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iW smmmmia, Buaaoa Alr@l| April MQ t 194? So # MOO Object: Witts J i t f t r a a o t to t a * r t l o l t l a Iftf i>atfU L rdity Sveala^ f'Offt aad an M i t o r i a i lath** £g|& with dtftreatt to tot argaatlat ffca HoaerabXa 3hi 3aert»t?sry of 3 t a t t t tttblogton, 0« C* SlJPt X havt tha hoaor i# rafar | i tbt daapataatt which taia Safeaasy tins raoaatly addraaaad to tha i^apartsaant with rafaraaca to tfc© sltuatlo* of tha s?r@as la tha Argaatiaa and with particular raftra&oa to tho f i s u l a of tha PTO0& sad dlXagad t t t l o a If fefaa Qovara&aat la tha Arga&titft to rtatrSot that fraadas. tha i&baaay haa rtporttG 1 that a goofi sa»y of t i t ttataaants itada abroad wltfe raapaot to tna prast la iio ATi^fttlaa art not aoxrtct sal that tha |Mf#a* la tha Aargaatlaa k a alatt t&a prasant adalniatratloa ta&a lato of flea la fuoa X#<fi »a«a ahla to ttalntala fraadea with raapaot to tht publication of tha aaws end a&praaaloa of eossaeat* Tbara tas rtcoiitXf appeared la tha Saturday SfeaLaK £f$t an e r t l t l t §Jf ?raa& IhCOfJIOilf, fonaarly the ffjm i'^rk f|gi^t ecrreapoadent la Buaaoa .Urea, •tatltXed "Argentlaa: flaw^Worli Suptratett* aad alao aa t&itcrltl ©a this art tola la tha y.oat la tat ^aahla&tea Pant* At thia artltlt la tha \,ml # 1 t a t t e n t o r i a l | l tha fttafcjflftlrgfl £oftt, ar « character Istto ef tartala l&ao^urata aad extreu^l/taad eat lout writ log whltfe hat unfortuaattly characttri&ti ae auth of tha cosa- maat to tha Argentltf eituatlon %M a a®etor of our preaa iM publioatltat at ho&e„ I believe It la desirable that thit Istbsaay aiicml.-:;. eurgent oa thaaa two articles* At tha ©ata#t» 1 wish to ptltarata t&at no oat teuitf be &©rt atroafXy of tat oplaiot that tc&plttft fraadoja of tha prtte miai t t maintained--than I and &§r aaeoelattt la t h i s Mfeaa«;r t »ad I t Is t h i s p o i n t of Tiaw >ahlah I h a t t toatlttaali/ and atrca-' trassod btfora t^t high officials of tha Argaatina $©ir@raiMftt f aa# X bsilafirtfcat thajr girt fully tatara of th# Importaaoa of tht fi^lntariuaaa of the fraedos el* tha praat tad i t far & to So so# ^a»t tblt It tha altaatltft la r^flaotad la thatrasa of tha eouatrjp Ittalf» At tfea &um® iiea» thla imbasa^ i.i of th« oplalou* aa 1 talitT® ^Xl thought?al p«raoat artp that tuara aaviv w«t t tl^a wfeaa it It mora Is^ortaat thst tha pao^la of all toaatylea, aad partloularly of tur ooaatrjr t la viaw of tha t£«olal raapanglbllltlat whloli haft faiXaa oa aa t ahculdi ba fulXf aad adt^uetaly laf©ria#4 aoataraiag: sXX that It happaalrc abroad «hlab ooald b# of latartat to tur pao|>Xt| aad that It la vital th*t tha ummgmp<GT* ta4 period* IcaXa la tha tJnlttd 3tattt thould saap our publlt tjpiaioa

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iW smmmmia,

Buaaoa Alr@l| April MQt 194?


