small explorers in magic world of the european folk...

Erasmus + Small explorers in magic world of the European folk culture FOLK MAGAZINE NO.1

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Page 1: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Erasmus + Small explorers in magic world of the European folk culture FOLK MAGAZINE NO1


Tema broja


EUROFOLKLOREldquoSmall explorers in magic world of the

European folk culturerdquo

OŠ Donji Kraljevec otvorila je svoja vrata Europi i europskom projektu u trajanju od 2 godine u suradnji sa školama partnerima s kojima je prethodno bio osmišljen i razrađen projekt bdquoMali istraživači u čarobnom svijetu europske kulture i običajaldquo kojeg je potvrdila i odobrila Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU u periodu od 1092015 do 3182017 Cilj ovog projekta je uključiti učenike i djelatnike na istraživanje kulture i običaja Međimurja kroz ples glazbu narodnu nošnju zaboravljene jelovnike i sl kako naše lokalne zajednice tako i tradiciju i običaje zemalja partnera Aktivnosti se provode na nastavi i na izvannastavnim aktivnostima a izuzetno je bitna suradnja lokalne zajednice roditelja medija udruga muzeja i svih ostalih koji mogu doprinijeti razvoju i značaju ovog projekta Također je neprocjenjivo životno iskustvo kroz direktnu suradnju sa zemljama partnerima kroz razmjenu učenika i djelatnika mobilnosti u trajanju od 5 do 7 dana Nakon svake mobilnosti slijedi analiza i izlaganje na razini čitave škole Učenici koji žele mogu stupiti u kontakt s učenicima iz tih zemalja u sklopu projekta kroz pisma i elektroničke medije kao npr e-mail skype i sl Angažman i interes varira ali svatko tko želi sudjelovati u ovom zanimljivom projektu je dobrodošao Veselimo se svakom novom saznanju iskustvu novim ljudima i otvaramo svoja vrata i srca želimo istražiti svoje korijenje ali ujedno i upoznati druge narode i njihovu tradiciju i običajeKoordinator projektaLjerka Toplek

Zemlje partneri

Poljska Portugal Španjolska Italija Litva Turska

Novine izradili učenici grupe Erasmus+glavni urednik Marta Novak Bratović


ISTRAŽILI SMO Škola se u potpunosti posvetila projektu a imamo i zaduženja po razredima veselimo se svakom upoznavanju sa europskom folklornom baštinom

Četvrti razred oduševljen je ljepotama i kulinarskim umijećem susjedne nam ItalijeRazrednica Anita Purić

Treći razred istražuje Portugal te zajedno sa svojom razrednicom Tanjom Petković putuju magičnim svijetom tradicije Portugala

Peti razred veseli se svakom novom otkriću o folklornoj baštini PoljskeRazrednica Sanja Horvat Pahek

Šesti razred marljivo se posvetio LitviRazrednicaNevenka Reif

Sedmi razred zaslužan je za informacije o Španjolskojdok nam osmi revno istražuje Tursku

Razrednici Damir Žegarac i Marta Novak Bratović


Type to enter text


Posebno smo ponosni na naš Erasmus+ kutak uljepšava nam školu a mi redovito na njemu objavljujemo nove radove vezane uz naš projekt


Istraživali smo narodne nošne Međimurja posebno nas je impresionirao tibet Zajedno smo sa učiteljicom likovnog Gabrielom Binder slikali te s kolažnom tehnikom ukrašavali tibet


U sklopu projektnih aktivnosti jedan od prvih zadataka bio je izrada logau natjecanju su sudjelovali svi razredi Pobijedio je tim učenica iz osmog razreda Magdalena Glavina Melisa Ciglarić Valentina Blažeka Ema Kovačić





Živahne stepenice portugalske škole

Ime školeAgrupamento de Escolas Irmaos PassosPortugalPortugal2701km(25 sati vožnje autom)

Portugal su posjetile učenice Magda Horvat i Nika Šupljika ravnateljica Sandra Vlahek učiteljica i koordinatorica projekta Ljerka Toplek i učiteljica Marta Novak Bratović

ps bilo nam je suuuuperrrr


Kakvi su vaši dojmovi o putovanju i PortugaluNIKA Bilo nam je lijepo zanimala nas je portugalska kultura Baš smo se lijepo proveleMAGDA To je bilo jedno predivno iskustvo u životu Puno smo razgledavali posjećivali različita mjesta u Portugalu i bilo je predivno

2Biste li ponovile iskustvoNIKA SvakakoMAGDA Vrlo vjerojatno da bih

3Kako ste se slagale s domaćinimaNIKA Bili su druželjubivi trudili su se da sve bude u reduMAGDA Bila sam si jako dobra s domaćinima Uvijek su htjeli da sve bude u redu i jako su se potrudili da se osjećam kao kod kuće

4Je li Portugal puno drukčiji od HrvatskeNIKA Pa ne razlikuje se toliko ali ima malo razlikaMAGDA Pa jako Zato što su oni jedan narod koji je puno otvoreniji i pristupačniji od nas Hrvata

5Kako se razlikuju škole

NIKA Škole su zapravo dosta sliče razlika je u veličini škola te održavanju nastaveMAGDA Škole su jedna potpuno drugačija priča U našoj se školi svi djelatnici škole trude da sve bude čisto uredno i da nas uče reda Kod njih to baš i nije zastupljeno jer učenici kada zazvoni za početak nastave još su uvijek vani bez papuča na mobitelima ili razgovaraju

6Kako ste se privikle na drukčiju kulturuMAGDA Prvih nekoliko dana bilo je vrlo čudno i neobično no nakon samo nekoliko dana smo se uklopile u njihovu kulturu i trudile se da budemo slične Portugalcima

7Opišite nam neki običaj iz Portugala koji vam se najviše sviđaMAGDA Najljepši događaj mi je kako se svi kod pozdravljanja poljube u obraz i grle Kada su nas prvi puta pozdravili i odmah nam dali pusu u obraz bilo nam je vrlo čudno i mislile smo da su poludjeli No zaključile smo da se svi Portugalci tako pozdravljaju

8Koji događaj vam je ostao u najboljem sjećanju

NIKA U najboljem sjećanju mi je ostalo kada smo posjetili plažuMAGDA Bilo je stvarno jako puno lijepih događaja no najdraži mi je ipak bio kad smo posjetile muzejSANDEMAN

Učenice 6razreda Magda Horvat i Nika Šupljika u sklopu projekta razmjene učenika koji provodi ERASMUS+ posjetile su Portugal Nekoliko dana provele su u domovima obitelji iz grada Porta Na putovanju naučile su puno toga o portugalskoj kulturi Evo što nam one imaju reći o svojim iskustvima

Posjet ldquoSandemanurdquoposebno nam se svidio zaštitni znak te međunarodno poznate vinarije

Posjet plažipredivan Atlantski ocean iza nasmalo nam je bilo hladnobrrrr





9Kako su se na Portugal priviknuli predstavnici drugih zemlja

MAGDA Iskreno rečeno mi to

ne znamo Na samom početku

dolaska u Portugal nismo se

družile s nikime no sredinom

tjedna smo se počele družiti sa

Španjolkama i Talijanima Nisu

nam ništa govorili kako su se

prviknuli no vjerujem da je i

njima bilo potrebno nekoliko

dana za prilagodbu

10Jeste li sklopile nova

prijateljstva (hoćete li s nekim

ostati u kontaktu)

NIKA Jesmo naravno ostat

ćemo u kontaktu s mnogo dragih


MAGDA Da naravno to je i

dio projekta Ostale smo u

kontaktu sa jednom nama dragom

Portugalkom Sarom te Španjolkama

Anom i Saritom

11Kako su ostali članovi

projekta reagirali na darove iz


NIKA Bili su oduševljeni

12Što biste vi poručile

djeci koja se kao što ste se i

vi spremaju na ovakvo


NIKA Poručila bi im da se

pripreme nije to mala stvar

ali tu nema potrebe bojati se

ili slično

MAGDA Svakako bih poručila

učenicima u ovoj školi da se

jako potrude te da zasluže to

putovanje jer je to jedno

predivno iskustvo koje se pamti

Neka se ovu školsku godinu svi

koji misle ići na putovanje

potrude najviše što mogu da mogu

sljedeće školske godine otići na

takvo putovanje

13Vaše osobno mišljenje o


NIKA Projekt jer vrlo

obrazovan pruža djeci priliku

za istraživanje drugih zemalja

njihovih kultura običajahellip

MAGDA Mislim da je to jedan

predivan projekt s puno čari i

posebnosti Treba jako puno

raditi i istraživati te

bilježiti sve što je u našoj

kulturi i običajima ali se

svaki trud isplati Zauzvrat

učenici sa svojim učiteljima odu

na jedno predivno i prekrasno

putovanje u jednu od država

članica tog projekta

14Ukratko nam opišite

program koji ste imali u


NIKA Pa svaki dan smo

posjetili 2-3 mjesta i bili tamo

cijeli dan proučavali smo

mjesta itdhellip

15Biste li vi voljele biti

domaćice djeci iz projekta

NIKA Naravno

MAGDA Svakako bih htjela

biti domaćin iako je to teško

zato što se mogu zbližiti i

bolje upoznati nekoga iz druge

zemlje te da naučim a možda čak

i primijenim nešto iz drugih

kultura običaja


Tradicionalnu portugalsku pekarukruh je bio odličan

Razgledale smo puno gradovamuzeja

Učile smo plesati tradicionalni ples

U najljepšem sjećanju su nam ipak ostali ljudi prijatelji za cijeli život


bdquoProučavanje različitih kultura oduvijek mi je bilo zanimljivo a

ovaj projekt kao da je stvoren za to To je projekt na svjetskoj

razini i zato nam je čast da kao tako mala škola imamo priliku

sudjelovati Smatram da projekt pruža puno mogućnosti kao što

su stjecanje novih prijateljstva učenje o drugoj kulturi

te naravno kao glavna nagrada putovanje u

jednu od zemlja partnerica Sviđa mi se što

se sa bi projekt mogao uspjeti u njega

moraju uključiti svi na svoj način tj

pomoću nečeg što im ide ili im se

sviđa Oduševila me i razmjena

pisma Upravo zahvaljujući njoj

mnogi naši učenici stekli su prijatelje

iz različitih stranih zemlja Projekt je

jedinstvena prilika za nas kao školu

ali i za svakog od nas pojedinačno

Stečeno znanje i iskustvo koristiti će nam

kasnije u životu Nadam se da će se naša škola

istaknuti u projektu iako za to treba puno truda te da

ću na sličnom projektu raditi i u srednjoj školildquo ndash Maria Žokalj


bdquoProjektom širimo svoje okvirne vidike na način da

upoznajemo kulturu i običaje zemalja partnera Ulažemo mnogo

truda kako bi projekt uspio Za mene a i ostale učenike ovaj

projekt je jedan veliki korak prema naprijedjer upravo ovako

istražujemo i učimo i ono najvažnije stičemo

nova prijateljstvaldquo ndash Melisa Ciglarić


bdquoOvaj projekt omogućuje nam

povezivanje i promatranje

kultura i običaja iz drugih

zemalja koje su isto tako

uključene u projekta ujedno i

u p o z n a v a n j e n a š e

kultureobičaja i tradicijaUpravo

na ovaj način proširujemo svoje

vidike i svoje znanje Bolje iskustvo

omogućuje nam razmjena učenika Svo

znanje i stečeno iskustvo koje nam je omogućio

ovaj projekt zauvijek ćemo pamtitia i koristiti će nam kasnije u

životuZa mene je ovaj projekt posebno životno iskustvote se

radujem daljnjem istraživanju bdquo ndash Ema Kovačić 8razred

RAZMJENA PISAMAPovodom projekta ERASMUS + učenici od 4razreda pa sve do 8razreda pisali su pisma svojim vršnjacima iz država koje također sudjeluju u projektu U pismima smo u nekoliko rečenica opisali sebe i svoju kulturu te smo naveli neke od svojih kontakta u nadi da će nam se javiti primatelji pisma Razmjena pisma prošla je više nego odlično Oduševljeni učenici kontaktirali su jedni druge već isti dan Autori pisma doista su uložili mnogo truda U nekim pismima nalazili su se čak i sitni darovi koji su nam svima izmamili osmijeh kao i fotografije pošiljatelja Saznali smo da s kolegama imamo puno zajedničkih interesa te se nadamo da će se naša suradnja upravo zbog toga nastavitiZašto aktivno sudjelujem u





From school life lessons in Ethnography Museum

Visit in Portugal interview with the principal Mr

Sławomir Ruciński our pupils and teachers at Portuguese

school Contests

art literary creating folk costumes folk costume show

bdquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo is the project that deals with cooperation between schools in learning tradition and folk culture But the most important is knowledge about our own culture history and tradition lsquoThe grass is always greener on the other sidersquo Thatrsquos why we visited Ehtnography Museum in Łoacutedź We learnt there about tradition and folk customs of Łęczycka Opoczyńska and Sieradzka Land We also saw permanent exhibition lsquoGrey as ground bright as memoryrdquo

We admired colourful folk costumes saw cottages and were amazed while watching farm tools and equipment We were on market in the field during harvest in smithy and on a folk wedding party We loved wedding dress and bridersquos dower After return we planned next actions connected with folk culture not only of our city but also other regions in Poland

Visit in Portugal

Portugal an European country situated in the West part of the South Europe on Iberian Peninsula The country includes the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira

Our friends from grade 5a ndash Marcel Chałaj and Konrad Poremski together with teacher Mrs Anna Sadowy and the principal Sławomir Ruciński visited school in Matosinhos in Portugal last week in November After coming back the principal said There was a meeting according to project Erasmus+ lsquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo that took place from 22 to 28 November 2015 in Custoias (Portugal) The aim of the visit was learning about Portuguese folk culture Participants of the meeting visited Schools Escola Basica de Custoias Escola Basica Irmaos Passsos and their exhibitions connected with the project and presenting Portuguese folk costumes school Escola da Lavra with Folk Museum presenting past life of Portuguese families their clothes houses kitchen and farm tools and a school from that time Clothes Museum in Viana do Costelo (regional folk costumes ndash work uniforms and outfits gold jewellery and carpet made from salt Craft Museum in Braga where we could see on our own eyes craftswomen work and talked with them

This meeting gave us chance to see cultural value and also opportunity to make new friends and visit many interesting places in Portugal Mrs Sadowy shared with her feelings - Our project was prepared for Erasmus+ programme

Porto - miasto wina żeglarzy złotych plaż i zabytkowych kamienic To tu w malowniczym Porto nad rzeką Duero od wiekoacutew wytwarza się najlepsze wino na świecie To roacutewnież tu urodził się znany podroacuteżnik - książę Henryk Żeglarz Wspoacutełczesne Porto dawniej skromna osada rybacka to - obok Lizbony - najważniejsze miasto handlowe Portugalii

Householders invited us for different kinds of shows presenting Portuguese folk culture We saw exhibition with farm tools household equipment home decorations and folk costumes from a certain region of the country We saw how a bread was baked in a traditional way and production of regional wine We were also shown embroidery factory and the Museum of folk costumes Polish children lived at Portuguese families They had a chance to observe everyday living conditions customs activities and peersrsquo games We ate traditional food What is interesting the main dish in a menu is fresh fish prepared in many ways The weather in Portugal was just great The sun not like in November beautiful flowers impressing huge palms magnificent citrus trees in blossom and the rough Atlantic Ocean We all came back to Poland contented rich in new experiences with broaden knowledge of Portuguese folk culture

One of elements in finding our tradition and culture were school excursions Our friends from younger grades visited the Gingerbread Museum in Toruń and open-air museumThey participated in meeting with ethnographer Other actions taken according to the project art contests - the projectsrsquo logo

1st place Ania Hasiura grade 6b - folk costumes

1st place Gabriela Goacuterka grade 6b literary contests A letter to a foreigner written in English Folk costumersquos description A contest for creating folk costume and its show Leaders of classes in a role of a model presented costumes made by themselves In the bright music procession we saw beautiful bright folk costumes of Italy Spain Portugal an other countries taking part in the project

Module 1

Folk costumes and material culture

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 2: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno


Tema broja


EUROFOLKLOREldquoSmall explorers in magic world of the

European folk culturerdquo

OŠ Donji Kraljevec otvorila je svoja vrata Europi i europskom projektu u trajanju od 2 godine u suradnji sa školama partnerima s kojima je prethodno bio osmišljen i razrađen projekt bdquoMali istraživači u čarobnom svijetu europske kulture i običajaldquo kojeg je potvrdila i odobrila Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU u periodu od 1092015 do 3182017 Cilj ovog projekta je uključiti učenike i djelatnike na istraživanje kulture i običaja Međimurja kroz ples glazbu narodnu nošnju zaboravljene jelovnike i sl kako naše lokalne zajednice tako i tradiciju i običaje zemalja partnera Aktivnosti se provode na nastavi i na izvannastavnim aktivnostima a izuzetno je bitna suradnja lokalne zajednice roditelja medija udruga muzeja i svih ostalih koji mogu doprinijeti razvoju i značaju ovog projekta Također je neprocjenjivo životno iskustvo kroz direktnu suradnju sa zemljama partnerima kroz razmjenu učenika i djelatnika mobilnosti u trajanju od 5 do 7 dana Nakon svake mobilnosti slijedi analiza i izlaganje na razini čitave škole Učenici koji žele mogu stupiti u kontakt s učenicima iz tih zemalja u sklopu projekta kroz pisma i elektroničke medije kao npr e-mail skype i sl Angažman i interes varira ali svatko tko želi sudjelovati u ovom zanimljivom projektu je dobrodošao Veselimo se svakom novom saznanju iskustvu novim ljudima i otvaramo svoja vrata i srca želimo istražiti svoje korijenje ali ujedno i upoznati druge narode i njihovu tradiciju i običajeKoordinator projektaLjerka Toplek

