sixteenth sunday in ordinary time · 2017-07-23 · july 16, 2017 -$3,511.62 honor of a loved one...

SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 23, 2017 Sunday, July 23rd Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 10:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 12:00PM SPANISH MASS, Church 7:00PM Adoration, Church Monday, July 24th St. Sharbel Makhluf 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM COMMUNION SERVICE, Chapel Tuesday, July 25th St. James 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Garrett Dano, Chapel 10:30AM MASS, Special Intention, Ephrata Hospital 7:00PM YLI, Parish Center Wednesday, July 26th Ss. Joachim and Anne 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Nial Yager, Chapel 11:00AM MASS, Special Intention, Soap Lake Retire- ment Home 12:00PM ADORATION, Chapel (12pm - 4pm) Thursday, July 27th 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Mary Lagerquist, Chapel Friday, July 28th 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Donna Asher, Chapel 6:30PM ULTREYA, Parish Center Saturday, July 29th St. Martha 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Tim Igo, Chapel 12:00PM Quinceanera, Addelyn Navarro, School 2:00PM Quinceanera, Judit Cazares, Church 4:00PM CONFESSIONS, Church 5:30PM ENGLISH VIGIL MASS, Church 7:00PM SPANISH VIGIL MASS, Church Sunday, July 30th 8:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 10:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 12:00PM SPANISH MASS, Church 7:00PM ADORATION, Chapel THE MERCY, POWER, AND LOVE OF GOD The first reading today, from the book of Wisdom, makes its point over and over, at least five times in five verses! God is mighty, but lenient to all. Gods power is shown in kindness and clemency, not in harshness and con- demnation, and those who govern Gods people must gov- ern in the same way, with kindness. This loving kindness and gentleness is not contrary to Gods might, but is a direct result of Gods primacy over all. Who are we, then, to judge what is in the hearts of our fellow Christians and all people, when God commands justice with love and clemency? Likewise, the Holy Spirit makes up for our ignorance of what we need, speaking in a language we do not yet under- stand. But God knows our needs before we do, understands the intercessions of the Spirit, and helps us in our weak- ness. This is our hope: Gods mercy, power, and love. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. And is God not more ready to pardon than we to sin? —St. Catherine of Siena Those who are just must be kind. — Wisdom 12:19

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Page 1: SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · 2017-07-23 · July 16, 2017 -$3,511.62 honor of a loved one or simply to add to the beauty of the Mass, Needed -$4,100.00 YTD Received -$12,732.42


Sunday, July 23rd Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 10:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 12:00PM SPANISH MASS, Church 7:00PM Adoration, Church

Monday, July 24th St. Sharbel Makhluf


Tuesday, July 25th St. James

8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Garrett Dano, Chapel 10:30AM MASS, Special Intention, Ephrata Hospital 7:00PM YLI, Parish Center

Wednesday, July 26th Ss. Joachim and Anne

8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Nial Yager, Chapel 11:00AM MASS, Special Intention, Soap Lake Retire- ment Home 12:00PM ADORATION, Chapel (12pm - 4pm)

Thursday, July 27th 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Mary Lagerquist, Chapel

Friday, July 28th 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Donna Asher, Chapel 6:30PM ULTREYA, Parish Center

Saturday, July 29th St. Martha

8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Tim Igo, Chapel 12:00PM Quincean era, Addelyn Navarro, School 2:00PM Quincean era, Judit Cazares, Church 4:00PM CONFESSIONS, Church 5:30PM ENGLISH VIGIL MASS, Church 7:00PM SPANISH VIGIL MASS, Church

Sunday, July 30th 8:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 10:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 12:00PM SPANISH MASS, Church 7:00PM ADORATION, Chapel


The first reading today, from the book of Wisdom, makes its point over and over, at least five times in five verses! God is mighty, but lenient to all. God’s power is shown in kindness and clemency, not in harshness and con-demnation, and those who govern God’s people must gov-ern in the same way, with kindness. This loving kindness and gentleness is not contrary to God’s might, but is a direct result of God’s primacy over all. Who are we, then, to judge what is in the hearts of our fellow Christians and all people, when God commands justice with love and clemency? Likewise, the Holy Spirit makes up for our ignorance of what we need, speaking in a language we do not yet under-stand. But God knows our needs before we do, understands the intercessions of the Spirit, and helps us in our weak-ness. This is our hope: God’s mercy, power, and love. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

And is God not more

ready to pardon than

we to sin?

