smart restart plan...nddoh after rigorous testing and assessment of cases in the community. nd smart...

Smart Restart Plan Inspiring students to impact God’s world August 2020

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Page 1: Smart Restart Plan...NDDoH after rigorous testing and assessment of cases in the community. ND Smart Restart Plan Instructional Models The instructional models used by our school will

Smart Restart Plan

Inspiring students to impact God’s world

August 2020

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Grover Families, The level of trust and sense of partnership between Oak Grove and our families has never been more

important as together we prepare to begin the 2020-21 school year. The beautiful and yet challenging thing about trust and partnership is their two-way nature—neither can be strong without a balance on both sides of the relationship. It is with this spirit of “we’re in this together” that we share the details of Oak Grove’s Smart Restart Plan for 2020-21.

One test of an organization’s character is its ability to stay true to its calling even in times of struggle. As we reflect back on the quick pivot to distance learning last March and all that unfolded through April and May, it was our intent to remain unquestionably mission-focused and values-driven. To remain mission-focused, then and now, is to fulfill our mission to express God’s love by nurturing students for Academics, Faith and Service in spite of tough circumstances. To be values-driven means Relationships, Community and our other shared values are not just words on a page, they lie at the heart of the Oak Grove experience…always. The school year ahead will reflect change, including enhancements to our distance education from last spring, as we fulfill our commitment to making Oak Grove the best education experience possible.

Parent feedback from this summer has given resounding support for in-class instruction for this fall. The vast majority of families recently chose the in-person option with a smaller number choosing on-line. Our commitment to all Oak Grove families and our accountability to the ND Department of Public Instruction means our class offerings for the fall will include hybrid options as outlined in detail below. We must all recognize that our best collective efforts will mitigate the risks of COVID-19 but not eliminate them. Therefore, our skills and capabilities around hybrid learning are important to maintain if risk factors either within Oak Grove or at the state level cause us to shift into a distance learning mode on occasion throughout the school year. Thank you in advance for your commitment to the mitigation strategies shared below.

We close with an idea you have seen before, an idea that is reflected throughout the plans shared below—God gifted us with the ability to use technology but He hard-wired us for relationships. Foundational to both our in-person instruction and our intent to offer “best in the region” distance learning is relationships. God has blessed Oak Grove with wonderfully talented and dedicated teachers who, like our students, thrive on relationships. Relationships build community, community nurtures character, character encourages growth…you get the picture. We share plans for the 2020-21 school year below fully recognizing it will not be normal but that does not mean it can’t be exceptional.

One final note—the plan shared below is intended to be fluid and flexible representing the best thinking we have at this time. Frequently asked questions will be compiled and shared on an ongoing basis. Thank you again for your trust and your partnership as part of the Oak Grove family.

Aimee Zachrison, Academic Dean Jordan Schumacher, Dean of Students Josh Kading, S Campus Principal Mike Slette, President

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The Mission of Oak Grove Lutheran School is to express God’s Love by nurturing students for Academic Achievement, Lifelong Christian Commitment, and Loving Service throughout the world. As we reopen for the 2020-2021 school year, our commitment to provide an educational experience second to none in as safe a way as possible is unchanged. Our teachers have proven their skills and dedication to our students. Our students have continuously met high expectations and our families have been integral to our success as an institution dedicated to our mission and values. We are pleased to identify the elements that shaped the plan and are excited to share Oak Grove’s Learning and Health & Safety plan for the 2020-2021 school year.

Committed to providing The Oak Grove experience

Parent survey data proved what we all knew; relationships are at the heart of everything we do at Oak

Grove. Technology allowed relationships at Oak Grove to be maintained, but not to flourish. For Oak Grove to

meet its potential, we need to be in community, face-to-face.

Empowered teachers with a proven ability to provide the best educational experience available

Oak Grove teachers responded to distance-learning with creativity, perseverance, and a dedication to our

students and families that resulted in a distance-learning experience unparalleled in the region. And we have

identified ways to make distance learning even better. Oak Grove teachers have the skills and resources to meet

the diverse needs of students in an uncertain time.

