sma 2013 3rd session memory book

Camper & Staff Memory Book Session 3, Summer 2013

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Stone Mountain Adventures (SMA) is a Teen Summer Camp in PA offering Adventure Activities, Water Sports, Creative Arts and Community Service. This is our Memory Book for 3rd Session, 2013!


Camper & Staff Memory Book

Session 3, Summer 2013

A Note from the Camp Directors:

Greetings from camp to everyone in our Stone Mountain Adventures (SMA) family. It is hard to believe that another summer session has come and gone so fast. It seems like only yesterday we were dusting off the canoes and tuning up the mountain bikes and now the summer of 2013 is in the history books. The remainder of the summer was great, but we often found ourselves playing “remember that time in 3rd Session... that was awesome!” during our down time. Campers, we miss each one of you so much, and it’s just not the same without you around. We hope you have recovered from the craziness and had an awesome end to your summer. How was the first month of school? Parents, thank you for sending your son or daughter to Stone Mountain Adventures for the summer. Each member of the incredible group that was SMA 3, 2013, possessed fantastic qualities and helped to make the group so special. Some groups come together at the end better than others, and 3rd Session, 2013, receives STAR status! To that end, on the last full day of the session we asked each member of our group to take a few moments and "reflect" about his or her experience at Stone Mountain Adventures. Enclosed you will find these entries that we call "reflections of the summer." You also will find a brief description of many of the activities that we did at camp written by our stellar staff. We will be uploading the Third Session Slide Show to our web site in the weeks to come. As we peruse summer photos we can't help but smile; there were so many silly costumes, ‘go fast’ activities, and quality friendships. What an incredible summer! We hope you enjoy this SMA Memory Book and these "reflections" as much as we have!

Best wishes on the school year ahead,

Jud, Anne, Wyatt, Molly, Pam, Biff, Comet, Sula, Frisbee, the Cats, the Horses, the Rabbits & other random farm animals!

Emily Fichandler

This is the end of my fourth year at SMA and each year it seems to get better and better. I can’t believe how comfortable I have become here and how close I’ve gotten with all the people. Even after just a few days being at camp this session I already started calling Mattawanna home and the girls in it my family. The activities as always were amazing and my favorite is Horsemasters. I wasn’t able to spend as much time in the barn as I wanted to, but when I was there I had an amazing time. The evening activities that Jud puts together are also highlights of my two weeks here. From going disco roller skating, to going out for ice cream when most of camp is on an overnight is a great time to get closer to your friends and to talk to people you may not know as well. One of the many things I love about being an SMA returner is getting to see many of my friends from previous years. On the first day while driving to camp I thought about all the people I hoped would be there when I arrived and the people I knew weren’t coming back. When my car finally pulled up some of my closest friends from last year were there to greet me – Mathilde, Abby, Olivia, T-Money, Spencer and many more! Once I had caught up with all of my old friends and had met tons of new campers I was sure it would be an amazing session. It was. Next year will be my 5th year and the first year my brother won’t be here with me. I know this will change a lot of things about camp for me, but I’m sure I’ll have another great summer and I can’t wait to come back!

Annalia Arndt

My time here at SMA has helped me realize a lot of things about how quickly strangers can come together and form a community, and more importantly become friends. Even though this is my first time at SMA and even though I have only been here a short period of time, I feel like I have made friends that will last a lifetime. I saw a note in my bunk one day that said, “SMA is my real home and that house back in PA? Yeah, that is my home away from here!” Once I saw that note, it helped me realize how amazing this camp truly is. Here you can make friends that will last for years, even though you may only see them a few times in your lifetime. And even though SMA is only a few minutes away from my house, it does seem like a whole different world and that is really what I love the most about this camp. Even though I may have to leave one day, I will never forget all of the wonderful people that I have met here and all of the wonderful experiences that I have had. This may sound like an exaggeration, but SMA is the best decision I have ever made and one of the best experiences of my life thus far. SMA is my true home and I will start counting down the days until next summer as soon as I leave.

Josh Sahr

Stone Mountain Adventures has been a great experience for me. I hope that next year will be even better. I am hoping that I can bring one of my friends from home next year to experience this camp with me.

I have had great experiences with people here. They are usually always happy and can take a joke. The activities have been great and I have really enjoyed them. I have also learned to be a lot quieter instead of speaking out loud all of the time. I have had great times at SMA, and a lot of them were with my cabin and other friends.

Joel Shooter

This year was my first year at SMA, as well as my first sleep over summer camp. I found it fun. I really liked the activities and the freedom we were given. If I come back to camp, I will definitely come first session.

