
‘Heaven has endowed me with talents for eventual uses.’ We are granted with different abilities and the gift from the GOD leads us to different doors. I had been confused when there was a time that I did not know what key I was gifted but I eventually find it out in a fortunate. If I had never experienced that period of time, I would have never realize how important schooldays is. Frustration Whenever we speaks of school days, what immediate comes to my mind would be variety of activities which I had been taken part in and these activities built up my dream. My interest in business management had been captivated by participating in JA Company programs as I enjoy cooperating with my group mates and I like the days when all of us strive to the same destination. Nevertheless, I was frustrated by the conflicts existing in two departments because everyone included me could not function as a ladder of communication. The core value of ‘teamwork’ was flattered because of the misunderstanding. My dream of being a department director was built up quickly but it collapsed in an even faster rate. Inspiration My poor communication skill was greatly improved since I joined the Campus TV. Everything began with coincidences but the experience of being a member of the team is extraordinarily memorable. Practically, I am one of the starters of Campus TV and the working environment is not satisfactory because there is nothing I can follow. Although unsatisfactory language skill was an obstacle to me, I finally found the knack of effective speaking, and unexpectedly, I take my pleasure in connecting with other .With an aim of stepping up this new group, I sought help from my partners and everything turned to be clear at

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Post on 15-Sep-2015




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Heaven has endowed me with talents for eventual uses. We are granted with different abilities and the gift from the GOD leads us to different doors. I had been confused when there was a time that I did not know what key I was gifted but I eventually find it out in a fortunate. If I had never experienced that period of time, I would have never realize how important schooldays is.


Whenever we speaks of school days, what immediate comes to my mind would be variety of activities which I had been taken part in and these activities built up my dream. My interest in business management had been captivated by participating in JA Company programs as I enjoy cooperating with my group mates and I like the days when all of us strive to the same destination. Nevertheless, I was frustrated by the conflicts existing in two departments because everyone included me could not function as a ladder of communication. The core value of teamwork was flattered because of the misunderstanding. My dream of being a department director was built up quickly but it collapsed in an even faster rate.InspirationMy poor communication skill was greatly improved since I joined the Campus TV. Everything began with coincidences but the experience of being a member of the team is extraordinarily memorable. Practically, I am one of the starters of Campus TV and the working environment is not satisfactory because there is nothing I can follow. Although unsatisfactory language skill was an obstacle to me, I finally found the knack of effective speaking, and unexpectedly, I take my pleasure in connecting with other .With an aim of stepping up this new group, I sought help from my partners and everything turned to be clear at once. I can honestly tell you that I love my job as the nice interaction between my team mates and I is what I am in my pursuit of. Luckily, my passion on running Campus TV was appreciated by the responsible teacher and I became the leader of the team in the following year. The most amazing fruit is that eventually I find out a requirement of my dream job- connecting people in a tough ring.Self-affirmation Through taking part in Campus TV, my self-affirmation has been built up. I remembered there was a time when I was required to set up a few questions for the alumnis interview within a day but the background information of the interviewee was sent to me late. At that time, I was nervous and worried about the quality of the questions may not be proved because I always strived to be perfect. But finally, I can hand in my work on time and got my teammates praises. From this issue, I realize that there are many possibilities inside me and I need to trust myself and give it a try if I want to breakthrough myself.

Lessons to lifeThanks to the supportive encouragement from the guidance teacher, Miss Chin. From her instructive advices, I have learnt about the importance of keeping balance between academic achievement and the duties of being a leader. At the beginning, I put too much time on shooting videos at the expense of the academic assignments. Writing the scripts overnight, I almost fell asleep in the daily lessons. The bell of health was alarming and warned me to take a rest but I refused to unwind myself as the responsibility of being a head urged me to finish my work at first. What Miss Chin told me had changed my attitude towards working when she reminded me I need to take the responsibility of being a student and it should be placed in the first priority. I have noted that work is a double-edged sword as it gave you enjoyment as well as the deprivation and the ignorance and the key to success depends on the place I placed them. Even though the work of Campus TV was important to me, my first consideration should be my health and academic performances.Sense of community

Besides, visiting elderly and children are the beautiful picture in my junior secondary school life. The living of both of these two groups is far distant from us. Thus, it needed time for us to adapt to the new environment but I have learnt a lot from these two communities services. The first impression of the elderly was totally different from what I had imagined, so were the child. Before I met them, I thought they were troublemakers that I could not get along with. After the meeting, they were talkative and finally we could make friends with each other. The interaction between person and person is amazing and there are many unknowns inside it. That is the reason why I love it. Connecting with other is an art that you will never know what will be happen in the following time as there are variable chemical reactions existing among people with different sex, generation and nationality. Because of the experiences of joining communities services, my determination of doing a job which is at the aim of connecting people have been strengthen.


Because of the schooldays, I am gifted with a chance to take part in different activities, including JA Company programs, shooting programs in Campus TV and communities services. As time goes by, I have found and became certain about my goal, which was, connecting with people in a tough ring-a teacher, a translator, or even a social worker. Even though there are many limitations in front of me and my goal cannot be easily achieved but I believe perseverance is the faith I should keep at the bottom of my heart.