Confident in our students’ abilities to achieve at a high level

From the quietest kindergartener to the most boisterous senior, Oak Grove students achieve at a level

above their age-level peers. Oak Grove teachers expect a great deal from their students and Oak Grove students

consistently meet, and exceed, those expectations. Like their teachers, Oak Grove students possess the ability to

adapt and achieve in the face of uncertainty.

Supportive families partnering with Oak Grove

The support of our families is what creates the community that makes Oak Grove a special place. The

support of our families and their responsibility to others in the community are essential in making this school

year a success.

Research Based, Medically Informed, On-going Review

The Oak Grove Learning and Health & Safety Plan is research based, has been reviewed and informed by

medical professionals in our community, and will be evaluated and revised in response to situations that arise

using the best information available.

Oak Grove Lutheran School Smart Restart

Executive Summary

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The Oak Grove experience is grounded in our mission (Academics, Faith and Service), shaped by our values (Relationships, Community, Character, Courage and Curiosity, Faith and Reason, Service and Leadership) and rooted in the Love, Grace, and Strength of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Oak Grove is committed to fulfilling this experience regardless of the challenges posed by COVID-19.

• Oak Grove Lutheran School serves a vital role in providing safe environments for students and staff,focusing on both physical health and social-emotional health.

• Every student will have the opportunity to engage in learning, whether in person or online,regardless of the spread of COVID-19 in our community.

• Oak Grove Lutheran School believes that relationships are paramount to all we do within oureducational setting. To that end, we will work with our community of Grovers for a safe and healthyrestart to school.

• Oak Grove Lutheran School administration along with the COVID-19 Task Force will make decisionsbased on the most current guidance from local, state, and national health care officials.

• Our academic leads will work to ensure our academic and safety plans meet the needs of ourstudents, educators, staff and community.

Oak Grove Lutheran School’s Return to Learning Plan was crafted and reviewed by a team consisting of the following :

• Mike Slette, President• Aimee Zachrison, Academic Dean• Josh Kading, Elementary Principal• Jordan Schumacher, Dean of

Students• Natalie Edgar, Assistant Director of

ELC• Marietta Wahl, CFO

• COVID-19 Task Force• Teacher Leadership Team• Executive Committee of the Board of

Regents• Oak Grove Board of Regents

What we Believe

Our Planning Team

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COVID-19 Response Team & Coordinators This organizational structure was crafted to assist in the development and monitoring of Oak Grove’s return to learning plan. This structure identifies leaders and guiding team members that will serve as a voice in how the school responds to COVID-19 during the school year. This plan is designed to address the issues of reopening as well as provide a nimble and responsive process to address issues that may not be recognized today.

Oak Grove’s COVID-19 Task Force is comprised of the following members: • Steph Bakken, Parent• Kirsten Juhl, MD• Paul Bilstad, MD• Darin Lang, MD• Stephanie Gruchalla, DDS

• Samantha Perleberg, MD• Michelle Kessler, Parent• Oak Grove Lutheran School Administrative Team• Oak Grove Lutheran School Counselors• Marietta Wahl, CFO

COVID-19 Building Level Coordinators Each school building will have an identified COVID-19 Coordinator who will be responsible for the health and safety preparedness and response planning. Coordinators will make themselves available to the NDDoH 24 hours a day / 7 days a week to respond to phone calls from public health. This position will assist public health in identifying and notifying close contacts in the school setting. The coordinator will report cases of

COVID-19, found in the school setting, to health officials and the State Superintendent’s office.

Oak Grove COVID-19 Coordinator for South Campus is Josh Kading. He can be contacted via telephone at his office by calling 701-893-3073.

Oak Grove COVI-19 Coordinator for North Campus is Jordan Schumacher. He can be contacted via telephone at his office by calling 701-373-7109.

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Phases The following phases will be used to define the community risk level associated with COVID-19 These phases align with the color-coded guidance in the ND Smart Restart Plan. Each level is reported to schools by the NDDoH after rigorous testing and assessment of cases in the community. ND Smart Restart Plan

Instructional Models The instructional models used by our school will be guided, in part, by the risk level of COVID-19 in the community as defined within the phases above. This is a guide as instructional models could be altered based on other factors, such as occupancy levels, age of children, and abilities to move certain classes online.

