smartplant materials and smartplant reference data release

SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin Version 2011 SP8 (7.0.8) April 2013 DMAR1-PE-200042G-Updated

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

Version 2011 SP8 (7.0.8)

April 2013


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Copyright Copyright © 2002-2013 Intergraph® Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Intergraph is part of Hexagon. Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright law, trade secret law, and international treaty, and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization from Intergraph Corporation.

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Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1

Highlights of this Release .......................................................................................................................... 2

General ......................................................................................................................................................... 4

New Documentation ............................................................................................................................... 4 SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training – Site Inventory Management .................................................. 4 SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training – Material Forecast and Reservation ....................................... 4 SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training – Material Issue on Site ............................................................ 4 SmartPlant Materials BIR Installation Guide ................................................................................... 5 SmartPlant Materials Business Intelligence Reporting .................................................................... 5 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorxs Interface User’s Guide ..................................................... 5

IPv6 Support ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Administration ............................................................................................................................................. 6

Title-Based Approval Template .............................................................................................................. 6 Company Menu Enhancement ............................................................................................................... 8 Password via eMail ................................................................................................................................ 9 Message Type ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Use of MVP Views in Where Conditions .............................................................................................. 10 Separation of Duties ............................................................................................................................. 11 Identify SoD Violations ......................................................................................................................... 12

SmartPlant Reference Data ...................................................................................................................... 14

Spec Copy Check ................................................................................................................................. 14 Build Idents CIP .................................................................................................................................... 14 Parts without Layout ............................................................................................................................. 14 New SPRD CADWorx Interface ........................................................................................................... 14 SP3D – Transfer Type Enhancement .................................................................................................. 15 SP3D – Code List Sort Order ............................................................................................................... 15 SP3D – Archive and Restore Destination Data.................................................................................... 15 SP3D – Equipment Nozzle Attributes .................................................................................................. 17 SP3D – Validate Job ............................................................................................................................ 17 PDMS – Check Specification CIP ........................................................................................................ 18

SmartPlant Reference Data Plus ............................................................................................................. 19

Component Manager ............................................................................................................................ 19 Show all Parts for Branches .......................................................................................................... 19 User Defined Fields ....................................................................................................................... 19

SmartPlant 3D Interface ....................................................................................................................... 19 Implied Material .............................................................................................................................. 20

SmartPlant Isometrics Interface ........................................................................................................... 20 End Preparation Handling .............................................................................................................. 20 Include Spec Revision ................................................................................................................... 22

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Component Management System (CMS) ............................................................................................ 22 MAV and SAV Property Values ..................................................................................................... 23 MAV Property Label ....................................................................................................................... 23 CMS Class Documents .................................................................................................................. 24 ThomasNet Integration .................................................................................................................. 25 CMS XML OOTB Mapping ............................................................................................................ 26

E&PI (BOM) ................................................................................................................................................ 28

Discipline-Specific BOM Import Jobs ................................................................................................... 28

E&PI (Requisitions) ................................................................................................................................... 29

Number Rules for Manual Requisitions ................................................................................................ 29 Approval Invitation Email ...................................................................................................................... 29 Requisition Search Conditions ............................................................................................................. 30 Reverting Requisition Approval Sequences ......................................................................................... 31 Requisition Attributes Updateable ........................................................................................................ 31

MSCM ......................................................................................................................................................... 33

Copy MSCM Setup Enhancement ....................................................................................................... 33 Performance Improvements ................................................................................................................. 33 Project Selection from LOV .................................................................................................................. 33 Cancelled Quantities on PO Requisition .............................................................................................. 34 Approval Invitation Email ...................................................................................................................... 34 Set Buyer .............................................................................................................................................. 34 Inquiry Progress Payment Events ........................................................................................................ 34 Tax ID for Bidder Selection .................................................................................................................. 35 Attach Documents to Approved Inquiries ............................................................................................. 35 Agreement Changes ............................................................................................................................ 35 Alternates and Options ......................................................................................................................... 36 Other Costs Excluded from Progress Payment Event ......................................................................... 36 Agreement Supplement Progress Payment Events ............................................................................. 36 Agreement Supplement CIPs ............................................................................................................... 36 Invoice Handling ................................................................................................................................... 37 Refresh Milestone Set .......................................................................................................................... 43 Automatic Forecasted Date Recalculation ........................................................................................... 44 Zero Quantity Item Shipments.............................................................................................................. 44 Intermediate Storage ............................................................................................................................ 44 Vendor Progress Enhancement ........................................................................................................... 48 Package Enhancements ...................................................................................................................... 48 New Package Export Template ............................................................................................................ 51 Fab Tracking Enhancement ................................................................................................................. 51

Site.............................................................................................................................................................. 52

Field Material Control ........................................................................................................................... 52 Quantity Unit Enhancement ........................................................................................................... 52 RTI Performance Tuning ............................................................................................................... 52 Unpost RTI ..................................................................................................................................... 52 Manual Material Reservation ......................................................................................................... 52 Post MIR Creation CIP .................................................................................................................. 54 Shipment Notice ............................................................................................................................. 55 Stores Requisitions ........................................................................................................................ 58

Subcontract Management .................................................................................................................... 60 ii SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

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Resubmit Instructions .................................................................................................................... 60 Cancel Change Order Requests .................................................................................................... 61

Others ........................................................................................................................................................ 62

SmartPlant Materials Business Intelligence Reporting ........................................................................ 62 Business Intelligence Reporting Enhancements .................................................................................. 62

Specification Management ............................................................................................................ 62 Spending Report ............................................................................................................................ 66 Forecast Visualization .................................................................................................................... 67

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The purpose of this document is to provide a technical overview of the major new features of the SmartPlant® Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data 2011 SP8 (7.0.8) software. The features are also described in the Release Notes delivered with the product. This release of the software contains a number of valuable functions that increase productivity for users. This document presents a list of the major features, grouped by module. This document does not include workflow or end-user information. You can send your documentation comments or suggestions to [email protected].


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Highlights of this Release

New Documentation SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training – Site Inventory Management SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training – Material Forecast and Reservation SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training – Material Issue on Site SmartPlant Materials BIR Installation Guide SmartPlant Materials Business Intelligence Reporting SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User’s Guide

Administration Separation of Duties Separation of duties is critical to effective internal control; it reduces the risk of both erroneous and inappropriate actions.

SmartPlant Reference Data SP3D – Archive and Restore Destination Data Destination data can now be archived. Archived data can be restored and deleted.

SmartPlant Reference Data Plus Component Manager – Show all Parts for Branches With a new project default you can control if all parts or just branches appear in the commodity parts LOV in SmartPlant Reference Data Plus. CMS – MAV and SAV Property Values The column header (label) of a class property on the MAV can now be controlled by a check box on the class system level.

CMS – Class Documents The Document Manager can be opened from the shortcut menu to attach documents to a class.

SmartPlant Materials BOM – Discipline specific BOM Import Jobs BOM import jobs appear for the login and the query-able disciplines only.

MSCM – Performance Improvements The performance has been improved in some areas within the application by removing index hints.

MSCM – Inquiry Progress Payment Events Progress payment events can now be assigned to the inquiry.

Highlights of this Release

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Highlights of this Release MSCM – Automatic Forecasted Date Recalculation Forecasted dates are automatically recalculated when the actual dates of a planned requisition are changed. Site – Manual Material Reservation On the direct issue screen, the new Manual MIR type allows the material reservation without any reference to a BOM position.

Site – Shipment Notice Several enhancements were implemented to support site shipment notices.

Site – Stores Requisitions New screens were implemented to allow field/site to create stores requisitions, ahead of creating a material issue report.

SmartPlant Materials Business Intelligence Reporting Specification Management On the Specification Management screen, you can display specifications with header information and their items. Spending Report The spending report displays the commitments and commitment % for the top ten suppliers.

Forecast Visualization You can use forecasting information on the Forecast Visualization screen to simulate material availability.

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New Documentation


SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training – Site Inventory Management

This tutorial explains how to manage the site inventory in SmartPlant Materials. In detail, it describes how to:

• Perform inter-warehouse transfer • Review inventory • Recount inventory • Manage OS&Ds in inventory • Search inventory by item, warehouse, location, or status • Check inventory history

You can find this document in the Tutorials section of the Printable Guides page.

SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training – Material Forecast and Reservation

This tutorial explains how to perform forecast and reservation runs in SmartPlant Materials to simulate materials availability. In detail, it describes how to: Define work packages Define forecast runs Run material forecasts Reserve materials Check reservations You can find this document in the Tutorials section of the Printable Guides page.

SmartPlant Materials A-Z Training – Material Issue on Site This tutorial explains how to issue material on site in SmartPlant Materials to simulate materials availability. In detail, it describes how to: Administer the Site setup Create a Material Issue Report (MIR) Assign items to a MIR Post an MIR to issue material from the inventory Return material to the inventory


New A-Z Training guides and guides for the Business Intelligence Reporting application and CADWorx interface have been introduced.

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General You can find this document in the Tutorials section of the Printable Guides page.

SmartPlant Materials BIR Installation Guide The document describes the Oracle Application Express (Apex) installation and setup. Apex is used for business intelligence reporting. You can find this document in the Tutorials section of the Printable Guides page.