David Bird

This was my fist year at SMA and it has been amazing. I have made some great friends and hopefully I can remain friends with these people for a long time. SMA is the first camp I have ever been too, and it has been great fun. The counselors and campers have both been funny, cool, and easy to get along with. Being on wakemasters has been a learning experience because I learned how to wakeboard. The time I spent on the boat was great fun. The counselors, Tim, Lindsey, and Molly and the campers on the boat were all so supportive and we all were able to have good laughs. The canoeing and wakeboarding overnights were so memorable. The stories that were told in the circle those nights were both hilarious and disturbing; Jay’s story being the most disturbing of them all. Even though I came all the way from England to attend camp, I feel like I have adapted to and enjoyed the American culture and the people I have interacted with. I found it funny how many campers asked, “Where are you from?” I replied, “England.” They all had no idea where in England I was from, but I suppose that does not matter. Maybe it is a good thing, so they do not turn up at my house one day. I will take many memories, friends, and new experiences from this camp. The way Jud, Ann, Biff, and Pam run the camp is amazing and inspiring. They way they take care of you and teach you new things are amazing. They run the camp so well and Jud seemed to take the pranks that we pulled last night pretty well. In the pranks, it was said that we “crossed the line,” but it was all harmless and we said sorry. The British counselors, Beth, Koni, Dave, and Josh Lucy, have made me not feel too alienated in America and they were all fun and seemed to want to have a good laugh. I have learned many new words and sayings, as well as eating a corndog and new foods. The American campers have also picked up new words from listening to me as a British camper. They now say “mate” and “proper good” because of me. I am pleased with this and despite having an American accent, they could be British. Josh, Alex N., Alex L., Mirena, James, Edouard, and Nick have all bee great friends at camp and I hope to remain friends with them and all the other campers as well. Mirena and Alex told me to say I love them; so there we go. Toilet chats with Josh Lucy and James (counselor) have been funny and sometimes a little inappropriate. But all in all, I have had such a great time at SMA. I really hope to come back to American to see as many people as possible from camp again. I would just like to say Josh Lucy is a muppet and I will beat him at FIFA. Also, Tim, I am sorry for losing your glasses on the second day. Being at camp, I have been to places I have never imagined of going, such as Lake Raystown, Wal*Mart, and the Amish Market. All were amazing days and eye opening experiences. I would just like to say thank you to all the campers, counselors, and the Millar family for making my say so inspiring and such great fun. It has been a Miley thing. Brian will be loved.

Spencer Stingley

This year at SMA has been the best year so far. My favorite activities were white water rafting and disco roller skating. All the activities were fun, but the best part of SMA was getting to know people better and getting to know the new campers. It is sad that this year is over, but I know I will get to see a lot of the people from this year next summer. I can’t wait until next summer so I can see everyone again! It has been a Miley thing.

Michael Blando

SMA has been an amazing experience for me. I had so much fun with everyone here. I’ve learned how to canoe better than before. I’ve gone for ice cream with my friends a few times. I had fun pushing Campbell off his canoe! I hope I can come back next year.

Sarah Moroney

I remember the first time I arrived at SMA. It was last year, I do not quite remember which session, but I was sitting in the back of my parents’ car, exhausted from the long ride. As soon as we pulled in, our car was surrounded by campers of various ages, one by one introducing themselves and offering words of welcome, as well as the occasional hug. I feel that this experience- my first experience at this camp, mind you- best represents the essence of the camp itself. It is a place where you are accepted for who you are no matter how “weird”, “strange’”, or straight up crazy you may be. For this short amount of time, you are free to let loose because, likelihood is, you will find someone just as insane as you are. This year, even though the physical layout of the camp changed, in a way, the overall feel of the camp had not changed at all. There was still that ever-present positive vibe being emanated from the camp. I met up with old friends, whom I had known from last year, as well as made new friends. Many old memories were revisited and many new memories were made. However, there is one memory that I doubt will ever leave me, and that is the fun I had with the people I have met here.

P.S.: I will be back next year. You have been warned.

Daniel Kuperman

As promised, here is the follow-up to my reflection from last session. This was only my first time attending 3rd session, but I definitely saw some differences between it and 2nd session, which I have been here for three times in the past. First of all, the end of camp seems much more real now since everyone will be leaving tomorrow. Luckily, we had a great group of campers this session. I’ve never had a bad group, but I wasn’t sure what to expect for 3rd session. There were only two Frenchies, which

was less than I thought there would be, but we had one British camper and two Danish ones. There were also less 3rd and 4th years this session, but we were somehow much more efficient at making paper plates and ‘what they say what they means.’ White water rafting was really fun this session. It may have even been my favorite of my four runs down the Lower Yough, but my most memorable experience this session was Allegrippis biking. This was my first time on Grippis in all of my three years and four sessions and it was fantastic! Sadly, this is my last session, my last reflection, last chance to make the most of a great place that I will never see again. Goodbye, SMA. You’ve changed me in so many ways.

Steph Shooter

These two weeks were full of fun and amazing moments. Everyone is really nice and welcoming. You get to try so many new things like rock climbing, which is a lot of fun! Wakeboarding, kneeboarding and water skiing are great even if you’ve never done them. You get to choose your morning and afternoon activities each day. Evening activity is awesome because the whole camp does it. We did so many things like roller skating, going to the fair and a talent show. I got to adopt a bunny. The size of camp is small so you get to know everyone. The food is awesome and you get to choose how much and which things you want. There is always a vegetarian option as well. Coming to SMA will be one of the best decisions of your life!

Jeff Dobkowski

So this is my third year at SMA and right now it is coming to an end. This camp is a home away from home. It changed me for the better and hopefully everyone that has come here. I am looking forward to returning next year and hopefully the year after that. I have made some wonderful friendships that I know won’t end once I get on the van home. I am so sad to see people leave and even sadder to see them not returning. Everyone here has changed over their time at SMA and I know from my experiences that change is for the better. I am looking forward to next year and seeing the new campers and, even better, the returners. I think this camp teaches kids about life away from home and it definitely brings out the independent side of kids. I think my most memorable moment every year is the candle light ceremony at the end of camp. That night really helps kids open up and share their emotions. I really love this camp and I hope everyone else does, too.

