smcp exercises short

DISTRESS COMMUNICATIONS, SAR, URGENCY TRAFFIC I. Complete the sentences: 1. I am sinking after ………….. 2. Crew must abandon vessel after ………….. 3. Keep sharp lookout for ……………. 4. MV is spilling ……………….. 5. Navigation is dangerous in area due to ………………. 6. Buoy No in psn ….. ………………. 7. Located a vessel in psn …………………. 8. I require a helicopter ……………. 9. I am making identification signals by …………………. 10. I will use hoist/………………… II. What is the question/instruction to the following statements: 1. No persons injured. 2. I expect to refloat with tug assistance. 3. I have damage to navigational equipment. 4. No persons will stay on board. 5. Sighted vsl in position ………. III. Send an appropriate message. 1. MT “Seawolf” (HR6F) has collided with the CV “Rocky Island”- 24° 52’ N, 149° 05’ E. The ship has developed a dangerous list of 24 degrees to port; - send an appropriate message and decide on the kind of help you will require; - crew is leaving the ship into lifeboats. 2. You are the OOW on board MV SHARK. You are not sure the distress message from MT SEAWOLF has been responded and are going to re-transmit the initial distress message from the MT Seawolf. Give the time of receipt of the distress call. 3. You are DIANA 5, call sign PDQE. You are suffering from engine trouble in position bearing north of Northinder lightvessel, distance 3 miles. Need immediate tug assistance. Vessels must keep a sharp lookout. IV. Reply to а message: 1. Reply to an instruction stating to leave the fairway that you cannot because you have an engine breakdown. Ask for tugs. 2. Report that your stability is impaired due to ice packs ahead of you and ask for assistance. 3. Report to the coast guard that because of engine failure you are drifting. You will probably be underway in an hour. V. Role-play. Intership communication. 1.М/к Алфа има нужда от медицинска помощ. М/к Браво има лекар на борда и пита дали могат да се срещнат в позиция ..... след ..... часа. Алфа отговаря положително и съобщава, че ще изпрати лодка за прехвърлянето на лекаря. 2. М/к Алфа е лишен от управление. М/к Браво пита какъв е проблемът. Проблемът е в рулевата машина.

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Post on 17-Oct-2014




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Page 1: SMCP Exercises Short


I. Complete the sentences:1. I am sinking after …………..2. Crew must abandon vessel after …………..3. Keep sharp lookout for …………….4. MV is spilling ………………..5. Navigation is dangerous in area due to ……………….6. Buoy No in psn ….. ……………….7. Located a vessel in psn ………………….8. I require a helicopter …………….9. I am making identification signals by ………………….10. I will use hoist/…………………

II. What is the question/instruction to the following statements:1. No persons injured.2. I expect to refloat with tug assistance.3. I have damage to navigational equipment.4. No persons will stay on board.5. Sighted vsl in position ……….

III. Send an appropriate message.1. MT “Seawolf” (HR6F) has collided with the CV “Rocky Island”- 24° 52’ N, 149° 05’ E. The ship has developed a dangerous list of 24 degrees to port; - send an appropriate message and decide on the kind of help you will require; - crew is leaving the ship into lifeboats. 2. You are the OOW on board MV SHARK. You are not sure the distress message from MT SEAWOLF has been responded and are going to re-transmit the initial distress message from the MT Seawolf. Give the time of receipt of the distress call. 3. You are DIANA 5, call sign PDQE. You are suffering from engine trouble in position bearing north of Northinder lightvessel, distance 3 miles. Need immediate tug assistance. Vessels must keep a sharp lookout.

IV. Reply to а message:1. Reply to an instruction stating to leave the fairway that you cannot because you have an engine breakdown. Ask for tugs.2. Report that your stability is impaired due to ice packs ahead of you and ask for assistance.3. Report to the coast guard that because of engine failure you are drifting. You will probably be underway in an hour.

V. Role-play. Intership communication.1.М/к Алфа има нужда от медицинска помощ. М/к Браво има лекар на борда и пита дали могат да се срещнат в позиция ..... след ..... часа. Алфа отговаря положително и съобщава, че ще изпрати лодка за прехвърлянето на лекаря.2. М/к Алфа е лишен от управление. М/к Браво пита какъв е проблемът. Проблемът е в рулевата машина.3. М/к Алфа маневрира трудно. Предупреждава корабите в околността да се държат на безопасно разстояние.