SmartPlant Materials Business Intelligence Reporting The document is a user’s guide for the SmartPlant Materials Business Intelligence Reporting application. You can find this document in the new Business Intelligence Reporting section of the Printable Guides page.

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User’s Guide The document is a user’s guide for the SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx interface. This document describes how to configure the CADWorx interface of SmartPlant Reference Data and how to run exports from SmartPlant Reference Data. You can find this document in the Integration section of the Printable Guides page.

IPv6 Support

(B-72355) SmartPlant Materials now supports the usage of IPv6 clients to access the application. For every IPv6 client address, SmartPlant Materials will create a unique IPv4 (not exactly the IPv4 standard) address and store it internally. Sessions originating from the same client machine will be mapped to the same IPv4 address format. Each SmartPlant Materials installation can handle up to 2^31-1, that is, 2147483647 IPv6 clients. Users can identify if a session is from an IPv6 client if the IP address that appears on the A.60.82 Database Sessions screen starts with a number greater than or equal to 256.

The IP check license routine was revised to support IPv6 clients.

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Title-Based Approval Template

(CR-MA19410) Define Title-Based Approval Templates You can now define title-based approval templates on the A.20.45 Approval Templates screen.

The title-based approval template can be defined for all available approval template types. The screen layout was modified to include the new Title Based check box to identify the title-based approval templates.

If you define a title-based approval template, you assign only titles to the template in the second (Approval Template Details) block; you cannot enter usernames in the User field.

The user titles are defined on the A.20.04 User Titles screen. Prerequisites for an approver are defined on Window 2. Double-click in any field other than Title and Distribution Category to open Window 2.

Double-click in the Title field to open the A.20.04 User Titles screen where titles are defined. Double-click in the Distribution Category field to open the A.10.52 Distribution Categories screen where distribution categories are defined. The title and user mappings can be done on Window 2 of the A.20.04 User Titles screen. On A.20.04, click Assign Titles to Users or the Go to next block button to open Window 2.


Approval templates can now be defined based on user titles. The users (approvers) are determined automatically and added to the approval sequence when you select the Ready for Approval check box.

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Select the project for which you want to define the user title mapping. You can map multiple users to the same title or multiple titles to the same user. Ready for Approval finds Approvers based on Title Mapping When you select the Ready for Approval/RfA check box for a requisition, purchase order, MRR, and so forth, the approvers are inserted into the approval sequence according to the user title mapping. This only happens if the default approval template is title-based.

The default approval template is defined with the corresponding project default. If multiple users are assigned to a single title, the A.20.48 Assignment to Approval Sequence screen opens, displaying the titles that have multiple users assigned.

Select the Sel check box for the user you want to add to the approval sequence and click Assign Users to Approval Seq.

If a user title mapping is missing, an error message appears. Copy Admin Setup Enhancement The Title Users (A.20.04) option was introduced to the A.20.02 Copy Admin Setup screen. With this option you can copy title user mappings from one project to another project.

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Approval Reminder

(CR-MA16294) The new Approval Reminder Job button was added to the A.20.45 Approval Templates screen. When you click this button, a job named APPR_RMNDR is created and the screen A.60.45 DBMS Jobs opens, displaying the new job.

You can change the comment as well as the time the job should run (the default time is set to 10:00 PM). This job cyclically checks what users of an approval list have failed to approve and – in that case - sends an appropriate invitation email. The interval can be changed by the new project default ZX_JOB_INT. The project default ZX_JOB_INT is used to define an interval for the DBMS job APPR_RMNDR.

Company Menu Enhancement

(CR-MA18887) All custom menus, screens, or reports that need to appear in the Company Menu branch in the SmartPlant Materials menu tree must be defined with the CUSTOM menu item entered in the Parent Menu Item field.

You can now create a DBMS job that reminds approvers with an invitation email of an overdue approval.

You can now add standard menus, screens, or reports to the Company Menu.

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Administration To add standard menus, screens, or reports to the company menu, right-click in the Menu Item field. On the shortcut menu, select Company Menus. Window 6 opens.

Select the menu, screen, or report you want to add to the company menu from the LOV in the Menu Item field. To place a screen or report underneath a menu node, you must assign the menu to the screen or report by selecting the menu item from the LOV in the Parent Menu Item field. The number in the Sort Order field controls the display order of the menu items in the tree. Click Order Sort Sequence to re-sequence the menus based on the sort order.

The custom entries that are defined on the main window of A.30.01 are displayed first underneath Company Menu, followed by the entries defined on Window 6. The picture below shows the example defined in the pictures above.

Password via Email

(CR-MA19163) The new DBA setting SET_PASSWORD_OPTION was implemented and the A.20.05 Users and A.60.01.01 Create User screen changed accordingly. This DBA setting will be used instead of the SUPER_USER_ROLE setting to control whether a user is allowed to select the Password via Email check box on A.20.05 and A.60.01.01.

A new DBA setting controls which role has the rights to set the Password via Email check box.

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Message Type

(CR-MA15335) On the A. 60.31 Messages (NLS) screen, the new Message Type field was added.

This field shows the type of the selected message. The available values are:

• Information • Warning • Error

The default value is Error.

Use of MVP Views in Where Conditions

(CR-MA18792) The replacement of tables by their corresponding mvp_views in the generated views for Where conditions on A.60.06 is now determined by the new project default ZX_AQC_REP in the following way: If the project default is set to N (default), no replacement takes place. If the project default is set to Y, tables used in the generated view will be replaced by their corresponding project views (mvp).

If you are using UOM, then the tables M_GEOM_DETAILS and M_GEOM_IDENTS will always be replaced regardless of the setting of this default. The replacement with the corresponding mvp view is now also effective for the following tables: M_LIST_POS_VALUES M_LIST_POS_MODEL_UIDS M_LIST_POS_DOCUMENTS

The A.60.31 screen now shows the type of the messages.

The use of MVP (project) views is now controlled by a project default.

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Separation of Duties

(B-81684) Separation of duties (SoD) is the concept of having more than one person required to complete a task. In business, the separation by sharing of more than one individual in one single task is an internal control intended to prevent fraud and error. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act does not allow any person to execute more than one of the actions listed below unless a formal statement has been made that defines exception to this rule and defines the compensating controls to monitor actions by the person allowed to have more than one privilege.

• Approve a requirement (requisition) • Approve a commitment to supplier (purchase order/subcontract) • Approve a payment (sign off on receipts)

In SmartPlant Materials, these functions are assigned to a user by privileges and screen access authorization. SmartPlant Materials now supports a generic equivalent of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Separation of Duties (SoD). SoD does not allow a user to have access to more than one set of privileges or menus that fall under a particular SoD definition, unless exceptions are explicitly defined. The definition of SoD is done on the A.60.65 Separation of Duties screen.

The picture above shows the Privileges – Menus tab. This tab is intended to create SoD definitions and to assign privileges and menus (screens).

Privileges and/or menus assigned to one SoD cannot overlap with privileges and/or menus assigned to other SoDs. That is, a privilege or menu cannot be assigned to more than one SoD. On the second (SoD for Users) and third (SoD for Roles) tab, you define the exceptions that are specified by formal statements. On the SoD for Users tab, SoD exceptions are defined for a user within a particular project. On the SoD for Roles tab, SoD exceptions are defined for a role. The new project default ZX_USE_SOD controls whether the SoD check is performed. If the project default is set to N (default), the check is not made for this project. If the project default is set to Y, the SoD check is performed when the user logs in to this project.

The check is not performed if the user logs in as SUPER USER. When a user logs in to SmartPlant Materials, the software checks all privileges and screens that are assigned to the user and all his active roles against the SoDs.

Separation of duties is critical to effective internal control; it reduces the risk of both erroneous and inappropriate actions.

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Administration If the software finds privileges or menus in more than one SoD, and the specified user or role exceptions do not allow these overlapping privileges, a message appears stating that logon is prevented. Example: ZX_USE_SOD is set to Y in projects PROJ1 and PROJ2. Specified SoDs:

• REQ_APPROVAL with the ER APPROVAL privilege assigned • PO_APPROVAL with the PO APPROVAL privilege assigned

These SoDs specify that the same user cannot approve both requisitions and purchase orders. User A has ER APPROVAL assigned by his role for all projects and PO APPROVAL for PROJ1. No exceptions are defined for user A.

• Log in to PROJ1: rejected • Log in to PROJ2: allowed

User B has ER APPROVAL assigned by one of his roles and PO APPROVAL by another role. For user B, PO_APPROVAL was specified as an exception in project PROJ1.

• Log in to PROJ1: allowed • Log in to PROJ2: rejected

Whenever an insert or update of an active record on the A.20.06.01 User Security for Product Groups or A.20.06.02 User Security for Projects screens violates a SoD definition, an error message appears, stating that the changes cannot be saved. User security records that are affected by overlapping privileges or menus are highlighted with a red background color in the User and Project fields on A.20.06.01 and A.20.06.02.

Identify SoD Violations

(CR-MA19982) You can now filter the displayed records on the A.20.06.01 User Security for Product Groups and A.20.06.02 User Security for Projects screens using the filter options provided with the new View radio group.

A new option allows you to identify user security records with SoD (Separation of Duties) violations.

