smi group's air missile defence technology 2016

CHAIRMAN: EXPERT MILITARY SPEAKERS INCLUDE: EXPERT INDUSTRY SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Colonel Janell Eickhoff, Commander 10th Army Air and Missile Defence Command, US Army Europe Colonel Vladimir Barca, Commander 25 Air Defence Missile Regiment, Czech Air Force, Ministry of Defence Colonel Wolfgang Rasquin, Deputy Commander GE SAM WING 1, German Air Force Colonel Ladislav Dovhun, Ground Based Air Defence Brigade Commander, Air Force, Slovakian Armed Forces Lt. Col. Ferenc Konczol, SAM WING 12 ‘Arrabona’, Hungarian Air Force Mr Alan Burke, Chief, IAMD Division, Directorate of Operations and Strategic Deterrence, HQ U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Africa, USAF Mr Peter Woodmansee, Chief, Integrated Air & Missile Defence, HQ U.S European Command Colonel (Retired) Jimmy Jenkins, Director, IAMD and Land C4I Systems, Missile Defence and Protective Systems, Northrop Grumman Mr Bart van der Graaff, Capbabilities Manager TBMD/MD and Senior Operational Advisor for IAMD, Thales Netherlands Mr Neil Hebron, Director of Engineering and Technology, Lockheed Martin UK* Colonel Jan Sedliacik, Chief of the Air Defence Branch, Czech Armed Forces BENEFITS OF ATTENDING: • Senior representation from those leading and developing their capabilities in the region, including US Army Europe, The Czech Republic, Germany and Sweden Meet and network with military and industry decision makers as well as technological experts in Air Missile Defence Technology Hear from technologists and engineering experts about the latest advances in Air Missile Defence, including Northrop Grumman, Thales, and Lockheed Martin Explore ways in which interoperability between nations and technological systems can be developed to maximise the proficiency of Air Missile Defence strategies and technology Key Focus on C2 system integration technology. Gain an insight into this and network with those developing cutting edge solutions BOOK BY 30TH JUNE AND SAVE £400 • BOOK BY 31ST AUGUST AND SAVE £200 • BOOK BY 30TH SEPTEMBER AND SAVE £100 The Benefits of a Truly Integrated Air and Missile Defence System Workshop Leader: Colonel (Retired) Jimmy Jenkins, Director, IAMD and Land C4I Systems, Missile Defence and Protective Systems, Northrop Grumman PLUS A HALF-DAY POST-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP I 26TH OCTOBER 2016 I 8.30 - 12.00 DORINT HOTEL DON GIOVANNI PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC Register online or fax your registration to +44 (0) 870 9090 712 or call +44 (0) 870 9090 711 SPECIAL RATES AVAILABLE FOR MILITARY AND GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES @SMiGroupDefence #MissileDefenceSMi 2016 24th-25th OCT The SMi Group Proudly Presents... Dorint Hotel Don Giovanni Prague, Czech Republic Optimising the Efficiency of Air Missile Defence Technology through Procurements, Greater Interoperability and Technological Upgrades *Subject to final confirmation

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Colonel Janell Eickhoff, Commander 10th Army Air and Missile Defence Command, US Army EuropeColonel Vladimir Barca, Commander 25 Air Defence Missile Regiment, Czech Air Force, Ministry of Defence Colonel Wolfgang Rasquin, Deputy Commander GE SAM WING 1, German Air Force Colonel Ladislav Dovhun, Ground Based Air Defence Brigade Commander, Air Force, Slovakian Armed Forces Lt. Col. Ferenc Konczol, SAM WING 12 ‘Arrabona’, Hungarian Air Force Mr Alan Burke, Chief, IAMD Division, Directorate of Operations and Strategic Deterrence, HQ U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Africa, USAFMr Peter Woodmansee, Chief, Integrated Air & Missile Defence, HQ U.S European Command

Colonel (Retired) Jimmy Jenkins, Director, IAMD and Land C4I Systems, Missile Defence and Protective Systems, Northrop Grumman Mr Bart van der Graaff, Capbabilities Manager TBMD/MD and Senior Operational Advisor for IAMD, Thales NetherlandsMr Neil Hebron, Director of Engineering and Technology, Lockheed Martin UK*

Colonel Jan Sedliacik, Chief of the Air Defence Branch,

Czech Armed Forces

BENEFITS OF ATTENDING:• Senior representation from those leading and developing their

capabilities in the region, including US Army Europe, The Czech Republic, Germany and Sweden

• Meet and network with military and industry decision makers as well as technological experts in Air Missile Defence Technology

