sms pharmaceuticals ltd. unit · (complete...

SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT II PLOT NO. 24 & 24B, SVCIE BACHUPALLY VILLAGE, QUTHBULLAPUR MANDAL, RANGAREDDY DISTRICT, ANDHRA PRADESH FORM I Project No. 12132102 December 2013 SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Plot No. 19III, Opp. Bharatiya Viday Bhavan Public School, Road No. 71, Jubilee Hills, Hederabad – 502307 Phone: +91 0406628 8888, 8374455510 Email ID: [email protected] STUDIES AND DOCUMENTATION BY TEAM Labs and Consultants B115117 & 509, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyderabad500 038. Phone: 04023748 555/23748616, Telefax: 04023748666 SUBMITTED TO MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PARYAVARAN BHAVAN, LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI

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Page 1: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the





FORM I    



Project No. 1213‐21‐02December 2013  


SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,  Plot No. 19‐III,  Opp. Bharatiya Viday Bhavan Public School,  Road No. 71, Jubilee Hills,  Hederabad – 502307  Phone: +91 040‐6628 8888, 8374455510 E‐mail ID: [email protected]       

STUDIES AND DOCUMENTATION BY TEAM Labs and Consultants B‐115‐117 & 509, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet,  Hyderabad‐500 038. Phone: 040‐23748 555/23748616, Telefax: 040‐23748666      




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Form I        Page 1

APPENDIX – I (See Paragraph – 6) 

FORM I I)  Basic Information 

S.No.  Item   Details  1  Name of the Project/s  M/s SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II 2  S. No in the Schedule  5 f – A category  3  Proposed capacity/area/length/tonnage 

to be handled/command area/lease area/number of wells to be drilled 

Proposed to enhance the production capacity of Active Pharma Ingredients (API’s) from 13.27 TPM to 32.2 TPM. Cost of the project (Expansion): 30 Crores 

4  New/Expansion/Modernization  Expansion 5  Existing Capacity/Area etc.  Existing Capacity: 13.27 TPM   

Area Existing: 2.57 Acres 6  Category of Project i.e 'A' or 'B'  “A” 7  Does it attract the general condition? If 

yes, please specify Yes. The Unit is Located in Notified Industrial Estate / Area.  Critically  Polluted  Area  of  Pattancheru  and Bollaram are located at a distance of 0.1 KM’s from the Site. 

8  Does  it  attract  the  Specific  condition?  If yes, please specify. 


9  Location      Plot/Survey/Khasra No.  Plot No.s 24 & 24B, SVCIE   Village  Bachupally (V)    Tehsil  Quthbullapur (M)   District  Rangareddy District    State  Andhra Pradesh 

10  Nearest railway station/airport along with distance in kms. 

Nearest Railway Station is Bollaram distance of 11.7 KM from the site. 

11  Nearest Town, City, District Headquarters along with distance in kms. 

Town & District HQ – Rangareddy   

12  Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, Municipal Corporation, Local body (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) 

Bachupally Village  

13  Name of the Applicant  Mr.C. Chandra  Shekar 14  Registered Address  SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., 

S.No. 180/2, IDA Khazipally, Khazipally Village, Jinnaram Mandal,  Medak District – 502 319.  

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Form I        Page 2

15  Address for Correspondence:     Name  Mr.C. Chandra  Shekar   Designation(Owner/Partner/CEO)  Sr. Manager   Address  SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., 

Plot No. 19‐III, Opp. Bharatiya Viday Bhavan Public School, Road No. 71, Jubilee Hills, Hederabad. 

  Pin Code  5020 096   E‐mail  [email protected]   Telephone Number  Direct : 040‐6628 8888 

Mobile : +91 8374455510    Fax No.  +91 40‐23551402 

16  Details  of  alternative  Sites  examined,  if any.  Location  of  these  sites  should  be shown on a topo sheet. 


17  Interlinked Projects  ‐NA‐ 18  Whether  separate  application  of 

interlinked project has been submitted?  No 

19  If yes, date of submission    20  If no, reason    21  Whether the proposal involves 

approval/clearance under: if yes, details of the same and their status to be given.     (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980?      (b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972?        (c) The C.R.Z Notification, 1991? 


22  Whether  there  is  any  Government Order/Policy relevant/relating to the site?


23  Forest land involved (hectares)   No 24  Whether there is any location pending 

against the project and /or land in which the project is propose to be set up?              (a) Name of the Court                                       (b) Case No                                                         (c) Orders/directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project. 

No Individual Court case against the Project.  

However Green  Tribunal Case, W.P. No.  19661  of 2002 on  the  file of Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh / Application No. 90 of 2013 before NGT is filed against CETP Members.  


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Form I        Page 3

(II)  Activity  

1.  Construction,  operation  or  decommissioning  of  the  Project  involving  actions,  which  will  cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) S.No.  Information/Checklist confirmation   Yes/No  Details thereof (with approximate quantities 

/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 

1.1  Permanent or temporary change in land use, land cover or topography including increase in    intensity of land use (with respect to local     land use plan)   

NO  The  proposal  is  for  expansion  of  API’s manufacturing  capacity  in  the  existing  unit. No  additional  land.  Total  Land  area  after proposed expansion 2.57 Acres. 

