sixth form newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline marketing. i particularly like the idea...

A warm welcome to the newsleer this week! This week our Year 12 and Year 13 students have been engaging with quality 1:2:1 sessions with their form tutors discussing how their transion process is going and their intenons and aspiraons for September 2019 respecvely. It is really wonderful to hear the feedback from staff and students about their progress, wellbeing and aspiraons. Mr Singh and I are working closely with students who are aspiring to aend Oxbridge or read courses in Denstry, Medicine and Veterinary Science in preparing for their applicaons. It is a very excing me! This weekend our Professional Pathways students are taking part in a free 4 day residenal from Friday 21st September to Monday 24th September 2018 in Dorset. The residenal is being run in partnership with NCS will bring around 250 Professional Pathway students from across the Ark network together to get to know each other, team build and have fun! They will be trying a number of excing acvies such as abseiling, raſting, hiking, rock climbing and kayaking. I am looking forward to hearing about it on their return. A huge thank you to Ms Kaur for all of her support with the organisaon of this opportunity with Ms Clark who is the Professional Pathways Programme Manager across the ARK network. With best wishes, Sugra Alibhai Vice Principal and Head of Sixth Form Newsletter Sixth Form Head of Sixth Form’s Welcome Key Dates 3 rd October – 9:25am start for students (due to Secondary Open Evening on 2 nd October) 9 th October - Sixth Form Open Evening (5:45pm - 8pm) 10 th October - 9:25am start for students (due to Sixth Form Open Evening on 9 th October) 17 th October - Sixth Form Welcome Evening 22 nd - 26 th October - HALF TERM 24 th September 2018

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Page 1: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the

A warm welcome to the newsletter this week!

This week our Year 12 and Year 13 students have been engaging with quality 1:2:1 sessions with their form tutors discussing

how their transition process is going and their intentions and aspirations for September 2019 respectively.

It is really wonderful to hear the feedback from staff and students about their progress, wellbeing and aspirations. Mr Singh and I are working closely with students who are aspiring to attend Oxbridge or read courses in Dentistry, Medicine and Veterinary Science in preparing for their applications. It is a very exciting time!

This weekend our Professional Pathways students are taking part in a free 4 day residential from Friday 21st September to Monday 24th September 2018 in Dorset. The residential is being run in partnership with NCS will bring around 250 Professional Pathway students from across the Ark network together to get to know each other, team build and have fun! They will be trying a number of exciting activities such as abseiling, rafting, hiking, rock climbing and kayaking. I am looking forward to hearing about it on their return. A huge thank you to Ms Kaur for all of her support with the organisation of this opportunity with Ms Clark who is the Professional Pathways Programme Manager across the ARK network.

With best wishes,

Sugra AlibhaiVice Principal and Head of Sixth Form

NewsletterSixth Form

Head of Sixth Form’s Welcome

Key Dates

3rd October – 9:25am start for students(due to Secondary Open Evening on 2nd October)

9th October - Sixth Form Open Evening(5:45pm - 8pm)

10th October - 9:25am start for students(due to Sixth Form Open Evening on 9th October)

17th October - Sixth Form Welcome Evening

22nd - 26th October - HALF TERM

24th September 2018

Page 2: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the

My Education Journey...Q&A with Ms Fidlin, ADT Technician

Q: Which A levels did you study?A: Film Studies, Media and Three-Dimensional Design. I knew I was interested in the subjects, and wanted to see what route my career could go down with these subjects.

Q: Which universities did you apply to, and why?A: University for the Creative Arts (Farhham), Brighton, London Met and Falmouth.

Q: Which university did you actually go to? Why? A: UCA Farnham, because I wanted to specialise in metalwork and jewellery.

Q: Which degree subject did you choose? Why? A: It was in Three-Dimensional Design, mostly to learn to do jewellery. However, after the first project, I realised that I didn’t want to continue with jewellery – I just wasn’t inspired to produce new work in that medium so I finally switched to sculpture.

Q: What was the best thing about doing that course at that university?A: It was a unique university – people were doing such random, but very creative, things – we had glass-blowing on one side and ceramics on the other. And there was lots of collaboration. Also, it was a place that used old technologies and which really valued craftsmanship.

