sliding mode manual


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manual to use sliding mode control. helps to learn and use sliding mode technique.


Page 1: Sliding Mode Manual

A Sliding Mode Control Matlab Toolbox

Christopher Edwards � Sarah K� Spurgeon

Control Systems ResearchDepartment of EngineeringUniversity of LeicesterLeicester LE� �RH


Revised �������

Report No � ����


This document serves as a manual for a suite of Matlab functions for designingsliding mode controllers for linear systems with bounded nonlinear uncertainty� Thealgorithms are described in detail elsewhere and in this document the emphasis is ondescribing the software which implements these ideas� A number of worked examplesare included to demonstrate di�erent facets of the design procedures together withdiaries of relevant Matlab sessions�

Page 2: Sliding Mode Manual

� An Introduction to Variable Structure Control

The focus of much of the research in the area of control systems theory duringthe seventies and eighties has addressed the issue of robustness � i�e� designingcontrollers with the ability to maintain stability and performance in the presenceof discrepancies between the plant and model� One nonlinear approach to robustcontroller design which emerged during this period is the Variable structure controlsystems methodology� Variable structure control systems evolved from the pioneer�ing work in Russia of Emel�yanov and Barbashin in the early ����s� The ideasdid not appear outside the Soviet Union until the mid ����s when a book by Itkis�� and a survey paper by Utkin � were published in English� Variable structuresystems concepts have subsequently been utilised in the design of robust regulators�model�reference systems� adaptive schemes� tracking systems and state observers�The ideas have successfully been applied to problems as diverse as automatic �ightcontrol� control of electrical motors� chemical processes� helicopter stability aug�mentation� space systems and robotics�

Variable structure control systems comprise a collection of di�erent� usually quitesimple� feedback control laws and a decision rule� Depending on the status of thesystem� a decision rule� often termed the switching function� determines which ofthe control laws is �on�line� at any one time� Unlike� for example� a gain�schedulingmethodology� the decision rule is designed to force the system states to reach� andsubsequently remain on� a pre�de�ned surface within the state�space� The dynam�ical behaviour of the system when con�ned to the surface is described as the idealsliding motion� The advantages of obtaining such a motion are twofold� �rstlythere is a reduction in order and secondly the sliding motion is insensitive to pa�rameter variations implicit in the input channels� The latter property of invariancetowards so�called matched uncertainty makes the methodology an attractive one fordesigning robust controllers for uncertain systems�

The following notation �which is explained in detail in ��� will be used throughout�IR and C will represent the �eld of real and complex numbers respectively and C�will represent the open left half of the complex plane� N ��� and R��� will denote thenull and range spaces of a matrix respectively and k � k will represent the Euclideannorm for vectors and the induced spectral norm for matrices�

� State�feedback Sliding Mode Control

��� Introduction

Consider the nth order linear time invariant system with m inputs given by

�x�t� � Ax�t� �Bu�t� ���

where A � IRn�n and B � IRn�m with � � m � n� Without loss of generality it canbe assumed that the input distribution matrix B has full rank� De�ne a switchingfunction s � IR� IRm to be

s�t� � Sx�t� ���

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State�feedback Sliding Mode Control �

where S � IRm�n is of full rank and let S be the hyperplane de�ned by

S � fx � IRn � Sx � g ���

Suppose u�s�t�� x�t�� represents a variable structure control law where the changesin control strategy depend on the value of the switching function� It is natural toexplore the possibility of choosing the control action and selecting the switchingstrategy so that an ideal sliding motion takes place on the hyperplane� i�e� thereexists a time ts such that

s�t� � Sx�t� � for all t � ts � �

Suppose at time t � ts the systems states lie on the surface S and an ideal slidingmotion takes place� This can be expressed mathematically as Sx�t� � and �s�t� �S �x�t� � for all t � ts� Substituting for �x�t� from ��� gives

S �x�t� � SAx�t� � SBu�t� � for all t � ts ���

Suppose the matrix S is designed so that the square matrix SB is nonsingular �inpractise this is easily accomplished since B is full rank and S is a free parameter��The equivalent control� written as ueq� is de�ned to be the unique solution to thealgebraic equation ���� namely

ueq�t� � ��SB���SAx�t� ���

This represents the control action which is required to maintain the states on theswitching surface� The ideal sliding motion is then given by substituting the ex�pression for the equivalent control into equation ��� which results in a free motion

�x�t� ��In � B�SB���S

�Ax�t� for all t � ts and Sx�ts� � ���

It can be seen from equation ��� that the sliding motion is a control independentfree motion which depends on the choice of sliding surface� although the precisee�ect is not readily apparent� A convenient way to shed light on the problem is to�rst transform the system into a suitable canonical form� In this form the systemis decomposed into two connected subsystems� one acting in R�B� and the otherin N �S�� Since by assumption rank�B� � m there exists an orthogonal matrixTr � IR

n�n such that

TrB �



where B� � IRm�m and is nonsingular� Let z � Tx and partition the new coordi�

nates so that

z �



where z� � IRn�m and z� � IR

m� The nominal linear system ��� can then be writtenas

�z��t� � A��z��t� � A��z��t� ���

�z��t� � A��z��t� � A��z��t� �B�u�t� ����

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State�feedback Sliding Mode Control �

which is referred to as regular form� Equation ��� is referred to as describingthe null�space dynamics and equation ���� as describing the range�space dynamics�Suppose the matrix de�ning the switching function �in the new coordinate system�is compatibly partitioned as

STTr �

�S� S�


where S� � IRm��n�m� and S� � IR

m�m� Since SB � S�B� it follows that a neces�sary and su�cient condition for the matrixSB to be nonsingular is that det�S�� �� �By design assume this to be the case� During an ideal sliding motion

S�z��t� � S�z��t� � for all t � ts ����

and therefore formally expressing z��t� in terms of z��t� yields

z��t� � �Mz��t� �� �

where M � S��� S�� Substituting in equation ��� gives

�z��t� � �A�� �A��M � z��t� ����

and thus the problem of hyperplane design may be considered to be a state feedbackproblem for the system ��� where z��t� is considered to play the role of the controlaction� In the context of designing a regulator� the matrix governing the slidingmotion �A�� � A��M � must have stable eigenvalues� The switching surface designproblem can therefore be considered to be one of choosing a state feedback matrixM to stabilise the reduced order system �A��� A���� Because of the special structureof the regular form� it follows that the pair �A��� A��� is controllable if and onlyif �A�B� is controllable� It can be seen from equation ���� that S� has no directe�ect on the dynamics of the sliding motion and acts only as a scaling factor for theswitching function� The choice of S� is therefore somewhat arbitrary� A commonchoice however� which stems from the so�called hierarchical design procedure� is tolet S� � �B��� for some diagonal design matrix � � IRm�m which implies SB ��� By selecting M and S� the switching function in equation ���� it completelydetermined�

Several approaches have been proposed for the design of the feedback matrix Mincluding quadratic minimisation� eigenvalue placement and eigenstructure assign�ment methods �see Chapter in ���� These approaches will be discussed in thefollowing sections�


A linearisation of the nonlinear equations of motion of an inverted pendulum aboutthe equilibrium point at the origin �x����� in ��� is given by

A �

���� �� �� ������� ������� ��� ������� ������ ������

� B �



� ����

This system is not in regular form because the input enters the last two state�spaceequation� The following Matlab session performs the necessary transformationand identi�es the important sub�blocks�

Page 5: Sliding Mode Manual

State�feedback Sliding Mode Control

Session �� regfor

�� �A���A���B��Tr��regfor�A�B�

A�� �

���� ��

� � ���� � ��

����� ��� ����

A�� �




B� �

��� �

Tr �

���� �� ����

��� ���� ��

���� ���


Notice the transformation Tr is symmetric and in fact orthogonal� This is desirablefrom the numerical viewpoint�

��� Robust Eigenstructure Assignment

For the case of a scalar controlled problem� speci�cation of the �n � �� eigenvaluesassociated with the sliding mode will uniquely determine the matrixM of equation�� �� For multi�input systems this is not the case� In such a situation the avail�able degrees of freedom may be used to modally shape the system response by ajudicious choice of eigenvector form and�or ensure that the resulting closed�loopsystem is maximally robust to system parameter variations� However the eigenvec�tor corresponding to a given eigenvalue must lie in an allowable sub�space which isdetermined by the system matrix� the input matrix and the eigenvalue itself� Toevaluate robustness� a bound upon the individual eigenvalue sensitivities ci is givenby

maxfcig � ��V � � kV kkV ��k ����

Here ��V � denotes the condition number of the matrix V of right eigenvectors andis a measure of the orthogonality of the eigenvectors vi� The closer the eigenvectorsof a matrix are to being orthogonal� the smaller is the associated condition numberand the greater the robustness of the eigenvalue locations to changes in the elementsof the matrix� In robust eigenstructure assignment the feedback matrix is obtainedby assigning a set of linearly independent right eigenvectors corresponding to the

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State�feedback Sliding Mode Control �

required eigenvalues such that the matrix of eigenvectors is as well�conditioned aspossible �x ���� in ���� This can be achieved via the Matlab command place�


Here the use of robust pole placement will be demonstrated on a dc motor examplefrom x���� in��� The state and input distribution matrices are given by

A �

�� �� � ��� ���� �� �

� B �


� ����

Notice the system is already in regular form and the sliding motion will be a secondorder system� In the following session the reduced order sliding motion is assigneda pair of complex poles with damping ratio � � ��� and natural frequency wn � ��

Session �� rpp

zeta� ��


�� sp�roots��� ��zeta�wn wn�wn��

sp �

�� � ����i

�� � ����i

�� S�rpp�A�B�sp�

place� ndigits� ��

S �

� �� ����� ��


This compares with the �speci�c� analytic approach described in x���� ��� Noticethe hyperplane matrix S is returned in the original coordinate system� The trans�formation to regular form and the subsequent computations take place internallywithin the function�

��� Direct Eigenstructure Assignment

In the previous subsection� the additional degrees of freedom in the pole placementproblem for multi�input systems were used to minimise the condition number ofthe associated eigenvalues� If information is known about a desirable weightingof the system states for each mode� it is possible to choose a desired eigenvectorspeci�cation� Again this will not necessarily be achievable because it may not liewithin the prescribed allowable sub�space� details are given in x �� in ���

A numerical example using the approach appears later in x����

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State�feedback Sliding Mode Control �

��� Quadratic Minimisation

Consider the problem of minimising the quadratic performance index

J ��

Z �


x�t�TQx�t� dt ����

where Q is both symmetric and positive de�nite and ts is the time at which slidingmotion commences� The aim is to minimise equation ���� subject to the systemequation ��� under the assumption that sliding takes place� It is assumed thatthe state of the system at time ts� x�ts�� is a known initial condition and is suchthat x�t� � as t � �� The matrix Q from equation ���� is transformed andpartitioned compatibly with z so that

TrQTTr �

�Q�� Q��

QT�� Q��


and subsequently de�ne�Q � Q�� � Q��Q

���� Q�� ����

andv � z� �Q���� Q��z� ����

After some algebraic manipulation equation ���� may then be written in the newcoordinate system as

J ��

Z �


zT��Qz� � vTQ��v dt ����

Recall the constraint equation may be written as

�z��t� � A��z��t� � A��z��t� �� �

Eliminating the z� contribution from equation �� � using equation ����� the modi�edconstraint equation becomes

�z��t� � �Az��t� �A��v�t� ����

where�A � A�� �A��Q

���� Q�� ����

The positive de�niteness of Q ensures that Q�� � � so that Q���� exists� and also

that �Q � � Furthermore� the controllability of the original �A�B� pair ensures thatthe pair � �A�A��� is controllable� The problem thus becomes that of minimising thefunctional ���� subject to the system ���� and thus can be interpreted as a standardlinear�quadratic optimal state�regulator problem� A more detailed description ofthis approach is given in x ���� in ���


Consider once again the linearised equations of motion of an inverted pendulumgiven in ����� The following session designs a hyperplane for this system by min�imising a quadratic cost function�

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State�feedback Sliding Mode Control �

Session �� lqcf

�� Q�diag��� � � ���

Q �

�� �S�E��lqcf�A�B�Q�

S �

��� �� ��� ��� �����

E �

������ � �����i

������ � �����i


Notice the hyperplane matrix S is returned in the original coordinate system and allthe transformations take place internally� The remainder of this section is devotedto the synthesis of a control law which will theoretically bring about ideal sliding�

��� State�feedback Control Laws

Of the many di�erent multivariable sliding mode control structures which exist theone that will be considered here is essentially that of Ryan Corless �� and maybe described as a unit vector approach� Consider an uncertain system of the form

�x�t� � Ax�t� � Bu�t� � f�t� x� u� ����

where the function f � IR� � IRn� IRm � IRm which represents the uncertaintiesor nonlinearities satis�es the so�called matching condition� i�e�

f�t� x� u� � B��t� x� u� ����

where � � IR� � IRn� IRm � IRm and is unknown but satis�es

k��t� x� u�k � k�kuk� ��t� x� ����

where � � k� � is a known constants and ���� is a known function� The proposedcontrol law comprises two components� a linear component to stabilise the nominallinear system� and a discontinuous component� Speci�cally

u�t� � ul�t� � un�t� ���

where the linear component is given by

ul�t� � ���� �SA �!S� x�t� ����

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State�feedback Sliding Mode Control �

where ! � IRm�m is any stable design matrix and � � SB� The nonlinear compo�nent is de�ned to be

un�t� � ���t� x���� P�s�t�

kP�s�t�kfor s�t� �� ����

where P� � IRm�m is a symmetric positive de�nite matrix satisfying the Lyapunov

equationP�! �!

