skin care

Fair Skin Complexion Also read: Facial Cleanser Recipes Lime or lemon juice, turmeric, honey, etc are natural bleach that improve complexion. They remove tan and make your skin fairer. (Note that lemon juice is more effective than lime juice for getting fair complexion). Cucumber juice can be applied on dry as well as oily skin to get fair complexion. To make cucumber juice, grate (kaddukash) cucumber (with skin) and squeeze it. Only 1/2 to 1 teaspoon is sufficient for a single application. Drink 10 glasses of water daily. It will help in getting rid off any dark circles under your eyes Try the following pastes, mixtures or scrubs. If done daily, you will see a difference in about 10 days. These fair complexion remedies are also good for small babies. All the mixtures, pastes and scrubs should be prepared freshly as they do not keep for a long time. Apply a mixture of equal amounts of lemon juice and honey on the face and whole body. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off. Apply a mixture of equal amounts of lemon and cucumber juice on the face and whole body. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off. If your skin is dry, use honey and lemon juice. First scrub your face with cucumber slices and then apply cucumber juice (with skin on cucumber) to your face, leave it there overnight and wash in the morning. Apply a gram flour (besan) and turmeric (haldi) paste on face and neck. After sometime when it dries, scrub it off gently. This would gradually reduce body hair over a period of time. For 15 days, apply a paste of gram flour (besan), milk (2 teaspoon) and lime juice(3-4 drops) on face and neck for 15 minutes and wash with water. You complexion should improve. Repeat every 2 weeks. Apply yogurt to the face. Apply grated white radish or its juice for fairer complexion. For Babies: Massage the body with almond oil or any other oil once a week. Give baby a bath after 15 minutes. Make a paste of honey, milk, yogurt, and ground sesame seeds in equal proportions and apply on face and whole body. Mix honey with equal amount of almond oil. Apply on the face every night. Mix oatmeal with yogurt and tomato juice and apply on the face. Wash it with cold water after 15 minutes. Apply a mixture of 3-4 drops of lime juice and a grated tomato on face and neck for 15 minutes for 15 days. Wash with cold water.

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Skin Care


Page 1: Skin Care

Fair Skin ComplexionAlso read: Facial Cleanser RecipesLime or lemon juice, turmeric, honey, etc are natural bleach that improve complexion. They remove tan and make your skin fairer. (Note that lemon juice is more effective than lime juice for getting fair complexion). Cucumber juice can be applied on dry as well as oily skin to get fair complexion. To make cucumber juice, grate (kaddukash) cucumber (with skin) and squeeze it. Only 1/2 to 1 teaspoon is sufficient for a single application. Drink 10 glasses of water daily. It will help in getting rid off any dark circles under your eyesTry the following pastes, mixtures or scrubs. If done daily, you will see a difference in about 10 days. These fair complexion remedies are also good for small babies. All the mixtures, pastes and scrubs should be prepared freshly as they do not keep for a long time.

Apply a mixture of equal amounts of lemon juice and honey on the face and whole body. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off.

Apply a mixture of equal amounts of lemon and cucumber juice on the face and whole body. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off. If your skin is dry, use honey and lemon juice.

First scrub your face with cucumber slices and then apply cucumber juice (with skin on cucumber) to your face, leave it there overnight and wash in the morning.

Apply a gram flour (besan) and turmeric (haldi) paste on face and neck. After sometime when it dries, scrub it off gently. This would gradually reduce body hair over a period of time.

For 15 days, apply a paste of gram flour (besan), milk (2 teaspoon) and lime juice(3-4 drops) on face and neck for 15 minutes and wash with water. You complexion should improve. Repeat every 2 weeks.

