smp isa audit guide volume 1 3e

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  • 7/28/2019 SMP ISA Audit Guide Volume 1 3e



    Guide to Using ISAs inthe Audits o Small-and Medium-Sized

    EntitiesVolume 1 Core Concepts

  • 7/28/2019 SMP ISA Audit Guide Volume 1 3e


    Small and Medium Practices Committee

    International Federation o Accountants

    545 Fith Avenue, 14th Floor

    New York, NY 10017 USA

    This Implementation Guide was prepared by the Small and Medium Practices Committee o

    the International Federation o Accountants (IFAC). The committee represents the interests

    o proessional accountants operating in small- and medium-sized practices and other

    proessional accountants who provide services to small- and medium-sized entities.

    This publication may be downloaded ree o charge rom the IFAC website: The

    approved text is published in the English language.

    The mission o IFAC is to serve the public interest, strengthen the worldwide accountancy

    proession, and contribute to the development o strong international economies by

    establishing and promoting adherence to high-quality proessional standards, urthering theinternational convergence o such standards, and speaking out on public interest issues where

    the proessions expertise is most relevant.

    For urther inormation, please email [email protected].

    Copyright November 2011 by the International Federation o Accountants (IFAC). All rights

    reserved. Permission is granted to make copies o this work provided that such copies are or

    use in academic classrooms or or personal use and are not sold or disseminated and provided

    that each copy bears the ollowing credit line: Copyright November 2011 by the International

    Federation o Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved. Used with permission o IFAC. Contact

    [email protected] or permission to reproduce, store, or transmit this document.Otherwise,

    written permission rom IFAC is required to reproduce, store, or transmit, or make other similar

    uses o, this document, except as permitted by law. Contact [email protected].

    ISBN: 978-1-60815-099-1[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/28/2019 SMP ISA Audit Guide Volume 1 3e


    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts



    Volume 1 Primary ISA ReerencePage


    Preace 5

    Request or Comments 61. How to Use the Guide 8

    2. The ISAs 13

    Core Concepts 21

    3. Ethics, ISAs, and Quality Control ISQC 1, 200, 220 21

    4. The Risk-Based AuditOverview Multiple 34

    5. Internal ControlPurpose and Components 315 54

    6. Financial Statement Assertions 315 80

    7. Materiality and Audit Risk 320 87

    8. Risk Assessment Procedures 240, 315 99

    9. Responding to Assessed Risks 240, 300, 330, 500 109

    10. Further Audit Procedures 330, 505, 520 120

    11. Accounting Estimates 540 142

    12. Related Parties 550 151

    13. Subsequent Events 560 160

    14. Going Concern 570 167

    15. Summary o Other ISA Requirements 250, 402, 501, 510, 600, 610,

    620, 720


    16. Audit Documentation ISQC 1, 220, 230, 240, 300,

    315, 330


    17. Forming an Opinion on Financial Statements 700 224

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts



    Volume 2 Primary ISA Reerence



    Preace 5

    Request or Comments 61. How to Use the Guide 8

    2. Introduction to the Case Studies 13

    PHASE 1: Risk Assessment 24

    3. Risk AssessmentOverview 24

    Preliminary Activities 27

    4. Engagement Acceptance and Continuance ISQC 1, 210, 220, 300 27

    Planning the Audit 43

    5. Overall Audit Strategy 300 43

    6. Determining and Using Materiality 320, 450 54

    7. Audit-Team Discussions 240, 300, 315 70

    Perorming Risk Assessment Procedures 79

    8. Inherent RisksIdentication 240, 315 79

    9. Inherent RisksAssessment 240, 315 107

    10. Signicant Risks 240, 315, 330 117

    11. Understanding Internal Control 315 127

    12. Evaluating Internal Control 315 141

    13. Communicating Deciencies in Internal Control 265 17114. Concluding the Risk Assessment Phase 315 184

    PHASE II: Risk Response 194

    15. Risk ResponseAn Overview 194

    16. The Responsive Audit Plan 260, 300, 330, 500 197

    17. Determining the Extent o Testing 330, 500, 530 220

    18. Documenting Work Perormed 230 249

    19. Written Representations 580 253

    PHASE III: Reporting 266

    20. ReportingOverview 266

    21. Evaluating Audit Evidence 220, 330, 450, 520, 540 269

    22. Communicating with Those Charged with Governance 260, 265, 450 286

    23. Modications to the Auditors Report 705 297

    24. Emphasis o Matter and Other Matter Paragraphs 706 310

    25. Comparative Inormation 710 316

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts



    Welcome to the third edition o the IFAC SMP Committees Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing

    in the Audits o Small- and Medium-Sized Entities.

    In this edition, we have taken the opportunity to rene some o the technical content and to make otherminor presentational improvements. Mindul, however, that many users may be in the process o translating

    the Guide, we have endeavored to keep the revisions in this edition to a minimum.

    First released in 2007 and developed with the Canadian Institute o Chartered Accountants (CICA), the Guide

    is intended to enable practitioners to develop a deeper understanding o an audit conducted in compliance

    with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) through explanation and illustrative examples. It oers a

    practical how-to audit approach that practitioners may use when undertaking a risk-based audit o an SME.

    Ultimately, it should help practitioners conduct high-quality, cost-eective audits, enabling them to better

    serve SMEs and, in turn, the wider public interest.

    The Guide provides non-authoritative guidance on applying ISAs. It is not to be used as a substitute orreading the ISAs, but rather as a supplement to support consistent implementation o these standards in the

    audits o SMEs. The Guide does not address all aspects o the ISAs, and should not be used or the purposes

    o determining or demonstrating compliance with the ISAs.

    In order to help member bodies maximize the use o both this Guide and its sister publication, the Guide

    to Quality Control or Small- and Medium-Sized Practices, the SMP Committee is developing a companion

    guide, along with additional materials designed to support the use o the Guides or education and training

    purposes. The companion guide will include suggestions on how IFAC member bodies and rms may make

    best use o the Guides to suit their own needs and jurisdictions.

    Finally, we welcome readers to visit the SMP area o the IFAC website at or urther details

    about the work o the IFAC SMP Committee and or access to a wide collection o additional ree publications

    and resources.

    Sylvie Voghel

    Chair, IFAC SMP Committee

    November 2011

  • 7/28/2019 SMP ISA Audit Guide Volume 1 3e


    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    Request or Comments

    This is the third edition o the Guide. While we consider this Guide to be useul and o high quality, it can be

    improved. We are committed to updating this Guide on a regular basis so as to ensure that it reects current

    standards and is as useul as possible.

    We welcome comments rom national standard setters, IFAC member bodies, practitioners, and others. In

    particular, we welcome views on the ollowing questions.

    1. How do you use the Guide? For example, do you use it as a basis or training and/or as a practical

    reerence guide, or in some other way?

    2. Do you consider the Guide to be sufciently tailored to the audit o SMEs?

    3. Do you nd the Guide easy to navigate? I not, can you suggest how navigation can be improved?

    4. In what other ways do you think the Guide can be made more useul?

    5. Are you aware o any derivative productssuch as training materials, orms, checklists, and programs

    that have been developed based on the Guide? I so, please provide details.

