smart start guide - ketologic...coconut sugar, barley malt, maple syrup, fructose, agave nectar,...

SMART START GUIDE: Essentials & Meal Plan

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Post on 08-Feb-2021




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    Essentials & Meal Plan

  • You can live your best life and lose weight.

    You can shed those extra pounds that other diets have left behind. You can enjoy

    delicious foods and feel better about your choices. You can step on the scale

    confidently with a smile on your face. All of this and more is yours for the taking with a

    ketogenic diet. Your new keto lifestyle offers the potential for amazing results—not just

    in pounds lost but also in many other improvements to your overall

    health and wellbeing.

    The EasyKeto Smart Start guides have been designed to provide you with everything

    you need to kick off your keto lifestyle. This particular guide includes information about

    how and why keto is different from countless other diets you may have tried in the past,

    as well as tips and tidbits to help set you up for success, followed by a 30-day meal

    plan. Our other Smart Start guides include complementary chef-inspired recipes and

    shopping lists, all of which will help make your transition to keto as easy as possible.

    A healthier, happier you is right around the corner—and we’re here to help you get

    there. Seeing is believing, so let’s get started.

    KETO 101: HOW & WHY IT WORKS PG. 01


    30-DAY MEAL PLAN PG. 10


    Change the way your body fuels itself

    Ketogenics refers to the body burning fat for fuel, in lieu of sugar or carbs (which the body

    transforms into glucose). Our bodies prefer to burn glucose for the simple fact that it’s easier.

    However, the body can only use one energy source at a time, which means if it’s burning

    sugar it’s not burning fat. By removing the copious amounts of glucose found in the Standard

    American Diet, the body is forced to turn to its fat stores for energy instead—and that’s where

    the magic happens.

    By eating only moderate amounts of protein and minimal amounts of carbs, your fat intake (as

    a percentage of your diet) effectively increases. This allows your body to enter and remain in

    this fat-burning mode, known as the state of ketosis.


    Macronutrients (or macros for short), are what make up the calorie content

    in the foods we eat. There are three major types of macros: protein, carbs

    and fat. Whereas many other diets focus on limiting caloric intake, the

    ketogenic diet relies upon a specific blend of macronutrients to guide food



    While you don’t have to track everything you eat, as long as you’re keeping a close eye on

    your macros, many people find it easier than keeping everything in their heads. MyFitnessPal

    and FatSecret are two free apps that can help with tracking food choices and water intake.

    MyFitnessPal even has a feature where you can look up macros for specific foods.

    Ketosis is like a life-changing metabolic body hack. It uses our bodies’ natural physiology in our

    favor to help lose weight and contribute to overall health. Once the body’s glucose reserves

    are depleted and the body goes into ketosis, ketone bodies are produced. These are created

    when fat stores are released into the bloodstream as fatty acids. Parts of these fatty acids

    are further broken down into ketone bodies, which are then broken down again to create this

    alternative fuel. By remaining in ketosis, the body is forced to continuously rely on fat stores,

    and subsequently those ketone bodies, for energy.


  • when fat stores are released into the bloodstream as fatty acids. Parts of these fatty acids

    are further broken down into ketone bodies, which are then broken down again to create this

    alternative fuel. By remaining in ketosis, the body is forced to continuously rely on fat stores,

    and subsequently those ketone bodies, for energy.

    DISMISS THE MYTHS Despite what many people think, fat doesn’t make you fat,

    carbs do. That’s because the body burns carbs first and any excess gets turned into fat and

    goes straight into storage—on your tummy, hips and everywhere else.

    WHAT’S IN A NAME? The term “keto” refers to the ketone bodies, the fat-derived

    energy source produced by the body during ketosis. Getting to—and remaining in—this

    state of fat burning for fuel is the aim of a ketogenic diet.

    How high-fat and low-carb, exactly?

    For a keto lifestyle, your diet should be made up of 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs.


    Not only does fat provide your body with its

    new form of fuel on a keto diet, but it also

    helps keep you feeling full to control hunger

    and combat cravings. That’s because a gram

    of fat has more than double the calories of a

    gram of protein or carbs. 75% FAT

    20% PROTEIN

    5% CARBS

    To be successful with a ketogenic diet, all you have to do is pay attention to your macros

    and net carbs. Net carbs are less restrictive than total carbs and the range you need varies

    based on gender, weight and activity level. Just like calories, women generally require fewer

    than men, heavier people require more than those who weigh less and keto dieters who are

    more active will also need more than those who aren’t. The generally recommended range is

    between 20-50 grams of net carbs per day. Adjust accordingly within that range based on the

    aforementioned factors—and try reducing your net carb intake after a week or so if you’re not

    seeing results on the scale. It could be a matter of consuming a few too many.


