slovak--important words and phrases

Greetings & Responses ÁnoYes (AAH-noh) NieNo (NYEE_eh) MožnoMaybe ĎakujemThank you (DAH- koo-yehm / DHACK- uuh-yam) Veľmi vám ďakujemThank you very much (VELL-me vAAM DHACK-uuh-yehm) Niet nemáte za čoNot at all. Prosím, Niet za čoPlease do not mention it (PRO- seem) / Youʼre Welcome. Vítaj / VítajteWelcome (singular / informal) / plural / formal) ProsímPlease / Welcome (PROH-seem) Ahoj—Hello / Bye (informal) Čau—Hello / Hi / Goodbye / Bye (informal, from Italian, ʻCiaoʼ) Počkajte, prosím!Hold on please! (on the phone) Moment, prosím!One moment, please! Ako sa máš?—How do you do? (A-ko sah MAA- sh?) (singular/informal) Ako sa máte?—How are you? (A-ko sah MAA- teh?) (plural / formal) Ďakujem, dobre.—Well, thanks. (D'AH-koo- yehm DOH-breh) Teší ma.—Pleased to meet you. (TEH-shee mah) Dobré ráno—Good morning (DOH-brehh RAA-noh) (used until 8am) Dobré ránko—Morning (DOH-brehh RAA-nkoh) (used until 8am) Dobrý deň—Good day (DOH-bree deñ) (used from 8am until dark) Dobré popoludnie—Good afternoon (DOH-bree deñ) (rarely used) Dobrý večer—Good evening (DOH-bree VEH-chehr) Dobrú noc—Good night (DOH-broo nohts) Dovidenia—Good bye (doh VEE-deh-nee_ah) (formal) Dovi—Bye (doh VEE) (informal) Pekný deň! / Pekný deň prajem!—Have a nice- day! Veľa šťastia!—Good luck! Všetko najlepšie k narodeninám!Happy Birthday! Veselé vianoce a Štastný nový rok!Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Veselé prežitie Veľkonočných sviatkov!Happy Easter! Na zdravie—Cheers / Good health / ʻBless youʼ (after someone sneezes) Dobrú chuť!—Bon Appetite! Vám žehnaj.—Bless you. Nech sa paci.—Here you are. / After you. čit sa—Like (response after someone thanks you) (PAACH-it sah) Prepáč—Excuse me! (to ask for something) (PREH- paach-tyeh) Pardón!—Excuse me (passing by) / Sorry Ako sa voláš?—What is your name? (informal) Ako sa voláte?—What is your name? (akoh sah VOH-laa-tyeh) (formal) Volám sa…—My name is… (VOH-laam sah…) Signs Vstup—Entrance Východ—Exit Otvorené—Open Zatvorené—Closed Ulica—Street (abbrev. ‘ul.’) (OOH-lee-tsaa) Namestie—Square (abbrev. ‘nam.’) (NAAM-s-t-ah) Cesta—Road (CASS-taa) Informácie—Information (INFOR-maah-tsee-ah) (Hranicna) kontrola(Border) check (CONTROL-aa) Velvyslanectvo—Embassy (WELL-viss-laan-at- stwoh) ZakázanéProhibited Clo—Duty (TSS-loh) Polícia—Police (POH-leet- see-aah) Slovak: Important Words & Phrases to Know Page 1 of 13

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Document listing many common Slovak language words and phrases, showing Slovak/English word, pronunciation, common rules, alphabet, etc.


Page 1: Slovak--Important Words and Phrases

Greetings & ResponsesÁno—Yes (AAH-noh)Nie—No (NYEE_eh)Možno—MaybeĎakujem—Thank you (DAH-

koo-yehm / DHACK-uuh-yam)

Veľmi vám ďakujem—Thank you very much (VELL-me vAAM DHACK-uuh-yehm)

Niet nemáte za čo—Not at all.

Prosím, Niet za čo—Please do not mention it (PRO-seem) / Youʼre Welcome.

Vítaj / Vítajte—Welcome (singular / informal) / plural / formal)

Prosím—Please / Welcome (PROH-seem)

Ahoj—Hello / Bye (informal)Čau—Hello / Hi / Goodbye /

Bye (informal, from Italian, ʻCiaoʼ)

Počkajte, prosím!—Hold on please! (on the phone)

Moment, prosím!—One moment, please!

