sm an open opinion...>3 r i.-k css! worthless mixed feed.. yb it is to be hoped that mississippi...

.... A Dowling Green. W. A. Allman, of South Dakota, tqj«nt Wednesday ni*ht with H C- Bo gers. Hon. D. J. Crawford attended to business in the northern part of the beat, letting bridge to be built to Geo. H. Nabors, who was the lowest bidder. Col. J. G. Hamilton and A. C. How- j ell, J. P., of Duraat were business visitors to our town last Friday. Mrs. W. E. McLellan and Ike Polk i went down to 8. J. Ellingtons last j Wednesday to see Mrs. M A. Aldridge, who is very sick. We hope lor her a ! speedy recovery. ! J. H. McNeer made Lexington a | business visit Wednesday. I M iss Jessie Weeks, we are glad to j say, is improving from a serious spell j of tever, and heart trounle. W. A. Allman visited Phillip Eu- | : banks Tuesday morning, and chatted awhile of times befode war." Es<|. W. ,T. Grace made Bowling [Green an official visit Tuesday morn- ing. Mits My i tic a Pace and brother, Wal- ter. visited their aunt, Mrs. A. M. Moorehead, Wednesday evening, re- turning Thursday. Mrs. J. F. McNeer and beuatiful Miss Magige visited Mrs. Carnatban Monday. Mesdames Sudbeck and J. F. Eu- bank spent Monday very pleasantly with Mrs. Carnatha i and daughter. B. C. Farr, of Oxford, spent a few days with J. H. McNeer this week. The many friends of Mrs. Geo, Holmes will regret to learn that she is yet very sick. Miss Florence Newman has been on the sick lis this week. Wo wish fur her a speedy restoration to health. Mesdames P. M. Downer and W. C. Downer and beautiful little Marie Downer visited Mrs. S. W. Ellis, of Edsville, Wednesday. Best wishes to all, and awaiting Ganderbones communication. As ever S y An Open Opinion sm » , i * > ilS / >3 r i . - < Css! k WORTHLESS MIXED FEED. . yb It is to be hoped that Mississippi will enact a prohibition clause in their feed law and prohibit so-called Brewers grains from adulterating feed stuffs as so-called Brewersgrains are simply re- fuse of breweries, or what is left from the grains and chemicals after beer has been made from them. It is the opinion of feed experts that brewersgraims fed in any quantity are dangerous to stock. i 111 I Baking Powder The only Baking Powder made with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar made from grapesn a. a Insures healthful and delicious food for every k homeevery day Safeguards your food against alum and phosphate of lime in Ly t C. N. WHITE. /■ CATO. . PretnJent Roosevelt soys that outdoor exercise is needed by thO American people. Thats all very well, but how can people with rheu- matism follow that advice? The an- swer is simpleuse Ballard's Snow Liniment and the rheumatism will go; leaving you as spry as a colt. Gives quick and permanent relief from rheumatism, neuralgia, lame liack and all pains. Hold by All Druggists. Percy Houston KiNed. The following, taken from the Com- mercial Appeal, will be of interest to Holmes county readers,as deceased was born and raised near Ebenezer: Percy M. Houston, recently elected secretary and treasurer of the Yazoo- Mississippi levee board, was shot.and almost instantly killed by J. T. Lowe, a prominent attorney, on the main street of Tunica, Miss , shortly before 6 oclock Monday atfernoon. Only one shot was fired, the ball striking Hou- ston in the temple and entering his brain, causing death within fifteen minutes. The tragedy occurred in the presence of more than fiftv people. Two theories of the shooting are advanced. One is that the killing was the outgrowth of a quarrel grow- ing out of the election of D. A. Scott as president and Houston as secretary and treasurer of the levee hoard and the investigation into that election or- dered by Gov. Noel, while the other is that the killing was the result of words beginning in a joke, which ruffled the feelings of both men and led to the firing of the fatal shot. Lowe is in the custody of the sheriff await- ing a hearing April 2. Houston will be buried at Vaiden, Miss , today. .The killing occurred on the main street between the Allen and Owens stores. There were a number of eye witnesses. About a half hour preceding the tragedy some words had passed be- tween the two men growing out of the meeting of the Tallahatchie drainage district meeting, but they separated Just before the tragedy they met again, and Lowe claims he asked Houston about the foul words Houston applied to him; that he demanded a retraction, and that Houston reached for his weapon, and he then fired. Both men were armed. Conflicting statements were made as to whether or not Houston drew his weapon. Lowe asked him if he had applied a foul name to him and demanded that be retraet the words. This demand some of the witnesses state was re- peated three times before the shot was fired which ended Houstons life, W. L. Bankston, of Tunica, last igbt gave The Commercial Appeal the following statement as to the tra- gedy; 'Lowe and Houston had been the best of friends, but it appears their spirits had been ruffled by a joke. Just who started the joking is not knowD, but when