O b j e c t : Witts Ji tf traaot to ta * r t l o l t l a Iftf i>atfULrdity Sveala^ f'Offt aad an M i t o r i a i lath** £g|& with d t f t r e a t t to t o t a rgaa t l a t

ffca HoaerabXa 3hi 3aert»t?sry of 3 t a t t t

tttblogton, 0« C*


X havt tha hoaor i# ra fa r | i t b t daapataat t which t a i a Safeaasy tins raoaat ly addraaaad to tha i^apartsaant with rafaraaca to tfc© s l t u a t l o * of tha s?r@as la tha Argaatiaa and with pa r t i cu l a r raftra&oa to tho f i s u l a of tha PTO0& sad dlXagad t t t l o a I f fefaa Qovara&aat l a tha Arga&titft to r t a t rSo t that f raadas . tha i&baaay haa rtporttG1 tha t a goofi sa»y of t i t t t a t a a a n t s itada abroad wltfe raapaot to tna p ras t l a iio ATi^fttlaa a r t not aoxr tc t s a l tha t tha |Mf#a* l a tha Aargaatlaa k a a l a t t t&a prasant ada ln ia t ra t loa ta&a la to of f lea l a fuoa X#<fi »a«a ahla to ttalntala fraadea with raapaot to t h t publ icat ion of tha aaws end a&praaaloa of eossaeat*

Tbara t a s rtcoiitXf appeared la tha Saturday SfeaLaK £f$t an e r t l t l t §Jf ?raa& IhCOfJIOilf, fonaarly the ffjm i'^rk f|gi^t ecrreapoadent la Buaaoa .Urea, •tatltXed "Argentlaa: flaw^Worli Supt ra te t t* aad alao aa t & i t c r l t l ©a t h i s a r t to la l a tha y.oat l a t a t ^aahla&tea Pant* At t h i a a r t l t l t la tha \,ml # 1 t a t t e n t o r i a l | l tha fttafcjflftlrgfl £oftt, a r « c h a r a c t e r I s t t o ef t a r t a l a l&ao^urata aad e x t r e u ^ l / t a a d eat lout wri t log whltfe hat unfor tuaat t ly cha rac t t r i&t i ae auth of tha cosa-maat t o tha Argentl tf e i tua t lon %M a a®etor of our preaa i M p u b l i o a t l t a t a t ho&e„ I bel ieve I t la des i rab le tha t t h i t Istbsaay aiicml.-:;. eurgent oa thaaa two a r t i c l e s *

At tha ©ata#t» 1 wish to p t l t a r a t a t&at no oat teuitf be &©rt atroafXy of t a t op la io t t ha t tc&plttft fraadoja of tha p r t t e miai t t maintained--than I and &§r aaeoe l a t t t la t h i s Mfeaa«;rt »ad I t Is t h i s point of Tiaw >ahlah I h a t t t o a t l t t a a l i / and atrca-' t rassod btfora t ^ t high o f f i c i a l s of tha Argaatina $©ir@raiMfttf aa# X bsi laf i r t fcat thajr girt ful ly tatara of th# Importaaoa of t h t fi^lntariuaaa of the fraedos el* tha praa t tad i t far & to So so# ^a»t t b l t I t tha a l t aa t l t f t la r^flaotad l a t h a t r a s a of tha eouatrjp I t t a l f » At tfea &um® i i ea» th l a imbasa^ i.i of th« oplalou* aa 1 ta l i tT® ^Xl thought?al p«raoat ar tp tha t tuara aaviv w«t t t l ^ a wfeaa i t I t mora Is^or taa t t h s t tha pao^la of a l l t oaa ty l ea , aad pa r t lou la r ly of t u r ooaatrjr t l a viaw of tha t£«ola l r a a p a n g l b l l l t l a t whloli haft faiXaa oa aa t ahculdi ba fulXf aad adt^uetaly laf©ria#4 aoataraiag: sXX tha t I t happaalrc abroad «hlab ooald b# of l a t a r t a t to t u r pao|>Xt| aad that I t l a v i t a l th*t tha ummgmp<GT* ta4 period* IcaXa la tha tJnlttd 3 t a t t t thould saap our publ l t tjpiaioa

\fty*%X A-*'b*,< L &**4n



* f •

$i«faat#iy and ©©©arstsly iafeswsd eoassvnlng t i l m}&* doralajwswats l a tha p o l l t l e a l , ssoa©£ilst m%& aeola l f i s l d s ia ©th*r eountFisa* Zn irisw of owr apsoial problsma aad rsapo^s iMl l t i©* In. t h i s hs«i»phars t t h i s appltad t o %h% s l t u s t l o a l a t n s Argaatlaa as wall mm to ©ths* Asiarieaa souatr!©a*