VI. Make a role-play on the following situation:Colander Two - a ship in distress sinking. Cargo dangerous pollutant chemicals. Poses danger to environment. Persons on board 26. Endeavouring helicopter rescue because there is heavy pollution in water. Request long range helicopter which will transfer survivors to Gaynor W which has large helicopter pad. You are HMCS Margaret. Give info to VTS St John's.You are HMS Sarah W - vsl in the vicinity. Ask about: distress position; OSC; vessels standing by; distress traffic channel.

VIІ. Make up a dialogue using the cue cards.На борда на кораб ... избухва пожар в ... . Вие сте капитан на кораба и искате помощ по УКВ. Използвайте следната информация, за да съставите

На борда на кораб ... избухва пожар в ... . Вие сте капитан на кораб ..., който чува съобщението по УКВ. Попитайте или дайте

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диалог с кораб, който откликва на повикването Ви: повторете позицията на бедствието; няма опасност от експлозия пожарът не е под контрол и се разраства; нуждаете се от противопожарна помощ, защото

запасите Ви от пяна са на привършване; има двама ранени; не се нуждаете от медицинска помощ; кога ще пристигнат.

информация за: да повторят позицията на бедствието; опасност от експлозия; дали пожарът е под контрол; от каква помощ се нуждаят; ранени; дали се нуждаят от медицинска помощ; тръгвате на помощ; очаквате да пристигнете след 20 мин.


I. Complete the sentences:1. MV... tries to proceed.............2. Visibility is expected your position.3. The charted depth of water is.............due to.............4. position .... Wide berth requested.5. Gunnery / rocket firing / area bounded by... (positions) from ... (date and time) to... (date and time)6. Small fishing boats in area around ... -.............7. Sea smooth/............swell slight/..........metres from ...(cardinal points .8. Area around... temporarily closed.............

II. Differentiate between:backing (wind) veering (wind)beach strandoff station removed (of seamarks)leaking spillingmist fog

III. Explain:flooding to recover retreat signal transhipment off air to make water a hoist sighting

IV. What is the question/instruction to the following statements:1. The wind in your psn is expected to increase.2. The barometer is steady.3. Visibility is restricted by mist.4. Yes, fishing gear with buoys in psn………. Navigate with caution.5. Ready for helicopter in ….. minutes.

V. Role-play. Intership communication.1. М/к Алфа предупреждава, че от него изтича суров петрол. От м/к Браво питат с какво могат да

помогнат. Необходима е помощ за разчистване на разлива, защото има опасност от замърсяване.2. Съобщете на VTS, че сте открил кораб, който изгаря химикали. Питат ви дали можете да познаете

нарушителя. Не можете.3. Подайте навигационно предупреждение, че се провеждат операции по прочистване на нефтен

разлив близо до танкер Зулу.4. Вие сте м/к Чарли. Попитайте м/к Алфа за вятъра и вълнението при тях. Вятърът е СИ, 5 бала,

Сслно вълнение от ЮЗ.5. Подайте навигационно предупреждение, че:

А. буй СНМ временно не работиБ. сигналът за мъгла в позиция .... не работи.В. че научно.изследователски кораб Делта влачи сеизмичен кабел дълъг 300 м в позиция .... . Корабите трябва да го заобикалят на безопасно разстояние.

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VI. Translate:1. Ще изхвърля товара, за да възстановя плавучестта си.2. Очаквам да изплавам с настъпване на прилива.3. Има ли навигационни опасности?4. Буй № ... снет от щатното си място/временно недействащ/преместен.5. Сеизмични/хидрографски/опасни операции от кораб в района, ограничен от ..... до ..... .6. Тръбопровод в позиция ..... разлива нефт/пропуска газ. Преминете на безопасно разстояние.7. Избягвайте района – няма възможност за развръщане.8. Приберете риболовното си устройство.9. Можете да кацнете на палубата след 10 минути. Готов съм да ви приема. 10. Поддържайте визуален контакт с човека във водата.