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Choosing the All option displays all user securities regardless of the SOD status. Choosing With SOD Violations will display the user securities that have violations in the Separation of Duties (SOD) definition. Choosing Without SOD Violations will display the user securities that do not have any SOD violations.

The user securities that are active and that have SOD violations are highlighted with a red background color.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

Spec Copy Check

(CR-MA18123) The specification copy process will now check for specification items whether the new item in the destination project is a valid combination of short code, commodity group, and part, and on failure will write a warning message to the log file.

Build Idents CIP

(CR-MA19924) A new CIP named POST_FINAL_BUILD_IDENTS_CIP is introduced in M_PCK_STD_CUSTOM. The CIP is called at the end of the build idents function in the M_PCK_BUILD_IDENTS package.

Parts without Layout

(TR-MA18162) If you click the Find Parts without Layouts button on the S.50.31 Assign Report Layouts screen, a list of unassigned parts appears in a separate window.

New SPRD CADWorx Interface

(CR-MA18795) The SPRD-CADWorx interface exports specifications and their required detail data so that they can be imported into a CADWorx project that can be used by the CADWorx application. Users can export the desired data from SPRD into text files, which are zipped in an archive with a .cspx extension that is offered to the user for download. For more information, see the SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User’s Guide, available from the Printable Guides page in the software.

SmartPlant Reference Data

When you copy a specification to another project, the software checks for a valid combination of short code, commodity group, and part of the new specification item.

A CIP was added to the build idents procedure.

Parts without layouts are displayed in a list view.

The new SmartPlant Reference Data - CADWorx interface was implemented.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

SP3D – Transfer Type Enhancement

(B-75888) An enter-query LOV was added on the Sheet field in the lower block of the SP3D 10.06 Transfer Types screen.

SP3D – Code List Sort Order

(CR-MA16828) When sheets are exported on the SP3D 20.01 Export Jobs screen, the Sort Order field is not filled.

SP3D – Archive and Restore Destination Data

(CR-MA18365, CR-MA18788) The Archive Destination and Restore buttons were added to the SP3D 20.02 Destination Data screen to allow archiving of the destination’s data and restoring the archived data.

Click the Archive Destination button to archive the selected destination. A box opens where you can enter the archive destination name and a comment.

An enter-query LOV was implemented to improve user-friendliness.

Sort Order remains empty when exporting sheets to SmartPlant 3D.

Destination data can now be archived. Archived data can be restored and deleted.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

Click Archive Destination. To view the logfile, double-click in the Logfile field. To restore an archived destination, click the Restore button. A window opens where the archived destinations are displayed.

Select the destination you want to restore, and click Restore. To view the log file, double-click in the Logfile field. The new SP3D 20.04 Archived Destination Data screen was implemented to view the archived destination data.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

To delete the selected archived destination, click the Delete button.

SP3D – Equipment Nozzle Attributes

(CR-MA18769) The number of available attributes for equipment nozzles has been increased as follows: AC10—CHAR(10) attributes increased from AC0010_081 to AC0010_090 AC20—CHAR(20) attributes increased from AC0020_051 to AC0020_080 AC30—CHAR(30) attributes increased from AC0030_031 to AC0030_060 AC60—CHAR(60) attributes increased from AC0060_016 to AC0060_040 AC256-CHAR(256) attributes increased from AC0256_011 to AC0256_030

SP3D – Validate Job

(CR-MA18908) Validate job occurs only when job stage is NO_STAGE. The mvsii_session table used to be filled during validation when starting a job, after the fill_if_tabs stage was completed. The fill_mvsii_session step unnecessarily consumes time because it is no longer used while the job runs.

The number of attributes has been increased to better support equipment nozzles.

The export job procedure was changed to improve performance..

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SmartPlant Reference Data

PDMS – Check Specification CIP

(CR-MA18387) The check whether a specification can be exported is now executed in the CIP procedure m_pck_pdms_custom.check_export_allowed.

A CIP procedure was implemented to check whether a specification can be exported.

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SmartPlant Reference Data Plus

For more information about the enhancements in the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus application, see the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus User's Guide.

Component Manager Show all Parts for Branches

(B-70130) The new project default ZS_BRN_PRT has been implemented. This project default enables you to see all parts (not just branches) in the commodity parts LOV in SmartPlant Reference Data Plus. You can view this LOV by doing the following in SmartPlant Reference Data Plus: 1. Right-click a branch matrix, and select Group/Part.

The software displays a list of commodity groups from S.10.02 Commodity Group. 2. Double-click a commodity group in the LOV.

The software displays a list of commodity parts from S.10.03 Commodity Part and belonging to the selected commodity group.

This project default is N, by default. In this case, only those commodity parts from S.10.03 Commodity Part for the selected commodity group and with “Kind of Part” as either Branch or Coupling are shown in the LOV. When this project default is set to Y, all the commodity parts from S.10.03 Commodity Part for the selected commodity group are shown in the LOV.

User Defined Fields

(B-78425) User-defined fields are displayed with correct label (corresponding to their definition on A.50.01), with a list of values, and in uppercase wherever applicable.

SmartPlant 3D Interface For more information about the enhancements in the SmartPlant 3D interface within the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus application, see the SmartPlant Reference Data SmartPlant 3D Interface User’s Guide.

SmartPlant Reference Data Plus

With a new project default, you can control if all parts or just branches appear in the commodity parts LOV in SmartPlant Reference Data Plus.

User-defined fields are displayed with correct label, with LOV, and in uppercase.

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SmartPlant Reference Data Plus

Implied Material

(B-84716) Implied material refers to components that are created in the database as part of a feature, but that are not represented graphically. For example, a lap joint flange is the primary component, where the stub-end is the implied component. When the primary component is placed in the model, the implied material will be added to the bill of materials without adding it to the drawing. To define implied material, the new XI2010 Implied Material Criteria screen was implemented. Click Integration > XI20 S3D > XI2010 Implied Material Criteria in SmartPlant Reference Data Plus.

The following three grids appear: Spec Items Criteria Grid Implied Items Criteria Grid Implied items Criteria Details Grid

SmartPlant Isometrics Interface For more information about the enhancements in the SmartPlant Isometrics Interface within the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus application, see the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus SmartPlant Isometrics Interface document.

End Preparation Handling

The new XI2010 Implied Material Criteria screen was implemented to allow the definition of implied materials.

The SmartPlant Isometrics interface was enhanced by the XI101060 screen to enable end preparation handling.

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SmartPlant Reference Data Plus (B-79044) The XI101060 Define End Preparations command displays all available end preparations for transfer to SmartPlant Isometrics. This data is loaded by the installation process.

Modifying the data in XI101060 may cause errors during the transfer process and

unexpected behavior in SmartPlant Isometrics and is not recommended. You should set the role assignments for XI101060 and XI101060G1 to read-only on A.30.03.

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SmartPlant Reference Data Plus Assignment of end preparations to SKEYs The default end preparations as defined in SmartPlant Isometrics are assigned by the installation process to the SKEYs. You can see the assignments in the Symbol Key Grid of XI101050.

Customization of the end preparations transfer The transfer process uses the data defined in XI101050 to fill the interface data in m_spiso_exp_spec_idents. For an SKEY without any end preparation definitions in XI101050, the SmartPlant Isometrics default settings are used by the transfer process. To modify the data transferred to SmartPlant Isometrics, the following options are available: You can assign different end preparations to an SKEY in XI101050. You can assign different end preparations to a record in m_spiso_exp_spec_idents in


Include Spec Revision

(CR-MA19209) The file name of the export file can now be set by the custom procedure (CIP) M_PCK_SPISO_CUSTOM.EXPORT_FILE_NAME. The default CIP output value is the spec code. The internal identifier of the export file can now be set by the CIP M_PCK_SPISO_CUSTOM.SPEC_IDENTIFIER. The default CIP output value is the spec code (restricted to 50 characters). By modifying the CIPs, you can now include the specification revision number.

Component Management System (CMS) For more information about the enhancements in the Component Management System within the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus application, see the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus Component Management System (CMS) document.

The SmartPlant Isometrics interface was enhanced to allow the inclusion of the specification revision number.

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SmartPlant Reference Data Plus

MAV and SAV Property Values

(B-70003) In the CMS Multiple Article View (MAV) and Single Article View (SAV), the property values will be shown according to the following user settings: 1. Attribute Data Display Option. The available options are:

• Value • Description

2. Table Data Display Option. The available options are: • TD Code • Short Description • Description • ATTR_CHAR1 • ATTR_CHAR2 • ATTR_CHAR3 • ATTR_NUM1 • ATTR_NUM2 • ATTR_NUM3

You can define the display options on the: • CMS Class Systems grid • CMS Bulk Edit Classes grid • CMS Add Class dialog box • CMS Update Class dialog box

MAV Property Label

(B-77893) For the CMS Idents grid (MAV), the display of the column headers for properties assigned to a class is defined at the Class System level. The Display Property Code check box was added on the Class Systems grid. By default, the check box is selected, that is, the Property Code concatenated with the Property Description is displayed as the column header on the MAV. If the check box is cleared, only the Property Description appears as the column header on the MAV. The option defined at the class system level is applicable to all classes in its hierarchy. The areas affected are listed below:

• Single Article View (SAV) • Multiple Article View (MAV) • CMS Ident NLS grid

The appearance of property values in the MAV and SAV is now controlled by display options.

