skeletal, muscular, & integumentary systems skeletal system **provides structure, supports and...

Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in the human body Human skeleton has 2 parts: 1. ***Axial skeleton, made up of skull, ribs, spine, and sternum 2. **Appendicular skeleton, made up of arms, legs, scapula, clavicle and pelvis

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Page 1: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Skeletal, Muscular, &Integumentary Systems

Skeletal system**Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs.There are about 206 bones in the human bodyHuman skeleton has 2 parts:1. ***Axial skeleton, made up of skull, ribs, spine, and sternum2. **Appendicular skeleton, made up of arms, legs,

scapula, clavicle and pelvis

Page 2: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

• **Bone Marrow where blood cells are producedSoft tissue inside bones• Injury/RepairA crack or break is called a fracture (about 6wks to heal)• Osteocytes A bone cell• Bone developmentMost bones develop from cartilage, through a process of

ossification.However the skull develops directly into hard boneWithout forming cartilage first.

Page 3: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

• *In early development, bone tissue is made up mainly of groups of osteocytes

Page 4: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Bone elongation

• **Takes place near the ends of long bones in an area called the epiphyseal plate

• Epiphyseal plate is made up of cartilage cells that divide and form column, pushing old cells toward middle of the bone. As the older cells die, they are replaced by new bone cells. This process continues until all the cartilage has been replaced by bone in the epiphyseal plate.

Page 5: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Order of structures that make up a bone (outer – inner)

• *Periosteum, compact bone, spongy bone, bone marrow

• **Periosteum is a tough membrane covering bone

Page 6: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Bone Health

• Calcium is very important• Stress to bones is obtained through weight

bearing exercise

Page 7: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Bones to Know

• Skull TrunkOccipital Sternum ParietalFrontalTemporal• Facemandible

Page 8: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Bones to Know• SkullOccipital ParietalFrontalTemporal• FaceMaxillaMandible• The Chestclavicle SternumRibs

Scapula• The ArmHumerusUlnaRadius• The HandPhalangesMetacarpalsCarpals• The LegPelvisFemur

PetellaTibiaFibula• The FootPhalangesMetatarsalsTarsals• The VertebraeCervialAtlasAxis

Page 9: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

• Quiz on Bones

Page 10: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in


• The place where 2 bones meet is called a joint• 3 major types of joints

1. fixed2. semimovable3. movable

Page 11: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Joint Description Location

Fixed Prevent movement skull


Limit movement Vertebral column, rib cage


Types of movable joints:

Allow for a wide range of motion. *Hinge(allows you to move up & down, like a hinge door)Ball and socket


All other joints in body

*Elbow, finger knuckle, toe knucklenot wrist

*shoulder (allows up & down movement & rotation)2 vertebrae of your spinebase of each thumbsmall bones in foot (allow bones to slide over one another, like when you flex your foot when you walk)

Page 12: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Joint structure

• **LigamentTough band of connective tissue that hold the

bones of the joint in place in all movable joints• Synovial fluidLubricating substance between joints

Page 13: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

2 types of arthritis

1. **Rheumatoid arthritis The joints become inflamed, swollen, stiff and

deformed.2. OsteoarthritisDegenerative joint disease.The cartilage covering the surface of the bone

becomes thinner and rougher. Resulting in bone surfaces rubbing against each other.

Page 14: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

• **Extensor straightens a joint• **Flexor bonds a joint• So bicep is the flexor and tricep is the extensor

(flexes the elbow, while the tricep extends)

Page 15: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

• Quiz on Joints

Page 16: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Body Tissue

• Tissue:A group of similar cells working together to

perform a certain function

Page 17: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Muscle tissue

• Made up of cells that can contract (facial tissue)

• 3 types of muscle tissue1. skeletal2. smooth3. cardiac

Page 18: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

• **Muscle moves bones by pulling them

Page 19: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Muscle tissue type locationSkeletal muscle Moves bones in trunk, limbs,

and face*Smooth muscle

Handles body functions that you cannot control consciously (involuntary) like the digestive system

**Cardiac muscle Found in your heart. **Pumps blood through your body

Page 20: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in


• **Nervous tissue contains cells that receive and transmit messages called neurons (electrical impulses)

Page 21: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Body cavities• The human body has 5 main cavities:Located in the upper part of the body are:1. Cranial cavity: contains the brain2. Spinal cavity: contains the spine

Page 22: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Two cavities are located in the trunk of the body separated by the diaphragm

3. Thoracic cavity: contains the heart, esophagus, and organs of

the respiratory system

4. Abdominal cavity: contains the digestive system

Page 23: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

5. **Pelvic cavity is the lowest cavity containing the organs of the reproductive and excretory systems

Page 24: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in


Questions Pg 910 #1, 2pg 916 #1,5,6

Page 25: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Muscular system

• Muscular system accounts for one third of your weight

Page 26: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

muscle type Description/job locationSkeletal Voluntary, moves

parts of bodyLimbs, trunk, face

Smooth Involuntary Stomach, intestines, blood vessels, and other internal organs

Cardiac Has characteristics of both skeletal and smooth


Page 27: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Muscular movement

• **Tendon: Attaches muscle to bone Origin: Point where muscle attaches to stationary bone• Insertion:Point where muscle attaches to moving boneExample: bicep muscle radius moves up (bending at

the elbow) radius is insertion, scapula doesn’t move so it’s the origin

Page 28: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

• Most skeletal muscles are arranged in opposing pairs.

• One muscle moves limb one direction and the opposing muscle move it the other direction

• **Flexor bends a joint• **Extensor straightens a joint• So bicep is the flexor and tricep is the extensor

or the opposng muscle(flexes the elbow, while the tricep extends)

Page 29: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

• *Energy for muscle contraction comes from glycogen, glucose, and ATP

• **When a skeletal muscle contracts the sarcomeres shorten

• **Components of muscle tissue in order smallest to largest: Actin and myosin filaments, sarcomere, myofibril

• *When a sarcomere is fully contracted actin and myosin completely overlap each other

Page 30: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

• **Muscle fatigue and soreness may result from ATP consumption exceeds ATP production

Page 31: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in


• Pg 922 #1, 2, 5, 6, 7• Worksheet: muscular system• LABS: horsepower lab

weight training

Page 32: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in


• Made up of skin, hair, nails• *It protects , eliminates waste, regulates body

temperature (homeostatis), and helps retain body fluids

• **Skin contains exocrine glands, sweat glands, and oil glands

Page 33: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in


• Our skin protects, moistens.• Blood vessels dilate to cool and constrict to

conserve heat.• Sweat glands help rid the body of wastes


Page 34: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

4 tissue types in the skin

• muscular• epithelial• nerve• connective

Page 35: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

Layers of cells• Outer most layer of the epidermis = squamous

epithelial (flat and dead cells).• *Main components of epidermis are

connective tissue and epithelial tissue• *Hair and nails are derived from cells in the

epidermis• Germinative cells are below and reproduce very

fast.• Psoriasis is a condition where the epidermal

cells are being produced and discarded too fast.

Page 36: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in


• Inner layer made up of living cells and specialized structure like sensory neurons, blood vessels, muscle fibers, hair follicles and glands

• *Blood vessels and sweat glands help regulate body temperature

Page 37: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

• Carotenoids cause the yellow or olive coloring. Where hemoglobin causes a reddish or pinkish color.

• Subcutaneous: Fatty loose Connective tissue that binds skin

to organs• Acts as an insulator and shock absorber

Page 38: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in


• Exocrine glands are found in the skin• The main exocrine glands are the sweat glands

and the oil glands

Page 39: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

• Keratin is a tough waterproof protein fiver made from the cells cytoplasm.

• Nails have undergone more keratinization than other epidermal cells.

• **Both nails and hair contain keratin• The light region at the base of your fingernail

is where new epithelial cells are produced. • Melanin are specialized cells that produce a

pigment responsible for skin color.• Freckles are caused by an uneven distribution

of melanin.

Page 40: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in


• Shaft is made from epidermal cells that fully keratinize or fill with insoluble protein.

• These epidermal cells that line the hair root reproduce fast and then die and push up thru the follicle.

• Hair color determined by melanin and other pigments in the hair follicle.

• White hair is believed to be white because the production of melanin is shut off.

Page 41: Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems Skeletal system **Provides structure, supports and protects internal organs. There are about 206 bones in

• *The skin, the lymph nodes and white blood cells are play a part in the immune system, but NOT the heart!

• *The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and sense organs

• *Cell is to tissue as tissue is to organ• **The function of the respiratory system is to

control gas exchange between the blood and the lungs