    Please submit your comments to Paul Thompson, Deputy Director at:

    Email: [email protected]

    Fax: +1 212-286-9570

    Mail: Small and Medium Practices Committee

    International Federation o Accountants

    545 Fith Avenue, 14th Floor

    New York, NY 10017, USA

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 SMP ISA Audit Guide Volume 1 3e


    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts



    This Guide is designed to assist practitioners in the implementation o the International

    Standards o Auditing (ISAs) on the audit o small- and medium-sized entities, but is not

    intended to be a substitute or the ISAs themselves. Furthermore, a practitioner should

    utilize this Guide in light o his/her proessional judgment and the acts and circumstances

    involved in each particular audit. IFAC disclaims any responsibility or liability that may occur,

    directly or indirectly, as a consequence o the use and application o this Guide.

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    1. How to Use the Guide

    The purpose o this Guide is to provide practical guidance to practitioners conducting audit engagements or

    small- and medium-sized entities (SMEs). However, no material in the Guide should be used as a substitute or


    It is assumed that practitioners have read the text o the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)

    which are contained in the Handbook o International Quality Control, Auditing, Review, Other Assurance,and Related Services Pronouncements, and which can be downloaded ree o charge rom the IAASB

    Publications & Resources web page at (lter

    by Handbooks, Standards, and Pronouncements). ISA 200.19 states that the auditor shall have an

    understanding o the entire text o an ISA, including its application and other explanatory material,

    to understand its objectives and to apply its requirements properly. The ISAs, as well as requently

    asked questions (FAQs) and other support materials, can also be obtained rom the Clarity Center at


    In order to apply the ISAs eectively, proessional judgment is required based on the particular acts

    and circumstances involved in the rm and each particular engagement.While it is expected that small- and medium-sized practices (SMPs) will be a signicant user group, this Guide

    is intended to help all practitioners to implement ISAs on SME audits.

    This Guide can be used to:





    Help ensure that sta adopt a consistent approach to planning and perorming an audit.

    This Guide oten reers to an audit team, which implies that more than one auditor is involved in conducting

    the audit engagement. However, the same general principles also apply to audit engagements perormed

    exclusively by one person (the practitioner).

    1.1 Reproduction, Translation, and Adaptation o the Guide

    IFAC encourages and acilitates the reproduction, translation, and adaptation o its publications. Interested

    parties wishing to reproduce, translate, or adapt this Guide should contact [email protected].[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    1.2 Chapter Content and Organization

    Rather than just summarize each ISA in turn, the Guide has been organized into two volumes as ollows:



    This is Volume 1 o the Guide, which provides an overview o the entire audit and a discussion o key audit

    concepts such as materiality, assertions, internal control, risk assessment procedures, and the use o urther audit

    procedures in responding to assessed risks. It also includes a summary o ISA requirements with respect to:




    Volume 2 o the Guide ocuses on how to apply the concepts outlined in Volume 1. It ollows the typical

    stages involved in perorming an audit, starting with client acceptance, planning, and risk assessment, and

    then the risk response, evaluating audit evidence obtained, and orming an appropriate audit opinion.

    Summary o Organization

    Each chapter in both volumes o this Guide has been organized in the ollowing ormat:



    Most chapters contain an extract rom the audit process chart (where applicable) to highlight the

    particular activities addressed in the chapter.


    This outlines the content and purpose o the chapter.


    Most chapters in this Guide begin with some extracts rom the ISAs that are relevant to the chapter

    content. These extracts include relevant requirements and, in some cases, the objectives (sometimes

    highlighted separately i/when a chapter ocuses primarily on one particular ISA), selected denitions,

    and application material. The inclusion o these extracts is not meant to imply that other material in

    the ISA not specically mentioned, or other ISAs that relate to the subject matter, do not need to be

    considered. The extracts in the Guide are based solely on the judgment o the authors as to what is

    relevant or the content o each particular chapter. For example, the requirements o ISAs 200, 220,

    and 300 apply throughout the audit process, but have only been addressed specically in one or two



    The overview in each chapter provides:


    An overview o what is addressed in the chapter.

    The overview is ollowed by a more detailed discussion o the subject matter, and practical step-by-step

    guidance/methodology on how to implement the relevant ISAs. This can include some cross-reerences

    to the applicable ISAs. While the Guide ocuses exclusively on the ISAs (other than the 800 series)

    that apply to audits o historical nancial inormation, reerence is also made to the Code o Ethics or

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    Proessional Accountants issued by the International Ethics Standards Board or Accountants (the IESBA

    Code), and the International Standard on Quality Control 1 (ISQC 1), Quality Control or Firms that Perorm

    Audits and Reviews o Financial Statements, and Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements.


    A number o Consider Points are included throughout the Guide. These Consider Points provide

    practical guidance on audit matters that can easily be overlooked, or where practitioners may havedifculty understanding and implementing certain concepts.


    To demonstrate how the ISAs can be applied in practice, Volume 2 o the Guide includes two case

    studies. At the end o many chapters within Volume 2, two possible approaches to documenting the

    application o the ISA requirements are discussed. Please reer to Volume 2, Chapter 2 o this Guide or

    details about the case studies.

    The purpose o the case studies and the documentation presented are purely illustrative. The

    documentation provided is a small extract rom a typical audit le, and it outlines just one possible way

    o complying with the ISA requirements. The data, analysis, and commentary provided represent only

    some o the circumstances and considerations that the auditor will need to address in a particular auditAs always, the auditor must exercise proessional judgment.

    The rst case study is based on a ctional entity called Dephta Furniture. This is a local, amily-owned

    urniture manuacturer with 15 ull-time employees. The entity has a simple governance structure, ew

    levels o management, and straightorward transaction processing. The accounting unction uses an o-

    the-shel, standard sotware package.

    The second case study is based on another ctional entity called Kumar & Co. This is a micro-sized entity

    with two ull-time sta plus the owner and one part-time bookkeeper.

    Other IFAC Publications

    This Guide may also be read in conjunction with TheGuide to Quality Control or Small- and Medium-Sized

    Practices, which can be downloaded ree o charge rom the IFAC online publications and resources site at

    1.3 Glossary o Terms

    The Guide uses many o the terms as dened in the IESBA Code, Glossary o Terms, and ISAs (as contained

    in the Handbook o International Quality Control, Auditing, Review, Other Assurance, and Related Services

    Pronouncements). Both partners and sta must be aware o these denitions.

    The Guide also uses the ollowing terms:

    Anti-Fraud Controls

    These are controls designed by management to prevent or detect misstatements resulting rom raud. With

    respect to management override, these controls may not prevent a raud rom occurring, but would act as a

    deterrent and make perpetrating a raud more difcult to conceal. Typical examples are:



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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts








    Entity-Level Controls

    Entity-level controls address pervasive risks. They contribute to the tone at the top o an organization and

    establish expectations or the control environment. They are oten less tangible than controls that operate

    at the transaction level, but have a pervasive and signicant impact and inuence over all other internal

    controls. As such, they orm the all-important oundation upon which other internal controls (i any) are built.

    Examples o entity level controls include managements commitment to ethical behavior, attitudes toward

    internal control, hiring and competence o sta employed, and anti-raud and period-end nancial reporting.These controls will have an impact on all other business processes within the entity.


    The person(s) with executive responsibility or the conduct o the entitys operations. For some entities in

    some jurisdictions, management includes some or all o those charged with governanceor example,

    executive members o a governance board, or an owner-manager.

    Those Charged With Governance (TCWG)

    The person(s) or organization(s) (or example, a corporate trustee) with responsibility or overseeing the

    strategic direction o the entity and obligations related to the accountability o the entity. This includes

    overseeing the nancial reporting process. For some entities, in some jurisdictions, those charged withgovernance may include management personnelor example, executive members o a governance board

    o a private or public sector entity, or an owner-manager.