The column header (label) of a class property on the MAV can now be controlled by a check box on the class system level.

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SmartPlant Reference Data Plus

• Find and Replace dialog box • Compute MAV Col Width • CMS Deleted Idents grid • CMS Class Systems grid • Hidden Properties (Other Classes) • Copy with column names (Ctrl+Shift+C) • Configurations Views – Filter / Sort / Current View • Double-clicking on column separator for auto-column resizing.

CMS Class Documents

(B-77892) To attach documents to classes, the new Manage Documents command is available from Manage Class on the shortcut menu in the CMS Explorer View.

Click Manage Documents to open the Document Manager screen. The first (Documents Attached) tab shows the documents attached to the class.

You can double-click anywhere in the record to display the attached document. The second (Upload Documents) tab can be used to upload documents and to attach them to the selected class.

The Document Manager can be opened from the shortcut menu to attach documents to a class.

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SmartPlant Reference Data Plus

Enter the mandatory fields Document Code, Rev., Short Desc, and Description, and click the Browse button. Select the file to be uploaded, and click Upload. The file is stored in the database and attached to the class.

ThomasNet Integration

(B-73486, B-85253) The new CMS Internet Browser command is available under XC30 and opens an internet browser.

The following options (which are similar to any internet browser) are available to the user: • Navigate to Home page • Navigate Forward\Back pages

The CMS Internet Browser was implemented in SmartPlant Reference Data Plus for the ThomasNet integration.

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SmartPlant Reference Data Plus • Manage Favorites

The home page can be set with the DBA setting CMS_BROWSER_DEFAULT_URL on the General Database Setting tab of A.60.04 DBA Settings. The URL provided by ‘Thomas.Net’ can be viewed in this browser.

Clicking on the link in the Downloads box of a product details page automatically downloads the zip file to a temporary folder and the data is unzipped in the application server. You can automatically import the structure and article with the xml file present in the download link for import provided by ThomasNet. Additionally, if there are any other files provided in the link, they are automatically attached to all the classes that consist of idents.


(B-73485) Automatic mapping configurations for structure (INGR_TIN_STR_CONFIG) and article (INGR_TIN_ART_CONFIG) are available on the XC3020 Manage Config. Mapping screen, once you have clicked XC3030 CMS Internet Browser. These new mapping configurations include the ‘CMS XML map translations’ and the ‘CMS XML’ element mapping. Two new fields are added to the screen.

Revision – Mapping configuration can be updated with revisions. Standard – This check box indicates if this is a standard mapping configuration delivered

with the software.

Out of the box mapping configurations for TIN (Thomas Industry Network) structure and article have been implemented.

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SmartPlant Reference Data Plus Along with these automatic mapping configurations, two read-only jobs, INGR_TIN_STRUCTURE for structure and INGR_TIN_ARTICLE for article, were created in the corresponding product group. These mapping configurations can be reused to import xml structure and article jobs.

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Discipline-Specific BOM Import Jobs

(CR-MA17587) The B.40.01 BOM Import screen has been revised to show records according to the queryable disciplines concept. Records belonging to other disciplines are no longer displayed.


BOM import jobs appear for the login and the queryable disciplines only.

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E&PI (Requisitions)

Number Rules for Manual Requisitions

(B-79739) 1. The R.10.13 Req Number Rules screen was enhanced to allow the definition of numbering rules for manually created requisitions. The new Manual check box was added to indicate whether this rule will be used for numbering manual requisitions.

In the Req Rule Definition field, the variables DISC, DISC_ABBREV, PROJECT, REQ_SEQ, and RULE_SEQ are available for selection. The variables BOM_SETUP, MTO_TYPE, REQ_SPLIT_DETAIL, REQ_TEMPLATE, and REQ_TYPE cannot be used in rule definitions marked as 'Manual’. 2. The new project default ZR_MAN_RR can be used to specify the rule that is used as the default for numbering manually created requisitions on R.30.01 Maintain Requisitions. This project default is query based; the LOV provides all rules that are defined as manual on R.10.13 Req Number Rules. If a rule is assigned to the project default, the requisition number is created by the software when you create a new manual requisition; the number appears in the Engineering Requisition field.

If the project default is not set, you must enter the name/number when you create a

manual requisition. 3. The new ALLOW MANUAL RN MODIFICATION privilege was implemented. The users with this privilege are able to modify the requisition number/name that was generated automatically based on the rule. Users without this privilege cannot change the requisition number/name.

Approval Invitation Email

(CR-MA18904) You can use the new project default ZP_USE_CC to define whether an additional email (CC) is created when sending an invitation to approve a requisition, an inquiry, or an agreement.

E&PI (Requisitions)

You can define number rules that are used to create the name/number of a manual requisition.

The approval invitation email can now be sent to the requisition originator on cc.

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E&PI (Requisitions) If ZP_USE_CC is set to Y (default), the invitation email for an approval is also sent to the originator of the requisition.

Requisition Search Conditions

(CR-MA19410) The default approval template for requisitions will be selected based on requisition search conditions (defined in the project) that are assigned to the approval templates. The Req Search Name field is introduced on the A.20.45 Approval Templates screen to allow the assignment of requisition search conditions to approval templates that are of type Engineering Requisition.

The requisition search conditions are created on the new R.40.21 Requisition Search Conditions screen.

To define a requisition search condition, enter a sequence number in the Seq field, the search condition name in the Name field, and descriptions in the Short Desc and Description fields. In the second block, define the search condition details. The requisition search conditions are created based on the columns of the requisition headers and requisition line items. The

Requisition search conditions have been introduced that are used to identify the default approval template.

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E&PI (Requisitions) requisition search condition details are used to build a view that results in one or more requisitions in the project. Choose Requisition Header or Requisition Line in the Column Type field, select a column from the LOV in the Column Name field, choose an operator, and enter a value in the Value field or select it from the LOV. After saving the changes, click Generate View.

If you change anything after generating the view, you must click Regenerate View to apply the changes to the view. When you select the RfA check box on R.30.01 Maintain Requisitions and the requisition is found in any of the requisition search conditions, the corresponding approval template will be used for entering the approvers in the approval sequence. If multiple requisition search conditions are found, the lowest order sequence requisition search condition is selected for copying the approval template, based on the order sequence number defined in the Seq field on R.40.21.

Reverting Requisition Approval Sequences

(CR-MA19410) When the approval sequence of a requisition is processed, the logged-in approval user can revert the approval sequence chain. The approval sequence can be reverted to a particular user in the approval chain, or the complete approval sequence is reverted. The new Revert check box was implemented on the A.20.49 Approval Sequence screen.

When the Revert check box is selected, an alert appears with the options of reverting approval sequence to a user or complete approval. If the user selects reverting approval to a user, a new window opens to select a user in the approval chain to revert the approval sequence to this user. An email is sent to this user notifying him to start the approval sequence once again. The subsequent approvers are reverted as well and must re-approve the requisition. If the complete approval sequence is reverted, the requisition originator and the first approver will receive an email.

Requisition Attributes Updateable

(CR-MA19410) If the new project default ZR_EDT_APR is set to Y, the ROS Date and Account Code values on the requisition line item are updateable until the requisition is fully approved or released to procurement.

The requisition approval sequences can now be reverted, either to a particular approver or completely.

New project defaults have been implemented to control if particular requisition fields and attributes can be updated until the requisition is fully approved.

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E&PI (Requisitions) If the new project default ZR_EDT_APR is set to Y, the attributes attached to the requisition and belonging to the attribute set assigned to the new project default ZR_AS_UPD are updateable until the requisition is fully approved or released to procurement. .

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Copy MSCM Setup Enhancement

(CR-MA15732) The P.10.01 Copy MSCM Setup screen was enhanced by two options.

Progress Payments (P.10.31) and PO Closeout Activities (P.10.51) can now be copied from another project.

Performance Improvements

(CR-MA19386) To improve the performance in some areas within the application, some index hints have been removed.

Project Selection from LOV

(CR-MA18033) On the P.30.01 Requisition Workload screen, you can now select a project from the LOV in the Project field in enter query mode.


Copy MSCM Setup was enhanced by progress payment events and PO closeout activities.

Performance has been improved by removing index hints.

The requisition workload screen now provides the project LOV in enter query mode.

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Cancelled Quantities on PO Requisition

(CR-MA18905) When a requisition is proposed to be used for a requisition line item on the P.30.05 Requisition Assignment screen when creating PO requisitions, those requisitions that have already been used in previous steps are now excluded from this proposal. This change is of interest in case of cancelled quantities that must be distributed among several PO requisitions.

Approval Invitation Email

(CR-MA18904) You can use the new project default ZP_USE_CC to define whether an additional email (CC) is created when sending an invitation to approve a requisition, an inquiry, or an agreement. If ZP_USE_CC is set to Y (default), the invitation email for an approval is also sent to the buyer who is assigned to the inquiry or the agreement.

Set Buyer

(CR-MA18274) So far project default ZP_SET_BUY only affected the buyers set on the bidder level (Bidders tab on the P.30.21 Prepare RFQ screen). From now on this project default also affects all inquiries. This means that depending on the setting of this project default modifying the buyer for a requisition on P.30.01 could have an impact on the buyer assigned to an inquiry and its bidders. When an inquiry is created on the P.30.01 screen, the buyer provided for the requisition is assigned as the buyer to that inquiry. Until now the user who was currently logged in was assigned as the buyer.

