€¦ · sit! ationjb wanted.1'iijialus. *('ooktij oei;. 7 001-h0k st.,...

SIT! ATIONJB WANTED.1'IIJIALUS. * ('ooktij Oei;. 7 001-H0K ST., HEAR GRAND. A RESPECTABLE A (,-rmai t;tr! »» cook In u (.ilvHte Anif'rlcLn htiiiliy 4a i wllttv:-, (<> nmiai Willi tUo wmIuus; noil^. Wood refer- tt eueea- *" gXTKA IKLEOKAM CARTOON ISSUE. ASPECT AE PICTORIAL LAMPOON ON TIIE EVENTS OF '1 ill HAY. I l.OOu OUT FOR WEDNESDAY'S PAPER, f RE OREAT DESTINY OF THE NATION FORESHADOWED. f A M ATRIMONIAL VIEW 0>-' CANADIAN POLITICS. H DON,I FAIL TO SEE 'J til EVENING TELEGRAM A OF WEDNESDAY tfEXT. t UNION COURT, UNIVERSITY PLA.OR, BFTWBKN o I fltli an<f 13th »U.--A ivs};i t*table woiuhu ns liwt elusa cook; i.udt rstuiHlrt boar.tnu una la-but'; wouM i^tlce full / cp.;in: r inc Kiicnen ana au iuc maiktamj u ro'iuiiati, la-si of eity nferwM|irMi «>7 I'a: r irrii sr..a kin r ( oass French cook tU \ eordoubleu) lu * privutr family. ^ 4r I'EltRV ST..A Kl.pI'F.CfAHi.K WOMAN AH y U |,n.?<.«< J cook; thoroughly tiadcmtond* lier lunilions; l>< «t 11} leUuencu; uu ouj' ;ion to j^o u bkurl liifclatice , In 'P- | Jk»r. WR8T MH ST., mu NOMMMY, rNKI £ uk) lioor, front room..A respectable girl » » cook, washer ?*11 lr«>»»«r In ti small private faintly; no others need ppty thf host city references. # ( 30j 2f>TH ST., BKTWKKN 6T1I AND 7T1I AVS. A u V.r iivi'cct* it« yuan,' wnmi.i a* urst clans cno'c in n private family; uudcrstandfl incls of conking nnd taking; no to MRHlat in the waslntig; good ci;y reference. w 1 f | 0TH AV., BETWEEN 1UTII AND 11TU 6TR., J xl dMpir1! store. oeikti k MliAti family in ctiy or country; understaruU the care of bnMc and I butter * 14 A Wf I* i KM ifM 1 IBftl IpOB. tn tip: , *T' 1 roar..A respectable tvman as flrat. rlasft cook, I excellent baker and willing to atssUi in the wasulug ami Iron- .. lug; beet c4ty rclerenoc. n 1 1 ft ST., BWfWM 7TH AT. ABB MOA.t>« i J IU way..'Two respectable tflrla; one nn nook, wisher ( fluid in i or, and the other as ehwuvcrmaidrtnd waitress; .good iitj reference Proas the 'last plain 1 1 A 7 I-. B Up 81 A ft] I K< Mitt TO We. ,, Att I uiHii ftn hrfit class cook an to naval with the wash* ny ami ironing; boat reference, fall for two days. t 1 4 WEST 17TH 8Th 8 7TH 81. A GOOD { I i »' plain cook, washer and ironerin a plicate family, g iiood reference. WKHT 10TH BT., NK'.R 1TM BT.-AS ROOD ' .Iv)"? plain coolw, willing to do washing aud iron in 4; is e a sit bah* /11I tor u private family. Can be seon at trer preaeut employer's. ^ If'- 7Til AV., HKTWI KN - I'll ANI» 20TII KTK \N ji'rr/ *porii*nceu womitii nmi <i<us *>* untifmran is y the cooking t«f all kinds of soup*, meats and jellies, best city refereuc Oai* beihii for two days or tbte week. ^ ]qf: west 2ct11 st-a yovno eire ah ooor t .Of) plain rook; la willing to ussblst n 1th washing and ironing; good oitv reference. * OAA V. J.-T 21*11 ST., M \l. 7MI A'..-TWO IlKill- j{ 4UI "M* ly respectable gifts; one as first claw 000k In all Its bi-Hncar* uiidvrstamtn raeat«, soups, crennrw, jellies, Is an exc**! b ut baker of bread ami biscuit; the other as lirst a class w.iiiruAs; is kital and obliging; both thoroughly understand the.: hn&iiits*; would like to no in one laiuliy, oily or 7 country best reference. Call fur two days. n/to tVMST 27TII ST., NKAlt 7TH AY\, PIRSY PMHJK, ( Uu-k loom..As yood plain rook understands bar bualneas; will assist In wwaitisg; city reference. * o«»o wbbt 97th sr. a bsspsctablb tx>u«S " Mujf>yO woman as lirst cine* coo!;; ons who tliorouuldy under- ton iMnMi{lBBtoHg ran BM-tfmbe giren. Cao c be seen fAr two days. O -I W EST mil ST.-A YOl'WO rROTERTANT * 1\) woman as ltrat claw cook, or would do gene2*1 * housework in a small private family; best city reference. 9 2/r/» hr av bbthmom sm and mb bts,.an p J" J Kngllsb Protestant woman ns cook in a'private % boarding bouse or hotel; good ekf reference. 2 GDI ELIZABETH ST., A FEW IXWIRH FROM r, » AiP! HIpci'ker, In tlio store..A rfP)<.Mn''le wnmtn i.b lir«t«lan. r»«i,iiir»nt cook; niirtr-sinniln oy icm and-eMta* lu every sMe; linkt rkferen. ffom hut ehiptrvyer. / OU.t -I'll AV., BETWEEN WTH AND 25TII BTS.- " jmm 1 Two respectable rutin : fcirla, staters, In the h»»nft of living toother; one plain c.00'4, washer and i^ouoi the 1 other H * chambermaid and wnitresi or to assist with the washing nn-1 Ironing. Also a girl ior general housework. Best city reference. inQQ !' AV.. BETWEEN 22 R AND WD fl'H. A ( <s£fO' young woumn as good plain 000k u also good washer and iio'ior, beat city reference from hiat employer. OAO I-.AbT 21ITH ST.. NKAlt 2D AV..A SUPERIOR ovo and kHindre**, with <?\ client oily referuucrt, J tu n family lu the city; d '.e* up linens iu etjlo; u »«u eiOpVrnt baker, make* piu-Uy, rouim ur.d jclHea; wages #18. Q1A STANTON ST., BETWEEN LEWIS AND Ol" Ufmi -L, In tl»** a private family; to an i. excelled i-uok., wa*li*rau(J Irontr; is* liret rote batter; food * reference. no hoarding ho useReaper need apply, t'ha be * aeon For two days. *>1/ K r i)-r..MOO*» 1 U)M,frontkoom.. 1 OIU An tbU mph and Iron, In a IIMll family. Heat city rm'ereuoe. j oni W EST 21 ST ST., BETWEfeN hTif A N'D RTil A VS.. h )i/J Two renp#*wah*» youn?; tomw (*l*trr*>; one a* find clMfc* cook tlie other an chambermaid an won 14 a«M*t 1 with Btt w«*hlr»g an ironlnu; not ar* ti<>r»u.;i» y wipe- * rienc 1; ouhl go separately; will to round trustworthy; * uneicfptionahle city roi'erewrw. I *>'/0 V/-. t>TH ST., BET WREN 81H ANTM/TH AVR *)»X5 A irapwclabte girl mh hm! plain ccok, n«i »"toellehf a washer and inontr; or would do k*H»ieral hmuarwork In a small private family best citv nit if Call for two fiWys. * Q 1 { \ KAST 23D ST., FOURTH FLOOR, BACK..A RE- * aVi r' sue table woman r»* cook, wnikm* an ironor; is an excellent baker of broad and pastry beat reference. * Q |(i r\ST !*TH ST., NKATI 1ST AW.Aft FIRST O i *' cv?** cook fn a first c!nr* boarding honae opt |*r!t-Kte ' family; can hone and lard and make all trfod* of ftcrfjft afid pastry; IS yeara1 experience; k»« »lt> reference. * 4tn ) \ -T I7TH ST., liinvr-Tk 1ST av.akd av. a, ' _j I hi ind Hour, front room..Two ivft|n!otki>lit j-ouiik * woiii-n, Ulster,, to live tojiPilo'r io * privMs m e ,ih j. Ilmt rifti" (nok srot to hsMhi With the trw.ihtn# *i"l Ironing; tlio rrtli.'i an ohKivihh or phi m n nmld *mf to B»»M wtth tin- wo- rig «n<l mmlng; totn ell., reference. Cnll furtwo C'hnmJwf.'uittix. iXr. rj "Ttt \V IN i;NT»KRTAKf.t.S f*tO*K A RWWT- ' 4 iibi" ,:ol h, chninhortnalil itnd waliivsa; or teoruid h«h1»i ' In waging and Irtri'.OK. five years' ii'IV-fwior fmni hcriai.t Pl»ca. £ 2r vinkuk hi. pi-Tv.rr.M catharine a tin " I Market.- A young unman » chambermaid, Sue waaitcr and Ironor; good city reference. . ' 4 }/{ ttl "Ml) rM flKCONP FLOOft,-A KJCM'K*': a ^jf) f.i1 to do chmnPenx r* and Waiting, or Wotlld atlti wi h the washing; good reference. Cell for two day*. 4 TftitWI VT S9TH ST.-A TOI'Nd (URL AH CHAMBER, lull inalil ami waitresa in a private family; good c ity refewuicos If required. ( -ill WKirr 2i'Tii kt.-v cowrstfiart uhh, ah ,* III Iriuntfreaa or chiirahertnalri and fine wnsher and Irorn r thoroughly understand* lier btielucns. Has the mod desirable city references. * 1*yi) FTH FT., CORNER OF AV. A.-A RBSRECTA- * t)_j bla Merman girl as chambermaid. Call or address A. NKI.SEN. 1A ft WEST ll'Tn FT., BETA'RKtt ISTH A51I fill f, 'IU ava., In the rear. V repudiable girl as chamber- p nvci.t an waitreaa. Call for two days. ]l I * |->T IJTH ST.. REAR, FIRST FLOOR.- A RK- 1 i .('actable girl, lately bindi I from Fngta-nd, to do i, housework In a amnll family or chainbarwurk and waiting. |, "14 7 "T.kt n»TU St.