1.2  Clearance of existing land, vegetation and buildings? 

NO  Industrial 

1.3  Creation of new land uses?  NO   1.4  Pre‐construction investigations e.g. 

bore houses, soil testing? YES  Soil Testing completed  

1.5  Construction works?  

YES  Construction  activity  involves  creation  of additional utilities like Boiler, Chilling Plant etc and ZLD System.   

1.6  Demolition works?  NO   

1.7  Temporary sites used for construction works or housing of construction workers? 

NO  Construction  labor from  local villages shall be employed. 

1.8  Above ground buildings, structures orearthworks including linear structures, cut and fill or excavations 

YES  Storage  facilities  shall  be  constructed.  No major cut and fill or excavation is anticipated. 

1.9  Underground works including mining or     tunneling? 


1.10  Reclamation works?  NO   1.11  Dredging?   NO   1.12  Offshore structures?  NO   1.13  Production and manufacturing 

processes? YES  Enclosed in Annexure – I 

1.14  Facilities for storage of goods or materials? 

NO  Raw  materials  and  solvents  shall  be  stored with safety precautions. 

1.15  Facilities for treatment or disposal of solid waste or liquid effluents? 

YES  Solid  waste  shall  be  disposed  to  end users/recyclers  or  sent  to  incineration. Effluent generated from the plant are treated and reused. Details presented in Annexure II   

1.16  Facilities for long term housing of operational workers? 

NO  Local people shall be employed. 

1.17   New road, rail or sea traffic during  NO   

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Form I        Page 4

construction or operation? 1.18   New road, rail, air waterborne or 

other transport infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc? 


1.19   Closure or diversion of existing transport routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements? 


1.20  New or diverted transmission lines or pipelines? 


1.21  Impoundment, damming, culverting, realignment or other changes to the hydrology   of watercourses or aquifers? 


1.22  Stream crossings?  NO   1.23  Abstraction or transfers of water 

form ground or surface waters? YES  Total water required after expansion shall be 

93.4 KLD out of which 58.4 KLD  shall be met from APIIC and  the balance  shall be  recycled water. 

1.24  Changes in water bodies or the land surface affecting drainage or run‐off? 


1.25  Transport of personnel or materials for construction, operation or decommissioning? 

YES  The construction material shall be drawn from local sources within 10 – 15 km.   There  is no transport  of  personnel,  as  the  construction workers shall be drawn from local villages. 

1.26  Long‐term dismantling or decommissioning or restoration works? 


1.27  Ongoing activity during decommissioning which could have an impact on the environment? 


1.28  Influx of people to an area in either temporarily or permanently? 

YES  The  proposed  project  shall  increase  the employment potential and hence may lead to migration to surrounding villages. 

1.29  Introduction of alien species?  NO   1.30  Loss of native species or genetic 

diversity? NO   

1.31  Any other actions?  NO    

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Form I        Page 5

2.  Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non‐renewable or in short supply): S.No.  Information/checklist confirmation   Yes/No  Details thereof (with approximate quantities 

/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 

2.1  Land especially undeveloped or agricultural land (ha) 

NO  Existing Unit   

2.2   Water (expected source & competing users) unit: KLD 

YES  Total water required after expansion shall be 93.4 KLD out of which 58.4 KLD  shall be met from APIIC and  the balance  shall be  recycled water.  (Water Balance Enclosed in Annexure III) 

2.3  Minerals (MT)  NA   2.4  Construction material – stone, 

aggregates, sand / soil (expected source – MT) 

YES  Shall be sourced from the local villages. 

2.5  Forests and timber (source – MT)  NO   2.6  Energy including electricity and fuels 

(source, competing users) Unit: fuel (MT), energy (MW) 

YES  The  required  energy  shall  be  drawn  from APTRANSCO.     Backup DG  sets of 500 & 320 KVA proposed, 320 KVA and 75 KVA  (shall be removed)  existing  shall  be  provided  to  cater to  energy  requirement  during  load  shut downs. The other energy source is Furnace Oil fired boiler of 2TPH, which shall be changed to coal fired boiler in proposed expansion, Diesel fired  boiler  of  0.8TPH  (shall  be  removed) existing and proposed 3 TPH coal  fired boiler to  meet  the  steam  requirement  both  for process & ZLD. The  required quantity of  fuel (coal)  is 21.74TPD. Diesel for Standby DG sets shall be 0.26 KL/hr. 

2.7  Any other natural resources (use appropriate standard units) 



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Form I        Page 6

3.    Use,  storage,  transport,  handling  or  production  of  substances        or materials, which  could  be harmful  to human health or  the environment or  raise concerns about     actual or perceived  risks  to human health. S.No.  Information/Checklist confirmation  Yes/No  Details thereof (with approximate 

quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 

3.1  Use of substances or materials, which are hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) to human health or the environment (flora, fauna, and  water supplies) 

YES  Solvents  shall  be  used  as  reaction  media. MSIHC rules shall be followed during storage, transportation and handling of  raw materials and hazardous chemicals. 

