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Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial Modernisation: What is in it for you ? Milan, 30 May 2016 AFIL General Assembly Jan Larosse Competence Centre Smart & Sustainable Growth DG Regional and Urban Policy European Commission

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Page 1: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs

Smart Specialisation Platform

Industrial Modernisation:

What is in it for you?

Milan, 30 May 2016

AFIL General Assembly

Jan Larosse

Competence Centre

Smart & Sustainable Growth

DG Regional and Urban Policy

European Commission

Page 2: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs


•  What is the 'Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial Modernisation'?

•  Background

•  Context analysis

•  New European policy developments

•  Role of the Vanguard Initiative

•  Joint Demonstration Initiatives

•  Thematic Smart Specialisation Platforms

•  Role of AFIL in SSP Industrial Modernisation •  Leading by example (ESM)

•  Opportunities (implement your vision of intelligent factories)

Page 3: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs

Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation

•  Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs and lead-regions (launch: 1 June)

•  Supporting alignment of smart specialisation

investments in European value chains (services by S3 Platform & Cosme Re-Confirm)

•  Facilitating 'entrepreneurial discovery' at European

scale through interregional cooperation (inspired by Vanguard Initiative)

Page 4: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs

BACKGROUND (1) Analysis

•  Persistent economic stagnation!

•  Macro-economic policy mix has limited impact •  Monetary expension (cheap money): uncertainty is blocking investment

•  Budgetary restriction (debt reduction): need for sharp prioritisation

+ Micro-economic policies for entrepreneurship and SMEs (mostly at company level)

•  Need for fresh approach to boost the real economy! 'Meso'-economic: bottom-up! •  Smart specialisation (place-based prioritisation + future perspectives)

•  Cluster-based (using knowledge spillovers) + Value chain approach (networked companies)

•  New mutual confidence? Invest in Factories of the Future!

•  Vanguard Initiative is showing the way

Page 5: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs

BACKGROUND (2): New European policy development

•  European Investment Plan •  EFSI (315 billion): thematic investment platforms (new themes)

•  European Investment Advisory Hub to assist project development

•  European Structural Investment Funds •  Implementation of RIS3 as trigger for economic transformation

(41 billion 'plus': at least 100 billion is concerned– community of practice)

•  Industrial Modernisation •  Industry Policy Communication 2014: 'thematic smart specialisation platforms'

•  Integrated approach: cluster policies and smart specialisation come together

•  System innovation •  Circular Economy / Energy transition / Mobility systems

•  Large-scale demonstrators

•  Value chain approach connects technology push (KETs) and market pull (challenges)

Page 6: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs

BACKGROUND (3) Vanguard Initiative 'New Growth through Smart Specialisation' : a fresh approach •  Origins

•  2007: Expert Group in DG RTD 'Entrepreneurial Discovery Process'

•  2013: Ex-ante conditionality in Regulation for structural funds

•  2013: New Industrial Policy in Flanders – invitation to 8 founding regions

•  Milan Declaration (Nov 2014) •  Bottom-up approach to industrial policy: role of regions (political leadership &

leading by example)

•  2014: Pilot SSP ADMA / 2015: Five Pilot Actions / 2016: Match-Making Event

•  Showing results!

•  Innovative: Joint Demonstration Initiatives

(networked demonstration effects)

•  2016: From Vanguard pilot actions to SSP Industrial Modernisation

Page 7: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs

BACKGROUND (4) 'Joint Demonstration Initiative'

•  = Networked demonstrators •  Share risks, share futures! Linking supply and demand.

•  Accelerate learning; diffusion of good practices and (de facto) standards

•  Using scale of European internal market •  Upscaling fragmented efforts / coordination by complementarities

•  Accelerating market uptake via diversity of testing environments

•  New electronic platforms to connect supply and demand for production services/ Big data! IoT

•  3D-Printing production system: think global (diffusion of designs), act local (production close to user)

•  Circular economy: upscaling of seperate pilot factories to system level (de/re-manufacturing) / closing-the-loop cluster

Page 8: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs

An integrated approach to industrial modernisaton, clusters and smart specialisation, based on the aligment of regional authorities (RIS3), research organisations and business, in new European value chains in priortity areas.

Ca. 1300 RIS3 related niches in:

•  Agro-food

•  Key Enabling Technologies

(e.g. advanced manufacturing)

•  Health

•  Energy

•  ICT/Digital Agenda

•  Eco-innovation/Environment

•  Creative industries

•  Transport & Logistics

•  Service innovation

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Thema'c  Smart  Specialisa'on  Pla3orms  




…  Joint  ac)ons  and  


Regional  authori'es  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  

Energy   Agro-­‐





Modernisa)on  (Health)   (Circular  







Value  chain  



Value  chain  



1. Set-up of a Thematic Smart Specialisation Platform on Industrial Modernisation and Investment

•  How: Platform to be co-developed by REGIO, GROW & JRC, together with and to support lead regions committed to work together.

•  What: Develop an innovation project pipeline focused on industrial modernisation areas, such as advanced manufacturing, digital transformation/industry 4.0, resource efficiency and service innovation.

e.g. joint implementation of smart specialisation strategies, Innovation Deals, EFSI Investment Platforms, Important Projects of Common European Interest…

Page 10: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs


Thematic Smart Specialisation Platforms: How?