--\ rf- pei'TapeE roUMft I t I English girl, Jim l ifitliM, :,s cliamutrrhMId arid waitress In n private I amity. J Iff 7 KIV'INOToN HT. RE\R tlrtCSf,. VV RTAIRF.- » 4 A u'"Ki ctrl as ctiambrrfnatd or to do housework In R good fnnidv. <>1<) \ST 'Til ST. I HErl'l TARI,R MU'NcI 1 aa 1 »' as chambermaid and wullreta, or would do " cUrtin'" work end plain sewing. W EST MiTII ST. A RESPECTABLE 1.1 If I. AS ^ ~j> ' ( l. nnl'c riiiMiil and wultrCHb ; good washer and honor. ?! Good fcrerenc^i. l' »).> JiTlt ST. A RESPECTAALS VtlCjfO 1 . ., ' Hi. MK clifimiicrmHTJ In ;i i.un' i1 in OUCO. __________________ 'I 2t>/« :th a v., near tsn sr. a REsrEOtAhi.E " »onni{ kIH rrmftil rrmriM Ami to do flftp wirWnr 11 »nd Iron .in n | rlrAte fiutnlr or r.l first etimi Ugndra-n [ rutin ic mr clir roiarenco flom fuel place. * t) I 1'AST S1K1 ST.- A vorjfil «;1RC< AS fmAWHT!R ) n ill! nii'l to take o ir of ouo or two cWIJion, vim «' t oil» rrfrrchi ®. t'n'l for Iwo rtafa. j ()/.; Wl 4T asm HY, BETtCnfftf "Tft AND 8TII ATS. .' I . A rNPrctibll young woman AS olinnibfrinatil all , f> mount til wanning or tnko i nn of growing OlittiUrn In it i'iIo «"\Ti!r, willing urn! obliging; t o<i rofahnboti'. ' »«> jf'RsT 41ST ST..A COMTKTIiNT OIRLASCIIAM t i)*j 1 1 omuilil nuil (initiiiitnon, lu it oi ivniu family; city i refci»ne»i. ,r t *JOf? H\sT MTU ST..A TO l'ltd HITffi TO rto CTlAM. i » J .1»* inn-work nitd tvnlllnit.. hit llueo jieiri1 rt'foronoon 1 from >'t pl»i:r (mi for two days. I Ov»7 v r '.'1ST ST. ftr.smTAltl.H Jlll.'NU i. LB I. 1 W7f>i an ilmrnbfrmald itirt waIUt-m. or will do cLaui)»<>i wo.rk n! n»« mil| n<Aint hi walling. Ol^I city rofortoc*. ( * 1 tor tw o ilayn, Monday mid TuuwlAy* I 2.1il 2RTH ST. A ttFSPrcTABM? f;Tni.. 17 " J I \ ' vi oi l, fo do rhemberworh or ^fittinir or to i rnnUo her«*lf tiaeful In the lionsf. CuM for two rtayt. I 'JA Q wi n -11 \ rum miK* mm. 1: H" nod unUrr:<n; three yewffc'tefrr 1 #nce tri m l»*t (daro. j 8I) AV.~ ClIAMWlRMAID AND Wrt!T1tF«IS nd irni .w/b^r^r^Cb1W,,tn u,,U , « "V )l) ">v * <' " XII riiffOIL BACK MM. \ * 1 tli IJlitimlkl'i,1'1 i'i1'1^'1, rtn ch'1"i,",r»i rk and wn.l'ni, would roakn horaalr pi iicrn'ly iianritl. i A\\l /k*tr I'lTH KT..A <(»M|»I:TKNT VOl'NO CRR. w / v' 6 *> iHemWrremldsind »alirMehi**ii|«u C,L«l t< lyt rlijr rnfci-onco from l,< r lait oUno! ,,lB" " /till'' 1' ®' V RliSI'ICCTABLR '.!KI, rN A * x M > rtitptrUhla laiuhr to ilii rlntnhefivnrk uih< urtvlnr tan do waltlni; nam,it In wanhlag ami n nniuj' c got Hi. g a I., op I li«i Bhr cioiikI c< u aider a* n hnmr, na J got III Ih" liaiilijil oliuuttngi la obliging Mid aarteahln *»,i oi » « bin _Itv rriereuoot. , ,! ' » ^ NEW l'Oli (SITUATION* WANTKB-^KU il.FN. ITmiiibi-riiiiiSd*, dfcr. HO KAiiT ,1rn KT" NKAB 1ST AV.-A RESPECT J «7 utile ruling woman mi oliambiniuiud in a jirlvnte LUiilv t un HiVI- I'lud city refertina*. 0*11 for Its r<»f* HI) AV. A VOCN11 AUMUCA.N (ilttl-, Id A HR3T )f'l) r1»Hi otiAnilA-rmiitU and innlrtw; bat the lieet city Iference from b -r liwl |->»oi ifA rrn a v., corner mth ht.-a ri-spkctamek |«)U y.iuuK ««iu>n an cluimtiej luulb and waitrvue, Wet lly reference. HreMiumken ajirt Sptiui-ilrewwa-. ) ASTOR PIjACI .A COMPETENT IlREMMAKER j wi»liei tr> notUe twn or lliri-r ciiguyenieiita In irret e1**-* UiiMe* by tho d*j or inonlli; by Ibu lnouRi prcl erred. Cull r udili-OHS )*> (LARKSON ST., HKTVVl.KN OKFcNIfU II AM) ihtd*on \u. Au experienced drcj ranker wish#* n fw mere engagement* by the day in fatuities; ci«nui«rato n a machine. in WEST 4TII ST..A FRENCH DII #HS MAK K*f KFI ... c. log i.». Mf)n4M 11 u Hat Is* lo wo >. M er own reaitkluee work. promptly eeecu**'!. I'lain drosttt mm $3 60 and upwards. Apply to K. IjEFKBI RE. " r wi"st ::ist m ah ofnkh.Mj seamstress; ) ) thoroughly understands dressmaking and Wheaier & /Hson** machine; boat city reference. *r WEST 87TH ST., CORNER 6TH AV. AN T.XPR)*) rlenced rtr^Rm tker to work bv tin* day; guarantees »lit perfectly and give a style to the simplest garment. C411 londav, ring bell, wait tor drossnrtkor. Iff WEST WfH 81 AN BXTRRtTfNCED DRESS)» ) maker to work by the clay guarantors to fit perfectly nd giro style to tho simplest garment. Call to-day. i\n WEST 2'Til ST., CORNER 6TII AV. A FIRST I'" class dressmaker to work at her own residence; ork done at short notice; moderate chart s. litno. KODGERS. n ¥1 AV., BETWEEN I Til AND 1ITH 8T8., OVER r 1 (Irarwib store..A seamstress mid operator tn a rlvttta family in the city. Beat reference*. |t/\ <NEW'H6. tf8) 7TH AV., BETWEEN SOTH AND 11J* ' 21«l *ts..A rPHpeettihlo girl sr. searmdm'M fn a private irerty; can do all kinds ot sawing, dre**mnkitij», trimming, ml als operate en VVhocli r .v Wilson'* machine would i«h1st with the ehamberwork If necessary; Is willing and OhligS; no objection to go to the country beat city reference. for two days. CC WEST rtt SIX;OOntBR 7TH IT OTBR (IB©!f)i) eery store. A eiAnnetcnt drossnnikei wishes n rw more engagement! by day or week. )jfVQ WEBT MD sr., ikst PttOOM PitOUT. a re-il'O aperinblee yoane woman x-e aearrnm*; niideratand! I'heeler A V, li.xe.n'H ncwtine machine In n cotepAteni truea; bent city reference. 11 O TV P.ST 87TH pt.-AN KXPKRlKWrtKl) t»RFMS _e I « » maker who yofn out liy tile ,t*y wleehes it few inoro !l»l' Ol.'lelA 11 IJAST 86th sr., nkar Ml AV. AN RTl''l HenPed drpnsnnker to engage by the day In private untitle*; ran (tit* (.'ood reference nna run operate on fhee.'er A WlbKinbi tnaohtne. )l)1 m AV-' HPTWPI1.' Slttr ANH 52tl rtp.-ar j,j j flrfit oIhiw (b-psimakor by ilm day or week In private imlliCB OtlKnAMM. )Q-| MAST l'.Ttl PI .A IflSPttiCTANMF. YfM'.Vfl £ *1 woman in tPPniHtrpii; operates on Urorrr fc H»or"* nmehlne: willing! ne*1«t wnh pliani'mrwork. Can be eon nt pfbaent etdptOyorV ("all for IwV days. 1,1 f\ TTMKTIt'TU ST., RRTWKKN 7TII AND HTII j I "/ ar*..A ii 'O't dressmaker wl«hc» to go oof th pri ate >.mlltm by the day; pah opPrate on NVbeoler ,t Wilson's aevvH( machine Hi a Protectant. Call for two dny«. )A 7 SU AV.. RRffMH WITH AND DIPT HTS.. -i1 I A reapeoiahle gtrl, lately lauded, aa smimetress; Is nbieelb n t plain newer; no objeetlou tei aanfat in wu»IiI«l' nd Ironing; Will tnulie heraolf generally uaelul. Can be edt) for two tlnya. Iftf.l bill AV. A 0OIIPKTMNT DRESSMAKER ii/i 'a wbebpn n few more engagements by tbe (lay or (f*ek, be»l le'eironeo. >i > WKsr inn sr -A nguhmritbu BRBBtb )1 e) maker by tbe day or wee': ; ia a good operator; refcaOecs given niid rwinlred. Call »r address DIM'.SHM AKEK. » A (1 KAPT 12TII ST., MJRST FLOOR, FKONT KOOM. » re) between tat n2d eta, -Farhlonable dress and Infekmakli g; Sliti mvlo to order from $5 upw .l'Ja putteroa ntl faablieo lutes, rutting ant banting. tnr WI'.ST ItiTll PT., IN THK 1'AI'KR RTOKK.-A to)') rcapeoiable dressmaker to go out by the day or nnUi; beat rplorrnoe. 4,1 I 1ST AV., NMAR XII) ST.- A COOT) IiRHHMt"L'r maker, who gnrt exit bv the day, wants a few mine ogagamenta; trlrna meet lit* beautifully In all the latest »<)o «TH AV Rimmni *rr*i M> wth BTS., IN f»nay <t A competent diesemeker, wishes h fotv K)r» engagement,, l>yihe day In families. 7ir «TH AV A 1 TEST GLASS DRESSMAKER, I I') linvtng nil the mtest Fails fashions constantly on u»d, to ro out hy the day to cut atid (It ladi"*' 'Iroesov. tlfflwn! llotissworlt, <Vr. >;- KIT II AV., BKTWKK(t I .IT 11 AKIl ItiTH STS. -A ''J respectable girl, burly landed, to do general liouverdrk In a small f uril y ; I* very willing nod obliging. Ill WEST KTII ST., SBA-R dTft AV. IN A SMALL 1II private lamMy, for general housework. Ill MAST i'.'.ST ST.