Tha Dstaytraaat w i l l hsra aotsd tha t I t i s aa latsrssfc* lag but uahappf sirsuatataaea tha t a par t ©f t&© #r»»s a t homo 1ft g i r l s * i ®*s»t dsal of a t t a a t l oa to dsraiapasaata l a tfcs arfjaatias l a s £&aaasr iwhioh I s not always ®an» atrwotir© and aoourat* aa i that ths i&presaloa' whloli has b**a b u i l t tip la ths sdUi&s of &»ay of s*u? paopl* a t feoms, as a r s a a l t of s s r t a i a au©h p a s l l o l t y , l a t&at s i t a -• t ioaa pr*v»11 la to© Argaatia* wl f i i ©a?® dIff©rant fjpoa t&@s® 'whisk pratfall l a ©thai1 A&as'ieas s t a t sa sa i «hiah • I t u s t i e a s ar© souirssa of daagar f* ths pass© aad s s su r i t y of t h i * haaisphsr©* **&iis t h s r s 1* a© doubt t h a t t h s alt©** s t i o * l a t h s *.r$satlas l a ©a* walofc I t s t a b © ss ra fu l ly follows*1 aad that ©«r pafelio' s p u d * * &l h&mm slioald b© ful ly aad seeuratoljr i a fomsd , l« l a j u s t "bsoaaaa ths a rgsa t l a* ta lapor taa t i a ths mmTlami plstuv** aad fcsssuaa

/:/ mmk ©f i a t« r«s t i s happsaiag asr© t au t i t I s s l l th# nor© •M} imparat i rs that our publ is ©eioioa should lis ao©ur«taly

;Vj[jj laforms**-

4MM' Charset«riati© of ths iaasourat* aad sxtroasly t sa» ^ $ f d ©at Sous arsporting wfcioh ho* anfar tuaots iy appaarsd * l t h fl-'jM rsfaraas© to ths a rgaa t ias ure *-&« iiluoiUioaa or t to la i a p 4J tho ^oturd oy, AYoala^. Fe^^ sjafi tao o a l t a r i o l ooaaioatl;-m ©a


i* i f i th* ^a.^iLA^A 2£&k« X wi l l ac t ©ooi*«nt la da t a l i ©a t h i s a r t i o l e ©f

Kiuaicaa&a «» to do o© aaaqaatoiy »©al4 ro^ul i ' i * t^spata^ mmh ®&T4 «©£»pioto taaa tli« t r t l o l © I tsoif# i^aa Dof^rt* m#at I s fs i rdl i iv frosa t&# ieapstobos of l&is iimb®.mf wlta

r j | | ' faapaat t© iho laasoursftv «a4 taadaatlou* fvpor t l se of •l* !̂'1 Hasfeh©l*a fsjoja Baoaos airs® wall® aa waa tao ^jg^,^ sorx^o-

.xwSoat li«ra§ t a i ho has a©s* @ar2*lofl taia^jfajp^ajftf i s sii# ^ i i s r t l t l e in ths js turdaf | ^ i a j , i i * ^ S , whl«k has •© wida *

jf ' I ©iroaiatloa* The a r t l o l s ooatalas a raforaaaa to aany thiags whl«a &rr«s tokoa pi^oo i a th® Argeatia© %ttt i a jtrac t i c a l l y snrary aoatoaoa sa l l a aces t s s aa MRtaaos s f t a r

I aaat«o©% tasro i s d l s t o r t i o a «a«l adsrsprs i tas ts t ioa whist i t appssro oauld not bo otasrwlsa tfeaa dol iborats* tlwokaaha la s v « y i a t o i l i g s a t &aa and a l l ^ r t l e l o i s tho Ivaaiafr i-oat I s ©a« of ta# host sxsa^lsa of jwaily s l a a s r aa*s toad oat ious writ lag wfeiofe 1 hirro ssoa to p r sasa i % £l*torto& ps la t of visti to tits Aaorietsa pablls* ^uefe aa a r t i e l a , thsr«fop», soa do a groat 4aal of haxa&fbaosuss Of tha sjids • I f s a l a t l o a of tB# J A t ^ a , ^ | f ^ y ^ ^yat. i a oar rsXatloashlps with m ooaatry wfelsh la the worle i s ¥hloh M«S liVo i s iaSTsealagly iaportaat t # as*

I sis sot ffoiog to ©ois»oat oa ths t r a i l s of Slookhoha as to do so woald roqa l r s volu^iaous soi^Maat sad to sayoaa who i s fa iat l iar with t a s dsfalopaoata la tha ,sre«atias* th© prejadlstM

