slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

w light in photonic crystal wavegu Nikolay Primerov

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Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides. Nikolay Primerov. Outline. Why do we need slow light? What is slow light? Possibilities to make a slow light Slow light in photonic crystals waveguides Conclusions. Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdr é. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Nikolay Primerov

Page 2: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré

• Why do we need slow light?• What is slow light?• Possibilities to make a slow light• Slow light in photonic crystals waveguides• Conclusions


Nikolay Primerov

Page 3: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré

1. Nonlinearities2. Optical switching 3. Optical storage4. Delay lines5. Quantum optics

T.F. Krauss, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 (2007) 2666-2670Z. Zhu et al., Science, 318 (2007) 748-750F. Morichetti et al., Opt. Express, 16 (2008) 8395-8405

Nikolay Primerov

Why do we need slow light?

Page 4: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré

What is a slow light?

Nikolay Primerov

Page 5: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré


( , ) ej k z tS z t A

Pulse signal

Nikolay Primerov

What is a slow light?

Page 6: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré

d d n z td d c

The peak of the pulse propagates at the Group Velocity.

1 0dnn z tc d

or 0 g

z tV

( , ) ej k z tS z t A

Pulse signal

Nikolay Primerov

What is a slow light?

Page 7: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré

gdnn nd



dk cVdw n

Thus, in a material and/or structure with large first order dispersion coefficient, Vg can be drastically increased

Nikolay Primerov

Group index

Group velocityWhat is a slow light?

Page 8: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré

Possibilities to make a slow light

Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS)Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS)Electromagneticaly induced transparency (EIT)Coherent population oscillation (CPO)Coupled ring resonatorsPhotonic crystals and others

Nikolay Primerov

Page 9: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré Nikolay Primerov

Periodically structured medium

Free space

Medium with constant n



c= ω/k

c/n= ω/k







Band edge

Band gap

Slow light: Science and application / editors, J.B. Khurgin and R. Tucker, 388 p.

Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides





g g

d c cVdk n n a

Slow down factor Maximum bandwidth

Page 10: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré Nikolay Primerov

Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

1)BackscatteringStanding wave Slow mode optical mode is close to a resonance with the structure

2) Omnidirectional reflectionNo cut-off angle, mode at k≈0 slow modes of for k=0 standing wave

T. F. Krauss, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 (2007) 2666-2670

The band edge is the most obvious place for the slow light

Page 11: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

But there are some problems:

1) Dispersion curve near the gand edge is typically parabolic strong group velocity dispersion (GVD)

2) Band edge presents a cut off point propagation mode turns to evanescence mode

3) Fabrication tolerance

It’s not the best region for the slow light to operate

Dispersion engineering

Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré Nikolay Primerov

Page 12: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

J.Li, T.P. White, et al. Opt. Express, 16(9) (2008), 6227-6232

Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Section of constant group velocity over approximately 20% of Brillouin zone low GVD

Ng= 30, 50, 80

Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré Nikolay Primerov

GVD handling

Page 13: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Enhancement of the linear interaction


Optical switching devices (for example, Mach-Zehnder configuration)

Δk= Δnk0

We have to distinguish between nmat and neff

Slow light regime Δk1 > fast light regime Δk2

T. F. Krauss, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 (2007), 2666-2670D. M Beggs, et al., Opt. Lett., 33 (2008), 147-149

0 matg

VkL k n L


Slow light regime yields a large Δk for a given Δnmat

Slow light coupler 5 um length with Δnmat = 4×10^-3. Conventinal coupler 200 um long

Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré Nikolay Primerov

Page 14: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Problems to overcome1) Signal distortion by GVD2) Reflection losses due to modal mismatch between incident wave and guided wave3) Losses due to disordering in the structure4) Other loss sources5) Tunability


1. Chirping the waveguide properties, changing the waveguide width, changing the hole size and position of the photonic lattice close to the waveguide.

2-4. Many different effects involved. Need of transition region to build up to reduce the mode-matching problem Slow light operation away from the band-edge

5. ??


Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré Nikolay Primerov

Page 15: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides


Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré Nikolay Primerov

Main Advantages:- Relatively large bandwidth from GHz up to few THz- Room temperature operation- Availability to tune the wavelength, slowdown factor and bandwidth with the structural design

Main Disadvantages:- Tunability of the slowdown factor in given structure- Reflection and injection losses

Page 16: Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides

Doctoral program in photonics “Photonic crystals” by Romuald Houdré Nikolay Primerov

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