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Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo FINA 630/FINA 740 INVESTMENTS INVERSIONES © Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2007 Derechos Reservados. © Ana G. Méndez University System, 2007. All rights reserved.

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Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

FINA 630/FINA 740


© Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2007 Derechos Reservados.

© Ana G. Méndez University System, 2007. All rights reserved.

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 2

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Table of Contents



STUDY GUIDE..............................................................................................................11

WORKSHOP ONE ........................................................................................................18

TALLER DOS ................................................................................................................21

WORKSHOP THREE ....................................................................................................24

TALLER CUATRO.........................................................................................................27

WORKSHOP FIVE/TALLER CINCO .............................................................................30

ANEJO A/APPENDIX A.................................................................................................33

ANEJO B/APPENDIX B.................................................................................................34

ANEJO C/APPENDIX C ................................................................................................35

ANEJO D/APPENDIX D ................................................................................................37

ANEJO E/APPENDIX E.................................................................................................38

ANEJO F/APPENDIX F .................................................................................................39

ANEJO G/APPENDIX G................................................................................................40

ANEJO H/APPENDIX H ................................................................................................41

ANEJO I/APPENDIX I ...................................................................................................42

ANEJO J/APPENDIX J..................................................................................................44

ANEJO K/APPENDIX K.................................................................................................45

ANEJO L/APPENDIX L .................................................................................................46

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 3

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM


Título del Curso: Inversiones

Codificación: FINA 630

Duración: 5 semanas

Prerrequisitos: FINA 503, ACCO 500 y ECON 519


Evaluación de varias estrategias de inversión y estructuración del portafolio de

inversiones para maximizar su rendimiento considerando diferentes ambientes

económicos y objetivos individuales. Análisis y evaluación de valores patrimoniales y

de deuda. Se estudian los tópicos: riesgo y rendimiento de diversas inversiones,

análisis financiero, mercado de valores, políticas gubernamentales e inversiones en el

mercado internacional.

Objetivos Generales

Al finalizar el curso, el estudiante:

1. Desarrollará un entendimiento claro de la utilidad e implicaciones prácticas de la

teoría financiera.

2. Implantará un marco de referencia para entender los rendimientos de los activos

financieros incluyendo acciones, bonos y derivados financieros (i.e. Opciones).

3. Identificará las diferentes instituciones y el lenguaje de Wall Street.

4. Implantará una estrategia de inversión personal efectiva.

5. Distinguir entre el contenido de un informe anual, informe de investigación de la

firma de corredores y un informe del asesor financiero.

6. Distinguir entre mercados primarios y mercados secundarios.

7. Calcular el valor de una acción usando el modelo de valor presente simple.

8. Contrastar el promedio Dow Jones con otras medidas agregados del mercado

de acciones (Standard & Poor 500, NASDAQ, Russel).

Textos y Recursos

Mayo, H. (2006). Investments. (8th Ed.). Thompson, South Western.

Mayo, Herbert. (2006). Financial Institutions, Investments, and Management. 8th

edition. Thompson, South-Western.

Referencias y Material Suplementario

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 4

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Mayo, Herbert. (2006).. Basic Investments. 1st. edition. Thompson, South-


Alexander, G. J., Sharpe, W. Z., and Bailey, J. V. (2001). Fundamentals of

Investments. 3rd . edition. Prentice-Hall.

Gitman, L. J., and Joehnk, M. D. (2000). Fundamentals of Investments. 9th.

edition. Addison-Wesley.

Harrington, S. E., and Niehaus, G. R. (1999). Risk Management and Insurance.

Irwin McGraw-Hill.

Hirschey, M. (2001). Investments: Theory and Applications. Harcourt

College Publishers.


Criterios Puntuación Porcentaje

Participación en clase (15 puntos cada clase) 75 pts 34%

Tareas para entregar individual 40 pts 18%

Tareas para entregar grupal 30 pts 18%

Examen Final 20 pts 11%

Portafolio 35 pts 14%

Presentacion Taller tres 20 pts 5%

Total 220 pts 100%

Curva de evaluación

100-90 A 89-80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D 59-00 F

Especificaciones de las técnicas de Avalúo

Participación en clase

• La asistencia a clases es obligatoria y tendrá un valor de cinco (5) puntos por cada

clase. Además, por cada día se sumará la puntuación correspondiente a los

siguientes criterios:

o Demostrar dominio de los temas discutidos en clase.

o Cumplir con las tareas asignadas en la clase.

o Participar y cumplir con trabajo colaborativo.

o Demostrar destrezas de comunicación verbal adecuadas.

o Puntualidad en la entrega de los trabajos.

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 5

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

• Es requisito asistir a todos los talleres para aprobar el curso. Las ausencias

afectarán su nota final (5 puntos por asistencia y 10 puntos por participación

diarios). (Anejo B)

Presentación oral y escrita (Anejo C y D) (Taller Cinco)

• Presentación Oral – Los estudiantes presentaran en clase el informe sobre el tema

seleccionado. El mismo debe estar relacionado a los temas discutidos en clase.

• Trabajo en equipo (4 estudiantes máximo).

• Cada miembro será responsable de presentar uno o varios sub temas.

• Es requisito indispensable la utilización de una de las estrategias sugeridas,

creatividad y medios audiovisuales. Ejemplo: simulaciones, dramas, debates,

competencias académicas, noticieros, grabación de vídeos, entrevistas, entre otros.

• Preparar y entregar un informe escrito (1 original para el facilitador y copias para los


• Tiempo estipulado para la presentación individual: 15 minutos.

• El resto del grupo deberá realizar las lecturas relacionadas con los temas que se

discutirán en el taller para garantizar una participación activa.

• La presentación oral tendrá un valor de 20 puntos.

• El Informe escrito tendrá un valor de 20 puntos.

Diario Reflexivo

• El estudiante redactará un diario reflexivo con el fin de reflexionar críticamente y

escribir sobre los conceptos, sentimientos y actitudes relacionados con los la

historia de la educación.

• Debe incluir un auto-análisis y auto-evaluación de su ejecución.

• El Anejo E contiene la matriz de valoración para evaluar esta tarea.

