaUWiahment of Frofesaor HouowAT, 8(4Strand (near Temple Bar), London 1 also Ti* Sum OeSe*.No. 40 Kiog trest, <Waterrord, and by aU respsetabfciDractkU and Dealers in Medicines throiejhost VT1 ililHsVat»orld, at tba following prieie .-ls. l}d.8e.9dLw»,«*,lU,tis. nd 83s. aaoh box. There ia a cousideraWe saria* tr.ikiai tbe larger SUMS , - . .. ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦¦ ; - r X ' . -,

N.6.-Diractloua for tbe gnidanee oJ.patJsoU ia etarrdieorder am amxadto eaehftox. . . ..


STARCH, v " :•¦3" ZTM Qum't Kmndtm Uw no ether


. . • ¦

DTf ^ Ht Vi ' ¦' -. -;¦¦¦

/ ¦?¦:¦:'¦: •

Thtt lTir<n»aMi. HWsil Boltea atwet. .nXBX EUBOPHANii the largea tlffl birtiBitaite,X and tine mosfeoomfixttaUe Hotel in tboOifrf.: AHmodern improvementa h»ve been reoemtly introcluoed,and the entire House pgpered, painted, and decorated.

Twenty Snites of Apartments for Families. ¦ •Draw-ing Booms from 2s. 6d, to 5a. Sitting Booms oa theground floor free of ohar^e. ¦ ° '

(9* Soap, Finh, Joints, Tvnl , and Entree in CoffeeBoom and BssUnnmt 'ftom Two to Beren o'-Okxidaily., :Bed, mohading ttorranta, 2a. 6d., 2s.andl*;6d.

[m81-tf ] - J. MOLONY, Pfoptiator. ;


ADXlTTIDLT^«wVth.iWR:BinrAX^OHBAPMT.anianan caupguin TA1OLT

g^coiaaEoiALHariLBfctJa.afa/.Bed, la., Breai&a*. li; DiM» (OrtW) It.8d.

Dining, and Itttmg.BoMM ati tft rHotX ihm apdyirnSaa, ftw«rfcAaj ^


ai»yrhljan,ty anW.

ja^p A xiiginsHjiXaBrumWiajfl in iKuwiimnsj ¦ t ^PATBIOK 8. CABBY, Proprietor.


ADJOINING the Terminus of the South WalesBail-way Company at New Milford, and the

Landing Stage of the Waterfaid Boyal Hail Packets.The Pablio are napoctfally informed that the nbors

extensive Establishment is replete with every accom-modation. Coffee, Commercial, and Sitting Booms 1Billiard and Smoking Booms. The Booms are large,lofty, and airy, beautifully decorated, elegantly fur.rushed, and are otherwise fitted np with every regardto comfort and convenience.

This Hotel is situated on the banks of tho far*famed Milford Haven, and commands a most exten-sive view of Her Majesty's Dockyard, and of theromantio and picturesque Scenery of the neighbour.hood.

Visitors, Tourists, Commercial Gentlemen, andFamilies will find this Establishment, for situationand comfort, combined with Moderate Ghargea, sur-passed by no other in-the Principality

eJ2T Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths.All communications should be addressed to

(jy26-tf.) J. WHETTON, Manager.

D U B L I N .Commercial & Private Lodging House

49 M A B L B O B O U Q H STREET.PARTIES Viaiting Dublin can bo accommodated,

with or or without Board, and aU the comfortiof a home, on Moderate Terms. [o25-tf]

r$J" Situation central, close to Sackville-street.


MB. JOHN POWEB, Proprietor of the AOILPHIHOTEL, WATEBTOKD, has muoh pleasure in in-

forming his very many friends that he has now in fallworking order, St for the reception of Gentlemen andFamilies, the well-known and favorite HOTEL at TEA.MOBE, so long successfully and satisfactorily carriedon by the late Proprietor.

This Hotel, so admirably situated in this famouswatering place, commanding a magnificent view of theeea, has, for many years, been celebrated for the effi-cient manner in which it has been conducted 1 andMr. POWER, who has had much ozporienco in cateringfor tho public, is determined that he will leave nothingundono to maintain its forraor celebrity and to coodncoto tho comfort of thoso who may honour him withtheir support.

A spacious, well-l ighted, and ivcll-ventilatcd lin,-LlAltii ROOM , fitted willi one of Harris's latest Tables,has just been added to tho Hotel ; anil a N KUS R OOM ,supplied with all tho Latest Tapers and I'criodicals,lias been Opened in au adjoining Room, and every-thing will bo done to secure tlio plcasuro and thocom-fort of Visitors. (je24-4m)


sJeVVyou want cmf orl, convenience, and economy,i»r T H E


«S" LUNCHEONS ready at all times. fjyl)


THIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel, in whicheverything can be had on the most modorate

termB.gST BeBt Dublin and Wexford Spirits; also Brandies

Wines, Porter, Ale, Ac. (aulfi-tf.)*2T Cars on Hire at the shortest notice.



SUNDAT, nntil farther notice, EXCUB8IONTICKETS will be issned by the Train leaving Mary-borough at 7.80 aan., available to BETTJBN tho aamsday by the Train leaving Waterford at 6.46 p.m.

F A B E S : 1st CoveredMaryborough, Abbey- 1 To ) CIss. Carriogas

leix, Attanagh, and > Kilkenny > 2s. 6d. Is. 6d.'Ballyraggett . ... ) and Back )

Do. do. ") 1.M (4B. Od. 2s. 8d.Kilkenny and Bennetebridge f | ) 3s. 6d. 2s. Od.Thomastown and Ballyhale C |-o J 2s. 6d. Is. 6d.Mnllinavat and Kilmacow...) £ 3 (.Is. 6d. la. 0d.

These Tiokets are not Transferable, and do not enti-tle tho holders to alight at any other Stations thanthoso to which they are booked. No Luggage allow-ed, and no Half-faros.

SEA BATHIKO—TrainB mn nearly every hour dnringtho day to and from the Sea Bathing placo, Tramore.

By order, WILLIAM WILLIAM3,Head Offices, Waterford Terminus, Secretary.



EVEBY SUNDAY, nntil further notice, a mixedTrain of 1st, 2nd, and 8rd Clasa Carriages will


TARES TO WATBRTOBD AKD BASK :1st Claaa. 2nd Class. 3rd Claaa

Leave Limerick • • 6.30 „ Pallas - - - 7.10 [ 7a. Od. 4a. 6d. 3a. 6d.„ Limerick Jnct. 7.50 J

;; cZr7: :K!*"- *• «¦ *¦«•„ Clonmel . . 9.40 6s. 3d. 3s. Od. 2s. 4d.„ Carrick ¦ .10.20 2s. lOd. 2a. 3d. Is. 3d.„ Fiddown . .10.35 2s. Od. Is. Cd. Os.lOd

Arriving at Waterford about 11 0 a.m.Tickets will be issued between Intermediate Stop-

ping Stations, at Singlo Fares for Double Journey.—Passengers travelling by this Train will return by tho8.30 p.m. up-Mail Train from Waterford. On no lac-count will Fare* be refunded for Tiokets lost, or tinyextension of time granted.

T. AXN8WOBTH, Superintendent.

Liverpool and London and Globe Zninnuice Co(KRULISHSD 1836.)


INVESTED FUNDS, £3,638,078.nnHE ANNUAL BEVENUB ia £1 92 76

Is. Od.,

X and is derived from tbe following KunM 1—Fire Premiums £807,874 O 8Life -do 266,641 8 5Interest '68,860 11 11



. The Director* invite attention to the following od.vantaBMaflbrdadbr the Gonpnijto penana takingoat PoUdM on the tivei ol themselves u& othera;

Punotwa on plans adapted to the various waotaof thepoblic ' ,, BOMUIBS deolared and guaranteed when the PolioyUanpltodfor. . , ^No LtASiLrrf o». PABtKEMHtP, the Bcoufes notbeing oonttogwt upon ptoflto. '

SnasDroaBi of PoUeiea fcvorably dealt with.THIBTI DAW allowed for BDTSWAL of PoUoiei. .CLAIMS payabtt hi one month after admjaeiou, bat,

if wished, freely diaaounted In ordinary cane*. - .¦ • <,.AjrtTumiprefOTtand deferred, at Kbtjraltfiir:i:EmwvraRiof Children and Adults 1 tiieBaienoi'

Premium are on » Moderate Kale. ¦ ¦ ¦: - - -Jt '+ |>JIB.H PHILIP ,'BROWMl (bhoumuint)%»

haa iilnwin in aiinooaoing bit AfPOISTlinXtllBAQlirr.'to the above Company.. , , y ~

M St4m)onm- nsm snffifep , wumf wm¦' • ¦ .. " .'¦

¦•;- :¦ ,-¦¦ ;»V-*-?i-.-;**.v«7i!/V5r J'











The News Book and Job Printing,PAGING, MACHINE BULING,


tS TNos. ia f r rd Binst, WaUrfoSO Kinn

HATS! HATS! HATS !¦a«w ; (Ct7* Hanujadure Francaite).

JlmBY. 4, LITTLE GEOBGE'S STREET^ ^-*- WATERFORD.tJT Hats Bought in this Establishment, Dressed

Free qf Charge. (myl3-6m).CASSEUa'S COPPEES

tS" AsTi at your Oncer1* for/" AS SELL'S C O F F E E S, and be carcrul to\j Bee that no other is supplied; the Wrapper onevery Canister has a oopy of the Signaturo, "JOHNCASSELL."piASSELL'S COFFEES havo secured tho\J meet wide-Bpread reputation; they havo beenmost highly esteemed and extensively nsed throughoutIreland for nearly A QUABTEK OF A CENTUKY./"I AS SELL'S COFFEES are celebrated forV their GREAT STRENGTH, their RICH AllOMA ,and their DELICIOUS FLAVOR./~ 1AS8ELL' S C O F F E E S are first rato in\J every respeot, and prodnco a beremjo reallyanswering to the term:

A CUP OF Q00D COFFEE.CABSELL' S C O F F E E S are solil by Ova vs

throughout Ireland, in Canisters ami l'iio!i .:;,-ifrom one pound to one ounce, at In., Is. -*) ., anil Is. JJ.per lb. Fine choico qualiticu, la. 8d. ami :Js. j,or 11;.






SUPPLIED to tho British, Fronch, Prussian, Hus-sinn, Italian, Dutch, nnd other Govorumcuis.

Dr. LANKE8TER writ««, ret-arUin^ Kxtmct of Mt-at:— '* Jtuttliere ia a diAcrenco in flavor, mid bur?, n* in all nth^r kintU utfood, it is tlio flavor tlmt m.ikei the quality."

It is essentially on ncconnt of the fine mealy flavor,as distinguished from tlio burnt lasto of otW txtmcts,that LIEUIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT defeated ull .\i:str;i-lian and other Borta at Paris, Havre, Amstrnirau , :nuiia ao universally proferred in all Europeim iii:u!.i;'..-;.

One pint of fmo-flavorcd Jieef-tea at 2Jd. J!:.. ; c-oii-vonient and economic " stock."

CAUTION—Beqnire Baron LiEmo's (tlio iiui::.i .i 's)signature on every jar, andaak distinctly for LIKImiCOMPANY'S KXTBACT. [jel7-lyj

LteyaTweeBy London. News.Stnt to yoor own doors,


By tending tha amount ia stamps, for tha number of popersrequired, to EDWABD LLOTD, 12 SalUbory Square, Lon-don, E.U., Or ONE PENNY at any Newaagents.



IBOK THB 8BAT Ol WAE,Beviewa of Books, Moiic, and tha Drama,

LBADIBO ASIICUU oar xaa Tories o» THE DAY,Anawera to CornspoiidenU. Lav and Police Heports.

Foil directions for tba Flower, Fruit, and Kitchf n Garden,General Aceooat of all tha Loodon Uatkets,

8portiDc Iatalliftnot-aod thaWHOLE OF THE MEWS OF TBB WEEK.

ONK PENNY, of alt NswtatnU, or Post Fraa at jonr owndoor, (or %jF TBBKE HALF-PENCE. (nt6-13t)

H O R S E S .LIEUT. JAMES'S BLI8TEB (Manufactured by

BoBiBT JAMXS, grandaon of the Inventor).This Blister is Terr eBaottre in all cases of SoroThroat*, Strangles, Inflamed Lungs, Incipient Splint,Sprains, Bingbone, Curb, Contracted Feet, &c., andin all esses where blistering is usually applied. Nohone will gnaw it. It Is used in Her Majesty'sCavalry, and by all the leading Stads throughoutthe world ; and after thirty-six yean* general nso,is admitted to be the best blister ever made. Sold in1 ox. pots, Is. 6d. j 2 osv, 2*. 8d.; and 4 ox., 6s.

AOKNTS—HXXBT BELL, 62 Quay, Waterford ; Lairdi. Co., 118 George street, Limerick; Gonlding, Cork ;and Bewley 4 Draper, Dublin j and may bo obtainedfrom all chemists. Gj- 'ly}-

••• The public are requeeted to observe tho trademark, " a hone's head" on the top of each pot.



MB. J. SMITH, late of No. 100 JEltlTA'N"-8TBKET, LONDON, bega to announoe tlint in cou-

pliaooB witb namttoos raqaests from his late patrons, bo hasBESUMKD BUSINESS, aa nsual, at 136, BUCHANAN8TBBET, GLASGOW. In conteqaenca of the unsettledataUof autlan in Franc*, be will (or tbe present confine bisoperations to Glasgow, where oommissionj—to win snd 1,2, 3—will be undertaken on all forthcoming events of fannortaoce.

For prices and fottbar- particular*, ase'tb* BpoHsman(every Toeadar, Wednaaday, Tbonday, and Satordny) andBportimglAft (every Wedneaday and Satnniay)- (<2tl)

TM decided preference g%vm to our Establishment is thestrongest proo f of ih* Superiority of our Teas.


DESCRIPTION—2s. lOd. per lb.WE BUY by COMPARISON ONI-T, and can offer tho

PICE or TUB MARKET at following ltatos :—2s. 8(1., 2«. 4d.t 2i., and la. 8d. per Pound.




BULUTITYING TOT .THEtH^Ain) GUMS.BtU im WJOMBM i&MMr t&BBLZ, 62 QUAY,branm-im-aTii ^t lyMstMaBiitaotSera.M^gHBR^ATntTijiT^RaTt j , X81S),6*, LUDGAT1 HILL, -I 1M, DUKX STBSET,LO H K O X ."' ': I : ¦ '.: ¦ LtvasrooL.

. - ¦;: When Out attmAZhOv,


, . iSsasssas jiBs;


Page 2: WATERE011D NEWS LA1X.KST C1KCULAT1OX IN THE SOUTH OF IRELAND. Published cicry Frulay Evening, at

F U J l T H E l l E X T E N S I O N

ROBERT LOCKE & CO. .T»KG lo iutimato that they havo ADDED CABINET FURNITURE, IRON BEDSTEADS, BEDS, &o-*-* to tlicir CARPET DEPARTMENT, aiid tliat thoy aro in a positiou tO take Orders for Furnishing a H0US6 complete " $35" Skilled Upholsterers and Cabinet-makers employed. *

It. L. <fc CO. bog also to intimato tho RETURN of thoir BUYER with

A LARQE and VARIED STOCK of NEW CARPETS, at greatly Reduced Prices ;FLOOR CLOTHS, MATTINGS, Ac, &c.




ra^HK DIliUCTOUS or tlio WATKUIO KD & CENTRALJL I KKI .AM . II A I L W A Y COMI 'AXV ore prepared, under

tli« (Yovi'sioiis of tlio lVafurfonl and Cuiitral IrelandJinilwiiy Act, 1SGS, to SELL aud CONVEY thoWHOLE or uuy l'AUT of tlio HENT-CHAUGE ofJCl .HiS l'ER ANNUM , Payable to them by the GreatSouthern nud Western Kailwny Company, on oc-louul of tho; Principal Bum of £20,000,expended bjthe former for tho latter Company.

Tlsciy are also prepared, for tho pnrposo of EE-PLACINU tho INSTALMENTS of tho GOVERN-MENT LOAN mid BONDS fallin;? due, to AcceptLOANS , at FOUR PER CENT, pnynlilo upon O.NEMONTH'S NUTICE, or FIVE PER CENT, upon THREEMONTHS ' N OTICK .

They will also accept MONEY on MORTGAGE1!OX1)S , at SIX PERCENT, for TURKS or FIVE YKAKS ,ami leu- tho DEHENTUltE STOCK, Iv-ariii;; Interestin SIX PER CENT, for TIIREE YEAKS, end FIVE PERCD "N'T iu poqietuity afterwards.

r\ir the Year ending tho 23th of March, 1870, .thoTrcillic Receipts wero Xsy.BSi; 5s. 0d.~the Workingmill other Expensed beiug ilG.OKi lls. Od.—loaving ab:i!xnceof £13,oG'J lls. Od. fov Interest en Loans, af-ter ihe payment of which thero is a considerable sur-plus j and tlio Receipts cuutinuo steadily to increase.

'J'hcy will , every lialf.yeur, scud to each Creditor aStatement showing the full particulars ar*l Aniouutof the seveiiil Loans duo by tho Company.

A pplications to bo addressed to the undesigned, attho Company's Otlieea, Waterford Terminus.

(By Order),.WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary.

\Yatcrfuril , 3I:iy t>tli , 1S70. (jalO)


LOANS ON DEBENTURES.nnilti UIUEUTOlt S aro prepared to rcceivo Appli-X cations for LOANS ON THE COMPANY'SDEi'I 'NTUl'l'S, iu Minis of £100 or upwards, at i!3per Cisit inturest, for such number of years as maybo agreed u[ion. Tho Security is unexceptionable.

All i>articuLir.s ran be hail on application to any oftlie ii:i(I<T(j.*lrnc(l ] ) 'uvclin '!t, viz . :—W I L L I A M >I.\I.C ' IM .«>X, Kxq., Chairman, l'ortlaw ;ilAi; i : isKi:AN i :, i:sii.,Vice-cliaiiniaii , IJecchl>ark , EuuiaKien.MUi lt issKt. l . , Esc|., Limerick.]{ir t iAUi> SiAtr iKi L K , K.-n., K:lcu Vale, Kniiis.Jtisi-:i'ii RW :I;..-« IN , KM *., Corlsilly House, Limeric k ;

Or to lilts Km'i'r.ui i , in the Company's Olliccs,ltiiilw.iv Station, Limerick.

(slG-'t f ) THOMAS NAAX, Secretary.


of !¦•;¦.•. L'untlucti 'il by ;m 1' Lady, ForTerm.-', Kelcionct!- , Ac, address Miss HARM 'S, Wood-ville . Suu-U'onl , Dublin. lli''lic«t Kefereiices.


rillli; YJCE-COXSULof the NORTH G KBM .YN CIIN -I I I :III :I;.M I O X hega to iufurm tho Public that u

CK.\n:.\l. Co.u MlTlKK lias been formed at BKltl.l .v, onthe ba-is ol' the (icneva Cimvention, to Distribute anyFunds jilj ici 'tl :it theii disposal lor alleviating the sui-ferin^-s til' the Sick and Wounded of the Gerniau andFrench Annies utidor their care.

KiiuM -ripiions »f Money, Linen, Flannel , ic, orerespectfully solicited, nnd will be received by

JOSKl'H STHANGMAN , A'ice-Consulfor the North German Confederation.

Ferrybank Mouse, aud 12 Quay, Watorford.I'.irlicular.s of tho descriptions aud lengths of Flnn-

ueis and Limus most needed, will be sent on appli-cation. ("!-)


FLOUR MILL TO LET.(pTRAXG'S MILLS , within. Two Miles of thekf) lirid ;o of Waterl'ord, together with the Dw ti.r.-i"M;.!!i.rsK, Cotix Siouts, STARLET , COACH I1 OI .SK, andother Out Offices j also, with Tim KG SLATED COTTA-SKS

atUiclied thereto ; and all standing on about FourA'.'res of Land.

Tlieso Mills are driven by two powerful Wuter-Whuuls, with a constant supply of water, and can befurther augmented by u yteura-Emjiuo of DO horsejuAvt.r, recently erected. Tho machinery consists ofSeven Pairs of Stones, with ni l -tho requisite numberSeparator.-:, Screens, Sifters, itc, and two Silk Dress-in^ Machines for Flour. The kituution is woll adaptedfor carry iii;? on a largo retail trade. Tho Dwelling,ll'iiisc is in good order, and is fit for tho immediater J : c:>tiou of a rcspectablo family. It is commodiousuu

'il airy, und has Two largo Gardens attached thereto,well stocked and neatly kept. •

STRAND'S MILLS aro woIV Bitnatcd in tho centre, ofa primo Wheat-growing distriot, and poseeBB manylocal advautagcp, having tidiil communication witht!ie rivor Suir from tho Mill door, besides being closoby the main road from Kilkeuuy to Waterford.

1'ATKICK WALSH ,, living in tho (Jato-housc, willBliow tho place'. Reference to

EDWARD S. WEEKES,Sept. 23, lb70. (tf) Ferrybank, Wuterford.

DESIRA13LE INVESTMENTS.TWO FARMS :at CARRICKCASTLE ,ONK thereof containing about if ! ACRES, Irish

Plantation measure ; and tho other , ubout . IUACI1KS, like, measure, TO UK LKT, for 31 Years.

l'roposals, iu writing, stating.lines aud reuts to bese,,t to PE1RSK KKLLY.

(si:i-'-t) • - Lilile Guorgu'a-BtrcH;t, Waterford



TO LET , tho EXTENSIVE COAL YARD andPREMISES, between the Old and New Stations

at Waterfonl, at present belli by the Glamorgan CualCompany. Tho "'ard is in n good business locality,aud close to tho River Suir, enabling ships to dUchargoacross Railway LineB direct iuto tho Yurd. "•

For further particulars, apply to .,THOMAS A1.VSW0RTII , Secretary.

Hiianl-room, Waterford, April (ith , 1S70. (tf



QVLA U and IN -GKOW IN Q TOE-NAILS,autl all Disordcra that prevent tho freo nso of thoKie ' without pain , cutting, or inconvonienee, by anrocess kuow u to, and only carried out by

MR. J O S E P H M U R P H Y ,c ,-,.„,. Cl,iriu»udis< »»¦' Prn!«»«r of Dm 1'ailio

? . of Hie Huimn Foot. LaJiw «n(i Gmtlcuicn intruded

it tUrir own ll-fin.;ntc» by Appointment , or it

11 CATHEDRAL SQUARE, WATERFORD.CmtiimM lo »«'»d »n TuoDA«;..d W»»MWn. »t Mr.

FELI '« MABT STBBII. CLONMhL. , ,IK31 T«.t'nponal» hma the Irailiuj NoWbty, Cl<rey, nnd

O«Mrv .lliion<liuul the Uuitfd lin«Hoo.,ind inii.iwd by tlieS?«.t Mriicil »«.. «b. «r« I«rf«* .b.i ly lo pain

lith their CnVificatM t» l>» t neiw, Tbo I UUHU

* II

oue <rnm »moo«»t ,iiuiiieTOtn Trttimonuli: —i Pro- ti« BiM Her. Dr. OSritn , H.C.B. of

WolcTf crA ani Zlimort).

w lilk iriSi grMt sue, «aJfed quite oom!ortablc;iuid n>

"°'3 7>t " "* " SS^SbS*1

*" ' '(Front fl«t. 8ir Jb/iA Oougli, X.C.B.) .

KirJoBir OoooHbeg« to Infonn Hr. MoMHT thjtlu. tn»t-. ( 1,1.™ hfti boea moit tnca«((uli ul that be it now

"°"nJ.Sto»«" torn ***** U« lad been mifcriiiir."¦!'"¥ „« {?FSM tarn ialomti br other Mendi of W. that Mr.SUM" SS W£ J«°O°*&1. ' - April OTh. 1868.

Jnut Pobliili«l| VottJite tat Two S(«mp«

-mrrONDERPUL MEDICAL DISCOVERT,W ihowiiK the tro« nwn ol NwfuU', M< ti la». anilV ". . JiiiWc Loitnwi or Unirit*. Iiidvntioii . VV.nt of

EurW',-In ° H«l^4''Vi««r 'in :\,« d.y.. Th.u.o.t

"»P"rtlu' f WJTHOUT 11BDICINE, .

*" "m°, I,'d.monitntrf.tnd the n*w ...<l l.ithly

il b«« cletrl; fe"0. „ Xntni hj" th« «athor, lully «pl«in-

X^ » riM**"u mt u" °" pttw:aS, '-s r

ib Cre>"ul '


N E W B R E W I N G SOf East India Pale Ale, Strong and Mild Ales.

THOMAS MURPHY & CO., CLONMEL,BEG to inform thoir friends and tho publio thoy

aro now taking Orders for theirNEW BREWINGS OF EAST. INDIA PALE ALE,

which will bo ready for delivery, in fino condition,on tho first day of October aoxt.

T, JI. & Co. can, with confidence, rccommond thoirEast India Palo and Mild Ales as being carefullyBrewed, and- mado from tho Best Malt and Hops ofthis year's growth. r ; . j

I®" Orders should bo promptly forwarded to insurean early delivery. (sl9.3t)

Clonmel Brawcry, 7th September, 1870.

WHERE IS HANOVER STREET ?Where i« Hanover Street?



and BITTER ALES,(gS"Aro to bo had iu WOOD and BOTTLE.

BR0WNRIGG & CO'S. (Manufacturers of Mineral Waters, by special appointment, to tboLOUD HEV.TE.\AXT ) PURE MINERAL WA-TERS (Iccd),can also bo had in fino condition.

WILLIAM YOUNGER & CO'S. SPARKLINGDINNER ALE, first timo introduced iu thiscity, to bo had SOVCLED, which for flavour,cheapness, and quality, cannot bo excelled. Itis particularly adapted for family uso.

l'lcasc note Address :STOKKS AM > OMICES—33, HANOVER STREET

(opposito Messrs. WHITE, BROS. & Co's.)02- t] M. B. CAMPION, Agent.



1)EGS, to inform tho (Jentlemeu Farmers and Pub-) lie of Wuterford that ho has como to reside in

this toon, and is Stopping ut tho IVXTEKIOHU AKJ IS 'lloitx, wheru Jio may ho consulted ou tho

DISEASES OF HORSES, CATTLE, &e.,Any day of tho Week except Thursday. l£§3" Ho basa Yard in tho Vicinity of tho Hotel iu which to per-form operations.

Mr. GOIX K will attend at CARRICK-ON.SUIRevery THURSDAY , at Mr. H UNT'S Establishment,Opposito the Holol. (al2-3m)



IN returning his sinccic thunkH to his numerousfriends nud tbo public lor thei r kind f npjKjrt since

he commeuced business, begs to inform them that hehas been A ITOINTEH A UEXT lor tho following First,class Houses :—

ROUEKT Yoi.'XtiEK , llrcwer, Edinburgh.J OHN BOWDKX & Co., Cider Merchants, Devonshire.LK « IS & Tim, Sugar Merchants, Glasgow.SIMI 'SON, 1'AVXK & Co., Composite and Wax Candlo

Manufacturers, Millwull , Loudon.Lrxu & Uxswdiirii , Soap Mauufucturcrs, Liverpool.OULAXUA , J OXKS & Co., Patent, Jtico Starch Muuu.

fucturcrs, London ;FURLANU & Co., Braudy Merchants,

. C O G N AO ,WHOLESALE ONLY —direct from tho Manufacturers.'

YOUNGER'S celebrated PALE ALE, kept in StockNo. 113 , Q U A Y (sU-tt),

(Hal Mrs. Scort's Cabinet Wareroouts).General VICTUALLING ESTABLISHMENT

17 , GEORGE'S S Tl tEKT.

J O H N S T A F F O R D 'BEG.s to inform the Nobility, Clergy , and Gantry

of Wulerford and surroundiuff districU, th«t hedAS OPENED HIS NEW VICTUALLING ESTA-

BL1SUMENT, AT 17 GEORGE'S STBEET,?here he otTers for Sale the very Bcot descrintionof BEEF, MUTTON, l'ORK , AND VEAL, ifcy- AllJoints Cut to Suit Purchasers.

J . 8., in returning thi—ki to his numerous suppor-ters, for the very largo share of patronage which theyaccorded him during the long period lie has been inbusiness, begs to amuto them that in bis New Eata-blishment they will find it their interest to continuethat support.

Kj$" The Establishment will be open from Seven inthe Morning until Nine at Night.

OBSERVE:— General VktunUin 3 £ttabluhment,17 Oeorge'i Street .d22. ti JOHN 8TAFF0RD. PBOI-RIETOE.

PEACOCK AND BUCHAN'S -IMPROVED COMPOSITIONS and PAINTS,EOR the Bottoms of Iron, Wood,Copperod, or Zinc

Vessels, Yachts, Bar s, Boats, Buoys, Beacons,Files, ic. ; ITonsoB, anu all kinds of Wood Work, &c.Also, Tor Preserving Railway Sleepers and FcncoPosts. '


Have great pleasure in informing their friends andtho Public, that they have been appointed SoloAgents in Walerford for tho Sato of tho above, uudthat they keep tho various kinds of Paints always iuStock.


27, Barronstrand-street, Waterford.


"XTTTE havo tho pleasure to inform you' ' that wo havo Commenced Business,

at nbovo address, asDRUGGISTS, OILMEN , AND GROCERS, &a,and hope to bo lavoui-cd -with a sharo ofyour Orders.

From tho long experience of our Prin-cipul in tho Trado of Wulerford (Mr. HKXKY

A I.I ILEV ), you may feel assured that allOrders entrusted to our enro will bo oxu-cutu*to <;ivo satisfactiou.


LEAD ilERCllANTS. <$-c,BEG to intimate, that thoy linvAow added to their

buBincsB a BRASS FOUNDuVhnd ENGINEER-ING ESTABLISHMENT, wbero Brass Work of everyioscription will bo cost and finished off in First-classstyle, and with as little delay as possible.

MCLEAN nnd MCINTOSH also beg to tendor theirBiuccro thanks for tho kind patronago bestowed onthem, and ho]>o, by their constant attention to buai-noss, to merit a continuance of samo.

tST Lead, Brass, Cupper, and hen Work*,3, LITTLE GEORGE'S STREET, WATERFORD

und UOSE-INN STREET, KILKENNY.N.B. — Grcen-houscB, Coneervutories, nnd Public

Buildings Heated oil the most improved principle bytlie circulation of hot water. . (mylB-b'rn)


Ifgf AND Ai.t THE BEST INKS ,' Jn JAIIS at Cd., la., Is. Gd., and 2s. each,


88T With all kinds of STATIONERY, &c,By tho Ream or Half-ream.

Coffin Factory & Undertaking Establishment.. MANOU-STREET, WATEIIFOKD.