  • factors—and try reducing your net carb intake after a week or so if you’re not seeing results on

    the scale. It could be a matter of consuming a few too many.


    Sugar alcohols are used as lower-calorie

    alternatives to sugar in many sweet (and

    sugar-free) foods. Some examples of

    sugar alcohols you could see on nutrition

    labels include: erythritol, maltitol, mannitol,

    hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH),

    lactitol, sorbitol, isomalt and xylitol.

    Why net carbs? They’re less restrictive than

    total carbs, which means you can eat more

    low-carb, high-fiber foods (hello, veggies!).

    Why? Because neither fiber nor sugar

    alcohols are usually absorbed into the

    bloodstream, so they don’t disrupt ketosis.

    By sticking within these proportions, your body will quickly burn through its glucose reserves

    and be forced to switch its fuel source from glucose (carbs and sugar) to fat. That’s what

    delivers visible results, turning keto dieters into fat-burning machines!


    By design, ketosis results in low insulin levels, which triggers our kidneys to let go

    of more electrolytes than normal. Headaches, muscle cramps and fatigue are all

    signs you might be low. Combat this by getting plenty of electrolytes—particularly

    salt (sodium), magnesium and potassium. Keto specialty supplements (such as

    BHB) can help as well.



  • FATS/OILS : No need to skimp on things like olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, butter, coconut butter, clarified butter, lard, tallow and palm shortening.

    MEAT: Everything is on the menu (beef, pork, chicken, turkey, lamb, veal, etc.). And bacon, sausage, hot dogs, salami and pork belly are perfectly fine too. Don’t bother trimming or draining the fat.

    SEAFOOD : You can enjoy salmon, trout, cod, halibut, mahi-mahi, sea bass, lobster, shrimp, mussels, scallops, oysters, crab and squid.

    EGGS : They’re a great source of protein and fat. Make sure you eat the yolks!

    VEGETABLES : Veggies that grow above the ground are typically safe: Spinach, kale, lettuce, cabbage, garlic, zucchini, eggplant, spaghetti squash, asparagus, broccoli, cucumbers and peppers. Onions are good to go too. (Avocados are totally keto as well, but technically they’re a fruit.)

    LIMITED FRUITS : While your sweet options are limited due to the natural sugars they contain, here are a few you can enjoy in moderation: Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, lemons and limes. Best of all, avocado tops the fruit list—and you can enjoy those versatile fatties freely.


    Things to dish & things to ditch

    Keto-friendly foods


  • DAIRY : Pass right by the low-fat and fat-free options in the dairy aisle. Indulge in full-fat cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream cheese and heavy cream.

    BEVERAGES : You can hydrate with more than just water. Enjoy almond milk, coconut milk, cashew milk, club soda, tea, coffee (bulletproof or with heavy cream) and chicken/beef stock or bone broth, if you’re into that sort of thing.


    While it’s best to abstain while on keto, it’s not an absolute must. If you do

    find yourself wanting an adult beverage, stick with just one and choose a

    keto-friendly option:

    • Hard liquor (including rum, vodka, whiskey, gin and tequila) has

    no carbs. Drink 1.5 oz. straight or with a low-carb mixer.

    • Wine. Red or white, you’re looking at around 3-4 grams of carbs

    for a 5 oz. glass.

    • Light beer. A 12 oz. serving typically has 3 grams of carbs.


    This latté-like emulsion is a great way to start your day because it gives you energy

    and makes you feel satiated. Blend 1 cup fresh, hot coffee with 2 tablespoons

    unsalted butter and 1 tablespoon of coconut or MCT oil. (If your tummy is sensitive

    to oils, start with a teaspoon of MCT or coconut oil and work your way up.) You

    can also add cocoa powder or cinnamon to amp up the flavor, and/or keto-friendly

    sweeteners to make it a real treat.

    NUTS & SEEDS : They’re loaded with fiber, protein and healthy fat—just be sure to check the nutrition info since some

    nuts can be high in carbs. Snack on almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds or

    sunflower seeds.



    While sugar is a no-no, you can still sweeten things up with these options,

    in moderation: Stevia, yacon syrup, erythritol, sucralose, xylitol and monk

    fruit sweetener. Just pay attention to the nutrition information so you

    know exactly what you’re getting into carb-wise.