—St. Catherine of Siena

Those who are just must be kind. — Wisdom 12:19

Page 2: SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · 2017-07-23 · July 16, 2017 -$3,511.62 honor of a loved one or simply to add to the beauty of the Mass, Needed -$4,100.00 YTD Received -$12,732.42

July 16, 2017 - $3,511.62

Needed - $4,100.00

YTD Received - $12,732.42

Budgeted - $12,300.00

ACA 2017 Participation: 154 Parishioners

Goal: $34,857.00 Pledges to date: $43,058.00 Payments to date: $35,882.50

Save the date:


Special Honoree Father Seamus Kerr Yakima Convention Center October 7, 2017

Reception 6 PM ~ Dinner 7 PM -Speaker -

Fr. Gregory J. Boyle Register online at or

by calling 509.972.3732

Ministry 5:30pm Vigil Mass 7 pm Vigil Mass 8:00am Mass 10:00am Mass 12:00pm Mass

Greeters Volunteer Volunteer T & M Webb Volunteer Volunteer

Usher Volunteer Volunteer G. Couture Sr. Volunteer Volunteer

1st Reading L. Culbertson Volunteer E. Turner M. Yager A. Valle

2nd Reading M. Baker Volunteer C. Brush S. Scellick J. Delgado

E. Minister Volunteer Volunteer D. Webb S. Prentice G. Peña

E. Minister Ma. Mendoza Volunteer D. Webb M. Nelson L. Delgado

E. Minister Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer

Altar Server L. Esquivel Volunteer H. Malone E. Prentice Z. Reyes

Altar Server F. Esquivel Volunteer M. Gustin R. Prentice D. Aguilar

ALTAR FLOWERS The altar flowers were donated anonymously this week with love for the Dano family. If you are interested in sponsoring in honor of a loved one or simply to add to the beauty of the Mass,

please contact the Parish Office.

Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of Our Lady An ancient story dating to the first centuries of the Church’s life recalls how Saints Anne & Joachim, like Abraham and Sarah, were scorned by their neigh-bors because they had no children. Years of longing did not weaken their trust in God, but grief eventually drove Saint Joachim into the wilderness to fast and pray. Saint Anne, remaining at home, dressed in mourning clothes and wept because she had no child of her own. Seeing her mistress distressed, a servant girl reminded Anne to put her trust in God. Saint Anne washed her face, put on her bridal clothes and went to a garden to plead with God for a child. Angels

appeared to Saint Anne in her garden and Saint Joachim in the desert, promising that, despite their old age, they would give birth to a child who would be known throughout the world. The new parents ran to meet one another at Jerusalem’s Golden Gate, and with a kiss rejoiced in the new life which God had promised would be theirs. Saints Anne and Joachim are powerful intercessors for all married couples, expectant mothers and married couples who are having

difficulty conceiving, as well as all who have grown old.

PRAYER CHAIN If you would like to place someone on the prayer chain, please call Grace Nelson at 754-4209 or email [email protected] or call the Parish Office.

Father’s Spiritual Vitamin: When you receive Holy Communion on the tongue, stick your tongue out, so that I can easily serve you the Eucharist without fear of the Body falling on

the ground. Close your eyes and imagine Jesus entering into your life…

Rachel’s Vineyard can help you find your inner voice. It can help you experience God’s love and compassion on a profound level. It creates a place where men and women can share, often for the first time, their

deepest feelings about abortion. You are allowed to dismantle troubling secrets in an environment of emotional and spiritual safety.

Endorsement of Rachel’s Vineyard by Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR, psy-chologist and spiritual writer: “I cannot think of another work of this kind so well done. A most difficult and painful human problem is en-gaged with faith, psychological insight and trust.” If God is calling you to hope and healing OR to minister to those in need of hope and healing here in our local community, please contact Lisa Petersen (509-421-7847 or [email protected]) for more information. Your call

will be kept completely confidential.


August 16-24 Bilingual Rosary each night at 6:30 pm

at the Church Please note: Wednesday, August 23rd is St. Rose’s Feast Day. On that day we will have Bilingual Mass at 6:30 pm in the Church and have a potluck afterward in

the Parish Center.


Did you know St. Rose of Lima Church has a young parishioner that has answered the call to spread the Gospel? Our very own Clarissa Vela has recently completed her training with Focus Missions to become a college campus mission-ary. If you would like to learn more about her vocation or if you would like to support her financially, please contact her at: [email protected] or 509.398.3260. Let us hold her up in prayer as she embarks on this new adventure!