Q: What was/were the best thing/s you did outside your studies while you were at university?A: I met people from all around the world. In my first year I lived with seven strangers, and living with them taught me how to get on with other people. Also, it was the first time I ever attended a festival.

Q: Is there a decision you made that you are particularly happy about in retrospect?A: I am definitely happy I chose Farnham. I learnt so much, not just about education, but also about how to look after myself – general life-skills. It’s hard leaving home, but it’s so worth it.

Q: Is there a decision you made that you regret in retrospect?

A: Not for the undergraduate degree, but I do have some regrets about the MA I did. I did an MA in Sculpture at London Met – I found it quite challenging as it was mainly based on Fine Art, but I did enjoy the practical side and did learn a vast amount about art history.

Q: How did you get into your current role in INA?

A: Whilst doing my MA I helped out at an undergraduate art exhibition, and I really enjoyed the interaction with the students and found I had the tools to help them. I did some work experience in a Primary and Secondary school and a college and I really enjoyed that, too, so I knew I wanted to pursue a career in education.

Q: What message would you want the INA Sixth Form students to take away from your experience?

A: Although I was really worried when I was in Sixth Form that I might make the wrong choices, I know now that you can’t really make a wrong choice – everything is a learning experience. Even when things go wrong - that’s when you learn the most.

Page 3: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the

Work Experience with Olivia Burton HQWritten by Simran Larr (Year 13)

Olivia Burton HQ was a fashion brand I knew about and respected, so when I was able to source a contact with their head of marketing I was determined to try to get some work experience with them. I wrote an email introducing myself and asking if there would be a possibility of such experience and was very happy to be offered a chance – even though it coincided with the first week back at INA in year 13.

With a growing understanding of the business environment, I wanted further insight into what the work life entailed. Shadowing the Marketing Manager on a daily basis, I did a variety of jobs, including supporting the set-up of Olivia Burton’s garden party where a new collection is to be showcased. I contacted companies who were providing resources at the event and found this experience really useful in understanding the logistics and creative thought behind the setting up an event of this nature.

During the week, I gained a better understanding of how intense work in this sector can be but was equally convinced that it is a sector in which I could thrive. Everyone at the company was really kind and showed an interest in me, with the marketing manager particularly ensuring that I had the most valuable experience possible. In the fashion industry, experience is more valuable than a degree, and I was given some great advice about where to apply for more training opportunities.

Marketing can be segmented so it will be interesting to delve deeper to better understand the difference between online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies.

Whilst the working week was short-lived, my career direction has become clearer – I know for certain that this is what I want to do in the future.

Page 4: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the

This summer, I had the opportunity to attend Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire, USA. This experience was an incredible and life-changing trip that will live with me for the rest of my life, as the 5 weeks away taught me so much.

The journey to Exeter was a tedious one; waking up at 6am to fly for 7hrs, but when we arrived, we were all in awe at the campus, which probably had some of the best educational facilities I have ever seen.

I was part of the dorm Gould, where I made friends from countries such as Mexico, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia and China, as well as USA. Over the 5 weeks, I would end up making many more friends from countries like Brazil, Singapore, Indonesia, Turkey and Greece.

My favourite course at Exeter was Economics & Business as it took my knowledge of the subject to a whole new level. For projects, we had to create a business in groups, which was challenging and different. I took part in Football and Weight Training as sports, which both were exciting and enjoyable sports, and in my spare time, I would play basketball and ultimate Frisbee with friends, so the Exeter experience enabled me to enjoy sports more than I usually do.

I am grateful to the school and Mr Griffin for allowing me to have this wonderful opportunity that provided me with so many memories and great friends, whom I hope that I meet up with in the future.

Written by Adarsh, Year 13

Phillips Exeter Academy2018 Summer School

Page 5: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the

This summer I was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship to summer school at Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire, U.S.A. I departed early on a Sunday morning with five of my peers to embark on this journey of self-growth and learning. After seven hours on a flight across the pond, we landed in Boston Airport from where we were transported to the Exeter Academy campus. Upon arrival we were allocated our rooms and our schedules.