Apply yogurt to the face. Apply grated white radish or its juice for fairer complexion. For Babies: Massage the body with almond oil or any other oil once a

week. Give baby a bath after 15 minutes. Make a paste of honey, milk, yogurt, and ground sesame seeds in equal

proportions and apply on face and whole body. Mix honey with equal amount of almond oil. Apply on the face every

night. Mix oatmeal with yogurt and tomato juice and apply on the face. Wash

it with cold water after 15 minutes. Apply a mixture of 3-4 drops of lime juice and a grated tomato on face

and neck for 15 minutes for 15 days. Wash with cold water. Make a paste of turmeric (haldi) powder with fresh lime juice and apply. Make a scrub of sandalwood powder mixed with almond powder or

almond oil and milk. Massage gently on the darker areas like neck, around lips, below eyes, etc.

Cut lime in slices and rub on the face slowly 2 - 3 times. Leave for about 5 minutes, then wash with cool water. Repeat 3-4 times a week.

Make a paste by grinding mint leaves in water. Apply on the face and neck for 20 minutes and then wash with water.

Make a paste by mixing a pinch of cinnamon powder to ½ teaspoon honey. Apply on the face every night.

Protein mask:Make a paste of 1 tablespoon urad dal and 4 almonds soaked in water

Page 2: Skin Care

overnight. Apply it your face and neck and wash it off after half an hour. It will nourish your skin and also bleach it.

Make a paste of 4 almonds soaked in milk overnight. Apply it your face and neck before going to bed. Wash with cold water in the morning. Repeat daily for 15 days. It will make your skin fair.

Fair look, oily skin:Apply a mixture of equal amounts of lemon and cucumber juice on the face and whole body. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off.Make a paste by mixing papaya, honey, milk, and milk powder. Apply on face and leave for a few minutes and wash, your face will look fairer.Apply egg white to your face.

Fair look, dry skin:Apply a mixture of equal amounts of cucumber juice and honey on the face and whole body. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off.

Dark underarms and neck:Apply a mixture of lemon and cucumber juice (equal amount) with 1/8 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

Complexion of unborn childSome people believe that the complexion of an unborn child can be improved if the pregnant mother eats certain foods during pregnancy. According to Chinese, a woman can influence the co lour (complexion) of her baby's skin by the type of food she eats. If one want to have the baby with fair complexion (light color), one should eat light colored food during pregnancy. Some Indians believe that if you drink milk with a few strands of saffron add to it during pregnancy, then the child will be of fair complexion. However, there is no study available on these sayings.

CleansingClean your skin every evening - The skin pores get blocked dust to exposure to air pollution, wind, sun, air conditioning, dirt and grime from our fingers. It is really important to remove stale make-up, perspiration, dirt, dust, excess oil etc. Use a good, natural cleanser that removes only the impurities without stripping the skin of nutrients and moisture.

ExfoliatingIt is important to help the skin renewal process by removing dead skin cells. Exfoliate at least twice a week to get rid of dead skin cells. Care should be taken if you have broken capillaries/surface veins. Clay MasksClay helps to deep cleanse and draw out impurities and to soften and condition the skin. MoisturizingMonitoring helps to protect your skin from daily pollutants. Moisturizing morning and evening with a natural moisturizer hydrates, moisturizes and protects the skin. Body CareBefore Shower: Body brushing helps exfoliate, tone and stimulate the skin as well as helping the natural drainage of our lymph glands. Dry body brushing before a shower with a natural bristle brush. Always brush upwards to the heart in quick, rhythmic strokes and brush down to the heart when you reach the shoulder/neck area. After Shower: Apply body lotion. Water is a natural hydration for the skin.


Natural Facial Cleanser for Fair Complexion

Page 3: Skin Care

Also Read: How to Get Fair Complexion For oily skin: Rub papaya or paw paw on the face for oily skin. Apply milk with cotton on face. Let it dry for a few minutes then wash

with warm water. Make a paste of honey, milk, yogurt, and ground sesame seeds in equal

proportions and apply on face and whole body. Apply a paste of whole wheat flour with vinegar to remove freckles and

dark spots. Mix well lime juice, honey, and egg white. Apply to face and let it dry

for a few minutes then wash with warm water. It will make your skin soft and smooth.