2017 Celebration of Faith

Page 3: SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · 2017-07-23 · July 16, 2017 -$3,511.62 honor of a loved one or simply to add to the beauty of the Mass, Needed -$4,100.00 YTD Received -$12,732.42

Domingo, Julio 23 Decimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

8:00AM MISA EN INGLES, Iglesia 10:00AM MISA EN INGLES, Iglesia 12:00PM MISA EN ESPAN OL, Iglesia 7:00PM Adoracio n, Iglesia

Lunes, Julio 24 San Sharbel Makhluf


Martes, Julio 25 Santiago

8:40AM ROSARIO, Capilla 9:00AM MISA, Garrett Dano , Capilla 10:30AM MISA, Intencio n Especial, Asilo de Ancia- nos de Ephrata 7:00PM YLI, Centro Parroquial

Miércoles, Julio 26 San Joaquín y Santa Ana

8:40AM ROSARIO, Capilla 9:00AM MISA, Nial Yager, Capilla 11:00AM MISA, Intencio n Especial, Asilo de Ancia nos de Soap Lake 12:00PM ADORACIO N(12pm—4pm), Capilla

Jueves, Julio 27 8:40AM ROSARIO, Capilla 9:00AM MISA, Mary Lagerquist, Capilla

Viernes, Julio 28 8:40AM ROSARIO, Capilla 9:00AM MISA, Donna Asher, Capilla 6:30PM ULTREYA, Centro Parroquial

Sábado, Julio 29 Santa Marta

8:40AM ROSARIO, Capilla 9:00AM MISA, Tim Igo, Capilla 12:00PM Quincean era, Addelyn Navarro, Escuela 2:00PM Quincean era, Judit Cazares, Iglesia 4:00PM CONFESIONES, Iglesia 5:30PM MISA DE VIGILIA EN INGLES, Iglesia 7:00PM MISA DE VIGILIA EN ESPAN OL, Iglesia

Domingo, Julio 30 8:00AM MISA EN INGLES, Iglesia 10:00AM MISA EN INGLES, Iglesia 12:00PM MISA EN ESPAN OL, Iglesia 7:00PM ADORACIO N, Capilla


La primera lectura de hoy, del libro de la Sabidurí a, va al punto una y otra vez, por lo menos cinco veces en cinco versos! Dios es poderoso, pero compasivo con todos. La fuerza de Dios se mues-tra en la bondad y la clemencia, no en la aspereza o la condena-cio n, y quienes gobiernan al pueblo de Dios deben gobernar de igual manera, con bondad. Esta amorosa bondad y delicadeza no son contrarios al poder de Dios, sino directo resultado de la pri-mací a de Dios sobre todo. ¿Quie nes somos nosotros, entonces, para juzgar el corazo n de nuestros hermanos cristianos y a toda la gente, cuando Dios ordena la justicia con amor y clemencia? De igual manera, el Espí ritu Santo suple nuestra ignorancia de lo que necesitamos, hablando en un lenguaje que no com-prendemos todaví a. Pero Dios conoce nuestras necesidades an-tes que nosotros, entiende las intercesiones del Espí ritu y nos ayuda en nuestra necesidad. Esta es nuestra esperanza: la mise-ricordia, el poder y el amor de Dios. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.


¿Y no está Dios más

dispuesto a


que a nosotros

a pecar?

-Sta. Catalina de Siena

Que el justo sea humano. — Sabiduría 12:19

Page 4: SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · 2017-07-23 · July 16, 2017 -$3,511.62 honor of a loved one or simply to add to the beauty of the Mass, Needed -$4,100.00 YTD Received -$12,732.42

16 de julio, 2017 – $3,511.62

Necesitado - $4,100.00

YTD Recibido - $12,732.42

Presupuestado - $12,300.00

ACA 2017 Participación: 154 Parroquianos

Meta: $34,857.00 Prometido: $43,058.00 Recibido: $35,882.50

Rachel's Vineyard puede ayudarle a encontrar su voz interior. Puede ayudarlo a experimentar el amor y la compasio n de Dios en un nivel pro-fundo. Crea un lugar donde hombres y mujeres pueden compartir, a me-nudo por primera vez, sus sentimientos ma s profundos sobre el aborto. Se le permite desmantelar los preocupantes secretos en un ambiente de

seguridad emocional y espiritual.