Ashley English

This was my first year at SMA. Overall, I had so much fun. It took me a while to get over my shyness, but when I did I was glad. I made so many new and great friends. I had never been to a sleep away camp before and my past experiences with camp were disappointing. I thought that all camp was was just to get away, but it’s more than that. It’s like a family. There are so few campers here that you can know everyone. It’s like all time stops while you’re here. There are so many fun activities: Horsemasters and tie Thank you. Two weeks have gone by so fast. I’m dreading the van ride back because it’s the bridge back to the real world where I have

school and responsibilities. It’s taking me back to my normal everyday life, where I wake up every morning to a “new” day that is practically the same as every other. I’ve been away from home for over two months. It’s the longest I’ve ever been away and I don’t miss one single thing. I really hope I do come back. It’s crazy that some people come back every single year and that everybody stays in touch over the year. It’s like one day of camp is equal to three months in the real world. People bond and become closer so much faster. Time flows like water here.

McKenna Shaffer

Third session went really well. I met so many people in such a short time. I wish I had more time to be with everyone. All the activities were amazing! I’m proud to say I didn’t miss a day of Horsemasters! Gator and I improved so much with jumping, cantering, his manners and everything. The whole session was bittersweet. I go to come back, but I have to say goodbye to Lindsay, Kelsey, Jin, Gator, Pam, Abby, Ali and everyone. I’ve had so many good experiences while I was here. Riding was the best part of camp. I can still remember when Kelsey told me about Cressy and when she asked if I could keep her. Now I can take Cressy, Peaches and Ash home – I’m so happy! Rock climbing was amazing. Even though I didn’t get to the top I actually tried something new. I don’t know what I’ll do without Kelsey and Lindsay and everyone else. They are like role models to me. I will miss Steph so much. Danielle has taught me not to run into bunks because you will get five stitches and a concussion. I can’t wait for next year and hopefully I can be back!

Nick Blue

Coming to SMA has been one of the best decisions I have made and one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I went to two other camps before SMA, but after a terrifying experience at both I lost my confidence, self esteem and gave up on overnight camps for two summers. But, in the winter of 2012, everything changed when I met Jud at a camp fair. He explained that activities build confidence and it’s an extremely positive vibe. After listening to him I felt like I could give camp another chance. After coming here for session 3 last year for my first time at SMA, I already knew that I made an awesome choice. Besides the fact that I participated in different activities everyday, made a few friends and had one of the best experiences of my life, the most important thing to me was that I finally felt I belonged somewhere that accepted me for who I was. Everything from last year instinctively told me to come back this year. This year though I built even more confidence as a wakemaster, had more faith in myself to pursue different activities, and opened up a lot more socially. I will never forget my experiences here whether it was pushing myself to climb to the top of the rock wall, being able to jump outside of the wake in wakemasters, roller skating in bunk junk at Penn Skate or simply socializing with my large group of friends or other campers in the Furnace or around camp. Overall, the past two years have changed my life dramatically for the better. My confidence and self esteem took a huge jump, and I am able to interact with people a lot more. In addition, the activities here have allowed me to push myself to do better in everyday life. As I am 16 this year, this is technically my last year here. I will do whatever it takes to become a super camper next year so I can continue to build strength and friendships, and develop even more self confidence. However, if I can’t, I’m not going to cry because it’s over (well, maybe) but smile because I was fortunate to come to such and amazing and rewarding place here at Stone Mountain Adventures. Thank you to everyone here for an amazing experience. I will never forget SMA; it changed my life and made me a better person. Hopefully I will see you all soon.

James Mazaris

I’ve been here for seven weeks and it has been a really good experience. It has expanded my mind and helped me see the world through a different lens. I met some really good role models in Jud, Lindsay, Danielle, Chloe and Ali. Although everyone has touched me in some way those individuals really affected me. In my one-on-one contact with those individuals they showed me my true potential and what I am able to do if I eliminate the illusions of fear that hold me back. Even though camp has been long and I can’t wait to go home, I will never forget my time here. All days on the boat wakeboarding with Lindsay and the others were the best! All the fun van rides to the Yough and the ice cream shop will forever be engrained in my memory! It has been a really good experience and I already miss you all!

Caroline Holmes

This was my first year at SMA. I was extremely nervous when I first arrived because I was new and I didn’t know if I would make any friends or not. After about 10 minutes or so, I wasn’t scared anymore. The first person I met at camp was Emily. She was so welcoming and friendly that I immediately felt 100% better about the camp and the people there. Everybody I met was so nice and I knew I would make a lot of friends in two weeks. This camp is amazing in so many ways for me. One of them, obviously, was all the campers and counselors here. Another was the activities. I always had a ton of fun during each and always had a bunch of friends in each one so I never felt alone or excluded. One of the activities that I like the most was art studio and wind surf & sail. In art studio I finally learned how to make a friendship bracelet, which I had wanted to know how to do for a long time. Wind surf & sail was super fun because I could have time to relax on land or in the water, and I was able to socialize with all of my friends. Another plus side about this camp is the food. It was absolutely amazing and it may have been the best camp food I have ever had. I’m very sad to leave this camp and, even worse, I only have one more year here. Next year I will make sure I can have the maximum amount of time here so I’m going to try to come for all three sessions. This is the best camp I’ve ever been to and I’m so glad I found it.