3.2  Changes in occurrence of disease or affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or water borne diseases). 


3.3  Affect the welfare of people e.g. by changing living conditions? 

YES  Shall  increase  the  employment  potential  for locals  and  affect  the  living  conditions  for betterment. 

3.4  Vulnerable groups of people who could be affected by the project e.g. hospital patients, children, the elderly etc., 

NO  No  sensitive  receptors  are  present  in  the immediate  vicinity  of  the  site.  The  project shall  not  have  any  significant  impact  on vulnerable groups of people.  

3.5  Any other causes  NO      

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/month) S.No.  Information/Checklist confirmation  Yes/No  Details thereof (with approximate 

quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 

4.1  Spoil, overburden or mine wastes  NO   4.2  Municipal waste (domestic and or 

commercial        wastes) NO  Wastes  from  canteen,  other  commercial 

wastes like paper, empty containers etc.   The canteen wastes  and  commercial wastes  shall be in the range of 5 kg/day 

4.3  Hazardous wastes (as per Hazardous Waste  Management Rules) 

YES  The  quantity  of  hazardous  waste  generated during  operation  contain  salts  from  evaporators,  stripper  distillate,  process residue, and solvent residues, ETP sludge and filtration media  etc.  enclosed  in Annexure  – IV 

4.4  Other industrial process wastes  YES  Enclosed at Annexure IV 4.5  Surplus product  NO   4.6  Sewage sludge or other sludge from 

effluent  treatment YES  Sludge from Effluent treatment plant and 

Salts from MEE & ATFD shall be sent to TSDF. 

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4.7  Construction or demolition wastes  YES  Construction activity involves creation of additional utilities like Boiler, Chilling Plant etc.   

4.8  Redundant machinery or equipment  NO   

4.9  Contaminated soils or other materials  NO   

4.10  Agricultural wastes  NO   

4.11  Other solid wastes  NO  Enclosed at Annexure IV 


5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr) S.No.  Information/Checklist confirmation  Yes/No  Details thereof (with approximate 

quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 

5.1  Emissions from combustion of fossil fuels from stationary or mobile sources 

YES  Coal be used as fuel. Quantity of fuel and emissions details are enclosed in Annexure V 

5.2  Emissions from production processes  YES  Enclosed in Annexure ‐ VI 5.3  Emissions from materials handling 

including storage or transport NO  Material  transfer  takes  place  in  closed 

pipeline systems. 5.4  Emissions from construction activities 

including plant and equipment YES  Dust may rise during transport of material and 

construction activity.  The dust emissions shall be mitigated by water  spraying on  the  roads within the premises.  

5.5  Dust or odors from handling of materials including construction materials, sewage and  waste 

YES  Dust may rise during transport of material and construction activity.  The dust emissions shall be mitigated by water  spraying on  the  roads within the premises.  

5.6  Emissions from incineration of waste  NO   5.7  Emissions from burning of waste in 

open air (e.g. slash materials, construction debris) 


5.8  Emissions from any other sources  NO    

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6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat: S.No.  Information/Checklist 

confirmation Yes/No  Details thereof (with approximate 

quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data with source of information data 

6.1  From operation of equipment e.g. engines, ventilation plant, crushers 

YES  Material  transport  and  construction  equipment shall  be  source  of  noise,  while  transfer  pumps, vacuum systems, DG sets are the sources of noise during operation.   

6.2  From industrial or similar processes 

YES  DG sets, compressors, pumps etc are controlled by providing Acoustic Enclosures. 

6.3  From construction or demolition  YES  Noise  during  construction  shall  be  due  to construction equipment and emergency DG sets.    

6.4  From blasting or piling  NO   

6.5  From construction or operational traffic 

NO  The increased traffic shall not have any significant impact.  

6.6  From lighting or cooling systems  NO   

6.7  From any other sources  NO   


 7.Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of    pollutants into the ground or into sewers,   surface     waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea: S.No.  Information/Checklist 

confirmation Yes/No  Details thereof (with approximate 

quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 

7.1  From handling, storage, use or spillage of hazardous materials 

NO  All  the  hazardous materials will  be  stored  in MS drums, in a covered shed and  no contamination of soil is expected 

7.2  From discharge of sewage or other effluents to water or the land (expected mode and place of discharge) 

NO  All  the wastes  from domestic operations are  sent to Biological treatment in “ZLD” system. 

7.3  By deposition of pollutants emitted to air into the land or into water 

NO  All  the  emissions  from  process  are  controlled  by providing  control  equipment  like  scrubbers, Dust Collectors  and  emissions  from  boiler  shall  be controlled by providing bag filters. 

7.4  From any other sources  NO   7.5  Is there a risk of long term build 

up of pollutants in environment from these     sources? 