Zemlje partneri

Poljska Portugal Španjolska Italija Litva Turska

Novine izradili učenici grupe Erasmus+glavni urednik Marta Novak Bratović


ISTRAŽILI SMO Škola se u potpunosti posvetila projektu a imamo i zaduženja po razredima veselimo se svakom upoznavanju sa europskom folklornom baštinom

Četvrti razred oduševljen je ljepotama i kulinarskim umijećem susjedne nam ItalijeRazrednica Anita Purić

Treći razred istražuje Portugal te zajedno sa svojom razrednicom Tanjom Petković putuju magičnim svijetom tradicije Portugala

Peti razred veseli se svakom novom otkriću o folklornoj baštini PoljskeRazrednica Sanja Horvat Pahek

Šesti razred marljivo se posvetio LitviRazrednicaNevenka Reif

Sedmi razred zaslužan je za informacije o Španjolskojdok nam osmi revno istražuje Tursku

Razrednici Damir Žegarac i Marta Novak Bratović


Type to enter text


Posebno smo ponosni na naš Erasmus+ kutak uljepšava nam školu a mi redovito na njemu objavljujemo nove radove vezane uz naš projekt


Istraživali smo narodne nošne Međimurja posebno nas je impresionirao tibet Zajedno smo sa učiteljicom likovnog Gabrielom Binder slikali te s kolažnom tehnikom ukrašavali tibet


U sklopu projektnih aktivnosti jedan od prvih zadataka bio je izrada logau natjecanju su sudjelovali svi razredi Pobijedio je tim učenica iz osmog razreda Magdalena Glavina Melisa Ciglarić Valentina Blažeka Ema Kovačić





Živahne stepenice portugalske škole

Ime školeAgrupamento de Escolas Irmaos PassosPortugalPortugal2701km(25 sati vožnje autom)

Portugal su posjetile učenice Magda Horvat i Nika Šupljika ravnateljica Sandra Vlahek učiteljica i koordinatorica projekta Ljerka Toplek i učiteljica Marta Novak Bratović

ps bilo nam je suuuuperrrr


Kakvi su vaši dojmovi o putovanju i PortugaluNIKA Bilo nam je lijepo zanimala nas je portugalska kultura Baš smo se lijepo proveleMAGDA To je bilo jedno predivno iskustvo u životu Puno smo razgledavali posjećivali različita mjesta u Portugalu i bilo je predivno

2Biste li ponovile iskustvoNIKA SvakakoMAGDA Vrlo vjerojatno da bih

3Kako ste se slagale s domaćinimaNIKA Bili su druželjubivi trudili su se da sve bude u reduMAGDA Bila sam si jako dobra s domaćinima Uvijek su htjeli da sve bude u redu i jako su se potrudili da se osjećam kao kod kuće

4Je li Portugal puno drukčiji od HrvatskeNIKA Pa ne razlikuje se toliko ali ima malo razlikaMAGDA Pa jako Zato što su oni jedan narod koji je puno otvoreniji i pristupačniji od nas Hrvata

5Kako se razlikuju škole

NIKA Škole su zapravo dosta sliče razlika je u veličini škola te održavanju nastaveMAGDA Škole su jedna potpuno drugačija priča U našoj se školi svi djelatnici škole trude da sve bude čisto uredno i da nas uče reda Kod njih to baš i nije zastupljeno jer učenici kada zazvoni za početak nastave još su uvijek vani bez papuča na mobitelima ili razgovaraju

6Kako ste se privikle na drukčiju kulturuMAGDA Prvih nekoliko dana bilo je vrlo čudno i neobično no nakon samo nekoliko dana smo se uklopile u njihovu kulturu i trudile se da budemo slične Portugalcima

7Opišite nam neki običaj iz Portugala koji vam se najviše sviđaMAGDA Najljepši događaj mi je kako se svi kod pozdravljanja poljube u obraz i grle Kada su nas prvi puta pozdravili i odmah nam dali pusu u obraz bilo nam je vrlo čudno i mislile smo da su poludjeli No zaključile smo da se svi Portugalci tako pozdravljaju

8Koji događaj vam je ostao u najboljem sjećanju

NIKA U najboljem sjećanju mi je ostalo kada smo posjetili plažuMAGDA Bilo je stvarno jako puno lijepih događaja no najdraži mi je ipak bio kad smo posjetile muzejSANDEMAN

Učenice 6razreda Magda Horvat i Nika Šupljika u sklopu projekta razmjene učenika koji provodi ERASMUS+ posjetile su Portugal Nekoliko dana provele su u domovima obitelji iz grada Porta Na putovanju naučile su puno toga o portugalskoj kulturi Evo što nam one imaju reći o svojim iskustvima

Posjet ldquoSandemanurdquoposebno nam se svidio zaštitni znak te međunarodno poznate vinarije

Posjet plažipredivan Atlantski ocean iza nasmalo nam je bilo hladnobrrrr





9Kako su se na Portugal priviknuli predstavnici drugih zemlja

MAGDA Iskreno rečeno mi to

ne znamo Na samom početku

dolaska u Portugal nismo se

družile s nikime no sredinom

tjedna smo se počele družiti sa

Španjolkama i Talijanima Nisu

nam ništa govorili kako su se

prviknuli no vjerujem da je i

njima bilo potrebno nekoliko

dana za prilagodbu

10Jeste li sklopile nova

prijateljstva (hoćete li s nekim

ostati u kontaktu)

NIKA Jesmo naravno ostat

ćemo u kontaktu s mnogo dragih


MAGDA Da naravno to je i

dio projekta Ostale smo u

kontaktu sa jednom nama dragom

Portugalkom Sarom te Španjolkama

Anom i Saritom

11Kako su ostali članovi

projekta reagirali na darove iz


NIKA Bili su oduševljeni

12Što biste vi poručile

djeci koja se kao što ste se i

vi spremaju na ovakvo


NIKA Poručila bi im da se

pripreme nije to mala stvar

ali tu nema potrebe bojati se

ili slično

MAGDA Svakako bih poručila

učenicima u ovoj školi da se

jako potrude te da zasluže to

putovanje jer je to jedno

predivno iskustvo koje se pamti

Neka se ovu školsku godinu svi

koji misle ići na putovanje

potrude najviše što mogu da mogu

sljedeće školske godine otići na

takvo putovanje

13Vaše osobno mišljenje o


NIKA Projekt jer vrlo

obrazovan pruža djeci priliku

za istraživanje drugih zemalja

njihovih kultura običajahellip

MAGDA Mislim da je to jedan

predivan projekt s puno čari i

posebnosti Treba jako puno

raditi i istraživati te

bilježiti sve što je u našoj

kulturi i običajima ali se

svaki trud isplati Zauzvrat

učenici sa svojim učiteljima odu

na jedno predivno i prekrasno

putovanje u jednu od država

članica tog projekta

14Ukratko nam opišite

program koji ste imali u


NIKA Pa svaki dan smo

posjetili 2-3 mjesta i bili tamo

cijeli dan proučavali smo

mjesta itdhellip

15Biste li vi voljele biti

domaćice djeci iz projekta

NIKA Naravno

MAGDA Svakako bih htjela

biti domaćin iako je to teško

zato što se mogu zbližiti i

bolje upoznati nekoga iz druge

zemlje te da naučim a možda čak

i primijenim nešto iz drugih

kultura običaja


Tradicionalnu portugalsku pekarukruh je bio odličan

Razgledale smo puno gradovamuzeja

Učile smo plesati tradicionalni ples

U najljepšem sjećanju su nam ipak ostali ljudi prijatelji za cijeli život


bdquoProučavanje različitih kultura oduvijek mi je bilo zanimljivo a

ovaj projekt kao da je stvoren za to To je projekt na svjetskoj

razini i zato nam je čast da kao tako mala škola imamo priliku

sudjelovati Smatram da projekt pruža puno mogućnosti kao što

su stjecanje novih prijateljstva učenje o drugoj kulturi

te naravno kao glavna nagrada putovanje u

jednu od zemlja partnerica Sviđa mi se što

se sa bi projekt mogao uspjeti u njega

moraju uključiti svi na svoj način tj

pomoću nečeg što im ide ili im se

sviđa Oduševila me i razmjena

pisma Upravo zahvaljujući njoj

mnogi naši učenici stekli su prijatelje

iz različitih stranih zemlja Projekt je

jedinstvena prilika za nas kao školu

ali i za svakog od nas pojedinačno

Stečeno znanje i iskustvo koristiti će nam

kasnije u životu Nadam se da će se naša škola

istaknuti u projektu iako za to treba puno truda te da

ću na sličnom projektu raditi i u srednjoj školildquo ndash Maria Žokalj


bdquoProjektom širimo svoje okvirne vidike na način da

upoznajemo kulturu i običaje zemalja partnera Ulažemo mnogo

truda kako bi projekt uspio Za mene a i ostale učenike ovaj

projekt je jedan veliki korak prema naprijedjer upravo ovako

istražujemo i učimo i ono najvažnije stičemo

nova prijateljstvaldquo ndash Melisa Ciglarić


bdquoOvaj projekt omogućuje nam

povezivanje i promatranje

kultura i običaja iz drugih

zemalja koje su isto tako

uključene u projekta ujedno i

u p o z n a v a n j e n a š e

kultureobičaja i tradicijaUpravo

na ovaj način proširujemo svoje

vidike i svoje znanje Bolje iskustvo

omogućuje nam razmjena učenika Svo

znanje i stečeno iskustvo koje nam je omogućio

ovaj projekt zauvijek ćemo pamtitia i koristiti će nam kasnije u

životuZa mene je ovaj projekt posebno životno iskustvote se

radujem daljnjem istraživanju bdquo ndash Ema Kovačić 8razred

RAZMJENA PISAMAPovodom projekta ERASMUS + učenici od 4razreda pa sve do 8razreda pisali su pisma svojim vršnjacima iz država koje također sudjeluju u projektu U pismima smo u nekoliko rečenica opisali sebe i svoju kulturu te smo naveli neke od svojih kontakta u nadi da će nam se javiti primatelji pisma Razmjena pisma prošla je više nego odlično Oduševljeni učenici kontaktirali su jedni druge već isti dan Autori pisma doista su uložili mnogo truda U nekim pismima nalazili su se čak i sitni darovi koji su nam svima izmamili osmijeh kao i fotografije pošiljatelja Saznali smo da s kolegama imamo puno zajedničkih interesa te se nadamo da će se naša suradnja upravo zbog toga nastavitiZašto aktivno sudjelujem u





From school life lessons in Ethnography Museum

Visit in Portugal interview with the principal Mr

Sławomir Ruciński our pupils and teachers at Portuguese

school Contests

art literary creating folk costumes folk costume show

bdquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo is the project that deals with cooperation between schools in learning tradition and folk culture But the most important is knowledge about our own culture history and tradition lsquoThe grass is always greener on the other sidersquo Thatrsquos why we visited Ehtnography Museum in Łoacutedź We learnt there about tradition and folk customs of Łęczycka Opoczyńska and Sieradzka Land We also saw permanent exhibition lsquoGrey as ground bright as memoryrdquo

We admired colourful folk costumes saw cottages and were amazed while watching farm tools and equipment We were on market in the field during harvest in smithy and on a folk wedding party We loved wedding dress and bridersquos dower After return we planned next actions connected with folk culture not only of our city but also other regions in Poland

Visit in Portugal

Portugal an European country situated in the West part of the South Europe on Iberian Peninsula The country includes the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira

Our friends from grade 5a ndash Marcel Chałaj and Konrad Poremski together with teacher Mrs Anna Sadowy and the principal Sławomir Ruciński visited school in Matosinhos in Portugal last week in November After coming back the principal said There was a meeting according to project Erasmus+ lsquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo that took place from 22 to 28 November 2015 in Custoias (Portugal) The aim of the visit was learning about Portuguese folk culture Participants of the meeting visited Schools Escola Basica de Custoias Escola Basica Irmaos Passsos and their exhibitions connected with the project and presenting Portuguese folk costumes school Escola da Lavra with Folk Museum presenting past life of Portuguese families their clothes houses kitchen and farm tools and a school from that time Clothes Museum in Viana do Costelo (regional folk costumes ndash work uniforms and outfits gold jewellery and carpet made from salt Craft Museum in Braga where we could see on our own eyes craftswomen work and talked with them

This meeting gave us chance to see cultural value and also opportunity to make new friends and visit many interesting places in Portugal Mrs Sadowy shared with her feelings - Our project was prepared for Erasmus+ programme

Porto - miasto wina żeglarzy złotych plaż i zabytkowych kamienic To tu w malowniczym Porto nad rzeką Duero od wiekoacutew wytwarza się najlepsze wino na świecie To roacutewnież tu urodził się znany podroacuteżnik - książę Henryk Żeglarz Wspoacutełczesne Porto dawniej skromna osada rybacka to - obok Lizbony - najważniejsze miasto handlowe Portugalii

Householders invited us for different kinds of shows presenting Portuguese folk culture We saw exhibition with farm tools household equipment home decorations and folk costumes from a certain region of the country We saw how a bread was baked in a traditional way and production of regional wine We were also shown embroidery factory and the Museum of folk costumes Polish children lived at Portuguese families They had a chance to observe everyday living conditions customs activities and peersrsquo games We ate traditional food What is interesting the main dish in a menu is fresh fish prepared in many ways The weather in Portugal was just great The sun not like in November beautiful flowers impressing huge palms magnificent citrus trees in blossom and the rough Atlantic Ocean We all came back to Poland contented rich in new experiences with broaden knowledge of Portuguese folk culture

One of elements in finding our tradition and culture were school excursions Our friends from younger grades visited the Gingerbread Museum in Toruń and open-air museumThey participated in meeting with ethnographer Other actions taken according to the project art contests - the projectsrsquo logo

1st place Ania Hasiura grade 6b - folk costumes

1st place Gabriela Goacuterka grade 6b literary contests A letter to a foreigner written in English Folk costumersquos description A contest for creating folk costume and its show Leaders of classes in a role of a model presented costumes made by themselves In the bright music procession we saw beautiful bright folk costumes of Italy Spain Portugal an other countries taking part in the project

Module 1

Folk costumes and material culture

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 3: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno


ISTRAŽILI SMO Škola se u potpunosti posvetila projektu a imamo i zaduženja po razredima veselimo se svakom upoznavanju sa europskom folklornom baštinom

Četvrti razred oduševljen je ljepotama i kulinarskim umijećem susjedne nam ItalijeRazrednica Anita Purić

Treći razred istražuje Portugal te zajedno sa svojom razrednicom Tanjom Petković putuju magičnim svijetom tradicije Portugala

Peti razred veseli se svakom novom otkriću o folklornoj baštini PoljskeRazrednica Sanja Horvat Pahek

Šesti razred marljivo se posvetio LitviRazrednicaNevenka Reif

Sedmi razred zaslužan je za informacije o Španjolskojdok nam osmi revno istražuje Tursku

Razrednici Damir Žegarac i Marta Novak Bratović


Type to enter text


Posebno smo ponosni na naš Erasmus+ kutak uljepšava nam školu a mi redovito na njemu objavljujemo nove radove vezane uz naš projekt


Istraživali smo narodne nošne Međimurja posebno nas je impresionirao tibet Zajedno smo sa učiteljicom likovnog Gabrielom Binder slikali te s kolažnom tehnikom ukrašavali tibet


U sklopu projektnih aktivnosti jedan od prvih zadataka bio je izrada logau natjecanju su sudjelovali svi razredi Pobijedio je tim učenica iz osmog razreda Magdalena Glavina Melisa Ciglarić Valentina Blažeka Ema Kovačić





Živahne stepenice portugalske škole

Ime školeAgrupamento de Escolas Irmaos PassosPortugalPortugal2701km(25 sati vožnje autom)

Portugal su posjetile učenice Magda Horvat i Nika Šupljika ravnateljica Sandra Vlahek učiteljica i koordinatorica projekta Ljerka Toplek i učiteljica Marta Novak Bratović

ps bilo nam je suuuuperrrr


Kakvi su vaši dojmovi o putovanju i PortugaluNIKA Bilo nam je lijepo zanimala nas je portugalska kultura Baš smo se lijepo proveleMAGDA To je bilo jedno predivno iskustvo u životu Puno smo razgledavali posjećivali različita mjesta u Portugalu i bilo je predivno

2Biste li ponovile iskustvoNIKA SvakakoMAGDA Vrlo vjerojatno da bih

3Kako ste se slagale s domaćinimaNIKA Bili su druželjubivi trudili su se da sve bude u reduMAGDA Bila sam si jako dobra s domaćinima Uvijek su htjeli da sve bude u redu i jako su se potrudili da se osjećam kao kod kuće

4Je li Portugal puno drukčiji od HrvatskeNIKA Pa ne razlikuje se toliko ali ima malo razlikaMAGDA Pa jako Zato što su oni jedan narod koji je puno otvoreniji i pristupačniji od nas Hrvata