Inquiry Progress Payment Events

(B-79740) You are now able to add progress payment events earlier in the workflow.

The handling of cancelled quantities to be distributed on several PO requisitions was revised.

The approval invitation email can now be sent to the buyer on cc.

When project default ZP_SET_BUY is set to Y and you change the buyer assigned to the requisition (on P.30.01), the buyer assigned to bidders on the inquiry changes accordingly.

Progress payment events can now be assigned to an inquiry.

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MSCM The Prog Pay Events tab, known from P.30.22 Commercial Evaluation, is now available on the P.30.21 Prepare RFQ screen as well.

When an inquiry is approved, all payment events are copied to each of the assigned bidders.

Tax ID for Bidder Selection

(CR-MA17567) The Tax ID field was added to Window 3 of the P.30.21 Prepare RFQ screen.

The Tax ID field shows the tax identification number that was assigned to the supplier on the P.20.01 Suppliers/Subcontractors screen.

Attach Documents to Approved Inquiries

(CR-MA19235) The new project default ZP_MODATTI was implemented. When this project default is set to Y, you can attach documents to an inquiry even if the inquiry is already approved, until the first quote for that inquiry is approved. If the project default is set to N, the behavior is the same as it was in the previous version. That is, you cannot attach documents to approved inquiries.

Agreement Changes

(CR-MA16376) On the Agreement tab of the P.50.07 Maintain Agreements screen, 30 attributes are now available, instead of 20 as before.

The Tax ID field can now be used for bidder selection on the inquiry.

You can now attach documents to approved inquiries.

A few changes were made on the Agreements screen.

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MSCM (CR-MA19691) On the Prog Pay Events tab of the P.50.07 Maintain Agreements screen, the sum of the percent payments must be 100, except no PPE (progress payment event) is available.

Alternates and Options

(CR-MA16885) Alternates and options are no longer automatically copied from an agreement supplement to the next. This does not mean that they are not available, not displayed, or not modifiable. But they are only physically attached to a supplement when they are modified. The advantage of this new handling of alternates and options is that it is no longer required to include a line item on an agreement supplement just because it was assigned to an alternate or option.

Other Costs Excluded from Progress Payment Event

(CR-MA16051) In the Other Costs tab on the P.50.07 Maintain Agreements screen you can find the new PP Cost check box. If this check box is selected (which is the default), this other cost will be included in the Total Material Cost value on the Progress Pay Events tab. If the PP Cost box is cleared, this other cost value will be excluded from the progress payment event Total Material Cost.

Agreement Supplement Progress Payment Events

(CR-MA19126) If the project default ZP_CHK_PPE is set to N and a new supplement of the agreement is created, the progress payment events are copied, but the Locked check boxes of the new supplement are not set. If ZP_CHK_PPE is set to Y, the Locked check boxes are set (as it was before).

Agreement Supplement CIPs

When you create a new agreement supplement, alternates and options from the previous supplement are only copied when they are modified.

Other costs can now be marked to be excluded from the progress payment event costs.

Creating an agreement supplement copies the progress payment events from the previous supplement, but does not select the Locked indicator.

New custom functions were added to get the status and the delivery status of an agreement supplement.

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MSCM (CR-MA18894) The CIP functions get_suppl_status and get_suppl_delv_status were implemented into the m_pck_po_custom package. These functions can be used to get the status and the delivery status of an agreement supplement.

Invoice Handling

(CR-MA18248) Invoice handling allows suppliers and subcontractors to submit invoices that are processed and validated against agreements, then approved and exported to an external system for payment. Currently, SmartPlant Materials allows you to create invoices against period progress numbers in the subcontracting module using the Invoices tab on the SM.20.11 Subcontract Administration screen. With the new functionality, invoices can be created against agreement line items or progress payment events, other costs, and additional invoice items. The invoice can be validated against the agreement. Invoice approval can be done using approval sequences. In order to implement this functionality, the following screens have been introduced in SmartPlant Materials: P.10.54 Invoice Items, P.50.91 Invoice Status, P.50.92 Invoices, and P.50.93 Invoice Workload. P.50.91, P.50.92, and P.50.93 are core workflow screens. For more information, see Core Workflow Screens in the SmartPlant Materials User Interface Basics document, available on the Printable Guides page in the software. The following fields were added to the Agreements tab on the P.50.07 Maintain Agreements screen to support invoice handling:

• Retention % - Calculates the retention value and the paid amount of an invoice. • Invoice Check

Is set to 2 Way Check if the invoice quantity cannot be greater than the order quantity + invoice tolerance % (order quantity).

Is set to 3 Way Check if the invoice quantity cannot be greater than the order quantity or the received quantity, whichever is smaller.

• Recv Tolerance – The receiving tolerance in % is used to validate the quantities to be received for the agreement. If no value is defined on the agreement header, the tolerance value defined with project default ZC_REC_TOL is used. While receiving against the selected agreement, the received quantity should not be more than the order quantity + receiving tolerance % (order quantity).

• Inv Tolerance – The invoice tolerance in % is used to validate the quantities to be invoiced for the agreement. If no value is defined on the agreement header, the tolerance value defined with project default ZP_INV_TOL is used.

Invoice handling allows suppliers and subcontractors to submit invoices that are processed and validated against agreements. Additionally, you can approve the invoice and export the invoice to an external system for payment.

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MSCM P.10.54 Invoice Items This screen allows users to define additional invoice items that can be used for invoicing against agreement line items or progress payment events.

The invoice items are later used on the P.50.92 screen for invoicing. Additional invoice items can be used for invoicing only once per invoice. P.50.91 Invoice Status This screen is used to explore the agreements available across projects corresponding to the selected supplier and to create invoices corresponding to the agreement.

In the first (Suppliers) block, the suppliers appear for whom agreements were created.

If you have the MULTI PROJECT privilege, the suppliers appear for all projects you have access to. In the second (Invoice Status) block, the agreements appear with their highest approved supplement, corresponding to the selected supplier and project. If an invoice has been created for the agreement, the invoice number is shown in the Invoice Number field. The status of the invoice appears in the Invoice Status field. The available statuses are:

• Not Submitted • Needs Assignment – Submitted by subcontractor; no invoice owner assigned. • Pending – Invoice owner assigned. • Ready for Approval – RfA check box selected. • Rejected – One approver rejects the invoice approval. Enables the Request Unsubmit


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• Ready for Final Approval – Only when ZP_INV_FA set to Y, that is, final approval required; invoice approved by all approvers of the approval sequence.

• Approved – Invoice approved by all approvers of the approval sequence. Additionally, when ZP_INV_FA is set to Y, that is, final approval required; Final Approve button was clicked.

• Paid – The Paid button was clicked (invoice paid date set). Double-click in the Invoice Number field to open the P.50.92 Invoices screen where you can create an invoice or edit an existing invoice. Click Attachments to open the D.90.21 Attachments screen, where you can attach documents and attributes to the selected invoice. Select the user who is responsible for the invoice from the LOV in the Invoice Owner field.

Only users with the INVOICE OWNER privilege can be assigned to an invoice. Only users with the ASSIGN INVOICE OWNER privilege are allowed to assign users as invoice owner. P.50.92 Invoices This screen is used to create and edit invoices and to submit them for further processing. You can open this screen by double-clicking the Invoice Number field on P.50.91 or P.50.93.

In the first (Agreement) block, the selected agreement appears. In the second (Invoices) block, you create the invoices for the selected agreement. The invoice number can be automatically generated by the CIP procedure GET_IVC_NUMBER from the M_PCK_INVOICE_CUSTOM package. By default, the procedure creates the invoice number using the number rule defined with project default ZP_IVCRULE, and the number range defined with project default ZP_IVCRANG. The number rules and ranges are specified on the P.10.35 Number Rules and Ranges screen. When you create a new invoice, the number that was generated by the software appears in the Invoice Number field. You can change this number or enter your own invoice number.

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MSCM Define the invoice period in the Period From and Period To fields by selecting the dates from the calendar LOV. Select the remit to address from the LOV in the Remit To field. The CIP procedure GET_REMIT_ADD from the M_PCK_INVOICE_CUSTOM package provides the available address values. By default, the CIP returns addresses that are specified on the Addresses tab of A.10.23 Companies Window 2 and with the Payment check box marked. There are two types of invoices, the line-based invoice and the progress payment event-based invoice. Line-based invoices are invoiced against the agreement line items. Progress payment event-based invoices are invoiced against progress payment events attached to the agreement. Select the Line Based check box to create a line-based invoice. To create a progress payment event-based invoice, clear the check box. Line based Invoice Select the Line Based check box to define a line-based invoice.

In the third (Invoice Details) block, select single agreement line items using the LOV in the Ident Code field. Alternatively, click the Populate button to populate multiple or all line items of the agreement. Window 3 opens where all line items of the selected agreement appear.