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8.Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment S.No.  Information/Checklist confirmation  Yes/No  Details thereof (with approximate 

quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 

8.1  From explosions, spillages, fires etc from storage, handling, use or production of hazardous substances 

YES  All Inbuilt Safety precautions will be adopted  and  there will  not  be  any damage  to  environment  or  human health 

8.2  From any other causes  NA   8.3  Could the project be affected by natural 

disasters causing environmental damage (e.g?     Floods, earthquakes, landslides, cloudburst etc)? 



9.Factors  which  should  be  considered  (such  as  consequential  development)  which  could  lead  to environmental  effects  or  the  potential  for  cumulative  impacts    with    other  existing  or  planned activities in the locality S. No.  Information/Checklist confirmation  Yes/No  Details thereof (with approximate 

quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data  

9.1  Lead to development of supporting.   facilities, ancillary development or development stimulated by the project which could have impact on the environment e.g.: • Supporting infrastructure (roads, power supply, waste or waste water treatment, etc.)•      housing development •      extractive industries •      supply industries •      other 

YES  The project shall enhance the socio economic  status  of  the  area  by increasing the demand  for housing, improving  the  employment.  There are  no  major  support  industries required for this plant.  

9.2  Lead to after‐use of the site, which could haven impact on the environment 


9.3  Set a precedent for later developments  NO   9.4  Have cumulative effects due to proximity to 

other existing or planned projects with similar  effects 

NO  The  baseline  environmental  status of  the  surrounding  areas  is  within the  prescribed  limits  as  observed from the Secondary data. 


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(III)  Environmental Sensitivity S.No.  Areas  Name/ 

IdentityAerial distance (within 15 km.) Proposed project location boundary 

1   Areas protected under international conventions,   national or local legislation for their ecological,    landscape, cultural or other related value 


2  Areas which are important or sensitive for ecological reasons ‐ Wetlands, watercourses or other water bodies, coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, forests 

YES  Kazipalli RF – N ‐ 4.5Km Gajularamaram – E ‐7Km Suraram RF – E – 9.2 Km Wailal RF – N – 9 Km Pottaguda RF – NW – 9.7 Km Dundigal RF – NE – 8 Km Kistapalli RF – NW – 8 Km 


3  Areas used by protected, important or sensitive   species of flora or fauna for breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration 


4   Inland, coastal, marine or underground waters 


5   State, National boundaries  NO   6   Routes or facilities used by the public for 

access to recreation or other tourist, pilgrim areas 


7   Defense installations  NO   8   Densely populated or built‐up area  YES  Bachupally is at a distance of 0.1 Km. 9   Areas occupied by sensitive man‐made 

land uses    (hospitals, schools, places of worship, community facilities) 

NA  0.5 Km from the site 

10  Areas containing important, high quality or scarce resources (ground water resources, surface resources, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals) 


11  Areas already subjected to pollution or      environmental damage. (those where existing legal environmental standards are exceeded) 

YES  Patancheru and Bollaram Industrial areas at a distance of 0.1Km. 

12   Areas susceptible to natural hazard which could      cause the project to present environmental problems (earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, erosion, flooding or extreme or adverse climatic conditions) 


Page 12: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the


Form I        Page 11

(IV) Proposed Terms of Reference for EIA studies      Scope of Work of EIA “...The EIA shall cover the following: Description of the proposed project: The  first  task:”  Description  of  the  proposed  project”  forms  a  vital  component  of  the  Environmental Impact  Assessment  (EIA)  as  it  provides  the  basis  for  evaluating  the  likely  causes  of  Environmental Impacts.     

Existing Environment and Baseline Conditions: The baseline assessment will be carried out to identify potentially sensitive and critical areas that may be affected by the project  in an area of 10 km surrounding the project  location.   The critical and sensitive targets shall be plotted on  land use map of project  impact area. The existing environment and baseline conditions should be established from:‐ Analysis of existing information published and secondary data. ‐Consultation with relevant statutory authorities, and Field visits for supplementation of missing gaps. 

The key subject areas which the EIA shall address  include Ecology and Nature conservation, Air quality, surface and water quality in project impact area, soil quality, cultural heritage, landscape, land use, noise quality, etc.   Natural habitats  like national parks, wildlife reserves, sanctuaries, sacred grove, protected areas, forests, wetlands, major rivers and waterways if any, shall also be identified and marked. 

Assessment of Environmental Impacts: Based  upon  the  results  from  the  review  of  existing  information,  field  visits,  site  data  collection  and consultation, for each component of environment (physical, biological and socio economic) the positive, negative,  direct  and  indirect,  temporary  and  permanent  impacts  will  be  evaluated  along  with  an indication of the degree of impact, i.e., whether the impact is significant, moderate, minor or negligible.  The degree of impact shall also be quantified by using state of the art air quality impact prediction models based on ISCST3 algorithms. 