5Kako se razlikuju škole

NIKA Škole su zapravo dosta sliče razlika je u veličini škola te održavanju nastaveMAGDA Škole su jedna potpuno drugačija priča U našoj se školi svi djelatnici škole trude da sve bude čisto uredno i da nas uče reda Kod njih to baš i nije zastupljeno jer učenici kada zazvoni za početak nastave još su uvijek vani bez papuča na mobitelima ili razgovaraju

6Kako ste se privikle na drukčiju kulturuMAGDA Prvih nekoliko dana bilo je vrlo čudno i neobično no nakon samo nekoliko dana smo se uklopile u njihovu kulturu i trudile se da budemo slične Portugalcima

7Opišite nam neki običaj iz Portugala koji vam se najviše sviđaMAGDA Najljepši događaj mi je kako se svi kod pozdravljanja poljube u obraz i grle Kada su nas prvi puta pozdravili i odmah nam dali pusu u obraz bilo nam je vrlo čudno i mislile smo da su poludjeli No zaključile smo da se svi Portugalci tako pozdravljaju

8Koji događaj vam je ostao u najboljem sjećanju

NIKA U najboljem sjećanju mi je ostalo kada smo posjetili plažuMAGDA Bilo je stvarno jako puno lijepih događaja no najdraži mi je ipak bio kad smo posjetile muzejSANDEMAN

Učenice 6razreda Magda Horvat i Nika Šupljika u sklopu projekta razmjene učenika koji provodi ERASMUS+ posjetile su Portugal Nekoliko dana provele su u domovima obitelji iz grada Porta Na putovanju naučile su puno toga o portugalskoj kulturi Evo što nam one imaju reći o svojim iskustvima

Posjet ldquoSandemanurdquoposebno nam se svidio zaštitni znak te međunarodno poznate vinarije

Posjet plažipredivan Atlantski ocean iza nasmalo nam je bilo hladnobrrrr





9Kako su se na Portugal priviknuli predstavnici drugih zemlja

MAGDA Iskreno rečeno mi to

ne znamo Na samom početku

dolaska u Portugal nismo se

družile s nikime no sredinom

tjedna smo se počele družiti sa

Španjolkama i Talijanima Nisu

nam ništa govorili kako su se

prviknuli no vjerujem da je i

njima bilo potrebno nekoliko

dana za prilagodbu

10Jeste li sklopile nova

prijateljstva (hoćete li s nekim

ostati u kontaktu)

NIKA Jesmo naravno ostat

ćemo u kontaktu s mnogo dragih


MAGDA Da naravno to je i

dio projekta Ostale smo u

kontaktu sa jednom nama dragom

Portugalkom Sarom te Španjolkama

Anom i Saritom

11Kako su ostali članovi

projekta reagirali na darove iz


NIKA Bili su oduševljeni

12Što biste vi poručile

djeci koja se kao što ste se i

vi spremaju na ovakvo


NIKA Poručila bi im da se

pripreme nije to mala stvar

ali tu nema potrebe bojati se

ili slično

MAGDA Svakako bih poručila

učenicima u ovoj školi da se

jako potrude te da zasluže to

putovanje jer je to jedno

predivno iskustvo koje se pamti

Neka se ovu školsku godinu svi

koji misle ići na putovanje

potrude najviše što mogu da mogu

sljedeće školske godine otići na

takvo putovanje

13Vaše osobno mišljenje o


NIKA Projekt jer vrlo

obrazovan pruža djeci priliku

za istraživanje drugih zemalja

njihovih kultura običajahellip

MAGDA Mislim da je to jedan

predivan projekt s puno čari i

posebnosti Treba jako puno

raditi i istraživati te

bilježiti sve što je u našoj

kulturi i običajima ali se

svaki trud isplati Zauzvrat

učenici sa svojim učiteljima odu

na jedno predivno i prekrasno

putovanje u jednu od država

članica tog projekta

14Ukratko nam opišite

program koji ste imali u


NIKA Pa svaki dan smo

posjetili 2-3 mjesta i bili tamo

cijeli dan proučavali smo

mjesta itdhellip

15Biste li vi voljele biti

domaćice djeci iz projekta

NIKA Naravno

MAGDA Svakako bih htjela

biti domaćin iako je to teško

zato što se mogu zbližiti i

bolje upoznati nekoga iz druge

zemlje te da naučim a možda čak

i primijenim nešto iz drugih

kultura običaja


Tradicionalnu portugalsku pekarukruh je bio odličan

Razgledale smo puno gradovamuzeja

Učile smo plesati tradicionalni ples

U najljepšem sjećanju su nam ipak ostali ljudi prijatelji za cijeli život


bdquoProučavanje različitih kultura oduvijek mi je bilo zanimljivo a

ovaj projekt kao da je stvoren za to To je projekt na svjetskoj

razini i zato nam je čast da kao tako mala škola imamo priliku

sudjelovati Smatram da projekt pruža puno mogućnosti kao što

su stjecanje novih prijateljstva učenje o drugoj kulturi

te naravno kao glavna nagrada putovanje u

jednu od zemlja partnerica Sviđa mi se što

se sa bi projekt mogao uspjeti u njega

moraju uključiti svi na svoj način tj

pomoću nečeg što im ide ili im se

sviđa Oduševila me i razmjena

pisma Upravo zahvaljujući njoj

mnogi naši učenici stekli su prijatelje

iz različitih stranih zemlja Projekt je

jedinstvena prilika za nas kao školu

ali i za svakog od nas pojedinačno

Stečeno znanje i iskustvo koristiti će nam

kasnije u životu Nadam se da će se naša škola

istaknuti u projektu iako za to treba puno truda te da

ću na sličnom projektu raditi i u srednjoj školildquo ndash Maria Žokalj


bdquoProjektom širimo svoje okvirne vidike na način da

upoznajemo kulturu i običaje zemalja partnera Ulažemo mnogo

truda kako bi projekt uspio Za mene a i ostale učenike ovaj

projekt je jedan veliki korak prema naprijedjer upravo ovako

istražujemo i učimo i ono najvažnije stičemo

nova prijateljstvaldquo ndash Melisa Ciglarić


bdquoOvaj projekt omogućuje nam

povezivanje i promatranje

kultura i običaja iz drugih

zemalja koje su isto tako

uključene u projekta ujedno i

u p o z n a v a n j e n a š e

kultureobičaja i tradicijaUpravo

na ovaj način proširujemo svoje

vidike i svoje znanje Bolje iskustvo

omogućuje nam razmjena učenika Svo

znanje i stečeno iskustvo koje nam je omogućio

ovaj projekt zauvijek ćemo pamtitia i koristiti će nam kasnije u

životuZa mene je ovaj projekt posebno životno iskustvote se

radujem daljnjem istraživanju bdquo ndash Ema Kovačić 8razred

RAZMJENA PISAMAPovodom projekta ERASMUS + učenici od 4razreda pa sve do 8razreda pisali su pisma svojim vršnjacima iz država koje također sudjeluju u projektu U pismima smo u nekoliko rečenica opisali sebe i svoju kulturu te smo naveli neke od svojih kontakta u nadi da će nam se javiti primatelji pisma Razmjena pisma prošla je više nego odlično Oduševljeni učenici kontaktirali su jedni druge već isti dan Autori pisma doista su uložili mnogo truda U nekim pismima nalazili su se čak i sitni darovi koji su nam svima izmamili osmijeh kao i fotografije pošiljatelja Saznali smo da s kolegama imamo puno zajedničkih interesa te se nadamo da će se naša suradnja upravo zbog toga nastavitiZašto aktivno sudjelujem u





From school life lessons in Ethnography Museum

Visit in Portugal interview with the principal Mr

Sławomir Ruciński our pupils and teachers at Portuguese

school Contests

art literary creating folk costumes folk costume show

bdquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo is the project that deals with cooperation between schools in learning tradition and folk culture But the most important is knowledge about our own culture history and tradition lsquoThe grass is always greener on the other sidersquo Thatrsquos why we visited Ehtnography Museum in Łoacutedź We learnt there about tradition and folk customs of Łęczycka Opoczyńska and Sieradzka Land We also saw permanent exhibition lsquoGrey as ground bright as memoryrdquo

We admired colourful folk costumes saw cottages and were amazed while watching farm tools and equipment We were on market in the field during harvest in smithy and on a folk wedding party We loved wedding dress and bridersquos dower After return we planned next actions connected with folk culture not only of our city but also other regions in Poland

Visit in Portugal

Portugal an European country situated in the West part of the South Europe on Iberian Peninsula The country includes the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira

Our friends from grade 5a ndash Marcel Chałaj and Konrad Poremski together with teacher Mrs Anna Sadowy and the principal Sławomir Ruciński visited school in Matosinhos in Portugal last week in November After coming back the principal said There was a meeting according to project Erasmus+ lsquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo that took place from 22 to 28 November 2015 in Custoias (Portugal) The aim of the visit was learning about Portuguese folk culture Participants of the meeting visited Schools Escola Basica de Custoias Escola Basica Irmaos Passsos and their exhibitions connected with the project and presenting Portuguese folk costumes school Escola da Lavra with Folk Museum presenting past life of Portuguese families their clothes houses kitchen and farm tools and a school from that time Clothes Museum in Viana do Costelo (regional folk costumes ndash work uniforms and outfits gold jewellery and carpet made from salt Craft Museum in Braga where we could see on our own eyes craftswomen work and talked with them

This meeting gave us chance to see cultural value and also opportunity to make new friends and visit many interesting places in Portugal Mrs Sadowy shared with her feelings - Our project was prepared for Erasmus+ programme

Porto - miasto wina żeglarzy złotych plaż i zabytkowych kamienic To tu w malowniczym Porto nad rzeką Duero od wiekoacutew wytwarza się najlepsze wino na świecie To roacutewnież tu urodził się znany podroacuteżnik - książę Henryk Żeglarz Wspoacutełczesne Porto dawniej skromna osada rybacka to - obok Lizbony - najważniejsze miasto handlowe Portugalii

Householders invited us for different kinds of shows presenting Portuguese folk culture We saw exhibition with farm tools household equipment home decorations and folk costumes from a certain region of the country We saw how a bread was baked in a traditional way and production of regional wine We were also shown embroidery factory and the Museum of folk costumes Polish children lived at Portuguese families They had a chance to observe everyday living conditions customs activities and peersrsquo games We ate traditional food What is interesting the main dish in a menu is fresh fish prepared in many ways The weather in Portugal was just great The sun not like in November beautiful flowers impressing huge palms magnificent citrus trees in blossom and the rough Atlantic Ocean We all came back to Poland contented rich in new experiences with broaden knowledge of Portuguese folk culture

One of elements in finding our tradition and culture were school excursions Our friends from younger grades visited the Gingerbread Museum in Toruń and open-air museumThey participated in meeting with ethnographer Other actions taken according to the project art contests - the projectsrsquo logo

1st place Ania Hasiura grade 6b - folk costumes

1st place Gabriela Goacuterka grade 6b literary contests A letter to a foreigner written in English Folk costumersquos description A contest for creating folk costume and its show Leaders of classes in a role of a model presented costumes made by themselves In the bright music procession we saw beautiful bright folk costumes of Italy Spain Portugal an other countries taking part in the project

Module 1

Folk costumes and material culture

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 4: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno


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Posebno smo ponosni na naš Erasmus+ kutak uljepšava nam školu a mi redovito na njemu objavljujemo nove radove vezane uz naš projekt


Istraživali smo narodne nošne Međimurja posebno nas je impresionirao tibet Zajedno smo sa učiteljicom likovnog Gabrielom Binder slikali te s kolažnom tehnikom ukrašavali tibet


U sklopu projektnih aktivnosti jedan od prvih zadataka bio je izrada logau natjecanju su sudjelovali svi razredi Pobijedio je tim učenica iz osmog razreda Magdalena Glavina Melisa Ciglarić Valentina Blažeka Ema Kovačić





Živahne stepenice portugalske škole

Ime školeAgrupamento de Escolas Irmaos PassosPortugalPortugal2701km(25 sati vožnje autom)

Portugal su posjetile učenice Magda Horvat i Nika Šupljika ravnateljica Sandra Vlahek učiteljica i koordinatorica projekta Ljerka Toplek i učiteljica Marta Novak Bratović

ps bilo nam je suuuuperrrr


Kakvi su vaši dojmovi o putovanju i PortugaluNIKA Bilo nam je lijepo zanimala nas je portugalska kultura Baš smo se lijepo proveleMAGDA To je bilo jedno predivno iskustvo u životu Puno smo razgledavali posjećivali različita mjesta u Portugalu i bilo je predivno

2Biste li ponovile iskustvoNIKA SvakakoMAGDA Vrlo vjerojatno da bih

3Kako ste se slagale s domaćinimaNIKA Bili su druželjubivi trudili su se da sve bude u reduMAGDA Bila sam si jako dobra s domaćinima Uvijek su htjeli da sve bude u redu i jako su se potrudili da se osjećam kao kod kuće

4Je li Portugal puno drukčiji od HrvatskeNIKA Pa ne razlikuje se toliko ali ima malo razlikaMAGDA Pa jako Zato što su oni jedan narod koji je puno otvoreniji i pristupačniji od nas Hrvata

5Kako se razlikuju škole

NIKA Škole su zapravo dosta sliče razlika je u veličini škola te održavanju nastaveMAGDA Škole su jedna potpuno drugačija priča U našoj se školi svi djelatnici škole trude da sve bude čisto uredno i da nas uče reda Kod njih to baš i nije zastupljeno jer učenici kada zazvoni za početak nastave još su uvijek vani bez papuča na mobitelima ili razgovaraju

6Kako ste se privikle na drukčiju kulturuMAGDA Prvih nekoliko dana bilo je vrlo čudno i neobično no nakon samo nekoliko dana smo se uklopile u njihovu kulturu i trudile se da budemo slične Portugalcima

7Opišite nam neki običaj iz Portugala koji vam se najviše sviđaMAGDA Najljepši događaj mi je kako se svi kod pozdravljanja poljube u obraz i grle Kada su nas prvi puta pozdravili i odmah nam dali pusu u obraz bilo nam je vrlo čudno i mislile smo da su poludjeli No zaključile smo da se svi Portugalci tako pozdravljaju

8Koji događaj vam je ostao u najboljem sjećanju

NIKA U najboljem sjećanju mi je ostalo kada smo posjetili plažuMAGDA Bilo je stvarno jako puno lijepih događaja no najdraži mi je ipak bio kad smo posjetile muzejSANDEMAN

Učenice 6razreda Magda Horvat i Nika Šupljika u sklopu projekta razmjene učenika koji provodi ERASMUS+ posjetile su Portugal Nekoliko dana provele su u domovima obitelji iz grada Porta Na putovanju naučile su puno toga o portugalskoj kulturi Evo što nam one imaju reći o svojim iskustvima

Posjet ldquoSandemanurdquoposebno nam se svidio zaštitni znak te međunarodno poznate vinarije

Posjet plažipredivan Atlantski ocean iza nasmalo nam je bilo hladnobrrrr





9Kako su se na Portugal priviknuli predstavnici drugih zemlja

MAGDA Iskreno rečeno mi to

ne znamo Na samom početku

dolaska u Portugal nismo se

družile s nikime no sredinom

tjedna smo se počele družiti sa

Španjolkama i Talijanima Nisu

nam ništa govorili kako su se

prviknuli no vjerujem da je i

njima bilo potrebno nekoliko

dana za prilagodbu

10Jeste li sklopile nova

prijateljstva (hoćete li s nekim

ostati u kontaktu)