    This reers to the proprietor o an entity involved in the running o the entity on a day-to-day basis. In most

    instances, the owner-manager will also be the person charged with governance o the entity.

    Small- and Medium-Sized Practice (SMP)

    An accounting practice/rm that exhibits the ollowing characteristics:

    Itsclientsaremostlysmall-andmedium-sizedentities(SMEs); Externalsourcesareusedtosupplementlimitedin-housetechnicalresources;and

    It employs a limited number o proessional sta.

    What constitutes an SMP will vary rom one jurisdiction to another.

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    1.4 Acronyms Used in the Guide

    AR Accounts receivable


    (combined) C= Completeness

    E = Existence

    A = Accuracy and cutoV = Valuation

    CAATs Computer-assisted audit techniques

    CU Currency units (standard currency unit is reerred to as )

    F/S Financial statements

    HR Human resources

    IAASB International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board

    IC Internal Control. The ve major components o internal control are as ollows:

    CA = Control activities

    CE = Control environment

    IS = Inormation systemsMO = Monitoring

    RA = Risk assessment

    IESBA Code IESBA Code o Ethics or Proessional Accountants

    IFAC International Federation o Accountants

    IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards

    ISAs International Standards on Auditing

    ISAEs International Standards on Assurance Engagements

    IAPSs International Auditing Practice Statements

    ISQC International Standard on Quality Control

    ISREs International Standards on Review EngagementsISRSs International Standards on Related Services

    IT Inormation technology

    PC Personal computer

    R&D Research and development

    RMM Risks o material misstatement

    RAPs Risk assessment procedures

    SME Small- and medium-sized entity

    SMP Small- and medium-sized practice

    TOC Tests o controls

    TCWG Those charged with governance

    WP Work papers, working papers

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    13/243 1

    2. The ISAs

    Structure o the ISAs

    The ISAs have a common structure, as outlined below.

    ISA Element Comments

    Introduction An explanation othe purpose and scope o the ISA, including how the ISA relatesto other ISAs, the subject matter o the ISA, specic expectations on the auditor and

    others, and the context in which the ISA is set.

    Objectives The objective to be achieved by the auditor as a result o complying with the

    requirements o the ISA. To achieve the overall objectives o the auditor, the auditor is

    required to use the objectives stated in relevant ISAs in planning and perorming the

    audit, keeping in mind the interrelationships among the ISAs. ISA 200.21 (a) requires

    the auditor to:

    (a) Determine whether any audit procedures in addition to those required by the


    (b) Evaluate whether sufcient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained.Denitions A description o the meanings attributed to certain terms or purposes o the ISAs.

    These are provided to assist in the consistent application and interpretation o the

    ISAs. They are not intended to override denitions that may be established or other

    purposes, such as those contained in laws or regulations. Unless otherwise indicated,

    these terms carry the same meanings throughout the ISAs.

    Requirements This section outlines the specic auditor requirements. Each requirement contains

    the word shall. For example, ISA 200.15 contains the ollowing requirement:

    The auditor shall plan and perorm an audit with proessional skepticism,

    recognizing that circumstances may exist that cause the nancial statements to

    be materially misstated.

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    ISA Element Comments

    Application and



    The application and other explanatory material provides urther explanation o the

    requirements o an ISA, and guidance or carrying them out. In particular, it may:




    However, the actual procedures selected by the auditor require the use o

    proessional judgment based on the particular circumstances o the entity and

    the assessed risks o material misstatement.

    While such guidance does not in itsel impose a requirement, it is relevant to the proper

    application o the requirements o an ISA. The application and other explanatory

    material may also provide background inormation on matters addressed in an ISA.

    Appendices Appendices orm part o the application and other explanatory material. The purpose

    and intended use o an appendix are explained in the body o the related ISA, or

    within the title and introduction o the appendix itsel.

    2.1 ISA Index and Cross-Reerences

    The ISA Framework is illustrated below.

    International Standards on Quality Control ISQCs 199

    International Framework for

    Assurance Engagements (audit & review)


    Financial Information



    on Auditing

    ISAs 100999



    on Assurance


    ISAEs 30003699



    on Related


    ISRSs 40004699


    Auditing Practice

    StatementsIAPSs 10001999


    Standards on



    ISREs 20002699


    Financial Information

    International Standards

    on Related Services

    (compilations, etc.)

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    The ollowing table cross-reerences the ISAs and ISQC 1 to the corresponding chapters in the Guide. Note:

    This table only includes cross-reerences to the chapters in the Guide in which the primary application

    requirements o the respective standards are addressed. Further reerences to any given standard may also

    appear in other chapters.

    ISA/ISQC 1


    Volume and Chapters

    V1 = Volume 1

    V2 = Volume 2

    ISQC 1 Quality Control or Firms that Perorm Audits and Reviews o FinancialStatements, and Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements

    V1-3, 16V2-4

    200 Overall Objectives o the Independent Auditor and the Conduct o anAudit in Accordance with International Standards on Auditing

    V1-3, 4

    210 Agreeing the Terms o Audit Engagements V2-4

    220 Quality Control or an Audit o Financial Statements V1-3, 16, V2-4, 21

    230 Audit Documentation V1-3, 16, V2-18

    240 The Auditors Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit o FinancialStatements

    V1-8, 9, 16V2-7, 8, 9, 10

    250 Consideration o Laws and Regulations in an Audit o FinancialStatements


    260 Communication with Those Charged with Governance V2-16, 22

    265 Communicating Deciencies in Internal Control to Those Chargedwith Governance and Management

    V2-13, 22

    300 Planning an Audit o Financial Statements V1-9, 16V2-4, 5, 7, 16

    315 Identiying and Assessing the Risks o Material Misstatement throughUnderstanding the Entity and its Environment V1-4, 5, 6, 8, 16V2-7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14

    320 Materiality in Planning and Perorming an Audit V1-7, V2-6

    330 The Auditors Responses to Assessed Risks V1-4, 9, 10, 16V2-10, 16, 17, 21

    402 Audit Considerations Relating to an Entity Using a Service Organization V1-15

    450 Evaluation o Misstatements Identied during the Audit V2-6, 21, 22

    500 Audit Evidence V1-9, V2-16, 17

    501 Audit EvidenceSpecic Considerations or Selected Items V1-15

    505 External Conrmations V1-10510 Initial Audit EngagementsOpening Balances V1-15

    520 Analytical Procedures V1-10, V2-21

    530 Audit Sampling V2-17

    540 Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value AccountingEstimates, and Related Disclosures

    V1-11, V2-21

    550 Related Parties V1-12

    560 Subsequent Events V1-13

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts



    ISQC 1


    Volume and Chapters

    V1 = Volume 1

    V2 = Volume 2

    570 Going Concern V1-14

    580 Written Representations V2-19600 Special ConsiderationsAudits o Group Financial Statements

    (Including the Work o Component Auditors)V1-15

    610 Using the Work o Internal Auditors V1-15

    620 Using the Work o an Auditors Expert V1-15

    700 Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements V1-4, 17

    705 Modications to the Opinion in the Independent Auditors Report V2-23

    706 Emphasis o Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in theIndependent Auditors Report


    710 Comparative InormationCorresponding Figures and ComparativeFinancial Statements


    720 The Auditors Responsibilities Relating to Other Inormation inDocuments Containing Audited Financial Statements


    800 Special ConsiderationsAudits o Financial StatementsPrepared in Accordance with Special Purpose Frameworks

    Not addressed*

    805 Special ConsiderationsAudits o Single Financial Statements andSpecic Elements, Accounts, or Items o a Financial Statement

    Not addressed*

    810 Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements Not addressed*

    *ISAs 800, 805, and 810 were considered to have limited application in the audits o SMEs at the present time,so this edition o the Guide does not specically address them.