Environment Management Plan And Mitigation Plan: For  each  significant  negative  impact  identified,  specialist  shall  work  closely  with  the  engineering team/technical  consultants  to  suggest  practicable  measures  to  avoid  or  mitigate  the  impact.    The mitigation of environmental impacts will be by three mechanisms. =>Introduction of mitigation features through the engineering practices. =>Implementation of environmental controls during construction and operation. =>Legislative control involving compliance with Indian environmental laws. The Environmental management plan shall include an estimate of capital and recurring costs of mitigation measures and will identify the institutional framework for implementation. 

Monitoring Plan: Having identified the significant environmental impact that is likely to arise as a result of the project, the project team shall specify what monitoring is required during the various phases of the project cycle.  The monitoring plan will identify parameters and frequency of monitoring and responsible organization. 

Page 13: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the


Form I        Page 12

I hereby give the undertaking that data and information given in the application and enclosures are true to  the best of my knowledge and belief and  I am aware  that  if any part of  the data and  information submitted  is  found  to be  false or misleading  at  any  stage,  the project will be  rejected  and  clearance given, if any to the project will be revoked at our risk and cost. 



Signature of the applicant With Name and Full Address 

(Project Proponent/Authorized Signatory)    

M. C. Chandra Shekar Sr. Manager 

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Plot No. 19‐III,  

Opp. Bharatiya Viday Bhavan Public School,  Road No. 71, Jubilee Hills,  

Hederabad – 502307 

Page 14: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the











Page 15: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-1 Team Labs and Consultants

M/s. SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II located at Plot No.s 24 & 24B, SVCIE, Bachupally

Village, Quthbullapur Mandal, Rangareddy District, Andhra Pradesh. The plant area falls at

the intersection of 17º32’06” (N) Latitude 78º21’13” (E) Longitude respectively according to

the Survey of India Topo sheet. The site is situated at an altitude of 5856m above MSL. The

site is surrounded by internal road in north, open land in south, Inwinex Pharmaceuticals

Ltd., in east, open land in in west directions. Location map and site layout is shown below;

Page 16: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-2 Team Labs and Consultants





of S







, Uni

t II

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Page 18: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-4 Team Labs and Consultants


M/s. SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II obtained consent for establishment and operation

for Bulk Drugs & intermediates at Plot No.s 24 7 24B , SVCIE, Bachupally Village,

Quthbullapur Mandal, Rangareddy District, Andhra Pradesh. It is proposed to expand the

manufacturing capacity of API’s, the expansion entails a capital cost of Rs. 30 crores towards

modernization of zero liquid discharge facility, debottlenecking by way of incorporating the

advanced technology and state of the art equipment. Manufacturing capacity is permitted

and proposed presented in Table A-1.

Table A-1 Manufacturing Capacity – Permitted & After Expansion S.No Name of the Product Capacity

TPM Kg/day Permitted

1 Sumatriptan Succinate 0.1 3.3 2 Quinapril Hydrochloride 0.09 3.0 3 Enalapril Malaete 0.28 9.3 4 N-Ethoxy Carbonyl Phenyl Propyl Amine 0.8 26.7 5 Nicotine Polacrilex 6 200 6 Fenugreek Powder 6 200 Total 13.27 442.3

After Expansion 1 Sumatriptan Succinate 1 33.3 2 Eletriptan 1 16.7 3 Famotidine 3 100 4 Itraconazole 1.5 50 5 Ramiprill 0.1 3.3 6 Almotriptan malate 0.1 3.3 7 Rizatriptan Benzoate 0.2 6.7 8 Tadalafill 0.5 16.7 9 Zolmitriptan 0.1 3.3

10 Imidapril 0.1 3.3 11 Nicotine Polacrilex 2 66.7 12 Sildenafil Citrate 2 66.7 13 Ondensetron HCl 0.1 3.3 14 Sumatriptan Intermediate II 1 33.3 15 Sumatriptan Intermediate VI 20 666.7

Total 32.2 1073.3

Page 19: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-5 Team Labs and Consultants

Process Description of Sumitriptan Succinate

Reaction Schemes

Stage I








1-(4-hydrazinophenyl)-N-methylmethanesulfonamide Hychloride








251. 77 189. 27















+ ClH

312. 42 92. 12 ( 2 X 46. 06) 36. 5


Stage II












937. 26 ( 3 X 312. 42 )

3 O C2H5P-










+ + 3 K2CO3

Polyphosphoric acid Potassium carbona

311 360. 66 ( 3 X 120. 22)











+ [NH4]3PO4 2 K3PO4 C7H7O7+ +3

Ammonium phosphatePotassium phosphateBy produc

886. 2 ( 3 X 295. 40 )

149 370. 6 ( 2 X 185. 3 ) 203. 12

Stage III












295. 40


succinic acid

118. 08












Sumatriptan Succinate

413. 48

Page 20: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-6 Team Labs and Consultants

Process Description:

Stage: I (Cystofer)

1-(4-hydrazinophenyl)-N-methyl methane sulfonamide hydrochloride is reacting with 4,4-

diethoxy-N,N-dimethyl butan-1-amine to form 1-(4-{2-[4-(dimethyl amino) butylidene]

hydrazino} phenyl)-N-methyl methane sulfonamide.