NIKA Jesmo naravno ostat

ćemo u kontaktu s mnogo dragih


MAGDA Da naravno to je i

dio projekta Ostale smo u

kontaktu sa jednom nama dragom

Portugalkom Sarom te Španjolkama

Anom i Saritom

11Kako su ostali članovi

projekta reagirali na darove iz


NIKA Bili su oduševljeni

12Što biste vi poručile

djeci koja se kao što ste se i

vi spremaju na ovakvo


NIKA Poručila bi im da se

pripreme nije to mala stvar

ali tu nema potrebe bojati se

ili slično

MAGDA Svakako bih poručila

učenicima u ovoj školi da se

jako potrude te da zasluže to

putovanje jer je to jedno

predivno iskustvo koje se pamti

Neka se ovu školsku godinu svi

koji misle ići na putovanje

potrude najviše što mogu da mogu

sljedeće školske godine otići na

takvo putovanje

13Vaše osobno mišljenje o


NIKA Projekt jer vrlo

obrazovan pruža djeci priliku

za istraživanje drugih zemalja

njihovih kultura običajahellip

MAGDA Mislim da je to jedan

predivan projekt s puno čari i

posebnosti Treba jako puno

raditi i istraživati te

bilježiti sve što je u našoj

kulturi i običajima ali se

svaki trud isplati Zauzvrat

učenici sa svojim učiteljima odu

na jedno predivno i prekrasno

putovanje u jednu od država

članica tog projekta

14Ukratko nam opišite

program koji ste imali u


NIKA Pa svaki dan smo

posjetili 2-3 mjesta i bili tamo

cijeli dan proučavali smo

mjesta itdhellip

15Biste li vi voljele biti

domaćice djeci iz projekta

NIKA Naravno

MAGDA Svakako bih htjela

biti domaćin iako je to teško

zato što se mogu zbližiti i

bolje upoznati nekoga iz druge

zemlje te da naučim a možda čak

i primijenim nešto iz drugih

kultura običaja


Tradicionalnu portugalsku pekarukruh je bio odličan

Razgledale smo puno gradovamuzeja

Učile smo plesati tradicionalni ples

U najljepšem sjećanju su nam ipak ostali ljudi prijatelji za cijeli život


bdquoProučavanje različitih kultura oduvijek mi je bilo zanimljivo a

ovaj projekt kao da je stvoren za to To je projekt na svjetskoj

razini i zato nam je čast da kao tako mala škola imamo priliku

sudjelovati Smatram da projekt pruža puno mogućnosti kao što

su stjecanje novih prijateljstva učenje o drugoj kulturi

te naravno kao glavna nagrada putovanje u

jednu od zemlja partnerica Sviđa mi se što

se sa bi projekt mogao uspjeti u njega

moraju uključiti svi na svoj način tj

pomoću nečeg što im ide ili im se

sviđa Oduševila me i razmjena

pisma Upravo zahvaljujući njoj

mnogi naši učenici stekli su prijatelje

iz različitih stranih zemlja Projekt je

jedinstvena prilika za nas kao školu

ali i za svakog od nas pojedinačno

Stečeno znanje i iskustvo koristiti će nam

kasnije u životu Nadam se da će se naša škola

istaknuti u projektu iako za to treba puno truda te da

ću na sličnom projektu raditi i u srednjoj školildquo ndash Maria Žokalj


bdquoProjektom širimo svoje okvirne vidike na način da

upoznajemo kulturu i običaje zemalja partnera Ulažemo mnogo

truda kako bi projekt uspio Za mene a i ostale učenike ovaj

projekt je jedan veliki korak prema naprijedjer upravo ovako

istražujemo i učimo i ono najvažnije stičemo

nova prijateljstvaldquo ndash Melisa Ciglarić


bdquoOvaj projekt omogućuje nam

povezivanje i promatranje

kultura i običaja iz drugih

zemalja koje su isto tako

uključene u projekta ujedno i

u p o z n a v a n j e n a š e

kultureobičaja i tradicijaUpravo

na ovaj način proširujemo svoje

vidike i svoje znanje Bolje iskustvo

omogućuje nam razmjena učenika Svo

znanje i stečeno iskustvo koje nam je omogućio

ovaj projekt zauvijek ćemo pamtitia i koristiti će nam kasnije u

životuZa mene je ovaj projekt posebno životno iskustvote se

radujem daljnjem istraživanju bdquo ndash Ema Kovačić 8razred

RAZMJENA PISAMAPovodom projekta ERASMUS + učenici od 4razreda pa sve do 8razreda pisali su pisma svojim vršnjacima iz država koje također sudjeluju u projektu U pismima smo u nekoliko rečenica opisali sebe i svoju kulturu te smo naveli neke od svojih kontakta u nadi da će nam se javiti primatelji pisma Razmjena pisma prošla je više nego odlično Oduševljeni učenici kontaktirali su jedni druge već isti dan Autori pisma doista su uložili mnogo truda U nekim pismima nalazili su se čak i sitni darovi koji su nam svima izmamili osmijeh kao i fotografije pošiljatelja Saznali smo da s kolegama imamo puno zajedničkih interesa te se nadamo da će se naša suradnja upravo zbog toga nastavitiZašto aktivno sudjelujem u





From school life lessons in Ethnography Museum

Visit in Portugal interview with the principal Mr

Sławomir Ruciński our pupils and teachers at Portuguese

school Contests

art literary creating folk costumes folk costume show

bdquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo is the project that deals with cooperation between schools in learning tradition and folk culture But the most important is knowledge about our own culture history and tradition lsquoThe grass is always greener on the other sidersquo Thatrsquos why we visited Ehtnography Museum in Łoacutedź We learnt there about tradition and folk customs of Łęczycka Opoczyńska and Sieradzka Land We also saw permanent exhibition lsquoGrey as ground bright as memoryrdquo

We admired colourful folk costumes saw cottages and were amazed while watching farm tools and equipment We were on market in the field during harvest in smithy and on a folk wedding party We loved wedding dress and bridersquos dower After return we planned next actions connected with folk culture not only of our city but also other regions in Poland

Visit in Portugal

Portugal an European country situated in the West part of the South Europe on Iberian Peninsula The country includes the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira

Our friends from grade 5a ndash Marcel Chałaj and Konrad Poremski together with teacher Mrs Anna Sadowy and the principal Sławomir Ruciński visited school in Matosinhos in Portugal last week in November After coming back the principal said There was a meeting according to project Erasmus+ lsquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo that took place from 22 to 28 November 2015 in Custoias (Portugal) The aim of the visit was learning about Portuguese folk culture Participants of the meeting visited Schools Escola Basica de Custoias Escola Basica Irmaos Passsos and their exhibitions connected with the project and presenting Portuguese folk costumes school Escola da Lavra with Folk Museum presenting past life of Portuguese families their clothes houses kitchen and farm tools and a school from that time Clothes Museum in Viana do Costelo (regional folk costumes ndash work uniforms and outfits gold jewellery and carpet made from salt Craft Museum in Braga where we could see on our own eyes craftswomen work and talked with them

This meeting gave us chance to see cultural value and also opportunity to make new friends and visit many interesting places in Portugal Mrs Sadowy shared with her feelings - Our project was prepared for Erasmus+ programme

Porto - miasto wina żeglarzy złotych plaż i zabytkowych kamienic To tu w malowniczym Porto nad rzeką Duero od wiekoacutew wytwarza się najlepsze wino na świecie To roacutewnież tu urodził się znany podroacuteżnik - książę Henryk Żeglarz Wspoacutełczesne Porto dawniej skromna osada rybacka to - obok Lizbony - najważniejsze miasto handlowe Portugalii

Householders invited us for different kinds of shows presenting Portuguese folk culture We saw exhibition with farm tools household equipment home decorations and folk costumes from a certain region of the country We saw how a bread was baked in a traditional way and production of regional wine We were also shown embroidery factory and the Museum of folk costumes Polish children lived at Portuguese families They had a chance to observe everyday living conditions customs activities and peersrsquo games We ate traditional food What is interesting the main dish in a menu is fresh fish prepared in many ways The weather in Portugal was just great The sun not like in November beautiful flowers impressing huge palms magnificent citrus trees in blossom and the rough Atlantic Ocean We all came back to Poland contented rich in new experiences with broaden knowledge of Portuguese folk culture

One of elements in finding our tradition and culture were school excursions Our friends from younger grades visited the Gingerbread Museum in Toruń and open-air museumThey participated in meeting with ethnographer Other actions taken according to the project art contests - the projectsrsquo logo

1st place Ania Hasiura grade 6b - folk costumes

1st place Gabriela Goacuterka grade 6b literary contests A letter to a foreigner written in English Folk costumersquos description A contest for creating folk costume and its show Leaders of classes in a role of a model presented costumes made by themselves In the bright music procession we saw beautiful bright folk costumes of Italy Spain Portugal an other countries taking part in the project

Module 1

Folk costumes and material culture

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 5: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno





Živahne stepenice portugalske škole

Ime školeAgrupamento de Escolas Irmaos PassosPortugalPortugal2701km(25 sati vožnje autom)

Portugal su posjetile učenice Magda Horvat i Nika Šupljika ravnateljica Sandra Vlahek učiteljica i koordinatorica projekta Ljerka Toplek i učiteljica Marta Novak Bratović

ps bilo nam je suuuuperrrr


Kakvi su vaši dojmovi o putovanju i PortugaluNIKA Bilo nam je lijepo zanimala nas je portugalska kultura Baš smo se lijepo proveleMAGDA To je bilo jedno predivno iskustvo u životu Puno smo razgledavali posjećivali različita mjesta u Portugalu i bilo je predivno

2Biste li ponovile iskustvoNIKA SvakakoMAGDA Vrlo vjerojatno da bih

3Kako ste se slagale s domaćinimaNIKA Bili su druželjubivi trudili su se da sve bude u reduMAGDA Bila sam si jako dobra s domaćinima Uvijek su htjeli da sve bude u redu i jako su se potrudili da se osjećam kao kod kuće

4Je li Portugal puno drukčiji od HrvatskeNIKA Pa ne razlikuje se toliko ali ima malo razlikaMAGDA Pa jako Zato što su oni jedan narod koji je puno otvoreniji i pristupačniji od nas Hrvata

5Kako se razlikuju škole

NIKA Škole su zapravo dosta sliče razlika je u veličini škola te održavanju nastaveMAGDA Škole su jedna potpuno drugačija priča U našoj se školi svi djelatnici škole trude da sve bude čisto uredno i da nas uče reda Kod njih to baš i nije zastupljeno jer učenici kada zazvoni za početak nastave još su uvijek vani bez papuča na mobitelima ili razgovaraju

6Kako ste se privikle na drukčiju kulturuMAGDA Prvih nekoliko dana bilo je vrlo čudno i neobično no nakon samo nekoliko dana smo se uklopile u njihovu kulturu i trudile se da budemo slične Portugalcima

7Opišite nam neki običaj iz Portugala koji vam se najviše sviđaMAGDA Najljepši događaj mi je kako se svi kod pozdravljanja poljube u obraz i grle Kada su nas prvi puta pozdravili i odmah nam dali pusu u obraz bilo nam je vrlo čudno i mislile smo da su poludjeli No zaključile smo da se svi Portugalci tako pozdravljaju

8Koji događaj vam je ostao u najboljem sjećanju

NIKA U najboljem sjećanju mi je ostalo kada smo posjetili plažuMAGDA Bilo je stvarno jako puno lijepih događaja no najdraži mi je ipak bio kad smo posjetile muzejSANDEMAN

Učenice 6razreda Magda Horvat i Nika Šupljika u sklopu projekta razmjene učenika koji provodi ERASMUS+ posjetile su Portugal Nekoliko dana provele su u domovima obitelji iz grada Porta Na putovanju naučile su puno toga o portugalskoj kulturi Evo što nam one imaju reći o svojim iskustvima

Posjet ldquoSandemanurdquoposebno nam se svidio zaštitni znak te međunarodno poznate vinarije

Posjet plažipredivan Atlantski ocean iza nasmalo nam je bilo hladnobrrrr





9Kako su se na Portugal priviknuli predstavnici drugih zemlja

MAGDA Iskreno rečeno mi to

ne znamo Na samom početku

dolaska u Portugal nismo se

družile s nikime no sredinom

tjedna smo se počele družiti sa

Španjolkama i Talijanima Nisu

nam ništa govorili kako su se

prviknuli no vjerujem da je i

njima bilo potrebno nekoliko

dana za prilagodbu

10Jeste li sklopile nova

prijateljstva (hoćete li s nekim

ostati u kontaktu)

NIKA Jesmo naravno ostat

ćemo u kontaktu s mnogo dragih


MAGDA Da naravno to je i

dio projekta Ostale smo u

kontaktu sa jednom nama dragom

Portugalkom Sarom te Španjolkama

Anom i Saritom

11Kako su ostali članovi

projekta reagirali na darove iz


NIKA Bili su oduševljeni

12Što biste vi poručile

djeci koja se kao što ste se i

vi spremaju na ovakvo


NIKA Poručila bi im da se

pripreme nije to mala stvar

ali tu nema potrebe bojati se

ili slično

MAGDA Svakako bih poručila

učenicima u ovoj školi da se

jako potrude te da zasluže to

putovanje jer je to jedno

predivno iskustvo koje se pamti

Neka se ovu školsku godinu svi

koji misle ići na putovanje

potrude najviše što mogu da mogu

sljedeće školske godine otići na

takvo putovanje

13Vaše osobno mišljenje o


NIKA Projekt jer vrlo

obrazovan pruža djeci priliku

za istraživanje drugih zemalja

njihovih kultura običajahellip

MAGDA Mislim da je to jedan

predivan projekt s puno čari i

posebnosti Treba jako puno

raditi i istraživati te

bilježiti sve što je u našoj

kulturi i običajima ali se

svaki trud isplati Zauzvrat

učenici sa svojim učiteljima odu

na jedno predivno i prekrasno

putovanje u jednu od država

članica tog projekta

14Ukratko nam opišite

program koji ste imali u


NIKA Pa svaki dan smo

posjetili 2-3 mjesta i bili tamo

cijeli dan proučavali smo

mjesta itdhellip

15Biste li vi voljele biti

domaćice djeci iz projekta

NIKA Naravno

MAGDA Svakako bih htjela

biti domaćin iako je to teško

zato što se mogu zbližiti i

bolje upoznati nekoga iz druge

zemlje te da naučim a možda čak

i primijenim nešto iz drugih

kultura običaja


Tradicionalnu portugalsku pekarukruh je bio odličan

Razgledale smo puno gradovamuzeja

Učile smo plesati tradicionalni ples

U najljepšem sjećanju su nam ipak ostali ljudi prijatelji za cijeli život


bdquoProučavanje različitih kultura oduvijek mi je bilo zanimljivo a

ovaj projekt kao da je stvoren za to To je projekt na svjetskoj

razini i zato nam je čast da kao tako mala škola imamo priliku

sudjelovati Smatram da projekt pruža puno mogućnosti kao što

su stjecanje novih prijateljstva učenje o drugoj kulturi

te naravno kao glavna nagrada putovanje u

jednu od zemlja partnerica Sviđa mi se što

se sa bi projekt mogao uspjeti u njega

moraju uključiti svi na svoj način tj

pomoću nečeg što im ide ili im se

sviđa Oduševila me i razmjena

pisma Upravo zahvaljujući njoj

mnogi naši učenici stekli su prijatelje

iz različitih stranih zemlja Projekt je

jedinstvena prilika za nas kao školu

ali i za svakog od nas pojedinačno

Stečeno znanje i iskustvo koristiti će nam

kasnije u životu Nadam se da će se naša škola

istaknuti u projektu iako za to treba puno truda te da

ću na sličnom projektu raditi i u srednjoj školildquo ndash Maria Žokalj


bdquoProjektom širimo svoje okvirne vidike na način da

upoznajemo kulturu i običaje zemalja partnera Ulažemo mnogo

truda kako bi projekt uspio Za mene a i ostale učenike ovaj

projekt je jedan veliki korak prema naprijedjer upravo ovako

istražujemo i učimo i ono najvažnije stičemo

nova prijateljstvaldquo ndash Melisa Ciglarić


bdquoOvaj projekt omogućuje nam

povezivanje i promatranje

kultura i običaja iz drugih

zemalja koje su isto tako

uključene u projekta ujedno i

u p o z n a v a n j e n a š e

kultureobičaja i tradicijaUpravo

na ovaj način proširujemo svoje

vidike i svoje znanje Bolje iskustvo

omogućuje nam razmjena učenika Svo

znanje i stečeno iskustvo koje nam je omogućio

ovaj projekt zauvijek ćemo pamtitia i koristiti će nam kasnije u

životuZa mene je ovaj projekt posebno životno iskustvote se

radujem daljnjem istraživanju bdquo ndash Ema Kovačić 8razred

RAZMJENA PISAMAPovodom projekta ERASMUS + učenici od 4razreda pa sve do 8razreda pisali su pisma svojim vršnjacima iz država koje također sudjeluju u projektu U pismima smo u nekoliko rečenica opisali sebe i svoju kulturu te smo naveli neke od svojih kontakta u nadi da će nam se javiti primatelji pisma Razmjena pisma prošla je više nego odlično Oduševljeni učenici kontaktirali su jedni druge već isti dan Autori pisma doista su uložili mnogo truda U nekim pismima nalazili su se čak i sitni darovi koji su nam svima izmamili osmijeh kao i fotografije pošiljatelja Saznali smo da s kolegama imamo puno zajedničkih interesa te se nadamo da će se naša suradnja upravo zbog toga nastavitiZašto aktivno sudjelujem u





From school life lessons in Ethnography Museum

Visit in Portugal interview with the principal Mr

Sławomir Ruciński our pupils and teachers at Portuguese

school Contests

art literary creating folk costumes folk costume show

bdquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo is the project that deals with cooperation between schools in learning tradition and folk culture But the most important is knowledge about our own culture history and tradition lsquoThe grass is always greener on the other sidersquo Thatrsquos why we visited Ehtnography Museum in Łoacutedź We learnt there about tradition and folk customs of Łęczycka Opoczyńska and Sieradzka Land We also saw permanent exhibition lsquoGrey as ground bright as memoryrdquo

We admired colourful folk costumes saw cottages and were amazed while watching farm tools and equipment We were on market in the field during harvest in smithy and on a folk wedding party We loved wedding dress and bridersquos dower After return we planned next actions connected with folk culture not only of our city but also other regions in Poland

Visit in Portugal

Portugal an European country situated in the West part of the South Europe on Iberian Peninsula The country includes the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira

Our friends from grade 5a ndash Marcel Chałaj and Konrad Poremski together with teacher Mrs Anna Sadowy and the principal Sławomir Ruciński visited school in Matosinhos in Portugal last week in November After coming back the principal said There was a meeting according to project Erasmus+ lsquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo that took place from 22 to 28 November 2015 in Custoias (Portugal) The aim of the visit was learning about Portuguese folk culture Participants of the meeting visited Schools Escola Basica de Custoias Escola Basica Irmaos Passsos and their exhibitions connected with the project and presenting Portuguese folk costumes school Escola da Lavra with Folk Museum presenting past life of Portuguese families their clothes houses kitchen and farm tools and a school from that time Clothes Museum in Viana do Costelo (regional folk costumes ndash work uniforms and outfits gold jewellery and carpet made from salt Craft Museum in Braga where we could see on our own eyes craftswomen work and talked with them