X am act goiag to ©ois»oat oa tas art ' iSia ©f Klmo^haha to do so woald roqalfft volu^iaouo ©oaa^at aad t© sayoaa I s faiatlistr isith ta© aofoicpmeats l a t ha ^rn@atlas t ta«

fadiosd sad iaaoourata oharas t s r thtroof i s ohTioas. I

- a -

wish, p a r t i c u l a r l y , t* rafar t© th* a a i t a r l a l l a th© frs.shlagtott Post In tii* lasus of April Si aa t i t l s© "Apgeatlas ;*uparstata* wi*.iaa ©omsata ©a KlttO&a©hAf9 a r t i a l®, i t i t £s auefe ©4. it© r i a l s wli«h ma 4o svaa %mw$ k&jm In t h s .mis laf ©ritl&ii &»$ ©riaatat lon ©f pa^ l le ©plaiaa taaa tas a r t i e l s ©a wai©a th# •a l t e r1*1 i s ©*u

la t h s »«e©aa* samigrspii of M s s d i t o r i a l i t i s stata*1-!

**?© writ-© Us a P©r§s ussvajaaat off as marsly • ra&urgansa of Itu*©p*«a j fsss ls* %M fc&s Wsatara Ssaisp&ars, ^©u.14 1>a an ©varal«$lI f isa t loa , Ite as &tir«i I t h&m m&*% mi t&s Mmmi tr*ppia&s» St:&* s s t a r s ftr« ttassXsd. ®m$. %h<& s l a t s fesi swsapiag s o a t r s l ©f tiie ebild. ,ii inatrwatlaa muA tralaiag.* Tha prasa i s aitfcsr s t r a a e l s * mt ®ms®£. tlirc-aiga ggasaraaaat nswaprlat a©atr©l #n4 ©tfc«r ©aat s'svlesa* r'er©a*» pells© ara auttaroas, ru th laaa a&d a f f l a lea t* Urn haa ;•$*%&& i bin: flay t© labor tti saw has tha aal©aa #©*iplaisly a»a®JP tela thusib* Si ass aduJLtsratsd th* ©©arts *&a tea plfto«d tii® saua t ry ' s ©*n£a a&4er £ l r s s t l s a of hi© haashttsn a© tha t l©aa© a a© b« ahaaaala©, to s a l t p o l i t i c a l *i&s« Hasnsrtills raroa [email protected] asaiosraay and r a l s s by &sera* aa<i rubtear st&»p.w

f© ata ta tha t tha ^rgaat iaa Govarnmaat b«9 »©at ©f tha "Baal trapping*** la s©*aplat*ly laaooura t s . I t has "im©m* «twt©&ary for e s r t g l a wr i t a r s t# »pmn ©f tha &t&*a» ila© 3©Y*rat&sat as .Faaai-- » Ssslf aa£ t s t a l i t a r i a a * I4© aayoaa who ia famil iar mi%L t h s atusasphars prairsilia«g l a * s t a t s la whist n a s i , Faaalsti© ©r t o t a l l t a r i s a £©©trlas i s dflY©l©piai; «®©i!8K t'aa f«©pi# ©r l a t ae $©*« an©-© l a ^ i trappings ara abaaat l a t aa Jari#atia#» MHiarlaaaa aai. ©than* wii© ara famil iar £:r©j& firat-»aaad ©oatiiat wita tha «lttt*tl©aa waiaa d©f©l©p®4 l a Sar^aay, I t a l y , Sairiat fiussia, aad In % a l a , aad wfee aa-^t »a©j| UTta* Arg©atia®» oaaaot aote ©r fa#l *my ©f ta© ^©mi trapsla<g«* to whieh Klaekhoits rafara^ T© spa ale %t %k§ aaaaonie ad-mauras walah tna Ar(*«atia# vJ©Y«rnsaat aaa takan aa Saai ©r totalltarla& la @b@r&dtay i s a aarfaaa •tppr»©iati©a| a a i i f t k a s t •*©©#* a le maas'iraa wsm!4 1>© iaa baaia ©f aaara©tarl%lag. tive itrg«a~ t l a a <«©irarftiuaat as haTia^ "Uaai»w

# tfca aama w©ula hmvm to fe© a^pliaa to mma> Q%k&?» ©f ill© ^fx-arie^a g t^ taa ©a4 t© Sa^laa4 aad to Jraaa* aa4 a taa r Baropaaa ©eas t r las .