RICHARD FITZGERALD begi to . inform hi.¦: nnmerou Friends, and tho Publ ie generally,

that he Is now prepared to ezecuto all Order* is theITMDIRTAKIRa BuilftKft. .


£JL auJ >t OJ. fiicli bolllf, with tlie lollaciiiK-iit'iied Pre-pirttiom ol CoupiUt, U» Hops & Co., Bedford Flue,jjloonnbarj- Square, Lunilon, ra»jr be li'ml in Wjlerford (I.Tnl N»<r» O&tr, Klnc-ttrntt-Uatlia Vite, er YrgttabliLifo Drop», tli" gt»t ttawdy for MrrtastDnt, be.I . X>tluoi4 Co.Ursi.i*'K' .U>|r Keitaiitig} - fluid, wh'u U batU^n lo I arniiilrrlully i'lTiweiiiu« in htinzin^

the lmir toiU iirinmr.I colori •!•!>, CoenLti'i llnir Djrr. '

Tlie Ittrtul l'ill>, KiiU'llfParadif , Liiat Juin and (ily-uriD«, aatl Auortcil Ptifumti,


THE FUNDS OP THE SI8TBB8 OF. CHAJHTY,la/lLL BE PREACHED w£8UNBAY,"theC 2ndT V OCTOBER Next, immediately after tho Last


%4ir Donations from those who cannot attend, willba received by the tiaf t ROT. Dr. O'B'siEN and theClergy of the City/ ' '' . . (a23-2t)


J\. above Socioty mil bo held on SUNDAY Even,ins Noit, at 8.30 o'Clockr, at their HALL, BERES-FORD STREET, for tho transaction of importantbnsinoss. JOHN VEALE, Hon. 8oc.

September 23rd, 1870. [H]

MOONCOZN BAZAARTHE following are tho Winning Numbers drawn at

thia Bazaar i—7,508, 1st Prize ; 3,873, 2nd do. ;6,154, 3rd prize s 16,054, 4th prizo ; 16,037,5th priio ;10,411, Gth prizo ; 9,980, 7th prizo j 6,027, 8th prize ;7,307, 9th prizo ; 3.67C, 10th prizo ; 3,588, 11th prize ;5,595, 12th prizo ; 7,380, 13tb prizo ; 3,299, 14th prizo ;2,833, 16th prizo j 9,211, loth prizo ; 3,168, 17th prizfe ;5,611, 18th prizo ; 5,173, 19th prizo; 10,0-15, 20lh prizo;3,455, 21st prizo ; 5,fi71,22nd prizo j 10,343,23rd priao ;9,214, 2 (th prizo ; 18,001, 25th prizo ; 3,296, 26th prizo;2,689, 27th prizo; 10,276, 28th prizo ; 7,637,29th prirfo ;1,501, 30lh prizo ; 7,419, 31st prizo;25.0G8, 32nd priao.



i oi- ¦











WALTER 0'DONNELL & CO'S.,•J7, 50, & 51 QUAY,


2,000 QUEENSLAND SHAWLS, Is. lid., worth 7s. Cd. s

1,550 BLACK CLOTH and VELVETEEN JACKETS,1B. lid. to 5s. Gd. anch;

700 WATERPROOF MANTLES, 6s. lid. to 8s. Od.

WALTER 0> D0NISELL & CO.,47, 50, and 51 Quay, Waterford.




her Residence, No. 17 LOMBARD STREET, or wouldattend Pupils ut their residences it' rcuuircd.

A SCHOOL for JUVENILES has been OPENEDat tho above address, at tlio request of uiuny citizens.

S5»}"Terms, on application. (ol-5t*i

Pianoforte , Harmonium & Husic Warehouse1 2 H , Q U A Y , I V A T H R t ' U .U U .

C . A . J O N E SEXTENDS lo nil pnrta of the South of IrXanu

tho TH1IBK YEARS' SYSTEM OF UIRKalter which , nnd without further 1'aymcnt, the PI A N O ,FORTE or U.<K»oMU3! become* the Property of theHirer. Special terms of Hire payable quarterly, inadvance. C . A . J O N E S 'Buys from tht moat eminent makers only, ad a prootor which tlio increasing demand and the fact that alltho Instruments sold by him daring the pa«t nincyearhave, in every instance , given satisfaction,

C. A. JONES baa just returned from London withlarge assortment of Pianofortes, including Semi>grand,Grand Squares, Grand Trichord Obliques, Serai-CottageandPiccolo Piano-fortes, with all recent improvements,by Messrs. lSrondwood , Collard, Ernrd , Kirkmnn, &c.

C. A. JONES has a large assortment of Harmoniums—Eu^liah and French msko ; Second-baud Pianofortes;English und German Concertinas, in great variety ;Violins , Flutes , Cornets, <tc, &c. A fine-toned Organswith Pedals and modern improvomente, New, lyBevington, will be Sold a Bargain.

¦SSST New Music at half marked price. (mj4.3mM U S I C W A R E H O U S E , 1 2 U Q U A Y .



PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, AND HARMONIUMS.The above-named Musical Instruments, practically


35 , K I N G S T R E E T , W A T E R F O R D .($3T 14 Years' experience in tho principal Musical

Houses of London. Testimonials from tho greatestProfessors of tbo period, and 300 Keferences.

NEW MUSIC alwayB iu STOCK , and forwarded atHALF-MAIIKED Picict;.

Mark tho Address:—35 Kixo STIIEET, WATERFOEU.(Seven Duors from the I'osU 'jjice.)

N.B.—No Connection with nuy «ther Houuo in town.


WATEIiFOIW DIS TRICT , No. 3. NOTI CE.Triennial Election of Conservators.

THE TRIENNIAL ELECTION OF .CONSER.VATORS for tho Waterford Fishery District,

will tnlco placeOu MONDAY, tho 3rd day of OCTOBER, 1870,

At the pjaccs aud timo hereinafter mentioned :For tbo A Electoral Division, at CALLAIIANK Potty

Sessions. 'For the 11 Electoral Division, at NKIV Itoss Court

HoubO.For tho C Electoral Division at MOONCOIN.For the D Klectorul Divisiou ut CLONMKL Court

lloiisc.For tho E Electonil Division at Bouuis Court House.For tho F Electoral Division at KI L K E N N Y Court

House.N.B.—Election proceedings at each placo to com-

mence at Twclvo o'clock, noon, and torminato atThree o'Clock, p.m.

Those only who who bavo paid Liccnso Duty, nudbeBu Licensed within each Electoral Division of thoWatcrlbrd Fishery district, for tho currant year, 1870,aro entitlod to voto at any of tbeso Elections, oithcrin person, or by proyy, such proxy being also a quali-fied elector.

Every Person is entitlod to a a Voto or Votes atthis election according to tbo following Scnlo (that isto say)—I f tho Licence Duty so paid by nnoh Personshall not amount to Two Pounds—Ono Voto. If thoSamo alinll niuodnt to Two Pounds and not to FitoPounds—Two Votes. And if tho samo shall amountto Fivo Pounds and not to Ton Pounds—Throo Volos.And if tho samo shall ciccod Ten Pounds—FourVotes. JOHN WALL Secretary.

(53* Tho Elected and Ex-officio Conservators ofthia district, will ploaso observe that the GENEBALANNUAL MEETING of tho Board will bo hold at thoCOURT-HOUSE. WATERFOUD, at ONE o'Clock, onSATUIIDAY, 1st OCTOUEtt next.

Waterford, 16th September, 1870.


General Noticeho Claimants,la tho Matter of tbo E<staUT| nHHE COURT baring

of BBIDOKT CUBRIN, JL Ordered A SALEOwner; of tho Corn Storo, But-

MAEY MOMISSEY, tho Eev. J-tor Collar, Corn Kiln,PATRICK NOLAX, and LAU- Oat .Offices, and Yard,KE.fcz LONEBOAM, ioi Thompson'i-Iano; the

Petitioners. Yard, with the Sheet, on'¦ ' tho Quay; and the Yard,with Coaoh-house and Stable, on the Qaay ; ahio,tho Dn-elling'hoiuo, Out-ofBooo, and Yard, litnate in(he Main-street, and formerly occupied by CBUBTO-rUEB O'BBIEN ; also Threo Dwelling Uontw 'in thoMain-Btroet, and a Yard in Barrack-street, "with thoSwelling Houses and Buildings erected thereon ; all

SITUATE IN THE TOWN OF DUNGAEVAN,Barony of Deoies Without Drum, and County of Wa-terford: :

All parties Objecting to ench Salo of tho n!d Landsare hereby required to take Notice of inch order ; andoil Persons having Claims thjircoo, may file inchClaims, dnly verified, with tho Clerk of the Beoords.

Dated this 16th day of Sei)trmber,1870.. ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦' JAMES M'DONNELL, Examiner.PEIRSE KELLY, Solicitor, having carriage of the

proooodings, No. 37, North Great George's,street, Dublin. [«23.1t]

T O W N , .FAIL '; MiAT .B B F 0 B DTWO';\ BIQB%$\ OSLT r



LIST, MIMIOr-»nd Aa^hor of " Eramp, Tran p,the Boys aro Morohlng," "TheDublin Carman," "MyNatire Land, so Green," « Mn, CCMnlligwrViParty/'&o., 4o., from Barnnm's Museum, Kew York, and theprinoipstl Amerioan Theatres, will appebr in hia hnmo-rons Entertainment, entitled ' ¦ '¦


consisting of . Hnmorous : Sketohea, Impersonations,Songs, Daucos, Aneodotes, Droll 'Stories, Quaint andFunny Sayings, and numqjpna Changes of Charootor,as givon by him thronghont the United 8tatos, fadlatoly at tho Emperor's Grand Feto, Paris. Thewhole written and octapilod by T. CAREY.

Tho Hall will bo brilliantly Ulnminated, nnd thoStago fitted tip in a superior manner, unequalled byany other travelling entortoinmont.

An efficient STHING BAND will play novoral popularSelections each oveniog. ¦ For particulars, soe Pro-gramme. ADMISSION :—

• Front Seats, 2s.; Second, Is.; Gallory, Cd. Doorsopon 7J o'Clock. Carriages may bo ordered at 10.



HAVE made arrangements to give their Entertain-ment, as ahbvo: \ This groat Company now

includos those Celebrated and well-known ArtisteB :Messrs. D. W. DIAM ONP, C. WBI,L«, M. SATLES, G.


t&" To guard against confusion, CHARLES CHRISTYdistinotly states that his Company is entirely HIS OWN,and havo nevor appeared with any other since thoiramalgamation ; rolying on tbeBO facts, ho feels certainthat all will bo anxious to seo tho TEULI ORIGINALCOMPANY—the very qnintosonco of Negro Minstrelsy,tho Best Dancers, Singers,' and Musicians that evertravelled this or any other country, and who havostudied a faithful add correct Delineation of NegroLifo, and profound praotioo has earned thorn CBb world-wide colcbrity of being tho best Dolineators of NegroCharacter existing.

THE P R O G R A M M Ewill bo Bolected from tho Songs and Pieces mado aopopular by the CHRISTY Minstrels, and' which aro beingsung in every Drawing-room, at ovcry Musical Assom-biy in all parts of Great Britain and America;

HAIII 1, VIOLIN , AND CONCERTINA RECITALS,embracing Mirth, Wit, Laughter, Mueic, Momus, Tcrp-sichoro, and all tho Musos combined, all of which inthia Company is executed in an artistic and masterlymanner.

%ST All Persons should embraco tho opportunityof witnessing for onco tho Entertainment of tho .REALAKD OKIOINAL BAND OF CHRISTY MINSTRELS.

Gonoral Manugor, Mr. C. WELLS ; Secretary, Mr,G. WILSON. Solo Proprietor, Mr. CHARLES CHRISTY .

ADMISSION —Front Scats, 2s. j Second, do., Is. ; Gal-lory, Gd. Commcnco at Eight o'clock prcoisoly.

Carriages may bo ordorod at 10 o'Clock. [It'


rf \H E COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT of thoI , nbovo Dispensary District will , nt their Meet-

ing to bo held at THE DISPENSARY MOUSE, TEAMOKE,on MONDAY, 2Glh SEPTEMIIEU, Instant, at Twclvoo'Clock, noon, proceed to

ELECT A MEDICAL OFFICER,duly Qualified (in occordanco with tho Rules of thoPoor-law Commissioners), for tho TKAMOUK DISPKN -s.tnr DISTJIICE, at a Salary of £100 per Anunm, exclu-sive of Vacciuation and Registration Fees.

Applications, accompanied by Diplomas, Testimo-nials, Ac, to bo scut to tho Honorary Secretary,JA.\II:S U LIJU , Ksq., Tminore.

gg}" Personal attcudauco required on tho day ofElection.

Tlio Medical Officer elected will bo required to ro-sido iu thu District, aud enter on his duties iiuinc-diatoly. (Hy order) ,

THOMAS HYAN, Acting Clerk, ¦[slO-St] Watcrford Union.


ELECTI ON OF UNION CLERK.FTI H K- GUARDIAN S will , at their Meeting on•JL WEDNESDAY, oTK OCTOBER NEXT,entcrtniu Tenders from Candidates willing to diB.ohnrgo tho duties of Clerk to tho Union.

Tho Salary bus boeu fixed at £110 a Yoar, cxclu-sivo of ull Extras <M Upturning Odicor, Clerk to thoBuriul Board, Parliri^Mtary Voters', and as Superin-tendent Registrar for tho Union.

Two solvent Sureties, in a soveral Bond for £200each, will bo required for tho faithful dischargo of theduties.

Tho personal attendance of Candidates will bo ne-cessary on tho day of olection, and applications forthe oflico will bo received up to Elovoa o'Clock, a.m.,ou tho ubovo day.

liyordor, THOMAS RYAN,Beard-room, Workhonso, Acting Clerk .

Septomber 22ud, 1870. [sS3-2t]


Notice of Rates laving been made for thepurposes of the Irish Poor Relief Acts.

NOTICE is Hereby Given, that Kates havo beenduly raado on tho Property situated in tho

uudor-mcutioncd Electoral Divisions of tho abovoUnion, Katcablo under tho Provisions of tho Acts forthe Relief of tho Destitute Poor in Ireland:—Electoral Division of Annestown, a Rate of Is. Od

„ Ballylancon, „ 1 0„ Carrigcastle, „ 2 0„ Comragh, „ 1 8„ Dunhill, „ 1 0„ - Fows, „ 1 2„ Fox's Costlo, „ 1 0„ GardoiimorriB, „ 2 8„ Georgostown,. „ 1 2„ Kilbarrymoacton, „ 1 0„ Kilmactboma8, „ 1 10„ Knockmahon, „ 3 0„ Jfoantkennyiiy, „ 1 G„ Nowtown, „ 1 4„ Strudbally, „ 1 .1„ Tinnasaggart, „ 1 2

Tho Rato Hooks aro now in my custody, and maybo Iuspoctcd by any person o fleeted thoroby, at thoUnion Workhonso on nny day (except Sunday), bo-between tho hours of Ton o'Clock in tho Forenoon andFour o'Clock in tho Afternoon, and tho said Rateswill bo payablo from and after tbo publication of thisuotico. (

Signed this 13th day of September, 1870.WILLIAM HUNT. Clerk of Union.


NURSE, for tbo Workhonso of this Union,WILL NOT TAKE PLACE,

OS tho Appointment will not bo vacant..$&" Tho Advortjeemcut invitiDg Candidates for tho

Oflico iB therefore withdrawn.By ordor, ' M. MAUER, Clork of Union.

Callan, 15th Sept. 1870. [H]


AT nn adjourned Hooting of tho Shareholders intho WATEBFOHD aud LIMERICK RAIL-

WAY COMPANX-llBid.pnrsuatit to adjournment,(from lust Half-Yearly Mooting) , at tbo Hoad Officosof tho Company, Wotcrford Torraiuus, on FRIDAY,23rd of September, 1870,Wa. WALCOJISON, Esq., Chairman of tho Board of

Directors, in tho Chair.The Soorotary having road the Notico convoning

the Mooting, as alto tho subsequent Notico, intimat-ing thai auoh Adjourned Mooting would he j>ro forma ;and-tho Correspondence betweon tho Waterford andLimerick and Groat'vWestorn Co's sinco tho Half-Yearly Meeting, together with our Law Agents' Ho-port intimating that tbo Draft Agreomont had beenrecently rocoivod from Great Western Company, andsuggesting that as the Committo had not an oppor-tunity of considering it, this Meeting bo further ad-journed to allow time to havo the arrangements dulycompleted, and approved by reepootivo. Committeesand Boards, prior to submission in co'urso to ourShareholders,

It was Ueaolrod :—" That this.Mooting adjourns to" this day oight weeks, viz., tho 18th of Novomber, to" recoiovo tho Report q/ tbo Coramittoo appointed to" negociate with the Groat Western of England."

. " W. MALC0M80N, Chairman.T. AINSWOBTH, Secretary.

Board Room, Waterford Terminus,September 23rd, 1870. •



. and until 'further notion, the 6.30 a.m. D0W1TRAIN from LIUBRICKto WATERFORD, the 2 p.mTrain from LIMKBIOKrto KILLALOE, and the 6.80p.m. UP-TBAIN, KILLALOE to LIMERICK willoeaio to run. i . . - '. '

"VANDBLEDE" STEAMER— SATURDAY BUN.SING.—On and from SATURDAY, 1st OCTOBER,nnd until further notice, tbo Vandeleur Steamer willCEASI KUNNIXO In connozion with the 4.5 p.m. DownTrain, bat will Leave For"" for KILBUSR, on arrivalof the 11.45 a-m. Domj Train, snmo as on other days.

THOMAS A1N8WORTH, Superintendent.Traffic Superintendent's'Office , Sept. 1870.

Tboro is no exclusive property in truth. It belong!to him who reoognizM it.


WE bog respectfully to announoo


from London, tho West of England,

and Scotland, and the


in oar various Departments.

IJST Wo earnestly solioit on Inspection,


' P. T0BIN & SONS.19th Sept., 1870.


L O S T .ON tho 3rd of SEPTEMBER on tho Waterford and

Tramoro Railway, a Small, BROWN PORT-MANTEAU. Tho Owner supposes it to havo boonleft at Waterford side of the"lino.

Any one bringing it to THOMAS P. SIIEBLOCK , Esq.,John's-hill, will receive £3 REWARD. (sl9-2t)




First Prizo, the Silver Cup j Second Prizo, Half thoEntranoo; Third Prite, Half tho Balanco s FourthPrize, a Crystal-back Watch; Fifth Prizo, a Meor-acbaura Pipe.

Snidera and conrortcd Enficlds allowing 1 point ateach rango to tho Enfiold. Entranco, 6s. ; if ontoriigfor both Matches, 9s.



each Bango—any position. ,y '- ~

First Prizo, tho Cup ; Second Prizo, Ha1f >*na En-tronco Monoy ; Third Prizo, Half tho Balarfco. En-trance, ()a. ; if outering for both Matchcs,*9s.

Ifai^ All entries mnst bo made with tho non. Sec.on cr boforo Saturday, the 2 ith ; 25 per cout. extrawill bo charged for any'entry after that dato.



THE WINTER SESSION, 1870-71, will commcncowith DISSECTIONS on SATURDAY , 1st OCTOIIF.K.

The LECTUBES TfaWw commenced ou THUKSUAT,NOVEMUER 3rd, aMfreftfClock, p.m., by an Inanyu-ral Address fromthfl^nof Faculty, U.J.TYKRELL,F.R.O.S.I . "WL.Tho several conrees jjfkfcp as follows .—ANATOMY <fc PHYSIOBOfc, DH. IIAYDKS and Dr.¦ii'<-(» CEYAV .ANATOMICAL DEMMf-1Pf*e Professors of Ana-

ISTRATIONS, !TnhL tomy and Physiology.CHEMISTRY, ... iTB|k Dr. SULLIVA .V.THEORY AND PRACTIC llv „„„_,.


OF MEDICINE, '. { f & M0**-THEORY AND PRACTI0E J rTysk. ..,.


Dissections under tho suporintondenco of the Pro-fessors of Anatomy, and tho Demonstrators, Dr.flayos, Dr. Fonnolly, Dr. Walshc, Dr. Nixon, and Dr.Furlong.

Tho Looiurca delivered, in this School nro fully ro-coguized and received by the Universities and allother licensing bodies in tho United Kingdom. TheSchool is, therefore, Btrictly on an equality, as regirdspririlogcs, with any other School of Modicine in GreatBritain or Ireland.

Special accommodation has been Provided by tboUnivorsity for tho residonco of Medical StaUoutsjunder tbo direction of a resident Dean. Applica-tion to bo mado to the Very Rov. Dr. 0' Loughliu, ortho

^Vory Rov. Dr. McDovitt , 85 and 80 Stcphou's

Graon, South.A Connolly Exhibition (valuo £20) w.'ll bo o(tored

for competition at tho termination of tho WinterSession, in the combined subjects of Physiology,Physiological Anatomy, Chemistry, and Botany ; alsoa Gold Medal of tho vnluo of £7, in Surgory, Practiceof Medicine, and Midwifery (including female andinlautilo diseases). Tho usual class prizes will liko-wi>o bo given.

Tho Summer Sessions, 1871, comprising operationsin Practical Cbomistry, and Lectures on MatoriaMcdica, Medical Jurisprudence, Pathology, Botany,Natural Philosophy, anil-Logic, will commonco ontho 15th April, and terminate on the 18th July, whenclass Prizes will be awarded in each subject, and aGold medal of tho yaluo of £7 iu Practioal Chemistry,Matoria Medico, nn'd Medical Jurisprudence combined

For particulars, apply at the School, Cecilia street.PATRICK J. HAYES, Medical Registrar.




of OcTOHEB, 1870, at One o'Clock, on tho Pre-mises, by directions of tbo Proprietor, Mr. JOHNPOWKK , his INTEREST iu tho LEASE of tho well-Imown, fashionablo

A D E L P I I I H O T E L ,Situato on tho MALL, CITY of WATERFORD.

It is held under Lease, of which 37 Years aro an-expired, at tho low Annual Rent of £30, out of whicha Spirit-storo, attached, pays £29, and a Club-room£15, thus reducing tho Hint to £4G per Annum.

It contains Coffoo-room, Commorcial-room, throoDrawing-rooms, two Parlors, Billiard-room, with firstclass Tablo (complete), twonty Bed-rooms, Servants'Apartmonts, Kitchens, Pantries, Scnllories, four WaterClosets, Ao. Thoro is auovor-failing supply of wateron. the promises, and tho Hotol is completely fittedwith gas, sumptuously furnUhod, and in in fall work-ing order.

Tbore is also a First-class POSTINO ESTA BLISHMENTattached, with fivo Box and thrco Single Stalls, heldfor nn unoxpired term of 38 years, at £7 por Annum.

It is most advantageously situatod, ovorlooking theriver; is opposito tho English mail and other etoamoru,and in closo proximity to tho diflorent railway tor-mini, at which Ihe Hotel omnibuses always attend.

Rarely does an opportunity occur of purchasing sucha first-class , and lncrativo establishment, as it ispatrouisod by tho prinoipal nobility and gentry of thedistrict, and has also an oxtonsivo oommoroial con-nection. Immodiato possossion will bo given, andhnsiucss continued until day of salo.

For further information, apply to PKIME KELLY,Ksq., Solicitor, North Great Goorgo's-stroot, Dublin,and Watcrford; gr to • '

THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneor.Mall , Watorford, Sept. 23, 1870. r«23-lt4n



Watcrford, on MONDAY, 26TU SEPTEMBER,the INTEREST in the LEASE of tho HOU8E andGARDEN, No. 7, WILLIAM STBEET, held underLeaso, of whioh thero aro unoxpired 40 Years, at thovory low Rent of £12 n Year. There has boon a largoBom expended on tho Houso within tho last 12 months.

Immodiato possession will bo given. Sale to com-raonco at Ono o Clock.["] J. PENDEB, Auctioneer.

CONSTABULARY.Constable James Ahern, for many yoara stationedat B»"y°"nty and Coshol, has been promoted to therank of Head-constable in the Boyal Irish ConsJabu.lary. He earned through teal and offioienoy thu'Zttf i&ssr1"1* Z heea

^teh^^L?- .L1* his fatmrSSta.Liberty having boon given'by the Inspeotor Gene,ral ofth. Boyal Irian ConsUlmuwy to aH the merSlben or tbo force in every county to volunteer toterve as imperior officers in the poUce forte whioh ifbeing organised i» the island of LrtBM™nder th»direction of hn Excellency John Pope HenneMyGovernor, a considerable number sent in their names

a* candidates. SqbKX)n»Uble John WiUU, of Omiah,hu been selected by the Inapeotbr.Clenetil aa cnTofthe four officers for the new gervioe. BnlMXiniUbleJeremiah- FaWey, of Piltown itatiou.'hiu H %o mmeont A3 one of the fonr, the rank belngthat of ierceiut.Can»t«ble Falvey is highly edacatoi, and be«w «wreputation with bis late comrades u an oxtremalrsmart, emolent officer. ' ¦- . ¦¦¦

CAtLAN BTJTTKR MABKCT, SiwcuwiVi VNomher of 6rk(n.; Mli 'prle. froin W to lSRWcwtTh. buyer. >t mnUl mmi M«M«t. TUOOMU EIW

1 (Siritk-on.aair; John B«d, Wifcrfori I H.,«, IJritS Ci" | T. M. LomUu ud Tboan Vutw, Kilinby,- ..^

**t **x W>¦

: ' . ' - ;f Watmicf BQtmbir 28, lW0<'-;_ . .Bnpplj£roinl»nMH«n«ntM«w»ck.'. • ¦ ¦ ¦ - ": '"


WBEiT and BARLEY tsVu betiy at the tdruoo ot lxtTOlk, - . ¦ •

; . - ' : '""

0AT8-S1 to 4i dearer. 'FOEKIOH WHF1T—Vt> chuge, but* Httla nle.INDIAN OOaN—Good demand, at » deoBae ol M. to M. por

b«i«I. •nVODa—Ho oh»ng». • " ' _„«.„^ COLB '4 PBOSSOB.

P E I O B S OP BBENT. '» IRISH. OlO; 1 »»*¦

' lVFHEAT, prrharroloM8Mb». ¦• i >. ' d'» . ». •• *•

— Wbitt • - - 00 0 to 00 0 i« « « °— Red . - - 00 0 00 OU » M '— Bhl ppinfdo. • 00 0 00 OM 0 »* °

BARLEY, per barrel«l JM. li I , „— Orindlnn - - - 01) 0 00 014 0 15 0,

Malting - - 00 0 00 016 0 15 . «OATS, perb.rrtl of l'- Blb». I , .

— Black - - 00 0 00 011 > 11 0— White . - 00 0 00 0^11 0 l» "— Orey ' ¦ no V 00 Oil » >'<! 0

FLOUR , per (Jack , u!2MII» . |— Sup«r&Dei - - 00 0 00 0 41 0 41 0— Ioferinri . . . oil 0 (0 "30 0 3S 0

OATMEAL, per Siok . . oo o oo o'on o oo oDRAN.n«rtmrre!. ,iffH[lL. . n o a O lio 0 0 0

_FOREION _ _ l-ree . WHKA7-, perb>rnl ,nr-JdCihiii." " " " »• "• ' •• d

— . Annrfcan, gprlnir.Di) Winter - - -8 6 t 0 '7 "— Marfanonle . . 28 0 2« «— Bcnllmskl - - 28 0 58 0— Ohirki .Tumrog, tort Oiim - 2S » S6 II— rbrall . . . oo o oo 0

IMD1AN CORN , Yellow.O.lcsia , 4 Galatt. 10 » 17 »— IbralinSFoxnnlan - - ;W » « «

— — American, 0" u on >— — French and AmoriCRn Whlte OO 0 00 0

. — , — , Eityiitian, - - - - (111 0 rn 0— - ¦> Daftiwed - i - . . V> 0 la o

FLOUR , American.per barrel , or lufllbi . - II" » 00 0— French, per tack , »f -iSnibi - - 00 0 uo n

INDIAN MEAL , Ameiican. ner brl. of !9»lbi.00 0 On „< Homo Manufucturc , t ,. . .„ „— ~ ' per (•¦•(, of iSOlh.. \ 18 " IB °

Imports $" Exports for Week ending Thursday, 22nd inst.IMPORTS. I RXtfORTS.

Wheat 8nw qo«r(Bt«. [ Whe»t- - - H»rr<!«.Indian Oora 18300 do. Oais . . . 3193 da.Din - • • do. Rarloj- . . H00 do.Barlor ¦- • — io. Indian Corn - <to.h- ( 238 Backs. floor . . . 490 <1o.j -,nm ( Barrels. Oatmeal - 18 Sacks.

' Meal • - 30 Sacks. IndiaD meal ¦ do.

IMPOSTS OP FOREIGN GBAIN.Yjirmontb, Raymond, New York, 5,100 qtlArtern wheat, Whito

nrrithcrs & Co. Ezio, Tract, Salina, 4,4. l quarters maizo,AVliito Brothersk Co. Hrmanj ildaDoaoTAro, Ln nrnro, Snlina,5,900 quarters maize, Whito Brothers^ Co. Vcra Ci JZ, Porissa,Sulinn, T,,l Q qanrtere mnire, T. C. Spencer. Lcda, Adaroctz,Ta^anmtr, 2,200 quarters whcitt, R. Ardit h. Itagiono, Lago-rore, Salina, 3,C 10 quarters maize, S. Harris.

BUTTEE MABliET.Numbir ofFirkim uetgheil at tht Public Butter Marke t

far Week ending Friday (Ihlt day), 23rd ln *l.Satnrdari ~ .- 382 ™ ... 123!. od. to 13)i. M .Mondaj, ' ._ .„ 21 ... _ 125i . O.I . to 13i«. M.Tnwln;. _ ... 2 .- ... 125s. 04. lo Onns. Od.Wedaosdaf ... ... 245 ._ ... I26j. Dd. lo 13'ij. Oil.Thursday, ._ ... 578 _ _ lull*, od. to 135.. M .Fiidaj 0 ... ._ U'lOs. Od. to UiOi. 0<l.No. ot 6rktng corresponding week last jo3r .H...w „ 917Prlctpsrctrt ... ... ...122j. to U7a.

(Corrected this day f o r The Waterford News.)PROVISIONS.

&AOOK Pica , per cwt » M ». 57s Od to S8A OdOrrii. do _ _ ._ M t nd — 6'l« udKMT do ... - - IU Od — 12i OdHEADS 4O ... ... _ 41* od — 424 odTALLOW do ... „. _ 46< Od — 47s OdLiao (cbandlera1) ». -. ™ 4Ss Od — 46« Od

HUTOIIKRS' MEAT.Bitur , por lb ~ M to 10H 1 LAXB , perqr... 5s Od to 6-dd

Do. iteak 8<l to 1"<1 J Vr.At., prrlh... *i JO «dMDITOB, porlb, 7d to 8d PORK „ ... Id to Od

POTATOES.ATOrtxe price (newi ... v 0* 7iL to OS 8). per atono.