This meeting gave us chance to see cultural value and also opportunity to make new friends and visit many interesting places in Portugal Mrs Sadowy shared with her feelings - Our project was prepared for Erasmus+ programme

Porto - miasto wina żeglarzy złotych plaż i zabytkowych kamienic To tu w malowniczym Porto nad rzeką Duero od wiekoacutew wytwarza się najlepsze wino na świecie To roacutewnież tu urodził się znany podroacuteżnik - książę Henryk Żeglarz Wspoacutełczesne Porto dawniej skromna osada rybacka to - obok Lizbony - najważniejsze miasto handlowe Portugalii

Householders invited us for different kinds of shows presenting Portuguese folk culture We saw exhibition with farm tools household equipment home decorations and folk costumes from a certain region of the country We saw how a bread was baked in a traditional way and production of regional wine We were also shown embroidery factory and the Museum of folk costumes Polish children lived at Portuguese families They had a chance to observe everyday living conditions customs activities and peersrsquo games We ate traditional food What is interesting the main dish in a menu is fresh fish prepared in many ways The weather in Portugal was just great The sun not like in November beautiful flowers impressing huge palms magnificent citrus trees in blossom and the rough Atlantic Ocean We all came back to Poland contented rich in new experiences with broaden knowledge of Portuguese folk culture

One of elements in finding our tradition and culture were school excursions Our friends from younger grades visited the Gingerbread Museum in Toruń and open-air museumThey participated in meeting with ethnographer Other actions taken according to the project art contests - the projectsrsquo logo

1st place Ania Hasiura grade 6b - folk costumes

1st place Gabriela Goacuterka grade 6b literary contests A letter to a foreigner written in English Folk costumersquos description A contest for creating folk costume and its show Leaders of classes in a role of a model presented costumes made by themselves In the bright music procession we saw beautiful bright folk costumes of Italy Spain Portugal an other countries taking part in the project

Module 1

Folk costumes and material culture

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 6: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno


Kakvi su vaši dojmovi o putovanju i PortugaluNIKA Bilo nam je lijepo zanimala nas je portugalska kultura Baš smo se lijepo proveleMAGDA To je bilo jedno predivno iskustvo u životu Puno smo razgledavali posjećivali različita mjesta u Portugalu i bilo je predivno

2Biste li ponovile iskustvoNIKA SvakakoMAGDA Vrlo vjerojatno da bih

3Kako ste se slagale s domaćinimaNIKA Bili su druželjubivi trudili su se da sve bude u reduMAGDA Bila sam si jako dobra s domaćinima Uvijek su htjeli da sve bude u redu i jako su se potrudili da se osjećam kao kod kuće

4Je li Portugal puno drukčiji od HrvatskeNIKA Pa ne razlikuje se toliko ali ima malo razlikaMAGDA Pa jako Zato što su oni jedan narod koji je puno otvoreniji i pristupačniji od nas Hrvata

5Kako se razlikuju škole

NIKA Škole su zapravo dosta sliče razlika je u veličini škola te održavanju nastaveMAGDA Škole su jedna potpuno drugačija priča U našoj se školi svi djelatnici škole trude da sve bude čisto uredno i da nas uče reda Kod njih to baš i nije zastupljeno jer učenici kada zazvoni za početak nastave još su uvijek vani bez papuča na mobitelima ili razgovaraju

6Kako ste se privikle na drukčiju kulturuMAGDA Prvih nekoliko dana bilo je vrlo čudno i neobično no nakon samo nekoliko dana smo se uklopile u njihovu kulturu i trudile se da budemo slične Portugalcima

7Opišite nam neki običaj iz Portugala koji vam se najviše sviđaMAGDA Najljepši događaj mi je kako se svi kod pozdravljanja poljube u obraz i grle Kada su nas prvi puta pozdravili i odmah nam dali pusu u obraz bilo nam je vrlo čudno i mislile smo da su poludjeli No zaključile smo da se svi Portugalci tako pozdravljaju

8Koji događaj vam je ostao u najboljem sjećanju

NIKA U najboljem sjećanju mi je ostalo kada smo posjetili plažuMAGDA Bilo je stvarno jako puno lijepih događaja no najdraži mi je ipak bio kad smo posjetile muzejSANDEMAN

Učenice 6razreda Magda Horvat i Nika Šupljika u sklopu projekta razmjene učenika koji provodi ERASMUS+ posjetile su Portugal Nekoliko dana provele su u domovima obitelji iz grada Porta Na putovanju naučile su puno toga o portugalskoj kulturi Evo što nam one imaju reći o svojim iskustvima

Posjet ldquoSandemanurdquoposebno nam se svidio zaštitni znak te međunarodno poznate vinarije

Posjet plažipredivan Atlantski ocean iza nasmalo nam je bilo hladnobrrrr





9Kako su se na Portugal priviknuli predstavnici drugih zemlja

MAGDA Iskreno rečeno mi to

ne znamo Na samom početku

dolaska u Portugal nismo se

družile s nikime no sredinom

tjedna smo se počele družiti sa

Španjolkama i Talijanima Nisu

nam ništa govorili kako su se

prviknuli no vjerujem da je i

njima bilo potrebno nekoliko

dana za prilagodbu

10Jeste li sklopile nova

prijateljstva (hoćete li s nekim

ostati u kontaktu)

NIKA Jesmo naravno ostat

ćemo u kontaktu s mnogo dragih


MAGDA Da naravno to je i

dio projekta Ostale smo u

kontaktu sa jednom nama dragom

Portugalkom Sarom te Španjolkama

Anom i Saritom

11Kako su ostali članovi

projekta reagirali na darove iz


NIKA Bili su oduševljeni

12Što biste vi poručile

djeci koja se kao što ste se i

vi spremaju na ovakvo


NIKA Poručila bi im da se

pripreme nije to mala stvar

ali tu nema potrebe bojati se

ili slično

MAGDA Svakako bih poručila

učenicima u ovoj školi da se

jako potrude te da zasluže to

putovanje jer je to jedno

predivno iskustvo koje se pamti

Neka se ovu školsku godinu svi

koji misle ići na putovanje

potrude najviše što mogu da mogu

sljedeće školske godine otići na

takvo putovanje

13Vaše osobno mišljenje o


NIKA Projekt jer vrlo

obrazovan pruža djeci priliku

za istraživanje drugih zemalja

njihovih kultura običajahellip

MAGDA Mislim da je to jedan

predivan projekt s puno čari i

posebnosti Treba jako puno

raditi i istraživati te

bilježiti sve što je u našoj

kulturi i običajima ali se

svaki trud isplati Zauzvrat

učenici sa svojim učiteljima odu

na jedno predivno i prekrasno

putovanje u jednu od država

članica tog projekta

14Ukratko nam opišite

program koji ste imali u


NIKA Pa svaki dan smo

posjetili 2-3 mjesta i bili tamo

cijeli dan proučavali smo

mjesta itdhellip

15Biste li vi voljele biti

domaćice djeci iz projekta

NIKA Naravno

MAGDA Svakako bih htjela

biti domaćin iako je to teško

zato što se mogu zbližiti i

bolje upoznati nekoga iz druge

zemlje te da naučim a možda čak

i primijenim nešto iz drugih

kultura običaja


Tradicionalnu portugalsku pekarukruh je bio odličan

Razgledale smo puno gradovamuzeja

Učile smo plesati tradicionalni ples

U najljepšem sjećanju su nam ipak ostali ljudi prijatelji za cijeli život


bdquoProučavanje različitih kultura oduvijek mi je bilo zanimljivo a

ovaj projekt kao da je stvoren za to To je projekt na svjetskoj

razini i zato nam je čast da kao tako mala škola imamo priliku

sudjelovati Smatram da projekt pruža puno mogućnosti kao što

su stjecanje novih prijateljstva učenje o drugoj kulturi

te naravno kao glavna nagrada putovanje u

jednu od zemlja partnerica Sviđa mi se što

se sa bi projekt mogao uspjeti u njega

moraju uključiti svi na svoj način tj

pomoću nečeg što im ide ili im se

sviđa Oduševila me i razmjena

pisma Upravo zahvaljujući njoj

mnogi naši učenici stekli su prijatelje

iz različitih stranih zemlja Projekt je

jedinstvena prilika za nas kao školu

ali i za svakog od nas pojedinačno

Stečeno znanje i iskustvo koristiti će nam

kasnije u životu Nadam se da će se naša škola

istaknuti u projektu iako za to treba puno truda te da

ću na sličnom projektu raditi i u srednjoj školildquo ndash Maria Žokalj


bdquoProjektom širimo svoje okvirne vidike na način da

upoznajemo kulturu i običaje zemalja partnera Ulažemo mnogo

truda kako bi projekt uspio Za mene a i ostale učenike ovaj

projekt je jedan veliki korak prema naprijedjer upravo ovako

istražujemo i učimo i ono najvažnije stičemo

nova prijateljstvaldquo ndash Melisa Ciglarić


bdquoOvaj projekt omogućuje nam

povezivanje i promatranje

kultura i običaja iz drugih

zemalja koje su isto tako

uključene u projekta ujedno i

u p o z n a v a n j e n a š e

kultureobičaja i tradicijaUpravo

na ovaj način proširujemo svoje

vidike i svoje znanje Bolje iskustvo

omogućuje nam razmjena učenika Svo

znanje i stečeno iskustvo koje nam je omogućio

ovaj projekt zauvijek ćemo pamtitia i koristiti će nam kasnije u

životuZa mene je ovaj projekt posebno životno iskustvote se

radujem daljnjem istraživanju bdquo ndash Ema Kovačić 8razred

RAZMJENA PISAMAPovodom projekta ERASMUS + učenici od 4razreda pa sve do 8razreda pisali su pisma svojim vršnjacima iz država koje također sudjeluju u projektu U pismima smo u nekoliko rečenica opisali sebe i svoju kulturu te smo naveli neke od svojih kontakta u nadi da će nam se javiti primatelji pisma Razmjena pisma prošla je više nego odlično Oduševljeni učenici kontaktirali su jedni druge već isti dan Autori pisma doista su uložili mnogo truda U nekim pismima nalazili su se čak i sitni darovi koji su nam svima izmamili osmijeh kao i fotografije pošiljatelja Saznali smo da s kolegama imamo puno zajedničkih interesa te se nadamo da će se naša suradnja upravo zbog toga nastavitiZašto aktivno sudjelujem u





From school life lessons in Ethnography Museum

Visit in Portugal interview with the principal Mr

Sławomir Ruciński our pupils and teachers at Portuguese

school Contests

art literary creating folk costumes folk costume show

bdquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo is the project that deals with cooperation between schools in learning tradition and folk culture But the most important is knowledge about our own culture history and tradition lsquoThe grass is always greener on the other sidersquo Thatrsquos why we visited Ehtnography Museum in Łoacutedź We learnt there about tradition and folk customs of Łęczycka Opoczyńska and Sieradzka Land We also saw permanent exhibition lsquoGrey as ground bright as memoryrdquo

We admired colourful folk costumes saw cottages and were amazed while watching farm tools and equipment We were on market in the field during harvest in smithy and on a folk wedding party We loved wedding dress and bridersquos dower After return we planned next actions connected with folk culture not only of our city but also other regions in Poland

Visit in Portugal

Portugal an European country situated in the West part of the South Europe on Iberian Peninsula The country includes the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira

Our friends from grade 5a ndash Marcel Chałaj and Konrad Poremski together with teacher Mrs Anna Sadowy and the principal Sławomir Ruciński visited school in Matosinhos in Portugal last week in November After coming back the principal said There was a meeting according to project Erasmus+ lsquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo that took place from 22 to 28 November 2015 in Custoias (Portugal) The aim of the visit was learning about Portuguese folk culture Participants of the meeting visited Schools Escola Basica de Custoias Escola Basica Irmaos Passsos and their exhibitions connected with the project and presenting Portuguese folk costumes school Escola da Lavra with Folk Museum presenting past life of Portuguese families their clothes houses kitchen and farm tools and a school from that time Clothes Museum in Viana do Costelo (regional folk costumes ndash work uniforms and outfits gold jewellery and carpet made from salt Craft Museum in Braga where we could see on our own eyes craftswomen work and talked with them

This meeting gave us chance to see cultural value and also opportunity to make new friends and visit many interesting places in Portugal Mrs Sadowy shared with her feelings - Our project was prepared for Erasmus+ programme

Porto - miasto wina żeglarzy złotych plaż i zabytkowych kamienic To tu w malowniczym Porto nad rzeką Duero od wiekoacutew wytwarza się najlepsze wino na świecie To roacutewnież tu urodził się znany podroacuteżnik - książę Henryk Żeglarz Wspoacutełczesne Porto dawniej skromna osada rybacka to - obok Lizbony - najważniejsze miasto handlowe Portugalii

Householders invited us for different kinds of shows presenting Portuguese folk culture We saw exhibition with farm tools household equipment home decorations and folk costumes from a certain region of the country We saw how a bread was baked in a traditional way and production of regional wine We were also shown embroidery factory and the Museum of folk costumes Polish children lived at Portuguese families They had a chance to observe everyday living conditions customs activities and peersrsquo games We ate traditional food What is interesting the main dish in a menu is fresh fish prepared in many ways The weather in Portugal was just great The sun not like in November beautiful flowers impressing huge palms magnificent citrus trees in blossom and the rough Atlantic Ocean We all came back to Poland contented rich in new experiences with broaden knowledge of Portuguese folk culture

One of elements in finding our tradition and culture were school excursions Our friends from younger grades visited the Gingerbread Museum in Toruń and open-air museumThey participated in meeting with ethnographer Other actions taken according to the project art contests - the projectsrsquo logo

1st place Ania Hasiura grade 6b - folk costumes

1st place Gabriela Goacuterka grade 6b literary contests A letter to a foreigner written in English Folk costumersquos description A contest for creating folk costume and its show Leaders of classes in a role of a model presented costumes made by themselves In the bright music procession we saw beautiful bright folk costumes of Italy Spain Portugal an other countries taking part in the project

Module 1

Folk costumes and material culture

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 7: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno


9Kako su se na Portugal priviknuli predstavnici drugih zemlja

MAGDA Iskreno rečeno mi to

ne znamo Na samom početku

dolaska u Portugal nismo se

družile s nikime no sredinom

tjedna smo se počele družiti sa

Španjolkama i Talijanima Nisu

nam ništa govorili kako su se

prviknuli no vjerujem da je i

njima bilo potrebno nekoliko

dana za prilagodbu

10Jeste li sklopile nova

prijateljstva (hoćete li s nekim

ostati u kontaktu)