TP� � �I ����

and the scalar function ��t� x�� which depends only on the magnitude of the uncer�tainty� is any function satisfying

��t� x� � �k�kulk� ��t� x� � �� ��� k������ �� �

where � � is a design parameter� In this equation it is assumed that the scalingparameter has been chosen so that

k����� �

It can easily be established that any function satisfying equation �� � also satis�es

��t� x� � k��t� x� u�k� � ����

and therefore ��t� x� is greater in magnitude than the matched uncertainty occurringin equation ����� It is straightforward to verify that V �s� � sTP�s guaranteesquadratic stability for the switching states s and in particular

�V � �sTs � ��kP�sk ����

This control law guarantees that the switching surface is reached in �nite timedespite the disturbance or uncertainty and once the sliding motion is attained it iscompletely independent of the uncertainty� The relationship between the controllaw in ��������� and the original description of Ryan Corless is described in x�����in ���

The following session considers the inverted pendulum from Session � and constructsthe components of the control law described in ���� � �����Session �� contl

�� Phi����

�� �L�P�Lam��contl�A�B�S�Phi�

L �

�� ��� ���� � ������ � ����

P �


Lam �

� ���


Page 10: Sliding Mode Manual

State�feedback Sliding Mode Control �

Thus far only regulation problems have been considered� In practise tracking prob�lems are often encountered whereby �usually� the output of the system is requiredto follow a pre�de�ned reference signal� One approach is to use a model�followingsliding mode control law� In this situation a state error system is formed betweenthe plant states and the ideal model states and a sliding mode �regulation�like� con�trol law is designed to force the error system to zero �x � �� in ���� In the followingsection an integral action based method is considered for output tracking�

��� Output Tracking with Integral Action

Consider the development of a tracking control law for the nominal linear system

�x�t� � Ax�t� �Bu�t� ����

y�t� � Cx�t� ����

which is assumed to be square� In addition� for convenience� assume the matrix pair�A�B� is in regular form� The control law described here utilises an integral action

methodology� Consider the introduction of additional states xr � IRp satisfying

�xr�t� � r�t�� y�t� ����

where the di�erentiable signal r�t� satis�es

�r�t� � " �r�t��R� � �

with " � IRp�p a stable design matrix and R a constant demand vector� Augmentthe states with the integral action states and de�ne

#x �


�� ��

The associated system and input distribution matrices for the augmented system


#A �

� �C A

�and #B �


�� ��

and assuming the pair �A�B� is in regular form� the pair � #A� #B� is in regular form�The proposed controller seeks to induce a sliding motion on the surface

S � f#x � IRn�p � S#x � Srrg � ��

where S � IRm��n�p� and Sr � IRp�p are design parameters which govern thereduced order motion� Partition the hyperplane system matrix as



S ��S� S�

� � �

and the system matrix

#A �







� ��

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State�feedback Sliding Mode Control �

and assume � � S #B is nonsingular� If a controller exists which induces an idealsliding motion on S and the augmented states are partitioned as

#x �


�� ��

where x� � IRn and x� � IR

m� then the ideal sliding motion is given by

�x��t� � � #A�� � #A��M �x��t� ��#A��S

��� Sr � Br

r�t� � ��

where M � S��� S� and Br ��Ip n�p

�T� In order for the hyperplane design

methods described earlier to be valid� it is necessary for the matrix pair � #A��� #A���to be completely controllable� Necessary conditions on the original system are that�A�B�C� is completely controllable and has no invariant zeros at the origin �x � ��in ����

The development that follows mirrors the approach in x��� where ! is any stabledesign matrix� The overall control law is then given by

u � ul�#x� r� � un�#x� r� � ��

where the discontinuous vector

un�s� r� �

���c�uL� y����


if S#x �� Srr

otherwise� ��

where P� is a symmetric positive de�nite matrix satisfying

P�! �!TP� � �I ���

The positive scalar function which multiplies the unit vector component can beobtained from arguments similar to those in in x���� It follows that� in terms of theoriginal coordinates

un�#x� r� � L#x� Lrr � L �r �r ����

with gains de�ned as

L � �����S #A � !S� ����

Lr � ���� �!Sr � S�Br� ����

L �r � ���Sr �� �

The parameter Sr can take any value and does not a�ect the stability of the closedloop system� One common choice is to let Sr � for simplicity� Another option�which has been found to give good results with practical applications� is to chooseSr so that at steady state the integral action states are zero in the absence of anyuncertainty �x���� in ����

This session repeats the design aircraft design study in x �� in �� which uses integralaction and a hyperplane calculated using direct eigenstructure assignment� Thesystem triple given below represents the longitudinal motion of of an aircraft at

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State�feedback Sliding Mode Control ��

��� Mach and the outputs correspond to �ight path angle and pitch angle

A �

������ ��� �� ��� ����� ���� � ������ ���� �� ���� ��� ���� ��� ���

� B �


� �

C �

�� � �


First the augmented system represented by �Aa�Ba� is constructed� The commandeigbuil is then used to form the matrix which contains the information identifyingthe eigenvector components which are to be speci�ed and the associated desiredvalues� For more details of the design and closed�loop simulations see x �� in ���

Session �� intac eigbiul and dea

�� �Aa�Ba��intac�A�B�C�

Aa �

�� ��


��� � �

�� ����� ��� � ���

� ���� �� ��



Ba �

�� nocomp���

�� specent�eigbuil�����nocomp�

Eigenvector � �Real Part�

Enter position of specified entry � to terminate�

Followed by the value of specified entry

Enter position �

Enter associated value

Enter position �

Enter associated value �

Enter position


Page 13: Sliding Mode Manual

State�feedback Sliding Mode Control ��

Eigenvector � �Imaginary part�

Enter position of specified entry � to terminate�

Followed by the value of specified entry

Enter position �

Enter associated value

Enter position �

Enter associated value �

Enter position


Eigenvector �

Enter position of specified entry � to terminate�

Followed by the value of specified entry

Enter position �

Enter associated value �

Enter position �

Enter associated value

Enter position �

Enter associated value

Enter position


Eigenvector �

Enter position of specified entry � to terminate�

Followed by the value of specified entry

Enter position �

Enter associated value

Enter position �

Enter associated value �

Enter position


Eigenvector �

Enter position of specified entry � to terminate�

Followed by the value of specified entry

Enter position �

Enter associated value �

Enter position �

Enter associated value

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State�feedback Sliding Mode Control ��

Enter position �

Enter associated value

Enter position


specent �



� �

� NaN �

NaN � NaN



�� lambda����� �� �� �� ���

lambda �

��� �� �� �� ��

�� �S�V��dea�Aa�Ba�specent�lambda���

S �

�� ��� ����� ��� ���� ��� ���

���� ����� �� �� ���� ���� ���� ����

V �

�� �� ��� ���� ���� ����

���� ���

� ���� ����

� � � ����� � �����

� ��� � ����� ��� �����

������ ������ ���� � �� ����

� �� ����� ���� ����� �� �


The vector V represents the achieved eigenstructure� Notice when only two elementshave been speci�ed in an eigenvector the requirements have been achieved exactly�This is not the case for the two eigenvectors in which three elements were speci�ed�This is to be expected as a maximum of m entries can be speci�ed exactly�

The associated control law which includes feed�forward terms for both the referenceand its derivative can be obtained as shown below� The hyperplane is �rst scaledso that � � I� and the two range�space poles are selected to be at ���

Session �� contlia

�� S�inv�S�Ba��S

S �

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State�feedback Sliding Mode Control �

��� ��� ����� ��� ����� �

��� ���� ���� �� ���� �

�� �L�Lr�Lrdot�Sr�Lam�P��contlia�A�B�C�S����eye����

L �

����� ����� � �� �� ���� �� �� �

��� ����� ���� ��� � ����� ��� ���

Lr �

�� � ��

� � � �

Lrdot �

����� ��

� � ���

Sr �

����� ��

� � ���

Lam �

P �




The following session reconstructs the case study from Chapter � in �� and designsa state feedback output tracking controller utilising integral action for the furnacesystem linearisation

A �

��������� ���� ��� ������� ����� ��� �

����� ���� ������ �������� ����� ������ �� ��

� B �



� ��� � ��

C �

����� ����� ����� ���

����� ������ ������ ��


The robust pole placement method has been chosen for the design of the switchingfunction� Once the matrix S has been calculated the �feedback� gain matrix M iscomputed �this is easily accomplished in this case since the system is in regular form�and the system matrix governing the reduced order sliding motion �A�� � A��M �is formed� The condition number of the associated eigenvectors is also computedpurely for pedagogical purposes to verify that a robust design has been achieved�

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State�feedback Sliding Mode Control ��

Session � intac and rpp

�� sp����� ���� ��������j ��������j��

�� �Aa�Ba��intac�A�B�C��

�� S�rpp�Aa�Ba�sp�

place� ndigits� ��

S �

��� �� ������ ������ � ��

�� ��� ����� ����� � �

�� M�inv�S���������S�������

M �

�� ��� ����� �����

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�� A���Aa���������

A�� �

���� ���

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A�� �

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ans �



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�� cond�V�

ans �



The condition number of the eigenvectors is reasonably small indicating that thedesign is relatively robust with respect to unmatched uncertainty�

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Output Based Hyperplane Design ��

Up to this point it has been assumed that all the states are available for use in thecontrol law� This hypothesis will be dropped in the remaining sections�

� Output Based Hyperplane Design

Consider the linear system in ��� and suppose that only the measured outputs

y�t� � Cx�t� ����

where C � IRp�n are available� One strategy is to restrict the class of slidingsurfaces and control laws to those which require only output information� Recentwork has isolated the class of systems for which this approach is applicable and adesign framework has been proposed for synthesising appropriate sliding surfacesand control laws �x�� in ���� Here the case when there are more outputs thaninputs is considered since� in the square case� no design freedom exists in terms ofselecting the dynamics of the sliding motion� Two assumptions will be made�

A�� the Markov parameter CB is full rank

A�� any invariant zeros of �A�B�C� are in the C�

These assumptions will be central to the output feedback based sliding mode controland observer methods used here� The following lemma provides a canonical formfor the system triple �A�B�C� which will be used in the subsequent analysis�

Lemma � Let �A�B�C� be a linear system with p � m and rank �CB� � m� Then

a change of coordinates exists so that the system triple with respect to the new

coordinates has the following structure�

a� the system matrix can be written as

A �

�A�� A��

A�� A��

�where A�� � IR

�n�m���n�m� ����

and the sub�block A�� when partitioned has the structure

A�� �

�� Ao

�� Ao��



Ao�� Am


� ����

where Ao�� � IR

r�r� Ao�� � IR

�n�p�r���n�p�r� and Ao�� � IR


for some r � and the pair �Ao��� A

o��� is completely observable� Further�

more the invariant zeros of the system are the r eigenvalues of Ao���

b� the input distribution matrix has the form

B �


�where B� � IR

m�m and is nonsingular ���

Page 18: Sliding Mode Manual

Output Based Hyperplane Design ��

c� the output distribution matrix has the form

C �� T

�where T � IRp�p and is orthogonal ����


The following session considers the inverted pendulum example from ���� and as�sumes that only the �rst three states are measured� This session considers a changeof coordinates which puts the system triple into the output�feedback canonical form�

Session �� outfor

�� �Ac�Bc�Cc�Tc�r��outfor�A�B�C�

Ac �

����� ����� �����

� ��� �

� � � ��� �����

Bc �


Cc �



Tc �

��� � �



r �


Notice r � which indicates that the system �A�B�C� does not have any invariantzeros�

Under the premise that only output information is available� the switching functionmust be of the form

s�t� � FCx�t� ����

Page 19: Sliding Mode Manual

Output Based Hyperplane Design ��

where F � IRm�p� Suppose a controller exists which induces a stable sliding motionon the surface

S � fx � IRn � FCx � g ����

For a unique equivalent control� to exist the matrix FCB � IRm�m must have fullrank� this implies that rank�CB� � m since rank�F � � m� Therefore in all theanalysis which follows it can be assumed without loss of generality that the systemis already in the canonical form of Lemma �� Let



F� F��� FT

�� �

then the matrix which de�nes the switching function can be written as

FC ��F�C� F�


C� ���p�m���n�p� I�p�m�


In this way FCB � F�B� and in particular the square matrix F� is nonsingular�The canonical form of Lemma � can be viewed as a special case of the �regular form�normally used in sliding mode controller design and therefore arguing as in x��� thereduced order sliding motion is governed by a free motion with system matrix

As�� � A�� �A��F

��� F�C� ����

De�ne K � F��� F� then the problem of designing a suitable hyperplane is equivalentto an output feedback problem for the system �A��� A��� C��� It is well establishedthat invariant zeros play an important part in the sliding motion and� in particular�any invariant zeros of �A�B�C� must appear in the sliding mode dynamics whenonly output information is used� Intuitively� if the original system has invariantzeros then by Lemma � the eigenvalues of Ao

�� must appear in the spectrum of As��

and so the poles of A�� � A��KC� cannot be assigned arbitrarily by choice of K�To this end partition the matrices A�� and Am

�� as

A�� �



�and Am

�� �




where A��� � IR�n�m�r��m and Am

��� � IR�n�p�r���p�m� and form a new sub�system

represented by the triple � #A��� A���� #C�� where

#A�� �

�Ao�� Am


Ao�� Am


�and #C� �

��p�m���n�p�r� I�p�m�


As a result it can be shown that the spectrum of As�� contains the invariant zeros

of �A�B�C� and in particular

��A�� � A��KC�� � ��Ao��� �� #A�� �A���K #C�� ����

�For comprehensive details see Chapter � in Utkin ����

Page 20: Sliding Mode Manual

Output Based Hyperplane Design ��

It follows directly that for a stable sliding motion the invariant zeros of the system�A�B�C� must lie in the open left half plane and the triple � #A��� A���� #C�� mustbe stabilisable with respect to output feedback�� It can be shown that if the pair�A�B� is completely controllable then the pair � #A��� A���� is completely control�lable� the pair � #A��� #C�� is completely observable by construction and thus if thetriple � #A��� A���� #C�� satis�es the Kimura�Davison conditions� output feedback poleplacement methods can be used to place the poles appropriately�

