sl external debt sustainability intervention by practical economist keeps the debate live

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  • 8/12/2019 SL External Debt Sustainability Intervention by Practical Economist Keeps the Debate Live


    SL external debt sustainability:

    Intervention by Practical Economist

    keeps the debate live

    July 21, 2014

    Practical Economists re-entry to the fray

    In a welcome move, an economic analyst writing under the enname

    !Practical Economist has resonded "availa#le at$


    with-neutral-glasses%+ to this writers revious articles on ri an'as

    e*ternal de#t sustaina#ility highlighting the misleading conclusions of a

    ress release issued #y .entral /an's Pu#lic e#t eartment or P due

    to data incomleteness&

    hese articles could #e

    accessed #y visiting

    the following lin's$




    second$ htt$%%www&ft&l'%2014%0)%25%central-#an'-claries-on-de#t-

    sustaina#ility-#ut-it-#egs-more-6uestions-than-the-ones-answered% third$

  • 8/12/2019 SL External Debt Sustainability Intervention by Practical Economist Keeps the Debate Live



    he intervention of Practical Economist who has admitted that he was the

    very same Practical Economist who had an interesting e*change with this

    writer earlier on ri an'as outut ga is welcome for three reasons&

    Even stuid arguments should #e welcome since they create a live de#ate

    7irst, Practical Economist has #rought the de#ate #ac' to life reventing it

    from having a natural death for lac' of reader interest& ri an'as u#lic at

    large has of late #ecome aathetic to many issues concerning them& heir

    silence has #een dangerous to the wor'ing of the democratic system& o

    ma'e democracy wor', eole should sea' out oenly, agreeing or

    disagreeing, on vital issues&

    his writer recalls a iece of advice given #y Professor 8ichael Jones-ee of

    9:s 9niversity of ;or' in 1;ou may have the most stuid oint, #ut dont

    hesitate to resent it #ecause itll hel us to resolve it together and #ecome

    wiser&? hus, in a democracy, even the most stuid argument to of a

    dissenting citi@en should #e referred to the silence of a oulation&

    .riticism hels self-correction

    econd, Practical Economist has heled this writer revisit his

    articles and comare notes in the light of the counteroints

    raised #y him& he urose of intellectual de#ates in civilised

    societies is not to win them #y crushing the oonents #ut to

    gain wisdom& his can #e done only when criticisms are

    entertained& It will ena#le all those concerned to correct

    themselves if they had #een erroneous&

    A neutral Budge should loo' at #oth luses and minuses

    hird, Practical Economist has claimed that his is an e*ercise

    to loo' at the de#ate !with neutral glasses& hat is also

    welcome #ecause in any de#ate there should #e a neutral

    ar#iter to adBudicate the issues that are #eing resented #yde#aters& =owever, such a neutral Budge should ossess certain 6ualities

    which have #een stiulated #y the /uddha in /rahmaBala utta in igha

    Ci'aya in his advice to /hi''us angered #y those tal'ing ill of him&

    he /uddha has said$ >ont get angry when others tal' ill of me e*amine

    carefully their arguments and tell them that in this sense they are correct

    and in this sense they are incorrect&? Accordingly, an ar#iter wearing
  • 8/12/2019 SL External Debt Sustainability Intervention by Practical Economist Keeps the Debate Live


    neutral glasses has to weigh evidence involving #oth luses and minuses

    resented #y the de#ating arties and come u with a #alanced stand

    refraining from defending one side and nding fault with the other& A

    neutral ar#iter does not do Bustice to the e*alted role he has assumed

    unless he ossesses these 6ualities&

    Is Practical Economist neutralD

    Practical Economist has, however, not e*amined the arguments and

    counterarguments in the de#ate the way a neutral ar#iter should have

    done& =e, li'e P, has not answered the vital 6uestions raised #y this

    writer in the articles mentioned a#ove& Instead, he has resented his own

    reasons as to why this writer has #een incorrect, raising 6uestions unrelated

    to the issues at hand such as a resumed olitical #ias of this writer and

    there#y colouring his neutral glasses&

    Ceed for forward-loo'ing indicators

    Practical Economist has argued that international organisations li'e 9C

    E.AP or I87 resent only #road guidelines and therefore they do not t

    erfectly into a countrys secic situation& 9C E.AP indicators, he says,

    are not forward-loo'ing #ut #ased on historical facts& hus, he un'nowingly

    condemns Ps aroach&

    In contrast, e#t ustaina#ility Analyses conducted #y I87 and orld /an'

    are more forward-loo'ing since they ta'e into account diFerent scenarios of

    shoc's involving changes in e*change rate, interest rates and outut levels&

    hat was e*actly the oint which this writer too has made&

    Practical Economist has Bustied ri an'as high de#t%GP ratio #y 6uoting

    countries from the develoed world which have even higher de#t to GP

    ratios& he countries 6uoted include 9A "