To Atata t a a t *«iiuoat©r» «*ra as»al@4** i s l e s aau ra t s . Te a ta te t&at * i t« ta a«a awsaplag «©atr©l ©f ta* afeild** l a s t r a a t l a a aa i t r a i a i a f i a a©t"©©rrast« t&© praeaat ©@gtr©l ©far tm a4ao#ti©aal aytta& l a taa ^rg©atis# I s vary s imi la r t s ©ur cma a! h®m as far sa tm%h a©atr©l Sx i» tS | aa4 tliara l a m$ dlraafclaa W t a a tftata a© far as tfes t saoa ln t i a ta© #@a©#l@ Is ©»a©araad waiae ii;v©lvaa idsa lag iea i ©aaaspta ©r d i r ae t lvaa , T© aaJst snail s a t ^ i s * Mami t b s i "adueators ara &us%ia4** la a v«vf smrleaa sm© for i t «.ivss tfea Aj&aris«ft f sadar s p i a t a r s sf tfes nrgaa-t l s « a l t u a t l o a ^felali i« u t t e r l y l^oarraat*

* 4 *

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fbs s t s t s a s s * In tfe* e i i t e r l eX tha t %M *f*sss i s t&ther atreagled or oowed tbroagfe garernaeat a sespr ia t e e a t r o l aad Ifl i if aeafc &s¥l®#aw %» a!,§s ac t aaearat®, for anyone famil iar n*ltS tbe Bueoee id raa preaa k&owe t&at I t Is free In tbe publicat ion ef tbe news' »«s ia tbe sspreaalaa e.f eagg&esit* M f a r s s its*aprlat eaaaral I s soaeeraed, the aewspapers sbieb are meat t i eppoai t loa to tit® Soveraaeat are W ©aaa wtileb are ge t t ing tbe eaaaider&blf minority ef tb* aewapriat whlab i s a¥a i l ab l s to Hit *yg»atin*»»Jbia*ar as the s l s e of M frranaa saS Waa?.4a ar« ecassrnsf t wfclafc a rs tii« two pr incipal sapsrs 1B appea l t ies to tbe ftssei'Sttsat, ibey are eaasusiai? as &uea if act more aawaprlat today tbaa whea. Sba preacat e d s i a i a t r a t i e a emm im& o f f i c e .

Tbe atete&ent that " re run ' s po l ice &£•-& atmerotiSf r a t i * leaa *&d e f f l e i ea t* I s eor r se t i s tbe aaaaa tha t tbe Sueasa Aires pel ie# force ia r e l a t i v e l y large ead la i f f i e l s s JL bat I© s t a t s Skat tbey s r e "rat&ieas** i s dalag «a l s j u a t i e e t e a eonaiderabla ho4$ ©f capable s#a» iDorlac tbe period of tbe <$£ | a o t o gererajfceat wbieb preceded tbe preseat ee»» i t ! t a t l o a a i ftoiraraiBaat| tber# **era ru tblesa ea t s Iff? tbe pol ice ia connectios witb p o l i t i c a l s e t s ass Ssaeaat ra t ioa* bat this hw not character ised tbe a e t i s a s of tbe f o l i o s sinee tha eoaa t i t u t l oae l ®o?era&«at aa»«a la ta office l a June 1945.

The statement tha t *be baa &a&s a big flay to labor ; S*d aaw naa taa uafaaa ©csf i«ta l j uadar hla'tauakb* i a aa&

aorreet* Thara ia a aaaaidarabia par t af t aa i aba r ^©?a* ssaat wiiiah %» aupportin^ Ula fragraa ©f tne praaaat d^irara* «L«at» fhar« 1» aaet&ar ac^ai^a^nbia par t af tfca labor a»vaa»at watali i s aat l a iq^^atby «ltfa a©«a ©f tfea |>r©gras ©f tba Oa*»roj&aae# f fears i a so douat tha t taa ^rgaat iaa Oarara&aat i a seeking taa baais of i t a aupjpert a«©ag labor «M taa iaid'41© a laaass sad i» doiau tb ia I s sof l t radia t laa t ioa i s tba aupport i»aiaa n aim of t&* etfe#r ^«meri@aa r a^ub l l s s are seeking l a the ^lae-d foraea»