Traditional Learning—Blue/Green and Yellow Phases All instruction is delivered in-person with some building, group, and schedule modifications. Teachers and students maintain a normal daily schedule. Safety precautions are implemented to enhance staff and student safety. South Campus: Traditional Learning is a 5-day week all in person North Campus: Traditional Learning is a blended 5-day week with one “Distance Learning Day” each week for grades 7-12. Sixth Grade students will be on campus 5-days each week, and will not do a “Distance Learning Day.”

Orange/Red Significant transmission and high risk of exposure.

Yellow Heightened exposure risk. Transmissi on is controlled.

Blue/Green New normal. Maintain standard precautions

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Academy Model—All Phases by Choice The educational needs of all students may be met through an online learning experience provided by the teachers of Oak Grove Lutheran School. Parents and students may elect to participate in an academy model as listed here:

a) K-5: Acorn Academya) Synchronous Learning—students log in and begin the day with their regular

classroom teacher and peers. They are then assisted periodically throughouttheir day by classroom teachers, specials teachers, or paraprofessionals.

b) Online Learning Kit with materials provided for each student, withChromebook provided upon request

c) Scheduled breaks throughout the dayd) Supported by classroom teachers via Google Classroom and Zoome) May choose Yearlong or Partial Year (Up to Christmas Break) to begin.f) Potential on-campus opportunities for assessments.

b) 6-12: Oak Grove Academya) Synchronous Learning—Students log in and attend the SAME classes as their

face to face peersb) Texts provided (Chromebooks provided upon request)c) Scheduled breaks throughout the dayd) Supported by classroom teachers via Google Classroom and Zoome) On-Campus opportunities for assessment and labsf) May Choose Yearlong or Semester 1 to begin.

Distance Learning (Google Classroom/Zoom)—Orange/Red Phases All instruction is provided off-campus through the use of distance learning resources provided by the teachers of Oak Grove Lutheran School. See additional details on page 23 of this document.

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Health and Safety Guidance Oak Grove Lutheran School strives to provide a healthy and safe environment for all who occupy our schools. The following guidelines are intended to provide a framework for Oak Grove’s response to COVID-19.

ResourcesND Department of Public Instruction - ND Department of Health - Fargo Cass Public Health - Center for Disease Control and Prevention - American Academy of Pediatrics - ND High School Activities Association Guide to Extracurricular Activity Restart -

Best Intentions Despite taking every reasonable precaution, there is not a guarantee that our school will be without risk as it relates to COVID-19. The virus will very likely be present on our buses, in our classrooms and/or at our activities. In certain situations, social distancing is not possible in the school setting. Our actions, as outlined in this plan, will not prevent any student or staff member from being in contact with the virus but the purpose of the protective measures as noted below is to reduce the risk of contracting the virus to the greatest extent possible.

Protect Yourself and Others Wash your hands often

• Wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after blowing your nose, coughing,or sneezing. Oak Grove Lutheran School will set aside times for students to wash handsthroughout the day.

• If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. OakGrove Lutheran School will have hand sanitizer available in every classroom and common area.

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.• Students are encouraged to wash their hands often throughout the day.•

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Avoid close contact • Keep social distance from others. This is especially important for people who are at a higher risk

of getting sick. Oak Grove Lutheran School students will maintain a distance from one anotherwithin classrooms and in common areas.

• Oak Grove Lutheran School will utilize a modified schedule on both campuses in order toincrease physical separation. Students will have an adjusted schedule of use of common areas,use of outdoor spaces and other actions that increase physical separation.

• The sharing of instructional materials will be limited as much as possible. In situations whereinstructional materials must be shared, the materials will be disinfected using ionizing wands oranti-bacterial wipes.

• Valley Bus will determine the exact protocols for bussing in conjunction with Oak Grove LutheranSchool. Valley Bus will follow CDC and NDDoH guidelines in operation of safe busses.