  • 8/12/2019 SL External Debt Sustainability Intervention by Practical Economist Keeps the Debate Live


    P, having relied on historical analyses which are now discarded #y

    Practical Economist, had used a wrong set of data to inform the u#lic that

    ri an'a has >continued to imrove its e*ternal de#t sustaina#ility

    indicators? as er the 9CE.AP indicators rescri#ed in the 8anual on

    EFective e#t 8anagement&

    wo issues were raised #y this writer$ 7irst, P cannot claim that the

    countrys e*ternal de#t sustaina#ility has imroved Bust #y ta'ing into

    account only the central governments e*ternal de#t second, even the

    num#ers relating to the central governments e*ternal de#t and arameters

    used for calculating indicators have not #een in accordance with the

    recommendations of 9CE.AP 8anual&

    Lne area of contention was the use of remittances as a arameter for

    calculating the de#t sustaina#ility of the country& Practical Economist says

    that it is 6uite right for ri an'a to include remittances as a steady Mow of

    foreign e*change since they are availa#le to service its de#t, an aarent

    Bustication of what P had done stealthily violating the /an's

    governance code& /ut when a country has a massive trade decit

    e*ceeding this steady Mow, remittances are rst used to #uy imorts

    there#y wea'ening the cushion it may rovide to service e*ternal de#t&

    ince ri an'a cannot crunch imorts, e*ternal de#t has always #een

    reaid #y reissuing the same or #y #orrowing new funds& hus, .entral

    /an's Economic Kesearch eartment consisting of theoretical economists

    has very correctly chosen not to view remittances in this sense&

    Kesults of the de#t vulnera#ility yardstic' not encouraging

    his writer too, li'e Practical Economist, argued that the country should go

    for a forward-loo'ing de#t vulnera#ility yardstic' rather than historical


    his is what this writer said in his rst article on the su#Bect$ >here are

    many other indicators suggested #y #oth the 9C E.AP 8anual and I87s

    E*ternal e#t tatistics to assess a countrys e*ternal de#t sustaina#ility&Lne such indicator used #y E.AP in its Economic and ocial urvey for

    2015 is the E*ternal e#t Nulnera#ility ;ardstic' " 52+& In this ;ardstic', the

    sum of short term e*ternal de#t, 6uarterly imorts #ased on four 6uarter

    moving average and estimated international ortfolio investment is

    e*ressed as a ercentage of the e*ternal reserves of a country& It thus

    measures the num#er of times a countrys short term o#ligations are #igger

  • 8/12/2019 SL External Debt Sustainability Intervention by Practical Economist Keeps the Debate Live


    than its availa#le foreign reserves& /y using the num#ers reorted in the

    .entral /an' Annual Keort for 2015, this yardstic' was calculated in

    resect of 2012 and 2015& It amounted to 1his is not to suggest that commercial and non-concessionary #orrowings

    are undesira#le for ri an'a& he countrys savings O artly due to low

    rivate savings and artly due to governments e*cess consumtion over

    revenue, a situation called governments dissavings O are around 1H to

    20& /ut its investment re6uirements are #etween 50 to 53& =ence, the

    conse6uential massive savings-investment ga has to #e nanced #y using

    the savings of foreigners, mo#ilised through #orrowing and direct

    investments& /orrowings add to countrys de#t, while direct investments

    dont& =owever, direct investments have #een at a very low level O less

    than 1 #illion on average O generating a little over 1 of GP& he country

    does not get worthwhile foreign direct investments due to its oor trac'

    record in several 'ey areas$ rotection of roerty rights, rule of law, law

    and order and ease of doing #usiness& =ence, the only source availa#le for

    maintaining a high investment ratio is to generate funds from foreigners

    through #orrowing and there-again, #orrowing from commercial mar'ets&

    =owever, since the foreign commercial #orrowings increase the countrys

    ris' and reduce its de#t sustaina#ility, they should #e used only in roBects

    that are voted as high riority after carefully conducted cost-#enetanalyses& /ut if they are used in low yielding roBects that have #een

    chosen haha@ardly, then, such foreign commercial #orrowings increase

    only the countrys ris's&?