Mix aloe vera gel, honey and egg yolk. Apply to face and let it dry for a few minutes then wash with warm water.

Make a paste by mixing 1 tablespoon honey with 2 tablespoon powdered almonds and ½ teaspoon lemon juice. Rub on the face then wash with warm water.

Facial wash: Mix lemon juice and hot water in equal amounts and wash.


Skin CareBeing the mirror, the barometer of an individual's health, skin is the clue to one's Ayurvedic constitution. This can be understood by the types of skin that one has. Example: If vata is predominant the skin of a person is dry, rough, cold, thin with fine pores and wrinkled. In case of pitta constitution, the skin is delicate, fair and red toned with freckles, moles or acne and burns easily. If the constitution is of kapha dosha the skin of a person is oily, smooth, moist and thick with a tendency towards large pores.

If the skin is not cared properly and neglected it suffers from premature aging, becomes dull and blemished. Regular consumption of milk, honey and yogurt are good nourishment for skin and prevents premature aging.

Following are some common skin problems and ayurvedic remedy for preventing and curing the same.

Acne and Pimples

The aggravation of tridosha or the three energies of the body results in the occurrence of acne, pimples and blackheads. In all pitta dosha is effected the most and it happens so due to the excessive intake of alcohol, tea, coffee, spicy, oily and fried foods.

Stress, tension, pollution and chemicals are also among the major causes that aggravates Pitta dosha and result in acne, boils, pimples and rashes.

Remedies A paste made from one teaspoon each of sandalwood powder and turmeric mixed with milk, is very

good. A paste of nutmeg and water is also beneficial. Half a cup of Aloe Vera pulp can be taken internally (Do not take internally if pregnant) or applied

externally to the skin. Dosage: Twice a day.

Page 4: Skin Care

Before going to bed, was the face thoroughly and then apply a paste of 1 Tsp. coriander juice mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder.

For pimples, apply a paste made from one teaspoon of cumin seeds. Remove after one hour. A paste of fresh fenugreek leaves, applied and washed off with warm water before going to bed

prevents pimples.


Imbalance of Bhrajaka Pitta that colors the skin and can be compared to melanin causes blackening, pigmentation and discoloration of skin. Excessive exposure to the sun, irregular eating, sleeping habits and consumption of foods and drinks that aggravate pitta are responsible for the aggravation of bhrajka pitta also.

Remedies Grind five almonds and mix with 1 teaspoon of fresh cream and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply

this paste to the face and neck. Leave on for about fifteen minutes. Apply papaya juice, or mashed papaya, to the affected areas. Grind equal amounts of sesame seeds and turmeric in a small quantity of Water Apply to the face or discolored skin. Make a paste from basil (tulsi) leaves and water to use on the affected skin.

Premature Aging

This is due to the aggravation of vata dosha, which naturally increases with age. Thus aging is something that can be prevented to come to early but can't be cured as such. It's a natural ongoing process and beyond human limit to control it.

Aging causes dryness and wrinkling of the skin. Factors like excessive thinking, stress, tension, over work, strain, irregular sleeping and eating habits and cold or dry foods enhance aging. Foods containing artificial flavors, colors, preservatives and chemicals also aggravate the Vata dosha and fasten aging.

Remedies Massage the face with ghee, almond oil or coconut oil before going to bed. Use grated cucumber in a face pack. Apply fresh aloe Vera gel to the skin.


Premature graying of hair

Graying of hair is a natural process that happens with increasing age, but if the hair starts graying before the age of 35, it is termed as premature graying that occurs due to the aggravation of Pitta dosha. Excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, meat, fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour, and acidic foods increases pitta and leads to graying prematurely.


Page 5: Skin Care

Apply a paste made from 2-Tsp. henna powder, 1-tsp. curd, 1-tsp. fenugreek seed powder, 1 tbsp. coffee, 2-tbsp. mint juice and 2-tbsp. basil juice. Apply this paste to the hair for two hours. For a darker color, leave this paste in for 3 to 4 hours. Wash hair with any natural shampoo.