the trouble first arose Houston was heard calling Lowe vile names. I beard Lowe say: "You ought not to have talked to me that way." He nad hardly spoken these words when Houston reached for his pistol. Lowe seeing this reached ]for his own gun and fired before Houston could get his gun from his pocket. The ball entered his brain, killing him almost instantly. Fifty or one hun- dred delta men saw the shooting, many planters and prominent citizens being in attendance at the meeting of the Tallahatchie Drainage Commission. Rev. 8. J. Myers, of Tunica, ^wit- nessed the shooting. Sam Houston, a brother of the dead man, stated last night that the two men were good friends until the levee board election at which time Lowe op- posed the election of Scott and Hou- ston as president and secretary, and that he was sure Lowe had been inter- ested in the investigation of that elec- tion ordered by Gov. Noel. He stated further that the shooting was uncalled for, that both had been good friends ana their families had been friends. He stated that his brother had dis- claimed using any vile epithets about Lowe and that Lowe had asked Hous- ton to get his gun and they would shoot it out. Houshon is survived by his wife and three daughters. Lowe is married and has five children. Lowe is a son- in-law of R. C. Irwin, one of the wealthy and influential citizens of Tunica. Houstons body will be taken to Vaiden. Miss., Tuesday there. Following the tragedy Lowe was taken into the custody of the sheriff and will be given a hearing April 2. We Sell the Celebrated CORNO Horse & Mule Feed D. E. Hoikins spent Tuesday in Du- rant on business. ""*** THAT IS ALL FEED A concrete sidewalk has been laid from the post office westa moat time ly improvement. MrB. J. U. Sheehy and son, Irbv. of Bowling Green, were in the city Mon- day. Barrett Grocer Co U. 0. C. Meeting. B. G. Humphreys chapter, U. D. C. will meet at the residence of Mrs. Stanfield, Tuesday afternoon, at four oclock. A full attendance is requested as business of importance will be discussed. 1 C. Pierce, of Eulogy, was here on a business errand Wednesday. MRS. E. D STANFIELD, President. C. L. King, of Mileston, was the guest of Lexington friends Wednesday. M. Shack, of Thornton, was here )t business Wednesday. IJSfc are agents for the ce- lebrated Fcrndell groceries. Best by Jest. Lipsey Keirn The Charter off Inoorporation of The Lotus Club. LOCAL. Bahk of Commerce 1. The corporate title of said company is The Lotus Club. 2. The names of the Incorporators are: 8. L. Burnell, postofflee, Lexington, Miss. «J. H. McMorrough, postoflice, Lexington. Miss. G. C. Phillips, postoffice, Lexington, Miss. ,1. H. McBee, postofflee. Lexington, Miss. B. A. Shepherd, postofflee, Lexington. Mies, A. M. Pepper, postofflee, Lexington, Miss. •Sam Herrman, postofflee, Lexington, Miss. H. S. Hooker, postofflee, Lexington, Miss. 8. The domicile is at Lexington, Holme* County. Mississippi. 1. Amount of capital stock. $1,500.00. 5. The par value of shares is $15.00. 0. The period of existence (not to exceed fifty years) is fifty years. 7. The purpose for which it is created is: Sec. 1. To procure by all proper and feasible means, the greatest development of the City of Lexington, Holmes County, Mississippi, and vi- cinity along commercial, manufacturing, agri- cultural and educational lines, and to foster a supreme respect lor law and order, leading to a higher standard of municipal character, through the organization of all concerned, into an ag- gressive force. To foster and promote the social relations and intercourses of its members, and to promote the business, moral and intel- lectual interest and welfare of the city of its domicile and vicinity. It is empowered and authorized to buy. rent, lease or boild suitable and ample quarter* and rooms for the use of said club or corporation and its members, which shall be open to said club, and its members, at suoh times, and under such rules, regulations and restrictions as shall be provided from time to time in the by-laws. In no event shall any in- toxicating liquors be kept and dispensed in said rooms, nor any immoral or illegal acts or prac- tices be allowed or permitted or done in the rooms or quarters or on the premises of said club or corporation- Sec 2. The general welfare of society, no* individual profit, is the object for which this charter is granted. And the members sre not stockholders in the general sense of the term, and no dividends or profits shall be paid out or divided amoug the members. Sec. 3. This club may adopt by-laws and do and perforin all things, not inconsistent with law. which may be necessary and proper to carry into effect the purposes for which same is organized and created, or which are usual, or iueident to the purposes of similar cor- porations or clubs. , . . . Sec. 4- The officers of this club shall be a President, a Vice President,and a Secretary and Treasurer. These officers and four other mem- bers shall constitute a Board of Trustees. The duties of all said officials shall be the duties usu- ally pertaining