Daniel Nilov

As a first year camper at SMA I had many new and exciting experiences. These experiences have changed me s a person in a vey positive way. During the 4 weeks I was at SMA I tried so many new things including white water rafting, wakeboarding, rock climbing and many more. There were times when I did experience conflict at camp , but that is a natural part of life and the human condition and we worked through these conflicts and they made us closer and made the experience more real for me. After spending 4 weeks living at SMA, I feel that this camp is my home away from home. I would not have been able to achieve this without my new friends and the incredible camp counselors. When I first arrived at SMA I felt alone from the rest of the world, like being in a dark void of emptiness all by myself; but I was immediately welcomed by the campers and staff and soon I felt completely at home here and comfortable in my own skin. SMA is a very special place for me and I have made great friends here. I hope to return next summer!

Julia Kahn

I had a great time at SMA this year. IN the beginning I was very nervous because I camp a different session last summer and I didn't really know any one. However I can honestly say that these past 2 weeks have been the

best of my entire summer, maybe even my life! Not only were the activities fun life rock climbing and horseback riding and tie dye ; but everyone is super nice and kind. I became very close with almost all the other campers AND the camp counselors as well. Some of the best parts of SMA for me this session were Disco Roller Skating, white water rafting, and the talent show. I was the first person to fall out of the raft white water rafting but my raft captain saved me right away. I will always remember this as one of my favorite times at camp I will miss every one and look forward to seeing all my friends next summer!

Abby Hufnagle

3rd Session this year was as great as the past 2 years, maybe even better! Over the past 2 weeks I made a lot of amazing memories, made awesome new friends and experienced so many things that I never thought I would do. SMA is my 2nd home and I hold this camp and these people very close in my heart. I don't want to leave... ever... but I am prying I can return next summer! I love you SMA!

Lydia Shanen

3rd Session went by so fast for me this time. I had so much fun everyday, it was so great getting to meet new people and making new friends. Horsemasters was a blast this session. Pam and Kelsey helped me so much with my riding, , they are both amazing instructors. There were so many memorable moments from this session like getting permission then waking up the boys cabins. Disco roller skating was super fun as well as white water rafting. Even laundry day was fun cause we got to go to walmart and goodwill and have a chill hangout day.

SMA has made me a better person, which is something I will forever be grateful for. I am 16 so this may be my last summer here but I hope to return as a Super Camper next summer and try to become an even better person. If I come back my goal for next summer is to be a great role model for younger campers and help every one have as good of a summer as I have had here at SMA. I love this camp and how it makes me feel about myself - I will think about SMA all year long!

Kyra English

When I first climbed into the camp van to come to sma I had no idea what to expect.

I was nervous because this was my first overnight camp experience and I was just hoping to have fun and that there would be no bully's. I had so much fun on the 5 hour van ride to camp with my counselors Danielle and Chloe and the other campers that I now felt excited rather than nervous. I couldn't wait to arrive and when we did I immediately felt welcomed by every one. Some of my favorite activities during the day were rock climbing, horsemasters, and art studio where we made jewelry and tie dyed. I also loved all the evening activities including, the Invention Convention, the talent show, the rainbow themed dance and canoing overnight. During these 2 weeks I have gotten incredibly close with so many of the campers at SMA, especially my cabin (Love you Little J!), every one in my crew, and every on in general. In the past my summer days had always been pretty boring, the 14 days here at SMA were filled with new friends, excitement and just having a wonderful time. I live in Florida so I'm not sure if I can return next summer but I really hope that I can!

Jin Hirsch

This year at SMA I did lots of things that I now love like wakeboarding, biking and sports. My favorite new activity that I tried this summer was biking. And even though I fell off my bike it was still so much fun and the staff were so encouraging!. I learned a lot about myself this summer, about friendships and about sports. One

thing I will take away from SMA this summer is the ability to forgive and forget and hold on to negative stuff and dwell on the past. I think the most memorable moment from this session is disco roller skating, the Huntingdon County Fair and the camping overnights. My favorite activity was horsemasters and I really feel like a have grown as a rider this summer. I hope to be back to my summer home next year. I won't forget any of you - ever!

Ana Hilton

This was my first year at SMA and I had a fantastic time! I have loved every minute of it and I was here for all 7 weeks! I have done so many incredible activities everyday. I loved Horesemasters and being in the barn every day with the horses. I don't know what else to say except that I met a lot new people who became my friends who I will stay in contact with forever. I hope with all my heart that I'll be back at SMA next summer!

Alex Leonard

This session at SMA had been incredible. I went on both wakeboarding overnights and they were the best ever, and I learned so much more on the knee board thanks to Lindsay, she is such a great teacher. I loved my cabin as well - late night talks, reading our "go to sleep" book and killing spiders made camp life bearable through the heat and the rain. Emily and I got a lot closer this summer. Kuperman, J and I got a lot closer over a meaningful candlelight meeting. The intense adventure of the Allegrippis biking trails were awesome. I'm so glad I was able to return this summer and let go of the stressors of the world and be best self for 2 weeks. I deeply hope that I will be able to return next year because all my time at SMA is amazing and special. Thanks to you Jud. Thank you for this amazing place where we can bond and become who we are without judgment!