BREAD.W BITI, p«r 41b.. Mto M | HosilHLn,pr4lt> 5 J 1 to OJ

WHISKEY.DDBMlf fPeriral ... IBs Od I Otp, Oork , ital , 17s (IdOo8S,pancbeOD~. 17s Od I

FISH.N"F»DI.KD ,pr c»t 20» to 21) I Put., ._ ... Oil tu O.IHKBMNns ,pr bt!2l> to 2H» 1 SOLI , .„ ... 81 10 M8ALM OK per Ib Oi 0"J lo 01 I TORBOT, .» .- 81 to Od

KOWL AKD KCGS.Fowl., p«rdo:.24>Od to 24s I Enos , perlW... 5« M to nOK K E E , 4S. 6d to Ss.Od eaeh. 1 Turkeys. Oi to u.a cooplrs.

SOAK AND OANDLEa.Wm7c,percwt'M ". to OTs M I MnuLDp er lb ... 0« 7dBaown , do 23>0d to OOt ( DIPT do. ._ Us fid

WOOL AND HIDES. "Hoecet M to Is 3d I , Hidsa...?8> to 30 (M parentWethiri Ewe- IsOl „ li 24 Kips ... 3d ,,3d perlb.SklD wool _ Us 6d „ I» Od I Oalf iU „ OOi per >1os.

TIMBER.Ren Pirn, per ton, 60s 65s I STATES, per 1000 Li! ID.YKLLOir, do flQs to ftAs I LAYua .per do 10s ftd lo Wi

COALS.OOAI* (ftTerace) 15s 8d to (Wi (W I OOKB, per ton 14s to (Xh

FODDKR AND GREEK OROPH.BAT,per ton 65i- 70s I Blannold*, per ton Oi OdSTKAW, whoatan 384—4'2j Turnips ._ ua Ud

Do.fonun) I'.-Ml Oarrota _ Os Od

13(rtft9, ittamagcfJ, Deaths*Ann ounctf runtiof Births, Uirriaau i Diatlu, II. each—prc-poi i

B I R T H S8th instant, the wifo of Tuomna Fi-'lriner, Esq., of Fortflelili ,

county Galvrny, and Willsborough, county Tipperuy, of adaughter.

16th imtant, at 21, DuH'n-atroct, Clonmel, tbo »Ifeof Mr. R.B.Hairoy, of n son.

At Bmmne, Tippers:,-, tlio wifo of 0. W. Maasergb, Esq.,11 tb lUgiment, of a dnutthter.

15th Instant, at Crossoguo House, Thurlcs, the w'fo of ClurleaB. Prior, Eeq., J.P., of a son.

Sept. 17, at Mountmoi'ick, the wifo ot T. F. Wilkinson, Esq.,Xatiooal Book, of A daughter.

•Sept. 14, at Cullcnstowu, co. Woifonl, tho wifo of George P.Pigott, Esq., of & son, who surV.vcd its birth only n Bhoi . timo.

At Borrow Homw, Woodstown, county Watci.'onl, tho v.lfo ofAi .bur Ncole O'Neill, Esq., of a son.

I6 Q1 in«t., ut Ki"cnar c, tlio wifo of Mr. Thomas Dnining-,jun.,'Of s> son.

17th instant, at Roctforcst, county Tippcrary, the n Ifu of Wm.Gibson, Esq., late Captain H. M. ¦! 'th Regiment, of a daughter.

M A S B I A G E S .At lUder, Yorkjb'ro, Ai.hur R. Wallnce, Esq., CMefSecro-

tary'B Omco, Dublin Castle, to Ocarcicna, Lawnle, seconddaughter of Major Qnontin, Uto 10th Hussan, of Woodleigh,Cheltenham.

At'the Catholic Church, Dunbos JO. county Menth, Jfr. Tho«.Cleary, Britain-stroct, Dublin, qercuth soa of the lat«i Mr. Thus.Cloarr, Olatrim House, county Tipperary, to Rusanab, fourthdaughter ot the htto Mr. Uvruard Yourell, Blockbu'L countyHeath.

At Saint Bai tholomcw's Church, Prynvrat, Sydney, Ch&rlesOnseleyBonsall, eldest son ot the hUo William Moynan, Esq.,Thorles, county Tipperary, to ZUxabeth, tho eldest daughter olthe Uta John Yoang KlngtUauKta., Bantry, co. Cork.

Patrick, ehlest son of Mr. William Redmond. Bn'UnastraghHills, Gorey, to Ellen, youngest daughter of Ur. RichardM'Csbe, Kilram, county Wexford.

At St. Maiy's Church, Dnblln, Captain Bbukett, Boyal Nai/,of WlUin. Northumberland, to Alicia Dorcas, eldest daughter ofthe fate Biohard Carey, Esq., M.D., Newtownbarry, countyWezford.

9th, instant, at Trinl Chvrcb, Doncaster, T. SteadmanMoore, of DenJiquin, N.8.W.. to Elliaboth, second daughter oftho Uto John BUke, Esq., of BlakmUle, Cahir, 00. TJpperai/.

D E A T H S .On Monday afternoon, at Ms residence In Caahel, after a shot.

l"m*j, of ferer, Michael Joseph Laffan, Esq., so"dtor. Thedeath of this young- gentleman was heard In his natire city withtho deepest regret by all classes, bywhom he was highly res-poctod, and in whom they saw ability and attention, which WOTrapidly promoting him to a high status in the legal profession,whenxleath so unexpectedly terminated his career. R.I P

Bent. 19, at his raddeaoe ta ThomaMtreet, rather luddetOy,Mr. JUchaelHogan, cattle dealer. **

Sen*.80, athisreaidCToelnUpperThomas troet.a_i!raT«rTahorSUlneV, Mr. Patrick DoolC>Teddx^!to£eriy i!eoe*Zfr ly engaged in the por'try trado in this dty and EnnisoorthrHis tnne»\ hugely and respectably attended, proceedodtoKaookboy on yetteraaj. .

On the 16th inst, in the 27th year ot her age, atTa"ow. inthis Munby, Mai/, the.helevea wife of Faun Parker, sol.

On. toe inn inst., at nu remaence, 4, BelgnTe Terrace. UpperMount PlcasantArenue, Dnb"n, Mr/joffc. WalsheTfonSrtJJuly 19, at Honff Kong, Dr. WUliain GoodJaoa. aoad 3o

SSi o*!'*1™^***™- .M^SnilSrW,d»?n R

!fB7>Fa er:i-.C0IU> WUU«' Joto'At hta reeldenoe, Newbi dgo, Mr. WiTi»m Har/oy, ion of thoman Mendi Oomaol. oewrredly Conned™

At 8hillela||h. on 8atnrday last, Catherine, wifo of Mr. Daniel


conntyWexford,Mr7wiii.aoakin • '.JotallSonald?'

Al"e •eUe<t *"*»*««' «¦ UK Mr.;

nSS&n.V MD * °r Ct>, ° t BW«« «**»'

LOCAL BAILWAY THAFW0, iFor the Week ending Friday, September 16, 197O. tj

WaUrfotd WatsrfM „,__ ,;¦. Ua'tfekilfaMrlek'.


sndKII- yj'"1"' and j t*d.;iLlmsrick kenmlSl ir?01'00 Pjrati' lamls-I(»7 mil., mllel <»l-«« $££, i,TS!L'

open) open). •»">•¦¦

; opea.-; > tm> ,\

P.-.W « * « • « • * . «• T i M&W8Coiospoodlnt ¦.; ¦ ¦ ; .. --j .V.r v *a!a4ki\VS»f>#*t••<klMt j'rPtas U .7(JM It t^H,-I f f«»l«Ji'««t¦:.•.-»

A CoBiicnos.—In oar''«j sM»<sf.-tJa»<«Ui, t';»efyi

ooatriWfcn of SsfKonC tLe vSH tiMj ^tho reltsf of th>: fwaoh :w<iwttiii »f afjBtjprtnt,1the name of the writer,^W 0 0Bmtter:*»thqldiid agent of »» wt»w*gpSi.rtiiltaj» Thmi¦ ILTjirauira iro-ll«»*ii f rt*^Mr».'S. AJ

Ami**! WoiiTt1 iH*i |fi £W|DM»nio:e-TW'MU (o 4cJ«kl7r«t%«g£p ^M> U>.jt« yo«Unri


. LONIX>N,;OT(XK KX0H SGlV-Yi>r)dBT:'• Nook Psucnt—OcxwjUi-/br'Mon«r,~l Cbali ¦ tor

Aeeoont;—i.|K«V tnAVMoeti,—-. ::: " B :-¦ Cioaura'WOUVrCoosoU tot Uobey, 92H I ¦poiolstor Acooaot. Wi iN».ndB«Jaorf, 9Oj i I dSv; W

DUBLm STOCK BXOHANGlr TMitliDAr.• : ; ¦ - . . . .:. '•: ';- ^- ¦¦ • ¦ :.- 'Pd. C«»h. .Tl AcctKew 8 p« Cent Stock..... — 91H I-Bank ol Ireland.,..;,,. W 838 |-National B*nk......... SO 48} 46} -Mdntter Bulk, Limited 81 8 • —Hibernuin Bank... : 86 41 -r-Prorineul Bank..'. 25 — —National of Lwerpool (limited)..... 16 — ll|City ofDablinSteamCtfmpany 100 — *-

BA 1I.WAT«WaUsrfotd ud I/icnerick 60 19i{- 102!Great Southern «# We»tern...«^100 100. —

Port f tt \»$— Va$M%c.A B B I V B D .

S A I L E D .





Prussian troops, and communication with it iscut off. Captain HOWARTU, Queen's messen-ger, arrived at Dover on Wednesday night fromCalais, with despatches for tho Foreign Office,and proceeded to London by the London,Chathamand Dover Railway. Capt. HOWARTU and theSpanish Embassy wero the last to leave Paris onSunday, when all egress from and ingress to thocity were closed. All the ambassadors andforeign ministers, Lord LYONS among them, havequitted tho city and gone to Tours. In tho lat-ter city the Government of National Defence hasits quarters, and is actively engaged in takingmeasures for the defence of tho country ; 25,000volunteers were about to leave for the north.—Tho Prussian plan seems to be to mako an effortto so encircle Paris as to keep away all supplies,and thus cause the city to surrender. Tor thispurpose, thcyarious corps d'armee will be kept atten leagues distance from tho city, and thus hav-ing to cover a total circumference of 72 leagues,tho six corps must be at an approximate distanceof ten leagues one from the other. Meanwhile,the French troops occupy the ground betweentho city and the invaders, and making continualattacks on them, tho Prussian losses aro alreadyvery considerable. It appears that 15,000 Prus-sias were suddenly attacked by a force of 25,000French, who had secretely massed in the rear ofthe Montlhery Tower. After sufi'oring considerruble loss by the French artillery, the Prussianswere compelled to rocross the river and fall backon another army corps. On Sunday morning,about 15,000 men of General Vinoy s corps, un-dertook a reconaissance to theothor side of Creteilnear Bonneuil, in the woods which crown thoplateau of Meleu. The advanced guard of thisreconnaissance, which was deployed in skirmish-ing order, was received by a dischargo of artil-lery. During the night the Prussians had suc-ceeded in establishing fixed batteries on thisplateau. The' position was a strong one. Thoenemy appeared to be in force, about 30,000'or40,000 men. General Vinoy ordered the artilleryand Borne mitrailleuses to advance, which hadalready gainejl its object, and terrible havoc was in-flioted on tho Prussians, tbe French losing ton orfifteen killed and thirty wounded. The PrussianEtat-Major ha\ Ing examine tho positionlost eevoral officers killed. Tho London Telegraph(Prussian organ) has it from its correspondent : Ac-cording to tbe stories of travellers the Prosaisms lost35,000 men, killed, wounded, and prisoners, in tbebattles fought on Sunday and Monday near Versailles.

1»THE PEACE NEOOCIATIONS.The English pross, glad of tho humiliation of France,

aro now energetically engaged in urging " peace atany price," to which they say France should notobject. Tbe Times says Bismarck and Farre orecarrying on their ponco nogooiations at Feniore—acountry Beat of Baron Rothschild, some miles fromParis. As yet, they have only discussed the meansby which the terms of agreement oonld be approvedon tbe part of Franco. Tho GauloU of Monday says :—" Tho Socnjtary of the English Embassy has at lastreturned from the jom aoy whioh he undertook threedays ago to too Piassion head-quarters. The Kingof Prussia refuses to make terms of peace with theFrench GoYornment aa it is at present odnsitnted."

THE TRENCH AT MBTZ.The Tiroe correspondent telegraphs that the

Frenoh keop up an incessantjire from Meti.EPIKAI,,.WEDNI!SDAI.—Another letter balloon from

Metz contains repeated assurances of tho place beingwell provisioned, and tbe moralo of the troops good.


from lletz descended in tho neighbourhood of Fcneat-ranges, containing more than ono hundred letters, allof whioh roiterato that Motz and the army of MarshalBazaine wero provisioned for a long timo, and thatthe morale of tbe troops was excellent.

60,000 RUSSIANS KILLED 'OB CAITVKCD.ROUEN, 8EFT. 22.—TWO Municipal Councillors, who

arrived from Fort Ivry; state, under all reservo, thaton tho 19th, [at, Fort Nowdon, General Vinoy, with80,000 men, drove tho Prussians against the Fort,where thoy wero exposed to a heavy firo of mitrail-leuses. Sixty thousand Prnssiaus were killed orcaptured.CAITUBE OF 2,000 OARDE M0I1II.E (OEKVAN ACCOUNT)

YEUA1M.K3, THURSDAY.—2,000 of tho Garde Mobilehare been captcrod here. Sovros lias boen gorrisooodat its own reqpeot by tho Prussian troops. ¦

PEACE NEOISOTIATIONS.Times correspondent tolegrupha to-day that Favrois still at thejking'a bead-quarters with Bismark, dis-cussing the convocation of representatives to Biroauthority to French government to treat for peace

TH« K«DS 1H PAWR.Paris correspondence, raoh aq it now is, shows theBeds getting rampant, and orying ont to stop ne.Solutions, -the Internal situation Terr eeriou inconsequence. 4 -KAKlresTO 01 NAPOLEON TO THE JMHCE P«O?L*.A telegram, dated Brussels, September 22, says-It is stated that the Emperor at Wilhelmsohe iapreparing a manifesto to tho Frenoh people, and thatJL Girardin intends reassembling At LimoiTO. »ha

members of the late Frenoh Senate. •TOUL AGAIN ATTACKBD. ',

EPEBSAT, SEPT. 20, EVIMINO.—T6ul was vigorously fattacked yesterday. It is asscrtedthat the enimy was' irepalsoa, and that the Prussian Runs were dismounted vand broken. '

TKB VIOLATION OP SOJJE BT THl HAXIAOT. ' "VIILA ALBANO, NEAR BOJIE, TUBSDAT.—The Italian *troops entered Bomo near Fort Pis, about ton o'clock '£

to-day, replying to the fire of the PIMI toooM, who >¦ &afterwards hoistodwhlte flats on all ti&battenas and ^oeased firing, by order of the Pope. A Sag of tntoo «has been sent to the Italian heed-quarter ¦?

TO OUB COUNTRY SUB80BIBBB8Tho rtdnction of portage on newspapers to a ^halfpenny will oorae into, force on the 1st of; P

October. .. Thenoeforward tho stamped sBbscrip.^¦KmtoTinNsnwill ba 15s. per annum, wheti!pf^madTanoe. TH, will make the paperitiltnflmg additional ofpenso accessible to nersonlii ^m^ooalities

whore there is no


l i ^wspapaper Stamp Act is anoth^inlljtorftto' -aannBr in which SSI

^Bwhwnent dealiwith Irish f abmSSSm

^equer.and ao that member^Wi^gf 8\^<wha organ, tb». S^|

Page 3: WATERE011D NEWS LA1X.KST C1KCULAT1OX IN THE SOUTH OF IRELAND. Published cicry Frulay Evening, at

within 14 days. Henceforward, every news*paper sent through Post must have a fresh lmlf-peimy stamp affixed, and whilst tho six-ouncoTimes is carried for a half-penny within tho UnitedKingdom, tho smallest paper in Ireland will costthe same for transmission. At present, twounstamped copies of THE NEWS, being underfour ounces, will be carried in one wrapper forone penny. Under tho new arrangement it willbe nothing less, as there must be a half-pennystamp on each number. Tims, as n further andclearer illustration, it will cost us three half-penceto forward six ounces of our paper, whilst theTimes will have the same weight carried for one

hair-penny ! It is clear, therefore, that if thoAct were meant to be impartial, the one stampshould convey six onuces of any paper, no mat-ter how many copies in tho one wrapper requiredtn make the weight; and we trust tho injusticoof the measure will have become so apparentbefore the meeting of Parliament, that its amend-ment will be one of the first acts of the nextsession.

OUR NEW WATER, WOKKS\\e learn that 5Ir. Hawksley, C. E., the

eminent hydraulic engineer, of London, is nowmaking the necessary plans, <tc, of our newwater works, with tho view of having tho Billready for Parliament next Session. A few per-sons, we understand, imagine that these newworks will entail double expense on them. Suchis not the fact. No one will havo to pay twicefor water. On the contrary, the magu'ficeutsupply under the now Act will be cheaper thanthe present, wretched supply. It is so in Cork,as stated in the letter of Sir John Mensem, whopays but 10s. a year for water in a house ratedat £V>. In Watcrford no person, poor or rich,can get pipe-water loss than .fcl per year. Thecontemplated reservoir at Kuockailoriy, aboutseven mili s from this citj-, will bo 50 acres inextent , and 60 feet deep. With a lake of liflyacres, having an elevation of 100 feet over thehighest point in Ballybricken, we may formsome idea of what a supply it will give to thocity. As in Cork and Dublin, the mains will bealway.s charged ;"poor and rich can have water,at all times, night and day, by turning a cockcither in thu street or the yard. From tho mainsfires will be extinguished—sewers and water-closets Hushed—streets watered—baths, and alsomanufactories, supplied. In short, every house-holder, as in New l ork, can have water in evci/room, from the cellar to tho garret. This willbe a vast accommodation as wol l as saving of timoand labor. And wlicro will this delicious watercome from ?—from the very heart of the coun-try, where it cannot be contaminated by sewers,cess-pools, vermin, or filth of any kind, such aswe fear now inhabit OIT sources of supply.

VID 1'OK THE SICK AXD WOUEDEDWo have been authorised to state, and we do so

with much pleasure, tbat tho Wntorford and Slilfordsteamship, and tlio Great Western of England Kail-way companies, aro now prepared to carry to London,and deliver at tho society's premises, all pa skagca con-taining linen or other articles for the sick and woundedin tho war on tho Continent , when addressed eitherto tho " National Society for tho aid of tho Sick andWounded in War," nt '2, St. Martin's-plcco (ofwhich Her Majesty, the Queen, is patron) ; " TheGerman Society," 30, Stauuton-terraco, Old-street,Pancras-road, or, " Tho French Society," atMessrs. 1'icssc and Lubius, 2, New Bond-street.Wo trust that this liberal ofler of those companiesmay bo largely availed of, and as it removes the greatobstaclo to the work of the humano, of how to getthose orticha into a chauuel whero they would be atonce useful, we arc confident it, will givo a stimulus tothe exertions for tho collection of requisites for thoaid of tho afllicted. Any further information desired,may bo obtained in this city at tho ltailway Oilico,Paul's-square, from tho obliging agent , Mr. W. J.Hussell, or at tho Steamship ODico, Adelph i Wharf.


Mr. Hoper, who is at present residing at Tramore,has kindly sent us tho copy of a letter he has receivedfrom Monsieur Ciuizot , K'ng Louis l'hillipe'a greatminister, on tho war :—

" Val Uichcr, Calvados, Frauce." SIR—I am very much pflected'by the flattering

manucr you havo expressed yourself towards mo, per-sonally, and tho lively sympathy you feel towards mycountry. I desiro nothing better than to bo deceivedrelative to tho disposition of England to Frauco, in thounexampled crisis through which she ia passing.

" I havo retained tho old idea of considering thoTimer newspaper as a true expression of publicopinion in tho United Kingdom, urni I am glad to findI am mistaken.

" Thero is no longer tho slightest pretext for a con-tinuation of this war.

" Tho Emperor Napoleou tho Third is fallen, over-thrown for over. Never was a forfeiture of powermore merited, more necessary, or moro iucontostiblo.

" With him has departed all annicaaured, dangerousand perfidious ambitions.

" Franco wants nothing of any one, and covets no-thing. All that sho demands is, to prcsei 70 her honorand her soil inviolate, l'eace, therefore, ought to boobtained.

" If tho war continues it will perpetuate a frightfulstruggle, unlimited and cruel, between two greatnations. The neutral powers ought, now, toput a stop tothis threatened European convulsion, and 1 am con-vincod their moral intluenco is sufiicicut to disarm thobelligerents. But this should bo dono at once, with,oat hesitation, and coraplctoly.

" May Goil , in His infinite mercy, grant them a ne-cessary foresight, and firm resolution, to carry theirpoint. It is England that can and will havo to decide.

"Accept, 1 beg you, sir, my unfeigned and bestthanks for your sympathy, and receiyo also tho assur-anco of my sentiments tho most cordial and sincere.

" GI - UOT." To A. Hopcr, Esq., Tramore, Co. Watcrford."

L O C A L I T E M SFOOT AND Slmrrit DISEA.SK .—As reported by Ifead-

constable Barry on Wednesday morning to tho author-ities, the foot and mouth disease—in a mild form,happily—luid brokeu out amongst some catllo belong-ing to'a farmer named Koane, living at Slievekalo,who personally rejiorted the matter to the police. Itapiieared that Kcane had his cattlo grazing ou u fieldat Droivli-a East , belonging to Mr. G. White, which idlet to cattle coming to or returning from lairs, or furshipping, and it is snrmiscd that some alfcctcd beastsL-raVin- ilierc left the virus behind them. Mr. Barryadded lie telegraphed to tho Custlo for instructions,anil also to Mr. Kerguson, V.S., government inspector,on which would depend his futuro courso. DuringWednesday Mr. Blee, V.S., by directions of tho Mayor;examined tho cattle, found them affected, and so rfc-ported. Yesterday thu Head-constable informed thorna"ist rales he wua instructed by the Castle to havotluTairccted cnttlo kept to themselves until well , orkilled , ami to take tho prescribed steps as to the«nizir'~ He had warned Mr. White of what hadtake

'u place on I.U f.c-1,1, and tho police would use

every precaution to prevent tho spread of tho in-fection. The money penalty for not report™.!? theappearance of tho disease is JL'20. Two other personscattlo have also been affected

" V NCIKNT ASH M OD KKN WAII ."— On Friday even-in-last Mr. Alexander O'Gorman delivered a very

interesting and instruct ivo lecture on this captivating

subicet to a crowded audience at tho Assembly Rooms,Tnmoro Having paid a fitting tribnte to tho memory

of tho lamented Dr. E. W. Waters, dispensary sur.

eeon Tramoro, whom ho truly styled tho poor man shp-t ' friend—a tributo meeting with feeling ap-preciation from his heurcrs-Mr. O'Oorman launched

directly into his subject, nnd ably delineated tho cam-

tZ so Haunibal , Alexander tho Great, and Julius

c' ar, awarding tho golden apple to the Cartha-• n Tho Crusades then went through a Boareh.

Preview and th^n passed wo ou through the bloody" o Marlborough, and here tho enthusiastic lee-Padded another eu.ogium to the many already

Hirer im'UJvi »»MM»—• *J T • i i •«-.,! TimWowed on tlic valor of tho Irish brigade. Tho


stealing 1. 7d. from Bridget Madigao, a fish woman,

ouMowlay, in Johu.street. Mrs. Madigan.who evident-

?y bad abundantly usod glasses that morning, stated

whiUt waiting for Mrs. Baldwin to come in and pay

her a shm ngT tho urchin tipped a purse out of her

hands, in which she had this mouoy, and ran away

v. ilh it Having convicted tho accused, although

« in conH considered her evidence too y in.

£d to be reliable, sho then tried hard to got lu«

off, but failed, and ho was committed for a wo*.° M."iic

"l pkwwAD -Tho band of the 51st, leaderMr A. Green, played tbo following programme in theCourthouse grounds, before a largo attendance ,andonto very brilliant weather :-March, " Father s? „ •• Wallace ; Overture, " Mirolla," Gounod jGrille "Kreiluyeln/'Voss; Selection, "Jl Trova-Wl SSt.J V.rii i WalU (first time) « Die£?' treiHen " Strauss ; Air and Finalo, "Giralda,"

Ato^aSX. "Violet ," Laurent ; " God Have the

Qpmwo TKSt'MON.At.-A beautiful silver tray, has

boen subscribed for by tho mombeis of tho dlub, iwa fitting presentation to Joseph Strongman, Esq., fortho real and energy displayed by him as hon sec. tothe County »nd City Clubinsnponotendingtho variedimprovements eff. cted, some time since, in that estab.Ent, as well « for his valuabto serv.coa for a

i, .lh»- or vrars Tho tray is twenty-four inches inrr tTnpth. with elaborate chasings and isa decided oreJit to tho establishment of Mr. Mosloy,tw er, Cusa)m.hoaso quay, where it has been, onW for tne post week. It bears the following ,u-.Son presented to Joseph Strangman Esq.,Xnemben

of Wateford Co. and City Club, ua

token of tho appreciation of the valuablo servicesrendorod by him during tho many yoars in which hehas acted us honorary secretary."—

WATEHPORD, NEW ROSS AND WEXFOSD RAILWAY.—Notico has been givon of tha opening of this lino fromBorris to BallywilHm, for New Boas, and it is ox-pcotcd that immediately the oponing for tho stationnear Wciford will bo c.'rriod out. Tho porsovorancoaud public spirit of Mr. Motto, tho chairman of thocompany, has thus bcou BO far crow Jed with a success,in an undertaking which at one t:*no was generallythought t j bo hopeless.

THE N EW PKESS POSTAL REGULATIONS.—On andafter tho 1st prox., tho Act 33 ond 34 Vic, e. 79, on-titled tho " Poat-oflico Act, 1870," by which statutetho present impressed Btamp on nowspapors isabolished, and in lieu thereof a half-porny ono is pro-vided, franking a paper through tlio post each trans,mission, will como into operation. A supply, of thosonew stamps has arrived at our post-office.

" MOMIS, on, MIRTH , MUSIC, AND MIMICRY ."—Asadvertised elsewhere, Mr. Thomas Caroy, tho versa,tilo comedian, wit. appear in his much spokon ofand laughtir-provoking cntertainmont, entitled asabove, in tho Largo ltoora, City Hall, on tho ovoningsof Monday and Tuesday next.. Thoso who havo soonMr. Carey perform spenk in favor of his pro-grnmmo, and tho London Time* thus writes of it :—" Wo bavo seldom, if ever, witnessed an entertain,metit comprising such a diversity of wit and humour,as that of tho colcbrated Mr. Carey. Tho many im.personations which ho represents fully entitle himto that prestigo which ho deserves, as tho delineatorof the various characters he produces."

" Ouns AMI Exns."—Mr. C. Duval paid us a visitof two nights this-week , Tuesday and Wcdnosday,at tho City Hall, wlicro ho was found as entertain-ing as over in " Odds and Ends." On the first nighttho band of tho 51st added considerably to thopleasure of tho entertainment.

WATERTORI> IliriK CLUII .—As advertised, tho 50guiuca challengo cups of this socioty will bo shot foron tho riflo range, Tramoro, on Monday and Tuesdaynext. With fino weather, and tho known proficienoyof several of tho members, tho competition will bo ofa very interesting character.

A VERT OIUECTIOXAIILE NUISANCE.—Strong com-plaints aro being lately mado of a very objcctionablonuisanco in Bolton-strcet, created by a number ofunfortunates making it their resting placo during thoday, and being thoro guilty of very reprehensibleconduct. Tho nuisanco has grown to such a pilch,that many persons aro prevented nsing that thorough-faro altogether.

LARGE CORN PURCHASES .—Aid. P. A. Power, J.P.,lias purchased, during tho week, from 800 to 1,000barrels of corn, of tho best quality, at our market.

TIIAMOKE DISI'KNSARV SuiiGEox.—Thero aro clovencandidates for tin's office, rendered vacant by tholamented demiso of Dr. E. W. Waters. Amongstthem aro :—Drs. Jnckraan nnd O'Neill , Waterford ;Cane, Mullinavat ; Keating, Kilmeadcu ; O'Sullivan,Woodstoirn ; Kelly, Kilmacow, Pope, Belfast ; nndStcphcuson, Fairbrook. Tho election takes placo onMonday, at tho dispensai / house, Tramoro.

SALE AT RIXGWOOD .—On Tuesday last tlicOIessrs.T. Walsh & Sou, Auctioneers, Wat rforci, disposed ofby auction tho stock nnd furniture of llingwood, nearRoss, by directions of Mrs. Chapman. Tho salo.whichwas conducted most satisfactorily, realized upwardsof £2,000.

BAD FISH .—Ou Saturday last lligh-constablo Pallasseized a quantity of salmon nud eels, which wcro sub-sequently condemned as had. They woro ordered bytho Mayor to bo destroyed.