Grate some fresh ginger. Mix with honey and place it in a jar. Eat 1 tea spoon everyday.


Increasing Fairness - A fairness guide Download free e-book about acne and pimple remedy

A free guide of ayurveda for fair and glowing skin

Naturally fresh and healthy skin is protector of body and a thing of beauty. Ayurveda our ancient science of medicine has suggested many herbal remedies and natural methods to protect our skin from pimples, acne, dark circles, wrinkles and marks left by pimples and to increase the fairness of the skin. Pimples , acne dark circles, wrinkles and marks give a dull and unhealthy look. Here is a herbal guide  for naturally fresh, fair and glowing skin.  

In ayurveda according to Sushrutaachaarya the skin has seven layers. They are

Avabhasini - The outermost layer is called Avabhasini. Pimples, acne, dandruff etc arise when this layer gets affected by vitiated doshas.

Lohita - This is the second layer of skin. Moles ,dark circles, black pigmentations occur when vitiated doshas affect this layer. 

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at homeTreat pimple, acne, wrinkles, black circles black patches at

home.Now a naturally smooth, fair and

glowing skin is yours.

Shweta - The third layer of skin shweta when gets affected by vitiated doshas precipitates the diseases like eczema ,allergic rashes etc

 Tamra - This is the fourth layer of skin which when affected by doshas harbors different types of leprosy. 

Vedini - The fifth layer succumbs to herpes when vitiated doshas affect.  Rohini- Harbors cancer, tumors, elephantiasis etc when affected by vitiated doshas. Mamsadhara - This is the seventh layer in the body which when affected by vitiated

doshas , abscess , fistulas arise.

We have to keep all these skin layers healthy by balancing doshas. We can balance our doshas by following proper ahara and Vihara (diet and life style modifications) .This makes our skin healthy.

Methods to keep doshas in balance.


Over consumption of heavy, oily and liquid foods Untimely consumption of food. Eating during indigestion Over consumption of rice, fish, curds, salt, radish,

Treatment for Pimple, acne, moles, dark circles:-

Balance your doshas by adopting the modified   diet and life styles. Take rejuvenating herbal drinks .

Apply a face pack containing    masoora, kushta, kaaliyaka etc

laterFollowing this procedure for seven

Page 6: Skin Care

sesame, jaggery.

Eating fish with milk or curdsdays makes your face

pimple ,acne and dark circle free.

2.Life styles:-Avoid:-

Afternoon sleep. Anger and irritability of mind. Exposure to extreme hot or cold climates Over physical exertion Taking cold water bath immediately after heavy physical works

Having sex immediately after the consumption of food.


Premature Graying

The most familiar sign of ageing is graying of hair. The age at which graying starts is genetically determined. The graying occurs due to a gradual reduction in production of melanin in hair bulb. Usually the first gray hairs appear near temples and then spreads to crown and then to back of the head.

Causes Inadequate nutrition (deficiency of

vitamin B, iron, copper and iodine in daily diet) 



Unhealthy scalp 

Scalp which is not hygienically maintained. 

Using harsh shampoo, soaps and other hair styling accessories.

No Dandruff No hair fall No premature graying. A proven formula for a

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Keshbeam Hair Oil is a unique formula compounded according to the ancient principles of Ayurveda. It is offered to people who suffer from hair fall, dandruff, itching scalp, premature graying and bald scalp conditions. This hair oil acts as a best conditioner. Encourages new growth by allowing oxygen to hair follicles. Hair Care Kit: a complete hair care treatment at home. Prevents dandruff, hair loss, premature graying .Makes the hair soft and shiny and initiates hair growth

Blow drying. 

Premature graying according to ayurveda : Premature graying is caused by emotional disturbances, anger and over physical exertion .The hair color changes according to the vitiation of doshas.

