sme 2.0 project website user guide

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  • 7/31/2019 SME 2.0 Project Website User Guide

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    This project has been funded with support from the European

    Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and

    the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be

    made of the information contained therein.

  • 7/31/2019 SME 2.0 Project Website User Guide


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    Document data

    Author: Kovcs Andrs, Hartynyi Mria

    Version: published

    Theme: SME 2.0 User Guide

    WP: WP1

    Date: 12 April, 2012

    Document Type: Product

    File: SME2.0_User_guide_01_EN

    Reviewer: Gerht Szilvia

    Product ID: R3

    Target group: Project Partners

    1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 42 Site structure ......................................................................................................................... 5

    2.1 Header .......................................................................................................................... 62.2 Content ......................................................................................................................... 72.3 Sidebar .......................................................................................................................... 8

    2.3.1 Search ....................................................................................................................... 82.3.2 Recent newsletters....................................................................................................... 92.3.3 User login ................................................................................................................... 92.3.4 Tag cloud .................................................................................................................... 92.3.5 Newsletter signup ...................................................................................................... 10

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    2.3.6 Latest news .............................................................................................................. 102.3.7 Whos online ............................................................................................................. 102.3.8 Navigation (signed in) ................................................................................................ 102.3.9 Events (signed in) ...................................................................................................... 112.3.10 New forum topics (signed in) ................................................................................... 11

    2.4 Footer.......................................................................................................................... 113 Content types in the SME 2.0 portal ........................................................................................ 11

    3.1 Basic pages .................................................................................................................. 113.2 Articles ........................................................................................................................ 123.3 Events ......................................................................................................................... 123.4 Forum topics ................................................................................................................ 133.5 Newsletters .................................................................................................................. 143.6 Documents ................................................................................................................... 153.7 Photo galleries .............................................................................................................. 153.8 Webforms .................................................................................................................... 163.9 User guide.................................................................................................................... 19

    4 Creating, editing content ........................................................................................................ 204.1 Creating articles ............................................................................................................ 204.2 Creating events ............................................................................................................ 23

    5 Functions and features ........................................................................................................... 245.1 CK Editor ..................................................................................................................... 245.2

    Documents ................................................................................................................... 27

    5.3 Forum.......................................................................................................................... 285.4 Subscriptions ................................................................................................................ 295.5 My account ................................................................................................................... 305.6 User guide.................................................................................................................... 31

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    SME 2.0 Collaboration Platform


    1 IntroductionThis guide was created to help users to use the project portal. We are going to demonstrate

    the functions and features. As the entire portal is constantly under construction you might find

    differences between this document and the live site.

    The portal has a clean look and the dominating colours are orange and white. When designing

    our site, our goal was to keep in line with current web trends and layouts. We wanted to keep

    it clean because a project portal should always focus on the content.

    Our portal has many unique features which Im going to show you how to use. There was no

    content management system on the market which already knew all planned features. Although

    weve seen plenty of great engines for e-learning, blogging, forums or project management

    purposes, we couldnt use any of them. The SME 2.0 is based on Drupal 7.9 core and is heavily

    modified. Drupal was the excellent choice, because this is the most flexible system we could

    find. Drupal can handle even very complex tasks and things such as user permissions very

    easily. Our goal is to satisfy all the needs of members who work on the SME 2.0 project.

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    2 Site structureThe site structure is very easy. At the top you will find the header the main column is divided

    into two sections: the main content and the sidebar. At the bottom of the site you will find the


    To understand the functions of the features this document will guide you through all the

    sections. First you will get familiar with the sections and later the usage of the functions will be


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    The header contains the SME 2.0 logo and slogan. By clicking on them you will be brought to

    the front page.