Aprobacio n del Rachel’s Vineyard por el Padre Benedict Groeschel, CFR, psico logo y escritor espiritual: "No puedo pensar que otra obra de esta clase este tan bien hecha. Un problema humano ma s difí cil y doloroso se relaciona con la fe, la perspicacia psicolo gica y la confianza." Si Dios te esta llamando a la esperanza y a la curacio n o para ministrar a aquellos que necesitan esperanza y curacio n aquí en nuestra comunidad local, contacta a Lisa Petersen (509-421-7847 o [email protected]) para obtener ma s informacio n. Su llamada sera mantenida completa-

mente confidencial.

2017 Celebration of Faith

Reserva la fecha: Washington Central

FUNDACIÓN CATÓLICA Honra Especial Padre Seamus Kerr

Yakima Convention Center 7 de octubre de 2017 Recepcio n 6 PM ~ Cena 7 PM

-Orador Principal - Fr. Gregory J. Boyle

Regí strese en lí nea en o llamando

al 509.972.3732

Ministerio 5:30pm Misa 7:00pm Misa 8:00am Misa 10:00am Misa 12:00pm Misa

Bienvenida Volunteer Volunteer T & M Webb Volunteer Volunteer

Colecta Volunteer Volunteer G. Couture Sr. Volunteer Volunteer

1 Lector L. Culbertson Volunteer E. Turner M. Yager A. Valle

2 Lector M. Baker Volunteer C. Brush S. Scellick J. Delgado

Ministro E. Volunteer Volunteer D. Webb S. Prentice G. Peña

Ministro E. Ma. Mendoza Volunteer D. Webb M. Nelson L. Delgado

Ministro E. Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer

Acólito L. Esquivel Volunteer H. Malone E. Prentice Z. Reyes

Acólito F. Esquivel Volunteer M. Gustin R. Prentice D. Aguilar

LAS FLORES DEL ALTAR Las flores del altar fueron donadas ano nimamente esta semana con

amor por la familia Dano. Si usted esta interesado en patrocinar flores en honor de un ser querido o simplemente para an adir a la belleza de la

Misa, por favor po ngase en contacto con la Oficina Parroquial.

CADENA DE ORACIÓN Si le gustarí a poner a alguien en la cadena de oracio n pueden hablar a la Oficina Parroquial para establecer sus intenciones al 754-3640.

San Joaquín y Santa Ana, Los Padres de Nuestra Señora Una antigua historia que data de los primeros siglos de la vida de la Iglesia re-cuerda co mo San Joaquí n y Sta. Ana, como Abraham y Sara, fueron despreciadas por sus vecinos porque no tení an hijos. Los an os de anhelo no debilitaron su confianza en Dios, pero el dolor finalmente llevo a San Joaquí n al desierto para ayunar y orar. Santa Ana, queda ndose en casa, vestida de luto y llorando porque no tení a hijos propios. Al ver a su duen a angustiada, una sirvienta le recordo a Ana que confiara en Dios. Santa Ana se lavo la cara, se puso la ropa de novia y

fue al jardí n para rogarle a Dios por un hijo. A ngeles aparecieron a Santa Ana en su jardí n y a San Joaquí n en el desierto, prometiendo que, a pesar de su vejez, darí an a luz a un nin o que serí a conocido en todo el mundo. Los nuevos padres corrieron a encontrarse en la Puerta Dorada de Jerusale n, y con un beso se rego-cijaron en la nueva vida que Dios habí a prometido que serí a suya. San Joaquí n y Sta. Ana son intercesores poderosos para todas las parejas casadas, madres que esperan un hijo y parejas casadas que están teniendo dificultad para concebir, y

todos los que han envejecido.

Pildorita del Padre: Cuando recibas la Sagrada Comunión en la lengua, saca tu lengua para que yo pueda servirte fácilmente sin temor a que el Cuerpo caiga en el suelo. Cierra los ojos e imagina a Jesús entrando en tu

vida ...


Agosto 16-24 Rosario Bilingüe cada noche a las

6:30 pm en la Iglesia Tenga en cuenta: el mie rcoles 23 de agosto es el dí a de la Fiesta de Sta. Rosa. En ese

dí a tendremos una Misa Bilingu e a las 6:30 pm en la Iglesia y luego una “comida de traje” despue s en el Centro Parroquial.


¿Sabí a usted que la Iglesia de Santa Rosa de Li-ma tiene una joven feligre s que ha respondido a la llamada a difundir el Evangelio? Clarissa Vela ha completado recientemente su entrenamiento con Focus Missions para convertirse en una mi-sionera de la universidad. Si desea aprender ma s sobre su vocacio n o si desea apoyarla financieramente, por favor conta ctese con ella en: [email protected] o 509.398.3260. ¡Vamos a orar mucho para ella mientras se embarca en esta nueva aventura!