• Hear from technologists and engineering experts about the latest advances in Air Missile Defence, including Northrop Grumman, Thales, and Lockheed Martin

• Explore ways in which interoperability between nations and technological systems can be developed to maximise the proficiency of Air Missile Defence strategies and technology

• Key Focus on C2 system integration technology. Gain an insight into this and network with those developing cutting edge solutions


The Benefits of a Truly Integrated Air and Missile Defence SystemWorkshop Leader: Colonel (Retired) Jimmy Jenkins, Director, IAMD and Land C4I Systems, Missile Defence and Protective Systems, Northrop Grumman

PLUS A HALF-DAY POST-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP I 26TH OCTOBER 2016 I 8.30 - 12.00DORINT HOTEL DON GIOVANNI PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC Register online or fax your registration to +44 (0) 870 9090 712 or call +44 (0) 870 9090 711





The SMi Group Proudly Presents...

Dorint Hotel Don Giovanni Prague, Czech Republic Optimising the Efficiency of Air Missile Defence Technology through Procurements, Greater Interoperability and Technological Upgrades

*Subject to final confirmation

Page 2: SMi Group's Air MIssile Defence Technology 2016


Register online at

8.30 Registration & Coffee

9.00 Chairman’s Opening RemarksColonel Jan Sedliacik, Chief of the Air Defence Branch, Czech Armed Forces

9.10 An Overview of the Czech Republic’s Air Missile Defence Current Capabilities and Future Technology Requirements

• How the Czech Republic is optimising surveillance strategies; the crucial role of VERA-NG• Utilising C2 systems • Procuring 3D radiolocators to replace Soviet era radars P-37 and PRV-17 altimeters• Improving MANPADs effectiveness with the acquisition of additional

short-range reconnaissance and surveillance radar units• The importance of the 25th Air Defence Brigade• Ensuring future C-Ram aims are effective and realisticColonel Jan Sedliacik, Chief of the Air Defence Branch, Czech Armed Forces

9.50 The Strategic Aims and Importance of the Role Played by the United States AMD in Europe

• Strengthening the United States AMD technology in Europe through Aegis Ashore

• The proven effectiveness of interoperability through open architecture capability as demonstrated through the Integrated air and missile defence Battle Command System (IBCS)

• The challenges of upgrading existing Patriot systems to PAC-3 configuration

• The role played by the Ground-based Midcourse Defence (GMD) system in the defence against Ballistic Missiles

Colonel Janell Eickhoff, Commander 10th Army Air and Missile Defence Command, US Army Europe 10.30 The Proven Effectiveness of the Air and Missile Defence Wing 1 in Operation

• The current force structure and mission of the Anti-Aircraft Missile Squadron 1

• The success and lessons learnt from the recent deployment in operation Active Fence Turkey

• The practical implications of the German-Dutch project on the Squadron• The future requirements needed for the Anti-Aircraft Missile Squadron 1

following the decommissioning of Patriot SystemsColonel Wolfgang Rasquin, Deputy Commander GE SAM WING 1, German Air Force

11.10 Morning Coffee

11.40 Progression at Thales: Maximising Developments in Radar Technology and C2 Mission Systems

• Advances on the BMD Early Warning Radar SMART-L ELR and an update on its targeted operational implementation in 2018• Operational feedback and the latest results from the live At Sea Demo

demonstrating the SMART-L Radar’s capability to defend against a US AEGIS Destroyer with an SM-3• Critical developments in tactical unit size AMD capable surveillance

sensors• Incorporating the latest radar technology into C2 mission systems to

provide a reactive and fully integrated BMD strategyMr Bart van der Graaff, Capabilities Manager TBMD/MD and Senior Operational Advisor for IAMD, Thales Nederland

12.20 The Importance of Continued Cooperation for NATO’s Integrated Missile Defence (NIAMD)

• An overview of NATOs current Air Missile Defence objectives • Aegis Ashore setting an example of cooperation and integration

between NATO nations• NIAMD helping to structure and strengthen joint security across nations

going forwardMr Jakub Cimoradsky, Staff Officer, Integrated Air and Missile Defence Section, NATO International Staff

1.00 Networking Lunch

2.00 AMD Growth in Slovakia Developed Through Interoperability and Cooperation

• Current and future targets for AMD in Slovakia • Successfully maintaining a practical AMD through joint procurements of

radars with the Czech Republic• The benefits of continued surveillance and live fire exercises to increase

interoperability among participating NATO countries • The key role of the Anti-aircraft Rocket Brigade to secure the defence of

the Slovak Republic air space Colonel Ladislav Dovhun, Ground Based Air Defence Brigade Commander, Air Force, Slovakian Air Force