Page 7: Skin Care

Herbal hair oil medicated with neela, bringaraja, vibhitaki, should be massaged on scalp to prevent premature graying.Solutions for grey  hairNaturally dyeing Grey Hair As time passes, the pigment producing cells in the hair follicles begin to falter and graying gradually results. Before graying the hair tends to be dry and coarse. So be sure to use moisturizing and protein conditioners. Natural dyes/henna: Henna is the most popular form of vegetable dye in India as it is more suitable for Asian hair than blonde hair.

For Rich red tones: Add a few drops of acetic acid to the henna mixture. Mix one teaspoon of catechu in the henna for a dark red color.

For Brown: Mix henna with walnut juice. Add one teaspoon of eucalyptus oil to henna for a darker color.

For Blue-black or henna reng: Mix with indigo. Add one teaspoon of eucalyptus oil to henna for a darker color.Henna also has excellent conditioning properties. It forms a protective coating on hair that prevents any alien chemical from penetrating into the hair cuticle. It also helps to reduce split ends by healing the breakages. Thus it helps to make coarse hair smooth and gives it a distinctive shine.

Chamomile: This has natural lightening properties and works as a color improver for blonde hair.

Rosemary: Springs of rosemary give dark hair a rich glossy shine.

Rhubarb root: This brightens and lifts natural color, giving blonde hair golden highlights and chestnut highlights to dark hair.

Onion: To give hair a natural reddish dye, boil onion peels in half a cup of water. Add a teaspoon of glycerin and apply the decoction to your hair. Wash off after thirty minutes.Walnut: Walnut juice deepens the color of dark brown hair.


Dark Skin

Symptoms | Causes | Remedy | Diet | Other suggestions | FAQ's | User Suggestions Dark skin can be a bane for people who crave a fair complexion. Though a lot of people have naturally dark skin, darkening of skin could also be due to hyperpigmentation and various other reasons. A dark colored skin has more of skin pigment Melanin, as compared to a fair skin. Unfortunately, increased quantity of melanin can cause the skin

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Page 8: Skin Care

to look blemished and patchy.


Dark Skin SymptomsThe symptoms for dark skin include a dark brown to blackish skin. This could be coupled with blemishes or dark patches on the skin.

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Dark Skin CausesThe causes for a dark skin or complexion could be many. Some of the most common ones are -

Heredity - People who have a dark skin often have children who are dark-skinned too. The genes seem to pass on from generation to generation.

Hyperpigmentation - In this condition the skin produces too much of the pigment melanin, causing the skin to become darker than usual.

Skin disorders - Conditions such as Lichen Simplex Chronicus is a skin

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vaginitis Bed Sores Bedwetting Belching Body odor Body Rash Boils Bone spur Bronchitis Bruises Burning tongue

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Liver Cold Sores Colitis Common Cold Common Fever

Conjunctivitis Constipation Corns Coronary Heart

Disease Cough Cracked Heels Cracked,

chapped and dry lips Cystitis Dandruff Dark Skin Dark

underarms Defective

Page 9: Skin Care

disorder that causes severe itching that leaves the skin thick, dark and patchy.

Sun rays - Over exposure to sun causes the skin to tan. This is a natural mechanism, wherein to protect itself from the harmful UV rays of the sun, the skin produces more of the pigment melanin which shields the penetration of UV rays into the skin.

Home Remedies for Dark SkinHere are some simple home remedies that you can do to lighten the skin tone and get a lighter complexion. However, they must be done regularly and best results are obtained if they are inculcated as a part of daily routine.

Mix 1 tsp of milk powder, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of lemon juice, and ½ tsp of almond oil. Apply on face and wash off after 10-15 minutes. This pack helps bring shine to the skin and also removes tan.

Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. It helps remove the tan and lightens the skin.

Place sliced raw potato on the face. It helps reduce blemishes and other marks.

Applying turmeric powder along with lime juice removes the tan. Lime juice is a natural bleach.