Select the Sel check box of the line items you want to copy and click Fill In. If the project default ZP_INV_QTY is set to N, 0 (zero) appears in the Invoice Quantity field. If ZP_INV_QTY is set to Y, the Invoice Quantity field shows the maximum possible quantity. The invoice quantity for line based invoices is validated based on the invoice check value set on the agreement line item (or agreement header, if no value is set for the agreement line item). If the invoice check is set to 2 Way Check, the invoice quantity cannot be greater than the order quantity + invoice tolerance % (order quantity). If the invoice check is set to 3 Way Check, the invoice quantity cannot be greater than the order quantity or the received quantity, whichever is higher. The Invoice Amount field shows the result of invoice quantity * unit price. The total invoice amount for an invoice appears at the bottom of the screen; it should not exceed the agreement budget. Progress Payment Event-Based Invoice Clear the Line Based check box to define a progress payment event-based invoice.

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MSCM In the third (Invoice Details) block, select single progress payment events using the LOV in the Prog Pay Event field. Alternatively, click the Populate button to populate all progress payment events of the agreement. In the next blocks, you can assign other costs and additional invoice items to the invoice.

Select the other cost from the LOV in the Other Cost field and enter the amount in the Invoice Amount field.

For progress payment event-based invoices, you can only assign other costs with the Prog Pay indicator selected on the Other Costs tab of P.50.07. Select pre-defined (on P.10.54) additional items from the LOV in the Additional Invoice Item field and enter the amount in the Invoice Amount field. Click Attachments to open the D.90.21 Attachments screen, where you can attach documents and attributes to the selected invoice. If the invoice is completed, click Submit to submit the invoice. Submittal effects:

• The invoice can no longer be edited. • The label of the button changes to Unsubmit. • The invoice status appears as ‘Needs Assignment’. • The invoice is available for approval on the P.50.93 Invoice Workload screen. • The approval of the agreement cannot be reversed any longer.

If a new agreement supplement was approved after creating the invoice, while submitting the invoice, the software validates the changed quantities, and a warning appears for reviewing the invoice once again. You can submit the invoice without reviewing. Click Unsubmit to reverse submission of the invoice. You can edit the invoice again. Click Reset to delete all invoice details. Click Cancel to delete the entire invoice.

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MSCM P.50.93 Invoice Workload This screen shows all submitted invoices along with agreement details and invoice details.

Select the RfA check box next to the Remit To field to indicate that the invoice is ready for approval. Click Approval Sequence to open the A.20.49 Approval Sequence screen. For more information, see Approval Sequences in the SmartPlant Materials User Interface Basics document, available from the Printable Guides page in the software. All approvers must select the Approve check box to approve the invoice.

You need the INV_APPROVAL privilege to be able to approve invoices. If one approver rejects the invoice by selecting the Rejected check box, the invoice status appears as ‘Rejected’ and the Request Unsubmit button is enabled. Click Request Unsubmit to reverse the approval sequence and to unsubmit the invoice. The invoice status is set to ‘Not Submitted’. If the project default ZP_INV_FA is set to Y, that is, final approval is required, the invoice status appears as ‘Ready for Final Approval’ when all approvers have approved the invoice, and the Final Approve button is enabled. Click Final Approve to complete the approval. The invoice status ‘Approved’ appears. If ZP_INV_FA is set to N, the invoice status ‘Approved’ appears when all approvers have approved the invoice Once the invoice is approved, you can click Paid to set the invoice status to ‘Paid’. The paid amount is calculated as the invoice amount - retention amount and appears in the Paid Amount field.

If the DBA setting INVOICE_RETENTION_CTRL is set to Y, the retention percentage that is defined on the agreement header (Retention % field on P.50.07) is used. If INVOICE_RETENTION_CTRL is set to N, the procedure UPD_RET_PERCENT from M_API_INVOICE package is used to update the retention percentage for the invoice from an external system. The current date is filled into the Invoice Paid Date field.

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MSCM E-Supplier The E-Supplier portal was enhanced by the Invoice Status and the Invoice Workload options.

Select Invoice Status from the drop-down list, and then double-click a project in the list. The P.50.91 Invoice Status screen opens. A double-click in the Invoice Number field opens P.50.92 Invoices. Select Invoice Workload from the drop-down list, and then double-click a project in the list. The P.50.93 Invoice Workload screen opens. A double-click in the Invoice Number field opens P.50.92 Invoices. The existing invoice functionality in the Subcontract Management module was revised to support the new features. SmartPlant Materials - ERP (External) Interfaces In order to support interfacing with external (ERP) systems, a few API procedures and functions were implemented. The package M_API_INVOICE provides APIs to import invoices, extract invoice status information, and update some of the fields of the invoice like ERP status, ERP message, retention percentage, retention amount, and so forth.

Refresh Milestone Set

(CR-MA19470) It is now possible to refresh the milestone set that is assigned to a planning item via the shortcut menu in the Tag Number field on the P.60.01 screen for planned tagged items, as well as in the Engineering Requisition field on the P.60.03 screen for planned requisitions.

You can refresh the milestone set assigned to a planning item using the Refresh milestone set command on the shortcut menu.

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MSCM This allows for adjusting the overall milestone plan of a planning item to changes that have been applied to the corresponding milestone set via P.10.62. Additionally, it is now possible to enter future dates as actual dates of (detail) milestones in case these actual dates are maintained manually. This likewise applies to P.60.01, P.60.03, and P.60.05.

Automatic Forecasted Date Recalculation

(CR-MA18882) Upon change of an actual date on a milestone of a planned requisition (triggered by a date change on an object that is linked with that planned requisition), the forecasted dates are now automatically recalculated also for supplement plans that might exist.

Zero Quantity Item Shipments

(CR-MA19727) The Multi Selection LOV (Window 5) of P.70.72 Expediting Details shows item shipments depending on the setting of the project default ZP_ZEROISH. If ZP_ZEROISH is set to N, only item shipments with quantities > 0 are shown. If the project default is set to Y, all item shipments are shown regardless of their quantities. If ZP_ZEROISH is set to A, all item shipments with quantity 0 are only shown as long as they have not been acknowledged.

Intermediate Storage

(B-81519) The new P.70.77 Intermediate Storage screen has been introduced. You can open this screen from P.70.72 Expediting Details, using the Interm. Storage button on the Release Notes tab.

Forecasted dates are automatically recalculated when actual dates of a planned requisition are changed.

When you add item shipments to release notes, the display of zero quantity item shipments in the LOV is now controlled by project default ZP_ZEROISH.

The intermediate storage feature was implemented to track proper movement of materials to an intermediate location (not final destination), including cost management of storage and preservation costs per tag and per purchase order.

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This screen allows you to receive shipment items of release notes into intermediate storage.

In the first (Intermediate Receipts) block, select a release note, specify the receipt date in the Date In field and the shipper information in the Shipper Reference field, and apply the warehouse information. Then, in the second (Received Items) block, enter release note items (shipments) that apply here.

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MSCM Finally, use the tab pages at the bottom of the screen to enter information for maintenance, preservation, and costs. Maintenance Enter maintenance data for an item manually here or use the populate functionality to get records inserted automatically determined by the values specified. A record in the maintenance table with values in the Required Date and Maintenance Required fields must be available first. Then fill in the Perform maintenance every ... weeks and Schedule maintenance until fields. This will copy the current record in the maintenance table accordingly when the Populate Schedule button is clicked. In the Maintain Events block at the bottom, you can track maintenance events by freely definable field content. Preservation Log Enter logs of preservation with these freely definable fields.

Item Storage Costs On this tab you can enter the item storage costs.

The Day In Storage value is the date when the item was received in the intermediate warehouse. The Day Out Storage value is the date when the item left the intermediate warehouse. Together with the Days Free Storage value, the Detention Day value is calculated. When reaching this date, for each day longer in storage you must pay the amount given in the Detention Rate/Day field.

The detention rate per day is calculated by a CIP. The Currency field shows the currency for the item-based costs. The currency value is the same for both storage costs and preservation costs. But it can be different for each item. The Current Costs value is calculated (by a CIP) as Detention Rate/Day * number of days that exceed the Days Free in Storage value. The Estimated Costs value is calculated (by a CIP) as Detention Rate/Day * (expected duration days - days free storage). The Offloading Costs and Loading Costs values are fixed amounts of offloading/loading costs for an item. The Total Costs value is calculated as Current Cost + Offloading Costs + Loading Costs.

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MSCM Item Preservation Costs Enter and calculate the preservation costs of an item on this tab.

The Preservation Start and Preservation End values determine the time range for cost calculation of the Current Preservation Costs value, which is actually calculated by months in storage * Preservation/Month.

The current preservation costs value is calculated by a CIP. The Estim. Preservation Costs value is calculated (by a CIP) as Expected Storage Duration * Preservation Costs/Month. Costs per Release Note This tab displays the release note receiving costs as a sum of all item costs.

All displayed values are calculated by CIPs, found in the M_PCK_EXP_CUSTOM

package. The Start In Storage field shows the minimum Date In Storage. The Storage End field shows the minimum Date Out Storage. The Days Free Storage field shows the average Days Free Storage. The Detention Day field shows the minimum Start In Storage + average Days Free Storage. The Detention Rate/Day field shows the average Detention Rate/Day. The Overall Storage Costs field shows the sum of the storage costs of the items. The Overall Offloading Costs field shows the sum of the offloading costs of the items. The Overall Loading Costs field shows the sum of the loading costs of the items. The Overall Total Costs value is calculated as Overall Storage Costs + Overall Offloading Costs + Overall Loading Costs. The Currency field shows the purchase order’s base currency. All item-based costs that are entered in a different currency are converted to this base currency.