THE A RMV .—Tho first battalion of tho 51st King'sOwn Light lnfautry is ono of tho regiments on tholist to bo increased, uuder tho new order, to SOO of allranks.


annual charity Kormon in behalf of tho Sisters ofMercy, Cahir, was preached on Sunday last by thoMost Hev. Dr. Moran, Lord Bishop of Dunodin, SowZealaud, in prcseuco of an iir neuso congregation oftho faithful, who caino from all parts of tho parishnnd tho neighboring populous districts, to hear thislearned aud apostolic bishop of tlio Church of God.Having adrcrted to th<> Foast of tho Seven Dolours ofthe Blessed Virgin,Mothcr of God, whom tho CatholicChurch so loves to honor on that day and on everyother festival , his lordship read the historic scripturalnarrative of the Mystery of tho Incarnation. ThoMystery of tho Incarnation, ho said, is tho first found-ation of the Christian'H faith. Xo Christianity wheresolid belief iu this wonderful union of God and manis defective or absent, and thero can bo no faith intho dogma of tho Incarnation that docs not thoroughlyand emphatically urge- a lively, heartfelt devotion totho Blessed Virgin. 'Our Blessed Redeemer is God,aud Mary is his dearly beloved mother, and thereforeno moro logical or uatmal deduction can bo imaginedthan tho infereuco that as Jesus Christ is God, anilMary is his blessed mother, sho is therefore tho Mo-ther of God, nnd, as such, worthy of all tho homage,and honor, aud veneration, and lovo which tho Chris-tian heart can ofler, .after rondering ita tributo audduty of adoration to tho God-hoad. How is thisbelief, solid and universal, and above and beyond allhesitation, in tho Incarnation, to bo rootod info theheart and soul of tho Christian ? How is dovolion totho Blessed Virgin to be cterjially fixed in tho verybeing of tho truo Christian and Catholic ? By noothor means, by no oilier channel upon this earth, buteducation ; tho education which tho rel igious Sister ofMercy or Charity can impart. No other teachor caninstruct tho lovo of the Christian child unto salvationbut tho nun, tho monk, tho religious. Their systemand stylo is tho way of tho Church of God, not thoway of tho world. Their method and sole object i3to point out tho straight pathway to Heaven. Everylook, word, and action of theirs is to Heaven, and thoyouthful Christian's mind must follow them. >"ot sowith tho system suggested, patronized, and imposed,if possible, by the world's cunning. Tho latter ig.nores and excludes every memorial of religion. Itbanishes tho symbol ol salvation from its halls ; itejects with mockery tho beautiful and nll-powcrfulbeads, because its study is to pluck from tho soft andtender BOU I of the child thoso familiar and simplo ruo-mortals of tho truo nnd unchangeable faith of HolyChurch and noly Mary. For an hour tho vcncrabloand eloquent prelate developed, in a most enliveningand lucid stream of Rublimo language, tho thrco ideasof his discourRO, and concluded by a most soul-stirringappeal to the Irish Catholics ho nd*dresscd, " how theyshould not forget the faith and devotion to tho BlessedVirgin thai distinguished their forofathors who suf-fered and bled and died for this faith, and which theirbrothers and eist ors and kindred loved to proclaimand dilfuso broadcast amongst their neighbors andstrangers, in tho dark and distant lands beyond theseas, and throughout tho benighted regions on thoother ends of tho earth." Benediction of tho MessedSacrament followed, and concluded theso glorious andedifying ceremonies of tho day. Tho contribution.*realised over £50.— Correspondent./ DEATH or THE R EV. J OHN O'M FARA , P.P., AKLIM I .—It is with tho most siucero rcftret we havu to recordthe death of this venerable, esteemed, and piousclenryman, which took placo at his residence At

•Aglisli , in this county, on tho 17th inst., iu tho midstof those faithful and sorrowful parishioners to whosespiritual wants ho bad zealously devoted himsolf fortlic long spaco of tbirty.four years, during which hohas had tho care of the parish. For fifty-ti vo yearshe has labored in tho prioslbood for tho propagationof truth nnd moraln, and tho uprcad of that religionwhich teaches all men to bo just, and ho had tho goodfortune to see his lalwrs reward by the hi!,'h appre-ciation of his people, who loved him so woll tor hisponial and intellectual qualities. After tho nsualfuneral obsequies, which woro attended by a vastconcourso of tho priest s of tho diocoso and tho sor-rowing parishioners, tho remains of this fino oldgentleman, patriot, and priest woro interred onJlonii.iy last, at A^'lish.

TIIK TESTIMONIAL TO FATHER POWER , P.I'., CAIM 'O-QH:N.—At a meeting of tho committee of tho latoparishioners of this esteemed niT. gcntletnntt , lieM inCarriek on yesterday, a deputation wna nppoiuted topresent the testimonial , with address, on Thursdaynext, cithor nt Clonmol or Newtown, county Water-ford, whichever will bo found most convenient.

SPOUTING.Coim PAHIT IUCF.H.—ThMw prniniiU'iitevi-ntriu Irish FpnrtiiiK

are to oimu off on the liXth nml 2!th Sciit., inrt. TW Ehnranl*include Fcrmor luwl a umulier of iH-ntlemon of voiutionnu<I influence, ami tlic pportsure no Attractive, that tbc attend,nncc ia sure to 1« iromrnttc.

LtXEKirn IUCES.—Tlii* favni 'ite ran-ting i> nmuiT'il for Mon-day nml TUIWUI J-, 17tli and Iflh Oi t/ilicr, nt««t Ira lf ¦» nwc "Itho citT, over tbc ul-vr courw, wHeh lism lc-eu mncli improved.Tlic loiic lirt of xfrwiink iucluilcji tlio iiiuuM of UUUIJ reb-rantinortlTijen, ami tlio prinrraiumr, uow U-f«inj UJ», is «H «-aniU ,mniit attractive 1 he 6rrt Any th. rr run: four cvuliti', incluiUnsthe I.imirick Trwli-Miii'ii'ii I'lutc (if WOO cli nr, over it tint* andn luJf mild eoursi'. Tlio ««md duy al«o offi-M four cvfuti", <mlof them ImiiB tin- Linn-, tic Supple CliaK Plato of 415O clwir,throo and a lui" mile course. The hill i« one tbat must provokelirclr competition ami attract a large Attendance.

WHERE A FIIE.VCII MAiismr. FIGHT* AMI DIES.—AFrench oflicor.escapod to Belgium, says—" Torolatowhat MncMnhou did is impossible—steel, fire, moltedlead, explosivo balls, and I don't know what other in-fernal mixtures, tho Prussians thero mado uso of fortho first time, appeared to stream off or rebound fromhim liko hail from a roof. Ho wont to tho front Book-ing death. ' Leavo me, my friend?,' ho said to us all ,who thoutht to prcvont him from going forward ,' let mo show thoso kings, thoso princes, who hidebehind their masses of men, thnt a Murahal of Francoknows how to fighl . aml, whcii beaten, lioir to die.'And ho smiled n|>nn na u sad Bmilo, which mado^usnccP) and redoubled our rjp. Ah "™orablo ! Wokill wo roasmcrp, nnd tho living appear to spring up

from the dead, which wo heap around us. Wo

climbed a little mountain of dead bodies that womghTreckon how long tho butchery would last.

"Lr ;t-tx'i;r»sMVo have at least •-•OO.C- « « ;n bohro us. ho, ho

reDHetl ccntly. ' SOO OOO ' A- that moment a clondrepiuKi Kcu'^. „,„•• wo went mnd. We re.passe, tej °™™f X;,h«- w tou.1 oowlTr. bo.'"Jf »i, nmSo." o' Vh ant who ntlaokodus. Wo



COMPANY OF ENGLAND.Pursuant to adjournment at tho last half-yearly

mocting of tho shareholders in tho Waterford andLimorick Railway, tho proprietors mot to-day atolovou o'clock in tho, Nowrath terminus,to hear report of committee—Mossrs. A, Stephens,T. W. Jo rob, and W. Broen, directors—in reforonco totho proposed amalgamation with tho Great Western.Railway Company of England, pud to tako actionthereon. 3Ir. WJLLIAJI JIALOHISO.V, chairman of thocompany, presided, and thoro wore also proBOnt :—Messrs. A. Stophons, V.C., Aid. Jacob, W. Breon, S.B. Pim, John O'Brien, J. J. Shoo, H. White, F. P.Tydd, J. Arabroso, solicitor to the company ; W. Joyce,E. Clibbora, C. Ffonnell, W. Adams, London ; D.O'Brien, J. Tigho, ongincor to company, B. Faylo, &o.

Mr. STEPHENS, on tho part of. tho committee, ro-ported thc-y had entered on tho dischargo of tho dntyappointed; for them, but that their efforts had como toa stood at tho prescat moment, owing to an intimationgivon him; by Mr. Sounders, secretary of tho GroatWcstei a Company, when in London on tho 13th, thatSir Dauio:. Gooch, JI.P.; chairman, wa3 now ou bismarriago tour; l;o would bo away for a month, andnothing rinal could bo douo in his nbsenco. Itwould be thoroforo necossary to havo another a'd-ioui ¦imen';.

Mr. T. AINSWORTH, secretory, read tho correapon-donco wh 'ch had passed botweon Mr. Stephens andMr. Saundcrs, and then

Mr. AMBROS E reported tho receipt of tho rough draftof tho agreement from London within a fow days post.Ho stated tho document was of a very voluminousnature, and laden with numerous technicalities, butshowing c. desire to carry out tho arrangoment in allits integrity. OH ing to tbeso causes, and considor-ing tho magnitudo of tho quostion involved, it wouldbo nccossiry to havo another adjouuraent, to admitof a full consideration, and alBO a conforonco betweentho solicitors on both sides upon tho quostiou (bear.)

Mr. H. WHITE suggested that copios of this agree-ment bo furnished to tho shareholders somo daysprior to tho natt meeting, so that they would comoprepared -with their opinions.

Aid. JACOII—Besides tho adjourned mooting, thoromust then bo a special mocting at which three-fifthsof tho shareholders must ratify tho agi'ccmont beforeit can bo accepted, and a sufficient interval can bo al-lowed to 3lapso betweon tho two meetings, in whichtimo they can make up their minds upon it.

Mr. At'AMS , introduced by tho chairman, said tbatSir Danictl Gooch was qnito prepared to carry out mentioned in his letter, read to tho prev ious

mooting, and if tho agreement was voluminous, thatwas done only to satisfy tho lawyers, thnt was allright, nothing inoro (hear, boar). Tho Great WesternCompany wcro most anxious to carry out tbo arrnngo.mont, nnl wcrO quito prepared to mako a reasonablesacrifico oven, to cement thoir connection with a dis-trict, tho traffic of which thoy bolioved legitimatelybelonged to thorn (hear. hear).

On motion of Aid. JACOB, seconded by Mr. STEPHENS ,it was ajTced ta adjourn to tho 17th Nov., to rocoivecommittee's report, and tho proceedings terminated.


I bad long )>jo» n that thero wero largo and ro.spcctablo breweries iu Watcrford, Kilkenny, and Tip-porary ; but, until to-day, I bad no idea that therewas such an establishment in tho Qneon's County astho ono which I havo just now visited in ltatbdowuey,a largo villago or town within ton milos of Abboyloix,and a stono's throw of tho Parsonston a station, ontho Gros.t Southorn and Western lino. Rathdownoycontains somo good shops, a church, a chapel, sessions-house, palice station, and a Froomasou lodgo, &c. Afirst glr ico at it , it looks liko Ballybricken Green ona small uculc, only tho Grcon is minus the Fsccmasonlodge, ttochurch, and polico Btatiou.

This brewery ha3 boon recently very much en-larged— -doubled, I loarn, within tho last four years—though it was extonsivo before, and it has, iu addi-tion, got iual l tho nowost appliances for tho browiugof porters, ale*, lemonades, &c, tho Balo of which, 1understand, extends widely all over tho neighboringcounties , ns woll as its own—tho Queen's. Tho hrcw-err is Eubstautially built of howu stone, and formstho thrc o sides of a rectauglo, having a very con-siderabb stream of water running in tho centre. Thisstream, by moan3 of a largo water wheel, propola alltho works, so that steam need bo very soldom used,which must be a vast saving to tho spirited proprio-tors, Messrs. ltobcrt Porry and Son.

At present a beautiful , costly, and most tasto-ful dwelling houso is being erected alongsido thohrewcr;', which will command a splendid view of thoBurroutding country, with the Great Southc.a andWestern Railway lino for very many miles. Thisestablishmeut affords large employment to all classesof workmen, for tho proprietors mako thoir own casks,cars, drays, aud in fact everything that cau possiblybo executed in tho locality. And this i* perfectlyright, for nothing should bo sent out of tho countrythat could bo mado at homo. Indeed I don't knowwhy it is that Irish people consumo BO much Englishand Scotch ales, for their own iB quito as good, and insome ccscs bettor. Who has over becii ablo to beatGuiuncss as ft porter brewer ? This is admittod.And caa wo not also do ns well in ales in old Ireland ?Countless thousands of pouuds aro annually sentacross ':ho chnnnol for drink which might bo left athomo, if pcdplo could get rid of a nonsensical idea—or pre:udico rather—of preferring foreign articles.Thoy s';cm to thirk that everything Irish is nasty !Tho landlords who spond their timo abroad ought toBay this of Iriiih money. No Irishman would send toEngland or Scotland, or any other country for drink-ing-wa ter. Jt is woll known thnt water contains thotho part of cither beer, porter, or ale, andyet where could wo get a purer or better drink ofthat really wholcsomo beverage than iu Ireland ?

For tho present, road steamers are not manufac-tured in Ireland, and for that reason thoy must bo im.ported. I understand tho propriotors of tho Rath-downcy Brewery havo ordered acouplo of Thompson'nfrom Scotland, for tlio purpose of carrying their goodsthrou};h tbo country. 1 bclicvo this will bo tho firstbrewery iu Ireland that will havo tried theso loco-motives. I don't sco why thoy nhould not succeed iucarry ing beer as well as in threshing corn, or turningbig wheels which holp to mako tho beer.

I h:.vo to express my thanks to my highly intelli-gent end respected friends who iutroduced mo f > thobrewery, ns woll as to tho polito and most obliginggentlemen who, oven though tho day was a vory busyouo, piloted us through it.


DKtli SlK—What about tho society for tho Prc-rcuti'ju of Cruelty to Animals. What nro theydoing ? For tho sako of humanity, allow mothrough the medium of yonr respectablo papor,Co draw public attention to a cry ing cruelty—a cruoltywhich I regret to say is on tho increase every day namely, tho treatment which poor littlo donkeys undertwelve months old, nay, six months, rcceivo from thohand:! of bruia of twelvo or fourfeeu years of ugo. Itis really heart-rending to sco a [mor littlo beast tot-tering under ono of theno puppies, who, fearing thorider caunot mako sufficient uso of tho stick, six ofhis companions follow with large batons. Well , eachof thpse companions thinks himself entitled to ono ormore rides In his turn. So imagino tho stato of thopoor-littlo bcaEt, after ho has boon carrying thesourchins for miles. Another question arises, tho con.sidcration of which is shocking. How aro thoso don.keys fed ? Do thoy depoud on what thoy cau g.-azoou the road side, whilo their o\\ jcra aro on thoir backs,and never dono teasing them ? Yes, that ond tholittlo wisp their musters pull off tho ditch with thoirhands, is their only fare. They aro shut up iu a back,yard, barely Inrgn enough for them to stand, day andnitrlit. 1 ask tho many iutolligcut readers of thoX KWS to think over tho matter, and to propose somonicun.s of doing away with this great cruelty.

September 20lh, 1870. P. J. K.


DKAII Sill—What is the reason tbat I soo no reportin yonrp.i|ier of the meetings in thu Lunatic Asylum,though you regularly publish the meetings of all otherboard", including the Corpora1 ion, Poor Law, HarborBoard , Fanning's, Ac. ? At no othor board is thotaxation so heavy M the Asylum, nnd why ? Becausutho ratepayer' has to pay all thu tales. In tho poorlaw board tho landlord pays half. I sco tho Asylummeetings : i ull tho neighboring couutios aro duly ro-liortvil . llATEtAtEn.

KilmutfionuiK , Rent. 20th , 1S70.


SlK—By getting in a great supply of water intotho city, you may throw all thu old pumps into thoriver. This will ho a groat saving to tho corporation.IK Dublin and Cork, I am told, thero aro no pumps.—Thn poor aud workjiooplo aro supplied from strootfouutaitiH, which never run dry. Whon the nowwater works hero aro iu opemtioo, boliovo mo peoplowill wonder why thoy woro so long douo without.

A WOHKINQ MAN.Watcrford Wednesday night.

THE COMING FIGHT BEFORE PARIS.Mr. M. B. Campion, a respected and intelligent

young fcllow-citizon, has just handed us a businessletter which ho has rcccivod from Bordeaux, datedSept. 10th, from which wo extract the following :—" Wo are happy to see that your city of Waterford" sympathised with us, and I porcoivo by the papers" that tbo ' sons of old Ireland' in genera! do tho same." I hopo thoy will Boon road of our viotory at Paris," of whioh we havo no doubt.''

WATKRfc.n n ARTILLERY.—Wo understand with muchpleasure that Color-sergeant John IWJ, of tho s-.oT ofthis rojimoi ', has been promoted sorgeant-taajor.£crgcant-maj ir Ross h&B served vpwurds of eighteenyears in tbo . agimont, holds a firv' -elms certificate asinstructor of tannery, obtained as ShoeburyncsB, nndie a well-known, intelligent, and oolcient non-com'trtigsionod offi'Xr.


DISCLOSURES AND FINAL- ACTION— THE INTERKTACCOUNT. " ¦ !On Monday last, a spooial moeting iras hold for the

purpose, of doolaring contraots for groceries and otherartiolos of that class for tho ensuing half-year. Aid,T. W. JACOB, J.P., V.C., occupied tho chair, and thereworo also present:—Capt. Power, D.V.C., Aid. Rod.mond, Mossrs. C. Rogers, J.P., Major O'Gorman, J.P.,D. Kcogh, T. Murphy, M. O'Shea, acd J. Clampett.

ACCEPTED TBSDBRS.—Soft sogar, 3}d. per lb., B. A-Murphy; lump do., 6d. do., Peter' Leokio ; port wine,21s. per doz., Honry Leo ; sherry, samo prioo, R. Ryan;wholo poppor, 5id. por lb., Philip Murphy; soap, 29s.por owt, E. Fiolding j dipt candlos, 5Jd. por lb., R.Ryan ; washing soda, 6s. por owt., P. Mnrphy; arrowroot, 8d. por lb., E. Fielding) Bnrff, 4s. 6d, por lb.. R.Ryan ; lamp oil, 4s. 4d. por gallon, R. Ryan ;sholl cocoa, 13s. per owt., P. Murphy. The nexttender was that for tea, and upon it a very con-siderablo discussion ensued, the testing of tho samplesboing of an equally prolonged bat yet accarato char-acter. Thero woro Bovon samples at various pricos,from Is. lOd. per lb. upwards, and tho discussionaroso aud was continued upon tho quostion of whethertho contract would bo confined to two, or given tofour. Sir. Koogh argued forcibly in favor of the ro.Btrictinn of tho contract to two, on the ground thatsuch a conrso would havo tho effect of inducing a bet.tor supply than if tho numbor of contractors was madogreater, nnd effect a saving to tho ratepayers. Thisviow was, however, opposed by o, majority of thomeeting, and it won decided that thoro should be fonrcontractors. Tho testing, carriod out in avory impar.tial manner, by tho aid of a full set of china, two kot-tlos, two admirable, imposing-looking tea-pots, &B.,resulted in tho disposition of tho contract as follows :One-fourth Bupply to E. Fiolding, at 28. por lb. j thosamo proportion, at 2s. Id. per lb. eooh, to P. Murphy,B. A. Murphy, and P. Lcckio, tho 2s. tomior to gottho first ordor. Now milk : Messrs. T. H. Strangman,E. McGruth, and John Walsh woro declared contrao.tors at 9d. por gallon.—Adjonrnod.

WEDNESDAY..Sir R. J. PAUL, Bart., J.P., chairman presiding.Also presont—Captain Powor D.V.C., Major O'Gor-

man, J.P., jAld. Rodmond, McBsrs. T. Mnrphy, J.Loamy, S. T. Grubb, J.P., C. Rogers, J.P., M. O'Shea,W. Ually, N. Powor, P. Vcalo, J. Clampett, Aid. J.Mdckosy, M.D., J.P. Mr. W. J. Hamilton, P.L.I, v/aaalso present.THE CLERKSHIP—FURTHER DISCLOSURES—FINAL ACTION.

Tho first document road by tho chairman, the docu-ments to-day being all addressed, presiding chairman,was a scaled order from tho commissioners dismissingMr. J. C. Uonnessy from tho clerkship of tho union.

Tho next was a latter from tho commissioners, ad-dressed, as in tho former instanco to the "presidingchairman," reviewing tho immediate eircumstancowhich led to tho resignation of the lato clerk, thoover-holding by him of the bequest from tho Dona-lions and Bequests' Office , Dublin, as set forth in ourlast, report. Acknowledging rccoipt of guardians'resolution of tho 7th in favor of Mr. Uonnessy, thoresignation of tho latter on the 14th, and board's re-solution, of tho Bamo dato, askiug them to send downa temporary clerk until a permanent officer would boappointed, tho commissioners camo to tho questionof tlio Bequests, and informed tho board that Mr.Gernon, secretary to tho Bcquostsdopartmont, havingscon by reports in tho local papers tho stato of mat.torB at tho union, wroto to tho auditor, Mr. M'Der-mott, inquiring whether bequests for tho Watorfordfever hospital and Watorford Dispensary, under thoWatorhouso Charity, had been regularly accountedfor ? Ou receipt of this lottor Mr. W. J. Hamilton,P.L.I., was sont down to inquire into tho matter, whoarrived nt tho workhouse on Tattday, tho 13th inBt.,tho last day that tho clerk ofliciatcd at tho board-room, and entered on tho investigation. Mr. Hamil-ton's report to tho commissioners, givou in detail iutheir letter, stated that going back to 18G+, up towhich dato receipts had regularly passed from thoclork to the oilico in Dublin, ho found that but £S17s. Id. had beeu lodged to tho credit of tho accountby tho clerk, and, that up to lust April, tho total sumdeficient under this particular head was £90 3s. Id.Tho bequest sent don A in that month was £19 4s. Id.,but there was no entry in tho minuto book of thatBum ba.\ Ing boon lodged, and it, consequently, ro-maincd with tho clerk. 3fr. Hamilton then reportedthat ho had a conversation with Mr. Hennessy on thissubject, of which conversation ho took notes. Thosomemoranda stated that, ou Mr. Hamilton asking thoclerk if ho could uccouut for tho doficioncy, ho wastold by tho latter, he could not thon mpko out an ac-count, as ho would havo to consult old documents hohad nt his house, and also to see tho lato AldermanRyan's brother, to whom somo of tho money bad boonhanded over (oh !)

Mr. H ALLY—Faith, iu placo of that, Mr. Ucnuessystuck him j ho left him a bill in tho bank to pay (hoar).

Tho further reading of tho lottor sot out that Mr.Hamilton pressed tho clerk to mako out tho accountthat ovoning, offering to remain in town until eighto'clock to rcceivo it; tho clork Baid ho could not doBO, but undortook to havo it ready for tho board thonext day, and so tho matter thon rested. Sinco thon,ho (Mr. H.) had not Been hint, but ho was awaro that,on tho samo day, ho Bont his boy to tho bank, and ob-tained £20 on a choquo which ho (clork) recoived ontho 23rd of March last, but for which thoro was noblock to bo found iu tbo book. The samo day—abouthalf-paat two—Mr. Heunossy wont himsolf to thobank, and cashed a choiiuo for £G0, out of which holodged £20 to tho credit of interest account, retainingtho remainder. For that cheque n block was pastedinto tho cheque-book, for what did not oxactly appear.Mr. Hamilton thou addod that, as ho was obligod tobo at Urliugford noxt day, ho did not recoivo tho lettorof tho vice-chairman, stating that Mr. Honnessy hadgono away, and requesting him to como dow n im-mediately, until Thursday, and be arrived horo ontho Friday, llo lost no timo in commencing an in-(miry into tho matter, feeling it was right and neces-sary to do so, ulthough not ha\ !ng any spcciOo in-structions from tho commissioners on tho subject, andno resolution of tho board to that effect; he got allthe cheques of tho board from tho managor of thobank, in ordor to cxamino thorn, and now ho had allin fair ordor to hand ovor to Bomo efficient person tocheck, and comparo with tho bookB, and to c'.oso fortho board. Mr. Hamilton horo producod tho accountsfor tho half-year, as tabnlatcd by him with thocheques, and suggested tho appointmont of somoperson to complcto tho work, and also a committee toassist him in doing so. Ho added thoro woro, hobelieved, somo £ 15 due Sir. Hennessy for registration,but that sum ho (Mr. Hamilton) set off agaiuBt do-Ucioncics admitted by Mr. Hennessy on foot of tholoan reliof cases; tho securitius had been written to toappriso them of tho disappouronco of Mr. Houncasy,for whoso good conduct thoy wero bound iu £200,and, on the whole, ho did not tl':nk tho i lion wouldbo much at a losi after all.

Tho CIIAIIOIA .V, during tho reading of the lottor, ob-served that had ho known anything of this cireuin-Btanco about tho bequests, he would not havo aig.icdtho rosolutiou of last day (hear, hear).

Aid. R EDMOND , who expressed tho thanks whichworo duo to Mr. Hamilton f or tho troublo ho had takenin tho matter, said ho never heard until the last boardday, that a single shilling ovor camo from tho Be-quests' Office to this or uny othor board. Ho boliovedtho other guardians who supported tho resolution infavor of tho clork wcro in the samo position, aud ouothing was clear, tho mouoy uovor should havo beenpaid to tho clerk (hear, hear).

Mr. LKAHV expressed saipi 'so that tho auditor hadnot found out, long boforc, of tbo non-crediting by thoclork of tho bequosts' monoy, and was answored byMr. Hamiltou saying that tbeso bequosts woro notbrought under tho auditor's notico until now, aud thatit was owing to him tho discovory about theso dofal -catious was mado.

Aid. JACOB observed it was vory atraugo that nomember of tho board Kccmed to havo known anythingof tbo nature or cxistonco of this boqucst, aud tbattho only information ho over recoived on tho subjectWHB from tho mu3tor (Sir. VLjaa) , who told him tbatabout eight ycara sincftpirhilst acting as temporaryclerk, before Mr. HennosBy's appointment, ho recoiveda Bum of £2 10s. from tho Bequests' Office

Mr. LKAMY —Who ia to chock our accounts but thoauditor ?

INSPECTOR—Yes, and ho haB woll checked them.Ho brought all this matter to light.

Mr. LEAHY—I think thore is vory littlo credit duoto tho auditor in tho whole business.

Mr. Gitumi observed that when ho had tho honor ofboing vice-chairman (hoar, hoar) thoro wcro two min-uto books kept, and on board days ono was placed be-fore tho chairman, tho othor boforo tho clerk, whilstthe minutes wore boing read by that officer. Onewas a check upon the othor as to theso entries.

CHAIRMAN —And whon you retired tha second bookwas given up, I suppose (laughter) ?

Mr. Guuiin replied that was a slight oi.-or of thechairman's; it was not BO. He bolioved that, had asecond book boon kept, fcjardiani would see whatwas going on, and this ugly business, which thqy allso much regretted, might not bavo occurred.

Aid. REDMOND said without referring to 'this par-tioular caso at all , hia'opinion was that two books, ortwonty books would not prevent a man, if ho wishedto bo a roguo, carrying out his onds. In this oafiotho amount of tho sconrity, £200, would noarly coverall tbo delicioaciod.

Mr, GuuiiB contended that a second book would bea groat means of preventing robbery, and no ohequeBbould bo 8i(,.ied which f i d not appear duly enteredon tho minuto book.

Capt. POWER supported tho appointment of a com-mittee, as 8uggostcd by Mr. Hamilton, and forciblyobsorvod that no g jardisn would havo BUSUT' lod theclerk, hod thoy knot* u of this business.

Mr. LEAHY —You ncod not say that, becausejroucould not imagino a guardian insane- enough to do BO.

Capt. 1'OWF.K defended tho auditor, and aaid that noman could foresee things. If the French Emperorconld do no, ho would Dot now be a prisoner, and

Major O'GOEMAJ. (cutting iu on tho French allu-sion)—What's all Ibis about r You say, whilstyou had three papers boforo you, threo v. oek-t ago,proving this man's guilt. You had tho insp'otor'areport, you had tho auditoi'o rvport, and 70a I id thoBura'a ownoonfossioa, and yet yor. defended him.

Oapt: Pqwsa—K6;**etliid li «na!.in»;!aa?n6t ;There is 00 occasion to get angry in the matter ( letus be unanimous. • : . :H- ;y^ :-/- .-;.;¦ ..;, .•' > ;>ii^ 'jij

- Major O'GOEHAN—No, we will.not be wumhmoniin that way. ': ¦ ';'. - ¦¦ ' :A'.'- '¦'¦'.

¦¦ ' ¦ ' : '¦'' -"- I ^-.-'Sj^f;.'At this stago a farther letter wis read, from .tho

commissioners, stating thelri inability to Bead down atemporary olerk, and, nfariing'to tho lodgment of £112s. 6d. to pay interest account, and whioh order li|signed by Aid. Jacob, Raid they did not believe vtheauditor would ohange bis rule to dlBallojr lame, and;that they had no power to cause him to do to. "

Mr. HAMILTON said he had been written to by a veryefficient person, offering to coma down to olote thoseaccounts, and he bad answered him to say he wouldplace his application before the board. The gentlemanto whom he alluded was Mr. William Daly, who was onduty hero before (hoar, hear). • . • • :. ' ¦..-;

Aid. REDMOND said he would be most happy tomovo the appointment of Mr. Daly as temporaryolork to do this duty. They had ample experience ofMr. Daly's great ability and talent, and they could notobtain a better man for tho work (hear, hear).

Capt. FOWES suggested the master, bnt Mr. Hamil-ton said it would be totally out of that officer's powerto act in both capacities.

Aid. REDMOND then proposed the appointment ofMr. Daly, first at four guineas a week, with, his tra-velling expenses, but on tho nnanimonsiy expressedwish of the board, gladly made it five guineas.

Mr. GRUBB seconded the motion, and it was aboutbeing pat fromtho chair, when

Major O'GOEMAN rose, and commented warmly andstrongly, and amid, considerable interruptions, upongaardians supporting the olerk in the face of proofsof guile. That man thero (said Major O'Gonnan,shaking his extended finger at Capt. Power,) did BO,and wo had two guardiaDB going down lost day to thoclerk's house to ask him to withdraw h:s resignation(oh ! oh! and uproar).

Capt. POWSB (energetically)—No, no, sir; wo hadnoi.

Major O'GOBHAN (with equal emphasis)—Yes, sir,we hod, but you did not soo tho individual.

CIIAIRU AN—Tho consideration of tho letter receivedto-day, and not of documents threo weeks old, is thoquostion before us at thin moment, and to that wemust koop. How thon can you pass an opinion upontho olork at this moment?

Major O'GORMAN—It's not on the clork bat on thoguardians I'm passing an opinion.

CIIAIRUAN (positively)—And that I cannot allowyou to do ou guardians quite as honest as yoursolf(hear, hear, and cries of support the chair). Knowingtho fact as I do I cannot sit here, and hear you charg-ing guardians as accomplices in conduot eomothingliko a crimo, whon I know that had thoy been awaroof this ciroumstanco, thoy would not havo agrcod totho resolution which possod tho board (hear, hoar.)

A VOICE—No ono wonld dismiss any officor ou thoevidonco tbon boforo tho board.