Descripción de las Normas del Curso

1. Este curso sigue el programa “Discipline-Based Dual-Language Model®” del

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, el mismo esta diseñado para promover el

desarrollo de cada estudiante como un profesional bilingüe. Cada taller será

facilitado en inglés y español, utilizando el modelo 50/50. Esto significa que cada

taller deberá ser conducido enteramente en el lenguaje especificado. Los

lenguajes serán alternados en cada taller para asegurar que el curso se ofrece

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 6

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

50% en inglés y 50% en español. Para mantener un balance, el modulo debe

especificar que se utilizaran ambos idiomas en el quinto taller, dividiendo el

tiempo y las actividades equitativamente entre ambos idiomas. Si un estudiante

tiene dificultad en hacer una pregunta en el idioma especificado, bien puede

escoger el idioma de preferencia para hacer la pregunta. Sin embargo, el

facilitador deberá contestar la misma en el idioma designado para ese taller.

Esto deberá ser una excepción a las reglas pues es importante que los

estudiantes utilicen el idioma designado. Esto no aplica a los cursos de lenguaje

que deben ser desarrollados en el idioma propio todo en ingles o todo en

español según aplique.

2. El curso es conducido en formato acelerado, eso requiere que los estudiantes se

preparen antes de cada taller de acuerdo al módulo. Cada taller requiere un

promedio de diez (10) horas de preparación y en ocasiones requiere más.

3. La asistencia a todos los talleres es obligatoria. El estudiante que se ausente al

taller deberá presentar una excusa razonable al facilitador. El facilitador

evaluará si la ausencia es justificada y decidirá como el estudiante repondrá el

trabajo perdido, de ser necesario. El facilitador decidirá uno de los siguientes:

permitirle al estudiante reponer el trabajo o asignarle trabajo adicional en

adición al trabajo a ser repuesto.

Toda tarea a ser completada antes de taller deberá ser entregada en la fecha

asignada. El facilitador ajustará la nota de las tareas repuestas.

4. Si un estudiante se ausenta a mas de un taller el facilitador tendrá las siguientes


a. Si es a dos talleres, el facilitador reducirá una nota por debajo basado en

la nota existente.

b. Si el estudiante se ausenta a tres talleres, el facilitador reducirá la nota a

dos por debajo de la nota existente.

5. La asistencia y participación en clase de actividades y presentaciones orales es

extremadamente importante pues no se pueden reponer. Si el estudiante provee

una excusa valida y verificable, el facilitador determinara una actividad

equivalente a evaluar que sustituya la misma. Esta actividad deberá incluir el

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 7

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

mismo contenido y componentes del lenguaje como la presentación oral o

actividad a ser repuesta.

6. En actividades de grupo el grupo será evaluado por su trabajo final. Sin

embargo, cada miembro de grupo deberá participar y cooperar para lograr un

trabajo de excelencia, pero recibirán una calificación individual.

7. Se espera que todo trabajo escrito sea de la autoría de cada estudiante y no

plagiado. Se debe entender que todo trabajo sometido esta citado

apropiadamente o parafraseado y citado dando atención al autor. Todo

estudiante debe ser el autor de su propio trabajo. Todo trabajo que sea plagiado,

copiado o presente trazos de otro será calificado con cero (vea la política de

honestidad académica).

8. Si el facilitador hace cambios al modulo o guía de estudio, deberá discutirlos y

entregar copia a los estudiantes por escrito al principio del primer taller.

9. El facilitador establecerá los medios para contactar a los estudiantes proveyendo

su correo electrónico, teléfonos, y el horario disponibles.

10. EL uso de celulares esta prohibido durante las sesiones de clase; de haber una

necesidad, deberá permanecer en vibración o en silencio.

11. La visita de niños y familiares no registrados en el curso no está permitida en el

salón de clases.

12. Todo estudiante esta sujeto a las políticas y normas de conducta y

comportamiento que rigen SUAGM y el curso.

Nota: Si por alguna razón no puede acceder las direcciones electrónicas

ofrecidas en el módulo, no se limite a ellas. Existen otros motores de búsqueda y

sitios Web que podrá utilizar para la búsqueda de la información deseada. Entre

ellas están:






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El/la facilitador(a) puede realizar cambios a las direcciones electrónicas y/o

añadir algunas de ser necesario.

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 9

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Filosofía y Metodología Educativa

Este curso está basado en la teoría educativa del Constructivismo.

Constructivismo es una filosofía de aprendizaje fundamentada en la premisa, de que,

reflexionando a través de nuestras experiencias, podemos construir nuestro propio

conocimiento sobre el mundo en el que vivimos.

Cada uno de nosotros genera nuestras propias “reglas” y “métodos mentales”

que utilizamos para darle sentido a nuestras experiencias. Aprender, por lo tanto, es

simplemente el proceso de ajustar nuestros modelos mentales para poder acomodar

nuevas experiencias. Como facilitadores, nuestro enfoque es el mantener una

conexión entre los hechos y fomentar un nuevo entendimiento en los estudiantes.

También, intentamos adaptar nuestras estrategias de enseñanza a las respuestas de

nuestros estudiantes y motivar a los mismos a analizar, interpretar y predecir


Existen varios principios para el constructivismo, entre los cuales están:

1. El aprendizaje es una búsqueda de significados. Por lo tanto, el aprendizaje debe

comenzar con situaciones en las cuales los estudiantes estén buscando

activamente construir un significado.

2. Significado requiere comprender todas las partes, las cuales deben entenderse en

el contexto del todo. Por lo tanto, el proceso de aprendizaje se enfoca en los

conceptos primarios, no en hechos aislados.

3. Para enseñar bien, debemos entender los modelos mentales que los estudiantes

utilizan para percibir el mundo y las presunciones que ellos hacen para apoyar

dichos modelos.

4. El propósito del aprendizaje es para un individuo el construir su propio significado,

no sólo memorizar las contestaciones “correctas” y repetir el significado de otra

persona. Como la educación es intrínsicamente interdisciplinaria, la única forma

válida para asegurar el aprendizaje es hacer del avalúo parte esencial de dicho

proceso, asegurando que el mismo provea a los estudiantes con la información

sobre la calidad de su aprendizaje.