Ako sa máš?—How do you do? (A-ko sah MAA-sh?) (singular/informal)

Ako sa máte?—How are you? (A-ko sah MAA-teh?) (plural / formal)

Ďakujem, dobre.—Well, thanks. (D'AH-koo-yehm DOH-breh)

Teší ma.—Pleased to meet you. (TEH-shee mah)

Dobré ráno—Good morning (DOH-brehh RAA-noh) (used until 8am)

Dobré ránko—Morning (DOH-brehh RAA-nkoh) (used until 8am)

Dobrý deň—Good day (DOH-bree deñ) (used from 8am until dark)

Dobré popoludnie—Good afternoon (DOH-bree deñ) (rarely used)

Dobrý večer—Good evening (DOH-bree VEH-chehr)

Dobrú noc—Good night (DOH-broo nohts)

Dovidenia—Good bye (doh VEE-deh-nee_ah) (formal)

Dovi—Bye (doh VEE) (informal)

Pekný deň! / Pekný deň prajem!—Have a nice- day!

Veľa šťastia!—Good luck!Všetko najlepšie k

narodeninám!—Happy Birthday!

Veselé vianoce a Štastný nový rok!—Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Veselé prežitie Veľkonočných sviatkov!—Happy Easter!

Na zdravie—Cheers / Good health / ʻBless youʼ (after someone sneezes)

Dobrú chuť!—Bon Appetite!Vám žehnaj.—Bless you.

Nech sa paci.—Here you are. / After you.

Páčit sa—Like (response after someone thanks you) (PAACH-it sah)

Prepáč—Excuse me! (to ask for something) (PREH-paach-tyeh)

Pardón!—Excuse me (passing by) / Sorry

Ako sa voláš?—What is your name? (informal)

Ako sa voláte?—What is your name? (akoh sah VOH-laa-tyeh) (formal)

Volám sa…—My name is… (VOH-laam sah…)





Ulica—Street (abbrev. ‘ul.’) (OOH-lee-tsaa)

Namestie—Square (abbrev. ‘nam.’) (NAAM-s-t-ah)

Cesta—Road (CASS-taa)

Informácie—Information (INFOR-maah-tsee-ah)

(Hranicna) kontrola—(Border) check (CONTROL-aa)

Velvyslanectvo—Embassy (WELL-viss-laan-at-stwoh)


Clo—Duty (TSS-loh)

Polícia—Police (POH-leet-see-aah)

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Page 2: Slovak--Important Words and Phrases

Colnica—Customs Office (TSOLL-neet-saa)

Nemocnica—Hospital (NAM-ots-it-saa)

Lekáreň—Chemist (LACK-are-n)

Prva pomoc—First aid (PR-waah PO-mots)

Telefon—Telephone (TEL-laph-on)

Posta—Post (POSH-taa)

Pohladnica—Postcard (POH-lat-nitt-tsaa)

Znamka—(postage) Stamp (SNAAM-kaa)

List—Letter (LIST)

Záchod / Toaleta / WC—Toilet



Muzi / Pani—Gentlemen (MO-zhee / PAAH-nee)


Ženy—Ladies—(ZHAH-nee / DAA-mee)

Banka—Bank (BAAN-kaa)

Bankomat—ATM (BAAN-koh-mutt)

Ubytovanie—Accomodation (OOH-bee-tow-aah-nee-ye)

Hotel—Hotel (HOT-al)

Peniaze—Money (PAN-yaah-sa)


Hostel / Ubytovňa— Hostel


Potraviny—Food store (POT-raav-e-nee)

Numbers & Numeralsprvý—first ()

druhý—second ()

tretia—third ()

štvrtý—fourth ()

piaty—fifth ()

šiesty—sixth ()

siedmy—seventh ()

ôsmy—eighth ()

deviaty—ninth ()

desiaty—tenth ()

jedenásty—eleventh ()

dvanásty—twelfth ()

trinásty—thirteenth ()