Tho heat here cooled down, and tho resolution ap-pointing Mr. Daly was passed. It was thon tolo-gi*aphcd to him, with a request that, if terms accept-able, ho would como down at once. Tha documents,excopt tho bonk chequos hold by Mr. Hamilton, werescaled np in a basket, to await tho arrival of Mr. DalyAid. Jacob stated that tho choquo for £G0, cashed bytho clerk, and supposed to havo been altered by himto that amount, was now in his (Aid. J.'s) possession.

It was next decided to -advortiso for a clork, theelection to tako placo on £hat day fortnight. A con-siderable amsant of discussion took'placo as to salary,and questions wcro askod as to the pay of tho latoclerk. 3fr. Ryan said tho salary itsolf »ras £100 ; hohad £-15 for tho rcgistrios ; £10 as clerk to tho burialboard ; £15 as returning officer, and about £35 as su-perintendent registrar, in all £205 a year.

Yho board gonorally expressing itsolf in favor of areduction, Aid. Jacob obscr\ ing that tho original sa-lary was £120, oxclasivo of extras.

Capt. POWEK moved, seconded by Aid. JACOII, thattho salary bo £120. Mr, CLAJU'ETT moved, secondedby Major O'GORMAN, that tho salary bo £100, whichsalary, with contingencies, would givo an incomo ol£210. A division was had upon both sums as follows :

For £120—Jacob, Powor, D.V.C., Kogera, Redmond,Murphy, Loamy, Chairman—7

For £100—Grubb, O'Gorman, Vealo, N. Power, II.O'Shea, Clarapett, Hally—7.

Tho numbora being equal, thoro was no decision,and tho matter was about boing postponed when MajorO'GOUUA.V proposed that tboy split tho difference, thusalary to bo £110 a year. This proposition was carriedby Mr. Loamy and tho chairman going on tho approv-ing sido iu tho next division, and so tho mutter wasdecided, with tho addition that tho security bo £400,and that candidates should atteDd tho day of election.

Capt. POWEK was about moving a resolution, whichho had drawn up, asking tho commissioners to allowthem to pay tho £70 interest account, now due, outof ratos this once, faithfully promising nover to payintorcst again, bat was mot by Aid. JACOB Bayiugthoro would bo no uso in it; tho only way to pay itoff was by striking tho now rato threo monthB earliorthan nsual, and of amount sufficient to moot this dobt,and by Mr. HAMILTON saying tho commissioners wouldhavo no power to do so.

Major O'GORMAN condomncd tho practice of interestaccount, altogothor, as a vicious system, It was no-thing but taking rates from poor people to croato aloan for rich banks, and was moit unjust. Thero werosixty-four guardians at tbat board ; thoro wero but£60 or £70 duo, and ho would proposo thoy mako arato against thomsolvcs to pay it off.

Captain POWER—And I movo that ox-offioios paydoublo (hear, hoar).

Major O'OORMAN—I second you, and will pay itgladly (hoar, hoar).

This novol rato was not Bti ack, and tho matterdropped. . iiosriTAi, TEACIIEB.

Tho commissioners wroto down sanctioning tho ap-pointment of Miss Catherino Walsh, as hospitalteacher. THE TBAMOBE DISPENSARY.-. A roport was read from this committee, stating thoymot on Friday, Aid. T. W. Jacob, J.P., in the chair;also present—P. W. Power, J.V. ; Hem/ Gallwoy,J.P. ; P. D. Walsh, J.P. ; Thomas Wilson, Mayor ;Thomas B. Prossor, J.P. ; Congrovo Roger), J.P. ; W.Ually, Nicholas Powor, nnd James Leamy. It wasunanimously resolved—"That John O'Noill, M.D.,tako chnrgo of tho Tramoro Dispensary Distiict untilsuch timo as a snecoseor bo appointed to the latolamented Dr. Wators." It was now agreed that Dr.O'Noill'B salary bo at tho rateofthrcogt"neasawook.Tho olection for pormauont Burgeon tpkea placo onMonday next.

Mr. MuBPnv moved tbat tho Oflico of CharitabloDonations and Bequosts bo roquostod in futuro to payin tho amounts to thoir treasurer, and appriso thoclork of samo.

Aid. REDMOND seconded tho motion, but althoughhighly approved of it was doomed bettor, on motionof Mr. Clampott, in a legal point of viow, to hold itover for tho present.

Tuesday noxt was appointed to consider tho re-maining ha""-yoarly tondors, and tho board odjouruud.

STATE OI TUB 1IOUSB.In boose Sept. 10, 70S ; admitted, 09 ; diaclmrged, 45 ;

diod , 2 : in house Sept. 17, 728 ; under this day twelvemoutlii , 53 ; nblcbodied males, 1; females, 8 ; infirm ary,31 I ; feter hoapital , 6 ; profisioui , £00 Si. 7J. 1 consumed,£98 Dj. ¦%} . ; nTorme cost, Si. 71<1. • In&rm.iry, 2;. 101. ;forer hoapital , 8). Oil. ; dining ball , 2i. 3d.; oat-relief , 73»-£31 18s. 6d.; Unt year, 701-£31 18i.0d.

COtlBCTBn. UXCO LLICTBD.Fitzgerald £157 12 8 £2856 4 3Gibson 301 14 6 871 6 0Jooe»...-. 91 6 1 888 19 10l'o«er 68 7 8 1337 14 11 .llarrou - 73 18 5 1883 10 11

Total 000 18 3 7837 0 5Paid duriug wcvk aud balance agiinfl not made out for



PETTY SESSIONS—SATURDAY.Presiding magistrates—Sir John Nugent Humble,

Bart., ohairmaa, and Honry E. Itedmond, R.M.TRESPASS or H EIKEKS .—Da* Id Docoy, farmer, chargod

Mary Hally with tbo trespass of heifure, her property,on throo different occasions, for which she was finodup to 2s. and costs, in each oaso.

A SAWYER'S DISPUTE.—Miohaol CSullivor, Bawycr,charged Thomas Cnrran, sawyer, with keeping bisportion of a framo smv from him. Complainant de-posed that ho and another sawyer purchased a framosaw botwoon them; that it was in Mrs. Mahony'syard ; that he took it away and would not give himhis portion of same. Defendant deposed that he pur-chased the saw from Mnrphy (0'8aUivan'i oomrado),for five shillings j when I gave him 6s. for it, be didnot speak to me about O'Sullivan Having a part of it.Dismissed, having no jurisdiction in the oaoe.

LIBERTY TO ENTEI: A QUARRY.—Thorns* Crotty,road contractor, summoned Patriot White, Monarnd,to show cause vr.hy he should not allow him to quarrya "quantity of stonei in his quarry for pubh'o works,for which be was contractor, and from whence hismen were warned off. Defendant admitted that hewarned hia men off a fortnight ago, saying he wonldallow him as mnoh stone as would do hit own part oftho road, but no more. Court: That if a moitsing alar story yon brought into ooart. What wonldtho rest of the rood do for want of metalling ?¦ Com-plainant: Your worships, Pat White's quarry is thonearest to my work. Permission granted. - ,

A MASTKB A«D BIS APPBEMUCX.—-James OTVonnell,shoemaker, summoned his apprentice for leaving, hi*omploymont on six different ttmes, not returning tohim linos July last j tha boy Had been apprentice forthe hut six months, by Indentures. The boy aud itwas a dispute between himself and hi* master** ionin the street, and whon the son went home orying,his mother (aaid he) ran at me to beat me,'and I wenthomo. The court cautioned tho young lad to returnto his master, and if ha shonld attempt in future toleavo him, that ho would bo sent to Waterford jail tolearn better conduot. Tho apprentice said ho wouldremain with his master. Tho court then rose.

SYMPATHY WITH FEAlfOE.OHANTJ PAN0BAXI0 EXHIBITION ' AT 1MSKCT HOUSE.On Thursday, Friday, antf Satnrdny night* last, the

committco appointed carried'into <j3bot tho designthey had nnder coniidoratiun, to raise farther foodsfor the immedia.te relief of tho siok and wounded

?Ifi:eBeU>e>aiuisin-the- prewmt mm f r^^^T±*^ vnAmA ^^(k ml «oc«^ '*wV e^

m*HV'iJaniWy Kt>ye sneeendedtbejp td. their sangoino err ; ;,Tiomi»iSi^'Md ^WnSkmolej wh ladjbeea;;peotatioasby tho o^mitousco-operation of.Profeuor! ¦:»rre<tedjcit«w ifcfenjipdf;bailed ont.ncipday.yraiB;;¦¦;tWtJt8in«aWblttnghhf^ci»m»m th^niijkeih^ttMi rlti.'oonjio i - Shnp^ tnessea'of thelamentoWe,onth»«JwvoUirwoc i^Uvenight*,l>efor«q'higUj! "ioene.%Xhis[f i ^ i a t ^ t & a r v i i ginaM dyto thollane/l

irotpeotable audience, the;.hbu»o. boing'crowdodlto! «M!|hmvUiisno«*toiw rejfou .byJthe'polide/y r iz, ¦DOiTocation. Mr; MT)onald, the i mptoed oirganW t 'Bai 'two dj i vio .sc njfrom'^Vpublio,'ot the C«thoUo church, toot hu position at tho piano i :th6|»en8tofAt&?Md{Utiutrim^^(Xtt-'BbiMr, DabUn/at tho/'ipeofcd recmeat'of.ltho :'nIf 'tdt jVudf«fW;«U^°l 'tl ''ti 'cimiito«sSoommittee, consented to sing.a, selection of.popularsong*,, in whioh hia fine baritone voice was, mostpowerful and charming; and other highly* aooom-.pushed amateurs attended: Mr.'T. Dwyer, Mr. W.'Harris, Mr. 0. Mauahan, WaUam-etreet ; Miss M.'O'Connor, and 4Wo excellent violin players, , whosenames I have not ascertained, constituted an excellentband, both vocal and instrumental.. After, performingsome beaoBfuUy. executed popular' songs, Professor¦Waite commenced' exhibiting an excellent series ofviews, which comprise his splendid collection. • Themachinery by which the views wore exhibited, is oftho best construction, and the piotnros are shownwith a sharpness of outline and miontonesa Very rareto be found. . Tho views of Ireland were nnzneroosand - oharaoteristio, embracing Bray Head, Glenda-lough, or the Seven Churches, and tho Meeting of theWaters. ' This was sung in admirablo style, at theconclusion of whioh, tho entire audionco warmly ap-plauded. Tho next was Holyoross Abbey, interiorsuporbly grand ; the Book of Cashel, when the air," Gallant Tipperary" was executed with variations.A Pattern at Goughnne Barra, Giant's Causeway,Dublin Bay, Four Courts, Upper Lake, Lower Lake,Killaraey ; Cromwell'B Bridge, Glengarrig ; Queens-town ; tho Cork River ; High-street, Belfast ; Irishwako ; Irish wedding ; Kilkenny ; Goldsmith's De-serted Village. There were also soveral other voryfine views of soenos it England, greatly admired.The continental landscapes were admirable aud mostattractive. It would be rather tedious to minutelyexamine and enter into particulars relative to thesobeautiful paintings, particularly the Italian scenes 5tho views in India, China, Abyssinia, Ancient Jeru-salem and theArotio regions are admirably represented.A inost novel feature was the first voyage of a nowShip, tho Amazon, irt whioh tho various^ movementsof a great vessel at sea, were remarkably wollexecuted anddolineated to life, the professor dividingthe subject into six parts, minutely describing oaoh,All thoso beautiful scenes wore taken and painted byProfessor Waite, which speaks in the highest of hiacelebrity as an artist. At the conolnsion of the ex-hibition, tho Professor said de hoped tbat his audiencewero pleased with tho entertainment, in whioh he haddone his utmost to gain thoir approbation and givegeneral satisfaction. Ho was quite sure it was notany intrinsic merit that might arise thorefrom, thatinduced them to visit tho present exhibition, bnt worospurred to it by moro kind toolings, that of com*misBeratiou for tho gallant soldiers of Franco, andtheir bravo and horoic leaders, the illustrious MarnhnlM'Mahon and Bazaino (great cheering). It is but anact of justice to stato that great merit is duo totho committee, who did everything in their power tomake tho ontertainment both pleasing and ogreoabloto tho audienco gonorally. As to Professor Waite,tho remembrance of his kindness novor shall boobliterated from tho momory of tho good, generous,and patriotio peoplo of Dnngarvan, in offering hisservices gratuitously upon this important occasion,and thoy wish him overy Buccess wherever fortunemay favor him to stcor his courso. I am happy toinform you that Dungarvnn has contributed thomun ificont sum of £1GO, in aid of tho sick and woundedgallani soWiors of Franco. Tho committee havenearly conoludod their labors, and tho lists will bopublished in a fow day?.


Also presont—II. A. Anthony, M. Hnckctt, PatrickBrett, .7. M. Torry, John Dnnford, John Crotty, J.Harty, Richard Byrno, John Walsh, Patrick Carran.

A number of out-rclicf caeos wcro enntinuod, andau opthalmic patient named Vrr'to was taken in, so asto bo sent to Dublin.

THE RATH.—Tlio Clork submitted for signature thorato books and collector's warrants. Signed.

TKSTIMOSIAL TO CLERK ,—As tho clerk intond3 tooffer himsnlf ns candidato for tho vacant clerkship oftho Watcrford union, ho asked tho board to gi-ant hima testimonial nnd leavo of absenco for a week. Thomaster, in tho meantime, would attend to tho duties.At this announcement Mr. Terry, Mr. Curran, andother members of tho board soid they'd bo very gladho would bo appointed, bnt if so tho Dungarvan bonrdwould loso a most officiont officer (hear, hear). Tliochairman said if thoy shonld lose him it would bo verydifficult to find his equal, and, in saying so, ho wasqnito sure tho board coincided with him (hear, hear).Tho chairman drew up an oxccllont testimonial as toMr. Boylo's qualifications, expressing tho unanimousopinion of tho board.

FEVER HOSPITAL AT ADIIEVSIPE.—Mr. Byuo askedtho medical officer how many patients wero in feverhospital, and was informed flvo.

NOTICE OF MOTION.—Hi. Byrno gavo notico that howould, on this day fortnight, movo that tho board en-ter into contract for tho supply of brood for six mouthsand not monthly, as at present.

LEAVE or ABSENCE.—MIBS Quirk, school mistress,asked for two weoks' leave, stating that Miss Navinwould tako charge of the school in^

hor absenco.—Granted.

ADJOURNMENT or TENDERS.—Tho board postponedtho consideration of tenders for tho half-yearly sup-plios until this day wook.. Adjourned.

STATS or TUB HOUSE.—Remaining iail week, 308 ; ad-mitted aince, 25 ; discharged, 25 ; died, 2 ; remaining onabote data, 306; do. corretpondiait w«k last jear, 35-4;d«rea«e, 48; No. io infirmary, 43 ; in fever hospital, 6; costof proriiiona received during week, £36 16a. 4t) ; contutoed,£40 15!. 6d. ; general average cost) 3i. 6d j in infirmirr, 3s.7d ; in fever hotpital, 89 6d; balance Jgainit guardiana,£64 16s 4]; ratea onUtandioir, £172 lla Id; amount of newrate, £7742 Oa lid ; on out-relief, 161; coat, £3 61 Bd.

BrciCLE RACES.—In accordance with pub bo noticothat a volocipcdian contest for a beautiful silver icup,presented by the Dubgsrvan club, with £3 addod,would toko place here on tho evening of Monday .last,a largo concourso of poople from the town and neigh,borhood.iincluding many of the fair sex, assembled towitness those very exoiting, and to them, novel sports.Tho course was a trying one of four miles distaneo,from the Provinoial Bank; in Bridge-stfeot, along thacauseway to Abboysido, and so in direct line, as far asBarnabuo, about two milos on tho Watorford road.Tho following are the names of those who ran, in thoorder in which they finished :—Mr. O'Bronnan, thowinner of the enp (red, white and blue), riding a. 3Hinch driving wheol, 1; Mr. Shaw (Highland costume),36 inch do., '2; Mr. Hayes (greon and bluo), 37 inchdo., 3 ; Mr. Barr (drnb and white), 41 inch do., 4;Mr. Jfercor (bluo and white), 37 inch do., 5. Thostart was vory regular, bnt Mr. O'Broooan took adecided lead, soon after which ho (except for a fowmomonts, ovidently intentionally) kept all through infront, beating his nearest antagonist, 5fr. Shaw, bysome twonty longths. The stylo and pace throughoutwas vory good, and considerably boyond what wasanticipated from thoso young amateur competitors,this boing their firnt trial or display of skill in public.Mr. O'Brcnuan, who is unquestionably the best nndmost scientific jock, wan tho favorite, and waa choerodvociferously, as ho camo in BO cleverly to win. Mr.Shaw also rides very woll, but bo depends too muchon force, and his byoiclo was noticed to Bhake consi-derably nnder thiB excess and irregularity of powor,thoroby losing grouud. Mr. Hayes rodo vory wollaud " sure" for a young practitioner. Ho made avory good race. Somo misunderstanding occurredaftor tho first rnco relativo to tho deciding boat.According to a written ng.-eemont, if fivo only wcroto run tho lirst two alono of tboso coming in wcro totry a deciding heat for about a quarter of a mile, aspointed out. Tho members of tho club, in oppositionto tho judge a nd stewards, thought to insist on run-ning tbo entire course again. Their object in thusaltering tho programme was, it is supposed, to giveMr. Shaw a fair chance, as it was ovidont ho had noDrospeot of oompoting with his opponent in a shortrun of this kind, whatovor he might do upon a longercourso, whero his suporior strength would avail him.Mr. Locko, County Inspector, who was present, kindlyproposed a compromise, to double the distance of thodociding heat, to whioh Mr. O'Brennan willingly as-sented, boAing Mr. Shaw by a greater djsttnoo thanbefore, a Pst the repeated cheers of tha orowd, andthe waving of handkerchiefs by the ladies. . For theConsolation Stakes Messrs. Hayes, Barr, Heroer, andShaw, entered. The oourso was the same as in thofirst raoe, and occupied somo twenty minutes. ¦ Mr.Hayes won easily; Mr. Barr,' second; and Mr. Mercernext. Mr. Shaw, who, it was regretted, had evidentlycome to grief, did not run moro than half the oourse.This wound np the proceedings, with whioh everyoneseomed delighted. Mnoh thanks are. deservedly, dueto the following gentlemen who kindly sssistou andaccompanied the runners, oa horseback,

to keep thecourse clear, TU., Messrs. B. Odell, B. TJ. BobertsiH. E. Redmond, B.M., and E. H'Dermott, SJ. Thelatter kindly granted the aid of the polios, who at-tended, and materially contributed to kaop everythingin good order. _ ;.¦ • . :.- .. : ;

'r j - . ;•{•;, < ;- '

. Tat LADE OAK or SHOOTINO.—I am happy to s»ythat it is now pretty reliably Mtablithcd that ths sadcalamity, whioh recently took pkee ben, was simplythe result of accident, occurring while) displaying or1>^mintnff «, revolver in Hrs. CrOtUigaan ¦ kitchen,whither the party retired, apparently for tbit pur-pose, from the shop, where they were drinking.Bobert WaJjh, who disappeared the same night, hisnot since been'rendered amenable... It is pceoumedhe is the possessor of the deadly' weapon, ana' that•while awkardly1 handling or showing it to deceased,the shot wort ofl*. entering the right long, penetratingthe aorU, *Dd lodging in the third VBrtibrjt, war tboback boovcMsing,;according to medical testimony,',instantaneous death..- The revolver was one Unt hadbeen lying in the pawn-office in which tha abscondedWalsh was employed, and ho had taken it'oc,t who'1him on the fslal ovening, believing it to be unloedsdv'Whon,'however, he was showing it to hijcompuuon*£]he clicked oaoh of the barrels, 4ho first four.fMvihadharmlcM, as expected, bat the fifth and'bit iafcauntttMunh'nppily contained the deadly missile, whtob*J»tif«BItho loft sido of the doc assd , below tb«F h««r)>i,'j>ntt.[•nfortunaioly striking tte Riio0l-u£«M iili&£*

' and'lonesome, route, piivatelyto deceased's broth erV" house.":Theetid ioo6lepost6at thB inquest'woaIdlead to tbis,«wbitjhm ji!t: .(;V'.:;.*-'-

¦? .: .'¦ .'"i'.'i - *: " DiscbvxET OT;IHB 'outfrtinK:Bivntr—Adiscoveryof »';very^ 'intorerting obanioter-oon.sequent.upon the •dotermination of the t6 vn'"ccrmmiEsio'n6Tii,-to improvethe sewerage(bf^Battery vWest,Vhjiis'/jast.been] made. -here', and now. bemg'oaxriod.'but by'. Mr.'JO'Brien; ihoboard's efficient superintendent.":; .following - out theinstructions of Mr. M. A. Anthony, ohairman .-whopointed' out where • the main sewer¦ shonld bt ' com-menced, the men hit on the bed of the old Finisk -river, whioh, at a remote period, flowed into Dnngar-van. It's not in the recollection of the oldest manliving here io see that river tow throngh tho tows ;it is simply handed down from father to son that Buchwas the fact at one period. Tour correspondent re-quested Mr.' O'Brien to -measure tho width and depthof tho stream, and they aro both 18 inches; Tho flagsthat cover it are as perfect as when laid on by thomasons ; thero is a surface of about threo fcot over-head, and daring BO long a period not tho least injuryhas boon done to any of tho flags. This courso willbo opened for a distanco of about 30 or -10 perchesfrom 1st Croas-streot to " Sammy's" lane, continuedthrough tho town, and down Still-lano into thoharbor on the west side of, tho Military Barrack.Had tho water continued to flow in 'this channelthrough the town, it certainly would provo a greatboon to the inhabitants, who wonld not be dependingfor this essentially necessary supply on water barrels,mauy years in use by water carriers. Thero is everyprobability, however, tbat our worthy commissionerswill soon be in a position to supply the inhabitantsgenerally in their own houses with largo quantitiesof pure spring water. The following particulars maynot prove uninteresting to your numerous readers :—I am informed by one of the oldost men in this dis-trust, that his father told him tho cause of this riverbeing closed was that a tremendous tornado, or whatis termed in Irish a " mimeshelca," rolled most ter-rifically down the mountain and swept away all be-foro it, driving such immonso quantities of sand andgravel over this little river at its entrance, that it cuta new channel from near Mr. Holy's, Bockwell, tak-ing a westerly direction into tho Blsokwator river.

CITY PETTY SESSIONS—FRIDAY.Before the Bight Worshipful Thomas Wilson, J.P.,

mayor, Capt. Johnson, Capt. Brenan, Mr. T. C. Spouccrand Aid. Eeid.

THE BITER BITTEN.—Mrs. Ryan snmmoncd Mrs.Broderick, dealer in cast off clothes, for having takena quantity of old clothes and boots from her, withouther consent. Mr. Howard appeared for plaintiff, andMr. Strange for defendant. Mrs. Ryan doposcd—OilFriday morniog Mrs. Broderick came and asked mo ifI had any old clothes to sell ; I said I bad, and adozon pair of boots also; sho asked to soo them, andI had them brought out; sho aslccd what would I takofor them in tho'lump ; I taid thoy wero. worth JilO ;sho raid she wonld givo ouly £2 for thorn, and thensho went out for a gloss of whiskey ; sho subscquoutlyHent out for another glass; 1 both of tiictu, andt'uoQ full asleep ou tho sofa ; whilst I ww asleep, shoBoot for tho clothes, and got them f:iim t'j_> girl ;when I went to her next day, sho offered mo £'2,which I refnscd ; I told her that I would not givo llioclothes and tho shoes for less than .CIO ; I swear theyworo worth £8, hut, of course, I had to mako a liitloprofit; I never thought that she meaut to "-lo" mowhun sho sont for tho whiskey ; I was certaiuly over-come with tho wbiskoy, but uot drunk (laughter).To Jlr. Strange—I did uot authoriso tho woman totako tho clothes ; thoy wero taken whilst I was asleep.Why did you fall asleep ? Bccauso I folt inciiucd todo ao. Was it in tho night or in tho day that liiiahappened ? I don't know. How could I when . ! .¦!'osloep (laughter) ? Was tho caodlo lighting when 'J:Iaivoko ? Witness (excitedly)—I don't know whci 'uurit was or not; but I know that I missed roy thing.?.Capt. Johusou—Did you soil tho things to tho woma.i ?Witness—I did not. Sho said sho would not give .CUfor them, and I told her to leavo them whcit) tlieywcre. Mm. Broderick—I swear I bought tjio clothejand boots for £2, aud thoy wcro not worth a halfpennymoro. After eomo cross-firing botwoon plaiutiQ auddefendant, which tho polico, found it difficult to check,tlio caso caso was left to arbitration, and tko arbitrator(Mr. Ellis) said, from what he could judgo, tho goodsworo worth JEC Gs. Gd. Tho Mayor said that was voryfair, and ho would grant a decree accordingly. Mrs.Broderick, on hearing this, denounced Kyan as arobbor.

A RED REPUBLICAN—An old man, named MatthewM'Carthy, appeared on tho witnoss-tablo, nnd madotho following statcmont in so quaint a manner as toelicit laughter, which could not bo represso.l , whilstof his truthfulness no ono appeared to entertain ndoubt. Ho said :—This man (Jamos M'Donnoll , whodid not appear) oame np to where we woro workingon tho sido of the road, and tbo foolish fellow beganto call ont for a repnblio (laughter). Wo laughed athim, and whon he said wo were no men aa we had not arepublic, wo saw he was drunk and did not mind him.Thore was an old spade hard by, and he took it np.I looked np, and Baw tho spade coming down on mypoor old head, but I put up my poor old hand andsaved my poor old head, but my poor old hand gotscratched. Ho is a'foolish man to bo Bhouting for arepnblio; bnt he put me off work for a wook. ThoMayor—This is a sad case. How long havo you beeaidlo ? Complainant—For a week. The conrt fineddefendant 2s. 6d. and 7s. 6d. costs, one-third of whichwaa to go to complainant.

The some defendant was summoned by ConstableFlnellan, for being drunk, but as he did not appear,he was fined in the sum of 3s. fid. Adjonrnod.

CARRICKBEG PETTY SBSSIOKS-Mo.VDAr.Mr. T. B. Wilson presiding—Mr. McLoughlin, S.I.,

in attendance.ALLEOBD LAKCENT OI» TIMBER.—Tho Marqnis of

Watorford by witness, Japes Mara, chargod Mrs.Honora Fleming with having unlawfully in her pos-session, at Churchtown, in tho county Waterford, onSaturday, 3rd Sept., 1870, a larch tree, the propertyof complainant, whiob was unlawfully ont and Btolcnout of his grove, at Churchtown, about the night oftho 30th Angnst, 1870. John Mara, on being sworn,said the value of the tree was about 10s. Ho saw thotrack of the tree over defendant's ditch, and got tbreolengths of it concealed near her hay rick. Mr. Wilson—Whoso property was it? Witness—I could not tell,as tho butt was not to it; if it was I could toll bycomparison. Dismissed for want of proof ; dofondautdid not proas for costs

TRESPASS.—Patrick Dunphy, in tlio cmpTo\ .ncnt ofMrs. Julia O'Ryan, of Clonmol, charged a man namedJohn Shannhnn with tho trespass of somo geeso,goats and sheep on hor pasture land at Olonca, npouvarious occasions. Tho witness having proved thotrespass, Mr. Walsh ventured to state th .t Mrs.O'Ryan wonld not take, money for tho trespass, 'i'hodefendant was ordered to pay costs, and his sistorhaving promised tho trespass would not bo repeated,the case dropped.

In oar report of tho Carriek Poor-law Board, iatho fourth page, tho following matters ore omitted :

THE BATE COLLECTION.—Mr. Bicoardson remarkodon tho collection of the rate, and saidho'found on'/ asmall proportion of tHo Carriek collection had boonpaid. Mr. Qairke said there was plenty of timo, thatit was only now the farmers were in the position ropay. The Clerk added the warrants were issued on tlio28th of August last, and' there wore fime months fortho collection. Mr. 'Brophy—And how do wetlandat tho bask ? Clork—We have £731 to-our credit.Mr. Richardson—You - have to' pay interest Mr.Quirke said that thore were somo heavy payments intho collection of the other men, Lord Waterford, thoMessrs. Mulcomsonond Earl BeWborough, which wcro vpaid to others, and mode a good show in the collection(hear, hear). Mr. Brophy—If the townspeople getany time wo ought to get it also. ¦ Let the men alono 1thoy aro all doing their duty well (hear, hear). Mr.Phelan (Bathoormao)—I ooold understand this if ithad referenoe to a man who had not given eatiafao-tion in his previous .collections t'but he 'has done so(hear, hear) , The subject mi alfcwed to drop.

THI MIDICAL ;.8uwMi'umr-ffi> '. Clerk' reported,

fubititntei during the pkst ywelm'the union. Hofound tbe'CVtrrick.'dispeosary' as tho only committeethat peid this tnoMy.'aod'durmg; «he year ther mid£30* ;,llr.'i'Poi«w thooght it should be deductedIhw;tbs,"*tey '<if tte1:doctor. - Mr. Brophy—TheoommuorioBars wont avQoir yon to do that '' MrBWardioa—It ii' aTW* large nun.:' Mr. piwer-^faying two salaries.' That whrt it comet to.' Noaction was taken in the matter. ' . ¦ ¦.( .

•: ¦¦•¦¦¦ ¦ . « 18 JBAKOB.BKAmW> ,( :,\'

TO TEC ipma; 01 'fin mnajmunniv.Bi»—Ii Fnmoobes^ sl a^TtfM iha fa, '

but for the present oo^^'Vi S S&Mh i-govemwmt, n<)t for w oTpliaiJofttSSr'oi tte <part', of h«f --• - Trii;^:TrffiOpflsflii if^ jsoldier f CUttbo^MM sKttJOBSpiMtfJc .'the n»

rthb m^SmSBSBBamtmSiiJ


Page 4: WATERE011D NEWS LA1X.KST C1KCULAT1OX IN THE SOUTH OF IRELAND. Published cicry Frulay Evening, at

clcctc fc iJoetrnLOVE SONG.

On thr IMI .U uf 1,-nllr Sluunon, wbe.i tlie summer, wr.rmanil lirt«l tt ,

Gave II i-lnij m tin- mtmiinjr , rmrl R itiUnru to tl» n'uht.A» I wander d like a rnvpr, I ree from iorrr,<v, Itw Iroro me,'•'*• « »J»U'ii i pnn'd iid'arp me, litlle Alice ynnug »nd l«ir ,As th<> >lia]H> Hint poeli iti-Miii ol, KI IIMI tlie lane/ will not

Bright ami lately, B0't ami tomW, was -TO-inn Alice or the

Will- her form of (niry li tf hlne!f , cUil in robes of spollnswhite

On Ibe SliMiiinir, (.AH IK dNpartinr, with «u innocent daiijcl ir.Jjonkini; ihm n 11- 11111 tin- river, 1-ii-kii- -: npwnrd to Hie sky,All aninnd ih.t uuglit her glunc",. RiriiK pleasure lo her

WliilB Hip j,,v ,]le [,|t wit|lin - w

,u -,„ j,appr face*X|ire-sV f

With. „ trucvtul giuling motion, more l yoong Alice of theWest.