5. La evaluación debe servir como una herramienta de auto-análisis.

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 10

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

6. Proveer herramientas y ambientes que ayuden a los estudiantes a interpretar las

múltiples perspectivas que existen en el mundo.

7. El aprendizaje debe ser controlado internamente y analizado por el estudiante.

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 11

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Study Guide


Code FINA 630

Time Length Five weeks

Prerequisites FINA 503, ACCO 500, and ECON 519


Evaluation of various investment strategies and portfolio structures to maximize its yield

considering different economical environment and individual objectives. Analyzes of

stockholders and debts securities. Will study the topics of: risk and return of diverse

investments, financial analysis, market values, governmental policies, and investments

in the international market.

General Objectives

At the end of the course, the student will:

1. Develop a clear knowledge of the usefulness and implications of the financial

theory practices.

2. Implement a framework to understand the financial assets yields including

stocks, bonds, and financial derivatives (i.e., options).

3. Identify the different financial institutions and the Wall Street language.

4. Implement an effective personal investment strategy.

5. Distinguish between the content of an annual report, broker firm’s research

report, and a financial analyst report.

6. Distinguish between primary and secondary markets.

7. Calculate the price of a stock using the simple present value model.

8. Compare the Dow-Jones Index with other indexes within the stock market

(Standard & Poor 500, NASDAQ, Russel).

Texts and Resources

Mayo, H. (2006). Investments. (8th Ed.). Thompson, South Western.

Mayo, Herbert. (2006). Financial Institutions, Investments, and Management. 8th

edition. Thompson, South-Western.

References and Supplementary Materials:

Mayo, Herbert. (2006). Basic Investments. 1st. Edition. Thompson, South-

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 12

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM


Alexander, G. J., Sharpe, W. Z., and Bailey, J. V. (2001). Fundamentals of

Investments. 3rd. edition. Prentice-Hall.

Gitman, L. J., and Joehnk, M. D. (2000). Fundamentals of Investments. 9th.

Edition. Addison-Wesley.

Harrington, S. E., and Niehaus, G. R. (1999). Risk Management and Insurance.

Irwin McGraw-Hill.

Hirschey, M. (2001). Investments: Theory and Applications. Harcourt

College Publishers.


Criterion Score Percentage

Daily Class Participation (15 points each) 75 pts 34%

Individual assignments to be turned in 40 pts 18%

Group assignments to be turned in 30 pts 18%

Exam 20 pts 11%

Portfolio 35 pts 14%

Presentation at workshop three 20 pts 5%

Total 220 pts 100%

Evaluation curve

100-90 A 89-80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D 59-00 F

Daily Class Participation

• Attendance to every workshop is mandatory and the student will receive five (5)

points for each class (Appendix B). Absences will affect your final grade. In

addition, the following criteria will be evaluated:

o Mastery of the material discussed in class.

o Tasks assigned fulfillment.

o Team work participation.

o Adequate communication and verbal skills.

o Assigned tasks handed on time.

• It’s a requisite to attend all workshops in order to pass the course.

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 13

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

• Absences will affect your final grade (5 points for attendance and 10 points for daily

class participation - Appendix B).

Oral and Written Report (Appendixes C & D) (Oral Presentation – English; Written

Report – Spanish) (Workshops Five)

• Oral Presentation. The students will do a presentation in class about the subject

selected for their report. The subject could be related to any of the themes covered

during the five workshops.

• Collaborative work in groups of four (4) students (maximum).

• Each member of the group should be in charge of one of the topics.

• It is required to use creativity and audiovisual aids. Example: simulations,

dramatizations, debates, academic competences, videos recording, interviews,


• Prepare and handle a written report for the facilitator. The report should identify the

facts that support the group’s conclusions in a specific situation and attach it to an

argumentative theory in order to communicate persuasively.

• Time for individual oral reports: 15 minutes (maximum).

• The rest of the group should read the chapters of the textbooks so they can

participate actively in class discussion.

• Oral report will be worth 20 points.

• Written report will have a value of 20 points.

Reflexive Diary

• The student will write a reflexive diary at the end of the workshops 1 and 3. The

purpose is to react critically about the concepts, feelings and related attitudes about

the subject matters covered in the workshop.

• An auto evaluation of his/her performance should be included (Appendix F).

Description of Course Policies

1. This course follows the Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Dual-Language

Discipline-Based Immersion Model® designed to promote each student’s

development as a Dual Language Professional. Workshops will be facilitated in

English and Spanish, strictly using the 50/50 model. This means that each workshop

will be conducted entirely in the language specified. The language used in the

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 14

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

workshops will alternate to insure that 50% of the course will be conducted in

English and 50% in Spanish. To maintain this balance, the course module may

specify that both languages will be used during the fifth workshop, dividing that

workshop’s time and activities between the two languages. If students have difficulty

with asking a question in the target language in which the activity is being

conducted, students may choose to use their preferred language for that particular

question. However, the facilitator must answer in the language assigned for that

particular day. This should only be an exception as it is important for students to use

the assigned language. The 50/50 model does not apply to language courses where

the delivery of instruction must be conducted in the language taught (Spanish or

English only).

2. The course is conducted in an accelerated format and requires that students prepare

in advance for each workshop according to the course module. Each workshop

requires an average ten hours of preparation but could require more.

3. Attendance at all class sessions is mandatory. A student that is absent to a

workshop must present the facilitator a reasonable excuse. The facilitator will

evaluate if the absence is justified and decide how the student will make up the

missing work, if applicable. The facilitator will decide on the following: allow the

student to make up the work, or allow the student to make up the work and assign

extra work to compensate for the missing class time.

Assignments required prior to the workshop must be completed and turned in on the

assigned date. The facilitator may decide to adjust the grade given for late

assignments and make-up work.

4. If a student is absent to more than one workshop the facilitator will have the

following options:

a. If a student misses two workshops, the facilitator may lower one grade based

on the students existing grade.

b. If the student misses three workshops, the facilitator may lower two grades

based on the students existing grade.

