smart and skilled ace community service obligation program ... · these smart and skilled ace...

TRAINING SERVICES NSW JUNE 2016 WWW.TRAINING.NSW.GOVAU Smart and Skilled ACE Community Service Obligation Program Guidelines 1/7/2016-30/6/2017 VERSION 1 JUNE 2016

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Smart and Skilled ACE Community Service Obligation Program Guidelines



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Contents Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1

Section 1.The ACE Community Service Obligation Program .................................................................... 2

Section 2.Program Requirements ............................................................................................................. 5

Section 3.The Application Process ........................................................................................................... 8

Section 4.Key Dates ................................................................................................................................. 9

Section 5.Information and Assistance ..................................................................................................... 10


Attachment A - ACE PROVIDERS REMOTENESS RANKING ............................................................... 11

Attachment B - APPROVED ACE PROVIDERS UNDER SMART AND SKILLED .................................. 12

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Introduction As part of Smart and Skilled, funding under the Adult and Community Education (ACE) Community

Service Obligation (CSO) Program (the ACE CSO Program) is granted to approved ACE Providers to

deliver training and support that cannot be effectively addressed through other Smart and Skilled


Smart and Skilled offers eligible students with access to government-subsidised training up to and

including Certificate III and government funding for higher-level courses to Certificate IV and above, in

identified priority areas. The ACE CSO Program provides funding towards training up to and including

Certificate III level.

The ACE CSO Program is designed to target disadvantaged students across NSW and students in

regional and remote communities in NSW that experience significant barriers to training and

employment. Where there are barriers to accessing entitlements, ACE CSO Program funding can be

used to provide intensive support to assist eligible students to overcome these barriers. The ACE CSO

Program is a pathway program to help students to access further training under Smart and Skilled, get a

job or advance their careers.

These Smart and Skilled ACE Community Service Obligation Program Guidelines (1 July 2016 - 30 June

2017) are part of the ACE Provider Contract and should be read in conjunction with the Smart and

Skilled ACE Provider Operating Guidelines (also known as the ACE Provider Operating Guidelines), the

Smart and Skilled ACE Provider Contract Terms and Conditions (also known as the Contract Terms and

Conditions) and the approved ACE Provider’s relevant Activity Schedule and Offer Letter. The ACE

Provider Operating Guidelines and Contract Terms and Conditions can be found at

ACE Providers will be notified of any changes under Smart and Skilled policies such as new target

groups or fee exemptions that also apply to the ACE CSO Program.

The Dictionary and Interpretation provisions of the Schedule of the Contract Terms and Conditions apply to these ACE Community Service Obligation Program Guidelines.

Further information on Smart and Skilled can be found at

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1. The ACE Community Service Obligation Program – 1 July 2016 – 30 June 2017

1.1 Program purpose

The ACE CSO Program aims to promote access and increase vocational education and training

outcomes for those who experience significant barriers to training and employment.

The ACE CSO Program supports the NSW commitment under the COAG National Partnership

Agreement on Skills Reform 2012-17 to improve training participation and qualification

completions, including at higher levels and by those who may be experiencing disengagement or

disadvantage. Further information on this agreement can be found at National Partnership on Skills


The ACE CSO Program also supports the NSW 2021 Goals to strengthen the NSW skills base which will help:

More people gain higher level tertiary qualifications by

increasing the proportion of people between the ages of 20 and 64 with qualifications at AQF Certificate III and above

increasing the number of completions in higher level qualifications at Diploma level and above

increasing the number of completions in higher level VET qualifications at AQF Certificate III and above by women

increasing the number of completions in higher level VET qualifications at AQF Certificate III and above by learners in rural and regional NSW

increasing the number of completions in higher level VET qualifications at AQF Certificate III and above by Aboriginal learners

More young people participate in post school education and training by

engaging more young people who have left school and increasing their participation in

further education and training or employment.

The NSW 2021 can be found at

1.2 Who Will the ACE CSO Program Assist?

The ACE CSO Program aims to support disadvantaged students across NSW and students from

regional and remote communities who experience barriers and who cannot access training under a

Smart and Skilled Entitlement Program and or other Smart and Skilled Program. The aim of the

ACE CSO Program is to advance students into pathways to get a job and advance their careers or

to overcome the barriers and access training under other Smart and Skilled Programs.

Smart and Skilled Entitlements Programs and other Smart and Skilled training include:

Smart and Skilled Entitlement Foundation Skills

Smart and Skilled Entitlement Full Qualifications

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Smart and Skilled Entitlement Apprenticeships and Traineeships Qualifications.