2.40 Maximising the AEGIS BMD System and MEADS through Technological Enhancements

• An overview of technological developments for the Aegis BMD system for accurate interception and destruction of short and medium-range ballistic missiles

• The effective implementation of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) system across the world, with a particular focus on Europe and Aegis Ashore

• The advantages and value of the MEADS including 360-degree air and missile defence with NATO interoperability

Mr Neil Hebron, Director of Engineering and Technology, Lockheed Martin UK*

3.20 Afternoon Tea

3.50 PANEL DISCUSSION: Tackling the Key Challenges behind an Effective and Comprehensive Air and Missile Shield for Europe

• Finding alternative cost effective methods in response to an expensive market and constrained budgets• Interoperability: Combining brainpower, finances and existing

capabilities to accomplish common goals• Ensuring that the correct technology and systems are procured from

industry vendors to provide the right solution• Dealing with the political implications of neighbouring states following

the implementation of new weapons systems Colonel Jan Sedliacik, Chief of the Air Defence Branch, Czech Armed Forces Colonel Vladimir Barca, Commander 25th Air Defence Missile Regiment, Czech Air Force, Ministry of Defence Colonel Janell Eickhoff, Commander 10th Army Air and Missile Defence Command, US Army Europe Colonel Wolfgang Rasquin, Deputy Commander GE SAM WING 1, German Air Force Colonel Ladislav Dovhun, Ground Based Air Defence Brigade Commander, Air Force, Slovakian Armed Forces Lieutenant Colonel Ferenc Konczol, SAM WING 12 ‘Arrabona’, Hungarian Air Force

4.30 How the University of Defence is Contributing to Research and Development to Help Strengthen Czech Air Missile Defence Programmes of the Future

• Current aims and future ambitions of the Department of Air Systems at the University of Defence

• Preparing specialists in army air defense to combat the use of ground air defense weapon systems utilizing automated command and control systems

• Researching the design, development and application of command and control systems for the Air Force

• Utilizing computer technology to control combat activities in airspace management and anti-missile technology

Lieutenant Colonel Jan Farlik, Designated Chief of Department of Air Defence Systems, Department of Air Defence Systems, University of Defence

5.10 Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION OPPORTUNITIESSMi offer sponsorship, exhibition, advertising and branding packages, uniquely tailored to complement your company’s marketing strategy. Prime networking

opportunities exist to entertain, enhance and expand your client base within the context of an independent discussion specific to your industry. Should you wish to join the increasing number of companies benefiting from sponsoring our conferences please call:

Sadia Malick, Director, on +44 (0)20 7827 6748 or email [email protected]


* Subject to Final Confirmation

Page 3: SMi Group's Air MIssile Defence Technology 2016

Alternatively fax your registration to +44 (0)870 9090 712 or call +44 (0)870 9090 711

8.30 Registration & Coffee

9.00 Chairman’s Opening RemarksColonel Jan Sedliacik, Chief of the Air Defence Branch, Czech Armed Forces

9.10 Current Priorities of the Czech Armed Forces 25th Air Defence Regiment: Harnessing Technology and Training for Maximum Air Defence

• Key technologies currently utilised to defend Czech Air Space• Ensuring the static and dynamic operation of AMD equipment• RBS-70 VSHORAD: recent examples of live firing and accuracy • Training of the 25th AD Regiment: making sure future generations of

operators are prepared for the fightColonel Vladimir Barca, Commander 25th Air Defence Missile Regiment, Czech Air Force, Czech Ministry of Defence

9.50 Developing an Enhanced AMD Strategy in Hungary through Modernization and Procurement Programmes

• Current size of AMD programme and mission priorities• Growing the Hungarian AMD system through technological

developments and effective acquisitions• Providing valued contributions to NATO’s air defence system through the implementation of RAT-31DL radarsLieutenant Colonel Ferenc Konczol, SAM WING 12 ‘Arrabona’, Hungarian Army

10.30 Northrop Grumman’s Integrated Air and Missile Defence Battle Command System (IBCS) Providing Coordination for U.S. Air Missile Defences around the World

• The latest technological advances at Northrop Grumman responding to the U.S Army’s top priorities

• Harnessing technology to provide efficiency within command and control platforms

• Delivering a single, unambiguous view of the battlespace to allow critical decisions to be effectively made within seconds

• Defending more threats by increasing ground protection with a higher level of reliability

• How developments at Northrop Grumman will optimize allied ballistic missile defence in Europe