5. Student attendance and participation in oral presentations and special class

activities are extremely important as it is not possible to assure that they can be

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

made up. If the student provides a valid and verifiable excuse, the facilitator may

determine a substitute evaluation activity if he/she understands that an equivalent

activity is possible. This activity must include the same content and language

components as the oral presentation or special activity that was missed.

6. In cooperative activities the group will be assessed for their final work. However,

each member will have to collaborate to assure the success of the group and the

assessment will be done collectively as well as individually.

7. It is expected that all written work will be solely that of the student and should not be

plagiarized. That is, the student must be the author of all work submitted. All quoted

or paraphrased material must be properly cited, with credit given to its author or

publisher. It should be noted that plagiarized writings are easily detectable and

students should not risk losing credit for material that is clearly not their own (see

Academic Honesty Policy).

8. If the Facilitator makes changes to the study guide, such changes should be

discussed with and given to students in writing at the beginning of the first workshop.

9. The facilitator will establish a means of contacting students by providing an email

address, phone number, hours to be contacted and days.

10. The use of cellular phones is prohibited during sessions; if there is a need to have

one, it must be on vibrate or silent mode during class session.

11. Children or family members that are not registered in the course are not allowed to

the classrooms.

12. All students are subject to the policies regarding behavior in the university

community established by the institution and in this course.

Note: If for any reason you cannot access the URL’s presented in the module, do

not stop your investigation. There are many search engines and other links you

can use to search for information. These are some examples:





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The facilitator may make changes or add additional web resources if deemed


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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Teaching Philosophy and Methodology

This course is grounded in the learning theory of Constructivism. Constructivism

is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our

experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world in which we live.

Each of us generates our own “rules” and “mental models,” which we use to

make sense of our experiences. Learning, therefore, is simply the process of adjusting

our mental models to accommodate new experiences. As teachers, our focus is on

making connections between facts and fostering new understanding in students. We

will also attempt to tailor our teaching strategies to student responses and encourage

students to analyze, interpret and predict information.

There are several guiding principles of constructivism:

1. Learning is a search for meaning. Therefore, learning must start with the

issues around which students are actively trying to construct meaning.

2. Meaning requires understanding wholes as well as parts. And parts must be

understood in the context of wholes. Therefore, the learning process focuses

on primary concepts, not isolated facts.

3. In order to teach well, we must understand the mental models that students

use to perceive the world and the assumptions they make to support those


4. The purpose of learning is for an individual to construct his or her own

meaning, not just memorize the "right" answers and regurgitate someone

else's meaning. Since education is inherently interdisciplinary, the only

valuable way to measure learning is to make the assessment part of the

learning process, ensuring it provides students with information on the quality

of their learning.

5. Evaluation should serve as a self-analysis tool.

6. Provide tools and environments that help learners interpret the multiple

perspectives of the world.

7. Learning should be internally controlled and mediated by the learner.

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Workshop One

Specifics Objectives

At the end of the workshop, the student will:

1. Identify the different investments instruments.

2. Distinguish the relationship between the institutions of capital money markets and

the U.S.A. stock exchange market.

3. Distinguish between primary and secondary markets.

4. Calculate the rate of return for an investment security.

5. Explain the role of the investment banker and the financial intermediary.

6. Identify the efficiency of the financial markets.

7. Distinguish the characteristics and sources of risk and return.

Language Objectives

Students will:

1. Use cooperative learning strategies to analyze and discuss a topic.

2. Use the reading process effectively.

3. Write a reflective diary using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and style.

URLs Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) NASDAQ NYSE Yahoo Finance

Assignments before Workshop One


1. Read your module. Pay special attention to the rubrics, since they will be used to

assess your knowledge.

2. Find information about these subjects: Basics Investment Concepts, Creation of

Financial Assets, Issuance of new securities, primary and secondary markets.

3. Define, to be turned in on workshop one, the following concepts: investment, risk,

yield, stock exchange, primary market, secondary market, Initial Public Offering

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

(IPO), speculation, investment banker, financial intermediary, and Securities and

Exchange Commission (SEC).

4. Print, read, discuss and bring to the first Workshop two articles that discuss the

financial markets in U.S.A., the role of the investor banker, and the different capital

sources the corporations have. Prepare an essay, to be turned in, around 700 to

1000 words where you address the different sources of capital, short-term and long-

term that a corporation has within this financial system.

5. Select the 10 companies that would form part of your investment portfolio, according

to the Appendix A. The portfolio will consist of 10 publicly-trade companies. The

student will monitor those stocks and its behavior during the five week, and based

on the concepts learned in the course, will complete the table with the information

and analyzes requested.


1. General presentation of the course, module, students, and facilitator.

2. A group dynamic will be used that encourages the integration among members

resulting in a better relationship among them.

3. Will discuss and clarify the objectives and methods to assess the course, as well as

any doubt the students might have.

4. The representative student will be selected.

5. The students will split up in working groups of four to six people, depending upon the

size of the class.

6. The working groups will discuss the basic concepts and fundaments needed to

convert a company into a public one, according to the study of objectives three, five,

and six. Will exemplify through a play a company whose owner identifies the need

for capital and you as his financial advisor suggests him to become a public

corporation and the process to do so. Should mention, among other things, the role

and function of the Investment Banker, SEC, primary and secondary markets, IPO.

The appendixes C and D would be used to assess this activity.

7. The working teams will select a subject related to the course, and previously

approved by the facilitator, will develop it during the course and will present it orally

and on a written report in workshop five.

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

8. Will discuss and clarify the individual job in Appendix A, in which the student will

monitor during the course five weeks the portfolio of stocks and keep record of its

behavior by filling out the provided table. This task is due and should be turned in on

workshop five.

9. Guided by the facilitator, will discuss the work prepared for this workshop, as well as

other subject and exercises the facilitator believes are needed.

10. Will discuss the details and possible doubts regarding the assignments for workshop



1. The student will prepare its assessment by completing the Appendix G, self-


2. Turn in the self-assessment sheet to the facilitator at the end of the workshop.

3. As a reset of this exercise, the facilitator would be able to review whatever he/she

feels to be necessary during the rest of the course.