    COOKING & BAKING EXTRAS : Keep these on hand to cook your keto favorites: almond flour, cacao nibs,

    dark chocolate, hot sauce, vinegar, mayonnaise, mustard, pickles, stevia, erythritol and vanilla extract.


    Store-bought foods, particularly

    condiments and sauces (such as barbeque

    sauce, relish, salad dressing, mustard,

    mayo and even hot sauce), have hidden

    sugars and carbs, so always check the

    ingredient list and nutrition info. And when

    in doubt about an ingredient, Google it.

    Foods to avoid on

    GRAINS & GRAIN PRODUCTS: Wheat, rice, oats, pastries, pasta, bread, oatmeal, quinoa, spelt, cereal and

    crackers. These carb classics should be cut out completely.

    SUGAR & SUGAR SUBSTITUTES: Don’t use cane sugar, corn syrup, palm sugar, honey, maltodextrin,

    coconut sugar, barley malt, maple syrup, fructose, agave nectar, dates, etc.

    LOW-FAT DAIRY PRODUCTS : Cheeses and other dairy products that are low or reduced fat use starch to

    replace the fat, so always opt for full-fat dairy options. (Try using half-and-half or heavy cream instead of milk for more fat or

    unsweetened soy or almond milk if you’re lactose intolerant.)


  • FRUIT : Apples, bananas, peaches and oranges are all loaded with sugar; dried fruits, even more so.

    PROCESSED OILS : Avoid anything that’s heavily processed and not natural, such as cottonseed oil, soybean oil,

    margarine, etc.

    STARCHY VEGETABLES: If it grows underground, it’s probably not keto friendly. Stay away from potatoes,

    sweet potatoes, carrots, etc. This also applies to beans, corn, legumes and lentils.



    Swap this: For this:

    Coconut or almond flour

    Breadcrumbs Pork rinds or grated hard cheese (like Parmesan)

    Crackers, chips & other snacks Raw veggies with dressing, cheese crisps, kale chips, nuts

    Bread, buns & wraps Lettuce or Portobello mushrooms

    Rice & grains Riced broccoli or cauliflower

    Mashed potatoes Mashed cauliflower or turnips

    Noodles Zucchini spirals, eggplant slices or spaghetti squash


  • Set yourself up for success

    When starting any new endeavor, it’s important to make sure your actions align with your goals. That’s why we’re including some additional

    suggestions of things you can do to help you reach your weight-loss goals more effectively:

    REMOVE TEMPTATIONS —If possible, get rid of all non-keto-friendly foods in your

    kitchen. This will reduce the chances of a slip up as well as the need for a willpower of steel.

    Clear out everything you no longer need and take it to a local food bank or soup kitchen for a

    win-win situation.

    DRINK PLENTY OF WATER —Everyone knows it’s important to get enough water, but

    the amount you need to stay hydrated increases on the keto diet. (Just like electrolytes, making

    sure you’re getting plenty of water is key on keto.) Drink even more when you’re being active.

    COOK IN BATCHES —There will inevitably be days when you don’t feel like cooking, that’s

    where cooking extra when you do comes in handy. Batch cooking not only helps save time by

    requiring less cooking throughout the week, but it also squelches excuses that lead to poor

    PLAN AHEAD —In addition to batch cooking, other forms of advanced planning help too.

    For example, make sure you have snacks ready, prep recipe ingredients (or meals) for the

    week on Sunday and look at restaurant menus in advance. Each of these tactics will help

    ensure you don’t get derailed.

    MOVE MORE —Exercise is another way to relieve stress and, as everyone knows, lose

    weight. Finding ways to move more, even though it isn’t required on the keto diet, can only

    help improve your results. Every little bit helps. Take a 10-minute walk. Opt for the stairs.

    Park at the back of the lot.


  • GET ENOUGH SLEEP —Lack of sleep leads to cravings, increased appetite, difficulty

    resisting temptations and can actually decrease your metabolism. Some studies have shown

    that sleep is just as important to losing weight as your diet itself, so make getting the right

    HAVE KETO SUPPLEMENTS ON HAND —While not required for a keto diet, two

    popular keto supplements are BHB and meal replacement shakes. They’re easy to use and

    save time, when you can’t (or don’t want to) cook. BHB (Beta-hydroxybutyrate) includes

    sodium and electrolytes, which can help with the transition into ketosis, as well as increase

    mental clarity and give you quick energy. Meal replacement shakes can help your body get


    • Reduced sugar cravings

    • Improved mental clarity & focus

    • Decreased bloating

    • Higher energy levels

    Aligning your expectations

    Science has proven that diets which are lower in carbs and higher in fat, including the keto

    diet, not only produce greater weight loss than other dieting methods, but also significantly

    improve the chances of keeping it off long term. While most people begin a keto lifestyle

    with the goal of shedding extra pounds, the results they see go far beyond the number on the

    scale. Here’s what you can expect at various points on your keto journey:

    7 30


    In the first few days, as your body adjusts to the keto diet, you may experience “keto flu,” flu-like symptoms including

    fatigue, headache, nausea and difficulty focusing. Bad breath and constipation can also accompany the transition.