to such officials in similar bodies, and such as shall from time to time be pre- scribed by by-laws. They shall .each serve for aud until their successors shall have Miss Davie Catron has been quite ill but is now on the road to recovery. W. Z.Smith, of the Elliot Hill neigh- borho d, mingled friends yesterday. Mrs.W. B. Shook and children, of Tchula, have been the guest of J. A. Brown and farnilv this week. Mrs. J. D. Wallace, of Howard, visited Lexington friends yesterday. N. R. Divine, of Brozville, was here on business Saturday. Mrs. W. O. Barrett and children went over to Durant .Wednesday even- ing to visit relatives. Mrs. B Dicky and babe left Wednes- day for a.visit to home folks at Obi- on, Tenn. Miss Alma Ashcraft is spending some time ia Memphis. S. fl. Upshaw, of Marie, Miss., is a new subscriber to this paper. C. O. Nixon, of Tolarville, was no- ted in Lexington business circles yes- terday. L. D. Cooper, Durant, orders this paper sent to him in the future. Early seed corn for sale. Barrett Grocer Co. Co. ith Lexington W. K PICKENS. President W. P. TACKETT. Vice-PreU Dr and Mrs. W, C s,n)th- of Zeig- leryille, were the guest* of Lexington friends Wednesday. S D. Bailey, of Acona, transit®*! busines* in Lexington Wednesday. The Cumberland Telephone Compa- ny at this place has made a general re arrangement, "knocking out" 57 of the old time private line boxes and placing everybody oil the long dis- * tance qwsfem. ^Mvisw* JyJumie Lynn Fincher and WftfSW herring had a spirited ex %nce with a runaway horse Sunday morning, but miraculously escaped any injurias. Phone us for Triumph seed potatoes, onion sets and garden seed. Lipsey-Keirn Co. R. M, GW1N, Cashier Capital : : : : $45,000.00 DIRECTORS D. W. BEALL, President Beall Hardware Co. J. MOORE, Planter, Lexington; W. P. TACKETT, of Tackett & Elmore, Attorneys. W. I. PICKENS; S. N. SAMPLE, of Sample- Burwell Co., Ebenezer-! S. J. FISHER, of R. & B. Son- theimer; C. C. PAHLEN, of Pahlen Bros. peri- Solicito the Accounts of Inchvkhials, Finns and Coi on as Favorable Terms as are Consistent with Sounc •rations Mrs. H. E. Buck and Mrs. J. M. Johnson, of Acona, left Monday on an exteuded visit to relatives and friends at San Antonio and other points in Texas. Joe Wigley, ofCoxburg, sojourned in the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Jordan have the congratulationas ot friends over the advent into their home of a bouncing baby boy. R. B. Dow, of Canton, was here Monday on cotton business. C. R. Dicken. Sr., was over from Durant Monday interviewing the gro- cery merchants. J. G. Robertson, of Tolarville, fa vomi this office with an appreciated call Monday. When things go wrong dont scold the wife and children. If you must do something to relieve your feelings go out and take a few kicks at the horse block. 4 Per Cent 14 Per Cent ORGANIZED lfWt» In reply to inquiries from a number of our subscribers we will state that we have made clubbing arrangements with The Issue, Ex-Governor Varda mans paper, whereby we can send The Advertiser and The Issue for 12.00 per year. This is a liberal reduction and should be taken advantage of. D. T. George, of Oregon, sojourn- ed in tbe city yesterday. Misses Minnie Gallagher, Maggie Niland, Bena Niland and Daisy Ro- gers are up from Cypress, attending the teachersexamination They were accompanied by Master Willie Gal- lagher. Dr. B. A. Shepherd made Yazoo City a visit the latter part of last]week. 8. R. Lee, of Grenada, was noted in Lexington business circles yesterday P. B. Thomas, of Ebenezer, was a business visitor to the city Wednes- day. n proper, Bank or Lexington Lexington, Mess. Capital Surplus 940,000 $40,000 W L. Young,President. KF.Noel., Vice Prest. Stephen L.BcRWEix.Canhier. J.E.CuRNiNOHAM.Ass t Cashier, one year qualified. Sec. 5. Each member shall pay such entrance fees and monthly dues and in whatever amounts as shall be fixed by by-laws of the club. Sec. 6. A meeting of the members shall be held in the City of Lexington. Mississippi, after the approval of this charter, for the purpose of organization and election of officers, winch meeting may be called by written notice signed by five of the members, said notice stating time and place and purpose of meeting, and be given two days prior to the meeting. See. 7 This corporation or club may begin business with all the privileges and powers con- ferred upon it by this charter when $100.00 of its capital stock shall have been paid in cash. No member or stockholder shall ever be liable for any debts or obligations of this club in excess of his unpaid obligations to said club. 8. The rights and powers that may be exer- cised by this corporation are those conferred by the provisions of Chapter 24. Mississippi Code. 1906. 8. L. BURWELL. G. H. McMORROUUH, G. C. PHILLIPS. J. H. McBEE. B. A. SHEPHERD. A M. PEPPER, SAM HERRMAN. H. S. HOOKER We iaaue Time Certificates of Deposit, bearinginterest at the rate ol 4*. If interested, call or write for information. DIRECTORS: W. L. Young. A. M. Pepver. W. 0. Barrett. J. E. Cunningham. Stephen L. Burwell. 