Matt Fichandler

As my 4th and final year draws to a close, the realization that SMA will no longer be a part of my summer is finally hitting me... and I don't like it. SMA has been a huge part of my life and the only regret I have is that I didn't start when I was younger. Over the years SMA has helped my confidence level grow immensely, and had taught me so many things about making friends, building bonds and learning to just enjoy life every day. I returned to SMA 2 weeks ago doubting my decision to return as I know that 2 of my best friends from last year wouldn't be here. I now realize that my decision to return was one of the best decision of my life! This Session I have again grown close to so many new people, continued old friendships and tried things I have never done before. My heart aches with the thought of a summer without SMA, but I am comforted by the fact that the awesomeness that is SMA will continue even when I'm gone. Thank you all for making my experience at SMA incredible! I will miss all of you - see you in 4 years when I hope to return as a camp counselor!

Timani Easter

This is my 3rd year at SMA and most of my reflection were kind of silly but this year has been different for me. Most of those changes were good, others were more challenging. Camp for this session was great. It has been amazing to see so many new campers as well as the returners. I've grown a lot during this session and over the past 2 summers at SMA and I am thankful for that. To every one who will not be returning next summer - you've all helped me grow mentally and made me the person I am today, I will miss you! To every one who is coming back next summer... I can't wait to do the crazy SMA thing again! I love everyone!

Edouard Gali-Papa

It's now my 5th week at SMA and I can say from my heart that SMA is my second home! When I came here from France in the beginning I came to learn better English, but day after day I realized that SMA is a wonderful place that makes every one happy and accepting of each other. I've met some incredible people and had so many amazing experiences here this summer. So I can now say that I am fluent in English, but more importantly I've gained true friends and a place where I feel safe being myself. I'll miss all of you and see you next year!

Donta Christoff

This was my first time at SMA and I had a great time. It was fun meeting new people from different states and countries. The activities that I loved were windsurf and sail, Amish Market, Service projects rock climbing and white water rafting. The evening activities were fun. I made a lot of new friends and learned some stuff. I hope every one had as much fun as I did!

Ben Six

I had a great time at SMA this summer with all these crazy campers and camp counselors. I felt happy to be able to have fun every day at SMA! SMA is in a beautiful setting and I loved getting to explore camp and the surrounding areas. The evening activities were really fun too. Thanks to Travis and Brook for the great camp food every day, it was awesome! I am from France and I really learned English here at SMA and how to live free like an American with people judging you. My best moments of the summer were white water rafting,

canoeing, unicycling in the talent show and disco roller skating. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!

Sam Atler -

This was mu 2nd summer and 3rd Session at Stone Mountain Adventures and I really like this camp. I did a lot more activities this year including tennis, ultimate Frisbee, windsurf and sailing and many more. The evening activities were so fun like disco roller skating, going to the Huntingdon County Fair, and the Invention Convention. I have learn to be more patient with people while at SMA that you can have fun every day. I will take away many great experiences from SMA this

summer and always remember how much fun we had at the Amish Market!

Campell Sorenson

In my 2 weeks at SMA I have become close with a lot of people and I will miss them. I tried a lot of new activities like touch rugby, sailing and pool and also focused on improving on old talents such as mountain biking and hiking. I have mad some great friends here at SMA and the camp counselors help to make every day here fun. Some of the most memorable moments for me are mountain biking the Alligrippis trails and hanging out with my friends. I really like it here at SMA and will come back next year!

Mathilde Van Dooselaere This was my 2nd year at SMA and I feel like I have been here forever and that SMA is my 2nd home! I am really sad that today is already the last day of camp and I am already exited to return next summer and see all my friends when I am a 3rd year camper! This year I loved meeting and helping all the new campers and trying new activities and making new awesome SMA memories! I love rock climbing and spending afternoons at Raystown Lake and waking up early in my cabin filled with all my friends. I really loved White Water Rafting!

I love the free time during Power Hour and getting to talk and laugh with all my friends and just having an awesome time. The evening activities are the best time at SMA because they are so much fun! I love being up on stage and embarrassing myself doing skits at the camp fire and the invention convention. I love all you guys and I can't wait to see you next year! These 2 weeks at SMA flew by at the speed of light! Here, right now, I find myself feeling as if no time has passed at all since I arrived. This has been a incredible experience. And in remembering this I am taken back to last year, my first experience at SMA and the warm welcome I received. I believe that embodies the essence of SMA. It's a place where you are free to be yourself, free from judgment.

Mia Beahm

SMA has been the best experience I have ever had at a camp. It given me a different point of view on the world. I feel lucky to have experienced this camp. I didn't think I would like going to camp but with SMA I love it! This camp is great. The camp counselors are crazy that that helps to make every day fun and exciting! I love all the staff and campers. The opportunities to try new activities at SMA happen every day. I have tried so many new things and found out that I like a lot of things. I've really made some great memories with my friends in my cabin. I think I have changed a lot for the better while here at SMA. At first I was just coming for 2 weeks, then I called my dad and asked him if I could stay another 2 weeks and that was the best decision ever!. A lot of the activities here are so much fun. Many of the activities are crazy, wild and fun! A lot of the activities I never thought I could do like white water rafting and wakeboarding - I will never forget these. Going through the rapids and tasting the whitewater air was so exciting. I have to admit the SMA has been the biggest "thrill-ride" of my life! SMA has had a very positive impact on me and I am a happier person because of SMA. On of the camp counselors told me a very inspiring story that has given me a new mantra to live by!