4. Appendix B will be used to assess class participation.

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Taller Dos

Objetivos Específicos

Al finalizar el taller, el/la estudiante:

1. Analizará el contenido de un informe anual, informe de investigación de la firma de

corredores y un informe del asesor financiero.

2. Identificará las fuentes de información al inversionista.

3. Distinguirá entre interés simple e interés compuesto, anualidad y perpetuidad.

4. Explicará por qué vale más un dólar hoy que un dólar mañana.

5. Resolverá problemas concernientes al valor del dinero en el tiempo (valor futuro y

valor presente).

6. Señalará las fuentes de riesgo y evaluará el riesgo de mercado de una cartera de


7. Identificará el efecto de los taxes en la toma de decisión respecto a las diferentes

alternativas de inversión.

Objetivos de Lenguaje

1. Los estudiantes utilizarán estrategias efectivas para llevar a cabo discusiones

formales e informales incluyendo actividades de reflexión y análisis, respetando los

diversos puntos de vista de otros.

2. Los estudiantes desarrollarán ideas para solucionar problemas de una manera


3. Los estudiantes utilizarán el proceso de lectura efectivamente.

4. Los estudiantes expresarán sus ideas en inglés y español oralmente de manera

efectiva usando organizadores gráficos.

5. Los estudiantes resumirán las ideas principales usando adecuadamente la

gramática y la ortografía después de leer una amplia variedad de recursos


Direcciones Electrónicas Financial planning Association CFA Institute Yahoo Finance Internal Revenue Services

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Tareas a realizar antes del Taller Dos


1. Buscar información sobre el tema: Fuentes de Información, el Valor del Dinero en el

Tiempo y Riesgo y Rendimiento de un Portafolio.

2. Definir y proveer un ejemplo, para entregar en el Taller Dos, los conceptos: valor del

dinero en el tiempo, valor presente, valor futuro, anualidad, perpetuidad, interés

simple, interés compuesto, análisis de sensibilidad, diversificación, beta, Modelo

Markowitz y CAPM.

3. Preparar para entregar en el Taller Dos un bosquejo de lo que será el trabajo grupal

final a ser presentado en el Taller Cinco.

4. Trabajar para entregar en el taller los ejercicios asignados por el facilitador.

5. Debes ir trabajando con el portafolio de la clase (Anejos K al L).


1. El facilitador comenzará la clase con un breve repaso del material cubierto en el

taller anterior.

2. Guiados por el facilitador, se discutirá lo trabajado para entregar en este taller, así

como cualquier otro tema o ejercicio que el facilitador determine necesario.

3. El facilitador evaluará el bosquejo entregado y dejará saber a los estudiantes

comentarios sobre el enfoque y contenido del tema. De esta manera los estudiantes

tendrán suficiente tiempo para hacer los ajustes necesarios, si alguno.

4. Los estudiantes serán facilitadores por unos minutos. El facilitador asignará entre

cada grupo de trabajo los conceptos descritos en los objetivos 1, 2,3, 6 y 7. Cada

grupo de trabajo explicará los conceptos asignados al frente y para beneficio de

toda la clase. El grupo les hará preguntas específicas a lo discutido por el

estudiante “facilitador”. Cada grupo de trabajo distribuirá los conceptos entre sus

miembros y dispondrán de 15 minutos para exponer, por grupo de trabajo.

5. Los grupos de trabajo discutirán y explicarán entre sí el significado de cada variable

de la ecuación del modelo de la valuación de activos de capital (CAPM).

6. Los estudiantes reaccionarán a las presentaciones de sus compañeros, ya sea

comentando a favor de sus puntos sobre los temas, o retando los mismos

exponiendo claramente su posición.

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

7. El facilitador mostrará un informe anual, informe de investigación de la firma de

corredores y un informe del asesor financiero y enfocará en las semejanzas y

diferencias de cada uno.

8. Los estudiantes prepararán una evaluación propia sobre su desempeño en el taller

9. El estudiante escribirá un diario reflexivo para reaccionar críticamente sobre los

conceptos, sentimientos y actitudes sobre los temas cubiertos en el taller.

10. Se discutirán los detalles y posibles dudas respecto a las tareas asignadas para el

Taller III. El facilitador explicará los detalles del material a trabajar para el próximo



1. El estudiante hará su avalúo llenando el Anejo G, Hoja de Auto Evaluación.

2. Entregará al facilitador la Hoja de Auto Evaluación correspondiente al finalizar el


3. Como resultado de dicho ejercicio, el facilitador podrá repasar lo que considere

necesario y factible durante el tiempo que le reste disponible al finalizar el taller.

4. El Anejo B se utilizará para la participación en clase.

5. Los Anejos C y D se utilizarán para el avalúo de la presentación.

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Workshop Three

Specifics Objectives

At the end of the workshop, the student will:

1. Identify the factors determining the price of a stock, as well as the components of the

required rate of returns by an investor.

2. Analyze the Dow Jones average against other stock market averages (Standard &

Poor 500, NASDAQ, Russell).

3. Manipulate the value of a stock using the method of simple present value.

4. Explain the risks, rights, characteristics, and clauses of the preferred and common

stocks, and will identify the different bonds, its characteristics and risks.

5. Identify the relevance and tpes of dividends policies.

6. Manipulate the value of bonds nad its yield to maturity.

7. Explain the relation among financial decisions, yield, risk, and enterprise value.

Language Objectives

Students will:

1. Express their ideas in spoken English effectively using graphic organizers.

2. Develop ideas to solve problems in an effective way.

3. Summarize main ideas using correct grammar and spelling in English after reading a


4. Use cooperative learning strategies to analyze and discuss a topic.

5. Use the reading process effectively.

6. Write a reflective diary using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and style.

URLs Beginners' Guide to Financial

Statements Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Investment Company Institute Financial planning Association CFA Institute

Assignments before Workshop Three


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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

1. Read fro the textbook, or any other resource, about the subject of Preferred and

Common Stocks: valuation and return, and about bonds characteristics and


2. Prepare, to be turned in, and outline or draft of the group work to be presented

during workshop five.

3. Visit a local Investment Broker firm and ask for information about any Mutual Fund

available to conservative investor and of high risk. Get a brochure of the fund, and

be prepared to describe it; its characteristics, components and type of investors it is

directed to.

4. Define, to be turned in during this workshop: stocks, bonds, investments companies,

mutual funds, efficient markets, book value, liquidating value, and the price/earning

ratio, capital risk, bond conversion clause, cancellation clause, bonds prime

compensation, stocks dividends, splits dividends, treasury stocks, zero growth

dividend model, and constant growth dividend model.

5. Working as the same group established during workshop one, should meet, prepare,

and realize a play (presentation) about all the concepts defined and learned in all

previous workshop. This presentation would be graded, in terms of its content,

quality, and creativity.


1. The facilitator will discuss the assigned exercises for this workshop.

2. The students will do the presentations assigned for this workshop. The time allowed

for each presentation would be 15 minutes.

3. The working groups will discuss the concepts and basic fundamentals necessary to

realize the objectives for this workshop.

4. Still working as a group, the students will work on the exercises requested by the


5. The students will react to the presentations of the other students, either supporting

their views or challenging them, clearly presenting their viewpoints.

6. Students will create a concept map related to any topic discussed in this workshop.

For more information about concept maps, please visit

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM or

7. The facilitator will assign additional exercises as appropriate to expand and/or clarify

the knowledge of the subjects presented.

8. The students will prepare an auto evaluation of his/her performance (Appendix G).

9. Will discuss the details and possible doubts regarding the assignments for workshop



1. The student will prepare its assessment by completing the Appendix G, self-


2. Turn in the self-assessment sheet to the facilitator at the end of the workshop.

3. As a reset of this exercise, the facilitator would be able to review whatever he/she

feels to be necessary during the rest of the course.

4. Appendix B will be used to assess class participation.

5. Appendixes C and D will be utilized for the assessment of the presentation.

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Taller Cuatro Objetivos Específicos

Al finalizar el taller, el/la estudiante:

1. Determinará los tipos de deudas del gobierno federal y sus implicaciones de riesgo.

2. Distinguirá las características de los bonos convertibles y las acciones preferidas


3. Manipulará las estrategias de inversión en el campo internacional y sus

implicaciones de riesgo.

4. Señalará las características de un “call option”, “put option” y contratos futuros.

5. Explicará cómo individuos generan ganancias y sostienen pérdidas en el mercado

de derivadas.

6. Distinguirá las diferentes estrategias en el manejo del riesgo por medio de opciones

y derivados y el potencial de ganancias o pérdidas asociadas a estas estrategias

Objetivos de Lenguaje

1. Los estudiantes utilizarán estrategias efectivas para llevar a cabo discusiones

formales e informales incluyendo actividades de reflexión y análisis, respetando los

diversos puntos de vista de otros.

2. Los estudiantes desarrollarán ideas para solucionar problemas de una manera


3. Los estudiantes utilizarán el proceso de lectura efectivamente.

4. Los estudiantes expresarán sus ideas en inglés y español oralmente de manera

efectiva usando organizadores gráficos.

5. Los estudiantes resumirán las ideas principales usando adecuadamente la

gramática y la ortografía después de leer una amplia variedad de recursos


Direcciones electrónicas Briefing.Com … Live Market Analysis Chicago Mercantile Exchange Money Central Moodys NASDAQ

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM NYSE Routers Investor Federal Reserve System Forbes

Tareas a realizar antes del Taller Cuatro


1. Leer del libro de texto o cualquier otro recurso sobre los temas: Tipos de Deuda del

Gobierno Federal, Inversiones en Valores Extranjeros: características, ventajas,

riesgos e implicaciones y Derivados.

2. Definir: letras, notas y bonos del tesoro, tax-exempt securities, “call option”, “put

option”, contratos futuros y derivados.

3. Ir a la página de Internet de Forbes,, escoger

una noticia reciente que haya afectado este mercado. Resumir la noticia y explicar

su impacto en el mercado de commodities. Entregar en el Taller Cuatro para nota.

4. Repasar los conceptos aprendidos hasta el momento para el examen a tomarse

durante el Taller Cuatro.


1. El facilitador comenzará la clase con un breve repaso.

2. Los estudiantes tomarán el examen asignado para este Taller.

3. El facilitador discutirá los ejercicios asignados en el Taller anterior a trabajarse para

este Taller.

4. El facilitador entregará el borrador del trabajo grupal entregado corregido y dejará

saber a los estudiantes comentarios sobre el contenido del mismo. De esta manera

los estudiantes tendrán suficiente tiempo para hacer los ajustes necesarios, si


5. Los grupos de trabajo discutirán los conceptos y fundamentos básicos, necesarios

para llevar a cabo los objetivos de este taller. Trabajarán los ejercicios asignados

por el facilitador donde aplicarán los conceptos aprendidos en este Taller.

6. Los estudiantes serán facilitadores por unos minutos. Cada grupo de trabajo

explicará los conceptos asignados al frente y para beneficio de toda la clase. El

grupo les hará preguntas específicas a lo discutido por el estudiante “facilitador”.

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Cada grupo de trabajo distribuirá los conceptos entre sus miembros y dispondrán de

15 minutos para exponer, por grupo de trabajo.

7. Los estudiantes prepararán una evaluación propia sobre su desempeño en el taller.

8. El estudiante escribirá un diario reflexivo para reaccionar críticamente sobre los

conceptos, sentimientos y actitudes sobre los temas cubiertos en el taller.

9. El facilitador explicará los detalles del material a trabajar para el próximo taller.


Cada estudiante será evaluado a base de:

1. Anejo B para la participación en clase.

2. Anejo E para la discusión en grupo.

3. Anejo F para el diario reflexivo.

4. Anejo G para la auto-evaluación.

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Workshop Five/Taller Cinco

NOTA: Este taller es bilingüe. Tanto,

el Facilitador como los estudiantes,

deberán utilizar el idioma asignado

para cada tarea y actividad.

NOTE: This is a bilingual workshop.

Both, the Facilitator and the student,

should use the language assigned for

each homework and activity.

Specific Objectives

At the end of the workshop, the student will:

1. Analyze the advantages and risks associated to the various investment

opportunities, like foreign investments.

2. Explain the importance of assets allocation to determine the portfolio risk.

3. Apply the principles learned when selecting and evaluating a portfolio investment

according to the objectives and how risk abrasive an investor might be.

Language Objectives

Students will:

1. Summarize main ideas using correct grammar and spelling in English after reading a


2. Use cooperative learning strategies to analyze and discuss a topic.

3. Use the reading process effectively.

4. Write a report using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and style.

URLs Briefing.Com … Live Market Analysis Chicago Mercantile Exchange Money Central Moodys NASDAQ NYSE Routers Investor Federal Reserve System

Assignments before Workshop Five

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

1. Prepare and turn in the final written report about the subject that will be presented as

a group, as well as working individually the table on Appendix A. (Spanish).

2. Review the presentation for workshop five. Remember not to read the presentation,

since points would be deducted from the group grade to the student the reads during

his/her own participation while presenting. (English).

3. Make sure that there is no pending assignment and/or reposition-job pending. If

there still is a pending job, the student should communicate with the facilitator before

class to agree on when and how those should be turned in. (Spanish).

4. Find a news article related to one of the topics covered in this workshop.

Summarize it in writing and bring it to the classroom (English or Spanish).

5. Give the final touches to your class portfolio (see Appendix K to L).


1. The facilitator will start the class with a short review (Englsish).

2. Guided by the facilitator, will discuss the exam results, alongside the work on done

on Appendix A (Spanish).

3. The facilitator collects the assignments for this wokshop and together will discuss

some of the exercises (English).

4. The students will form groups to analyze and discuss the “URLs” assigned for this

worshop (Spanish).

5. The working groups will realize their oral presentations about the subset matter they

have been developing during the entire course. The maximum time allowed for each

presentation is 20 minutes (English or Spanish).

6. The facilitator will distribute the grades each student has up to that point in the class


7. The students will prepare an auto evaluation of his/her performance (Appendix G)

(English) and will hand in the portfolio.

8. The students will answer the course evaluation form. The student’s representative

will pick it up and deliver it to the office. (Spanish).

9. Closing activity: to be determined by the facilitator.


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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

1. The oral presentation will be delivered in English language, while the written report

will be in Spanish.

2. Appendixes C and D include the valuation table for this activities.

3. Appendix B will be used for class particpation assessment.

4. Apprendix G will be used for the self-assessment activity.

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Anejo A/Appendix A

My Investment Portfolio

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Anejo B/Appendix B


Name: __________________________ Date: __________________

Student’s signature: __________________ Facilitator’s Signature: ______________

Criteria Value






Contributions and participation in the class


Demonstrate interest in the class


Answer questions to the facilitator and fellow students.


Make questions related to the topic of the course


Prepared in the class 10

Contribute with additional material.


Initiative and creativity 10


Use correct pronunciation 10

Read and explains concepts using appropriate grammar, syntax and verb usage


Address the class to present information in a clear interesting way.


Student’s Signature: _________________ Facilitator’s Signature: ____________________

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Anejo C/Appendix C



Nombre del estudiante: _______________________Fecha:_________________

Criterio Puntos Puntuación del estudiante

Contenido Realiza una introducción efectiva del tema identificando

el propósito, objetivo e ideas principales que se incluyen

en la presentación.


La presentación es organizada y coherente y puede

seguirse con facilidad.


El presentador demuestra dominio del tema o materia de

la presentación al explicar con propiedad el contenido y

no incurrir en errores.


Las ideas y argumentos de la presentación están bien

fundamentados en los recursos presentados, consultados o

discutidos en clase.


Capta la atención e interés de la audiencia y/o promueve

su participación, según aplique.


Proyección efectiva, postura corporal adecuada, manejo

de la audiencia, manejo del tiempo asignado.


Usa varias estrategias para hablar o definir conceptos,

interpretaciones, aplicaciones y evaluación de procesos o

experiencias en el contenido del curso.



Pronunciación de las palabras es clara y de manera

correcta para que se entienda el lenguaje utilizado.


Uso correcto de la gramática y conjugación de verbos en

el idioma asignado.


Uso correcto del vocabulario para expresar el mensaje



Total de Puntos 100 (70%



y 30%


Puntuación del



Firma del Estudiante: _________________ Firma del Facilitador: ____________________

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM


Student Name:____________________________Date:___________________

Criteria Value Points Student Total Score

Content Performs an effective introduction to the

theme identifying the objectives, ideas

and principles that are included in the



The presentation is organized and

coherent, and could be easily followed


The presenter demonstrates domain of the

theme or subject by means of properly

explaining content without incurring in



The ideas and arguments of the

presentation are well founded by the

resources presented, consulted or

discussed in class


Capture of the attention and interest of the

audience and/or promote their

participation, as applicable


Effective personal projection, corporal

posture and manage of the audience;


Uses a variety of speaking strategies to

define concepts, interpretation, application

and evaluation of processes using

experience on concepts or content of




Student pronounces words in a clear and

correct manner so as to make the correct

language used understood to others.


Correct use of grammar and verb



Use of correct use of vocabulary words to

express message.


Total Points 100 (70% of content

and 30% of language)

Student’s Total Score:


Student’s signature: __________________Facilitator’s Signature: __________________

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Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Anejo D/Appendix D


Student Name: ______________________ Date: _______________

Criteria Value Points Student Score


The paper is clear, focused and

interesting. Identifies purpose,

objectives and principal ideas

included in the paper


Presentation of ideas is organized,

coherent and can be easily followed


The paper properly explains content. 10

The presentation of ideas and

arguments are based in sources

presented, consulted or discussed in



The paper demonstrates substance,

logic and originality.


The author presents his point of view

in a clear, convincing and well based



Contains well-constructed sentences

and paragraphs that facilitate lecture

and comprehension.



Demonstrate a command of standard

English (vocabulary used, syntax and

flow of ideas).


Uses grammar appropriately and



Manages and uses verbs appropriately

and correctly.