    The menu - which is visible without logging in - contains the following menu items:

    - SME 2.0 Project - navigates you to the SME 2.0 front page

    - Partners - introduces project partners

    - Results - contains information about the project results

    - Photo Galleries - pictures of all the meetings/events

    - Contact - a tab where you can contact the site administrator

    Above the main menu you will find two flags which will allow you

    to change the language of the portal. The default language is

    English, but the whole Drupal Core and the contents are translated

    into Hungarian (there will be a few exceptions).

    After logging in an extra function will

    appear in the header. You will find the

    tools to manage your account or log out.

    We will talk about that in details in the

    functions and featureschapter.

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    In the current phase of the portal there is no option to sign up to SME 2.0 as the newsletter is

    reachable for anyone for visits the site, therefore only the project members have permission to

    log in into the site. Usernames and password have been handed over to the partners after the

    portal presentation.

    2.2ContentThe sites content is the column where the actual content appears. You will find many types on

    the SME 2.0 project portal. Some can be only created by administrators, but the partners have

    opportunity to create specific content as well.

    The main content types you will find on the

    SME 2.0 portal are the following:

    - Basic pages

    - Articles

    - Events

    - Forum topics

    - Newsletters

    - Photo galleries

    - Webforms

    - User guide

    - Documents

    The front page is a very specialcontent.You will find the leading article (which has a

    slightly different background) and under it

    the latest news.

    The front page will have a sticky article on

    the top of the page and latest news. This is a

    dynamic page where the content may

    change time by time.

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    2.3SidebarThe sidebar can be found on the right of the content. It contains

    many functions and will help to navigate on the site. The elements

    of the sidebar change when you log in.

    2.3.1 SearchThe search function gives you the opportunity to search a word or

    a phrase on the site. After typing the word into the text field press

    Enter or click on the magnifying glass right of the field.

    You will get the search result in an unordered list. There you have

    the option to use the Advanced search where you can specify

    your search by adding terms like content type or language.

    Note: If you are not logged in you might see fewer results,

    because visitors are not allowed to see the whole content of the

    site. It is best to search the site after you signed in.

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    2.3.2 Recent newslettersThe SME 2.0 newsletter is to inform people about the activities of the project. The newsletter is

    published in a pdf format, but it also has an html site where it can be reached from. To make it

    even flashier the newsletters have been placed almost at the top of the sidebar.

    Newsletters are available in English and Hungarian language and there is an option to sign up

    to them and receive an e-mail right away when the newsletter is published.

    2.3.3 User loginThe user login panel is where login to the site. A previously created

    user account has been handed over to every project member rightafter the portal was introduced.

    The user login module contains two fields: username and

    password. After logging in some new options will appear in the

    sidebar which will be discussed later.

    There is no option to create new accounts although the project

    partners have the option to request a new password if they lost it.

    2.3.4 Tag cloudA tag cloud is a visual representation for text data, used to depict

    keyword metadata (tags) on websites, or to visualize free form text.

    'Tags' are usually single words, and the importance of each tag is

    shown with font size or color. When content is created the author

    has the option to add tags to it, so it gets categorized and it will be

    easier to find. Tags are hyperlinked and by pressing on them it will

    give you relevant content in the chosen topic.

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    2.3.5 Newsletter signupThe newsletter signup is a simple tool which allows you to sign up

    to the SME 2.0 newsletters. This means that you subscribe with

    you e-mail address and every time a newsletter is published an e-

    mail will be sent to the address provided address. After

    subscribing an e-mail will be sent with the instructions. There is

    also an option to unsubscribe from the newsletter.

    2.3.6 Latest newsThe latest news is a small module which displays the latest posted

    news on the site. The news are listed on the frontpage, but by using

    this module you can reach the articles from the whole portal.

    2.3.7 Whos onlineThe module displays number of the currently sign in members and is also

    lists them underneath. Invisible users (visitors) are not displayed.