Katie Bisio

This is my 2nd Session at SMA which means I have been here for a month all together. I have so many memories from SMA I do not know where to begin. I have experienced many new things and learned more about myself in the 4 weeks I have been here than at any other time in my life. I went on a REAL roller coaster for the 1st time n my life and now I love roller coasters. I bought tons of silly things for my secret friends at walmart. I made friends with kids from all over the world including Costa Rica, France, England, Denmark and other states as well. I also danced at the SMA dance this session which was a big accomplishment for me. The SMA dance was a blast this session. The Activities at SMA were really cool too. I now love wakeboarding and rock climbing at SMA is the best with the rocks right here at camp. I liked the SMAM (Stone Mountain Activity Masters) because it gave me motivation to try all the activities at SMA this session. I have learned that I love water sports like wakeboarding, canoeing and just swimming around. SMA is the best camp I have ever been to I want to come back next year and stay for the whole summer. This was the best summer of my life so far and I really look forward to more summers at SMA!

P.S. - Next summer I will win the $100 at the Huntingdon County Fair for climbing to the top of the climbing wall!

Alex "Jesus" Nakamura

This is my 2nd year at SMA and I have really changed from my 2 summers at SMA. SM has taught me to just be myself and be an outgoing person. Last year I would not have said "hey beautiful" to almost every person I saw. Last summer I was more quiet than this year and this year was more fun. Campers and counselors and the SMA camp experience have taught me many things and influenced me greatly. Some people may think SMA is just an awesome camp, but to me is a learning experience and a way to make lifelong friendships. I really had a fun time this

year, I hd a lot of first and a lot of "best days ever" and some "best night ever" too! For you first year campers you may not know what I mean yet about how special SMA is, but I know the older campers do. It's hard to explain how I feel about SMA, it's like trying to explain how girls on a peice of paper - hard right? The bottom line is that SMA is an amazing camp that has changed who I am forever. Now I want to talk about the people of SMA: McKenna - I wish I got to know you better because you seem like and a great person. Emily - you rock! James the camper, I'm proud of you. Tim, you are a role model and give me good advice. Keep it Crazy Josh Wells! Ali, you are the best! Beth you are super cool and a great role model! Koni you are a super star! Dave you are lucky to have Koni. Keep it real T-money. David you are one of my best friends at SMA and I hope our friendship continues. James you are like a father to me. Caroline we had some awesome times together. Jeff, last year was wack but this year we connected - so great, you helped me get over my 1st day shyness. Matt, I love you!Daniel K, you are like a brother to me - quality over quantity. Alex L, you changed my view on social welfare and I'm thankful for that and for your friendship. And to every one else that I don't have time to mention cause I have to use the mens room - you are all incredible. Thanks to Jud and Anne for have SMA and for giving me the opportunity to spend to weeks at this camp. As far as I know it is the great place on earth!

Marina Medina

This is my 2nd Session at SMA. Last session was great: the friends I made to the counselors to the activities. I can 100% say I will never forget 2nd Session, my first session at SMA. 3rd Session was just as great and memorial if not better. In the beginning there were only 2 new campers in Rothrock Cabin (aka The Best Cabin Ever) My friends and I ran down to meet almost every new camper and we were ecstatic when we met our 2 new cabin mates. The 1st day of 3rd Session I made sure to say "hello" to all the new campers. I met people from everywhere, even as far away as Denmark, England and France. Over the next 2 week I got to know some pretty amazing people I will NEVER forget. My cabin was almost as great as last session. Even though we had our disagreements we always pulled through and were there for each other every day. I made 2 amazing friends from Denmark. I made the "best friend in the world" from Denmark and I made tons of life-long friends from all over the country. Now for the counselors- the counselors at SMA have definitely changed my life for the better: Chloe Koni and Molly have taught me to never stop trying even if it was jus trying to climb a large, wet, insect infested rock. Lindsay taught me to keep wakeboarding even though I always flew out of the bindings. Most of the other counselors taught me how to have fun every day while being "responsibly". Danielle taught me how no to sleep in a hammock (never sleep the wrong way). My English counselor Beth taught me that whatever activity I am on it will be amazing cause it's at SMA. This session I have done things that I could not have even dreamed

of doing. I attempted to climb monstrous rock cliffs, wakeboarding and even learned to ride a horse along with a bunch of other cool stuff. My Amazing Friends... where to start? My cabin mates have been incredible. Steph could make any one laugh and out the kid in every one. Mia is as sweet as honey and will always be my Mama Mia. Annalia is an amazing person ; she always listens to your problems and is always there for you. Katie is so loyal and funny and sleeps like a rock. Spencer is so funny, love our adventures together. Julia is my love and I'll remember her forever. Alex (aka Jesus) is insane and I love that. "Little" Daniel is indeed a ladies magnet (your super power

came true). Thomas was a great friend and always made me smile. Razzel Dazzel was really funny and always there to talk to. Laura you are like a sister to me. I could go on and on and on and on about every one but there just isn't time - you all made my time at SMA very special and I will miss all of you! To finish, as I take time to reflect on some funny and memorable experiences: I remember when I had to sit next to Alex