    These potential side effects are temporary, can be improved with increased water and salt intake—and mean your body

    is preparing itself to go into fat-burning mode!


    • Fat-burning metabolism

    • Decreased appetite/ enhanced satiety

    • Clearer skin & brighter complexion

    • Loosening of joints

    • Improved digestion


    • Trim & lean appearance

    • Improved weight


    • More radiant skin

    • High energy levels

    Additional benefits keto dieters enjoy:

    Better moods | Fewer carb cravings | Lower blood pressure & cholesterol | Reduced risk of heart disease Reduced insulin levels & insulin resistance | Improved overall health




    You can do this! With the help of our EasyKeto Smart Start guides, you can more easily switch

    your body into fat-burning mode. This month’s worth of ideas for keto-friendly meals and

    snacks—as well as the recipes and shopping lists to get them from the page to your plate—

    allow you to make the changes you need, to get the results you want. It’s time to kiss those

    stubborn extra pounds goodbye for good.

    Each of these daily menus includes a breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner option designed to

    help you successfully meet your ideal daily macros (of 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs)

    to keep you in a constant state of ketosis. Most meals include moderate servings of protein,

    paired with low-starch vegetables and healthy fats to create a delicious diet full of diverse

    flavors that are sure to leave you satiated.

    The best part is, you don’t have to give up great-tasting food to get the body you want. Go

    ahead and dig in. Your culinarily indulgent keto weight-loss journey begins now!



    Following a keto diet doesn’t mean you have to cook more than one meal

    to keep everyone at the table happy. Since most keto meals are based

    around healthy whole foods, everyone can enjoy the protein and veggies

    you’re eating—and you can always throw in a starchy side dish to round

    out the meal for those who want more carbs.

    MORE CONVENIENCE, LESS TIME Let’s be realistic. Some days might get

    away from you—or you already know going in that one day in particular is going to be a

    doozy. For days like those, we recommend supplementing our meal plan with KetoLogic®

    products. Instead of cooking a meal, try a meal replacement shake. Or have BHB as an

    alternative snack. These will not only help you save time, but also help you stay within your

    macros on busy days. They’re also an easy swap for any recipes that might not

    appeal to you.


  • DA

    Y 1


    Y 2


    Y 3











    Zucchini Casserole

    Curried Chicken SaladOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Pumpkin CheesecakeOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Taco Salad

    Bacon & Eggs*

    Kale Caesar Salad with ChickenOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Celery Sticks with Peanut Butter*

    Or 1 serving of

    KetoLogic® BHB

    Chicken Enchilada Casserole

    Spinach Omelet

    Creamy Cauliflower SoupOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    String Cheese*Or

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Portobello Bacon Burger

    Zucchini CasseroleCurried Chicken Salad

    Or1 serving of

    KetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Prosciutto-wrapped AsparagusOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Taco Salad

    Ham & Cheese Scramble

    Kale Caesar Salad with ChickenOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Celery Sticks with Peanut Butter*

    Or 1 serving of

    KetoLogic® BHB

    Chicken Enchilada Casserole

    Bacon & Eggs*

    Creamy Cauliflower SoupOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Prosciutto-wrapped AsparagusOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Portobello Bacon Burger

    Spinach Omelet

    Bacon-y Egg SaladOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Pumpkin CheesecakeOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Salmon with Lemon-Dill Sauce


  • DA

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    Y 3










    Ham & Cheese ScrambleTuna Salad with Avocado

    Or1 serving of

    Celery Sticks with Cream Cheese*

    Or 1 serving of

    KetoLogic® BHB

    Chicken Broccoli Alfredo

    Sausage & Eggs*

    Bacon-y Egg SaladOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Pumpkin CheesecakeOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Chicken Piccata

    Zucchini Prosciutto Mini Quiche

    Tuna Salad with AvocadoOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    String Cheese*Or

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Chicken Broccoli Alfredo

    Sausage & Eggs*

    Campfire ChiliOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Jalapeño PoppersOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Chicken Piccata