    The ollowing table cross-reerences the Guides chapters to the principal ISA Chapters addressed.

    Note: This table provides a general cross-reerence only. Many chapters in this Guide cover aspects

    addressed by more than one particular ISA.

    Chapter Title

    ISA /ISQC 1


    V1 3 Ethics, ISAs, and Quality Control ISQC 1, 200, 220

    V1 4 The Risk-Based AuditOverview Multiple

    V1 5 Internal ControlPurpose and Components 315

    V1 6 Financial Statement Assertions 315

    V1 7 Materiality and Audit Risk 320

    V1 8 Risk Assessment Procedures 240, 315

    V1 9 Responding to Assessed Risks 240, 300,330, 500

    V1 10 Further Audit Procedures 330, 505, 520

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    Chapter Title

    ISA /ISQC 1


    V1 11 Accounting Estimates 540

    V1 12 Related Parties 550

    V1 13 Subsequent Events 560

    V1 14 Going Concern 570

    V1 15 Summary o Other ISA Requirements 250, 402, 501,510, 600, 610,

    620, 720

    V1 16 Audit Documentation ISQC 1, 220,230, 240, 300,

    315, 330

    V1 17 Forming an Opinion on Financial Statements 700

    V2 4 Engagement Acceptance and Continuance ISQC 1, 210, 220,

    300V2 5 Overall Audit Strategy 300

    V2 6 Determining and Using Materiality 320, 450

    V2 7 Audit Team Discussions 240, 300, 315

    V2 8 Inherent RisksIdentication 240, 315

    V2 9 Inherent RisksAssessment 240, 315

    V2 10 Signicant Risks 240, 315, 330

    V2 11 Understanding Internal Control 315

    V2 12 Evaluating Internal Control 315

    V2 13 Communicating Deciencies in Internal Control 265

    V2 14 Concluding the Risk Assessment Phase 315

    V2 16 The Responsive Audit Plan 260, 300, 330,500

    V2 17 Determining the Extent o Testing 330, 500, 530

    V2 18 Documenting Work Perormed 230

    V2 19 Written Representations 580

    V2 21 Evaluating Audit Evidence 220, 330, 450,520, 540

    V2 22 Communicating with Those Charged with Governance 260, 265, 450

    V2 23 Modications to the Auditors Report 705

    V2 24 Emphasis o Matter and Other Matter Paragraphs 706

    V2 25 Comparative Inormation 710

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    2.2 The Audit Process

    The audit approach outlined in this Guide has been divided into three phasesrisk assessment, risk response,

    and reporting. This is illustrated in Exhibit 2.2-1. For each o the audit phases, the exhibit outlines the major

    activities, their purpose and the resulting documentation. Additional inormation on the activities and

    documentation required in each o the three phases is outlined throughout this Guide and particularly in

    Volume 2, which ollows a typical audit rom start to nish.

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    Exhibit 2.2-1


    Design overallresponses andfurther auditprocedures

    Developappropriateresponses tothe assessed RMM3

    Update of overall strategy

    Overall responses

    Audit plan that linksassessed RMM3 to furtheraudit procedures

    Implement responsesto assessed RMM3

    Reduce audit riskto an acceptably

    low level

    Work performed

    Audit ndings

    Sta supervisionWorking paper review


    Evaluate the auditevidence obtained

    Determine whatadditional audit work(if any) is required

    Prepare theauditors report

    Form an opinionbased on auditndings

    Signicant decisions

    Signed audit opinion


    Plan the auditDevelop an overallaudit strategy andaudit plan2


    Audit team discussions

    Overall audit strategy

    Listing of risk factors


    Engagement letter

    Perform preliminaryengagement


    Decide whether toaccept engagement

    Performrisk assessment


    Identify/assess RMM3

    through understandingthe entity

    Business & fraud risksincluding signicant risks

    Design/implementation of

    relevant internal controls

    Assessed RMM3 at: F/S level Assertion level




    1. Refer to ISA 230 for a more complete list of documentation required.2. Planning (ISA 300) is a continual and iterative process throughout the audit.

    3. RMM = Risks of material misstatement.

    Activity Purpose Documentation1



    New/revised risk factorsand audit procedures

    Changes in materiality

    Communicationson audit ndings

    Conclusions on auditprocedures performed

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    Volume 1

    Core Concepts

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    21/243 2

    3. Ethics, ISAs, and Quality Control

    Chapter Content Relevant ISAs

    Matters to be addressed in a rms system o quality control to ensure

    compliance with ethical (including independence) requirements and

    the ISAs.ISQC 1, 200, 220

    Exhibit 3.0-1

    Client acceptance

    and continuance





    Ethics and


    Firms Values and Goals

    Leadership (Roles, assignments and accountability)

    Documentation and Ongoing Monitoring(Firms QC system and engagement les)

    Paragraph # ISQC/ISA Objective(s)

    ISQC 1.11 The objective o the rm is to establish and maintain a system o quality control to provide it

    with reasonable assurance that:

    (a) The rm and its personnel comply with proessional standards and applicable legal andregulatoryrequirements;and

    (b) Reports issued by the rm or engagement partners are appropriate in the circumstances.

    220.6 The objective o the auditor is to implement quality control procedures at the engagement

    level that provide the auditor with reasonable assurance that:

    (a) The audit complies with proessional standards and applicable legal and regulatory


    (b) The auditor's report issued is appropriate in the circumstances.

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    Paragraph # Relevant Extracts rom ISAs/ISQC 1

    ISQC 1.13 Personnel within the rm responsible or establishing and maintaining the rms system

    o quality control shall have an understanding o the entire text o this ISQC, including its

    application and other explanatory material, to understand its objective and to apply its

    requirements properly.

    ISQC 1.18 The rm shall establish policies and procedures designed to promote an internal culture

    recognizing that quality is essential in perorming engagements. Such policies and procedures

    shall require the rms chie executive ofcer (or equivalent) or, i appropriate, the rms

    managing board o partners (or equivalent) to assume ultimate responsibility or the rms

    system o quality control. (Re: Para. A4-A5)

    ISQC 1.19 The rm shall establish policies and procedures such that any person or persons assigned

    operational responsibility or the rms system o quality control by the rms chie executive

    ofcer or managing board o partners has sufcient and appropriate experience and ability,

    and the necessary authority, to assume that responsibility. (Re: Para. A6)

    ISQC 1.29 The rm shall establish policies and procedures designed to provide it with reasonable

    assurance that it has sufcient personnel with the competence, capabilities, and commitment

    to ethical principles necessary to:(a) Perorm engagements in accordance with proessional standards and applicable legal and


    (b) Enable the rm or engagement partners to issue reports that are appropriate in the

    circumstances. (Re: Para. A24-A29)

    ISQC 1.32 The rm shall establish policies and procedures designed to provide it with reasonable

    assurance that engagements are perormed in accordance with proessional standards and

    applicable legal and regulatory requirements, and that the rm or the engagement partner

    issue reports that are appropriate in the circumstances. Such policies and procedures shall


    (a) Mattersrelevanttopromotingconsistencyinthequalityofengagementperformance;

    (Re: Para. A32-A33)

    (b) Supervisionresponsibilities;and(Ref:Para.A34)(c) Review responsibilities. (Re: Para. A35)

    ISQC 1.48 The rm shall establish a monitoring process designed to provide it with reasonable assurance

    that the policies and procedures relating to the system o quality control are relevant,

    adequate, and operating eectively. This process shall:

    (a) Include an ongoing consideration and evaluation o the rms system o quality control

    including, on a cyclical basis, inspection o at least one completed engagement or each


    (b) Require responsibility or the monitoring process to be assigned to a partner or partners

    or other persons with sufcient and appropriate experience and authority in the rm to


    (c) Require that those perorming the engagement or the engagement quality control review

    are not involved in inspecting the engagements. (Re: Para. A64-A68)

    ISQC 1.57 The rm shall establish policies and procedures requiring appropriate documentation to

    provide evidence o the operation o each element o its system o quality control. (Re: Para.