-A Ilit.lil.Y MSP Ft' I' Altl.l' II I A rr.or teen girl to do light op stairs work una plain otvleg In a private family. t>7 EAST dTII ST.. BETWEEN 1ST AND iin ATS. 4j I A young girl to do housework In u small private famr.a, or ohaniberwork and waiting; best reference If required. KIO EAST HIST ST., NEAR HT> AV \ RESPECTjUi) aide girl (not long in tills ootftilryj fur housework In mall prlvata lauitJy. IT/I WEST »TH ST., IN THE REAR, KF.TWKKN 7TII Ct Ik» end *th sva..A reapertaldc young ghl to do tip klahn .ork or general housework; good refareifut. >00 EAST 47TH HT.-A GIRL. TO IK) GKNP.RAL yi)^ housework. )!-( WEST rt»l» ST., REAK OF PI.rMP.BR'N SHOP, I near t'h »'/ A woman to rt* genera! hoonework In iiiHlt [vrtvatr family Is k good washe, and ironer. 1 1ST AT. -A HI SPEOTABLE VOI'Ni, CTRL FOR Jt)l general hoiwftwurk In email private firm fly lias o objection to eliamberworlc and walUn.; bout eityro- *QJ tO AV., HAOK, H#M WO. & A Mftll >*/ J. geufral homework; I* u good wn«lier nnd Iroucr. Ilnuwelu'epoi-a, Ari-, '9 FART Jlf-T KT., Ol.BNIon 4T1I AV.-AN ABERtcan widow »« houanaaeper. j I 5n n.vcr, roitm Brooklyn, i.. I..a widow r lady to nntilst in L«nirnkCR|'lriH and RtT; can do rtecaamkln ; and all km da of faintly aawln^i neat reference {pvt-a, WA-/ RAFT PTII RT A TOfT*a WIDOW AH HOUSE. j" I keeper, wham aha ran have the cunftrll of a home all or addrca* Mr-. ('LAIR, for two day*. ~i\A KART SHST TR. A WIlT OP CAPABILITY AS jT T hooe«kcepei or anpertntend the llnnn In hotel. t«ti ronrM aaehaugnd. Add ion* lIOL'Sllvl'.KPMK, t'all for lyodaya. ITH AV.--AH nil . IIII ! A ((linn J' I Irnl »i low lady; a widow'* family preferred; reirence If required. Adilrea* O. L. t). I ft,- em AV.. FIRST Hk#09.A MIDDLE AflFH fctol perron at housekeeper In a hotel; apeak* English, run eh and Spanish. A KESI'KOTABLY MIDDLE AOfiD LADY WISHES A 'I »ituallon na working lionaakroper for i wldowei in the liy or country, or will po South If roqoialte. Ok 11 at hlh av , ifwaen lbth nnd 1Mb rta . orer tho drug More, or addrcaa ><** II* Moral 1 olllrc. 1 HOTEL lIOrSBKEFPFR OP RRVER.A6 VPARj' rttporlrnch »mn a ultn.ilton; hat a practical knowgo of all tha ilullrs; good reference*; no objection to avotbo city. Address HOTEL nOLBilKKlCI'I. A. Herald Iflcc, fOr two daya. \1YKLT. 1SpnOAT>p . GERMAN lady. who *T»oM(« and wrltna Etigfleli perfrclly woll, tvialirr a nosldi ka hbntekeeiier In thn lipin-p of a reappctntdo gentleman, It j bfrolintry haji rjpei lOney and ?i«*t rOfrreuewi. Addles* [A. A. I. P., Boy l.tWefhei offeo. VtfTOoW LADY AR nOrsEKKRFRft IS AN AMKBI^ nan family. Address Mr*. M. 0. HliAfH, Yonkora, lITANTED A SITUATION AH IIOI'SFKKP.PKIt RT A ?T rom| lent ainl rehnrd Amarloan lade, where no Inei ial -rvlcea are ri-qtiwr i; law! references cdren. Addtooa for lirne daya V. H. 0., Herald olPem kl'ANTED MY A I.AHY OF KDUllATION ANDRxrElv | lern'e, poelllon at drat nlaaa matron or hotmckocpci ; la oeaewad of great aaecnllya aid illy and tind<Tai*nd\hei buslrwa perfectly la a working woman can U.a rare of any et'ihlmhmrut large or naoall; la ready ra tha nan of the pea: Iidrndandt. and la very hanu) with Ilia needle: would to any. part of Hie country. Adams* MATRON, boa JSS8 lamM oflko. WiWWi lV r Q SPRINfl ST., THIRIf FLOOR, HACK ROOM.A »" te*|»'< tahlr yoimi kill to tnlnrt clilldrm am! mitkn IterII nn ally 'iw-rtil. (Mil for two >>> Vf A8HIN0TON PQl'ARK, CORNER Wl ST WAKIl> » hiR'oli fPiioo..A mfliln ayrrt Kfotrh I'rofonluiA 'tinu an mi ant «r clilli'a nnrao. >/ RAST noi SToR ST., ROOM 2G.-AS F.XPK >" » li-acnd nnr-n In a flr*t data family no objection to Call from 9 lo II o'oloitk. <T1 WEST wrfl PT.-»A PROTRSTAWT WtiWAN AS d. I wrt ioir»'-, a «> istm sr., m<:rtrRRN«TR and 7rH'ivs""T H w Ai. I.ngliah I'rtHnainnl turn to an l-.ngllali family. A 7 KAHT IUP HT, RETHREW liHXINOTON AND 1 I t<l ar« A yiimiL' wvrnnn at n«ma ami aoamatiTai; >0 lnko oiiiCr oliarho oFalmhjr; tiaa rtty rrfnrancp. Jr. o whmt awn mt cv>M no i \ vowro <wiu, )l> 10 Inki rare ol i.iowlug otailUlUQ anii t|o |i.nln (twlug. I from I" to 4 uYlock. (|(t STII AV.-A BKHI'KOTAPLB I'KOTKHTANT t'r' nlrl to tike oara of clitlJron ur to maka tin Mir j,eurallr uaoi'ul, *\«> W I'.HT 87TII HT., IW'AR 7TH AV. FIKST FI.OOK, J h»«l> ronm.--Ai< lunt; < an tako Ih u ontlrff chnrgii o'f ual'T from un htitb; will aatlat in eh.iuiixirwork; olty ifareoon. MWI WI'.HT JrtTII FT., HI'.TWKItN 7TU AND «TH jM tJ *»* -*A yotiric, laoa llif woman tn Ink" a bwliv to uurar alluruwn Invito; good. froth hrtaal of Dilik beat lleronua. »11 KAnT iHT^I n r., NK.YK «D AT..A YOUNO 0111k }].J lf> «|iti rbndrrn. 11 U RBHTH1H,HT. A FR» l)»OM OF 7TII AV. 2LO A* cnmpatant ourini la alto dupable of taking care '.an Inf ml u><l can glr» llir*« roara' Uaal ally raftrtno*. ill for tarn Ta/a. !K HEKALD, MONDAY, SE SITUATIONS WAimiN«K.>VAIiRN. 2 -r/J WRfcT 83l> 8T..A YOUKO I'iVWHBTANT CURL »H) to take eare-Oi prowiutf «UB«lr»u; eu.» do a little (ilnlii MWiag la a icoed ambraHerer. U. .1 «tve k^k! city i*fcrmnu. ^ ^ 97/' 1ST \Y A Hl^lTlTABUS GIRL, WHO HAB I I) jutt left tlx* ro»i*#m, aa nurte an n. iniMn-ii* ; can operate on Grover A Pwfcfa** m*"ulo«. (Tail fur two dayn. GA1 1ST AV., BBTWBKN WTH ANlt 1KTH 8TB., J* ' I iiceonil floor, front. A ra upActable married woman, Willi n good llow of milk, »tf wet mirae. Gall for t#u days. Gi 17 ) v r 17Vf| pi \ ii. ftB v I BP <JT /" " I bHle Protiniaut girl hi nuvm» ith'l plain Fewer or do Ikht chamber work, good city reference rrom la^t plate, where eh* Heed four yearn. > :iH AV.t CORNER OF «TII ST. .A YOl'NCI tI I I 4rI «s nurse Nit seamstress; osn take entire choree «>f t Horn ^ dith; has twoyeaiV reference from last i II Mondhy and T'legilny. >| | IIU-KH ST.. BETWEEN AMTTY AND CON OYER Oil st*., Hroukhn..A respect >blo Protectant girl, lo *tr« of ag-, as tuber nurse or waitress in a email private family. D90 BAK1 WD ST. \ M WB< \ BLB M K RRfSD OO^j woman ut» wet nurse; has lost iier own baby tbrec ino 'tltfl ol<l. I Q«)i KA81 21HT BY., BKOOND FLOOR, BACK 00 1 room.- A rrlpei'tiwn ivoman us monthly nurse; understands her btislm thorougmy; chii be engaged for any loogtb of time, or would mku care of It a invu lid lady. Address N K8E. 9DO WES'j 25TII r T A N K S IT <1 KN< M> i.IME At O"" nurse and Keatiistress; no objection* to go in the country. Ooodclty reference. ino 7Til AV..A RESPECTABLE YOl NO MARUTKD *t""0 woman as wot nurse. Can be reou until suited. I O | WEST td'PIl ST..A YDITNd WOMAN AS NO USE; 1 ) I fully competent to take the entln charge of chli« dren or a baby; understand* dressing and curling their hair; beat city reference from last place. f!/*Q 2D AV. A REPP EOT VHLR YOUNO (Hit!#, Id J' IO years of age, to mind children and do ctmmbcrwork; Kind, willing and obliging. Call for two day*. finoi n av-between Ibth ahd bth m a 1 It It>j respectable young glr', lti years old, to take cure of children and do plain souring; Is willing and obliging. "VIrANTED.A JlAHY TO WET NIJltSK, BY A LADY V? who lias lost her own; salary no object, liupilre of Mrn. IJ. M. BUCK, Not\Arkuv.,bear Jatfkson'it., Ilobokeu, N.J. LfttttulrcHW% tt'c. lil W f.M " hint M P. A UI KI'l I M'l.I. (i I 111, am )U first class laundress m a idee private family ; good i lly reft mice glean. Pall lor two days. >>9 l<Af*T IURT 8T. A REBI'KPTAtlLfe (URL AS first class laundris; ran be keen at b t present place of employment. RMt fcfrrrne'o. , * :.w t~" n ,l WK8T nvru HT. A <IOOI> warper ani> "I" Ironftr Want* .(lays' work or Would late bottsecleaning or tuko washing at homa. 1»)»> (NEW NO.) WEST J8TR NT., K1RST El.OOR, J »1») luck room. A respectable woman to go out by the day to do washing unil Ironing, or irouhl tal.o washing home; best city reference. i,l 9 7rn av., i!::rwi-:t:r; TJTH AND i hhsts. -a I I j Eret claaa tnuli lfAsi Iti u private family; bc«t city reference. 