Smart and Skilled Targeted Priorities Full Qualifications

Smart and Skilled Targeted Priorities Prevocational and Part Qualifications

1.3 Student eligibility

The ACE CSO Program supports students who meet certain criteria of eligibility. ACE Providers should assist students to identify their eligibility and be able to refer students appropriately. ACE Providers must complete each of the steps set out in Schedule 2 of the ACE Provider Operating Guidelines to determine whether a Prospective Student is eligible to receive Funded Training under the ACE CSO Program.

1.4 Eligible Training

The ACE CSO Program will support training which is linked to the NSW Skills List. In addition non-

accredited vocational training can be delivered in combination with accredited vocational training.

However, no more than 20% of an ACE Provider’s Funded Units/Modules can be non-accredited.

Students with a Certificate IV or higher qualification will be able to access subsidised training up to

Certificate III level.

In particular, the ACE CSO Program will support:


A. Pathways to


Part qualifications

Part Qualifications for eligible students as a pathway to training in

Smart and Skilled Entitlement Programs may include:

individual Funded Unit/Module only training;

bundles of Funded Units/Modules; or

skill sets.

No more than 50% of a Qualification can be delivered in this


B. Pathways to


Foundation Skills


Part qualifications

Module/Unit of Competency only training from Foundation Skills

(language, literacy, numeracy and employability skills) on the Skills

List. This training supports students who are not ready to undertake

a Full Qualification in Foundation Skills and/or need additional

support to complete a VET qualification.

C. Addressing barriers to


Full Qualifications

Targeted training to meet the needs of disadvantaged students at

any level up to and including Certificate III qualifications on the

Skills List ONLY when there are barriers to accessing other Smart

and Skilled training.

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D. Regional and remote

community access

Part qualifications

and/or approved full


Addressing training needs in regional and remote communities

through the provision of part qualifications and/or approved full

qualifications up to Certificate III.

This is only used after all other avenues for entitlement have been

explored for Regional or Remote Students. No more than 40% of

an ACE Provider’s Maximum Funding can come from the delivery

of Funded Training to Regional or Remote Students.

The ACE Provider must seek approval from Training Services NSW

prior to delivery of Full Qualifications to Regional or Remote


E. Pathways to



vocational training

Up to 20% of an individual ACE Provider’s Funded Unit/Module

Commencements can be non-accredited. All non-accredited

training must have a vocational intent. Non-accredited training

must be delivered in conjunction with accredited training.

1.5 Student Support

ACE Providers must provide student support services to foster successful training outcomes for

Disadvantaged Students.

ACE Providers must keep the necessary records to demonstrate to Training Services NSW the

support that has been provided to these students.

1.6 Foundation Skills

Full Qualifications in Foundation Skills are delivered through the Smart and Skilled Entitlement

Foundation Skills Program only. ACE Providers may deliver Foundation Skills Part Qualifications

as Funded Training under the ACE CSO Program.

1.7 Student Fees under the ACE CSO Program

ACE Providers may only charges Fees to students in accordance with the ACE Provider Contract.

Part Qualifications are Fee free. Some students may be eligible for Fee Exemption or Concessions

if they meet certain criteria. Schedule 3 of the ACE Provider Operating Guidelines sets out how the

Fees are determined.

The ACE Provider can determine the payment arrangement for student Fees. Where applicable,

students may enter into a payment arrangement with the ACE Provider. However, the ACE

Provider must inform students of these arrangements before the student enrolls. ACE Providers

must maintain records of payment arrangements.

Fees under the ACE CSO Program are aligned with Smart and Skilled. Information on Fees may

also be found on the Smart and Skilled website at Smart and Skilled Fees 2016.

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2. ACE CSO Program Requirements

2.1 Eligibility for ACE CSO Program participation

An ACE organisation may be offered ACE CSO Program participation in 2016-17 if they:

are an approved ACE Provider (see Attachment B) and received funding under the 2015-2016 ACE CSO Program and met its contractual obligations under the ACE Provider Contract for the 2015-2016 funding period; OR

have been invited to apply to deliver ACE CSO training by Training Services NSW.

2.2 Ongoing eligibility for ACE Providers

To remain eligible for ACE CSO Program funding, an ACE Provider must:

have complied with the conditions of all existing and previous contracts with Training Services NSW (for example, ACE Provider Contract or Smart and Skilled Contract)

not be subject to a Financial Viability Issue (see clause 16.3 of the Contract Terms and Conditions); and

continue to meet its legal and organisational obligations in particular those under Smart and Skilled ACE Provider Operating Guidelines.