    200.14 The auditor shall comply with relevant ethical requirements, including those pertaining to

    independence, relating to nancial statement audit engagements. (Re: Para. A14-A17)

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    Paragraph # Relevant Extracts rom ISAs/ISQC 1

    200.15 The auditor shall plan and perorm an audit with proessional skepticism recognizing that

    circumstances may exist that cause the nancial statements to be materially misstated. (Re:

    Para. A18-A22)

    200.16 The auditor shall exercise proessional judgment in planning and perorming an audit o

    nancial statements. (Re: Para. A23-A27)220.17 On or beore the date o the auditors report, the engagement partner shall, through a review o

    the audit documentation and discussion with the engagement team, be satised that sufcient

    appropriate audit evidence has been obtained to support the conclusions reached and or the

    auditors report to be issued. (Re: Para. A18-A20)

    220.18 The engagement partner shall:

    (a) Take responsibility or the engagement team undertaking appropriate consultation on


    (b) Be satised that members o the engagement team have undertaken appropriate consultation

    during the course o the engagement, both within the engagement team and between the


    (c) Be satised that the nature and scope o, and conclusions resulting rom, such

    consultationsareagreedwiththepartyconsulted;and(d) Determine that conclusions resulting rom such consultations have been implemented.

    (Re: Para. A21-A22)

    220.19 For audits o nancial statements o listed entities, and those other audit engagements, i any,

    or which the rm has determined that an engagement quality control review is required, the

    engagement partner shall:

    (a) Determinethatanengagementqualitycontrolreviewerhasbeenappointed;

    (b) Discuss signicant matters arising during the audit engagement, including those

    identied during the engagement quality control review, with the engagement quality


    (c) Not date the auditors report until the completion o the engagement quality control

    review. (Re: Para. A23-A25)

    3.1 Overview

    Perorming quality work begins with strong leadership within the rm and engagement partners committed

    to the highest ethical standards.

    This chapter ocuses on developing the system o quality control within a rm. It provides some practical

    guidance on matters that need to be considered whenever a rm decides to perorm audit engagements.

    The provision o quality audits and related services is vital to:






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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    The IFAC Guide to Quality Control or Small- and Medium-Sized Practices provides a detailed description o

    the quality control standards and guidance on how to implement a system o quality control or small- and

    medium-sized practices (SMPs).2

    The Code o Ethics or Proessional Accountants (eective January 1, 2011), issued by the IESBA, can be

    downloaded rom the IFAC web site.3

    3.2 Quality Control Systems

    The system o quality control in an accounting rm could be mapped to the ve internal control elements

    that auditors are required to evaluate as part o understanding any entity being audited. In a rm, these ve

    internal control elements would also be applicable to control systems in place (other than quality control),

    such as time and billing, ofce workow, expense control, and marketing activities.

    The ollowing diagram maps the quality control elements outlined in ISQC 1 and ISA 220 to the ve internal

    control components contained in ISA 315, which are applicable to entities being audited. Each o these ve

    control elements is more ully addressed in Volume 1, Chapter 5 o this Guide.

    Exhibit 3.2-1

    Internal Control Elements

    (ISA 315)Firm-Level QC Elements (ISQC 1)

    Engagement-Level QC

    Elements (ISA 220)

    Control Environment

    (Tone at the Top)Leadership Responsibilities orQuality within the Firm

    Relevant Ethical Requirements

    Human Resources

    Leadership Responsibilities orQuality on Audits

    Relevant Ethical Requirements

    Assignment o Engagement Teams

    Risk Assessment

    (What Could Go Wrong?)Acceptance and Continuance oClient Relationships and SpecicEngagements

    Acceptance and Continuance o ClientRelationships and Audit Engagements

    Risks that the report might not beappropriate in the circumstances

    Inormation Systems(Tracking perormance)

    Quality Control SystemDocumentation

    Audit Documentation

    Control Activities (Prevent& detect/correct controls)

    Engagement Perormance Engagement Perormance

    Monitoring(Are the frms/engagements objectives beingmet?)

    Ongoing Monitoring o the FirmsQuality Control Policies andProcedures

    Applying Results o OngoingMonitoring to Specic AuditEngagements

    3.3 The Control EnvironmentDelivery o high-quality and cost-eective services is the principal driver o success or proessional audit

    rms. Quality service is also vital in relation to the public-interest responsibilities o proessional accountants.


    objective needs to be communicated to all personnel on a regular basis, and the results monitored. This

    requires leadership and accountability or promised actions. Poor quality control can lead to inappropriate

    opinions, poor client service, lawsuits, and loss o reputation.

    2 The web link is

    3 The web link is (lter by Handbooks, Standards, and Pronouncements)
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    Hindrances to a strong tone at the top could include matters set out below.

    Exhibit 3.3-1

    Hindrance Description

    Poor Attitudes A poor attitude is at the heart o most hindrances to quality. It includes such attitudes

    (but not necessarily this extreme) as the ollowing: Firmcontinuallyoperatesinacrisismode;





    Some practices and terminology may get changed to demonstrate compliance





    Clientsconsideredtotallytrustworthybythecontrolpartner; Minimizingoravoidingtheneedforengagementqualitycontrolreviews;





    wants les and working papers to be prepared his/her way without regard or



    what I say, not what I do).


    or Development

    Conducting a quality audit is dependent on attracting and retaining qualiedand competent people to perorm the work. This requires ongoing proessional

    development and perormance appraisals or all partners and proessional sta (every

    period). Lack o investment in sta also leads to sta turnover.

    Lack o Discipline A ailure to discipline partners or sta when the rms policies are willully

    contravened sends a very clear message to personnel that written policies are really

    not that important. This undermines compliance with all o the rms policies, and

    increases the risk to the rm.

    A healthy tone at the top can be set by the rms management and engagement partners through the

    ollowing activities.

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    Exhibit 3.3-2

    SettingtheTone Description

    Establish theFirmsObjectives,Priorities,and


    This could include:



    Investmentintherequiredtechnological,human,andnancialresources; Policiestoensuresoundengagementandscalmanagement;and



    Reinorce the rms values and commitments by communicating regularly

    (verbally and in writing) with sta. Communications would address the need or

    integrity, objectivity, independence, proessional skepticism, sta development,

    and accountability to the public. Communications could be made through the

    perormance-appraisal system, partner updates, emails, ofce meetings, and internal



    Quality ControlManual

    Each period, update the rms quality control policies and procedures to address

    weaknesses and any new requirements.

    Hold PeopleAccountable

    Assign clear responsibilities and accountabilities or quality-control unctions (such as

    independence issues, consultation, le review, etc.).

    Develop StaCompetence andRewardQualityWork

    Develop sta through:




    Takingdisciplinaryactionwhenthermspoliciesarewillully contravened.