štrnásty—fourteenth ()

pätnásty—fifteenth ()

nula—zero (NOO-lah)

jeden—one (YEH-dehn / YAH-dan)

dva—two (DUH-vah / DWAH)

tri—three (tree)

štyri—four (SHTEE-ree)

päť—five (PAE-tu)

šesť—six (SHEHS-tu)

sedem—seven (SEH-dehm)

ošem—eight (OH-sehm)

deväť—nine (DEH-vaetu)

desat—ten (DEH-sah-tt)

jedenast—eleven (YAH-da-naast)

dvanásť—twelve (DWA-naast)

trinásť—thirteen (TREE-naast)

štrnásť—fourteen (SHTR-naast)






dvadsať—twenty (DWAD-satu)

dvadsať jeden—twenty-one (DWAD-sat-yah-dan)

dvadsať dva—twenty-two

tridsať—thirty (TREE-DEH-see-ahtu)

štyridsať—forty (SHTEE-ree-DEH-see-ahtu)

patdesiat—fifty (PAE-tt-DEH-see-ahtt)

šesťdesiat—sixty (SHEHS-tt-DEH-see-ahtt)

sedemdesiat—seventy (SEH-dehm-DEH-see-ahtt)

osemdesiat—eighty (OH-sehm-DEH-see-ahtt)

deväťdesiat—ninety (DEH-vaett-DEH-see-ahtt)

sto—hundred (stoh)

dvesto—two hundred (DVE-sto)

päťsto—five hundred (PAE-tt-sto)

tisíc—thousand (TEE-seets)

dvetisíc—two thousand

päť tisíc—five thousand

desať tisíc—ten thousand



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Page 3: Slovak--Important Words and Phrases

Moneyjedno euro—one euro

(YEHD-no EH-oo-rro)

dve eurá—two euros (DVE-EH-oo-rah)

tri eurá—three euros ()

štyri eurá—four euros ()

päť eur—five euros (PAE-tu EH-oo-rr)

desat eur—ten euros ()

sto eur—one hundred euros ()

dvesto eur—two hundred euros ()

tisíc eur—one thousand euros ()

Months of YearJanuár—January (YAH-


Február—February (FEH-brwaahr)

Marec—March (MAH-rehts)

Apríl—April (AH-preeel)

Máj—May (MAAH_ee)

Jún—June (yoon)

Júl—July (yool)

August—August (OW-goost)

September—September (sehp-TEHM-behr)

Október—October (ohk-TOHH-behr)

November—November (noh-VEHM-behr)

December—December (deht-ZEHM-behr)

Days of WeekPondelok—Monday (POHN-


Utorok—Tuesday (OO-to-rohk / UUH-toh-rock)

Streda—Wednesday (STREH-dah / STRAD-aah)

Štvrtok—Thursday (SHTVR-tohk / SHTWR-tock)

Piatok—Friday (PYAH-tok / PEE-at-ock)

Sobota—Saturday (SOH-buh-tah / SOH-bot-tah)

Nedeľa—Sunday (NEH-deh-lyah / NEH-deh-lah)


jeden deň—one day

dva dni—two days

tri dni—three days

štyri dni—four days

päť dní—five days

desat dní—ten days

Date & TimeKoľko je hodín?—What

time is it? (KOHL-koh yeh HOH-deeen)

Je … hodina.—It’s … o’clock. (yeh … HOH-dee-nah)

Koľkého je dnes?—What date is it today? (KOH-ehl-keh-hoh yeh dhehs)


Dopoludnia.—In the morning. (DOH-po-lood-nyah)

Popoludní.—In the afternoon. (POH-po-lood-neee)

Večer.—In the evening. (VEH-chehr)

Dnes—Today (dnehs)

Dnes večer—Tonight (dnehs VEH-chehr)

Zajtra—Tomorrow (ZAY-trah)

Včera—Yesterday (VCHEH-rah)


Týždeň—Week (TEEZH-dehñ)



tisíc—deväťsto—deväťdesiat—deväť—1999 (when giving the year of say birth)

SeasonsLeto—Summer (LEH-toh)

Jeseň—Autumn (YEH-seh-nyuh)

Zima—Winter (ZEE-mah)