This behavior can be changed by changing the CIP code.

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Vendor Progress Enhancement

(B-78018, CR-MA9123) On the Vendor Progress tab of the P.70.73 Order Reference screen, the new Planned Start and Planned End fields were implemented.

With the new project default ZP_MS_FDPD, you can define how the expected progress is to be calculated. If ZP_MS_FDPD is set to Y (default), the expected progress is calculated based on the forecasted start/end date. If ZP_MS_FDPD is set to N, the expected progress is calculated based on the new planned start/end date.

Package Enhancements

(CR-MA12972) PT.20.21 Preliminary Packages Within preliminary packages, the parent tags are excluded now. (CR-MA12974) PT.20.21 Preliminary Packages When detecting changes, item shipments with quantity 0 are now excluded. (CR-MA14379) P.70.74 Packages On the With Release Notes tab, the new Delete All Pckgs button was implemented.

This button enables you to delete all packages of a release note.

Controlled by the setting of project default ZP_MS_FDPD, the expected progress is calculated either based on the forecast start and end date, or based on the planned start and end date.

Several enhancements were implemented for packages and preliminary packages.

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MSCM PT.20.21 Preliminary Packages In the Preliminary Packages block, the new Delete All PPs button was implemented.

This button enables you to delete all preliminary packages of the preliminary packing list. (CR-MA14383) PT.20.21 Preliminary Packages An agreement can be seen in this screen as long as there are item shipments in the PO not included in a package on P.70.74 Packages. (CR-MA14384) PT.20.11 Means of Conveyance On this screen the new Attachments buttons were implemented.

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MSCM These buttons enable you to attach documents to the means of conveyance, to the release notes, and to the packages. P.70.74 Packages On the Without Release Notes tab, the new Attachments button was implemented.

This button enables you to attach documents to the packages. On the With Release Notes tab, the new Attachments for Release Note and Package buttons were implemented.

These buttons enable you to attach documents to the release notes and the packages. (CR-MA14386) PT.20.21 Preliminary Packages You can now copy a preliminary packing list with all corresponding preliminary packages by pressing the F6 (new record) and F4 (duplicate record above) keys.

The corresponding preliminary package items are not copied. (CR-MA14387) P.70.74 Packages Maximum and exceeding packages are highlighted in cyan/magenta when they go over a given value, controlled by the project defaults:

ZP_EXC_WGT – maximum weight (exceeding) ZP_EXC_X, ZP_EXC_Y, ZP_EXC_Z – maximum x, y, z dimension (exceeding) ZP_MAX_WGT – maximum weight (heavy) ZP_MAX_X, ZP_MAX_Y, ZP_MAX_Z – maximum x, y, z dimension (oversize)

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New Package Export Template

(CR-MA19642) The new template PCK-RN-708.xls has been introduced. This template contains the Item Shipment Qty (ISH_QTY) field for the export of release notes as additional information. The field will not be used for the import.

Fab Tracking Enhancement

(B-78019) On the A.10.15 Item Types screen, the new Fab check box was implemented. With this indicator, you can define which item rules will be used for fab tracking on P.90 Fab Tracking. With the new project default ZP_FAB_ITY, you can define what item rule is to be used on P.90.01 Load Fab Tracking for the import.

A new Excel template has been introduced that contains the item shipment quantity as additional information for the export of release notes.

A new project default specifies the item rule for importing fab track items.

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Field Material Control Quantity Unit Enhancement

(CR-MA19090) The LOV for the Quantity Unit field on the C.20.03 Prepare MRR by Direct Receive screen has been extended. The LOV now also shows the units defined for the Weight and Volume unit groups.

RTI Performance Tuning

(CR-MA18291) The performance of material returning to inventory (C.20.24.03) has been improved.

Unpost RTI

(B-79741) The C.20.24.03 Return to Inventory screen was enhanced by the Unpost button.

The button is enabled for all posted RTIs.

Manual Material Reservation



You can now select weight and volume units for direct receiving MRRs.

Performance tuning has been done on the Return to Inventory feature.

Unpost functionality is now available for Return to Inventory.

The direct issue screen was enhanced by the new Manual MIR type. This new type allows material reservation without any reference to a BOM position.

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Site You can now create manual MIRs (material issue reports) from the C.20.23.01 MIR by Direct Issue screen. With these manual MIRs, you can reserve material in the inventory without any reference to a BOM node. The MIR cannot be posted; that is, the material on this MIR cannot be issued from the inventory with this MIR. Once the MIR is expired, the manual reservation is automatically cancelled; in other words, the reserved material will be released. An email notification is sent to the originator of the MIR on a specified day prior to the expiration date. The expiration date is assigned to the MIR, and the number of days before the expiration date is defined by a new project default. The following changes were made on C.20.23.01 for the creation of manual MIRs.

• The Manual selection was added to the Issue Type drop-down list for direct MIRs. • The Expiry Date field was added to the Material Issue Report block. • The Create by MRR button was added. • The Post button was disabled for manual MIRs.

The project default ZC_ALR_EXP is introduced. This project default will store the number of days before the actual expiry date, on which the creator of the MIR is notified about the expiry of the manual MIR. The new DBMS job 'ALR_MIR_EX' is introduced. An email will be sent to the creator of an MIR ZC_ALR_EXP days from the actual expiry date. The software automatically performs the MIR undo once the expiry date is reached.

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Site A manual reservation can be created by selecting individual line items from the inventory, or by selecting an MRR. To select an MRR, click the Create by MRR button. Window 4 opens.

Select the MRR in the upper block, and then select the inventory receipts in the lower block.

Only inventory receipts with an on-hand quantity > 0 (zero) are displayed. Or, click Select All to select all displayed inventory receipts. Click Fill In to copy the selected inventory receipts to the MIR.

You can click the button multiple times to assign multiple MRRs.

Post MIR Creation CIP

(B-77917) The new procedure post_mir_creation was added to the CIP package M_PCK_SITE_CUSTOM. This procedure with user defined logic is executed after a MIR (material issue report) is created anywhere or in the following screens:

• C.20.21 MIR by Reservation • C20.22.01 MIR by BOM Commodity • C20.22.02 MIR by BOM Commodity(GroupBy) • C20.22.04 MIR by BOM Ident • C20.23.01 MIR by Direct Issue • C20.23.02 MIR by Direct Issue(GroupBy) • C.20.21.11 MIR for Plates

A new CIP that is executed after an MIR is created was added. This procedure can be used, for example, to automatically assign values to the MIR.

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Site Inspection based on MRR

(CR-MA19807) The C.50.11 Site Inspection screen was enhanced by the new MRR Number field.

Use this field to assign an MRR number to the selected ident.

Shipment Notice

(B-77915) SN (Shipment Notice) Type 1: Ship for Calibration/Certification Material/Equipment is temporarily booked out from the inventory for calibration/certification. Solution:

1. Create service agreement (subcontract) for the calibration work. 2. Create MTR/Voucher linked with this service agreement to book the ident out from

inventory. 3. MRR by Direct Receive against this MTR/Voucher to receive the ident back to the

warehouse. The following enhancements were implemented to enable this workflow.

• New optional Agreement, Pos, Sub Pos fields were added to MTR line items on the C.20.15 Material Transfer screen.

• New MTR/Voucher field was added to agreement line items on the P.50.07 Maintain

Agreements screen.

If the agreement line item exists on a posted MTR, the field is displayed with a yellow background.

You can now create a material inspection report based on an MRR.

Several enhancements were implemented to support site shipment notices.

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If the agreement line item exists on a posted MRR, the field is displayed with a green background.

SN Type 2: Ship for Credit Material/Equipment permanently booked out from the inventory. SN Type 3a: Ship for Repair Material/Equipment is damaged and must be re-purchased, because the supplier does not agree to repair (permanently booked out from the inventory, later replaced by a newly purchased item). SN Type 4: Ship for Replacement Material/Equipment must be replaced (permanently booked out from the inventory). This is similar to Type 3a. Solution: New optional Agreement, Pos, Sub Pos fields were added to MIR line items on the C.20.23.01 MIR by Direct Issue screen.

SN Type 3b: Ship for Repair Material/Equipment is damaged and must be repaired (temporarily booked out from the inventory). Solution: New Damaged Repair type added to the list in the OSD Type field on the C.20.09.01 OSD for Receiving screen.

SN Type 5: Ship for Off-Rent Material/Equipment was rented based on a rental order (subcontract). It was agreed to end the rental and to stop the rental payment before the originally agreed end date, at the off-rent date. The actual material pick-up by the supplier is reported with the pick-up date. Solution:

• New Off Rent Date field was added to Window 4 of the P.50.01 screen and to the Agreement tab of the P.50.07 Maintain Agreements screen.

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You enter the off rent date when you create the service agreement.

• New Pick Up Date and Off Rent Date fields were added on the C.20.34 Maintain Equipment screen.

The pick-up date is automatically filled when the equipment is issued and booked out of the inventory; the date is set when you post the MIR (material issue report).