    Zucchini Prosciutto Mini Quiche

    Portobello PizzasOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Pumpkin CheesecakeOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Parmesan-Crusted Halibut

    Ham & Cheese Scramble

    Campfire ChiliOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Jalapeño PoppersOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Parmesan-Crusted Halibut

    Zucchini Casserole

    Portobello PizzasOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Celery with Cream Cheese*

    Or 1 serving of

    KetoLogic® BHB

    Marinated Hanger Steak with Chimichurri

    WEEK TWO13

  • DA

    Y 1


    Y 2


    Y 3










    Green Egg Omelet

    Gyro Salad with TzatzikiOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Hard-Boiled Egg* Or

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Bratwurst with Peppers & Onions

    Eggs & Cauliflower Bacon Hash

    Bacon-Burger Cabbage Skillet

    Or1 serving of

    KetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Beef Jerky*Or

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Shrimp Thai Curry

    Zucchini CasserolePad Thai

    Or1 serving of

    KetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Ham & Cheese Roll-Up*Or

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Bratwurst with Peppers & Onions

    Green Egg OmeletGyro Salad with Tzatziki

    Or1 serving of

    KetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Hard-Boiled Egg*Or

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Shrimp Thai Curry

    Eggs & Cauliflower Bacon Hash

    Bacon-Burger Cabbage SkilletOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Ham & Cheese Roll-Up*Or

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Chicken Enchilada Casserole

    Zucchini Casserole

    Pad ThaiOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Beef Jerky*Or

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Salmon Croquette with Dill Sauce

    Spicy Shrimp Omelet

    Creamy Cauliflower SoupOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    String Cheese*Or

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Salmon Croquette with Dill Sauce


  • DA

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    Y 3











    Spinach Omelet

    Bun-less Burger with Crispy Zucchini Fries

    Or1 serving of

    KetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Jalapeño PoppersOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Pulled Pork with Cabbage Slaw

    Breakfast Casserole

    Zesty Zucchini BoatsOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®


    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Eggplant Lasagna

    Bacon & Eggs*

    Butternut Squash SoupOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Jalapeño PoppersOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Salisbury Steak

    Spinach Omelet

    Bun-less Burger with Crispy Zucchini Fries

    Or1 serving of

    KetoLogic KetoMeal®


    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Pulled Pork with Cabbage Slaw

    Breakfast Casserole

    Zesty Zucchini BoatsOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®


    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Eggplant Lasagna

    Zucchini Casserole

    Butternut Squash SoupOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Buffalo Chicken DipOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Salisbury Steak

    Bacon & Eggs*

    Creamy Cauliflower SoupOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®


    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Salmon Curry

    WEEK ONE*These foods don’t have recipes, as they’re either single, store-bought items that require no prep or are so basic that a recipe likely isn’t needed.


  • DA

    Y 1


    Y 2


    Green Egg Omelet

    Bacon-y Egg SaladOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Pork Rinds*Or

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Salmon Curry

    Breakfast Casserole

    Tuna Salad with AvocadoOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic KetoMeal®

    Buffalo Chicken DipOr

    1 serving ofKetoLogic® BHB

    Eggplant Lasagna


    *These foods don’t have recipes, as they’re either single, store-bought items that require no prep or are so basic that a recipe likely isn’t needed.


  • Congratulations!

    Now you’re ready to turn your keto diet into a keto lifestyle. You’ve made it to the end of the EasyKeto Smart Start 30-day plan. Woohoo! That

    means you have probably been able to celebrate some substantial health victories—

    both on and off the scale. But even if you haven’t fully met all of your goals just yet, you

    are definitely well on your way.

    Thirty days deep into your journey, things should be much easier and your food choices

    should feel more like second nature. At this point, you’ve likely found a rhythm that

    works best for you and figured out which EasyKeto tips and tricks have had the greatest

    impact. Plus, you now have 40 recipes in your keto-cooking repertoire to help keep you

    in your new-found fat-burning mode.

    We hope you’re proud of the progress you’ve made so far.

    Best wishes for your continued success, we know you can do it!

    As you transition from diet to lifestyle, we recommend incorporating

    KetoLogic snack products into your routine. One of our personal faves is

    KetoCrisps. These high-fat, zero-carb cheese snacks are not only great

    when you’re on the go, they’re also the perfect antidote to afternoon

    vending machine temptation.

    VIsit to get your hands on some KetoCrisps, reorder products you’ve

    tried during this 30-day plan (like BHB and their KetoMeal® meal replacements),

    explore even more great recipes and discover additional information to help you

    maintain your weight loss success—or push it even farther.