• Under normal circumstances, Oak Grove Lutheran School welcomes all guests; however, currentcircumstances mandate that we make every effort to limit the number of visitors to ourcampuses. Oak Grove Lutheran School requests that if you are not a regular volunteer and youare normally not a part of the school day, that you call and alert the office that you will becoming in to the school before entering. Visitors, Parents and Guardians are to monitor theirhealth closely before entering the school buildings. All people entering the buildings of OakGrove Lutheran School must wear masks, check in at the office, giving the exact location of thevisit, check out through the office.

Cover coughs and sneezes • Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If not possible,

sneeze/cough into the inside of your elbow.• Throw tissues away and wash hands or use hand sanitizer to prevent spread.

Clean and disinfect • School staff and volunteer groups will clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.• Shared materials (not recommended) will be cleaned between uses.• Classrooms will be cleaned nightly by custodial staff utilizing ionized cleaning products.•

Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others. In order to protect our staff and students, and in an effort to educate all students in the school environment, it will be necessary to wear masks at school. • The wearing of masks by all staff and students is necessary for the safe return to school.• Educators will teach students how to properly wear a face covering as well as monitor their

continued safe use.o


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Oak Grove Lutheran School COVID-19 PPE Guidance

Personnel PPE All staff Required to wear a face covering. All Students Required to wear a face mask. Students will be

provided breaks and allowed to remove their mask when outside or in spaces that can accommodate social distancing.

Staff Monitoring Isolation Rooms PPE Required: Masks, Shield, Gown, and Gloves All staff and students in school bus Required to wear a face covering Visitors Required to wear a face covering

Monitor your health daily A strong school to home partnership is what will allow us to continue with our in-person learning plans. Parents play a crucial role in monitoring the health of all our kids, thereby keeping our school open. In order for all staff and students to be able to return to school as safely as possible, all families must continue to closely monitor their daily health. Parents should be checking children for symptoms each morning before school, in addition; random temperature checks and wellness checks for all students will occur in school. If your child has ANY of these symptoms, you SHOULD NOT allow your child to go to school. • Watch for a fever, cough, shortness of breath, vomiting, or diarrhea.• Parents are asked to screen their children each day before sending them to school. Use the

screening guidance provided here and at the end of the document.

SECTION 1: Symptoms If your child has any of the following symptoms, it indicates a possible illness that may decrease a child’s ability to learn and also puts them at risk for spreading illness to others. Please check your child for these symptoms:

o Temperature 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher when taken by mouth

o Sore throat

o New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (for students with chronicallergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline)

o Diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain

o New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever

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SECTION 2: Close Contact/Potential Exposure o Had close contact (within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes) with a person

with confirmed COVID-19

o Traveled to or lived in an area where the local, Tribal, territorial, or state health departmentis reporting large numbers of COVID-19 cases as described in the Community MitigationFramework

o Live in areas of high community transmission (as described in the Community MitigationFramework) while the school remains open

• Staff and students who are sick should stay home.• Temperatures of symptomatic students or staff will be taken at the school office.

o Symptomatic students will be isolated, and their guardians contacted.o Families who need to come and pick up their students are requested to do so within the

hour for the health and safety of all involved.

Health & Safety Protocols

Monitoring the health of students and staff will be an important component of a safe and healthy educational environment. Oak Grove Lutheran School will take the following measures to ensure all students and staff are healthy while they are at school.

Identifying Students & Staff at Higher Risk • Back to School and enrollment processes will include questions asking families to identify if their

child is at-risk, based on a health professionals’ diagnosis. This information will be provided tothe COVID-19 Coordinator in each building who will contact the family and discuss instructionalmodel options. Oak Grove Lutheran School highly recommends the online option for studentswho may be at-risk.

• The administration and HR staff will inquire of all employees if they are at-risk, based on a healthprofessionals’ diagnosis. The HR office will work in partnership with the administration and theemployee to coordinate adjustments to the work schedule or workplace.