SN Type 6: Ship for On-Site Supplier Tracking of material issue that was not booked into the inventory. Solution:

• Tracking the material issue of non-inventory items is now available on the C.20.23.01 MIR by Direct Issue screen.

• New No Inventory issue type was added on the C.20.23.01 screen. • MIRs with No Inventory issue type do not have an impact on the inventory.

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Stores Requisitions

(B-81598, B-82077) New C.10.27 SRR Rules screen SRR rules are defined on the C.10.27 SRR Rules screen and used to automatically generate the number/name of new stores requisition reports.

To create a new rule, enter the rule name in the SRR Rule field, the rule descriptions in the Short Desc and Description fields, and the rule definition in the SRR Definition field. New C.60.01 Stores Requisition Overview screen

This multi record screen allows you to see an overview of stores requisition reports (SRR) and to create the header data of a stores requisition. A SRR is a document that is created before a MIR is created. There are four methods to create an SRR:

• Manually • By a reservation run • By manual reservation • By an MRR (material receiving report)

Whatever method is used, the items that are placed on an SRR will remain as available in the warehouse. That is, the on-hand quantity will not be changed by the SRR. However, only inventory items with an on-hand quantity greater than zero can be put on an SRR. As a consequence of not changing the on-hand quantity, the inventory item can be placed on multiple SRRs.

Stores requisitions are requisitions created by field/site, before the creation of a material issue report.

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Site Because the SRRs will be the basis for a MIR, it can also happen when creating a MIR based on an SRR that the corresponding on-hand quantities are no longer available in the inventory and thus the MIR cannot be created with the same set of quantities like the SRR. New C.60.02 Stores Requisitions screen The SRR details are edited on the C.60.02 Stores Requisitions screen. You can open the screen from the menu tree or by double-clicking the SRR number on C.60.01.

General information for all SRR types: If the Post button is used, the posted date is filled in. No inventory changes are made. The button is enabled if stores requisition line items are available. Using the Unpost button clears the posted date. After the MIR is created by clicking the Create MIR button, unpost of the SRR is not possible. The selected MIR created check box indicates that a MIR was created from the SRR. Depending on its type, the SRR appears on any of the tabs described below. Manual SR A manual SR is used to create a direct MIR on C.20.23.01. All needed fields for creating a direct MIR are located in the header. The multi selection LOV in the Ident Code field shows all received inventory items. SR by Reservation An SR by reservation is used for creating a MIR by reservation on C.20.21. All needed fields for creating a MIR by reservation are located in the header. In addition to a manual SR, the Reservation Code, Run Number, Split Result, Reservation Date, Reservation Created By, Overissue Warehouse and Location fields are shown. There are two ways to select the data in the second (Stores Requisition) block:

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• Automatic insert - Pick the reserved positions after clicking the Populate Reservation button and automatically get all reserved positions with their combinations of warehouse/location/status.

• Manual insert - Pick the reserved positions using the multi-selection LOV in the BOM Path field.

SR by Manual Reservation An SR by manual reservation is used for creating a direct MIR with issue type Manual on C.20.23.01. All needed fields for creating a direct MIR are located in the header. In addition to a manual SR, the Expiry Date field is shown. The multi selection LOV in the Ident Code field shows all received inventory items. SR by Material Receiving Report (MRR) An SR by MRR is used for creating a direct MIR on C.20.23.01. All needed fields for creating a direct MIR are located in the header. In addition to a manual SR, the MRR Number and Revision fields are shown. The multi selection LOV in the Ident Code field shows all received inventory items of the MRR selected in the header. Stores Requisitions Approval The SRR will be approved on C.60.02, using the approval sequence functionality. If an approval template is assigned to the project default ZC_SRRAPPR, this approval template appears in the Approval Template field. You can use the LOV in this field to set or change the approval template. If the SRR is ready for approval, select the RfA (Ready for Approval) check box. The approval template shown in the Approval Template field is used to fill the approval sequence. If the Approval Template field is not filled, the login user is inserted in the approval sequence. An email is automatically sent out to the first approver in the approval sequence. Click the Approval Sequence button to open the A.20.49 Approval Sequence screen.

If the approval process has been started, the SRR cannot be updated. If all approvers of the approval sequence have set the Approved indicator, the Post button is enabled. If ZC_SRRAPPR is not set and no entries were made in the approval sequence, the Post button is enabled. After the stores requisition report is posted, a reverse approval is not possible on A.20.49.

Subcontract Management Resubmit Instructions

(CR-MA14327) The Resubmit Instructions field was added to the SOV Progress and Schedule of Values tab on the SM.20.11 Subcontract Administration screen.

Here you can enter text that will be sent via email when you click the Request Resubmit button.

You can now enter instructions that are sent to the subcontractor via email when you request the resubmit of an SOV progress or schedule of values.

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Cancel Change Order Requests

(CR-MA15707) On the SM.40.02 Change Order Requests screen, you can now cancel Change Order Requests (CORs).

On the Authorization tab of SM.40.02, the Cancel COR button, the Cancel Date field, and the Cancel Reason field have been added to enable COR cancellation.

Before you can cancel the COR, the Accepted by Subcontractor check box must be set. To cancel the COR, enter a reason in the Cancel Reason field, which activates the Cancel COR button. Click Cancel COR to cancel the selected COR. The Cancel Date field is populated with the actual date.

Once you have cancelled the COR, it cannot be reversed. On the SM.40.04 COR Workload screen, the new Cancelled check box indicates whether the COR has been cancelled.

Change order requests can now be cancelled.

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SmartPlant Materials Business Intelligence Reporting

(B-79738) You can launch the SmartPlant Materials Business Intelligence Reporting tool directly from the SmartPlant Materials application. Select BI Reporting > Start BI Reporting Portal from the main menu.

Business Intelligence Reporting Enhancements

(V-ID8979) The SmartPlant Materials Business Intelligence Reporting application has been enhanced by these features: • Specification Management (SPRD menu) - This report can be used to display

specifications with header information (geometrics, groups and details, notes, limits, symbols) and their items.

• Spending Report (PROC menu) - This report can be used to display the commitments and commitment % for the top ten suppliers. You can generate the report at the enterprise level, at the division level, at the business group level, at the project level, and at the project office level.

• Forecast Visualization (SITE menu) - You can use forecasting information on the Forecast Visualization screen to simulate material availability.

Additionally, the performance of the BOM tree on the BOM menu is enhanced, and I18N support is implemented.

Specification Management On the Specification Management screen, you can display specifications with header information and their items. All specification items appear grouped by project, specification type, and specification code.


SmartPlant Business Intelligence Reporting can now be launched from SmartPlant Materials.

The SmartPlant Business Intelligence Reporting application was enhanced to provide more interactive reporting features.

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Click a specification in the Spec Code field to open the Spec Header Geometrics window where the specification header information appears.

Specification Header Geometrics The geometrics assigned to the selected specification header appear on the Spec Header Geometrics screen.

Click a table name to open a window where the details of the selected geometric table appear.

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Others If you have selected a branch table name, the branch table matrix appears.

If you have selected a rating table name, the rating curve appears underneath the geometric table details.

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Others Specification Groups The table groups assigned to the selected specification appear on the Specification Groups screen.

Specification Details The table details assigned to the selected specification appear on the Specification Details screen.

Specification Notes The notes defined for the selected specification appear on the Specification Notes screen.

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Others Specification Limits The limits defined for the selected specification appear on the Specification Limits screen.

Specification Symbols The symbols attached to the selected specification appear on the Specification Symbols screen.

Spending Report The spending report displays the commitments and commitment % for the top ten suppliers, departments, material groups, or material group types, depending on the selected scope option. You can generate the report at the enterprise level, at the division level, at the business group level, at the project level, and at the project office level. In the Selection box at the top of the screen, you can select one or multiple:

• Supplier(s) – supplier assigned to the agreement • Project(s) – project for which the agreement is issued

• Issued By – office (origin) that issued the agreement

• Origin(s) – office (origin) on whose behalf the agreement is issued

• Section(s) – division or business group of the contractor

• Country(ies) – the supplier’s country

To select multiple values, press and hold CTRL while selecting values from the list.

Click Go to apply the filter(s). With the options of the Scope group on the right of the Selections box, you define how the report analyzes the data. The available options are:

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• Department – the spending amount is calculated per department • Material group – the spending amount is calculated per material group • Material group type – the spending amount is calculated per material group type • Supplier – the spending amount is calculated per supplier

The bar chart on the left shows the spending amount in euros for the top ten suppliers, departments, material groups, or material group types. The pie chart on the right shows the spending percentage for the top ten suppliers, departments, material groups, or material group types.

The list at the bottom shows the spending per supplier, department, material group, or material group type, ordered from the highest to the lowest value.

Forecast Visualization You can use forecasting information on the Forecast Visualization screen to simulate material availability. That is, forecasting is used to verify whether the material required for construction or fabrication is — or will be — available for use. It is also a ‘look-ahead’ function used to plan subcontractor staffing.

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Others The Forecast tree shows the following:

First level - Forecast run with the number of runs in brackets Second level - Attached work packages

Click to expand a node, or click Expand All to expand all nodes and sub-nodes. Select a work package in the tree. The monthly timeline by work package appears on the right.

For more information, see the SmartPlant Materials Business Intelligence Reporting User’s Guide, available from the Printable Guides page in the software.

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