Colonel (Retired) Jimmy Jenkins, Director, IAMD and Land C4I Systems, Missile Defence and Protective Systems, Northrop Grumman

11.10 Morning Coffee

11.40 The Challenges of Procuring a New Air Defence System for Sweden• Current technology and initiatives in Sweden’s AMD program• Building the system-of-systems with short and medium range capabilities• The role of international cooperationMr Joakim Lewin, Manager Army Programmes, FMV

12.20 Accomplishing the Continued Growth of Lithuania’s AMD Technology• Existing technology and future goals within AMD• Alternative cost-efficient technological solutions in the expensive AMD market• Working within the NATO framework to ensure a practical AMD strategy with international cooperationMajor Ovidijus Pilitauskas, Chief of Staff of Air Defence Battalion, Lithuanian Air Force

1.00 Networking Lunch

2.00 Meeting Air Missile Defence Requirements Whilst Retaining Flexibility to Counter the Ever Evolving Threats Posed to European Air Space

• An overview of the European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) in supporting NATO’s missile defence as a core element of alliance security

• The benefits of the Juniper Cobra 2016 exercise to effectively display the importance of nations combining resources to accomplish common goals • Ensuring EUCOM is prepared for current and future threats straining BMD forces worldwide by acquiring the correct equipment Mr Peter Woodmansee, Chief, Integrated Air & Missile Defence, United States European Command (US EUCOM)

2.40 The Wide Area Response and Notification (WARN) Initiative Providing a Cost Effective Early Warning System to Support IAMD Passive Defence

• Growing missile threat drives requirement for a 4 Pillars Approach to mitigate the threat

• The development of joint and coalition Integrated Air and Missile Defence capabilities and procedures requires a disciplined approach to leverage testing, wargames, and exercises

• A detailed overview of the WARN initiative and the progress made to support the 4 Pillars IAMD Joint Test programme

• Integrating existing technology to provide a comprehensive early warning management system

• WARN improving and developing defence diplomacy in Europe through shared objectives

• The technological developments within the Modular Warning System (MoWaS)

• The future aims of the WARN initiative and goals for its operational implementation

Mr Alan Burke, Chief, IAMD Division, Directorate of Operations and Strategic Deterrence, HQ U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Africa, USAF

3.20 Afternoon Tea

3.50 PANEL DISCUSSION: Radars, Sensors, and Early Warning Systems: Detecting and Reacting to Incoming Threats

• Developments in radar technology and the implication of the Aegis Ashore’s presence in Europe• Benefits of greater interoperability between detection and warning

systems, ensuring a more efficient response• The growing need for wide-reaching early warning systems in the US and across the EU• Future technologies in development to detect and react to safeguard European airspaceColonel Jan Sedliacik, Chief of the Air Defence Branch, Czech Armed ForcesMr Alan Burke, Chief, IAMD Division, Directorate of Operations and Strategic Deterrence, HQ U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Africa, USAFMr Peter Woodmansee, Chief, Integrated Air & Missile Defence, HQ U.S European Command Mr Bart van der Graaff, Capabilities Manager TBMD/MD and Senior Operational Advisor for IAMD, Thales Nederland Colonel (Retired) Jimmy Jenkins, Director, IAMD and Land C4I Systems, Missile Defence and Protective Systems, Northrop Grumman Mr Neil Hebron, Director of Engineering and Technology,

Lockheed Martin UK*

4.30 The Strategic Goals of Georgia’s Air Missile Defence Programme developed through modernisation and the support of NATO

• Georgia’s significance to the complex and increasing regional AMD threats faced in Eastern Europe

• Key challenges facing the modernisation of Georgia’s AMD Strategy• The successful integration of newly procured weapons and radar

systems into the existing architecture• Effectively participating in NATO’s Air Missile Defence Shield to optimise a

united European AMD strategy Lieutenant Colonel Vasili Iluridze, Commander of the Air Defence Brigade, Georgian Armed Forces J4/8 Department*

5.10 The Role of the Missile Defence Advocacy Alliance in the Development and Deployment of Missile Defense Systems in the United States and Allied Nations

• The current focus of the MDAA’s mission • The importance of educating the public on the ever increasing threat of

missile defence• An assessment of the effectiveness of the current missile systems

deployed in Europe• Future prospects for AMD technology such as MEADS, directed energy

and hypersonic missilesMr Riki Ellison, Chairman and Founder, Missile Defence Advocacy Alliance