• When the NDDoH or Fargo Cass Public Health informs the school of a student or staff memberthat is COVID-19 positive that information will be passed on to the COVID-19 Coordinator and HRas allowable within the law.

Student & Staff Health

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Isolation & Quarantine • Definitions

o Isolation – For people who are already sick from the virus. A prevention strategy used toseparate people who are sick with the virus from healthy people.

o Quarantine – For people who are not sick but have been exposed to the virus. A preventionstrategy used to monitor people who were exposed for a period of time.

o• Oak Grove Lutheran School will follow isolation and quarantine guidelines and directives as set

by NDDOH and Fargo Cass Public Health.

If a student or staff member becomes sick at school (or school event) • Student

o Escorted to Officeo The child will be masked and isolated in the building sick room.o Parent/guardian will be contacted to pick up their child within the hour.o The child is at home for a mandatory 48 hours, with a preference of 72 hours symptom-freeo Parents encouraged to consult with health care professional

• Staffo Inform your supervisor immediately.o Leave the school building/grounds and consult with a health care professional.

Return to School o When a student or staff member has been isolated or quarantined as directed by NDDoH or

Fargo Cass Public Health they will be allowed to return to school as directed by NDDoH.o A student with a confirmed case of COVID-19 must be excluded (isolation period) from

school for ten days after onset of symptoms (if no symptoms, then exclusion is ten daysafter collection date of test) and be fever free for 24 hours (without the use of feverreducing medications) and have improvement of symptoms, whichever is longer. TheNDDoH will provide guidance to the school and the case or case’s parents/guardians. Closecontacts to a confirmed case of COVID-19 will be quarantined (must stay home) for 14 daysfrom their last exposure to a case. A close contact is defined as someone who is within sixfeet of a confirmed case for 15 minutes or greater. It may also be someone who is directlycoughed on or exposed to a case’s secretions. Close contacts will be identified by the NDDoHduring the investigation. In a school setting, close contacts to a case are often friends,teammates, classmates sitting next to, in front of, or behind the case, and potentiallychildren in the same room as a case. This may mean that certain classrooms in a school haveto be closed for 14 calendar days. If a case occurs in staff or children who are in multipleclassrooms, then this may mean a higher number of close contacts have to be excluded fromschool for 14 calendar days. NDDoH and Fargo Cass Public Health will guide all closures forour school classrooms and buildings.

o Children or staff who are identified as close contacts to a confirmed case of COVID-19 mustbe excluded from the school (quarantine) until 14 calendar days after their last knownexposure to the case. Close contacts will be identified by the NDDoH and informed to stayhome. Even if a close contact tests negative during their 14-day quarantine period, thecontact must complete the 14-day quarantine period. It can take up to 14 days to developCOVID-19. If a parent or other household member tests positive, the child may need to stayout of school for the case’s isolation period (10 calendar days from onset) plus the child’squarantine period (14 calendar days). Public health authorities will advise the parent as tohow long the child will need to be removed from school.

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Guidance for Grade Level & School Building Level Closure • If a campus or the school is closed for any length of time, Oak Grove Lutheran School administration

may move all learning to online and reevaluate on an on-going basis.• NDDoH may close a campus or the school at their discretion.• Specific classrooms or grades may have to close if additional cases occur in a school. Public health

(NDDoH or Fargo Cass Public Health) will provide guidance as to when a school should close. OakGrove Lutheran School administration may also make this determination based on the availability ofstaffing or level of absenteeism.

In the event of a closure of a classroom or school unit/building, Oak Grove Lutheran School administration will facilitate the change from in-person to online school within a matter of days and re-evaluate on an on-going basis.

These Links to the NDDoH plans will give more guidance to families with questions about situations they may encounter:

• COVID-19 Close Contacts in Child Care/School Settings:


Facility Accommodations & Protocols Bathrooms: Are bathrooms similar to other communal areas? Same social distancing. Same mask wearing. Same cleaning and disinfecting common touch areas frequently.

Door handles. Sinks. Soap dispenser. Toilets. Same cleanliness of hands.