    2.3.8 Navigation (signed in)After a user has signed into the portal some new modules

    appear in the sidebar. Probably the most important module is

    the navigation. This is where the user can navigate through

    the site and reach all the functions needed for proper

    cooperation. The functions will be explained in the 4th


    The first links are related to creating content. The

    Documentstakes the user to a page where files can be

    shared. The forum link point to the forum pages where to

    communication takes place. You will also find links to

    webforms, to the subscription section and to the user guide.

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    2.3.9 Events (signed in)Events are used to attach some happening to a date. It is perfect to

    inform the project partners about the deadline. The dates where an event

    is attached have a different colour and are underlined.

    By clicking on a date with an event the day viewwill get loaded where

    you can see detailed information about the events attached to that date.

    More than one event can be attached to a day.

    2.3.10 New forum topics (signed in)Forum is only available for registered members and after signing in

    they get list of the latest forum topics. This is a nice tool to stay

    updated and dont miss out the latest discussions. By clicking on

    the links the user will be transferred automatically to the chosen

    forum topic.

    2.4FooterThe footer can be found at the bottom of the site and contains the Lifelong LearningProgramme and the SME 2.0 project logo. Furthermore a disclaimer is included which states

    that the project has been funded with support from the European Commission and that the

    website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible

    for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

    3 Content types in the SME 2.0 portal3.1Basic pagesThe basic pages where created with the project portal. These content

    types usually provide information on a given topic. This kind of content

    type has a title and a body, but it does not contain the author or the

    submission date. The body part of this content may look differently.

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    3.2ArticlesArticles are mainly used to display news on the site.

    Every partner has permission to create articles which

    will be displayed on the front page. The article contains

    the submission date and the author besides the title and

    the body.

    The articles on the front page do not display the whole article,

    they are shown in teasers, which means that you can read

    only a part of the article on the front page and you have to

    click on the Read more link to open the article with full


    Another important thing about articles is the tag. You

    will find the tags which belong to the article right under

    the body (usually text). The way how these are created

    will be explained in the create contentchapter.

    3.3EventsEvents are very similar to articles except they have no tags. In the SME 2.0 portal will be used

    to notify partners every time needed. Events can only be created by administrators and are

    only visible for SME 2.0 partners. Every time an event will be created you will get a notification

    via e-mail. It is very important to know that events can have comments (partners have

    permission to make comments). Notifications and the calendar module (where the events will

    be displayed) will be explained later.

    Preview of event content type:

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    3.4Forum topicsForum is the ideal place to talk about the SME 2.0 project itself. This will be the most

    interactive part of the website as all partners have access to the forums and can share their

    thoughts. The forum can be reached from the navigation menu (which is only visible after


    By clicking on the Forum menu item in the navigation bar first the different forums will

    appear. Every work package of the SME 2.0 project has its own discussion board. Within the

    forum the topics can be found.

    Before entering the forum some information is visible about the forum. On the left side the

    forum name is visible, which is clickable and forwards the user to the forum. The second

    column displays how many topics were posted in this forum. The Posts column shows the

    number of total posts in this forum. The last column displays the author of the latest post and

    when it was posted.

    After entering a forum a very similar table will be visible which contains the topics (remember

    the last table contained the forums). In the left column the topics name can be found and

    under it the date when the topic has been created.

    Note: it is very important to know that the project partners can NOT open forums or topics,

    but they are allowed to post in every forum topic!

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    The forum topic is the place where the

    communication takes place. After entering a

    forum topic the title will appear on the top left.

    Below it there is the date when it was published

    and the author. The text below the date is

    description about the topic. Underneath there

    are some links forums, tagsand

    subscription. You can step back to the forum,

    click on tags for similar content or subscribe for

    the given thread or content type.

    The comments to the topic post

    can be found right under the topic

    description. Every project partner

    has permission to post comments.

    The comments are sorted and the

    newest post is always on the top.

    The comment shows a picture of the author on the left side with some other information

    (username, creation date) and the comment itself (with title) on the right.