4 4 Per Cent Per Cent We handle only the best cream cheese that money can boy. Lipsey-Keirn Co. Parham Williams went to West Point yesterday noon to take charge of the remains of his uncle, T. C. Williams, who died atBirmingham the night previous. R. P. Clack retruned Saturday from Alpine, Texas, where he has been spending several months in search of health. His condition is not as satis factory as could be wished, but his legion of friends trust that he will ere long be numbered among the con- valescents. D. L. Gibson, of Franklin, was no- ted among the visitors to our city Wednesday. W. G. Pope leaves tomorrow for Kentucky, after a load of saddle and harness horses. Photo fancies in the very latest style of tbe art at Fonvilles studio. R. A. Luck, of Hambrick, [[Carroll county, has been visiting the old haunts in Holmes county this week. o: e ........ ................. -=•T H P... ----------- Best Farm Wagons -■ ;■ 1. -■ --- -and the - .... BEST BRICK Made in the State are Made in Durant ■j*. Incorporators. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. State of MississippiCounty of Holmes. This day personally appeared before me. the undersigned authority. S. L. Burwell, G. C. Phillips, J. H. McBee, B. A. Shepherd. A. M- Pepper. Sam Herrman and H. S Hooker, in- corporators of the corporation known as the Lotus Club, who acknowledged that they signed and executed the above and fore- going articles of incorporation as their act and deed, on this the 26th day of March. 1908. G. H. McMORROUGH, ---- Notary Public. State of MississippiCounty of Holmes. Personally appeared before me. tbe under- signed authority. G. H. McMorrough, one ol the incorporators of the corporation known as the Lotus Club, w ho acknowledged that he signed and executed the above and foregoirg articles of incorporation as his act aud deed, on this, the '26th day of March. 1908. For Sale. 6 Room dwelling; 16.1-3 acres land; 2 cisterns, garden and out house. For terms, apply to Lock Box 411. Capt. W. J. French, alias "Wild Jim" aud a young "cow gill" gave an exhibition in the city yesterdav af- ternoon in fancy shooting and the use of the lariat. The performance was very creditable and tbe Captain had a most effective way to take up a col- lection and sell his autobiography, and left Lexington with a well lined pock- et hook. We have recently put in an outfit to make Brick that can- not be surpassed. Our Brick absorbs the smallest amount of water, and walls built of them will not get wet through. There is nothing as good as brick to build a house out of, nothing but brick will stand fire. flWe solicit your orders and are now turning out Brcks that are strong, and give you satisfaction. Registration Notice. In pursuance of Section 4122 of the Mississippi Code of 1906, I, the undersigned registrar of Holmes county, will visit the voting places here- inafter named for the purpose of registering on th. following dates: West, Monday. May 4th. 1908. Durant, Tuesday. May 5th, 1908. Goodman. Wednesday. May 6th, 1908- Pickens, Thursday. May 7th. 1908. Richland. Friday. May 8th. 1908. Eulogy, Monday. May 11th. 190*. Ebenezer. Tuesday, May 12th. 1908, Franklin. Wednesday. May 13th, 1908. Edsville, Thursday. May 14th, 1908. Bowling Green, Friday. May 15th. 1908. Emory. Monday. May 18th. 1908. Acona, Tuesday, May 19th. 1908. Cruger, Wednesday, May 20th, 1908. Ashton, Thursday, May 21st, 1908 Tchula. Friday, May 22nd. 1908. Thornton, Monday. May 25th, 1908. Paynes. Tuesday. May 26th, 1908. This is not a new registration, but is made for the purpose of registering those who have become of age. or who had not heretofore reg- istered. and interred W. Lr. Hope has gone to Kentucky after a choice lot of saddle horses. Il: LOVE WAGON CO DURANT, Mississippi. •* A, M. PEPPER, Notary Public. S-27-3t. Hon. A. S. Meharg will deliver an address on the ever pertinent subject of "Diversification"at the court house in Lexintgon on April Uth. He should be greeted by a large audience of all interested in agricultural pursuits. Mrs. A. P. Yarborough, of Rich- land, went to Yazoo City last week to have an operation performed. Her many friends are glad to learn that she is improving nicely. ODOOOOX The Taggart Residence For Sale It may Interest you to know that we guarantee CornoHorse and Mule Feed to give you sa* tisfaction, or we will refund I ou your money. The teed that s all feed. ________ W. B. Lundy went to Tchula Wed* esday morning on business for] the government. Money to Loan. On delta land, 8 per cent. Long time. A. M. PEPPER. For the very latest and most stylish mounts in photography go to H. Fon- villes studio. Pigeons For Sale. Homer strain, very best blood; quit* tame: about 15 pair right now. Ad- dress Lock Box 334, Lexington. Miss. Photo memoriesthe very latest and most approved styles. H. Fonville. A nice, comparatively new 7 room cottage on main street in West Lex- ington. The lot contains 2 acres, and is set to fine young orchard. For terms and description apply to W. P. TACKETT. E. V. ASHLEY. Registrar. / i '->• •/r< „-.,w -. i