Dried orange peels mixed with curd also help reduce blemishes and scars. Wash off this mixture with cold water after 15 minutes.

Soak 4 almonds overnight. Grind into a fine paste using milk. Apply on face and neck and leave it overnight. Wash with cold water in the morning. Do this daily for 15 days, followed by twice a week.

A tbsp of gram flour mixed with 2 tsp of raw milk and 2-3 drops of lime juice works well for lightening dark skin. Apply this mixture and leave it for 15 minutes before washing off. Repeat for 4 weeks and follow up with once a week.

Apply a paste of fresh ground mint leaves and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash with cold water, continue for 15

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Page 10: Skin Care


Apply a mixture of grated tomato with 2-3 drops of lime juice on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes before washing off. Do this twice a day for 15-20 days for best results.

Balanced DietAlthough there are no particular foods that will lighten your skin instantly, a balanced diet definitely helps by giving your skin a healthy glow. Drinking an optimum amount of water hydrates your skin and keeps it blemish free. Some recommendations regarding diet are as follows –

Avoid excessive consumption of heavy and oily foods.

Incorporate whole cereals, pulses, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Drink at least 4-5 liters of water every day. Water washes out the toxins from the body.

Other suggestions for Dark Skin

Use a good quality sunscreen when going out in the sun to protect the skin from tanning as well as the sun's UV rays.

Be regular and persistent with the home remedies for skin lightening as suggested above.

More Related Information

Information on the Surgical Procedure of Blepharoplasty

Frequently asked questions on Dark SkinRemedy to Fade Dark Skin Spots:

What is a good product to fade dark spots on the skin after you have a boil.

Natural cures and remedies for fairness: I have dark skin and want to make it glowing. Even my hands and neck are black to some extent. Suggest some remedies to improve skin color.

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Home remedies for stretch marks and dark skin: I have stretch marks and dark skin on some parts of my body. Would appreciate a home remedy for that, if possible. Thank you.

Home remedies for dark skin: Hi, I have dark skin in face, neck, exposed part of hand and the foot which is covered mostly wearing shoes as compared to chest or arms, could you please clarify and post some remedy. Thanks

Cures for dark skin on back: I have black skin on my back. Normally it does not itch. How do I cure it?? It is not increasing.

Natural cure to lighten skin color: Dear sir, my age is 38 years. When i was 30 years of age, the color of my skin was white and fair. but now it is getting black. i used various creams but of no use. would you please help to get rid of it. Thanks m

Home remedies suggested by our website users

to remove tan and to lighten the skinsuggested by lily on Tuesday, June 5, 2007 Take ten almonds and five tsps of masoor dal and soak them overnight.Grind them to a coarse paste in the morning. Mix into it a pinch of turmeric,a tsp of curd and some rose water.Rub it on your skin and keep on massaging till it dries and comes off on its own removing the dirt grime and tan along with it.Do not use soap while bathing. Repeat this for ten days and see the difference!clearing blemishessuggested by rashmi on Sunday, March 11, 2007 mix equal quantity of glycerine and lime and rose water leave the application overnight daily.for fair skinsuggested by Pooja on Wednesday, March 7, 2007 mix lemon juice with glecerine and apply on your face with cotton and leave it overnight. wash with cold water in morning.fair complexionsuggested by Sarah on Wednesday,

Pyorrhoea Razor Burns Retain teeth

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Cough Wrinkles Yeast Infection

Page 12: Skin Care

Apply and rub ubtan on your face and rest of the body(if required),for a fair and soft baby skin.Wash after 15-20 mins.Very old and trusted method.

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For fair complexion: Blend a few strands of saffron in a cup of raw milk and let it soak overnight. Apply on to your skin the next morning and leave it for at least an hour.