VІI. Send an appropriate messageVTS Marseille Traffic излъчва информация до всички кораби в района в 1200 UTC. Тя съдържа:Метеоинформация: за вятър ЮЗ със сила 4 бала, вълнение - 2 бала, проливни дъждове, видимост - 1 миля, която намалява. Налягане - 1015 милибара, с тенденция за понижение.Информация за движението: наличие на много яхти в СИ полоса в близост до C Landfall Buoy. Да се преминава на безопасно разстояние.Пилотаж: Пилотски кораб Виктор не извършва пилотаж (withdraw from pilotage). Пилотският катер посреща навлизащите кораби във вътрешната пилотска станция при буй К2.Навигационно предупреждение: потънала баржа в позиция с пеленг 270 градуса от Фар С. На дистанция 2.5 мили. Съвет към всички кораби да се държат на безопасно разстояние.Съставете съобщението в следния порядък:Alpha - SecuriteEcho - WeatherFoxtrot - PilotLima – Traffic

VIІІ. Make up а dialogue using the scenario:М/к "Йоланта" получава известие за бедстваща яхта в позиция 130 градуса, четири мили от плаващия фар Санд, която има пожар на борда и се нуждае от незабавна помощ. Съобщението е подадено от радиостанция Нюхарбър до всички кораби в околността. "Йоланта" се намира в близост до мястото на бедствието и моли да бъдат повторени координатите на яхтата. След това се свързва с нея, но се чуват слабо и екипажът не използва стандартния морски речник. Съобщава, че се отправя на помощ и пита безопасно ли е да изстреля сигнална ракета. Това не е безопасно - трябва да се изпрати лодка, за да бъде спасен екипажът. "Йоланта" поема управлението на операцията по търсене и спасяване. Очаква да пристигне на мястото в 1800 часа.

IX. Complete the sentences:1. Located oil spill in ............... .2. I require .................... .3. Stay in vicinity of ................. .4. Located a vessel ................. .5. What is course ................... ?6. The polluter left .............. .7. .................. accidental spillage of oil.8. ................... can stop spillage.9. …………... environmental pollution.

Х. Paraphrase into the SMCP format:1. Ask about the amount of spillage.2. Ask all crew to contain the spill.3. Say that oil is spilling into the sea.4. Report there is no more spilled oil.

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5. Report how the spill waste is contained.6. Report about an accidental escape of oil from a tank which is full because pumping was not stopped in time7. Advise the authorities about an oil spill.8. Ask if spillage can be stopped.9. Report you have sighted an oil spill in …10. Ask if the vessel which caused the pollution is known.

ХI. Make up a dialogue using the cue cards.You are VTS Ouessant receiving a report about an oil spill from MV Sredets. They have located an oil spill in position .... extending 20 m in length and 10 m in width and drifting ashore. VTS asks you questions and gives orders about:■ to repeat position of oil spill;■ kind of assistance required;■ identify the polluter;■ course and speed of polluter;■ stay in vicinity and cooperate with oil clearance operations; Later VTS asks:■ you to act as OSC of oil clearance operations;■ use VHF Channel 12;■ about extent of spillage;■ about protective clothing and breathing apparatus on board;■ about synthetic scoops to remove the spill.

You are MV Sredets reporting about an oil spill to VTS Ouessant. You have located an oil spill in position .... extending 20 m in length and 10 m in width and drifting ashore. Answer questions and respond to orders:■ repeat position of oil spill■ oil clearance assistance is needed■ polluter is MV Anita■ course 1050, speed 20 knots, leaving the scene■ agree to stay in vicinity and cooperate with oil clearance operationsLater on:■ agree to act as OSC■ change to channel 12■ give extent and direction of oil spill■ confirm you have protective clothing and breathing apparatus available on board■ say you do not have synthetic scoops on board, ask to use absorbent material.


I. What are the questions to the following statements:1. I am approaching from ... .2. My last port of call was ... .3. No, I am not underway.4. Yes, I carry the following dangerous goods: ... kilogrammes / tonnes IMO Class ... .5. No, I have no deficiencies / restrictions.6. My flag state is ... .7. No, I am trimmed by the head / stern.8. I am ready to get underway.9. Yes, I have a list to port / starboard of ... degrees.10. My present course is ... degrees, my speed is ... knots.11. The maximum permitted draft is ... metres.12. My full speed / full manoeuvring speed is ... knots.

II. React to the following questions/instructions:1. Spell the name of your vsl.2. Do you have any deficiencies / restrictions? - Yes, constrained by draught..3. What was your last port of call?4. What is your ETD from ... ?5. Are you underway? - No6. Do you carry any dangerous goods? - No7. Are you on even keel? - No8. What is the name of your vessel and call sign / identification?9. Do you have a list? - No.10. What is your cargo?