Jar—Spring (yahr)



Dátum narodenia—Date of birth

Miesto narodenia—Place of birth


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Coloursčierna—black (CHEE_ehr-


modrá—blue (MOH-drah)

hnedá—brown (HNEH-daa)

zelená—green (ZEH-leh-naa)

oranžová—orange (OHRAHN-zhoh-vaa)

ružová—pink (ROO-zhoh-vaa)

nachová—purple (NAH-koh-vaa)

červená—red (CHEHR-veh-naa)

biela—white (BEE_eh-lah)

žltá—yellow (ZHUL-taa)

Travel & TransportAuto—Car (OW-toh)

Taxi—Taxi (TAHK-see)

Autobus—Bus (ow-TOH-boos)

Letisko—Airport (LAT-is-koh)

Lietadlo—Airplane (lee-EH-tah-dloh / lee-AT-ad-loh)

Vlak—Train (vlahk / wluck)

Elektricka—Tram (eh-LACK-tretch-kha)

Loď—Boat / Ship (lohd)

Stanica—Station (STAH-net-tsah)

Nastupiste—Platform (NAAS-toop-ish-tah)

Odlet—departure (plane)(ODD-lat)

Odchod—departure (bus, train) (ODD-khott)

Prilet—arrival (plane) (PREE-lat)

Prichod—arrival (bus, train) (PREE-khott)

Meskanie—delay (MESH-kha-nee-ye

Oneskorenie—delay (On-s-khora-nee-ye)

Listok—Ticket (LEES-tok)

Letenka—Flight ticket (LAT-an-kha)

Kde je tu zastávka autobusu?—Where is the bus stop? (kdeh yeh too zahs-TAAV-kah OW-toh-boo-soo)

Kde je tu zastávka električky?—Where is the tram stop? (kdeh yeh too zahs-TAAV-kah eh-lehk-TREECH-kee)

Ktorou linkou sa dostanem do…?—Which line takes me to…? (ktoh-ROW leen-KOW sah dohs-TAH-nehm doh…?)

Ktorým autobusom sa dostanem do…?—Which bus go to…? (KTOH-reem ow-TOO-boo-soom sah dohs-TAH-nehm doh…?)

Chcel by som jednosmerný / spiatočný lístok.—I would like a one way / return ticket.

Ako sa dostanem do…?—How do I get to…? (ahko sah dohs-TAH-nehm doh…?)

Je to odtiaľto ďaleko? / blízko?—Is it far? / closeby? (yeh toh ohd-TEE-ah-ehl-toh dew-AH-leh-koh / BLEEZ-koh)

Dá sa tam ísť peši?—Can I walk there? (daa sah tahm eestoo PEH-shee)

Ako ďaleko je to od…?—How far is it from…?

Kde mame vystupit?—Can you tell us where to get off?

Koľko stojí lístok na MHD?—How much is a ticket for city transport?

DirectionsKde je..?—Where is…?

(kdeh yeh…?)

Kadiaľ?—Which way?

Môžete mi ukázať …?—Can you show me …?

Choďte rovno.—Go straight ahead.

Zabočte do ľava / prava.—Turn left / right.

Stop! / Stojte!—Stop!

Na rohu.—At the corner.


Pred—In front of





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TaxisMôžete ma zaviesť do…?

—Can you take me to…? (mwoh-ZHEH-teh mah zah-VEE-ehs-too doh…?)

Zaveste ma prosím do…—Please take me to… (zah-VEHS-teh mah PROH-seeem doh…)

Koľko to bude stáť do…?—How much does it cost to go to…? (KOH-helh-koh toh BOO-deh staa-too doh)

Až po najbližší roh, prosím.—The next corner, please. (ahzh poh nahj-BLEEZH-sheee roh, PROH-seeem)

Zastavte tu, prosím.—Stop here, please. (zahs-TAHV-teh too, PROH-seeem)

ReservationChcel by som si

rezervovať …—I’d like to book …


Od—From (date)

Do—To (date)

Kreditná karta—Credit card



Prosím o potvrdenie.—Please confirm.