I hut* cajcil on nt- iny hers, wl'irrp the srni t btlil fmlivi- I,JvwfMM Itrniitit". promt nml ImuxKtv , pacine- through lli«

I'gln,,] hall;1 hnt-i* &rett lltptn tit tlir- citv , in llii * large and baiy Mrert ,In all lutltiM nlti-re Rt-Jjiuii 's rliiltJu-M in Ihu sc.irtll of 'tl-!.i«

Mil "' trfi-t ,Ilul tut fact; mt nvi-ct ntt 'l derplf , IIIOTPII the Ittjalt within my

lin'i-t ,AMHJ tlt it if , yimiig Giiitlnitj -lit innitli 11 — little Alien of the

Wcl .Matty ti> ftvt t i« , swill n< h-*litniiw , hove pone 1-v sini-e firs*, we

me1,Hat my fic.irr licr imnet1 Mv.-isiirc<- •¦¦itlt a Wing fivlinic j-rt ,-lit tny c-itU ttt; houit: in Aliinslt - r , with n pain and lurrj-t'ti

l*r-.«- ,When I think how nail nml j.tylc-u all my days and ni<hta

art* turn-,H.rk a-min my f. 11) hf»rt ir.iri. l--, in i lj »ntrn-r and nnrrst .Tit the tMiik-i ui l.ndly Slianintn ami vuulls Alien of the \V«*«I.Au>l itf-niti plii* im.vci before mi*, nttit niMin I hear lirr 8- ICH V ,Win!.' the ;viii[e rummer > p lyr lift* ihu tress'i ou ter

rlinrk.To my rii -w nrniti ilu<*1<*iiiK all the mai-ic and the prnceTll:tt wen- rvrr, t-vi'r IiU ying in her swiftly -vintiimc f;|re ;Ami in llwu-i hl -in iiiii I tvamlrr, not a c.ui' within ins' I'tv.i-t,Uit tin* iMnktt ui l-t rl'v dliannuu , with j'outn- Alice ut lite

UVsl;\V..pi« mi*, lite} iv« nl f.itii -y, like to aprinc fln-r'r-i fndr -t-v.ty,Wit* is lilt- , wlt 'it tn't>l w i-|teti>ll ulnlrH llit : lUt-lt'M Ut tlic.t)All- l in uut-l I'm tiooinM 10 \THirlt-r uvt-r .Muitsttr tirimtl and

fa>SWith a looMrp -vt-nk anil fieltlf , mid a luatt oppress---) with

cm i*,(iri i-vii - ; ilailv , vri'vin^ ninhlly, »iuk< tlie Itratt within my

-t ,With it thinks on Sli.itiiion rivi-r, uud yoou^ Alicx* of the


HIE KETUltN" lla.t limn curt- ui l l t the lipatt of thy childhood back i

Tin* hr.-, \Ur |nnf , ihu kind ? '—N t itmiiMiteil thu trt an> in my liotneward Iracl*,

As thi>> pl.iyrd to the inoutttaiu wind.

" Until Ihy snnl lict'ii Iruc lo itV nrly lore"?Wlii.<4|ii:iM toy ttahve !ttre<tine ;

M I l i t l l i the spitit tlttM ittttjpil itiuiiUt hill and i;n vr,Still n-vmtl its fAiitt hi);h tlreaiunr"

" lli>t I lion home in Ih y biitotn thu huly prayerOf 1 lie c: il<l in 1m part*itl *li.« IU ?"

'I htii bit^lllinl 11 vntrt! on the thrilling uir ,K I U I I I the old Ancestral WH IN.

" Hast ll.on k'pt thy Ixiih W''l. llic hilltful ,Whn-f l-litrc ot ti> l is n*j;li ?

Wiil i lit .- l.itl. pr 's I L-Miii : uVr Ihrp -hid ,\\ ilh lh« iM>l!ii "r'» hu.liMj ; ryr?"

Thru my ti- .-trs cn-ln-d f»rlh in rmldfii rtin ,As I aii»«wnl— " Oh vii shuil. * !

I l.,n./ ti"l lot childl I'- I M-.,H U.-H MI.

To tilt: fititlitm al ynnr ^Irttlt5 h

*' I hate tiniK-tl fritii my li rsi puie love ii*i-i<»,(H i utt itlit ami littppy s trf rfOts I

Liilllt Illlrl li.Oll , til my ""111 ha\« dinlThe d^y sptiii|t '« florioui drratn*.

u And the lint y pmycr '.<tm tny thought* hath p:>ssrt]—The pmyer nt tny llltillnrV kllw ;

D. i ik in i l and Itmidlii l I cunii: t last ,Jliin-c ol nil* bo) i-h itlet- !.

" Hut I bear from my childhood a sift of tear*,To -.nllcti ami atntie ;

And oil 1 }'K scenes nt thi>se hleKs'd )far ^,Th*-) >I M 1I tnakc me t<-:uin ynur oivn. *'

¦Mns. H K X A K -I

ittisccUancaHtm* TIIK K IXH TUEATS !N .vi'OLKox. — The Tint*

con (• "¦pt-iuk'nt, in ft long letter, says :—There isa warm glow inside the splendid hull. Generalsmid gentlemen of the royal household are stand-ing ready to do tlie lionours of the occiisiun.They bow low, and arc the most obedient ser-vants of his JIajes'y. They conduct his Majestyupstairs with the dcrereiico duo to n sovereign.They take the commands ofhis Majesty, and willbe happy to execute them. Meanwhile attend-ants situ bustling about outside, and everythingis in ynl ,i. Xapoleon is received ns a guesf , notus a prisoner, by his generous host. The entirepalace is at his disposal. A numerous mile, ofs line lorly persons, with u large retinue of s*, have followed him, and will be likewiseeilerlained by the King. He has broughteighty-live hcrses, and ft variety of carriages,'greater, almost , than ciut be stored in the mewsof the princely mansion, lloyul tale Is tie chambrcand rJiij't il' enhiuc have been sent down, ande/erytliing will be done to render his stay* aspleasant :is possible. The movements of theKniperoi* ivre apparently without restraint , andif he cluse he might drive about in the grounds,suo c-mipany in the eveuiug, and close tlie daywith .1 visit to his Majesty's Opera at Cast';!.Such is the ns|«*ct royul imprisonment assumesin the courtesy of the iirc-etit age. Times havechanged since Mary was locked up by Elizabeth,in*, to i'iiote 11 more analogous case, since theyuughtful King of France wns captured by the(Jertnan Emperor Charles V. on the battlefieldof J'uvia. The considerate attention paid toNapoleon by special orders of the King extendsto the smallest particulars.

Honuoiis OF \V.\it.—Since the crcqtion of theworld fourteen millions of human beings havefallen in the battles which man has wagedngainst his fellow-creature — man. If this amaz-ing number of men were to bold each other bythe hand at. arm's length they would extend overfourtceii millions, five liniidrcd and eighty-threethousand, three hundred and eighty-three milesof ground, and would encircle the earth on whichwe dwell six hundred and eight times ! If weallow the weight of a. man to be olf an averageone cwt.(tl iis is below the mark) we shall cometo the conclusion that six millions two hundred¦mil fifty thousand tons of liumnn flesh hare be™mangled, disfi gured, gashed, and trampled un-der foot. The calculation will appear more.striking when we state that if only the fore-fingers of every one of those fourteen millions ofhuman beings were to bo held in u straight linethey would reach more than six hundredthousand miles beyond the moon; and that if apjrson were to undertake to count the number,allowing nineteen hours a day, and seven daysiii a week, at the rate of six thousand per hour,it, would occupy that person three hundred andthirty six ycurs. -ind, awful in the consider-ii'.ion ! three hundred and fifty thousand pipesof human blood have been spilt in battles .'

A IlrsDLE or COXTIUDICTIOXS.—Many pro-verbs admit of contradictions, as witness thefollowing:—" The more the merrier." Xot so

,me hand is enough in u purse. " Nothing butwhat lias an end." A ring has none, for it isJ-OII 1 nl. '• Money is a great comfort." Not whenit tiring-i a thief to the gallows. "The world isa long journey." Tho sun goo* round it in aday. " It i* a great way to tho bottom of thosea." It is but n stone's cast. " A friend ix bestfound in adversity," Then there is none to IJC

found. "Tho pride of tho rich makes the labor ofthe iioor." Tho labor of tbo poor makes thopride of tho rich.

IlAirrBNxr POSTAGE LA mas AXB BTAMPEP }> F.WS.rArW WKAITIM.—'flio following nntico t«i n^ws-paper umprietir* and uows-BgeDtii has been isitiedfrom tbo General Post Office:—In connection withthu redaction In the rates of poitogo on inland news,papers, prinl«d matter, ond pattorpa and uar-iplcs,which will toke effect on BDd from the lit O*" October,bulC-jenny po«i«<-*e Ub»I«, and nowepaper wrappersbeariog an .impressed halfpenny (tamp will be Inl.-o-daccd. A BuppJy of .each , is in conrso of . issno tohoad postniMter* io. tlio. eoiwitrj-, and to the districtoffices und rocciriog; offices in London. Pre-rioaaly tctho 1st of October 'tho nale of these libels and¦wrippcr8; will be c<»fin»d io.Dew»i)epcr prppnolomiand news, ngonli, ;,wlio mrtgit/poi«Ujlj bo inc^nTenl-enco-i wero time oot eJlowod for preparation.* bat, fi.«tbo redaction of portage doe* not coq-.mencq before1I10 1st of October, flDjIhlnj bearios <i lialfpounjstamp posted beroro llmt caw, willbo treated u tin-p iid. Newspaper propriiiors ami ..newsagents, bjJpplviug to » head postmoftsr, wjll bcablo to pbt«in,at vorr short notice, atiy quantity, of. those lobels orwrnDDers Tbo wrappers (tbe .dimension! of wlncli„. Yjti-a by 5in.) will be fold «t ih» followin> price*—TM for £1 2s. &!., 100 for to. Cd, 50 fur 2«. 3d., 25 forlTlId, 10 for 3jd, 5 for 34, 2 for 1 Jd Id. Jd., bnt. diguoaot of 1 per cent, will bo allowed . to. pereons-onrohasiog at one time not lens. .than. £ID worth ofeither labels or wrappers. Newspaper proprietorsMd newwendors who JHOJ- desire to hare their ownwrappers or paper impreswd with the halfpenny-rtiimmut mVuVapplicatioD. not to the Fo.t Office,bat to the CommissioDera of Inland Boronno. Wrap-

per* mart be of wbito r;par- . ,; . • ,t iTho loss of taiste for.whstis right, is loss of all taato.The best throw opon the dioe is to throw them sway..Peoplo of ooto-musKJ touohers.lerpetoftl moUon-Beiit and taxes.A. sober color—The blnea.han> pr»otJce-8h»Tit».

L I T E R A T U R EIrish Federalism—By ISAAC BUTT. Dublin : J. FAL-

CONER. *s9A vorj noatly got out pamplilot on tho nbovo im-

portant Irish Bubjoot, from tbo powerful head and penof tlint 'ablo ' patriot and barrister, Isano Butt, Esq.,Q.C., is DOW before tho public, and is, no doubt, ro-ccirwg that careful porcsal and study, which itsthemo demands, ami to which its illaBtrioas author Isso woll entitled. That tho project of federalism isono now warmly engaging tho attention of tho nationas a panacea for the ills Do continuously flowing in ontbo country from that political fountain of misfortune,tho so-called union, ia a fact which rcqnires np proof,and we feel that a troatiso upon tho subject from sucha mnn as Mr. Butt must bo rogarded us ono tondinglucidly to explain what federalism really moans, andliow it may best bo attained. In his preface theauthor says :—

1 lim-f lime mnco li-irl the enntrictinn forced iipin me Hint iti« m'mll.r put-mini to the "«f»tv of KmlanJ nml to tlie bnp-pinrf:< nti'l trnnqiiilii y of Irel.tnri, tlie right nf orlf-KO»pinmcnt nliouM lie rmlnrrd to tliit cnnnltj-. Hrfieclinyon till the ditncultieii wlttrit Ktirround 1 lie question , 1 c-unosonte tiinr niro lo tlie coelusiun that \\K he»t prusprcl ofuiiiliit- : Iri'limrn in n -letntin-l for home !:ovrriimpnt , was topronnsi- a Fi-di rnl Union Wtivrfii tho two roantrif)". Timprnpns-tf , I itfptl not tnj*, [• * not r. nrw OIIP . Durine Mr.D'Otini-ll'i U.-pml nsittiliitn it ti-i-| In-cn urceil hy tlio Her.Sir. O'JIallcy in it «Prii '» of IcIttM i<f crnit .nhility -ind know-l**Jiri*. It \Ta*t ftdrucitrtl in ottf of thu Keptal Prixn K-*«?i.v».which , tlton^h not nwnule-1 a priz'1, was i-p^ci-ill y publi^iicdIty th» H»real A«soriiUi"li. It tcn-t fnTOurnbl y etllertaiiictlby Mr. O'Connel l , %vhn pUrptl it hofoiu ihu publiu vvilll aTory mmtifc«t iinlie.ition itf tho lp-iutus nf lt i ti own ininil . Iti« coufi.lpntK-. mid by tliOT i who hive incam of kiio-vintr,tint R plitn of tlii *> ti-ituru \r.i*t nit^etitfd In hy pome nf tin:Wliiar Ira-Wii b?fnri» t'tp. return ol thn p:irty to powrr in1840. If no, thcrp i*t no difficulty in anrlrmt-indincf why itu-Nft titi«ttiTonett. Kvil ilnyn fell IIJ.O II Ireland. Tlie laif litnf thr pi-opl« waited -twiijf li>-for-i Ilia tirrible fuming th.itdt>«n]atnl nnr Ittnrl. Kvi-ri ltrforrf thi', tht> ncltiitm in ther^nkii of thr Ri-pful-'rn wpalcened iho inflnmcp of thu rrcntTrii'iinc of t'i<- *voplp. Tlio ilix'limt of his lii-allli «nJ nter-cip* in it«lf forelt:t>1e ihi ciorci*e nf Iii« ntd |io\vcr for aypflr bpforp. the CTAVP clo'pil ov*-r him in the rlontn ant! tie*pr(*#«tnn of bin i*mintrr. Tltorit irf ntpn who rirt not hp«'tnt<cftnlMmtly 'o n««*r*, i |i, » lta.l I.oid Ili-n-boro-ieli und O'Con -IIP II I'nth li»cd , nnil O'C^'nnPlI lcpt hi* power, n Kt-iUr^ lCittKtiln .inii for Irclnml wnnlil hnro I HHIII nmoni; iho C^ltim-tmpnsnrn of Hie ininistrrj* which micceednl to that, of SirIWn-rl l'e-1."

In tho body of the work, Jlr. Uutt tolls tw what homeans by federalism ¦—•

Hi d rnonvh tn !»itv tlut I iitti -i.d lo propo*e a »y-»tpinondn- tvliicb, Seoll-tttil and Ireland , u:iitrd n-t (In-ynri > iniilpr nn^ <>'ivi -rci-;ti , should It tvn a cimtnon •> *;<-ci:tivn anda cotntnun n.-l!i'ltl:tl t-nnnril for nil pttrpifCH Iii*rrit4.irv to coil-»tiit t ip ft tp iit , toother littint iit , at oneatnlr , whilernch of tln-mxlimilt) li.tvn il<t own doiorsltc n(1tn<ni<lratinnntid i lsown'ic Pnrli.iment for ili« iiitprtinl nrTitr*. I tiny enclt nf Ihi-m ,hre-tn^p, <tllhnn-;li my itnm<*tliiite rnniTrit i>nnly with Ireliind ,I do n-t -uinpfwt ' ilut if I t-ishmpn olttRiu lliPM*|i:iriilo tn M t rtKC-nx-n1 "f lri«h »(Tiir« it i« nt all likvly Hint Kii-;li*lrnpii orSiroirhrornwotil il rittiM-tit In tin- timnuiiP itti'iit nf liteirdiim p*-ttr roiir*-Tii-;by n Ptirlinmptit in which Irish uioinhpr- h:ulK I ill n voipp . Whpiltrr Knslind nml ScnlUnil would >tilld-Kirc to burp thn inlrt- .-'ITiiir» nf cri-rtt Mrita 'n i|i-)tiii;pilliyotip enmtnon Parlinmenlili ;! in liter rntiri-ly for (llfinselveSto d.-ci.l. -.

Tho plan is to have a practical working as follows :—The ImfM-iinl Purli'itm-iit wmiM infel « icily at it IIIIM

no»-. Its hii«inp»« wnnlil l» ci-nniia.1 to i lie ri-j-nlatioii olIndian and ^fTrr- , to vntin-' lh<* inn fnr thp nrinyand -mrr, nn-l thp sitpp li'S li-r ihe Iinpi-rial iiididitnri- , mi Ito intprfcrniii- in fonieil nff-iir-t, whpr» «ncll inteifi rciu-pwould hn cnllPtl for, nnil cnn-inl !)* to until «ll[H*m.ilull ¦¦(Impprinl etmrrrns M cirriiinstiiiicM minlit tntikp ii'c'««iry.In imlin.-ii- .r limp- thp lin«inr« nf iho Imperial PiirlMiiirntwould Iw littlit, A «.«> nf Iw» niniitli-i ill tin' Vrar nr l«osc-imni nf OIIP rronllt rafli , w.mM , in R«-ii> -r.-il , ho MifTicici itto rnaltlo it !o " ilP4p:itr!i ." us The nlfichl; i», tho litni-nrsB wlrrh it Itnd "0 ili'rhirBi*. lint it- imi't he said IliatIhprp wonl.l l.p "tip trvil niU a tt. iiP nx-pr H IP |irp»irnt -tystrai .Al l tin t lni!-:nPN -i-ntild r'rciiv full .iliil delib-rrtli' nttPlili t in.Tho Iti-lhn Itndii t nnul l m<t Iw post poned to a hurrh-.l•tt-ilon-fnt on one n' tin- l-i«l days of the m--»inii, to lw di«-CIISSPI I in -.ii <t««< inMv "f 21) or 00 mnnhm. (.'uluninln(Tiir« tra-lH rwwn1 in atlpii 'iiin Inr whi ch nl p!i«c:lt t inyfpiy nflpii plpj- 1 in --.t ill . Tlint wli'di i s - nf iinporlanne isthat Irt-lnnd won! 1 «»nil , il« »¦•* do nnw , H'3 rpp'ttrcntativMtoTote in an l'arliiment on iill 'iiu'stion s of Itn-iwia l rono-rn, Jn'l in return »¦¦• wmild •nhiiiit , a< we ilo l ici ttn he tuxed by thai l'.irlninnnt hilt mdv fnr rrrt.iindrfi'iif i- piirpow« mt'l in a ri--l.iin ilffini" inanner At honioin Irplnnd we would hnve rur own I'uluinpnt pnntrnlliiuall thp ,-rTiirt of onr • internal almini»lraiion. W'u wnuMlure Ihe S-tvni-i«n . II « now, rfprr-Pllt nl Ity » Vicjr.ty. H'«woald hatro tin Ii i- h m:nUlry ri'MMnwiWc to and cnntrolhi- 1hy nn lri«h P.irliain»nt. WV wt.uhl haTi-an Irish Ilmw ofPrpr«. comistini- "'nut- r^idpnt Ir 'ntli ii"bilily, with MIP. I I

additinn-i nl inrn , dU'incnish"! in anv fi-ll nf int e llectuilachifTpmpii ', n« Ihe S.i»prt'i«ll inisltt Ili ink fit to a«M-cinti!with anrlifr pdiinrr intl iility in thp Upif-r Il im-ie—and oownr.ld hnv» an l- ish IIiiti *» of C innns flwtftl under :ipopnUr mfTrazP by |lip rminlie» nnd In-vnsnf frelnul , wriliadiliiion orih<- rppri-w ni«tit .-« of H IP I I -W l™rn.' l lio'lipi W 'IO

ponM fairlv clui-n HIP rijht "f spndinj tnoin ln'rs tn mi l- i.ltP^rli:ltn--iit. It n<*M n"t Minn—it nonld not fo!|.m—thatiltp rtpr'^n* rftitrn*-'! lit llii. [-meri-i l l^rliainrnt *-li -n » tt l M IS.,hnTe seil*i in tl»- Iri- .lt llnn-t* of (*n>niiion « . Tln-y wtiuld h^cli"«p'i nf a'« #-l»-ffi "ii. Krfit 111 the Citii-li' tip nci>- -iwhirli liail I IIP. privileup of rrtiirninr mi-niPi-i to liolh I'.IN

tiami-nl* ! thpy mirf li l v iy prnJ':iMy If elrc**-!! hy iliff ^ipn?e'rclor'. It i< s.iil , I know, that lltldi-r Sllill :l <y>tt 'lll tliHt-"t nf onr ttt il-ilit y utid ri -nirv wnnlil still hp drawn ofT to :uiImpp-tnl r'liliiTPnl . With lit* l- iritfd ftlltrlioni il'stcno-lloan Imp<*ri:i l Parlirt-npnt , tilt- * could dot In* I IIP ca*i' to ulivtninr ;nti-* t--tlmt. Thp rrp;it ultra- lion for Irishnu-i t w mhlIn- I IIH P.irJianiPii l in tvliich lriult r'chtH and in 'pri-Rl x WI - I O

fitl:lltv d-<tr<t*ip.l nl. Gf'at ^lirft lionti no du'llit wtltlld liriscin *!tp Imppr'fl) Purlinin'-nt it) whi t-h the Voice nf I r*-- 111 j ¦ imust 1w h««r'l I o'h in lit*1 falii npt A n d t h " R> >na * c. hi lt II".land wnnM be lirh . Pnntiah tit nltility tn sp«re nipti tn proli'i th-*! interPi", «--»eit l.rr npin«ntt*i. nnd tiainhtin her n-pu * ;1 ..tinn in I )IP fr .tt connr-i ! In who"!! di'i-i-tinil nil questions olJn-..w-ri;il tnlp rpcl wonl.l hp l- 'ft .

This is a book which sdinnltl ho in the hanils nf all ,particularl y in every hninn«tcad in old lrolaml. Its]o«- prino renders it 'iiraikiblo for tlio most cxtuudcilcirculation.Kl 'lium - of lh ? ][ . imii:nj '( ilh !c Famil y Inf lrmtnr. —It y

K ICIIAUII Ki'rs. London : J.VMKS Ki'fs -t Co.A most valtmhln littln work, under tliia licailins-.

Iins been ititbli.-ilipd by tlio cxpcrieiiceil and tuleutednuthor, which lms now got, inl<> iU third edition , snrapid l.ns been U R circulation. Every imaginable " illto which flesh is licir" is treated of in thin little work ,with a statement of tho remedy under tbo nystcm ru-commended by tho author, nnd pbrascd in a sty lo torender tlio contents |)lnin to tho commonest under,standing. Having carefully gone over tho work, woaro not , at all , surprised at itB large circulation.

JOHN MARTIX as NAI -OIKON 'S Ri:r.E.—Tbo finn,honest, patriotic John Martin , who has lived uud en.joyed tho tflories of Franco under tbo fallen LouisNapoleon, thus tells us of bow tlio Emperor ruled thatunhappy country, and how, under his eventful reign ,happiness dwelt in every homestead :—" Let us trusttlint Paris will bo defended—ayo desperately. Iiettt-rtlmt gorgeous capital m ruins tbnu Franco tbo sltivoof tho Prussians. I have always respected the govern-ment of Louis Xapoleon. It was indeed created by arevolution, but by a revolution which tlio vast m-ijorityof Frenchmen approved, and wliicli tlio dinonlnrcilstntoof French affairs appeared to demand. I re.gariled tbo imperial government nR eminently patrioticand intelligont internally, whilo ortcrnally its policywas benevolent and dignified. Under Louia XapoleonFrance was Raved from anarchy, material prosperitywns restored and increased, great public works forthe benefit of tho country were effected, tlio nationalprestige was heightened, and ratianal liberty (accord,ing to my i-.lens) prevailed to as great a degree us innnv other country of tho world. But ho linn wofullyfailed to keep lip tlio military strength and prcpara.tion of Franco, Ko OH to enable her to hold her ground-1-,-nJit-it tho ndvnncen of tlio new German Empire tu-wnrd s universal dominion. And in ponnity of hisfiiluro ho has lost tho confidence of tlio French peoplennd i« deprived of tho proudest tlirono in Christendom.His mi*fortuncf< aro great, anil tho Irish aro not aa pcoplo to speak linrj ly or think hardly of tho uti.fortnnnte. Of all tho stern censors who uro nowcondemning tho fallen Kmpcror, which of thorn ennlay hi« hand on bin heart nnd my, ' 1 should lmvuprovided better for tho defonco of Franco !' Evwyviri UOUR man in Ireland loves and revorctt tbo charac-ter of thn dopow d Empress Eugeuie. (Jtiod wife, andmother, good neighbor, good citizen ; most amiable,most benotifnl , most gracious, and graceful, heroic,saintly womau ! May tiod savo Francu !"

THE O'BRIE.I MOSUME XT.—Tbo Hon Charles GavnnDuffy writes to Jlr. Edward Carey, Ormond-quay,thus :—" I am glad to say that I expcot to send bynext mail £200 for the statnc to Smith O'Brien. Itwould bavo boon sent by this mail trjit that a fow ofthe subscriptions necessary to comploto this sum hadnot come in , but wo have £170 iu hank."

IXI.AXI! IlEVKXlF.—Al'l-OIXTMEXTS.—Mr. T. G. Butt,officer, Clonmel ride, Waterford collection, has boonappointed to Chichnster, Istrido, Portsmouth collec-tion • Mr. William Morgan, officor Chichestcr, 1st rido,Portsmouth collection, has boon appointed to Clonmolrido, Waterford. collection. Mr. Androw Hall , 3rd-elass clerk, Waterford collection, has bcon promotedto be officer of Caistor rido, Hull collection.

This being fly time, time flies.A fa" pnrso noror lacks friends.The best bead—Qo-a-head.Ignorance—How happiness.

TitntUT DISEASKS.—BBOWK'S BUO.SCII I AL Titocn ES,which II 8» P piovfil io sucenifnl in Americn (or tbo cam ot(Vm»li», Cold», Ilearnaiipw, Brondiitit, Aitbrjis, Catarrh , orany irritation «r iorrne-i nf llm throat, ire no-j jmported

•n ' will iii thii ennntry >t If. 1)>I . per u>j. pnt ap in thefiinn of a " Icwnjr.". Jt i« Ilif roo»t cnnrwii'nt. plraunl,»lr, »nd. »ur6 tcrnidy Or clf»tin«: and tlrfnatbeniDf- thetake knntvu in thp world, 'ibp. Her. Htnrr Ward ll««cher«•)•: "I h«Tf o'trn rrrnmrneitdid tlmo to friend-- whowere pnM'c t^akprii. <nd in a«i)J C">M lite/ b.r« promlpilremrlr ««rfir"<l-U,"" Tlix -rcauiasi haia the WouUM 0ro«n'« - Hronoiiial Trori V on th« 'Oorerntnent S'mnpirnaud eaeln bni.—Principal OMce, 403, Oxford --Irert,ton-Ion. . Sold lir .11 owdiciii* ffiiilorf.' . _

. . . SE4 . Mo6S.pAUME.-r-Stxtocn quarts of pianoMin<r, Cutl tid, Pudrlintt, tjlurlottt Ibior, &r., can be madefrom a •!»!« p<eket . «f the Ainniun " ftand Sn Jlo<«Psrine." It*', iqromp4r«kl« mw'l'pct and ehfspnpM, thor^riefy of Diibft in»liicli it ia npplir«l |p, and the aitnplicityo' prrpartlion , tn«k« it tha mo<t liraithful , unarrnien', middulieioui f'tod in Ihe worlrl . For InUntV, Clilldrea '-i, orJrMuUdV di.*, Ili mntriibini «nd br.lth-viriiiz propirtinwndpr it prefersbU to ill - C-irii-flou-r , Maiienn«, CornSUrchea, 4r. It in »iojp|p, deliute, nulritioM , rt-mediul andecomiMiiral, aa it can ha foruiaba<l lor one-ball the rot of the*bont ¦•ticlp-t, lor all of whlcb jt in more Iln>n a mihatitnte.In -"liilliti fr l'lttkrta , of nil cliatniit*, -xrno*!*, fid Corn-ell nttilCM lliroutiboat tha United Kingdom. Rind NeaM i-i Kario" C.'., 2D3, Hi jU -Holborn, LouJuu ;iud ParkP.«f,N.,T york, U.9.


Wysc, D.L., C. Rogers, P. Barron Newoll, and J.Powor.

ASSAULTS.—John Mullownoy and Edward Houlahanwero brought up ou remand from tho polico offico,charged with having, on tho night of Monday, fairday, at tho Collogo road, severely assaulted a re^pcot-nblo and aged farmer, immed James Powor, fromMontnahoguo. Jlr. 1. Arabroso, solr., appeared forHonlahan, nn employe in tho Watorford StoamshipCompany's sorvico, and llullowney dofonded himsolf,whilst Constable Wilson, Manor-station, noted for thocrown. It appeared from tbo testimony of TimothyPower, his littlo son Pierso, Miohaol! Walsh, and Thos.Ronayno, that, ou Monday ovoning, complsinant andn fow friends (eomo of tho witnesses being of tho num-ber) , wero in Mrs. Ronayno's publio-houso iu thoManor having some rofreshmont. AB thoy were thusongaged Houlahan, iu an infuriated stato from drink,enmo to Mrs. Ronayno's door, and tried to got in ;iu this effort bo wan foiled, and his noxt attompt wasto try nnd induce- Poivor's sorvant, Walsh, to comoout to fight, tho Uhlan having previously filled hispockets with stones. In this kind object ho \nequally unsuccessful , and, nt length, went away. Insome time nlterwarda complainant, accompanied byPiorso Powor and his man Walsh, loft Konayno's forhomo, wiWi tboir horses, but wero, unfortunately,followed by a mob, amongst whom Mullowncy wnsidentified as a prominent leader, whilst tho other wasnot afterwards seen in tbo scuffling which ensued.With somo of thoso mon Walsh got into an altercationat tbo end of tho College-road, and Power retraced hissteps to get him away. When ho reached Walsh,Mullownoy, as was fully deposed to by l'ierso Power,struck him iu tho faco, and sent him to tho ground,striking his head against tlio wall as ho foil. Powerwns insensible- for over a quarter of an hour after howas struck, nnd was removed by Piorso Powor to his(Power's) house, whero ho wns attonded by Dr. Jack-man. Uuring tlio progress of the caso much amuse-ment was crca(£~rl in cuurb by this witucss's sou, asmart littlo follow of somo thirteen summers, pointingout, in ouo' of tho side boxes, somo threo or four ofthose ho saw iu the crowd that night, and who weroimmediately pouiicod on as witnesses by CoustnbloWilson. One of them, named llencberry, sworo hosaw Mullowncy very rowdy that night, and lightingwith a man near tho crass in tho Manor for upwardsof fifteen minutes, but Hnul"ih*iu did not appear alall. Dr. Jnckman deposed that Power had threey crv povcro wounds ou tho top of lits head, two ofthem longitudinal , tlio third transverse, with thoscal p all torn. It wns a wuutlcr to him that tbo skullwas not broken altogether. At that moment Power'slife was not out of danger, nml ho wiw not alj lo toappear. Mr. Ambrose submitted then- was no cvi-rleueo against lttnihihan, and stated lie bad a numberot witnesses to^ivo him iincxccHoutelinracter. Theirworships discharged ITouIahnn for tho proseut, andremanded Mullonuey for eight dnys.