Premature Greying of Hair

Causes | Remedy | Diet | Other suggestions | FAQ's | User Suggestions The hair has a tendency to lose its natural colour with advancing age and turn grey, but premature greying is a morbid condition and it makes even the young look older. The hair is an appendage of the skin. It is composed of the same kinds of cells as are found in the outer layer of the skin, which is known as the epidermis. Hair grows from hair follicles which are deep recesses in the epidermis. The sebaceous glands of the scalp secrete an oily substance called sebum, which is the source of nutrition, lustre, and blackness of the hair. The hair cannot

Abrasions Acne Alcoholism Allergies Alzheimer Amnesia Anaemia Angina Anorexia Appendicitis Arteriosclerosi

s Arthritis Asthma Athletes foot Backache Bacterial


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Page 13: Skin Care

be fed externally, for such nourishment, as the scalp requires, must come to it from the bloodstream.


Symptoms of Premature Greying of Hair

Causes of Premature Greying of Hair

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Faulty diet, Mental worries and lack of vitaminsA faulty diet and mental worries are the two primary causes of premature greying of hair. Lack of some of the B vitamins, iron, copper, and iodine in the daily diet is said to be a contributory factor. Mental worries produce extraordinary tension in the skin of the scalp; this interferes with the supply of vital nutrition necessary for the health of the hair. Heredity, unclean condition of scalp etcOther causes of premature greying of

Bed Sores Bedwetting Belching Body odor Body Rash Boils Bone spur Bronchitis Bruises Burning tongue

Burns Bursitis Canker sores Carpal tunnel

syndrome Cataract Chafing Chicken Pox Cholera Cirrhosis of the

Liver Cold Sores Colitis Common Cold Common Fever

Conjunctivitis Constipation Corns Coronary Heart

Disease Cough Cracked Heels Cracked,

chapped and dry lips Cystitis Dandruff Dark Skin Dark

underarms Defective

Vision Depression Diabetes

Mellitus Diaper Rash

Page 14: Skin Care

hair are an unclean condition of the scalp, washing the hair with hot water, drying it with an electric dryer, and use of hair dyes. Heredity is also a predisposing factor.

Home Remedies for Premature Greying of HairPremature Greying of Hair treatment using Indian GooseberryThe use of Indian gooseberry is the foremost among the home remedies found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair. This is a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth and hair pigmentation. The fruit, cut into pieces, should be dried, preferably in shade. These pieces should be boiled in coconut oil till the solid matter becomes like charred dust. This darkish oil is very useful against premature greying. The water in which dried amla pieces have been soaked overnight is also nourishing for the hair. This water should be used for the last rinse while washing the hair. Massaging the scalp every night with a teaspoonful of amla juice, mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil and a few drops of lime juice, also proves beneficial in the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair. Premature Greying of Hair treatment using AmaranthAmaranth is another effective home remedy for hair disorders. Application of the fresh juice of the leaves of this vegetable helps the hair to retain its black colour and prevents it from premature greying. It also helps the growth of the hair and keeps it soft. Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Curry LeavesLiberal intake of curry leaves is considered beneficial in preventing premature greying of hair. These leaves have the property of providing vitality and strength to hair roots. New hair roots that grow are healthier and contain a normal pigment. The leaves can be used in the form of chutney, or may be squeezed in buttermilk. When the leaves are boiled in coconut oil, the oil forms an excellent hair tonic to stimulate hair growth and bring back hair pigmentation. Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Ribbed GourdRibbed gourd boiled in coconut oil is also an effective remedy for premature

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greying of hair. Pieces of this vegetable should be dried in the shade. These dried pieces should be soaked in coconut oil and kept aside for three or four days. The oil should then be boiled till the solid is reduced to a blackened residue. This oil should be massaged into the scalp. It will help enrich the hair roots and restore pigment to the hair. Premature Greying of Hair treatment using ButterThe butter made from cow's milk has the property of preventing premature greying of hair. A small roll may be taken internally and a little quantity may be massaged into the hair roots twice a week. Premature Greying of Hair treatment using VitaminsThe vitamins considered useful in guarding against premature greying of hair are pantothenic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid (paba), inositol. The minimum daily requirement of these vitamins appears to be 10 mg of pantothenic acid, 100 mg of para-aminobenzoic acid, and 2 gm of inositol. To obtain satisfactory results, all three of these vitamins belonging to the B group should be supplied at one time, preferably in a form which supplies all the B vitamins, such as yeast and liver. The three anti-greying-hair vitamins can also be produced in the intestinal tract by bacteria. Thus, taking a sufficient quantity of yoghurt daily and a tablespoonful of yeast before each meal is an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair. If one wishes to take tablets of calcium pantothenate and para-aminobenzoic acid (paba), they should be taken in addition to the yeast and yoghurt, and not as a substitute for them.