I t I s aot aa r rea t that "as baS adul terated tfoa a©u.rta*« I t I a t rue the t the &ipr*m Samrt isaa beea impaaabsd by tbe ibasber &t ISspatisS *M tbet tbe t r i a l i« now go lag c?a la tSe Senate aal tha p r e b a b i l l t i s a a r t t a a t a f f i imat i re aa t l aa t r i l l be takaa l a tfeeae ii3pa&abM#nt fraaeadia^s l a I be 3eaata«

Tbera ** a aoaalderabla body &f pablia ©fiaioa ia tbe Ar^entias as4 ia%MI Oevern&a&t i t a e l f wbiab bel ieve* tfeat t b i s s s t loa oa tbs p a r i sf tbe Caagrasa ba# baaa uawias aad gr«vj' su t St tbe p o l i t i c a l p&eel&aa &f tbe Sampaiipn wbiab brc-oghl t b* preaeat a4£*i?ai»tr»ti©a i a t a power* Tim a e a r l a t however, la tbe ^irgaatiae. wltb taa exception of tbs ^aprama Ooartt bass baaa f aas t loa i ac ae raa l ly aad |# s s y tba t Fraai* t e s t IFER-ON baa *edultaratad Ska acttrta*4 ia a awaapia^ a t a t e -.siaat wljiah i s reaaated by Airapattnas wbatbar tb#y' are for ~ar a^aiaat the Ooverajtaat* To dstar^daa t«bat the r aau l s of iiipeaabaiaat of tba Suprama Court imf as I s t ae A^gaatiae oaly %is*a aas t a l l t a i^ any premafetsra J t id^aa ta an tb« act ioa s | t b raapeai to tbe $m$r®m> C-O'urt, ma^iaa aa I t aadoabtedly s s s baea9 l a as prematura aa were tbe iudgseais witfe r e fe reaas to tbe eat lea. of foratar Frealdeat mdimfSjJt

« c> •*>

with referanae to the 3upresa Gourt In t ha tfftited Statea in the ear ly period t f Ma f i r s t ada.islstr«itt©a#

To say tha t ha has *>laee4 tha aoiiatry1® bank* under Uta d l ree t ioa of bla. ae&ehauan a© tha i ioaaa aa® ba ebanneiea to s u i t p o l i t i e s ! *tmn i a a f a r t h e r at&tei&ent of tendentious ehareata? whisk Is not aeeurata* I t l a eor rsa t t h a i under tha new banking l a* , the Centres ^acfe exara ises a aartiaia eontrol over the baiika and ever loaaa» %ut tha Ai&erleaa sad f s r a i f a as Will as tha native banka §a tha Argentine wculA9 1 be l ieve , afcufca t&at t i l ls eent ro l tea© not Ii§i§fi farad #eri»usly wills t h a i * normal n a t i v i t i e s , ajceepi i n inereaaiag pepsr work and tha t I t has not so far been u»ed f a r p o l i t l a a l purpoaeaii

the st*»tei$ent that "T'ajNSa t a lks deiaoeraey and ru les bj-deeree sad rubber »t«®ipn ia a » i s rapreaeata t ion i f tha ai*» a l a l s t r a t l v e and l e g i s l a t i v e s i t ua t i on l a the -Argeatia#f fa r eayojta who ia f e a d l l e r with tha s i t ua t i on prevai l ing In tha Argentine know tha t tha Ceagre«a la a v»ry r e a l fac tor and in* in a© tienae, sontroXlea In. t h i s a sass r % tha Preaideat or tha J£x;e©utive Braaah ef tha 3©v#raRe«t.

tha i t tp l lea t ieaa l a t a l a fu r ther paragraphs of tiia e d i t o r i a l that t ha Argentine hm mi l i t a ry ©fe Jen t Ives d i r -eatad against I t s rialghhora ara ne t borne out by tha aeta #r 4evel&p&euta« The .argentine Oovernaent has £&&4# i t e leer t h a t I t desire® to ea te r la ta tha dafaaaa j s o t with tha athen As*erie»n r apihlioa -sad t h i s lavelvea amuses eet ioa by tiis A&eriean a t s t ea agalitat an extra-hemiapbere eggreaeor and would cer ta in ly InveAva a nausea sailo-a against a hemisphere aggressor* Any unoughtful person « i l l r e a l i s e tha t If tha urgentinn C^vecnasat wart in teres ted la M i l ­iary eggrsssiloft against i t a oelgnborsf i t neuld aa i b% ia ta raa tad l a a dafansa paat* I t aculd h&va to aa aoaxad er f©read l a t a smah a ^aat if i t &4s4- saafe ais^ra^alva l a taa t i aaa* Oa tha other haadf tha Argentina la asamdas aa attltiaAa ©f faa tar ing t h i s pea t .