Zostanem tu…—I’m going to stay for… (ZOHS-tah-nehm too…)

Jedna noc—One night (Yeh-dehn nohts)

Jeden deň—One day (Yeh-dehn dehñ)

Dva dni—Two days (dvah dnee)

Jeden týždeň—One week (YEH-dehn TEEZH-deñ)

Jedna osoba—One person

Koľko to stojí? (na noc / na osobu)—How much is it? (per night / per person)

Hotel & AccomodationMate voľné izby?—Are

there vacant rooms?

Kolko stoji jednoposteľová / dvojposteľová izba / apartmán?—How much is a single-bed room / double-bed room / suite?

Kde je moja batožina?—Where’s my luggage?

Je na izbe sprcha / vaňa / WC?—Is there shower / tub / WC in the room?

Language DifficultiesPrepáčte, hovoríte po

anglicky?—Excuse me, do you speak English? (PREH-paach-

tyeh, HOH-voh-ree-teh poh AHN-glits-ki?)

Hovorí(tu) niekto po anglicky?—Does anyone here speak English? (HOH-voh-ree(too) nyiek-toh poh AHN-glits-ki?)

Prosim?—I beg your pardon?

Hovorte prosím pomalšie.—Please speak more slowly.

Rozumiete?—Do you understand?

Nerozumiem po slovensky.—I do not understand Slovak.

Nerozumiem.—I do not understand. (neh ROH-zoo-myehm)

Môžete mi to, prosím, napísať?—Could you write it down, please?

Ako sa po slovensky povie …?—How do you say … in Slovak?

Čo (to) znamená …?—What does (it) … mean?

In the streetPomoc!—Help! (POH-mots!)Potrebujem pomoc—I need

help. (POH-tre-boo-yehm POH-mots!)

Môžete mi prosím pomôct?—Can you help me, please? (mwoh-ZHEH-teh mi PROH-seeem POH-mwohtst?)

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Page 6: Slovak--Important Words and Phrases

Nevyznám sa tu!—I’m lost! (neh-VIZ-naam sah too)

Je tu niekde telefónne búdka?—Is there a phone box here?

Kde je toaleta?—Where is the bathroom (toilet)? (kdeh jeh ZAA-khoh-di?)

Kde sú tu záchody?—Where are the toilets? (deh soo too zaa-KOH-dee)

Koľko to stojí?—How much is it?

Kde je turistické informačné centrum?—Where is a tourist information office?

Kde je najblizsie občerstvenie?—Where is the nearest [fast]food?

Eating OutReštaurácia—Restaurant


Cafe / Kaviaren—Cafe (KAA-v-are-n)

Vinaren / Viecha—Wine-tavern (WEEN-are-n)

Jedlo—Meal (YAAD-loh)

Jedálny listok—Menu (YEDD-aal-nee LEE-tock)

Máte jedalny listok v angličtine?—Do you have a menu in English?

Účet prosim!—We would like to have a bill!

Prosím, zaplatím!—Bill please!

Je tento stol rezervovany?—Is this table reserved?

Môžeme si rezervovať stôl?—May we reserve a table?

Môžeme poprosit …?—May we have …?

Ponahlame sa!—We’re in hurry!

Eating Out Drinks—NápojeCo pijes?—What would you

like to drink? (TSHOH pe-yahs?)

Pivo—beer (PEE-woh)

capovane pivo / fľaškové pivo—beer on tap / bottled beer

víno—wine (WEE-noh)

červené víno / biele víno—red wine / white wine


čistá voda—tap water

minerálna voda—mineral water

jablkový džús / pomarancovy džús—apple juice / orange juice

káva—coffee (KAA-wah)

čaj—tea (TSH-ay)

ovocný čaj—fruit tea

zelený čaj—green tea

Eating Out Soup—Polievkaslepaci vývar / hovadzi

vyvar—chicken soup / bouillon

zemiaková polievka—potato soup

zeleninové polievka—vegetable soup

šošovicová polievka—lentil soup

fazuľova polievka—bean soup

hrachová polievka—pea soup

paradajková polievka—tomato soup

Eating Out Appetiser—Predjedláchlieb—bread

pecivo—buns or rolls




niva—soft blue cheese

oštiepok—smoked curd

tvaroh—curd cheese


korenenie—pepper (spice)