5.50 Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

MARKETING OPPORTUNITIESAre you interested in promoting your defence services to a targeted industry sector? SMi offer tailored marketing packages so that your association/

publication can gain access to a global market and key decision makers in the defence market. Contact Zoe Gale on +44 (0) 207 827 6132 or email: [email protected]

AIR MISSILE DEFENCE Day Two | 25th October 2016


* Subject to Final Confirmation

Page 4: SMi Group's Air MIssile Defence Technology 2016

Alternatively fax your registration to +44 (0)870 9090 712 or call +44 (0)870 9090 711

Workshop Leader:Colonel (Retired) Jimmy Jenkins, Director, IAMD and Land

C4I Systems, Missile Defence and Protective Systems, Northrop Grumman


Dorint Hotel Don Giovanni Prague, Czech Republic | 8.30am – 12.00pm

The Benefits of a Truly Integrated Air and Missile Defence System

Workshop overview:Nearly all air and missile defence systems are stand alone, proprietary systems that cannot easily share actionable information with other like and different systems both within the same Army and amongst allies. This stove-piped approach to system procurement is not limited to just air defence, but has been the primary acquisition process for nearly all combat systems. Over the past two decades, many have used the term integration to describe where they must go to be more combat effective; however, this has led in most cases to just connecting systems to share situational awareness data and not real, actionable information. Today, we are poised to deliver the first truly integrated air and missile defence C4I system that has a Modular and Open Architecture (MOSA) and operates on a robust, cyber protected network. Future units will configure sensors and shooters of all types and attach them to the network. The systems of the very near future will then provide computer aided decision recommendations on which shooter or effector to use based on all the sensors information.

Why should you attend this workshop?• Discuss how this new architecture can help your country

integrate legacy and new air and missile defence (AMD) systems

• Learn about the advantages of MOSA • Discuss and learn about the significant training advantage

afforded by an integrated AMD battle command system• Share ideas about how this technological advancement

can change over the next 10-20 years

Agenda8.30 Registration

9.00 Opening remarks and introductions

9.10 Understanding MOSA• Gain an understanding of Modular and Open

Architecture• How to determine is a system is Truly MOSA• Discuss the benefits of MOSA • Discuss the limitations of MOSA

9.40 The US’s IBCS• Describe the US’s IBCS system• Discuss the training advantages• Explore advantages in integrating sensors and

shooters on a common network • Discuss networks and interoperability

10.10 Coffee

10.40 All Services Benefits• Discuss how to integrate other services onto

common networks• Explore how to best achieve this using

in-country expertise and businesses • What demonstrations could educate and

inform others on how to improve the Joint and Coalition fight

11.10 After Action• What should we as a community do next?• How should we improve this half day session

next year?

11.40 Closing Remarks

12.00 End of Workshop

About the workshop leader: Colonel (Retired) Jimmy Jenkins is retired from the U.S. Army on 1 Feb 2014 after nearly 28 years of service. COL (R) Jenkins’ last assignment in the Army was as Deputy Commander for Operations for the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command (SMDC). He is currently Director of IAMD and Land C4I Systems, Missile Defence and Protective Systems at Northrop Grumman.

About Northrop Grumman:Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, strike, and logistics and modernization to government and commercial customers worldwide

Page 5: SMi Group's Air MIssile Defence Technology 2016

SMi Defence Planner 2016

JUNE International Port Security1st – 2nd June 2016London, UK Fast Jet Pilot Training Eastern Europe9th - 10th June 2016 Prague, Czech Republic Offshore Patrol Vessels Technology8th - 9th June 2016London, UK

MilSatCom USA28th - 29th June 2016Arlington, USA

Future Armoured Vehicles Weapons Systems28th - 29th June 2016London, UK Mortar Systems Technology29th - 30th June 2016London, UKSEPTEMBER Military Flight Training21st - 22nd September 2016London, UK UAV Technology Eastern Europe21st - 22nd September 2016Prague, Czech Republic Defence Exports28th - 29th September 2016Amsterdam, Netherlands OCTOBER Airborne ISR26th - 27th October 2017London, UK NOVEMBER Global MilSatCom8th – 10th November 2016London, UK

Future Armoured Vehicles Survivability21st - 22nd November 2016London, UK

Page 6: SMi Group's Air MIssile Defence Technology 2016

AIR MISSILE DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY Conference: 24th – 25th October 2016, Prague, Czech Republic Workshop: Wednesday 26th October 2016


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VENUE Dorint Hotel Don Giovanni Prague, Czech Republic

□ Please contact me to book my hotelAlternatively call us on +44 (0) 870 9090 711, email: [email protected] or fax +44 (0) 870 9090 712