    Take prompt action to correct deciencies when identied, such as through the

    rms engagement le monitoring, including the cyclical inspection o completedengagement les.

    SetanExample Provide sta with a role model in the positive example set by partners in their day-

    to-day behavior. For example, i a policy emphasizes the need or quality work, a sta

    member should then not be criticized or legitimately going over the budgeted time.

    3.4 Firm Risk Assessment

    Risk management is an ongoing process that helps a rm to anticipate negative events, develop a ramework

    or eective decision-making, and protably deploy the rms resources.

    Some orm o risk management occurs in most rms, and it is oten inormal and undocumented. Individual

    partners typically identiy risks and respond to them based on their direct involvement with the rm and

    with their clients. Formalizing and documenting the process or the rm as a whole is a proactive and

    more eective approach to risk assessment. This does not have to be time-consuming or cumbersome to

    implement. Notably, eectively managing the rms risk assessment can result in less stress or partners and

    sta, savings in time and costs, and improved chances o achieving the rms goals.

    A simple risk assessment process can be used in any size o rm, even a sole proprietorship. It consists o the

    ollowing activities.

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    Exhibit 3.4-1

    Activity Description

    Establish the Risk



    These tolerances could be quantitative amounts, such as allowable write-os o

    work in process, or qualitative actors, such as characteristics o clients that would

    not be acceptable to the rm. Once established, these tolerances provide partners

    and sta with a useul reerence point or decision-making (e.g., write-os and clientacceptance, etc.).

    Identiy What Can

    Go WrongIdentiy the events (that is, the risk actors or exposures) that could prevent the rm

    rom achieving its stated goals. This step implies that the rm has already established

    clear objectives and a commitment to perorming quality work.

    Prioritize Risks Using the risk tolerances established above, prioritize the events identied based on

    an assessment o likelihood and impact.

    What is the



    Develop an appropriate response to the assessed risks to reduce the potential impact

    to within the rms acceptable tolerances. Potential events (risks) with the highest

    priority would be addressed rst.


    ResponsibilityFor all risks that require action or monitoring, assign someone with the responsibility

    to take the appropriate action and to manage the risk on a day-to-day basis.

    MonitorProgress Require periodic (simple) reports rom each person assigned to manage risks on

    behal o the rm (this could address matters such as compliance with the rms

    quality control procedures, training requirements, sta appraisals, and independence

    issues addressed).

    A sample o a rms risk assessment worksheet could be as shown in the ollowing exhibit.

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    Exhibit 3.4-2

    3.5 Inormation Systems

    Most rms have well-developed inormation systems or keeping track o clients, time and billing,

    expenditures, sta, and engagement le management. However, inormation systems that track the quality o

    work produced and compliance with the rms quality control manual are oten not as well developed.

    Inormation systems should also be designed to address the risks identied and assessed as part o the rms

    risk assessment process.

    Aspects o quality control that merit documentation and ongoing review include keeping track o the matters

    set out in the ollowing exhibit.

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    Exhibit 3.5-1

    Keep track o: Description

    Firms RiskExposureand Stas

    Commitmentto Quality



    include minutes o committee meetings (i.e., quality control), issues addressed,

    or simply that there is nothing to report. Firm-widecommunicationsonthesubjectofquality.


    deciency ound or recommendation made (who, what, when, etc.). Also track

    dates when action steps are completed and send out reminders when necessary.


    behavior o the rms personnel. Also track how these complaints were

    investigated, the results and communication with the complainant, and any

    actions taken.

    Ethics and



    Detailsonwhatethical(includingindependence)threatswereidentied,andthe relevant saeguards that have been applied to eliminate or at least mitigate

    such threats.

    Personnel Oerofemployment.




    knowledge o the rms quality control manual.


    attending training, etc.



    names o those who attended.




    place or all audit engagements.





    alternative audit procedures perormed to achieve the aim o that requirement.

    Detailsofconsultationswithothers,andresolutionofaudit/accountingissuesraised, i any.


    and resolved. These could include changes in sta personnel, delays in

    obtaining inormation, unavailability o client sta, scope restrictions, and any

    disagreements with client management.


    or assembly o nal engagement les.


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    3.6 Control Activities

    Control activities are designed to ensure compliance with the rms established policies and procedures.

    One possible way to design, implement, and monitor quality control is to ollow the PDCA (plan-do-check-

    act) process. Each o the elements is described below.

    Exhibit 3.6-1

    Step Description

    PLAN Establish the objectives and quality control processes necessary to deliver the

    required outputs.

    DO Implement the new processes, oten on a small scale i possible.

    CHECK Measure the new processes, and compare the results against the expected results to

    ascertain any dierences.

    ACT Analyze the dierences to determine their cause. Each will be part o either one

    or more o the P-D-C-A steps. Determine where to apply changes that includeimprovement.

    For example, a rm objective may be not to release the audit report until all queries and outstanding items

    have been cleared. The required policy is that the nal engagement report may not be released, led, or

    otherwise distributed until certain specied approvals have been obtained. Implementation o the policy

    could be controlled through a nal release process wherein a person veries that all approvals have in act

    been obtained and documented. The eectiveness o the policy could be checked by periodic inspections o

    the approval sign-os. I deviations are identied, the reasons would be investigated, and appropriate action

    such as discipline, training, or changes in the policy would be considered.

    Control activities to address all policies and procedures would not be possible or cost-eective. Firms shoulduse proessional judgment and their assessment o risk to determine what controls need to be implemented.

    Control activities could be considered or:





    The scope or control-activity design would address all the quality control, ethical, and independence

    requirements and the rms compliance with ISAs relevant to the audit.

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    Exhibit 3.6-2

    Complying with ISAs Relevant to the Audit

    Scope of Possible Control Activities:

    Firms Values and GoalsLeadership & assigning of QC responsibilities

    Risk assessment

    Sta development, management, & disciplineInformation systems (independence, scheduling, clients, sta, etc.)

    Documenting the QC system

    QC monitoring and continual improvement





    LeadershipEthics and






    Supervision and

    File Reviews


    Assign StaResponsibilities

    Consultationand Use of


    Documentation Release ofAudit Report

    3.7 Monitoring

    An important element o a control system is the monitoring o its tness and operational eectiveness.

    This can be achieved through an independent review o the operating eectiveness o the rm-level and

    engagement-level policies/procedures, and inspection o completed engagement les.

    An eective monitoring process helps to develop a culture o continual improvement, wherein partners and

    sta are committed to quality work and rewarded or improving perormance.

    A rms monitoring process could be divided into two parts, as ollows:

    Ongoingmonitoring (other than the cyclical le inspections)

    An ongoing (suggest annual) consideration and evaluation o the rms system o quality control helps to

    ensure that the policies and procedures in place are relevant, adequate, and operating eectively. When

    perormed and documented on an annual basis, this monitoring will support the requirement to

    communicate with sta each year about the rms plans to improve engagement quality. This scope o

    ongoing monitoring addresses each o the quality control elements, and includes an assessment o whether:

    The rms quality control manual has been updated or new requirements and developments,

    Those assigned quality control responsibilities in the rm (i any) have actually ullled their roles, Written conrmations (by partners and sta) have been obtained to ensure each individuals

    compliance with the rms policies and procedures on independence and ethics,

    There is ongoing proessional development or partners and sta,

    Decisions related to acceptance and continuance o client relationships and specic engagements

    are in compliance with the rms policies and procedures,

    The code o ethics has been ollowed,

    Suitably qualied people were assigned as the engagement quality control reviewers and

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    completion o such reviews occurred beore the audit report was dated,

    Communication has been made to the appropriate personnel about deciencies that have been

    identied, and

    Appropriate ollow-up has been made to ensure that identied deciencies in quality have been

    addressed on a timely basis.