Dietaries for Premature Greying of HairTake nutrients rich dietDiet is of utmost importance in the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair and persons suffering from this disorder should take a diet rich in all essential nutrients. Avoid devitalising foods, soft drinks etcDevitalising foods such as white flour, refined sugar and all products made from them, soft drinks, pastries, jams and jellies should be avoided. These

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foods take away energy, cause wrinkles, unattractive skin, grey hair, and premature old age.

Other Premature Greying of Hair treatmentsMassage of scalp with almond oilMassage of the scalp with almond oil is recommended. More informationRead more on Premature Greying of Hair here.

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Frequently asked questions on Premature Greying of HairCure for gray hair: i am 21 year old

women i so many grey hair on my upper side of my head but i have this problem since 1 year which should i use means which content is not harmful for hair and how to do pranayam

Treating gray hair: I am just 20 and i have about 10-15 grey hair. Please tell me what to do to get it black.

Home remedy to treat gray hair: I have a lot of white hair and use hair dye to color them regularly. Please advise home remedy for turning my hair black.


Treatment for gray hair on body: I was reading up on premature graying but it only deals with the scalp? What can one do if they get gray hair on their body at 25? Few strands in the underarm area and quite a bit in the pubic area?

Cures for premature wrinkles and grey hair: I am 30 year old. My hair is graying and my skin is getting wrinkles. As a result am looking 45

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Page 17: Skin Care

to 48 year old. what shall i do? Advice for grey hair: My son is 9

yrs old. He eats vegetables, fruits and also drinks milk. He hardly eats non-veg. He has developed 2/3 grey hairs. We are worried can u let me know what is the cause and suggest some solution for it. Thanks. Shilpa

Cure for premature grey hair in children: how to get rid of premature grey in children - pls tell some useful tips to get rid of that

Remedies for grey hair: hi .. im 22yr old .. my hair is becoming grey .. plz do tell me some solution I want to stop the speed of becoming grey. want to get rid of grey hair. i streaked my hair to hide grey hair but all formulas beome useless :(

Home remedies for grey hair, underweight, rough skin, looking healthy and fresh: hi i m 22 yrs old i have many problems - My hair is becoming grey and i streaked my hair to hide grey hair. plz do tell me i wana get rid of white hair. Please i also look so

Home remedies suggested by our website users

miracles do happensuggested by Yolande on Wednesday, September 19, 2007 I am 60yoa and have had completely white hair since I was 20 I have been having yogurt and honey for breakfast for about 4 years and eating a diet containing pumpkin seeds, and bean sprouts my hair is starting to grow darker - miracles do happen grey hairsuggested by srinivasan on Thursday, August 9, 2007 sir my hair becoming grey i want to stop can i use any medicine or oil for stopping the grey hairKombucha Teasuggested by Nashira on Wednesday, May 9, 2007 I have read reports of people's hair turning back to it's natural color by drinking kombucha tea daily. I'm just started using it and hope it helps. I have also heard similar stories about drinking "green smoothies" made with greens and fruits. It did not work for me but it sure made my hair and nails grow like crazy! I've been having this as a

Page 18: Skin Care

breakfast for the past year. If I stop, my nails start splitting & breaking.Grey Hairsuggested by [unspecified] on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 To reduce grey hair, my mum used to use cold tea as a final rinse after shampooing.

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