I decided to spend my summer studying Modern Astrophysics, Electronics, and Digital Photography and chose Competitive Basketball as my sport. My Modern Astrophysics sessions consisted of sitting at a Harkness table and discussing our daily readings about the subjects with our peers, and then spending 10-12pm once a week every night at the Academy observatory where we were able to observe constellations, planets and even satellites moving across the sky with the use of a giant telescope.

In Electronics we were tasked with building circuits which demonstrated the function of components such as transistors and potentiometers which eventually led to a self-made circuit, I decided to make a night lamp through the use of a “NOT” gate and potential divider which was an experience that taught me how to refine my process of thought and be patient and resilient for the best outcome, skills I had fortunately already begun to develop through our school’s BRIDGES program.

Digital Photography was a course which allowed me to have a creative outlet through the use of different types of photography such as portraiture and continuity. The end goal of the course was to have my photos displayed at an art exhibition at the end of the summer, seeing my work on display was a memorable experience.

The summer provided me with many experiences and new skills which I will take to University, from approaching a stranger on the first day to having teary eyes whilst saying goodbye to my many new friends this past summer was an experience of a lifetime.

I am so thankful to Mr. Griffin for his great generosity in providing this scholarship; and to Ms. MacFarlane, and Ms. Abbot Jones and all the other members of staff whose time and effort facilitated my having such a fulfilling and very enjoyable experience which allowed me to grow this summer as an individual.

Written by Faraaz, Year 13

Page 6: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the

“A life changing experience” is how Rohan and Ibraheem (students who previously attended PEA summer school) described their experience at the summer school but, at the time of description, it had all been mere words to me. However, my experience was nothing short of what they said. Upon arriving to the campus of Phillips Exeter, I was jet lagged, tired and apprehensive yet I felt the warm welcome of the staff and the students. For me, my favourite part of the whole experience was the people; meeting

people from across the world and having them share their own cultures and experience was a breath of fresh air. I made friends with people from Greece, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Puerto Rico and Ghana. Friends I will never lose contact with, people having amazing talents which were showcased in the talent show, with singing, dancing and acting.

My favourite day of the programme was the field day, where dorms were made to compete against each other. My dorm was called ‘Ewald’, the loud chants and competitive spirit made the day one of the best days of my life.

Going to Phillips Exeter has changed my life, I am extremely grateful for having an opportunity like this, and it is all thanks to Mr Griffin and the school.

Written by Daanyaal, Year 13

My time at Phillips Exeter Academy was a truly once in a lifetime opportunity and the experiences it gave me I will cherish for life. Phillips Exeter Academy not only gave me the chance to learn new and exciting things such as neuropsychology, astrophysics and cryptography but also introduced me to people from all around the world with whom I have established friendships which I am sure will last for a lifetime.

We went stargazing and learnt how to name the stars and planets which was mind-blowing because until this time I had never really appreciated what I had been seeing in the night sky.

In addition, I gained basic skills such as doing laundry and navigating around an unfamiliar area and the initiative to take any opportunity I have the

chance to take. Living away from people you’ve known your whole life at first is a scary thought, but over those five weeks, Phillips Exeter Academy gave me a new family: the friends you meet, the dorm mates you live with and even your teachers and advisors make the opportunity more than worth living away from home for.

I am so grateful for this life changing experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I would highly recommend each and every student to apply for this opportunity, you’ll regret not applying more than dreading the idea of leaving home for five weeks.

Written by Zaynah, Year 13

Phillips Exeter Academy2018 Summer School

Page 7: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the

Sixth Form Open Evening

Isaac Newton Academy’s

9th October 20186pm-8pm

Join us for our Sixth Form Open Evening where you can tour the Sixth Form, meet teachers and participate in taster sessions.

Sixth Form applications for September 2019 will open on Wednesday 10th October 2018. For more details, please visit the website.

Isaac Newton Academy, 1 Cricklefield Place, Ilford, IG1 1FY

[email protected] | | 020 8911 6666

Doors will open at 5:45pm and the Principal will speak at 6pm and 7:40pm.