NOTE: Even though an organisation may be eligible to participate in the ACE CSO Program, there is no guarantee that it will become entitled to receive any funding.

2.3 Governance

The governance of an organisation is important to the success of projects and programs managed

by ACE Providers. It is essential that ACE Providers remain not for profit organisations and are

governed accordingly. See clause 12(s) of the Contract Terms and Conditions for further

information regarding this obligation.

2.4 Teaching and leadership

ACE Providers must develop and implement a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) policy

that reflects the needs of their business and in line with the Smart and Skilled Teaching and

Leadership Policy. Refer to paragraph 12 of the Smart and Skilled ACE Provider Operating


In addition to the requirements of the Smart and Skilled Teaching and Leadership Policy, ACE Providers must also include the Governance Board in their CPD policy.

2.5 Monitoring and accountability

Training Services NSW will regularly monitor and review the performance of ACE Providers. Key

documents which assert these requirements are the:

Smart and Skilled NSW Quality Framework

Smart and Skilled NSW ACE CSO Program Guidelines

Smart and Skilled ACE Provider Operating Guidelines

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Smart and Skilled ACE Provider Contract Terms and Conditions

2.6 Reporting

ACE Providers must comply with reporting requirements under the ACE Provider Contract. These


providing the Department with a copy of its annual report, including audited financial statements

reporting Total ACE Activity (that is, data for training delivered by the ACE Provider including Funded Training and non-funded training) to the Department in the required Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) compliant format using the Department’s secure portal.

ACE Providers must report all Funded Training delivered under the ACE CSO Program. Specific

instructions are available in the ACE Provider Operating Guidelines on reporting requirements.

2.7 Maximum Funding

Approved ACE Providers are offered funding to a specified maximum amount under the 2016-2017 ACE CSO Program at the absolute discretion of the Department.

Factors which the Department may have taken into consideration when determining this maximum amount include:

previously validated ACE CSO data which may indicate the ACE Provider’s capacity

the ACE Provider’s history of delivery of Training over the previous 3 years

areas of disadvantage to be serviced

overall ACE CSO Program funding available

This maximum amount is only an upper limit of how much the ACE Provider may receive in an Activity Period. It is also the amount that the ACE Provider may be paid (in instalments) in advance of delivering Funded Training. The actual amount of ACE CSO Program funding that the ACE Provider becomes entitled to will be determined by the amount of Funded Training that the ACE Provider delivers in accordance with the ACE Provider Contract. See 2.8 below for further explanation.

2.8 Entitlement to ACE CSO Program funding

The Activity Schedule for an ACE Provider will specify the maximum amount of Funding that the ACE Provider may be entitled to for the delivery of Funded Training during the specified Activity Period subject to the ACE Provider Contract (the Maximum Funding).

A maximum subsidy of $420 per Funded Unit/Module will apply for Disadvantaged Students and $320 per Funded Unit/Module will apply for Regional or Remote Students.

The ACE Providers are expected to meet their obligations in the ACE Provider Contract including in relation to the Initial Target specified in the Activity Schedule.

Any amount of Funding that the ACE Provider receives in advance that exceeds the amount of Funding that the ACE Provider becomes entitled to for the Activity Period will need to be repaid by the ACE Provider to the Department. For example, if the ACE Provider receives $10,000 in advance but only delivers Funded Training in 10 Funded Units/Modules to Disadvantaged Students during the Activity Period, the ACE Provider will need to repay $5,800 to the Department at the end of the Activity Period (that is, $10,000 – (10x$420)).

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In most circumstances the amount to be repaid will be deducted from their next scheduled ACE CSO Program payment (if applicable).

From time to time, there may be opportunities to increase the Maximum Funding amounts for eligible organisations.

2.9 Payment instalments

Payments will be made in two instalments in advance subject to satisfactory performance and

meeting contractual obligations. The details of these payment amounts and the payment dates are

set out in the Activity Schedule.

2.10 General Conditions

To be entitled to deliver Funded Training under the ACE CSO Program and be an ACE Provider,

an organisation must enter into an ACE Provider Contract. This is done by signing the Activity

Schedule provided after having reviewed and accepted the terms of the ACE Provider Contract.

This must be completed before any payments are made.

The ACE Provider must then comply with requirements outlined in the Smart and Skilled ACE

Provider Contract Terms and Conditions, the Activity Schedule and in these Guidelines.