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III. Complete the sentences:1. …………….. established in position ………… .2. ……………. moored in position ………….. - wide berth requested.3. Light in position ……………….. .4. ……………. operations by ……… (vsl ) from ………. to ………… in psn …………….5. ……………….. - navigate with caution.6. ……………….. near MT ………… in psn ………………. - wide berth requested.7. Route/Traffic lane ……………. .8. The tide is ………………. .9. Charted depth …………….. by ………….. meters due to winds.10. Navigation ……………… in position ………….. .11. ………………. adrift in vicinity ... at ... (date and time).12. Uncharted ……………. reported in position ... .13. What is the course ……………. you ?14. Wind is …………….. .15. MV ………. of you is …………………. .

ІV. You are VTS warning other ships:1.Кораб ……… излиза/влиза/е закотвен/на противоположен курс/ще ви изпревари2.Пречите във фарватера/на движението3.Не спазвате правилата за движение/не се движите в правилната полоса4.Стоянката за танкери в район …….. отменена.5.Кораб без екипаж, без светлини на дрейф в позиция ………….6.Прилив от ………. М под картната нула се очаква в позиция ……….. около ……….. часа.7.Движите се с попътно приливно-отливно течение.

V. Make up a dialogue on the situation:Maas Approach wants to know- Diamond Star's present position, course and speed; - her ETA in position of no. 1 Euro Buoy;- her draft fore and aft;- her freeboard and airdraftDiamond Star: Her position is bearing 045 degrees from no. 1 Euro Buoy at a distance of 12 miles, course 052degrees true at 7 knots; ETA no. 1 Euro Buoy is 1145 hrs. UTC; draft fore: 5m - draft aft: 6 m. freeboard of 5.5metres; airdraft of 18.5 metres.Maas Approach now indicates that Diamond Star may enter traffic lane at 1245 hrs. UTC;Maas Approach warns of a heavy swell in the fairway;Diamond Star must maintain present course and reduce her speed to 4 knots.Vessel astern is going to overtake.Diamond Star confirms.Maas Approach reports that Diamond Star's berth is ready and that she will berth at 1300 hrs. UTC. Request to remain on standby on channel 13.Diamond Star confirms.

VI. Make up a dialogue using the cue cards:Coastal Station has located your ship on radar and now wishes to know:

vessel's name and call sign; vessel's course and speed; what her port of destination is; what port she is coming from; what port she is heading for now; whether she is proceeding or not; what cargo she carries; if she carries any dangerous goods; if she has any defects; what radar range she uses

Answer from vessel:

name and call sign (Seaborne DKEL); course and speed (125 degr. 12 kn.); port of destination (Rotterdam); last port (Marseille); next port (Antwerp); proceeding or not (proceeding); cargo (3500 t general cargo); any dangerous goods (negative); any defects (SB ballast pump not working); radar range (6 miles range).

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Вие сте капитан на кораб. Радарът Ви се е повредил и се нуждаете от помощ от брега. Обаждате се на службата за управление на движението. В разговор с тях питате или отговаряте на въпросите им: можете ли да получите помощ от брегови

радар; обяснявате защо Ви е необходима тази

помощ; давате позицията си; повтаряте позицията; променяте курса на ... за идентификация; давате информация за газенето си; ще промените курса на ...; безопасно ли е

да продължите без допълнителна помощ.

Вие сте оператор в службата за управление на движението. Капитан на кораб Ви се обажда, че се нуждае от помощ, защото му се е повредил радарът В разговор с него питате или отговаряте на въпросите му: да, можете да осигурите помощ от брегови

радар; защо им е необходима; каква е позицията им; да повторят позицията за идентификация; не можете да ги идентифицирате; да променят

курса на ... за идентификация; открили сте ги на екрана; какво е газенето им; да променят курса на ..., защото отиват към

опасност - пред тях има плитководие; няма проблем да продължат без допълнителна



I. Complete the sentences:1. You have permission to …………. .2. You have permission to anchor (at ... UTC) …………….. .3. Your orders are to …………..... .5. Have your crew on stand by for ………………. .6. According to my radar, ……………….. Rule 10 of COLREGS.7. Recover …………….. .8. It is dangerous to ……………. .9. Vessels must …………….. .10. Keep clear of ... - …………… .11. Your present course is ……………. .12. You are proceeding …………… .

IІ. Rephrase the sentences into the SMCP format:1. A vessel abandoned at sea without lights is adrift in vicinity…2. Shallow water in position …3. The tide is flooding/ebbing.4. Is your radar working?5. You may enter the traffic lane.