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Page 1: sm An Open Opinion...>3 r i.-k Css! WORTHLESS MIXED FEED.. yb It is to be hoped that Mississippi will enact a prohibition clause in their feed law and prohibit so-called Brewers grains

———— ....


Dowling Green.W. A. Allman, of South Dakota,

tqj«nt Wednesday ni*ht with H C- Bo gers.

Hon. D. J. Crawford attended to business in the northern part of the beat, letting bridge to be built to Geo. H. Nabors, who was the lowest bidder.

Col. J. G. Hamilton and A. C. How- j ell, J. P., of Duraat were business visitors to our town last Friday.

Mrs. W. E. McLellan and Ike Polk i went down to 8. J. Ellington’s last j Wednesday to see Mrs. M A. Aldridge, who is very sick. We hope lor her a

! speedy recovery.! J. H. McNeer made Lexington a | business visit Wednesday.I M iss Jessie Weeks, we are glad to j say, is improving from a serious spell j of tever, and heart trounle.

W. A. Allman visited Phillip Eu- |: banks Tuesday morning, and chatted awhile of times ‘ befo’ de war."

Es<|. W. ,T. Grace made Bowling [Green an official visit Tuesday morn­ing.

Mits My i tic a Pace and brother, Wal­ter. visited their aunt, Mrs. A. M. Moore head, Wednesday evening, re­turning Thursday.

Mrs. J. F. McNeer and beuatiful Miss Magige visited Mrs. Carnatban Monday.“Mesdames Sudbeck and J. F. Eu­

bank spent Monday very pleasantly with Mrs. Carnatha i and daughter.

B. C. Farr, of Oxford, spent a few days with J. H. McNeer this week.

The many friends of Mrs. Geo, Holmes will regret to learn that she is yet very sick.

Miss Florence Newman has been on the sick lis this week. Wo wish fur her a speedy restoration to health.

Mesdames P. M. Downer and W. C. Downer and beautiful little Marie Downer visited Mrs. S. W. Ellis, of Edsville, Wednesday.

Best wishes to all, and awaiting Ganderbone’s communication.

As ever


An Open Opinionsm »

, i * >ilS/ •





ybIt is to be hoped that Mississippi

will enact a prohibition clause in their

feed law and prohibit so-called Brewers

grains from adulterating feed stuffs as

so-called Brewers’ grains are simply re­

fuse of breweries, or what is left from

the grains and chemicals after beer has

been made from them. It is the opinion

of feed experts that brewers’ graims

fed in any quantity are dangerous to





Baking PowderThe only Baking Powder made

with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar —made from grapes— na. aInsures healthful and

delicious food for every k home—every day

Safeguards your food against alum and phosphate of lime



—C. N. WHITE./■


PretnJent Roosevelt soysthat outdoor exercise is needed by thO American people. That’s all very well, but how can people with rheu­matism follow that advice? The an­swer is simple—use Ballard's Snow Liniment and the rheumatism will go; leaving you as spry as a colt. Gives quick and permanent relief from rheumatism, neuralgia, lame liack and all pains. Hold by All Druggists.

Percy Houston KiNed.The following, taken from the Com­

mercial Appeal, will be of interest to Holmes county readers,as deceased was born and raised near Ebenezer:

Percy M. Houston, recently elected secretary and treasurer of the Yazoo- Mississippi levee board, was shot.and almost instantly killed by J. T. Lowe, a prominent attorney, on the main street of Tunica, Miss , shortly before 6 o’clock Monday atfernoon. Only one shot was fired, the ball striking Hou­ston in the temple and entering his brain, causing death within fifteen minutes. The tragedy occurred in the presence of more than fiftv people.

Two theories of the shooting are advanced. One is that the killing was the outgrowth of a quarrel grow­ing out of the election of D. A. Scott as president and Houston as secretary and treasurer of the levee hoard and the investigation into that election or­dered by Gov. Noel, while the other is that the killing was the result of words beginning in a joke, which ruffled the feelings of both men and led to the firing of the fatal shot. Lowe is in the custody of the sheriff await­ing a hearing April 2. Houston will be buried at Vaiden, Miss , today..The killing occurred on the main

street between the Allen and Owens stores. There were a number of eye witnesses.

About a half hour preceding the tragedy some words had passed be­tween the two men growing out of the meeting of the Tallahatchie drainage district meeting, but they separated Just before the tragedy they met again, and Lowe claims he asked Houston about the foul words Houston applied to him; that he demanded a retraction, and that Houston reached for his weapon, and he then fired.

