site exploration


Upload: vinay-agrawal

Post on 16-Dec-2015




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Understanding project requirement and site characteristics.Develop design criteriaIdentify possible construction alternativesConduct soil investigationEngineering analysis to evaluate alternativesDevelop recommendation and write reportMonitor design, construction and performancePotential Problems Related To Foundation Design

Bearing capacity failure of foundation (strength of soil)differential settlement of foundation Excessive overall settlement of foundationInstability of foundation, embankment, slopesDamage to surrounding structure due to excavation and dewatering an excavation Collapse of excavation as a result of excessive water in flowSulphate attack on concrete due to groundwater

Soil Investigation Should Include

Selection of the type and depth of foundation suitable for a given structureEvaluation of the load bearing capacity of the foundationEstimation of the probable settlement of the structureDetermination of potential foundation problems (e.g.. Expansive soil, collapsible soil, sanitary landfill, etc.)Establishment of ground water tablePrediction of lateral earth pressure for the structure like retaining wall, sheet pile well foundation etc.Establishment of construction methods for changing subsoil condition.Site Investigation Phases

Phase ICollection Of Preliminary InformationObtain information regarding the type of structure to be built and its general useA general ides of the topography and the type of soilGeological survey map etc.Site Investigation Phases

Phase IIReconnaissanceThe engineer should always make a visual inspection of the site.To provide a general picture of the topography and geology of the site.Site Investigation Phases

Phase IIISite InvestigationConsists of planning, making test boreholes and collection soil samplesFor a 30 wide building, depending on number of stories (1 to 5 stories) 3.0 m to 24 m deep borings can be made.For a multi story building borehole spacing is 10-30mThe exploration cost is generally 0.1-0.5% of the cost of the structure. Site Investigation Phases

Phase IVReport WritingA clear description of the soils at the siteMethods of explorationSoil profileTest methods and resultsThe location and condition of the groundwater

Site Exploration Methods

Soil sampling procedureDisturbed samples :Used for grain size distribution, liquid and plastic limits, specific gravity, compaction test, moisture content, soil classification in the lab.Undisturbed samples :Consolidation test, permeability, shear strength test. More complex jobs or where clay existsIn sand it is very difficult to obtain undisturbed sample.Field Strength Tests

SPT Standard proctor testVST vane shear testPMT Pressure meter testCPT cone penetration testDMT- Dilatometer testAnalysis Of Results And Report Submission


Construction Work