Page 8: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the

Target Oxbridge is a free programme that aims to help black African and Caribbean students and students of mixed race with black African and Caribbean

heritage increase their chances of getting into the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge (known collectively as Oxbridge). Since launching in 2012, Target

Oxbridge has helped 81 students to secure Oxbridge offers.

The programme is open to UK-based students in Year 12 (as well as, in certain circumstances Year 13). The students accepted onto the programme will be high attainers – they will ideally have achieved, 5 grades at A*, 9, 8 or 7 at GCSE. In the case of students hoping to study Medicine, they will ideally have achieved 8 grades at A*, 9 or 8 at GCSE.

The various strands of the programme focus on intellectual, cultural and social development irrespective of personal or economic barriers. These strands include:

n Advice on subject and university choice n Trips to Oxford and Cambridge n Meeting current Black Oxbridge students n One-on-one mentoring from past and

current Oxbridge students n Advice on UCAS applications n Academic sessions with Oxbridge academics,

and interview practice

Applications can be made at:

Application Deadline: Sunday 28th October

Page 9: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the



Check out the following webinars:

• Webinar 1 - Personal Statements for Medicine - 17th September 2018• Webinar 2 - The Road to Medical School - 19th September 2018

Click here for more information.

Thinking of applying to Medical School?

Page 10: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the

USA College Day

28th - 29th September 2018

USA College Day is the largest US university fair in Europe. The 41st year of College Day will see over 150 US universities exhibit at this free-to-attend event for prospective undergraduates, parents and teachers.

The fair will take place in central London over a day and a half and is expected to bring in 4,000+ visitors from across the UK. Attendance to the fair is free, but you must register in advance.

We will also be holding seminars in the conference hall. Details on the topics covered will be released closer to the event!

Tickets are free - click here to register.

Ladder to Law Development Programme

Students in Year 12 can apply for the Ladder to Law Development Programme which provides support to students throughout their A Level studies. In addition to a work experience placement at Hogan Lovells, successful applicants will be assigned a lawyer mentor, visit Russell Group universities, and take part in development activities, such as public speaking sessions. They will also receive advice on completing their UCAS applications and support throughout the process. Applications for the Ladder to Law Development Programme are now open. The deadline is 11.59pm on Sunday 7th October. To apply, please click here. To find out more, please visit the Ladder to Law website.

The students who are selected for the programme will be required to independently attend the Ladder to Law Welcome Day in London on Friday 30th November 2018. Travel expenses will be covered.

Page 11: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the

25 September 20186:00PM - 7:00PM

Watch the Live stream of the Lecture Here:

Antibiotic resistance has emerged as an issue that threatens public health around the world. Even simple operations may no longer be possible due to the risk of lethal infection. What is less well-known is the role of environmental components in amplifying resistance. Heads of State have pledged to tackle the problem but current policies are proving inadequate. A shift in thinking is needed with citizen scientists getting involved and prevention the best cure.

No reservations are required for this lecture. It will be run on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Doors will open 30 minutes before the start of the lecture.

Click here for more information

THE SCIENCE OF FIRE03 Oct 2018 17:30 – 18:30

How does a fire start, spread or destroy? And what can we do about it?

Fire is the greatest discovery in human history, and there is certainly within each of us an ingrained fascination with flames. From keeping our ancient relatives warm whilst preparing their first cooked meals, to the 19th century industrial revolution, our ability to start and manage fire has been crucial to human development.

Click here for more information about the lecture and how to register.

Page 12: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the


01 Oct 2018 18:30 – 20:00

Why didn’t the Federal Reserve rescue Lehman Brothers? This lecture will debunk the explanation given by Fed officials–lack of legal authority–and explore the real reasons for the decision to let Lehman fail.

Laurence Ball is Professor of Economics and Department Chair at Johns Hopkins University. He is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a consultant for the International Monetary Fund. Ricardo Reis is the A W Phillips Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics. He is a consultant to central banks around the world, and is former the chief editor of the Journal of Monetary Economics.

Click here for more information about the lecture and how to register.

CBRL Lecture - Syria’s People: Lessons for the Future?