How can we promote a safer environment in the Bathrooms than what we do already? Promote Social Distancing Avoid overcrowding in the bathrooms, stagger high traffic bathroom times (Harvard “Schools for Health”) Appropriate number of students in bathrooms at one time Education for Students Signage in bathrooms (CDC signs) Reminders on floors for promoting social distance Adults to help ‘Teach and Reinforce’ appropriate hand washing, mainly for younger children, especially beginning of the school year. Hand sanitizer outside bathrooms and/or re-entering classrooms Healthy Buildings – the Bathrooms

*Based on CDC Guidelines, Harvard “Schools for Health”, ND Smart Restart Guidance and Darin Lang, MD

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Lunchrooms: Promote Social Distancing Avoid overcrowding in lines, stagger high traffic lunch times (Harvard “Schools for Health”) Lunches delivered to classrooms for the bulk of students each day with modified cafeteria schedule for some students. Clean-up with disinfectant wipes before and after meals and added hand washing at lunch time Trash bagged and picked up after each lunch time in classrooms When in cafeteria, signage for hand washing/sanitizing When in cafeteria, reminders on floors for promoting social distance

Bussing: o Bus will be disinfected after each am and pm run using ionizing machines, spraying machines and

spray bottles.o Drivers will wear masks and students will be expected to wear masks – in accordance with our mask

policy.o Students will board from back to front.o Seating is one student per bench.

Operational Guidance

Blue / Green Priorities: • Ensure students and staff who are symptomatic stay at home.

• Implement reasonable accommodations to reduce school-wide and communityspread.

Schoolwide Practices:

• Social distancing where possible and reasonable.• Buildings routinely cleaned and disinfected according to CDC guidelines. Special

focus on high touch/traffic areas.• Handwashing integrated throughout the day.• Hand sanitizer available throughout each building.

Schools: • Masks worn in school buildings• Some school events, assemblies and gatherings may be changed or cancelled.• Access to campus may be limited, with new protocols.

Classrooms: • Students issued technology and trained on how to access online learningresources including Google Classroom and Zoom.

• Limited use of shared materials and supplies.• Desks arranged to allow for social distancing within classrooms.• Staff and students will be required to wear masks at all times.

Common Areas: • Students, when moving around the building, will move in cohort (classroom)groups and reasonably try to limit exposure to other groups.

• North Campus: 4-minute passing times are unaffected• Schedules will be coordinated to reduce cohorts passing in common areas.

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• Lunch times and location will be altered to reduce the number of students inthe cafeteria at any one time.

Extracurricular & Activities:

• Guidance and directives from the NDHSAA and other governing boards will beused to guide these activities.

• Activities as “normal” as possible.•


Communications: • Share information about how to stop the spread of COVID-19.• Communicate any close contact issues to necessary students.

Yellow Priorities: • Ensure students and staff who are symptomatic stay at home.

• Maximize social distancing.• Support blended learning model with a possible shift in days on campus from

current to a 2-3 day on-campus model.• Utilize online Academy model for students who may be affected by COVID-19

Schoolwide Practices:

• Based on identified COVID-19 cases of students and staff targeted closures maybe implemented (class, grade, unit, campus, etc) while other areas remain openand meeting students in person.

• Social distancing necessary• Buildings routinely cleaned and disinfected according to CDC guidelines. Special

focus on high touch/traffic areas, heightened cleaning throughout the day.• Handwashing integrated throughout the day.• Hand sanitizer available throughout each building.• Support parents on use of technology tools and online curricular resources.

Schools: • Protective measures will be maintained in office spaces.• Many school events, assemblies and gatherings may be changed or cancelled.• Access to campus may be additionally limited, with new protocols.

Classrooms: • Students may be attending school on a hybrid schedule.• Students will be expected to engage in learning opportunities online using

Google Classroom and Zoom on days they are not in school.• Teachers are expected to make direct student/family contact each day.• No shared materials and supplies when students are in school.• Desks arranged to allow for social distancing• All staff and students will wear a face mask at all times, excluding lunch.