(aka Jesus) on the van ride and he would not close his mouth. We gave him an award for the worlds most annoying person (or at least the van's). I remember when we went to walmart and pretended to be one big happy family. I remember our conversations about food poisoning and learning to butt jump at Frisbee Golf and watching Daniel Kuperman "Par the Course". I remember hanging out with Thomas and Rasmus at the basketball court and taking funny snapshots with them at McDonalds. I remember singing lots of songs and rounds while White Water Rafting with Beth, Chloe, Annalia, Jeff and Spencer. I could literally continue this list for every but I just want every one to know how amazing you are all and how much I have valued my time here at SMA. I will never forget you. I am definitely coming back next year,,, SMA 2014!!!

Our Start Staff Team of 2013Our Start Staff Team of 2013Our Start Staff Team of 2013Our Start Staff Team of 2013 take time to tell you about the take time to tell you about the take time to tell you about the take time to tell you about the

awesome activities of awesome activities of awesome activities of awesome activities of Stone Mountain Adventures!Stone Mountain Adventures!Stone Mountain Adventures!Stone Mountain Adventures!

ROCK CLIMBING- This was a great session for climbing. After a very informative "belay school", we were on the Donation rocks almost every day. There, campers learned important concepts like "you have to keep taking in slack" and "if you don't know where to go, keep going up." Limits were pushed, cracks were climbed, fears were ignored, Shark's Tooth was hugged, and karabiners were kissed. Every person who came down to the rocks left a more confident climber than when they arrived.

White Water Rafting – 3rd session

Paddling in glorious sunshine, rafting was, as always, amazing! The entire camp out on the raging river was an awesome experience, lots of excitement, singing and sillyness, alongside motivation and determination and hardcore paddle strokes, each boat navigating and negotiating the river one by one, and on dimple the only raft to flip was the instructors raft! Good going team SMA! When the ‘pool’ was open campers and counselors alike joined in ‘king of the raft’ antics, tossing oneanother out the boat into the fresh Youghagany water. Such a fantastic and memorable experience! In Art Studio during session three, both campers and counselors let loose and went crazy with creativity. While friendship bracelets remained the Art Studio staple, many campers found sketching and beaded jewelry-making to be to their fancy. We also had a lot of fun tie dying this session - campers practiced their spirals, bull's eyes, v-patterns, and dip dying. Campers went out of their way to bring the arts out of the art studio by bringing clip boards filled with friendship bracelets and sketchpads everywhere we went! By the end of the session, almost (if not every!) camper had something creative to bring home, be it a bracelet from a friend or a pair of mis-matched tie dye socks. Campers and counselors alike loved the feeling of drifting away to our cozy, upstairs barn studio where we could let our creativity run wild.

Community Service

Giving back to the community is one of the best things we do here at SMA. Giving back to the community that provides us with a great atmosphere is very important and all of us here are happy to do it. This session we went to Elmcroft which is a senior living facility in Reedsville, PA. We served ice cream, played games, had great conversation, and most importantly shared laughs. It felt great to see how happy some of the residents were just to see us. We also gave away lemonade in town and at Raystown Lake to raise money for Alex's Lemonade Stand which funds childhood cancer research. Lemonade was also sold to raise money for the Clay Bishop Fund which is raising money to buy a remote operated vehicle with a camera to help dive teams in search and recovery missions. It was great seeing the campers get really into the causes and do their best to help. It felt awesome to give back and was a lot of fun

MOUNTAIN BIKING - Since arriving here at SMA we have been biking the Allegrippis trail, which is one of the best trails I have ridden in a while. The campers that have ridden it said it’s the best they’ve ever been on. We also have rails to trails, which is an old rail road track that was turned into a bike trail, with an amazing view the Little Juniata river for the duration of the ride. We had few wrecks, minimal injuries, and a lot of fun riding around greater Huntingdon. Watching campers build their confidence and try more technical tracks proved a rewarding experience; the biking in this area is superb and there will always be something to offer riders of all skill levels. The Amish market is a sight to behold, it’s a place where you find yourself lost in stalls offering everything from freshly made cakes to music, trucker hats and trinkets from across America. It’s a great place for campers and counselors to spend a morning exploring whilst experiencing the unique Amish culture. For me the Amish Market will always be special place because it’s where I had my first whooppie pie and witnessed the sights and smells of the livestock market. A morning spent at the Amish Market is a great activity to have; campers get so excited it makes the staff even more enthusiastic to go. I’ll always remember the Amish Market not just because of the whoopie pies but because it gave me an insight into a different side of American culture I never thought I’d experience. HORSE MASTERS - Another memorable session of Horse Masters has come to a close, but what a great time it was! We had many awesome days full of riding and hanging out in the barn! Every morning the lovely ladies of session 3 would start their daily duties of cleaning and sweeping the tack room, tidying and scooping the poop in the barn area. They got their horses ready and often worked as a team and in partners to use time as efficiently as possible. It was always a great sight to see everyone helping each other out. The riding lessons were full of focus on riding technique and balanced positions, including vertical far, half seat, posting trot, and obstacle work such as ground poles and jumps. Some of the other fun activities the Horse Masters participated in were lunge-line lessons, trail riding, a trip to the local county fair horse show, painting and decorating horses, and a fantastic morning of yoga and stretching as the horses watched .Pam and I have absolutely loved spending time with the

Horse Masters and appreciate all their dedication and hard work they put in to achieve their goals! What amazing memories were made this session in Horse Masters! Thank you for a wonderful summer!