It is well established in the static output feedback literature that if the Kimura�Davison conditions are not satis�ed by the nominal triple� the system can be aug�mented by an appropriately dimensioned compensator� Speci�cally let

�xc�t� � Hxc�t� �Dy�t� ���

where the matrices H � IRq�q and D � IRq�p are to be determined� De�ne a newhyperplane in the augmented state space� formed from the plant and compensatorstate spaces� as

Sc � f�x� xc� � IRn�q � Fcxc � FCx � g ����

where Fc � IRm�q and F � IRm�p� De�ne D� � IR

q��p�m� and D� � IRq�m as�

D� D�

�� DT ����

If the the input distribution matrix is partitioned conformably as

A��� �





then it can be shown �x��� in ��� that a parametrisation of the compensator is

H � Ao�� � LoAo

�� �� �

D� � Am��� � LoAm

�� � �Ao�� � LoAo

���Lo ����

D� � A���� � LoA���� ����

where Lo � IR�n�p�r���p�m� is any gain matrix so that Ao�� � LoAo

�� is stable�Let K be any state feedback matrix for the controllable pair � #A��� A���� so that#A�� �A���K is stable and partition the state feedback matrix so that



K� K�

�� K


and de�ne

K � K� � K�Lo ����

Kc � K� ����

If r � de�ne a new dynamical system by

�zr�t� � Ao��zr�t� � Ao

��xc�t� � �Am��� �Ao

��Lo�x���t� �A���x��t� ���

�The phrase �stabilisable with respect to output feedback� will indicate that for the linear system�A�B�C� there exists a �xed gain K such that the matrix A� BKC is stable�

Page 21: Sliding Mode Manual

Output Based Hyperplane Design �

and augment ��� with ��� to form a new compensator

��xc�t� � �H�xc�t� � �Dy�t� ����


�H �

�Ao�� Ao



�and �D �


��� �Ao��L

o� A���

D� D�



�x �



then the sliding surface Sc can be written as f�x � IRn � S�x � g where

S � F��m�r Kc K Im


A control law to induce a sliding motion on the sliding surface Sc is given by

u�t� � L�x�t� � un�t� �� �

where L is de�ned in x��� of �� and un�t� is the scaled unit�vector law in �����


The following session calculates a compensator based output dependant slidingmode controller� The canonical form from Session � underpins the synthesis andthe speci�ed poles obtained from Session � are used to specify part of the slidingmode dynamics�

Session � comrobs

�� �Hhat�Dhat�S�L�P��comrobs�A�B�C�

Enter � pole for the error dynamics ��

Enter � pole for sliding motion ��������������j �������������j �������

Enter � pole for the range space dynamics ��

place� ndigits� ��

place� ndigits� ��

Hhat �


Dhat �

������ ��� �

S �

��� ����� ������ �

L �

� ���� ��� ��� ����� � �����

Page 22: Sliding Mode Manual

Sliding Mode Observers ��

P �



This example is consider in greater detail in x����� in ���

� Sliding Mode Observers

Despite fruitful research and development activity in the area of variable structurecontrol theory� relatively few authors have considered the application of the un�derlying principles to the problem of observer design� Consider the nominal linearsystem subject to a class of uncertainty described by

�x�t� � Ax�t� �Bu�t� �D��t� y� u� ����

y�t� � Cx�t� ����

where A � IRn�n� B � IRn�m� C � IRp�n� D � IRn�q with q � p n and thematrices B�C and D are of full rank� The function ��t� y� u� is assumed to beunknown but bounded by a known function� It is further assumed that the statesof the system are unknown and only the signals u�t� and y�t� are available�

The objective is to synthesise an observer to generate a state estimate �x�t� suchthat the error

e�t� � �x�t� � x�t� ����

tends to zero despite the presence of the uncertainty� Furthermore the intention isto induce a sliding motion on the surface in the error space

So � fe � IRn � Ce � g ����

The particular observer structure that will be considered can be written in the form

��x�t� � A�x�t� �Bu�t� � GlCe�t� � Gn� ����

where Gl� Gn � IRn�p are appropriate gain matrices and � represents a discontinu�

ous switched component to induce a sliding motion on So�

Consider the dynamical system given in ���� and ���� and assume that

� rank�CD� � q

� the invariant zeros of �A�D�C� lie in the C��

It can be shown �x����� in ��� that under these assumptions there exists a linearchange of coordinates x �� Tx such that in the new coordinate system

�x��t� � A��x��t� � A��x��t� �B�u�t� ���

�x��t� � A��x��t� � A��x��t� �B�u�t� �D���t� y� u� ����

y�t� � x��t� ����

Page 23: Sliding Mode Manual

Sliding Mode Observers ��

where x� � IR�n�p�� x� � IRp and the matrix A�� has stable eigenvalues� Thefreedom of choice associated with A�� depends on the number of invariant zeros of�A�B�C�� The coordinate system above will be used as a platform for the designof a sliding mode observer� Consider a dynamical system of the form

��x��t� � A���x��t� �A���x��t� �B�u�t�� A��ey�t� ����

��x��t� � A���x��t� �A���x��t� �B�u�t�� �A�� �As���ey�t� � kD�k� �� �

�y�t� � �x��t� ����

where As�� is a stable design matrix and ey � �y � y� The discontinuous vector � is

de�ned by

� �

����t� y� u� P�ey

kP�eykif ey ��


where P� � IRp�p is a Lyapunov matrix for As

�� satisfying

P�As�� � �A


TP� � �I ����

and the scalar function ��t� y� u� is chosen so that

k��t� y� u�k ��t� y� u� ����

If the state estimation errors are de�ned as e� � �x� � x� and e� � �x� � x� then itis straightforward to show

�e��t� � A��e��t� ����

�ey�t� � A��e��t� �As��ey�t� � kD�k� �D���t� y� u� ���

Furthermore the nonlinear error system in ���� � ��� is quadratically stable and asliding motion takes place on the surface So de�ned in ����� The dynamical systemin ���� � ���� may thus be regarded as an observer for the system in ���������� Itfollows that if the linear gain

Gl � T���


A�� �As��


and the nonlinear gain

Gn � kD�kT��



then the observer given in ���� � ���� can be written in terms of the original coor�dinates in the form of �����


The following session places the aircraft system

A �


�� ���� �� � ��� �� � ��� ����

���� ����� ��� ����� �� ���

Page 24: Sliding Mode Manual

Sliding Mode Observers ��

B �


��� �������� �������

� C �

���� � �� � � �

from x����� in �� in the canonical form for observer design under the assumptionthat the matrix which distributes the uncertainty is D � B�

Session ��� obsfor

�� �Ac�Bc�Cc�Tc��obsfor�A�B�C�

Enter � desired stable sliding mode pole�s� ��

place� ndigits� ��

Ac �

�� ����� �� ������� �����

�� ����� ��� �� �

����� �� � � � �� ���

��� � ��� ��� ���� ���

Bc �

���� ���

��� ����

� �

Cc �

� �

Tc �

����� �� ������ �����

� ��

� �


Notice in this example because no invariant zeros are present the dynamics associ�ated with the upper left element �which govern the sliding motion� can be placedarbitrarily�

The next session uses the same example and computes the observer gains fromequations ���� and �����

Page 25: Sliding Mode Manual

Sliding Mode Observers �

Session ��� disobs

�� �Gl�Gn�P��disobs�A�B�C�

Enter � desired stable sliding mode pole�s� ��

place� ndigits� ��

Enter � output estimation error pole�s� ��� ���� ��� ���

Gl �

� �

��� �� ���� ��

�� � ���� �� ���

� ��� ��� ���� ���

���� � ���� ��

Gn �

�� ��

� �� �� ������

�� ��

� �� ��

� � �� ������

P �




�� eig�A�Gl�C�

ans �







Another observer� introduced by Walcott �Zak ��� considers the special case whenthe uncertainty is matched i�e� when D � B� They propose the observer structuregiven by

�z�t� � Az�t� � Bu�t� �GCe�t� � B�o ����

where z represents an estimate of the true states x� and e � z � x is the stateestimation error� The output error feedback gain matrix G is chosen so that theclosed loop matrix A� � A�GC is stable and has a Lyapunov matrix P satisfying

Page 26: Sliding Mode Manual

Sliding Mode Observers ��

bothPA� � AT

� P � �Q �� �

for some positive de�nite design matrix Q and the structural constraint

PB � CTFT ����

for some nonsingular matrix F � IRm�p� The discontinuous vector �o is given by

�o �

���o�t� y� u�

FCekFCek if Ce ��


where �o�t� y� u� is a scalar function which bounds the uncertainty� The observergiven in ���� may be viewed as a Luenberger observer with an additional nonlinearterm� It can be shown �x�� in ��� that assumptions A� and A� relating to thetriple �A�B�C� are necessary and su�cient conditions for the existence of such anobserver which is insensitive to matched uncertainty and induces a sliding motionon

Sw � f e � IRn � FCe � g ����

The original formulation of Walcott �Zak required the use of symbolic manipu�lation to synthesise the matrices G and P which completely de�ne the observer�More recently an analytic solution has been proposed based on the canonical formdescribed in ��������� An appropriate choice of G is that given in ���� and anappropriate choice of

F � �P�B��T ����

This session considers the same example as Session �� but this time computes aWalcott� �Zak observer�Session ��� wzobs

�� �G�F��wzobs�A�B�C�

Enter � desired stable sliding mode pole�s� ��

place� ndigits� ��

Enter � desired output estimation error pole�s� ��� ����� ��� ���

G �

� �

��� �� ���� ��

�� � ����� �� ���

� ��� ��� ���� ���

���� �� ���� ��

F �

� � ��� ��

�� ����� �


Page 27: Sliding Mode Manual

Sliding Mode Observers ��

In the special case of a square system an even more explicit solution can be obtained�This does not require the attainment of the canonical form ��� � ���� explicitly andin certain circumstances produces an observer with better numerical properties�

This �nal session consider the furnace system from ���� and computes a Walcott��Zak observer as in x��� in ��� The observer is computed in two ways� �rst usingthe square system approach and secondly using the generic method� The numericalproperties of the two resulting error systems are compared�

Session ��� sqobs

�� �G�F��sqobs�A�B�C�

Enter � real stable poles for the output error system ��� ���

G �

���� �����

��� �����

����� �����

���� ����

F �

�� �

�� ���

�� �V�D��eig�A�G�C��

�� cond�V�

ans �

���� �

�� �G�F��wzobs�A�B�C�

The system has � stable invariant zero�s�

Enter � desired output estimation error pole�s� ��� ���

G �

���� �����

��� �����

����� �����

���� ����

F �

�� �

�� ���

�� �V�D��eig�A�G�C��

�� cond�V�

Page 28: Sliding Mode Manual

Summary ��

ans �

���� �


It can be seen that the square system approach has in this case furnished eigenvec�tors with better conditioning�

� Summary

This document has described a collection ofMatlab m�les which have been devel�oped to design sliding mode controllers for linear systems with bounded nonlinearuncertainty� The algorithms are described in detail elsewhere and indeed this doc�ument is best viewed as an addendum to ��� Here the emphasis is on describingthe software and providing examples of its use�


�� C� Edwards and S�K� Spurgeon� Sliding Mode Control� Theory and Applications�Taylor Francis� �����

�� U� Itkis� Control Systems of Variable Structure� Wiley� New York� �����

�� E�P� Ryan and M� Corless� Ultimate boundedness and asymptotic stability of aclass of uncertain dynamical systems via continuous and discontinuous control�IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information� ������� �� ��� �

� V�I� Utkin� Variable structure systems with sliding modes� IEEE Transactions

on Automatic Control� ����������� �����

�� V�I� Utkin� Sliding Modes in Control Optimization� Springer�Verlag� Berlin������

�� B�L� Walcott and S�H� �Zak� Combined observer�controller synthesis for uncer�tain dynamical systems with applications� IEEE Transactions on Systems� Man

and Cybernetics� ������� � �����

Page 29: Sliding Mode Manual

� Appendix Toolbox Commands



To generate a compensator based output sliding mode controller


Hhat�Dhat� S� L� P� Lam� T ��comrobs�A�B�C�


Generates a compensator and the associated components of the slidingmode control law for the triple �A�B�C�� In order for this to be possibleconditions A� and A� need to be satis�ed� These are checked during theexecution� If n� m� p and r are the number of states� inputs� outputs andinvariant zeros respectively� then� provided the approach is applicable� theuser is prompted to supply three vectors�

� an n � p � r dimensional vector which represents the poles of theestimation error system� �In the notation of x�� the speci�ed polesare assigned to the matrix H from �� � via pole placement��

� an n �m � r dimensional vector which constitute the poles of thesliding motion� �In the notation of x�� the gain matrixK is computedso that the eigenvalues of � #A�� � A���K� are the speci�ed values��

� anm dimensional vector which will be used to assign the poles whichgovern the range space dynamics� �In the notation of x�� the matrix! will be built from the speci�ed poles��

The matrices Hhat� Dhat which are returned are the compensators� stateand input distribution matrices respectively� S is the matrix which de�nesthe switching function� L is the linear feedback component in the controllaw� P is a Lyapunov matrix which scales the switching function andLam represents the gain which pre�multiplies the unit vector componentin the nonlinear control� The orthogonal matrix T is obtained from thecanonical form for output feedback design from x� and is used to scale theoutputs�


First the canonical form for output feedback design is obtained and thecomponents that constitute the triple � #A��� A���� #C�� are identi�ed� Areduced order linear observer structure is then obtained in conjunctionwith a state feedback gain for the pair � #A��� A����� This e�ectively pa�rameterises both the compensator matrices and the switching function�The approach is described in detail in x�� in ���

Page 30: Sliding Mode Manual

Appendix� Toolbox Commands ��



This assembles the components of the state feedback unit vector controllaw


L�P� Lam��contl�A�B� S� Phi�


The pair �A�B� constitutes the state and input distribution matrices of thesystem and S represents a previously designed matrix which de�nes theswitching function� If the system has m inputs� then Phi is a stable m�mmatrix which will govern the linear part of the range space dynamics� Thefunction returns a matrix L which constitutes the linear state feedbackcomponent of the control law� the matrix Lyapunov matrix P which scalesthe hyperplane and Lam which is the gain which pre�multiplies the unitvector component in the nonlinear control law�


The control law is the unit vector control structure of Ryan Corless ���Details of the components are given in ���������� The justi�cation of theformula appears in x����� in ���

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Appendix� Toolbox Commands �



This assembles the components of the state feedback unit vector controllaw in the case when integral action is employed for tracking purposes


L�Lr� Lrdot� Sr� Lam�P ��contlia�A�B�C�S� Phi� Sr�L�Lr� Lrdot� Sr� Lam�P ��contlia�A�B�C�S� Phi�


The triple �A�B�C� constitutes the state� input and output distributionmatrices of the system� The matrix S represents a previously designedmatrix which de�nes the augmented state component of the switchingfunction and the parameter Sr represents the reference dependant com�ponent of the switching function� If the system has m inputs then Phi is astable m�m matrix which will govern the linear part of the range spacedynamics� The function returns the controller parameters in the casewhere integral action is employed to provide tracking and all the statesare available for use in the control law� L represents the linear augmentedstate feedback gain and Lr and Ldot represent feed�forward gains for thereference and derivative of the reference respectively� The symmetric posi�tive de�nite matrix P is the Lyapunov matrix which scales the hyperplaneand Lam is the gain associated with the unit vector component�If only �ve right hand arguments are supplied the reference dependantcomponent of the switching function Sr is calculated so that� in the nom�inal case� the steady state value of the integral action states tend to zero�


The control law is the unit vector control structure described in � ����� ��Details of the construction� particularly with regard to the choice of Sr �is given in x���� in ���

See also

dea� lqcf� rpp

Page 32: Sliding Mode Manual

Appendix� Toolbox Commands ��



Hyperplane design using so�called direct eigenstructure assignment � i�e�specifying both the sliding mode poles and elements of the associatedeigenvectors


S�dea�A�B� specent� lambda�S� V ��dea�A�B� specent� lambda�S�dea�A�B� specent� lambda� nocomp�S� V ��dea�A�B� specent� lambda� nocomp�


The pair �A�B� constitutes the state and input distribution matrices of thesystem� When four right hand arguments are supplied� the vector lambdarepresents the n�m speci�ed sliding mode eigenvalues which must be real�n and m represent the number of states and inputs respectively�� Then� �n�m� matrix specent indicates the position and value of the desiredeigenvector entries� Elements of the eigenvector which can take arbitraryvalues are indicated by NaN�s� Thus the �rst column of specent is thedesired eigenvector associated with the �rst element in lambda etc� Thefunction returns the matrix S which de�nes the switching function� If twoleft hand arguments are provided an n��n�m� matrixV is returned whichrepresents the attained eigenvectors� If complex eigenvalues are desired��ve right hand arguments must be supplied and the scalar nocomp de�nesthe number of pairs of complex conjugate poles� Again the vector lambdade�nes the desired sliding mode poles� the �rst �i � � �i � �� nocomp�entries contain the real parts of the complex conjugate poles and the�rst �i �i � �� nocomp� contain the imaginary parts� Likewise the �rst�i � � �i � �� nocomp� columns of specent are associated with the realparts of the complex eigenvectors and the �rst �i �i � �� nocomp� areassociated with the imaginary parts�


The algorithm is that described in Appendix B�� in ��� For implemen�tation purposes� the variable specpos in Appendix B�� is obtained fromspecent by interrogating the user about the speci�ed elements using theMatlab command isnan�

See also


Page 33: Sliding Mode Manual

Appendix� Toolbox Commands ��



Calculates the gains of a sliding mode observer which is insensitive to aparticular class of uncertainty


Gl�Gn� P���disobs�A�D�C�


The pair �A�C� represents the state and output distribution matrix ofthe system and D represents a distribution matrix which describes thechannels in which the uncertainty occurs� It is assumed that if n and prepresent the number of states and outputs respectively� then D is n� qwhere q � p� The function returns the linear gain Gl and non�linear gainGn along with the Lyapunov matrix P� which constitutes a discontinuousobserver� For the theory to be valid both C and D should be full rank�the Markov parameter CD must be full rank and any invariant zeros oftriple �A�D�C� must lie in the C�� During the computations a prompt isgiven for a vector of dimension n� p� r where r the number of invariantzeros of �A�D�C�� This vector speci�es the desired stable poles of thesliding motion� In addition the user is prompted for p stable real poleswhich form part of the state estimation error dynamics�


The function puts the given system in the canonical form for observerdesign described in ��������� The gains are constructed from equations���� and ���� and from solving the Lyapunov equation ����� For detailssee x��� in ���

See also

sqobs� wzobs

Page 34: Sliding Mode Manual

Appendix� Toolbox Commands ��



Forms the matrix which determines the speci�ed components within eacheigenvector for use in the design of a hyperplane by direct eigenstructureassignment


specent�eigbuil�n�m�specent�eigbuil�n�m� nocomp�


The scalar n is the size of the state space vector and m is the number ofinputs� If three right hand arguments are presented then nocomp is thenumber of complex pairs of eigenvalues that make up the desired polesfor the sliding motion� The function returns a matrix of size n� �n�m�whose columns indicate the position and value of the speci�ed elementsin the associated eigenvector� The user is prompted for the position andvalues of the speci�ed entries eigenvector by eigenvector� The remainingentries in the appropriate columns of specent are �lled automatically byNaN�s�

See also


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Appendix� Toolbox Commands �



Calculates the augmented state and input distribution matrices for de�signing a control law incorporating integral action




For the system represented by the triple �A�B�C� the augmented stateand input distribution matrices Aa and Ba as in � ��� If this approach isnot applicable because of the presence of any invariant zeros of �A�B�C� atthe origin� empty matrices are returned and an appropriate error messageis displayed�

See also


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Appendix� Toolbox Commands ��



Hyperplane design using a quadratic cost function




For a given system represented by the state and input distribution ma�trices �A�B� the function returns a matrix S which de�nes the switchingfunction by minimising the cost function

J �

Z �



where Q is a symmetric positive de�nite matrix of the same order asthe state space and ts is the time at which the sliding motion begins�In the coordinates of the regular form� and thinking of the hyperplanedesign problem as a state feedback problem for a certain subsystem� thequadratic minimisation problem becomes a conventional well�posed LQRproblem which can be solved using the standard control system toolboxroutines�


Regular form is �rst established and a further series of transformationsestablishes the cost function ���� and the reduced order system matrix����� In this form the problem becomes a standard Linear QuadraticRegulator problem which is solved using the routines from the ControlSystem Toolbox� Details are given in x � �� in ���

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Appendix� Toolbox Commands ��



Performs the necessary state transformations to put a system triple intothe canonical form for observer design


Ac�Dc�Cc� T c��obsfor�A�D�C�


Here the matrices A and C represent the state and output distributionmatrices respectively and D is a matrix which describes the channelsin which the uncertainty acts� The function returns the nominal triple�A�D�C� in the canonical form used in the construction of the observergains given in ��������� In order for this to be possible CD must befull rank and any invariant zeros of the triple �A�D�C� must be in theC�� Checks are made during the execution of the function to verify theseconditions� If the number of columns of D is less than the number ofrows of C then some �exibility exists in choosing the eigenvalues of thesliding motion� In this case the user is prompted to supply an appropriatenumber of stable poles� The state transformation matrix to induce thisform is given in Tc�


The canonical form for output feedback sliding mode control is �rst estab�lished� A further transformation using all the available degrees of freedomis made to achieve the canonical form in ��������� For further details seex����� in ���

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Appendix� Toolbox Commands ��



Performs the necessary state transformation to put a system triple intothe canonical form for output feedback design


Af�Bf�Cf� T can� r��outfor�A�B�C�


For the system represented by the triple �A�B�C� the function computes�where possible� the canonical form for output feedback design� This re�quires that assumptions A� and A� are valid� If these are found not tohold then the function returns empty matrices� The variable r representsthe number of invariant zeros of the system �A�B�C�� The matrix Tcanrepresents the coordinate transformation necessary to bring about thecanonical form�


Details of the state�space transformations are given in x�� in ���

See also


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Appendix� Toolbox Commands ��



Transforms a given state and input distribution matrix into regular form


A��� A��� B�� T r��regfor�A�B�


For the system with state and input distribution matrices A and B thefunction returns the sub�matrices and the orthogonal transformation ma�trix that brings about the regular form described in ���������


A QR factorisation is �rst obtained for the input distribution matrix �the required transformation is then obtained by reordering the rows� Theapproach is described in more detail in x �� in ���

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Appendix� Toolbox Commands ��



Hyperplane design using pole placement with robust eigenstructure as�signment


S � rpp�A�B� sp�


For the system represented by the state and input distribution matricesA and B the function calculates the matrix S which de�nes the switchingfunction using robust eigenstructure assignment� If n and m representthe number of states and inputs respectively then sp is a vector of ordern�m containing the desired eigenvalues� Any complex eigenvalues in thevector sp must appear in consecutive complex conjugate pairs and theeigenvalues cannot be placed with multiplicity greater than the numberof inputs�


Regular form is �rst achieved then the modi�ed pole placement commandvplace is utilised �which relies on the Control System Toolbox routineplace�� For details see Appendix B�� in ���

See also


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Appendix� Toolbox Commands



Calculates the gain matrices for a Walcott� �Zak observer in the specialcase of a square system


G�F ��sqobs�A�B�C�


For the system represented by the triple �A�B�C� this function produces aWalcott� �Zak observer for the special case of square systems i�e� when thenumber of inputs equals the number of outputs� Necessary and su�cientconditions for the observer to exist are that assumptions A� and A� aresatis�ed� The arguments returned are the linear gain matrixG along withthe matrix F which scales the switching function� During the executionthe user is prompted for a vector of order p containing stable real poles�where p is the number of outputs�� These are assigned to form a subsetof the poles of the state estimation error system�


The design is made from regular form rather than from the observer canon�ical form� The explicit solution is described in x����� in ���

See also

wzobs� disobs

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Appendix� Toolbox Commands �



Performs pole placement with robust eigenstructure assignment


K�vplace�A�B� sp�


For the system represented by the state and input distribution matrix Aand B this function returns a state feedback matrix K which assigns tothe closed loop the poles contained in the vector sp� This command isa modi�cation of the control system tool box command pole placementroutine place and performs an initial transformation to remove any re�dundant columns of the input distribution matrix�


An initial QR factorisation of the input distribution matrix is made andany redundant columns are removed before invoking the place commandfrom the Control System Toolbox �see Appendix B�� in �� for details��

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Appendix� Toolbox Commands �



Computes the gains for a Walcott� �Zak observer


G�F ��wzobs�A�B�C�


For the system represented by the triple �A�B�C�� this function calculatesthe gains for a Walcott� �Zak observer� Necessary and su�cient conditionsfor the observer to exist are that assumptions A� and A� are satis�ed� Thearguments returned are the linear gain matrix G along with the matrix Fwhich scales the switching function� During the computations a promptis given for a vector of dimension n�p�r where n the number of states� pis the number of outputs and r the number of invariant zeros of �A�B�C��This vector allows the user to specify the assignable poles in the top leftsub�block of the observer canonical form� The user is prompted for avector of order p containing stable real poles� These poles are assigned toform a subset of the poles of the state estimation error system�


The function puts the given system in the canonical form for observerdesign described in ��������� The gains are constructed from equations���� and ����� For details see x�� in ���

See also


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Appendix� Toolbox Commands �

comrobs generates a compensator based output sliding mode controller

contl assembles the components of the state feedback unit vector controllaw

contlia assembles the components of the state feedback unit vector con�trol law in the case when integral action is employed for trackingpurposes

dea hyperplane design using direct eigenstructure assignment

disobs calculates the gains of a sliding mode observer which is insensitiveto a particular class of uncertainty

eigbuil form the matrix which determines the speci�ed components withineach eigenvector for use in the design of a hyperplane by directeigenstructure assignment

intac calculates the augmented state and input distribution matrices fordesigning a control law incorporating integral action

lqcf hyperplane design using a quadratic cost function

output performs the necessary state transformations to put a system tripleinto the canonical form for observer design

obsfor performs the necessary state transformation to put a system tripleinto the canonical form for output feedback design

regfor transforms a given state and input distribution matrix into regularform

rpp hyperplane design using pole placement with robust eigenstructureassignment

sqobs calculate the gain matrices for a Walcott� �Zak observer in the specialcase of a square system

vplace pole placement with robust eigenstructure assignment

wzobs computes the gains for a Walcott� �Zak observer

Table �� Summary of Matlab commands