    CyclicalcompletedleinspectionsThe ongoing consideration and evaluation o the rms system o quality control includes a cyclical

    inspection o at least one completed engagement le or each partner. This is required to ensure

    compliance with proessional/legal requirements, and that assurance reports being issued are

    appropriate in the circumstances. Cyclical inspections help to identiy deciencies and training needs,

    and enable the rm to make necessary changes, on a timely basis.

    Upon completion o the review, the monitor would prepare a report that, ater discussion with the partners,

    would be communicated to all managers and proessional sta along with the action steps to be taken.

    Who can be appointed as monitor?

    Monitoringofrm-levelpoliciesThe review o compliance with the rms policies would be perormed by a suitably qualied person who

    ideally is not also responsible or managing or developing quality control within the rm. However, ISQC 1

    recognizes that this may not always be possible in smaller rms, so sel-monitoring is acceptable. Alternatively,

    an individual external to the rm, with the competence and capabilities to act as an engagement partner,

    could be appointed. This would enhance the independence and objectivity o the rm.


    The person appointed to inspect completed engagement les must be suitably qualied, and must not

    have been involved in perorming the engagement or the engagement quality control review on the le.

    3.8 Compliance with Relevant ISAs

    Paragraph # Relevant Extracts rom ISAs

    200.18 The auditor shall comply with all ISAs relevant to the audit. An ISA is relevant to the audit when

    the ISA is in eect and the circumstances addressed by the ISA exist. (Re: Para. A53-A57)

    200.22 Subject to paragraph 23, the auditor shall comply with each requirement o an ISA unless, in

    the circumstances o the audit:

    (a) TheentireISAisnotrelevant;or

    (b) The requirement is not relevant because it is conditional and the condition does not exist.

    (Re: Para. A72-A73)

    200.23 In exceptional circumstances, the auditor may judge it necessary to depart rom a relevant

    requirement in a ISA. In such circumstances, the auditor shall perorm alternative audit

    procedures to achieve the aim o that requirement. The need or the auditor to depart rom

    a relevant requirement is expected to arise only where the requirement is or a specic

    procedure to be perormed and, in the specic circumstances o the audit, that procedure

    would be ineective in achieving the aim o the requirement. (Re: Para. A74)

    230.12 I, in exceptional circumstances, the auditor judges it necessary to depart rom a relevant

    requirement in an ISA, the auditor shall document how the alternative audit procedures perormed

    achieve the aim o that requirement, and the reasons or the departure. (Re: Para. A18-A19)

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    The ISAs set out the responsibilities and requirements o auditors in conducting an audit. As stated in ISA

    200.18, 22, and 23, each relevant requirement (set out in the requirements section o the ISAs) is to be

    ollowed by the auditor, except in exceptional circumstances, where alternative audit procedures would

    be perormed to achieve the aim o that particular requirement. Note the ollowing.

    Exhibit 3.8-1

    ISAs Description

    Status The ISAs, taken together, provide the standards or the auditors work in ullling theoverall objectives o the auditor.

    The ISAs deal with the general responsibilities o the auditor, as well as the auditors urtherconsiderations relevant to the application o those responsibilities to specic topics.

    Relevance Some ISAs (and thereore all o their requirements) may not be relevant in thecircumstances (e.g., internal audit or group accounts).

    Some ISAs contain conditional requirements. These requirements are relevant whenthe circumstances envisioned apply and the condition exists.

    Departures rom relevant ISA requirements need to be documented, along with thealternative audit procedures perormed and the reasons or the departure.

    LocalLaws Auditors may be required (in addition to the ISAs) to comply with certain legal orregulatory requirements or other auditing standards o a specic jurisdiction or country.

    Other The scope, eective date, and any specic limitation o the applicability o a specicISA is made clear in the ISA. However, the eective date o the ISA may also beaected by legal requirements in a particular jurisdiction.

    Unless otherwise stated in the ISA, the auditor is permitted to apply an ISA beore theeective date specied therein.

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    4. The Risk-Based Audit Overview

    Chapter Content Relevant ISAs

    Auditor objectives, basic elements, and approach to perorming

    a risk-based audit. Multiple

    Exhibit 4.0-1

    Evaluate the audit

    evidence obtained

    Prepare the

    auditors report

    Perform riskassessment


    Plan the auditDesign further

    audit procedures

    Perform further

    audit proceduresR




    Paragraph # ISA Objective(s)

    200.11 In conducting an audit o nancial statements, the overall objectives o the auditor are:

    (a) To obtain reasonable assurance about whether the nancial statements as a whole are ree

    rom material misstatement, whether due to raud or error, thereby enabling the auditor

    to express an opinion on whether the nancial statements are prepared, in all material


    (b) To report on the nancial statements, and communicate as required by the ISAs, in

    accordance with the auditors ndings.

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    Paragraph # Relevant Extracts rom ISAs

    200.3 The purpose o an audit is to enhance the degree o condence o intended users in the

    nancial statements. This is achieved by the expression o an opinion by the auditor on

    whether the nancial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an

    applicable nancial reporting ramework. In the case o most general purpose rameworks,

    that opinion is on whether the nancial statements are presented airly, in all materialrespects, or give a true and air view in accordance with the ramework. An audit conducted

    in accordance with ISAs and relevant ethical requirements enables the auditor to orm that

    opinion. (Re: Para. A1)

    200.5 As the basis or the auditors opinion, ISAs require the auditor to obtain reasonable assurance

    about whether the nancial statements as a whole are ree rom material misstatement,

    whether due to raud or error. Reasonable assurance is a high level o assurance. It is obtained

    when the auditor has obtained sufcient appropriate audit evidence to reduce audit risk (i.e.,

    the risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate opinion when the nancial statements

    are materially misstated) to an acceptably low level. However, reasonable assurance is not an

    absolute level o assurance, because there are inherent limitations o an audit which result in

    most o the audit evidence on which the auditor draws conclusions and bases the auditors

    opinion being persuasive rather than conclusive. (Re: Para. A28-A52)

    200.A34 The risks o material misstatement may exist at two levels:



    200.A40 The ISAs do not ordinarily reer to inherent risk and control risk separately, but rather to a

    combined assessment o the risks o material misstatement. However, the auditor may

    make separate or combined assessments o inherent and control risk depending on preerred

    audit techniques or methodologies and practical considerations. The assessment o the risks

    o material misstatement may be expressed in quantitative terms, such as in percentages,

    or in non-quantitative terms. In any case, the need or the auditor to make appropriate risk

    assessments is more important than the dierent approaches by which they may be made.

    200.A45 The auditor is not expected to, and cannot, reduce audit risk to zero and cannot thereore obtainabsolute assurance that the nancial statements are ree rom material misstatement due to

    raud or error. This is because there are inherent limitations o an audit, which result in most o

    the audit evidence on which the auditor draws conclusions and bases the auditors opinion being

    persuasive rather than conclusive. The inherent limitations o an audit arise rom:




    reasonable cost.

    4.1 OverviewThe auditors overall objectives as stated in ISA 200.11 can be summarized as ollows:


    material misstatement, whether due to raud or error, thereby enabling the auditor to express an

    opinion on whether the nancial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an



    auditors ndings.