1 re VEST 1TH BT., BETWEEN fltfi vu> vtii ) / avs..A respeohiblc woman to do washing for a few Indies and gent,omen: can do fluting and all kinds of lino washing; boat references. "I f.Q WKSTTTTH HT., ROOM 12. WANTED, BY A >0 first claaa laundress, ladles' or fifntlouien's washing, to do at h»r own bouse. Understands clear starching and French fluting. (Th 1 WT'.HT lfi'fH HT, A l'UOI'KHTANT YOU NO WO _/1 I man ns laundress, or ns plain cook, nnd assist v. llb the washing. Pity referenee. PI!'J RANT SSTH ST.. TOP I f.OOIt, HACK ROOM. -A ay i > respeclablo young woman wishes some gomleincuN orladles' or family washing, or would go out by the (far or week. «Vl Q EAST WITH HT. .A OIKL WHO PAN Bh WELL »>I.O reeommmdml as good washer and Ironer and ptatn oobk. Pan be aeen at present employer's this day. »»£>| EAST 21'TH HT., HFPOND FLOOR. A RESPECT. >.i I, aide womau 10 do tbo washing of a family at bar 'own house. oil - wert tith ht..a oood wahhhr and »>£.») Doner want* days' work or Would tnUe liouscf leaning or take washing at homo. ') ) ( KAHT HINT HT., 6BOOM) FLOOR, RACK O'lT thorn..A competent laundress wlshrs to obtain the washing of aonia gentlemou or families; rati do all kinds of line wa 11 in g uihi liming rio pin goon c:ry memicr. two or nitdreas. )Q9 1ST av. ret wren sid AVI> 2111 KTP., TOI1 OO. . lloor, back room..Ladles' nnd gentle nom'* Pne wOodilng and ironing; IntnlMrx hy the doyen or month; flutltk^ ItbfHy done; by Mrs. ROBERTS. /I AQ EAST HTM ST., ROOM 19.-A RESPECTACER rUO woman wishes gcutlemon's »nd family waaliiog; gdoa ii irrrnoo given. ,11(1 I' AST 14TH ST., NEAR 1ST AV..A RESPECT. J" I ' nli'n TdiiiR woman antauivlrem In n private family; p11.),I city rcfereuoe. Call for two davit. 4>) | WEST 36 r 11 ST., BET TEEM STH AN 11 KIRTO Or ave., loulleor..A l eapactaMf woman wl'ltee iri'ii* tlSIll 'IlTI or re tJljnV*" washing Th »rr nirn rnmeei a pooa lmu.ili; Anting or pu'ling <iono neatly *l mnleiiete prices. ,ioo irrn at., room «, rear hou*h. a re xOO apectahle woman In do gentlemen's or families Wftaiilug and ironing. Call or uddrrsa. rnrr west turn st., near ioth av.-wabiiino Uw') find Ironing by a respectable laundress. rtOC KAHT 12TII ST., BETWEEN A VS. B AND C.. l)'1»/ A rerpertsbUi w.t .m want* to lake f.iuiby washing homo lo do; very beet reference. WnitrcnM'S, A'C. 1«» HRAMERCY PARK-A KESI'ECTA BEE OIRL AH * > first claee o n Iter. Tlio bint of referrr.fe gtreii, '11 Ik west S.vni ST. el est HEAPS WAITRESS AND »11 U also Hi «t duns laundress; best mfgrcnoey from last jdscre; no objection to the 0mmtry Kith a private family. Can bo aoen until ur I'cd. Mlsi-flliint'oiia.' ') PARK PEACE. .A VITUNO I.APY AS COMPANION Ion lady and an Engl luh g.irrrneas for one Or twro children! nTrrencna exchanged. Aitdreaa R. O., for I an days. Jji XTRA TKEKiRAll CARTOON ISSUE. a stbotat. nctoni.vE lampoon on thu events ur Till'. I'Al. LOOK Ml FOR tf BDXF.aDAT'R PAPER. the (inrat destiny of the nation foreshako wed. a matrimonial view~oFcanadian i'oltttos. DON'T FAIL TO HEK XIIh, EVENING TELEGRAM : OF WEDNESDAY RRtt. '1 PARK PLACE.- A YOl'NO LAHV AS COPYIST OR «J f;cu« ral wrMtr in *:» o'liec; lavt'Vci'i oflif*? preferred, s, 4.»r tw<» dnvB only, K. A. O. WtST >TH St., KEAtl 6TTI AV. A TOUNO A"'*' filrl its laly's imd<U companion or to Uko rare of cbildion in a family, to go to California; best reference. 11Q EAST J18T sr. VISITING CpVBRXESft OR J. JL»' companion.~Er»#Aj,'crntntn dc*irftd, ny n lady of eilporlor edt.antlnn, acquainted tyfth modern fanfftin^M in all their branohes and ffnc aril; Mphe#t reference. lHiaa N. (1[UA WFflt 2K'III sr., BETwRhN TTII AND 8TH +j\frJ nvs.A yviint* women to work oat lyr the day, or will take In washing at ber own bome; toml reroronce. ».>/» WEST 4*1 > ST. A vorv, GIt!L. WHO IIas A » J_( ) lil.eral educ nation, kpi-.iks Eflftllh, Prrnrh knd German, either as lady's inntd or saleswoman In n fancy store; ba»t reference. A '<9 WEST BTH 81'..A YOUNG LADY OF ABILITY >lj lis cashier in a store. A LADY NEVER LIVING OUT Of HT.R OWN HOUSE now fee's (he neresa'ty of rortnclns her e«rrnse*. and wenld like to travel with sn Inrntld or youok l»dh"«; has been to I'n-ls. apeaka I'rcocli; or Would tafia charae of n botol or larce bos'irfng house; fee s confidant of *lnn: satisfaction. Ad irrfs ESl'KKAMCK, Union enirare Pojt odico, for uue wet k. \NY AM) A1.L LETTERS INVOLVING BUSINESS points, answered tvlth hrfiRftnt literary talent for tnkrrie I In IIM nhnWnstnfhM to transacting tie-lness, by ft literaiy young ia iv who refers to her ohm uook just uuh- iiamny. inrine tener or vnna'lm copy in rnvATK EKt KETAIIY, hoi 7!', atittnn D., I'nit odlee. Interview* uuntbeaaary, tliniyh nMatnable. A I,Am WOULD MKRTO PWKTUR A SITUATION for fret nlara laity'a m»id tFjincli) with a family pot rig to Europe within ilirnr*i three icrcka. Sheapeaka l-'Bgll»h ami Italian vcijr tvoll, ar enme hi tUla country four tnontna alni-e with the family tn which ahe la now rcatilinc. Addrra* J. I>. C., hoi 1,(111), PlltaPed, Ma»a. a well EniTArrn uf.rman lai»t, who speaks J1 perfect Rngllali and rirnrh nnd I* *cciimpll»lic.| In line mieritcwiirk, wtanca immediately n ntimttnn governeaa, I id>'a companion nr to trat al.' Apply at iTOWeai Slat at., ctwecn 7lh end nth ate. WANTED.A SITUATION AS VISITING COVKUNEHS, In an experienced laity teacher. lulif competent to glre Inatnirtt.ui In English, Merman, Latin, Mi.ale anil Drawing. Tarma moderate, antllfartoiy n* licence*. Address J, U., boa 111 II iu offloe. "Y4f ANTED.RY A LADY OF EDUCATION AND ARILit I y. a altnatlon bookkeeper, raahlar(or Cnpylat, or In nny iraprclaloe liualueaa rapacity. UOOd rctereiica given. Addrcsk Y. !!., hoi ll» IlcraJJ ofliue. IIKI/T WANTKn-fTWAIJt*. I CAPAHLE OIRI, FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. {\ Miiat be a food rook, waalier anil Ironer; city ralarence tet|Ulra<l. Apply at 00 West Hilh at., haaoinent ituor, fioin It A. M. to 13 W. A -a first class milliner wanted; none . oihura need apply. CLARK A MoLAUOHAN, 637 «th ay. A COOK WANTED IN A RESTAURANT; ONE WHO J\ imileratainta leiw to conk oj atari. Call at HAMMONDS, k»3 Bleeder at., al!'A. M. A COLORED COOK', CII.VMUEKILAID AND WAITRESS wonted..Good rafaienoe required. Apply at 01 Went Mi'.h at. Ill IN NET FRANCS A I'l liENTlUKS TAKEN; ALSO JU wlrrrs on hat frame* wanted. Isaac warmer, tuu Canal at., eamar I«alght. CKH1K.-WANTKD A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT J woman aa conk h.v a mi tall family raatdlng In Jdrook lyn; one who will tatuaiija eutli a shargs ot the kltaaaa. Asply I. at tW-Uoari at.. Naw Vsrflt. IPTEMBEK 27, 18G9.-TIUPL: IIK1-P WANTKB-RK.*4l,i:s. / 1<H)K WA*IKI> IN A PRIVATE I'AMUjY.ONk WHO \ t thoroughly unilrr> tainle l,er iiueinvu; none omeri net J »I I> y alio a competent gut » hum1 -mailt en t w .l'rnai, ally relereoeei reipnred. Call at 4UI Welt list at,, trow 9 to It! "o'clock. QEYMOrlW OOSfUMK DEPOT, 161 CAN * X. 8T R ?!ET, lO n«ur Howei jr..A gouri operator *>u Simjor'u machine a rt a tfvod aeamatrep* w.Titfd; norm but hands lie :<! apj'ijr SAJ.i'-n iiAmn* WAMHD WANTED l-.XIM RIKNCID suie* I.aim In llm mtilery tlri^rtniout, At 7.S.; tiifi a\r, 110 ARTIFICIAL FLOWER MAKERS GOOD HANDS wanted tmme f> wn-1: 'in ArtllteUI S. rs; hi o, tlm best ffn/i paid t ,'nnrt Mrttiebe i*. J. LOUETTh, VAN DK/.A.NDE A CO., Jtt Greene street. A^ERY OOOD HANKS W ANTED FOR SWISS WORK; steady worl also a slrun" phi lido peiieral bonseWork. *K1 West 17tli it. Mme. HAl X t«rANTED. A OIHL TO DO GENERAL HOPsE WORK II In » iniHll feiiilly must lie n rook. Apply at 198 in- it»w v. iv k r. M. 11'ANTED A GOOD COOK, WHO IS WILLINIi AND II obllgloir, at tp.ud wapoc Apply at 447 West£21 at. UTANTED A COOK, WHO THOROUGHLY UNDERatanrts her business. Apply at lti West did st. TirANTKD TWO WELL RECOMMENDED GIRLS I i (Oernunt preferred), one M timi' unci one as ehtmiiM rni' l'l. No. So Lontlun Tin race, Wed 2 .1 at., between Sub and Jtltli avs. TkTANTED-A COOK WHO UN DEKSTANPS H15R II baslncs* thoromUly. Apply at 29 West 2'iii at. hotween 10 ami 10 u'clook. -HTAKTED-AA C.IRL TO COOK, WASH AVI) IRON; II also one Its chambermaid, to go sty wiles In the cnuntry. Impure at No. U Vcsey at., opposite the church (Marub A Co.W). 1»TANTI.l> CMRLS TO WORK AT THE I'll HIT M E RY II business. Aoply at 18 Park place. RULY ZAOHARIE ft Co. WANTED FIRST CLASS MILLINRtIS, TRIMMERS II anilaales Is ties. KlIKIOH'S Temploof Fashion, '£*" Htli av., between 21th and 2tith itts, CArANTKD.A PROTESTANT GIRL AS CIIAMIIERII nuttd and pond plain tewer; good rcfcrcnco rcpiiiod. A t'i'l v at leK \t Oat l«tb st. tjlr ANTED.A NCRSK, WITH MOD CITI PITERII enceH. Apply between 12 and 8 o'clock, at 1112 \\ est dittll St. ~\JL? ANTED -A COMPE'l HNT t.'lRL FOR GENERAL VI homework; must he a pond plain cook und ;p»od wanner aim ironrr. Apply HI 1.1J \\ I'll 3U!l HI. wanted-a cikl to 1)0 general housework. 11 In a small family: mint lie h (pnil rook, Mather and Ironer; wagej .$12. Apply ai ;,IJ East both st. MTANTED-A HOOD COOK; MUST BE A UOOD YT wnhlxu «iml Inner. Beit rcfcrmicn required. O. li at 147 West KM at., betweeu 2 and u o'clock. flrANTEE A YOUNG LADY CAPABLE OF OPEV» rating on a Wbcotcr A Wilson's sewing ipaclnne and n ilrc»s a lady's bulr. Apply at 095 Ldxlngton v., ufter 2 o'clock. «7"ANTED A LAUNDRESS AND TO ASSIST WITH TT cliuinherwork. Apply to Mia. O'NEILL, BSJ Broadwity, alter 11 o'clock. \\T ANTED.A GIRL AS CHAMBERMAID AND WAITTT rets. Apply at 8-fe West 22(1 st. BtTANfED.A WOMAN TO DO GENERAL H0U8ETt work. Call at 316 Went 3!Uli St., near bib at'. TkTAfitEt>.A CIKL TO DO GENERAL Hot SK1VORK, V? cook, wriisli nnd iron. Inquire at 235 Mas'. IStli «t., Iiettici n 11 iin id * v\; anted a (ilKL FOR GENERAL lloi REWORK VV In a small private family: must )i a good c 10 k, tea-tier ami Doner; city reference* Indispensable. Cull for two days at t«i (old No. 651 7th ar. Ml'ANTED -A CIRL TO Do Mil. HOUSEWORK OF A TT family of Hire -; must nddeirtand cooking and have good references; wanes $10. Appiy nl Mitt hart Hid st. MirANTED.A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN TO 00 TO T T MM en Is and to do housework; one u bo makes tnitter. Appl at Oft West 38th St. T\r ANTED.AN E.TI KSTRNOKD AND COMPETENT TT woman conk ; mint understand nil kinds of rooking. Also a good wash girl. Kcfercnco reiintrnd. Apply ut 42 Cnnton place. T\!'ANTED A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED NURSE tT for yoiitiKchildren: m ist furnish the In-st city referred*. Apply at Allugton House, 4th at., near 6th at'., room 19. MS A WEEK..THREE INTELLIGENT LADIES ipom wanted to tare suhserlptiuns for a beautiful new hook. Apply at No. 1 Park place, room la, after Hvo o'clock MTUATIONN TVANTi:i>.HTMX. IOO 3D AV., CORNER 14TH ST..A VOUNO MAN, £ } who will be disengaged on the Ist pruslniii, as bartondcr. Refers to proseut a ml previous cmplot en. A MARRIED MAN (HERMAN) WANTS A STEADY ell nation as porter In a wlmlessle Imslness; lins bet n foor yeirs in one plaio as porter; imdei'stand* coopering. Addles* POUTER, box 114 Herald A gentleman of first class ability, ad. dress, rvpei lencs and red fence, desiring to net as a solicitor ol advertising lor a mmropoiltan daLy can learn of an opportunity o tie ring superior Inducements' bv addressing DAN ID. box Oil Polt oit'ee. PORTER'S SITUATION WANTED RY A YOU NO man can marl; and ship; steady emplovment most dosired; not afraid to work. Address 171 Huritld oac*. TT7 ANTED A SITUATION AS PORTER OR OTHER TT stcidy employmsnt, by an Industrious German, ye.ra of are; I" willing anil obliging; not afraid of any work; good references. Address j . i'KAERDHY, box 12j | Herald oflluc. (TKHKM AMI OALMM1 AN EXPERIENCED ROOKKKRPKIt OF UNDOUBTED capability de«t.e* n bHitnth»i» In some respectable inerrentlle house; highest rcferehees given. Adtucai J. II. J., stiitlm! M. for Ihice flays. AN ENEItUKTIC DRUO CLERK, PPEAKINO ENOI.1SH and <>ci man. wiCc* a siiuatmn; cHy ttcrrenn.. Apply at W. W. SIC AI *8 drug IMA, l.lul M »v., ci.rn< Mfc at. OK CO CLERK WANTED ONE WHO COMER WELL recommended l>y city reference! and '.vho understands thoroughly the retail Irani! und rifting up physicians' preeei lotions; none others need apply. fclMr.R k ASfKND, M8d » Dill O CLERK WANTED- ' XPI WENeFD AND weB recommended. Applv m rcrner of HXd at. and St!' nr. DBCU CLERK WANTRD.-ONU WHO THUROUOHLY under*! uids the. business and la capable of taking < feared of a retail atnn>. Apply at 1>5 Bowery. hRCOOIRTR. A \ OUMli MAN, THOROl'OHLY COMpatent, want* a aitnati m as drng clerk ; highest references; expectations moderate. Addr.s A. HROWNP, rare <>f Mr. I'. r. Hogau, llaiulUoii nr., corner Clluion at., Brooklyn. IJRorHJCK COMMISSION, IMPORTER*, AC. -AN artire, well educated funny mnh desire* n altintllon in an ofllce, salary of minor Importance; beat ret' roncoa and security. Addresa O., box 4.U1 Near York 1'oSI nUlce. rfro Dacocmrre. \ moMtroaLY competent I drug clerk, Herman. h-lth findrefcrencos, wants a tlon in a thnvlia hrislneas, lly or country. Addresl II. II., station (1, (fair York city. KIT ANTED.A HITUATTOJ4 AS BOOKKEEPER OR T? gencrnl elerk; would all on d lo collecting gcronnt* or any other htnunrss where Ms sort'lees be ina lo avsil a|i e; good reference* given. Address W. P., box 20S Herald ofllue. T1 rANTED.A YOt Nrt MAN AS CLRRft IN A JEWIt ellci's store. Application to be made In bridling. Address box d'S I'ost olliee. Wanted to no to north Carolina, a todno man as saleenisn, who like lisd sotne experience and knowledge of the hardware business andesnglie satisfactory references; a young Irlsliman, Scotchman or Knglllbman preferred. Address J. 1)., box 11,147 Post oilice, for two dan. WASTKO- A 8IXI ATIUN AS BOOKKEEPER OR TV ambit nut J permanent position r.ith"r than salary au object. Address WJLTON, bo* 12' fTerhid office. Tlf ANTED.TWO 'first class dress GOODS * T salesmen. Anply at 441 Ore net »t. \*TANTfcT»~AN EXPERIENCED Ft R SALESMAN; TT none but thoea thoroughly aconalnfed with the business need apply, to LO IS SCHLAM, 1.A Canal at. First elass Iflcrpirrae teqfilred. rOAVIflflii AND <3Aftt»ENJ?RS. A GENTLEMAN DESIRES A SITUATION FOR Ills coachman ; lit can recooinmend liiiu as honest and capable. Addrrt* .t. \V., .ill 4'b ar. ASBOAnOM wanted by a young man, as coachman and gardener; city or country; good refirCtlcea. Address II. K., G7 Naaaau lit., In lire aoed store. A COACHMAN WANTS A SITtTATION.WHO HAS had flrat rla*F ejpcrfeuea In the old country, and two veer* in Nctv York ; thoroughly understands the care of coach itnd faal hones, ttnn h» Been at Ml \t cat lfttb at. la married. Nona nocd apply but thiiae wanting a Brat clans man. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN WISHES A SITt'AJ.A. Hon aa coaclitiotn snil groom; trouhl tnka cliargs ot a III)war garden I* wll lug and ubdglng; good refcreuco*. Au drew M. It., Iin« ttk llcral ollioc. A COACHMAN'S SITUATION WANTED--IN CITY OR country, by a amoit, atemfy young man, not afraid to work, who lb'roughly uniterxiauda driving and the nana of lionets, harness and onnlagua; imdcistands gardening; la capable of taking charge of a gentlemen's place; can rrdlk wtlnnc to make FtmeeU uaeful; 12 years' beat'city reference# lor character an I oap&bliltr, geute-nien iu lb la city can loatify to. Apply to or nddreaa tl. A., Shi Fulton at., Iu the a .or*, for two days. A COACHMAN'S SITUATION WANTED BY A BE- apectak c, lively young trian, lately arrived from Europe: thoroughly understands hi* hualussn hi every reaper!; In willing In lnakc himself useful at ouuU the place ; Una elk year*' rcfcrcncea Uow hla laat employer. Address C. M., bo* VWi Herald oilier. ( A COACHMAN'S SITUATION WANTED.BY A J1. young man who haa eight year*' re'einuce froui 1**1 employer. Any gentleman Wllhtng a flrst class man. who tin- iterstands hta business, wilt rail at Mr. Cogswell i »tahlca, hail at. sad Letingtou sr., for two duya. . A COACHMAN'S WPATJON WANTF.O HV A SOBFB alall and obliging nnm; yorr boat raierenoeii from Nour York and Brooklyn mmlilra. Will I on or mlrtrnu COM IIMAN. Story'a aaddlury, &> Fulton at., Brooklyn, or bwi <0 llaiald office. ATHOItOUflH OOOD MAN. MAKHIKD, WIMHKS A altualion ua coachman; can furnish good cltr refer ocnoa. Can bo aern at Londen'a aaddkry alore, 811 Knat Hth at. * A-WANTim, A SITUATION AS COACHMAN OK . groom, by a young man of good a|>ii«arHtioo and who tin leratand* Ula hu.looaa, aa lit* rvtorancea will teattfy. Ad- I ilr««« r. /. K., boa 1W HsrakloSaa. AIH1MOLK VOCNO MAN WANTS A SITl ATIUN AN J\ ooaohman. Can bo a non nt |r«a«o: amntoynr'a. II Eaat L»tV (I., m aidreaa WILL1AM. ^, E SHEET. coACiiansN ANI> GAitmtiyRKs. ( lOACIIMAN AND GROOM WANT* A RITOATION I ; hntcHjr reAranof frum hm taut employer m to honmty ol>r*#ty and r*p*b< It/; baa 27 yeara* exj>«rlencr. Addrefta It., box ll'J Humid ofllee. fiOACHMAN AND GKOOM'H 8ITI ATION WANTED I Uy v -i.ibleyoii'i^ man ; Mtirianrtnndf In* bn« " a* Uion lily; i n* clt ren e I'tU n or a Mtom If. 8., No. 7Ea«t 2dh ft., prlrato stai>fo. ClTI'ATFfMf AS COACHMAN- SfNCTLK MAN, SCOTCH; iTi f-rf'n nt hum'with hmn'M; brat i>*for»*!ir :4. i!xtl 1 on or eddreaa A. B., (#7 Nassau it., m ih* seed ftogo, lor two days. ClTl'ATION WAKfFB-HY A NEAT, TIDY YOUNO O miiii, ms itoachvmn understand* hit work perfectly can Ue highly recommended from iaat i>luo«. AddraaaT. ii.t box D8 Herald ifflec, for (wo days. » VITI ATION WANTKD.ARCOACHMAN, BY A KTNGLK Ano-ri'Mn roan; hi a good horeoroan ; uoilerwianiJa n irdvnfni; would make hhiiaelf itacful; good reference. Adifieaa n., box 216 Herald office. 1i""antkd -bt a man a\ll wipe, situations, it ia»n aa ©omibman or plaiu gardener; wile > ce.irrtl errant; good reference from la t place. addrota e. m., lit raid olfire. Uf anted a s1ti vti'.n /.s coachman ok to take rare of road borins; a light man nnderdamtn lilt bualnces in ©very reaped licit reference. call ou or addreaa j. b., isg wi tt ai« »t. U'anted by a vor:; is. lhttflfan. mmilo. a iltiutloil at groom oreoadimati; if very competent hi id ha* the h**rt referrneca. can h- ac©n at v e*1 ri ureviter .v co.'a. met ol tub av. and mtli at., between £ o'clock a m. ami 12 m. U'anted itv a pkorkstant young man, a admit:on na groom and coacliman in a private family ii n good, steady driver an periectlv ttinjei hand* ida bintin aa; good refercuoe. addreaa j. m. w., herald office. U'anted.a situation as <jro!jm, by a since young man tvho perfectly understood! the proper t are and treatment ot horses; good driver if reiofrcd; two yearn' reference from last place; ran he r n. mended. (jail on or addreis x. davis, for two davs, uti. vat© ttaole, no. 1 east sth at. tl" anted \ bituation as coachman and " proom, hv n voting man who thoroughly ondemtands ids boilnosa. ("ail on or addreaa \v. c., i'. train t'a hd lilh av. ii'anted.a situation as coachman and i' grooin, hy a young man thorou ;h!v tindentai.di l.ia lms'nc.a in ail its branches; wdi be found eitnahlt' in every way; can give good reference.-. address j. s., herald office. it "ante ii- ay a s lit": k, expfehlenced young m man, a altuallon at groom und eoaehmsn; wlh lie found obliging; no objection to the eoutitiy; ins g .tol el'.y references. address john, ilurald office. iiecp wanted.ha i. is. 4 borgri.t maker wanted immediately /v at bradley 11 tifls", florist*, 9j1 broadtvay ami lei 5th av. Dininil saloon w aiters wanted-at cirekley's, 15 greenwich av., opposite jefferson maiket. Head waiter wanted at the-dark avenue hotel, park sr., 41st and 42d ath. wanted-an experienced man to organize ii a derm? tioeill for ii i.if., (nanraiirn conioanv Apply at the Farmers and Slcibautca' Lt:o IulurtUoe 'Company, Broadway. tyaktkn.a virst class muro porter; must if und< retool Li* burinou, thoroughly; nono other* will anlt. Address, (;1 vlily references aiitl atatlng where employed during Isst three year*, liltL'U PORTER, Herald oBlce. *i/aNtep-a man in a retail fancy pools IT store: also a boy from 111 to t" year* of age. Addrnsi In handwriting ot applicant, with reference former employidem and ralary expected, lio* lit Herald o;lce t\r ANTED IN A MINE ANP TEA STORE. A FIRST ft class com lermnn, not orerBI, who hint served lit* time to thts business in the old eottulry, and thoroughly understands ottllnp, Ac. Apply, With references, before i'o'clock, at del Bower.v. "YITANTED a YOtNG man and a BOY, in A marit hel. Call between 1 and 8 p. m. at K7S b'th av., corner Hd «L wt sis broadway. two men who 11 understand the lunch counter business. Call from 8 to P o'ctork A. M. y\' ANTED A good table waiter i'or a board* I Ing house. Call for two (lay* at 88 fleaeh at. WANTEP-A I I W YOt'Nfl MKN FOR A SI R vevlntf party, rho understand the busings*. Apply at 110 Nassau at., room M, from P to 12 o'clock, Monday, of September; not after the date. fir ANTED.AT THE FAIRFIELD HOtRE, lfl ay. P. II a good dining saloon waiter. Reference requireI. Csll carl*. II rANTEP.A f.OOP MAN TO WAIT ON TABLE AND If make him elf useful. One who la sober and atoady may apply at li s! Sprln" st. I'hil.s' oyster home. Af'ANTEf).A FIRST CLASS OYSTER MAN; ALSO A t> young matt to tend l,ai ami wsit on tables; no nihers bid those iliat nii lerd nid thetr buslueat need apply, fromP A. M. until -1M. nt C088th av. ll^ANTEP-SK VMT.N, ORDINARY SEAMAN, FIRST ft and B'cojd class firemen, for the tines* rhlps In the Untied States Navy. Apply Bt 1U9 South at., up stsira. \\'ANTi-:n-A yqjlWfe MAN, who has ii some it eyperlence lu the fancy good* and trtmml.'ic business; must have ,-ood refetuuee. Apply, betw een 9 una 11 o'clock A. M. at tin 8th sr. Till'. TRABMSk A FIRST CLASS CUSTOM COTTER IS OPEN FOR AN en^agerm at; can give good roicrenee. Apply by letter to W. A. I'AUhLh, 30 Amity st. J^XTRA TELEGRAM CARTOON ISSUE. A SPECIAL PICTORIAL LAMPOON ON THE EVENTS OF THE DAY. LOOK 01 T FOR WEDNESDAY'S PAPER. THE GREAT DESTINY (>"' THE NATION FORKSHADOWED. A MATRIMONIAL VIEW OF CANADIAN POLITICS. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE EVENING TELEORAM or Wednesday nf.xt. \\fANTF D-A fTRST CLASS LOOM MOULDER. INv * ([Hire nt North I'olnt Foundry "'1 Machine Works, corner Greene and Morgan sts., Jr'sey City, N. .1. TO l.KV FOR mxiNESH t\ Kl'O.shX. ATFRFKCT I.EM OF A LARGE FIRST CLASS STORK, with Frenchjplate glass front, just finished, to let, together with the whole lfou.' e, In complete nnd elegant order; gee ml wetcr on every lioOr and In every mora, cech floor and morn containing ecpaiMP nicteni and water clfisots; location the very best for I usIucfs purpose a, s~ Eighth aventip, treat aide, Applv to A. SALTER corner of Thirtieth street and Eijhtlr avenne, A -TO LET. FOUR HANDSOME LOFTS. ON BROAD. way, opimeite Eleventh el eet: splendid place for piano, furniture rooms or fu>t class biiainiMis. O. LE8PINASSE, No. ( I'tne street. A to I IT, FOR A PL! 1< Hit' iV, Pfl AND 1 A V or pnlille hrtHllirss, the spacious, well Pctited First Floor ol 54 West Houston street, m ar \\ ooster; locution excellent. IjROAD'iYAY NO. AVEST SIDE, BETWEEN J> Twctity-tirtit timl Twenty-wond street*, first Floor over store, about 2i'x*J, to lease nt a low rate to auy light UbSMM. ttttm tici.e.i; r am cartoon issue. A SPECIAL PICTORIAL "LAMPOON ON TI1E I. TENTS OF THE DAV. LOOK OUT FOR WEDNESDAY'S PAPER. THE GREAT DESTINY OF THE NAtlON FORE SHADOWED. A MATRIMONIAL VIEW OK CANADIAN POLITICS. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE EVENING TELEGRAM OF WSDN KSDAY NKA'T. yri \m let ok lease, rttftKS ilr lours, h-<>i4f>, with from 1 to 7ft tiorso power; alio smaller rooms. Apply to It. w. GREENE, 141 Plymouth street, Hmokiyn. QTPAM POWER AND A KINK SHOP ROOM. l"fl PERT v~ drap, to let.Remarkably wall lighted. A'ki smaller Rooms. Inquire at 222 Kant Twenty-eighth at.-ect, near Third nramie. ; CTKAM POtt"IfR, WITH TWO RPLENDIHLT LIMITED 0 Floors, anrh KM I (Hi, tn It Barter street: bam powar and llnaat roomi in the city. Apply to the Engineer. QTORB AN1) BASEMENT* TO LET-CORNER OK UUIl> ' son and Charles etreot. Apply to KoE A WILSON, fW Vartck street. TO DRESSMAKERS, MTLLTNRRS. AC. TO LET, A fine Floor, In n rery desirable locality, within one tdoek of A. T. Mewsrt'i. Inquire ol JOHN KOKIILKK, ltW Konrlh aeenue, bete sen KinieulU uxl Twelfth street#. TO I.ET -ELKOART LIGHT LOKT8, JN *1 KPT-TON at real, with or without Steam power. Apply at #># \T ater street. 110 LET.A WELL LIGHTED BASEMENT. CORNER of Blrecker aud Creane streets, suitable for bar and oyster saloon ; alio llio Second and Third Kloon of building 104 llleeekai street, corr.crof Greene. Kor particular* inp-iri- of It I Eat.- K A. Broad it real. I rpo I.ET.FOR IMMEDIATE ESE, AT I«0 WILLIAM . I street, ihrae ap'.etidld Lofu, win or whh"it' Steain 1 Power; well adapted for* or any wholeaale buainae*. OW rant. ' PO I.ET -A LARGE IIAND.-tO.ME STORE, (JAR AND L tvairr, TO far! deep, with yard. Also a dwelling floor of 1 room». with onvenf-'ne-t for housekeeping. Apply at, lt/7 I (new No. IOC) Kouiih aranite, up ataira. TO M l -BANEMKKT STORK. 180 RROAHWAV, KOl'R vaoia' lease, and Kutiuea, cheap tor Inquire of in florist. To LET A FRONT HAI.L ROOM AND CLOSET, WITH uae of parlor i n aptandid aland for an oliiee or any light luulness. Vo. 1,141 Broadway, botween Thirtieth aud Thirtyiral liuet*. I yt) LET.WORKSHOPS AND LOFTS, AT 121 GUEtjNg W. ft. UA\ KY, *76 Mulron v rtrcet. TO U t rnotn i'anx (»:.**() op k uisi Bill* i Hard Saloon and Bnatuuert, near the Urand (>i era llotiao, rot a dining a.tloon. Apply at 1)06 Eightli avaima. TO liRASE.TUE LOTS AND SURDS ON TUF 1 SnnthirlT Aide of Morton afreet, we«t ftf \l aalilnirtnn Kreet, WO feet fin Mnrt»a mreet and Ml on WnMnnaton afreet, niltaoie for aloiara Or no at Tarda; Immediate peeaeeaton. r A; pleto <J PAN Yf:R, JR Went»l elreet. ?tHR oroRK. No. f!> NKW CTRBKT I IRST VHOUR TO « let; Tftr dean aide for the liquor b'taJai** or nitt l'Wt, ' ppiy at An haw ttrtat. imm* At, 1 11 UWELLINR Uei rfHH TO I,KT. FurnMicd. * PKflCRIPTIVB PRINTED LIST, UIV'INtt LOOA, - 1 Until mill rents of fiirulahoit Ho<i»". to let, loried doily nr mulled, on receipt ul ilnmii, by KTAMjIIV 1>AV, 9H Hroadwu/. » K 1 XTI-.NfilVE K['BNi6HllT) TIOTfBK, NP.AR FIFTH .'t Avi um- Hot*'!, to let; cnntnlna -to mumi and <l»air»l>te fni i.ariii'igpiiFyimw. Fiis-i-aninn linmr-d»»tole. WARD -V (IGI)KN', Br»«rlnnv ciirner Heventeen'h at. 4 IfOC.dK To LKT AND Fl RMTl/Ri: POR HAT,B, Tff J V I rw-w urtet, between Itleecker and Ainlt y; house »t»4 furniture in good under. OAMPi'.EUlr A HO., !!fi) Horror/. A DIRIRABI.K HOUSE ON TWENTY-THIRD STRFKT j\ \r< let, i*38<l; on West Fourteenth street, ifdltjt); T\'est Tblrtee ill street, very ban leortie, i-'.y i; 1'a'k avenue, *>{00. CHURCH A CO., 91)7 WrnauWay. IT 7S* THIRD ArBMI'IC-TO LET, FT'KNrsilKD, A . V very deih able three story lilyh stoop brown eturio cor- nor Hens",w 'II anil c .mfortanly furiiWhed. Owner would, It stilted, board with tenant. Alan to let mit'nriiiMlie rown stone high stoop lions « on East Kitty-fuurtb, Plfty-lltth, Pifty-sivtn, Stity-M-eOiid and ll'ith streets. nt ..d.t.'OD, ifl.WO an.. ,n ,ur annum. Also a Cottage on Madison iivcnue, seven rooms, if5U per month. JAMES RtlWB. ArOItt K> ffttHU It 81EMI NT HOUSE, furnlshe neatly, in good repair, with n'l the modern improvements, 31!) East Seventeenth street. I'osaesslon imuo .iato y. ti per month to a good, reliable tenant. To be sxumtii d nt any time. t rtri BTtrttV, BAflRMENT nOtTRK, II.'.nmo MELT 1\ furnished, In the vicinity of the Flilli Avutitu- Hotel, to rent n t iho 1 luir,- for sale at a bargain. The oWiter of tli to.uitii is on am I to ill«po«e of It In cons'ijitence of III boilih. l be loe iltoii la go .I 'or rentthg rooms or for bosvd et It has tie* n rented Sir ddAu rt month, Whllll gives tt large intreentave on tlie pride of the furniture. Aidless S., box a,6.1 POM otUce. TAi iiVisrnin houses to bent ijck to F srJKi: unfiirnlsbed Houses, rents from ifl OB) to fl.l'hO; aiSo I lours. Appiv to JOHN FKTTKI'.TCH, Hd Third av. LUHNISlli n HO, BE TO LET.LT'XINUTON AVENUE, I near (dtamcrey Park, with key to putprivate uuii'ls only; well furnished and neighborhood'most desirable. Ail* du ,a HOt'BE, box 2,o55 Post o.diee. HH) I/F.T -IN FORTY-NINTH HTRKET. NEAIl IIHOAD I w.,y. athree story Itigh b op brown stone Front. 31.8x 4h, Iu splendid oi ler, will be rented furnished for ii-iKi per month, or unluruisbu for P21XI tier month. J. DKNHAM A CO.. 2(51 W est Twenty-tlilrJ Street. -I'M LET NEATI.Y FURNISHED, TTtRBE STtiRT 1 brick |l ;use, S5 Morttn streel, near Hudson; modern improvi tnenis, i liandelior', piano, 4c. luiuiro of 11. DBMAI5EKT, 627 Wa gt n all et, inlll2P. M. TTO LET BROOKLYN, IP" RVERSON BTREET. AN» I seveial Other genteel Dwellings, f.m, <tfOU. $',S», Wl,201, modern i out , olenees, -,ood linitsei Hr sale, bargains, tlrt lit JOHN BRAlNLRD, lOd Byerson street. TO LET-A LAP.Or: STONE FRONT IlOUSR, If\*{t)eoriielv an t nriv)y f .rulrheJ, Including linen op t <;i'Jckfly; tent liSJper ttionlh* Fnfillture t a:i be bought reasonable. Address II., llcald olllee. fTO UENf Fl'iiNISIlED AND IMF! RNI-iilKD, BY A JAMES It. EDWAttDS, 3T7 West Twenl,-third sheet. Webnve about twenty Houses to rent, scone of thum quite desirable ; one on Twenty second street, bear Seventh avenue, ft four id'ry hrotvu stone English basement, III fine order and , very ban iH'iirir'y ftirnishe I: rent $22*1 per month until May 1,1F11, or lqoger tbla »» guile an aitraeilvi* bouse; aiu* her on Thirty-first street, west slue, in a tirst rate neighborhood, four story hl. li stoop, really n beautiful house, splendidly furnished; rent if'.:75per month; also, untarnished, one of the Cottage* on boreuth avenue, near Thirteenth street, tur ifl.eCd, and a finer story high stoop, ou Tu .-wty-neoon "In fif, for$l,7ilK), and n good House on Forty-bftii street, near Broadway, unfurnished, for ill, 0, and olhers. J AS. R. EDWARDS, 277 West Twenty-third street. 1 n turn fall rA, An elegant hiiim btoop lmnwn ftonk rksidenre tn let, unfurnUliod.£T>t5SilOJ; 13 rooms, in good order; modern Improvements, Ac.; first class ticli; uorfiootfi Immediate possrtaion It desired; rent, tp'l,500. Can he. seen liy catling at 134 Nineteenth street, cast uf und ucai; tnilnB place. A descriptive printed list, oivino t,o.oafiolis and rents of l'nfurnished Ileuses to lot, fy* utH gratuitously or mailed on receipt of Stamp, by STANLEY DAV, Mil Broadway. A THKEB PTOBY HIGH STOOP, NEATLY Kt'f?2\ ntsht-d House to rent..PIrst class location; possession at Owe: n'l modern Improvements. App'y at 189 V est Fortyseventh street, neat Broadway. Ark m'tifi l fovr ftorv brown stone House to let, fnltv and richly furnished. on Twenty-drSt street; first class neighborhood; west shle. Also OthSf Houses, furnished and itofiirulehod. O. S. PBCK ,V CO., PIT Brovlw.iy. A NEAT THREE STORY BASEMENT AND SVR-CFLlar frame House on Lafayette avenue, 13 rooms, a'.l Improvements, tostilmd doors; ts7o; lot 31*1en. DICKINSON a carter, 68 Wall street, basement. riMfORNTON M. RODMAN, REAL EPTA 1 K AGENT, CM I Broadway, offers for lease the t.r-t class hrop'u stoits front Hottsu <122 West Fourteenth street. This house is now lie.up pill in perfect order, painted, papered and caltdtniueO throughout. Rent $'2,1300. 