ІII. Construct correct messages and answer them.1. Ask a ship if she can proceed without assistance. – No.2. Ask a ship if she requires radar assistance to navigation. – Yes.3. Tell a vessel not to anchor in the fairway.4. Tell a vessel to slow down to comply with TSS regulations.5. Tell VTS you are not going to enter the fairway because you are constrained by draught. – Acknowledge.

Ask about vessel’s present draught.6. Tell all ships that there is a difficult tow from … to …. .

IV. Make up dialogues using the cue cards.Вие сте м/к Васил Левски. Радарът ви е повреден и питате VTS дали има възможност за помощ с брегови радар. Отговарят ви, че няма.

Вие сте VTS. Радарът на м/к Васил Левски е повреден и оттам ви питат дали има възможност за помощ с брегови радар. Отговаряте, че няма.

Вие сте VTS. М/к Варна се обажда, че е пристигнал в контролна точка С. Питате ги за последното посетено пристанище, за времето на пристигане в Сплит и за товара, който носят.

Вие сте м/к Варна. В контролна точка С се обаждате на VTS. Питат ви за последното посетено пристанище, за времето на пристигане в Сплит и за товара, който носите. Дайте нужната

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информация.Вие сте VTS. М/к Бургас се обажда, че влиза в реката. Попитайте за надводната височина, дали са на равен кил и за пълната маневрена скорост.

Вие сте м/к Бургас. При влизане в река се обаждате на VTS. Питат ви за надводната височина, дали сте на равен кил и за пълната маневрена скорост. Дайте нужната информация.

Gaynor W подхожда към Джедас ал Май при силни ветрове.

VTS предупреждава за контейнеровоз, препятстващ фарватера отпред и го съветва да използва да използва южната котвена стоянка, както и да не преминава покрай буй № 1.

Вие сте м/к Сара. Искате навигационна помощ. Вие сте VTS. От м/к Сара искат навигационна помощ. Информирайте ги, че кораб от ЮИ пречи на движенията им.

V. Role Play: VTS-station to all vessels.VTS-station Palermo Radio to all vessels in vicinity of Capo Callo:1) Traffic movement information at 1245 hrs. UTC:There is a vessel on her way from one berth to another in position 2 miles South of Main Pier, her course is 065 degrees, her speed is 4 knots.There is also a vessel crossing the fairway on course 056 degrees at a speed of 5 knots.2) Traffic movement information at 0800 hrs. UTC:Vessel in posn. 2 miles S of entrance, on course 068 degrees at a speed of 8 knots is not following the traffic regulations. There is a vessel 2 miles W of the entrance that is constrained by a draught of 22 metres; ships are requested to stay at a safe distance.3) Traffic movement information at 1325 hrs. UTC: Salvage operations are in progress in the NE traffic lane.Salvage vessel “Catrina" is hampered. Vessels are requested to keep distance.4) Traffic movement information at 0000 UTC:Route from roadstead to entrance temporarily not to be used. Inshore traffic lane permanently closed for inward bound vessels. Route around dangerous shoal 2 cables S of entrance has been changed; vessels underway to sea are requested to use the inshore traffic lane.5) Traffic movement information at 1445 hrs. UTC:There is a vessel in position 6 miles N of Molehead whose anchor is dragging; she is hindering other traffic.6) Tidal Information at 1245 hrs. UTC: Tide is getting high.Tide is moving in direction 120 degrees. Rate of tidal stream is 1.2 knot. Rate of the current 1 mile N of the breakwater is 1.4 knot. Depth as indicated in the chart must be reduced by 1.2 metres because of the wind.

VI. Role-play - intership exchange.1) Seaborne - VRSH indicates to Anti Costi - V8SH that the course that Anti Costi is steering now is dangerous, because waters ahead of the vessel are shallow. Vessel is advised to change course to port side.2) Ocean Queen informs the Arctic Explorer that there is an underwater-wreck on her course. She is advised to change course to 185 degrees.3) Castor - PHSA informs Mineshead that she is sailing into a fogbank.4) Catinca - RRSA indicates to Levanta that she is on a collision course with vessel on starboard hand. She advises her to change course to port and decrease her speed. 5) Role A: Nedlloyd America - PKNS;Role B: Unknown ship (Packer - P3XQ - in posn 290 degrees from Cape Gris Nez, distance 2.5 miles);Nedlloyd America calls unknown vessel to indicate that she intends to overtake her on her port side on course 152 degrees at a speed of 9 knots. Packer acknowledges and closes.6) Role A: Dian Chi - OSXT;Role B: Unknown ship (Ice Flower - OVRR - 2 miles N of the breakwater - black hull and yellow superstructure);Dian Chi is at anchor in the middle of the fairway and calls unknown vessel to ask what her intentions are. Ice Flower indicates that she will stand on.Dian Chi warns Ice Flower that she is running into danger, because she is on a collision course with Dian Chi. She advises Ice Flower to alter course to port side and to proceed on course 168 degrees true. Ice Flower acknowledges and closes.7) Role A: Chaser - DEKL;