Eating Out Side dishesryza—rice

varene zemiaky—boiled potatoes

opekane zemiaky—baked potatoes

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hranolky—French fries

hranolky chips—chips


Eating Out Main Course—Hlavné jedlomäso—meat


čevabčiči—spiced meatballs


















Eating Out Desserts—Dezertyzmrzlina—ice cream



zakusky—pastries (ZAAH-koos-keeh)










vodný melón—water melon








huby, šampiňóny—mushrooms






paprika—capsicum / pepper


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Notes on SpeechSlovak—written as it sounds—isn't as difficult as it looks. Only four diacritical marks occur in Slovak, the most common being: é, which lengthens a vowel (does not imply stress), and ď, which softens a consonant. Palatalisation is widely used in Slovak, and stress usually falls on the first syllable, but try not to exaggerate it as it would be in English or in German.

Short Vowelsa—like 'a' in "amigo" (short

'a' sound)

ä—like 'ae' in "aerial"

e—like 'e' in "bet"

i—like 'i' in "hit" (short 'i' sound)

o—like 'o' in "sport"

u—like 'u' in "book"

y—like 'y' in "city"

Long Vowelsá—like 'a' in "far" (long 'a'


é—like 'é' in "fiancé" (long 'é' sound)

í—like 'ee' in "see" (long 'i' sound)

ó—like 'oo' in "door" (long 'o' sound)

ú—like 'u' in "full" (long 'u' sound)

ý—like 'ee' in "weep" (long 'y' sound)

Diphthongsia—like 'i' in "lit" and 'a' in


ie—like 'i' in "bit" and 'e' in "energy";

iu—like 'i' in "it" and 'oo' in "took";

ô—like 'wo' in "won";

Consonantsb—like 'b' in "baby"

c—like 'ts' in "bets"

č—like 'ch' in "church"

d—like 'd' in "day"

ď—like 'd' in "dew"

DZ—like 'zz' in Italian "azzuro"

DŽ—like 'j' in "juice"

f—like 'f' in "fine"

g—like 'g' in "game" (hard 'g' sound)

h—like 'h' in "hot", regardless of its position in the word;

CH—rasping 'ch' sound as the spanish “Juan” or "rojo" a gargled sound;

j—like 'y' in "yes"

k—like 'k' in "kick"

l—like 'l' in "luck"

ĺ—(hold this l a little longer); seldom used

ľ—Like the spanish 'el' or like 'el' in "element"

m—like 'm' in "moon"

n—like 'n' in "nine"

ň—like 'ni' in "onion" or the spanish 'ñ' in "señor";

ô—like 'wa' in "want"

p—like 'p' in "paper"

q—like 'q' in "quest"

r—like spanish 'r' in "rico" (slightly trilled)

ŕ—like spanish 'rr' in "carro" (longer trilled)

s—like 's' in "son"

š—like 'sh' in "fish"

t—like 't' in "hot"

ť—like 'tu' in "tune"

v—like 'v' in "van"

w—like 'w' in "wasp"

x—like 'ks' in "bricks"

z—like 'z' in "zero"

ž—like 'su' in "pleasure"

Notes on GenderThe Slovak language has many inflexions, where words have several forms according to differing endings. And, the language has three genders, masculine, feminine, and neuter.

Persons, objects, animals and plants, etc. are all distinguished by gender. Different adjective endings are used for each gender.

• Masculine uses the ending, -ý

• Feminine uses the ending, -á

• Neuter uses the ending, -é.

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Verb ConjugationIn Slovak, verbs have different endings for each person, singular and plural. There are several “patterns”—groups of verbs with the same ending having one verb pattern that is used for the conjugation of the other verbs of the group. In the basic form, infinitive, all verbs have the ending -ť.

First person singular—IThe first person singular (JA) has the ending -m.

• hovoriť—JA hovorím• čítať—JA čítam• mať—JA mámApart from different endings, other minor changes may occur in the word root, such as: (i -> í, a -> á.