    3.5NewslettersNewsletters are created to inform visitors, partners about recent project activities and news.

    The newsletter content type is very similar to the articles content type, but it has an extra

    function. Visitors can sign up to the SME 2.0 newsletter (Sidebar / 2.3.5). After signing up

    their e-mail address gets part of a mailing list. Every time the SME 2.0 administrator decides

    to send a newsletter everyone will get an e-mail who signed up earlier.

    Note: Newsletters can be published on the SME 2.0 portal without sending out the newsletter

    to the signed up people. In this case the newsletter is visible on the portal, but no e-mails are


    Note: Once you have signed up to the newsletter you have the option to unsubscribe from it


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    3.6DocumentsProject partners have access to the Documents which is a file manager where files can be

    stored. Furthermore it can be used to share files with each other.

    In the left column the navigation tree is visible and on the right the content of the folder is

    visible. In the right column you can see some information about the files.

    Partners are allowed to upload files in any of the folders, but they have no permission to alter

    the folder tree. Every user has an own folder /users/username where the personal files can be

    stored. This folder is not visible for other users, every other folder is can be accessed by all the

    project partners.

    Note: There is more information about the Documents in the Functions and features

    chapter of this document.

    3.7Photo galleriesThe photo galleries are open for every visitor and a

    link to them can be found in the main menu of the

    SME 2.0 project portal. By clicking on the Photo

    Galleries link a page will appear which lists the


    A title is included to every gallery and a preview

    picture can be found under it. When you have chosen

    the gallery you would like to visit just click on the

    picture or on the title.

    Note: Photo galleries are created by the site administrator and will be updated every time an

    event takes place where photos are taken.

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    The gallery itself lists the pictures found inside the gallery. By clicking on them the picture will

    appear in large and there is an option to open the previous, next picture or to play a


    3.8WebformsThe webform content type is relatively complex as they contain lots of features. This content

    type is created by administrators only, but the partners have permission to fill it out, see the

    results or download the submission data. Webforms can have different layouts, but every

    webform contains input fields.

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    The input fields can vary. Basically the most common field used are the following: text field,

    text area, select box, and grid. All of these serve the same purpose, to get information. Some

    webforms can be filled out only once, while others can be posted multiple times.

    The dissemination plan webform must be used every time the SME 2.0 project is introduced

    or published. This webform can be filled out every time an event occurs. On the contrary the

    Evaluation questionnairescan only be filled out once.

    Note: Those webforms which can be posted multiple times cannot be edited, but on the other

    side those which are restricted to one submission only can be edited afterwards.

    By clicking on the View your previous submissions you will have the option to check

    information about you submission. The ID shows you the number of you submission, right of it

    there is the submission date, the username, the IP address.

    The following operations are available: View, Edit, Delete. The View option will show you the

    webform you submitted previously. The Editoption allows editing the webform which has

    been submitted. The Deleteoption deletes the submitted webform.

    The project partners have the option to view the results of the webform

    submissions. When visiting a webform a small menu appears under the title.

    Clicking on the results tab will forward the user page where there is more

    option to choose from.

    The submission menu lists all those who submitted the webform. It is very similar to the

    previously discussedown submission.The big difference is that we can view others

    webforms but we cannot edit or delete them.

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    The analysis link gives you access to the submitted data. The partners have the option to

    analyse the data gathered from the submitted webforms. A detailed evaluation can be found

    for every point of the webform.

    The table link is very similar to the analysis, but in this view a you will see a detailed table

    where they lines are the webform submissions and the columns are the points of the webform.

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    The download menu item allows you to download the submitted data. There are many

    options about the format of the exported file so the output is highly customizable.

    3.9User guideThe user guide is available from the navigation menu which is only visible for signed in users.

    The guide is an online version of this document.

    Note: The online version of the user guide is only available in English.