Canoeing Session 3 seemed to be the most popular session this year for canoeing. Both overnights packed to the brim, campers loved paddling the little J. It seems that the change of pace from the usual activities at camp, that canoeing offers, is the reason that it is so popular. A sunny lazy afternoon provides the perfect back drop to take a casual float and catch up on some rest and chat to some new friends. The a few games thrown in the mix and the occasional patch of fast moving water, it is the perfect mix of excitement, chilling and GREAT times. FISHING - A great deal of fishing was offered this section and though few fish were caught, campers were hooked on the activity. Many learned to bait hooks and cast out for the first time while the more experienced fishermen (and women) were able to assist the novices and maintain their own lines with ease. Night-crawlers, plastic lures, weights, bobbers and rooster tails were all used with varying levels of success and enthusiasm. Regardless of what was caught and how, campers and staff alike will surely remember their laidback mornings on the lake with fondness and nostalgia. RADIO STATION - The WSMA hosts this session were many and varied as loads of kids and counselors alike took to the airwaves. Camp gossip, birthday wishes, interviews and loads of eclectic music were recorded for the sake of amusement during Power Hour, as is tradition. Such bands as Maroon Five, Tenacious D, The Eagles, Duck Sauce, Queen and MGMT were featured on the show this year. The opportunities to contribute one’s time, talents and taste in music were well received and provided a creative outlet previously only offered to a select few. Doubtless, WSMA will endure as a time-honored activity and a great rainy day alternative.

Overnights This session we offered wakeboarding and canoeing overnights. Overnights are a unique opportunity for campers to spend an extended amount of time away from camp with a small group. We leave camp after lunch on the first day, spend the afternoon doing an activity, camp out that night under the stars (weather permitting), wake up to get even more time to do the activity, and return to camp for lunch that afternoon. The smaller group allows for more personal bonding time between campers and counselors. Each camper helps with some aspect of setting up camp be it cooking, pitching tents, or gathering firewood. I love to see the look on the camper’s faces when they sleep in the first tent they have ever set up or eat the first mountain pie they have ever made. Be sure to ask your camper about their favorite overnight memory.

Windsurf & Sail Session 3 2013

Windsurf sail was one of the most enjoyed activities this year. There was a wide variety of different crafts to choose from, during either the morning or evening activity at Raystown Lake. This includes; windsurf sail boards, standing paddle boards, kayak’s, and windsurf boats. Even though this summer wasn’t one of the windiest of summers at SMA, the kids still managed to put the windsurf boards to good use. This activity gave the campers time to socialize with one another and the opportunity to dunk each other into the cold waters of Raystown Lake. Overall Windsurf sail during session three of 2013 was a success.

Sports Activities At SMA we do many different athletic activities including soccer, volleyball, and, tennis.

Greenwood Furnace has a great huge field where we play soccer and ultimate Frisbee. We then cool off in the FREEZING freezewood lake. I remember the sweltering heat, although, the campers remained positive knowing that after playing hard they could go swimming.

Volleyball was an awesome activity as well. We played at either Greenwood Furnace. Despite not being able to get the traditional bump, set, and spike perfected we had a great time and did not really care as long as the ball made it back over the net. We not only played volleyball in the sand,

but also in the water and in the grass in a passing circle. Volleyball was not fun until everyone was covered in sand from head to toe. After a few games, we all jumped in the lake for a cool off/rinse off. Finally, we also played tennis at Juniata College. We had all ranges of skill level, but everyone enjoyed playing king of the court and dodge ball tennis. Even if everyone had no experience with tennis, we still had a good time playing silly games. Overall, it was a great summer!

Wakemasters The Wake Masters program is held on the beautiful Raystown Lake. This program is provided for the kids who wish to improve there water sports abilities. It’s amazing to be able to have one set group of kids who are out on the boat as much as possible, and to watch them improve over the three weeks. It’s an incredible experience to be apart of the development of the kids that make it on to the wake masters program. To build relationships with the group as we spend so much time on the water together. I loved how much the kids wanted to be involved and try new things every day. To learn to get the boat ready and to help keep it running. It is a fantastic feeling when i manage to get some one new to the sport up on the skis or wake board, to see the big smile on there face.

White Water Rafting – 3rd session

Paddling in glorious sunshine, rafting was, as always, amazing! The entire camp out on the raging river was an awesome experience, lots of excitement, singing and silliness, alongside motivation and determination and hardcore paddle strokes, each boat navigating and negotiating the river one by one, and on dimple the only raft to flip was the instructors raft! Good going team SMA! When the ‘pool’ was open campers and counselors alike joined in ‘king of the raft’ antics, tossing one another out the boat into the fresh Youghigany water. Such a fantastic and memorable experience!