150 LET-AT A BAKCATN, TQ A OOOD TENANT, in l?5fli Street, I etweerr Firth and Sixth avenues, a tine three story English basement House, with ratifies, hollar, heater, hath, gas, water; erervthlns complete; rent ttdS'JlF; owner lias to leave. In.mire (if W. O. VAN DER HUE ST, AMI Broome street, rorner Mercer. IIO I.ET-A STON'K HO SE. 284 JTEN BY STRKF.T; ALT, Iniproveuienis, near ferrv and railroad*: possession lm- mediately. Apply to II. 5-TEVENffON, 2ff> Coait streot, near Sacgett, ifro'Oilyu. rito LET-the MollFHN TltftKF. ptorv TTIHII RrOoP 1 Dwelling IT me, No. 88 Amttv street; has pas Bxtorne A Apply on piemlsea from 9 to 13, or to J. 1). IKELA.NDi 2 a Broadway. To let.three KTOKY AND basement modefffr brieX H titse; healer, ban leiifm, Ac., in perfect order; TO Second avenue, ui*ar Tli.rtv-eighih »i ert; Imuieliitb immersion; rent *1,0 u to 1st ot May. Ail'It HI West Jleventb street, or on the premises, from 2 to 4 P. M. fflORERT A GOOD THREE STORY BROWN FTONK J Huttse on West rortv-aeooml street. -Si 1 Oil i»,«r mor.ta Apply to 8. W. ItliNKPtfT, 69 Sixth hyetrne. 'PO RENT- HOI PK m WEST THIRTY-SIXTH STRKET, X tn perfect order; 21 rooms. Apply on flic, premises or to PAKTUUIUL, T3 Front street, or S8 Writ Fifteenth street. iuWflS AM> AlMHT.HUNTS TO I.KT. * -TO LEASE, OFFICER lOCCl'PlED BV APftljISr i V Lite liiioiuncc Company, corner lirootivtnv ami Ifcmle "trce.t; n*nJeoniel» fiiriilxUoJ. Apply to VVM. MORGAN, i'l.ACL A Co., tit) William street. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED SECOND STOBF, sepuriitely rr together, fur light housekeeping; »'so hack Parlor. Apply at 32U l\ est Thirteenth street. ALAROE, HANDSOME AND COMFORTABLY Fife, mslied Boom, fronting on Broadway, to let to one op th-o gentimnen; honse unlet a rid respectable; Icrml modeinto. tW Weet Thirty-third street. Apart or the v> hole of a story Uluh sloop Hons*, with the Furniture. Arplr M Ol West Forty-third street. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL let A PARLOR floor of three Rooms; pnrlor tnmlshe or imfurtllshel) «R modem Improvements, to rentiem.iu and wife, or twft Ottty. lbs Wert Twenty sixth street. LTRNISHED ROOMS TO LET.TO GENTLEMEN ORL+, r at 429 Thompson street, third door hoinw Aralty. F-TRNisnrn rooms to lf.t -for iiocsek.ef.piho. 18 Greenwich avoir in. fAt'RHIPHCn ROOMS, IN Rt'ITS Ok SISOLYjOAfc, hath, Ac.; soluble arrangements for housekeeping can he inn le. App'y nl I'.IO Fourth avenue, between Twenty. Illthimd Twenty slith streets. nANPSOMELY KFRNISIIED APARTMENTS MAY B8 had In the Immediate vicinity of Pelmnfilon's; best raf erencea given and reqnhed. Apply atNo. 8 West Fourteenth street. TOWER PART <>F HOPSB TO REST -OAS. BATH. li 4r.; 6 or fl roonta, rent law. Furniture fur aale cheap for caah. Call at iiu.i ft cut Eleventh street, from p tu 3 today. T>OOM8 (NICELY FURNISHED) TO LRT.WITHOUT It hoard, at 86 East Ninth street. between tiroedway Ml Fourth avenue. References etchangert. rliKT.TO A SMALL FJ>VAT* FAMILY, I7IB oiitl'. o Second 'i. rr gf nqpio IMF Klnqatr-et, coiKiatfMR of four room*, closets, water, r'hs, ,tc. T) t.T.T TWO OF Til I*: HANDSOMEST AND MOB* eieijaul Fl.iora In the ejly; fioitae newly palnteai, freerfte unci fitrnlaho ! tlfronpnntif; suSahlo for small and InfM families; |>rlvatc tahre. Those mo ore in wantot lirhl I'lare spply at 4M Fifth avenue, Murrey Mill. ri'O I.f T-FIRST FLOOR, NO. Ml WI ST TWENTIETH I street, In i.oo.l orJet. Those with cblltlren need not apple. Inquire on the prefntse* aiter 8 o'cloct I*. M. O. ROSS. pXTRA TF.LEORAN CARTOON IMS CI.. A SrF.ClAL PICTORIAL LAMPOON ON THE F. VENUE OF THE DAY. LOOK OUT FOR WEDNESDAY S PAPER. THE (. KK AT DENTIN Y O* THE NATION PDMM RHA'DOWRD, A MATRIMONIAL VIEW OF CANADIAN POLITIC* DON f FAIL TO SEE THIS EVENING TfiLEORAM OF WEDNKEDAT NEXT. LKT-«Kl'OJIH AND THIRD FLuOKN OF HOUSE No. 1(0 East Twenty-third street; rent moderate. 1H» LET.THE SECOND AND FOURTH FLOOR < OF All elegant lu own Stone IIonse to n respectable fatally af n!ulU, all modern impt oeemrnis. Inquire on the piemtaee, 116 F.atl SiatieUi ati.ret. near Third aveino. ro LET-TO A FA NILY, WITHOUT CHILDREN, A. Fourth Flnru (fleet rooms), in tha broom atonehousa Not ill Leal Fitly-second atreet. Kent ifRO. TO LET-UNFURNISHED, TO A SMALL FAMILY, four Koouta un ilia third Uuor, with g»a ami water. HE Fdu.tti 1. ro l,IT AT A L'tvV H!?«lT, TlIK FIRST AND THIKO Kiix.rn in hi»m» No. WW Ttur-I avrnnn, i'ir Klftj-fimrih Itrrcl, iilKinltiji Miion flno room«, Willi nil Iranrofumaotat ni/r i ,\m iroi, Kor parttQiilaiaapply at No. Ma fca*t Kiiiyipcanil rtrcat, J»0 LRT.THRF.K ROOM4, l'MPURNIMtM>, 81 ITA. blu lor Uoii»i 'vr-i'li'ic, for a "MtSil (myl|f; Urff* duM icplinoiljCBii luq.,iry at l'i3 Fait Tnlity uToio atroot, la ,nfri\ L. Hiiktor. and Pnrk avennta. rO I RT.BASEMENT, FIRST AND PAHT OP THIRD Floor Acnoi room* , In hou»8 I4pSaivl» Mri ot, ItroOklrn; J ioiMr lm* ill modem uupnmimriila; i cut moderate. Apr / it lMi<a lll|<h atrr.-t. r)y> riliui) STREET. HANDSOMELY Fl'RNI 1IKD CiO Room* to irrit, without OarJ, to una or two pppuiiiai gun, bath, Ac.. family t.rlvalo, turnu tnoilcrato, II i>AHua« mull/ cu/atml; rtleifu ca croliaiiKod. " i NIMH STREET, RIX POORS WEST Of BROA0. fT Way. -ATaU nuaUhoil, rory rlra.aut Room* to lat, MiV. ,wo K"*®',on K" f,r * fhyneutti'i

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Post on 27-Jan-2021




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  • SIT! ATIONJB WANTED.1'IIJIALUS.*('ooktij Oei;.

    7 001-H0K ST., HEAR GRAND. A RESPECTABLE A(,-rmai t;tr! »» cook In u (.ilvHte Anif'rlcLn htiiiliy 4a iwllttv:-, ( nmiai Willi tUo wmIuus; noil^. Wood refer- tteueea- *"






    I fltli an7 I'a: r irrii sr..a kin r ( oass French cooktU \ eordoubleu) lu * privutr family. ^

    4r I'EltRV ST..A Kl.pI'F.CfAHi.K WOMAN AH yU |,n.?< «t 11} leUuencu; uu ouj' ;ion to j^o u bkurl liifclatice ,In 'P- |

    Jk»r. WR8T MH ST., mu NOMMMY, rNKI £uk) lioor, front room..A respectable girl » » cook,washer ?*11 lr«>»»«r In ti small private faintly; no others needppty thf host city references. # (30j 2f>TH ST., BKTWKKN 6T1I AND 7T1I AVS. A


    V.r iivi'cct* it« yuan,' wnmi.i a* urst clans cno'c in nprivate family; uudcrstandfl i« incls of conking nnd taking;no to MRHlat in the waslntig; good ci;y reference. w

    1 f| 0TH AV., BETWEEN 1UTII AND 11TU 6TR.,JxldMpir1! store. oeikti k MliAtifamily in ctiy or country; understaruU the care of bnMc and Ibutter *

    14 A Wf I* i KM ifM 1 IBftl IpOB. tn tip: ,*T' 1 roar..A respectable tvman as flrat. rlasft cook, Iexcellent baker and willing to atssUi in the wasulug ami Iron- ..lug; beet c4ty rclerenoc. n1 1 ft ST., BWfWM 7TH AT. ABB MOA.t>« iJ IU way..'Two respectable tflrla; one nn nook, wisher (fluid in i or, and the other as ehwuvcrmaidrtnd waitress; .goodiitj reference Proas the 'last plain 11 A 7 I-. B Up 81 A ft] I K< Mitt TO *« We. ,,Att I uiHii ftn hrfit class cook an to naval with the wash*ny ami ironing; boat reference, fall for two days. t1 4 WEST 17TH 8Th 8 7TH 81. A GOOD {I i »' plain cook, washer and ironerin a plicate family, giiood reference.

    WKHT 10TH BT., NK'.R 1TM BT.-AS ROOD '.Iv)"? plain coolw, i» willing to do washing aud iron in 4; is ea sitbah* /11I tor u private family. Can be seon at trer preaeutemployer's. ^If'- 7Til AV., HKTWI KN - I'll ANI» 20TII KTK \Nji'rr/ *porii*nceu womitii a« nmi