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Role B: Unknown ship (Arctic Flower - RDVW, in posn. 085 degrees from Estoril Lighthouse, distance 8.5 miles).Chaser calls unknown ship to indicate that she is approaching shoals that are not mentioned in the chart, and advises her to change course to portside.VII. Make up a dialogue using the scenario.Разговорът се води по УКВ между м/к "Котел" и пристанищна контрола. Чуват се отлично. М/к "Котел" идва от пристанище Александрия и може да влезе в пристанище Варна в 9 часа. Корабът докладва местоположението си и пристанищната контрола го предупреждава да не минава позиция S13 преди 8 часа. След няколко часа пристанищната контрола уведомява "Котел" да тръгва, но корабът не може, защото пред него има маневриращ кораб, който трябва да изчакат, за да освободи фарватера. Корабът получава инструкция да легне на курс 015 градуса . Очакваното време на пристигане е 1020 часа. Капитанът иска инструкции за приставане. Кейовото място е No 7. Придвижването в акваторията става със намалена скорост.


I. What are the questions or instructions to the following statements:1. Yes, I will close up on vessel ahead of me.2. Yes, I will wait at Gamboa Reach.3. Transit will begin at 1345 local time.4. Your place in convoy is number 6.5. Yes, I will wait for lock clearance off Pedro Miguel Locks until 0930 UTC.6. You will enter canal at 1500 local time.7. Transit speed is 6 knots.8. Yes, I will drop back from vessel ahead of me.9. Convoy must wait in the approach to G. Locks.10. You will join convoy off approach to Gamboa Reach.

II. Complete the sentences:1. Ice-breaker assistance …………….. .2. Proceed along …………….. .3. Switch on …………….. .4. Stand by for ……………… .5. Keep yourself in the centre………………….. .6. Increase / reduce ………….. .7. Lash together …………….. .8. I start to draw your bow ………………. .9. Proceed by …………….. .10. Pass heaving lines …………….. .

III. Paraphrase into the SMCP format:1. Vessel requires pilotage in position ........ .2. Vessel does not require pilotage because there is an exemption certificate on board3. VTS indicates to vessel that she must take a pilot.4. Distance between vessel and pilot station is 18.5 miles. 5. Time of arrival at pilot station is 0945 hrs UTC.6. VTS indicates to vessel that pilotage has stopped until further notice.7. VTS indicates to vessel that pilotage will start again at 14.00 UTC.8. VTS indicates to vessel that shore based pilotage is available.9. VTS indicates to vessel that she is allowed to navigate on her own.10. Pilot boat is approaching.11. Pilot will come on board at 13.50 hrs UTC.12. Vessel must make a lee on sb-side and prepare the pilot ladder.13. Vessel must keep a heaving line ready and switch on lights at the pilot ladder.14. Boarding speed: 6 knots.15. It is not possible for the pilot to embark the vessel.

ІV. Distinguish between the following expressions:to dredge anchor to drag anchor

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convoy escorta blind sector an obscured areaoff air off stationnot under command manoeuvring with difficulty list heelto divert to deviateto hand over to take over

V. You must transit Otlar Strait. Ask the Pilot about details.■ time of entering the strait■ place in the convoy■ transit speed■ get closer to vessel ahead of you■ transit distance■ side of fairway to keep■ signals to display■ if anchoring in the strait allowed■ if overtaking allowed■ a lay-by to use waiting for opposite traffic to pass you.

VІ. Make up a dialogue based on the following scenario:Gaynor W is due to take pilot at St Lawrence Waterway. Winter approaches and she is not sure of the ice situation in the area. Pilot Station replies that navigation is possible to Quebec for non ice strengthened vessels, to Montreal for ice strengthened vessels. Close upstream of Yamachiche navigation is closed. Thickness of ice is expected to increase.

VII. Translate:1. Имам проблеми със стабилността - силно обледеняване.2. Очаква се ледовата обстановка да се влоши във вашата позиция.3. Корабоплаването е опасно поради плаващи ледени късове.4. Корабоплаването е възможно само с помощ от ледоразбивачи.5. Трябва да се придвижите по фарватера.6. Екипажът да е в готовност за снемане от котва, когато пилотът се качи.7. Разрешено е за застанете на котва, докато не пристигнат влекачите.8. Последвайте пилотската лодка навътре, където пилотът ще се качи на борда.9. Пилотската лодка приближава към вас.10. Беше поръчан пилот за отплаващ кораб в … часа.

VIII. Make up a dialogue using the cue cards.Вие сте м/к Вики. Искате пилот от VTS. Попитайте. Задължителен ли е пилотажа; Дали пилотският катер е в позиция; Откъде ще вземете пилот; Времето за качване на пилота; Приближава ли пилотският катер; Защо катерът ще застане отляво; Скорост на качване; На кой канал да се води обменът, докато

приключи маневрата.

Вие сте VTS. Получавате искане за пилот. Отговорете. Пилотажът е задължителен; Пилотският катер не е в позиция; Корабът може да навлезе в акваторията;

пилотът ще се качи в позиция С12; Качване на пилота в 0900; Да, катерът, приближава, ще застане

отляво; Бордът е подветрен; Скоростта на качване е 6 възла; УКВ обменът да се води на канал 12, докато

приключи маневрата. .


І. Paraphrase in the SMCP format:1. Your berthing instructions are......

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2. І grant you clearance to enter the port.3. І allow you to lie at anchor until tugs arrive.4. MV.... is outbound.5. You cannot berth until.... hrs.6. You are obliged to keep to the fairway.7. Іs your radar working?8. Lower........shackles in the water.9. Are you in position?10. Pass heaving lines to the tugs.

ІІ. Which are the questions/instructions to the following statements:1 .You must take three tugs according to port regulations. 2. Tugs will meet you in psn 8 cables from No 2 Buoy. 3. You are berthing in two hours.4. Your berth is Cuxhaven 4.5. We will berth portside alongside. 6. Nо, no fenders on berth. 7. Fenders ready fore and aft.8. We have to move 3 meters ahead. 9. Fast forward. Fast aft.10. No, the radar does not have any blind sectors.

ІІІ. Give answers to the following questions/instructions:1 .How is the cable leading?2. Check the anchor position by bearings.3. How much weight is on the cable?4. Let go the tugs.5. Have fenders ready fore and aft.6. Are you ready to get underway?7. Close and secure the hatch covers for sea and report. 8. How much ballast can we take?9. Check the seaworthiness of the holds and report. 10.Put the windlass in gear.

IV. Construct a message on the following situations:1. Reply to the following instruction stating that you cannot leave because you have an engine breakdown: “Leave berth number 16 immediately”. Ask for tugs.2. Report to port authority of inability to sail today because your windlass is broken down.3. Report to the coast guard that because of engine failure you are drifting. You will probably be underway in hour.

V. Make up a dialogue on the following situation.На борда на м/к А. Константинов се качва пилот. Представя се и дава команди „Малък напред” и „Така дръж”, след което пита за дължината и газенето на кораба и дали е снабден с подрулващо устройство. Предлага да се звемат два буксира. Капитанът ги поръчва по УКВ. Те ще пристигнат след 20 минути. Когато пристигат, пилотът говори с капитаните на влекачите и съобщава, че са готови да поемат буксирните въжета. Нареждат им да се приготвят да дадат хлабина на буксирното въже на десния борд и носовото буксирно въже на един метър от водата. Буксирите са подадени и задържани. Даден е стоп на машината. Довършете маневрата. Отдайте необходимите команди.

VI. You have a pilot on board proceeding to your berth. Ask him questions about:■ shoals in the area;■ your berth;■ depth alongside the berth;■ slowdown;■ fenders on the berth;■ which anchor to drop;■ which side to berth;

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■ need of tension winches;■ use centre lead/panama lead first;■ heavy lift cranes along the quayside - your port winch out of order


I. What are the questions or instructions to the following statements:1. …………. - Scuppers plugged.2. …………. - Sea valves closed.3. …………. - IMO Class of these goods is 4.1.4. …………. - Flammable. Handling them with caution.5. …………. - Liquid leaking from 2 drums.6. …………. - Using absorbents for leakage.7. …………. - Contaminated goods separated.8. …………. - Spill control gear standing by.9. …………. - Spillage stopped.10. …………. - Yes, the oil pollution prevention plan is available.11. …………. - All scuppers / drip-trays are plugged12. …………. - All sea-valves / discharges are closed.13. …………. - Absorbent materials standing by.14. …………. - Spill control gear standing by.15. …………. - Bonding wire is fitted.

IІ. Fill in the blanks:1. Fit bonding ………… and report.2. The oil pollution prevention plan will be ………… in ... minutes.3. Plug the scuppers / ………… and report.4. Stand by absorbent ………… and report.5. Close the sea-valves / ………… and report.6. Stand by emergency ………… pump / ………… monitor / fire ………… and report.7. Maintain contact on VHF Channels ... with the bunker ………… / oil terminal8. Stand by ………… control gear and report.9. Is the oil ………… prevention plan available ? 10. Instruct the ………… / ... and report.

ІII. Complete the sentences:1. Located oil spill in ............... .2. I require .................... .3. Stay in vicinity of ................. .4. Located a vessel ................. .5. What is course ................... ?6. The polluter left .............. .7. .................. accidental spillage of oil.8. ................... can stop spillage.9. …………... environmental pollution.10. .................. is instructed.

IV. Fill in the missing nouns having in mind these are consecutive measures to ensure safety measures in bunkers.1. All ………… / drip-trays are plugged.2. All ………… / discharges are closed.3. Absorbent ………… standing by.4. …………. gear standing by. 5. Emergency ………… / foam monitor / fire ………….. standing by.6. …………. is fitted.7. .Maintain contact on VHF Channels ... with ............. barge / oil ............ .8. I will transfer …………. / …………. to stop listing.

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V. Paraphrase into the SMCP format:1. Ask about the amount of spillage.2. Ask all crew to contain the spill.3. Say that oil is spilling into the sea.4. Report there is no more spilled oil.5. Report how the spill waste is contained.6. Report about an accidental escape of oil from a tank which is full because pumping was

not stopped in time7. Advise the authorities about an oil spill.8. Ask if spillage can be stopped.9. Report you have sighted an oil spill in …10. Ask if the vessel which caused the pollution is known.

VІ. Answer the questions:1.How do you locate an oil spill?2.What kind of assistance can be provided in case of oil pollution?3.What action is taken in case of such accidents?4.What safety measures are taken when handling liquid goods, bunkers and ballast?5.What information is important to know when operating pumping machinery?6.Which systems must be operational?

VIІ. Make up a dialogue on the following situation:Вие сте Коландър 2, даващ информация на St. John’s VTS относно бедстващия кораб Анита. Съобщете, че: 1.корабът потъва; 2.товарът се състои от опасни химикали; 3.сигурно е замърсяването на околната среда; 4.екипаж на борда - 13 души; 5.голям разлив във водата с размери ……. . Молите да се оповести морският спасителен координационен център. Искате да бъде изпратен хеликоптер за прехвърляне на пострадалите до друг кораб, който има място за приемане на хеликоптера.

VIII. Translate the sentences:1. Да се предприемат действия съгласно аварийния план.2. Моряците да поставят защитно облекло и противогази.3. Да се отстрани разлива с абсорбиращ материал.4. Да се отделят замърсените стоки от другия товар и да се покрият с брезент.5. Да се обърне кораба срещу вятъра – димът е отровен.6. Да се даде първа помощ на пострадалите.

IX. Make up a dialogue using the cue cards.You are VTS Ouessant receiving a report about an oil spill from MV Sredets. They have located an oil spill in position .... extending 20 m in length and 10 m in width and drifting ashore. VTS asks you questions and gives orders about:■ to repeat position of oil spill;■ kind of assistance required;■ identify the polluter;■ course and speed of polluter;■ stay in vicinity and cooperate with oil clearance operations; Later VTS asks:■ you to act as OSC of oil clearance operations;■ use VHF Channel 12;■ about extent of spillage;■ about protective clothing and breathing apparatus on board;■ about synthetic scoops to remove the spill.

You are MV Sredets reporting about an oil spill to VTS Ouessant. You have located an oil spill in position .... extending 20 m in length and 10 m in width and drifting ashore. Answer questions and respond to orders:■ repeat position of oil spill■ oil clearance assistance is needed■ polluter is MV Anita■ course 1050, speed 20 knots, leaving the scene■ agree to stay in vicinity and cooperate with oil clearance operationsLater on:■ agree to act as OSC■ change to channel 12■ give extent and direction of oil spill■ confirm you have protective clothing and breathing apparatus available on board■ say you do not have synthetic scoops on board, ask to use absorbent material.

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