    It aears that the learned Practical Economist has missed this oint&

    anger of condemning critics without 'nowing facts

    Practical Economist has also made sweeing statements not relevant to the

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  • 8/12/2019 SL External Debt Sustainability Intervention by Practical Economist Keeps the Debate Live


    counterart agreements where#y ri an'a aid for such wheat imorts #y

    maintaining a ruee deosit account in the .entral /an'& hus, there was

    no immediate ayment of foreign e*change #y the country&

    he allegation made #y Practical Economist is a oint initially made #y a

    to olicy-ma'er at various u#lic forums aarently in an attemt at

    demonising ast administrations& It aears that Practical Economist has

    coied it without giving due credit to that olicy-ma'er or reference to the

    resent situation& he resent situation is that the Government runs a

    decit in its revenue account where the Governments consumtion

    e*ceeds its revenue& herefore some of the #orrowings even today are used

    for consumtion& ithout drawing on the wisdom of theoretical economists

    one cannot say which is worse$ eating American #read or sending on

    wasteful Government consumtion&

    ri an'a cannot rint dollars to reay de#t

    Practical Economist has Bustied ri an'as high de#t%GP ratio #y 6uoting

    countries from the develoed world which have even higher de#t to GP

    ratios& he countries 6uoted include 9A "

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    lines to really understand what they communicate&

    econd, their reorts use technical language #ased on rigorous economic

    concets to communicate their views and unless one is conversant with

    those theoretical concets, he is una#le to gauge their true meanings& his

    is li'e a la#oratory reort on a atient that can #e read roerly only #y a

    6ualied hysician& his shows the deciency with which one suFers if he

    has no sound-footing in theoretical economics&

    I87 has indeed alerted the Government

    he recent reorts issued #y I87 do not suort the claim made #y Practical

    Economist& In its Article IN .onsultation Keort in 8ay 2015 "availa#le at$

    htt$%%www&imf&org%e*ternal%u#s%cat%longres&as*Ds'T4035coverage still

    aears somewhat low when Budged several commonly used metrics? "

    14+& hese metrics have #een reorted in a small diagram on the same

    age& Accordingly, in terms of ri an'as short term de#t amortisation

    needs and going #y the virtual *ed e*change regime #eing currently

    ractised, foreign reserves are totally inade6uate romting I87 to advise

    that e*ternal osition needs further >strengthening?, the dilomatic

    language which it uses to alert its owners&

    As for e*ternal de#t sustaina#ility, ri an'as stress testing, a forward-

    loo'ing measure of ris' assessment, does not reort a healthy icture if the

    e*change rate dereciates or interest rates increase or growth rates falter

    "Aendi* on e#t ustaina#ility Analysis in the Keort+& heoretical

    economists 'now that these are real ossi#ilities that do not ermit olicy-

    ma'ers to #e comlacent&

    .aution a#out commercial #orrowings #y I87

    A#out commercial #orrowings, the then I87s Kesident Keresentative,:oshy 8athai, in a ress #rieng on 5 ecem#er 2015 "availa#le at$

    htt$%%www&imf&org%e*ternal%n%tr%2015%tr120515&htm+ has conrmed this

    writers stand& =e said that commercial #orrowings >have to #e done in a

    rudent way, the rates have to #e loo'ed at carefully, andUas we "I87+

    emhasise in the reortUthe returns that are gotten on the investments

    nanced #y those #orrowings have to #e suVcient to cover the #orrowing

  • 8/12/2019 SL External Debt Sustainability Intervention by Practical Economist Keeps the Debate Live


    costs& hat simle idea always has to #e 'et in mind?&

    hese are very olite statements and their real meaning #etween lines has

    to #e read correctly #efore claiming that I87 has not ut ri an'a on alert&

    A#out rating agencies, ri an'a has #een continuously rated #elow !Bun'

    #onds, alerting investors that there is a high ro#a#ility of loan default&

    7allout from Practical Economist

    he revious P ress releases were indictments against the 8onetary

    /oard and senior oVcers of the .entral /an', resectively& he intervention

    of Practical Economist who has ta'en ride in #eing ractical and not

    theoretical is aarently an indictment against .entral /an' economists

    who are technically-sound rofessionals with mastery of theoretical


    "&A& iBewardena, a former euty Governor of the .entral /an' of ri

    an'a, can #e reached at waw1