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    Reasonable Assurance

    Reasonable assurance is a high but not absolute level o assurance. It is obtained when the auditor has

    obtained sufcient appropriate audit evidence to reduce audit risk (that is, the risk that the auditor expresses

    an inappropriate opinion when the nancial statements are materially misstated) to an acceptably low level.

    The auditor cannot provide absolute assurance due to the inherent limitations in the work carried out. This

    results rom the majority o audit evidence (on which the auditor draws conclusions and bases the auditors

    opinion) being persuasive rather than conclusive.

    Inherent Limitations o an Audit

    The ollowing exhibit outlines some o the inherent limitations o audit work perormed.

    Exhibit 4.1-1

    Limitations Reasons


    o Financial


    The preparation o nancial statements involves:

    Judgment by management in applying the applicable nancial reporting


    Subjective decisions or assessments (such as estimates) by management

    involving a range o acceptable interpretations or judgments.

    Nature o Audit

    Evidence AvailableMost o the auditors work in orming the auditors opinion consists o obtaining and

    evaluating audit evidence. This evidence tends to be persuasive in character rather

    than conclusive.

    Audit evidence is primarily obtained rom audit procedures perormed during the course

    o the audit. It may also include inormation obtained rom other sources such as:



    Theentitysaccountingrecords;and Audit evidence prepared by an expert employed or engaged by the entity.


    Audit ProceduresAudit procedures, however well designed, will not detect every misstatement.

    Consider the ollowing:

    Any sample o less than 100% o a population introduces some risk that a


    Management or others may not provide, intentionally or unintentionally, the

    complete inormation required. Fraud may involve sophisticated and careully


    Audit procedures used to gather audit evidence may not detect that some

    inormation is missing.


    o Financial


    The relevance/value o nancial inormation tends to diminish over time, so a balance

    needs to be struck between the reliability o inormation and its cost.

    Users o nancial statements expect that the auditor will orm his or her opinion within

    a reasonable period o time and at a reasonable cost. Consequently, it is impracticable

    to address all inormation that may exist, or to pursue every matter exhaustively on the

    assumption that inormation is in error or raudulent until proved otherwise.

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    Scope o an Audit

    The scope o the auditors work and the opinion provided are usually conned to whether the nancial

    statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable nancial reporting

    ramework. As a result, an unmodied auditors report does not assure the uture viability o the entity, nor the

    efciency or eectiveness with which management has conducted the aairs o the entity.

    Any extension o this basic audit responsibility, such as that required by local laws or securities regulations,would require the auditor to undertake urther work and to modiy or expand the auditors report


    Material Misstatements

    A material misstatement (either individually or the aggregate o all uncorrected misstatements and missing/

    misleading disclosures in the nancial statements) has occurred when it could reasonably be expected to

    inuence the economic decisions o users made on the basis o the nancial statements.


    Assertions are representations by management, explicit or otherwise, that are embodied in the nancial

    statements. They relate to the recognition, measurement, presentation, and disclosure o the variouselements (amounts and disclosures) in the nancial statements. For example, the completeness assertion

    relates to all transactions and events that should have been recorded having been recorded. They are used

    by the auditor to consider the dierent types o potential misstatements that may occur.

    4.2 Audit Risk

    Audit risk is the risk o expressing an inappropriate audit opinion on nancial statements that are materially

    misstated. The objective o the audit is to reduce this audit risk to an acceptably low level.

    Audit risk has two key elements, as illustrated below.

    Exhibit 4.2-1

    Risk Nature Source

    Inherent and

    Control RisksThe nancial statements may contain a

    material misstatement.

    Entity objectives/operations and

    managements design/implementation

    o internal control.

    Detection Risk The auditor may ail to detect a material

    misstatement in the nancial statements.

    Nature and extent o the procedures

    perormed by the auditor.

    To reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level, the auditor is required to:



    o material misstatement, both at the nancial statement level and at the assertion level or classes o

    transactions, account balance, and disclosures.

    Audit Risk Components

    The major components o audit risk are described in the ollowing exhibit.

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    Exhibit 4.2-2

    Nature Description Commentary

    Inherent Risk The susceptibility o an assertion about a

    class o transaction, account balance, or

    disclosure to a misstatement that could

    be material, either individually or whenaggregated with other misstatements,

    beore consideration o any related


    This includes events or conditions

    (internal or external) that could result

    in a misstatement (error or raud) in the

    nancial statements. The sources o risk(oten categorized as business or raud

    risks) can arise rom the entitys objectives,

    the nature o its operations/industry,

    the regulatory environment in which it

    operates, and its size and complexity.

    Control Risk The risk that a misstatement that could

    occur in an assertion about a class

    o transaction, account balance, or

    disclosure and that could be material,

    either individually or when aggregatedwith other misstatements, will not be

    prevented, or detected and corrected,

    on a timely basis by the entitys internal


    Management designs controls to

    mitigate a specied inherent (business

    or raud) risk actor. An entity assesses its

    risks (risk assessment) and then designs

    and implements appropriate controlsto reduce its risk exposure to a tolerable

    (acceptable) level.

    Controls may be:


    managements attitude toward

    control, commitment to hiring

    competent people, and prevention

    o raud. These are generally called


    Specictotheinitiation,processing,or recording o a particular

    transaction. These are oten called

    business process, activity-level, or

    transaction controls.

    Detection Risk The risk that the procedures perormed

    by the auditor to reduce audit risk to an

    acceptably low level will not detect a

    misstatement that exists and that could

    be material, either individually or when

    aggregated with other misstatements.

    The auditor assesses the risks o material

    misstatement (inherent and control risk) at

    the nancial statement and assertion levels.

    Audit procedures are then developed to

    reduce audit risk to an acceptably low

    level. This includes consideration o thepotential risk o:






    audit procedure.

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    Note: The ISAs dene the risk o material misstatement at the assertion level as consisting o two

    components: inherent risk and control risk. Consequently, the ISAs do not ordinarily reer to inherent

    risk and control risk separately, but rather to a combined assessment o the risks o material

    misstatement. However, the auditor may make separate or combined assessments o inherent and

    control risk, depending on preerred audit techniques or methodologies and practical considerations.


    Separate business and raud risks

    Many inherent risks can result in both business and raud risks. For example, a new accounting system

    may create potential or errors (business risk), but may also provide an opportunity or someone to

    manipulate nancial results or misappropriate unds (raud risk).

    So when a business risk is identied always consider whether this also creates a raud risk. I it does,

    record and assess the raud risk separately rom the business risk actors. Otherwise it is possible that

    the audit response will only address the business-risk element and not the raud risk.

    Recording raud risks

    Fraud is oten identied through the examination o:



    I such matters are observed (during any stage o the audit) they should be recorded and assessed as

    raud risks, even i they seem on the surace to be immaterial. Recording such risks will help ensure they

    are appropriately considered when developing the audit response.

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    Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1Core Concepts


    Summary o the Audit Risk Components

    Exhibit 4.2-3

    The ollowing chart shows the interrelationship between risk and control. The inherent risk bar contains all the

    business and raud risk actors that could result in the nancial statements being materially misstated (beore

    any consideration o internal control). The control risk bars reect the pervasive and specic control procedures

    put into eect by management to mitigate the risk that the nancial statements are misstated. The extent towhich the control risk bars do not completely mitigate the inherent risks is oten called managements residual

    risk, risk appetite or risk tolerance.

    Managements Response:Internal controls that mitigate the risks identied


    Entity ObjectivePrepare nancial statements that are not materially misstated

    ManagementsResidual Risk



    Risk of





    Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk