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    4 Creating, editing contentProject partners have the option to create content on the portal. This chapter is going to

    explain how the contents can be created. In the last chapter we already discussed the different

    content types, but project partners are not allowed to create all of them. Partners have

    permission to create articles or events.

    4.1Creating articlesIn the sidebar on the right at the top of the navigation bar there are links which allow the user

    to create content. The first option is to create an article. By clicking on it the user will be

    transferred to a page where the following will appear:

    Note: Articles will appear on the front page therefore check the article before posting it. It is

    wise to use the preview function which show how it will look like after saving. After the content

    is posted the user has permission to edit or delete the article afterwards.

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    When creating an article there are some important input field which have to be filled out to

    post the article. One of the most important fields is the title field.

    The title shouldnt be too long. The new page which is generated will have a url which is

    transformed from the title. The title should be used to sum up the article in 5-6 words.

    The Tags field is not required, but it advised to use tags so your article can be more likely

    found. The Tags field is a so called autocomplete field which means that if the user starts

    to write a word the site will search for tags in the database already used by others. Every timewhen new content is ported with the same tag the results for the given tag will grow.

    Tags can be added comma-separated and there is no restriction for the number of tags. One

    content shouldnt have more than 4-5 tags. The most used tags will appear in the sidebars tag

    cloud which has already been introduced in the Site structure chapter (2.3.4 Tag cloud).

    An image can be attached to the article, but just like tags this isnt required. If you decide to

    upload an image you have to keep in mind that the allowed file types are the following: png,

    gif, jpg, jpeg. The uploaded image will be transformed, so there is no restriction with the

    image size.

    By clicking on the file select button a window will pop up where the user can select the image

    for the articles. After the image is selected the upload button must be pressed. After this is

    done you will see the following:

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    A little preview of the images will be shown on the left. There is still the opportunity to delete

    the image. The name of the file can be found written with orange color and right of it the size

    of it. A text filed below is provided to add and Alternate text which will show if the image

    cant be loaded for some reason.

    The body part of the content is the most important. Below you see an image where you can

    set numerous of things to make you article just like you want it to appear.

    Right at the top of

    this box there is a

    link name Edit

    summary. Bypressing it an extra

    window will appear

    and you can write a

    summary of your

    articles which will be

    placed on the front

    page as a teaser. If

    you dont write asummary the site will automatically use your full article and make the teaser. To understand

    the mechanism of teasers and full articles check to image below.

    The summary and the body have now two

    separate input fields. The content of the upper

    box will be display on the front and the content

    of the box underneath will be displayed in the

    full article mode.

    Under the first box you will find the note which

    explains that the summary will show even if

    you leave it blank.

    Note: It is always worth to use the summary

    option as the reader will always see the

    trimmed version first. If they like the summary

    they might read the whole article!

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    The CK Editor

    The CK Editor is strongly connected with the creating content section. It is a module which

    helps formatting the text. The editor has many functions which are fantastic, but if someone

    would like to post only plain text it is absolutely no problem. Below the CK Editor a link can

    be found Switch to plan text editor. By pressing it the CK Editor will disappear and text can

    be entered in plain format.

    Note: The functions of the CK Editor are explained in the next chapter Functions and


    Below the Body (CK editor) filed a language switcher is visible, where you can set the language

    for your article (English or Hungarian) where English is the default language.

    4.2Creating eventsThe creation of events is very similar to the articles so only the differences will be discussed.

    Events do not have Tags, Image and language switcher. This means that events have a title

    field, a body field and a Date field which is only visible on the event creation page.

    The Date field is very easy to use; the date has to be filled in when the event will occur. It can

    be a given time like 19th April 2012 8 pm or it can be a time interval like 17th April 2012 8 am

    until 22nd April 8 pm.

    On the left you can see

    the date field where you

    can set the accurate time

    for the event, for example

    a deadline.