Note:In the Slovak language, the subject (if expressed by a pronoun) may or may not be expressed:

Som Zuzana. / Ja som Zuzana.Bývaš v Bratislave. / Ty bývaš v Bratislave.

Both forms are correct. The second form is often used to put stress on the subject:

JA bývam v Bratislave, TY v Trnave.

Second person singular—YOUWith the exception of the verb byť (which is irregular in many languages, as in Slovak) all verbs in the second person singular (TY) have the ending -š.• hovoriť—TY hovoríš• čítať—TY čítaš• mať—TY máš

In Slovak we distinguish three tenses: present (píše -> write), past (písal ->wrote), and future (bude písať -> will write).

Third person singular—HE, SHE, ITIn the present tense, verbs in the third person singular have the same form for all three genders.

The first person singular has the ending -m, the second person has the ending -š. For the third person, there are several options—the ending depends on the group to which the verb belongs. The following table contains an overview of each group (with verb patterns). You must know to which group a particular verb belongs.

First person plural—WEIn the first person plural (MY) all verbs end in -me.

Second person plural—YOUIn the second person plural (VY) all verbs end in -te.

Third person plural—THEY, THEY

In the third person plural (ONI, ONY) all verbs end in -ú, -jú or -ia.


• volať—volajú• niesť—niesú

• pracovať—pracujú

• vidieť—vidia• kričať—kričia• robiť—robia

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Singular Plural Singular Imperative

Singular Past tense

Infinitive 1. person (I)

2. person (You)

3. person (He/She)

1. person (I)

2. person (You)

3. person (He/She)

2. person

3. 3rd person

br-ať ber-iem -ieš -ie -ieme -iete -ú ber! br-al

chudn-úť chudn-em -eš -e -eme -ete -ú chudn-i! chud-ol

chyt-ať chyt-ám -áš -á -áme -áte -ajú chyt-aj! chyt-al

čes-ať češ-em -eš -e -eme -ete -ú češ! čes-al

hyn-úť hyn-iem -ieš -ie -ieme -iete -ú hyň! hyn-ul

krič-ať krič-ím -íš -í -íme -íte -ia krič! krič-al

nies-ť nes-iem -ieš -ie -ieme -iete -ú nes! nies-ol

prac-ovať prac-ujem -uješ -uje -ujeme -ujete -ujú prac-uj! prac-oval

rob-iť rob-ím -íš -í -íme -íte -ia rob! rob-il

rozum-ieť rozum-iem -ieš -ie -ieme -iete -ejú rozum-ej! rozum-el

tr-ieť tr-iem -ieš -ie -ieme -iete -ú tr-i! tr-el

vid-ieť vid-ím -íš -í -íme -íte -ia viď! vid-el

ž-ať žn-em -eš -e -eme -ete -ú žn-i! ža-l

žu-ť žu-j-em -eš -e -eme -ete -ú žu-j! žu-l

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Slovak alphabet (slovenská abeceda) & pronunciation

The Alphabet (abeceda) Pronunciation Example English

Pronunciation Sound

garden, apple aah

father, audit aahh

Aegean, aerial aeh

bat, brother beh

its, tsetse fly tseh

chips, match ch

day, do deh

dew, deuce dj

beds, boards dz

john, juice dg

enter, exit air

their, fair ehr

foot, flower ef

gardener, go geh

house, history hhaa

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The Alphabet (abeceda) Pronunciation Example English

Pronunciation Sound

Bach hka

income, sit iee

sea, bee, tee iea

yet, you yeh

king, cocoa kah

love, like el

Louvre dl-hela

million, lube elyah

mother, mice em

null, net en

Newton, news nyea

orbit, colt oh

door, floor oeh

won't, woefel woh

chip, power peh

kvet k-veh

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The Alphabet (abeceda) Pronunciation Example English

Pronunciation Sound

roll up the rim ehrr

a very rolled rdl-hel-ehrr

sun, star es

show, shower esh

take, potato teh

tube, tune tche

tuna, do oow

fool, stool oouh

vision, voice veh

Walter, whiskeydvoyta-veh

taxi ix

city ipsilon

feable, feel eee

zeal, zebra zedt

pleasure, treasure zzuh

Slovak: Important Words & Phrases to Know

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