2.11 Change in Control

Where an ACE Provider proposes to change the management or operating structure of the

organisation they MUST inform Training Services NSW so that the organisation’s continued

eligibility as an Approved ACE Provider can be assessed and the change approved by Training

Services NSW (at its discretion).

Any proposed changes to the operations of the organisation that would substantially impact the

delivery of the contracted outcomes should be discussed with Training Services NSW before the

organisational changes are implemented. This includes early advice if the organisation is at risk of

not being able to meet financial obligations or training commitments.

Please see clause 31 of the Contract Terms and Conditions.

2.12 Evaluation

The ACE CSO Program will be reviewed annually to ensure continuous improvement and changes

in response to national and state policy, and analysis of the effectiveness of the program to meet

Smart and Skilled priorities. ACE Providers may be required to participate in reviews and

evaluations to ensure stakeholder feedback is considered.

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3. The Application Process The Application Process to become an Approved ACE Provider will be open from time to time at

the Department’s discretion. Examples of the criteria that an organisation may be required to meet

in this Application Process and further information regarding becoming an Approved ACE Provider

are set out in Attachment B.

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4. Key Dates


June 2016 The ACE CSO Program Guidelines for 2016-2017 are released and

available on Adult and Community Education section of the Training

Services NSW website.

22 June 2016 ACE Providers notified of ACE CSO Program funding allocations.

Activity Schedule and Offer Letter for the 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 ACE CSO Program emailed to ACE Providers.

24 June 2016 ACE Providers must return original signed Activity Schedules (by

individuals who have been authorised to enter into, execute and

deliver Activity Schedules) to Training Services NSW via email

(originals to follow via express post).

June/July 2016 The first payment of ACE CSO Program funding is made to ACE

Providers who have returned their signed Activity Schedules.

1 July 2016 2016 – 2017 ACE CSO Program commences.

31 July 2016 Interim Collection of Training Activity Data (for period January – June

2016) with a submission via OLiV due by 31 July 2016

31 October 2016 Interim Collection of Training Activity Data (for period 1 January to 30

September 2016) with a submission via OLiV due by 31 October


24 January 2017 Annual Collection of Training Activity Data (for period 1 January to 31

December 2016) with a submission via OLiV due by 24 January


30 April 2017 Interim Collection of Training Activity Data (for period 1 January to 31

March 2017) – with a submission via OLiV due by 30 April 2017.

30 June 2017 2016-2017 ACE CSO Program concludes.

31 July 2017

Interim Collection of Training Activity Data (for period 1 January to 30

June 2017) with a submission via OLiV due by 31 July 2017.

24 January 2018 Annual Collection of Training Activity Data for period 1 January to

31 December 2017 with a submission via OLiV due by 24

January 2018.

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5. Information and Assistance

For further information and assistance with the 2016-2017 ACE CSO Program please submit enquiries

to [email protected]

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Detailed information on remoteness classification by postcode can be found at:

ACE Provider Head Office locations have been classified using the Australian Bureau of Statistics’

Australian Standard Geographical Classification.

ASG Remoteness Areas Layer

ACE Provider

Head Office Postcode

Major Cities of Australia City East Community College 2026

Major Cities of Australia Deaf Society of NSW 2150

Major Cities of Australia Hornsby Ku-Ring-Gai Community College 2077

Major Cities of Australia Macarthur Community College 2168

Major Cities of Australia Macquarie Community College 2118

Major Cities of Australia Nepean Community College 2750

Major Cities of Australia Northern Beaches Community College 2099

Major Cities of Australia Parramatta College 2151

Major Cities of Australia Penrith Skills for Work 2750

Major Cities of Australia St George & Sutherland Community College 2226

Major Cities of Australia Sydney Community College 2039

Major Cities of Australia Tuggerah Lakes Community College 2261

Major Cities of Australia Workers Educational Association - Hunter 2300

Major Cities of Australia Workers Educational Association (WEA) Illawarra 2500

Inner Regional Australia ACE Community Colleges 2480

Inner Regional Australia Albury Wodonga Community College 3690

Inner Regional Australia Ballina Region Community College 2477

Inner Regional Australia Byron Region Community College 2482

Inner Regional Australia Camden Haven Community College 2443

Inner Regional Australia Coffs Coast Community College 2450

Inner Regional Australia Eurobodalla Adult Education Centre 2536

Inner Regional Australia Forster Tuncurry Community College 2428

Inner Regional Australia Kiama Community College 2533

Inner Regional Australia Murwillumbah Adult Education Centre 2484

Inner Regional Australia Port Macquarie Community College 2444

Inner Regional Australia Riverina Community College 2650

Inner Regional Australia Tamworth Community College 2340

Inner Regional Australia Tomaree Community College 2315

Inner Regional Australia VERTO 2795

Outer Regional Australia Western College 2830

Outer Regional Australia Singleton Community College 2330

Outer Regional Australia Community College-Northern Inland 2347

Outer Regional Australia Guyra Adult Learning Association 2365

Outer Regional Australia Western Riverina Community College 2680

Very Remote Regional Australia Robinson Education Centre 2880

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To be eligible to apply to deliver Foundation Skills entitlements under Smart and Skilled and to be

eligible to apply to deliver CSOs, an organisation must be an Approved ACE Provider.

1. Examples of requirements

Examples of the criteria that the organisation may be required to meet are:


is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)

identifies education and training as a key function in its constitution/articles of association

has a business plan that incorporates adult community educational goals and objectives and

demonstrates how these are integral to the whole of organisation objectives

can deliver quality adult and community education programs and services to meet the learning

needs of the local community or a community of interest.


has a governing body that draws the majority of its members from the community or community

of interest it serves

or, where this is not the case

can provide evidence of an effective consultation mechanism to ensure local needs are met in

the community for which the organisation is seeking ACE funding

engages with and responds to its community or community of interest

partners with other organisations

provides programs that are accessible to the general community.

Business and Governance

is incorporated as a community owned and managed not-for-profit incorporated association,

cooperative or company, registered with the Australian Taxation Office for the Goods and

Services Tax (GST) and has an Australian Business Number (ABN)

delivers adult and community education programs in NSW to NSW residents and workers


where a provider is not NSW based but operates in border communities, the organisation must

have a history of servicing NSW learners

is a not-for-profit organisation with rules that prevent remuneration or material and property

benefits from being distributed to individual members:

including members of its governing body; or

with rules that provide for reasonable reimbursement of expenses; directors sitting fees or

fees for services performed outside the scope of their role as director. The ACE Provider

must have clear policies and procedures in place related to any financial payment to

directors that limit any actual payment above reasonable or market costs and sitting fees

is governed by appropriate policies, operational guidelines and quality procedures that allow it

to meet its legal requirements as an incorporated body and its business and community


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Previous Experience

is offered a contract under Smart and Skilled; or

meets the same organisational capacity and eligibility criteria that are required by the Smart and

Skilled application process.

2. Organisations not eligible to be an Approved ACE Provider

The following organisations cannot be an Approved ACE Provider:

a commercial organisation for private profit

a TAFE Institute

an industry organisation

an RTO that is a subsidiary of a TAFE Institute or a university

local government

state or federal government departments.

3. What does being an Approved ACE Provider mean?

An Approved ACE Provider is an organisation that

may be eligible to apply to deliver Foundation Skills entitlement training under Smart and Skilled

may be invited to deliver Funded Training in ACE CSO Programs in communities nominated by

Training Services NSW.

Note: Being an Approved ACE Provider does not guarantee funding.

4. Process for becoming an Approved ACE Provider

Organisations may be invited to apply to become an Approved ACE Provider under the ACE

CSO Program when there is a need for ACE CSO Program training in communities of high need

or Foundation Skills delivery as identified by Training Services NSW

If invited, organisations will complete an ACE CSO Application Form and forward documentary

evidence that they meet eligibility criteria to Training Services NSW for assessment.

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Skilled application process.

Organisations not Eligible to be Registered as an Approved ACE Provider

The following organisations cannot be an approved ACE Provider:

a commercial organisation for private profit

a TAFE Institute

an industry organisation

an RTO that is a subsidiary of a TAFE Institute or a university

local government

state or federal government departments.

What Does Registration as an Approved ACE Provider Mean?

Registration as an approved ACE Provider with Training Services NSW

confirms an organisation may be eligible to apply to deliver Foundation Skills entitlement

training under Smart and Skilled

confirms an organisation may be invited to deliver CSO programs in communities nominated by

Training Services NSW

Note: Registration as an approved ACE Provider with Training Services NSW does not

guarantee funding.

Process for Registration as an Approved ACE Provider

Organisations may be invited to register as an approved ACE Provider under the ACE CSO

Program when there is a need for ACE CSO training in communities of high need or Foundation

Skills delivery as identified by Training Services NSW

If invited, organisations will complete an ACE CSO Application Form and forward documentary

evidence that they meet eligibility criteria to Training Services NSW for assessment

Partnerships with community based organisations are encouraged to ensure that the needs of

targeted communities are supportedctively. FORMATING TAKE OUT