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    5 Functions and featuresThe functions and features chapter of the portal explains how to use parts of the site which

    need some explanation. TheCK Editormentioned in the last chapter has lots of options

    which have to be introduced. The Documents file manager needs some further explanation to

    be used correctly. The forum has already been mentioned among the content types and in this

    chapter you are going to learn how to make comments. The subscriptions is a part of the

    site which hasnt really mentioned yet. It is a notification system which allows the user to sign

    up to a content, content type or an author. The usage of the online user guide will be

    introduced as well.

    5.1CK Editor

    The easiest is to go trough the buttons one by one. On the top left you can

    find the Source button which is only interesting if you are familiar with the

    html language. You have the option to import an html code. This feature is very useful if you

    have for example a spreadsheet in one of your html documents so you dont have to bother

    about creating a spreadsheet in the CK editor, you can your premade sheet easily.

    Note: All content stored will be an html, but it is no problem if you dont know the language,

    the CK editor will translate it for you. You tell it how the text should look like and the editor will

    translate it to html.

    These are some basic text handling tools which mightbe already familiar from Word or any other text

    processing software. You can cut, copy, paste, paste as plain text or paste from word.

    If you have a word document prepared you dont have to make all the styling again, you just

    have to paste it with this tool. Right of it there is a spell checker which can be useful before

    posting. The first ABC icon offers you the check the spelling (15 languages) and the second

    ABC icon enables the spell check as you write.

    These options are related to the text as well. With the arrows

    you can undo and redo.The binoculars icon gives you

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    the option to search you text for a given word or phrase. The abac icon is for find and

    replace. That square will do select all and the last icon removes the text format if there is

    one. If you modify the font size, color, etc. and use this icon afterwards your text will be

    plain again.

    The first picture icon allows you to paste image into your

    content/comment. This option is linked with the Documents

    file manager which is explained in the next point of this chapter. By clicking on the picture

    icon a window will pop up, where there are several options.

    This window is full with fields which dont have to be filled

    out. Most of the field will be filled out automatically when

    choosing the image which should be uploaded.

    Right of the URL field there is a Browse Server button which

    will open a new browser window with the Documents file


    Note: in order to paste an image into your content/comment

    the picture has to be upload to the server first and it can

    pasted only afterwards.

    Just browse the image among the files and double click or use the Insert file button.

    Note: In the next point you will learn how to upload a file to the Documents file manager.

    After you are done the window will close

    automatically and all the data according

    to the image will be filled out.

    You have the option to add a link to the

    image. The url and the target can be set

    on the Link tab.

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    The flash icon is very similar to the insert picture procedure. The only difference is that you

    are able to add flash to your content with this tool.

    The table icon is another important tool if you would like to have a

    table in your content/comment. Basically the most important filed you

    have to add are the rows, columns, width and height.

    There is a select box available where you can set the alignment. With

    this option you can place your table on the left, right or into the

    centre of your screen.

    If you are finished just click the OK button and your table is ready.

    The insert horizontal line is a simple tool to place a line into your content which can be used

    to separate your text. It is a good visual tool. The smiley icon allows you to use smileys to

    empress your emotions. The special characters pops up a window where you can choose

    from lots of non-usual special characters.

    The B stands for bold, the I for italic and U for

    underlined. The abc is the strikethrough tool. The last two

    icons help you to place your text into subscript or superscript.

    The first two options help you to make a formatted list. You can

    choose between numbers or dots. With the help of the next two

    icons you are able to indent you text. The first icon decreases and the second increases your

    text. The last icon will put your text into block quote.

    The text align options provide you tools to place the text

    wherever you want. Among the icons you can find align left,

    centre, right, justify. There is option the change the text direction to right to left.

    You can make words or text hyperlinked. The procedure is very similar like

    when placing a link on the picture. This has already been described above.

    With the first icon you can place a link, with the second you can unlink and the third gives you

    opportunity to place an anchor.

    With these you can change the text

    format, the font-family and the font-size.

    These icons give you the option to change the text color, or

    the background behind the text. With the last two icons you

    can put the editor to full screen or show/hide blocks.

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    5.2DocumentsThe Documentsfile manager has already been discussed, but there is still an option left

    which has to be talked about. The file upload process and the navigation in the Documents

    file manager are very easy.

    The left column of the file manager contains the folder structure.

    These folders can only be changed by the site administrators, but

    the partners are free to use any of the given folders. Among the

    folders the different work packages can be found and several others.

    To open a folder all there is to do is to click on the folder.

    Note: Sometime you might want to refresh the content of the folder.

    It can be done by clicking on the active folder. In other words you

    have to navigate to a folder and click on it once again. A window

    will pop up and ask if you would like to refresh the content of the

    folder. The best is to refresh the sme folder which will refresh

    almost the whole file manager.

    If you close the folder you will see that there are three main folders: sme, users, images. The

    sme folder contains all the files related to the SME 2.0 project - and this is where the projectfiles should be uploaded every time (in the right subfolder). The users folder will contain a

    subfolder with your username and serves for personal storage. For example if you work on an

    sme 2.0 related file, but it is not a final version and you dont want to share it with the

    partners yet, you may upload it here so you will have access to it from anywhere. The

    images folder is created to store pictures used for articles or comments.

    To upload file to the file manager

    search for the Upload button on the

    left top of the window. After clicking

    on it a little window appears where

    you have to click in the browse

    button in order to search your

    computer for file. If you have chosen

    the file you want to upload click on

    the Upload button and the file will

    be upload instantly.

    Note: The file will always be uploaded in that folder, which have actively opened!

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    5.3ForumThe forum has been already talked about, but the most important part of the forum is to make

    comments. Comments can be created by every project partner in any given forum topic. The

    well-known CK editor is used for the comments as well. When choosing a forum topics there

    are two options to make a comment. The first option is to click the reply button under

    someone elses comment and the second option is to scroll down to the bottom of the page.

    The CK editor is exactly the same as on the creating content pages so it shouldnt be a

    problem to use it. The difference is that the comment has a subject instead of a title and a

    comment field instead of the body field. There is no option to make a summary of course.

    We can reach the preview option for the comments, so you can have a look how it will look like

    before actually posting it.

    Note: your comment will always appear at the top of the page as the newest comment!

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    5.4SubscriptionsThe SME 2.0 project portal has a notification system so the users have the option to tell the

    site to inform them if some events occur. By default every partner was signed up to the event

    and forum content type so if someone posts a new comment all the partners will get a

    notification e-mail about this.

    There are three different options which a user can sign up for: thread, content type and

    author. A thread can be a forum topic, while a content type can be the whole forum. The

    author is an extra option, for example every time the site administrator posts a content the

    subscribed user will get a notification.

    Ifyou want to set up a new subscription you have to click on the Subscription menu item in

    the navigation menu. A page will appear where you have to choose the type of the


    In this example on the left the current user is signing up

    for a content type. In the dropdown menu currently the

    webform is selected. If the user chooses webform and

    clicks on the Subscription button hell be signed up for

    that content type.

    Note: the user has the option to unsubscribe from the

    subscriptions. This can be done by clicking on the My

    account text which can be found in the right top corner of

    the website.

    Note: this function will be explained in the next point (5.5 My account).

    There is also another method to subscribe to a given content. If you open a forum topic you

    well recognize two links on almost the top of the forum - right above the first comment. These

    links do the same like the procedure above.

    This picture shows that the actual user could sign up to the thread, but it also appears that

    hes already signed up to all the forum topics. If he would like to unsubscribe all there is to do

    to click on the Unsubscribe from: Forum topic posts link.

    Note: It is no problem if accidently unsubscribe as you can set it up again without penelty.

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    5.6User guideThe user guide can be reached from the navigation menu. The user guide is the documentation

    of this document. It has a book style where every point has an own page.

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