skeletal system - do now what are the five parts of the vertebral column? how many vertebrae do we...

Download Skeletal System - Do Now  What are the five parts of the vertebral column?  How many vertebrae do we have?  How many ribs do we have? Agenda Do Now

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Objectives Content:  Identify the effects of imbalances on the skeletal system.  Describe the details of the vertebral column, including abnormalities Language:  Discuss (compare/contrast) different types of joints Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing


Skeletal System - Do Now What are the five parts of the vertebral column? How many vertebrae do we have? How many ribs do we have? Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Skeletal System - Do Now What kinds of problems can occur in the vertebral column? What kinds of joints do we have? Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Objectives Content: Identify the effects of imbalances on the skeletal system. Describe the details of the vertebral column, including abnormalities Language: Discuss (compare/contrast) different types of joints Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Changes in the Human Skeleton In embryos, the skeleton is primarily hyaline cartilage During development, much of this cartilage is replaced by bone Cartilage remains in isolated areas Bridge of the nose Parts of ribs Joints Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing CALCIUM HOMEOSTASIS FACTORS OF CALCIUM HOMEOSTASIS: 1. HORMONES 2. VITAMIN DMILK 3. CALCIUMMILK 4. VITAMIN ACARROTS 5. PHOSPHORUSMEAT Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing IMBALANCES OF THE SKELETAL SYSTEM RICKETS 1. DISEASE OF CHILDREN DUE TO LACK OF VITAMIN D. 2. CALCIUM IS NOT DEPOSITED. 3. BOWING OF THE BONES. Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Rickets Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing IMBALANCES OF THE SKELETAL SYSTEM OSTEOMALACIA 1. RICKETS IN ADULTS 2. DUE TO A LACK OF VITAMIN D 3. CALCIUM IS NOT DEPOSITED IN BONE. 4. MAIN SYMPTOM IS PAIN WHEN WEIGHT IS PUT ON THE AFFECTED BONE. Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing IMBALANCES OF THE SKELETAL SYSTEM OSTEOPOROSIS 1. BONE REABSORPTION IS GREATER THAN BONE DEPOSITION. 2. CAUSES: A. LACK OF ESTROGEN B. LACK OF EXERCISE C. INADEQUATE INTAKE D. LACK OF VITAMIN D Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing OSTEOPOROSIS (cont.) 3. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: A. SPONGY BONE OF THE SPINE IS MOST VULNERABLE. B. OCCURS MOST OFTEN IN POSTMENOPAUSAL WOMEN. C. BONES BECOME SO FRAGILE THAT SNEEZING OR STEPPING OFF A CURB CAN CAUSE FRACTURES. 4. TREATMENT A. CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTS. B. HORMONE REPLACEMENT TREATMENT C. INCREASE WEIGHT BEARING EXERCISE. Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing IMBALANCES OF THE SKELETAL SYSTEM Vertebral Column (Spine) Extends from the skull, which it supports, to the pelvis, where it transmits the weight of the body to the lower limbs Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing General Characteristics: Irregular bones- 33 before birth = 26 total 7 cervical 12 thoracic 5 lumbar 1 fused sacrum (5 at birth) 1 fused coccyx (4 at birth) Intervertebral discs Cushion vertebrae Absorb shock Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing S shape structure Primary curvatures- thoracic and sacral Secondary curvatures- cervical and lumbar Abnormal curvatures***** Scoliosis Kyphosis Lordosis Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Features of vertebrae Body Vertebral foramen Transverse processes Spinous process Spinal Foramen Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Cervical Vertebrae- C1- C7 Smallest Lightest Spinous processes have 2 branches Foramina- arteries pass to brain C1= Atlas no body allows for nodding (YES) C2= Axis Odontoid process the joint between C1 and C2 allows for shaking the head (NO) Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Skeletal System - Q Now Why are C1 and C2 so special? How are they different than the other vertebrae? Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Thoracic Vertebrae T1-T12 Costal demifacets- connect to ribs Long hooked spinous processes Lumbar Vertebrae L1-L5 Large block like bodies Holds most stress Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Sacrum 5 fused vertebrae Alae- articulates laterally with the hip bones Sacroilliac joint Coccyx Fusion of 3-5 bones Tailbone Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Skeletal System - Q Now What is the difference between cervical and thoracic vertebrae? What is a herniated disc? Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Arthrology (Joints) Two types of classification Functional: amount of movement Immovable Slightly movable Freely movable Structural: type of tissue found Fibrous connective tissue Cartilage Synovial membrane Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing Synarthrosis Immovable, Fibrous connective tissue Sutures: zipper like where bone has fused (skull) Syndesmosis: greater distance than a suture (radius and ulna) Gomphosis: peg in a socket (teeth) Amphiarthrosis Slightly movable, cartilage Synchondrosis: temporary in nature (epiphyseal plate) Symphysis: permanent in nature (pubis symphysis) Diarthrosis Freely movable, synovial capsule (lubrication) Ball and socket: move in all directions Hinge: move in one direction Diarthrosis (cont.) Pivot: rotation Gliding: slide over each other Saddle: two convex structures Closing/Homework Can you do this now? Content: Identify the effects of imbalances on the skeletal system. Describe the details of the vertebral column, including abnormalities Language: Discuss (compare/contrast) different types of joints Agenda Do Now Objectives Imbalances in bones Vertebrae Arthrology (Joints) Closing