X hava baaa 3L»d | a aake tfaia eaisaaat on tha y.aah.j^tfc^ rC|ft ©filtorlai ac t beaauae th in imbasaj ia l a any aanaa actlkg aa a 4af«Mer t# tha Argantiaa 6k?varntaeat a r l t a p r aa t i aaa . a t i a l t a duty, th la ^haaay ia r apa r t i a f ful ly t a tha Departeent ©a a l l phaaaa of aeralop^ejita l a the Orgeatl%a^ but i t i a 4&lng aa' abj«at lvely ' aa4 aa^ur^taly aa i t i a a primary naei af our Ckhmra^aat f^Lit I t ah&tild be Informed ia th ia mum** eanaaraiag davalopaanta ^are» I t i s aa t a fana t loa af aur t e f l v a %m a&a px**m iafozmatloa with ragajNI t o davelop«aata la other aooAtrlaaa ^fhla i s tha fuaat ian af our praaa* 1km

aah^.^tfQ^ V ^ t ia a aewapaper ^hiah ©a .aaay aaaaaiaaa haa played a fjraat r o l e ajn4 I t can hava a fary laportftat Inflaanaa not #aly a t kmm but abroad, l a ua&y araya« the ^'ae^lagton Fo^t haa played a aery ao^iatruatiaa ro la through eaeurata raport ing on eersdltioaa abroad as i i a aonatruat lae and ueaM a d l t o r i a l aa^aaat* I t ia 4 i f f i a u l t t howavart | p aaeapa %hm i^pras«iaa tha t ac f s r aa aoneeraa tha ar^aat ina th l a nsMpaper haa aaea f i t t « fcajse a hoa t i i a u t t l t u d e &aa.

v ^ ^ ^ y f t l i A

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In I t * aewa ®&d l a i t t •d i to r l a l . po l i ty ha.® f i r e s * d i s ­tor ted p ic ture of the cievalepatate ami the al tuatloA In the fetuttry* In vi®« of tha faet t ha t t a l i aewspaper £a to widely read l a leahlagto iu whiefe i s tfaa aatloa** ©apltel* aad as I t aa t eajayaA e reputa t loa for ladefaadaat tad aottad aostiaeat &@ well a# aoourata aewe p©lfejr§ the unfortunate r e t u l t s of « ©laeed a t t i t u d e with fefereaee t© aay partlttfc* IMP ©©ttatry ©r a l t ua t i oa are the so re ©brloue*

la thaa© Says whan the £r&©aei4 ef the press i s to Aef la l te ly and m Imparteat Ml I as a t , a great deal wi l l i i f i a f c a© fa r «• HftS iselateaaae* i f tha freedom of the preas i s ©oaeerned, u p o a t b e aeaureey mM ©bJeetlTity ©f tha prest* 8#©terai of OUT pufelit ©plaloa. i f home beeuae eteuate&ed over tha jr«ar« t e fceva reapeet t o r the ©fejeetlirti^ sad «eeura©y f t * c e r t a i n aews^pers at iwwae a ad. t© plaee great weight on the e d i t o r i a l eeisaaafc thar«ia# The r©3y* which i. | i be played by • aesfepaper 1«# there* f e r# t a very important tad v i t a l ©ae» Jueh a a i t a a t t o a tuaa i t a edvaatages «ad i%m disadvantage** fh# diaedveatagMI l i e l a the ©S reuse t aa« t that the readlag f a i l l e ##« the aoat par t 1$ not la. i .poel t tea f i Judge tha aeeuraey ©f tha aews ©r to deter&ine the sottadneaa ©f e d i t o r i a l eosa&eat which appears la a pa r t l au l a r paper, the reacting pub i i t accepts I t baeaata I t has ©oafidence l a the past reoard ©f a i^apar*