Stage: II (NMSM)

Stage-I compound is reacting with polyphosphoric acid and potassium carbonate to form


Stage:III (Rani HCl)

Sumatriptan base is reacts with Succinic acid to form Sumatriptan Succinate. Schematic

diagram of Sumitriptan Sccinate is shown in Fig A.1 and material balance for Sumitriptan

Sccinate is presented in Table A.2.

Page 21: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-7 Team Labs and Consultants

1 -(4-

hyd razinop he nyl)-N -m ethyl m eth an e

su lfo nam id e h ydroc hlo ride

4 ,4 -d iethoxy -N ,N -d im ethyl bu ta n-1-

am ine So diu m carb on ate

Ch loro form D M w ate r

S tag e I p rod uc t a nd ch loro form

Poly ph osp ho ric e ster P otassiu m carb on ate

Act ivated carb on E th yl a cetate

Aceton itrile Aceton e

Stage I prod uct Chlorof orm W ater W aste

S tag e-I I produ ct E thyl acetate r ecovery E thyl acetate lo ss Ac etoni tri le r ecovery Ac etoni tri le loss Ac etone reco very Ac etone los s C hlorofo rm r ecovery C hlorofo rm loss S olid W aste

Su m atriptan Su ccinate M eth an ol r ecove ry M eth an ol loss W ater W aste Solid W aste

Sta ge- II pr odu ct Su ccin ic acid

M etha nol D M W ate r

Stage - I II

Stage - I I

S tag e - I

Fig A.1 Process Flow Diagram of Sumitriptan Succinate

Page 22: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-8 Team Labs and Consultants

Table A.2 Material Balance for Sumitriptan Succinate Stage I Input Kg per

Batch Output Kg per

Batch 1-(4-hydrazinophenyl)-N-methyl methane sulfonamide hydrochloride

40 Stage I product 40

4,4-diethoxy-N,N-dimethyl butan-1-amine

30 Chloroform recovery 538

Sodium carbonate 7 Chloroform loss 19.8 Chloroform 560 Ethanol Recovery 11 DM water 560 Water Waste Water 560 Input water 560 Organics 16.53 1-(4-hydrazinophenyl)-N-

methyl methane sulfonamide HCl


4,4-diethoxy-N,N-dimethyl butan-1-amine


Ethanol 0.79 chloroform 2.2 Inorganic 11.67 Hydrochloric acid 4.67 Sodium carbonate 7 Total 1197 Total 1197 Stage II Input Kg per

Batch Output Kg per

Batch Stage I product and chloroform

40 Stage-II product 14.5

Poly phosphoric ester 70 Ethyl acetate recovery 241 Potassium carbonate 90 Ethyl acetate loss 8.1 Activated carbon 6.5 Acetonitrile recovery 48.2 Ethyl acetate 250 Acetonitrile loss 1.62 Acetonitrile 50 Acetone recovery 145 Acetone 150 Acetone loss 4.5 Solid Waste Organics 91.15 Stage I product and

chloroform 24.66

Poly phosphoric ester 64.91 Ethyl acetate 0.9 Acetonitrile 0.18 Acetone 0.5

Page 23: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-9 Team Labs and Consultants

Inorganic 91.15 95.93 Potassium carbonate 84.1 Ammonium phosphate 2.44 Potassium phosphate 6.06 Polymer 3.33 Spent carbon 6.5 Spent carbon 6.5 Total 656.5 Total 656.5 Stage III Input Kg per

Batch Output Kg per

Batch Stage-II product 14.5 Sumatriptan Succinate 17.5 Succinic acid 8 Methanol recovery 73.5 Methanol 76 Methanol loss 2.25 DM Water 14.5 Water Waste Activated carbon 10 Water 14.5 Water input 14.5 Organics 5.25 Stage-II product 2 Succinic acid 3 Methanol 0.25 Solid Waste Spent carbon 10 Spent carbon 10 Total 123 Total 123

Page 24: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-10 Team Labs and Consultants

ANNEXURE – II: Wastewater Treatment Facilities

The effluent generated from the proposed expansion of M/s. SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,

Unit II is mainly from process, washings, scrubbers, cooling towers & boiler blow downs

and domestic effluent. Effluent from process, HTDS effluent sent to Stripper, Multiple

Effect Evaporator followed by ATFD, Biological treatment and RO. LTDS effluent from

process, washings, scrubbers, Solvent recovery system, DM rejects, Cooling towers, boiler

bow downs, detoxification effluent, ZLD washings and domestic effluents shall be sent to

Biological treatment system followed by RO. The treated effluent shall be reused for cooling

towers. Total Effluent generated and mode of treatment before and after expansion is

presented in Table A.3 and quantity and quality of effluent generated from process after

expansion is presented in Table A.4.

Table A.3 Total Effluent Generated and Mode of Treatment (Tentative)

Description Quantity (KLD) Mode of Treatment Permitted After

Expansion HTDS Effluents

Process 4.7 13.03 Sent to Stripper. Stripper condensate sent to cement industries for co-processing/TSDF. Stripper bottom sent to MEE.

Washings 3

Scrubber Effluent -- 2 Sent to MEE followed by AFTD and biological treatment plant. DM rejects -- 4

Total Phase I 4.7 22.03 LTDS Effluents

Boiler Blow downs 0.2 2.5 Sent to Biological Treatment System followed by RO. RO permeate reused for cooling tower makeup. RO rejects sent to MEE.

Cooling Tower Blow downs


Domestic 0.2 8.5

Total after Phase II 0.4 19 Grand Total (I+II) 5.1 41.03

Page 25: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-11 Team Labs and Consultants

Table A.4 Effluent Generated and Characteristics from Process – Product Wise (Tentative)

S.No Name of the Product Quantity (Kg/day) Conc. (mg/l) Water Input

TDS COD Total Effluent (Kg/day)


1 Sumatriptan Succinate 1095 22.3 51.9 1159.2 19196 44782 2 Eletriptan 65 12.5 2.2 131.0 95501 17071 3 Famotidine 135 25.6 21.7 296.1 86393 73265 4 Itraconazole 1415 4.8 38.9 1452.0 3279 26814 5 Ramiprill 67 8.0 7.7 92.2 86780 83237 6 Almotriptan malate 3511 232.1 96.9 3960.8 58596 24474 7 Rizatriptan Benzoate 171 3.1 23.0 225.1 13692 102019 8 Tadalafill 9 Zolmitriptan 1942 238.6 201.5 2600.2 91778 77504

10 Imidapril 450 42.4 43.6 546.3 77557 79809 11 Nicotine Polacrilex 157 0.0 7.0 112.0 0 62500 12 Sildenafil Citrate 229 0.0 0.9 229.3 0 4075 13 Ondensetron HCl 13 0.2 1.0 14.4 13125 68867 14 Sumatriptan Intermediate II 103 1.1 7.7 124.8 8573 61399 15 Sumatriptan Intermediate VI 0 94.6 84.3 2088.4 45314 40369 Total 9352.6 685.2 588.4 13031.8 52578 45149

Page 26: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-12 Team Labs and Consultants

ANNEXURE III: Water Requirement

Water is required for process, scrubbers, washing, cooling tower makeup, steam

generation and domestic purposes. The total required water after expansion shall be

drawn from APIIC in addition to reuse of treated wastewater. The total water requirement

after expansion shall be 93.4KLD out of which 58.4 KLD fresh water and 35 KLD of

recycled water. The water balance for daily consumption after expansion is presented in

Table A.5

Table A.5 Total Water Balance (Tentative) Purpose INPUT (KLD) OUTPUT (KLD)

Fresh Water Recycled Water Loss Effluent Process 9.4 13.03* Washings 3 3 Scrubber 2 2 Boiler Feed 20 17.5 2.5 Cooling Tower 5 35 32 8 RO/DM Plant 4 4 Domestic 10 1.5 8.5 Gardening 5 5 Gross Total 58.4 35 56 41.03 Total 93.4 97 * Process Effluents contains unreacted raw materials, soluble solvents, by-products etc.

Page 27: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-13 Team Labs and Consultants

ANNEXURE – IV Solid Waste

Solid wastes are generated from the process, solvent distillation, wastewater treatment and

utilities. The effluent treatment system generates, stripper distillate, ATFD salts and ETP

sludge. The process operations generate process residue, filter media, used catalysts,

activated carbon and inorganic residue. The utilities i.e., coal fired boiler generates ash

while DG sets generate waste oil and used batteries. The hazardous wastes of process

residue, stripper distillate, solvent residue, and activated carbon are sent cement plants for

co-incineration. Mixed solvents shall be sent to authorized recyclers/cement plant for co-

incineration while spent solvents are recovered within plant premises. The inorganic

wastes, filter media, used catalysts, salts from ATFD, and ETP sludge are sent to TSDF

facility located at Dundigal, Ranga Reddy district. The waste oil and used batteries are sold

to authorized recyclers. Coal ash is sold to brick manufacturers in the local area. The

quantity of solid waste generated in the plant and the disposal practice is presented in

Table A.6.

Table A.6 Total Solid Waste Generated and Mode of Disposal – After Expansion


Description Units Permitted After Expansion

Mode of Disposal

Ash from Boiler TPD 9.78 Sold to Brick manufactures Process Organic residue

TPD 1.27 Sent to TSDF/Cement Industries

Solvent Residue TPD 0.78 Sent to TSDF/Cement Industries Spent Carbon Kg/day 3.33 108 Sent to TSDF/Cement Industries Sodium Sulphate Kg/month 250 -- Sent to TSDF Magnesium Chloride Kg/month 750 -- Spent Solvents KLD 5.6 Recovered within the plant

premises. Mixed Solvents KLD 0.75 Sent to authorized recovery units/

Cement plants for co-incineration Evaporation Salts TPD 0.06 0.68 Sent to TSDF Stripper Distillate KLD 0.6 Sent to Cement Industries for Co-

incineration. ETP Sludge TPD 0.4 Sent to TSDF Detoxified containers No.s/Month 25 100 After detoxification sent to

Authorized agencies Waste oil Lts/Month 100 250 Sent to Authorized Recyclers Used batteries No.s/year 15 Sent to Authorized Recyclers

Page 28: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-14 Team Labs and Consultants

ANNEXURE V: Air Pollution

The main source of emissions is utilities, and reactions of organic chemical synthesis. The

other sources of emission are process operations, and spillage/leakage. Emissions from Utilities

The sources of air pollution in the plant are from the existing 2 TPH Furnace fired boiler

(shall be changed to coal after expansion), and proposed 3 TPH coal fired boiler to meet the

steam requirement both for process and ZLD and existing backup DG sets of 320 and

proposed 320 and 500 KVA, to cater to energy requirement during load shut downs. The

proposed air pollution control equipment for coal fired boiler is multi-cyclone separators.

DG sets shall be provided with stack heights based on the CPCB formula for effective stack

height. The emission rates of SPM, SO2, NOx and SPM from each stack are presented in

Table A-7.

Table A.6 Emission Details of Pollutants from Stack (Tentative)

S. No

Stack Connected to Stack Ht (m)

Dia of stack

at top(m)

Temp. of

exhaust gases (OC)

Exit Velocity (m/sec)

Pollutant Emission Rate (g/sec)


Existing 1 2TPH Coal Fired Boilers* 20 0.4 180 7.5 0.05 0.08 0.21 2 320 KVA DG Set** 4.0 0.2 160 8.5 0.06 0.11 0.13

Proposed 1 3 TPH Coal Fired Boiler 30.0 0.5 200 5.4 0.09 0.14 0.16 2 320 KVA DG Set** 4.0 0.2 160 8.5 0.06 0.11 0.13 3 500 KVA DG Set** 5 0.25 185 7.2 0.004 0.16 0.028

* Permitted 2TPH FO fired boiler changed to Coal fired boiler ** DG sets stack heights are above the roof level.

Emissions from Process

The manufacturing process consists of reaction, separation and purification. The reaction is

conducted in closed reactors, while the separation is conducted in centrifuge, filtration

equipment etc. The purification would be conducted in reactors or filtration equipment.

Page 29: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Unit II Form I Annexures

A-15 Team Labs and Consultants

The transfer of materials is through closed pipelines. Various sources of emissions are


Process Emissions: The process emissions contain Carbondioxide (1.6 Kg/day), Hydrogen

(0.35 Kg/day), ammonia (0.24 Kg/day). In the case of generation of ammonia the scrubber

will have acidic media and the resultant medium containing ammonium chloride

bicarbonate are sent to effluent. The other gases expected in the process are Carbon

dioxide and hydrogen gas which are let out into atmosphere following a standard operating


Page 30: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the

"l.:fWf ~

q~lGl"U'f ~ er;; ~


~;ft7.r~fw:f (~ ~)Regional Office (Southern Zone)

Kendrrya Sadan. 4th Floor. E&F Wings, 17th Main Road.2nd Block. Koramangala. Bangaiore . 560 034.

No. :

=rrr . ~,~Telegram: PARYAVARAN

BANGALORE~'1TlSf:Telephone: 080-25502577Tele Fax: 080-25537184

F. No. EP112.1/330 & 365 lAPzs" October 2013


Mr C. Chandra shaker, Sr. Manager,SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Plot No: 19-III, Road No: 71,Opp to Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Public School, Jubilee Hills,Hyderabad-500 096. Andhra Pradesh.

Subject Request for the current status of compliance of the environmental clearance for the (1)Bulk Drug unit by MIs SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd (Unit -1) at village Kazipally, TehsilJinnaram in Medak Reddy District in Andhra Pradesh issued vide MoEF Ref No J-110111152/2005-IA.II (I) dt07-07-2005 (2) Bulk Drug unit by MIs SMSPharmaceuticals Ltd (Unit -2) at village Bachupally, Tehsil Miyapur in Ranga ReddyDistrict in Andhra Pradesh issued vide MoEF Ref No J-I10111123/2005-IA.II (I) dt07-07-2005


This is in response to your letter dated 1ih September 2013 requesting for a certified copy of thecompliance report to the existing above said environmental clearances; the undersigned is directed toenclose herewith the recent monitoring report of the above projects monitored by this office on 4thOctober 2013, for necessary action at your end.

Encl: as above

Yours faithfully,

~~~(Dr. U. Sridharan)

Scientist "F"/DirectorPh: 25502577 (0) 26493485 (R) Fax: 080-25537184

Page 31: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the
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Page 38: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the
Page 39: SMS PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. UNIT · (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) Bachupally Village 13 Name of the













STUDIES AND DOCUMENTATION BY TEAM Labs and Consultants QCI: MoE&F OM, List A-1, S.No. 150. (An ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 Certified Organization) B-115, Annapurna Block, Aditya Enclave Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500 038. Phone: 040-23748 555/616, Telefax: 040-23748666 Email: [email protected]