Total Points 100 (70% content and

30% language)

Student’s total Score:


Student’s Signature: __________________ Facilitator’s Signature:_________________

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 38

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Anejo E/Appendix E


Nombre/Grupo ________________________________________________ Curso: ______________________ Fecha: ________________________ Tema: ______________________ Tiempo: ________________________

Criterios Valor Puntaje del Estudiante


Mantiene la atención de toda la audiencia utilizando el contacto visual directo, y mirando las notas raramente.


Los movimientos son adecuados y ayudan a la audiencia a visualizar el contenido de la presentación.


El estudiante demuestra estar relajado y tranquilo, sin hacer errores.


El estudiante utiliza una voz clara con Buena proyección y entonación.


El estudiante demuestra un conocimiento completo al responder todas las preguntas con explicaciones y elaboraciones.


El estudiante presenta la información en una secuencia lógica e interesante la cual la audiencia puede seguir sin problema.


Demuestra una actitud fuerte y positiva acerca del tema durante toda la presentación.



Demuestra habilidad en el manejo del idioma inglés estándar (vocabulario, sintaxis y flujo de ideas).


Usa la gramática de una manera adecuada y correcta.


Usa una pronunciación correcta durante la presentación.


Total 100 ( 70% contenido y 30% lenguaje)

Puntaje Total:

El nombre del estudiante: ______________________________ Firma del facilitador: _________________________

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 39

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Anejo F/Appendix F

Reflexive Diary

Name: _______________________

Date: _______________________

The purpose of this reflective diary is to be able to reflect on the significance of this

course. You should draw on your own experiences for examples of the ideas you are

studying. You can also speculate about how you might apply what you are learning in

class. This process will help in your self-analysis.

At the end of each workshop, you should reflect on the topics presented and answer

the following guide questions.

1. Today I learned ….(express these thoughts in a simple manner and in your own


2. The topic presented in class today helps me to … (reflect in relation with the

topics discussed in class….)

3. I can apply what was presented in class today to some aspects of my personal life or to any other past experience …

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 40

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Anejo G/Appendix G

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 41

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Anejo H/Appendix H

Checklist for Portfolio Assessment

Has the student set academic goals?

Does the portfolio include enough entries in each area to make

valid judgments?

Does the portfolio include evidence of complex learning in realistic


Does the portfolio provide evidence of various types of student


Does the portfolio include students’ self-evaluations and

reflections on what was learned?

Does the portfolio enable one to determine learning progress and

current level of learning?

Does the portfolio provide clear evidence of learning to users of

the portfolio?

Does the portfolio provide for student participation and


Does the portfolio present entries in a well-organized and useful


Does the portfolio include assessments based on clearly stated

criteria of successful performance?

Does the portfolio provide for greater interaction between

instruction and assessment?

Adapted from: Gronlund, N. E. (2003). Assessment of student achievement. 7th ed. Boston: Pearson

Education, Inc.

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 42

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Anejo I/Appendix I

Portfolio Rubric

4 3 2 1


� Readable: Are entries typed in an appropriate font and size? Are

entries free of errors? Do ideas expressed in entries follow a logical sequence with appropriate transitions among paragraphs and topics?

� Professionalism: Is the appearance of the portfolio

professional? Are graphics, colors and portfolio language consistent with professional workplace expectations? Is the portfolio presented in a neat and orderly manner?

� Organization: Is the portfolio organized in a manner that makes

it easy to follow and easy to quickly locate information?


� Content: Are all required entries included in the portfolio? Are

entries relevant to the content of the portfolio? Do all entries contain the student’s reaction or reflection on the selected topics? Do entries provide thorough understanding of content? Resume, Activities List, Varied Samples of Written Work, Evidence of Problem Solving, and Evidence of Decision Making.

� Authenticity: Are the samples and illustrations a true reflection

of the student’s efforts and abilities?

� Growth/Development: Do samples provide thorough

understanding of growth and development related to their field of concentration? Do items show what the student has learned?

� Collaboration: Do items show examples of both individual and

group work? Does the student provide clear understanding of collaboration, and use collaboration to support his/her learning?

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 43

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

� Reflection and Personal growth: Do items show exceptional

understanding of how to be a reflective thinker and how to seek opportunities for professional growth? Does the student include self-reflective comments? Does the student reflect enthusiasm for learning?

� Professional Conduct: Do items show clear understanding of

ethical behavior and professional conduct? Do items display the pride the student has in his or her work?

Overall Portfolio Impact

� Is this portfolio an asset in demonstrating the student’s value

(skills, abilities, knowledge) to a potential employer or college representative?

Rating Scale 4 = Outstanding 3 = Very good 2 = Good 1 = Needs improvement Source: Retrieved from on February 10th, 2007.

Adapted 02/10/2007 by Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed. Coordinator of Assessment and Placement –

Metro Orlando Campus

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FINA 630/FINA 740 Investments 44

Prep. 2008. José Martinez, CPA EPM

Anejo J/Appendix J

Portfolio Assessment Feedback Template Strengths Weaknesses Improvement Ideas Facilitator’s comments

Student’s response and comments

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Anejo K/Appendix K

Use and Return of Portfolio

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

I, ____________________________________, grant permission to the office of

Assessment and Placement of the Ana G. Méndez University System, to keep in

their records a copy of my portfolio. I understand that the portfolio is going to be

used for accreditation or educational purposes only, and that is not going to be

disclosed without my consent.

By signing this document I authorize the office of Assessment and Placement to

keep a copy of my portfolio for six months and return it to me at the end of this

period of time.

_______________________________ ___________

Student’s Name (print) Date

_______________________________ ___________

Student’s Signature Date

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Prep. 2008. Prof. Jose A. Martinez, CPA, MBA


Anejo L/Appendix L

Use and Discard of Portfolio

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

I, ____________________________________, grant permission to the office of

Assessment and Placement of the Ana G. Méndez University System to keep in

their records a copy of my portfolio. I understand that the portfolio is going to be

used for accreditation or educational purposes only, and that is not going to be

disclosed without my consent.

By signing this document I authorize the Office of Placement and Assessment to

keep a copy of my portfolio for six months and discard it at the end of this period

of time.


_______________________________ ___________

Student’s Name (print) Date

_______________________________ ___________

Student’s Signature