Michael Pliolan , .1 driver in the employment oftho Messrs, Slattcry, Intaon merchant--! of this city,appeared to answer a clmrgo by Michael Dunphy, ashunter in the pervico of tho Watorford and Limerickrailway company, nt Xuwrath, for having obstructedhim in his duty on tho 3th of September, nnd havingassaulted him at samo Limo and place. It apnoarsthat it is Duiiph y'-s duty to shunt eattlo and goods'trains into 11 ducjk at tlio terminus for tbo purpose ofbeing discharged , and on the day namcxilic so shunted11 goods' train , consisting of somo thirty wngi*cn.s, aportion of them being wngson.-i carry ing piga to tho.Messrs. Slatlery. Tho duck was only capable ofholding twent.y-Rix ol the waggons at tlio 0110 time,and, in cunsci|iu!ncc, Dunphy linU to detach tboremainder to await their turn. The result was, thattho Messrs. Slattery's pigs wero then divided ; l'Jielaubecame irritated at, the event, and got into an alter-catiou with Dunphy, wbum ho struck twice, once ontho head with ;i small stick liu carried iu bis hand.Uy this conduct he was prevented performing liUduty, and had to get anolhcrmnn to do it. Dunphy'sstatement wns run oburatcd by uomo of liU fullow-servaiit-', and deibndant made no tnngiblo defence,the only thing iu his favor being a genoral statementfrom pol ico ami others that be was a very quiet man.Mr. Ambrose hero referred tho court to tho act ofparliament, which impose.-* :i penalty as high as JS 'ilor obstructing railway otlicials in thu execution oftheir duty, and tho chairmau said Hie majority of thobench wero for sentencing defendant to p:iy a lino of.£:!, with cost*, or go to jail for ouo mouth. Threeweeks wero given in which to paw

Job-iuti'i Power charged her dnuglitor-in- 1-r.v Julia ,with assaulting her, :md Julia summonsed li'.-r I IUH *band, l'eter, for ussmillin-r her on tbo "ilst., 2~ 2ii:l ami•S M d of tho ]tast inonlh. It seemed tlia ;. lln -l'owei-H , who live in Cannon-sLreet , have bi-'-nniodivided iu their former close relations, 1'UK .T h.-iviu*;gone to resiiU' with hi-i tna', taking threu of his c'tii.drou with hint , le.-ivinif tlio fourth, an infant I'otver,with tho descried one. Tn Ijelievo the wilo 's story il,seemed a hnitl case against her : l'eter It 'll her wholl yunprovided for ; diirint,' throe weeks lie Ki .-nt ln*r ;!s. lokeep soul anil body together, :uid that trillu onl y 0:1tbo iiitvrfrrcnuuol 'Mr. llooncy, U.O. He, fiirlliuruiuri' ,indul ged in a.-'.-aiiltiug her and. on one occasion latel y,threatened to upon her with a knife, which kniio shobrought down for ihu inspection of thn court.Ht-lie'-ing th:-L tho old woman J> -id a £.*or-il deal to ilitwith this altamlottuieiit by hr-r hnsbaml—and iad'.'nilthe iineicnt'.-i tl u'ineaiiourou tho lublo pointeil forcibl yto that conclusion—she liccmnc iiiuuli iuceiisuil a-^iiusther, ;inil , itiveling lit- l* otn: <l-* y, lis sbi: wns retiit-iiiugfro m market , sbo wlii |ipud tho basket out nf the oldwoiu.'iu's band , and n-el h':r with it on the head,sending its eitiilt-nts , apples, ti:a, sti^i-r, camllt-s ,tobacco, and a host nfc'. •:<.•!• ''•'¦*, l»-itlei-otl an.I se;illt-ivdubollt thti roadway. For *u t:r,tin»iitin^ ln-rscit' Jtil i .-iwa.-l bound over iu her personal wcurily of .'*"> in bo ajiurfvct ilm-o toivanl.-* her uiothei- .iii - l-iw , :i:nl , LhouijliBhe sworu hard, sho failed against l'eler, anil ho gotoil' Kcalbeless.

Catherine Walsh conip l-ii-iod that liar (-iccotid)hiisbuud James, niiirderousl y assaultetl her oil thu ]->tof the month nt their houso tit tbo Kind's Meatlow.From Mrs. Walsh's titatcinent it. tr.mspiie > l that onthe day named defendant was very cross to her , amipurticu l arly so when she returned from town wherosho had been attending m-itkot. Ho charged herwith being drunk , followed hoi* into her room Hwcar-iug ho would bavo her Hfa na 'i'um the servant, heronly protector, was away ; hu boat her there, and,when silo made out into the road to escape him, fol-lowed her, beat her there ulso, and dragced her intuthe house. Having H <I (lejtosed to Mr. Jfownnl , xhuwas cross-examined by Mr. Strange on family in-iilor.-ito show she bail given provocation , but that insinua-tion she positively denied , nddin;,', however, thatJames was iu the habit of ill-using her. There was novalid defence, am! accused was bound over for twelvemouths in .tlO nnil two lives, or gn to jail for onomonth. James wont lo prison in 11 towering mm*.

Patrick Morris siiniuioiist 'tl his brother JamesMorris, of Orclianlstown , for assaulting him by stone-throwing on the *Jl!tli of August, liuih parties iinifanners living ue (Jrci-anlslotv-i uutlur M r. Slicrlack ,and reside close to eaeli other. Dividing tin! twnhdhlings - originall y one—it a borheen, to tlio list: nfwhich ihuroughraro tint complainant lay.-i claim , and,nt titties , put it into praetiei*, uiitil , at hist , dc-feudautobjected, ou the looting that keep ing it open win tbocatl-tu of plaiulitrd calllo trespassing on di-t'i-mhml'sground and, as be said, to prevent that iiijut-y con-tinuing ho shut it up. Ou thu 2litluof August Patwent to draw homo UU corn, and to do so levelledsomo gaps lending from this borbeen into tint fields ,nnil was brin-'iii!-' his liorsos through n-lieu James,us sworn to by couipl-iinnut ami ouo of his men, cuiuent him with siones, sumc of the missiles striking ri-i-yclose- to his person. Tho defendant frrr-ui-ntlythrcntuued him bulure , but coinphiiiiuut furboru totake pn-ceedings against him until he cuiilil no longerbear with him , anil bo was now forced lo bring himinto court. As lo tho road itnulf hu (Pal) had aperfect right lo its use.bccntuc it wns in part measuredU|ton bis holding. The ordnance tna]i,sliowing thin tnbo tho fact, wii* hero produced by complainant. Thechairman acid that, as ngont to thu proper!-}-, lie, inconjuuetion with tho luudlrnl , Mr. Sherlock, undCapt. Cogblan , bad*8Buo uvarything possiblo to settleditfurcucos between loose two nien but failed , and howas afraid thero was 110 uso iu trying any moro.Mc-ssrs. Power and Kogers urged tho parties to beguided by those two gcntlcmun, but whilst complain-nut appeared satisfied defeudaut declined, uud ho wu.sbound over for twelve months, liimso/f in £10, andtwo sureties of £5 aach, gottiug a week to perfecttbo bouds. Mr. J. W. Howard for complainant ; Mr.StraiiKO for defeudaut.

A Iti-m-R CASE—TIIK CUSIOU or TIIK MAXKET.—Mr. Fiaucis Buggot, Clonmel, sued Mr. John Jtynn,butter inerclmut, Watorford, for ill balanco of amountalleged as duo upon a salo of buttor by complainantto defendant. It appeared that on tho 2 Hh of AugustMr. Dap-p-ot eold to Mr. Ryan UOlirkiDS of buttor, ntJB-I GS. Cd. a firkin , making £HC, 10a. for tho lot ; butou paying him Mr. Hyau stopped £1, alleging thatMr. Baggot agreed, according to tho market custom,to lot him Imvo " a luck penny." Mr. Baggot fcaid hodid oot uudcrstand sach lnck as that wan, und ho sum-moned defendant for tho pound, averring that tucrowas no agreement to giro it, and that , there was1 nocustom of tho markot to sustain it; Mr. Ryan boughttuo buttor by baud, aud said.tiotliingabout tlio firkinsbeiug <|Ualif|ed by any ono but by himsolf; ho wouldnot sell upon any other terms. Dcfuudaut sworo thatcomplainant agreed to tho lack ponny when soilingtlio battor, and that it wus aocqrding to tbo custom oftho market, but this latter statement tho chairman,said could not bo correct, because his experitmeo oftho markot showed him tbo rbveruo. Mr. Ilyan ; Yousell by weight, probably. Tlio ovidonco was coufinodto the two principals, and their worships decided infavor of Mr. Batrgot, giving him a decree, with costs.Adjourned.

TJIE MEMOUK or IKELINII S LIIIKIIATOR .—A bust ofDaniol O'Connell has just been unveiled in Union Park,New York. It is a plaster of Paris done by a yonngIrish sculptor, Mr. William U. O'Donovau , find in in-tended to he tho origioal of a brouzu statub to boorectcd in Central Park. It is to bo fourteen foot high,and is to bo surrounded by tweivo colossal figures,'representing tweivo epochs in the biBtory of Irelaud.

Post no billi—Pay them. '


PETTY SESSIONS—TBUHSDAT.Bcforo Captain Blooko, B.M. (ohairman) ; 0. Sonlly

and T.- B. Wilson, Eaqrs. Mr. B. MoLoughlin, 8.1.,was in attendance

N UISANCE.—A nuisanoo, Bworn to by Wm. Shoedy,inspector, as oxistiDg in tho yard of Miohael Walsb,Main-street, created by pigs, was ordered to bo abatedin ODO week.

THE SEVERE ASSAULT AT TUB REGATTA.—MiohaolLoncrgan, assaulted ia ChapoMano on the 25th Julylast, tho first ovoning of tho regatta, appeared to pro-cuto Pat Noill for tho alleged ofibneo. Lonergan saidho was in Carrick on tho 25th July, and received astroko of n hammor on tho head ; he had had a wran-glo with James Neil!, resulting in nothing moro thana fow strokes of the fist ; Neill then ran into a houso,nnd complainant followod him to tho- door ; whoa re-turning ho got a stroke on the head, tut did not knowby whom tuo blow -gas given ; saw Jamoa Caroorythero bolbro ho was knocked down insonsiblo ; ho worea chip hat,which ho uotr idoatified na tho ono he woroon that evening ; complainant was laid upfor a monthand did nob do any work siucc. John Loncrgan, bro-ther to complainant, sworo ho was not at tho begin-ning of 6(10 tight : ho knew James Kcill , and saw himruuvito tho houso; after somo timo Carborry camoup, aud asked who was going to striko Noill ; saw amau named Kennedy btaggor back against tho door ;saw Jamc3 Neill and another boy como out of thohouse ; tho old mau was with him; Pat Noill followedhis brothor, and knocked him down with a stroko of ahammer on tho bead. [Hero tho hammer wns pro-duceel and idontiliod]. Mr. ]t. McLougblin, S.I., said,that bo recollected tlio 25th July ; as lio was on dutythat evening in tho Main-stroct, a gentlemau told hima man had been badly beaten in Lougb-streot; pro-ceeded to tho placo, and saw somo policomen outsidoXoill'a door; they bad two mou arrested ; tho elderKoillwas described as tbo mnn who bad struck Loner-gau ; bo had him nrro6tod, and brought to tho barrack,where John Loncrgan idontificd him as tho porsou whohad assaulted bis brother. Tbo cbiplmt was producedand had a cut in tbo crown of it corresponding withtbo claw of tbo hammer exactly. Ilo found tbo ham-mer in Xcill's shop, nnd tho heel stick in tho yard, attho rcrn of his liou*-c. Dr. O'Hyiu said ho attendedMich-tol Lonergau, who was very dangorously woundedon tbo head ; his skull was fractured , and drivcu inon tlin brain , '.which, protruded through tho wound *hiii lifo was in danger for two or three weeks. Sentto quarter f-essinns,

IJ A KCTXV OF TI-RKKYS .—Mrs. Jnno Mnndovilloagainst Mavgni-ct Murphy, for having fivo turkoys, herproperty, in her possession , knowing them to havebeen slolen. Mary Yount; sworo H IIO was iu Mrs.Mandeville 's employment for 2S years ; sho had all tlioturkeys 011 Tuesday and Wednesday ; sbo fed themevery day; they wero missed by lier ou Thursday,and thn next pl-ieo sho aiv them -.viia at tho lock-upin Carrick-on-Suir; sho described thorn to tho policobcforo sho saw them in tho barrack ; knew them atonco ; one turkey in tho lot bad small whito feathersin her wings aud tail; thoso wero tbo tarkoys whichworo stolen. Acting-Constablo Barry deposed hoseari'hctl defendant's honsc, and found fivo turkeys ;wlion ho asked her whero sho got them sho first saidsho reared them herself, and then BIIO stated that shohad them .1 fortnight; afterwards that Hho boughtthem at Fiddown ; H !IO did not tell witness tbo nameof the person from whom sho bought them. Consl-ibloMolfat corroborated tho oviitenco of Actinif-ConstnbJonarry, andthc court ruled tlio caso should be adjourneduntil next court day to enable tho accused to try andfind the person* from whom she (- --id she bought tlioturkeys. Ou tho application of Mr. Vowel!, who ap-peared for Mrs. Murphy, sho wan admitted to bail ,herself in £10, nml'two sureties in .(M O each.

Ai.i ,Kt ;'-:i> LAIICENY or MONEY .—John Dishup chargedCatherine lirennan with stonling 3s. from him on Sun-day evening last in O'XciU's public-house, at the WestGate. Complainant sworo be was drinking in O'Xeill'swith the pri.-iouer aud her husband ; they were sittingn<*ur; her 1 III .H 1I.UH1 stood up and mado ino sit downwhere* lio was ; lio (Bishop) cnltod for half a gallon ofbeer to treat them; ho had 11s. when ho went intotlie house ; paid Mrs. O'Neill 'Id. lid. ; fclfc a hand passfrom his pocket and lio made a " grab" at it , but didnot catch it; lio then missed Ms. fid . out of hi.*i pocket;hi! wn-i i|iiito sober at tho time. Cross-examined byMr. Walsh - Has no ccrtaii: place of residence, butworks through tho .country as a harness maker ; invery seldom at home ; his witb and family aru livingiu Clnumel ; it is a couple of months since be sawthem; was robbed of half a sovere ign before in Clou-1111J ; did not pi-osi.'cuto thu mnn who took the money ;was novel* accused liiins i .- it' ol' robbery ; could not toilwhose band it wn* In felt. Tlio court ordered theprisoner to be discharged , as thcro was no caso made'i-siin.-t her.

Aw i r i iKi t A"S AI :I.T.—Joh n Colleton summoned Jits.Mahei-, lliclinr.l Mickey, -ni'! t'voother.s fur assaultinghim on Saturday nielli , the ilrt l instant. Coinpl-utiuttlswrtre In: \v;ts s!nu:U nu l i te H M* J of lite head, twnsli-.;hl strtiki-s ni'b i i Hit , by ItieuMnl Ma'.icr ; Kiuhardlliclcey nliei-wnnls rushed at him , ami gave u 'iglitsti -ciki* on th-j lurail, w\luu- a pnttuut itivOMti j;itio:i ,wh ich i.-cjupieil .some titm*, tbo court ordered Multernnd Hicki-y to ptiy 15s. costs anil all , or a fortnight'simprisonment. Scxt'in was tinetl os. aud costs, and\n l in uns div-ob:ii';.'i;d.

l-'is i ir . i tv CASK .—John Lynch , wator-bailill', char^etlJ nines Mi -Uiiii i - i ig h tlial lie , at llall ydino, on the "iinliust., illi' - .'nlly useil a .cctM'P in.*l*in tin: capture: of Jisb ,anil lisht'd tlii -ri , :tl sninu tiiuo and plucc, ill tli':rivt .'l' Suit* . Mr. Wnlsli a|ittt-aretl tni* tlt-j -loibnco, anilrilij i 'i:ii- il to the wsier-bailill ', as there was nn one iucnui *. vbo ktn:\v him as Kiieli ; he waa unable to provetin! signatures t.t bis wainuit , nnd tlio magistrates,not kiiowin;; Lynch or t in' signaUlri-H of tbo couscrv.aiors tn ill-* warrant , niljuun-.ed tbo easo til l ne.v:t• •i.iirt d:iy, M<;l)onniij;ii 10 appear on the same. sum.nidus. —;\iljoiirni-d.

liOAKI) 01' GUAIU J lAXri— SATI - BIIAY .Mr. b'. IFnnAN , H.V.G., in tbo chair.

Also present—The Karl of llc-KUoruiig li , .Mossr.s. T.Connoll y, P. Hennubery, .1. I'.ieb-xidson . W. Power, J .lliek< 'v , I' . I'iiolan , C. Seully, J.P., W. Briton , P.i)- .niell , M. (Juirk , W. Walsh. J. Kirwan.

Tuv : CASK or R I.'SSEM..—Mr. ltichardson uskedwhatthev bad dono in rufun-nco to Kusnell , whoso casocaiuR bfforo them the last day ? Mr. Lawrence, U.O.,Kiiid ho had written to tho commissioners, but had re-ceived no answer ns yet. Mr. Uichardson : Why iathat ? Mr. Lawrence supposed tho matter was re.furred to tbo law adviser. Mr. Kichardson : The wholetliin-; is verv Rtrange.

TI I K W.vrKicroun U NION CI.KUK ->I I I I '.—Mr. JohnMael.ey, clerk of union , asked for leuvo of absence,and also fnr a testimonial , us lie was about to applyfor thu clerkship of the Wnterford union, nuw vacaut.Mr. Power: 1 am sorry to think you mean to partwith us. Mr. Lalor : He is quite rij {ht to seek to bet-tor bis condiiiou. The Cbuiriuau : Our clerk has givenus uvery -satisfaction, and bus proved his ollicienoy bytbo manner in which bo has discharged bis duties,tt inu>t bo remembered that ho rtmo into olliou at avery try ing time, when our all'airs wero ill soinu con.fusion. The clerk obtained tho required leave, andalso an excellent testimonial , referring to bis energyautl ability.

A FA I I : PKOTOSITI ON.—Tbo IJepnty-ViccChairuiaureported that I111 attended that day to take stock, butno orher guardian liavinj} put in nn ajipearaiieo, bowould not undertake tho business by himself. 1I Uwould , tberefo-.-e, propose that the chairman bo fined.1"!, tbo viee.e liairnian , f-, aud itach giianliau , X \~t!»! proeeeiN to bo applied to thu relief of thn ivonmleill-'rench mid Prussiaiis (laughter). Tho propositionwas not , however, acted on.

l) KKAI.n.ATl oX*>.—Tho Clerk Buid lio had called nn theMossrs. liurko and Kolly in roforenco to the defalca-tions of the lato master. They were to send iu theirreport. Ordered to have the rojiort read at tho nextmeet iu<; of Iho board.

CONTRACTS.—Tbo following half-yearl y contractswere declared:—Flour, -10*. per.uack—Mr. Jas. Byrne.Indian meal, l!0s. per sack—Messrs. Copoland it Co./tatmoal, l.'ls. o"J, per cwt.—Mr. Walsh, Oleubower.Skimmed lnilk , at .liuVp-jr gal.—Mr. Proudcrgost.Hecf (best cuts) , IJd. por lb., and Boup pieces, at IIJil .jter lb. ; mutton, at Cd. por lb.—Mr. Carroll. Spirits(15 degrees O.P.). at 15s. per gal.; port wiuo, 2s. 3d.per bottlo; Marnala wiuo, "is. do. ; tea, 2s. per lb. ;soft sugar, 8Jd. peV lb.; lump sugar, 5d. per lb. ;starch, 3J d. per lb.; ground pepper UJd. por lb.—Mr.James Costulloo. Washing soda, 5s. (id. per cwt.—Mr. Malone. Yollow soap, '^5s. (id. per cwt .; diptcandles, 5d. per lb. ; composite do., tin. ; )nould do.,;»}d.—M r. James Costolloc. At this Btugo tbo consid-eration of tendors was adjourned.

STATK OP TUB irOUSI!.N'mnbor in the hiiu«f , 301 ; n- liniitid , !>3 ; died , 3- dis-

clinri -eil , 2C; m |,II U H, horp ital, 111); (rrer hi>«|iilitl 1; rciun 'm.itt -t on ab ire date, Wo; cotrenpoii-JiiijC wftk hit yvar , ;IT>(J ;decrea<i', 65; number on oui-duur r-rlicl, MS. Aim-unirecci-ftd duflnis llii! wteV , L2tl 10<. 0.1.; -mid, £i'J3 10 (. t)J.;kiUuce hi (ttor <il tuiiiiiUii ', £221 7». 01.; co-t nl -,ruvi.ainnti, Ac, reai»L-J, £30 I4i &l ;tli |l«t couitiinrd , i37 lit 7J;ceui-ritl liverHte (0!t , 2». -l|J : iulinnaijr , 3»j tevtr bospital ,4i.; cust of ont-door rilicf , « »'• O'-

FIRE IN CALLAN .—A dostructivo firo took placo iuCallau on Wednesday, at tho premises of Mr. AndrewButler, liotol.kecper, through tho negligence ofa coin-liiereial traveller who waa etoppiog thero on thatnight. In looking over tlio orders whiuh ho got du-ring tho day, sloop overcame him, tbo caudle droppedin tho bed, from which proceeded tho lira. Thostabling which joins tho hotel is ull destroyed ; thodwelling bouso only CEcnpcd. It is expected ho hastbo pluco insured.

Live dirt—A man.Deer eating—Vouison.HOLLOWAYS PILLS.—Truthful experience,—The

u-.litril Ii .li.1,1,11) ui thuu- iin '• , "tv "¦'"•< I'Vrr .inui-i titan 30j ntf , i. .r»i. mrnnuly r<-O 'Uii - i«»l '1 ''"'»•• •''"< " H ID li»i-.'irifit itH . ihe inifdrsi npcriciitf , an 1 the anrt-tt nti 'nrfliire*- .'lliey never iiroie tolu.itn nr tilt' -nm-iy iniipoiiuy i t \ ir l ,I I I ttt lwlt ull ,:il H of thi! >l'in x-'i, lui'K- . limit , head,,. A hm la in !(,<• only »»fit «!:<.' W llii"»le mi) , l,y i) r,.ur-l.H I 'JC the b'noil , Hiid i>u rradicntior: tl (J>U i" piinittra tvhicb nrptlie InuiiOmiou and MI|I -JIJI 1 ul alic >»l (vny II^CJ*. ThtirII i-ilicnul (rflloac) i< wundrrfnl iu ll 'linvA lllii: rnlrcUrd Dili,iliiutinii - . Tlu-ir o«ii(i» iin brsr'*-1 all Hi»t i» d»ii ablp in an-i -iteliuM iiitibciln , They cip-'.| tn-iy iioxii.111 jtjtl t-ffoteu.utnr; -uiu ttui lU 'atituglli u uiiiltrcd Dud tlie t-ucrgittt.iuialtli.d, ¦' ¦'"¦¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ . - ¦

WATEEFOBD FABMINQ SOCIBITr S SHOW.Tho followioj? is'that portion'of!the- 'prize list for

whioh wo wero. unable to make room last post :—OENTLEUEN'S CLASS.

SWINE.—BoBt :boar between 6 and-24 months:Lord Huntingdon's Berkshire boar, farrowed 1869 ;first medal. Breeding BOW in pig: Maurice Shanahan,first modal. Best boar, Yorkshire breed : John Power,Hoonanimtra, challenge onp, ralno £10.. FOWL.—Spanish 003k. and two hens : S.Mowbray,

first and second medals. Cochin China cook and twohens : C. N. Bolton first; Sir R. J. Paul sooond.Dorking cook aud two hens : S. Mowbray first ; SirE. Paul second. Hamburg cook and two hens : S.Mowbray. Aylosbury drake and two ducks : 9. Mow-bray, first ; C. N. Bolton second. Best Ronen ditto :S. Mowbray first; C. N. Bolton socond. Best pen offancy ohickons : Miss M. Barron, Nowtown, first; S.Mowbray, second.. Gander and two geese : S. Mow-bray first and second. Turkey cock and bens : S.Mowbray. Best collection of pqnltry : S. Mowbray,first-class modal.

BLTTEU, opon to all.—Potor Strange- first-classmodal, and 10a. to dairy maid.

GitEEN Cnoi'3.—3 acres maugolds : Sir R. Panlfirst ; Lord Waterford second. .1): ocros do. : Mrs.L|-nhamSrst;P. Strango second. 5 acrC3 SwedishTurnips: Jas. Anderson, first; Lord Waterford, so-cond. 2J acres do.: Mrs. Lunbam, first ; P. Strange,second. Carrots : W. Joyce, first ; Lord Waterford,second. Parsnips : 31. Slianahau, first; William Joycosecond.

JUHMEns' CLASS.CATTLK, both classes.—Host bull under 5, thorough

hrod : John Carroll , Earlsrath, red bull Kegent 2 yrs.old—£3. First class (Sows—Farmors, valued over£100—Cow in calf ormilk : Thomas Cleary, Prospect,£3; Ml. Carroll, Ballyeoshin, 30s. ; Ml. Maddock,Gmeedicu, II. C, and Tbos. Cloary (socond animal) C.Threo years' old heifers : W. Joyco, Sylph Gth , byLord of Kocklands, £2 ; Thomas "Cleary, £l; MichaelCarrol', JI.C. Two years' old .- John Carroll, Earls-rath, £2 ; do. second, 1; William Joyco and T. ClearyH.C., and M. Shanahan, C. Yearlings : Tbos. Kelly,Charlcstown, £2 ; Tbos. Cleary, £1; Daniel Murphy,Blossom-Hill, H.C. Heifer Calves : Thomas CJe.iry,first and second, £1 and 10s.; M. Sbanaban nnd j.Carroll , 1I.C.; Ml. Carroll, C. Second class—Valua-tion under £100—Cows iu calf or milk : Pat Walsh ,Grantstown, £2 10s.; Ml. Maddock , U racedien . .-CI ;E. M'CJrath , Cove, C. Threo years' old heifers in do. :Ml. Maddock, £1 10.. ; Mnurico Hartry, Kilbarry,13s. ; Pat Lyons, JSisdiopsconrt , C. liest two years'old : Ml. Maddock, £1 10s. *, P. Lyons, 15s.; P. Walsh,Grantstown , U.C. Ycarliim.-!: Dan Murphy, £1 10B. ;ditto 15s. > Ml. Maddock, H.C. ; clas? specially com.mended. Host heifer calf: P. Lyons, Cl; John Power,Moonatninlra 7s. fid.; P. Lyons (second animal) 71.0.

SitKKf , both classes.—Best Kam : James Hally,Ball ybex, -Os. First class (over 00 acres)—licitthreo breeding ewes : F. G. Kent, Islandview, Cl 10s.l''ivo owe lambs—Ditto, 20.-I. Second do. under 50acres—Best tbrco breeding owes—John Power, Moon-amintrn, £l. Five owo lambs—ditto, 20s.

Swt.VK, both classes.—Beat boar from 0 to 21 months—M . Shanahan , £10. First class Farmers—HostBOW anil litter of six not over G mouths.—ThomasKelly, Cliarlcstowti , £1 10.*. ; F. C. Kent, £1. Hostbreeding sow in yount;—John Power, Moonainintrn ,£1. Second class—Sow and litter of six, J. l'ower,Moonamintra, £1.

Host two couple of turkeys, F. O. Kenf., ."¦-. Bestbrood mure, for farming piirpo.-ies, in foal or fonl atfoot ; Ml. Carrol l , IS-illvcasliin, Cl ; .las. Kcnnr-dr,Knrickoen , C2 ; AVm. M'Ouii -p, Woodslo'vn, .Cl. Man-golds—Win. Joyco first, John Wnlsh second ; Swedishturnips—Jas. I [ally, first; F. Kent , second. Secondcliis-i , do.—Mangolds, P.Lyons, first ; John l'ower,ccoml.

.IIMICES.For gentlemen's eattlo aud ulioep—Colonel 1'isher ,

Messrs. Murray nnd Milward. For Dinners ditto—Messrs. J. Jones , S. Mowbray , and J. Hill , l'nultryand swine—Messrs. (1. I/ine .111.I W. Joyce. llurscs—Mes-rs. P. W. 1'oworaud .I. U. Jones, (ireen Crops—linn. 1). F. Fortcscue, M.P., Capt. Dillon , and G.Morris.

As will bo seen from tlio prizo ("beet the society hasconsiderably extontlcd the area of its opei-ntions—ex.tcmlinp; in ono direction to New Ross. The managingcommittee nntici pato a decided improvement fromthe extension.