Both men were armed. Conflicting statements were made as to whether or not Houston drew his weapon. Lowe asked him if he had applied a foul name to him and demanded that be retraet the words. This demand some of the witnesses state was re­peated three times before the shot was fired which ended Houston’s life,

W. L. Bankston, of Tunica, last igbt gave The Commercial Appeal

the following statement as to the tra- gedy;

‘ 'Lowe and Houston had been the best of friends, but it appears their spirits had been ruffled by a joke. Just who started the joking is not knowD, but when the trouble first arose Houston was heard calling Lowe vile names. I beard Lowe say: "You ought not to have talked to me that way." He nad hardly spoken these words when Houston reached for his pistol. Lowe seeing this reached ]for his own gun and fired before Houston could get his gun from his pocket. The ball entered his brain, killing him almost instantly. Fifty or one hun­dred delta men saw the shooting, many planters and prominent citizens being in attendance at the meeting of the Tallahatchie Drainage Commission. ”

Rev. 8. J. Myers, of Tunica, ^wit­nessed the shooting.

Sam Houston, a brother of the dead man, stated last night that the two men were good friends until the levee board election at which time Lowe op­posed the election of Scott and Hou­ston as president and secretary, and that he was sure Lowe had been inter­ested in the investigation of that elec­tion ordered by Gov. Noel. He stated further that the shooting was uncalled for, that both had been good friends ana their families had been friends. He stated that his brother had dis­claimed using any vile epithets about Lowe and that Lowe had asked Hous­ton to get his gun and they would shoot it out.

Houshon is survived by his wife and three daughters. Lowe is married and has five children. Lowe is a son- in-law of R. C. Irwin, one of the wealthy and influential citizens of Tunica.

Houston’s body will be taken to Vaiden. Miss., Tuesday there.

Following the tragedy Lowe was taken into the custody of the sheriff and will be given a hearing April 2.

We Sell the Celebrated CORNO Horse & Mule FeedD. E. Hoikins spent Tuesday in Du-

rant on business. ""*** THAT IS ALL FEEDA concrete sidewalk has been laid

from the post office west—a moat time ly improvement.

MrB. J. U. Sheehy and son, Irbv. of Bowling Green, were in the city Mon­day.

Barrett Grocer CoU. 0. C. Meeting.B. G. Humphreys chapter, U. D.

C. will meet at the residence of Mrs. Stanfield, Tuesday afternoon, at four o’clock. A full attendance is requested as business of importance will be discussed.

1C. Pierce, of Eulogy, was here on

a business errand Wednesday.’•MRS. E. D STANFIELD,

President.C. L. King, of Mileston, was the

guest of Lexington friends Wednesday.M. Shack, of Thornton, was here

)t business Wednesday.

IJSfc are agents for the ce­lebrated Fcrndell groceries. Best by Jest. Lipsey Keirn

The Charter off Inoorporation of The Lotus Club.


Bahk of Commerce1. The corporate title of said company is The Lotus Club.

2. The names of the Incorporators are:8. L. Burnell, postofflee, Lexington, Miss.«J. H. McMorrough, postoflice, Lexington. Miss.G. C. Phillips, postoffice, Lexington, Miss.,1. H. McBee, postofflee. Lexington, Miss.B. A. Shepherd, postofflee, Lexington. Mies,A. M. Pepper, postofflee, Lexington, Miss.•Sam Herrman, postofflee, Lexington, Miss.H. S. Hooker, postofflee, Lexington, Miss.

8. The domicile is at Lexington, Holme* County. Mississippi.

1. Amount of capital stock. $1,500.00.5. The par value of shares is $15.00.0. The period of existence (not to exceed

fifty years) is fifty years.7. The purpose for which it is created is:Sec. 1. To procure by all proper and feasible

means, the greatest development of the City of Lexington, Holmes County, Mississippi, and vi­cinity along commercial, manufacturing, agri­cultural and educational lines, and to foster a supreme respect lor law and order, leading to a higher standard of municipal character, through the organization of all concerned, into an ag­gressive force. To foster and promote the social relations and intercourses of its members, and to promote the business, moral and intel­lectual interest and welfare of the city of its domicile and vicinity. It is empowered and authorized to buy. rent, lease or boild suitable and ample quarter* and rooms for the use of said club or corporation and its members, which shall be open to said club, and its members, at suoh times, and under such rules, regulations and restrictions as shall be provided from time to time in the by-laws. In no event shall any in­toxicating liquors be kept and dispensed in said rooms, nor any immoral or illegal acts or prac­tices be allowed or permitted or done in the rooms or quarters or on the premises of said club or corporation-

Sec 2. The general welfare of society, no* individual profit, is the object for which this charter is granted. And the members sre not stockholders in the general sense of the term, and no dividends or profits shall be paid out or divided amoug the members.

Sec. 3. This club may adopt by-laws and do and perforin all things, not inconsistent with law. which may be necessary and proper to carry into effect the purposes for which same is organized and created, or which are usual, or iueident to the purposes of similar cor­porations or clubs. , . . „ .

Sec. 4- The officers of this club shall be a President, a Vice President,and a Secretary and Treasurer. These officers and four other mem­bers shall constitute a Board of Trustees. The duties of all said officials shall be the duties usu­ally pertaining to such officials in similar bodies, and such as shall from time to time be pre­scribed by by-laws. They shall .each serve for

aud until their successors shall have

Miss Davie Catron has been quite ill but is now on the road to recovery.