NIKA Jesmo naravno ostat

ćemo u kontaktu s mnogo dragih


MAGDA Da naravno to je i

dio projekta Ostale smo u

kontaktu sa jednom nama dragom

Portugalkom Sarom te Španjolkama

Anom i Saritom

11Kako su ostali članovi

projekta reagirali na darove iz


NIKA Bili su oduševljeni

12Što biste vi poručile

djeci koja se kao što ste se i

vi spremaju na ovakvo


NIKA Poručila bi im da se

pripreme nije to mala stvar

ali tu nema potrebe bojati se

ili slično

MAGDA Svakako bih poručila

učenicima u ovoj školi da se

jako potrude te da zasluže to

putovanje jer je to jedno

predivno iskustvo koje se pamti

Neka se ovu školsku godinu svi

koji misle ići na putovanje

potrude najviše što mogu da mogu

sljedeće školske godine otići na

takvo putovanje

13Vaše osobno mišljenje o


NIKA Projekt jer vrlo

obrazovan pruža djeci priliku

za istraživanje drugih zemalja

njihovih kultura običajahellip

MAGDA Mislim da je to jedan

predivan projekt s puno čari i

posebnosti Treba jako puno

raditi i istraživati te

bilježiti sve što je u našoj

kulturi i običajima ali se

svaki trud isplati Zauzvrat

učenici sa svojim učiteljima odu

na jedno predivno i prekrasno

putovanje u jednu od država

članica tog projekta

14Ukratko nam opišite

program koji ste imali u


NIKA Pa svaki dan smo

posjetili 2-3 mjesta i bili tamo

cijeli dan proučavali smo

mjesta itdhellip

15Biste li vi voljele biti

domaćice djeci iz projekta

NIKA Naravno

MAGDA Svakako bih htjela

biti domaćin iako je to teško

zato što se mogu zbližiti i

bolje upoznati nekoga iz druge

zemlje te da naučim a možda čak

i primijenim nešto iz drugih

kultura običaja


Tradicionalnu portugalsku pekarukruh je bio odličan

Razgledale smo puno gradovamuzeja

Učile smo plesati tradicionalni ples

U najljepšem sjećanju su nam ipak ostali ljudi prijatelji za cijeli život


bdquoProučavanje različitih kultura oduvijek mi je bilo zanimljivo a

ovaj projekt kao da je stvoren za to To je projekt na svjetskoj

razini i zato nam je čast da kao tako mala škola imamo priliku

sudjelovati Smatram da projekt pruža puno mogućnosti kao što

su stjecanje novih prijateljstva učenje o drugoj kulturi

te naravno kao glavna nagrada putovanje u

jednu od zemlja partnerica Sviđa mi se što

se sa bi projekt mogao uspjeti u njega

moraju uključiti svi na svoj način tj

pomoću nečeg što im ide ili im se

sviđa Oduševila me i razmjena

pisma Upravo zahvaljujući njoj

mnogi naši učenici stekli su prijatelje

iz različitih stranih zemlja Projekt je

jedinstvena prilika za nas kao školu

ali i za svakog od nas pojedinačno

Stečeno znanje i iskustvo koristiti će nam

kasnije u životu Nadam se da će se naša škola

istaknuti u projektu iako za to treba puno truda te da

ću na sličnom projektu raditi i u srednjoj školildquo ndash Maria Žokalj


bdquoProjektom širimo svoje okvirne vidike na način da

upoznajemo kulturu i običaje zemalja partnera Ulažemo mnogo

truda kako bi projekt uspio Za mene a i ostale učenike ovaj

projekt je jedan veliki korak prema naprijedjer upravo ovako

istražujemo i učimo i ono najvažnije stičemo

nova prijateljstvaldquo ndash Melisa Ciglarić


bdquoOvaj projekt omogućuje nam

povezivanje i promatranje

kultura i običaja iz drugih

zemalja koje su isto tako

uključene u projekta ujedno i

u p o z n a v a n j e n a š e

kultureobičaja i tradicijaUpravo

na ovaj način proširujemo svoje

vidike i svoje znanje Bolje iskustvo

omogućuje nam razmjena učenika Svo

znanje i stečeno iskustvo koje nam je omogućio

ovaj projekt zauvijek ćemo pamtitia i koristiti će nam kasnije u

životuZa mene je ovaj projekt posebno životno iskustvote se

radujem daljnjem istraživanju bdquo ndash Ema Kovačić 8razred

RAZMJENA PISAMAPovodom projekta ERASMUS + učenici od 4razreda pa sve do 8razreda pisali su pisma svojim vršnjacima iz država koje također sudjeluju u projektu U pismima smo u nekoliko rečenica opisali sebe i svoju kulturu te smo naveli neke od svojih kontakta u nadi da će nam se javiti primatelji pisma Razmjena pisma prošla je više nego odlično Oduševljeni učenici kontaktirali su jedni druge već isti dan Autori pisma doista su uložili mnogo truda U nekim pismima nalazili su se čak i sitni darovi koji su nam svima izmamili osmijeh kao i fotografije pošiljatelja Saznali smo da s kolegama imamo puno zajedničkih interesa te se nadamo da će se naša suradnja upravo zbog toga nastavitiZašto aktivno sudjelujem u





From school life lessons in Ethnography Museum

Visit in Portugal interview with the principal Mr

Sławomir Ruciński our pupils and teachers at Portuguese

school Contests

art literary creating folk costumes folk costume show

bdquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo is the project that deals with cooperation between schools in learning tradition and folk culture But the most important is knowledge about our own culture history and tradition lsquoThe grass is always greener on the other sidersquo Thatrsquos why we visited Ehtnography Museum in Łoacutedź We learnt there about tradition and folk customs of Łęczycka Opoczyńska and Sieradzka Land We also saw permanent exhibition lsquoGrey as ground bright as memoryrdquo

We admired colourful folk costumes saw cottages and were amazed while watching farm tools and equipment We were on market in the field during harvest in smithy and on a folk wedding party We loved wedding dress and bridersquos dower After return we planned next actions connected with folk culture not only of our city but also other regions in Poland

Visit in Portugal

Portugal an European country situated in the West part of the South Europe on Iberian Peninsula The country includes the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira

Our friends from grade 5a ndash Marcel Chałaj and Konrad Poremski together with teacher Mrs Anna Sadowy and the principal Sławomir Ruciński visited school in Matosinhos in Portugal last week in November After coming back the principal said There was a meeting according to project Erasmus+ lsquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo that took place from 22 to 28 November 2015 in Custoias (Portugal) The aim of the visit was learning about Portuguese folk culture Participants of the meeting visited Schools Escola Basica de Custoias Escola Basica Irmaos Passsos and their exhibitions connected with the project and presenting Portuguese folk costumes school Escola da Lavra with Folk Museum presenting past life of Portuguese families their clothes houses kitchen and farm tools and a school from that time Clothes Museum in Viana do Costelo (regional folk costumes ndash work uniforms and outfits gold jewellery and carpet made from salt Craft Museum in Braga where we could see on our own eyes craftswomen work and talked with them

This meeting gave us chance to see cultural value and also opportunity to make new friends and visit many interesting places in Portugal Mrs Sadowy shared with her feelings - Our project was prepared for Erasmus+ programme

Porto - miasto wina żeglarzy złotych plaż i zabytkowych kamienic To tu w malowniczym Porto nad rzeką Duero od wiekoacutew wytwarza się najlepsze wino na świecie To roacutewnież tu urodził się znany podroacuteżnik - książę Henryk Żeglarz Wspoacutełczesne Porto dawniej skromna osada rybacka to - obok Lizbony - najważniejsze miasto handlowe Portugalii

Householders invited us for different kinds of shows presenting Portuguese folk culture We saw exhibition with farm tools household equipment home decorations and folk costumes from a certain region of the country We saw how a bread was baked in a traditional way and production of regional wine We were also shown embroidery factory and the Museum of folk costumes Polish children lived at Portuguese families They had a chance to observe everyday living conditions customs activities and peersrsquo games We ate traditional food What is interesting the main dish in a menu is fresh fish prepared in many ways The weather in Portugal was just great The sun not like in November beautiful flowers impressing huge palms magnificent citrus trees in blossom and the rough Atlantic Ocean We all came back to Poland contented rich in new experiences with broaden knowledge of Portuguese folk culture

One of elements in finding our tradition and culture were school excursions Our friends from younger grades visited the Gingerbread Museum in Toruń and open-air museumThey participated in meeting with ethnographer Other actions taken according to the project art contests - the projectsrsquo logo

1st place Ania Hasiura grade 6b - folk costumes

1st place Gabriela Goacuterka grade 6b literary contests A letter to a foreigner written in English Folk costumersquos description A contest for creating folk costume and its show Leaders of classes in a role of a model presented costumes made by themselves In the bright music procession we saw beautiful bright folk costumes of Italy Spain Portugal an other countries taking part in the project

Module 1

Folk costumes and material culture

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 8: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno


bdquoProučavanje različitih kultura oduvijek mi je bilo zanimljivo a

ovaj projekt kao da je stvoren za to To je projekt na svjetskoj

razini i zato nam je čast da kao tako mala škola imamo priliku

sudjelovati Smatram da projekt pruža puno mogućnosti kao što

su stjecanje novih prijateljstva učenje o drugoj kulturi

te naravno kao glavna nagrada putovanje u

jednu od zemlja partnerica Sviđa mi se što

se sa bi projekt mogao uspjeti u njega

moraju uključiti svi na svoj način tj

pomoću nečeg što im ide ili im se

sviđa Oduševila me i razmjena

pisma Upravo zahvaljujući njoj

mnogi naši učenici stekli su prijatelje

iz različitih stranih zemlja Projekt je

jedinstvena prilika za nas kao školu

ali i za svakog od nas pojedinačno

Stečeno znanje i iskustvo koristiti će nam

kasnije u životu Nadam se da će se naša škola

istaknuti u projektu iako za to treba puno truda te da

ću na sličnom projektu raditi i u srednjoj školildquo ndash Maria Žokalj


bdquoProjektom širimo svoje okvirne vidike na način da

upoznajemo kulturu i običaje zemalja partnera Ulažemo mnogo

truda kako bi projekt uspio Za mene a i ostale učenike ovaj

projekt je jedan veliki korak prema naprijedjer upravo ovako

istražujemo i učimo i ono najvažnije stičemo

nova prijateljstvaldquo ndash Melisa Ciglarić


bdquoOvaj projekt omogućuje nam

povezivanje i promatranje

kultura i običaja iz drugih

zemalja koje su isto tako

uključene u projekta ujedno i

u p o z n a v a n j e n a š e

kultureobičaja i tradicijaUpravo

na ovaj način proširujemo svoje

vidike i svoje znanje Bolje iskustvo

omogućuje nam razmjena učenika Svo

znanje i stečeno iskustvo koje nam je omogućio

ovaj projekt zauvijek ćemo pamtitia i koristiti će nam kasnije u

životuZa mene je ovaj projekt posebno životno iskustvote se

radujem daljnjem istraživanju bdquo ndash Ema Kovačić 8razred

RAZMJENA PISAMAPovodom projekta ERASMUS + učenici od 4razreda pa sve do 8razreda pisali su pisma svojim vršnjacima iz država koje također sudjeluju u projektu U pismima smo u nekoliko rečenica opisali sebe i svoju kulturu te smo naveli neke od svojih kontakta u nadi da će nam se javiti primatelji pisma Razmjena pisma prošla je više nego odlično Oduševljeni učenici kontaktirali su jedni druge već isti dan Autori pisma doista su uložili mnogo truda U nekim pismima nalazili su se čak i sitni darovi koji su nam svima izmamili osmijeh kao i fotografije pošiljatelja Saznali smo da s kolegama imamo puno zajedničkih interesa te se nadamo da će se naša suradnja upravo zbog toga nastavitiZašto aktivno sudjelujem u





From school life lessons in Ethnography Museum

Visit in Portugal interview with the principal Mr

Sławomir Ruciński our pupils and teachers at Portuguese

school Contests

art literary creating folk costumes folk costume show

bdquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo is the project that deals with cooperation between schools in learning tradition and folk culture But the most important is knowledge about our own culture history and tradition lsquoThe grass is always greener on the other sidersquo Thatrsquos why we visited Ehtnography Museum in Łoacutedź We learnt there about tradition and folk customs of Łęczycka Opoczyńska and Sieradzka Land We also saw permanent exhibition lsquoGrey as ground bright as memoryrdquo

We admired colourful folk costumes saw cottages and were amazed while watching farm tools and equipment We were on market in the field during harvest in smithy and on a folk wedding party We loved wedding dress and bridersquos dower After return we planned next actions connected with folk culture not only of our city but also other regions in Poland

Visit in Portugal

Portugal an European country situated in the West part of the South Europe on Iberian Peninsula The country includes the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira

Our friends from grade 5a ndash Marcel Chałaj and Konrad Poremski together with teacher Mrs Anna Sadowy and the principal Sławomir Ruciński visited school in Matosinhos in Portugal last week in November After coming back the principal said There was a meeting according to project Erasmus+ lsquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo that took place from 22 to 28 November 2015 in Custoias (Portugal) The aim of the visit was learning about Portuguese folk culture Participants of the meeting visited Schools Escola Basica de Custoias Escola Basica Irmaos Passsos and their exhibitions connected with the project and presenting Portuguese folk costumes school Escola da Lavra with Folk Museum presenting past life of Portuguese families their clothes houses kitchen and farm tools and a school from that time Clothes Museum in Viana do Costelo (regional folk costumes ndash work uniforms and outfits gold jewellery and carpet made from salt Craft Museum in Braga where we could see on our own eyes craftswomen work and talked with them

This meeting gave us chance to see cultural value and also opportunity to make new friends and visit many interesting places in Portugal Mrs Sadowy shared with her feelings - Our project was prepared for Erasmus+ programme

Porto - miasto wina żeglarzy złotych plaż i zabytkowych kamienic To tu w malowniczym Porto nad rzeką Duero od wiekoacutew wytwarza się najlepsze wino na świecie To roacutewnież tu urodził się znany podroacuteżnik - książę Henryk Żeglarz Wspoacutełczesne Porto dawniej skromna osada rybacka to - obok Lizbony - najważniejsze miasto handlowe Portugalii

Householders invited us for different kinds of shows presenting Portuguese folk culture We saw exhibition with farm tools household equipment home decorations and folk costumes from a certain region of the country We saw how a bread was baked in a traditional way and production of regional wine We were also shown embroidery factory and the Museum of folk costumes Polish children lived at Portuguese families They had a chance to observe everyday living conditions customs activities and peersrsquo games We ate traditional food What is interesting the main dish in a menu is fresh fish prepared in many ways The weather in Portugal was just great The sun not like in November beautiful flowers impressing huge palms magnificent citrus trees in blossom and the rough Atlantic Ocean We all came back to Poland contented rich in new experiences with broaden knowledge of Portuguese folk culture

One of elements in finding our tradition and culture were school excursions Our friends from younger grades visited the Gingerbread Museum in Toruń and open-air museumThey participated in meeting with ethnographer Other actions taken according to the project art contests - the projectsrsquo logo

1st place Ania Hasiura grade 6b - folk costumes

1st place Gabriela Goacuterka grade 6b literary contests A letter to a foreigner written in English Folk costumersquos description A contest for creating folk costume and its show Leaders of classes in a role of a model presented costumes made by themselves In the bright music procession we saw beautiful bright folk costumes of Italy Spain Portugal an other countries taking part in the project

Module 1

Folk costumes and material culture

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 9: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno




From school life lessons in Ethnography Museum

Visit in Portugal interview with the principal Mr

Sławomir Ruciński our pupils and teachers at Portuguese

school Contests

art literary creating folk costumes folk costume show

bdquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo is the project that deals with cooperation between schools in learning tradition and folk culture But the most important is knowledge about our own culture history and tradition lsquoThe grass is always greener on the other sidersquo Thatrsquos why we visited Ehtnography Museum in Łoacutedź We learnt there about tradition and folk customs of Łęczycka Opoczyńska and Sieradzka Land We also saw permanent exhibition lsquoGrey as ground bright as memoryrdquo

We admired colourful folk costumes saw cottages and were amazed while watching farm tools and equipment We were on market in the field during harvest in smithy and on a folk wedding party We loved wedding dress and bridersquos dower After return we planned next actions connected with folk culture not only of our city but also other regions in Poland

Visit in Portugal

Portugal an European country situated in the West part of the South Europe on Iberian Peninsula The country includes the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira

Our friends from grade 5a ndash Marcel Chałaj and Konrad Poremski together with teacher Mrs Anna Sadowy and the principal Sławomir Ruciński visited school in Matosinhos in Portugal last week in November After coming back the principal said There was a meeting according to project Erasmus+ lsquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo that took place from 22 to 28 November 2015 in Custoias (Portugal) The aim of the visit was learning about Portuguese folk culture Participants of the meeting visited Schools Escola Basica de Custoias Escola Basica Irmaos Passsos and their exhibitions connected with the project and presenting Portuguese folk costumes school Escola da Lavra with Folk Museum presenting past life of Portuguese families their clothes houses kitchen and farm tools and a school from that time Clothes Museum in Viana do Costelo (regional folk costumes ndash work uniforms and outfits gold jewellery and carpet made from salt Craft Museum in Braga where we could see on our own eyes craftswomen work and talked with them

This meeting gave us chance to see cultural value and also opportunity to make new friends and visit many interesting places in Portugal Mrs Sadowy shared with her feelings - Our project was prepared for Erasmus+ programme

Porto - miasto wina żeglarzy złotych plaż i zabytkowych kamienic To tu w malowniczym Porto nad rzeką Duero od wiekoacutew wytwarza się najlepsze wino na świecie To roacutewnież tu urodził się znany podroacuteżnik - książę Henryk Żeglarz Wspoacutełczesne Porto dawniej skromna osada rybacka to - obok Lizbony - najważniejsze miasto handlowe Portugalii

Householders invited us for different kinds of shows presenting Portuguese folk culture We saw exhibition with farm tools household equipment home decorations and folk costumes from a certain region of the country We saw how a bread was baked in a traditional way and production of regional wine We were also shown embroidery factory and the Museum of folk costumes Polish children lived at Portuguese families They had a chance to observe everyday living conditions customs activities and peersrsquo games We ate traditional food What is interesting the main dish in a menu is fresh fish prepared in many ways The weather in Portugal was just great The sun not like in November beautiful flowers impressing huge palms magnificent citrus trees in blossom and the rough Atlantic Ocean We all came back to Poland contented rich in new experiences with broaden knowledge of Portuguese folk culture

One of elements in finding our tradition and culture were school excursions Our friends from younger grades visited the Gingerbread Museum in Toruń and open-air museumThey participated in meeting with ethnographer Other actions taken according to the project art contests - the projectsrsquo logo

1st place Ania Hasiura grade 6b - folk costumes

1st place Gabriela Goacuterka grade 6b literary contests A letter to a foreigner written in English Folk costumersquos description A contest for creating folk costume and its show Leaders of classes in a role of a model presented costumes made by themselves In the bright music procession we saw beautiful bright folk costumes of Italy Spain Portugal an other countries taking part in the project

Module 1

Folk costumes and material culture

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 10: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Visit in Portugal

Portugal an European country situated in the West part of the South Europe on Iberian Peninsula The country includes the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira

Our friends from grade 5a ndash Marcel Chałaj and Konrad Poremski together with teacher Mrs Anna Sadowy and the principal Sławomir Ruciński visited school in Matosinhos in Portugal last week in November After coming back the principal said There was a meeting according to project Erasmus+ lsquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturersquo that took place from 22 to 28 November 2015 in Custoias (Portugal) The aim of the visit was learning about Portuguese folk culture Participants of the meeting visited Schools Escola Basica de Custoias Escola Basica Irmaos Passsos and their exhibitions connected with the project and presenting Portuguese folk costumes school Escola da Lavra with Folk Museum presenting past life of Portuguese families their clothes houses kitchen and farm tools and a school from that time Clothes Museum in Viana do Costelo (regional folk costumes ndash work uniforms and outfits gold jewellery and carpet made from salt Craft Museum in Braga where we could see on our own eyes craftswomen work and talked with them

This meeting gave us chance to see cultural value and also opportunity to make new friends and visit many interesting places in Portugal Mrs Sadowy shared with her feelings - Our project was prepared for Erasmus+ programme

Porto - miasto wina żeglarzy złotych plaż i zabytkowych kamienic To tu w malowniczym Porto nad rzeką Duero od wiekoacutew wytwarza się najlepsze wino na świecie To roacutewnież tu urodził się znany podroacuteżnik - książę Henryk Żeglarz Wspoacutełczesne Porto dawniej skromna osada rybacka to - obok Lizbony - najważniejsze miasto handlowe Portugalii

Householders invited us for different kinds of shows presenting Portuguese folk culture We saw exhibition with farm tools household equipment home decorations and folk costumes from a certain region of the country We saw how a bread was baked in a traditional way and production of regional wine We were also shown embroidery factory and the Museum of folk costumes Polish children lived at Portuguese families They had a chance to observe everyday living conditions customs activities and peersrsquo games We ate traditional food What is interesting the main dish in a menu is fresh fish prepared in many ways The weather in Portugal was just great The sun not like in November beautiful flowers impressing huge palms magnificent citrus trees in blossom and the rough Atlantic Ocean We all came back to Poland contented rich in new experiences with broaden knowledge of Portuguese folk culture

One of elements in finding our tradition and culture were school excursions Our friends from younger grades visited the Gingerbread Museum in Toruń and open-air museumThey participated in meeting with ethnographer Other actions taken according to the project art contests - the projectsrsquo logo

1st place Ania Hasiura grade 6b - folk costumes

1st place Gabriela Goacuterka grade 6b literary contests A letter to a foreigner written in English Folk costumersquos description A contest for creating folk costume and its show Leaders of classes in a role of a model presented costumes made by themselves In the bright music procession we saw beautiful bright folk costumes of Italy Spain Portugal an other countries taking part in the project

Module 1

Folk costumes and material culture

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 11: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

This meeting gave us chance to see cultural value and also opportunity to make new friends and visit many interesting places in Portugal Mrs Sadowy shared with her feelings - Our project was prepared for Erasmus+ programme

Porto - miasto wina żeglarzy złotych plaż i zabytkowych kamienic To tu w malowniczym Porto nad rzeką Duero od wiekoacutew wytwarza się najlepsze wino na świecie To roacutewnież tu urodził się znany podroacuteżnik - książę Henryk Żeglarz Wspoacutełczesne Porto dawniej skromna osada rybacka to - obok Lizbony - najważniejsze miasto handlowe Portugalii

Householders invited us for different kinds of shows presenting Portuguese folk culture We saw exhibition with farm tools household equipment home decorations and folk costumes from a certain region of the country We saw how a bread was baked in a traditional way and production of regional wine We were also shown embroidery factory and the Museum of folk costumes Polish children lived at Portuguese families They had a chance to observe everyday living conditions customs activities and peersrsquo games We ate traditional food What is interesting the main dish in a menu is fresh fish prepared in many ways The weather in Portugal was just great The sun not like in November beautiful flowers impressing huge palms magnificent citrus trees in blossom and the rough Atlantic Ocean We all came back to Poland contented rich in new experiences with broaden knowledge of Portuguese folk culture

One of elements in finding our tradition and culture were school excursions Our friends from younger grades visited the Gingerbread Museum in Toruń and open-air museumThey participated in meeting with ethnographer Other actions taken according to the project art contests - the projectsrsquo logo

1st place Ania Hasiura grade 6b - folk costumes

1st place Gabriela Goacuterka grade 6b literary contests A letter to a foreigner written in English Folk costumersquos description A contest for creating folk costume and its show Leaders of classes in a role of a model presented costumes made by themselves In the bright music procession we saw beautiful bright folk costumes of Italy Spain Portugal an other countries taking part in the project

Module 1

Folk costumes and material culture

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 12: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

One of elements in finding our tradition and culture were school excursions Our friends from younger grades visited the Gingerbread Museum in Toruń and open-air museumThey participated in meeting with ethnographer Other actions taken according to the project art contests - the projectsrsquo logo

1st place Ania Hasiura grade 6b - folk costumes

1st place Gabriela Goacuterka grade 6b literary contests A letter to a foreigner written in English Folk costumersquos description A contest for creating folk costume and its show Leaders of classes in a role of a model presented costumes made by themselves In the bright music procession we saw beautiful bright folk costumes of Italy Spain Portugal an other countries taking part in the project

Module 1

Folk costumes and material culture

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 13: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Module 1

Folk costumes and material culture

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 14: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

We started our activities by choosing our Erasmus+ corner(s)(one at the school hall and another at the library) and started our

logo contest

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

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Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 15: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

The first meetingWe organized the first meeting with our partners in our


We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 16: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

We shared our folk culture

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 17: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Letrsquos take a look at some workshops in our schoolhellip

Pupils and Art teachers worked together making folk materials

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 18: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

The Fianceacutes Art(ldquoScarf Valentinerdquo)

Pupils drew in papers their plan to make fianceacutes art

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 19: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Scarf ValentineThe scarf Valentine is a scarf made from a fine linen

cloth embroidered with different reasons It is a piece

of craftwork typical of Minho region

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 20: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Its historyPeople say that girls a long time ago when they were nearof the age to marry embroidered scarves in cross-stitch ona cloth of fine linen or cotton They were embroidered withthe symbols and images that poured from theirimagination In this work it was valued by human feelingssuch as loyalty dedication love There were weeks ormonths of work in the development of a scarf that couldconfirm or not the beginning of a romance Afterembroidered the tissue would get to the hands of theboyfriend and his public attitude to use or not decided if itwas the beginning of dating

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 21: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

The Art class at our school

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 22: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Symbols of our country The Cock of Barcelos

It is the most popular and famous symbol of Portugal According to this legend the inhabitants of the borough (Barcelos)

were very concerned by an unsolved crime One day however there appeared a man from Galicia who immediately

became the suspect of the crime The authorities arrested him and despite his protestations of innocence he was accused of

being the author of the crime Nobody believed he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to fulfill a vow and

that he was a fervent devotee of the Saint venerated in Compostela together with St Paul and Our Lady And so as it was

common in the Middle Ages he was condemned to death by hanging But before his execution he asked to be taken to the

presence of the judge who pronounced the sentence His request was granted and so he was taken to the house of the

magistrate who in that moment was having a banquet with some friends Once again the Galician protested his innocence

and to the amazement of all presents pointed to a roasted cockerel on the table and exclaimed As sure as I am innocent

that cock will crow if I am hangedrdquo Immediately laughs and comments were heard nevertheless nobody touched the

cockerel And what seemed impossible actually happened When the pilgrim was being hanged the cockerel stood up on

the table and crowed No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man The judge rushed to the gallows

and saw with astonishment the poor man with the rope around his neck but the loose knot protected him from being

strangled He was immediately released and continued his journey of pilgrimage Years later he returned to Barcelos and

built the monument (the stone cross of the cockerel) to Saint James and to the Virgin

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 23: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

The making of this symbol in Art Class

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 24: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Final products

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 25: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

The sardinesMatosinhos our council was before a big fishing community and

there are still fishing canned goods industries

The sardines after the codfish are famous in the Portuguese diet

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 26: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Art products during Art lesson







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 27: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno







This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 28: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno






This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 29: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno





This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 30: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno




This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 31: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno



This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 32: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno


This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 33: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

This PowerPoint Presentation was made during the 1st module of the Erasmus + Project ndash

ldquoSmall explorers in a magic world of European folk culturerdquo by the Portuguese team

January 2016

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

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Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 34: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Leidėjas Vilniaus r Rakonių pagrindinė


Adresas E Venckovičiaus 9 Rakonių k tel





























12015 Welcome friends


12015 Sveiki draugai

This is the first issue of our magazine In 2015 -2016

our school is participating in the ERASMUS+



CULTURErdquo The coordinator school is from Poland

and partner schools are from Portugal Turkey

Spain Lithuania Croatia and Italy The main

project purpose is to acquaint its participants with

cultural heritage in the united Europe We are going

to realise our purpose by studying folk culture

subject like folk music dance song folk traditions

customs national costumes and material culture

(tools national costumes and handicraft) or folk

theme in art and culture (legends fairy-tales stories

poetry literature painting sculpture)

In this magazine we would like to present you

Portugal Portuguese folk culture

PORTUGAL is a country in southwestern Europe It

is the westernmost country of mainland Europe In

the west and south it borders with the Atlantic Ocean

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 35: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

and in the north and east with Spain Lisbon is the

capital and the largest city of Portugal

Handkerchief game (Jogo de lencinho)

Žaidimas Skarelėrdquo (Jogo de lencinho)

Material 1 handkerchief

Players 2 equal groups 1 judge

Game Each team is on a different side of the field

(the field is divided in two parts) The judge is in the

middle of the field with the handkerchief in his hand

and says one number The player from each team

who has that number runs towards the handkerchief

and tries to grab it

Score 1 point if the player who grabs the

handkerchief goes back to hisher field without

being touched 2 points if heshe enters the opponent

team field without being touched

Priemonė 1 skarelė

Žaidėjai žaidėjai pasidalina į 2 komandas 1


Žaidimas 2 komandos užima skirtingas aikštelės

puses (aikštelės viduryje yra nubrėžta ištisinė linija)

Teisėjas stovėdamas ir laikydamas rankose skarelę

sako vieną numerį Žaidėjai iš skirtingų komandų

išgirdę savo numerį pribėga prie teisėjo ir bando

atimti skarelę

Taškai 1 tašką gauna tas žaidėjas kuris sugebėjo

atimti skarelę iš teisėjo ir nepaliestas priešininko

saugiai grįžti į savo aikštelės pusę 2 taškus gauna

jei žaidėjas sugeba patekti į priešininko aikštelės

pusę atimti iš teisėjo skarelę ir kitos komandos

žaidėjas jo nepagavo

Portuguese Traditional Games

Portugalų liaudies žaidimai

The Portuguese traditional games are part of the

cultural heritage as they have been transmitted

from one generation to another

Below we can read about two of the most famous

traditional games the rules and necessary


Portugalų liaudies žaidimai pripažinti kaip tautos

kultūros paveldo dalis buvo perduodami iš kartos į


Susipažinsite su dviejų liaudies žaidimų

taisyklėmis Taip pat sužinosite kokios priemonės


Sack racing (Corrida de sacos)

Lenktynės maiše (Corrida se sacos)

Material 1 sack

Players minimum two






inside a


grabbing it

on each side of the waist At the signal the players

jump forward from a starting point toward a finish


Score The first person to cross the finish line is the

winner of the race

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 36: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Priemonės 1 maišas

Žaidėjai 2 arba daugiau

Žaidimas kiekvienas žaidėjas įlipa į maišą Žaidėjai

išsirikiuoja prie starto linijos išgirdę signalą

šuoliuoja su maišu finišo link

Taškai pirmasis žaidėjas kirtęs finišo liniją yra


Tai yra pirmasis žurnalo leidinys 2015-2016

m mūsų mokykla įgyvendinant ES programą

ERASMUS+rdquo dalyvauja projekte bdquoMažieji

tyrinėtojai stebuklingame Europos liaudies kultūros

pasaulyje Projekte dalyvauja 7 šalys Kroatija

Ispanija Lietuva Lenkija Portugalija Turkija ir

Italija jos koordinatorius yra atstovas iš Lenkijos

Projekto tikslas - supažindinti mokinius su Europos

šalių kultūros paveldu Įgyvendami šį tikslą

susipažinsime su dvasine liaudies kultūra liaudies

muzika šokiais dainomis tradicijomis papročiais

tautiniais kostiumais materialiniu kultūros

palikimu (buities įrankiai amatai ir tautiniai

kostiumai) ir liaudies meno paveldu (legendos

pasakos istorija poezija literatūra tapyba


Šio žurnalo leidinys pristatys Jums

Portugaliją bei krašto liaudies kultūrą

Portugalija yra pietvakarių Europos

valstybė Ji labiausiai į vakarus nutolusi

žemyninės Europos šalis Pietvakariuose

Portugalija ribojasi su Atlanto vandenynu šiaurėje

ir rytuose - su Ispanija Lisabona yra Portugalijos

sostinė ir didžiausias miestas bei uostas

Portuguese traditional dances

Portugalų liaudies šokiai

Portugal people also can boast of national music

and dances Each region of Portugal has its own

style of dance Some of the best examples of the

regional dances are the vira chula corridinho tirana

and fandango where couples perform a lively dance

usually to a fast beat of hand-clapping guitars and


Many of these dances reflect the courting and

matrimonial traditions of the area and are often

passionate and exciting to watch

Svarbią reikšmę Portugalijos žmonėms turi

liaudies muzika ir šokiai Šokiai skirstomi į

skirtingus stilius būdingi skirtingiems

etnografiniams regionams Geriausi Portugalijos

regionų šokiai yra Vira Chula Corridinho Tirana

ir Fandango Poros skambant gitaros akordeono

muzikai atlieka šokius juos lydi ritmiški plojimai

Daugelis šokių atspindi visuomenės

tarpusavio santykius piršlybų ir sužadėtuvių

Smagu žiūrėti į taip žavingai šokančius žmones

The vira is a traditional dance from Portugal It has

a three-step rhythm which is very similar to a waltz

but it is faster and the couples dance front-to-front

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 37: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

VIRA yra tradicinis Portugalijos šokis Šokis pagal

judesius ir ritmą - panašus į valsą bet jis atliekamas

nesusikibę rankomis ir greitesniu tempu

Pastel de nata (Custard pastry)

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu

Custard pastry is Portugalrsquos favourite dessert

Small open pastries with a sweet custard filling and

a caramelized sugar topping you can find ldquoPastel de

Natardquo in every coffee shop in Portugal The pastry

should be light the filling creamy eggy and sweet

Pyragaičiai su plikytu kremu yra portugalų

mėgstamiausias desertas Pyragaičiai yra pagaminti

su saldžiu plikyto kremo įdaru ir karamelės užpilu

Pyragaičius su plikytu kremu paragausite

kiekvienoje Portugalijos kavinėje Jie turi būti purūs

ir saldūs

Portuguese traditional food

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė

Today naturally Portuguese cuisine varies from region

to region but fish is found on virtually every menu Cod

fish (Bacalhau) is a staple of Portuguese cuisine and they

say there is a different cod recipe for every day of the

year Salted cod not fresh cod is used in Portugal The

Portuguese have been obsessed with it since the early

16th century when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland The sailors salted and sun-dried their

catch to make it last the long journey home Cod is a very

versatile fish and is usually the star on Portuguese

Christmas dinner tables It is eaten in all kinds of ways

from baked with cream and potatoes (bacalhau com

natas) to a cold chickpea salad (salada de bacalhau com

gratildeo-de-bico) Bacalhau (Codfish)

Bacalhau (patiekalas iš menkės)

Tradicinė portugališka virtuvė yra

skirstoma pagal regionus bet kiekvienas regionas

turi savo tradicinius patiekalus iš žuvies Portugalų

virtuvėje pagrindinis ingredientas yra menkė

patiekalas iš jo vadinamas Bacalhau Portugalai

vertina sūdytą menkės mėsą jie turi net 365

patiekalų iš žuvies receptų kiekvienai metų dienai

Portugalai be galo mėgo žuvį jau nuo 16 amžiaus

kai jų žvejybiniai laivai pasiekė Niūfaundlendą

Jūreiviai džiovindavo ir sūdydavo viską ką buvo

pasigavę vandenyje tam kad žuvis kuo ilgiau

išsilaikytų nesugedusi ir kad jūreiviams nepritrūktų

maisto kelionei namo Pagrindinis šv Kūčių valgis

yra patiekalas iš menkės Šis patiekalas gali būti

ruošiamas įvairiai kepta menkė patiekiama su

bulvėmis ir grietinėle ((Bacalhau com natas) arba

paruošiamos menkių salotos (Salada de Bacalhau

Ru Gratildeo-de-bico)

Portuguese folk costumes

Portugalų tautiniai kostiumai

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 38: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Portuguese traditional dress varies regionally but it

typically consists of bouffant long skirts made of

striped or checked fabrics for women and trousers

waistcoats and sombreros for men Kerchief is an

obligatory part of the national costume of the

Portuguese women Bright and vivid colours are a

peculiar feature of Portuguese national clothes

However the national clothing style might vary

regionally from the rich and colourful costumes in

Minho to the shy dresses and black kerchiefs in

Coimbra Elaborate embroidery and gold necklaces

are traditional elements of the folk costume in


Portugalijoje tautinis kostiumas yra

skirstomas pagal regionus bet moterų sijonas visada

yra ilgas ir platus pasiūtas iš dryžuotos arba

languotos medžiagos Taip pat vyrų tautinė apranga

sukurta atsižvelgiant į regionų ypatumus jie

privalo vilkėti liemenes mautis kelnes ir užsidėti

sombrero Moterims skarelė yra privaloma tautinio

kostiumo sudedamoji dalis Portugalijos tautiniai

drabužiai išsiskiria ryškiomis spalvomis

Atitinkamo regiono kostiumai skiriasi pagal tautinių

drabužių stilių nuo prabangių spalvingų kostiumų

iš Minho iki kuklių suknelių ir juodų skarelių iš

Coimbra Tradiciniai Portugalijos tautinio kostiumo

elementai ndash išskirtinis drabužių išsiuvinėjimas ir

auksiniai karoliai

Portuguese traditional musical instruments

Portugalų liaudies muzikos instrumentai


Būgnai (bombo)