Mon 22 Oct 2018 18:30 to 20:00

Dawn Chatty, author of ‘Syria: The Making and Unmaking of a Refuge State’ and Diana Darke, author of ‘The Merchant of Syria: A History of Survival’ will each give a presentation on their recent books. Together, these talks will explore Syria’s historical embrace of refugees of all hues - Christian, Muslim and Jewish and its impact on its people.

Click here for more information

Page 13: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the

3 October 20186:00PM - 7:00PM

Do businesses exist to make profits, or to serve a purpose? This talk will present rigorous evidence showing there need be no trade-off between purpose and profit, contrary to con-ventional wisdom. It will then turn to the practical ‘so what?’. How can we embed purpose in the heart of business so that it extends far beyond a mission statement.

The talk will highlight how change cannot be piecemeal but involves holistic reform across many dimensions of a company.

No reservations are required for this lecture. It will be run on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Doors will open 30 minutes before the start of the lecture.

Click here for more information

Staying in rhythm: The trials and fibrillations of a heartbeat

05 Oct 2018 18:00 – 19:00

Professor Prapa Kanagaratnam will describe new diagnostic approaches to types of heart rhythm problems.

The lecture is free to attend and open to all, but registration is required in advance.

Click here for more information about the lecture and how to register.

Page 14: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the

4 October 20186:00PM - 7:00PM

If you are a barrister you will be asked ‘how can you act for someone who is guilty?’. This is just one of the ethical questions the Bar has to confront. Barristers have a Code of Ethics that governs the working relationship with the client, the court and colleagues but ethical dilemmas in practice are rarely straightforward.

Do we make value judgements about our client’s culpability? Does that affect how hard we fight their case? Why the answer to those questions should emphatically be ‘no’.

No reservations are required for this lecture. It will be run on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Doors will open 30 minutes before the start of the lecture.

Click here for more information


15 Oct 2018 18:00 – 19:00

Meet the authors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report into the effects of climate change at 1.5°C. The Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C will be launched on Monday 15 October and this meeting offers a unique opportunity for you to meet two of the authors of the report. Professor Myles Allen, Head of Climate Dynamics, University of Oxford was an author on Chapter 1: Framing and Context, and Dr Joeri Rogelj, Grantham Lecturer in Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College London, an author of Chapter2: Mitigation Pathways Compatible with 1.5°C in the Context of Sustainable Development. The event will include two short presentations from both authors about their involvement and the content of the report followed by a Q&A session where the audience will be invited to ask questions.

Click here for more information about the lecture and how to register.

Page 15: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the

Making sense of Auschwitz: New perspectives on the Holocaust

Wed 17 Oct 2018 18:30 to 19:45

‘It is the task of the historian’, wrote the Auschwitz survivor Primo Levi, to help us imagine ‘the experience’ of the camp; this would expose common myths and misconceptions about the Holocaust. But how can historians make Auschwitz more palpable? How can they uncover the textures of everyday terror?

Drawing on recent research in spatial and sensory history, and the history of emotions, this lecture reflects on the lived experience of prisoners and perpetrators in the most lethal Nazi camp. It suggests that by looking more closely at landscapes and places, at feelings and perceptions (of spaces, smells and sounds), we can advance our understanding of the Holocaust.

Click here for more information

The Women’s Movement in Pakistan: Activism, Islam and Democracy

26 September 2018 17:00 to 19:00

Ayesha’s book details the history of women’s social, legal and political status in Pakistan as contested through its urban-based modern women’s movement. Since the 1980s, a small but influential group of activists have been advocating for their rights, the restoration of democracy, and a secular state. This began in response to the state’s growing use of Islam for political purposes, which peaked under General Zia ul-Haq’s military rule (1977-88), during which the anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan and rise of political Islam worked in favor of his domestic policy of Islamization. Pakistan became an increasingly exclusionary state, with religious minorities and women facing growing discrimination. Despite setbacks, such as another period of military rule and rise of the Taliban, activists succeeded in winning back some of their rights. Recent years have seen unprecedented legislative reform, policy changes to reverse discrimination, and the first substantial increase in women’s political participation.

The event is free, but registration required. To register, please click here.

Page 16: Sixth Form Newsletter...2018/09/24  · online and offline Marketing. I particularly like the idea of using social media to advertise and promote products and companies. Whilst the