W. Z.Smith, of the Elliot Hill neigh- borho d, mingled friends yesterday.

Mrs.W. B. Shook and children, of Tchula, have been the guest of J. A. Brown and farnilv this week.

Mrs. J. D. Wallace, of Howard, visited Lexington friends yesterday.

N. R. Divine, of Brozville, was here on business Saturday.

Mrs. W. O. Barrett and children went over to Durant .Wednesday even­ing to visit relatives.

Mrs. B Dicky and babe left Wednes­day for a. visit to home folks at Obi­on, Tenn.

Miss Alma Ashcraft is spending some time ia Memphis.

S. fl. Upshaw, of Marie, Miss., is a new subscriber to this paper.

C. O. Nixon, of Tolarville, was no­ted in Lexington business circles yes­terday.

L. D. Cooper, Durant, orders this paper sent to him in the future.

Early seed corn for sale. Barrett Grocer Co.

Co. ith Lexington W. K PICKENS. PresidentW. P. TACKETT. Vice-PreUDr and Mrs. W, C s,n)th- of Zeig-

leryille, were the guest* of Lexington friends Wednesday.

S D. Bailey, of Acona, transit®*! busines* in Lexington Wednesday.

The Cumberland Telephone Compa­ny at this place has made a general re arrangement, "knocking out" 57 of the old time private line boxes and placing everybody oil the long dis-

* tance qwsfem.^Mvisw* JyJumie Lynn Fincher and

WftfSW herring had a spirited ex %nce with a runaway horse Sunday morning, but miraculously escaped any injurias.

Phone us for Triumph seed potatoes, onion sets and garden seed. Lipsey-Keirn Co.

R. M, GW1N, Cashier

Capital : : : : $45,000.00

DIRECTORSD. W. BEALL, President Beall

Hardware Co.

J. MOORE, Planter, Lexington;

W. P. TACKETT, of Tackett & Elmore, Attorneys.

W. I. PICKENS;S. N. SAMPLE, of Sample-

Burwell Co., Ebenezer-!S. J. FISHER, of R. & B. Son-

theimer;C. C. PAHLEN, of Pahlen Bros.


Solicito the Accounts of Inchvkhials, Finns and Coi on as Favorable Terms as are Consistent with Sounc


Mrs. H. E. Buck and Mrs. J. M. Johnson, of Acona, left Monday on an exteuded visit to relatives and friends at San Antonio and other points in Texas.

Joe Wigley, ofCoxburg, sojourned in the city Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Jordan have the congratulationas ot friends over the advent into their home of a bouncing baby boy.

R. B. Dow, of Canton, was here Monday on cotton business.

C. R. Dicken. Sr., was over from Durant Monday interviewing the gro­cery merchants.

J. G. Robertson, of Tolarville, fa vomi this office with an appreciated call Monday.

When things go wrong don’t scold the wife and children. If you must do something to relieve your feelings go out and take a few kicks at the horse block.

4PerCent 14Per



In reply to inquiries from a number of our subscribers we will state that we have made clubbing arrangements with The Issue, Ex-Governor Varda man’s paper, whereby we can send The Advertiser and The Issue for 12.00 per year. This is a liberal reduction and should be taken advantage of.

D. T. George, of Oregon, sojourn­ed in tbe city yesterday.

Misses Minnie Gallagher, Maggie Niland, Bena Niland and Daisy Ro­gers are up from Cypress, attending the teachers’ examination They were accompanied by Master Willie Gal­lagher.

Dr. B. A. Shepherd made Yazoo City a visit the latter part of last]week.

8. R. Lee, of Grenada, was noted in Lexington business circles yesterday

P. B. Thomas, of Ebenezer, was a business visitor to the city Wednes­day.



Bank or LexingtonLexington, Mess.

Capital Surplus

940,000 $40,000

W L. Young,President. KF.Noel., Vice Pres’t.

Stephen L.BcRWEix.Canhier. J.E.CuRNiNOHAM.Ass t Cashier,one year

qualified.Sec. 5. Each member shall pay such entrance

fees and monthly dues and in whatever amounts as shall be fixed by by-laws of the club.

Sec. 6. A meeting of the members shall be held in the City of Lexington. Mississippi, after the approval of this charter, for the purpose of organization and election of officers, winch meeting may be called by written notice signed by five of the members, said notice stating time and place and purpose of meeting, and be given two days prior to the meeting.

See. 7 This corporation or club may begin business with all the privileges and powers con­ferred upon it by this charter when $100.00 of itscapital stock shall have been paid in cash. No member or stockholder shall ever be liable for any debts or obligations of this club in excess of his unpaid obligations to said club.

8. The rights and powers that may be exer­cised by this corporation are those conferred by the provisions of Chapter 24. Mississippi Code. 1906. 8. L. BURWELL.


We iaaue Time Certificates of Deposit, bearing’interest at the rate ol 4*. If interested, call or write for information.

DIRECTORS:W. L. Young.A. M. Pepver.