Bombos are large bass drums that are played in a

vertical fashion They

can be up to eighty cm in diameter Usually the

musician hits only one side of the skins producing

a deep and low sound

Būgnai (bombo) yra bosiniai būgnai Jie yra 80 cm

skersmens pagaminti iš odos Būgnai skleidžia

stiprias bangas todėl jiems mušant girdimi žemi

stiprūs garsai

Portugališka gitara

(Portuguese guitar)

The Portuguese guitar is a 12 string instrument

originating in the Middle Ages It is a plucked

string instrument with twelve steel strings strung

in six courses comprising two strings each The

Portuguese guitar is most notably associated with

fado There is evidence of its use in Portugal since

the thirteenth century among troubadour

Portugališka gitara išrasta viduramžiais turi 12

stygų Stygos pagamintos iš plieno į vieną ladę yra

suvertos po 2 stygas Portugališka gitara pritaria

Fado muzikai Yra žinoma kad Portugalijos

Trubadūrų muzika buvo atliekama grojant

portugališkoms gitaroms

Portuguese folk music

Music traditions of Portugal are much associated

with Fado a national genre carrying feelings of

sadness loneliness and anguish Therefore it is not

a surprise that fado songs were originated from the

word ldquofatumrdquo (fate) The fado is usually sung by a

single person the fado singer and accompanied by

a classical guitar or the Portuguese guitar The Chief

Representative of Fado in Portugal was Amaacutelia

Rodrigues She is known as the Queen of Fado

Fado is a national treasure and is a worldwide

musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition

In 2011 Fado was inscribed on Masterpieces of the

Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by


Portugalų liaudies muzika

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 39: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

FADO užima svarbią vietą

Portugalijos kultūroje tai portugalų liaudies dainos

ir muzikos kultūra Fado dainos yra glaudžiai

susijusios su ilgesiu liūdesiu meile išsiskyrimo

skausmu išdavyste ir kitomis liūdnomis jūrininkų

emocijomis Fado dainos kilusios iš žodžio Fatumldquo

(likimas) Fado gali dainuoti tiek vyrai tiek

moterys Fado ndash liūdna daina lydima gitaros garsų

Pritaria dvi gitaros viena yra klasikinė gitara kita

portugališkoji dar viola vadinama Moderniojo

Fado karalienė buvo Amaacutelia Rodrigues

Portugalų tradicinė muzika ndash Fado ndash įtraukta į

UNESCO nematerialaus kultūros paveldo sąrašą

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 40: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

My holiday in Portugal

Hello I am Andrea Sebastian Del Giudice I am from Italy I am eleven and I attend the

second year of secondary school Bassi-Catalano Thanks to Erasmus + project last

November I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and to stay there in Matosinhos near

Porto for a week I was with another boy Giulio Antonelli and two English teachers When

we arrived at the school we were well welcomed by Portuguese teachers and students

The first approach was to listen about some histories about folk like the origin of a

particular soup some dances and a very beautiful song oh malhao oh malhao

We had lunch in the school canteen and of course we ate soup After school we met

our host family I lived at Joao Ferreira s house In his family there are seven people his

brother Diogo his mum Irene his father Pedro two grandmothers and one uncle All of

them were very warm with me and took care of me for all the week It was fantastic

We visited a lot of different and interesting places and monuments but the one I liked

the most was Sandemans cellars visit The Sandemans guided visit was in English and I

liked it a lot We saw a lot of different kind of Porto wine and at the end of the visit we

could buy some souvenirs

i visited also Vila nova do Gaia where a baker prepared a kind of bread similar to Italian

Panettone we visited different school like ldquoEscola da Lavrardquo inside the school there

was an ethnographic museum with old furniture and objects On Thursday we visited a

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 41: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

ship that was used like a hospital The day before we leaving we went to Braga and we

had the opportunity to see the Ocean it was a strange feeling I felt very very small in

front of it

In Braga in the morning we visited a pirate boat that carried goods from india to Portugal

in the afternoon we toured the town and participated in a treasure hunt and we arrived

the thirdWhat a pity

The last evening we stayed in Portugal Joaos parents took me in a restaurant to eat the

famous fransesisha that is a typical Portuguese dish I bought also a t-shirt a football and

a jacket of Porto football team in the Porto store The day after we woke up very early to

leaveand come back home

When I think to this journey I feel full of emotions I saw a lot of new places I met new

wonderful friends who with I exchanged opinion even if we sometimes had difficulties

talking different languages I am lucky because I lived this experience and I sometimes

remember with nostalgia the wonderful times I spent in Portugal the sunset on the

Atlantic Ocean a typical Portuguese song my new friends and I feel Happy

Andrea Del Giudice

class 2L

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 42: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

FOLKLORE MAGAZINE Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture NR 12016

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 43: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

INDEX Twitter



Past activities

Erasmus + Next Activities

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 44: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Twitter In the Twitter we do

The members of our group are in charge of giving information in social network We inform students about the activities we are doing in our school and those that our partner countries are also taking on The first activity we proposed in twitter was the Logos Competition

Many students from all ages participated in the event The Barbies Traditional Dresses was also discussing making an

exposition of the barbies and a Guess Game among students

Another subject we talked was the activities our mates participated in Oporto

They told us many stories about the trip Also the letters of students from other countries were read and


recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 45: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

recorded We really enjoyed knowing about Erasmus+ activities and the fact of talking about them in twitter We are waiting for more information We do serveys about things of Erasmus+ Twitter licinioerasmus You can visit the blog that it is in the web of the IES Licinio de la Fuente

In this say every activities that make in the high school about Erasmus+ like bullThe visit to Portugal and the that we did there bullPhotos about the travel

bullWe work about our Erasmus + corner

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 46: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Travels In the first visit

Two girls and two teachers from

Licinio de la Fuente met up with the participants of the Erasmus+ project The students had to stay with a Portuguese family and know about their culture They have told us that they lived a great experience in Portugal andhellip Which are those experiences Well follow us because we are going to tell you

Sara was hosted in a Portuguese family whose daughter won The Kids Voice Thatrsquos incredible they also have the same TV show But the most important thing is the experience she lived She visited a lot of places in Porto and she also met a lot of students from other countries

Ana the other students who also went to the trip was hosted in a Portuguese family too As Sara she enjoyed and knew many


things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 47: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

things about other cultures especially the Portuguese one

They told us that all Portuguese schools were similar and they had the same structure One of the schools they visited it has an ethnographic museum with a lot of things such dresses farm tools old school furniturehellip A funny story that happened to them was that they believed that an old loom structure was an old car structure

They also saw some traditional dancings and tasted delicious dishes as freisisillo bethelhem pie and Port wine ldquothis one just a little bitrdquo Another activity they enjoyed a lot was the yin cana Many students played and danced in a very large gym

There was gift interchanged We remember that because we made and painted some fans in our high school as a gift to our partner countrieshellip So they have told us the moment our teachers gave them

We interviewed Ana and Sara and they told us the following


INTERVIEWER Did you enjoyed the trip

ANA A lot I liked the idea of knowing about other cultures I also realised that to know English is very important in order to communicate with other people

INTERVIEWER Which food did you like

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 48: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

ANA The food I liked best was the chicken soup

INTERVIEWER Which things did you enjoy

ANA I really enjoyed when I spent the time with the Portuguese family they were very nice It was very entertained because they liked activities like rock climbing and they used to propose traditional games such treasure hunt

INTERVIEWER Which was your first impression

ANA The first impression was that people were very nice and friendly

INTERVIEWER Which was the experience with the family

SARA It was fantastic They took me to song lessons skiting and I met a lot of people I learnt a lot of English because I was trying all the time to speak English Sometimes they taught me some Portuguese expressions too

INTERVIEWER Was there something in particular to tell us

ANA Well the first day the family prepared a typical Portuguese dinner and a man from Malaga went to have dinner with us He was a friend of my matersquos father It was funny to meet there someone from here Another thing I would like to mention is how beautiful my room was It was very large there was a double bed TV and a toilet

INTERVIEWER How was your daily live there

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 49: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

SARA In the morning I helped to prepared breakfast later we went to school to the activities proposed I remember there was a sleepover My matersquos sister organised it All the girls aged 18

INTERVIEWER Tell us about the school activities

ANA AND SARA We played a lot of traditional games we visited the city of Braga and they held an activity which consist don looking for clues in its streets

INTERVIEWER What do you remember about the cities

SARA I remember that was a very nice place It has a lot of bridges

INTERVIEWER And what about food

ANA AND SARA We ate cod (very tipical food there) But we also had a lot of soup They are eating soup all the time

INTERVIEWER Do you think that is a good experience to live

ANA AND SARA Of course We think that this activity should have been available and enjoyable to more peolple

INTERVIEWER Would you repeat it




School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 50: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

School This is our school Our high school is located close to the city centre The address is Urbano Pineda St 0 29100 Coiacuten Maacutelaga


There are about 850 students and 70 teachers There are also 5 cleaners two ordinances and one administrative The courses which are given middot1ordm de ESO middot2ordm de ESO middot3ordm de ESO middot4ordm de ESO middot1ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia)

middot1ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot2ordm FPIGM( atencioacuten a personas en situaciones de dependencia) middot2ordm FPIGM( gestioacuten administrativa) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen) Lomce) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias) middot1ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales(Lomce)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Arte(Arte Plaacutestica Disentildeo e Imagen)) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Ciencias y Tecnologiacutea) middot2ordm de Bachillerato( Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales) middot2ordm FPEGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot1ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot2ordm FPIGS( Administracioacuten y Finanzas) middot Nivel II Esa Semi presencial ESPA( Tarde 1800-2200) Martes y Jueves (Ensentildeanza Secundaria Personas Adultas)


middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 51: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

middot1ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de FPB( Servicios Administrativos) middot2ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) middot1ordm de Programa Especifico de F( Tapiceriacutea y cortinaje (Pefpb)) Centre -The Assembly Hall Our school has a very beautiful and large assembly hall where we get together in those special days It is used to perfom talk and do special activities The first day of the course we meet there to know our tutors and teachers and at the end of the cycle when students become graduated we celebrate the official ceremony there

-Music room Here we keep all our music instruments so anyone can get them When students go to break at 1130 some of them go there to practice and perform Once a year we celebrate the culture day there

-Library In the libray we usually read books and meet to do team works -Classrooms playground laboratorieshellip Our school is well equipped and we can enjoy all the facilities Projects where we participate Mediation The prefects are students who participate to help others who need it Being a prefect isnrsquot obligatory but many students would like to be one of them to help others In our school the prefects start helping when they are in the second year of ESO and can continue until they graduate in the second year of Bachillerato We do not work only in this school but we also meet with students of other secondary schools -ERASMUS + Over years we have participated

Timetable The timetable of our institute are for 830 until 1530 but with a break at 1130 until 1200 so the students can eat there snaks lso in our institute we have a kiosk where the students and the teachers can buy the sandwiches and sweets but you can only buy your stuff before 830 or at 1130 to 1200 it is no permitted to buy in the exchanges of clases the kiosk closes at 1200

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 52: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Past activities We have done

We conducted a magazine in which we talked about the first visit to the Erasmus + project which went to Portugal To make the magazine we studied the different customs traditions main costumes cuisine and music The magazine was being made by the school and has been having a real success everybody as teachers and students read it

This course started a new Erasmus + project (known as Comenius) entitled Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture for starters we had to choose a logo representing the project Therefore teachers

organized a contest at school the Spanish proposal was taken to the next meeting of the eight participating countries which decided what would be the image of the project When they met in Portugal according to a board the image that best represented the logo was the Italian one

We dressed barbies with some traditional costumes of each country belonging to the Erasmus + project The dolls were thought to be took outside when teachers and students had to travell There was a contest where you had to guess which dress belonged to which country


In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 53: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

In our school IES Licinio de la Fuente have a blog where we posted the pictures of the places that we were going to and the country For now we have photos of the places we went to in Portugal and now we are waiting for more information

Also it is shown the activities and things we have been doing On twitter we have been giving information and adding all the activities we have been carrying out in our school Students and people in general can comment and vote licinioerasmus

In our school we set a special corner with signs and glass cabinets where to show those things related to Erasmus + project There is a case where we have everything that has to do with the project Some things

bring memories of our partners countries There are also a Barbies exposition and also you can find Spanish stuff These Barbies were made by the students who were informed about the traditional costume of each country Working in our little corner

Workshop Crafts esparto

In the bakery

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 54: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Last month we visited Malaga city to see those traditional areas which are losing the last century essence That is why we went for a sightseeing to the city centre and we contemplated that many roofs and front of buildings still remains through years

They have never been modified After seeing the city centre we visited an area which had been suburbs before and we discovered

single houses similar to those rural ones

There was an old arch which still remains in the ldquovillagerdquo There there was a sign with the rules of the area At the end of the trip we eventually visited our town to see those traditional houses Summing up all those activities we did we concluded that there is not any difference among ldquocity housesrdquo and ldquotownsrdquo

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 55: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Erasmus +

What is Erasmus + The European Parliament established a program to the period 2014-2020 This program focuses on the formal and informal learning process belong the European frontiers The objective is to improve the educative and formative capacities of students teachers and staff in general

The Erasmus + project which we are participating in is formed by several European countries They are Portugal Croatia Lithuania Italy Poland Turkey and Spain They do different activities

together Those activities are proposed by the Polish coordinator and all countries start working each other Moreover teachers and students visit the countries which are in the project and so they can learn about their culture in general Small Explores in a Magic World of the European Folk Culture is the name of the project and the topic in the next two years will be ldquoFolklorerdquo Here students make activities and also they will learn those traditional things related to each country


Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 56: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Next Activities

We are going tohellip

The students of Licinio De La Fuente are organizing a few typical dances of the Andalusian provinces The dances are fandangos rumba malaguentildea and sevillana All that is directed by many pupils of 4ordm ESO and also with the help of the teacher Paco Aragoacuten

The teacher is doing some flamenco songs These are played and sung by the pupils from all courses especially those from the first to third year of the ESO The pupils of the Licinio De La Fuente have been designing a few

drawings of butterflies that will be sent to the countries that are part of the project Erasmus+ The contest is almost being ended and they already have three designs which have been selected


All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 57: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

All countries are designing a pet then unite all designs (one per country) to create the official mascot of Erasmus in 3D To get it the students of Licinio De La Fuente are still imagining We are waiting which it will be chosen

All countries are creating a guide that will help us to know places from each Erasmus country By now we know that this guide will appear in the journal places for sightseeing culture Teachers are making a video which consists on images and recordings about students of Licinio De La Fuente opening letters from other countries

Four year of ESO students are elaborating this amazing magazine We collect information about culture from our country but also about from partners countries Moreover we are giving information to our centre about all activities we are doing in our centre Itrsquos amazing isnrsquot it We are going to the Interactive Music Museum and the Museum of Popular Arts in Malaga

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 58: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

The Festival of the dead in Sicily

2nd November is the date that Sicilian people dedicate to their dead

It is told that during the night from 1st to 2nd November the dead ( grandparents uncles aunts)

come from house to house and take sweets candies and toys to the children of their family They

hide them in different places in the house and on 2nd November morning children get up and begin

to look for these presents

This festival was born to give honour to the dead and to remember them

Nowadays children receive toys but in the past the dead took them overall some sweets like

marzipan fruit and sugar pupi small puppets made of sugar with shapes of a noble lady a

knight or other typical Sicilian figures

The origin and the meaning of this ceremony lies in the Greek and Roman cults about funerary


In some towns of Sicily ( Catania- Palermo) there was a dead fair in the past now in that day

schools are closed and everywhere in the cake shops you can find typical sweets like Marzipan

fruit and sugar puppet

Nowadays with globalization also here in Sicily young people celebrate Halloween instead of

Dead festival but luckily a lot of them celebrate the Dead festival too

Francesco Tosto (2 L)



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 59: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno



The most typical Sicilian female folk costume consists of a skirt made of cotton or linen or lame

colour called fadedda It is a simple and practical skirt which comes down from the belt to the

foot it is put on the undergarment combined with a jippuni that is a heavy blouse or waistcoat

of the same fabric A white or coloured pointed handkerchief falls down on the shoulders and is

held with a pin on her chest A modest apron on the skirt blue or white stockings black shoes and

a cape of cloth on the head complete this modest dress When women went out they put a black

cape on their shoulders


The male costume consists of black shoes with a rounded tip white cotton or wool socks black

velvet striped pants up to the knee with cracks on the sides connected with red string or a button a

white linen low-necked shirt tied with a handkerchief a black velvet striped waistcoat lined with

black buttons and a red velvet sash tied around his hips

Class 2 M

Page 60: Small explorers in magic world of the European folkŠpanjolskoj...dok nam osmi revno

Class 2 M