LISMORK FARMING SOCIKTV'S *HH0\\The thirty-fourth annual show of farm stuck and

protltico, under tlio auspice.-- of the l.isniore rarniiugSoci'.'ty, was held iu Listnoro ou Thursday. Nov.- fortyyears in cxistencc^lio sociely wn-t originally lirnitcdto tho tenants of the Duke of Devonshire , but it winsubsequently extended 10 the l.isniore L'nion , thrn-hylargely augmontini; the iiutnbi!!* of its lu- .tinbers andmaterially extendiug its usefulness. Its history is nrecord of almost unbroken KUCCO -SS, and ils ]n- ' :ei:teonditiou is in a high degree satisfactory, a-;riVi'!tur-ists of all classes b'.'in*,', liy its means, brought intocommunication with tbo beneficial result:-; inseparablefrom their action and rc-aciiou upon one another.—Tbo Society's exhibitions have been nearly alwaysj.'oo<l in point both of rvti 'iit anil merit , and this year,whilst other Koci*:ti<-s ft-areil to enter the lists at all ,tbo Li.fitu>ro showed as much'vitality and sueeess asever. The arrangements were most s-atisf:ietory, tlicor'It .T witll which every part of llir ]tn>^|-ainuiL! wasenrrieil out being alto-rctiier surprisitt- '. 1'i.r thisthn him. Keeielan iM , hir Ilieliartl Mji-- --ravi', li .-i rc,and W. Ros-i I'al i lwin , (who aeli'il in his father'sabsence) , and also ;he Howard s of the yard, an: to liethauki-d. The entries wero about twenty less titanlast year , ami twenty only, a trifling (locroas:', cu.- i-t 'l l in i l tn t .'¦*-* pmih'y ;:in»l biu' ei- elasse.-i. Tbi! !ionii-tlcnttle exbibiti- .l nntiiberu-l over 17", ;uid certainl y :imore erulilablt! -^ltow of str.ek luis st-aun-l y been hi-hlin anv other district of Ireland. In thu hoi'.orarvrla- .-i wj fin.l ai,;i,;a!H wi-ll w.,r:!,y 01' li-in-,- end ;'„ruiupcto at :uty of the llnyal Show-.-, and mi lrlV renieto the carefully prepared catalogue , it was :it o:ic-iioli. ;'-rvc< l that >-oitn.- at leasi. were tin.1 tleseenihwitsofthe; ]> bltitid in the kingdiiin. Mr. U. l't 'i't'ovalcarried oil' first pri/.e iu the class for aged bulls with" Faughnballa." Tlt is Hpteudid animal ia by I'riiiccViclor, tbo dam Jlosabul by Royal Dane, anil wnsbred by J. W. Maxwell , Ksi- ., l-'innobroguc, Down-patrick. Mr. Gumblutou, in the section fur bullscal ved in ISG'J , showed " L'arl of Courtown." a romark-ably fine sire, and got hy tho Duko of Marlborough.Mr. John Downing's" Roan Lilac," by that celebratedsiro Master llarbiiiger, took first prize iu tlio sectionfor cow.< , Mr. Pereeval'rt l'rinees-4 Victor, hy PrinceVictor being second. Mr. (Jumbleton'-i Emma (byMaster Harbinger) and Polly Perkins (by Princo ofthe llcnlm) took first and .second prizes in tho claysfor hiiifiTs calved in lSfX). In tbo sbvcp sections thoexhibitors wore Messrs. J. 1*. Furlong, D'ljougntane,W. It. Parker, R. Perceval , and J. Downing. Mr.Furlong obtained no less than live first prizes. Thehorned cattle were at oucu tlio most ttuinerouH andthe most invariably excellent. Thcro wero few bulls,tho exhibitor-- iu this class being nearly nil of ibolimiomry clasM ; anil the lew nircs of any kind shownby tho tenant farmers wero mediocre. Tbo animalsrant in by the guutleiucu farmers displayed excollontbreeding, but wore not very remarkable for size. Inthu honorary eluss the most successful exhibitors ofbulls were :—Mr. 11. J. M. Ciumbluloti , of (ilnuatorc,nnd Mr. Richard Percival , of Kilmoro ; nnd amongstthn tenant farmers Mr. Pope, of Deerpark, and Mr.Pat Higgins, of Culliuag li. Cows aud heifers weroall excellent in size, shape, and condition, and souniformly was this caf r», that iho task or tho judgesmust havo been one or great difficulty. Somo nicoyearlings wero also exhibited. Thoro was a capitalshow of swino by all classes of coinpotitom. Horseswere not very many, bnt evinced a marked improve-ment in breed anil Kiiitabilit y ns coroparod with pre-vious years. This was especially tbo caso amongstthe animals exhibited by tho tenant farmers. Therowas nn uvcrage display of butter in firkins, and it wasremarked by tlio ju.l-cs that rho host wua producedIty the second class farmers. A fow lots of very linoroots wero -sent in by Mossrs. Gumblcton, Torry, and(Joo-1 ; and thero was n collection, of very serviceable)firming implements shown by Mr. Good of Ball ygo-Line. About £120 wero bestowed by tbo society onthe tenant farmer classes in prizes for stock. Nearlyan ccpinl Hum was distributed in prizes for greencrops, half being subscribed hy his Grueo tho Dukoof Devotisbiru, and half by tlio farmers themselves.Prizes to tho nmount of iito wero awarded for labour-ers1 eottnges, £15 of that sum beiug coutributod bythe Irish Peasantry Society of London. In nearlyevery department of the show thero was considerablemerit. The following gentlemen acted as judges intho respective departments:—Horned eattlo- Messrs.R. L. Fell, Watergrasshill ; H. \ f . Wbito, Goldon,I ipperary ; G. Bolster, Curragbbowor, Kantnrk. Pigs, poultry, and butter—Messrs. W. Boylo, MonsterModel Farm, Cork ; J. O'lirien, Aglish; and J. Down-ing Asbfiold , Fcrmoy. Sheep.—Dr. Roeho, Formoy ;and I, iouiiell. Horses-S. It. Fitz-jerald, Cappoquiu ;und U. A. Fitzgerald Dungarraii.

I'Ul/K LIST.HoN-nitAiiY CLASS—BUII B, 2 years, anil not oxecod-injj G years old—1st prizo, Richard Poreival , Kilmore,(bull , Lugalmbolla..) , 2nd prizo, G. W. Lloyd,Stranoally Castlo. Bulls calved ou or after 14th

fti!da,rrf }-!W9rUt\K - J- 5I - Gumbloton, Glanatoro,("Karl of Courtown") : 2nd, Mrs. Chearnloy, Suiter'bridge Cow with culf or in mitk-lst, John Down-ing, Ashfic! d, 1" &uy Loss") : 2nd, Kicbard Porcival ,r .', A

{ T,n<if? Victor")i highly commended,Goorgo Acres, Ballyin . Two-year old heifer, withcalf-lst Gcorgo Acres, Ballyin; 2nd, do., do. ; highlyoommoDded R. P. Maxwel l, MooVhill! Heifer oScm or after 1st Jauuarj-, 18C9_Ut, R. J. M. Gaiablo-ton, Glauatoro;2i.d, .]o.,uo. Woanling ball calf—il*i'.E-J5-|MM'Sll> M«"-hi'li2nd, MS. Chearnley,SnUerbridgo Weanling heifer calf-l.t, B. P. MSIwoll; and highly commended. Aged ram—1st RichardPoreoral, X.lmoro ; 26d, \y. H. Parker, RosevMo.lionet mms-lst, W. U. Parker. Longwoolod r.Z~ ' ',?•£ M

Ur -Sns> D'Lo--Shtano ; 2nd, John, Asbhcld Bower. Loieostor ram—1st, .1 pFurlong. Pen ofaged owes—1st, J. P. I urlong . 2nd!¦ ¦J^

k0T- lcn of h°gBot «>»«•» (Lo;eoster)-lstJ. P. Furlong. Pen of owo lambs (, JP. Furlong) 2nd, W.,,1I. WoodrofTe, llallysa.-art.Pen of longwoolled owes-2nd prize, John Downing,Asbfield. Koar (black breod) not oxceedinK thirtymnntbs-lat, JJ. P. Maxwell, 2nd, j;a. Heir. G en.

BtoiSoThio^^d^otlesTUiaa'rixyc^Vmes -litjB. P. Maxwell ; 2nd,< G:- W.- Lloyd.'. ! Sow (b **breed) Trith joniig- lBt, a P. Maxwell. - Colti,-twoyeanr old-lst, George Acres; "2nd, M." P.;PhelM,Lismore. Brood martw, with * foa\ or in foal- lst, F.E. Carrey,' Ligmoro ; 2nd, Colonel Bnahe, Glenaurn.DorkiDR conic and two henB—1st, F:B. Currey, tu-moro. Six fat chickens—Samo. Drake and two duos*—Same. FirHns of butter—1st, Mrs. Chearnloy;2nd, G. W. Lloyd rSrd, do.

FiEST-ciiAss FABUEES.—Bulls—1st prize, Mr. Pope,-Deerpark ; 2nd, Michael Coleman, Waterpark; highlycommended, Wm. Terry, BalGnacourry. Cows—lat,Wm: Torry ; 2nd, John Bice, Kilahalla; highly com-mendea, Miohael Colemao, Watorpark. Heifers, twoyears old—1st, John Bice, Kilahalla j 2nd, DenisDuggan, Kilmacoo; commended, B. P. Walsh, Money-•vro - highly commended, P. J. Walsh, Snugboro*.Yearling heifers—lBt, Michael Connery, Headboro';2nd, John Bice, Kilahalla ; highly commended, Con.Sullivan, A-jlish. Calvos—1st, Deolan Dnggan, Glen ;highly commended, John Bico. Aged ram—1st,Patrick Tobin, Bathdrnm. Hoggot rams—1st, MiohaelColeman, Watorpark ; 2nd, John Bico, Kflnballo;highly commended, G. Hodnett, Ballydnff. Pon ofaged owes—1st, Michael Flynn, Ballymarten ; 2nd,William Connell, Knockasticano; highly commended,Potcr 31orrissy, Ahenboy. Pen of hogged ewes—1st,Peter Morrissy ; 2nd, R. P. Walsh, Money vro' ; highlycommended, William Connell, Knockasticano. Pen ofowo lamos—1st, Petor Morrissy ; 2nd, Mr. Pops;highly commended, R. P. Walsh. Pen of wedderlambs—1st, R.P. Walsh ; commended, David Kiornan,Lismore. Sow in pig—1st, Georgo Hodnott, Bally-dufT; 2cd, Cornolias Snllivan, Aglish ; highly com-mended, P. J. Walsh. Sow with litter of not lessthan sis—1st, William Connell, Knockasticano ; 2nd,John Callaghan, Owbog ; highly commended, MartinKiniry, fiishopstown. Brood mares for farming pnr-poses—1st , John Dinneen, Carroheen ; 2nd, Mrs.Cuuningham, Mogeely; highly commended, Mr. Pope,Deerpark. Colt, two years old—1st, David Kiornan,Lismoro ; 2nd, Edward Jlorrissy, Glantnisna ; highlycommended, Denis Casey, Ballyvro. Colt, threoyears-old—1st, Gcorgo Hoductt, BallydofF ; 2nd, JohnCorpett, Deerpark. Filly, two years old—1st, JohnComvny, Knoeknamuck ; 2nd, William Connell, Knock-asticauo; highly commended, Mrs. Cunningham,Mogccly. Gander and two geese—Goorgo Hodnett.Turkey cock and two hens—1st, Gcorgo 3Iodnett;2nd , Mrs. Cunningham. Firkin of butter—1st , Mrs.Cunningh am ; 2nd, John Kico ; 3rd, John Powor,Kilvnrcllv.

Srr-oxi* CLASS FAUMKHS —Hulls—1st , prizo, PatHuigins, Cullinagh ; no second. Cow with calf or inmilk—l*t , Thomas Barry, Monntrim; 2nd, MauriceMurray, i.ishopstowu ; Srd, .Tolin Corbott , Dcerpark ;hi^lilv commended, Edward Morrison, Glautrasnn.Two-year old heifer—1st, Thomas liarry ; liud,Edward Morrison ; 3rd, John Hcelan, Ballynoo ; highlycommended, John Brien, Kilcalf. Heifer calved on orafter 1st January, 18fi9—1st , Donis Casey, Ballynoo ;2nd, John Ucolan , do; 3rd, Richard Farroll, Doerpark ;highl y commended, Michael Brien, Ballybrido. Wean,ling hcifor calf—1st, Mrs. Mangan, Ballinvolly; high-ly commended, Thomas Doocey, Kilnccarrigy. Agedrams—1st, Pat Uiggins, CuIIenogh. Pon of nged ewes—1st. Michael Brion, Ballybrido ; 2nd, Michaol Con-noil , Kilp hilli pecn; highly commended, Thoa. Hogau.Cnllinay li. Pen of hogget owes—1st ,Thomas Hogan,Cullitiagb. Pen of ewo lambs—1st, Thomas Leahy,liislinp-itown ; 2nd, John Brien, Kilcalf; highly com-mended, Thomas Hoxan. Pen of weddor lambs—1st,Thomas Hogan, and highly commonded ; 2nd, ThomasDoocey, Kilnccarri'.jy. Boars—1st, Thomas Gallahuo,Killosom -;2nd, John Lawlec, B:ill}'brido; highly com-mesded, Pat Xoonan, do. Sow aud pig—1st, AndyHiekey, Bisbopstown; 2nd, Pat Xoonan , Ballybrido ;highly commended, Maurico Murray, Bisliopstown.Sow with litter of not loss than six—1st, Mrs. , BiilliiiTcll y ; 2nd, Maurico Murray, Bisiioiistown ;highly commended , Johu Lawleo, Bnllybride. Broodmarc for farming purposes—1st, Andrew Hiekey, Iiis-hopatown ; 2nd , Edward Morrissou and Parrick Dono-van, both of Ulantmsna. Cock and two hens—JohnDcvinc , Bishnpslown. Gander and two geese—1st,John Ucclrui, Balh'noo ; 2nd, John Corbctt, Deerpark.Drake and two ducks—1st, John Lawlec ; 2nd , JohnDcvinc. Turkey cock and two hens—1st, John Cor-bott ; 2nd, Thomas Doocoy, Kilnecarrigy. Firkin ofbutter—1st , Thomas Barry, Monatrira ; 2nd, MauriceMurray, Bishopstown; 3rd, samo. Ct:i"S—The Socioty's Cballengo Cup forhost short-horn bull exhibited, not exceeding I yearsold—won hy Mr.U. J. M. Gumbleton's '.' Karl of Cour-lown." Tho Society's Challengo Cup for best boarunder IS months—won by Mr. R. P. Maxwell , Moor-hill , the third and last time. Society's Challenge Cupfor best one or two shear old ram—woa by Jlr. W.II. Parker, lloscvillc.

TIIK Il l .NNEII.In the evening the usual dinner iu connection

w:tli the show look placu in tbo Dovonsbiro Arms-Hotel. The tenants ol tho Duko of Dovonshirc wereprovided «ilh dinner at tho cost of his grnco ; and nilothers were, for a moderato figure, entertained .'it theexcellent repast. ' Tho company numborod nearly 200.

'iho chair wus takon by Sir R. JI U3UK.U K , Hart.A-motigst those present -vere—Tlio Verv l ier . P. Bvrne,

P.l'.; Rev. T. Patterson, Colonel Bnslte, Mr. K. K. L'nrrry,ncftit to the Dobc of DeTun-ihire ; John J. Heir , J.!' .; Col.Conoatk , C:ipt. Moore, Capt. Harry, Capt. Hintdnn , Jlr .Mnszmvi-, Mr. W. II . I'mVer, (in the -rirc-cnair), M«»r.«.Maxwell ljuinblclmi, J.I'. ; A. Minikin , National linuk; H.W. Whitp, Gnlleii ; I,. 1-Viutel, Ii. W. Cottuu , I.'. I.. Ki-ll ,Watrrj i iiuhill; R. Parker , Julm ll.tu-uiu-.', Atilificiil ; W.llovlp. Minister -Mndt 'l F-irm ; J. HoNicr, Curra^hNtw er;Mr. ll.tniillnn , S.I.; Mr. T. II . Wnlker , Mr. J. Knntl ,Mr. J. O'llrirn , ; Mr. t.'. II. llurrpy , Mr . 1) . l):i;^nn,(J l .n ; Mr. Jnlin Hi.', ICi nli.-tlb ; Mrnro. Miinuin/ , L'.IC ;Fttr^.-tiild , 'I'tvuli ; Si pi.t , P. -irson , I.i 'i-crick , Ki'lry. Ciood ,ll-.-r::nd, l'.. i ters - i t , (Jnlloway, Iturrnwes , Andersiin, T.Slalti'ry, solr; liililt !, ilyni-s, S. 1!. Kitiueralil , J. ".; J.!'ri!it 'I.-"r.- :i- t. Al !.'-rt Ginrli -u-ivi . , llit;l aril Cliff', lticliar.l F.ICr.n. -, W. |',.v l.-, l!u!'.i.r.! l'.-riwil , £:*., ,t.-.

After dinner, tho loyal toasts wero proposed,aud cordiall y drunk by the company. Tho Chairmannext propo.-ed " The Lord Lieutenant ami Prosperity10 Ireland ," which w:n received with cbeer.-t. Ho saidthey wou'.d driuk tho health of the Lonl I,icu'cnautwitli great pleasure. The course of legislation sincethey had the pleasure of meeting at that timo lostyear, wlien Lord llartiiii;tori oc-cur/ied tho chair, liadshown tbat at all events the Legislature oftlie countrywas not indill'ercnt to the just wishes or complaintsof tbo farmer-! of this country. There wero a greatmauy different way-i of viewing wliat was prosperityfor tho country, but ho tin-tig ht we were as fairlyprosperous iu this country as in any country inEurope, at tho present moment (bear, bear). Wo hadbeen spared the great drought which bail inflicted Buchinjury in England ; wu had boon spared the torriblowar which Uovastates that mifitrttmato country,Franco (hear, hear) ; wo had had a fjoml harvest, andprices were remunerative. Wo had, therefore, reasonto bo thankful for the measure of prosperity bestowedupon this - country (hear, hear). He could not tellwhat tho effect of tbo Act of lost session would bo,but ho trusted thoy would meet next year, at anyrate, fully as prosperous as at present (hear, bear).

Tho toast was duly honorod.Tho CiutitJiAX noxt proposed tho " Army and

Xavy." Colonel COUMACK responded for tho army,anil Mr. M AXWKLI . GI- MIILETOX for tho navy.

Tlio CHAIK JIA .V said tho next toast on bis list wasono which ho was euro- thoy would all drink withheartiness—it was that of His (iraco tho Duko ofDevonshire (great cheering). Ilo was sure it didnot require anything ho could Bay to make themdrink that toast with real respect and honour. HisGrace had sinco that timo last year coramoncod theirrailway, which bo was soro would bo ono of greatadvantage to tho district and to tbc country ia Tko motives that prompted this work wero, howas snro, ol tho purost character ; but ho waa snr.prised to hear it stated ia a neighboriug county thattbo object of tho lino waa that it woald onhonco thoprico of Lismoro Castlo as a Boyal residence (laugh,tor). Now, that ho thought a most iugenious andfur-fetched idea ; bat any ono who know his Graceshould feel that his motivo in everything ho did wagof tho purest kind. Last yoar thoy had tho Marquisof liartington occupying tho chair he unworthilyfilled (no, no), and ho was sorry they had not himthis year again ; bat they conld uot always expectto havo cabinet ministers at thoir board. Tho toastwas received with prolnt-god cbeors.

Mr. CUKKEY said ho had much pleasure in respond,ing to Ihe toast which had boon giveu so ably bytho chairman, and which was always so woll receivediu that room. Thoy had tho great plcasnro and ad-vautago of Lord Uartiugton boing present at theirshow, and occupying tho chair at thoir dinner lastyear, and if neither he nor tho Duko of Devonshirewero able to bo present on that oocasion, it was notbecause thoy did not feel a deep interest in theirproceedings, whioh thoy wonld hoar of through thepress. Ho himsolf, too, woald endeavour to conrcyto his Graco a sense of tho vory gratifying Buaner inwhioh his health had been, received. When theymot that timo twolvo months their attention was oc-capied by somo mattors of nnnsnal interest If hoalluded to ono of thoso subjocU now ho woald try toadhero to tho rnlo whioh excluded polities from theirdiscussions, and if ho did happen to trajn*gres» bewns sure ho wonld bo called to order br tbo ohsJr.jman. lie referred to tho measure for tho settlementof tho roach Toiod Irish land question whiohi last;year occupied mon's minds to the exclusion of erer-rother subject. Ho did not intend to say. a word oftho merits of this matter, for it would bo; prematureto pronoonco jndgmont on it now. . . It could not fail ¦togiro riso to many expeotationa'- andinany appro;Jhenstons, touching so dooply aa it did all who live on'the Und and by tbo land. When' thi JnoMowJtielf.waa introduced it conld not bo eapeoteii ttt«t it fwobldbet allowed to paes without advea^ft criUciam, but itwiu gratifying to think that the grjtritj'.of the ques-tion to bo- dealt with rote to tMyinindi pf,all, aniltbat it was raisod above the trwn»l»'of/ moro party,!and, ultimately, in a spirit of ean»«taeM and forbear,unoe, it was settled. vJhb < it t« 'I>erhap<, that;uffordsd'tho best anj ryiyoroWq »ni»:{applause).:Anothor. matter , toocJi^ opoabj»_^ohMrn-aD,'waa'tho conBtruotion of a, h »

of rail y. frpo^^Lismoro to

Formoy cooiieotingftoJkjcility.iirithT.tho -West ai>d^North. ,, WelMtl»iry toU>o.VU l»ievidonob' lost

tho pcoplciin"-r«aiB(^^SiW1 ^ --'c^so miiiy:

tiine^dUa- liV*rtfp> »PrvpMj foPnil{t difficult'

¦ . - • ' .¦¦; v-^??Si' S:?;'Vi'''.'oV' '^ ¦ ' ¦¦' . • ¦ :;

/ ' ¦' .

. . :1. ':- --i-r.:V pW-;ii;--:- .-iv- •'-¦¦'.-. i :. - ' - .-r

¦- ' ¦ ¦ • ¦¦-

Tbiise weTe nori howerer; few 8oeptia«,on thivpoint^U») work; waa .being owTiedi1 on

^-fHth.1; thB /JiMmo-it

i;»pldityi' and ho would venbin'to .pro iot;..»hen theyru«t 'again that .;time' twelve months" they' .would find'tW imeiBlmMt .-i^T;f6r opeii&g^

:(b.aari li8ar)i.'.- .Ho

iFTTnld not toko up'their time by any observations ontho show that day, aa that'.Was i matter npon whiohthey- would"be 'addressed by persona of much moreanthority. 'They'^Tfbnld'beax.;-irith tim, v howerer,-while' he referred to the' agrionltttrai siatisKos of Ire-Innd, whiob, perhaps, all might not bare'had thn op-partunity of-perasing. 'He thought tha subject araoac important one, as showioj the omonnt of pros.purity existing in the country: : He was not going totreary them by reading a great 'deal , of figures; howonld merely refer to a few prominent, facts ho hadextracted from the return of the Bagistrar-General.It appeared tbat this year, in tho whole of Ireland, thoincrease in tho extent -of land under crops, as com-pared with 1869, was 64,000 acres. In grass, thorohad been a decrease of 60,000 acres, and in bog andwaste hand, a decrease of 14,000 acres, showing that14,000 acres hod been brought into somo sort of cul-tivation. They found an increase in tho number ofhorses of over 3,000, in oattlo, of 67,703.; in sheep,there hod been a decrease of 300,000, but this hadbcon more than counterbalanced bo an incrcaso inpigs of over 377,000. Tho estimated value of tho in-crcaso in pigs was over half a million pounds, andwithin two years it had boon calculated tho stock ofIreland increased in value by over ono million Btor-ling. Now, he thought these facts ho had mentioned,if they could ho brought homo to the comprehensionof that intelligent drivor, of whom Sir R. Mnsgravotold them, they might well all#>y any'fears he mightentertain, and enable him to smoke his pipo in pcaco.They might also dispol tho apprehensions that existin the minds of somo as to tho decrcaso in tho tillageof tho country. Tho incxorablo logic of facts wnshard to bo got rid of, and thoso extracts ho had madoshowed that tho tillago of tho country was not dimi-nishing—for it is quite evident that eattlo can only bosustained hy improved and enlarged tillage (hear,bear). Among other things tho Registrar-Generalwished to urge npon farmers was, tho necessity ofkeeping their lands clean aud getting rid of weeds.This was a matter to which thoy ooght to pay thodeepest attention. Ho had latoly been travolling inKngland, and ho could not hoi p boing struck with tbostubbles there, and which camo oat very favourablywhen compared with thoso in Ireland. Autuniucleaning of tho land was one of thoso things practicedwherever farming udvauccd ; but tho systom wasnot adopted iu' Ireland. Thoir friend the' chairmanhad told them that there wero different ways ofviewing the prosperity of a country. Well, thcrowere different ways also of extending tho valuo of »harvest. In tho course lately of ono his rambles hocame to a placo much resorted to by strangers, andwishing to establish a good understanding with thowaitor, he remarked to him that ho supposed thoyhad a pretty good harvest. " Well, pretty fair," saidtho man, " we had a great many moro sleepers thanusual, but not BO many days" (laughter). Hothought it was good on that account, and ho folt tlioymight speak in terms of congratulation on tho improvedharvest of tho country (applauso) .

Tho VICE-CHAIRMAN (Mr. W. H. Parker) next pro-poBed tho toast of tho Lismore Farming Society, tliosuccess of which wn3 also duo to tho oo-operatiou oftho many good landlords of tho district, amongst whomho particularised Sir K. Musjjravo, Mr. Chearnly, Mr.Maxwell , Mr. Gnmbleton, and Mr. Kcane. Kcforring tothe Land Bill , ho said it was not his wish to commenton what had fallen from the chairman in reference totho prosperity of Ireland. Politics wero excludedfrom their meotiugs, as thoy ought to bo, and ho hadno desiro to cuter into what tho Tenaut Right Billniay turn out. Ho only trusted it would provo bettertt-an otbor raeasnrcs designed from timo to timo toioiprove us, but which fell very far short of what waspromised thorn (dear, hear).

Mr. CU K K K V briefly responded.Tho CHAIRMAN then proposed tho Royal Agricultu-

ral Society or Ireland, to which they had all so muchroason to bo thankful becauso of its liboral contribu-tions to their funds. Mr. Currey had referred to somomatters deserving tho most serious attention, ono ofwhich was tho great prcvalenco of weeds. It wasmelancholy to sco thorn growing to seed, particularlyrJong the sides of tho road and fences, and tho between this country and England in this regardwas very much to our disadvantage It often struckhim as remarkablo that if a farmer found his neigh-bor's cattle or donkies on his land, ho turned them olfaud if not friendly to tho owners, will summon thorn •but weeds, which do a vast deal moro harm, aro allowedto go through their fields without tlio least molestationTins was oue of.tbo "small faults" of tho people whichmight como to bo moro serious thau what wero lookedupon us largo faults. Tho Royal Agricultural Sociotycontributed for cottages, and ho wouldsay that ho looked npon having good cottages for la-borers a* tho most necessary object to which thoycould tnru their attention. Ho was glad to find thatfarmers wero getting alivo to its importance. Honever bod so many applications for assistance to bailillaborers cottagos as withiu tho past fow years Itwas also pleasing to Sod that tho condition of tho la-borer was improving and ho was becoming moro pros-porous. His wages aro better, his houso is better andho is better clothed (hear, hear). As tho landlordcould not prosper without tho farmer becoming im-proved, so too tbo tenant could not prospor withouttho laborer being also bonefiUed (asplauso.) All do-ponded 0110 upon tbo other, and ono class coald notbo prosperous unless tho other wero so too. Thatwas a truth that waa not suflicicntly attondod to, andwhen people attempted to sot class against clas-i, thatwas tho answer to givo them (choers). Sir RichardMusgravo then proposed tho toast

Mr. PAI - KEH responded in a few words. Ho thenpossed on to .mother subject, which ho folt sure wasmore pleasing to them, and quite us interesting. Hohad no doubt, from tho way in which thoy ret-eircdthe health or a good, kind, and indulgent landlord,they would have no difficulty in drinking whathe was about to propose. The subject of his toastas rcsideut proprietor, as a good landlord, as akind-hearted man could not be excelled in this or anyother county. He wa, ever ready to do his duty totho poor as well as to the rich, and to tho rich as wellas to tho poor. His ,-amo had become familiar tothem as associated will, everything that was kind andgood ; and he (Mr. Parker) had no doubt so it wouldcontinue to be, and would bo handed down as it hadcomo to hin,' ".thout a blot upon it. Whoever camoafter him (Mr Parker) n-ould ever havo tho samostory to tell of a Musgravo aa a good, trao-hoortedfriend, neighbor, aud landlord (cheers). Ho gavethem the health of their chairman, Sir RioCdMusgravo (prolonged cheering).ihe CH A I R M A N said ho waa very muc h obliged forthe kind manner tho toast hod been proposed Sd Z

eluded hy proposing « The Judges."Mr. WHITE responded, aud spoko of tho eattlo ox.bibited as vcryauperior. Colonol BUSH E xpendedC4oad Busho revested Mr. BoUtor, on f thojudge, to favour them with somo observations on thecultivation of flax, and took occasion to pSi thoextraordinary skill and enterprise which cha c odMr Bolster's own systom of agricnltnro. ^ ^Mr BoLSTEtt repeated tho views npon the have moro than once been published in th*o

"columns, no generally favoured tho coltivationTfrax on a moderate scale. Tho health of tho Vicechairman having bocn proposed by the ChoinnaTJoly -honoured and responded to by Mr. W. H. Baldwin , tho honorary secretary read tho list of nrizesawarded at tho show. « Tho^Successful (w»££3were tnon toasted, and in responding, Mr. Ginbleton

Ji\° °!Tra °f CattI° " hUo'aes wa~ not ex-pected to prodaoo animali. for profit -thefa, DU25,OWwas, and it was the basinets of every landeHrfpnotor-to, improve tha atock of the country aa mnoh "as ho conld. In .benefiting the former.T landlord. - 'benenttod themselves. Tho great thing thay hM to d '¦waa to try and iutroduoe •rtook that would -eariv

;como to .maturity. . It had- often gono'to his heart 'when he went to a lair to find, animals without Y?Tor enbatanoe. Why, tho well-bred aniaSTc n ? *three yean old, to the die of the ota he nffi? ?' $at six or »aron years. Ho knew of farmem jillr ? ?tt andja LveaHinmanawh Lnt^C *got good bnlU. It waa not to expected th«t r vwonld go, to the enormous prioosthat llnSt!* .??? -for sires, . bnt good. -rira. oigrt to he BSS S* *their reach by^ tho landlord* at •«iM. ti,£Med,.'*Pltllin f1to pay. Af&some lorZr reS iS n vV8"* ^condadad by, thanking then? loTXr. Gl™Wet<»» "ithey had received the toast m whioh ^the S &^

en ond -Po»aed to, 8v,.~ AlhriCE TO JblHBHS. Am unn 1, 1 ':M»tt by .iiek child, i.fcr,»Sy broken Of yonp 7.1Oo.t ow. to , ChwUt I 'I , .P*™ Jf cutting tJeth f M:8OOTB»O Snn, It wHl SLi ,illi of MI»- W»BOW'» - ^

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