W. 0. Barrett.J. E. Cunningham.

Stephen L. Burwell.4 4PerCent


We handle only the bestcream cheese that money can boy. Lipsey-Keirn Co.

Parham Williams went to West Point yesterday noon to take charge of the remains of his uncle, T. C. Williams, who died atBirmingham the night previous.

R. P. Clack retruned Saturday from Alpine, Texas, where he has been spending several months in search of health. His condition is not as satis factory as could be wished, but his legion of friends trust that he will ere long be numbered among the con­valescents.

D. L. Gibson, of Franklin, was no­ted among the visitors to our city Wednesday.

W. G. Pope leaves tomorrow for Kentucky, after a load of saddle and harness horses.

Photo fancies in the very latest style of tbe art at Fonville’s studio.

R. A. Luck, of Hambrick, [[Carroll county, has been visiting the old haunts in Holmes county this week.

o:e........ .................-=•T H P... -----------

Best Farm Wagons-■ ;■ 1. -■ --- -and the - ....

BEST BRICKMade in the State are Made in Durant



State of Mississippi—County of Holmes.This day personally appeared before me. the

undersigned authority. S. L. Burwell, G. C. Phillips, J. H. McBee, B. A. Shepherd. A. M- Pepper. Sam Herrman and H. S Hooker, in­corporators of the corporation known as the Lotus Club, who acknowledged that they signed and executed the above and fore­going articles of incorporation as their act and deed, on this the 26th day of March. 1908.

G. H. McMORROUGH,---- Notary Public.

State of Mississippi—County of Holmes.Personally appeared before me. tbe under­

signed authority. G. H. McMorrough, one ol the incorporators of the corporation known as the Lotus Club, w ho acknowledged that he signed and executed the above and foregoirg articles of incorporation as his act aud deed, on this, the '26th day of March. 1908.

For Sale.6 Room dwelling; 16.1-3 acres land;

2 cisterns, garden and out house. For terms, apply to Lock Box 411.

Capt. W. J. French, alias "Wild Jim" aud a young "cow gill" gave an exhibition in the city yesterdav af­ternoon in fancy shooting and the use of the lariat. The performance was very creditable and tbe Captain had a most effective way to take up a col­lection and sell his autobiography, and left Lexington with a well lined pock­et hook.

We have recently put in an outfit to make Brick that can­not be surpassed. Our Brick absorbs the smallest amount of water, and walls built of them will not get wet through. There is nothing as good as brick to build a house out of, nothing but brick will stand fire. flWe solicit your orders and are now turning out Brcks that are strong, and give

you satisfaction.

Registration Notice.In pursuance of Section 4122 of the Mississippi

Code of 1906, I, the undersigned registrar of Holmes county, will visit the voting places here­inafter named for the purpose of registering on th. following dates:

West, Monday. May 4th. 1908.Durant, Tuesday. May 5th, 1908.Goodman. Wednesday. May 6th, 1908-Pickens, Thursday. May 7th. 1908.Richland. Friday. May 8th. 1908.Eulogy, Monday. May 11th. 190*.Ebenezer. Tuesday, May 12th. 1908,Franklin. Wednesday. May 13th, 1908.Edsville, Thursday. May 14th, 1908.Bowling Green, Friday. May 15th. 1908.Emory. Monday. May 18th. 1908.Acona, Tuesday, May 19th. 1908.Cruger, Wednesday, May 20th, 1908.Ashton, Thursday, May 21st, 1908Tchula. Friday, May 22nd. 1908.Thornton, Monday. May 25th, 1908.Paynes. Tuesday. May 26th, 1908.This is not a new registration, but is made

for the purpose of registering those who have become of age. or who had not heretofore reg­istered.

and interredW. Lr. Hope has gone to Kentucky after a choice lot of saddle horses.


Notary Public.S-27-3t.Hon. A. S. Meharg will deliver an address on the ever pertinent subject of "Diversification"at the court house in Lexintgon on April Uth. He should be greeted by a large audience of all interested in agricultural pursuits.

Mrs. A. P. Yarborough, of Rich­land, went to Yazoo City last week to have an operation performed. Her many friends are glad to learn that she is improving nicely.

ODOOOOXThe TaggartResidence For Sale

It may Interest you to know that we guarantee CornoHorse and Mule Feed to give you sa* tisfaction, or we will refundIou your money. The teed that s all feed. ________W. B. Lundy went to Tchula Wed*

esday morning on business for] the government.

Money to Loan.On delta land, 8 per cent. Long

time. A. M. PEPPER.

For the very latest and most stylish mounts in photography go to H. Fon­ville’s studio.

Pigeons For Sale.Homer strain, very best blood; quit*

tame: about 15 pair right now. Ad- dress Lock Box 334, Lexington. Miss.

Photo memories—the very latest and most approved styles. H. Fonville.

A nice, comparatively new 7 room cottage on main street in West Lex­ington. The lot contains 2 acres, and is set to fine young orchard. For terms and description apply to

W. P. TACKETT.E. V. ASHLEY. Registrar.



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