Approach: Using smart specialisation as a coordinating mechanism to align efforts

ü  Based on RIS3 analysis – including "lagging regions" and other "un-usual suspects"

ü  Foster opportunities for regions/MS to team up around value-chains (Horizon2020, COSME and INTERREG Europe could support networking costs)

ü  Driven by motivated regions (e.g. in the Vanguard Initiative)

ü  Entrepreneurial discovery at European level: inspired by Vanguard Initiative

ü  Involving relevant clusters, intermediaries, thematically related EU level initiatives (such as the EIT-KICs, Joint Undertakings, ETPs, EIPs, ERA-Nets,


ü  Support the development of project investment pipe-lines

ü  Facilitate access to "real money" for resulting projects (incl. EFSI, cooperation with EIAH, private investors, coordinating ESIF investments, Horizon2020 …)

Page 11: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs

Pilot actions for joint demonstration: -

- Advanced Manufacturing for

energy applications

- Efficient and sustainable


-High Performance Production with

3D Printing'

-Bio-economy (non-food biomass)

-Nano-enabled products


Watch video on Match-making Event 24-25 February 2016

Page 12: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs


What should be new in TSSPs compared to previous networks and platforms?

• Strategic  objec)ve:    organising  the  'discovery  process'  of  opportuni'es  for  co-­‐investment  in  priority  areas  

• Composi)on:    not  only  immediate  compe'tors,  but  poten'al  coopera'on  

partners  along  value  chains  (under  each  thema'c  smart  specialisa'on  pla3orm    a    

limited  number  of    value-­‐chain  networks  will  be  supported)  

• Governance:    joint  ini'a've  of  regions  that  commit  and  lead-­‐by-­‐example,  

and  suppor'ng  DGs;  open  to  all  that  commit    

• Objec)ve:  not  only  developing  a  specific  technology/solu'on,  or  mutual  

learning,  or  joint  strategy  development,  but  a  project  pipeline  leading  to  

concrete,  coordinated  &  joint  investments  

Page 13: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs


European  Strategic  Cluster  Partnerships    

for  Smart  Specialisa'on  Investments  

…  Joint  ac)ons  and  


Cluster  organisa'ons  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  

Value  chain  






Value  chain  



Value  chain  



2. Set-up of European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Smart Specialisation Investments

•  How: Bottom-up partnering through call for expression of interest, bringing together cluster organisations, technology centres and others

•  What: Generating inter-regional innovation projects, strengthening industry participation in the implementation of smart specialisation strategies, and gathering feed-back on obstacles for innovation.

e.g. joint strategy formulation, implementation roadmaps, matchmaking, joint activities, towards demonstration projects, preparation of bankable proposals, acceleration support…

Page 14: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs

European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Smart Specialisation Investments

Preparatory Phase

Implementation Phase

Investment Phase

Partnership building Joint strategy formulation Implementation roadmap

Matchmaking Joint activities, demonstration projects,

pilots, preparation of bankable proposals

Additional private/public financing Acceleration support

Showcasing results







Page 15: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs

Call for the expression of interest: Towards European Strategic Cluster Partnerships

for Smart Specialisation Investments

•  Objective: mobilisation to strengthen industry participation and the European dimension in the implementation of national and regional smart specialisation strategies.

•  addressed to cluster organisations, other business network organisations, technology centres and science parks

•  Focus on triggering a partnering process linked to the Thematic Platform on Industrial Modernisation (in relation to Key Enabling Technologies, ICT, service innovation

•  and resource efficiency. This includes advanced manufacturing and other KETs, digital transformation/industry 4.0, digital platforms, big data analytics, space data services,

resource efficiency, advanced material and disruptive business models and service concepts

including in creative industries, textiles and tourism).

•  finding partners with complementary competences, accessing value chains that cut across national, regional and sectoral boundaries as well as facilitate access to technology

centres, including KETs infrastructures and digital innovation hubs.

• : The Call is open till end 2016.

Page 16: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs

Role of AFIL – strategic cluster organisation

•  Connect the cluster to regional innovation system, including financing bodies;

•  Connect to other clusters, including international (European strategic Cluster Partnerships) and to interregional value chains (SSP Industrial Modernisation)

•  Co-develop further vision on integrated production system (= 'label' for projects that are part of the new production infrastructure)

•  Co-develop network of pilot facilities (= transition strategy)

•  Co-develop investment pipeline ( = Investment Platform to integrate business synergies and financing synergies)


Page 17: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs


•  1-2 June: Launch of Thematic Platforms at high-level Smart Regions

Conference with 600 stakeholders, including a parallel session and

partnering on Industrial Modernisation

•  7 October (Barcelona): Follow-up of launch; start of new


•  10-13 October: European Week of Regions and Cities (Open

days) with some 6 000 participants in over 100 workshops

•  30 November - 2 December: Gathering of 250 cluster

stakeholders at cluster matchmaking event and high-level European

Cluster Conference

Page 18: Smart Specialisation Platform Industrial ... - AFIL · Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation • Joint Initiative of DG Regio and DG Grow, including other lead-DGs

Questions and Answers