Common Areas: • Students’ movement around the building will be limited.• Schedules will be altered to reduce cohorts passing in common areas.• Lunch will be delivered to classrooms and eaten only in classrooms.

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Extracurricular & Activities:

• Guidance and directives from the NDHSAA and other governing boards will beused to guide these activities.


Communications: • Share information about how to stop the spread of COVID-19.• Administration will communicate any closure information to parents via email.

Orange / Red Priorities: • Reduce the risk of community spread by closing schools.

Schoolwide Practices:

• Online instruction will be used schoolwide in all courses at all grade levels.• Instruction will focus on essential learning targets.• Attendance and academic progress will be expected.• Grading policies will not be suspended.• Implement Chromebook check-out, to support distance learning for those that

may need an extra device in their homes.• Distance Learning Kits will be given to students at all grade levels.

Schools: • Closed to the general public except by special arrangement with the main office.• Small group meetings or instruction may be allowed, particularly for special

needs students or academic interventions.

Classrooms: • Students will engage in learning at the home.• Students will be expected to engage in learning opportunities online• Teachers are expected to make direct student/family contact on a

regular/ongoing basis.• On-campus assessments may be necessary

Extracurricular & Activities:

• Guidance and directives from the NDHSAA and other governing boards will beused to guide these activities.

• Athletic and other extra/co-curricular activities likely suspended.

Communications: • Clear communication about academic expectations and grading shared withstudents and families.

• Share technology support resources for parents.• Communicate a Re-entry plan

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Parents are asked to review this daily health checklist by answering these questions before sending their child to school.

(Parents do not need to send the questionnaire to school)

Has your child had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days? Yes____ No____

Does your child have a new or worsening shortness of breath? Yes____ No____

Does your child have new or worsening cough? Yes____ No____

Does your child have a fever of 100.4 or greater? Yes____ No____

Does your child have chills? Yes____ No____

Does your child have a sore throat? Yes____ No____

Does your child have a new loss of taste or smell? Yes____ No____

If YES to any of the questions STOP!

Do not send your child to school. Contact your healthcare provider. Contact your child’s school to inform them of your child’s absence.

If you are able to answer NO to all questions, go to school.

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18 | P a g e

Page 20: Smart Restart Plan...NDDoH after rigorous testing and assessment of cases in the community. ND Smart Restart Plan Instructional Models The instructional models used by our school will

Risk Level Low Risk


Moderate Risk


High Risk

Orange/Red Face-To-Face

Learning Traditional Learning



Instructional with Learning (Limited Campus Numbers in addition to Restrictions)

Learning through Academy ONLY

Model Restrictions

Virtual Learning

Instructional Model

Academy Option


Academy Option


Academy Option

For All

��$$&&((������ $$((������""��&&((������''((��&&((����#��*'.���-,!�*�&���!''$�/"$$�-+��,!������%�*,���+,�*,���'%�,�*�"&��'&+-$,�,"'&�/",!�+,�,���&��$'��$�'��"�"�$+�,'���,�*%"&��*"+#�$�.�$7���"+#���.�$+���&��"���*��1�+�!''$�'*� *����$�.�$7�

�����&��#– Low Risk

School Campus Open ��!''$�/"$$����"&�(�*+'&��'*�,!'+���!''+"& �,!�,�'(,"'&5������%"�+�/"$$����'���*����'*�+,-��&,+�/!'�&����,'����'&$"&�7���#��*'.��

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�ELC-6 7-12 Academies

Instruction Method �

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Health and Safety

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19 | P a g e

Page 21: Smart Restart Plan...NDDoH after rigorous testing and assessment of cases in the community. ND Smart Restart Plan Instructional Models The instructional models used by our school will

Yellow – Moderate Risk School Campus OpenͶPotential 50% of Capacity

�'++"�$���'%�"&�,"'&�'��"&9(�*+'&�$��*&"& ��&���"+,�&���$��*&"& ��'*��$$�+,-��&,+7���!''$+�����$�*�,��(*�.�&,�,".��%��+-*�+�,'�%"," �,��+(*�����&��*"+#��%'& �+,�����&��+,-��&,+7���������������������!#$���������������������%"(����� ���������������� ������������������� ������ �

Elementary School Middle School High School Academies

Instruction Method �

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Health and Safety

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20 | P a g e

Page 22: Smart Restart Plan...NDDoH after rigorous testing and assessment of cases in the community. ND Smart Restart Plan Instructional Models The instructional models used by our school will

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K-Grade 5 Middle School Grades 6-8

High School Grades 9-12

�!��!1�*"��%'��$�/"$$��(($1�,'��$�%�&,�*1�+�!''$�+,-��&,+��+��'$$'/+6����",�"+����%���&���++�*1��1�,!����$,!���(�*,%�&,4���#��*'.���'-,!���%(-+�+,-��&,+�/"$$��,,�&��+�!''$�'&���%(-+�,/'���1+����!�/��#��&��(�*,"�"(�,��"&��"+,�&���$��*&"& ���,".","�+�,!*�����1+����!�/��#7���,-��&,+��,,�&��+�!''$�,/'���1+���/��#�: '&��1�<����&�+��1�����-�+��1�<��!-*+��1;7��'�+,-��&,+�/"$$����'&���%(-+��*"��1�,'��$$'/��'*��$��&"& ��&��+�&",�,"'&7������!�*+�%�1�+�!��-$��+,-��&,� *'-(+�'�� @D� '*� ��/�*� ,'� %��,� /",!"&� ,!��+�!''$��-"$�"& ��+�&������'&��*"��1+7�

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�Grade Level






�*�& ���*'-(�





Family units will be grouped together K-12 �*�& ���*'-(�O�M��,-��&,��'(-$�,"'&��*��&��*'-(�O�M��,-��&,��'(-$�,"'&�

Legends O��*��","'&�$����*&"& �

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21 | P a g e

Page 23: Smart Restart Plan...NDDoH after rigorous testing and assessment of cases in the community. ND Smart Restart Plan Instructional Models The instructional models used by our school will

�&�#�������– High Risk School Campus Closed

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South Campus Middle School High School Academies

Instruction Method �

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Health and Safety





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22| P a g e

Page 24: Smart Restart Plan...NDDoH after rigorous testing and assessment of cases in the community. ND Smart Restart Plan Instructional Models The instructional models used by our school will

�� �

�South Campus Middle School

Grades 6-8 High School Grades 9-12

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Critical Risk Level ��,!�*��"+���critical *"+#�$�.�$4���#��*'.���-,!�*�&���!''$�/"$$�(*'."������'%�"&�,"'&�'��asynchronous �&��synchronous '&$"&��"&+,*-�,"'&7�

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ALL Acorn Academy (K-5) Oak Grove Academy (6-12) ��+"& $��+�%�+,�*��'%%",%�&,�"+�*�)-�+,����'*��$$���#��*'.�������%1�+,-��&,+7��&��- -+,�,'��!*"+,%�+��'%%",%�&,�"+�*�)-�+,����'*��$$���'*&������%1�+,-��&,+7�


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23| P a g e

Page 25: Smart Restart Plan...NDDoH after rigorous testing and assessment of cases in the community. ND Smart Restart Plan Instructional Models The instructional models used by our school will

�(��$"�����!(������ '�To accomplish our goal of reopening our schools and keeping them open, it will be important for students, staff, parents and patrons to do their part by following health guidance and monitoring their health.

Each day, parents will provide clean appropriate masks and water bottles for students.

In cooperation with local Public Health Officials, we ask as students and staff prepare for school each day, they ask themselves these questions:


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��'%$#��#��($����$#��&"�����'��$�� ��� ����An important part of limiting the spread of COVID-19 in our community is identifying those who may be sick, infected or who have been exposed, and requires all of us working together to keep the virus in check. Students and Families: ��1'-*��!"$��!�+�,�+,���('+",".���'*�����9@H�/���+#�,!�,6�

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Page 26: Smart Restart Plan...NDDoH after rigorous testing and assessment of cases in the community. ND Smart Restart Plan Instructional Models The instructional models used by our school will

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