Sues * eon®truettve vol* bee ©aaa fX«3T«<l by tfea «*aMa*?,t6a -c?o,at 1A racaat j a a r s , ami I t la« t&arafora, a l l taa s e ra ragrattabl© tha t m&h MI e d i t o r i a l fits the ©at oodtr ©o^saat »^©aia ap^@ar. f^a.a'©rl«l eo.ffiu.aat aa thtkt l a tae ©4llt©rlal a a t l t l t d "Arg«.atint iiuj^arttat#* t a© l l t t l a ©f ahltll Is baatd ©a f t s t , ©»a 4© « grea t dmml t© f re jad iaa , l a due ©oysrse, the lafiueaee ©f so lapor taa t a paper*

Thla detpateh la act wri t ten with aay fee l lag ©f aay klad# for tha wr i t e r la ©ae ©f those whe has fcM f r ee t r t t p e e t f©r th« aew» aad edl t©rl«i poltey ©f th« ^eehliytt.©.© Foat* I t l a beeauM aaah e d i t e r l a l ©©smeat t e s hav© a© ua tc r t aaa te aa effaat ©a pahlle ©plalea mad, ©eeauae I t e t a riake the teadaet ©f ©ur r a l e t loaa mrm i l f f l a a l t tha t X hare f a i t I t aaoaa^ary to v#rlte tl^ia destpatah*

There l» e large aad d l ee r io l ae t l ag aewapaper-readlag puhlle l a Suaa&e M r e e tad r a l a t i va ly a© l a » a t ©f the A^arlaaa g e p i t a l s »ad l ^ r g e i ^ e i t l a t t Thar© l e 9 thart»f©re| Ml doubt tha t tbe ^sfolffi-'.tca ^©et ©r thy other aewspaper srhleh baa had the respeet ©f %ell»taf©rased pereeat w i l l lee# tha t reapeet eeaaaae ©f -er t lolas aad a^ i t©r laH oa the Arc©atlae sltaatSjft whlah arer^ieaalag aaeh earpr le* beeauee ©f t h e i r obTtoaaly prejudiced ohareete#»

l a ih l a geaeral e©aneetl©at I t will, be re©ailed tha i rar leua l a c ldea t s l a tea Argeatlne a;ai 1m o the r i ©f tha Aasriean e o u a t r l i i durlae «fele« etoaea hare b««a throe* Ur t h r ea t s have bees sad© efa iae t e a r t a l e aewapapere hare

** ™ «*

sueh publ ic i ty l a tli* preaa a t k.6»4' in<i taat . tfetae a«t0 of lrre«£0»»ibie IgSiviSaals Mavt is&ea. piet-tir^d by f a r t s of ©u* pr%*M &® tetlag in s t iga t ed by soYernsseiit* whea ta a a a t t o r ©f feet* $6T»ra&eat IA&S id aot&lai; wfcafe* •fit* to 4o -with m&h se t a w&lah ere growl djki i f the peseloae of tadlvldu«la9 groajia, «a& orossdai ftewepttper p®M@rs i s tha Argentine who have reaft l i f i | repor t* l a omr preais ®r l a the &«« dlepetehea of K M ! #^ #*sr ege&elea hair« r#sali&is$ |Ji«t t r ue t&sr&itsr of lkeae l&eIdeate In the Jj?ggr&tl&€ fi|i; la noiae of tkoa$ other Latin $smatri*B and have aot beea able, to understand the l^p l lee i lons l e f t t ha i Lhsy were e s t a or goverasge-at*

These s«.«e r«s*4eris, therefore* w i l l wwwft'valth * eer* t s l a I n t e r e s t « Heuter dispatote whleb ej?oe«fred l a the fcuea*>» a i r e s S^adard end ©the* newspapers fee?* •** Af»rll t # | lS4f, en t i t l ed R a d i c a l V*8* Hews^eper l a Trouble* «ad wi l l appraelsta that; Ifei I reported incident wi th ' faspeet to t h i s paper la #orth Uaktt^ has aothi&ff t© 4© with jgoverasiettt ®etIoa#'

Hespeotfully jours,

'Aeorgje H* jKasaer&ilth


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T© Eepert&eat la qu ln tu^ l i sa ta Copy* Chief- M v i s l o a of 2ivar Pla t* a f f a i r s F i l e Mo.8 600/801

:elp Atrtwocpyof "